#no i don’t wanna talk about how much i spent in total. it wasn’t on my dime tho so 🤭
nightmareinfloral · 11 months
pt. 1 of my comic trip, most of these were a buck each which was super cool. got the hawk & dove that @rootbeerqueer recommended me :)
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munsonhoneybaby · 4 months
Three's Company | Eddie Munson X F!Reader X Gareth
Summary: When Gareth accidentally interrupts your typical evening with Eddie, the night takes a turn that none of you were expecting.
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: 18+ mdni, alcohol consumption and heavy marijuana use so automatic dubcon, smut, mostly pwp, p in v (unprotected), voyeurism, fingering, masturbation (m), oral (f receiving), daddy kink (used a total of 5 times), hair pulling, choking, little praise, little degradation, honestly just a touch ‘a everything yk how it goes
A/N: it’s not specifically stated but gareth is about 21-22 and eddie is 23, about to turn 24. this is honestly just one big filthy mess i can’t lie, so just brace yourself. and i did throw in a lil action with gareth right at the end for all my gareth girlies out there <3
started with this idea | part two
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Smoke hung densely in the air, thick clouds drifting lazily through the small bedroom. The three of you were working your way through your third joint, the windows sealed and trapping the hot, heavy air inside. Empty beer bottles sat scattered on almost every surface, a bottle of Jack Daniel’s still two-thirds full on the nightstand beside three miscellaneous coffee mugs. Yours was white with a picture of a crab and said ‘Don’t bother me I’m crabby’.
You watched your boyfriend as he tapped the joint against the rim of the ashtray before leaning over you to pass it to his drummer. The openings of the cut-off sleeves of his Led Zepplin tee flashed you the dark ink crawling across his ribs. His rings clinked against Gareth’s in the handover, just loud enough to hear over the mixtape that you’d made for you and Eddie. It wasn’t exactly designed to suit the usual mood when the guys were over– Jeff would usually be there, too– but the two of you had started the evening alone together.
Eddie had been rolling up for the night at his desk when his friend called him. Apparently, Jeff had plans with a friend from work, leaving Gareth woefully bored and lonely; on a Saturday night, no less. It had you both feeling a little sorry for him, so you told Eddie to invite him over. After grumbling under his breath– something about ‘just wanting to fuck his girl in peace’– he begrudgingly did as you suggested and your party of two became three in less than thirty minutes.
You didn’t mind, though. Whoever said two’s company and three’s a crowd must have never spent two hours sitting, drinking, smoking, and talking with Gareth and Eddie.
“Sorry again for crashing your date,” Gareth apologized to you. “If Ed told me you were here, I wouldn’t’ve come.”
Eddie stood to pour a finger or two of whiskey into his Campbell’s Soup mug and you stretched your leg out, using your sock-covered foot to nudge your own mug closer to him. “Oh, so you don’t wanna hang out with me anymore?”
He scoffed, “C’mon, you know I think you’re cool as shit.” After topping off all three drinks, Eddie handed Gareth his. “I just don’t wanna third-wheel you guys too much. ‘S a little rude and pathetic, don’t’cha think?”
The boy took a swallow with a faint grimace, then rolled the desk chair he was sitting in about a foot closer to offer you the joint. “It’s not pathetic, Gare. You’re just hanging out with friends.” The music faded out and your head lolled towards your boyfriend with a lazy grin as “One of These Nights” by Eagles began. He just shook his head at you with a little smirk, biceps flexing as he raised his arms to tie his hair back in a low ponytail. Settling himself on the bed, he let his back rest against the wall as he sat between you and where Gareth sat in his desk chair. 
You took a long drag, eyelids drooping as your head tilted against Eddie’s chest. His eyes roamed your body as it fitted to his. Your shorts were a little shorter than you’d normally wear in front of Gareth, but he couldn’t find it in himself to complain as he eyed your bare legs curling over his lap. Smoke billowed slowly from your mouth and the feel of his friend’s gaze on the two of you wasn’t enough to stop him from leaning down to breathe the rest of it in for himself, lips slotting familiarly between your parted ones. From your knee, his hand crawled slowly up the outside of your thigh to your hip. Your own fingers wandered to his exposed ribs, stroking lightly over the small date forever etched into his skin– the date you’d gotten together, almost three years ago now. 
He didn’t tell you he was getting it; he knew you’d tell him not to, that it was a bad omen, but he didn’t believe that. Maybe you’d only been together for a year at the time, but you were a part of him. In fact, he’d wanted to have your name done, but after seeing your reaction to Rick getting his girlfriend’s name tattooed he’d worried you’d tear him a new one for it. Though you had to admit, it had grown on you. Maybe after ten years, you’ll let me add your name, huh babe, he’d said when he first showed you. Now the thought had your thighs squeezing together, the way you both knew you belonged to each other– the way everyone knew.
Gareth certainly knew, unable to tear his eyes from the scene before him though he knew he’d been staring for far too long. Watching Eddie’s teeth tug on your lower lip had him gnawing at the inside of his own. A glimpse of his tongue slipping into your mouth had the younger boy’s palms sweating. It wasn’t until his breath hitched at the sight of his friend’s hand sneaking between your thighs that you finally seemed to remember he was there.
Swatting Eddie’s hands away, you passed the dwindling joint to him and fixed an apologetic look in Gareth’s direction. “Sorry, I’ll make sure he behaves.”
“It’s okay, sorry I uh- interrupted–” He cleared his throat a little awkwardly and cracked his knuckles. “You want me to roll another one?”
“Go for it.”
While he turned around at the desk, Eddie’s mouth was meeting the sensitive flesh below your ear. His tongue grazed your skin and you let out a small gasp before pinching his thigh in warning. He hissed, but that smug little smirk of his remained. 
Meanwhile, Gareth’s shaking hands were struggling not to rip the paper. He could hear all of it, even the occasional wet smack of his best friend’s mouth on your skin. Knocking back the rest of his drink, he shook his head a little and focused on finishing the task at hand. When he finally turned back around, his mouth went dry at the sight before him.
You sat comfortably between Eddie’s legs, back against his chest and head tilted to gaze up at him. He stared back at you with the same adoration, breathing in the last hit and ashing it in the tray on the nightstand. His free hand was halfway up your shirt and Gareth tried not to imagine the way his fingers must be teasing along your ribcage. He could see the blooming spot of red in the crook of your neck– which definitely wasn’t there before– slowly growing darker. So much for making sure he behaves. 
He handed Eddie the joint and lighter which earned him a crooked grin and a “good man.” He watched him place it between your lips instead, lighting it for you as the shape of his other hand moved higher beneath your baggy t-shirt. Still, he could make out how the older boy kneaded at one of your breasts beneath the fabric until you swatted at him yet again. His throat grew tight and he could only hope and pray that neither of you noticed his pants doing the same.
The two of you had always been a little handsy, and he couldn’t deny that part of him always had some trouble keeping his eyes away, but something was different tonight. Maybe you were acting a little more intimate, maybe it was the heady music you’d been playing all night– hell, maybe he was just too fucking crossed– but it was different. He was one second away from having a nervous breakdown or busting in his jeans.
Suddenly, he was struck by the deep twang of “I Want You” by The Beatles beginning. Eddie’s head fell back against the wall with a thud, “Mmm, I fuckin’ love this song. Y’know that, Gareth? She loves this song too, don’t you, sweetheart? S’that why you put it on here?”
“Shut up.” You weakly elbowed him, but both boys still caught the way your thighs squeezed together.
He chuckled, his nose dragging along your cheek as he murmured, “Yeah. My sweet girl wanted me to fuck her to this song tonight, didn’t you, baby? This one always makes her shake.” Your stomach flipped nervously as your wide eyes were forced to meet Gareth’s, your bewildered expression mirrored on his face. He went on. “Maybe we should show him, hm? I mean, since he feels so guilty ‘interrupting’ us and all. What d’you think?”
Gareth was starting to think the dream-like quality of the night was because he actually was dreaming. This is Eddie Munson. The same Eddie Munson who almost knocked a middle-aged man’s teeth out for whistling at you three months into your relationship. And now, what? He wanted to–
“Y’gonna let me fuck you in front of ‘im, sweetheart?”
By your deer-in-the-headlights expression, Gareth would assume you were just as shocked by this turn of events as he was– which you partially were. You and Eddie had mentioned once or twice the idea of letting someone watch, Gareth’s name had even been thrown around when discussing the subject over a packed bowl, but you’d had no idea he had been considering it so seriously. Still, you couldn’t deny the way Eddie’s words made the heat between your legs throb. Glancing up to meet his eyes with uncertainty, you bashfully whispered, “I-I don’t know if Gareth wants that, Eds.” 
Your boyfriend’s smirk only grew, fingers teasing at the waist of your shorts. “Don’t worry, babe, Gareth’s a dirty little pervert just like me. I mean, he’s been hard for twenty minutes.”
Finally, you glanced over at the boy in question whose face was now redder than you’d ever seen before, and his eyes immediately shot to the floor. He looked like a little boy who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Knock it off, you’re embarrassing him. S’okay, Gare. You’re allowed to look.”
Hesitantly, he lifted his head and his heart could’ve stopped. Eddie was tilting your chin towards him for a kiss with one hand as the other worked its way into your shorts. The glimmer of his rings in the low light caught the younger boy’s attention, eyes following them down your throat until they disappeared beneath your shirt once again. Lips leaving your boyfriend’s, you turned to him and held out the joint that had apparently stopped burning. “Wanna come get this?”
He hoped you didn’t hear the shaky breath he let out as he willed his knees not to give out and stood from his seat at the desk. “Y’sure you don’t just want me to l-light it for you?” The faint tremble in his voice matched the one in his hand as he took it from you, embarrassment warming his cheeks.
You must have noticed as you replied, “S’okay. You clearly need it more than I do, honey.” His face only grew hotter as he clocked your eyes lingering on the obvious tent in his jeans. 
Finally speaking up again, Eddie chimed, “Seriously, man. Relax a little.”
In disbelief, Gareth faintly laughed out, “Right.” Dropping back down into the desk chair, he watched you and Eddie exchange a long look, almost like some form of confirmation. A check-in. He’d always admired how the two of you communicated so effortlessly. Frankly, he admired many facets of your relationship. He and Jeff had talked more than once about how they hoped they’d be lucky enough to find a connection like yours and Eddie’s. Still, he couldn’t believe you trusted each other enough for this– that you both trusted him enough for this.
Brain still cloudy with shock, he briefly glanced around his friend’s bedroom. Almost like he had to make sure he was really there. This was really happening. While Eddie was already attempting to peel your shorts off, you refused to assist him. Gareth’s fingers clutched at the arms of the chair as you graced him with your soft gaze instead. “You sure you’re not uncomfortable, Gare? You’re okay with this?”
Simply nodding dumbly in response, he was shocked when Eddie corrected him; “Use your words, Gareth.” He said it casually, but there was a subtle firmness behind it— one he wasn’t sure he had ever heard Eddie use before, especially toward him.
What shocked him more was the way he found his body tensing in response. Afraid the words wouldn’t come out, he sheepishly cleared his throat. “Y-Yeah, I’m good. Swear.” God, could his face flush any redder? 
Your boyfriend finally forced you to lift your hips from the bed, allowing him to shove your shorts down your legs. His hands eased along your inner thighs, spreading your legs and hooking one of them over his to keep them open. Gareth was just barely able to make out the faint wet spot beginning to form on your underwear. He had to resist the urge to lean in for a closer look like some teenager watching his first porno. Eddie’s ever-wandering fingers eased over that wet spot, rubbing in soft circles around your clit.
Puffing out a soft breath from your nose, you sank further into his chest. “Feels good, huh, baby? All worked up already ‘n I’ve hardly even touched you. That excited to show off your pretty little pussy?”
“Eddieee,” You grumbled, trying again to hide your face in his chest. 
“Don’t be so embarrassed, Gareth is even more excited than you are.” Hooking his thumbs into the sides of your underwear, he asked, “How ‘bout we give him some more to work with, hm?” Taking them off, he tossed them to his friend. Said friend was a goner. He blamed his crossfaded state of autopilot for the way he instantly lifted the material to his nose and took a deep breath. Eddie chuckled, “Told ya he was a perv.”
Gareth subtly palmed at his length, practically gnawing at his lower lip as he fought not to make a sound– God forbid he interrupt as Eddie spread your legs wide, giving him an unobstructed view of your dripping pussy. Fuck, he might as well have been drooling on the floor. He could hear your wetness as your boyfriend slipped his fingers between your slick-covered lips, easing around your clit a few times. Stuck in his glassy-eyed stare, he didn’t mean to let out a broken whimper as Eddie sank two fingers inside you.
Just as he was afraid of, the older boy instantly narrowed his gaze in his direction. “Oh, we’ve got our boy on the edge of his seat right now, baby. It’s okay, Gare. I know you’ve never seen anything like my girl before, you can take your cock out. Just keep your hands to yourself.”
The way Eddie spoke to him made his whole body blaze with shame, but he still found himself doing as he was told. When he looked at you again you were watching him fumble with his belt, button, and zipper. Finally freeing himself from the confines of his jeans, his cock twitched in his hand at the sight of the intrigue in your eyes, your tongue grazing across your lower lip. You clutched at Eddie’s bicep with a soft moan, walls clenching around his fingers.
“Oh, you like that, huh? Gettin’ all wet for my best friend’s dick?” His free hand grabbed your face, your cheeks squishing under his grip. “Didn’t know my sweet girl was that fuckin’ filthy.” You whined at the sudden emptiness as Eddie withdrew his hand from between your thighs, patting your leg with a soft murmur. “On your stomach, babe.” Obediently, you rolled over and he followed, kneeling behind you to grip your hips and lift them from the bed. “‘Atta girl.”
Your face warmed as you and Gareth looked at each other– you on your knees with your chest flush to the mattress and him with his pants just below his hips, his hand fisting his cock. Then Eddie’s fingers were knuckle-deep inside you again, curling into spots that only he had ever been able to find. Your hand shot back to grab at his thigh and you let out a surprised, gasping moan. “Daddy…”
While Gareth let out a quiet groan, Eddie just gave a low, condescending laugh. “Aw, sweetheart. I wasn’t even gonna tell ‘im. I didn’t wanna embarrass you too much, but you just couldn’t help yourself, could you?” Letting out little puffy breaths, your eyes welled with tears. Normally he would take this as an excuse to tease you further, but he didn’t want you getting too worked up with the added pressure of his friend’s presence. His hand rubbed soothingly over your back, “My little crybaby. It’s okay, Daddy’s here.” Your body relaxed, spine sinking deeper into its arch as his touch warmed your skin. “Would ya look at that?” Not that he had to ask; Gareth couldn’t stop looking. “She’s just such a sweet girl for me. Ain’t that right, baby? And so pretty. One of a kind, my girl.”
Taking in the scene before him, Gareth could only hope that wasn’t true. Because he wanted you– no, he wanted this. This thing, this passion and love that you two have for each other. Even as obscene a display as it was, he felt like he was witnessing something sacred, something holy. He was blessed further when Eddie brought you back to stand on your knees, your back to his chest as he lifted your shirt over your head.
Completely bare for both of them to gawk at, you were pointedly aware of your boyfriend’s fully clothed form behind you. He pinched teasingly at your nipple, making you arch further into him and grab at the hem of his shirt. Clawing for the skin just beneath it, you finally pleaded, “Take your clothes off.”
His eyes narrowed playfully; he just couldn’t help himself. “What do you say?”
“Please, Daddy,” You whined quietly with a pout.
With a quick wink and a crooked smirk, he crossed his arms to pull the ragged material over his head. You didn’t hesitate to seek out any inch of skin you could touch, a tremble licking down your spine as the soft warmth of his bare chest molded to it. Hands still pawing at your tits, his mouth worked its way down the length of your neck. “I love you,” He murmured against your shoulder, tone playful but still drenched in adoration.
“Love you more, Eddie.” 
“Impossible,” He whispered in return before leaving one more kiss. “Now, back down.” Goosebumps erupted at the touch of his rings on your back, guiding you down until your chest met his bed once again. “Isn’t she such a good listener?”
Gareth was almost nervous to say anything– like any answer he gave could be the wrong one, and the wrong one might get the shit knocked out of him. So, why did his stomach tighten when Eddie looked at him expectantly for an answer? “So good.”
“Just wait til you hear how she sounds.” Eddie finally pushed his sweatpants down to his thighs, rubbing the head of his cock through your wetness and drawing a surprised gasp from you. “You ready for me, baby?”
“Yes,” You breathed out impatiently.
Finally sinking inside, he didn’t stop until his hips were flush with your ass. Gareth’s hand stilled, fingers tightened around the base of his length to keep from coming too soon. Each slow thrust pushed your hips forward, emphasizing the perfect arch of your back. Your eyebrows were furrowed slightly, but he could still hear your moans from behind the pillow you were clutching. That didn’t last long as your boyfriend laced a hand into your hair, pulling your head back just enough to uncover your mouth. “Don’t hide those pretty sounds, babe. We wanna hear ‘em.” 
Eddie. His best friend, his brother, his mentor, his frontman, his dungeon master. He had never thought of Eddie like this. He had never seen Eddie like this. His frizzy curls falling out of the messy ponytail at the nape of his neck, tattoos on display, muscles in his arm flexing as he gripped your hair. Sure, he’d always thought he was a pretty good-looking guy, but now Gareth was beginning to wonder how he hadn’t thought about this before.
And the two of you together? Christ, you were a work of art. He wanted to frame this moment– capture it, bottle it, sear it into his brain so he’d remember every detail exactly as it was. The way the flesh of your thighs trembled with every movement, how Eddie’s sweat mixed with yours to make your skin glisten in the dim glow of the lamps, all of it made his body burn with need. Then Eddie was speaking again.
“God, you always feel so fucking good. My girl, made just f’me, huh?”
“Yes, Daddy,” You breathed out with a whimper. “Fuck, you’re s’deep.”
“I know, baby. I know,” He cooed sympathetically. “You c’n take it, though. Always do, don’t you?”
Gareth could see how your wetness further matted the dark hair around the base of Eddie’s length with every thrust, how the slick was just beginning to reach your thighs. Each moan you let out was more broken and drawn out than the last. That was until Eddie’s hand settled around your throat, urging you to lean back into him once more, and your moans turned to shaky, gasping whines. The ringed fingers of his other hand squeezed at your breast before mapping a path directly to your clit, circling it with practiced precision. With the way your stomach trembled in response, the boy didn’t think you’d last much longer. 
He almost thought he’d spoken his thoughts aloud when Eddie asked, “Aw, you gettin’ close already? C’n feel it, baby. Having an audience really working you up that much?” He grasped your face, forcing you to meet his eyes. “Knew you were my little freak, sweetheart, but c’mon. You’re just as dirty as me and Gare.” Gareth himself felt guilty with how your face crumpled in shame, but Eddie only smirked as he kissed your temple and inched his hand lower to squeeze at the sides of your throat. “It’s okay, baby. You’re bein’ such a good girl for Daddy. So, so good f’me. Just need you to come for me now.”
Red lines and crescent-shaped indents littered his arms as you uselessly pleaded for exactly what he was already giving you. Your head fell to the side only for you to lock eyes with Gareth, though he didn’t seem to be in much better shape than you were. The pale sliver of his chest that was visible had turned the same vibrant red his cheeks had been all night. His hand, fisted tightly around his cock, was moving in time with Eddie’s thrusts as arousal all but dripped over his knuckles. The sight ripped another shuddering moan from you.
Darkness encroached on the edges of your vision as Eddie finally felt your walls spasm around him. Your nails bit into his skin so hard it nearly broke, but it only encouraged him to hold you tighter as you tensed in his arms. “Fuck yes, there it is. Feel so fuckin’ good when you’re comin’ around me, sweetheart.”
“Eddie,” You cried, “Please. Come inside me, I need it.” 
Though he tried to hold it back, a ragged groan tore itself from Gareth’s throat. Spurts of come stained his shirt as he fought to keep his eyes on the scene before him, but he couldn’t help but let his head fall back against the seat. He’d never felt so good. His veins were thrumming with weed and whiskey, so much so that the room still spun when he closed his eyes. But the pleasure still throbbing dully through his body like an ache wasn’t from the booze or the joints. 
The blurriness cleared from his vision just in time to watch Eddie pull you in for a messy, desperate kiss. One hand cradled your jaw while the other clutched at your hip, pressing himself as deep inside of you as possible as he came. 
Quiet sighs and pants filled the room as the three of you collectively caught your breath. Gareth just watched as you both melted into one another. Eddie’s palms soothed over every inch of your skin he could reach, and he whispered one last crazy idea in your ear– one that was somehow even crazier than the idea that had brought you all to this moment. Though the suggestion made your eyes widen and your stomach tie itself in a knot, the way you clenched around him in response compelled you to agree.
Carefully pulling out he planted one last kiss on your shoulder, allowing you to lay back against the pillows as he fixed his sweats and turned to his friend who still seemed to be recovering. “How ‘bout you come ‘n help me clean her up, Gare?” 
The boy froze in his seat, length twitching where he’d tucked himself back into his unzipped jeans. “W-What?”
“Before I change my mind,” Eddie singsonged simply in return.
Limbs weak, he quickly stood from the desk chair, sending it knocking back into the desk. Hesitantly, his knee met the edge of the mattress and he looked between the two of you for reassurance.
“It’s okay, Gareth,” You murmured softly. “As long as you’re okay.”
“Did so good for us,” Eddie cooed in agreement. He stared as his drummer slowly knelt between his girlfriend’s spread thighs, fingers winding into the boy’s hair encouragingly. “Thought you deserved a little treat.”
Gareth’s heavy eyes fell shut when he finally had the taste of you– of both of you– on his tongue, lapping up your shared mess before sinking inside. His fingers dug into the flesh of your hips and thighs as he mouthed urgently at your wetness. “Tastes so good,” He panted into your skin.
“What does?” Your boyfriend asked, giving his unruly locks a little tug. “Her come, or mine?”
He only moaned in answer, tongue laving over your abused clit.
It felt wrong, looking down and seeing someone else’s head between your legs, but it only made that coil in your stomach grow even tighter. “Fuck, Eddie.”
“Ah, ah, don’t be rude, baby. It’s not me this time. Let ‘im hear you say his name.”
A humiliated whine escaped you, as though admitting it aloud was more shameful than inviting him to do it in the first place. “Gareth,” You finally moaned out pitifully, your hand winding into his hair alongside Eddie’s. “You’re gonna make me come again.”
“Oh, he’d be fucking honored, babe,” Eddie chuckled smugly. Leaning over you, he left a slow, deep kiss on your lips before dipping lower to your breasts. His tongue teased at your nipple before his lips wrapped around it completely, calloused fingers finding the other. He only pulled back briefly to murmur, “Go on, sweetheart. Come for us.”
The feeling of two mouths, two sets of wandering hands, was overwhelming. Your thighs closed around Gareth’s head as your hands wound into both his hair and Eddie’s. He could feel your walls clench and your clit throb against his tongue and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head. He would’ve happily stayed there forever, drunkenly licking up every drop of tangy arousal that you released, but as your muscles began to twitch, Eddie gave one final pull to his hair that let him know his fun was over.
For a moment, it was quiet save for the low, bassy thrum of the music still playing. Then Eddie was up, grabbing a clean t-shirt and a pair of sweats and pressing them against Gareth’s chest for him to take. “You did good, Gare. Real good, alright?” He rubbed a hand over the boy’s shoulder comfortingly. “Go ahead to the bathroom ‘n get cleaned up, ‘kay? We’ll get you settled in for the night.” Cheeks warm from the praise, Gareth just nodded, heading for the hallway while you and Eddie finally got a second alone. Gazing down at you, he brushed your hair back from your face, trying to read every facet of your expression. “Are you okay? I didn’t push you too hard, did I? That wasn’t too much?”
“No, Eds, I’m okay. I liked it, it was good.” You nodded reassuringly. Still, he raised an eyebrow questioningly, holding out his pinkie which you locked yours with. “Promise,” You whispered. “Are you sure Gareth’s okay, though? Things won’t be weird with him from now on?”
“No, baby, I’ll talk to him. Don’t worry.” He pressed a long kiss to your forehead and grabbed you a bottle of water from the nightstand. “‘M gonna go make him a bed on the couch, alright? I’ll be right back.” You pouted out your lips for one last peck but let him go out to the living room while you gingerly got up to put clothes on.
Eddie was spreading a blanket over the couch when Gareth finally came out of the bathroom. On the table beside him sat a bag of chips, a bottle of water, and a couple of Tylenol. Sitting down, he patted the space to his left and asked, “You okay? I should’a talked to you both more before I dove into all that, I’m sorry.”
“No, please don’t apologize–” He took a much-needed drink of water and shook his head. “Trust me, I-I had…I had a great time. And I won’t make things weird, or like– tell anybody, I swear. I’m sure it’ll all be fuzzy in the morning anyway. Did you guys…?” 
“We had fun, man, don’t sweat it.”
“Oh, we definitely had fun,” You agreed as you joined them. You settled on Gareth’s other side, nudging his shoulder with yours. “Thanks for being so cool about everything, I don’t think we could’ve trusted the other guys with something like this.”
“Well, thank you for trusting me,” He answered gratefully. 
“My right-hand man,” Eddie reminded him as he stood, clapping a hand over his shoulder. 
You playfully rolled your eyes at the sentiment, but kept a good-natured smile as you leaned over to peck the boy’s cheek. “Get some sleep, alright? Sweet dreams, Gare.”
As if anything could be sweeter than the taste of the two of you still lingering on his tongue when he closed his eyes and drifted off.
part two
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irndad · 3 months
Flower prompt request for Spencer Reid please!!!
Arbutus combined with Freesia.
And if you wanna add in something suggestive or downright filthy, there will be no complaints! (Or just a heartfelt fluff fest)
Thank youuuuu! (Will totally understand if you aren’t interested though!)
hi!! this is sfw but here u go!! i hope you enjoy!! requests r open <3 flower prompts
Something’s wrong with her.
Not wrong, of course. Quite the opposite, really. She looks beautiful, a swipe of a purplish red on her pretty lips, a cowl neck dress wrapped around her form like a well-made glove. She’s a vision, and he adores looking at her- he doesn’t get the chance as often as tonight. While they get the chance to talk on the plane (when no one else is sleeping) or at the bar after cases, but this- this is an entire night she’s spent by his side. 
He normally doesn’t like when the FBI does these galas, but they’re fundraising, and now his beautiful coworker who’s a little more than that is drinking rosé out of a thin stemmed wine glass. He adores the sight of her.
“You okay?” He hears himself say, and there’s a beat of silence before she looks up from her beverage, and smiles a false grin at him.
“Right as rain, Spencer.” She grins back at him, leaning back on the table they were standing by.
“You’re acting different,” he says, “You’ve been quiet, and you seem distant from the team. You didn’t have any of the cupcakes Penelope brought in, either.”
“I didn’t want too much sugar in the morning!”
“Now, that is a lie.” He finds himself smiling at her when he says it. Things move naturally with her, have a flow of conversation that takes no effort, only gentle enjoyment. 
She really does look so pretty. This is a factual thing Spencer has noticed- a fact of her that he would be blind not to see. It’s evolutionarily advantageous to want to look at beautiful things. It doesn’t mean anything. 
She sighs fondly down into her glass, her breath causing ripples in the wine.
“Can I tell you something?” She says, and it shocks him. He feels a bit like an insider, and adores the feeling of being on the inside of a secret of hers. He’d like to be someone she tells things to. 
He nods, awaiting with baited breath.
“I went out with this guy who’s here tonight. 
Suddenly he doesn’t feel so warm. 
Except, it shouldn’t bother him- they’re not dating. She’s beautiful, all soft lines and curve, lovely blooming smiles and kind-heartedness, and he’s a pipe cleaner with eyes. It’s not a thought he’s entertained-
But still, in this moment, Spencer’s not blind to the image they’re projecting. Hanging back at a party, low lighting and hushed conversation, her in a beautiful dress and him in a rented tux- he could see how someone could mistake the two of them for- for something. 
Did he want that? 
“Spence?” She shakes him out of his thoughts, warm tone punctuated by her adorable head tipping to the side. Had she always been that adorable?
“Sorry, sorry,” he rambles, “You went out with an FBI agent?” His tone is incredulous. She jokingly slaps his arm, and he fills with affection.
“Don’t be mean! It was literally one date, it was before I knew how obnoxious Agent Bennet was. Believe me, he made me realize about ten minutes in.”
She tells him the story of their first and only date, and while he is sure it’s full of anecdotes that are effervescent and hilarious, all he can think about is date with her, date with her, date with her. 
He’d be on time, if they went out. He’d be well-dressed, put together and polite. She’s so lovely, so kind and so sweet and it’s only now he realizes that this is something he can want. 
“So you’d go out with another federal agent?” It’s clumsy and awkward of a question, but it seems the only time it would ever be appropriate to ask it. 
She shrugs, smiling at him.
“If it was the right person, sure.”
“And Bennett wasn’t?”
“No, I don’t think so. I like a different type of guy, you know. Kinda nerdy."
Even despite this, when Spencer spills his coffee on Bennett's legal pad the following week, he can't drum up even a little bit of remorse.
261 notes · View notes
indigoflorals · 1 year
hello! i love your work and i dont know if your comfortable writing this but basically reader likes jj a lot and one day she accidentally sees jj and a touron having sex, so she avoids jj for some time and then jj and reader have an argument about that then she admits she likes him? if you are not comfortable you dont have to! thank you <3
envy (18+)
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JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: You see JJ hooking up with another girl. He proves to you that you’re the only girl he’s interested in.
Warnings: oral sex(fem), angsty feelings, Slight voyeurism, overstimulation
꧁༺ ༻꧂
How could he?
It was supposed to be you that night in his room. It was your movie night. You spent every Friday night together and this week wasn’t supposed to be any different.
Yet, when you arrived at JJ’s house, there was a car parked outside that you didn’t recognize. You approached with caution (like you normally did with JJ), opening and closing his front door with near silence.
That voice.
It was indistinguishably female, and you, unfortunately, recognized it. One of the tourons at the beach today had taken a particular liking in your blond friend, following him like a lost dog for much of the morning.
Then came the moans. And oh did you gag at JJ’s sorry attempts at sexy talk. It was like you really were hearing something you were never meant to in a million years.
You spun on your heals with a huff, having heard plenty. He was stringing you along and know you knew it. Your friends were right. JJ Maybank was a player who had no intentions of making you anything more than a hookup.
The next morning your phone exploded with texts from him. All more apologetic than the last. You chose not to respond.
Fuck I’m sorry I missed movie night, huh? -J 08:32
Is everything okay? I’m really sorry I know you were looking forward to it -J 09:27
I just had some shit going on last night and totally forgot. I’ll make it up to you - J 10:17
You knew he was aware of just how angry you were, he just didn’t know why. You almost never ignored his texts.
A knock on your bedroom door pulled you from your phone screen, and blue eyes met yours.
“Hey, your mom let me in, I was worried about you.” The blond unlaced his boots, placing them beside your dresser before sitting on the edge of your bed.
You turned away. “Go home, JJ. I’m not doing this anymore.”
He laughed nervously. “Jeez, I didn’t know you were that excited about movie night.”
“I saw you.” You blurted out, unable to hold it in any longer. “I showed up, and you were…with her.”
Silence filled the air now he tended.
“Look I—“
You turned to face him, waving your hand at his attempt to salvage the situation. “Save it, JJ. I thought maybe we had something. I thought maybe you liked me. Obviously I was being fucking naive.”
“We did! Well, we do, I hope.” He blurted out, “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. I couldn’t fuck her, and believe me, I tried—“
“Okay! Don’t wanna hear that.” You swatted at his face. “But why?”
“You.” He smiled, scooting to pull you into an embrace. You didn’t refuse. “She just wasn’t you. And I have never in my life not been able to have sex so I’m gonna need you to—“
“JJ.” You glared.
“Right,” He smiled, getting back to his original point, “What I’m saying is I didn’t think you felt the same so I tried to move on and I can’t.”
You sighed audibly, leaning into his embrace. “You are so stupid, JJ Maybank.”
Your best friend squeezed you tighter. “You’re not the first to say that and you won’t be the last.”
“Yeah yeah,” You leaned forward, pulling him into a gentle kiss. His lips were softer than you had imagined, and he tasted like weed.
He moaned almost inaudibly into your mouth, scooping you to his waist and standing you up with him. His hands were on your ass now, squeezing it while using it to support your weight in his arms.
Without breaking the kiss, he placed you gently on your back with your head in your pillows.
The blond pulled away, leaning down to kiss at the exposed skin of your inner thighs. “Let me make it up to you, okay?”
“Mmm fine.” You lifted a hand to run it through his hair. “She did sound like she was having a good time.”
JJ flashed a smile, eyes locking with yours as he pulled your shorts and panties down to expose your pussy in front of his face. “Oh you liked what you heard, then? Wished it was you?”
You groaned in embarrassment, covering your face with your hand. “JJ Maybank I swear to god I—“
Your complaints were cut short as he took your clit into his mouth, eliciting a loud moan from you. This made him eager to hear more and more.
He sucked at the sensitive bud, licking and kissing as you bucked your hips into his face. “J, fuck that’s so good.”
You could feel his hand snake up underneath you, his fingers prodding at your soaking hole. Without protest, he slipped two inside. Your back arched as he fingered you in a ‘come hither’ motion.
Fisting his hair, you came against his lips with a silent scream, and he moaned into your pussy. Fingers curled against you g-spot, he didn’t relent until you were squirming from overstimulation.
He released your clit with a quick kiss, and you squirmed at the feeling. He laughed at the sight.
“You’re so beautiful like this, you know. Should’ve just risked it a long time ago.”
You felt warmth creep up to your cheeks at the compliment. “Oh stop. You probably say that same line to every girl you do this with.”
“No, they’re not like you. Nothing like you.” He brushed a hair behind your ear. “Now let me clean you up.”
972 notes · View notes
chvoswxtch · 2 years
happy anniversary
pairing: matt murdock x fem!reader
summary: matt shows up late for your anniversary dinner, so you decide to teach him a lesson in waiting.
warnings: cursing, drinking, lil angst, some fluff, explicit sexual content (minors dni), blasphemy (?), little bit of sub!matty
word count: 5.9k
a/n: once again, no one asked for this. I am just once again being a selfish slut for matthew murdock. also, i'm not catholic (nor do I know that much about catholicism) so if the religious things mentioned are totally wrong or offensive, I apologize. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
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The candles I had lit several hours ago were now completely liquified pools of amber. I tapped my nail against the side of my fifth glass of wine as I watched the flames dance over the melted wax, their glow casting shadows on the one and a half empty bottles of onyx glass. I could hear the faint ticking of a clock as I brought another tart taste of sangiovese to my lips. The flavor profile was sweet in comparison to my own bitterness. I tapped the corner of my phone to illuminate the lockscreen. 10:57pm. No missed calls. No voicemails. No text messages.
The apartment was silent apart from the ticking of a clock, and the crackling of the wooden wick as it burned. If I closed my eyes, I could pretend there was a fireplace in front of me. I could no longer smell the warm clove spice and toasted cranberry of the candle I had been burning all evening, or the fresh aroma of the meal that was still neatly placed on the table. I couldn’t smell anything but the lack of his presence. I wasn’t turning in for the night until he came home. I didn’t care if I had to wait until sunrise. He may escape the dangers that were waiting for him around every dark alley, but he wasn’t escaping my wrath tonight.
I heard the drawn out sound of squeaking hinges as the door to the rooftop was pulled open before carefully latching back into place. Heavy boots thudded against worn wood as they descended the staircase down into the living room, stopping just shy of the final step. Tension hung thick in the air like an ominous fog, and I waited impatiently for whatever excuse was about to tumble from his lips.
Even with the cowl covering most of his features, and the light cloak of darkness, I could see him wince. He knew I only called him by his full name when I was upset with him. I watched his Adam’s apple bob when he swallowed thickly, bringing his gloved hands up to remove the helmet as he cautiously took the last step down into the living room. Normally the sight of his messy brown hair sticking up in odd places made me giggle and wanna run my fingers through it, but right now I wasn’t in a loving mood. His eyes blankly darted around, his head tilting to the side slightly as he gauged the scents and sounds filling the space.
“It smells amazing in here. You..you smell incredible.”
“Do you know why that is, Matthew?”
“Because I took my time in the shower today. I was nearly in there for an entire hour. I am shaved and waxed beyond your wildest dreams. I am completely lathered in that raspberry iris lotion that you love so much, that you said makes my skin feel like silk. And you don’t even wanna know how much I spent on the red lace that’s under this dress. Not to mention, I also spent hours making your favorite dish, and dessert I might add, because you promised me you would be home tonight. And why did you promise that?”
“Because it’s our anniversary.”
“So you did remember. You just chose to forget.”
“It was just supposed to be a quick sweep-”
“Nothing with you is ever quick, Murdock. You promised me. I asked for one night, Matthew. One. Night.”
“Listen, tomorrow night I’ll-”
“No. Tomorrow night isn’t our anniversary. Tonight is.”
Matthew Murdock was usually able to talk and charm his way through anything. I had to admit, there were a few times it had even worked on me in the past. But I was not falling for his shit tonight. I didn’t want excuses. I didn’t want empty promises. I wanted to teach him a lesson he would never forget. 
“Please..let me make it up to you. There’s still time left of our anniversary, we can still have dinner and celebrate. Let me get changed, I’ll open a new bottle, and I’ll spend all night apologizing between your thighs.”
“Tempting. If you had been fifteen, or even thirty minutes late, but had called to let me know ahead of time you were going to be late, I might have taken you up on that offer. But right now, I don’t think you deserve my pussy, Murdock. I think..you deserve a little suffering.”
Matt’s jaw hardened at my words, and I could hear a quiet whine slip past his lips in the silence. He was usually the one in charge in our relationship, and normally I reveled in it. I loved nothing more than letting him take complete control, obeying his demands, feeling his large hands manhandle me into whatever positions he saw fit. I trusted him completely, and the reward was always overly generous. Matt was a very giving lover, so I let him take me however he wanted or needed knowing we would both reap the benefits of pleasure. But tonight, I would be the one doing the taking.
I downed the rest of my glass and set it down on the table, rising slowly from my seat and crossing the short distance to where Matt was standing. I turned to give him my back, gathering my hair and pulling it over my shoulder.
“Unzip me.”
Matt hsatily discarded his gloves, tossing them into the abyss of darkness haphazardly. He never touched me with his gloves on. He always said he liked to be able to feel me and never wanted anything in the way. His fingers quickly found the zipper of my dress and I felt his knuckles brush against my spine as he tugged the small piece of metal down the middle of my back. I could feel his warm breath against my shoulder, lips dangerously close to my neck. 
“I didn’t say you could kiss me, Matthew. Help me out of this dress.”
I could hear the hum of disapproval that sounded in his throat. He gently grasped at the straps on my shoulders and pushed the satin fabric down over my hips until it pooled around my ankles on the floor. As I stepped out of it, I turned around to face him.
“Sit down, Matthew.”
“I said sit down, Matthew.”
I could see the struggle written clearly all over his face. He wasn’t used to this, taking orders. Hell, neither was I. But I was going to make the most of it. He walked backwards slowly until the back of his knees hit the chair behind him, lowering himself into a perched position on the edge of the seat. I giggled softly as I took a few steps to stand in front of him.
“Oh, get comfortable, Matthew. You’re gonna be sitting there for a while. Now, give me your hands.”
He didn’t hesitate to raise his hands up into the direction of my voice. I gently wrapped my hands around his wrists and guided his palms to lay flat against the crimson lace teddy that covered my body. A soft sigh came from his parted lips as he began to move his hands slowly over the fabric, fingers gliding over every inch.
“No squeezing. No exploring. No lingering. I don’t want you to touch me. I just want you to feel what you’re missing. What’s been waiting on you for the past four hours. It’s your favorite shade of red, by the way.”
The whine that emitted from his lips went straight to my core. I finally understood what he meant when he would tell me how much he loved the noises I made, and how much of an effect they had on him. It made me feel incredibly powerful to hear him being needy.
“Angel..please. Let me-”
“No, Matthew.”
I pried his wanting hands from my body and let them fall onto his lap. Taking a few steps backwards, I sat down on the chair directly in front of him and sighed.
“You know, it’s really a shame. I was so excited for tonight. God, I was going to worship every inch of you. I was going to let you have me as many times as you wanted. Even when my body was begging for a break, I was going to beg you to keep going. I wanted to spend the entire weekend with you buried deep within me. But, I guess tonight didn’t mean as much to you as it did to me, so I’ll just have to take care of myself.”
“That’s not fair.”
“No, Matthew. It isn’t. It’s not fair that I’m going to have to get myself off when you and I know my fingers don’t feel as good as yours. When we both know they don’t reach as deep. But, you’ve left me no choice. You’re going to sit there, and you’re going to be quiet and listen. You will not touch yourself. I don’t want to hear any begging or any complaining. If you speak without permission, or move your hands an inch, I will leave you out here alone. I will lock myself in the bedroom, and you will have no choice but to listen, knowing you don’t get to touch me. If you’re a good boy, I might just have mercy on you. Understood?”
Matt’s cheeks and the tips of his ears had blushed a deep shade of rose. His mouth hung open slightly as he held onto every word. There was a quiet whimper that escaped when I called him a good boy, but I heard it, and it sent a fresh wave of arousal through me. Oh, so he has a praise kink too. 
“I-I understand.”
“Good boy.”
I grinned as his thighs tensed. I could already see a growing bulge straining against his suit pants. I moved my body towards the edge of the seat and pulled the fabric covering me to the side, completely exposing myself to him. I ran my middle finger up and down my slit slowly, collecting some of the wetness that had formed before bringing my middle and index finger up to rub languid circles around my clit. I sighed softly at the contact that I had been craving for hours. Matt groaned loudly as he listened to my movements. He told me once he always knew when I was turned on, that he could smell the arousal that soaked my panties and it drove him crazy. 
I flattened my palm against myself, slipping my middle finger just slightly inside my entrance as the pad of my index finger brushed against my sensitive nub. I whined softly, beginning to move my hips against my own hand as I felt myself grow wetter. Ever since Matt and I had gotten together, I hadn’t touched myself like this. I didn’t bother. Nothing felt as good as he did. He had memorized my body completely. He knew all of my sensitive spots, where to touch, where to tease, what I liked and what drove me crazy. 
“Can you smell how wet I am, Matthew?”
Matt’s hands balled into tight fists on top of his thighs. He was squeezing them so tightly, they were shaking slightly and his knuckles had turned stark white. His jaw was set in a hard line as he leaned his tense body forward slightly.
“Can you hear it?”
“I can practically fucking taste it.”
I couldn’t help but grin at the growl that ripped from his chest at his response. Don’t get me wrong, I loved a sweet and romantic Matt. I adored when he took his time, held me close and whispered sweet things into my ear as he made love to me slowly while holding my hand. I loved feeling connected to him that way. I could feel how much he loved me and it made my heart swell. But God did I love a pissed off Matt. 
He was always calm and collected around everyone. He tried really hard not to let his irritations and temper show. But at night when he put on the suit, he got to let the devil out. All that pent up rage and frustration got taken out on the unlucky criminals of Hell’s Kitchen. But I was even luckier when he came home and still had some left to take out on me. I loved when he snapped and lost control. I knew how much he needed that release, but he didn’t understand how much I needed it too. I’ll never forget the night I was finally able to convince him to take it further.
“I trust you, Matt. I know you need this, and I want it. I’m not made of glass, Matty. You’re not gonna break me. Please..use me.”
That was all it took. Of course that didn’t stop him from apologizing afterwards no matter how much I told him he didn’t have to. Now, it was an unspoken thing between us. He didn’t even have to say it, or ask. I could tell as soon as he walked through that door after particularly rough nights what he needed, and it always sent a rush through me that what he needed was me. I was always ready for him, and he knew it.
“Wouldn’t you like to taste, Matthew?”
Matt closed his eyes tightly at my words. His chest had begun to rise and fall a little quicker now that his breathing had become erratic. If it weren’t for the tightness of his suit, I’d be able to see the perfect outline of his cock. I could tell just by the look on his face that he was painfully hard.
“I asked you a question, Matthew. Open your eyes and answer me.”
I didn’t recognize the demanding tone of my own voice. In my head, I was drawing from my own experiences with Matt from when he had been in more dominant moods. He opened his eyes slowly and let a deep breath out through his nose, spitting out his response through gritted teeth.
“Yes what?”
“Yes I..I wanna taste.”
“Mm, that’s too bad. I would’ve let you have your fill all night, Matthew.”
I began to quicken my pace, now fully slipping my finger inside my entrance. I let out a slow whine, but more due to frustration than pleasure. My fingers weren’t as long as Matt’s, and they didn’t reach as deep. I started to focus on swirling my index finger around my clit, applying pressure ever so often.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Matt’s hands fly up to grab at the collar of his suit, tugging at it softly with a grimace. I halted my actions as I narrowed my eyes over at him.
“Please..can I just take this off? I..it’s too hot. It’s making it hard to breathe.”
“Fine. Take it off.”
Matt didn’t need to be told twice, and I was frankly impressed at just how quickly the suit had been discarded. He let out a sigh of relief as he sat back in the chair, clad in only a pair of black boxer briefs that clung to his muscular thighs. I captured my bottom lip between my teeth as I took in the sight of his half naked form. 
“You can’t come like that.”
“Excuse me?”
“Sweetheart..I know you can’t make yourself come like that. Please, let me help. If you wanna tortue me, fine, but don’t make yourself suffer. Please..let me help.”
“I don’t need your help, Matthew. While I admit, I do come harder and easier with you, I did take care of myself before you came along. It just takes me longer. So, I suggest you be quiet..and patient.”
I began to move my fingers again, focusing the pads of my index and middle fingers on my aching clit. Part of me wanted desperately to give up and just let Matt take over, make him prove all night how sorry he was. But I was stubborn and hellbent on proving him wrong. 
“Baby..please. I-I’m sorry. It’ll never happen again, okay? I swear. Just please..please let me touch you. I need to touch you, sweetheart. I need to taste you. Please.”
“Matthew, this is your final warning to shut the fuck up.”
A strangled groan escaped Matt’s throat and filled the apartment as he threw his head back against the couch in frustration. He braced his hands on the armrests of the chair and gripped onto them so tightly I was certain they would snap. His entire body was rigid with pent up tension and I watched in awe when he started to slowly thrust his hips upwards into nothing. That sight had to be the hottest thing I had ever seen.
“You could come like this, couldn’t you? Just listening to me fuck myself on my fingers?”
Matt whined loudly as he turned his head in my direction. A sheen of sweat had already formed on his forehead and at the top of his chest. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he sighed defeatedly.
“Too bad.”
Matt’s eyes widened at my callousness, his lips parting in surprise.
“Sweetheart, I can’t-”
“Now Matthew, we’re playing by your rules, aren’t we? What do you tell me when I’ve been a bad girl and want to come?”
Matt collapsed against the chair and groaned, digging his fingertips into the fabric of the armrests. It wasn’t hard to see how much he detested the taste of his own medicine. I wondered for a moment how long he would actually last through the teasing. I thought about how much longer it would be before every ounce of self control Matt had was completely eroded, and he snapped and took control. At that moment I decided I really wouldn’t mind. I think we both knew when it came down to it, he was a lot stronger than me, and definitely faster. I wouldn’t even make it past the couch before he had his hands on me.
“Only good girls get to come.”
“Same rules apply. Only good boys get to come. And you haven’t been very good to me tonight, Matthew.”
“Angel please..I don’t know if I can hold it.”
“You’re a strong boy, Matthew. You’ll find a way.”
The internal conflict I felt only raged in intensity the longer I watched him. I hated seeing Matt in pain, or upset. I always wanted to comfort him and make him feel better. The world hadn’t always been kind to him, and I always felt like I needed to make up for that. Matt for a moment looked like he might cry, and I instantly worried that I had taken it too far.
Matt’s head perked up at the change in my tone and the use of my usual calling for him. His head tilted to the side slightly as his eyes blankly stared over in my direction, brows slightly furrowed.
“Do you want me to stop?”
I waited with bated breath for his response. I knew he was sorry. I could see how bad he felt about tonight. If he wanted me to stop, I would. I’d happily give in and let him take over.
I was slightly taken back by the conviction in his voice. I stared over at him silently for a moment, suddenly feeling nervous as I nibbled at my bottom lip.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. I can hold it. Go ahead, sweetheart.”
All my anger from earlier had completely flown out the window. All I wanted at that moment was him. I took a deep breath and got back to work with my fingers. I wanted to come as quickly as possible so that I could finally have him. I scrunched my brows as I began to rub furiously over my clit, whining as I applied more pressure. I could feel that familiar bubble building inside me, but it felt so far away. I dipped my fingers into my entrance to collect more of my wetness and pressed my fingers a little harder against my clit as I rubbed and moved my hips in time with my hand. Finally, it hit me. I moaned softly at the explosion of bliss and fell back against the chair. My orgasm was weak, but I didn’t care. I could finally have him.
I looked over to see him waiting as patiently as he could, panting softly and features contorted in need. I sat up slowly and licked my lips, letting my eyes wander shamelessly over his body.
“Come here, Matty.”
Matt let out the deepest sigh of relief and jumped to his feet, crossing the short distance between us and kneeling down in front of me. His hands grabbed onto the arm rests as he waited for my next instruction. 
“Open your mouth.”
His lips instantly parted, and I slipped two of my fingers that were coated in my release into his mouth. He closed his eyes and moaned as his tongue swirled around my fingers, collecting every drop from them. I whined as I watched him, feeling a fresh wave of need flood between my thighs. I giggled softly when he bit down gently on my index finger, a cheeky grin covering his mouth as he kissed the tips of both fingers.
“Mm, do you think you deserve to be forgiven?”
I couldn’t help but laugh loudly at his instant reply, shaking my head as I brought my hand up to thread my fingers through his messy hair.
“Should’ve known better than to ask a Catholic that question.”
The grin on his lips stretched even further into that megawatt smile complete with dimples that made me weak in the knees. His hands hovered over the tops of my thighs, as if asking for silent permission. I gently grabbed onto his wrists and pushed them downwards, sighing at the feeling of finally having his hands on me.
“I think I need to pray for forgiveness.”
I arched one of my brows and smiled softly, tilting my head to the side curiously.
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
I knew religion was important to Matt, but I didn’t think a confession was needed right at this very moment. 
“Okay. I..suppose you better find an altar then.”
“I already have.”
Matt gently squeezed my thighs before slipping his hand in between them to part them slowly. My eyes widened in shock and I let out a gasp of surprise once his words finally clicked in my head. He shuffled closer on his knees, wetting his lips with his tongue once again before whispering huskily.
“May I?”
As soon as the word left my mouth, my legs were thrown over his shoulders and Matt’s head was buried deeply between my thighs. I grabbed a small fistfull of his hair and cried out in astonishment when I felt his plump lips wrap around my clit and began to suck with fervor. His fingertips dug into the soft flesh of my thighs and I felt vibrations sent throughout my entire body every time he grunted against my pussy. Matt pushed me deeper into the chair as he tried to get as close as possible, nearly suffocating himself between my thighs. I was an absolute mess above him, moaning his name over and over like it was the only word I knew. I nearly lost it when I felt his tongue thrust inside of me and began to explore. 
“Fuck..Matty..right there..please!”
Matt shook his head violently and I screamed as his nose bumped against my clit repeatedly as he ate my pussy like it was his last fucking meal. In a matter of minutes I was coming apart on his tongue, white flashing behind my eyelids as Matt continued to devour me through my release. I clamped my legs around his head and grabbed onto the back of his neck, rolling my hips up against his face as I rode out the high he had brought me to. This orgasm hit me ten times harder than the measly one I had conjured, and I found myself struggling to keep up.
I whined when it all became too much and attempted to push at Matt’s shoulders as I unwrapped my legs from around his head, but he wasn’t having it. He only gripped tighter onto my thighs and continued his assault on my overly sensitive clit. I whimpered softly as I tugged at his hair roughly to get him to move.
“Jesus Matty, please. It’s too much.”
Matt chuckled as he pulled back slowly, licking every bit of my release off his lips. He rubbed soothing circles on my inner thighs as he sat up on his knees with a wicked grin.
“Sorry, sweetheart. I got carried away.”
“Carried away? Fuck, I can’t even see straight right now.”
“Well in that case, I suppose you can forgive me now.”
I slowly sat up and reached my hand out to push Matt’s sweaty hair away that was stuck to his forehead. I frowned slightly as my thumb brushed lightly over a faint bruise that was forming on his left cheekbone. He turned his head slightly to nuzzle his face into my palm, pressing a soft kiss to my wrist.
“I’m okay.”
“I know. I just..hate seeing you hurt.”
Matt gently grasped my wrist and brought my hand up to his mouth, pressing a featherlight kiss to each of my knuckles before he held my palm against his chest over his heart. I could feel it pounding against my palm as he held it there. Matt’s face contorted into an apologetic expression, a deep sigh sounding from his chest as he leaned in closer.
“I really am sorry about tonight, sweetheart. I promise, it’ll never happen again. I don’t ever want to hurt your feelings like that. I just..wanna keep you safe.”
“And I just want you, Matty. I just wanted one, normal night with you. You..you mean everything to me and I had this whole night planned out and then-”
“I ruined it. And I’m not done making up for it.”
“Well..good. Cause that was only like..one Hail Mary, and I’m pretty sure the standard is like..three. I think.”
“It’s five, actually. And that first one you did absolutely did not count.”
I felt my heart begin to thump against my ribcage in excitement. My cheeks immediately flamed with heat at the thought of what was still to come. Glancing down between us, I could see that Matt’s neglected cock was still straining against the confines of his tight briefs. I slipped my hand down his chest and lightly grasped at his cock through the fabric, causing Matt to hiss through gritted teeth.
“Honey, what about dinner? And dessert? You spent so much time on it, I don’t want it to go to waste. Besides, I have a gift for you.”
“The only gift I want right now Matty is the one I’m holding. Everything else can wait.”
I grabbed onto the back of his neck and pulled him in close as I crashed our lips together in a needy kiss. I greedily accepted Matt’s tongue in my mouth and moaned at the taste of myself on it. I dragged my nails against his lower stomach, causing his abs to contract as I dipped my hand into the waistband of his briefs once again to wrap my hand around his cock. He moaned into my mouth and it sent my mind into a frenzy.
He felt heavy in the palm of my hand, and warm. Everything about Matt was always so warm. I stroked my thumb along the underside of him, feeling the velvety smooth skin against my palm as I stroked him slowly. Matt hastily pushed his briefs down his thighs, sighing in relief to finally be freed from the confinements. 
“I wanna taste you.”
“Not now, sweetheart.”
“Matty, please.”
“You know how much I love having those pretty lips wrapped around me, but I’m not gonna last angel. Not after that little show you put on. I need to be inside you, right now.”
Matt wrapped his arm around my lower back and hooked his other underneath my knees, easily lifting me into the air as he stood and carried us over towards the kitchen. I felt goosebumps erupt over my skin as the cold of the cabinets hit my exposed back. I braced my palms against Matt’s chest to halt his movements quickly.
“Matty, please don’t rip this. It was really expensive.”
A devilish grin formed onto his plump lips as his hands slowly snaked up my thighs. He moved in closer until he was flush between my thighs, brushing his nose along my jaw as he nipped softly at my neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaned quietly at the feeling of his lips at the base of my neck. It was one of my sweet spots, and he knew it. I shivered when I felt his hot breath fanning over the shell of my ear.
“Oh angel, you think I wanna rip this off when you look so beautiful in it? It’s staying on.”
Matt quickly shoved the fabric aside before pushing the blunt head of his cock through my folds. I let my head knock back against the cabinet as he pushed himself into me painfully slowly, inch by delicious inch. The sound of our moans mixed together once he had completely bottomed out. 
“Fuck honey, no matter how many times I ruin you, you’re always so fucking tight for me.”
“Just for you, Matty.”
Matt wrapped his arm around my lower back and pulled me closer towards the edge of the counter until our chests were flush together. He didn’t waste any time as he started to thrust his hips at a vigorous pace, his hand slipping between our bodies to press his thumb against my clit roughly. I whined loudly at the pressure and dug my fingernails deeply into his shoulder blades, no doubt leaving crescent shaped indentations.
“God..you always take my cock so well, don’t you sweetheart? This needy little cunt just grips me so fucking well.”
I couldn’t hardly speak. All I could do was hang on. The collision of Matt’s hips into mine and the feeling of his thumb working over my already sensitive nub was very quickly pushing me towards the edge, and I was ready to fall.
“This pussy was fucking made for me. You were made for me.”
“Made for you, Matty.”
I had no idea if I was making sense. I wasn’t even sure if I was speaking English. I tried so hard to stay grounded. I wanted to remember every single second of this, but Matt was brushing that spongy spot inside of me with precise accuracy with every powerful thrust of his hips and it only sent me higher and higher into another realm.
“Fuck sweetheart..not gonna..last much longer. I’ll make up for it later..I-fuck, I swear. I’ll take my time later, angel. Right now I need you to come with me. Can you do that for me, sweet girl?”
I wrapped my arms around Matt’s neck, bringing one hand up to cup his face as I pressed our foreheads together. I leaned in to press my lips to his in a passionate kiss, gently nipping at his bottom lip. I whined in pleasure when I felt his pace quicken at an inhuman speed, his thumb moving so fast over my clit it was practically vibrating.
“I..I love you, Matty.”
“I love you, my sweet girl. Come for me, baby. Let me feel you let go with me.”
My throat burned as I screamed loudly when euphoria finally hit, wracking thunderously throughout my body and drenching me in complete elation like a hurricane. I held onto Matt as tightly as I could, savoring the sound of his honey coated moans of my name that echoed in my ears as I felt him paint the inside of me with his sweet release. His hips stuttered as he spilled his seed over the garden within me, fingers no doubt leaving violet marks on my skin as he thrusted through the aftershocks of gratification.
I hid my face into the crook of his neck, inhaling a deep breath of his scent as I placed a gentle kiss to the spot right below his ear. I felt his strong arms wrap tightly around my waist, caging me against his chest. For a moment, we just held each other as our jagged breaths attempted to return to normal. I nuzzled my cheek against his, welcoming the slight burn of his scruff rubbing against my skin. 
“Happy anniversary, Matty.”
“Happy anniversary, my love.”
My heart expanded in my chest so wide at his words I thought it would bust through my rib cage. I pulled back slightly with a satisfied smile, brushing my thumb along the top of his strong cheekbone as I kept him close.
“I’m fucking starving.”
I giggled softly as I smoothed his messy brown hair back into place, leaning in to press a soft kiss to the tip of his nose.
“Fighting bad guys works up an appetite, huh?”
“Well that, and pleasuring you.”
I blushed profusely at his cheeky words, lightly smacking his chest as a deep laugh rumbled from within his chest. Matt’s large hand came up to gently cup my cheek, his thumb lightly tracing my bottom lip.
“But no, actually I could smell your cooking from several blocks away. It made my stomach growl, and then I realized how much time had passed since I had left, and how much trouble I was probably in.”
“You know, for a lawyer, you cause an awful lot of trouble.”
Matt’s dazzling grin stretched across his beautiful lips, those charming dimples ever-present as he laughed and nodded his head.
“True, but I try to make up for it. Speaking of, what do you say I heat up dinner and open a new bottle, we’ll have dessert, I can give you your gift, and then we can resume my apology tour?”
“Hmm, I don’t know if you’ve learned your lesson yet, Murdock. But it’ll give you time to sit and think about what you’ve done.”
“Oh trust me, I’ll never make you wait again.”
“Don’t like the tables being turned, huh?”
Matt smirked and dipped his head, leaving a burning trail of kisses along my jawline and down my neck until he reached my sweet spot. His teeth gingerly grazed my skin as he sucked softly at my flesh.
“Oh angel, I don’t mind you taking control. That was actually really fucking hot. I just really hated not being able to touch you like I wanted.”
“You stand me up again, I won’t let you touch me for a month.”
“Never again, sweetheart.”
“Good boy.”
I grinned at the growl that ripped through Matt’s chest, giggling softly as I lightly pushed at his shoulders.
“Alright, you have a deal. But I have a gift for you too.”
“You are my gift.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Alright, dinner, dessert, gifts, then more apologies.”
“Fine. Enjoy your break, Murdock. That was only two Hail Marys.”
“Three more to go.”
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
341 days of foreplay
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A/N: this used to be my most popular fic on here before I accidentally deleted everything. originally posted back in march/april, was some of the first smut I ever wrote, so keep that in mind, there's probably so many mistakes in this, I haven't edited it. also I changed the title, it used to be called i should've worshipped you sooner (gif in the moodboard is by my love @fightingdragonswithwho )
summary: Spencer overhears his roommate, Y/n, confess her true feelings for him.
warnings: Spencer Reid x reader, smut, roommates, drinking, chess, love confessions, kissing, orgasm denial, alcohol consumption, oral (male and female receiving), impact play, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, fingering, creampie, cumplay, dirty talk, praise, degradation, choking, spit kink, overstimulation, dom Spencer vibes 
word count: 3911
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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You had been Spencer’s roommate for almost a year now, and for all of that time, you’d been hopelessly in love with him.
You often think that if his work didn’t take him out of state so often, you’d probably come clean about your feelings much sooner.
It was Friday night, and Spencer still hadn’t come home yet, from California you think you remember him texting you a few days ago? So here you were, in the kitchen, trying to open a bottle of wine. 
“You really shouldn’t mix wine and beer”, your friend’s voice boomed from your phone.
“Well, what do you want me to do, Eleanor? Just stop drinking after 2 beers?” you mocked, struggling with the cork. “This is not a 2 beers kind of day, so yeah, I’m switching to wine since it’s the only option that I have here. It’s that or stop, which is just, no.”
Even through the screen, Eleanor gave you her best disappointed parent expression and it stung. How had she perfected that? Shaking her head, she sighed, “you really need to move out.”
Popping the wine bottle open, you pointed the corkscrew at her, “don’t,” you warned, “I don’t wanna hear about it!”
“You can’t keep living with someone that you are head over heals for! Either tell him or move out and move on.”
“Or I could just keep drinking alone on a Friday night, and then go snooping through his things.” You raised the bottle up to cheers the screen, then took a large swig of it.
“What, your gonna become an alcoholic?”
“Hey, don’t judge my coping mechanisms little miss ‘I spent 3 months' wages in 1 minute after getting dumped by Sandra’. And who was so kind as to support you and lend you some money in order to get by, oh yeah that’s right, me, your oldest friend.”
She took a deep sigh, “fine. What are we drinking?”, then you saw her pick up her phone and move to her kitchen. 
“Yes!” you squealed, “I promise, I won’t even mention him the entire evening.”
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“It's just like, when he talks with his hands, which is always, which is also always because he always rambles, they are just so, urgghhh” you slurred, and bent over the kitchen counter in order to get closer to the screen, because your vision wasn’t the best at the moment. “pretty. But also like, I want to feel them everywhere on, and inside me. And the veins, oh fuck…”
Eleanor was totally spacing out on her end of the line, so you just continued. “like the other day, he got home and was soooo mad, like only once in a blue moon mad. And I know that it’s kinda wrong of me to just be lusting after him in such a tough moment for him, but damn!”, taking another gulp of your now much lighter bottle. “He just looked, god, so good.” You almost moaned. “His delicious forehead vein was popping out, fuck I just wanna lick it. Like, he gets so petty, but in the hottest way! Fucking, just bend me over right then and there, and go at it for hours!” you carelessly set the bottle down on the counter, “I’d let him do anything he’d want! and I’m talking like some Erika Lust shit. Choke me, slap me, say open up and I’ll happily let him spit in my mouth”
“God, you need to get laid,” Eleanor complained. 
“I know, but I only want him. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to even think about anyone else in that way,” you admitted. 
“Aw, babes, you will”, she said with a sad smile, then looked up to the side “oh, it’s 1:05, I’m sorry, I really need to go to bed, but we’ll talk more tomorrow?”
“Yeah, sleep well” you sighed.
“And hey, don’t go fall asleep in his bed!” she quickly added before ending the call.
“That was one time!” you said to now no one.
Feeling slightly dizzy from the alcohol in your system, you leaned your head against the cool countertop. 
Hearing the sink turn on behind you, you whipped around, startled to find the aforementioned Spencer standing there, filling the kettle with water. 
“Jesus Christ! Spencer, what are you doing here?” you screeched. 
Breathing out a small chuckle, “as far as I’m aware, Y/n, I live here.”
“Yeah, I know that, I mean what are you doing home?”
Setting down the now filled kettle in its holder to boil, he turned to you, “the case ended, ergo I’m home now. That’s how it works, Y/n.” 
He kept on saying your name, making you shutter at the way it sounded. “You just usually give a heads-up first”.
He sighed, clearly not in the mood for this conversation, “yeah, well I didn’t.” 
Maybe it had been a tough case? God, if he kept up this mood for any longer, your ovaries were going to explode. 
Suddenly remembering the topic of the convocation you just had with Eleanor, your eyes widened, “ho-how long have you been home?”
“Why?” he said with a tiny smirk.
“Oh, no, I just, I didn’t hear the door or anything” you trailed off.
“Well, you were pretty loud, so it makes sense.”
“I-“ fuck, your heartbeat was raising, “um, did you hear?”
Narrowing his eyes, looking you up and down, taking in your nervousness, “would you really let me do anything I’d want?” 
You let out a shaky breath.
“Because, Y/n,” he moved closer to you, ”there are so many things I wanna do to you.”
Not truly believing his words, you asked, “you do?”
Choosing not to answer with words, he grabbed your face and kissed you fiercely, letting his tongue dance across yours. Humming into it, the combo of the feeling of the kiss mixed with the alcohol made the world spin, so you clutched onto his forearms for support. 
Abruptly pulling away, he studied your eyes, “you’re drunk.”
“Guilty as charged!” you beamed, moving your hands down his body.
Catching them before they could touch what they desired, “no.”
“What? If you don’t want to, then why did you just kiss me?” the words rushed out of you.
Chuckling lightly, he held your hands in his, “trust me, I do.”
“Yeah, I really like you. I’ve known it for a while.”
“You do?” you smiled as you moved to kiss him again, but he turned his head before your lips could meet.
“But your drunk.”
“So what?”
“Y/n, I can’t with good conscience just bend you over and fuck you in the kitchen when you are drunk.”
Letting go of him, you leaned back against the cold slab and spread your legs a bit, “you could though, I want you to”, grabbing ahold of his hand, you moved it between your legs, “I’m yours if you want me.”
Growling, he closed his eyes. 
“Please” you whispered, grinding into his hand, trying to find some form of relief. 
Snapping his eyes open, his hand started to move, just a bit, moving up and down over your covered pussy. “Is this what you want?”
Shuttering, you replied, “yes.”
With a smirk, his hand moved inside of your pants, cursing under his breath when he felt just how wet you were, “is this all for me?”
Lips now slightly parted, you nodded hard.
Using two fingers, he pressed hard down on your clit, drawing tight circles. Bending down to kiss along your jaw and down your neck he asked amidst the kisses, “do you really want me to choke you,-“ kiss, “slap you-“ kiss, “and spit in your pretty little mouth?”
All you could do was hum in affirmation. 
“I had no idea that you were such a dirty little whore.”
“I just- really really like you,” you choked out, hips moving of their own accord, trying to aid in the goal.
Coming up to look at your face, “good, because I really really like you too”.
A combination of his sweet words, how good he was a finding the exact right place and pressure on you, as well as just the anticipation of it all making everything heightened and so much more intense, you felt yourself getting dangerously close to cuming.
“Oh fuck, Spencer, I’m-” you moaned, clutching onto his shirt.
But then, he removed his hand.
“No, no, no, no, no-“ you breathed, trying to catch it and guide it back to your center, but he wouldn’t let you. “I was so close.”
“I know.”
“Then why did you stop?”
“Because like I said, I’m not going to fuck you when you’re drunk.” His sentence was emphasized by the click of the kettle being done boiling.
“But-“ you tried to argue, but he cut you off.
“I want the first time you cum with me to be on my cock. I wanna feel it.” He explained, then turned to grab two mugs out of a cupboard.
Standing there, slightly stunned, you tried to decipher what the next move could be. The alcohol made it virtually impossible to think of anything other than getting railed by him, so you just sat up on the counter, catching your breath and watching him brew the coffee.
After a minute, you asked quietly, “so, we just go to sleep now?”
Filling the last mug, “no”, he turned and lifted you off from where you were sitting and back to a standing position, “we are going to wait.”
“Wait?” you questioned.
Grabbing one of the mugs, he handed it to you and confirmed, “yeah. How many drinks did you have?”
Scrunching your face up, you tried to remember, “um, 3, no 4, maybe?”
Licking his lips he said, “okay. Come with me.”
Hopping after his long strides, he stopped at his chess table and sat down, motioning with his hand for you to follow suit.
“We are going to sit here until you sober up.”
“Playing chess? Of course, that would be your definition of foreplay.” You teased, but ungracefully sat down as well.
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Moving your rook forward four spaces, you asked, “is this even entertaining for you? You keep on beating me in like 5 moves.” 
One step ahead of you, he quickly moved his bishop and snatched up your last surviving knight. Then turning his big brown eyes to look at you, “oh trust me, this is very entertaining for me. Might be some of the best games I’ve ever played.”
Cocking your head to the side you almost laughed, “um, no. I know I’m not a very good chess player, I know the rules and there forth can somewhat follow along, but I am nowhere near skilled enough to be an entertaining chess partner to you, dr. Reid.”
“Who said that your chess skills had anything to do with it?”
Giggling lightly, you moved a pawn and muttered, “oh.”
It was his turn again, but this time he didn’t move a piece, but simply asked you, “are you still drunk?”
Your body tensed at what the question really meant. 
“I don’t think so,” you said honestly, then deciding to joke a bit, “why, do you want me to walk in a straight line? Touch my finger to my nose?” already doing the last movement in front of him.
Smiling, he asked, “do you still want to?”
Stopping your movements, you replied completely serious, “I don’t know how that’s even a question.”
He raised his eyebrows at you, waiting for the right words.
“Yes Spencer, I still want to.” Rubbing your thighs together at the building sensation that never quite disappeared from earlier. 
His eyes were glued on you as you lowered your body to the floor, kneeling in front of him, slowly running your hands up his legs.
Reaching a hand down to your cheek, he slipped his thump inside your mouth, completely entranced, it came out as almost a whisper “show me.”
The way he looked down at you made your pussy throb. Hollowing your cheeks and swirling your tongue around his finger, you watched him work at his belt.
“Be a good girl and show me.” Taking his finger back with a pop, then used both of his hands to free his cock.
The sight made you smile. Of course, even his dick was pretty.
“Open your mouth, Y/n,” and without another thought, you opened up and stuck your tongue out. Your eyes were big and doe-like, in awe of how he looked, sitting in front of you, working himself a couple of times.
Tapping the weight against your wet tongue, he groaned, “lick it”, and so you did, slowly a few times, just on the tip, then moving your head slightly to the side so you could trace his veins all the way down to the bottom, all the while keeping your eyes locked on his.
Moving your hand up to grasp the base, stroking it lightly as you came back to the tip, swirling your tongue around it a few times before pushing it past your lips. Slowly taking him further and further in, his hands were tangled in your hair, pulling at the roots whenever you would move your tongue just right. 
Letting him move your head for you, picking the pace, how far down you would go down and how long he would hold you there, enjoying the sound of you gagging. 
After a bit, moaning, he pulled you off his now glistening cock, “I’m not gonna last if you keep that up”.
Proud of yourself, you beamed up at him, whipping your mouth and chin with the back of your hand.
Pulling you up to him, he kissed you. Moaning into it, his hands went straight to your tits, palming them softly and then whispered against your lips, “take it off, slowly”.
Pushing yourself off him, you backed up a few steps, giving him a good view. Gradually, layer by layer you striped for him, turning when you got to your pants, in order to give him the best angle. Unconsciously, he mirrored your actions, taking his own off.
When you were both completely naked, his dark eyes drank you in, “get on the couch, ass up, now.”
Your body did as he wished by its own accord. Leaning over the back of his brown leather couch, you waited eagerly for him to get closer to you, and when he did, you grinded into the feeling of his body pressed up against yours. 
Running his fingers lightly through your folds, “mhm, you’re fucking soaked.”
“Please don’t tease me anymore,” you wiggled against him, “I want you inside of me, now.”
“Oh really?” he cooed, then landed a small slap on your pussy, surprising and hard enough to make you jump a bit, “you want it that bad? Do you just wanna be my pretty little whore?”
“Please, ruin me” you whined, as you felt the head of his cock brush against your entrance.
“Wait,” he said, panic suddenly filling his voice, “I don’t have a condom.”
As he began to pull away, you wouldn’t let him, “I don’t care, please just give it to me, please Spencer.”
“You serious?”
“I’m clean, please do it. I’ll just get plan b tomorrow”, you begged.
And without any more warning, he slammed the entirety of his dick inside of you, making you lose your breath and almost turn into putty in his arms.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he groaned into your ear, then distanced himself from you by pushing you further into the couch and straightening up himself. Gripping onto your hips, he didn’t give you a moment to get use to the feeling of how much he stretched you out, but opting for a brutal pace. The snapping of his hips made your body jump in the best way. 
As he slapped your ass, you only got that much closer to cuming. His arms went around your waist and pulled you up against him. One firmly staying there, holding you close to his warm body, the other snaked its way up your body, staying at your boobs just long enough to pinch one nipple, then finding a home softly wrapped around your neck.
His face was right beside yours, occasionally placing a sloppy kiss on your cheek, neck or shoulder. Feeling you clench around him, he asked amidst his grunts and moans, “you gonna be a good girl and cum for me, Y/n?”
When you didn’t reply, too wrapped up in the feeling of it all, he taped your cheek lightly, “huh? Are you gonna cum on my dick?” 
Seeing stars now, you had no way of getting out actual words, and when his hand came down on your cheek again, this time a little harder, you gathered just enough strength to nod lightly.
“atta girl, let me feel you,” he cooed in your ear and returned his hand to his resting place around your neck. Your eyes struggled to stay open as the orgasm rocked through you. 
Legs shaking and trying to catch your breath, his trusts slowed down. Your head lolled back against his shoulder, and he kissed your cheek. “fuck, just when I thought you couldn’t get more beautiful.”
Smiling you reached your hand up to the side of his face, “let’s move this to your bed, I think I need to lay down”, you breathed out.
“Done already?” he asked in a joking tone.
Laughing lightly, you winched at the feeling it gave, making your sensitive walls clench around him, “no, I just don’t wanna fall.”
And with another peck on your cheek, he pulled out of you, but still held you close as you moved the short distance to his bed.
When you hit the mattress, you pulled him with you, letting him fall on top of you. Gasping as he slipped inside of you again, the feeling already starting to feel like home. 
“Oh, you’re taking my cock so well” he moaned, finding a good rhythm, picking the one that made your boobs jiggle the most. “God, I love your tits,” he thought out loud, playing with them, making you giggle a bit at the compliment. 
Craving the same sensation from before, you requested, “choke me.” He didn’t hesitate, wrapping his long fingers around your throat again, squeezing lightly at the points where your rapid heartbeat was easiest to feel. 
Your eyes were locked on each other’s, giving you a great chance to study just how blown his pupils were. Moving his big hand up, so that his thumb could rest on your bottom lip, “open” he breathed out. When you did as you were told, sticking your tongue out just enough for it to brush against his finger, his lips curled up into a proud smirk. The sensation of his spit landing on your tongue first surprised you, then did something you were not expecting it to do. You came again. Right then and there, the intimacy of the act being enough for you.
His smile only grew at the obvious signs of the power he had over you.
Then you blinked and he wasn’t above you anymore. But what he did next was enough for you to know exactly where he was. Your head shot down with a wince, to see him place sloppy kisses on your very sensitive clit. Reaching a hand down, you pulled him away, the sensation being too much. 
Head between your legs, he looked up at you, eyes sparkling, kissing your inner thigh, and muttering, “sorry, I just had to kiss you there”.
Placing your hand on his cheek, you stroked your thump up and down, then up to trace the angry vein on the side of his forehead, “just give me a second”.
Smiling, he leaned his head against your soft thigh, then turned his face to place a peck on the palm of your hand.
“mhm, okay”, you hummed after a few minutes. Spencer then sat up, pulling your tired body with him. You slumped down in his lap, like a koala, hugging your arms around him, nuzzling as close as you could. 
“You ready, Y/n?”
You hummed in reply, reaching one of your hands down to slip his dick inside of you again.
This time, you both just found a lazy and intimate rocking motion, not needing it to be hard and fast, but slow in order to make it last as long as possible. 
“fuck, I’m so close” he practically whined, “where so you want it?”
Through a string of breathy moans, you uttered one syllable, “-in- “, pulling back just enough for him to see the seriousness on your face.
“Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he smirked, “We already live together, you want us to start a family?” his teasing only made your walls tighten their grip around him.
His movements became more ragged and desperate, “you’re just a little cumslut, aren’t you? You want me to fill you up?” whimpering in response, you buried your face in the crook of his neck and held on tight as he pushed you over another euphoric high. 
Grunting in your ear at the feeling of you milking him, you heard, “take it, all of it”, as he throbbed deep inside of you, filling you with his cum.
Staying like that, all tangled up and breathing heavy, for who knows how long. At some point, clutching onto you, he lowered you both down to lie on the soft mattress. 
Expecting him to stay and cuddle you, he instead sat back up and leaned back to admire the mess he had made. Stroking your thigh, he breathed out, “be a good girl and spread your legs for me.”
Slowly, you pushed your knees up and spread your legs apart, hearing him curse underneath his breath. Your body jumped when you felt his fingers trace your slit, gathering up the cum that had begun to drip out of you. Crying out suddenly as he plunged in two of his fingers, hips buckling, the sensation being too much for your overstimulated cunt.
“Uh, don’t get so whiny on me right now,” he cooed, looking down at you with dark eyes. He hooked his fingers and moved them furiously, “you said you wanted to cum? Now take it!”
Even when your hips tried to move away, his fingers followed. Soon the feeling of everything being too much got another thing added onto it. How could you possibly cum again? But somehow, you did just that. Spencer always had a way of making impossible things be possible.
Your whole body was shaking and quivering as Spencer laid down next to you and wrapped his arms around you. “Holy shit,” you said among your shaky breaths.
“Well, we did have 341 days of foreplay”, he joked.
“Yeah”, you laughed, brushing your hand up and down his arm. “Hey, Spence?”
“Mhm?” he hummed into your hair.
Taking a deep breath, gathering the courage, you confessed quietly, “I love you.”
His hand came to lift your face up to meet his, touching his forehead against yours, “Y/n, I love you too, so much.”
Tilting your head up a bit, you kissed his forehead, then curled back down under his chin and fell asleep in that warm cocoon of love that was your roommate Spencer Reid.
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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New Years wishes
Week 5 of the Winter Writing Challenge
prompt: "I wanna be your last first kiss.“
Summary: After spending difficult six month without Marcus he surprises you for New Years Eve.
Pairing: Marcus Pike x fem. reader
Wordcount: 2.1k
Rating: G
Warnings: fluff, also angst, little heartbreak, Marcus is having a tiny midlife crisis, but it all turns out good in the end
A/N: totally stealing from Greys Anatomy I'm not even sorry
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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You don’t know why you let Charlotte talk you into going to her New Years eve party. You weren’t big on parties, and you definitely weren’t looking forward to this one. 
But you were looking forward to this year finally being over. 
That’s the only reason Charlotte used to talk you into coming to her party, to celebrating this year finally being over and to starting a new year which would hopefully bring you more than heartbreak. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, your gaze landing on the necklace you were wearing. 
The necklace Marcus had gifted you for your first anniversary. 
It was a little cupcake on a golden chain, because it was through a cupcake that the two of you reconnected a year before. 
Marcus was Charlotte’s big brother. Growing up you had the biggest crush on him but it would almost take twenty years for it to finally become more. 
And it was a chance meeting. 
You were working in your little bakery, not far away from FBI headquarters and Marcus had moved to town after getting offered to be the leading agent of the art crime division. You would only learn later that this new job originally also entailed a new fiancé. 
But her loss was your gain in the end. Marcus started to spend all his lunch breaks in your little bakery, reconnecting and slowly falling in love with you. 
And things had been going perfectly. 
Eight months after you officially started dating he moved into your little house, just outside of the city you had inherited from your grandmother after she died. 
You were so in love with each other, that you really didn’t know how to react when Marcus wanted a break. 
It had been after another lengthier mission that Marcus had come home and asked for a some time apart. That he needed some time to think about his life and how he could be the best version of himself for you, and while it broke your heart, you were willing to give him everything he wanted if it made him feel better. 
That was almost six months ago and you had both only seen each other a handful of times. He assured you that it wasn’t you, that he had some things he needed to work out with himself and that you deserved to have the best version of himself if you still wanted him. 
Of course you wanted him. You would always want him. 
You were beyond confused, asking yourself if it was something you did that made him feel this way. 
You missed him. Every single day. 
You went from daydreaming about the future with him together, both of you planing your wedding, where you would live, how many children you would have, to lonely microwave dinners and reruns of the bachelor until you fell asleep in front of the TV.
Christmas had been beyond depressing. 
You never had much family left in the first place, and the last years had been spent with the Pike’s. You were invited of course, but you could not bring yourself to go there and spend the day with Marcus and his family, when you were hurting deep down about your relationship status. 
You had tried to talk to him since he moved out, but he had only asked for more time, telling you that he would understand if you were getting tired of waiting, that he did not want you to wait until he figured his shit out.
Charlotte had warned you that Marcus was supposed to be attending her party that day too, and your heart already was hurting only thinking about seeing him again, without being able to actually be with him. 
You just hoped that he would figure his issues out, because you could not keep living like this.
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The taxi was driving through the busy city. 
Charlotte had asked you to make some cupcakes, so the taxi was taking you to your bakery where Charlotte’s husband Eddie would be waiting for you to help transport the cupcakes back to her place for the party. 
You could have just taken them to her yesterday, but she insisted she wanted them today. 
Paying the taxi driver you grabbed your purse and took a look around, trying to check if Eddie was there already, but all you found was a black town car with a driver waiting in front of it. Shrugging to yourself, you searched for your keys, making your way to the entrance of your bakery when you heard your name behind you.
Turning around you found the driver, an older looking man smiling at you, asking your name again.
„Uh, yeah?“ You answered confused. 
„Hello, I am Andrew. I am instructed to take you to your surprise,“ he said. 
„Which surprise?“ You asked. 
„I do not know. I only know I should take you there,“ he answered. 
„Who told you to take me there?“
„Marcus Pike.“
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Before you got into the car you tried to call Marcus, but he did not pick up the phone. Then you tried to call Charlotte who only told you that she knew about a surprise, but she didn’t know what it was about. 
Still hesitant you sat in the backseat of the car, the radio quietly playing while the landscape flew by. 
After a while you had an of idea where you were going. 
One of your last dates with Marcus was spent house hunting. You had been searching for a while but could not find something you both liked immediately. You did however find a piece of land that you both fell in love with. It was overlooking the whole city while still not being to far out to commute to work every day, which you and Marcus could do together since you worked only two streets apart.
But before you could have made any further decisions, Marcus had asked for this… break. You were getting more nervous the more familiar your surroundings became, until the car stopped and you turned your head to look to the side, a sea of candles illuminating the night. 
The car door opened and Andrew gave you a warm smile. 
„I’ll wait here if you’ll need me,“ he said before he helped you out and walked back to the drivers side to get back into the car. 
You took a deep breath, before you slowly rounded the car and walked towards where you could already make out Marcus waiting for you, surrounded by what must be hundreds, if not thousands of candles. 
You were suddenly glad you had decided to wear your winter coat.
As if this whole set up wasn’t overwhelming enough, it was the first time you saw Marcus since the beginning of November. 
He was waiting for you in the middle of this set up, a soft smile on his completely shaven face. Nervously you sucked your bottom lip in, walking towards him, while you looked around, seeing that these candles seemed to make up a shape. Of what, you were not sure. 
„Hi,“ you heard Marcus say as you stopped in front of him. 
„Hey,“ you whispered. 
„You look… you look beautiful,“ he smiled, his hand reaching out to touch you, but stopping himself halfway through. You took a step closer, taking his hand and he sighed. 
„You shaved,“ you said and he smiled. 
„Yeah. I think I shaved my midlife crisis right off with the beard,“ he huffed nervously, his brown eyes set on you. He squeezed your hand. 
„I owe you an explanation. And the biggest apology of my life,“ he sighed, shaking his head to himself. He took your other hand before he looked at you. 
„Yeah. What happened? Was it something I did? I…“ you began but he shook his head. 
„Remember the undercover mission I had been on for a couple weeks in May?“ He asked. You nodded. 
„I ran into my ex wife.“
„Oh,“ you whispered. He took a deep breath. 
„And I let her fuck with my head. And then I ran into Theresa and I couldn’t talk to you, because of the Undercover thing and it left me with my stupid thoughts for two weeks up to the point where I was certain that something must be wrong with me and that you deserve so much better,“ he said.
„Marcus…“ you mumbled, shaking your head. 
„I know,“ he smiled sadly, „And instead of finally talking to you when I was back I pushed you away. You, the person I want to grow old with. I love you. So much. It’s…,“ he took a deep breath. 
„Charlotte told me how miserable you were. She also told me what an idiot I am. My therapist too,“ Marcus continued. 
„Therapist?“ You asked. 
He nodded. 
„Yeah. I wanted to find out what was wrong with me,“ he shrugged.
„There’s nothing wrong with you, baby. You’re just…“ you were looking for the right word. 
„An idiot?“ He offered. You smiled.
„Yeah. But you’re still my idiot,“ you said softly and he released a deep breath. 
„I’m so, so fucking sorry what I put you through these last months. If I could erase these last months, I would.“
You looked at him, your Marcus. There would be more talking about this in the future. Yes, these last months were hell, but he was here, right now. He loved you and you loved him. That was enough for the moment. 
You got on your tiptoes, your arms wrapping around Marcus and kissed him. He stumbled back surprised before his arms pulled you against him and he deepened the kiss. 
„I missed you so much. I’ll kill you if you ever hurt me like that again,“ you mumbled against his lips. 
„Never,“ he vowed, rubbing his nose over yours. 
„So… what is all this?“ You asked, looking up at him. 
„This… This could be our dream house,“ he said. He pulled away from you, taking your hand and started walking. 
„Right now, we could be standing in our living room. Fireplace right there, biggest couch we can find right here,“ he gestured. You smiled, following him. Now you could see the candles on the ground made out lines of different rooms.
„This,“ he lead you forward along the line, „could be the kitchen. Got you that big island you always wanted so you can have enough space to bake too,“ he winked and you grinned. 
„What’s on the other levels?“ You asked. He turned and pulled you in his arms. 
„Bathroom, Office, Guest Bedroom, Bedroom with walk in closet….“
„What about a nursery?“ You asked and he smiled shyly. 
„We can fit one in there too, I think,“ he mumbled and kissed you. 
„Two,“ you said and he nodded. 
„I gotta say, this is all very romantic but last time I checked we don’t own this piece of land.“
He hummed.
„When did you last check?“ He asked, a smile sneaking to his lips. 
You tilted your head, narrowing your eyes. 
„I signed the papers this morning. It’s yours,“ he said and your mouth dropped open in shock. 
„What?“ You gasped out. 
„I bought it. For you. For us, if you want. I just… I want to make you happy. I…“ you stopped him with your lips on his mouth. 
„You’re insane,“ you chuckled.
„Now you notice?“ He joked and you shook your head with a grin, letting your head rest against his chest when you heard the first firework go off, the sky glittering in pink lights. 
„What time is it?“ You asked and he looked at his watch. 
„Almost midnight,“ he whispered. 
You both looked up at the sky, more and more fireworks lighting up the sky. 
„I want to spend every single day of my life loving you. I wanna be your last first kiss. I wanna be the best version of myself for you,“ he whispered against your ear. You blinked the tears away, cuddling closer against him. 
„I love you,“ you mumbled against him. 
„Happy new year,“ he whispered, kissing your hair. You looked up at him, the man you loved.
„Happy new year.“
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magnoliacharmed · 1 year
I’ll Show You A Winner
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(not my gif!)
18+, Shawn Michaels x Fem!Reader one shot
[Also available on Archive of Our Own!]
Word count: 1,282
Tags: Referenced drug use (cocaine), Referenced alcohol use, rough sex, hair pulling, choking, face slapping, voice kink, scratching, biting, bruises, condomless sex, reader is a total bitch, Shawn is mean
Shawn gets mean with you after you make fun of him for losing a match.
Author's note: haha... yeah
“Aww, are you mad Shawn? Gonna cry about another lost match? God, you’re such a pussy sometimes.”
“What’d you say?”
“I said that you’re a crybaby. Mad that the world doesn’t always revolve around you. Guess all that politicking with Vince didn’t work, huh?”
“Didn’t wear your prettiest earrings to his office?”
Suddenly Shawn’s weight engulfed you into the plush mattress. Man he could move fast. His face was splotchy red after the last few hours you two spent drinking and snorting cocaine. It was a poor choice for the night since he was already in such a sour mood. As the hours passed by, he got angrier and angrier. The way you were picking at him wasn’t helping either.
“Some man you are.”
Your noses touched and his light smattering of facial hair scratched against you as he stared into your eyes. His breathing was heavy, so heavy you would’ve thought he just got done in the ring. The way his head cocked to the side made a warning sign flash in your head. The bull was being prodded too much. You didn’t have time to get another insult ready when Shawn’s hand clenched hard into your hair. It felt like he was going to tear it out with how strong his grip was. The pain radiated through your head and neck in a strangely delicious way.
“You wanna see what kinda man I am, honey? I’ll show you.”
Shawn’s breathing quickened as he moved his free hand down to unhook his belt. Just as soon as his pants were down enough, he hiked your dress up to your waist.
Your lips moved in a whispered frenzy by his ear, blond locks of his wavy hair shielding the rest of the room from you. “Can you even get it up, cokehead?” Your laugh was mean… and just the slightest bit panicked.
“Keep talkin’. I’ll shut you up soon enough.”
Shawn’s voice lacked the passion it usually had when he was pissed. You knew that when he was yelling and screaming it would pass pretty shortly. He just needed an outlet. When he was truly upset though? His already deep and raspy tone got even lower. It made your panties flood and your eyes widen. You were really in for it now.
With an aggressive push into you, Shawn began to thrust against your walls. You weren’t quite as prepared as usual, so your voice exclaimed out with a squeak. He continued to stare in your eyes with a look that was miles past angry. There was determination flowing through his veins to win. He couldn’t succeed in the ring tonight, that much was true. But he could make you shut up and could definitely make you come.
Your own hand flew up to grasp at his hair with force. Two could play that game. The feeling of you being so close to pulling it out made him go harder inside you. made him feel alive even more so than the coke. His neck strained as he reached down to kiss you roughly with no warning. Your muscles tightened around his length when his teeth bit your bottom lip.
“You like it when I’m rough, don’t you? Such a slut for me.”
Shawn shook his head in disappointment, but you both knew that he was loving this. His accent, that Texan drawl that made you melt, was especially heavy when he spoke. He could be as harsh as he wanted— as long as he kept talking you through it.
Before you could respond back, Shawn released his grip from your hair and instead wrapped his hand around your neck. You gushed below him, wet sounds filling the room when you adjusted your legs to surround his waist. You got a little dazed and lightheaded at the lack of air you were getting. Mirroring him, you decided to choke him back. It was too bad you weren’t strong enough to put as much pressure on his neck as he had on yours, but that didn’t seem to matter to him. The slight squeeze you could give was enough for him to groan loudly above you.
Your vision darkened around the edges. Shawn was pounding you into the mattress while he continued to restrict your airflow. You did your best to grind into every one of his forceful thrusts, your clit shooting bolts of pleasure through you whenever it brushed against him. He smiled at you in that cocky sort of way he liked to whenever he was winning. You got some air back when he moved your head up to angle more at him. He was fucking the bitchy resolve right out of you, tears building at the corners of your eyes at how he stretched you out.
“And look who’s crying now! It’s so pathetic it’s cute.” His cruel voice rumbled and reverberated through your body in hedonistic bliss.
Shawn used his other hand to grab your jaw and hold you in place. He was much stronger than you and your body was beginning to get weak at the impending orgasm threatening to wrack through you. Those soft blue eyes of his were crazed when he stuck his tongue out. You immediately stuck yours out too to swirl around his lewdly, hoping he’d push you into another kiss. Despite everything he’d been doing to you, this felt the most inappropriate.
That was until he slapped you.
It wasn’t very hard at all. It was more of a surprise than anything. Shawn immediately caressed the stinging skin of your cheek, then rubbed the pad of his thumb against your bruised bottom lip. With little force he pushed his thumb into your mouth for you to suck on. You did so gratefully with a dumb sort of expression on your face.
A mocking sigh breathed from his lips. “You disgust me.”
Stars began to overtake your vision before your eyes rolled back in your head. Your hands pawed at his back in desperation. The deep scratches you were leaving weren’t your problem. He could just keep his shirt on the next time he had to be on TV. With every claw mark up the expanse of his well toned back Shawn’s movements stuttered even more. The way you looked at him right before you came, so innocent and doe eyed, sent him right past the edge and over the moon. Shawn filled you with his come until his entire body fell limp above you. It took the last little bit of energy he had to unwrap your legs from around him and roll over to the other side of the bed.
Both of you laid on your backs and breathed heavily into the open air. You felt Shawn shift beside you to stare at your heaving chest. Your cheek didn’t look too bad, but your bottom lip was puffy and your neck was bruised. Your hair was a bird’s nest above you from the pulling. Shawn wasn’t in great shape either. The scratches on his back actually hurt down now that the adrenaline was fading. The alcohol and coke made his face bloated and a headache form at his temples. He was pretty sure that strands of his already thinning hair were pulled out from the way you grabbed at him. Your nails dug marks into the side of his neck that were hard to look at.
In the end, none of that mattered. He won.
“Fuck, Shawn. That was amazing.” Your voice was laced with awe.
“Of course it was, honey.”
“That’s cause you’re the best.” You dragged yourself over to lay against his chest, drowsiness pulling you down into a deep sleep.
“Damn straight.”
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harlowsbby · 1 year
Spending almost all tour with Jack, after all but begged, and all that’s running thru my head is those late nights on the tour bus . When you are on the road, you can count the headlights on the highway, and instead of sleeping you are up talking about life. Or Jack has you trying so hard not to scream his name!
10,000 hours
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Late night talks and late night pillow fights and gossip sessions with Neelam and Metta has been your life for the past two months or so.
Jack was huffing and puffing because the last few nights you’ve spent with Neelam on her tour bus, now he didn’t mind he loved that you were getting along with everyone but he missed you and wanted you in his arms.
“What’s your issue curly head? You look like you lost your best friend or something.” Urban teased to which Ace responded by saying “He lost his girl that’s what happened.” Ace joked making Urban’s eyes go wide.
“Wait Y/N and you broke up? Exactly how did that happen, what did you do now Jack.” Jack looked up from his phone in disbelief. “What do you mean what did I do now? I didn’t do anything all I do is love and support my girl.”
“Okay so what’s wrong with you? You’ve been pouting and huffing all day.”
“I just miss Y/N is all she’s been spending the last few nights with the girls and I just wanna cuddle up with her and stuff you know.” Ace rolled his eyes and scoffed “Obviously we don’t know Jack we’re the only ones left single in our group but if you miss Y/N so bad why don’t you tell her that.”
Now to Ace and Urban that seemed like the obvious thing to do but Jack had to much pride to admit that he missed you and he had to admit behind closed doors he’d be kissing you everywhere and anywhere saying he missed you but he didn’t want to seem soft in front of the boys.
“I mean I miss her most definitely but let’s just do something else yeah? It’s guys night so let’s keep it that way.” Ace and Urban gave one another knowing looks they knew this guys night wasn’t going to be a guys night for much longer.
“Jack and You are honestly so crazy it’s insane.” Neelam shook her head and laughed at you while Metta nodded her head in agreement.
“What? I’m not crazy that’s totally Jack I know he misses me but he’s way too stubborn to admit it whenever the guys are around.” I mean you weren’t exactly wrong, whenever Jack was around the guys he always had to put up this tough act and it honestly was entertaining but very annoying at times.
“Why don’t you just go over there Y/N? you’ve made it very clear that you miss him babes.” Metta giggled as she watched you flip through old messages between Jack and You.
“Hey! Stop peaking through my phone but I mean I wanted to kind of hold out a bit longer and see how long it’ll take him to come over here but you’re right I do miss him very much.”
“Well it’s up to you but as for me, I’m going to bed we have to be up extra early tomorrow.” Neelam yawned and got up and stretched before heading to bed, with Metta right behind her.
“You’re going to bed as well?” You questioned Metta. “Yeah I’m tired but I’ll see you in the morning or not depending where you’ll be at.” She winked before going to bed as well.
You sighed and sunk into the couch and opened up your phone as it lit up, signaling you had a new message.
Jack 💗
- I miss you, can you come over please?
You smirked and shook your head at the message “I should’ve known he’d cave in.” You muttered to yourself but got up and tossed on one of Jack’s hoodies before making your way to his tour bus.
Before you got to knock the bus door was already swung open revealing a pouty faced Jack.
“Well if it isn’t the big baby.” You joked and pushed past Jack as you made your way inside.
“Yeah but I’m your big baby and I missed you so much.” He came from behind you and brought you back into his chest, you inhaled deeply as you missed his scent and just miss his touch.
“You are my baby and I missed you too. You want to go lay down or something?” You smiled up at him, he looked down at you and nodded his head, taking your hand he took you to the back of the tour bus where his bed was.
You flopped on his bed immediately causing him to chuckle before following in the bed after you.
“What did you do with Neelam and Metta all day?” Jack was laying on his side of the bed, you crawled over to him and rested on his chest, you body laying on the side of his.
Taking his hands in yours you began twisting and playing with his fingers. “We didn’t do much just did face mask and gossiped, you know the usual.”
“Are you nervous for tomorrow?” You asked him, tomorrow Jack was going to be performing at the Grammy’s on his own. You knew he was nervous he’s been putting so much work into his performance he just wanted everything to run smoothly and to honestly make history in Louisville.
“Just a little bit but I’m confident that everything will go smoothly so I’m not that worried.” You hummed and began to yawn.
“You tired baby?” “No I’m not tired.” You lied, Jack rolled his eyes and began to pat and rub your back something that always had you falling asleep quickly, before he knew it your soft snores filled the room. He smiled and reached across you carefully before placing the blanket on-top of you.
He leaned down and placed a quick kiss on your head before laying back on his pillow. Jack loved you dearly you had his whole heart and you knew you did. He couldn’t and wouldn’t stop falling in love with you no matter how hard he’d try.
You were his forever you had him high off your love and that was something he’d never get over.
( something cute and fun anyways get ready for the angst ima post this weekend 😌 )
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croszukis · 2 months
Nick 38 🤲
38. Multiverse/meeting alternate version of self (send me a guy and a situation)
well, naturally it must be local boy nick right?
“You’re late,” Nick grumbled to Nanea when she finally breezed through the front doors as always, she never fucking used the staff entrance in the back side either. 
“Sorry, ah. My car is shit, wouldn’t start this morning and I had to call Kawika for one jump.” She was obviously lying—she grinning when she said this, twisting her hair up into a titah bun or whatever on her head. It was good thing they didn’t have a dress code or bosses (aka Nick’s parents) who cared because Nanea always showed up in cut off jean shorts, slippers on her feet, and Suzuki Shave Ice t-shirts with the neckline cut or the bottom twisted up with a hair tie on her back. 
“Whatever, it’s fine. You owe me though, I hate taking orders.” He’d much rather be working the machine, hands almost painfully cold from moving ice blocks and forming mounds of shaved ice into neat little spheres. He was good at it, after years of working in his parent’s shop, making perfect cones every time. “Some dumb fucken’ haoles spent an extra ten minutes bugging me for hiking recommendations because they wanna know where the real locals go. As if I’d tell ‘em. Like try stick to Koko Head, brah?”
Nick moved aside to let Nanea take over the cash register so he could shift over to the ice station, rows of bottles of syrups in every possible color imaginable lined up in front of him. She was better at dealing with customers than him, her fake smile to endless tourists more believable. She flirted, let sunburnt haole boys with crew cuts believe she might be into them or whatever party they try to invite her to. As if she didn’t have a hot surfer boyfriend with tons of family in Waialua that could beat them up. It got tips though, so Nick could only admire her. 
It was hours later, deep into the afternoon post-beach rush, when Nanea hissed at him, “Eh, Nick. Try look at this guy.” 
He was busy trying to remember all four flavors this little girl had ordered, a weird combination she’d definitely regret but Nick didn’t say anything and just pulled out all the bottles to set on the ledge in front of him. “What? Is it another guy trying to steal a t-shirt?”
“No. He looks just like you. Like, it’s freaky weird.”  
He wiped the sides of the plastic holder on the cone of spilled syrup and handed it to the mom before glancing to where Nanea was gesturing. “What are you talking about?” She nudged him in the direction of a group of guys—a bunch of haoles he’d guess were from the mainland, probably. But in the middle of them was an asian guy. 
“I told you! Totally looks like you. Shoots, we found your doppelgänger!” 
Nick had to admit that the guy did look like him, if he grew up on the mainland he guesses. If he were the type to cut his hair like that, or wear golf polo shirts and never see the sun. The group made it to the front of the line and Nanea was doing all of her normal routine, flirting a little, gesturing with her hands as she talked in a way that made the tahitian pearl bangles she wore jingle. 
She kept glancing back at the asian guy, Nick could see even from over at his station, and he watched them notice it too. The guy didn’t seem weirded out or like he thought she was interested in him and he was interested back. Actually he seemed to brace himself, like he was expecting something he wasn’t going to enjoy much. 
“Hockey fan?” He mumbled, Nick could barely make out the words over the buzzing of the shave ice machine. 
“No?” Nanea responded with a laugh. “I don’t think you’ll find anyone here who is.”
The guy looked embarrassed now, glancing at his friends, “We’re hockey players. I thought maybe you recognized us and didn’t know how to tell us.” 
“Oh, no.” She didn’t even seem at all fazed to have been caught staring at him. In fact she looked excited and Nick groaned internally. Nanea owed him much more than sweeping the floors at closing now, this was like, some of her mom’s homemade kulolo territory. “It’s just—you look like one of our workers. This is his family's shop actually.” She was pointing to Nick now, who was trying to start on their order actually. 
Nick didn’t move any closer, staying by the safety of the machine, but gave a close-lipped smile to the group who were all staring at him now. 
“Nick, isn’t it funny your doppelgänger plays hockey apparently? Do you even know how to ice skate?” 
“I do,” he grumbled, feeling insulted. He spent one summer in junior high with a group friends who were obsessed with Ice Palace and went almost every week. He used to be able to skate backwards, even. 
“Wait, your name is Nick too?” One of his friends popped up, he was the shortest of them all. Nick only noticed because the other guys were all pretty tall. 
“We came here because it’s named Suzuki’s. Like him.” He had an arm around well, Nick, apparently. “So you’re both Nick Suzuki. That’s crazy.” 
Nick thought the guy had way too much energy for someone who hadn’t even eaten a large shave ice yet. The tops of his cheeks were red and he was grinning like it didn’t hurt to do that when Nick knew it must’ve. 
He looked back at Other Nick to see him staring back at him intently, observing him or something. It was unnerving, they looked so alike but they were so different—the way he dressed, the way he talked with his vowels sounding all weird—there was almost nothing else similar about them.  
“Yeah, crazy.” 
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kyojurismo · 1 year
Hi, I am having some issues with my friends and I feel like I keep bothering them if I stay. I was wondering if you could write the reader distancing themselves from mitsuri and giyuu because they feel inadequate in the relationship and how they would comfort them when they found out.
you don't have to do this if you don't want to
# mitsuri kanroji & giyu tomioka
tags : gn!reader, comfort, i don’t state explicitly if r is dating them so it’s up to you, insecure mitsuri & insecure giyu, lemme know if i forgot to tag something pls + not proofread.
a/n : sorry for the delay !! i hope it helps <3
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she deserves being around someone better than.
that’s what you repeated to yourself more and more often. you found yourself feeling unfitting, not enough, inadequate. you had to distance yourself from her. so mitsuri would be able to see that she really was better off without having you around her.
what really happened is that she started overthinking everything. did she said something too pushy? did she make you feel uncomfortable? was she… rude?!
she started crying at the thought of treating you in such manner, feeling so bad. she even thought that you straight up hated her that much to the point of ignoring her and trying to avoid her in any kind of social situation.
but when she spoke with shinobu, who offered her point of view, she learned that she in fact didn’t do something to make you “run” away from her. you distanced yourself because of something else.
she needed to discover the truth.
now mitsuri didn’t need to wait for you to casually show up to some place to talk. she came right to your house, knocked on the door and wasn’t willing to give up anytime soon. she would burst the door open if needed.
she needed to see you. she needed to know.
“oh, kanroji-san,” what? she frowned but entered inside none the less. you let her, there was no point in stopping her after all. you went sitting down with her and tried to avoid her eyes as she studied your every movement.
“y/n-chan, i must confront you on this! it’s literally breaking my heart,” she whined and moved closer to you, gently taking your hands. you missed her gentle touch, you couldn’t lie about it. “w-what is it?” you knew damn well what she was talking about. of course she hated you.
“you distanced yourself, y/n-chan! i spent the whole week trying to find a reason for it, i thought that you did it because i was rude! i wasn’t rude, right?” she checked then, worried that she was mislead by shinobu. “you were never rude to me, kanroji-san,” you assured her, looking at her at last.
“then what happened?” she pleaded with her teary eyes, it was clear the situation was making her sad and she felt stressed about not knowing what was going on with you.
you took your time to explain yourself, it was hard opening up about your feelings but it was even harder seeing mitsuri so sad.
“but darling!” she hugged you suddenly, burying you in her chest. “how could you think such things?! you’re one of my favourite people, i love spending time with you and my heart beats so fast when we’re together…” she caressed your back as she comforted you.
“if you have a problem, something that’s bothering you, or maybe some kind of issue with me, i assure we can solve it together, y/n-chan. i’m here for you, i don’t wanna lose you,” she explained in a soft tone, trying to reassure you and reason with you. “are you sure you don’t feel like.. i’m bothering you or something?” you searched into her eyes the truth, even if you knew that mitsuri wasn’t capable of lying.
“this is total madness! i just told you, i won’t get tired of you,” she smiled widely, nodding. “and if you ever need time by yourself then i accept it… next time just tell me, please,” she frowned again before hugging you once more.
you did miss her a lot the past week. and seeing that mitsuri was ready to help and meet your needs filled your heart. she truly was one of the best people in your life.
now giyu usually had difficulty showing his emotions, it’s not something he does easily. and that probably affected your choice of distancing yourself from him.
that’s also why, tomioka couldn’t be too surprised. he felt bad, inadequate himself, because he knew that being around him was hard most of the time, so his inner self was probably counting down to the moment you would get tired and walk away from him.
on the other hand, you distanced yourself because you thought that you couldn’t be helpful in your relationship with giyu, that he deserved someone better than you, someone who could help him better.
if you think about it, that’s quite funny. because it took a lot for giyu to confront you. he would think “i know they’re doing better without me, i’m just a negative person they can get rid of.”
when you two met, after a long time spent away from each others, giyu discovered that he actually missed you so much that his eyes started filling with tears. he hid them amazingly though, so you didn’t even noticed he was that happy to see you again.
“tomioka-san, what can i do for you?”
tomioka-san? he told you to call him giyu since you were very close. what happened?
“can i talk to you?” he asked in his usual tone, as if talking with you or not didn’t make any difference. “sure, what is it?” you nodded, a bit nervous. he came to put a serious end to your relationship, you could feel it.
“we used to spend a lot of time together, you seemed happy to be around me even if i’m not the best of people to have around… i was wondering if i did something to upset you?” you were surprised, not because he shared his thoughts so easily, but because he wanted to know what was wrong.
you stared at him in silence for a long moment, giyu didn’t lost his composure not even for a moment. when you finally decided to open up about it, his expression showed surprise. he listened carefully and wanted to find a solution, because as i said… giyu loved having you around.
“i can give you space if you need it, i won’t push you to do anything. but i want you to know that i’m here for you and that i’m not here only to hear your silly stories and funny adventures. i want to be… helpful, be there for you if needed,” he even tried to smile at you, a genuine smile.
“oh, giyu-san…” you hugged him and waited for him to engulf you with his strong arms. “i’m so sorry for making you doubt yourself.”
yeah, you missed giyu too. as he said, he’s here for your ups and downs. giyu would always try his best to help you.
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reblogs & comments are super appreciated! thank you for taking your time reading it, i hope you enjoyed it. have a good day / night <3
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woedidt · 2 years
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warning: fluff
Second part to It started of easy
The insufferable pains of love, like anything else in life, does get better with time. It was one of those things you didn’t think would or could happen, but it did. You trained, played, hung out with her and weeks after weeks your heart hurt a little less.
The first time you noticed was at a team game night, you’d arrived quite early, spent a couple hours laughing with your friends and having fun, you only noticed Leah didn’t show up when you were about to live. While walking back to your place, you noticed your chest didn’t feel as heavy. You went to sleep and the next morning, still, your heart felt lighter. This break that your heart caught, felt like breathing again after having your head underwater. It was even harder getting back to reality (your reality) when your heart went back to hurting at the view of Leah at training.
Over the next month, your heart caught a break more often. You could even say, they were days you barely felt any pain. You felt a bit lost for two reasons.
First, you didn’t change anything, so you didn’t understand why your feelings change. Also, you did notice that didn’t catch yourself staring at her as often as you used to.
Second, as sad as it is, that pain had become your standard. With it being gone more and more often, you felt like you were missing something. You felt crazy for missing one of the things that had hurt you the most, but it’s not like you could talk about it with anyone.
With that being said, you’d still had moments were you breath got caught in your throat or were you cried yourself to sleep. But the pain was slipping away, somehow and once again, you didn’t completely realize it. That last part could be attributed to the fact that you were, as your friends liked to say, ‘very much dense’.
That’s what you were absolutely astonished when Alessia asked you out. You had always been close and had gotten closer after Alessia joined the national team back in 2020. If you weren’t so caught up with yourself (or more exactly with Leah) you would probably have notice how you two got even closer, how you always paired up at training, sat next to each other in bus rides, or lunch, talked over the phone multiple times a week when you were back in your respective clubs. You’d been at camp for three days and you barely spent more than 2 hours apart.
But you didn’t notice. That’s why after she finished her sentence, asking you out, oh so eloquently:
"Would you wanna go out tomorrow? With me? Like on a date?’". She looked so vulnerable, you were left mouth open, no sound getting out.
Your head was rushing, trying to remember moments together, to figure out if there were any signs. And it hit you, there was so many signs.
Her head hung law. She looked at her feet and continued ‘forget it…it was dumb’, turned around before you could reply.
In a matter of seconds, you had to decide if you were ready for anyone to see your heart right now, hurt and all. But it wasn’t anyone, it was Alessia.
So you caught up to her, pounding heart and shaking voice.
"Yes?" she looked back at you, trying to hide her expectations.
"Yes!" you responded, a smile drawing itself on both your lips. Yours quickly fade away.
"But…can we talk first… I just… there’s things we should talk about first, things you should know first." She looked at you, unsure of what to say
"About me, there’s things you should know about me. I don’t want you to regret anything."
A little more confident she said "I could never regret anything related to you. But okay, tonight, after diner in our room?"
You expected and feared the moment she’d let herself in your shared room. You went back before her, to let yourself some time to overthink. Now that you think of it, you should totally have seen this coming. You had crossed that line between friends and whatever you called people that are more than friends but to chicken to call it anything else.
Before you could overthink it, Alessia had arrived and changed into a big t-shirt that she had stolen from you a couple of weeks ago. She then sat down next to you, on your bed, probably leaving a little more space than usually. You let out a shaky breath, tears in your eyes. She instantly took you in her arms.
"Hey, it’s okay. Whatever you need to tell me, it won’t change the way I see you." She said, trying to reassure you.
"How can you say that, when you have no idea what I’m about to tell you."
"cause I know you. I know you and I like you."
You looked at her, trying to distinguish a form of lie in her eyes. You couldn’t find any.
"What I’m about to tell you, no one knows it. At least I’m pretty sure no one knows. Or maybe she does, but we never talked about it. And I need you to let me say it, entirely without interruption. If you stop me, I don’t think I can finish."
She nodded at you expectantly.
You looked at her one last time before talking. You tell her everything, how you’d been hurt by love in the past, how you fell in love with Leah so quickly, without wanting to, how much you had hurt because of it and how you were starting to heal, somehow.
And she listened attentively to every word you said, conscious of the secrets you were sharing with her and of their importance.
And when you were done, you let out a breath, one you didn’t know you were holding, and you looked at her, expecting to have ruin everything.
"Wow" was her first reaction. She carried on with a mocking smile,
"Yeah… so Leah?? Really?" That smile belonged to your friend. It eased you, to face her as a friend first.
"So does it mean you don’t want to go on a date with me?" There was the more than a friend.
"No!" you hurriedly responded
"It’s just… You still want to? After everything I just told you?"
"I still want to after everything you just told me. Like I said earlier, you’re still you and I still like you"
You blushed. Alessia made you blush.
"Ok then, a date sounds good." you finally said.
"But?" She knew you and knew a but was coming.
"Can we go slow?" You asked, unsure of why you felt so insecure.
"As slow as you’d like" She reassured you.
As everything else before, the healing started off easy, took months but got easier every day after your first date with Alessia.
Days off after friendlies were your favorites, and that’s when you first went out. Alessia had planned the whole day, stating that days off were a rare occasion and that you needed to make the most out of it. She had woken you up at dawn, and drove the two of you on the cost, knowing how much you loved the sea. You’d spent the day visiting the city and eating. But in all honesty, when your friends asked, you couldn’t really tell them anything about what you did. You had been too focused on each other to remember anything else. It was already dark when she drove you back to your place, that’s why and for absolutely no other reason like cuddling you told her to spend the night at yours.
That night marked a shift in your healing. You couldn’t say all the hurt had left your heart, but you didn’t need that. Soon enough you realized that there was always a little bit of hurt lingering in most people’s heart, not just yours. You also realized that to heal, you needed Alessia by your side. And like love always had, needing her scared you.
You spoke every day and met as often as you could. And for now, that was enough, you had just started dating and didn’t want to rush anything. Especially when you felt like you were using her. This scared you, even more than being vulnerable. You felt selfish, using her and her love for you, to heal yourself from a past heartbreak. Alessia, like always, was quick to notice your unusual quietness and to reassure you as soon as she figured out the reason. That’s when you knew you were falling for her.
After months of hurting, the healing started off easy but ended in completely different way, with butterfly in your stomach every time you kissed.
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drakendaydreams · 2 years
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A/N: And we've made it almost to the end of the second week of this shit. Draken's about to remind you that you only speak what he gives you permission to speak. 😤 If you want to be added to the taglist for Kinktober then send me an ask or DM. Age must be in bio or easily found to be added to the taglist.
Character: Ken "Draken" Ryuguji (x fem!Reader)
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, 18+ content, speech restriction, degradation, dirty talk, spanking, dom/sub dynamic, offensive language (swearing), alcohol consumption, minors dni
Word Count: 1.8k
Kinktober Masterlist
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Draken’s gruff voice filled your ear as he gripped your hand, you were about to head inside for the next Toman party and he had been planning this little “surprise” that he had for you for what felt like forever. “Now listen to me, babe. There’s something I wanna try tonight, something we’ve never done before, something that you might not be too keen about at first.” He pushed you toward the wall of the building, not caring about the people that were passing by you to make their way into the party. He figured that they’d just think the two of you were drunk already. Draken tapped your lips with his finger and smirked. “I don’t wanna hear a single word fall from these angelic little lips tonight unless it some sort of praise about me, got it?”
You almost wanted to test him and tell him that would never happen, the brat inside of you starting to come forward before he even had a chance to finish his sentence. The only thing that stopped you from doing it was the look in his eyes. The look of fire, the look that he wore when he was in the mood, the look that told you that he was going to give you one of the best nights of your life. You nodded, giving him the one thing that you knew that he was looking for when he gave you an order. “Yes, daddy. I understand.”
Draken pulled you away from the building and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, ready to show off his trophy wife to everyone in the room as he always loved to do. His grip was protective as they made their way through the slew of drunk Toman members. Draken knew these men, knew them better than most people, they didn’t like to stay away from what wasn’t theirs. Draken was one of the only members that wasn’t constantly drinking himself into a stupor. Draken kissed the side of your head softly and nodded toward a few of the people that were standing around. A group of the Toman ladies were all sipping on drinks together, ones that you spent so much time with already.
Draken raised his eyebrows at your hesitation to walk over. Could you really do this? Could you really manage to speak in only praises for him? This was going to make everything that you did tonight so much harder. But he was your dom… you knew listening to him would not only keep him happy but give him something to praise you for later while he showed you just how much he loved you.
“What’s the matter, baby love?” His voice was teasing as he eyed the group again. “They’re looking right at you. I think they might want to talk to you.” Draken took his arm from your shoulder and gave your lower back a small nudge toward them. “Don’t forget that I’ll be listening to every little thing that you do. I’ll never be far enough away to not hear you. Praise your daddy unless you want to be punished.”
You nodded quickly, giving him a small, weak smile. “Yes, sir.” You could do this. It couldn't be that hard right? You could totally handle this. You approached and listened to them, starting a conversation when they finished the one they had been in made you realize just how hard this was going to be.
The passing hours felt like torture as you noticed that you were repeating things over and over again, your friends looking at you like you had six heads. Great, everyone was going to think that you were absolutely insane now. Thank you for that Kenny. The relief that washed over you when you finally noticed the familiar musky scent appear next to you with a deep, rough voice accompanying it was like no other. You loved your friends, but you just couldn’t keep this act up much longer.
“Good evening, ladies. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m going to have to steal your little friend over here.” He gave them all a smile and placed a hand protectively on the back of your neck, a shiver running down your spine. You knew that there was something else to that grip as his fingers dug into your skin, something that no one else in the area would realize.
You gave them a small wave as you followed him, not wanting to risk pissing him off in any way as you sensed the urgency in his voice.
Draken was falling apart, watching you be such a good girl for him was bringing him to his knees. He was going to lose it before you even got outside of the building. He wouldn’t make it.
The path you were on that was once heading for the front door changed, his grip turning you toward the conference room where Toman had all their privates meeting. You watched him lock eyes with Mikey for a mere moment, a small nod between the two of them telling Mikey to make sure that no one tried to get into the room.
Draken pushed you through the door and closed it behind him, his tongue running around his lips as he looked back at you. “Damn baby girl. You really know how to make a man happy now don’t you? You really listened to every word I said back there.” He chuckled and placed his hand lovingly on the back of your head. “Now that deserves a reward, but there’s a catch. You gotta keep this pretty little act up.”
You swallowed hard, ready to plead with him. You couldn’t take this anymore, it was killing you. “But Kenny-”
Draken shushed you adoringly and wrapped his arms around you, running his hands down the backs of your legs as he lifted you from the floor. “Aht, aht, I only wanna hear praises coming from you. Don’t you dare do anything else.”
You felt your skirt ride up as you were placed on the long table, the cool touch of the wood on your exposed skin making a shiver run up your spine. His body moved closer to yours in an instant, his hands gripping your waist as he pressed his lips to your own. His large hands tightened around you and he pushed you down to the table, a small whine filling his ears as he pushed your thighs apart. “Fuck, Kenny. Please. I need you. Need to feel you.”
He slapped the inside of your thighs lightly and growled. “You need me, huh? Need me real bad? And what do you love about daddy, huh?”
You whimpered as his fingers wound into your panties, a ripping sound filling the room as you felt the fabric let loose. Draken wasted no time before he plunged his fingers into your core, knowing that the second that he did you’d be ready for him. He could read it all over your face, you were desperate for his touch. His digits curled perfectly against your silky walls as your hips moved against his hand. “Shit,” You tried to keep yourself together as you spoke to him, tried to keep yourself from falling apart so quickly. “Love the way you make me feel so good.” You whined for him, chasing your high as you praised him over and over. “Make me feel on top of the world.”
Draken pulled his hand away as your walls clenched, leaving them clenching around nothing with a dark chuckle. “Now, now, how about we get to the good stuff, yeah?” You heard his belt come undone as he leaned towered over you menacingly. “You’re gonna be reminded that your daddy is the one that’s going to always make you feel good.”
He pushed his jeans down his legs and freed his cock, stroking slowly as he leaned toward you. Draken rubbed his tip against your folds, watching your hips push toward him as you grew desperate for his touch. “P-Please, sir. I need more. Shit-”
Draken finally gave in, your pleads like music to his ears as he snapped his hips into yours. He kept his pace quick and stable, watching every little movement and every little face that you made as his cock bottomed out inside your walls. Every thrust of his hips sent his cock over that one particular spot that had you crying out underneath him. You sang his praise over and over, your hands digging into his lower back as you pushed his shirt up and left welts on his skin. “That’s my good girl. Just like that. Go ahead and leave those marks for all the others to see. Take what’s yours.”
“S-So good, daddy.” Your walls were closing around him fast as you rocked your hips against his, matching his movements as you gripped the edge of the table. Draken stood up straight and rest his hands on your thighs, watching as he buried his cock into your greedy cunt, watching as your slick seeped out around his shaft.
“Such a pretty fucking sight, now go ahead and let go for me baby girl. I know that you want to. I can feel it. Show daddy how good he makes you feel.” Draken’s hand appeared between your legs, his thumb now rubbing vigorously on your throbbing clit. The extra stimulation sent you over the edge, your cunt quivering around his cock as you did as he said and let your orgasm take over your body.
A loud grunt left Draken’s chest as you suffocated his length, his hips slowed to a near crawl as he stuttered against you, spilling himself out inside your core. “Fucking christ-” His body leaned over yours on the table as he held onto you, kissing the side of your head. “I couldn’t ask for a better baby. So god damned perfect for me.”
Your cheeks warmed at his words and he rest his forehead against your own. “K-Kenny, I cant-”
Draken shushed you, knowing that you were completely overwhelmed at the moment. “Don’t say anything, baby. I know. I love you too.”
He stood up and pulled his jeans back up, taking your torn panties and balling them up to put in his pocket. Draken helped you sit up and turned around, holding his arms out for you to climb onto his back. “I know damn well you’re not walking out of here right now so I’ll carry you.” As you climbed onto his back he made his way toward the door, letting you resituate your skirt before he opened it fully and brought the two of you into the open. “I think it’s time that we made our way home and continued this from there. What do you say, pretty girl?”
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Taglist: @bakubabes-tatakae @krmtwnw @southside-otaku @jordyn-degas @ladyblackroses @rosyhearts4all
Taglist Note: If your name is popping up with a line through it, it means that for some reason I am unable to tag your blog, there may be a setting somewhere that you need to change.
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©2022 drakendaydreams, please do not repost/modify without my permission, please do not use my work as ASMR without my permission
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
It’s time for some Christmas Eve / Christmas CPN to keep you company 🎄
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first of all, Merry Christmas! I hope that you spend this day with people you love. may it be a cozy day filled with good food and gifts.
everything below is fake. for turtles only.
☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼
let’s start with another cute story - drawing from Chengyi. This time with Bobo attempting to make bread/pastry for ZZ cause he knows he likes it. At this point, i’m just treating all the succeeding stuff she posts as fake stories. tho there is really something about a real-life person who they know, spent some time with them and saw them interact, turning into a full fledged turtle. lol. either on screen or real life, there is a factor that will make certain people believe in szd. What fans love about this comic is Bobo’s attempt in making ZZ happy by making what he likes — he is also wearing an apple watch, which we’ve been clowning about recently.
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this reminds alot of us about GG’s 2020 birthday cake and who made it. There were lots of speculation at that time and one of them was Bobo made the cake. I mean, Bobo is someone who can do anything if he sets his mind to it, tho he may be a disaster in the kitchen— he can always practice. or maybe he had a bit of help. People are pointing out that in the photos, the cake looks smooth and perfect. but in the video, you can see in an angle that it wasn’t. there is a part with no icing and looks uneven. I know someone took some icing and smeared it on his cheek but that was only a little. So was he hiding the imperfection? trying to only show the perfect look of the cake his baobao made him? 🥺🥺🥺
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When this CPN was talked about years ago, I was really skeptical because not everything is about their relationship. I mean, are we reaching too much? We are even connecting the cake to Yibo? But one thing I noticed about that cake is how simple it is. White. No decoration. Then I’m comparing it to the kind of cakes and cupcakes XZ and his team give out to staff/crew, it’s totally different. He prefers giving ones that look really pretty. So if this 2020 birthday cake was store bought or custom — why is it so plain? Unless someone handmade it. Someone who is a newbie in baking. 🤡
Example below are the cakes given by ZZ’s team to the ADLAD crew.
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talking about these cakes, there was a card given alongside it ( see p1 ) with the message wishing a happy/merry christmas eve. The handwriting ( and message ) tho is similar to what was shared before by LRLG, a handwritten letter. Coincidence? lol. This is why we love LRLG so much!
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Next is a submission in the ZSWW fake rumor house. I wanna mention it because of how cute it portrayed Bobo. 🥺🥺 I cannot post the whole translation here cause i’m not allowed, so I’ll share a few lines only.
• It said Bobo can be heard on the phone saying “I think you didn’t” and also “do you miss me?” / “do you miss me today?” / “thinking of you”
Then ZZ teases him, acting like he doesn’t miss him, and Bobo was like— “I’m the only one that miss you, you don’t miss me.”
This is so Yibo. He will only act spoiled and childish towards his ZZ, wanting his attention. It must be so delightful for ZZ to tease Yibo! Hearing that soft yibo voice ahhhhhh! We could never!!!! I’m so happy that they are in the same city now, and hopefully till the end of year or beyond. They deserve time to be together. Even if they have work commitments, at the end of the day, they can still go home to each other.
• Someone is already "quietly" preparing 🎄🎁what about you?
hmmmmmm. i doubt they will show off what each other gave, but who knows?
• OP mentioned the line : "Don't give up what you love because you're afraid" and this made me so soft. Not only does it talk about their relationship but their careers as well. yibo’s love for dancing. zz’s love for singing. both their passion for acting. They are two people who continue to pursue their love no matter what other people think. They are so inspiring. 🤍
Lastly, this unofficial bts video shared today. Nothing really incriminating. Just an example of how much they share and notice about what each other is doing. They don’t sound like two colleagues who just tolerate one another.
ZZ: Why did you just say you would go back to the hotel?
WYB: I just got back to the hotel and stayed there for an hour
ZZ: wearing makeup and wearing clothes
WYB: It’s hard. When did you switch over?
ZZ: I didn’t check the time, I just arrived 10 minutes earlier than you.
I swear. They know what the other person is doing or their schedule. It’s like they look forward to being together or whatever time they have sharing the screen. 🤍
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offsidekineticist · 4 months
Here it is. Part 15. I have outlined the rest of the arc, so I think we're more than halfway through now. Looks like there will be a total of 25 parts.
CW: child death, crippling guilt, despair, magically induced suicidal ideation, internalized ableism, vomiting, emotional abuse, emotional breakdown
It's Still Not Enough
You lose track of time sitting on the bench by the river. Something about it was soothing in a way few things have been lately. There’s something beautiful about the sound of running water. Maybe it’s because it reminds you of home, of growing up and living on the banks of the Brastle River. Or maybe it goes even further back, to before you were in Brastlewark, when you and your mother trekked across the deserts of Katapesh. Water is life, and in those days water was scarce. You don’t remember seeing a river or brook in Katapesh, but you spent the last few months of your mother’s life in a gnomish oasis town called Finderplain. There was, in the center of the town, a pool filled with water from a natural spring, and every day you would go down to the pool with a bucket half your size that you would fill with water before dragging it back home. The pool wasn’t a river, but you fondly remember the sound of the water moving into your bucket - especially when you dallied and dragged the bucket back and forth, trying to generate a wake, or dunking the bucket into the water to create a short-lived vortex.
Water is life. Water is safe. And maybe…maybe water is healing, too.
“Hey, Thay?” You break out of your reverie to see Gilly eyeing the now overcast sky nervously. “We should probably go. It’s getting pretty late - don’t wanna be caught after dark.”
You certainly do not. There have been rumors circulating around Redroof of vengeful ghosts stalking the streets at night. You’re skeptical of the details of the rumors, but you know for a fact something is preying on the people of Kintargo. The other day you happened to overhear a couple talking about a family down the street from you whose son was found, his head removed, after he stayed out playing too late.
You hop off the bench and give the river a last fond look before pawing the strap of your bag over your shoulder, less irritated by how much you struggle with it than you’ve felt in some time. Less angry about how hard it’s going to be for you to walk home. Less bothered.
Yes, water is healing. You should try this more often.
You are about to set off back the way you came, when Gilly speaks up. “I think I know a shortcut,” he says, more subdued than usual - the river seems to have affected him, too. “It could get us home with less walking. I think. Might get us home before dark.”
“That would be preferable,” you say dryly before gesturing to let him pass. “Lead on.”
(You really should have known better. Giliys is good with maps - he has to be, given the life he’s lived - but he doesn’t have a map of Kintargo.)
Gilly leads you down a series of side streets. It makes sense at first, but the more turns he leads you down, the more like a maze things begin to feel, and the longer the shadows grow.
The first time you stop for breath is when Gilly says he needs to stop to get his bearings. For once, it doesn’t seem to be an excuse.
“You have no idea where we’re going, do you?” you say once you’ve managed to catch your breath enough to speak.
“Of course I do! We just - the fucking streets - well, I know where they were supposed to go!”
He has no idea where you’re going.
“I think we should double back and start again from the waterfront,” you say, the calm from the river beginning to fade. Gilly looks rankled, but nods with an exasperated growl.
“Ugh, fine. We’ll try it again another time when it’s not so late - I’m telling you, there’s a fucking shortcut somewhere around here.”
“I’m sure,” you say as you turn around and begin backtracking the way you came.
The trouble comes at the first intersection. You turn right. Gilly turns left. Neither of you notices until you’re both across the intersection from each other.
“Where are you going?” you call.
“Back to the fucking bench! Where the fuck are you going?”
“Back the way we came - I thought we said no more shortcuts.”
“This isn’t a fucking shortcut, this is how we got here!”
“No, we came from this street and turned left!”
“No, that’s two whole fucking blocks back this way that we turned left!”
“We went down three blocks before making this turn!”
And so on. You do eventually close the distance and take the dispute to the side of the street when you notice passersby staring at you.
(You should have told him to shut up and just asked one of the passersby for directions. Why did you indulge him like that? Were you so desperate for normalcy that you forgot safety? That you forgot who he is?)
Five minutes of back and forth solve nothing except to make you both less certain of the correct way back. You realize, with dawning horror, that you’re lost at dusk in a city that becomes markedly unpleasant at night.
“Ok, look. We know Redroof is southeast of where we are cuz there’s no fucking way we walked far enough from the waterfront for that not to be true. So we just turn south and east until things start smelling like shit and then figure out where we are and get home.”
You cross your arms. “Which way is south?”
Gilly looks up, about to reckon the direction from the sun’s position - only to realize the sky is overcast.
“Fuck,” he mutters. “Ok, fine, you got me. You got any bright ideas?”
You open your bag and start reaching for books. You don’t remember having any books that would have a map of Kintargo, but it’s worth a shot when the alternative is wandering around in the dark. Unfortunately, your hands splinted as they are, you’re just pawing at the contents of your bag while the passing tallfolk occasionally take a moment to stare as they walk by.
(Of course, that’s why you didn’t ask for directions - the passersby were all tallfolk. You’re used to being the shortest person in town - you’re not used to being shorter by this much, and, frankly, it’s intimidating to attempt to flag one of them down. But Giliys is used to being among tallfolk. You should have made him do it.)
“Ok, look. I say we pick a direction and keep going till we hit some shit we recognize cuz we’ve been there or it’s a landmark or some such shit. Worst case we just wander till it’s so fucking dark we can see the fucking stars if we get away from the fucking lanterns. Either way, we figure out where the fuck we’re going. Yeah?”
You close your bag with a huff. “Fine. Next time we go back the way we came.”
Gilly chooses the street neither of you thought was correct, and you follow him.
(You agreed on which street you should have gone on, you only disagreed on which direction–why didn’t you just flip a coin and travel the street until you had gone far enough to figure out if it was the right way?)
You follow the chosen street until you come to a strange sight: a model building–some kind of prison?–at least as tall as you are in the middle of a field. There’s a distinct sense of foreboding, of unwelcomeness, but something about the situation piques your curiosity. After all, it’s not every day you find a foreboding model building in the middle of a field. You move towards it to examine it more closely.
“I think we should turn back, Thay. Thay? Thay!”
You pay him no mind. As you approach the building grows to full size. The sense of foreboding feels even stronger now that the building is looming over you. With black walls and barred windows, you recognize with a terrified lurch this isn’t someplace you want to see–this is a place of pain and punishment.
Exactly where you belong.
You’re suddenly hit with a wave of memories–cruel words to Gilly, outbursts at Qweck. You see your old friend Cei, back before your being a bleachling turned her away. You see her trying to help you through what you both thought were your last days, and you see yourself snapping and belittling her for refusing to leave you to die miserable and alone.
You see your brother as he was the last time you spoke to him, back when your hair was orange and your skin russet. You see him staring at you, pain written across his face, and you see the moment when you finally pushed him so far he couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. You see him whimper. You see his mortification at allowing that expression of weakness. You see him break away, tearing across the living room of that house in Brastlewark that’s home to neither of you, now. You see him flee the home he’s known his entire life, watch him escape your rage for the “safety” of hellknight training.
You see your every flaw and foible. You see your anger. Your anger that you can no longer control. You’re a danger to everyone, you realize with horror. You lash out, and not only can’t you control it, you can’t even take responsibility for it. It always feels like you’re on the outside looking in, watching your body and words lash out, but it’s not just your body; it’s you!
But even when you are in control, it’s still not enough, is it?
You see the library. You see children cowering as hellknights clap you in irons. You see yourself freeze. You shouldn’t have frozen. The children were afraid. It was your responsibility to soothe them. Your responsibility to keep them from doing something foolish.
“Leave Mister Theo alone!”
She is so small, and the hellknights are so tall, but still little Pel rushes towards them without hesitation. Of course she does–this is what you taught her to do. You taught her–and all of the children you’ve ever taught–to stand up for what she thought was right, even when it’s scary, even when nobody else would.
You taught her to die.
She hits the bookcase and falls to the floor and doesn’t move and there’s so much blood–
And it’s all on your hands.
She might not be dead! You don’t know–they dragged you out before you could see–
It makes no difference. She could live. She could die. In either case, you are equally guilty. Justice demands penance.
You understand now. This is where you belong. This is where you will pay. This is where you will die. The only thing left is to face it with dignity. It is finally time for you to learn the lesson you taught to Pel. You had so many chances to improve, to be better, and you wasted them all. Now it’s time to answer for–
Something barrels into you from behind, wrapping its arms around your waist, knocking you to the ground. Your face hits the cobblestone with a crunch of pain in your nose, but that’s irrelevant. The pain is a fraction of what you deserve–and justice demands that you continue. That you do the right thing, even if it’s terrifying. You need to move forward.
You try to wriggle away, but whatever has hold of you, its grip is solid. It picks you up off the ground and begins running, even as you struggle against it, shouting at it to let you go, clawing at its arms with your still splinted hands because justice demands penance.
You struggle to the point of exhaustion. You feel sick to your stomach from exertion. And then the stench returns.
It’s too much. You throw up on the ground, on the arms around your waist, on your uselessly kicking legs, on your shoes. You are suddenly free, falling onto the cobblestone street on your hands and knees, your stomach still trying to empty itself. You're vaguely aware of a figure kneeling by your side, a gentle hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. It’s Gilly.
The adrenaline begins to subside and some clarity returns. The magnitude of what you just tried to do hits you, and then the shock hits. You almost went back. You almost, willingly, went back to being buried alive and, you’re certain, mercilessly tortured.
“Gilly?” you ask wearily, confused. Gilly takes a long deep breath.
“What happened?”
“A piece of fucking hell is sitting in the middle of Kintargo,” Gilly says, trying to be gentle but his anger clear in his voice. “Some kind of trap to lure in poor fucking bastards and drag them back to the rest of hell. Fuckers almost got you.”
“But they didn’t get you,” you say slowly. “Why?”
Giliys goes very still, but the circles continue. “Not much point in trapping what you already own, is there?” he finally says.
You’re exhausted. You’re disgusted. You’re breathing in the stench of corpses and your own sick. You’re so busy just existing that you have nothing left to stop yourself. “Hm. Convenient.”
The soothing circles stop as Giliys’s whole body stills. “What?”
You take another gulp of air–you almost taste the stench, but it’s not as bad as through your nose–before repeating yourself. “Convenient. The whole situation. How incredibly convenient.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, nothing. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that you chose a route that would lead us straight to an infernal trap that you were immune to, but I would need to be rescued from by some heroic hellion.”
You don��t let him speak. It’s like all the times before–all the times you saw–it’s you, but it doesn’t feel like it’s your choice. You don’t know what you would choose if it was. “Did you really expect me to fall for that? That just because we had a nice afternoon–because you’ve been starving yourself–I would forget what you are? That I would trust a word that you say when you try to tell me that you didn’t know that trap was there?”
The hand withdraws from your back. Giliys reels back.
“I didn’t–”
“You decided to take the shortcut! You chose the direction when we were lost! You led us straight to the trap, and you expect me to believe it was an accident?!” You’ve sprung up, still kneeling on the pavement but now sitting upright. You’re shouting. You’re causing a scene in the middle of the night when people are trying to sleep, in a neighborhood where unknown forces are preying on fools caught outside after dark, but the part of you that is aware of that isn’t the part of you that cares about things. That part of you is screaming and can’t stop. “Were you hoping I’d buy it and just be so overwhelmed with gratitude that I’d forget what you did? Or were you trying to remind me just how lucky I am that you think I’m different from your prey?” He doesn’t say anything, and that just makes you angrier. “Good job on the trap, by the way! Intriguing, excellent craftsmanship, strong sense of foreboding - all top-notch, fantastically theatrical. Much more efficient to trick a city to walk themselves into a prison than to damn souls one by one. Your masters must be thrilled.”
(You know he didn’t set up the trap. Giliys is frighteningly clever, but breaking the fabric of reality to summon a piece of hell to Kintargo is well beyond his ken. That doesn't make you any more able to stop.)
“We should tell someone,” he says quietly, finally speaking up. “About the trap.”
“Oh, so you can be the hero of the hour for discovering the trap you set? Well of course, by all means! Because of course a man, completely lost, running for his life–sorry, running for his ‘friend’s’ life–would be able to remember where the authorities could find this hell prison that he accidentally stumbled upon. Obviously. Certainly nothing suspicious there! Of course this known agent of hell has nothing but the best of intentions towards the city and had nothing to do with a piece of hell itself coming to Kintargo! I mean it’s obvious, isn’t it?” Giliys doesn’t say a word. “Isn’t it?!”
“Okay,” he says softly.
“‘Okay?’ That's all you have to say for yourself–‘okay?!’”
“What do you want me to say? Tell me, and I’ll say it.”
You don't know what you want him to say. You want him to say something that will fix this, that will fix you, that will make this anger go away, that will make you stop, but you don't know what would do that. You don’t think anything can do that.
“I don’t want to be placated! I want you to be sincere! But you wouldn’t know sincerity if it hit you over the head with a brick, would you, Giliys? You just say what people want to hear! ‘I’m sorry,’ ‘I love you,’ ‘I’m here for you’ they’re all just words to you! Buttons you press to get people to do what you want, to get them off your back! And I was an idiot to fall for it again.”
You force yourself to your feet. The stench is back, which means you’re back in Redroof, and now that you know that, you recognize this street. You’re on Old Main, the road that runs from the western end of Old Kintargo to the eastern end of Redroof. Up ahead the road will split three ways: left will take you to the top of Temple Hill, straight will take you to Bridge Street, and right will take you to the northern end of Devil’s Nursery, the poorest neighborhood in the already impoverished Redroof. You’ll be turning right.
You start walking. A few moments later, you hear footsteps behind you. You don’t look back. It’s just Giliys.
You manage to get home and drag yourself up the flights of rickety stairs to your apartment without making any stops, even if you are completely out of breath at the top. For a moment you allow yourself a moment of triumph for the feat.
Then you realize you still have to open the door.
Still gasping for breath, you start pawing at the door, trying to grasp the doorknob between your hands so you can twist it and open the door. It doesn’t work. This apartment was built for tallfolk. The doorknob is almost as high as you are tall, and your hands are still splinted and aching like hell with every attempt to curl your immobilized fingers around the knob. Every time you think you’ve got it, every time, it’s started to turn, your hands slip, and the doorknob turns back to where it started.
You bang on the door with your palm in frustration, hissing at the jolt of pain it causes. The anger rises to a fever pitch. You kick the door in fury, and then you kick it again. Again and again, you kick the door, your grunts of effort getting louder and more bestial with every impact. Your breathing speeds up, but you barely notice, kicking the door for refusing to open.
You finally scream. It’s not a high-pitched scream of terror. It’s a roar, like a bear’s, of anger and frustration from your chest, as you slide down the door into a pile on the ground. Why does everything have to be like this? Why are you so damn useless?
Because you deserve it. Justice demands penance.
Giliys steps forward. He doesn’t look at you. He takes the knob in one hand and opens the door before entering the apartment. He doesn’t shut the door behind him.
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a-cosmic-elf · 6 months
(I should have posted this ages ago, but for some reason, I just left it in my drafts. But I regret not posting now because of the renewed surge in ill-informed Starfield hate due to it winning the Steam award. If you’re curious about what Starfield does that is so different, you might want to continue reading. This game surprised me in ways I was not expecting).
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And just like that, she was starborn.
My thought on the ng+ under the cut. **massive spoilers ahead**
Sorry, it’s a long post, you might wanna grab a drink and get comfortable.
I think Starfield just taught me a valuable lesson…
I spent 425 hours on my first playthrough. I attempted to experience everything this game had to throw at me. I was also very distracted by all the pretty scenery, so some of that time was spent exploring and taking photos.
I completed every quest I came across during the game. I thoroughly looted every location I found. I spoke to every single NPC I encountered. I read every book/slate I picked up. I collected every single plushie and plant (it did get a little silly). I ran every research project and collected an obscene amount of resources. Dabbled a bit in decorating, outpost and ship building.
I had over two million in credits. I amassed such a vast inventory my save slots were reduced to ten or so on the series x. I’m assuming just because of the sheer size of my game save since that issue has suddenly evaporated in ng+
By the way, this is normal player behaviour for me. I’m not a total completionist. I haven’t visited every single system and maxed out every single survey. But I would do that for almost every location I visited during the natural progression through the game. I just can’t seem to leave a site unless everything in the area is done.
It was fun. I had a whale of a time. I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t enjoying myself.
But this ng+ thing. Walter was right. You can’t take it with you.
And I find that ridiculously ironic, considering I’m usually such a hoarder in these games and how, in Starfield, your companions constantly nag so much about how much loot you’re carrying. It now feels like it wasn’t them talking at all but Bethesda breaking the fourth wall.
They enabled players to collect even more by not reducing our movement to a crawl when over-encumbered. So I pinched everything, and then I reached the Unity, and you know what? If you decide to go into ng+, they were right. None of it mattered.
Unlike some players, I like what they’ve done here. I think it’s clever. I like how they’ve taken known facts about their hardcore player base and turned them into a feature. How in previous bethesda games, the fans would always play multiple times. Here, they’ve gamified that by writing it into the lore.
But it’s had an unusual effect. Because is this going to affect how I play on a ng+? You bet your arse it will. No more over-looting for me. No more bothering with vast collections of books, plants or plushies.
I like playing as a Starborn. It’s a different dynamic. I feel free of all that collecting nonsense. I left all of that behind. I feel powerful yet disconnected. I know I don’t belong here. It’s not like starting a whole new game. It’s a different way of experiencing the story—a new perspective.
I’ve heard there are multiple possible narrative changes, too, which is always welcome in branching narrative games. I want to be incentivised to play again and the possibility of a changed experience is a massive draw to play again. How many games actually do that? Very few, and that’s what makes Starfield so different.
Because of the higher skill stats, I’m playing differently. I’ve stuck a load of points into melee and running headlong into battle, using void form and slicing pirates up with the blade from behind. I rarely use a gun, and it’s a lot of fun! I feel like a space ninja.
At first, I was a little upset that I couldn’t respec my character traits, and this became very apparent as soon as I landed in New Atlantis, and the adoring fan turned up again and spoke about things I hadn’t done in this playthrough.
Or did I? What happened to this universe’s version of me? I have so many questions.
Mainly to do with what is the Starborns’ long-term goal. Their main incentive seems to be to ‘reach the unity again’ at all costs, almost like it’s a drug they can’t give up.
With exception of The Emissary, whose goal seems to be to guide the worthy to the Unity.
But what happens when you reach a saturation point, and everyone is Starborn? What is the end goal of all of this? Where is it heading?
Or is this game again just asking you how far do you want this to go? At what point does your character think, ‘You know what, I need to retire and just pick a universe to sit back and relax in and become the Pilgrim’?
How will Bethesda build on this in future? Because what more can be said about being Starborn?
Sure, they’ll add more expansions, quests, areas, and Starborn content. Even before I started playing, I could appreciate how much Bethesda could just keep adding to the game, now not just spatially but also new alternate universes.
I have issues with it narratively speaking. In Mass Effect, for example, the stakes were way higher. You tore yourself away from everyone you loved to save the galaxy. Not because you were just curious.
Personally, I can’t understand why someone with loved ones who were happy would choose to throw that away to roll the dice again on a whim. I just don’t think that I would. Especially if a child was involved, how could the kid be physically and emotionally mature enough to be cast into the multiverse alone? What kind of future nut-job are we creating there?
ng+ just feels like a nice feature that I might use every once in a while. Otherwise, it cancels out all the collecting and building you do in any regular playthrough.
The point of a Starborn playthrough seems to be not want can I loot/collect, but ‘what has changed.’
Also, I will want to experience the other player traits, which means a whole new game and leaving this one for good, at some point.
Why do I feel like I’m going to need a spreadsheet to keep track of all my playthroughs? Ha.
I’ll leave you with some parting thoughts. People say Starfield doesn’t do anything new. They’re wrong.
Starfield is much deeper than people realise, and it’s true: back on day one, when I first started the game, I felt that I was standing on a precipice. I just wasn’t aware of exactly how deep this rabbit hole goes.
Whether playing as Starborn, or starting out again from scratch, over 400 hours in and I’m still having an absolute blast.
EDIT: I’ve since gone through the Unity a second time, and I love love love how the Starborn ship upgrades and the suit changes each time, too.
My second Starborn suit is very nice, with a different helmet and gold accents. It will be interesting to see how they continue to evolve with further trips through the Unity. The only other game I can think of that did something similar was Journey - which was universally loved, even though you play through the exact same game over and over again (because that was the point in Journey - the circle of life and all that jazz).
Starfield does so much more than people realise. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
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