#because my dream was entirely about aziraphale and crowley lol
fahbee · 1 year
Had a dream last night about Good Omens season 2, like I was dreaming about watching the show, and part of the plot involved Aziraphale leaving behind powerful feelings of love during significant moments in his relationship with Crowley, like the Blitz book miracle moment.  
Like - the same way Aziraphale could sense Adam’s love for Tadfield?  Like that, but it’s Aziraphale’s love for Crowley that is so strong in some particular moment that it permeates the time and place, an ineffable and indelible mark.  The minisodes show each moment, the exact moment when some interaction happened between them that caused Aziraphale to feel overwhelming love for Crowley.
And somehow a demon (that new one maybe? Furfur?) can sense this love and he’s been secretly watching/spying on Aziraphale and Crowley because he’s upset (jealous? angry? disgusted?) that another demon could inspire such feelings from an angel and this demon wants to destroy Aziraphale to punish Crowley because he hates the idea of one demon being special/different enough to have earned an angel’s love.
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vidavalor · 10 months
Speaking of underrated horny metaphor moments... Aziraphale directing Crawly directing the fake birth via oxribs after the oxrib night... HELLO?! My eyes just about popped out of my head XD.
So very horny and so very ridiculously funny. I swear that if you don't completely lose it laughing at "Remember me? BILDAD THE SHUITE!", I don't even want to know you lol. Very early Aziraphale being that dry and dirty was hilarious. He's such trouble. :) We all go on about the ox ribs in the cellar and in the scene with the angels (as we should lol) but I think the inbetween hours get ignored and they're equally underrated...
They're on a walk together in the middle of the night when they happen upon God speaking to Job. They snuck out of the cellar after the rain had stopped but while it was still night and they wouldn't be noticed to go for a walk together alone and then, later, once it's daylight, we see Aziraphale arrive late for the angels arriving to "lo, behold, we murdered your kids!" Job and Sitis. At first, we think he's late to the meeting because he and Crowley have been hatching out a plan but oh no no no no lol... they do not have a shred of a plan. Aziraphale basically make the whole thing up in the moment Bildad busts in. Aziraphale's entire plan was 'um maybe find a way to fake rebirth the old kids or something idk' and when Crowley comes in, he now has the help he needs to actually do it, but it's *very* clear that they had absolutely no plan going into the meeting.
"It would be helpful if you were an expert in human births?" says the angel who might have wanted to mention that at some point-- ANY POINT lol-- in the last, like, 14 hours that they've had to work out this plan, now forcing Bildad to try to sell 'professional midwife/cobbler' to Michael (and sell he does lol.)... My point is that if they left to take a late night walk together and then both were outside when the angels appeared to Job and Sitis, then they stayed out all night together, during which time they were not making a plan and then Aziraphale was late to work. They went on a walk to look at the stars and the stormy sky and talk some more and find a somewhat secluded place they could then watch the sunrise together. Maybe somewhere at the beach where they are at the end of the minisode. They nearly made Sitis have seven! more! children! because they lost track of time making out lol.
If you run into that guy you've got all that chemistry with and then spend the next day helping each other with work in between flirting, getting dinner, staying up all night talking, going for a romantic stargazing walk in the aftermath of a storm, watching the sun come up together, losing track of time and nearly missing work because you're so into one another, and then meet up later at the beach and basically have your conversation confirm what you already know, which is that you're soulmates, well... that's a good first date, yeah?
It is a little sad though when you consider that the episode prior to this is 2.01, which is heavy on the emphasis of how Crowley doesn't stay overnight in the bookshop as part of their efforts to keep their relationship quiet. (That the first night we know of that he ever does, later in the week, is without Aziraphale and with Gabriel, is absolutely the stuff of Crowley's dreams and by that I mean his nightmares. Poor guy just wants to kiss the angel and it's always Gabriel or a statue of him getting in the way lol.) The Job minisode might still be one of the only times they've managed to be together all night.
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zaxal · 2 months
Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free to tag five other writers to spread the love. 💗
thanks for the tag @ripeteeth !!! i've been sitting on this for a few days because i have not had the fortitude to say nice things about myself or my writing without also being incredibly critical, but i think we're there today.
all of these are the ones that i remember being the most fun to write, the most fun to reread, and the ones i'm proudest of :}
Breaking But Not Yet Broken - Psych, Shassie, M, ~8.1k, 2012
After being held captive and hurt, Carlton's relationship with Shawn starts getting complicated.
this was my first ever whump fic, and it was so fun to write that i have simply never stopped writing whump since lol. like, yes, technically this is me projecting on lassie for 8k words, but it is also an exploration of the loneliness of healing after trauma (even when someone went through the same traumatic event as you!) and allowing yourself to Be vulnerable when you already feel that all your defensive layers have been forcibly removed from you.
both shawn and lassiter are characters with a ton of these defenses, and they try to default back to them or find comfort in them (with mixed amounts of success) but even when they aren't working (and they can recognize that they aren't working), they can't simply Stop their bullshit.
Mistakes We Never Made (Until Today) - Psych, Shassie, E, ~3.6k, 2015
Things pick up from where they started. His marriage is on its last legs, and Shawn Spencer comes waltzing back into his life.
so this is a post-canon fic where happily-ever-after fails, the canon relationships break up (and it IS the men's fault to be clear; juliet and marlowe have never done anything wrong in their lives--), and these two decide to use each other to self destruct.
and i love it kdsjfksd. look. i love fluffy shassie. i love romantic shassie. i love slow burn shassie. but they are both capable of being such unrepentant assholes, and writing them being their worst selves is so much fun. an extreme vibe of 'bitter exes but they just started dating.'
everything lost - Good Omens (TV), Aziraphale/Crowley, Gabriel/Aziraphale (One-Sided, Abusive), E, ~33k, 2023
For two-thousand years, Aziraphale was sexually harassed and assaulted by the Director of Heavenly Operations. Years after Aziraphale and Crowley break free from Heaven and Hell entirely, Gabriel shows up on Aziraphale's front step with no clothes, no memories, no divine powers, and an inexplicable, unshakeable attachment to Aziraphale. Old and new trauma alike plague Aziraphale as he struggles to get rid of Gabriel without bringing the wrath of Heaven down on him and Crowley both.
i saw the GOs2 trailer and lost my mind. this plot bunny sprung forth from my mind fully formed like athena. she was written and published before the season dropped because i felt in my heart that gabriel would get a face-turn and people would get weird about dark!gabriel fics, and because i wanted it to be irrefutable that i knew nothing about the season before writing.
which didn't need to be a thing i was worried about at all lol. but i had a trailer, a poster, a feather duster, and a dream, and i made it work.
aziraphale whump, my beloved. love using aziraphale's kindness, pragmatism, and manners to keep him locked in a deeply unpleasant situation that's slowly whittling away at his nerves and sanity.
i also really love putting crowley in an outsider position. aziraphale hasn't told him what happened; it's supposed to be over. when crowley wakes up and starts to help him, the presumption is that they'll get this settled and then never see gabriel again, so what point is there in bringing up old hurt? i love writing crowley and aziraphale as a Team, but they spent 6k years pretending they aren't, and i like thinking about the residual habits that they're gonna have to work to get rid of.
Ash and Blood - Psych, Shassie, E, ~61k, 2015
A string of identical murders leads Lassiter down a dark and treacherous path.
in 2012 @inouken asked me to write a lassie vampire fic and i emerged three years later with a novel. like a normal person!
this is really long lassie whump with some shawn whump thrown in for spice. it could count as case fic, if you're good with knowing who the killer is in the first 5 chapters.
because this is one of zax's first wordcount monstrosities, i had a lot more room to play around with characters. shawn and lassiter's relationship develops fast, but i had more room for them to become serious about each other instead of it being right away immediately (even tho those feelings were already there). i played around with some OCs and tested them against the main ship. my biggest regret is not doing more with gus and juliet, but the bits of them that are in here really lead towards the strong relationships they have with their respective partners and are v in character and i'm proud of them.
but OVERALL i really love this fic. i feel like there's a good balance to psych humor vs being in lassiter's head (when babygirl is naturally grim and grumpy when he's Not dealing with suddenly dying and becoming a vampire), relationship fluff vs people dying and figuring out how to fight back, and developing an understanding of the OCs i introduced (feds and santa barbara vampires) and how they fit into finding/taking care of The Killer.
Lambs To The Slaughter - Good Omens (Book/TV), Aziraphale/Crowley, Lucifer/Aziraphale, E, ~142k WIP, 2019 - Present
An angel and a demon dance along the knife's edge of destruction together in an eternal waltz. The demon who had been Aziraphale and the angel who would be Crowley answer to powerful forces that care not for the individual cogs in their celestial machines. This will be their undoing.
twirling my hair, so this is lambs, my reverse omens fic where aziraphale is the sheep demon azram and crowley is the star-spinner seraph corvai. it's my pride and joy and wouldn't exist without @transfemmbeatrice for brainstorming, obsessing with me for YEARS, writing large portions of the middle-end and end with me, and making corvai and azram Real with me.
i go into many AUs with the mindset that i want to push my faves off script. i want them to still be recognizable as themselves, but i wanna see just how far i can twist them around the core of Who They Are.
and i went into lambs with the idea that i wanted azram to be someone terrible but not irredeemable. the idea that he would be simply 'evil' and written off as such didn't appeal to me. i wanted to ask Why a character like aziraphale (a blended form of book and tv; this is why god uses they/them pronouns to set them apart from both) would become harsh, cruel, possessive, sadistic, beyond just Falling and just Being that way after. and how to balance that with the softer parts of who aziraphale is (as said earlier in the bit about everything lost: kind, despite everything, and so capable of loving both crowley, humanity, and earth to his own detriment).
corvai is, similar to aziraphale, a good angel. she is what a good angel should be. unlike aziraphale, corvai is a punk with authority issues and a lot of anger at heaven, at god, and at themself. trade in canon crowley's anxiety for constantly simmering anger and a lack of experience dealing with demons other than azram that means corvai lacks crowley's defensive layers of cool. he's very open and earnest, even when he knows it's a quick way to getting hurt.
i originally wanted there to be some question about whether corvai was secretly raphael but i added the tag to clarify later that they're not. azram will take his time learning this, because azram is an idiot even though corvai, unlike the rest of the seraphim, cannot heal, and raphael is, famously, the healer.
i could keep going but i'm going to cut it off there bc this post is long enough and our power blinked so i'm scared if it'll even post and if you read this far, congrats! i'm sorry!
tagging: @transfemmbeatrice @anethara @andithil @alivingsaint @christocentricqueer
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handwritten asksss 📝💻
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📝 do you have a WIP? share a piece of it!
because you didnt force me to write it by hand i will share both my wips but only this once!! i believe i already talked about both but will give a short summary of both. falling stars was initially about post final fifteen crowley having a conversation with god but the plot evolved and so now there is a lot of pre fall crowley as well (not to spoil too much but... your body horror angel crowley is, let's just say, not too far off). here's a snippet:
Before he knew it, he was standing in front of the beautiful sketch of the Mona Lisa. With trembling hands, Crowley reached behind it in his safe and retrieved the water bottle Aziraphale had given him all those years ago. The holy water, a gift from Aziraphale, a reminder of a time when things had been simpler, when they had still believed they could defy fate. He eyed it warily, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Would it really be that bad? What did he have left to live for anyway? The holy water sat before him like a silent temptress, promising release from the agony of his existence. What harm could it do, he wondered, to swallow the very essence of divinity itself? But as he reached for the bottle, a flicker of doubt danced behind his eyes. Was this truly the answer he sought, or merely another desperate grasp at oblivion? He hesitated, his fingers hovering over the bottle. He closed his eyes and placed his hand on top of it, feeling the weight of centuries pressing down on him. The memories of happier times with Aziraphale whispered in the back of his mind, begging him to hold on, to find another way. But what other way was there, he thought as a tear slid down his cheek.
yep well on to the next one. Only human is very complex in the sense that a lot is happening lol. Crowley has lost his memories sometime after eden and he now believes he's a human. an immortal one, that is. in the present day he's a private detective and is investigating a series of disappearances that may not be what they look like (lol does that even make sense). oh and he has this recurring dream about a certain angel that he made up a long time ago to cope with his loneliness. turns out the angel is real. and also an angel. and he's begging crowley to help stop the apocalypse. are we just glossing over the fact that angels are real?? hello??
anyway here's my favourite part i have written for this fic (and probably for any fic lolll) (oh little context, the story is set in present day but every chapter has a flashback a random (or not so random👀) time period. this is part of a flashback from the year 1789, Paris. did i mention it's at a masquerade ball?)
“You’re not from around here, are you?” the stranger asked, tilting his head to the side while adjusting the delicate feathers on his mask. Crowley, intrigued by the question, offered a wry smile beneath his own disguise. “How did you know?” “It’s your clothes,” the man answers. “And the way you move.”
“The way I move?”  “I saw you dancing. The French don’t dance like that.” Crowley became vaguely aware that the man had seen him dance. A flicker of realisation crept in — had the mysterious figure been watching him the entire time? “How do the French dance, then?” Crowley asked. “Calculated. Like every step is a move in a game of chess. But you,” the man glanced at Crowley, “you dance like you're defying the very concept of rules. There's a freedom in your movements, a rebellion against the constraints of structured elegance.”
if you liked this little snippet you should see the rest of the flashback im literally shaking everytime i think about it it's the best this ive written frr (i know im biased but ahhhhh it's so delicious)
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hi! i saw these tags: #the way that neil confirmed that this scene is az's motivation for going back to heaven #for fixing heaven to be worthy of crowley #because he saw how happy crowley was Before #because he wants crowley to be this happy again' and was wondering where neil confirmed this? if it was on tumblr and you reblogged the post would you mind posting the link? i was trying to go through both you and neil's blog but it's a lot to go through lol.
oh yeah sure, let me try to find it!
[emerges from archives sometime later sweaty and disheveled]
okay i know i saw the post recently but it looks like i didn't reblog it, it must be in my likes somewhere. hold on.
[emerges from likes panting and covered in blood]
okay it's not there either. i don't think i dreamed it??? hold on again.
[emerges from @fuckyeahgoodomens shouting victoriously]
AHA. it's a quote from neil when he was on david's podcast, and it goes like this:
"There is a project that I can't talk about right now that I'm writing with somebody I can't identify right now -this is a terrible way of going into a thing- where we've been working on it for months and months and we didn't… We've been building everything up but we didn't know how it ended. And, finally, we were in the same physical space, actually having a conversation that wasn't on the phone. And all of a sudden we had the ending. And having the ending, knowing bit by bit just what the emotional ending of the thing was, opened up the entire thing like a door. Cause we had the plot, and we've had the plot for a while. We just weren't sure why we should care? Everything turned, and I immediately knew what the opening scene had to be."
neil confirmed this was about go2, and the opening scene was crowley as an angel. therefore, that is key to the motivation behind the ending - aziraphale being so set on returning crowley to heaven with him.
he's not saying it outright here, but i think the conclusion to be drawn from it is what i put in my tags. :)
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dietraumerei · 2 years
Weekly Writing and Reading Update
I ought to clean today -- my apartment’s an absolute tip -- but it’s dark and windy and rainy out and I don’t wanna. So this will be five minutes I don’t feel weirdly guilty about not vacuuming.
LOL, okay. So. I posted A Manifesto For Future Hope and it landed like a wet fart. It’s got 4 kudos, and that’s what it had on Friday when I posted it.
Look, I write for myself, I think that’s abundantly clear. I’m not actually surprised at being deeply unknown and un-read as an author; femme AU’s with loads of OC’s is a lot to ask of people! But it still hurts, okay? I’m sad that my stories are barely read. I’m deeply grateful to the people who do read them and love them and tell me so! I love you all back so much! But I want to acknowledge how much it hurts to see femme fanart with several thousand reblogs, but that not translating to fic. And this story in particular really is written for future hope, to explore what a society without scarcity, and without money, and without a lot of technology but oodles of community looks like. And to see what Aziraphale and Crowley do in that setting, who they are and who they become and how they fall in love.
So, yeah. I just want to acknowledge that, simultaneously, I love that anyone loves my work, I truly understand why more people don’t, but that it really hurts to post a story I’m so excited about and in love with and to have it be met with almost nothing. I want to take it down, honestly, and stop posting my GO fanfic. Keep it for myself kind of thing. I’m embarrassed that I was vulnerable and it didn’t work out.
I think, what I’ll do instead, is take a few weeks off of this section of this update, and write entirely and only for myself. (And also, like, you know, engage in other hobbies and ride my bike a lot and go on hikes, lol.) I have one last very short prompt response for Whumptober, but it’s not really worth putting up, so I’ll declare that complete. When I finish Manifesto, I’ll put all the chapters up at once. (I find posting to AO3 fairly easy, but also really tedious, so doing it all at once will be nice.) I may or may not post future AU stories; I’ll see how I feel when I write them. I won’t stop posting fanfic, but it’ll be the stuff that I still love, but I also think other people will love too. I’ll just be a little more choosy, and thoughtful, and hopefully that will also translate to more things that y’all want to read too :)
I finished Machen’s Hill of Dreams because I wanted a good spooky read. Argh. I think I’m in a pretty bad cultural context to appreciate this story right now; all I can picture is what an utter pain in the ass Lucian would be on Twitter. He’s a snob, and the book is so beautifully written, but I just...cannot with the impractical man-child right now. This is supposed to be Machen’s masterpiece, and it’s beautiful, but I much prefer The Great God Pan.
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thranduilland · 2 years
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I posted 11,565 times in 2022
57 posts created (0%)
11,508 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 522 of my posts in 2022
#dreamling - 30 posts
#dream of the endless - 29 posts
#lol - 27 posts
#hob gadling - 23 posts
#omfg - 18 posts
#the sandman - 18 posts
#hahaha - 14 posts
#sandman - 9 posts
#long will i queue ere i begin this war for gold - 8 posts
#rings of power - 7 posts
My Top Posts in 2022:
Head canon that started out with @msgeekstyle as a cracky 'haha, but what if?!' that has slowly started to consume my life. I'll have to write fic for it after I finish my fae Hob series but...
Hob as the spawn of Lucifer. His dad was some human, Hob never found out who. They spent their entire life hiding out in Hell, affectionally referred to as 'the Hope in Hell' because of how much everyone loved them. Then, into their 20s-30s they were like 'mother, I'm off to the human realm, I want to explore' and Lucifer is like '... you're just going to break out if I try to ground you here, aren't you?' and Hob is like 'what can I say, mother? You are the original rebel and I take after you greatly' and Lucifer is like 'God did this to me on purpose! Fine!! You can go! Be careful!!'
Hob hanging about with the humans, getting into some of their battles. Falling in love with their innovation and persistence. Stubbornly ignoring the baby demons Lucifer sent along to keep an eye on him.
1389 comes along, Hob's human friends have dragged him along to a pub. They're all chatting about death, because why the fuck not? and Hob decides to play devil's advocate and declare that he's simply never gonna die. Death is stupid and he has far more interesting shit to get up to.
Dream and Death are intrigued by him, because there is just... something about him. They have their wager and Dream goes to inform Hob, who has no idea who he is talking to but is like 'yeah, I'm game for this! :D ' and agrees to meet back in the pub in a hundred years.
Hob trots off back to Hell like 'Mother, I made a magical friend! We're going to meet in a hundred years to talk about my life' and Lucifer is like '... who is this person?' and Hob is just 'dunno, anyway, gotta run, promised I'd help my human friends with something!!' Lucifer tries to ask Hob's minders who the stranger was, but they're young enough they have never met Dream or Death before so they're like 'idk.'
The 1489 meeting happens as per canon and Hob has a moment where he is actually genuinely afraid he has made a deal with one of his mum's demons, though he's sure they all would know better than to fuck with him like that. So, he's really relieved when Dream clarifies it's nothing like that. Hob trots off back to Hell to tell his mother about his meeting with his stranger. She again is like 'wtf is it ?!' and he's like 'dunno!! Gotta run! :D' and she asks his minders again and they're like 'dunno', cos they still have no fucking clue who Dream is. Lucifer sighs about it and sends Crowley to keep an eye on him, because Crowley is old enough to have met basically every magical being that it could be. Crowley is like 'yeah, alright, I'll do it.'
1589 comes around. Crowley has already figured out that the mystery stranger isn't a danger to Hob, because if he was he'd have already done something to him at either their first meeting or their second. So he spends the time indulgently watching Aziraphale drink people under the table the whole night. They head on back to Hell and Lucifer is like 'so who was it?!' and Crowley is like 'oh, didn't see, I was busy keeping an angel of the Lord from noticing Hope's presence' and Lucifer is like '... fair argument. Fine. Do better next time!' and Crowley is like 'yep, 100% will do that!'
1600s come along, Eleanor and Robyn die and Hob goes into a full on bout of depression. Crowley has to dig him out of the river when they drown him as a witch. He gets quietly handed over to Aziraphale who plies him with tea and food and books to try and perk him up a bit, but it doesn't work, and he wanders off back into the streets of London. 1689 meeting comes along, Crowley is busy searching for him and has completely forgotten that the meeting was supposed to take place, else he woulda gone straight there. Hob doesn't go back to Hell to tell Lucifer about it, so she doesn't get an gossip from that session and when she asks Crowley about it he's just like '... he's having a rough time, can't chat long!'
1700s comes along and Hob has thrown himself into the shipping business, ignoring the demonic influence riddled throughout every single point of it. The influence is familiar to him, he grew up surrounded by it, so it's comfortable for him, familiar. So he stays. Has his 1789 meeting with Dream, where Dream tells him it's wrong and initially he's defensive, because who the hell does Dream think he is?!? but then he folds to it, decides to consider it more in depth later... they have their fight with Lady Constantine (Crowley was busy dismantling the carriage outside while the fight was occurring).
Hob goes back to Hell and tells Lucfer about it. She's livid that he got attacked, but he's just like 'nah, it was great and I ALMOST got a name out of my stranger, I'm sure of it!!' and Lucifer is like to Crowley 'did you see who they were finally?' and Crowley is like 'nah, I was busy destroying the carriage so they couldn't get away' and she's like '... fine, I'll allow it...'
1889 comes around. Crowley has a prior engagement with Aziraphale so some other smuck demon gets sent to watch over Hob. Hob doesn't return to Hell after the meeting cos he's too busy drinking his sorrows, but the minor demon does return after Crowley picks up their shift and they're like to Lucifer 'uhm, still don't know who they are, but they're an asshole and they broke Hope's heart D:' and Lucifer is like 'WHAT?! I am going to destroy them!! Whoever they are!!'
Dream doesn't show for the 1989 meeting, obvs. Crowley reports this to Lucifer who is like 'oh, I really am going to ruin them. Just absolutely smite them!! who do they think they are?!?! Playing with my son's heart like this?!?' Lucifer sends Hob a Hell Hound to try to cheer him up, but he sends it back and asks for a Hell Cat instead, Lucifer is like '... yeah sure, okay'. Hob immediately names his Hell Cat 'Eye in the Dark' and it becomes a ball of black fur, that is a stealthy beast of prey. Lucifer is like 'did you have to name it like that?!' and Hob is like 'what's wrong with that?!?!'
Somewhere around this time, Lucifer gives birth to Adam and the events of Good Omens start to kick into play, so some other poor smuck demons get stuck watching Hob, because Crowley is busy watching over Warlock, who he thinks is the Antichrist. Lucifer sends out a Hell Hound for Adam, who names it Dog. Lucifer hearing about this sends Hob a message like 'I take it back. Eye in the Dark is a respectable name for a Hell Creature, please impart this knowledge to your baby brother, who named their's 'Dog!' Hob thinks that is hilarious.
The Apocalypse that Wasn't happens a few months before Dream escapes. Crowley, following the events of the Not Apocalypse gets a message to Lucifer like 'you still want me to keep an eye on the Hell Spawns or nah?! I'm officially off the clock, otherwise' and Lucifer is like '... you know what?!? Yes, keep an eye on them for me and I'll grant you a pardon' and so Crowley continues to check in on Hob, Warlock, and Adam. Hob has basically adopted Warlock as his own baby brother, and dotes upon both boys... and all their friends.
Dream comes back. Has his duel with Lucifer, neither of them knowing about the other's connection to Hob. Dream still wins with Hope, which Lucifer takes hard because like... that's her son, not that Dream knows that. Dream leaves and continues on his canon path, talks with Death, gets nudged to come find Hob.
They meet at the New Inn as per canon, but they agree to keep meeting. Dream pops in at random times and they start dating. Hob misses a check in with Crowley one day because he's busy in bed with Dream.
Crowley bursts into the apartment like 'Hell Spawn?!?!?! Where are you Hell Spawn?!? You can't do this to me, Hell Spawn! I can't tell your mother that I lost another of her sons on my watch!! Don't do that to me, Hell Spawn!!' and Hob is like 'ugh!! I'm fine, Uncle Crowley, go away!!!' and Crowley is like 'nope. Not until I have seen for myself that you are not dying!! I have a duty of care, Hell Spawn!!' and Hob is like 'I AM A GROWN MAN!!' but he stomps out to the living room anyway like 'See?!?! Not dying. Now fuck off, please!!'
Crowley is like 'alright, I will go, but next time, text me, Hell Spawn. You can't just expect me to- Hell Spawn!!! Get behind me!!!!' because Dream has wandered in from behind Hob and Crowley a) knows who Dream is and b) is aware that Dream is on the DNI list for Hell. Hob is like 'what are you doing?! that's just my boyfriend!!' and Crowley is like 'YOU ARE DATING DREAM OF THE ENDLESS?!?!?!' and Hob is like 'His name is Morpheus!!!!' Dream is like '?!?!?!?' about the entire thing. Crowley is like 'Just wait until your mother hears about this!! Cannot believe-!! She is going to slaughter me!! Then she's going to slaughter him!!! then you're going to be grounded forever!!!' and Hob is like 'what are you on about?!'
Crowley eventually leaves, Dream and Hob awkwardly have to explain things to each other, including that one time like 'oh yeah, I beat your mother in duel by apparently invoking you?!?!'
Bonus scene 1:
Dream staring at Eye in the Dark, before he learns of Hob's true nature like 'Why do you have a Hell Cat?!' and Hob is like 'What?! That's just Eye in the Dark, she is a sweetheart!!! :D' Eye in the Dark meanwhile is hissing at Dream like 'hurt him and you won't see me coming!!!' and Dream is like 'So noted, little sister, I mean him no harm...'
Bonus scene 2:
Jed: Who are they, Uncle Dream?
Hob: Oh, these are my little brothers, Warlock and Adam.
Adam: I'm the Antichrist.
Warlock: Former Antichrist.
Adam: Well...
Jed: ...
Adam: Hey, wanna hear that time I almost destroyed the world?!?!?!
See the full post
290 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
Okay, okay, but the mental image was too good. I had to share.
Dream coming to visit Hob at his apartment, Hob's JUST gotten a new appliance of some sort that came in a big cardboard box, that he's left sitting on the floor in the living room, like 'eh, I'll recycle it later' while he's setting up the appliance. Dream takes one look at the cardboard box, his eyes go all black and he turns into a cat and jumps inside, curls up and goes to sleep. Hob, watching on, is like '... hello?! What just happened?! I didn't... even know... you could do that?!'
443 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
So, Hob learning about Dream's imprisonment and Dream kinda being real down at how much things have changed and how little a hand he had in that at all, like he's the collective unconscious of humanity's dreams and... humans obviously don't need him anymore, because they did just fine without him for over a century...
Hob making a physical mix tape (or two or three or-) of all the songs Dream has missed between 1916 to when he got free that are about 'the Sandman', or about dreams/daydreams/the Dreaming etc, etc. The mix tape just has 'Dream' written on it.
But, Hob doesn't have anything left that would actually play a mix tape anymore, so he also makes a digital playlist and the next time Dream visits him, he sits Dream down in his apartment like 'Humans never forgot about you, Dream. Even when you weren't here. We were looking for you, thinking of you. Trust me?' and Dream just nods. So, Hob lets the playlist play at random, he made it by year, but he just lets it run as fate dictates.
Of course, the first song is Talk by Hozier, and almost immediately it gets Dream crying, because Hob has no idea the significance of that song. Hob almost stops the playlist entirely, but Dream shakes his head, tells him to keep playing it.
After Talk comes Evanescence's Imaginary, comes Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics, comes Dream On by Aerosmith, comes Enter Sandman by Metallica, comes Mr Sandman by the Chordettes, comes the River of Dreams by Billy Joel, comes the Gunner's Dream by Pink Floyd, comes Trees (Hallway of Leaves) by Sleeping at Last, comes-
They have to stop, because there are too many songs to play all in one go, but when they do stop, Dream is a wreck, clinging to Hob and thanking him with a shaking voice. Hob clings back just as tight and smiles brightly and says 'ah, my dearest friend, this is nothing, wait until you hear all the poems!'
883 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Rose snapping a pic of her Uncle Dream with her History Prof and the pic just manages to get the exact moment where Dream is looking at Hob like Hob hung the damn moon while Hob is obliviously reading something to him from one of the history books. She sends the pic to Dream with the caption 'the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one' and Dream just leaves it on read... she sends it to Hob and he just sends back a bunch of love hearts and the pleading face emoji...
1,227 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Alright. But Hob accidentally making the New Inn as a temple to Morpheus. All of Moprheus' more loyal but still epically curious Dreams/Nightmares (except for Gilbert) being like 'hey, hey, wait. This is a temple to Lord Morpheus, right? So, technically, this land is part of Lord Morpheus' realm, so technically, if we go to the New Inn... we aren't leaving the Dreaming, so Lord Morpheus can't get mad at us!!'
So, Dreams and Nightmares keep showing up at the Inn, but Hob doesn't know that they're Dreams and Nightmares, he just thinks they're kind of odd regulars. They all become oddly fond and protective of Hob, like 'he's our Lord Morpheus' high priest, no one messes with our hi- we mean, with our Lord's high priest!!'
By the time Dream gets free, the New Inn is the regular haunt of more Dreams/Nightmares than humans, unless one includes Hob's own students, who get discounts there. Dream shows back up at the New Inn, does NOT notice any of his Dreams/Nightmares because he's too busy making heart eyes at Hob and being all 'omg, pls take me back, I fucked up, I am sorry! D: ' without saying even 1% of that.
Dream only notices his Dreams/Nightmares are literally there watching him flirt with Hob when they make out on like the third date, and Hob's students all start whistling/cheering/clapping/etc and Hob is like 'oh no'. Dream turns to look at the other guests and finds himself meeting eyes with one of his own subjects and it's just that scene where Corinthian and Gilbert see each other, only this time it's Dream and a bunch of his own subjects, like suddenly everywhere he looks he finds a familiar pair of eyes and he's like '!!!??!?!?' and they're all like 'hey, boss, technically you own the land, so we're not breaking any rules :) ' and Dream suddenly suffers the mortifying ordeal of being known by his subjects... and Hob, but Hob doesn't count anymore because he worked through his mortification over that one...
2,413 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Happy New Year’s Eve-Eve, everyone!! 
And welcome to the Last Fic Rec Wednesday of 2020! No one asked for this at all, but I enjoy making unprompted lists for everyone, and I’ve been doing this list since January 2020 :P
I’ve read some FANTASTIC fics this year, and now seems like a good time as any to share with y’all some  of those amazing fics I’ve added to List of Love! I had to even whittle it down today to get it to 25 – the number I like as a “top xx” thing, so I am very disheartened that a lot of my bookmarks this year didn’t make the list :( It’s been a long time since I’ve done a “last XX bookmarked fics” list, maybe I’ll do one of those soon.
First off let’s start with 5 honourable mentions of Other Fandom fics, because I spent a lot of my summer indulging in my renewed Rimmster ship so I have a few amazing RD fics y’all should read LOL
Réveillon by Big_Edies_Sun_Hat (T, 6,431 w., 3 Ch. || GOOD OMENS || Christmas Eve, Angst, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Relationship, Established Relationship, International Travel, Moments in Time, Historical / Biblical Interpretation) – After a gloomy history with Christmas, Aziraphale shows Crowley how he has learned to seek out the good in it by traveling around the world on Christmas Eve. Highlights include: the Annunciation; potholes; international teleportation; peace and hope; arson; Lupe gets a doll of her very own.
Out With It by Clipped_Ionian_Vowels (T, 10,255 w., 1 Ch. || RED DWARF || Post-Ace, Reclaimed Slurs, Getting Together, Sexuality, Coming Out) – Rimmer finally comes home, hangs up the wig and decides to set the crew 'straight' about one thing; he's not. And neither, it transpires, is Lister.
Standards by Kahvi & Roadsterguy (E, 11,725 w., 2 Ch. || RED DWARF || Hard Light Rimmer, Bickering, Humour, First Time, Over-Protective Kryten, Cranky Rimmer, Exploring Derelicts, Arguing Leads to Awkward Flirting, Showering Together, Intense Orgasms) – Yet another supply raid on a derelict leads Rimmer and Lister to an argument, which in turn leads to... something that's still fairly close to an argument. You get lonely in space, but you do have standards.
speed limits (and how to break them) by darcylindbergh (E, 13,750 w., 4 Ch. || GOOD OMENS || POV Crowley, UST/URT, Mutual Pining, Romance, First Kiss/Time, Crowley’s Anxiety, Gift Giving, Humour, Touching, Awkwardness, Love Confessions, Sussex, Fantasies Become Real, Marriage Proposal, Sensuality, Bottom Crowley) – There is a trick people do with a mint candy and a bottle of cola which results in a small eruption, and something very like it, for much higher stakes than a laugh in a car park, is about to take place in Aziraphale’s back room. Or: what happens when you finally unscrew the cap on a six thousand years of repression, and drop in Valentine’s Day.
Hand in Glove by lizardkid (T, 14,223 w., 1 Ch. || RED DWARF || Post-S9, Internalized Homophobia, Repression, Hurt/Comfort, Lister Whump, Worried Rimmer, Ableist Language, Cuddling) – Lister is mortally wounded in an accident. Rimmer is forced to reassess everything.
AND NOW: The reason y’all are here! Please know I love EVERYTHING I’ve read and bookmarked, just these ones have really stuck with me and I’ve already re-read a few of these, so yeah, please do enjoy. 
Please note that these fics aren’t all necessarily NEW fics for 2020, more like they were new to ME, and ergo, I bookmarked and started reccing them this year! There are a few newer fics, though, so yeah, apologies if you were expecting only new things.
Hope you all have a good New Year’s Day, and I hope this list makes the long weekend a great one until my FIRST Fic Rec Sunday of 2021! I might do two on Sunday just to celebrate the new year, hahah. <3 Love you all!
Top 20 Bookmarks of 2018
Top 25 Bookmarks of 2019
The Imminent Danger of a Tumblr-Night by Loveismyrevolution (T, 2,135 w., 1 Ch. || Tumblr Fics, Friends to Lovers, Sherlock is Out of His Depth, Humour, Fluff, Pining Sherlock, Military Kink, POV Sherlock) – Sherlock gets into trouble when he pretends to know all about John's favourite social media site - tumblr. To save face he seeks help from one of the bloggers and gains more answers than he had aimed for.
Living Musical by VeeTheRee (G, 4,149 w. 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hobbies, Summer, Song Fic, POV Sherlock, Painting, Play Fighting, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Love Declarations, Hair Petting, Promise of Forever) – A one-shot of John and Sherlock being domestic during summer. There is paint, fluff, and music from Imagine Dragons, namely from the album 'Speak To Me', specific song in this one-shot is 'Living Musical'. Part 1 of the Happy Fluffy Johnlock Time series
Stranded by BeautifulFiction (T, 5,798 w., 1 Ch. || First Kiss, Communication / Relationship Discussion, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock POV, BAMF John, Doctor John, Case Fic, Drinking, Huddling For Warmth, Friends to More) –  When stranded on a derelict barge at high tide, John and Sherlock reconsider their friendship.
Bridges by sussexbound (M, 6,602 w., 1 Ch || Post-TLD / S4 Fix It, Love Confessions, Mending Relationships, Moving Back In, Pining Sherlock, POV Sherlock, Past Abuse, Shaving) – The silence between them is deafening, interrupted only by the hum of the traffic outside, and the soft click-clunk of the plastic cups Rosie is playing with on the floor beside them. It is the first time they have been alone together, since Sherlock’s birthday. It’s only been two days, but it feels huge, important, like there is a precarious bridge stretched out before them both that they need to at least attempt to traverse.
To be loved by Strange_johnlock (E, 12,436 w., 8 Ch. || Post S3, Established Relationship, First Person POV Sherlock, Pet Names, Soft Sherlock, Mild ADHD, Protective John, Captain Watson, Body Appreciation, Bottomlock, Rough Sex, Travelling for Holidays, Introspection, Sherlock Loves John So Much It Hurts) – John is so deeply integrated into the work, both as my conductor of light, and as a great shot with a vicious right hook who tackles men -and women- no matter their size all in my defense. He protects me with all he can without question, and this loyalty is surely more than I deserve. Or: Sherlock is counting his blessings.
On The Fence by BeautifulFiction (T, 13,770 w., 1 Ch. || Fencing, Case Fic, First Kiss, Insecure John, Pining John, Hug, Greg Finds Out) – The murder of the King's College fencing champion leads to revelations about Sherlock's past. Will it be the point that tips them from friends to lovers, or will they remain on the fence?
The Invocation of Saint Margaret by Ewebie (E, 15,831 w., 1 Ch. || POV John, Crossing Timelines, Light Angst, Fluff, Series 3 John / Series 1 Sherlock, The Matchbox, Mushy Romance, First Time, Bisexual John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Sensuality, Emotional Love Making, Snippets of Time) – When Sherlock Holmes opens the matchbox from The Sign of Three and John finds himself years in the past, back to that first dinner at Angelo's with a much younger Sherlock Holmes. Is he dreaming?
Permanent Fixture by vitruvianwatson (E, 18,836 w., 9 Ch || Post-S4, Parentlock, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, They’re Good Parents, Blushing Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Explicit Consent, Sexual Content, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Big Feelings, Crying, First Kiss, Fluff, Anxious Sherlock, Inexperienced Sherlock, Emotional Communication, Love Confessions) – Now, as Rosie sat curled up against Sherlock’s side, John watched and wondered exactly how he had ended up here. Domesticity had never suited him before, not at any point in his life. His disastrous marriage had been proof of that. But somehow, here in the warmth and safety of 221B Baker Street, here with Sherlock Holmes reading medical jargon to his daughter, Sherlock’s bony feet nudging against his leg, John couldn’t imagine anyplace that would make him happier.
Division by MrsNoggin (E, 19,542 w., 11 Ch. || Coffee Shop AU || First Kiss/Time, Fluff, Barista Sherlock, Clingy Sherlock, POV John, John’s Limp, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Sensuality, Touching, Virgin Sherlock, Insecure John) – John likes mysteries. And every morning he dips into the local independent coffee bar with his newspaper and ponders another... one Sherlock Holmes.
Out of the Woods by SilentAuror (E, 20,471 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting, Drunk Sex, Practical Jokes, POV Sherlock, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Pining Sherlock, Frustrated Wanking, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Love Confessions, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Bum Appreciation, Hanging out with the Yard) – Sherlock is fairly certain that John has taken to flirting with him of late, but can't be entirely certain of it. At least, not until a case takes them into a forest, along with Lestrade's team and something happens that will change everything about their lives...
Inscrutable to the Last by DiscordantWords (M, 48,842 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF, Alternate S3, John’s Blog/S3 is a Story By John, Divorce, Marital Difficulties, John is a Mess, Emotional Reunion, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Grief / Mourning, Pining John, First Kiss, Adorably Clueless Sherlock, Nostalgia, Love Confessions, Eventual Happy Ending) – He wasn't Sherlock, he couldn't work miracles. All he'd ever been able to do was write about them.
Anchor Point by trickybonmot (E, 49,856 w., 80 Ch. || Truman Show AU || Psychological Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Dark Characters / Fic, Alternating First/Third Person, Protective John, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Tender Moments, Love Confessions, Hand/Blow Jobs, Cuddling, Jealous John, First Kiss/Time) – The world tunes in nightly for Sherlock, the ultimate in reality TV: Sherlock Holmes, a real person with a legendary name, unknowingly lives out his life in a staged setting contrived by his brother. Things get complicated when a retired army doctor joins the show to play the part of Sherlock's closest friend. This fic borrows its concept from the 1998 film, the Truman Show. However, you don't need to have any knowledge of the movie to enjoy this story.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by SilentAuror (E, 50,635 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4/S4 Divergence, Case Fic, For a Case / Reverse Fake-Relationship, Conferences, Marriage Equality, Travelling / New York, Pride, Homophobia, Bottomlock, Marriage Proposal, John POV, Sexuality, Love Confessions, Emotional Love Making, Public Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Passionate Kissing, Needy/Clingy Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Touching / Hand Holding, Bed Sharing, Little Spoon Sherlock, Intense Orgasms) – John and Sherlock go to New York to attend a conference run by the National Defence of Traditional Marriage Coalition in order to investigate the potential bombing of the annual Manhattan Pride parade. As the conference unfolds, John finds himself repulsed by the toxic ideology being presented, which becomes relevent to his own unacknowledged issues and his friendship with Sherlock...
A Goose Quill Dipped in Venom by Polyphony (M, 52,748 w., 16 Ch. || Celebrity John AU || Alternate First Meeting, TV Host John, Supermodel Mary, Character Death, Mystery, Romance, Case Fic, First Kiss/Time, Meddling Mycroft, Drug Abuse, Doctor John, PDA, Deductions, POV Sherlock, Toplock, Sexual Tension, Angry/Rough Sex, Hopeful Ending, Asperger’s Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective, is called in to a very ordinary although brutal murder. Something is badly out of tune with the whole scenario and Sherlock finds himself becoming more and more obsessed with the crime - and also with the victim.
Points by lifeonmars (E, 53,791 w., 42 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || HLV Rewrite / Canon Divergence, Married Life, Pregnancy / Baby Watson, Drinking to Cope, Boxing / Fisticuffs, Clueless John, Angst, Minor Medical Drama, Tattoos, Christmas, First Kiss/Time, Eventual Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Doctor John, Sexuality Crisis, Slow Burn, Case Fic, Drugging, Blow/Hand Job, Emotional Love Making, Parenthood, Passage of Time) – What if His Last Vow never happened? This fic picks up a few months after John and Mary's wedding, in an alternate universe where Magnussen doesn't exist, but Mary is still pregnant. Life continues -- just in a different direction. And slowly, Sherlock and John find their way to each other.
Isosceles by SilentAuror (E, 56,609 w., 7 Ch. || Post-S4, POV John, Original Male Character / Sherlock Dates Another Man, Love Triangle, Jealous John, Virgin Sherlock, Sexual Coaching, Angst, Romance, Domesticity, Unrequited Feelings, Miscommunication, First Kiss/Time, For a Case, Friends With Benefits, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Spooning) – After solving a case for a major celebrity, Sherlock gets himself asked out. When John asks, he discovers that Sherlock has no intention of going, at least not until John agrees to coach him through whatever he might need to know for his date...
Lunar Landscapes by J_Baillier (M, 57,046 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || S3/TAB Fix-It, Slow Burn Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Confessions, Drugs, Pain, Medical, Injury, Sherlock Whump, Mental Health Issues, Panic Attacks, Romance, Secrets, Tragedy, Trauma, BAMF John, Doctor!John, Drug Addict Sherlock, Injured Sherlock, Grieving John, Idiots In Love, Protective John, POV John Watson, PTSD Sherlock, Sherlock is a Mess, Medical Realism) – An accident forces John to face the fact that Sherlock's downward spiral had started long before his flight to exile even left the tarmac.
Gold Rush by ShirleyCarlton (E, 71,783 w., 17 Ch. || Post S3 / No Mary, Friends to Lovers, Mentions of Past Sexual Abuse, First Kiss, Case Fic, Slow Burn, Alternating POV, Switchlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Marriage Proposal, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abduction, Anxious/Insecure Sherlock, Miscommunication, Emotional Lovemaking) – John has divorced Mary and pops round to 221B one evening to find Sherlock in the middle of a case. As Sherlock tries to find the identity of a young woman’s stalker, John realises he can no longer deny his feelings for Sherlock – which then, to their befuddlement, turn out to be mutual. Shy kisses and tentative embraces ensue. But will Sherlock be able to cast off a shadow from his past that he thinks might prevent John from wanting to stay?
Repairing the Broken Things by BakerTumblings (M, 75,252 w., 15 Ch. || S4 Compliant, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Trauma, Hospitals, Big Brother Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Realizations, Severe Accident, John Whump, Pneumonia, Medical Procedures, Bed Sharing, First Time, Healing, Happy Ending) – "I'm calling today to notify you that there's been an accident."
Thermocline by J_Baillier (M, 83,557 w., 14 Ch. || Scuba Diving AU || Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marine Archaeology, Asexual Sherlock, Horny John, Relationship Drama, Technical/Scuba/Wreck Diving, Slow Burn, Underwater /  Medical Peril, Doctor John, Hurt Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, John POV, Protective John, Body Appreciation) – John "Five Oceans" Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
Kintsukuroi by sussexbound (E, 91,823 w., 20 Ch. || S4 Compliant / Post-TLD, Grief / Mourning, PTSD, Internalized Homophobia, Therapy, Past Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Anxiety, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Suicidal Ideation, Masturbation, Minor Character Death, Sexting, Frottage, Inexperienced Sherlock, Rimming / Anal / BJ’s, Emotional Turmoil, Finding Each Other) – “I love you.” Sherlock sees the words hit John with almost physical force. He reels back a little, jaw twitching and eyes filling. “I love you,” he repeats, a little softer, a little more gentle, as earnest as he possibly can. Because they’ve been teetering on the brink of this thing for years, and it had become painfully obvious over the last few months that they were at a tipping point. This had to happen. Now it has. Now they can see where they end up. The tears in John’s eyes spill over, and he wipes at them angrily. “Do you even know what that means?”  
The Summer Boy by khorazir (T, 94,706 w., 6 Ch. || Post S3/Post TAB/Alternate S4, Friends to Lovers, Asexual Sherlock, POV Sherlock, Flashbacks, Bullying, 1980′s Kid Sherlock, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Inexperienced Sherlock, Grief/Mourning, Pining Sherlock, Case Fic, Sherlock’s Past, Awkward Conversations, Anxious Sherlock) – About half a year after the fateful events at Appledore, Sherlock and John embark on a private case in Sussex. For Sherlock, it’s a journey into his past, bringing up memories both happy and sad that he has locked away for almost thirty years. For John, it means coming to terms with the present – and a potential future with Sherlock. Part 1 of the The Summer Boy series
Northwest Passage by Kryptaria (E, 95,157 w., 27 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Canadian AU ||  BAMF!John, Canadian John, PTSD, Anal / Oral Sex, Rimming, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Drug Rehab, Falling in Love, Pining Sherlock, Love Confessions, Sherlock’s Violin, Panic Attacks, Switching, Anxious / Protective Sherlock, Hugs for Comfort, Suicide Mentions, Healing Each Other) – Seven years ago, Captain John Watson of the Canadian Forces Medical Service withdrew from society, seeking a simple, isolated life in the distant northern wilderness of Canada. Though he survives from one day to the next, he doesn't truly live until someone from his dark past calls in a favor and turns his world upside-down with the introduction of Sherlock Holmes." Part 1 of Tales from the Northwest
The Bang and the Clatter by earlgreytea68 (M, 137,049 w. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Baseball AU || Slow Burn / Dev. Rel., Possessive/Obsessive Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Body Appreciation, Depression, Closeted Sexuality, Family, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Ogling Each Other, Anxious Sherlock, Panic Attack, Drunkenness, Talk of Forever, Big Feelings™) – Sherlock Holmes is a pitcher and John Watson is a catcher. No, no, no, it's a baseball AU. Part 1 of Baseball
Against the Rest of the World by SilentAuror (E, 151,714 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF, Hiatus Fic, POV First Person Sherlock, Present Tense, First Kiss/Time, Big Brother Mycroft, Escaping from Capture, Soft Sherlock, Toplock, Insecurity, Infidelity, Travelling, Introspection, Pining Sherlock, Depression, Fantasies, Yearning for the Past, PTSD Sherlock, Suicidal Ideation) – Sherlock has been away from London for nine hundred and twelve days and counting, and has no idea what sort of reception to expect when he finally returns.
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1948 Day 16- Ice Storm
Much cliche! One bed trope! Wow! This is some serious fanfic troupe for @drawlight This one is also cheating a little because it’s based off a tumblr post I made a while ago. Lol, but it’s fun and cute and has Aziraphale making a whole scene!!
At a lavish party that borderlines hedonistic, Aziraphale, not entirely oblivious to what is going on in the private salon rooms, is enjoying the conversations and refreshments. A strikingly tall gentleman with a cascade of auburn hair walks through the door, and immediately the whispers begin. The host, a renowned author, fawns all over himself as he introduces his newest obsession and inspiration for all his latest work.
“Anthony, my dark crow! Oh darling!” Mr. Forster swooned. “You have the most spectacular jaw line! All the better for...” He was interrupted by a rather irritated celestial being.
“What are you doing here?” Aziraphale asked boldly.
“I was invited, Angel.” Crowley pursed his lips as he shook off the fresh layer of snow that had accumulated on his jacket. “But I think the more important question is what are you doing here?” He raised his eyebrow at his heavenly counterpart.
“I was...also invited.” Aziraphale said, trying to sound formidable and important.
“So you two know each other then?” Mr. Forster cooed. “Oh! What are the odds? Come now, my lovely, let us mingle.” He linked his arm into Crowley’s and lead him away, leaving Aziraphale standing utterly alone.
After sometime, and more than a few drinks later, he spied Crowley in the library, staring out the large window, standing by himself. Put out by the display earlier, Aziraphale stormed out of the party to confront the demon.
“The snow is really coming down, looks as if it’s beginning to ice over.” Crowley attempted to make conversation, to which Aziraphale was having none of it.
“I hope you enjoyed your fraternizing!” Aziraphale sputtered, spilling his drink in the process. “I mean, honestly!”
“Aziraphale, your drunk. Perhaps you should go home.” Crowley said with genuine concern.
“Oh, so I should go home and leave you here do...God knows what with God knows who...whom...oh whatever, it doesn’t matter! You’re making a spectacle out of yourself.”
“What are you talking about angel? You’re the one who gets drunk at a sex party. I’m here by myself, in case you didn’t notice.”
“Well you left with HIM, and...” his voice begins to trail off. “And what choice did I have but to drink too much? I mean, you just so happen to be his new muse? You don’t even like contemporary writing.”
“I like contemporary writing because you like contemporary writing, you idiot. You told me that I should get into reading more, so I thought I would tempt some writers with lust. The sexy bits are more interesting to read anyway.”
“So that’s it then? You show up and flaunt your relationship!” Aziraphale sputtered, trying not to stare at how the light illuminated the demon’s fiery mane.
“Are you jealous that I tempted your lover away from you?” Crowley fired angrily.
“I’m not jealous and he’s not my lover..” Aziraphale’s cheeks grew flush. “And I hate that you show up here and leave me by myself to go...well to go to bed with him!” Tears filled his eyes, and he tried so desperately to conceal them.
“Aziraphale, there is nothing going between me and him. I mean, he makes advances, but I have no interest or desire. I’m here because I heard you would be, that’s all.”
“So you’re not having intimate relations with him?” Aziraphale asked hopefully.
“No! Angel, I don’t have intimate relations with anyone. It’s not my scene really.” Crowley scoffed, still attempting to remain collected.
“You don’t?” The cherub asked softly. “Have you ever?”
Crowley shook his head. “No. Not once. Happy now?”
Aziraphale fell silent, the awkward pause between them shifted.
“It’s alright angel,” Crowley sighed as he ran his hands through his long hair. “You’re drunk and I’ll take you home.”
“Leaving so soon, my dark crow?” Mr. Forster slurred, as he tried to wrap his arms around Crowley’s waist.
“Yes, and we’re leaving, together.” Aziraphale reached out and took the demon’s arm, and it was gladly accepted. “Thank you for the brilliant party, but it is time to say goodnight.”
“My little dove and dark crow? Leaving so soon and together? Well, what I wouldn’t give to tag along. I promise, I will play nice.” The host licked his lips longingly.
“Sorry, I don’t share.” Aziraphale chided, as leaned into Crowley’s arm for support.
“You don’t?” Crowley smirked, the angel just shook his head.
“Oh shut it.”
“From the looks of that ice, neither of you are going anywhere tonight.” Mr. Forster purred as he looked outside, noting the heavy, slick layer of glistening ice that had frozen to every surface. “But don’t you worry, my lovelies, I can accommodate you both for the night.”
Crowley edged closer to the angel, still holding his hand tightly. “Very well, I trust we will not be disturbed.”
“Oh fine! Be no fun then!” Mr. Forster grumbled as he showed the pair to a bedchamber away from the wing of the manner where the party was still in full swing.
“Here you go, my lovelies. Have fun.” Their host said with a wink as he opened the door.
“We will.” Crowley hissed and with a snap, the door slammed behind them. They stood in silence for a moment. “You can miracle yourself home, if you’d rather not stay.”
“I’m not leaving you here alone.” The angel said meekly, slowly realizing that he was still gripping the demon’s arm. He released it and watched as Crowley slinked around the room.
The electric lights began to flicker, dimming until they went out completely. “Foolish modern decadence.” Crowley cursed under his breath, with a snap of his fingers, the room is illuminated with the soft glow of candles. “Still drunk, angel?” The demon peered over his glasses.
“I’m not drunk, I’m tip-top!” Aziraphale announced, yet he was, in fact, still very intoxicated.
“Might as well get some rest. Go on, you take the bed. I’ll take...” The demon began.
“No no! It’s alright! You’re the one who sleeps. I’m more than fine just on the chair.”
“You don’t sleep?” Crowley asked as he snapped his fingers, his clothing had changed to fine silk pajamas, black with red trim, a small golden snake embroidered just to the right of his heart.
“It’s not that I don’t, I haven’t much use for it- I use that time to read.” The angel said as he cast his eye downward.
“Big sleep fan, me.” Crowley yawned and stretched out his arms, revealing his stomach to anyone who might have been stealing a peek. “You should try it.”
“Fair enough.” Aziraphale pulled his fingers down and was standing in a long, white gown complete with stocking cap.
Crowley rolled his eyes, yet was secretly delighted. “This bed is massive and there’s no sense trying to sleep in that...” He said as he gestured to the chair.
“Very well. But no funny business.” Aziraphale bit his lip.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Crowley shuttered.
Aziraphale made his way, in a most wobbly manner, towards the opposite end of the bed and climbed in, he shuffled under the sheets and laid helps head upon the pillows, he turned his body away from the demon. “Goodnight Crowley.” He said quietly.
“Night angel.” The demon answered.
“You know I haven’t either.” Aziraphale confessed softly. “I haven’t known anyone intimately before.”
“Not even that writer pal of yours? That wild fellow?”
“No. Although, many have tried, but,” he grew quiet
“What is it, angel?”
“It’s a sin, isn’t it? I mean, Heaven says that fornicating is going against God.”
“I don’t think it’s a sin. Seems more like an act of love than an act of evil. I don’t see what the big deal is.” Crowley muttered as he lay on his back.
“So, you would, I mean, hypothetically speaking, you would be intimate.”
“I could have countless times. It’s not the act itself, but it’s finding the right partner that has been the sticking point.”
“Oh.” Aziraphale felt his heart beat quicken. “Do you think you will ever find them? The right partner I mean.”
“Who’s to say I haven’t already. Perhaps it’s just not the right time.” Crowley murmured.
“Do you think it will ever be the right time?” The angel asked, his voice nearly breaking.
“I hope so. I’d very much like for that day to come, someday that is.”
“So would I.” Aziraphale whispered to himself. “So would I.” Perhaps it was the alcohol that was causing the room to spin, or perhaps it was something else entirely.
In the morning, the angel opened his eyes and caught a glimpse of the sunlight as it danced across the demon’s face. He fought to resist the urge to touch his hair, sweep the errant strand of copper that fell across his cheek.
As if sensing the angel was awake, Crowley opened his eyes and smiled. “Morning angel.” He turned and reached for his glasses. “Suppose the ice is melted enough for us to make our way home.” The demon stood up, and gave one last stretch. In an instant, he was impeccably dressed and remarkably styled. “You ready, or would you prefer to hang about?”
Not to be outdone, Aziraphale miracled his own posh outfit, complete with coiffed curls. “Ready when you are, my dear.”
Crowley held out his arm, gesturing the angel to proceed through the opened door. Before he left the room, he took a candle from the dresser and slipped it into his jacket pocket.
Their ride home was filled with witty banter and laughter as they made their way to London. The Bentley was parked out in front of the bookshop, as it had been more than a few times this century.
“Lovey evening, angel.” Crowley grinned.
“Oh! Come now.” Aziraphale said coyly, knowing that there had been a change in the space between them. He waved to the demon and slipped into his shop. He sighed as he removed his sleeping cap from inside his coat; holding it close to his chest. He smiled to himself. Someday indeed.
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