#no he won't be doing the fandago
chichiwritez · 2 years
You, who fell from grace
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I'm back from my writing hiatus because I live for Nahida and Wanderer so here's a bit of what I have as of the moment !
Pairing: None (Just Wanderer and Nahida being a funky dynamic duo)
Prompt: Found Family, and the concept of living in a world that has forgotten you.
“You know, I’ve said it plenty of times already, but as one who knows of your past, it might placate you to find an outlet for your grievances” Nahida states matter-of-factly, but not accusatory. She places a pot of tea before them, the scent wafting in the air. It’s bitter, exactly how he enjoys it. It’s a careful invitation.
“That’s quite a sugarcoated way of getting me to divulge my secrets.” He replies, curt as per usual. “Forget it. It doesn’t concern you, Buer.”
She is silent, for a few, pouring tea for them both. “I told you to call me Nahida.”
She procures herself a jar of candied nuts. “Besides, there is no secret here but your own opinion and beliefs, Wanderer. I’m simply advising you to clear your mind.”
“I’d rather not. Truly.” He replies, downing the cup’s contents with little flourish.
“How pedantic of you.” She jests. She sips the tea to taste, and finds herself puckering. She plops a candied nut into her mouth. It amuses him, how she seems so innocent.
“Now you’re just patronizing me.”
“I’m really not.” She sits on her swing, her movements childlike. She digs into the candied nuts with vigor, her eyes lighting up. “You’re seeking revenge for the sins the Doctor has committed, but how can you wage war against him when you haven’t even made peace with yourself?”
She shoots him a knowing look. She knows––of course she does––that she’s gotten to the core of his frustrations. He, with memories of a life simply wandering, clashing with memories of a life of grief and strife. He has reconciled it, yet he still cannot seem to fully grasp at it. He was empty in his wandering, just as he was in his false godhood.
Ambition. Curiousity. Desire.
All this, yet he was still undeniably empty.
“Alright. I’ll bite. What do you want me to do?” He remarks blandly. Just this once, he’ll let himself be swept away by her highborn whims.
Nahida smiles. The glint in her eyes tells the Wanderer that she had something up her sleeve from the start. She won, and she positively glimmers, in her cloak of diaphanous exalted divinity. “Hehe. I’m glad you’ve loosened up, because I think I have just the thing.”
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
When you said this other in another ask "well, hate to say it, but if that kid pops out and it isn't mine it's gonna die. and the father is going to die a horrific death. u get to watch too <3"
I just imagined the child actually popping out and it's a carbon copy of him minus the mark. Like the eyes, the skin, the hair, it's definitely his child and the embarrassment of accusing darling of cheating. lol
Sorry I too feel bad for Scara in this fic, I love your yanderes so much I could forgive anything and just label it as funny but you write them off so well that a part of me just wants to smack these yandere in the head without a care for my well being.
The way he was soft, how he stops and tries to reach for darling's belly and doesn't know how to convey love in words that it comes out as that, he's just a sad sad fandago man
scara sees it and kinda has a moment of realization where he really said something he shouldn't have, but since he's way too prideful to apologize for it, just hopes you'll forget and move on (you haven't forgotten and you won't move on).
i do try to invoke a little bit of empathy from the reader so the yandere isn't too one-dimensional, but they definitely are still inexcusably horrible and deserving of a good cane to the head bashing. have no mercy. cain em until they're no longer abel to walk (a little genesis humor for you . aha. haha. i'm very tired)
AA yes,, i love how you interpreted that! he's just looking at his hand and thinking hm... this hand doesn't do many good things. he's self-aware enough to acknowledge that side of himself and ends up not being able to connect with the kid cooking up in there. doesn't stop him from touching wifey though bc of course it doesn't.
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