#no brainer that I got the HD Collection
donein30minutes · 1 year
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A Dancer in the Wood 7.12.23
Done in 30 minutes
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themostop · 2 years
I have finally finished watching all the cutscenes in Kingdom Hearts χ [chi] / Unchained χ [chi]/ Union χ [Cross]. (Not Dark Roads yet. Gunna play that next, no one spoilt it.) But anyway, here are a collection of random thoughts / info-dumping / opinions on the game. (This is more so something I’m writing for myself also as a sort of journaling / getting thoughts out of my head and into writing thing. If other people want to read it and enjoy it and respond to it that’s awesome and I’d appreciate it, but I’m not really expecting anyone to. This isn’t going to be a super well thought out post.)
First off, I did play the game a little before it got taken offline, but I never finished it because I took a break and then forgot about the whole going offline thing. Kinda a shame. Like, the gameplay wasn’t really all that fun or good. Probably one of the most boring games I’ve played. But I still feel like I’ve had something taken away from me. Like “hey worked not-at-all-hard for those medals!” But I also feel like just going through all the cutscenes without interrupting it with repetitive gameplay made the experience much better. I even tested up a bit at times, especially with the stuff involving Stelitzia. It probably helped that I decided to really try to put myself in the player’s shoes and imagine what every scene would feel like if I were actually physically there. But also, just the story was really good. It in true Kingdom Hearts fashion it managed to answer a ton of questions in a way that makes sense within the world of the story while also introducing way more questions at the same time.
I do hope this eventually gets the same treatment Chain of Memories and Coded did. Like, I feel like it will. It seems like a no brainer. Especially once it has the perfect remake name in the four of Re:Union. Like, that’s a real word. Like Re:Coded was. And it will be so nice to see all these cutscenes in 3D HD glory. (And hopefully the theater mode in that hypothetical game will organize the cutscenes chronologically instead of by world so that I don’t have to use a Reddit post to figure out what order to watch everything in.) Another reason why I feel like a Re:Union game is on the way is because of the random character customization in Fragmentary Passage. Like, it seemed so pointless and out of no where for a game that short and serious. But if it’s a beta test for character customization in a 3D Union Cross Remake it makes a lot more sense.
On that note, there is something very satisfying about playing a kingdom hearts game with a customizable player character that you can make an oc, or self insert, or whatever you want. It makes the story feel much more personal. Like, I named my character after myself and since the character was meant to me a young child I tried to specifically base it off my childhood self and tried to pick the clothing options and accessories I would have liked as a kid (with a bit of my modern personality and opinions slipping in there.) But then seeing child me go through … all that. Really pulls my heartstrings. And I feel like I have a personal connection to Chirithy, Ephemer, Skuld, and even the Disney characters like Aladdin and Alice.
Speaking of children, this story gets dark! And all the characters are literally children except for the masters and the Disney characters. And keeping that in mind during parts like the Keyblade War and the ending just makes the story so much more tragic and sad. (Which is a compliment. Very angsty.) Though on that note … where did all these kids come from? Like, Chirithy explains what Darbreak Town is to you at the beginning and I think it’s implied that you traveled there in a dream. And other than the seven masters and Moogle there are no adults in the entire town. Just a bunch of kids being raised by l cat plushies and furries with anime swords. And yet, they talk about summer vacation and homework in one of the cutscenes so they’re apparently getting an education at some point. So like, we’re these kids isakied here and their real parents just presumed them dead or missing? Are they all in comas? Do they come and go from the world as they wake up and go to sleep? If so, how did they all get trapped there and die in the Keyblade War / End of the World? If not, why does no one seem concerned by the fact that they were plucked out of the home world, family, and life and told to go fight a bunch of monsters or die trying? Like, these kids are really easily on board with this whole Keybalde/ Lux finding thing.
On the subject of weird discrepancies / classic kingdom hearts confusing plot points, did Ephemer create a paradox at the end? Like, was he just sent back in time and then become the person who taught the Master of Masters who in turn taught Ava who in turn taught Ephemer and thus create a time loop? Also, where did Elrena end up? Was the Dwarf Woodlands? I think it was but it was so non-discript I couldn’t tell. Like, Laurium was clearly in Dwarf Woodlands, it’s literally the same exact spot you meet up with Snowhite at when you revisit all the worlds. And obviously Ventus ended up at the Keyblade Graveyard just in time for Birth by Sleep. But I can’t tell where Elrena was supposed to be. On that not, what the heck was up with the vision of Xehanort and Erikus as the player was dying? Was that implying that the player gets reincarnated as Xehanort? Am I Xehanort? Are we all Xehanort? Did we all just get Norted? Also, not liking how similar Brain looks to Erikus nor the fact that they have the same Keyblade. Please tell me they aren’t the same character. Brain was one of the coolest characters in the franchise and Erikus is one of the worst. Please tell me they are not the same person. It doesn’t help that the art style is so limited. Like, Braig/Luxu also looks like Brain and by extension Erikus in this style. So idk what’s going on.
Anyway, I’m running out of time between classes, so that’s all I’m gunna say. Overall, great story, mediocre gameplay, but if the gameplay is given the Re:Chain of Memories treatment it could become my favorite system cause the medals are a cool concept. Okay, I’m really going to stop taking now. TheMostOP, out.
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bugthedragonn · 5 years
My Thoughts on Nintendo Switch Lite
So, when I found out about the Lite, I instantly knew I wanted to get one. Yes, I love playing the original Switch, but I don’t play it in TV mode very often. I prefer to sit in my room, playing it while curled up in bed. And admittedly, I think my family was getting a little annoyed with me confiscating the Switch so often.
Now for context, I actually had paid for half of the Switch when we got it. I had just turned 16, and my mom and I both wanted a Switch, so we each paid for half of it. I would sit for hours at a time, playing RiME or Splatoon 2, since we only got a few games when we bought it. And after using it for so long, I found that handheld was far easier for me, seeing that I had grown up with a DS Lite, which I still have to this day.
After finding out about the Lite, I had asked my mom to preorder it for me, as an early Christmas present, since my younger siblings had gotten their big Christmas presents early, too (season passes for Six Flags). She agreed, as long as I would pay the difference of around $60. It was a no-brainer for me, and the night it arrived, I sat for hours playing on it.
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The Lite is a much smaller, more lightweight console than the Switch. I can easily fit it in my purse, and it’s comfortable to carry around (I also have a carry case for it, which I use so the joysticks don’t get damaged). I have rather small hands, so it’s a lot easier for me to play on.
The screen resolution is absolutely wonderful, but the ABXY buttons feel... cheaper than the ones on the Switch. Though thankfully, I’ve had no issues with any aspect of the Lite- no lagging, it sounds VERY good, and I don’t miss HD Rumble at all.
For now, my personal games collection is rather small, consisting of RiME, Dawn of New Riders, Stardew, Cattails and Link’s Awakening. And I have quite the list of games I’d like to get, including Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Pokemon Sword, and many others.
The battery life, as advertised, is MUCH better than the Switch. After playing Link’s Awakening for a few hours, and on a previously fully charged system, the battery was only down to 60%. And it charges VERY quickly as well, I’ve noticed mine fully charges in about an hour. I’m actually considering getting one for my sister as a Christmas present.
Overall, I’d say it’s a really solid system, and one that I hope to keep with me for several years.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Super Mario 3D World Never Promised a Revolution, But Still Stands Apart 8 Years Later
Getting a new Mario game, even one ported from a previous generation, always feels like opening a present on Christmas morning. Nintendo obviously knows this, having gone so far as to include the never-before-seen Bowser’s Fury expansion as a bonus for players already familiar with the wonders of Super Mario 3D World. And while this new side experiment may not quite be enough to encourage returning players to undertake a second playthrough, newcomers finally have the chance to play one of the most underappreciated Super Mario gems on Nintendo Switch. It’s an apt way to cap off the plumber’s 35th birthday celebrations.
Originally released on the Wii U in 2013, Super Mario 3D World hasn’t lost any of its charm in the eight years since. This may sound surprising considering that all Nintendo fans seemed hungry for back then was the next proper evolution of 3D Mario platforming. We of course eventually got this with Super Mario Odyssey, but the truth is that Super Mario 3D World never promised to be that kind of leap forward. Instead, the game served as a natural next step of the ideas first laid down in the daintier Super Mario 3D Land for the Nintendo 3DS, blending the concept of a 2D and 3D Mario game together and giving this creative core a HD lick of paint.
Yet, this unique melding of perspectives allows Super Mario 3D World to continue to stand apart from its peers in 2021. At first it all feels too familiar: You once again play as Mario, this time joined by Toad, Luigi, and Peach (and later Rosalina) in madcap four-player co-op adventures, progressing through a string of colorful overworlds and their inventive sub-levels in order to thwart the menacing Bowser. This time you’re doing so in the hopes of rescuing the Sprixie Kingdom’s seven fairies, utilizing new abilities like the Double Cherry and cat-transforming Super Bell to complete various platforming challenges.
The added dimension provides the balanced challenge Mario is known for, with just one poorly timed jump or oddly placed enemy being enough to send you back to a stage’s beginning. You forgive this, though, seeing as most of 3D World’s bite-sized stages play like a Greatest Hits album of platforming brilliance. One minute you and friends might be boosting alongside a road in a homage to the Mario Kart spin-off franchise, the next you’re plunging down a cascade of waterfalls on the back of a cutesy sea monster. Such sheer unpredictability is enough to make younger players croon and adults feel like a kid again, hence why it’s a shame that the base game doesn’t offer up much new content for Wii U alumni.
Competition might not be something most fans are used to in a Mario game but in 3D World it’s placed firmly at the forefront. While this isometric adventure is perfectly enjoyable when played solo, the levels themselves really come to life when there are four of you simultaneously bandying about on screen while trying to hunt down every green star and hidden character stamp. Most of the stages have been designed to easily accommodate such high degrees of multiplayer mayhem, though there will definitely be times you find yourself betraying friendships anyway, purposely blocking pathways and throwing your cohorts off platforms in the effort to reach the final frame’s flagpole first.
If there’s anything holding Super Mario 3D World from becoming an all-time classic, it’s the game’s limited replayability once every hidden collectable has been uncovered, and the monotony of the boss battles, which all follow the same “hit three times to defeat” formula. Nintendo’s insistence to not shake the latter up too much is understandable given bosses have to be approachable to players of all ages, but by the time you’ve entered the last overworld and are still seeing the same boss template pop up with only minor tweaks, it really hammers home what Nintendo could have done to modernize this game a little more for the re-release. Trying to keep up with Bowser’s car while dodging his attacks is a magnificent spectacle the first time around, less so during the fourth attempt.
Release Date: Feb. 12, 2021 Platform: Switch Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo Genre: Platformer
Bowser’s Fury on the other hand, being the one entirely new element of this two-pronged package, rarely rests on its laurels. The ultimate way you do battle with the titular beastie might still descend into a repetitive bash of hits and slams, yet the lead up to these Kaiju-level fights is a refreshing change of pace. And though I was initially worried that it would feel more like a piece of Super Mario Odyssey DLC rather than an extension of the vocabulary established in 3D World, the overabundance of cat-themed iconography solves that issue.
Overall, this is a smaller-scale experience that’s more in line with other full 3D Mario adventures. This time, however, the mustachioed plumber must visit a series of islets, completing courses and solving increasingly challenging platforming puzzles to collect the cat shines needed to keep the Godzilla-sized Bowser at bay. Eventually, though, the skies darken, and the big guy appears, transforming what would normally be a straightforward platforming level into a rain-fueled nightmare, with extra obstacles to overcome as Bowser hurls all manner of fire projectiles at you.
First-party Nintendo games have experimented with idyllic locations descending into madness before (mostly in the Zelda series), but having Bowser’s actions be specifically timed so as to directly inform the flow of gameplay brings a sense of urgency rarely seen in Mario. Do you uncover as many of the easy cat shines as possible early on while Bowser is still manageable, leaving the hardest until last and deal with the consequences later? The more cat shines you collect, the more aggressive and difficult to deal with Bowser becomes, giving Bowser’s Fury a welcome sense of risk/reward.
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Much like in the main game Mario isn’t alone and is in fact joined by Bowser Jr., resulting in a mini Super Mario Sunshine reunion. His inclusion is cleverly tied into the story, yet is more so an excuse to bring in co-op to the experience. Unfortunately, there’s only so much Player Two can assist from the comfort of a floating clown car. Even when playing solo, though, he’ll accompany Mario to help take on certain enemies and provide handy power-ups.
For all its dark-tinged ingenuity and unconventional design, I’d be hard-pressed to recommend anyone pick up this package purely for Bowser’s Fury alone. What’s here is undoubtedly unique and a definite glimpse as to where the 3D Mario formula might be headed in the future, but it’s over far too quickly and doesn’t differentiate itself enough from other mainline Mario games (outside of Bowser’s time-mechanic) to justify the price. There’s a reason this concept wasn’t used as the basis for a full game, but as a companion piece it’s a fun, intense romp.
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a no-brainer purchase for anyone who has yet to experience one of Mario’s most imaginative adventures. The Nintendo Switch version might not introduce a lot that wasn’t already here before, but both the base game and Bowser’s Fury are primed to delight players of all ages seeking two distinct flavors of pawsome platformer. The decision may not be so clear for returning players curious about the re-release’s one experimental side dish, but when taken together the collection still represents the peak of Nintendo’s charm and invention.
The post Super Mario 3D World Never Promised a Revolution, But Still Stands Apart 8 Years Later appeared first on Den of Geek.
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herlikings · 7 years
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I know this is 3-months overdue but better late than never, right? Here’s me trying to make a comeback. Let’s see how long I can last until my next hiatus lol.
2017 was definitely another year of beauty obsession and consumption. Probably one of the best years in the field’s industry for impressive trends and expressive creations, too.
For the rest of this post, I will be discussing my favorite products of 2017. Not all categories are included and not all highly talked-about products will be discussed (i.e., I do own the Huda Beauty Desert Dusk palette and the Jaclyn Hill x Morphe palette, but I haven’t had time to play around with it).
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Let’s start off with skincare...
I’m at that age where I want to focus more on my skin, but also do not know exactly what I need for my age and skin type. However, among all the skincare products I recently started to accumulate, these three have been my tried-and-true for awhile...at least enough for me to continue repurchasing.
1. I love to my Clarisonic with the brand’s own cleanser, don’t get me wrong. However, I personally feel like my Clarisonic does not get down deep in my skin like an exfoliating scrub. After using St. Ives Fresh Face Apricot Scrub my skin feels more refreshed and cleansed. The added texture from the walnut grains, with the light smell of the apricot extract, is a pleasant way to wake myself up in the morning, especially for mornings after a long-wear of makeup. I personally keep my bottle in my shower.
2. I classify my skin to be more on the normal/oily side of the spectrum. I often go through phases of dry patches on my skin especially once fall and winter comes around. I like to believe my skin is a bit sensitive after some failed trials with facial masks, so I wanted a moisturizer that I knew wouldn’t irritate my skin. I used the Neutrogena Hydro-Gel Moisturizer for Very Dry Skin for awhile but it was alright. I repurchased it even thought I felt as if my skin was not fully hydrated; it felt like the gel sat on top like a hydrating primer. I forgot how I was convinced to try Philosophy’s Renewed Hope in a Jar Moisturizer in the first place but I’m glad I was willing to try it out during my time with Ulta Beauty. A little does go a long way but my skin always feels firm and perfectly hydrated (but not too hydrated). 
3. I am still trying to get my mind wrapped around the use of micellar waters but I find this one to be especially handy in my kit. I like to use this with a cotton pad after using a makeup wipe. This is also my go-to product when I need to take off my stubborn falsies. It’s super gentle on my natural lashes but strong enough to take the lash glue off.
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I truly believe foundations was one of my highly purchased product for 2017. In the past, I rotated between 3-4 different foundations because I did not want spend a lot on just one bottle once I run out (aka I preferred to wear drugstore foundations as often as possible because of it’s pricing compared to high-end formulas). However, I started to notice the benefits of investing in prestige foundations for many reasons (i.e., coverage, finish, and color match [!!!]). 
Disclaimer: I am not including primers this year. To me, I feel like I didn’t find at least one primer that made me go, “WOW this is amazing.” Nonetheless, I still use primers as part of my makeup routine since I already have some in my kit.
1. Another tried-and-true that I constantly mention: Make Up Forever Ultra HD Invisible Cover Foundation. Medium to full coverage. This formula isn’t heavy on my skin; extremely lightweight and easy to blend. Little-to-no white cast. Also, this is one of the foundations in my collection that has the most spot on color match with my skin.
2. I was a bit hesitant to try this brand because no one really talked about it on social media. When I used to work at Ulta Beauty, a Fiona Stiles representative actually convinced a couple of my staff members (including myself) to not only try out the products but to purchase some as well (during this time of our training, the brand was on sale). I absolutely loved how smooth the Fiona Stiles Matte Finish Foundation Concentrate made my skin look. Since it is a concentrate, it does have a mouse-like consistency and is definitely my most full-coverage foundation out of the three favorites. With that being said, a little goes a long way for me. I also prefer to use this with a sponge. The finish isn’t completely matte - more of a satin finish if anything. Then again, maybe that’s because I prefer to apply with a sponge.
3. How can I not mention Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r Soft Matte Foundation in my favorites? This is the first, and for now, the only product I have purchased from Rhianna’s line. I was going to wait on purchasing this foundation right away but a lot of my favorite beauty gurus I follow said nothing but good things. I’m glad I caved in and bought it. The first time I tried this on, I was just going out with some friends for a movie night. Applied this foundation a couple of hours before heading out just to see how it would wear. Caught a late movie and arrived home past midnight. As soon as I got home, I checked the mirror and oh my...I was so impressed with how it lasted - it still looked natural and felt lightweight. My oil was probably breaking through a bit at that point but not as bad. I was just obsessed and impressed with how my skin looked after many hours. This foundation became my go-to foundation for the rest of the year. As much as I tried to use a different foundation, I could not stay away from this. I prefer to use a brush for this foundation to get a fuller coverage, and then sometimes I go over the layer with a damp sponge after. I learned that tip from a Sephora associate at the mall and I can see why she does that extra step. This is such a great product that I decided to pack it in my traveling kit for some of my trips. The only thing I would critique about this product is the packaging: the cap feels flimsy so I’m always scared to pack it as is (I actually “repack” in it’s original packaging for my trips). I also don’t like how the pump gets dirty easily because it’s hard to clean sometimes.
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2017 was the year of I learned to be more appreciative of concealers. 
1. My ultimate favorite concealer of the 2017 is the NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer. When Ulta Beauty finally started to sell NARS during my time of employment, I was so excited to try the concealer because that meant that I can 1) see what the hype was all about and 2) use my employee discount on it haha. I fell in love immediately. My favorite part about this concealer is that it blurs out the appearance of lines and wrinkles. When the NARS representative came in to give a short training, he mentioned light-diffusing technology, which helps give one’s complexion a radiant, natural look. It is also a medium-to-full, buildable coverage.
2. Colourpop Cosmetics continues to impress the beauty industry with their phenomenal products at affordable prices. Their No Filter Concealers are full-coverage, similar to Shape Tape (but has a thinner consistency) for a fraction of the price. First, I got shade Light 20 only because it was rumored to be a similar shade compared to my other concealers. When i first tried it out it appeared too light..much lighter than my Shape Tape. However, it looked perfectly fine once blended out with a sponge. Yes, maybe a tad bit lighter than what I’m used to but definitely usable. The next time I made a Colourpop purchase, I ordered shade Medium 30 hoping it would be a better fit. This shade works for me but for days when I do not want to put a full face on; it has enough coverage to blend in with my skin if I don’t put any foundation/base on. Blends seamlessly.
3. Last but not least, of course I had to include Tarte Cosmetics Shape Tape Contour Concealer. Full coverage. Better color match, in my opinion, compared to the shades Colourpop currently offers. Even though it’s a thicker consistency, it doesn’t feel too heavy or drying. A little goes a long way.
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I tried numerous of bonzers this past year from undertones to formulas. These stuck out to me.
1. Tried-and-true my LORAC PRO Contour Palette. They did come out with a cream contour/conceal palette, but I still preferred their powdered version. I love this palette so much that I already hit pan on the banana powder and the large bonzer pan. Blends out easily. I always recommended this over the ABH contour palettes when I was working at Ulta Beauty.
2. Another tried-and-true: Benefit Hoola Bronzer. Can’t go wrong with this either. This has the perfect amount of neutral-gray undertones to provide a natural shadow in definition. Can also be used to contour. 
3. When Colourpop released their pressed powder highlighters and bronzers, I was excited to try them. The highlighers are okay, but this Pressed Powder Bronzer in “Afternoon Delight” is impressive. It blends out so easily without leaving any streaks. This shade is perfect for my skintone - it’s warmer than the Hoola bonzer but not too orange or red.
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I was totally obsessed with the glow this past year. 
Disclaimer: I did not include any blush this year because I did not find one (other than the Amaretto in the BECCA split pan) that I gravitated to the most. I do have plenty of blush options, though.
1. The BECCA Cosmetics Split Pan Shimmering Duo in “Prosecco Pop/Amaretto” was ultimate my travel buddy of 2017. Brought this with me on most of my trips more than any other product. Prosecco Pop is a warm gold shade which allows it to pop without being too intense like it’s white gold sister, Champagne Pop. Amaretto is a beautiful blush - it’s not too brown to look like bronzer, but adds natural flush on the cheeks. Plus, having two products in one made packing a no brainer.
2. My initial thought when I swatched this highlighter was, “OH MY GOSH. Why didn’t I purchase this highlighter sooner?” Ofra Cosmetic’s Rodeo Drive is surprisingly, yet stunningly, so intense that you need to apply with a very, very light hand. One sweep across your cheekbones and you may blind someone. You should have seen my facial expression when I first applied it... *jaw dropper*
3. Colourpop’s Super Shock Highlight in “Wisp” is another one of my tried-and-true products, of course. This gold-champagne color and cream-to-powder formula adds a nice glow-from-within. Almost always packed this in my makeup bag when I traveled. Sometimes, I layer this under a powder highlighter to make my glow long-lasting and extra poppin’ throughout the day.
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I didn’t know how else to name this category but it’s all related to the eye-area.
1. For the first time in a long time I did not mention my MAC Fluidline Brow Gel... I still love that product, though. The only reason I replaced it with the Anastasia Beverly Hills’ Dipbrow in “Dark Brown” is because this was my most used brow pomade of the year (mostly because I used the tester when at work). I started off with a darker shade to balance out my black hair I had going on earlier in the year, then switched to this as the black was fading out. A little goes a long way, but I still have to be careful with the amount of pressure I put on my hand + the amount of product on my brush during application.
2. I think I found my new favorite eyeliner. Caved in and tried Stila’s Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Liner in “Intense Black” after recommending to Ulta Beauty shoppers. It is one of the best selling eyeliners at Ulta Beauty and my personal favorite compared to KVD’s. This eyeliner doesn’t smear and it glides on easily. The felt tip brush is flexible but doesn’t wear out. I’ve tried other liquid eyeliners similar to Stila’s but this forsure is still the best I’ve ever tried. Best believe I have a backup in my kit.
3. 2017 was the year I started to comfortably and causually wear false lashes. I loved Ardell’s Studio FX Wispie lashes until this Eylure Luxe Faux Mink Lashes in “Opulent” came into my life. It’s fluffy and soft; the band isn’t thick and is easy to work with. The first time I glued the pair on, I almost forgot I was wearing it. That is how light it felt.
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A lot of brands released numerous of eyeshadow palettes all throughout 2017. 
As mentioned earlier, I may not discuss all the breakthrough products of 2017, such as the Jaclyn Hill x Morphe palette or the Huda Beauty Desert Dusk. I do have both of the palettes but just haven’t touched them yet, or at least used them enough times. 
1. Another tried-and-true to mention: Tarte Cosmetics Tartlette in Bloom. When I got this around the time of it’s release, I did not want to use any other palette. I wanted to mention this in this year’s favorites because it’s still one of the few products that works best on me over time. The amazonian clay formula is easy to diffuse without losing it’s pigmentation. It may have some fallout but I’m okay with it since it’s easy to blend out. The colors are great all year long. I recently got Tarte’s new Toasted palette but haven’t had time to play with it yet. I am certain that’ll be just as amazing as this Tartelette in Bloom.
2. Everyone’s favorite, Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance. I think I mentioned in a previous post how much I absolute love the brand’s eyeshadow formulation - definitely one of my top favorite out there. This palette is clearly more bold in color scheme compared to the Tartelette in Bloom, but still flattering for different looks and on for different skintones. Created some of my favorite looks with this palette. A bit more fallout than Tarte and not as buttery, but smooth enough to work with. However, I think this has deeper color payoff than Tarte. In other words, it’s still worth it.
3. I kept debating whether or not I should purchase this palette but I’m so happy I caved in. This Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette is especially perfect for both summer and fall. The colors included can create both a warm, orange look or a deep plum smokey-eye. Probably the best set of formulation across the eyeshadow pans in the Naked palette series. 
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Last but not least, my favorite category...lipsticks. I own a lot already yet still continue to purchase more than necessary. I have a problem.
1. When I worked at Ulta Beauty, Nudestix was my go-to brand to upsell. Not only is the brand’s focus on easy-to-use products for people on-the-go, but it was also one of my favorite brands to personally use. These products are 1) perfect for busy people like me, 2) easy to pack (you can fit about 4 stix in one case, which also includes a mirror inside), and 3) almost most of the products are multi-purpose. When I had to get ready before operation hours I would run to the Nudestix fixture and create a look within 5 minutes. Guests constantly asked what I products I used on my face and later left with a couple Nudestix. My favorite lipstick they recently created is the Magnetic Matte Lip Color in “Boho.” When I had to set up the fixture and saw this color on the model, I knew I had to have it on my lips. It screamed “Coachella,” “90′s vibes,” and so much more to me. On my lips, it eventually feels a little bit more drying than expected but worth the color. It’s also long-lasting if properly moisturized beforehand. 
2. Another nude to mention is the Kylie Cosmetic Lip Kit in “Dolce K.” I owned other shades before Dolce K but tend to gravitate to this shade more than the others. I barely use the lip liners (just because it’s easier to apply liquid lipstick when on-the-go), but the deep, beige nude color is a flattering nude on my complexion. I like the formulation of Kylie’s liquid lipsticks, too - long-lasting and not too heavy.
3. So here’s a funny story. When I moved back home and started to unpack my makeup collection, I found two unopened MAC Lipstick in “Whirl.” With that said, I keep one in my bag at all times no matter what. This dirty rose shade is one of my favorites because it’s not too pink nor too dark; it’s a great shade for some added color.
4. Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick in “Leo” has more of an orange undertone compared to the others, but it’s still a nude that works on me. According to the site, it’s “a true honey brown.” Pretty accurate. I purchased numerous of Jeffree Star liquid lipsticks all at once, but Leo is the only one that I tend to gravitate to the most. As much as I like Leo, I’m more of a Pisces (lol get it).
5. Last but not least, Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in “Bow n Arrow.” I love this shade so much. Probably the lightest nude I would and could actually wear. This fawn nude color is very neutral in tone, in my opinion. I tend to wear this when I have a dark, smokey eye. 
That’s my take on my favorites from 2017, justified with my own personal experiences and opinions. 
I wonder what will standout to me in 2018... Or maybe I should just use up everything I currently have in my kit... Only time will tell.
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mwg-us · 5 years
Free MiniWarGaming Vault Trial - MiniWarGaming
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Here's just a few reasons why you should try the MiniWarGaming Vault for FREE Crush your opponents... In the MiniWarGaming Vault you'll have access to more battle reports, as well as the post game shows with in-depth tactical analysis of the games (well, except for Dave's games, but we all love Dave). Watch more of your favourite games: Try out the Vault for free and get more battle reports... "I'm a Vault member because it's amazing. It's amazing because of the extra content you get. It's amazing because it helps support MWG, and help them keep producing content. It's amazing how much MWG is doing for the community. As someone that was brought into 40k mostly because of MWG videos, this is a great way for me to give back for all the great times I've had due to them peaking my interest long ago."Brian (NubimusPrime) from Pittsburgh, PA Wow your friends with your painting skills... (Silver Members Only) With our daily painting tips and tutorials you will finally be able to hone your painting skills, whether you are a brand new painter, or a seasoned one. Try out the Vault for free and get more painting tutorials... "You should definitely buy the Vault membership. I was two sided about it at one point thinking are all those other videos worth it? The answer is yes!! Even if you get the Bronze. $3 a month is enough to spare for all the amazing things that you get. Buy it!! Buy it now!!"Kaptin Obvious from UK Support MiniWarGaming... We might not have the prettiest of faces, but we love making videos, and that ain't free. We've got to pay our video creators, our rent, our order-monkey Justin to buy all his Chinese food, and for all those other "fun" bills. Our Vault members make this possible. Try out the Vault for free and help us make even more videos... "Although I am not the actual Prime Minister, I still declare that the MiniWarGaming Vault is one of the best values for the money. MiniWarGaming provides entertaining, informative and varied content for many of the most active games to date. With more vault members they can expand to more systems and bring more content!"Stephen Wallace Harper from Hastings, MN USA Get over $800 of DVDs / Blu-Rays Over the years we have amassed quite the collection of painting and terrain DVDs, and you get instant access to all of them (via streaming video and HD Digital Downloads). Try out the Vault for free and get all our DVDs and Blu-Rays... Even more testimonials from real Vault members... "Vault is full of awesome content that a warhammer fan would love to watch. Great painting tutorials by Kris too! He is one of the best parts about the vault. It's cheap too so i really have been enjoying my vault experience."Jebu911 from Finland"I joined for the free painting tutorial DVD and stayed for the awesome-ness. This site has a lot of interesting videos. It's a great deal for the money. The Batreps are really cool and I've learned a lot about Warhammer 40k (a game I've recently picked back up) and other games that are played on a large table. I had so much fun I upgraded my service to Silver. It was the best deal for me. Looking forward to more painting videos, more batreps and more awesome-ness. Thanks guys!"Jake from Oklahoma - USA"You should join the vault 'couse its awesome. Sure you can go to you tube and watch, but thats just half the fun, in the vault you get to see all videos MWG have done over the years, and not only that, if you choose silver or gold membership,(Gold member myself since i like what they are doing and we should suport the community as good as we can), you get to download the videos and you get free downloadable dvd, its awesome. MWG Wants YOU to join the vault and be part of the awesomeness that is MWG"Andreas from Boden, Sweden"I had been watching MiniWarGamings 40k battlereports for roughly a year before I decided to join The Vault. I liked the videos and the contents that they made, and I felt that I wanted to contribute. As I was running low on battlereports that I hadn't seen, I decided to take the leap. I was flabbergasted. The amount of contents you get, just for the silver membership, is insane. Countless battlereports, free DVDs, painting tutorials, strategies, post-game videos, the works. I'm pretty sure that I will never get through it all, and I see this as a immensly good thing. If you like what you see on Youtube and you are thinking about joining, but are afraid to not get value for your money, allow me to stop you right there. If you have only seen the free stuff, you have just seen the tip of the iceberg. I can heavily recommend anyone considering in joining The Vault. It's a great value for money, awesome content and more time with the people that we love: The MiniWarGaming team. "Martin Nord from Denmark"Potential Vault Member, Kolonel Kraig here with a dispatch from the Bunker in DC ~ First off let me inform you of the type of individuals that are Miniwar Gaming.  I have had the honor of meeting Matthew, Dave and the rest of the MiniWar Gaming crew on a weekend gaming marathon at their headquarters located in Welland, Canada.  Without a doubt these guys are genuine gamers who truly love the game and the community they support.  They welcomed me and my sons as long lost friends and treated us as if they had known us for life.  Their website is second to none in regards to battle reports, informational videos, and just outstanding entertainment value as a whole.  With that being said, membership in the vault opens up twice the available content as opposed to being a nonmember.  The extra insight into the internal happenings of MWG – such as behind the scenes, outtakes, post battle reports, and the making of videos, opens up a wealth of entertainment/knowledge at such a minimal expense.  I feel they could even triple the cost and the vault would still be a fantastic value!  Combine the entertainment value with the fact that you receive discounts for gaming purchases for the higher memberships and you are able to more than save the cost of membership in a very short time.  In short the higher memberships pay for themselves AND you receive double the content from the website. No brainer here – join today. Happy Awesome Sauce War Gaming Kolonel Kraig                  "Kolonel Kraig from Washington D.C., U.S.A."Awesome battle reports, painting tips and Q&A's. Seriously, these guys awakened the slumbering 40k gamer in me. Each and every one of the miniwargamers have an ability to make their videos fun and exciting to watch. Best regards from Denmark!"Lasse from Copenhagen, Denmark"The Vault contains an awesome of collection of videos for just about any one. For people who are looking for something to watch for recreation, the numerous batreps of all kinds are great for entertainment. For me, the real treasure trove is the countless videos on painting, modelling, and converting. I have learned a lot from these videos which have greatly contributed to my enjoyment of the games. I highly recommend joining the vault, as there is always something to learn from or get a good laugh out of. Worth every penny! "ti9999 from New Jersey, USA"I've only been a vault member for a few days, but it's the best money I've ever spent on an online service. The access to the free DVDs alone is worth far more than the yearly subscription and is absolutely filled to the brim with helpful ideas and tools for gamers to get the most out of their miniatures. Literally hundreds of videos compiled into one place that will save me many hours of aggravation. A+, MiniWarGaming. Keep it up!"Brandon S from Portland, OR" The vault is a place of non stop entertainment; entertainment that rapidly changes to what you desire. There are the videos of every variety, from battle report to WWII background on some piece of tabletop scenery, to drybrushing techniques. But beyond this you can interact with any of the MWG personnel via live shows, make requests, tell them where they screwed up in a battle, throw around ideas or just bury yourself in nonchalant chit chat. The spark you once felt when beginning down the hobby path will be reignited, that flame kept burning strong. It certainly does for me. Thanks MWG!"bigoldfrog from Earth, The Milky Way"Once...the world of gaming was dark,and without warmth. A desolate plain awash with Internet trolls,and cheesie power gamers.Then a light in the distant north appeared and the weary casual gamers of the cosmos were drawn to it.Within this light there spun a glorious Cube of green and white,held aloft by two brothers in arms.BEHOLD MINIWARGAMING.The people rejoiced and declared that it was good. Then the Brothers saw that some amount the people wanted a place apart,a place of joy and contentment,where the Brothers could speak directly to the people and be spoken to in turn.Thus was The Miniwargaming Vault was created to meet the people's need,and it was good.Join us my friend,join the Vault and rejoice with us. Life on the Vault side is very good."Thayvian1 from Oak ridge Tennessee "The vault is a painter's best friend. I can paint very nice looking lenses because of the vault and their battle reports entertain me during the long hours of hobbying. I love the MWG vault and would heartily recommend it to anyone!"Alex from California, United States"Why YOU should join the miniwargaming vault? Well, beside the extra content and the occasional free DvD, the vault is a great place to meet, disscuse and share your part of any tabletop hobby! And don't forget, the more vault members, teh more content on MwG!"Martin B from sweden"A big thanks for MWG, I am most pleased I have found this site and I am enjoying a wonderful silver membership to the vault. If anyone whom reads this and is thinking of joining then DO SO! - don't put if off, it truly is great value for very little money and as a certain mini-war-gamer says "you will be loving your life!!" Being a vault member you are provided with not only 100's of hours of entertainment, but tutorials galore - from tactical play to painting and modelling. Yet the biggest benefit you will get is unadulterated inspiration. Joining the MWG community will inspire you to make it all your own, from painting to terrain tutorials, from banter-play down your local club and even wanting to film bat-reps to share with your mini-war gaming fellows! I look forward to seeing you here soon!"Zetr0 from Norfolk, United Kingdom"I was hesitant at first, I'm not a big battle report fan and that was most of what my exposure to MWG was. Once I signed up I've been hooked on all the terrain videos, the Tactica videos and most of all the painting tips - the quick tip painting series is worth the price alone!"Apocryphal Lore from Ontario, Canada"Its been worth the money for 2 years now. i joined for the tutorials and getting more batreps each week was a welcome bonus. Some weeks there's so much to watch i cant finish everything in the week. The vault is also great for getting to know everyone at MWG. They have posted some awesome behind the scenes videos that are humorous and a nice break from the batreps."Sketh from US"You should join the vault to get to view more painting tutorials and more of the best battle-reports on the internet, as well as to support the amazing people who make them possible."Anthony Zapata from San Antonio, Texas"The reasons I joined the vault was to get more content and learn more about the complicated games we play. I usually listen/watch while im at work, so its kinda like im playing as well. Which is really awesome because I only get to game once every 2 weeks or so. The vault also helps players up there game on painting which is an nice added bonus for me. I believe other members would enjoy the same."Chris Langs from Chicago Illinois"This site is amazing! join and you won't regret it."Daniel Hsu from Taiwan"These guys are great! Great videos and always lots of fun to watch. The 'quick tips' are super helpful. Thanks MWG!"troy95 from United States"Hi all! My name is Anna and I'm currently a Bronze member of the vault and a relative newcomer to the hobby (got into WH40K this July). The two main personalities on the Vault are Dave - a crazy, speed-talking, wild-eyed follower of the Chaos gods, and Kris, the master painter with the velvety smooth voice (seriously he kinda makes it difficult to paint when he's talking :P). Dave's battle reports and discussion on armies as well as earlier terrain projects were definitely handy and I can honestly say my painting skills have gone through the roof since I've been watching Kris's videos here in the Vault. If I had one issue with the vault - which really isn't a complaint - is there is SO much creativity going on here I want to do one of every project and well, I'm a college student with limited time/space/money so that isn't happening. Other than that y'all, you *NEED* to sign up, I mean it. :)"Jedigirl from Atlanta, Georgia"Hello MiniWarGamer staff and potential vault members! I rejoined the war gaming community after a hiatus of 20 years. I lured back by a MWG series of WH 40K tutorials on You Tube and was pleasantly surprised with the quality. I was particularly pleased with the painting tutorials by Kris M, and enjoyed the various Battle Reports. Which, lead me to want to see what was in the vault. I joined as a silver member and was blow away by the shear number of painting tutorials and DVD's that were available as a silver member. In the past I've joined other walled content sites and immediately regretted it. Not this time, now I'm considering upgrading to Gold."SC from Florida"To all of you out there considering joining the Mini Wargaming Vault.... Like a lot of you out there, I have a pretty busy life. Between work and family and the myriad of other distractions that happen day-to-day, it's hard to find time for our hobbies. So, for me, I often find myself staring at the shelves of unpainted grey plastic and metal, wondering how wonderful it would be to get those miniatures finished. Then I see the boxes of unbuilt miniatures and think, "I really should get started on those." All of this contemplation lasts for a whopping two or three minutes and then I'm distracted once more. C'mon you've been there! Since joining the Mini Wargaming Vault however, my procrastinating ways have begun to change. Inspired by the amazing content found here, I have a paint brush in my hand more often. A miniature gets assembled, and all seems right with the world (queue the symphonic music here.) Like a daily dose of nerdy Prozac wrapped in a cheese and bacon sandwich, Mini Wargaming's Vault keeps delivering Wargaming goodness that I look forward to. So to you, Guy or Girl sitting passively on the fence, get over your doubts, your fears, and become a Vault Member now! You'll not regret it!"Mr. Varanus from Indianapolis, USA"My favourite hobby site, the content i get access to for being a vault member is awesome. From painting tips to batreps, i love all the stuff i get here! Totally worth it!"Ken from São Paulo, Brasil"When I discovered MiniWarGaming a few years ago, I had just recently joined the 40K bandwagon. Recently, I joined the Vault because there were so many great videos with tips and tricks that I had never experienced before! I eagerly await the day when I can truly do my miniatures justice by using all these great tutorials techniques!"Angus Jameson from Ramsey, Minnesota
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rafi1228 · 4 years
Officially created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team.
What you’ll learn
Build beautiful, fast and native-quality apps with Flutter
Become a fully-fledged Flutter developer
Build iOS and Android apps with just one codebase
Build iOS and Android apps using just one programming language (Dart)
Build a portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps to impress any recruiter
Understand all the fundamental concepts of Flutter development
Become proficient in one of the fastest growing technologies
A Computer that has admin privileges
Have 10GB of free space on your hard drive.
All software we’ll be using is free to download and install.
Although you can build iOS apps on a Windows computer with Flutter, if you want to test it, you will need a Mac.
Welcome to the Complete Flutter App Development Bootcamp with Dart – created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team.
Now includes a brand new module on Flutter State Management!
Covering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive Flutter course available online.
We built this course over months, perfecting the curriculum together with the Flutter team to teach you Flutter from scratch and make you into  a skilled Flutter developer with a strong portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps.
Our complete Flutter development bootcamp teaches you how to code using Dart and build beautiful, fast, native-quality iOS and Android apps. Even if you have ZERO programming experience.
I’ll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Flutter developer.
The course includes 23+ hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real world apps. e.g. Whatsapp, QuizUp and Yahoo Weather.
By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Dart and be ready to build your own Flutter apps and become a fully fledged Flutter developer.
You’ll also have a portfolio of over 15 apps that you can show off to any potential employer.
Sign up today, and look forwards to:
Over 23 hours of HD 1080p video content, everything you’ll ever need to succeed as a Flutter developer.
Building over 15 fully-fledged apps including ones that use Firebase Cloud Firestore, StreamBuilder, ListView, networking, external APIs and much much more.
All the knowledge you need to start building any app you want
$8000+ Flutter development bootcamp course materials and curriculum
From Beginner to Flutter Developer with Just One Course
We know that you’re here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they’re doing, you’d be on YouTube.
By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we’re always on hand to answer student questions.
So by the end of the course, you’ll completely understand:
Fundamental Flutter concepts e.g. Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets, Widget tree, state management, animations, themes and much more.
Fundamental Dart concepts e.g. lists, maps, enums, loops, futures, streams, mixins, classes, and much more.
Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.
Control Structures: Using If/­Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.
Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as Lists and Maps.
Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model ­View­ Controller (MVC) design pattern.
Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.
Data Storage: How to use Firebase Cloud Firestore to act as a backend for your Flutter apps.
Authentication: How to use log in and register users for your Flutter apps.
State Management: How to use setState, prop drilling, lifting state up, callbacks and the Provider package to manage app state.
Don’t waste your time
Don’t waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors who you can’t understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it and why over 35,000 students rated my courses 5 stars!
Don’t waste your money
Inside this course, you’re getting exactly the same course materials and curriculum as our 12 week in-person programming bootcamp. Instead of spending $8000+ dollars and taking time off work, save loads of money by getting this course and do it at your own pace!
Don’t just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about my courses:
“You will not find a better teacher than Angela. She does a wonderful job of encouraging you to learn swift the right way. I want to encourage everyone thinking about taking this class to get it, as it is the BEST programming class I’ve seen on anywhere and I’ve tried more than a few of them. If you are looking for an excellent swift programming course, stop there here because you have found it. You will learn Swift from the very beginning of programming all the way through making your own apps that you can upload to the App store.” – Ian Hopjins
“SO GOOD!!! Retention rate is incredible because Angela does a great job in explaining and teaching every aspect of what we are doing. Most of the other instructors on Udemy put code on the screen and pretend nothing happened. This course is amazing! 5/5″ – Muhammad Ibrahim
“Angela is a spectacular teacher!” – Marco Zanirato
“This course was terrific. Only after taking a few more courses from others that I realized how good this course was. This course taught me more than I was expecting, it provided great instructions and a lot of hands-on tasks to drill-in the concept.” – Marc
“Best use of your money! I was a complete beginner but Angela made me a pro in weeks.” – Burak Tunçbilek
“IT IS #1!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Amazing. The best iOS course i have ever taken. Angela explains everything the way it needs to be explained, so everything is easily understood. The concept of this course is built to make you learn, not just watch and repeat. Angela is highly educated and it is very much noticeable during the entire course. Again, it is fantastic. Thank you. Please create more courses!!!!!” – Eduard Khachian
Are you trying to choose between all the different Flutter courses on Udemy? Take a look at what students on my course had to say about this:
I have revamped my expectation for what a 5 star course should be for Udemy. Angela, you’re awesome! I already rated the course as 5 stars early on (at about 20% completion), but after completing roughly 70% of the course, I can say this is my favourite Udemy course as of today. Brilliant course Angela! – Alberto L
“I took a lot of courses on Udemy and elsewhere and non of them were as clear and perfectly paced as this one! Angelas approach is really awesome, deep and clear.” – Žan Fras
“I have taken several iOS courses, so far this course had the best explanation on swift and xcode documentation. The lecturer is kinda humorous sometimes which make this course even more enjoyable.” – Bryan Pukanda
“I have taken lots of courses on udemy and elsewhere for self learning and i can tell you with all the honesty this is one course which i did not want it to end. It is like one of those movies that you wish keeps going. Whatever concepts are covered were covered very beautifully and made learning quite simple. I got so many answers to Why? in this course like how closures work and why they work that way… why delegates work that way. Thank you so much for this course.” – Arun Lakhera
“I compare this to another top iOS class on Udemy, but I think that this one beats it. The reason? Angela doesn’t show you a plethora of material and then say that we will discuss this later, or say “just do this. You will see why later.” She goes into the reason for doing something before doing it.”  – Clyde Addison
REMEMBER… I’m so confident that you’ll love this course that we’re offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it’s a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.
So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world’s best Flutter development course.
Who this course is for:
If you have never programmed before, then take this course to learn Dart and build iOS and Android apps.
If you know how to code, but are new to mobile development, then take this course to build apps with just one codebase.
If you are a native app developer, then take this course to see how much time you can save building native-quality iOS and Android apps with Flutter.
If you’ve tried Flutter before, then take this course to get a comprehensive curriculum that covers all the important aspects of Flutter development
Created by Dr. Angela Yu Last updated 4/2020 English English
Size: 14.49 GB
   Download Now
The post The Complete 2020 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart appeared first on Free Course Lab.
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The Complete 2020 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart
The Complete 2020 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart
Officially created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team.
What you'll learn The Complete 2020 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart
Build beautiful, fast and native-quality apps with Flutter
Become a fully-fledged Flutter developer
Build iOS and Android apps with just one codebase
Build iOS and Android apps using just one programming language (Dart)
Build a portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps to impress any recruiter
Understand all the fundamental concepts of Flutter development
Become proficient in one of the fastest-growing technologies
A computer that has admin privileges
Have 10GB of free space on your hard drive.
All the software we'll be using is free to download and install.
Although you can build iOS apps on a Windows computer with Flutter, if you want to test it, you will need a Mac.
Build a Social Network with Flutter and Firebase
Data Structures & Algorithms !
Lightroom Master Class-Edit Images Like A Pro+Free Presets
iOS 13 & Swift 5 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp
Welcome to the Complete Flutter App Development Bootcamp with Dart - created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team.
Now includes a brand new module on Flutter State Management!
Covering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive Flutter course available online.
We built this course over months, perfecting the curriculum together with the Flutter team to teach you Flutter from scratch and make you into a skilled Flutter developer with a strong portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps.
Our complete Flutter development Bootcamp teaches you how to code using Dart and build beautiful, fast, native-quality iOS and Android apps. Even if you have ZERO programming experience.
I'll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Flutter developer.
The course includes 28+ hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real-world apps. e.g. Whatsapp, QuizUp and Yahoo Weather.
By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Dart and be ready to build your own Flutter apps and become a fully-fledged Flutter developer.
You'll also have a portfolio of over 15 apps that you can show off to any potential employer.
Sign up today, and look forwards to:
Over 28 hours of HD 1080p video content, everything you'll ever need to succeed as a Flutter developer.
Building over 15 fully-fledged apps including ones that use Firebase Cloud Firestore, StreamBuilder, ListView, networking, external APIs and much much more.
All the knowledge you need to start building any app you want
$8000+ Flutter development Bootcamp course materials and curriculum
From Beginner to Flutter Developer with Just One Course
We know that you're here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they're doing, you'd be on YouTube. 
By getting this course, you can rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we're always on hand to answer student questions.
So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:
Fundamental Flutter concepts e.g. Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets, Widget tree, state management, animations, themes and much more.
Fundamental Dart concepts e.g. lists, maps, enums, loops, futures, streams, mixins, classes, and much more.
Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes, and protocols.
Control Structures: Using If/­Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.
Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as Lists and Maps.
Software Design: How to organize and format code for readability and how to implement the Model ­View­ Controller (MVC) design pattern.
Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.
Data Storage: How to use Firebase Cloud Firestore to act as a backend for your Flutter apps.
Authentication: How to use login and register users for your Flutter apps.
State Management: How to use setState, prop drilling, lifting state up, callbacks and the Provider package to manage app state.
Don’t waste your time
Don't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors who you can't understand. Or teachers who have no real-world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it and why over 35,000 students rated my courses 5 stars!
Don't waste your money
Inside this course, you're getting exactly the same course materials and curriculum as our 12-week in-person programming Bootcamp. Instead of spending $8000+ dollars and taking time off work, save loads of money by getting this course and do it at your own pace!
Don't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about my courses:
"Angela is literally my favorite teacher. Ever. In the entire universe. She is hilarious and teaches in a lighthearted and fun way that is also very clear to understand. I instantly purchased this course as soon as I saw it was released because I know Angela delivers the highest quality educational content possible. 100% recommend this course (as well as every other course she's created). Thank you, Angela, for helping me as I make a career pivot into becoming a hybrid UX designer/mobile developer!" - Jacob Pernell
"Angela is my favorite Udemy professor for coding courses. Her methods for building onto the material so that you're never progressing too fast or too slow make for a really engaging learning experience. She's thorough in her explanations and uses fun projects to discuss the material. I had started a couple other Flutter courses before finding this one, and I've progressed more in 24hrs than I did in a week with the other courses. I would love an advanced Flutter course from Angela to tackle once I'm done with this one!" - Jerome Llouche
"You will not find a better teacher than Angela. She does a wonderful job of encouraging you to learn swiftly the right way. I want to encourage everyone thinking about taking this class to get it, as it is the BEST programming class I've seen on anywhere and I've tried more than a few of them. If you are looking for an excellent swift programming course, stop there here because you have found it. You will learn Swift from the very beginning of programming all the way through making your own apps that you can upload to the App store." - Ian Hopjins
"SO GOOD!!! The retention rate is incredible because Angela does a great job of explaining and teaching every aspect of what we are doing. Most of the other instructors on Udemy put code on the screen and pretend nothing happened. This course is amazing! 5/5" - Muhammad Ibrahim
"Angela is a spectacular teacher!" - Marco Zanirato
"This course was terrific. Only after taking a few more courses from others that I realized how good this course was. This course taught me more than I was expecting, it provided great instructions and a lot of hands-on tasks to drill-in the concept." - Marc
"Best use of your money! I was a complete beginner but Angela made me a pro in weeks." - Burak Tunçbilek
"IT IS #1!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Amazing. The best iOS course I have ever taken. Angela explains everything the way it needs to be explained, so everything is easily understood. The concept of this course is built to make you learn, not just watch and repeat. Angela is highly educated and it is very much noticeable during the entire course. Again, it is fantastic. Thank you. Please create more courses!!!!!" - Eduard Khachian
Are you trying to choose between all the different Flutter courses on Udemy? Take a look at what students on my course had to say about this:
I have revamped my expectations for what a 5-star course should be for Udemy. Angela, you're awesome! I already rated the course as 5 stars early on (at about 20% completion), but after completing roughly 70% of the course, I can say this is my favorite Udemy course as of today. Brilliant course Angela! - Alberto L
"I took a lot of courses on Udemy and elsewhere and none of them were as clear and perfectly paced as this one! Angela's approach is really awesome, deep and clear." - Žan Fras
"I have taken several iOS courses, so far this course had the best explanation on swift and Xcode documentation. The lecturer is kinda humorous sometimes which makes this course even more enjoyable." - Bryan Pukanda
"I have taken lots of courses on udemy and elsewhere for self-learning and I can tell you with all the honesty this is one course which I did not want it to end. It is like one of those movies that you wish keeps going. Whatever concepts are covered were covered very beautifully and made learning quite simple. I got so many answers to Why? in this course like how closures work and why they work that way... why delegates work that way. Thank you so much for this course." - Arun Lakhera
"I compare this to another top iOS class on Udemy, but I think that this one beats it. The reason? Angela doesn't show you a plethora of material and then say that we will discuss this later, or say "just do this. You will see why later." She goes into the reason for doing something before doing it."  - Clyde Addison
REMEMBER… I'm so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money-back guarantee for 30 days! So it's a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risks and EVERYTHING to gain.
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Last updated 2/2020
English [Auto-generated]
Size: 14.49 GB
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0 notes
geekyviews · 5 years
Sticky AutoContents Panel
Update - 2018.01.27This is “Offer and Review Score” Post Layout. You can also add sticky contents panel
While the GoPro Hero5 has many of the same specs as the previous generation when it comes to video and photo resolutions, there are some new features in it.  Individually no single feature is a massive leap forward in the action cam industry, but collectively they represent a notable and substantial difference over the Hero4 Black.  This section is mostly focused on these new features, while the remaining sections take a deeper dive into the core functions of the camera, as well as touch on these new features in more detail.
Fully Waterproofed: Probably the most notable item is that the GoPro Hero5 Black is now fully waterproofed without the need for a separate case, just like the GoPro Hero4 Session was.  In fact, it has nearly the same rubberish material on the outside.
What is of more concern though is the USB-C/HDMI port door.  This door pops off for placement into the Karma gimbal/drone, as well as just for charging:
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GoPro HERO7 Black — Waterproof Action Camera
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GoPro HERO7 Black — Waterproof Action Camera
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GoPro HERO7 Black
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Now this won’t easily pop-off while it’s locked in place, as you have to press a button down to open it (plus slide it).  But, the trick will be not losing it after charging your camera or while the charging cable is attached.  GoPro does sell the door as an accessory (albeit over priced), and I know I plan to buy an extra door and then seal it up somewhere special in my backpack/suitcase for traveling.  Because I guarantee you that I’ll lose it at the most inopportune time on a trip to some beautiful watery location and be unable to take pictures of The Girl underwater in a bikini without the door.
Speaking of doors that we don’t want opening up, we’ve also got the battery compartment down below.  That holds both the battery as well as the micro-SD card:
Touch Display:
The Hero5 takes the touch display found on the Hero4 Silver and advanced it forward.  As you might remember, the Hero4 Black actually lacked a display.  This was one reason that the Hero4 Silver was actually a more day to day favorite of mine than the Hero4 Black was.
However, the touch display acts and feels significantly different here than the Hero7 Silver.
The entire menu system has been redone to make it more intuitive to find settings.  Along the bottom it shows you the basics for that mode.  For example, in the video mode it shows you resolution and frame rate.
You can tap on it to change these specs.  Only the available frame rates will display for a given resolution.  In theory this looks beautiful, but in practice it’s actually more cumbersome than I expected.  I think this is because there’s just too many resolutions too closely together for a normal sized finger to hit the right resolution on that small display.
On the right side of the display you can enable various advanced settings for that mode, such as ProTune, Image Stabilization, and Audio Control:
All of this is of course waterproof as well.  Though, it won’t work underwater.  For that you’ll need to use the push-buttons on the top/side of the camera to change modes.
Speaking of a wet display, in general I found it doesn’t work well when wet either.  Especially if your fingers are wet, it all goes to crap and fails to respond.
You can turn this option on/off, and it’s available in seven languages.  Also, if you have the Remo accessory remote, that’ll accept voice commands too in the event the camera is out of range of your voice.
But…it’s not perfect.  I found that it works most of the time when standing still.  But once you start moving I found both it and the Hero5 Session actually perform worse than Garmin does.  At about 10MPH (15KPH) I find the ability to give commands pretty much dies no matter which way the camera is facing.  Whereas with Garmin it’ll continue working above that speed as long as the camera is facing you.
Video & Audio details
Ahh yes, video time.  No better place to start diving into features than video modes.  In many ways the Hero5 is similar in these modes to the Hero4 Black.  After all, it too has 4K @ 30FPS and 720P @ 240FPS, the two ends of the spectrum that people often talk about.  The footage looks beautiful in 4K – no doubt.
So what’s new and notable here?  Well we’ll start with the video stabilization.  Technically this is ‘electronic image stabilization’, which works by taking a larger resolution video clip (i.e. 4K) and then smoothing the video by offering a reduced resolution rate while stabilized (up to 2.7K).  By doing this it essentially stabilizes by cutting the edges off the corners to make the video appear smooth.  It’s the same thing that Garmin does on their VIRB Ultra 30 (but the Garmin is limited to 1440 vs the higher 2.7K), but is different than what Sony does with their new X3000R, where they use optical image stabilization.  That’s better because it doesn’t crop any of the image.
To enable image stabilization, you’ll simply swipe from the right.  It’ll warn you about cutting about 10% of the field of view:
For cases where you’ve got some light chop in the roadway, or even for hand holding the unit, image stabilization can dramatically improve things.  Though, that’s at the sacrifice of resolution.  If your final output product’s 1080p, then it’s largely a no-brainer.  Do note that it generally works better when you’re shooting something that has a large portion of the image facing one direction constantly.  Versus on a helmet mount, it can get a bit wonky as you move the view around a bunch.
What’s even more interesting though is the ability to record the native audio files from each microphone separately.  If you enable ProTune, you’ll see a new option to do this.  Within that you have three levels:
All of these were simply taken at room temperature; obviously aspects like environmental temperature will impact things considerably, as will other modes and increased frame rates.  But those give you some basic bounds to work within.
Photo mode:
While the Hero7 Black doesn’t offer any more resolution than the Hero4 Black did, it does offer a number of substantial photo-focused features.  First, the basics though.  To get into the photo mode you’ll go ahead and tap the mode button until you see photos.  Or, just tell the GoPro to take a photo using voice commands.
Now there are technically different photo modes, including the ability to take a burst photo, a series of photos as a timelapse, or night photos. Note that this photo timelapse is separate from the video timelapse option.  This produces a crapton of photo files, whereas the video timelapse produces a single video timelapse file.
That’s the basic differences. Again, both cameras are very good, you won’t go wrong with either.  For me, I prefer the Hero5 Black because I like to be able to see and frame up what I’m taking a photo/video of.  Whereas the Hero5 Session it’s shoot and pray that you’ve got it lined up.  Sure, you can use your phone for certain shots – but most of us won’t do that.
Our score
from WordPress https://www.geekyviews.com/sticky-autocontents-panel/
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[GET] Instant Spokesperson Essentials Make Cleverly Simple & Engaging Videos IN Minutes DOWNLOAD
New Post has been published on http://getblackhatdownload.com/get-instant-spokesperson-essentials-make-cleverly-simple-engaging-videos-in-minutes-download/
[GET] Instant Spokesperson Essentials Make Cleverly Simple & Engaging Videos IN Minutes DOWNLOAD
[GET] Instant Spokesperson Essentials Make Cleverly Simple & Engaging Videos IN Minutes DOWNLOAD
Now YOU Can Amaze Your Clients AND Explode $ales
While Secretly Eliminating Production Time & Costs! 
Instant Spokesperson Essentials consists of a complete, set of pre-made, local niche-market videos that marketers can utilize to bring in more sales to their offline, video marketing businesses.
Check Out Some Of The Samples We Have Below…​
PLUS A Bonus Video To Help Them Sell 
The Other Videos!
Bankruptcy Lawyer
Flooring Company
DUI Lawyer
Home Remodeling
Personal Injury Attorney
Real Estate
Pest Control
Not sure how to USE all these tools?
When you are ready to start selling video ranking services or want to do complex video editing you will be delighted to know you can rely on our training group to get you moving there as well!
Worried about how to edit the videos?  Don’t be! 
Don’t have a way to edit videos and add branding… and you don’t want to spend $400 on an editing program?  Our professional video editing software will give you all the tools you need to edit like a boss!
When A Client Has Different Musical Tastes, We have you covered!
We have a variety of extra music tracks to help make you look like a musical virtuoso 
to your clients
Need To SHOCK Your Client With Crazy Conversions?
Try adding the included animated call to action graphics to your videos!  Add ‘Facebook Like’, YouTube Endscreens and much more!
Whenever you get STUCK we have the SOLUTION!
Whenever you get stuck or have any questions you will be able to solve your issues quickly inside our support center And/or you can lean on the wonderful mastermind group you will have instant access to!
HD Backgrounds
Need to add some extra branding for a specific client, and don’t know how to make it pop?  We provide a variety of HD backgrounds to make your work stand out
I was so fed up with wasting my time messing around endlessly trying to make videos, 
Then I noticed that my competition was often stealing sales from me just because they happened to finish producing theirs faster.
Then it hit me, I NEEDED a way to beat them to the sale. I had to find a faster way to produce better videos or I might as well quit.
First I tried using Animoto and other online video production tools. Heck I even bought LOTS of video creation software.
My business improved but I was still BLEEDING sales.
I was watching literally dozens of jobs get lost to my competition  just because making the darn videos myself was time consuming and riddled with so many “back to the drawing board” moments it was ridiculous.
If you have ever tried to make just one video, you know what I mean.
Well If I can’t make one video quickly, how the heck am I going to make dozens?
I also had some complaints…animations looked fake, they wanted real humans to represent their business.
I tried fiverr and many other outsourcing services BUT the turnaround time and quality was lacklustre.
Now You Can DOMINATE The Hottest Selling Offline Niches Niches…
We currently cover the following niches
Bankruptcy Lawyer
Flooring Company
DUI Lawyer
Home Remodeling
Personal Injury Attorney
Real Estate
And we have new ones every single month!
Guaranteed Success
Our 30 day, if you can’t sell it, we will sell it for you guarantee!
If you have more than one client refusing to by a your videos, simply get that in writing from your client, send it to our team and we will reach out and make the sale for you!
If we can’t sell it for you, we will refund your purchase price!
What exactly is Instant Spokesperson Essentials?
ISPE is a collection of pre-made videos that serve the main purpose of generating more leads and sales to offline businesses in the hottest and most profitable niches.
How can it benefit me and my offline, video marketing business?
ISPE can benefit you simply by meeting a high demand of offline businesses engaging in video marketing and putting more money on your pockets.
How soon should I expect to see results?
Your results depend all on when you take action and your current-client base. However, it is common we have marketers who go out and find new clients and see a very quick turnaround.
Are there any upsells that follow Instant Spokesperson Essentials?
Yes – We highly recommend that you pick them up because they will tremendously boost your revenue in your business.
[GET] Instant Spokesperson Essentials Make Cleverly Simple & Engaging Videos IN Minutes DOWNLOAD
As a special added bonus, 10% of all sales all sales will be going to Toys For Tots to help needy children during this 
Ray The Video Guy here, here and if you’re somebody who works with local businesses such as;
 lawyers, caterers, home remodeling companies, pay for service doctors, 
mechanics, pest control companies or real estate companies?
then I’ve got something that’s going to help you to help  get them more calls AND YOU more sales. 
I have been selling videos to business for the last 15 years. At first I didn’t make much money at all because 
I was wasting ALL of my time trying to produce the best videos myself.
Ray The Video Guy
Facebook:  RayTheVideoGuy
“This is brilliant Ray.  Thanks for putting these packages together. Hopefully there are more in the pipeline in the coming weeks.”
– Mark
“Ray Lane hope you keep making Pre-Made videos for different niches. You do a great job!!!”
– Larry
Kudo’s to Ray and the Gang at Instant Spokesperson Videos, their done for you commercials have allowed me to reach a bigger audience so much faster and the ease at which you can sell their videos has had a significantly positive affect on my bottom line!
– John Charbonneau 
Video should be the foundation of all of your marketing efforts — online and offline — I have been helping clients make more money using videos since 2010. Bottom line: Video works! Use it! 
– Tamara Patzer, Total Audience Market Immersion, Business Consultant
“Video has been the cornerstone product that companies buy from me. Selling video has made a greater impact than any of our other offers combined.”
– Owen Video
Effortlessly Produce & Sell High Quality Local Niche Videos In Minutes!
Work less & Sell More Videos To A Larger Audience – Faster!
Skip The Hassles Of Video Production 
Amplify your video sales volume while boosting your bottom line
Fast-Forward To The Profits!
ReBrand Our Pre-Made Niche Videos With YOUR Clients Logo
Sneak In And SELL Them While Your Competition Struggles The OLD WAY
Take just a couple minutes to review this page you will discover how you can be doing this TODAY!
This works because of three simple reasons I have tested this to death!
AND HONESTLY? My sales SUCKED! I wanted to quit…Then I had what seemed like a crazy idea…
What if I could leverage premade videos and just rebrand them with a logo and resell the video?
Most of my business friends LOVED the idea because it would save clients massive time AND  money!
I liked the super fast turn around time, it seemed like it was worth a try. I had only one question to answer…
Would client’s mind using the same pre made videos, other businesses are using?
YES they want unique videos for some of their needs, but 80% of their needs can be met with pre made videos!
This saves them a TON of money, drives traffic at their offers and creates sales, for them AND you!
Divert those savings into paying me to produce high end videos OR better yet, use them to pay for other services I offer.
Then it hit me…Wouldn’t it make even more sense to divert those savings into testing even more pre made videos
Obviously I had options for them now, I needed to discuss this with some random clients.
WOW…imagine my surprise, when I first tried this….and it worked!
All of a sudden I was the expert because my pre made videos gave them a strategy they could deploy almost immediately!
No more big budgets, lengthy production schedules, high priced script writers, actors and shooting equipment.
​Now we were playing with power and these clients were all of a sudden MAKING MONEY FASTER
But here is the real trick, they were now empowered with simple, fast, highly profitable, convincing & engaging videos created by their new video marketing expert!
I became a long term asset to their business and they began to spend more and more money on my other services.
For me it was an easy, no brainer, quick solution to years of struggle and stress BUT For them? It was a miracle, 
if one video didn’t feel right? I just showed them another!
Fast forward to today and business couldn’t be better or easier, 
Today we are producing new videos constantly so you never have to worry about selection.  We even take requests and when the crowd wants a niche covered, we do it!
We can confidently say we are here for your success.  Be sure to read some of our testimonials on this page, Our CLIENTS absolutely LOVE US & their BUSINESS THRIVES!
Video Marketing Made EASY!
But There Is Even More To Help You Succeed!
But That’s Not The Best Part…
More than anything, ISPE allows you to get paid FAT checks for very little to minimal effort invested on your behalf.
Right about now you are wondering how much this is going to cost you.. 
Just to recap, you are getting…
• 10 pre-made, ready to sell local videos, in 10 hot niches
• Extra music tracks, so you can easily customize the videos to your needs
• Extra images to fully customize the videos
• A professional video editing program, which will save you HUNDREDS
• Training on how to customize the videos
• Animated video graphics to help improve conversions of your videos
• A mastermind group, filled with others that have experience in this field!
[GET] Instant Spokesperson Essentials Make Cleverly Simple & Engaging Videos IN Minutes DOWNLOAD
0 notes
[GET] Instant Spokesperson Essentials Make Cleverly Simple & Engaging Videos IN Minutes DOWNLOAD
New Post has been published on http://getblackhatdownload.com/get-instant-spokesperson-essentials-make-cleverly-simple-engaging-videos-in-minutes-download/
[GET] Instant Spokesperson Essentials Make Cleverly Simple & Engaging Videos IN Minutes DOWNLOAD
[GET] Instant Spokesperson Essentials Make Cleverly Simple & Engaging Videos IN Minutes DOWNLOAD
Now YOU Can Amaze Your Clients AND Explode $ales
While Secretly Eliminating Production Time & Costs! 
Instant Spokesperson Essentials consists of a complete, set of pre-made, local niche-market videos that marketers can utilize to bring in more sales to their offline, video marketing businesses.
Check Out Some Of The Samples We Have Below…​
PLUS A Bonus Video To Help Them Sell 
The Other Videos!
Bankruptcy Lawyer
Flooring Company
DUI Lawyer
Home Remodeling
Personal Injury Attorney
Real Estate
Pest Control
Not sure how to USE all these tools?
When you are ready to start selling video ranking services or want to do complex video editing you will be delighted to know you can rely on our training group to get you moving there as well!
Worried about how to edit the videos?  Don’t be! 
Don’t have a way to edit videos and add branding… and you don’t want to spend $400 on an editing program?  Our professional video editing software will give you all the tools you need to edit like a boss!
When A Client Has Different Musical Tastes, We have you covered!
We have a variety of extra music tracks to help make you look like a musical virtuoso 
to your clients
Need To SHOCK Your Client With Crazy Conversions?
Try adding the included animated call to action graphics to your videos!  Add ‘Facebook Like’, YouTube Endscreens and much more!
Whenever you get STUCK we have the SOLUTION!
Whenever you get stuck or have any questions you will be able to solve your issues quickly inside our support center And/or you can lean on the wonderful mastermind group you will have instant access to!
HD Backgrounds
Need to add some extra branding for a specific client, and don’t know how to make it pop?  We provide a variety of HD backgrounds to make your work stand out
I was so fed up with wasting my time messing around endlessly trying to make videos, 
Then I noticed that my competition was often stealing sales from me just because they happened to finish producing theirs faster.
Then it hit me, I NEEDED a way to beat them to the sale. I had to find a faster way to produce better videos or I might as well quit.
First I tried using Animoto and other online video production tools. Heck I even bought LOTS of video creation software.
My business improved but I was still BLEEDING sales.
I was watching literally dozens of jobs get lost to my competition  just because making the darn videos myself was time consuming and riddled with so many “back to the drawing board” moments it was ridiculous.
If you have ever tried to make just one video, you know what I mean.
Well If I can’t make one video quickly, how the heck am I going to make dozens?
I also had some complaints…animations looked fake, they wanted real humans to represent their business.
I tried fiverr and many other outsourcing services BUT the turnaround time and quality was lacklustre.
Now You Can DOMINATE The Hottest Selling Offline Niches Niches…
We currently cover the following niches
Bankruptcy Lawyer
Flooring Company
DUI Lawyer
Home Remodeling
Personal Injury Attorney
Real Estate
And we have new ones every single month!
Guaranteed Success
Our 30 day, if you can’t sell it, we will sell it for you guarantee!
If you have more than one client refusing to by a your videos, simply get that in writing from your client, send it to our team and we will reach out and make the sale for you!
If we can’t sell it for you, we will refund your purchase price!
What exactly is Instant Spokesperson Essentials?
ISPE is a collection of pre-made videos that serve the main purpose of generating more leads and sales to offline businesses in the hottest and most profitable niches.
How can it benefit me and my offline, video marketing business?
ISPE can benefit you simply by meeting a high demand of offline businesses engaging in video marketing and putting more money on your pockets.
How soon should I expect to see results?
Your results depend all on when you take action and your current-client base. However, it is common we have marketers who go out and find new clients and see a very quick turnaround.
Are there any upsells that follow Instant Spokesperson Essentials?
Yes – We highly recommend that you pick them up because they will tremendously boost your revenue in your business.
[GET] Instant Spokesperson Essentials Make Cleverly Simple & Engaging Videos IN Minutes DOWNLOAD
As a special added bonus, 10% of all sales all sales will be going to Toys For Tots to help needy children during this 
Ray The Video Guy here, here and if you’re somebody who works with local businesses such as;
 lawyers, caterers, home remodeling companies, pay for service doctors, 
mechanics, pest control companies or real estate companies?
then I’ve got something that’s going to help you to help  get them more calls AND YOU more sales. 
I have been selling videos to business for the last 15 years. At first I didn’t make much money at all because 
I was wasting ALL of my time trying to produce the best videos myself.
Ray The Video Guy
Facebook:  RayTheVideoGuy
“This is brilliant Ray.  Thanks for putting these packages together. Hopefully there are more in the pipeline in the coming weeks.”
– Mark
“Ray Lane hope you keep making Pre-Made videos for different niches. You do a great job!!!”
– Larry
Kudo’s to Ray and the Gang at Instant Spokesperson Videos, their done for you commercials have allowed me to reach a bigger audience so much faster and the ease at which you can sell their videos has had a significantly positive affect on my bottom line!
– John Charbonneau 
Video should be the foundation of all of your marketing efforts — online and offline — I have been helping clients make more money using videos since 2010. Bottom line: Video works! Use it! 
– Tamara Patzer, Total Audience Market Immersion, Business Consultant
“Video has been the cornerstone product that companies buy from me. Selling video has made a greater impact than any of our other offers combined.”
– Owen Video
Effortlessly Produce & Sell High Quality Local Niche Videos In Minutes!
Work less & Sell More Videos To A Larger Audience – Faster!
Skip The Hassles Of Video Production 
Amplify your video sales volume while boosting your bottom line
Fast-Forward To The Profits!
ReBrand Our Pre-Made Niche Videos With YOUR Clients Logo
Sneak In And SELL Them While Your Competition Struggles The OLD WAY
Take just a couple minutes to review this page you will discover how you can be doing this TODAY!
This works because of three simple reasons I have tested this to death!
AND HONESTLY? My sales SUCKED! I wanted to quit…Then I had what seemed like a crazy idea…
What if I could leverage premade videos and just rebrand them with a logo and resell the video?
Most of my business friends LOVED the idea because it would save clients massive time AND  money!
I liked the super fast turn around time, it seemed like it was worth a try. I had only one question to answer…
Would client’s mind using the same pre made videos, other businesses are using?
YES they want unique videos for some of their needs, but 80% of their needs can be met with pre made videos!
This saves them a TON of money, drives traffic at their offers and creates sales, for them AND you!
Divert those savings into paying me to produce high end videos OR better yet, use them to pay for other services I offer.
Then it hit me…Wouldn’t it make even more sense to divert those savings into testing even more pre made videos
Obviously I had options for them now, I needed to discuss this with some random clients.
WOW…imagine my surprise, when I first tried this….and it worked!
All of a sudden I was the expert because my pre made videos gave them a strategy they could deploy almost immediately!
No more big budgets, lengthy production schedules, high priced script writers, actors and shooting equipment.
​Now we were playing with power and these clients were all of a sudden MAKING MONEY FASTER
But here is the real trick, they were now empowered with simple, fast, highly profitable, convincing & engaging videos created by their new video marketing expert!
I became a long term asset to their business and they began to spend more and more money on my other services.
For me it was an easy, no brainer, quick solution to years of struggle and stress BUT For them? It was a miracle, 
if one video didn’t feel right? I just showed them another!
Fast forward to today and business couldn’t be better or easier, 
Today we are producing new videos constantly so you never have to worry about selection.  We even take requests and when the crowd wants a niche covered, we do it!
We can confidently say we are here for your success.  Be sure to read some of our testimonials on this page, Our CLIENTS absolutely LOVE US & their BUSINESS THRIVES!
Video Marketing Made EASY!
But There Is Even More To Help You Succeed!
But That’s Not The Best Part…
More than anything, ISPE allows you to get paid FAT checks for very little to minimal effort invested on your behalf.
Right about now you are wondering how much this is going to cost you.. 
Just to recap, you are getting…
• 10 pre-made, ready to sell local videos, in 10 hot niches
• Extra music tracks, so you can easily customize the videos to your needs
• Extra images to fully customize the videos
• A professional video editing program, which will save you HUNDREDS
• Training on how to customize the videos
• Animated video graphics to help improve conversions of your videos
• A mastermind group, filled with others that have experience in this field!
[GET] Instant Spokesperson Essentials Make Cleverly Simple & Engaging Videos IN Minutes DOWNLOAD
0 notes
bhollywoodwala-blog · 6 years
Best DSLR Camera Under 500 Dollars You Could Buy Now.
With the quality of digital cameras continually improving and prices falling, $500 or less can buy you an excellent digital camera in 2018. All within this price range, you can get an entry-level digital SLR, a mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera, an advanced point-and-shoot, or even a superzoom. Below are our picks for the best cameras under $500, with options from leading brands like Nikon, Canon, Sony, and Olympus. We will continue to update this list as new models are released and price drops bring some of our favorites below the threshold. For more background, see our comparison table and buying advice below the picks.
Copied From:- http://www.bhollywoodwala.com
Digital SLRs Under $500
Nikon D3300 ($397 with 18-55mm lens)
Megapixels: 24.2
Sensor size: 357 sq. mm
Weight: 15.1 oz.
What we like: Nearly identical image quality as the D3400 below for $100 less.
What we don’t: No Bluetooth, although you can add a separate adapter for about $30.
The D3300 is one of Nikon’s leading entry-level DSLRs, offering good image quality, a user-friendly interface, and an improved kit lens that is lighter and sharper than past models. Most importantly, we love the value: the D3300 is less than $400 with a lens, and will far outperform point-and-shoots and other cameras in its price range. It’s true that you can get more features by stepping up to the D5000 series, but that breaks the $500 barrier (the second generation D5300 is $529 at time of publication, for example).
It was a close call between the D3300 and the D3400 for the top spot on this list, but our tipping point was price. The D3300 is a significant $100 cheaper, but the newer version has nearly identical image quality and doesn’t come with a huge jump in features. It’s true that the D3300 lacks Bluetooth Connectivity (you can add a WU-1a wireless adapter for about $30 more), while the D3400 comes with Nikon’s Snapbridge. It also has inferior battery life, although the flash is considerably better, which is a nice advantage for those who frequently shoot indoors and in low light. The bottom line is that both are great entry-level DSLRs, but we’ll take the savings on the D3300. See the Nikon D3300
Read Original Article on:- Best DSLR Cameras Under 500
Canon EOS Rebel T6 ($449 with 18-55mm lens)
Megapixels: 18
Sensor size: 332 sq. mm
Weight: 17.1 oz.
What we like: A nice option for still photographers.  
What we don’t: Fewer megapixels than the Nikon D3400 and D3300.
Canon’s popular Rebel series is a favorite among photographers and videographers on a budget. Unfortunately, with $500 you can’t quite crack the higher-end “i” models: the Canon Rebel T6i is $649 with a kit lens and even the T5i is $579. The Rebel T6 (no “i”) is a trimmed-down version with fewer megapixels, a simpler autofocus, and a fixed LCD that doesn’t tilt. But at only $449 with an 18-55mm lens, the T6 gets you a current digital SLR from one of the best in the business.
What do you sacrifice by going with the Canon Rebel T6? For those who plan on shooting mostly still photography, not as much as you might think. Many of the features on the pricier T6i and T5i such as the tilting LCD and STM lenses are designed with video in mind, and therefore aren’t much of a loss for those capturing stills. But we don’t like the drop in megapixels down to 18, which we think makes the Nikon D3300 above a more attractive option for about $50 less. See the Canon EOS Rebel T6
Nikon D3400 ($497 with 18-55mm lens)
Megapixels: 24.2 Sensor size: 366 sq. mm Weight: 13.9 oz. What we like: The whole package in this price range.   What we don’t: Improvements over the D3300 were minimal.
In 2018, the D3400 is Nikon’s flagship entry-level DSLR and a solid value at under $500 with a kit lens. With this camera you get impressive image and video quality for the price including a 24.2-megapixel APS-C image sensor, Full HD 1080p video at a variety of speeds, and the ease of use that has helped make Nikon so popular. All in all, the D3400 is a no-brainer for those looking for an inexpensive DSLR that still gets the job done.
One consideration for buyers is that the D3400 is very similar to the older D3300 above. The most notable improvement on the newer model is Nikon’s SnapBridge technology for transferring images and videos via Bluetooth, and the D3400 also got a boost in battery life. With a $100 difference in cost from the D3300, you can’t go wrong with either model, and we appreciate the connectivity options and extended battery life of the D3400. See the Nikon D3400
Canon EOS Rebel T5 ($362 with 18-55mm lens)
Megapixels: 18 Sensor size: 332 sq. mm Weight: 15.3 oz. What we like: One of Canon's cheapest DSLRs at less than $400. What we don't: Video quality could be better.
It’s pretty rare that you’ll find an interchangeable-lens camera for under $400, especially from a brand like Canon. The Rebel T5 isn’t loaded with features by any means—it’s at the bottom end of Canon’s Rebel DSLR lineup—but we love the bargain basement price. At just over $360 with a kit lens, it’s the cheapest DSLR on this list.
Why is the Rebel T5 so inexpensive? First, the rear LCD screen doesn’t have touch functionality nor does it tilt or swivel. Second, the T5 has a slow burst rate at only 3 frames per second. Finally, the autofocus is fairly basic with only 1 cross-type focus point. But we love the price, which is comparable to some point-and-shoots that don’t offer nearly the same image quality. If you’re comparing the T5 to the newer T6 above, the latter adds Wi-Fi and NFC along with a higher resolution LCD screen. See the Canon EOS Rebel T5
Read Original Article on:- Best DSLR Cameras Under 500
Mirrorless Cameras Under $500
Canon EOS M10 ($499 with 15-45mm lens)
Megapixels: 18
Sensor size: 332 sq. mm
Weight: 10.6 oz.
What we like: Light and compact for travel.
What we don’t: No viewfinder and limited lens options.
Canon is relatively new to the mirrorless market, but we really like their M line of interchangeable-lens cameras. At around $500, the M10 has an APS-C image sensor, 18 megapixels of resolution, and a sleek design that weighs only 10.6 ounces for the camera body. In fact, it’s one of the lightest and most compact mirrorless cameras around, so it’s great for travel. More, the image quality will far surpass that of most premium point-and-shoots.
Keep in mind that the M10 does not have a viewfinder, meaning that you’ll have to line up your photos via the rear LCD. And although Canon’s collection of EF-M lenses is growing and some third-party manufacturers have even jumped in the mix, you won’t find a lot of fast, pro-grade options. There is a 22mm f/2 prime, but most other lenses are slower including the 15-45mm offered with the M10. And of note: the Canon M100 was released in fall of 2018, which features 24 megapixels of resolution, a newer processor, and a $600 price tag. See the Canon EOS M10
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II ($499)
Megapixels: 16.1
Sensor size: 228 sq. mm
Weight: 14.5 oz.  
What we like: Impressive feature set for the price, including built-in image stabilization.
What we don’t: You’ll still need to add a lens.
Olympus has made some of the top mirrorless cameras on the market for years, but consumers have felt the squeeze when considering high-end models like the E-M1 Mark II and E-M5 Mark II. The E-M10 Mark II, however, is a much more affordable option that offers Olympus’s signature image and video quality for just under $500 for the camera body. With the E-M10 Mark II you get advanced features like built-in image stabilization, an electronic viewfinder, and fast shooting at 8.5 frames per second. Further, the price has dropped with the recent release of the Mark III, which we like.
What are downsides of the Olympus compared to the Canon M10 above? The biggest is price: the E-M10 Mark II is $499 without a lens, and going with the 14-42mm kit will push it up to $549. However, it’s worth noting that the Micro Four Thirds collection of lenses is varied and outstanding overall. If you’re willing to spend up a bit—or start with the kit lens and save for a specialty prime or zoom down the road—this is a fun camera and a great stepping stone. See the Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II
Sony Alpha a5100 ($448)
Megapixels: 24.3
Sensor size: 366 sq. mm
Weight: 10 oz.
What we like: Sony's cheapest mirrorless camera.
What we don’t: Fairly limited feature set.
We have good news for photographers on a budget: You can access Sony’s popular line of mirrorless cameras for less than $500 with a lens. The Alpha a5100 is the company’s leading entry-level model and a very attractive alternative to point-and-shoots in the same price range. For example, the image sensor on the a5100 is roughly three times as large as the Sony RX100 below, the autofocus is more advanced, and you get a range of E-mount lenses to choose from. The 16-50mm kit lens sold with the a5100 isn’t our favorite, but it’s a decent starting point nevertheless.
Don’t expect a ton of bells and whistles from the Sony Alpha a5100, especially compared to its mid-range siblings like the a6300 and a6500. The a5100 isn’t weather sealed, lacks a viewfinder, and doesn’t shoot 4K (you’ll notice these are common themes among entry-level interchangeable-lens cameras). But the image quality is impressive for the price, which combined with the compact size and easy to use functionality, make the a5100 a big seller year after year. Keep in mind that similar to the Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II above, you will have to add a lens. See the Sony Alpha a5100
Nikon 1 J5 ($497 with 10-30mm lens)
Megapixels: 20.8
Sensor size: 116 sq. mm
Weight: 9.4 oz.
What we like: Super fast shooting speed and improved ergonomics.
What we don’t: Smaller image sensor than the mirrorless competition.
Nikon has limited mirrorless offerings, but don’t overlook the 1 J5. This camera lags behind in the models above in the size of its image sensor but makes up for it in features and functionality. With the 1 J5 you get extremely fast shooting at up to 20 frames per second, 20.8 megapixels of resolution, built-in Wi-Fi and NFC, and better ergonomics than past versions with an improved grip. In addition, the 1 J5 does not have an optical low pass filter like many of Nikon’s latest DSLRs, which results in better sharpness. If you can overlook the sensor (we should note that it is the same size as Sony’s popular RX100 series) the Nikon 1 J5 is a fun and very fast camera.
It's worth noting that the future on Nikon’s 1 series is far from certain. As expected, the company has been fairly quiet about its mirrorless lineup, and speculation has heated up about the possibility of a new Nikon full-frame mirrorless camera. But the 1 J5 was released in 2015, which is a long time in the camera world. There currently are around a dozen “1” lenses to choose from and it’s a nice system for sure, but we wouldn’t be shocked to see some changes down the road. See the Nikon 1 J5
Point-and-Shoot Cameras Under $500
Sony RX100 ($448)
Megapixels: 20.2
Sensor size: 116 sq. mm
Weight: 8.5 oz.
What we like: Still one of the top point-and-shoots on the market.
What we don’t: No electronic viewfinder.
Sony’s RX100 series is borderline iconic in terms of premium point-and-shoots, with five models to choose from in 2018. The least expensive version also happens to be our favorite: the original RX100. This camera has a large 1” image sensor that produces high-quality 20.1-megapixel images, a fast Carl Zeiss lens, manual settings, and RAW capability, all packaged in a lightweight body. For around $450, that’s a whole lot of point-and-shoot.
What do the newer RX100 cameras have that the original does not? The RX100 V has an electronic viewfinder and shoots 4K video, and the lens has gotten faster at the telephoto end (f/1.8-2.8 vs. f/1.8-4.9 on the RX100). These admittedly are nice features but not worth doubling the cost or more in our opinion (the RX100 V is a whopping $948). Most importantly, image and build quality are very similar and the RX100 is less than half the price. For these reasons, it’s our top rated point-and-shoot under $500.   See the Sony RX100
Read Original Article on:- Best DSLR Cameras Under 500
Canon PowerShot G9 X Mark II ($429)
Megapixels: 20.2
Sensor size: 116 sq. mm
Weight: 7.3 oz.
What we like: Longer zoom range than the Sony RX100.
What we don’t: As with the RX100, no electronic viewfinder.
Sony dominated the point-and-shoot market for years, but Canon has come on of late with its “X” series of compacts. This camera has a lot of similarities to the Sony RX100 above: it lacks an electronic viewfinder and therefore you line up photos with the rear LCD. More, the lens is slower and has slightly less zoom range than the pricier G7 X Mark II. But the G9 X Mark II has a large 1” image sensor and packs a punch in terms of image quality. At only 7.3 ounces, this is a great little camera for travel and everyday use.
Last year, Canon released the Mark II version of the camera, with the original G9 X selling for $399 at time of publication. The cameras share the same 28-84mm f/2-4.9 lens, with upgrades including a newer image processor, Bluetooth connectivity, and a slightly lower weight (the older version is approximately 7.4 ounces). All things considered, the changes aren’t groundbreaking, but considering the excellent value of the Mark II, it's an easy choice. See the Canon PowerShot G9 X Mark II
Canon PowerShot SX720 HS ($273)
Megapixels: 20.3
Sensor size: 28 sq. mm
9.5 oz.
What we like: A well-rounded camera for under $300.
What we don't: Smaller image sensor than the advanced point-and-shoots above.
If you’re willing to move down to a smaller sensor, the Canon SX720 HS is a popular superzoom and a great travel camera on a budget. Most impressive is its 24-960mm of reach, which far exceeds any of the more expensive point-and-shoots above. You also get Full 1080p HD video capability and built-in Wi-Fi, among other features. In most conditions, the SX720 HS can produce quality images and you’ll barely notice it’s in your pocket.
If you don’t need the big zoom capability, we would at least consider spending up for a camera like the Sony RX100 above. The image sensor on the SX720 HS is considerably smaller than the RX100, and the lens and low light performance are inferior as well. But it’s hard argue with the price, size, and zoom range, which are what make the SX720 HS one of the more popular compacts on the market. And it’s worth noting that Canon has released the SX 730 HS, which adds Bluetooth functionality to the mix. But we don’t think the upgrades aren’t worth the extra $100+ in cost, which is why we have the older model here.   See the Canon PowerShot SX720 HS
Olympus TG-5 Tough ($399)
Megapixels: 12
Sensor size: 28 sq. mm
Weight: 8.8 oz.
What we like: Waterproof, dustproof, and freezeproof.
What we don’t: Small image sensor.  
Generally, we hesitate to recommend “tough” cameras. The bottom line is that a big chunk of the money goes to waterproof housing and you end up with a small image sensor and meager components on the inside. Having said that, certain outdoor activities like surfing, rafting, skiing, or even a beach vacation can wreak havoc on your electronics. If you want a dedicated camera on hand but don’t want to think or worry about it, the new Olympus TG-5 is the top rugged point-and-shoot on the market in 2018.
Why do we prefer the Olympus TG-5 over other waterproof models from brands like Nikon and Fujifilm? In addition to being waterproof, dustproof, and freezeproof, the TG-5 has a very respectable maximum aperture of f/2 for low light and underwater photos. We also like the 25-100mm zoom range, which goes wider than most other comparable cameras at 28mm. It’s true that $399 is a lot to spend for a camera with a small sensor and without big zoom, but for those who expect serious exposure to the elements, the Olympus TG-5 provides the protection. See the Olympis TG-5 Tough
Canon PowerShot SX530 HS ($249)
Sensor size: 28 sq. mm
Megapixels: 16
Weight: 15.6 oz.
What we like: Big-time zoom.
What we don’t: DSLR-like size yet with small image sensor.
If you’re looking for huge zoom at a low price point, check out the Canon SX530 HS. For less than $300 you get a massive 24-1200mm of reach along with image stabilization and Canon’s signature easy-to-use functionality. All in all, it’s a beast of a superzoom for travel photography and everyday use.
Why isn’t the SX530 HS higher on our list? Unlike the compact SX720 HS above, this camera is extremely bulky and feels much more like a DSLR than a point-and-shoot (it weighs a hefty 15.6 ounces). In addition, the SX530 HS has less resolution than the SX720 HS in terms of megapixels (16 vs. 20.3) and an inferior LCD screen. But you do get more zoom range, which is why many people choose a camera of this type in the first place.
Read Original Article on:- Best DSLR Cameras Under 500
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rafi1228 · 4 years
Learn iOS 11 App Development From Beginning to End. Using Xcode 9 and Swift 4. Includes Full ARKit and CoreML Modules!
What you’ll learn
Be able to build any app you want
Craft a portfolio of apps to apply for junior developer jobs
Build fully-fledged apps for your startup or business
Work as a freelance iOS developer
Master creating Augmented Reality apps using Apple’s new ARKit
Create your first Machine Learning app using Apple’s new CoreML
No programming experience needed – I’ll teach you everything you need to know
A Mac laptop or iMac (or a PC running macOS)
No paid software required – all apps will be created in Xcode 9 (which is free)
I’ll walk you through, step-by-step how to get Xcode installed set up
Welcome to the Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp. With over 17,000 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ratings, this is the HIGHEST RATED iOS Course of all time!
This Swift 4 course is based on our in-person app development bootcamp in London. We’ve perfected the curriculum over 3 years of in-person teaching.
Our complete app development bootcamp teaches you how to code using Swift 4 and build beautiful iOS 11 apps for iPhone and iPad. Even if you have ZERO programming experience.
We’ll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as an iOS app developer.
The course includes over hours and hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge through making real world apps. e.g. Pokemon Go, Whatsapp, QuizUp and Yahoo Weather.
It’s updated to include over 5 hours of content on Apple’s brand new ARKit for making Augmented Realityapps and CoreML for making intelligent apps with Machine Learning. You’ll be building image recognition apps and incredible 3D animated AR apps.
By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Swift 4 and be ready to make your own apps or start a freelancing job as an iOS 11 developer.
You’ll also have a portfolio of over 20 apps that you can show off to any potential employer.
Sign up today, and look forward to:
Over 50 hours of HD 1080p video content
Building over 20 fully-fledged including ones that use Firebase, machine learning and augmented reality
All the knowledge you need to start building any app you want
Thousands of dollars worth of design assets
Our best selling 12 Rules to Learn to Code eBook
$8000+ app development bootcamp course materials and curriculum
From beginner to iOS 11 app developer with just one course
We know that you’re here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they’re doing, you’d be on YouTube.
By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we’re always on hand to answer student questions.
So by the end of the course, you’ll completely understand:
Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.
Control Structures: Using If/­Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.
Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as arrays and dictionaries.
Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model ­View­ Controller (MVC) design pattern.
Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.
Machine Learning: How to make artificially intelligent apps using iOS 11’s new CoreML framework.
Augmented Reality: How to create 3D objects in augmented reality and create incredible animations and real-life interactions using Apple’s latest ARKit framework.
Core Data, Realm and other forms of persistent data storage.
Don’t waste your time
Don’t waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors who you can’t understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. We offer the best instructors with carefully crafted content, beautiful animations and learning by doing.
Don’t just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about the course:
“You will not find a better teacher than Angela. She does a wonderful job of encouraging you to learn swift the right way. I want to encourage everyone thinking about taking this class to get it, as it is the BEST Swift programming class I’ve seen on anywhere and I’ve tried more than a few of them. If you are looking for an excellent swift programming course, stop there here because you have found it. You will learn Swift from the very beginning of programming all the way through making your own apps that you can upload to the App store.” – Ian Hopjins
“SO GOOD!!! Retention rate is incredible because Angela does a great job in explaining and teaching every aspect of what we are doing. Most of the other instructors on Udemy put code on the screen and pretend nothing happened. This course is amazing! 5/5” – Muhammad Ibrahim
“Angela is a spectacular teacher!” – Marco Zanirato
“This course was terrific. Only after taking a few more courses from others that I realized how good this course was. This course taught me more than I was expecting, it provided great instructions and a lot of hands-on tasks to drill-in the concept.” – Marc
“Best use of your money! I was a complete beginner but Angela made me a pro in weeks.” – Burak Tunçbilek
“IT IS #1!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Amazing. The best iOS course i have ever taken. Angela explains everything the way it needs to be explained, so everything is easily understood. The concept of this course is built to make you learn, not just watch and repeat. Angela is highly educated and it is very much noticeable during the entire course. Again, it is fantastic. Thank you. Please create more courses!!!!!” – Eduard Khachian
Are you trying to choose between all the different iOS courses on Udemy? Take a look at what students on my course had to say:
“I took a lot of courses on Udemy and elsewhere and non of them were as clear and perfectly paced as this one! Angelas approach is really awesome, deep and clear.” – Žan Fras
“I have taken several iOS courses, so far this course had the best explanation on swift and xcode documentation. The lecturer is kinda humorous sometimes which make this course even more enjoyable.” – Bryan Pukanda
“I have taken lots of courses on udemy and elsewhere for self learning and i can tell you with all the honesty this is one course which i did not wanted to end. It is like one of those movies that you wish keeps going. Whatever concepts are covered were covered very beautifully and made learning quite simple. I got so many answers to Why? in this course like how closures work and why they work that way… why delegates work that way. Thank you so much for this course.” – Arun Lakhera
“I compare this to another top iOS class on Udemy, but I think that this one beats it. The reason? Angela doesn’t show you a plethora of material and then say that we will discuss this later, or say “just do this. You will see why later.” She goes into the reason for doing something before doing it.”  – Clyde Addison
Do you have some experience developing iOS apps and wonder if this course is for you? Take a look at what students on my course had to say:
“This is the best-organized course for starting Swift that I’ve seen. The course is excellent for teaching Swift programming including vital information using Xcode, Github, Cocoapods, Stack Overflow, Alamofire, Firebase, REST APIs and all the services commonly used by app developers. They show all the ways of using Xcode and other services that took me months to learn willy nilly. Wish I had this course a year ago but even with a year of Swift experience I still found a lot of great information and helpful tips. Love all the extras the course provides especially the assets(graphics, sound files, etc) for practice projects as I’m always taking too much time to find some assets to play with. This course understands how to teach programmers by giving them the toolsets and abilities they need to build apps. The course teaches the foundation of the language as well as skills to build your knowledge and improve your troubleshooting skills. Angela is a wonderful speaker and should do the voiceovers on everyone’s instructional videos, seriously. :)” – Marcy Vernon
“Before I took this course , I was struggling with android development as well as Xcode I found out that I really didn’t understand inputs, output, and return statements. thank you Angela for making things clear.” – Darrick Little
“Def. an amazing and awesome class for learning iOS programming. I’ve been coding for years and taken many programming related classes on Udemy and this is def. one of the best. The instructor walks you through all the in’s and out’s of developing apps for the iOS platform. Top Shelf A++ class.” – Mirko Cukich
REMEMBER… I’m so confident that you’ll love this course that we’re offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it’s a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.
So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world’s most highly rated iOS 11 app development course.
Who this course is for:
If you are an absolute beginner to coding, then take this course.
If you are a seasoned programmer, then take this course to to get up to speed quickly with Swift 4 and native app development. Start with the Xcode walkthrough lesson and we’ll get you familiar with iOS development in no time!
If you are switching from Objective-C to Swift then this is a fast-track way of doing it. You can get started straight away with the Intermediate Swift Language module.
If you are a pro iOS developer and want to quickly get up to date with Apple’s new iOS 11 APIs, then start with the modules on ARKit and CoreML.
Created by Angela Yu Last updated 8/2018 English English [Auto-generated]
Size: 8.53 GB
   Download Now
The post iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp appeared first on Free Course Lab.
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rafi1228 · 4 years
Created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team. Now includes a brand new module on Flutter State Management!
What you’ll learn
Build beautiful, fast and native-quality apps with Flutter
Become a fully-fledged Flutter developer
Build iOS and Android apps with just one codebase
Build iOS and Android apps using just one programming language (Dart)
Build a portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps to impress any recruiter
Understand all the fundamental concepts of Flutter development
Become proficient in one of the fastest growing technologies
A Computer that has admin privileges
Have 10GB of free space on your hard drive.
All software we’ll be using is free to download and install.
Although you can build iOS apps on a Windows computer with Flutter, if you want to test it, you will need a Mac.
Welcome to the Complete Flutter App Development Bootcamp with Dart – created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team.
Now includes a brand new module on Flutter State Management!
Covering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive Flutter course available online.
We built this course over months, perfecting the curriculum together with the Flutter team to teach you Flutter from scratch and make you into  a skilled Flutter developer with a strong portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps.
Our complete Flutter development bootcamp teaches you how to code using Dart and build beautiful, fast, native-quality iOS and Android apps. Even if you have ZERO programming experience.
I’ll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Flutter developer.
The course includes 23+ hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real world apps. e.g. Whatsapp, QuizUp and Yahoo Weather.
By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Dart and be ready to build your own Flutter apps and become a fully fledged Flutter developer.
You’ll also have a portfolio of over 15 apps that you can show off to any potential employer.
Sign up today, and look forwards to:
Over 23 hours of HD 1080p video content, everything you’ll ever need to succeed as a Flutter developer.
Building over 15 fully-fledged apps including ones that use Firebase Cloud Firestore, StreamBuilder, ListView, networking, external APIs and much much more.
All the knowledge you need to start building any app you want
$8000+ Flutter development bootcamp course materials and curriculum
From Beginner to Flutter Developer with Just One Course
We know that you’re here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they’re doing, you’d be on YouTube.
By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we’re always on hand to answer student questions.
So by the end of the course, you’ll completely understand:
Fundamental Flutter concepts e.g. Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets, Widget tree, state management, animations, themes and much more.
Fundamental Dart concepts e.g. lists, maps, enums, loops, futures, streams, mixins, classes, and much more.
Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.
Control Structures: Using If/­Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.
Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as Lists and Maps.
Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model ­View­ Controller (MVC) design pattern.
Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.
Data Storage: How to use Firebase Cloud Firestore to act as a backend for your Flutter apps.
Authentication: How to use log in and register users for your Flutter apps.
State Management: How to use setState, prop drilling, lifting state up, callbacks and the Provider package to manage app state.
Don’t waste your time
Don’t waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors who you can’t understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it and why over 35,000 students rated my courses 5 stars!
Don’t waste your money
Inside this course, you’re getting exactly the same course materials and curriculum as our 12 week in-person programming bootcamp. Instead of spending $8000+ dollars and taking time off work, save loads of money by getting this course and do it at your own pace!
Don’t just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about my courses:
“You will not find a better teacher than Angela. She does a wonderful job of encouraging you to learn swift the right way. I want to encourage everyone thinking about taking this class to get it, as it is the BEST programming class I’ve seen on anywhere and I’ve tried more than a few of them. If you are looking for an excellent swift programming course, stop there here because you have found it. You will learn Swift from the very beginning of programming all the way through making your own apps that you can upload to the App store.” – Ian Hopjins
“SO GOOD!!! Retention rate is incredible because Angela does a great job in explaining and teaching every aspect of what we are doing. Most of the other instructors on Udemy put code on the screen and pretend nothing happened. This course is amazing! 5/5″ – Muhammad Ibrahim
“Angela is a spectacular teacher!” – Marco Zanirato
“This course was terrific. Only after taking a few more courses from others that I realized how good this course was. This course taught me more than I was expecting, it provided great instructions and a lot of hands-on tasks to drill-in the concept.” – Marc
“Best use of your money! I was a complete beginner but Angela made me a pro in weeks.” – Burak Tunçbilek
“IT IS #1!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Amazing. The best iOS course i have ever taken. Angela explains everything the way it needs to be explained, so everything is easily understood. The concept of this course is built to make you learn, not just watch and repeat. Angela is highly educated and it is very much noticeable during the entire course. Again, it is fantastic. Thank you. Please create more courses!!!!!” – Eduard Khachian
Are you trying to choose between all the different Flutter courses on Udemy? Take a look at what students on my course had to say about this:
I have revamped my expectation for what a 5 star course should be for Udemy. Angela, you’re awesome! I already rated the course as 5 stars early on (at about 20% completion), but after completing roughly 70% of the course, I can say this is my favourite Udemy course as of today. Brilliant course Angela! – Alberto L
“I took a lot of courses on Udemy and elsewhere and non of them were as clear and perfectly paced as this one! Angelas approach is really awesome, deep and clear.” – Žan Fras
“I have taken several iOS courses, so far this course had the best explanation on swift and xcode documentation. The lecturer is kinda humorous sometimes which make this course even more enjoyable.” – Bryan Pukanda
“I have taken lots of courses on udemy and elsewhere for self learning and i can tell you with all the honesty this is one course which i did not want it to end. It is like one of those movies that you wish keeps going. Whatever concepts are covered were covered very beautifully and made learning quite simple. I got so many answers to Why? in this course like how closures work and why they work that way… why delegates work that way. Thank you so much for this course.” – Arun Lakhera
“I compare this to another top iOS class on Udemy, but I think that this one beats it. The reason? Angela doesn’t show you a plethora of material and then say that we will discuss this later, or say “just do this. You will see why later.” She goes into the reason for doing something before doing it.”  – Clyde Addison
REMEMBER… I’m so confident that you’ll love this course that we’re offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it’s a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.
So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world’s best Flutter development course.
Who this course is for:
If you have never programmed before, then take this course to learn Dart and build iOS and Android apps.
If you know how to code, but are new to mobile development, then take this course to build apps with just one codebase.
If you are a native app developer, then take this course to see how much time you can save building native-quality iOS and Android apps with Flutter.
If you’ve tried Flutter before, then take this course to get a comprehensive curriculum that covers all the important aspects of Flutter development
Created by Angela Yu Last updated 8/2019 English English [Auto-generated]
Size: 13.72 GB
   Download Now
The post The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart appeared first on Free Course Lab.
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geekyviews · 5 years
Example of AutoContent List and Review
Update - 2018.01.27This is “Title outside Content” Post Layout. You can also add sticky contents panel
While the GoPro Hero5 has many of the same specs as the previous generation when it comes to video and photo resolutions, there are some new features in it.  Individually no single feature is a massive leap forward in the action cam industry, but collectively they represent a notable and substantial difference over the Hero4 Black.  This section is mostly focused on these new features, while the remaining sections take a deeper dive into the core functions of the camera, as well as touch on these new features in more detail.
Fully Waterproofed: Probably the most notable item is that the GoPro Hero5 Black is now fully waterproofed without the need for a separate case, just like the GoPro Hero4 Session was.  In fact, it has nearly the same rubberish material on the outside.
What is of more concern though is the USB-C/HDMI port door.  This door pops off for placement into the Karma gimbal/drone, as well as just for charging:
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GoPro HERO7 Black — Waterproof Action Camera
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Now this won’t easily pop-off while it’s locked in place, as you have to press a button down to open it (plus slide it).  But, the trick will be not losing it after charging your camera or while the charging cable is attached.  GoPro does sell the door as an accessory (albeit over priced), and I know I plan to buy an extra door and then seal it up somewhere special in my backpack/suitcase for traveling.  Because I guarantee you that I’ll lose it at the most inopportune time on a trip to some beautiful watery location and be unable to take pictures of The Girl underwater in a bikini without the door.
Speaking of doors that we don’t want opening up, we’ve also got the battery compartment down below.  That holds both the battery as well as the micro-SD card:
Touch Display:
The Hero5 takes the touch display found on the Hero4 Silver and advanced it forward.  As you might remember, the Hero4 Black actually lacked a display.  This was one reason that the Hero4 Silver was actually a more day to day favorite of mine than the Hero4 Black was.
However, the touch display acts and feels significantly different here than the Hero7 Silver.
The entire menu system has been redone to make it more intuitive to find settings.  Along the bottom it shows you the basics for that mode.  For example, in the video mode it shows you resolution and frame rate.
You can tap on it to change these specs.  Only the available frame rates will display for a given resolution.  In theory this looks beautiful, but in practice it’s actually more cumbersome than I expected.  I think this is because there’s just too many resolutions too closely together for a normal sized finger to hit the right resolution on that small display.
On the right side of the display you can enable various advanced settings for that mode, such as ProTune, Image Stabilization, and Audio Control:
All of this is of course waterproof as well.  Though, it won’t work underwater.  For that you’ll need to use the push-buttons on the top/side of the camera to change modes.
Speaking of a wet display, in general I found it doesn’t work well when wet either.  Especially if your fingers are wet, it all goes to crap and fails to respond.
You can turn this option on/off, and it’s available in seven languages.  Also, if you have the Remo accessory remote, that’ll accept voice commands too in the event the camera is out of range of your voice.
But…it’s not perfect.  I found that it works most of the time when standing still.  But once you start moving I found both it and the Hero5 Session actually perform worse than Garmin does.  At about 10MPH (15KPH) I find the ability to give commands pretty much dies no matter which way the camera is facing.  Whereas with Garmin it’ll continue working above that speed as long as the camera is facing you.
Video & Audio details
Ahh yes, video time.  No better place to start diving into features than video modes.  In many ways the Hero5 is similar in these modes to the Hero4 Black.  After all, it too has 4K @ 30FPS and 720P @ 240FPS, the two ends of the spectrum that people often talk about.  The footage looks beautiful in 4K – no doubt.
So what’s new and notable here?  Well we’ll start with the video stabilization.  Technically this is ‘electronic image stabilization’, which works by taking a larger resolution video clip (i.e. 4K) and then smoothing the video by offering a reduced resolution rate while stabilized (up to 2.7K).  By doing this it essentially stabilizes by cutting the edges off the corners to make the video appear smooth.  It’s the same thing that Garmin does on their VIRB Ultra 30 (but the Garmin is limited to 1440 vs the higher 2.7K), but is different than what Sony does with their new X3000R, where they use optical image stabilization.  That’s better because it doesn’t crop any of the image.
To enable image stabilization, you’ll simply swipe from the right.  It’ll warn you about cutting about 10% of the field of view:
For cases where you’ve got some light chop in the roadway, or even for hand holding the unit, image stabilization can dramatically improve things.  Though, that’s at the sacrifice of resolution.  If your final output product’s 1080p, then it’s largely a no-brainer.  Do note that it generally works better when you’re shooting something that has a large portion of the image facing one direction constantly.  Versus on a helmet mount, it can get a bit wonky as you move the view around a bunch.
What’s even more interesting though is the ability to record the native audio files from each microphone separately.  If you enable ProTune, you’ll see a new option to do this.  Within that you have three levels:
All of these were simply taken at room temperature; obviously aspects like environmental temperature will impact things considerably, as will other modes and increased frame rates.  But those give you some basic bounds to work within.
Photo mode:
While the Hero7 Black doesn’t offer any more resolution than the Hero4 Black did, it does offer a number of substantial photo-focused features.  First, the basics though.  To get into the photo mode you’ll go ahead and tap the mode button until you see photos.  Or, just tell the GoPro to take a photo using voice commands.
Now there are technically different photo modes, including the ability to take a burst photo, a series of photos as a timelapse, or night photos. Note that this photo timelapse is separate from the video timelapse option.  This produces a crapton of photo files, whereas the video timelapse produces a single video timelapse file.
That’s the basic differences. Again, both cameras are very good, you won’t go wrong with either.  For me, I prefer the Hero5 Black because I like to be able to see and frame up what I’m taking a photo/video of.  Whereas the Hero5 Session it’s shoot and pray that you’ve got it lined up.  Sure, you can use your phone for certain shots – but most of us won’t do that.
Our score
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rafi1228 · 5 years
Learn iOS 11 App Development From Beginning to End. Using Xcode 9 and Swift 4. Includes Full ARKit and CoreML Modules!
What you’ll learn
Be able to build any app you want
Craft a portfolio of apps to apply for junior developer jobs
Build fully-fledged apps for your startup or business
Work as a freelance iOS developer
Master creating Augmented Reality apps using Apple’s new ARKit
Create your first Machine Learning app using Apple’s new CoreML
No programming experience needed – I’ll teach you everything you need to know
A Mac laptop or iMac (or a PC running macOS)
No paid software required – all apps will be created in Xcode 9 (which is free)
I’ll walk you through, step-by-step how to get Xcode installed set up
Welcome to the Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp. With over 17,000 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ratings, this is the HIGHEST RATED iOS Course of all time!
This Swift 4 course is based on our in-person app development bootcamp in London. We’ve perfected the curriculum over 3 years of in-person teaching.
Our complete app development bootcamp teaches you how to code using Swift 4 and build beautiful iOS 11 apps for iPhone and iPad. Even if you have ZERO programming experience.
We’ll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as an iOS app developer.
The course includes over hours and hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge through making real world apps. e.g. Pokemon Go, Whatsapp, QuizUp and Yahoo Weather.
It’s updated to include over 5 hours of content on Apple’s brand new ARKit for making Augmented Realityapps and CoreML for making intelligent apps with Machine Learning. You’ll be building image recognition apps and incredible 3D animated AR apps.
By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Swift 4 and be ready to make your own apps or start a freelancing job as an iOS 11 developer.
You’ll also have a portfolio of over 20 apps that you can show off to any potential employer.
Sign up today, and look forward to:
Over 50 hours of HD 1080p video content
Building over 20 fully-fledged including ones that use Firebase, machine learning and augmented reality
All the knowledge you need to start building any app you want
Thousands of dollars worth of design assets
Our best selling 12 Rules to Learn to Code eBook
$8000+ app development bootcamp course materials and curriculum
From beginner to iOS 11 app developer with just one course
We know that you’re here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they’re doing, you’d be on YouTube.
By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we’re always on hand to answer student questions.
So by the end of the course, you’ll completely understand:
Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.
Control Structures: Using If/­Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.
Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as arrays and dictionaries.
Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model ­View­ Controller (MVC) design pattern.
Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.
Machine Learning: How to make artificially intelligent apps using iOS 11’s new CoreML framework.
Augmented Reality: How to create 3D objects in augmented reality and create incredible animations and real-life interactions using Apple’s latest ARKit framework.
Core Data, Realm and other forms of persistent data storage.
Don’t waste your time
Don’t waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors who you can’t understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. We offer the best instructors with carefully crafted content, beautiful animations and learning by doing.
Don’t just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about the course:
“You will not find a better teacher than Angela. She does a wonderful job of encouraging you to learn swift the right way. I want to encourage everyone thinking about taking this class to get it, as it is the BEST Swift programming class I’ve seen on anywhere and I’ve tried more than a few of them. If you are looking for an excellent swift programming course, stop there here because you have found it. You will learn Swift from the very beginning of programming all the way through making your own apps that you can upload to the App store.” – Ian Hopjins
“SO GOOD!!! Retention rate is incredible because Angela does a great job in explaining and teaching every aspect of what we are doing. Most of the other instructors on Udemy put code on the screen and pretend nothing happened. This course is amazing! 5/5” – Muhammad Ibrahim
“Angela is a spectacular teacher!” – Marco Zanirato
“This course was terrific. Only after taking a few more courses from others that I realized how good this course was. This course taught me more than I was expecting, it provided great instructions and a lot of hands-on tasks to drill-in the concept.” – Marc
“Best use of your money! I was a complete beginner but Angela made me a pro in weeks.” – Burak Tunçbilek
“IT IS #1!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Amazing. The best iOS course i have ever taken. Angela explains everything the way it needs to be explained, so everything is easily understood. The concept of this course is built to make you learn, not just watch and repeat. Angela is highly educated and it is very much noticeable during the entire course. Again, it is fantastic. Thank you. Please create more courses!!!!!” – Eduard Khachian
Are you trying to choose between all the different iOS courses on Udemy? Take a look at what students on my course had to say:
“I took a lot of courses on Udemy and elsewhere and non of them were as clear and perfectly paced as this one! Angelas approach is really awesome, deep and clear.” – Žan Fras
“I have taken several iOS courses, so far this course had the best explanation on swift and xcode documentation. The lecturer is kinda humorous sometimes which make this course even more enjoyable.” – Bryan Pukanda
“I have taken lots of courses on udemy and elsewhere for self learning and i can tell you with all the honesty this is one course which i did not wanted to end. It is like one of those movies that you wish keeps going. Whatever concepts are covered were covered very beautifully and made learning quite simple. I got so many answers to Why? in this course like how closures work and why they work that way… why delegates work that way. Thank you so much for this course.” – Arun Lakhera
“I compare this to another top iOS class on Udemy, but I think that this one beats it. The reason? Angela doesn’t show you a plethora of material and then say that we will discuss this later, or say “just do this. You will see why later.” She goes into the reason for doing something before doing it.”  – Clyde Addison
Do you have some experience developing iOS apps and wonder if this course is for you? Take a look at what students on my course had to say:
“This is the best-organized course for starting Swift that I’ve seen. The course is excellent for teaching Swift programming including vital information using Xcode, Github, Cocoapods, Stack Overflow, Alamofire, Firebase, REST APIs and all the services commonly used by app developers. They show all the ways of using Xcode and other services that took me months to learn willy nilly. Wish I had this course a year ago but even with a year of Swift experience I still found a lot of great information and helpful tips. Love all the extras the course provides especially the assets(graphics, sound files, etc) for practice projects as I’m always taking too much time to find some assets to play with. This course understands how to teach programmers by giving them the toolsets and abilities they need to build apps. The course teaches the foundation of the language as well as skills to build your knowledge and improve your troubleshooting skills. Angela is a wonderful speaker and should do the voiceovers on everyone’s instructional videos, seriously. :)” – Marcy Vernon
“Before I took this course , I was struggling with android development as well as Xcode I found out that I really didn’t understand inputs, output, and return statements. thank you Angela for making things clear.” – Darrick Little
“Def. an amazing and awesome class for learning iOS programming. I’ve been coding for years and taken many programming related classes on Udemy and this is def. one of the best. The instructor walks you through all the in’s and out’s of developing apps for the iOS platform. Top Shelf A++ class.” – Mirko Cukich
REMEMBER… I’m so confident that you’ll love this course that we’re offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it’s a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.
So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world’s most highly rated iOS 11 app development course.
Who this course is for:
If you are an absolute beginner to coding, then take this course.
If you are a seasoned programmer, then take this course to to get up to speed quickly with Swift 4 and native app development. Start with the Xcode walkthrough lesson and we’ll get you familiar with iOS development in no time!
If you are switching from Objective-C to Swift then this is a fast-track way of doing it. You can get started straight away with the Intermediate Swift Language module.
If you are a pro iOS developer and want to quickly get up to date with Apple’s new iOS 11 APIs, then start with the modules on ARKit and CoreML.
Created by Angela Yu Last updated 8/2018 English English [Auto-generated]
Size: 8.53 GB
   Download Now
The post iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp appeared first on Free Course Lab.
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