#no idea how gabriel and maggie and nina and the rest of heaven and hell fit into the plot tho
fahbee · 1 year
Had a dream last night about Good Omens season 2, like I was dreaming about watching the show, and part of the plot involved Aziraphale leaving behind powerful feelings of love during significant moments in his relationship with Crowley, like the Blitz book miracle moment.  
Like - the same way Aziraphale could sense Adam’s love for Tadfield?  Like that, but it’s Aziraphale’s love for Crowley that is so strong in some particular moment that it permeates the time and place, an ineffable and indelible mark.  The minisodes show each moment, the exact moment when some interaction happened between them that caused Aziraphale to feel overwhelming love for Crowley.
And somehow a demon (that new one maybe? Furfur?) can sense this love and he’s been secretly watching/spying on Aziraphale and Crowley because he’s upset (jealous? angry? disgusted?) that another demon could inspire such feelings from an angel and this demon wants to destroy Aziraphale to punish Crowley because he hates the idea of one demon being special/different enough to have earned an angel’s love.
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goodomens-hints · 1 year
Episode 1 plot summary (+complete list of scenes) and more details about later episodes
SPOILER WARNING SPOILER GOOD OMEN SPOILERS BELOW i'll leave my inbox open in case anyone has specific questions about season 2 eps
Scene 1: star creation scene Crowley needs help building constellations so he calls out at a shooting star-shape that turns out to be Aziraphale, who materializes in front of him. He asks Aziraphale to hold up an open scroll with schematics for the galaxies. When Aziraphale does so, Crowley pokes the center of the scroll with his hand crank device and twists it, so that nebulae shoot out. Yes there is a scene where Crowley says "look at that, gorgeous" and Aziraphale gets flustered. They watch in awe until Aziraphale tells Crowley "you do know after 6,000 years it'll be gone right? I read about it in the Great Plan". Crowley gets upset and protests, questioning the almighty, how there should be a suggestion box where they can put suggestions, and Aziraphale advises him not to say such things. Crowley says it's not like asking questions gets you into trouble. They watch the galaxies bloom and Crowley veils Aziraphale with his wing as shooting stars fall toward them, similar to the Garden of Eden scene but in reverse. Scene 2 aziraphale goes to record shop Aziraphale gets a note in the bookshop that says there's a matter of great "ugrency" (misspelled). He visits Maggie in the record shop and she's crying because she can't pay rent, so she's prepared to move. Aziraphale says if she gives him the records he requested, that'll be equivalent to the rent she owes. Maggie asks how he can forgive her and he says "I'm all about forgiveness, actually" and leaves.
Scene 3: crowley talks to shax this is the one posted on youtube, though it's a lengthened scene that includes the beginning where a spy tries to talk to crowley on the bench and he redirects him to the guy feeding ducks. those are the guys crowley is yelling at later. there is also a part where shax implies that crowley owes her specific information? it's very vague but it's probably why she's giving him updates on hell. yup, crowley does say he hasn't seen aziraphale in a while but it's clearly a lie lol Scene 4: michael mentions book of life
in heaven, michael is arguing with someone on the phone about the book of life, i thought at first it was beelzebub on the other end but it's probably uriel
Scene 5: gabriel appears on earth maggie visits nina who remembers her coffee order (skinny latte). then they're distracted by the commotion outside wherein gabriel shows up naked carrying a box. aziraphale is listening to the records but gabriel knocks on the door of his bookshop. there's a huge crowd outside and the moment aziraphale opens the door, gabriel says "I know you! :D" and hugs him in front of everyone while still naked LOL. aziraphale gets really embarrassed and brings gabriel inside. the rest of the scene is the one on youtube where gabriel explains he doesn't remember who he is. Scene 6: muriel finds matchbox short scene where muriel finds the matchbox with Job's passage on the floor of Heaven. you can see a bit of this in the trailer
Scene 7: crowley throws mail and meets shax again Crowley is in a random street throwing the mail shax gave him into a garbage can. Suddenly shax calls and crowley picks up, snapping at her that she shouldn't call and appear suddenly at the same time. shax appears behind him and says "why not?" this is the pic where both shax and crowley are on the phone -- theyre actually talking to each other lmao. shax tells crowley there are rumors of gabriel being missing and crowley is happy. she leaves. Scene 8:
aziraphale is talking to gabriel and we get the whole trailer scene ("you know that feeling where...") but in the real ep aziraphale's reaction is SO ANIMATED, with him standing up and saying "No! definitely not! I have no idea!" LMAO it's so funny, he's so in denial. We hear FLIES when it cuts to gabriel btw so maybe beelzebub is spying? HOW SUSPICIOUS. At one point Gabriel says "I love you" out of nowhere to Aziraphale and Aziraphale says "I..." and Gabriel smiles, looking like he's expecting an i love you back but Aziraphale just says "hmm". People were laughing so hard at this.
Aziraphale calls crowley and asks to meet at the coffee shop. Crowley informs him that gabriel is missing.
Scene 9: short scene where michael and uriel argue because michael said now with gabriel gone, someone has to be in charge...
Scene 10: Maggie brings Nina a record but Nina doesn't have a record player. Nina reveals she has a partner (Lindsay) and Maggie gets disappointed and leaves. She bumps into Crowley and Aziraphale on the way out and tells Aziraphale "you're an angel" lmao.
Scene 11: Crowley is PISSED PISSED PISSED the whole time, in fact the whole ep he looks like he's about to explode. We get the coffee shop scene HOWEVER right before that Crowley asks Aziraphale "what's wrong?" and Aziraphale says "why do you think something's wrong?" all nervously and Crowley says "you only ever call for 3 reasons: one, you're bored, two, you accomplished something and want to brag about it, and three, something's wrong. And you're using your 'something's wrong' voice." YUP THIS IS THE NEW 'i know what you smell like!'. we then get the naked man convo and crowley realizes immediately that aziraphale is stressed and says "is it something i can help with?" and aziraphale nods and THEY IMMEDIATELY GET UP and go to the bookshop with a plate of eccle cakes lmao. once crowley sees gabriel he and aziraphale start fighting. crowley gets mad at aziraphale and tells him he didn't command gabriel to answer properly. He yells at gabriel "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE BOOKSHOP?!" and uses his hypnotism but gabriel just says "I'm dusting" and does the passive-aggressive feather duster motion. we get the "carved out for ourselves" convo .aziraphale says "fine, i would love for you to help, but if you won't, then feel free to leave". crowley says "i'm not helping" and storms off. he goes out into the street and says to himself "dont do anything rash... wait 10 seconds before doing anything..." but he's already emmitting smoke. We get a funny convo between nina and maggie who are watching crowley from the coffee shop. Nina's all "the man who drank six expressos! He's smoking!" and maggie says "well of course, he needs to calms down!" and nina says "no i mean actually smoking!" Crowley does the lightning thing (maggie thinks he was actually struck by lightning) and it ends up locking Maggie and Nina in the shop and killing their phones. Scene 12:
seroquel and muriel show michael and uriel the matchbox. It has "The Resurrectionist" on it. They are baffled that something material has made its way into heaven. We get the "Gabriel, I think he's gone to earth" line.
Scene 13:
Crowley's in his car and flies start buzzing. beelzebub appears in his car and teleports them both to hell using flies. This is the pic in the poster where beelz and crowley are sitting on chairs side by side. crowley is disgusted and spits some flies out lmao. beelzebub says he can come back and work for hell (and even get a promotion) if he finds gabriel, and that according to heaven, anyone involved in hiding gabriel will be erased from the book of life. crowley is teleported back to his car and begins panicking. Scene 14: nina and maggie bond while locked in the coffee shop. maggie doesn't drink wine and didn't party, nina opens up some wine and drinks it out of a teacup. she says her girlfriend makes her text if she's late by 10 minutes and that she must be freaking out right now. they see someone walking outside and try to ask her to help free them but she doesn't notice them.
Scene 15:
Crowley is mad in his car, speeding, doing the usual etc. Good Old-fashioned lover boy is playing!!!! Scene 16: Crowley arrives and Nina and Maggie catch his attention. They signal for help and he just goes "oh" and snaps his fingers, unlocking the coffee shop and bringing back the electricity. He walks off lmao. Nina and Maggie are weirded out, Nina groans because her phone is bombarded with texts from Lindsay asking where she is. Crowley enters and we get the "I'm back" scene. Aziraphale says he has to do the apology dance and Crowley is all "no way" at first but Aziraphale says "I had to do it in 1861, 1942..." and Crowley says fine and dances.
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So we get the "we need to hide him" convo and they decide to each use half a miracle so that their miracles wont be detected by heaven/hell. crowley will hide gabriel from heaven and aziraphale will hide gabriel from hell. they do the hand-holding thing (like in the pic). theyre not sure if it worked but crowley tests it by standing on a chair and poking at the space above gabriel LOL and there's a hint of a shield so he says it worked, and that he's sure heaven or hell didn't detect a thing. Gabriel is all "now i have two friends :D" and crowley says "We are not friends >:(" Scene 17: an alarm is blaring in heaven because CLEARLY they noticed the half miracle ahahahaha. michael, uriel and seraquel go to the globe and see purple smoke streaming out of the UK. they 'zoom in' and realize it's coming from aziraphale's bookshop.... (interesting that michael refers to aziraphale as a 'former angel' here)
End episode Soon I will summarize ep 2! Some hints for future eps too: -There's a big rain scene -There's an epic scene in the bookshop that took several weeks to film! (youve seen some hints in the trailer) -There are at least 3 jokes about aziraphale and crowley having sex that are scattered throughout the season LOL one of them is nina noticing crowley grumpy and saying "you look like mr. fell didn't let you top last night" and crowley's reaction is amazing. I'll say no more (for now)
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
Good Omens FanFic I’m starting
Spoilers for season 2!!!!!
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Basically the idea is set after season 2.
Crowley decides to go to the book shop to give Muriel some advice but ends up adopting the young angel. Muriel finds out from Crowley how toxic both heaven and hell are so she decides to cut ties with heaven. Muriel would ask Crowley about running the shop with her, she wants to sell the books but for it not to be just a book shop. Crowley agrees and they make it a plant and book store together. The shop is one of the most popular on the street.
Nina and Maggie are there for Crowley after Aziraphale leaves him. Crowley tells them about the fall every thing they went through and how he still loved Aziraphale. Nina and Maggie are no longer fans of Aziraphale. Their shops combine and it’s called give me coffee or give me records. They do deals with the customers at Muriel and Crowley’s book and planet emporium.
Belzabub and Gabriel are walking down the street and decided to go see Aziraphale and Crowley. They find out that Aziraphale left and are mad at him because Belzebub actually likes Crowley. They both decide to work in the shop with the father and daughter.
Anathema and Newt bring Adam and the others on a day drip to London and they go to the record and coffee shop. Nina would mention the deal of Get a record get a plant half price from over the road. Newt would get a record and they would go over the road and freak out when they see Gabriel working the till. But they calm down when he explains that he and his partner and no longer involved with heaven or hell. Adam and the rest of the them calm down Anathema comes back with a book she found [The nice and accurate prophecies] she freaks out and asks to speak to the owner. Muriel comes out and says she will have to talk with her partner who knew the previous owner of the shop, but is currently out of the country helping their boyfriend move back to the uk.
So when all the people who helped stop the apocaliples are the shop when Belzebub kisses Gabriel before going over the road to get coffee. Adam asks Muriel when their co-owner is, Muriel says their just saying goodbye to their boyfriend after lunch at the ritz that the two had been planning for a few months now and the two had been dating for 2 years now. Around this time it has been 3 years since season 2. Crowley comes in and kisses Muriel in the head, turns to the others and asks how he can help them. They are all shocked and ask why Aziraphale didn’t come in. Crowley would laugh and explain what Aziraphale did and is shocked to see the book and tells Anathema to take it and do as she wishes with it.
Nina and Maggie notice a ring on Crowley’s hand. And they ask him if his boyfriend proposed at Lunch and he had. Crowley is engaged to DI Humphrey Goodman whose last fiancé cheated on him and so did his Ex-Wife. Everyone goes to the wedding.
Five years after the event of season 2 Aziraphale comes back and is shocked to see the book shop has changed. Muriel is working the counter and tries to get her to close it and not sell anyone books she refuses saying he has no control over the shop as the building is owned by her, their dad and his husband. [ Muriel Goodman, Anthony J. Goodman and Humphrey Goodman].
And that’s all I got so far.
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thecartoongirl · 1 year
I don't usually write meta posts, but I watched Good Omens 2 and I don't know how to feel about it. I think now I understand what Neil Gaiman meant when he said the series was meant to be watched slowly, not binge-watched, so people would have the time to think about the story and what's going on. But I'll be travelling next week and was afraid of spoilers, so I watched the first 4 episodes last night and the last 2 this morning. And yes, I feel that was too fast.
I'm going to put the rest behind a cut so people can skip it, because it's going to be full of spoilers.
I want to focus on love. I think season 2 wasn't much about plot, but was rather a dissertation on love in its different forms.
Maggie is the classic shy woman pining for her love interest, finally finding the courage to make the first move, only to find out the other person is already in a relationship.
Nina is apparently in a toxic relationship with a very controlling partner, but either doesn't realise it, or is afraid of ending things.
Aziraphale's idea of human love is based on classic romance novels, and he thinks that a "romantic" setting is all you need to make two people fall in love with each other.
Crowley's take on love is more modern, but just as stereotyped as Aziraphale's if he thinks a sudden downpour forcing two people to take shelter under an awning is the thing they need to finally realise they're in love. If Aziraphale's idea of love comes from Jane Austen's novels, Crowley's comes straight out of a rom com.
As for Gabriel and Beelzebub's relationship, it left me a little perplexed: it felt rushed and out of nowhere, we only see 3 little scenes in which they meet and go from being heads of opposite sides to two people who have an "agreement" to… something more. It's like a high-speed version of Aziraphale and Crowley's story compressed into 3 years instead of 6 millennia. But maybe that was the point: if Gabriel and Beelzebub realised they loved each other after only 3 years, then Aziraphale and Crowley could do that too.
But their stereotyped ideas of love come back to complicate things: Aziraphale still believes in the Greater Good and thinks he can change things from the inside. And now he can do it with Crowley by his side. It's like the grand finale of a romance novel, where good and love win. But Crowley knows better, knows Aziraphale will never be able to really change Heaven. So he presents his counter-proposal: to forget all about Heaven and Hell and finally be an "us". If Gabriel and Beelzebub could do that, so could they. And when Aziraphale doesn't accept, Crowley does something we've all seen in countless romantic films: he rushes to Aziraphale and kisses him. KISSES HIM. I literally gasped, I was NOT expecting that. A hug, yes, a desperate hug with Crowley clinging to Aziraphale and begging him to run away together, but an actual kiss? Never in a million years was I expecting to actually see that.
And now… We wait. We all know there might be a third season with a potential happy ending in the South Downs, but it's still very much up in the air, so we can only hope.
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miscreantahead · 8 months
I'm having a self-love and also a loud-mouth today and I've been watching a lot of "why X live action adaptation of manga/anime was terrible" video which has made me want to be negative. Just still not over this so I just want to compile a list of things that made it impossible for me to stay immersed and enjoy gomens2. This is brought to you by reading stuff about how it just doesn't vibe with "x audience" NO season 1 didn't really vibe with me, but I still liked it because it was fundamentally good in most respects. Also the idea that people who didn't like it didn't just because they felt Aziraphale was stinky at the end. So, anyway, specific things I couldn't stand: 1. Crowley and Aziraphale meeting as angels even though that scene in eden in season one was easily read as the first time they met. I was very VERY willing to forgive this one because the scene was cute and well done, but in retrospect it should have been a warning for what was to come.
2. the birds making goat noises. they didn't need to make goat noises. they could have just been there, tons of birds of the same species just hanging around for no reason, Aziraphale could have put that together. you really had to make them baaaa?? that scene would have been so clever and fun without the goat noises. Petty, probably, but another thing I would have forgiven if it wasn't for what followed.
3. The entire, ridiculous, long, drawn-out and painful sequence of convincing the angels that Job's kids were not the same kids. What the fuck even was that, there had to be 99 better was to execute that but they overthought it.
4. Crowley introduces Aziraphale to food was the first sign that I felt like they were an annoying level of 'these two are everything to each other even on a stupid, unnecessary level and they basically have no characteristics that are completely independent of one-another' which continued throughout the rest of the past storylines.
5. The bullet catching thing was so stupid and boring, the whole thing, and the ending where he magics away the photo was probably the most cliche and poorly executed "aha!" i've seen in a while, and they seriously dedicated an entire (the worst) episode to building up to it. You basically ruined the book-rescue scene and moment by branching that nonsense off of it.
6. What the hell even was the entire grave robbing episode? Somehow not as bad as the magician episode though.
8. The plot point of trying to convince heaven Nina and Maggie were in love by making them fall in love was so fucking... ugh I wanna say it I just want to say it it was soooooo fffffff...fffaaaaannffiiii okay you get it.
9. The exploding halo things was weird and goofy and "oh you exploded your halo not only did it solve all of the problems currently present but it summoned everyone we need to the area so we can deliver this final reveal" what the fuck was that.
10. Beelzebub and Gabriel, while the fact that their relationship spanned the entirety of the season from the first scene offered a microscopic amount of charm, the actual reveal was so B and half-assed that even though Beelzebub's actress did a very nice job with the love-struck looks that almost got me all by themselves it was otherwise practically unwatchable.
11. Maggie and Nina's talk with Crowley was so 90's romcom and not in a good way, it didn't belong. I use talks as awkward and forced as that when I don't feel like doing actual work to develop romance when writing fanfiction. You literally could have left that out and let Crowley react to Beelzebub and Gabriel by confessing instead. You overthought it, you did too much, an innocent mistake but the pile was already so big that I'm throwing it on.
12. So, basically, by the time the actual dramatic scene which was actually not that terrible as a whole, the dialogue was weird at times but david tennant's delivery especially rescued it every single step of the way but it didn't fucking matter because I was already emotionally numb to the entire situation from all the bullshit they tried to sell me in the first 5 episodes.
The acting was good, the humor was honestly great, I did at least laugh a lot which at least let me get some joy out of the experience. Even the visuals were absolutely fine to me. It really was just the writing, everything else tried so hard to save it but it's a story, the writing is key.
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kalikoking · 1 year
Alright, well, i guess Good Omens 2 is what makes me really resurrect my tumblr, because i have to write about that ending somewhere. Get ready for a long thinkpiece, no tldr, so buckle in or move on.
No preface, just straight to the issue: "i forgive you" "dont bother." I think i actually need to start with crowley's response first. This is a demon who was kicked out of heaven for, as far as we know, merely questioning god's plan. He didnt have any sort of rebellious ideas or wicked intents, he just didnt think god's way was the best way. So he's spent the last 6000 years on earth avoiding angels, people who condemn him for questioning god while mindlessly carrying it out themselves, with no care for the creation it would harm. Creations that They Made. You can see at the start that just the act of creation and crafting the universe brought him immense joy. The universe was his passion project, essentially, yet most other angels saw it more as a means to an end, the end being the fulfillment of god's plan. And that repulses him. But he's also spent this time avoiding other demons for the same reason. They also have no regard for creation. Crowley probably sees himself most reflected in humanity, a group of people who don't live by some eternal script, who live in the moment and who act on whims and passion.
But then there's Aziraphale. The one other person he's found who doesn't just follow god's plan to the letter with no care about what happens in between. Aziraphale Cares. Though Crowley doesn't always agree with his methods and ideology, he feels that Aziraphale is the only other person in the heavens or hells combined who is as invested in human's lives as much as he is. Crowley feels that Aziraphale was the only other being in the universe who, for better or worse, was on his side. Because they've both gone against the devil's plans, and they've both gone against god's plans.
Crowley doesn't believe in anyone's plan and believes angels are just a different brand of bad from demons, and Aziraphale is the only one on his side.
Now to move on to Aziraphale. Aziraphale has spent the last 6000 years trying to make things better for humanity and creation, because he believes god's plan isn't just some plan, but a plan with an ultimate purpose for good. While Crowley looked at the plan for humanity and decided the plan was bad and wanted to throw it out, Aziraphale believes that there's good there. Because of course there is. God is good, so his plan must therefore also be for the greater good. He believes that either god or the voice of god must be a little out of touch with humanity or overlooks details sometimes, but ultimately, it Must be good. So surely that's what angels are for, is to smooth over the details that the plan doesn't expound upon. But from what he's seen, the rest of the angels just ignore the details, focusing only on god's plan. So, in the case of the apocalypse in season 1, he was determined to reach god directly, because there must be some misunderstanding, or misinterpretation of the plan, or maybe god just doesn't realize how it will affect humanity, because ultimately, no matter how the angels are, god themself must be good.
And that's why Crowley fell and Aziraphale didn't. Because Crowley stop believing in god's goodness while Aziraphale still believes in it.
Which all leads back around to Crowley's response. Encouraged by Maggie and Nina, Crowley decided to face the fact that he cared about Aziraphale in a deeper way than angels or demons are supposed to care, but seeing Gabriel and Beelzebub affirmed that those feelings may be real after all. Unfortunately, Aziraphale talked first. And Crowley realized the difference between them.
Crowley had long given up any hope for god, angels, demons, and the devil. He only believes in himself and Aziraphale. And in that moment, he realized that Aziraphale still believed in god and the angels, despite everything, and saw Crowley as someone who needed to be saved.
That was heartbreak and betrayal.
The kiss was desperation for his realization to be wrong, for him to have misunderstood, for Aziraphale to see them as equals just as he had always seen Aziraphale.
But the only response was "I forgive you," sealing in the truth for Crowley: Aziraphale saw himself as one of the good ones who could do the forgiving, and Crowley as one of the bad ones who needed forgiving for his actions.
And Crowley doesn't believe in that.
Thus the betrayed and broken "Don't bother" as he left.
But what about Aziraphale? Why did he forgive Crowley?
Well, while Crowley doesn't see himself as an angel OR a demon, Aziraphale has always seen himself as an angel. And as Season 2 made sure to tell us, angels don't interact with human things. Angels don't drink human tea or eat human food, physical objects are foreign to them, and human emotions are beyond them. So, while Aziraphale long made peace with eating and drinking and overall physicality (thanks to Crowley, i will add), he's still never touched on the emotions of humanity. Perhaps he's aromantic. Perhaps he's too confused by how romance looks in books like Jane Austin's. Perhaps the only person he was in love with was also the only person he shared a deep bond with anyways, and therefore didn't recognize that emotion. Either way, love is something he considers to be uniquely human, and not something that he or Crowley could experience. And he didn't have time to sit and think about the implications of Beelzebub and Gabriel before he got whisked away to discuss things with the voice of god. So when Crowley kissed him, it was a shock. We've seen from the resurrectionist that Aziraphale condemns innocuous things as sin because he doesn't understand them, and he needs to see things from all angles to be able to fully judge whether This Is Right or This Is Wrong. So when Crowley kissed him, he was confused and unsure, so his first instinct was This Is Wrong.
But he doesn't want this to be wrong, and he doesn't want Crowley to be wrong. So he forgives him.
Which, as we can see, was the wrong choice.
But we can also see him afterwards starting to try to work it out. Fully realizing that Crowley kissed him, and you see him before leaving trying to decide if he should go after Crowley and try to discuss it, like they've done before, so he can work through his feelings on it and decide whether he liked it or not, whether it was "right" or "wrong."
Unfortunately, because of the timing and Crowley's response, it was very much a "make your choice now" situation, and, since Aziraphale believes in the goodness of god, and since Aziraphale wants to do good, and since this position puts him in the best spot to make a good change for humanity and creation, Aziraphale's choice was made.
But despite it going against everything he believes and stands for, you still see him hesitating. A lot. So much so that the viewer almost believes he might go back to Crowley instead.
Which is why i think that Crowley's wrong. Aziraphale doesn't truly believe that he is bad and needs saving. Because Aziraphale believes in the goodness of god. But he also believes in the goodness of Crowley.
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