#no disrespect to animated muses (bad jokes
consigleire · 2 years
i’ve talked about this before but my biggest peeve with ppl consuming vincenzo is the recurring comment about him not being violent enough or not being “mafia” enough like ONE: the man is in a foreign country where he can’t manipulate or control the cops, the legal system, or its citizens to the extent that he could in italy and within cassano territories. TWO: though he was a part of the mafia, he was a consigliere first and foremost - a lawyer, an advisor. violence was just an added trait when things needed to escalate to that point or be handled in such manners. it was a tool, not a necessity. THREE: the focus was on his ability to strategize and take down enemies and get what he wanted without the blatant use of violence. he sees himself as evil and as an antagonist, but one necessary to take down other evils deemed unsuited for the world. he can’t do that if he’s arrested. it’s about the game, it’s about getting what needs to be done, not about boldness in the sense of useless show and tell.
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divinamour · 2 years
(NOT ACCEPTING) mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u! || @deviousmxnds
 So, here’s the thing. Right? Dr. Psycho is a man I don’t much care for. He’s done very not-kind things to my mother, Diana of Themyscira. And I don’t just mean in the animated world, I’ve seen the comic panels you’ve been retweeting. I know what you did.
  Then we get to Carmine Falcon(sp?) and he’s also a man I don’t much care for. He’s got a lot of sins on his plate, and if I saw him in the street, I would turn around and use a different street! And then I’d leave town, because, why the FUCK am I in Gotham? I don’t even like going to Newark, and you’ve got me in Gotham? Fuck no, BABY!
ON TOP OF ALL OF THESE THINGS, we get to Oksana Dragulina (i know I spelled THAT one right, don’t even pretend like I didn’t.) and I think she’s nice and I would hold her hand, but I know she’d probably do something fucked up and uncool to me afterward, but I’m an idiot so that’s fine. One less fool in the world isn’t a bad thing.
I write these indictments of your choices to say that I love writing with you and your messed up people. I love the way you choose to tell stories, as these interconnected drops of rain amid a storm of outside influences. All three of your muses (that I know of) interacting with one another, interacting with others, storylines crossing over, choices rippling out across time and the streets of New Jersey, making friends with anyone that comes along, hurting those same people (IC) all for the sake of the story, and having no ego or compunctions about your own characters getting hurt along the way.
They say ‘There’s no ego in comedy’ because you’ve gotta be able to turn yourself into the joke if you want others to laugh at you, and I see you embodying the tenets of that principle in your writing. There’s no ego in the stories you tell, you don’t mind jobbing to people or having them job to you, your focus is on making sure the story is told, that everyone involved is having good, safe fun, and that it all builds to something. You’re a warrior-poet, and I respect you. 
Don’t ever disrespect me like this again though, you know what you did.
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
// To Mun: Did you see the Let's Get Dangerous promo? What did you think of it? Are you looking forward to the episode or no? I know there's a fair share of fans of older Disney Duck media, like yourself, that are disappointed with decisions made in the reboot, and I think it's important for older fans to be allowed to share their opinions without being harassed. Critical thinking is important, and it's important to be able to share opinions, good and bad, especially if you're a long-time fan!
{{ Before I rant, I JUST HOPE I’M WRONG ABOUT THE UPCOMING EP. And if I am, I’ll admit it.
I have a lot to say, so for sanity’s sake a chunk is under the cut, and long story short folks? I am nervous af about the DWD episode. I think it looks pretty. That’s it. I am not looking forward to being upset by all the fanboy changes Frank will have undoubtedly made. He’s made it clear every day behind the scenes that he doesn’t give a fuck about what the seasoned team or original creators want, and he’s well known in the field to disrespect “his elders” as well as his new team naysayers, treating them like shits, and he rules with an iron fist. So I am excited to see the ART, but not the way it’s written.
The art is nice for what it is, not going to deny that I like how DT17 looks. ( I also love the original style too, because cell-art is superior to me ) I guess I differ from fellow “old school fans” in that I DO like how the show looks. 🤷‍♀️ It has polished animation that is much different from the inconsistent styles from 4 different studios hand painting the cells. ( Although I appreciate hand painted-cells!!! It’s fun to see diff styles too!! ) For the most part, the characters and backgrounds in DT17 are consistently styled, and there is a feel of modern western comic mixed with manga art brought to life.  Which is ironic, because the WRITING is  inconsistent, brick-a-bracked, disconnected, and has a multitude of continuity issues in lieu of whatever joke of the day fits the featured character. But, that’s what you get when each 24 minute episode is written by 6-12 people. And, there can be no consistency among those 5-12 writers/scripts between production gaps. One writer may do 1 episode one season, while only contribute a scant amount to 4 eps on another season, and then never write again until the finale, and only contribute ONE scene. Of course, many ideas have been thrown out that promote continuity and loyalty to story arcs and characters by, you guessed it, Frank. The best TV, animated or live, has 2-3 writers per episode at most, and a story editor that actually cares about consistency and the show as a whole. Not several vignettes that don’t connect and appear to look like a meta-gaming wet dream and bad fix-ups. It’s highly sophomoric.
There is obviously a clash of egos going on behind the scenes, and too many cooks ruin the soup.
BTW; I thank you for asking me, but to be perfectly honest, I am well aware of how the tumblr “DT17 only” fans think of us old-schoolers. They are not kind to us, and most of them think we’re overreacting, “problematic,” mean, and should “Just STFU and let them have the show” to themselves.  We never said you can’t enjoy the reboot for what it is, an AU. But we’re the ones told consistently that if we don’t bow down and accept the reboot as BIBLE truth, we’re to be ousted. I KNOW, I play 2 DT17 muses here, but I can bridge the differences just fine. But the flaws are so big for me, I have to cherry pick “DT17 canon” and ignore much of fandom to enjoy it.
What Frank & company are doing is disrespectful. Not just to the majority of Duck fans, but to the original creators, actors, and artists that worked so hard for 30-90 years to make these characters come to be. I know I won’t convince any of the new fans, so I’m going to be brutal. They are only on board with what Frank is doing because he loves to bait the young fandom into disagreements if it means their crack!ships are validated for 1 episode with forced subtext or vague tumblr/twAtter posts. If they actually saw the original content as a whole, they’d be pissed too. 
To those of us that actually grew up with both Ducktales and Darkwing Duck, owned Disney Adventures mags, Don Rosa comics, and respect Tad Stones for not only birthing DWD, but GARGOYLES, our stomachs drop before most episodes begin. We’re preparing ourselves to see a blasphemous take on characters and storylines that DO NOT NEED UPDATING. “Woke is the autotune of art and tv,” folks. It doesn’t make it better, it’s like putting a cup of salt on an already seasoned dish.
SO. Ehhhhhhhhhh I am more cautious than usual about the 1 hour DWD special. I am EXTREMELY nervous about Gosalyn.
She’s aged up “to a sassy teen” like Lena for some stupid reason, when she’s always been 9-10. There’s other issues facing Gos I am not comfortable talking about openly, but basically, I don’t like what Frank’s been doing to old characters to make them more woke and modern, there was NOTHING wrong with these characters. 
Some of his voice actor choices by the way? Not a good match. Don’t get me started on Jason taking over for Steelbeak. Stephanie B is funny/sexy irl, she’s made a career out of the edgelord-deadpan-roughneck routine, but she’s not a voice actress. Christine Cavanagh ( RIP ) had a youthful, spunky, cuteness that Stephanie lacks. So instead of finding an actress that has true Gos “flair” he picks someone that’s deep-voiced and cold, instead of cute and spunky. Frank seems hellbent on making every female dry, rude little edge-lords and it’s PLAYED OUT. I’m finding it very hard to like former female characters I adored growing up because almost all the women & girls in DT17 are bitchy she-beasts, and the men are either bumbling idiots or weak boys that need the women/girls to wipe their tushies for them after potty. It’s so demeaning to these characters. As a grown woman, I am not threatened by men, so I don’t need them to be dumbed down to make me feel big. I just KNOW Gosalyn, a now “Sassy Teen” is going to be a disrespectful ASSHOLE to Drake. Old school Gosalyn was TOUGH and a huge handful, but there was still an endearing charm and sweetness to her that made you forgive all her bullshit, and when she rebelled it was because she wanted to be with her dad, not “put him in his place” she has canonly stated in the 90′s DWD and comics over and over, that DWD and Drake = her hero.  }}
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
where was their first date ?:  alex and adele’s first date was at a fancy ass restaurant with meals that cost like hundreds of dollars. it made alex uncomfortable as fuck because he honestly isn’t that guy and was only really trying to impress adele since she seemed like she deserved that type of date. but he began to notice that adele looked uncomfortable, too, so when he noticed that he brought up the two of them leaving the restaurant to go grab a beer and a burger from a pub. she was quiet at first but then she agreed and they ended up enjoying themselves a lot better.
what my muse would do to cheer your’s up: alex would make her some coffee or tea. he'd then sit beside her and either talk to her about random things, or he'd read to her. the things he'd read to her are probably cheesy girly magazines since you said she liked those. like Alex thinks they're garbage but he'd do anything for her, including read them. same goes for bad romance novels. he wouldn't care for them, but he'd read them to her cause he loves her. the things he be doing for love, i guess lol
who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: both of them for sure. in the beginning, not-so much Alex. his wife wasn't affectionate at all and wasn't really a fan of kissing and holding hands at all, and truly wasn't affectionate in general. so, in the beginning, Alex assumes that maybe adele is like that, too. well, you know, until he wakes up with her kissing up his neck and jaw. and as it continued as a thing when they spent tonight with each other, he ended up waking her up with kisses too - and occasionally (with her permission) would wake her up with oral. 
who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: lmfao God adele. It's probably a joke on between her and Fletcher on April Fools Day, since Alex and Fletcher prank each other on April Fool's Day, and Fletcher would want her on his team since she is mom now. Mom must defeat dad in the prank war. She MUST
how my muse would wake your’s up: usually Alex gently nudges Adele awake after he's been up for around thirty minutes making breakfast and coffee. We haven't talked about whether or not she's easy to wake, but if she isn't he probably tickles her awake cause he's a little shit. But also he's seen that method work with people in the past. 
who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: I'm imagining him and adele baking for a fundraiser at fletcher's school. They start off talking and being serious about it, but after the third dozen of cupcakes and cookies, they're a bit in a daze from tiredness and it being around two am. so one of them ends up throwing flour at the other and it turns into an all out war that ends up with them making out on the counter, fletcher walking in going "we you have a room" and them laughing so hard they cry,
who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: i don't know if adele does pot but Alex would do this lmfao. He's pure chaotic energy for a lawful type
who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: adele said it first. they were playing put put on a date and were having a deep conversation by a statue of the Eiffel Tower and she just blurts it out. Alex is completely shocked and opens and closes his mouth to say something, but he fails to say anything for a bit cause nothing about that moment seemed real. Why? Well, before then he knew Adele would say it, he knew he loved her, and he just wasn't sure if he was rushing things by saying so. So when she said that she loved him, he couldn't believe it. But after a look of disappointment from Adele, he grins at her, hugs her, and tells her while he hugs her that he loves her back, and it's really cute - which is weird from mr srs business
who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?: omg even though Alex is a missing person's detective he isn't afraid of breaking the law from time to time. I can see the two of them going for a walk downtown after a date, and some guy grabs her ass an laughs. Adele is offended by it and tells Alex, who stops him and insists he apologize. The guy makes a disgusting comment, and Alex just decks a bitch because just disrespected his woman when he could've just gone and minded his own business. Also like he bets this causes the guy to avoid touching ANYONE without their permission 
who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?: adele, maybe? Alex already has a labrador retriever and a parakeet,  so it never occurs to him to get a new pet. But then Adele and Fletcher bring up the idea of buying another animal, and at first he's conflicted, but since he's weak for his wife and son, he says yes lmfao they even get the pet the next day because he doesn't want them to wait
who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?: idk kayla you tell me. I don't think Alexander really makes much noise un bed? So maybe Adele? But he does make noise sometimes. Just not always cause he'd rather hear her
who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?: Alex. He's a fucking daredevil. 
who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: no one, he thinks that's a boner killer.
what is their shared, favourite kink ?: Listen Kayla, I want to say something saucy but we haven't discussed this so I truly do not know.. Also alex ain’t sayin shit
describe their typical kiss: their kisses  are usually short, yet passionate, depending on how busy they are, what they're doing, and whether or not they're relaxing 
how my muse shows their love for your’s: simple things like telling her he loves her. leaving her breakfast and coffee out when he has to go to work early. Telling her how wonderful she is. Nose kisses. When he wraps his arms around her and kisses the side of her neck.
their favourite ways to give affection: nose kisses and forehead kisses are Alex's go-tos. That and wrapping his arms around her and kissing up her neck 
who is more dominate ?: Alex but this isn't Marty and Aurora lmfao 
who sings in the shower ?: Adele and Alex thinks it's cute. Sometimes he'll stand by the bathroom door while walking by just to hear her sing. He acts like he didn't hear whenever she comes out later on.
who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?: Alex washes Adele's hair and he enjoys the sensations he gets when Adele arches back as he moves his fingers. It is extremely sexy to him.
who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?: Alex because she looked so please and it looks hot so ofc he has to have sex with her. He'd lose his mind otherwise lmfao. Think of her like that ALL day
who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?:  none of them idk?
who has the weirder taste in music ?: idk Alex listens to anything, so maybe him? idk him too well
who would initiate dancing in the rain ?: Adele does. Their car probably shut down by a field somewhere and it rains. Adele gets this really sweet idea to dance in the rain. Alex thinks she's joking, but when he realizes she's not, he thinks it's a fun and romantic idea. They end up kissing while they dance in the rain 
who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: Alex. Holy shit, he fell fast and hard 
what would they name their children ?:  If they have a girl something soft ! But idk
who would their children take after more ?: Maybe both of them?
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shctteredillusions · 5 years
This time I'd go with Hades, Seto, and Alayna
The Muses in an Otome Game [ @for-a-prxce ] Accepting, under read more because length
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Hades would be a ridiculously long route in so many ways. Considering the fact that he is actually the Hades, that comes with its own full set of issues and hurdles because even when it comes to other immortals, he’s still likely to outlive them when taking into consideration that he can literally only die at the hands of another god and ha, like anyone really wants to take him on anyway. And almost every single god, other than very few exceptions, he isn’t the slightest bit interested in interacting with them. His route would start most likely with a simple conversation, half of what you say will end up confusing him. Don’t be a smartass to him, don’t ever, ever disrespect him or Lyrica, don’t flirt with him, just be straight with him. Honesty earns higher points than most other things and especially if you’re patient with him. 
Answer his questions with practical answers, don’t beat around the bush or sugarcoat things. Never ask about the other gods, that’s a quick way to have him dismiss you. He hates talking about them especially Zeus. With his route comes surprise visits from Lyrica which will mostly only end badly for you because she’s extremely protective of him and will not like most who try. Lyrica herself will be one hell of a tough hurdle and you won’t get anywhere if you can’t earn her trust and approval because she means the world to Hades and he won’t be with someone his little girl doesn’t like. 
If you manage to get Lyrica on your side (good luck man, phew), then there’s getting him to even see someone in that light since flirting is yet another way to be dismissed by him, but keeping things strictly platonic won’t likely go anywhere either. Patience is key here, I can’t say that enough. There are literally no right answers for him, mostly just ones that aren’t bad and then the bad ones. The average end that most will end up with is him just being friends with you. Good end, you earn both his and Lyrica’s trust, you spent this incredible amount of time with him and somehow manage to get him to look at you that way (again, good luck), then you’d have even more issues with him rarely ever being able to leave the Underworld on top of him still being unable to tell you most of his secrets, half the palace would be off-limits and a lot of the Underworld too but he is very capable of making someone happy. 
The best ways to increase his affection are basically already stated. Patience, honesty, and treating Lyrica good. Actually, the most endearing thing to him is when someone is good to Lyrica, especially if they act almost motherly towards her. That’s likely the fastest way to earn his heart. He loves plays, shows, operas, nice romantic little dinners, and overall, very old fashioned types of courting. He’s an old fashioned kind of god so anything too modern will totally throw him off. It’s best if the other person understands more of the human world than him so that they can teach him the things he’s missed out on all these centuries.
When he’s in that place, he has this innocently sweet charm that comes naturally to him and he will want to take care of and spoil anyone he cares for. You’ll have adopted a daughter that after you’ve won her over, will love you just as fiercely as she does Hades and will have granted yourself an eternity of happiness with the god. Bad end… you say or do something wrong and he simply dismisses you and never lets you come back around again. Either that or Lyr never warms up to you and she herself basically throws you away or even worse, kills you herself. Really bad end? You earn his wrath and he kills you as punishment then punishes you in neverending torment in the Underworld. Good luck!
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Seto’s route would be… hm, to be honest, I’m not completely sure. I don’t think he’d really be that tough, mostly just because of the things he has to deal with, I think he’ll be another that takes time. Kimi and his mother take most of his time and attention, he won’t be all that much there during it and then there’s the grief when his mother does die and then having to chase after his sister. I’ve tried to run a few different scenarios in my head for him and I still can’t really figure out what he’d take to well enough. Like, flirting I think he’s a bit like Emil and kinda like “wait, are you talking to me,” sort of deal because he’s lived a rather sheltered life considering who his father was so he’s not used to the attention very much. 
I’m thinking coming at him without the intention of something more is best. I think he’d like someone who is simple, someone he can hold a conversation with. He isn’t the best at it so I think when he finds someone he can talk so easily with, that will be the first “oh wow” moment for him. He himself doesn’t really flirt, at least not right off the bat. Even though he isn’t used to things like flirting or a lot of compliments, he’s not easily flustered either. He’s more of the type that just rolls with the punches and doesn’t let most things to him. He definitely can appreciate someone’s strength, physical, emotional, or mentally. And he also isn’t down for temporary things, if he can see right from the beginning you just want to sleep with him or have no actual future figured out for yourself, he’s likely not going to give you the time of day. He likes seeing someone who’s got it together for the most part.
Perhaps having long and possibly deep conversations with him would be best once you’ve gotten past that initial awkwardness. Bonus points if the person is funny, he enjoys a good joke or two. Eventually, they’ll have to endure some visits with Kimi who other than her anger towards Shiori for what happened to Kaito, is overall a decent woman and so long as the person on his route is a good person, it won’t be that hard to get her approval. Though really, Seto likely wouldn’t feel the need for it anyway when he considers what Kimi did without his approval. So basically, win his affection with stimulating conversation, a good heart, and overall kindness and strength. 
That pretty much sums up what I’ve got so far, maybe as I get the chance to use him more I’ll figure out more. Good end is that you win his heart and you’ll have yourself a very caring, loyal and affectionate boyfriend who totally has the image of a future with a couple of kids in his head. He’s not afraid to come out with what he feels so when he does like you, he’ll straight up tell you and so on for all that comes later. Bad end isn’t really bad, just he decides you’re not suited for him and he moves on.
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Alayna is another who needs a lot of patience. Not nearly as much as Hades but still. Granted, she is the type to be able to acknowledge a pretty face when she sees one, it’s more of a very impersonal sort of manner about it. Working through her awkwardness and constantly flustered state will be the biggest challenge. Though she isn’t self-conscious, she does write off most compliments given to her as the person just being kind and flirting with her just ends up with her far too flustered to be able to deal. The best way to get to the good end with her is to be calm, be patient and just keep trying. 
Getting a wrong answer for her is hard because, for the most part, she appreciates all input given to her so long as it’s not something rude and obviously a bad choice. Treat her with respect, be a good person, don’t let the fact that she people-watches and will likely study you get to you. You’ll have periods where she just kinda disappears and if you’ve gotten far enough you’ll be able to find her in her apartment in the zone when it comes to her writing. If you come across her like this, simply taking care of her without much interruption is the best thing for her. Food, drinks, a blanket or move her when she falls asleep (she will fall asleep right at her desk and half the time end up on the floor), all good ways to score points with her. 
She prefers a gentle soul, deep conversation and the other must definitely have an interest in reading. She will love discussing books she’s read and if you share the same interest or have the same books you’ve read, she’ll take to you far quicker. A way to lose points would be spending too much money on or around her, flirting too much, or someone with a big ego. She was raised with wealth, is still a rich heiress even though you wouldn’t know just by looking at her, so money isn’t something she’s worried about and if you go crazy on it, she’ll likely think you’re trying to buy her affection and that will end badly. Flirting too much, again, makes it too hard for her to actually interact with someone and she will likely end up avoiding you if you do. Big egos actually piss her off, she really doesn’t believe that any one person is as amazing as their ego leaves them to believe and that everyone has flaws. Coming at her as if you’re the best thing since sliced bread will have her knocking you off your high horse and then ditching. 
Bonus points can be earned with walks on the beach, strolls at night, reading together, actually showing interest in her work, never treating her any differently once you find out she’s a famous author and a rich heiress, and a love for animals. Good end, you land yourself the cutest little flustered girlfriend who’s a total sap once in a relationship and comfortable. Bad end, she ditches you, you end up getting knocked down a peg, slapped and then ditched. The moderate end is just friends which is surprisingly less likely to happen than the bad end.
Basically, win her affection with a love of reading, a shared interest in genre, reading together, nice walks in less crowded places, a gentle heart, a love of animals, taking care of her when she’s not paying attention to herself. Encouraging her is good too, she may blush or get flustered if you speak of her writing but she hears you, that she definitely does and she can’t see herself with someone who doesn’t believe in her and her ability to write. That’s about all I have for her so far since she too is relatively new.
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ncumenia-archived · 5 years
exclusive ship list
Since English is not my mother language, I apologize in advance if there are some grammatical errors or I use wrong words to describe an action. If something is not clear to you, just let me know, I’ll fix it as soon as I can.
Roleplay Rules:
Mun&Muse are both 21+. This blog is selective, 18+ exclusive, canon divergent, duplicates crossover, AU, fandomless, etc… friendly!  
Besides the obvious fact I won't rp smut or ship with minor muns/muses whatsoever, do not follow me if you're underage. This because I feel uncomfortable interacting with minor muns due to the huge age gap that might be between us. (Mun is currently 25 as I write this) Please, don't take it too personally, it's just for my own comfort. Furthermore, if your rules and age (mun is 18+, mun is 23, mun is of age and so on...) are not present on your blog I won’t rp with you at all. Lying about your age will result into a permablock and reported. The same applies if you're underage or your age is not stated and you dare to interact in any kind of NSFW way with me (This also includes liking/commenting my nsfw posts or sending me nsfw asks)
I refuse to ship/interact with: aged up muses (Nunu, Annie, Zoe etc…) and only smut-oriented blogs since they both make me uncomfortable. So, please, if you’re one of these blogs do not follow me.
No godmodding. If our muses are fighting, I’d like to discuss first with the other mun, in order to avoid it as much as possible;
I don’t like “follow for following me back, and if you don’t follow me I’ll unfollow you“ philosophy because I find this kinda disrespectful. I’m also available to interact with you even if we’re not mutuals! Usually, the reasons why I unfollow you are these: spamming too much without using a proper tag, talking shit about other people here on tumblr, spreading useless drama or rumors, posting stuff that makes me uncomfortable or if I somehow assume you’re not interested to interact with me.DMS are always open for plotting!
Currently available verses: Canon, Odyssey, Modern/Academy, Bloodmoon, Deity Please, before interacting with my muse in one of these verses make sure to read the lore and, if something is not clear to you, dm me anytime!;
I’ll try to match length more or less, so don’t worry about that. And please, TAKE YOUR TIME to reply. I have a life too, so don’t worry I’m not the one who runs after others! I tend to easily forget threads, so if I didn’t reply to our thread for like a couple of days dm me!;
I do believe in reblog karma, it’s your choice to send me a meme, but please reblog it from the source and not from me if you don’t want to send me one. If you reblog a meme from me without sending me one for more than once, I’ll block you. I’m sorry about this rule, but after some time this becomes quite annoying;
Any kind of hate toward a nationality/gender/sexual orientation and so on will result in a report and permablock. I believe everyone should respect a person, regardless of their gender/ethnicity/sexual orientation. If you don’t, you’ll get permablocked. Period. The same goes for every kind of insult or anon hate toward me, a ship or a friend: not only you’ll be ignored, but, if it is necessary, I’ll report and permablock you.
This blog is against any kind of fake/unfounded rumors and drama. I'll only reblog callouts that provide evidence about the problematic individual, and mostly about extremely serious topics (like minor hunters, abusers or if someone who is seriously in danger) I'm not afraid to callout people if they have a problematic/gross behavior or if they support/justify problematic/disturbing/traumatic topics.
I won’t rp and tolerate extremely disturbing topics like incest, rape (non-con/dub-con as well), pedophilia, child/animal abuse, and similar. The same goes for every kind of ship where these themes are involved. Mentioning these topics during a thread is okay (For example if you’re talking about your muse’s past), but I’d rather talk with the mun first so we can plot things properly.
Any jokes about child death, rape, racism, disability, sexism and so on are not allowed here. If I see one of them, I may go to your dms and telling you that’s not okay writing these things because they’re harmful, and to stop with that stuff. If you’ll ignore/insult/make fun of me you’ll be permablocked. [Added: 09/07/2019]
This blog may contain triggers such as blood, angst, smoke, drugs, gore, mental health etc. I’ll tag everything and I’ll use “read more”. (I’ll tag my triggers using, for example, “tw: blood” without air quotes) Before rping this stuff with you, I’ll always ask you if you’re okay with it, so do please tell me if you have any triggers or I should tag something specific in my blog! For example, my muse, when she’s overwhelmed by certain feelings or recalls what happened to her kin, she bleeds from her mouth and sternal scar. Please, if this makes you feel uncomfortable don’t be afraid to tell me it; Regarding sexual content, it will also be present, especially during Sinday, but I will always tag everything accordingly and put everything under read more.
Please, tag these two topics: needles and stepping on people. I feel extremely uncomfortable regarding the latter because it's heavily connected with animal abuse, and it makes me feel so sick I start to panic. I only ask you to tag these two topics.
I’m a human being, and sometimes I make mistakes too. If I made something that offended you/made you feel uncomfortable, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I want to learn from my mistakes.
Shipping rules:
Even if I’m more than aware of the fact an 18+ mun is legally an adult, I realized I feel more comfortable shipping with both muns/muses who are 20+, especially in the case there will be some nsfw. That’s my personal preference, and this is NOT negotiable and it will NEVER be.[added 06/05/2019]
If you don’t want to keep our ship going on, that’s TOTALLY OKAY. I will NEVER get mad at you, neither asking you the motivation. If you don’t feel comfortable anymore, that’s okay and I respect your decision!
This blog is multiship exclusive, that means I'll only ship with one muse/au of that muse. Furthermore, I'll be highly selective with whom I ship with, and I mostly prioritize people I've been friends with for a long time. [EXCLUSIVE SHIP LIST]
I state in advance I don’t ship my muse with Diana, since she sees her as a mother-like figure. So… This basically would be incest, and I feel very uncomfortable with it. Furthermore, I won’t ship with Taric, Leona, Aurelion, Soraka, Zoe (But this is almost needless to say since she’s a minor, but prevention is always better than the cure), and yordles.
Even if I’m extremely fine with a platonic/non-sexual relationship, I’m also okay with some smut and that may occur with a serious plot, and ONLY if I feel comfortable and I trust my rp partner enough. Unfortunately, I don’t feel very comfortable rping it on Tumblr, and I’d rather rp it on Discord. [Please check the smut rules here] DON’T FORCE IT WITH ME, otherwise the ship will be deleted and probably I’ll block you too.
My muse is a revenant (I’m talking about her canon verse. In Odyssey! and Modern! she’s a living being) and NO, shipping with her is NOT necrophilia (She’s NOT a lifeless, nonsentient, smelly and rotten body who cannot give consent. She has revived thanks to Targon/Moon’s magic, and she’s ABLE to consent and she doesn’t smell bad, she’s not rotting and so on). I’m writing this because I’m kinda sick of this subject because “Shipping with Ernye/Pyke/Thresh/Kalista/Yone is necrophilia1111!!1!!”, and I’m more than sure these people are the first who fall in love with a vampire. If I receive any anon asks about this stuff in which there’s written I cannot ship her with anyone or other offensive things toward me or my muse (both ic and ooc), I’ll ignore and permablock them. No matter who’s the person who sent this. Again: I’m sick and tired of this stuff because basically there’s no problem in shipping with a psycho who can basically kill/abuse you any moment, meanwhile, GOD FORBID a revenant/vampire and stuff like that. So, better safe than sorry. If this bothers you so much you can unfollow me.
Respect my right to say “NO” if I don’t want to ship with your muse. So, don’t force it or I’ll block you.;
About the Mun:
You can call me Silkie, and I’m 25 years old;
Discord for mutuals only;
Pronouns: she/her (They/Them is also fine, if you feel more comfortable with it, no worries);
Chickens, cats, chinchillas, and Castlevania addicted;
I consider myself as a friendly person, so if you wanna know me or rp with me just send me a message! I suffer from diagnosed GAD and depression, so I really need time to open up to people and my activity may be sporadic because of this. And, please: if I make/say something that makes you feel uncomfortable TELL ME ANYTIME since I never mean to hurt anyone here through my words or acts;
Remember Muse ≠ Mun. Ernye’s actions don’t reflect my personality, or what I think about you;
Please DON’T FLIRT WITH ME, it makes me extremely anxious and uncomfortable due to many awful experiences I had in the past, and also because rp is a hobby and I want to have fun, and I’m not looking for a romantic partner. If you ignore my warnings I’ll permablock you. And yes, this also applies to every NSFW question about me. If you dare to do so you’ll get immediately reported, permablocked and the whole chatlog saved. I will also NOT tolerate any kind of NSFW anon ask about me.
The cringy art you see on my profile is made by me unless stated otherwise. Constructive criticism and bits of advice are more than welcome and encouraged ♥
[ If you have read my rules send me “Has the killing moon come for them?” That’s optional, of course, you don’t have to send it to me!]
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stcllac · 5 years
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muse intros part 2 yee yee
yejun roh
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he’s basically just another one of my jin fcs so idk what to tell u fam
he has a pretty basic upbringing tbh ??? his parents are chill and work decent jobs and they were always fairly middle class ?? they didn’t stand out too much
they also come from gardeniaville aka where briar’s from so he grew up knowing her
except yejun made himself stand out bc he’s fuckin yejun and needs to be Stopped at all times
he knew from a young age that he was adorable and handsome and it kinda inflated his ego a bit and sure some people hated him for it but most people found it funny bc he wasn’t a dick about it he just made jokes and shit
he found himself doing some part time modelling when he was in high school, and he definitely enjoyed it and would have gone down just that route had it not been for an incident during his third modelling gig
basically he saw the outfit and was just “ooooh it’s pretty !! though i would’ve done this.....and this and this..........
the designer wasn’t offended tho and was just “you have a good eye boi maybe you should be a designer yourself
and the clouds parted and the light rained down and suddenly yejun knew exactly what he wanted to do in life
it actually wasn’t long before he rose to fame as both a designer and a model bc his confidence in his own abilities as well as his general appearance was through the roof sO
he now owns a brand simply named roh yejun, or rojun for short
he’s willing to work with just about anyone tho some people tend to avoid him bc he’s dramatic af which is valid tbh
like this is the guy who will make himself the star of his own fashion show and ensure that rose petals are falling down around him as he struts it down the runway i s2g
he has definitely shouted “THIS IS A GAY’S ONLY EVENT GO HOME” more than once
he knows that magic and all that jazz exists, but he believes that there’s always a science behind it, so he’s a certain brand of sceptic, like he needs to see it to believe it
potential connections & stuff !!
he’s probably worked with anyone famous sO mostly stuff with that tbh
portia galexia
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alien princess !!
she’s from the planet lucaura which is a very magical planet that has a very strong connection with the stars and the various constellations in whatever galaxy they happen to be in
lucaura’s magic is very strong and a single (though well practiced) spell by the king or queen can send the entire planet into another galaxy, which is something they tend to do if their current position is threatened
this is how they ended up near earth, as the argenti had attempted to invade them and the royal family were having none of that, and so they spelled the planet to wherever the magic would take them, and thus they ended up close to earth. this was just over a year before the argenti stumbled upon earth themselves
the lucaurans are peaceful and diplomatic people, and so they sent their daughter portia down as a mediator in negotiations
they didn’t really have to try hard as earth as we know it has some strange and magical people, and so it wasn’t hard for her to be accepted, and portia was able to strike a deal where lucaura would protect earth in the case of danger and vice versa
portia is a very generous and kind individual, but can also be optimistically stubborn. if she thinks something can be fixed by her hand, she’ll make sure she does just that as soon as possible, and she can have a one track mind at times
she actually really likes it on earth and spends a lot of her time there. she initially lived near the space port downtown, but that became an infected zone pretty quickly, and so she lives in a skyscraper right by it
her parents made the decision to not tell the earthlings about their history with the argenti, a decision portia didn’t really agree with, but she trusts her judgement and instead focuses on ensuring the safety of the earthlings and the lucaurans
ever since she was young, she’s focused a lot on her magic, and so she has very strong powers that she gathers from the stars. they’re stronger at night for obvious reasons
her magic can be pretty op in terms of what she CAN do but there are definitely things that are generally forbidden in lucauran law, such as resurrection, murder, summoning the dead in any capacity, basically anything that is considered disrespectful is a big ‘no-no’
they don’t count killing argenti monsters as murder tho so go wild i guess
possible connections & stuff !!
if you’re a leader or hero of some kind, she’s probably at least met you once since she’s always trying to help and make connections
her attendant aka the sort of ?? official ?? who came down w/ her to earth bc those are the Rules yeet skeet
levi royce
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an orphan boi
levi has absolutely no idea where he came from or who his real parents are or even what his birthday is but he’s roughly 18 so ??
he was left on the front steps of anna’s home when he was a wee bab and there was nothing to tie him to who tf he was so he didn’t have a name or birth certificate or aNYTHING
his name was given to him by one of the people who work there, and he was sORT OF adopted at that moment ?? but he lived in the orphanage bc his adoptive mother lived in the orphanage, and even then it was just this agreement that this child was the orphanage baby and he was everyone’s son
levi didn’t really question it until he was quite a bit older, about eight or nine, and they pretty much told him the truth bc he was pretty mature for his age and could take it
while he didn’t show it, it actually really affected him bc at least some of the other kids had a vague idea of where they’d come from, but not him apparently, he was a mystery
he refused to reveal how he felt to anyone tho bc he’d already made a name for himself as being the big brother to everyone in the orphanage, the one all the kids could rely on to be there with advice or a bedtime story, and he didn’t want to show weakness in front of them
while he’s a relatively calm person he goes into angry protective mode when the orphanage or the residents of it are threatened like he’s not playing he has a sword and he wILL use it
the day the argenti came, he’d had a really bad feeling, especially when the clouds starting coming in, and so he’d told the other kids to stay inside. sure enough, then came the argenti
he wasn’t able to save all of the kids tho as one of them went missing and he has no idea where they are, but he once again refuses to show his worry
he’s the type of guy who’s really soft around those he considers his family but can seem kinda distant to strangers, but that’s because he can be a bit distrustful at first
he absolutely sings the kids to sleep he has a heavenly voice
but he’s also kind of a dumbfuck with no sense of self preservation sometimes as well as being completely and utterly oblivious like jfc
possible connections & stuff !!
gimme more orphans like it doesn’t matter if they’re older or younger he’ll look after all of them ok
micah gilligan
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speaking of dumbasses
micah is basically the epitome of a dumb teen he’s just ?? niCER THAN MOST I GUESS ??
he was (and still is tbh) the neighbourhood kid who would try stupid stunts and break his arms every month or so without giving a fuck like i s2g he’s immune to the pain to this point why is he like this
he lives in the cul-de-sac w/ the other kids there and grew up there from the time he was a wee bab so he ofc knows remy and thinks of him as his older brother of sorts
he’s super friendly and gets along with most people even tho he’s, as we’ve established, dUMB
his parents are just waiting until he graduates and he goes off to college
when the argenti first made themselves known he was just “WHAT” like everyone else, but after that, he was determined to get in contact with them
he didn’t meet an argenti, per say, but he met one of the monsters the argenti had made from a few nearby bushes. needless to say, it didn’t end all that well for him, and he had to be treated for burns, but at least he wasn’t dead
that hasn’t deterred him, though, and he’s determined to be of sOME use in the fight, and so he lets fighters come into his home while his parents are out and makes sure they’re fed and well-cared for, even lets them sleep upstairs if they need it
once he gets one of siwoo’s weapons in his hands he’s gonna be unstoppable tbh he’s gonna gO FOR IT
honestly it’ll be a miracle if he doesn’t end up killed
despite all of this, once he does figure out that someone is upset for whatever reason, he ensures that he pays attention to them and gives them whatever they need if he’s able to and is just there for them in general
too bad he’s an oblivious little shit half the time
possible connections & stuff !!
hi i need more cul-de-sac crew kids asap i want them All
any fighter around the suburbs that he could’ve helped !! he’s pretty friendly with all the people who have set up camp in their little enclosed area so !!
paige park
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yall know my girl it’s been a while
she works for the agency that doesn’t have a proper name bc they’re that secretive that they’re just “the agency”
her parents were both agents who met while working there and badabing badaboom paige is conceived
paige’s father didn’t agree with the experiments the agency was doing in the science department, the ones where they were attempting to combine human dna with animal dna to make shapeshifting hybrids, and so he called them out on their bullshit and booked it once he was labelled as a traitor
what happened to him afterwards is officially unknown by most, but many speculate that he was assassinated
as a big ‘fuck you’ to the guy who tried to ruin their precious experiments, the agency decided that they would make test subjects out of paige’s mother and paige herself after she was born
the experiment on her mother, the one that was conducted barely a day after paige was born, was almost a success, but there were several factors that caused the project to fail, notably the fact that her mother was still recovering from giving birth and that the animal dna wasn’t large enough in quantity to overpower her genetics. she died on the operating table
paige ended up being part of an experiment along with a bunch of other infants, and it’s only then that the experiment was a success and the scientists realised that they would need to inject the dna and ensure its spread during the first few years of life, around a few weeks to five years old, though ideally around the three year mark
and thus, paige the platypus was created
she’s a stellar agent and is considered one of the best in the field, though this often means her workload is tough
most of her jobs prior to the invasion kept her close to the agency downtown, and while she’s still in the downtown area now, she has to stretch herself pretty thin sometimes
since she has platypus dna she can turn into a platypus, though the only ability she retains in her human form is electroreception, which basically means she can sense shit underwater
she’s sorta known as a big sister among the other animal agents bc of her personality, she’s very much the mum friend
she has no idea what happened to her parents and is pretty obedient when it comes to the agency
possible connections & stuff !!
i’ll always love me some more animal agents
even tho she’s focused on the argenti that doesn’t mean she can’t see other criminals in action, she’s more the tailing type tho sO she might stalk some shady people just :eyes emoji:
margaret corrs
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she’s trying her best
maggie’s always been the responsible one out of her and her sister and that’s been the case since they were little
what she diDN’T expect was that she would end up becoming her sister’s legal guardian when their parents went missing under suspicious circumstances
her parents both worked for a well off family and her mother was a secretary and her father was a driver so they’re pretty much invisible workers ?? not that they’re unappreciated or anything it’s just that people tend to have conversations in front of them as if they aren’t there
aNYWAY one day they went to work but ended up not coming home which was of course sUPER concerning and so she went to the police to file the missing person’s report
long story short, she was to look after violet while the police did their investigation, but for a year and a half it was a constant string of no-shows and dead leads and shoddy police work and maggie was growing tired of it
she was already studying journalism so it wasn’t hard for her to become interested in investigative journalism and she used the skills she learned to start looking for hERSELF why her parents disappeared
the argenti attacked before she could get very far tho
and now that vi has gone missing she’s looking for her too and she’s stressed and feels terrible bc her entire family is gone why couldn’t i help them
she isn’t doing anything sUPER crazy yet, just looking around and asking questions, but the more time spent without any word from any of her family members the more determined she’s gonna be
she has literally nO time for the argenti fam she has a family to find and those dumbass aliens aren’t gonna stop her
she’s a pretty no-nonsense person and the mama bear will come out if you even tHINK of hurting anyone close to her i dare u
she can defend herself aDEQUATELY but not amazingly
potential connections & stuff !!
tbh she’s probably questioned anyone and everyone so !! anYONE TBH
castanea primus
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succubus babie
except she’s not really a babie she’s just a Brat
after what happened to her parents back in the underland, castanea has always held a deep grudge against demons despite being one. as far as she’s concerned the only other demon she can trust is her older brother and everyone else can perish
that’s a major reason as to why when her brother moved away from the underland she was just “tAKE ME WITH YOU”, she really wanted out of there
some of her generalisations towards other demons have changed the way she sees herself, and so she doesn’t see herself as a good person in any capacity, so she doesn’t really try
upstanding citizen ?? what’s that ??
she’s not going around and doing crimes, but she just doesn’t care. she doesn’t care about school or how she’s going to get far in life. who needs to do that when you have the ability to charm someone into doing whatever you want them to ???
the daytime hours are when she acts the most human, going to school (most of the time) and spending most of her time with surface dwellers. her night time hours are usually spent at the club her brother works at, pestering him and anyone else who might come her way
tbh she can’t wait to be a hoe but only bc she wants to get stuff out of it
the argenti is something she tends to ignore for the most part, as in her opinion, her life on earth would likely just be cut short in some other way if they weren’t around, so why bother ??
very flippant about death as you can see, doesn’t really care if she lives or dies, but she isn’t about to tell anyone else that
she’s considered the ‘cool beauty’ type at school. beautiful, but hard for people to approach. she probably has a group of good friends but it’s unlikely that they know she’s a succubus
talks back to teachers with the most deadpan expression and calm voice
refuses to get Attached™
possible connections & stuff !!
fellow students !! her school friends !! even just people around the downtown area who know her !!
anyone she can get attached to, bc getting attached fUCKS HER UP
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bitchcraft-ffxiv · 7 years
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Gage Ryugazaki
Appearance -
Gender: Female
Race: Au Ra, Raen
Height: 5′5″
Eye Color: White (Currently white with icy blue limbal rings)
Hair Color: Black (Currently white)
The Facts -
Name Day:  14th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Occupation: Alchemist
Sexual identification: Asexual
Romantic identification: Naive, doesn’t know much about romance.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Criminal History: Outlaw
Relationship Status: Single, and not looking
Sweet on: No one
Favorites –
Favorite food: Bloodiest of the bloodiest steaks
Favorite drink: Wine
Favorite artist: Master Alchemist (Name Unknown)
Favorite scent(s): Dead animals, Wine, Blood, Sage, Raspberries
Favorite person: No one as of right now
Randoms –
Ten facts about your muse:
⚫ Gage is extremely morbid by nature, but not by choice. 
⚫ Gage is naive when it comes to most emotions. Due to being void-tainted, and having her memory wiped, she has forgotten all sense of humanity, but is re-learning slowly with each acquaintance she makes. 
⚫ After becoming tainted by the void, overtime Gage’s scales would decay. As of now they are black (Xaela model, but actually a Raen.)
⚫ Gage is an incredibly skilled Black Mage, and with that comes a criminal record and secrets. Nobody knows she is a Black Mage, except those who have vowed to protect her or have threatened her life. 
⚫ Gage resides with a mercenary company that has vowed to protect her, and keep her in hiding. In return she runs an Alchemist laboratory, giving remedies to mercenaries in need of poison treatment. 
⚫ Gage is fascinated and attracted sexually and romantically with the void-being inside of her. Though she is unaware of these feelings, due to being naive. She would not let anybody lift the curse from her without a fight.
⚫ Gage was born in Doma, and lived in a tiny little village. She had a very loving mother and father Namui and Dante Ryugazaki. 
⚫  At the very young age of 8 years old Gage wandered into a mysterious temple-like cave. She was known for being overly curious and wandering to places she wasn’t supposed to. This lead to practically the end of her life. Upon exploring this temple-like cave, Gage discovered a book tainted with black magic. It had symbols that glowed with a dark purple aura, and that was enticing to her! Gage picked up the book with her little frail hands, and opened it. Awakening a hellish being that would corrupt her forever.
⚫ Gage wants to regain her memory, and learn about the person she used to be before she became apart of the void. In reality, she wants to return to normal, but the void greatly clouds her judgement. 
⚫ Gage is only 19 years old.
Five Things -
Things they like: -Researching Black Magic -Alchemy -Monster Hunting -Writing -Gothic Fashion
Things they dislike: -Conjurers  -The sun -Void Hunters -Jokes -Liars
Good habits: -Always dresses well -Good at hiding -Protects those that protect her, keeps her word -Organized -Can control her void-being well
Bad Habits: -Pessimistic  -Very little regard for human life -Dangerous when threatened  -Speaks in riddles, doesn’t often make sense -Not enough sleep
Personalities they gravitate toward: -The extroverted  -The expressive -The artistic -The dangerous -The sincere
Personality types they avoid: -The ‘fixers’; people who think that it’s their job to (or that they have the ability to) fix her issues and her life. She does not like when people offer to lift her curse. She would rather do it on her own! -The fanatical; people who treat her as if she’s special, or expect things of her beyond what she can promise. Or those that wish to use her solely as a human experimentation.  -The lawful; people that strictly follow the law, and will turn her in. She does not trust these people, and will avoid or attempt to murder them. -The judgmental; people that will judge Gage solely off the way she looks, or acts without getting to know her first (though she is hard to get to know). -The disrespectful; people who disrespect the craft of alchemy and black magic. 
Fears: -Never regaining her memory -Isolation forever -Never being able to feel love -Losing all control and killing those close to her
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aturxox-moved · 7 years
send me a symbol and i will write a drabble about my muse from the point of view of…
♂ - … My muse’s father
Ungrateful vermin.
The term crossed his mind once or twice as he glanced up from over his glass. The dinner table is quiet for the most part, his son never had much to say after the deal with Okumura, what was there to really say regardless though? All he ever spoke about was how much money could be shelled out so he could keep sitting around in his house smoking god knows what with those perverted street scum friends of his.
Just thinking about how all his hard earned money was going to fuel this useless stoners parties and bad habits was enough to make his blood boil just at the sight of him. Sitting there speaking with his mother quietly like he wasn’t internally plotting to slip out of here and waste his money on something else. Perhaps another one of those useless animals of his, had he not have to worry about being fist fought over it, he would have had all those nasty creatures shipped off so his son had more time to focus on what was important: the deal that he was hoping was going well. The idiot never told his anything about what was going on with that.
“Father, I’m headed home,” He said with his attention on the cellphone in his hand as he stood from the table.
“Are ya now? Y’sure that ain’t just slang for that yoosung guy?”
And immediately Yutaka’s expression sours, he must have been right. “His name is Yoo Gun, yoosung is an anime character, and I told you I dont do that anymore,” Yutaka replies and its at this that moment he knows the boys disrespecting him, in his own house no less. He wonders to himself what ever gave the boy the idea that he had the right to do that, if he had only been more heavy handed when he was a child he thinks.
“Watch your damn tone with me idiot, It was just a joke,” He says not wanting to start up after such a bad day but his son was having none of it.
“Well dont fuckin’ joke about that, you wanted me to behave for Okumura so I am, shut the fuck up.” He says pushing his chair in and heading off. 
“Did I say you could leave, Yutaka?” But by the time hes finished asking his son has vanished down the hall out of the room, his wife watching her son go with a frown.
“Ungrateful vulture.” He mumbles to himself finishing his meal.
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