#no discourse over post-canon homestuck here please. this is just for fun
eggoatt · 1 year
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egbert and lalonde, choose your flavor
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expiredmannequin · 5 months
Welcome back to the early to mid 2000s where everyone and their mothers had a Homestuck tumblr - especially an ask blog.
That's what this is! This is an all-characters-included ask blog featuring my own art and such.
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First things first before you start down your rabbit hole of getting into Homestuck again let's lay down boundaries.
Ship asks (I am a multishipper so just thing of this blog like a multiverse of different versions of everyone's interactions! I'll probably set up a tagging thing or something so there's no confusion)
Canon x OC
Other ask blog interactions
Art Requests
Art Trades
Asking for a comission
DMing me personally (or even to RP! I may not get to everyone but I'll do my best!)
Suggestive asks (if you are a minor I will not answer these. Such posts will be tagged appropriately and any minors found interacting with theses posts will be blocked!)
Proship stuff (stridercest, vantascest, etc.)
Beastiality anything
Discourse (I'm just being autistic and having fun I don't need drama brought here unless it's fictional)
Literally just anything illegal or immoral - just be normal (or as normal as a HS fan can be
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I'm a full grown pizza (20s)
I use any pronouns (includin neos!!!) EXCEPT THEY/THEM!!!!! - they/them for myself makes me feel super icky so please refrain from using those pronouns on me!
You're free to call me by literally any nickname you want but a base name I guess can be..uh. Expi? Ex...? EXP?? Something like that honestly
I am queer! and autistic..and disabled. A fucked up salad, really - I have two partners (romantic and queer platonic) and they're both awesome :)!
I love Homestuck a NORMAL amount (me when I lie)
I am really socially awkward and full of anxiety so if I take awhile to reply to DMs at first it's because I'm nervous :,,) [ if I get comfortable with you I'll hand over my discord :D)
Sometimes posts will be spammed or they'll be scarce due to fluctuating energy (mentally and physically) but I'll do my best to try and keep up with stuff <3!!!!!!
Part of this blog will be personal HCs of homestuck characters and how they look!!!!!! alongside things like sexual orientation and gender (I will not change already canon queer identities such as lesbians and the like! I may use more or alternative terms that are still the same vibe, etc.)
I usually text/talk like Dirk does..But I didn't want to seem bland/standoffish with this intro - plus unmasking to the world is scary
My personal tag: homestuckexp
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Dirk's Ask Side Blog
Dave's Ask Side Blog
(I just need to figure out who else I'll do lol)
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↓ UPDATED JUNE 6TH, 2024 ↓
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DIVIDERS BY: @cafekitsune (check her out! she does awesome dividers!!!!)
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vanillahub · 2 years
Things you should know before becoming a mutual  
List 10 or more things you find to be essential for your blog. Essentially, highlight your rules! Let people know what they should be aware of and expected, from you! Then tag anyone you would like to learn more from! Feel free to steal this~
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You must be at least +18 years old to even follow this blog. I’m well over the +20 years old mark, I’m uncomfortable having minors around me and my blogs (agelless blogs will be softblocked). I’m also constantly delving on subjects that just aren’t suitable for any minors, so really, there’s absolutely no reason why they should be here, period.
Your blog must have: a rules page, muse’s info, a sample of your writing (I have a preference for para/lengthier replies. I don’t like heavily formatted replies, if I find myself struggling to read your stuff then I will give it a pass) and there shouldn’t have a lot of OOC/things that are unrelated to RPing (negativity, very personal stuff, political rambles, support of call out culture, heavy on the discourse side of things, etc.).
Be mindful, english isn’t my first language! While I welcome and accept help with my grammar/writing, don’t use that to your advantage, so you can spin & twist the things I say for whatever reason. I’ve had this happen to me one too many times, and I guarantee you it’s not fun.
Mun =/= muse, fiction isn't reality. If you don’t have that concept clear, and you have a hard time separating those things. Then don’t even bother coming close to me.
Fictional kins and self-inserts aren’t welcomed here. Regardless if you're an OC, or if you hide behind a canon character. I feel IMMENSELY uncomfortable with people who heavily live through their muses, due to very bad experiences in the past. I’m not here to fulfill anyone’s fantasies in that way. Don't be dodgy about it.
Be upfront about what makes you uncomfortable, establish your boundaries and don’t ever be afraid to tell me I’ve crossed a line for you whenever we are plotting/writing something. I ALWAYS ask this to all of my partners, whenever I approach anyone to get discussions going. I always ask out of genuine care, for the other. Unless you tell me I’ve screwed up, there’s no way I’ll be able to fix it or even apologize for it.
Fandoms and communities I outright refuse to interact with: MLP, Undertale, Homestuck, FNaF, FNF, Genshim Impact, League of Legends (Arcane isn't an exception), Disney and the MCU.
Things that will make me unfollow: too much unrelated stuff to RP being constantly posted, if I feel like I’m only being used as a +1 follower to your count and lastly. If I no longer can see our muses interacting, either because their developments are clashing or plotting has taken nowhere.
I preemptively block users, that rub me in the wrong way. I also softblock users, when I don’t want them following my blogs. Take the L, don’t try to reach me out through other means. And for the love of God, don’t try sending people in an attempt to score an answer for you.
I don’t do well with people, who are CONSTANTLY moving around. Every other day making new blogs then abandoning old ones, picking up new muses and every so often changing their pen names. I’ve learned how there’s no enjoyment for me get out of those folks. I really need partners who wish to stick around, for the long run.
Just because we’re mutuals, and we’ve exchanged a few messages, it doesn’t mean we are friends. It’s nothing personal, but please let things take its natural course. I’ve been in this awkward situation, one too many times over the years.
I will not dumbify or tone down my portrayals, please, avoid muses that you know will touch on subjects that are touchy or make you uncomfortable. No hard feelings.
Shipping is FUN, but that’s not my priority. I’m definetely being a lot more chill in this blog about that, compared to my other ones. But still, I take huge enjoyment out of plotting & developing my muses. As such, shipping ends up taking the backseat most of the time.
It’s pretty easy to tell when someone is trying to befriend me, in hopes of scoring freebies from me. You guys aren’t being subtle at all...
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demonstuck-rp-blog · 5 years
The Rules
General Server Rules
- Be kind and courteous to your fellow members. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
- There is a three strike system in place. After three strikes, you will be permanently banned from the server. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!
- This is an 18+ rp server. If you are discovered to be underage, you will be immediately removed.
- Please avoid controversial topics and discourse. This includes topics that may have; transphobia, homophobia, racism, political stances, etc.
- If you would like to invite a friend, refer them to the tumblr page.
- If you are inactive for a week with no previously mentioned excuse, you will receive a warning. If you continue to be inactive, you will be kicked and your characters will be up for grabs.
- Please make sure to read the room descriptions!
- Have fun!
- You must fill out the entire application sheet, unless the items on the sheet does not apply to your character.
- If you are applying for two muses, please submit both applications within the same post!
- If you are fearful your character will be taken, you may reserve it! Head on over HERE and give us your name, pronouns, discord handle/tumblr and the character you wish to reserve. It will only be reserved for 24 hours from the time we received your message, and you may only reserve once more after that!
- We will be a lot more selective with the more popular characters!
- Characters who do have definitive personalities (Ancestors, Guardians, The Felt, ect) are allowed to have personalities you (and the mods) deem fit for the character. Make sure it lines up with canon, and that they have some spark to them!
- Hiveswap characters are allowed!
- Sprites cannot be chosen as characters solely for the fact that they are far too similar to characters that are already established.
- You may not take two beta trolls or kids as you characters, due to their popularity. Same goes for the alpha kids and trolls. You may have one beta troll and one alpha troll, but not two of the same.
- Have questions? Concerns? Ask us!
Roleplay Rules
- There is a two character limit. Your two characters can not be directly related. I.E, you can not be Dave and Dirk. However you can be two trolls of the same blood caste, for example you could be Gamzee and Chahut (as they are not directly related.)  - Characters related via Homestuck canon (ie: an aged up Kid with their/a Guardian) cannot be romantically-connected. In simplest terms: no incest, even if you choose not to have them related in this particular AU.  -  We are ignoring The Epilogues since the timelines diverge, so it is not the best source to be taken from for your character. - Trans head canons are allowed, but your character must present as the gender they are in the original canon!  - Within the realm of Demonstuck; it is expected for characters to be powerful and all-knowing. Just don't take this to the levels of where you character is god-like and cannot be hurt. Everyone can die, everyone can be hurt. They can have strengths and weaknesses, but don't make them impervious.   - In the event of a serious fight, understand your character's limits. It is advised you discuss beforehand if you are okay with a character being injured, especially if it is a permanent injury. Permission is needed before any sort of severe occurrence. - Following this, do not presume your character is all-powerful. Every character has weaknesses, as stated before, even as a demon/angel (ie: iron, salt, holy water, etc). Hunters will know how to deal with demons/angels. Demons/angels will be resilient against normal methods of violence (ie: hitting them with your car). Your character may be strong, but they are not gods.  - All characters must be above the age of 18 years old! - If you would like to drop a character, you must notify a moderator and reapply for what ever new character you may or may not be taking up! You can't consistently pick up and drop characters. It will be taken note of whenever you switch.  - The general public recognizes that there has been a crime wave (with the gang activity), but do NOT know that angels and demons exist.  - Angels and demons should not reveal what they are to large groups of people (i.e, public forums), unless they want to get; laughed at, ridiculed, or get actual hunters on them.  - Hunters CAN be demons or angels, but you must have an explanation in story for this.  - NO HALF-BREEDS. There are no half demons or half angels. Humans can have demonic or angelic ancestry, or one of their parents could even be a one! This does not give them powers or make them strange. They are either born a demon, angel, or a human. End of story. 
- There are only TWELVE slots total for Archangels/Archdemons. The current number is 2/12.
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stormsbourne · 7 years
since dirkcourse is going on god knows I gotta open my mouth
I’m not trying to vague here cause god knows I hate vagueing but I want to weigh in on the current dirkcourse so here’s this. it’s addressed at all the of the dirk tag and current discourse going around. 
(for reference in this post I am defining soft dirk as a dirk who has the narrative/artistic focus more on his softer or gentler traits, his love for his friends or his desperate crush on jake english, instead of his manipulative tendencies or his facade of assholishness or his need to try and be stoic 24/7. it dwells more on his intense feelings for other people and self-sacrificing over perceived elitism or snide condescension, both of which are traits that I feel dirk only plays up as part of his “coolguy” persona. the appearance part is mostly unrelated aside from some stuff about hypermasculinity we’ll get into in a second)
anyway if it’s longtime fandom cred we’re going for, here’s my experience, as someone who’s read homestuck since 2010:
it was impossible to escape abuser dirk. 
people posted shit in the dirk and dirkjake tags on the daily reminding you that if you didn’t “acknowledge” how abusive their relationship was, you were an apologist. trying to counter this argument got you angry posts from various people in the group perpetuating that. you got called an apologist. accused of shouting over survivors. in the rare cases that survivors spoke up and asked to please stop getting called apologist for shipping something fucking fictional between teenagers, they were told to stop shouting over minors. they were told they needed to stop defining their lives by their abuse. they were asked why they hadn’t grown up and gotten over it. they had campaigns and crusades and mocking group circlejerks going after them for expressing a view of dirk that didn’t align with popular fanon.
I wouldn’t say this is the popular reading of dirk anymore. but the only reason I’d say that’s true is because the people driving this, the people making sure everyone knew abuser dirk was “canon,” aren’t into homestuck much anymore, aside from one or two of them. but you have to understand, this shit was inescapable. big names in the fandom lexicon, like shelby, treated dirk’s abusiveness as an obvious fact. you couldn’t write dirk meta without either dancing franticallly around the subject or just disclaiming it at the beginning with “I know dirk is an abuser,” even if you didn’t agree with it. if you didn’t do these things, you were guaranteed asks and condescending vague posts or callouts about you disagreeing. 
and for that matter, the idea that it’s completely gone away isn’t even true. landofsomethingsomething didn’t even get into homestuck until last year and didn’t start writing fic until post act 7 and still got an ask demanding why she shipped dirkjake, couldn’t she see how unhealthy and bad it was? didn’t she care about the opinions of survivors? 
all of this is without touching on how big masculine semi-wolverine dirk was the more popular version in fanart (especially in het, but also in slash) and how usually he looked like a miniature bro, often older than the other characters. this is without talking about how people deliberately read in the worst to everything he said, pointing to his “let’s go raiding” line with jake and shouting about how manipulative that was or him breaking up with jake as proof he was trying to force jake to hook back up with him. this is without touching on how the phrase “strider manpain” became a blanket mocking phrase to make fun of anybody who cared about dirk or dave’s feelings -- complete with mocking anybody who thought dave’s selfie shit was a semi-mental breakdown (which it was) or that dirk sitting on the edge of the roof was him contemplating suicide (which it sort of was, but to be technical, it was more suicide-plus-murder). 
artists left homestuck fandom because the discourse wore them out. several artists I personally FOLLOW deleted most of their dirkjake content because they didn’t want to deal with the discourse anymore and they were tired of being called apologist. one artist made a misstep with some of their art and got so bombarded by asks calling them an abuse apologist and rape supporter that they pretty much quit tumblr for weeks. several dirkjakes I know have expressed that during the 2011-2014 (or so, it depends) era they were outright afraid to participate in the fandom. even most of the popular dirkjake content producers (who I’m sure are on the list of “soft dirks”) bought into the dialogue that dirk was abusive. that’s without getting into how dudebros kicked it up, how dudebros talked about that andrew hussie only wrote dirkjake to mock slashers and “prove” to them that slash between two random dudes could never work. that’s without talking about how dudebros figured dirk, such a violent person, could only have black feelings for jake. that’s without talking about how dirk/uu people routinely either gave dirkjakes the runaround for “denying abuse” or talked about how dirk, as a gay dude, was OBVIOUSLY too hardcore and too kinky for a gentle cinnamon roll like jake. (and the “cinnamon roll jake” discourse is something I could write about 5 more posts about.)
it was inescapable.
look, I know fandom is gigantic and what you see depends on the following you curate, but keep in mind that applies both ways. just because you never saw it doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. I’m sure there were corners of fandom where this dialogue wasn’t mainstream and softboy dirk was. but in a lot of the fandom, abusive hypermasculine wolverine sideburns dirk was the only thing we saw. asshole dirk was all we could find because if you didn’t do asshole dirk, you were Problematic.
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