#no it's specifically about mcavoy and fassbender for some reason
reginaldqueribundus · 2 years
I don't know why I tried to peer down the fanfic rabbit hole I just stumbled upon someone's X-Men actor RPF Schindler's List crossover slash fic
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bogunicorn · 3 years
One common talking point in the X-Men fandom is this idea that Jennifer Lawrence was like... zoned out, at any point during the films.
Are they were best work? No, probably not. She has other films people like better and other work she's prouder of.
But she's still doing her job. Her version of Raven is pretty stoic after First Class, she's honestly about as outwardly emotional as Erik. Jlaw is making choices in those movies. You can dislike ber acting choices or say that her dialogue as written isn't as good as Charles' or Erik's (bc it isn't), but for all her flaws as a person, Lawrence is very much a talented professional. She shows up and does her job. She clearly has an idea of who Raven is.
It's pretty obvious that Raven's character was strongly influenced by Katniss post-First Class. Erik/Raven was supposed to be much more obvious, esp in Apocalypse, specifically to capitalize on JLaw's Hunger Games fame (and also Fassbender was kind of getting that potential A-list Oscar push that fizzled out when Assassin's Creed bombed). And like, was making Raven more like Katniss a good creative decision? Probably not. But it's weird to me that people are happy to praise the Hunger Games films and JLaw's performance and then still be like, "oh she slept thru X-Men."
She's been pretty open about caring about Raven as a character, but really hating the intense makeup. (Valid.) But, like, her contract expired after DoFP. She wasn't signed for a trilogy, just a sequel. She was still picky about her requirements for returning - she wanted the makeup process to be easier and less frequent, and she wouldn't come back unless McAvoy and Fassbender were both there - but like... she was incredibly famous by the time XMA was in production. She likely had other offers and scripts she could have reasonably chosen over X-Men.
My suspicion, honestly, is that Raven is probably very far from her favorite character to play, but that she had genuine friendships among the X-Men cast and crew and wanted a project with familiar people on it when XMA happened. She's made some small mentions of how "chaotic" the X-Men sets were up until Dark Phoenix, and Kinberg took on directing DP largely because the main cast absolutely adores him and encouraged him to do it. I suspect - this is my opinion, not hard fact - that Kinberg picked up a lot of slack when Singer frequently went AWOL. I don't think we'll ever truly know how much of "Singer's work" was actually Simon Kinberg.
And for all the comments you can make about Dark Phoenix, Lawrence is dialed in. She was pretty obviously only there because of Kinberg (she's openly said so lol), but like... that's her actual personal friend writing and directing. Not only that, but she outlined Raven's part in the movie herself. She's there for it. And I think she does a good job. Honestly, everyone did a good job in Dark Phoenix in terms of acting.
I don't really care if people don't like Lawrence or her Raven. I only get annoyed when their complaint is wrong lol. Hate her acting choices or Raven's writing all you want, but claiming that Lawrence isn't making choices at all or deliberately didn't do her job on DoFP or Apocalypse is just untrue.
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lavender-lotion · 4 years
what are your thoughts on cherik? you write them but a few months back you mentioned despising writing them? would you mind explaining what you mean by a ship ruined by fandom? no judgement at all here, but i was curious since i haven't heard of that before.
ahhhhhh Anon this is a very good and very fair question! I do complain about Cherik a lot, but also it’s my most written X-Men pairing... there’s gotta be something there, yeah? 
There is! But I wasn't to preface this with two things: 1, I haven’t really talked about this widely before and 2, these are just my opinions and my observations — if you don’t agree, feel free to keep scrolling! 
If you do want to see my take, continue below:
At the core of it, the rampant feminization of Charles Xavier in the alt-timeline fandom has turned me off of Cherik in a larger fandom sense. By “a ship ruined by fandom”, I mean the way this fandom views Charles (and by “this fandom”, I mean the alt-timeline fandom as an entity; I don’t mean any specific person or subset of the fandom) straight up horrifies me. 
Why does this horrify me? 
Well, the way Charles is often portrayed in fic falls victim to the problematic feminization of men (specifically prevalent in M/M shipping) that is rooted in heteronormative ideals and perceived body types that tend to affect fandom as a whole. This complaint isn’t anything new to Cherik, but it’s one of the reasons I have such a sour taste in my mouth when it comes to the ship. 
We see the way the “het lens” affects Charles Xavier time and time again in fandom, but I find it particularly heavy in Cherik (or, perhaps, my patience for it is thinner in this fandom, with this ship, than others). 
I once said this in a Discord server, and I still stand by it: bottom!Charles is the heteronormative influence of cis women placing gendered stereotypes on gay men — and that is largely the fandom preference. 124 works are tagged with Top Erik Lehnsherr, while Top Charles Xavier has 39. This isn’t a coincidence, I promise. 
Alt-timeline Charles is often depicted as a... well, a young twink, while McAvoy is absolutely not a young twink while playing the role. When paired next to Fassbender, a bean pole, this adaptation of Charles falls victim to a heteronormative lens — he is largely seen as more nurturing, kinder, softer, gentler, and, yes, more feminine. And sure, there are some actual, canonical reasons for this (Charles doesn’t murder anyone in First Class, nor does he allow Erik to murder others either), but Charles is not the motherly, moral saint he’s often depicted as. 
(And no, the lavender sweater is not a valid reason for this.)
Throughout the entirety of First Class, we see Charles freely using his mutation to read minds without consent, but it often feels like the only time we see this sort of characterization is under the “Dark Charles Xavier” tag. Charles isn’t truly any more “feminine” than Erik is, and I often feel like this more demure characterization of Charles is all rooted in a few inches of height and the over-saturated beach-scene — which is, admittedly, a hot mess of colour. 
From the massive preference to bottom!Charles Xavier all the way to the forced-morality, the almost aggressive heteronormativity within the Cherik fandom has ruined Charles’ character for me in a fandom scope. I won’t read fic by authors I don’t know. I never search out fanart. I don’t enjoy consuming Cheirk content in a way I did a year and a half ago, when I fell in love with these two through a few good fics. 
I don't like Cherik, because there is limited content I can happily consume without complaint. 
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cursedcursingviking · 4 years
Hello and Welcome!
These are my page rules - I’d appreciate it if you would read this post - it’s just some guidelines to help me feel protected and respected on this site - I hope it will make you feel safe as well! 
Ok, let’s go;
The basic rules:
First thing: this blog and all of my content are for nice, normal people. Racists, sexists, homophobes and the like are not welcome. I strive to be inclusive, and that means learning as well. Please, if something I post/do makes you uncomfortable, tell me so I can learn - this should be a place for everyone to feel safe.
This blog is not guaranteed to be safe for work. There will be nsfw content. Therefore, I do not want minors(-18yo) to interact with me. And dear minors, this has nothing to do with you. I know what it is like to be a teenager and be horny and feel mature enough to have sex and engage with sexual content. It’s okay to be a teen and have a partner(of reasonable age). But put yourself in my shoes: I’m an adult, and i don’t want to interact sexually with a minor. This is not about your consent to see sexual content, this is about my consent to share it with you. I do not consent to anyone below the age of 18 interacting with this blog. Thank you.
About requests:
I love getting requests and mine are always open - I’m a small blog so I don’t get much!
I cannot guarantee that I will write your fic request, though, but I will always let you know if my answer is to pass. Otherwise, your request will remain in my inbox until I get it done - stay tuned;)
Headcanon/blurb requests are much easier for me and I absolutely adore getting them
Please be specific if you want smut, otherwise I will keep things modest
Asks about anything and everything else are also always welcome:)
I write both smut and fluff
I write for Tom Hiddleston, Henry Cavill, Michael Fassbender, Alicia Vikander, and James McAvoy, their characters, OC’s, and whoever else strikes my fancy
My writing is an expression of fantasies - it is purely fictional.
Thank you for reading! 
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Michael Fassbender & James McAvoy Interview
Source: Moviestar 02/19 (174) June 2019 (Germany) Interview by Claudia-Janet Kaller Translated by fussingoverfassbender I apologise for any mistakes.
Finally it’s here, we had to wait a long time for it: Dark Phoenix, the story about the final transformation of the young mutants into the X-team as we know it. The dark phoenix let us wait, but comes back with a impact which lets us forget that. After the presentation of the first completely finished scenes, Claudia-Janet Kaller had the possibility, thanks to 20th Century Fox, to talk to James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender for Moviestar in London.
Moviestar: How much of the movie have you seen so far? James: Nothing! Absolutely nothing! I only know the trailer that was released one week ago. Michael: I only know the trailer too. But it’s still very soon, which means they are still working on most scenes. It’s always like that at this kind of film. MS: Okay, but in the trailer you look good! James: (laughs loudly) Fantastic! I actually always look good in trailers, but I love hearing it again! That’s the goal of every film - looking good in the trailer! Michael: (nearly rolling in the aisles) Right! Super trailer performance, James! MS: Does that also count for the trailers in which you gotta wait before the next scene is filmed? Michael: (keeps laughing) Hey, good joke! Trailer and trailer! James: You mean the trailers we hang out in? Michael: (won’t stop laughing) Have you got another trailer; James? James: (chunters) All right! Michael: No, seriously, I don’t like watching trailers! I also dislike reading reviews or summaries. In the end everybody has their own opinion. I may like things that others don’t. I like watching films completely unprepared. I wanna be surprised, wanna discover the film for myself or find it bad. That 100% film experience is very important to me, because I don’t have much time going to the theatre.
MS: How do you pick the movies you’re watching? Michael: I mostly read about who made the film, what kind of film it is, where it’s set, and what else is on. It’s often also the theatre I select. Is it a small arthouse cinema, it’s certain from the beginning that I won’t watch a blockbuster there. MS: Why are you doing it like that? Michael: The reason I do it like that is an easy one. Years ago I’ve read a review about The Big Lebowski. The critics had given it barely three out of five stars. Then the film was released on DVD and I finally saw it. To me, The Big Lebowski would have deserved more than five stars, until today it is still one of my favourite films. James: I agree on that! Many reviews annoy me. Because often the critics haven’t seen the film, but write reviews as if they knew it. Some magazines only rewrite preexisting texts, also not very thorough. There might be many reasons for that, but it rather damages the film instead of helping it. Michael: What I also dislike with trailers is that you already see too many things that happen in the film. People always speculate wildly then. Each shadow or glimmer of light is getting analysed... MS: Let’s talk about this fourth joint movie; is this the movie where Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier go separate ways in the end? James: Wasn’t that already the last one? Michael: No, there I helped rebuilding the completely destroyed house. James: Oh right! Thanks for that, by the way, or else the X-Men wouldn’t have had a house this time. Michael: See, I’m important for the X-Men! James: (laughs again) Yes, so the characters are still talking with each other. We’re in the 90s now, so I probably send Erik e-mails. Michael: (laughs too) No, I don’t think so. WiFi didn’t exist yet. More like letters in bottles from Professor Xavier. MS: It looks like Magneto is repairing cars on a junkyard, doesn’t it? Michael: (laughs) Sure, I love repairing cars! There so much metal in them, it’s one of my easiest exercises. Each twisted car, Magneto bends it back. No, seriously, Erik has established Genosha in the meantime. We - Magneto and other mutants - live in that independent nation for people who feel unwanted or are refugees. As long as those people blend in the group and work harmonically there for the community of Genosha, it is their home. MS: Does that only count for people with special powers, or also for those without? Michael: A justified question, I’ve been thinking about that too. That is surely the shadow-side of Genosha. It’s a pure mutant haven. While Professor X stands more for the mutants integration with the humans, Erik is the one who rather stays among mutants. He has experienced so many bad things with humans, he doesn’t trust them anymore. At this point of time, he has nothing against cooperating with humans, but that’s it. In the end he wants to keep both groups separated. That’s what’s so fascinating about this comic area, we can talk openly about topics such as building walls, separation, etc. In my eyes it’s very important, especially now that everything somewhat starts to separate, dissociate, building walls, etc. It may sound strange, but if there is something those fantasy-films serve as well, it’s surely to talk about such recurring phenomenons and to point the finger at them. One can only hope that many young people will watch that film and understand what such dissociations can cause. We have to watch out what happens to us and how we are being manipulated! To capture that zeitgeist has always been the strength of all X-Men films. I think it’s good we did it again. MS: You’ve known each other for more than ten yours through that work? Michael: Longer! James: If I calculate correctly, it’s been twenty years. But that really does sound like a long time... MS: What was your chemistry on set this time? Michael: Terrible! There barely was any! James: Yes, really terrible! We barely worked together, were almost always separated. I had my school, my mutants, and my problems. Erik had Genosha, his mutants, and his problems. Michael: (laughs again) Yes, we only met during lunch oder between the studios. Short Hello and how are you, nothing more. During X-Men: Apocalypse it was better, we were stuck on a mountain for two weeks. James: (laughs too) Right! You looked like a glamrockstar! While I looked like I had come straight out of Miami Vice, with the light suit and dark shirts. Bald Sonny Crocket! MS: Okay, let’s ask like this: what was the mood like among the entire cast? Any accidents? James: None, actually. Except that I got Josh (one of the doctors in the movie) so badly that his skin broke open. He was bleeding and had to be treated. I got in trouble with his then-fiancée, who is now his wife. I didn’t want to harm him. Unfortunately it happened. She was seriously mad at me. Michael: So you weren’t invited to the wedding? James: Right, I wasn’t invited. MS: X-Men will be part of the MCU now, what to do you think of that? Michael: What is the MCU? I only know MC Hammer and “Can’t touch this”...do we go on tour with MC Hammer now? MS: No, MCU is the abbreviation for Marvel Cinematic Universe; Iron Man VS Magneto or something... Michael: Who might win there? The answer is very easy: Magneto! I will totally twist the guy. That iron guy against Magneto? No fair fight! Two seconds, a very short film! Iron Man will look like a squashed can. James: I wanna see that! MS: What’s the message of Dark Phoenix? Something evil is in everyone of us? Michael: I actually don’t like the word ‘evil’ because I don’t always know what exactly that is. People who achieve the unbelievable can at the same time be horrible psychopaths privately. As an actor I rather orientate myself by positive thoughts or negative views. I can handle that better. I understand that better. I don’t understand ‘evil’ as the umbrella term. It’s a drawer where you put the things in that you can’t or don’t want to explain. If you ask, though, if there are two personalitites in every one of us, then my answer is Yes. To me, there is light and darkness in everybody. In some more than in the others, that’s what makes us who we are. MS: James, you have experience with many different personalities in one person... James: Right! There’s a film of me running in which I give a good sample of when there is a lot of darkness, only a bit light, and that in a lot of variations. But that’s a different film! MS: How did it feel to revisit the 90s? Michael: I prefer the 80s! James: Right, but I found it cool. This X-Men film is down-to-earth. Simon wanted it that way, and I like that. Michael: For example, I don’t wear that superhero outfit anymore. Only the helmet is left. James: Which was great for you! MS: Professor Xavier looks more like a rockstar in the trailer? James: A bit. Charles is definitely more possessed by things, got problems, without telling too much. You can say he is less the leader of a social group, than he is of a politically motivated one. That shows specifically when he sends his family, the other X-Men, into a fight. A fight they actually can’t survive. He is ready to sacrifice his family members for his views and his matter. That’s new and inevitably leads to huge tensions with the other X-Men. MS: Which automatically makes Magneto the man who wouldn’t do that, right? Michael: Right! The man you can suddenly identify yourself with more. I’m not allowed to say more, though!!! MS: So this time Magneto is the one who’s right? James: No, Charles is always right! Michael: Not true! You see, rockstar-attitude! He thinks he’s always right! MS: Alright, I’m getting the sign for the last question. Can you say that the term Phoenix has to be understood mythologically? Michael: Hm. As if the film begins good and then turns into dust? MS: No, more like Jean Grey as a person turns into ash due to the accident in space, disappears. Through which the Dark Phoenix rises, the dark side of her personality gains the upper hand. But during the course of the movie Jean learns throught he other X-Men to deal with her powers, so that in the end the real phoenix will rise from the ashes? Michael: I’m not saying it’s wrong! Mythology is always good! James: I’m not saying it’s wrong, either! I like your explanation!
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niralamba · 5 years
Xavier against Magneto
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interview for GQ México, May 2019
link to the source below =>
In an interview, the actors James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender tell us about their participation in Dark Phoenix and their history behind the X-Men saga. James McAvoy has it clear, he is jealous of Michael Fassbender and the rest of the cast in the x-men saga. The reason is simple: he would have liked for Professor Xavier to have a suit too. One very showy, a superhero one, and yes, he is a little bit jealous. "Yes, a little, the truth is I would have liked to wear an attractive superhero costume, even so, I have the look of an action man with a turtleneck, which I like" says Professor X and his reflection comes after a decade to be in the skin of the mutant leader and when many point out that the mutant path has come to an end. Sometimes, memory fails and more with superheroes movies, because the first thing that comes to mind is the marvel cinematographic universe, the MCU monopolized our attention the recent 10 years, however, if we analyze it carefully, those who marked the pattern for the action genre of the 21st century was the mutants and they got it through the first X-Men (2000) by Bryan Singer. Dark Phoenix is the twelfth feature film of the franchise and the fourth installment of a series that continues to explore the origin of its characters. And also it would seem that it wants to play with our heads, what is known as a deja vu, why? Everything points out that the film is closing the circle of its era with 20th century fox before Disney takes control of the rights of the franchise and will do so adopting one of the most complex storylines among its fans, the dark phoenix created by Chris Claremont and John Byrne in 1980. Some years ago, the franchise of x-men first class (2011) managed to renew the popularity of the series thanks to the exploration of the origin of the enmity between Professor Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr aka Magneto, generating more than satisfied viewers and with the expectation of seeing more thanks to the work of two actors who are not only the pillars of this story, but in recent years emerged as icons of Hollywood and world cinematography, and what better to chat with them about what it holds for this movie (and what the future may leave) A FAMILY MORE THAN MUTANT. If something they have in common the trajectories of McAvoy and Fassbender is that their natural histrionic talent has allowed them to diversify and not fall into an interpretation stereotype, from one film to another we see them in very different characters, disparate, for example: Michael looked futuristic and chaotic as David in Prometheus, while James showed off his talent in Split and Glass playing Kevin and his multiple personalities. But x-men has something special for them, something that motivates them to come back and repeat "I think it's a combination of several factors" says McAvoy "We all enjoy playing these characters as I do, I love this company of actors, here there's a true family that goes back 10 years ago and for which you feel a lot of loyalty and affection " In that sense, Michael agrees with that idea and delves into what it's like to be a fundamental member of this family. "I love the journey that has led to Dark Phoenix and I specifically wanted to return, because Simon Kinberg would direct, I wanted to do everything I could to make things turn out well, he is a fantastic collaborator and seeing him in the director's chair made me very emotional" says Michael, highlighting the fraternity that has been formed within the production crew, although it's not the only reason that motivates them. The depth of their characters, as they have evolved throughout the movies, in addition to the political and social settings where they are developed are also excellent pretexts. The mutant phenomenon within x-men brings to the table racial issues, class, social inequality, prejudice and the reasoning of these issues, through their characters is, in essence, the pillar of the franchise. Magento seeks to locate his race above the pyramid and Xavier appeals for equality with humans, but how do they develop in this new delivery? What evolution we will see from Magneto and Xavier? Michael answers enthusiastically "Finally he has become the leader of Cuba that has always lived inside him! (Laughs) He has formed Genosha, his own community: an independent state/nation where the mutants live in harmony, without being attacked and in where anyone who agrees to help can be incorporated, is a self-sufficient community, not locatable and that was the struggle of Erik during the franchise " For his part, McAvoy makes it clear that the professor also presumes a profound transformation "Charles may be the leader of a social movement, but now he is the leader of a political movement, I think that's what he looks like now. which justifies by saying that he is loyal to his principles, although it seems to me that he has forgotten that those principles only exist to protect his family and his species, Charles somehow has forgotten that" says James, almost in love with his character. It's true, Dark Phoenix's argument is one of the most popular and puts one of his allies Jean Grey in direct confrontation with them, a situation that drives the characters to join forces, rethink their current situation and evolve. "What I find most interesting about Charles is that he is not selfish and he is not very vain, he is very wise and his empathy is what drives him and his detachment and almost sacerdotal nature are what defines him. somehow that disappeared in the two previous films and returns in this one. It was something that I liked, I really enjoy exploring that notion of fallibility" James finishes. REVENGE TIME. In Latin America, Simon Kinberg's name may not be as popular, but he is a select member of the mutant family, he has written and produced previous installments of the franchise, such as Apocalypse, Days of Future Past and he also wrote The Last Stand. Now his revenge has arrived. On this occasion, Kinberg debuted as a director and his place in that chair was something natural for Fassbender who knows and appreciates him. "Kinberg was very relaxed, very confident, he seemed to be doing this for years, he is also a very intelligent man, he is the kind of person who doesn't speak unless he knows about the subject, he observes, he listens. That makes a great director" Says Michael. While James, in turn, points to the particular style that the director printed on his debut. "The interesting thing was his instinct to make the film something more subtle, based on the performance, we're still going to have a show, but that was his way of doing it, going down to make it look more real. of the emotional drama "says McAvoy. Added to the cast is the consecrated Jessica Chastain (Zero Gravity, The Help) and her participation, although she is not the star, is key in Phoenix's journey to this dark stage. She is one of the reasons for her unbalance, to keep her out of control. Although her skills in front of the camera were that this duo almost completely missed. "It was great that she joined," emphasizes Fassbender. "But we didn't have many scenes together, just a few moments in the final scene, she is present with Jean, so it was mainly through acting patterns that I interacted with her character" James is not left behind the anecdote. "I think we only have one scene together ... unfortunately! In fact, I have a couple of scenes with her character, but she was not there, sometimes, it was just a special effect, one of the reasons she says that she took the job was because she expected to meet and act with me, but barely and we crossed paths! " RISE OF THE PHOENIX. When Sophie accepted the role of Jean Grey, surely she knew that in her hands she had a vital character for this cinematographic stage who, incidentally, is considered by experts as the most powerful female figure in the Marvel universe. In Apocalypse, Phoenix only had a few flashes of its potential, although it made it clear that in this movie it would have greater strength. Fassbender, from the beginning of his participation, was more interested in the weight of the different female characters but clarifies that the conjuncture we saw today did not influence for this to happen. In fact, that was the original idea almost 10 years ago. "I think the seeds of female roles were present, Simon had some unfinished issues after The Last Stand, he wrote the script! So that was already there, and at the moment this happens, it seems to be in sync with what happens in the real world, but Simon has always thought this way, equality in everything, both for female characters, as for male ones ", he concludes. With the premiere getting close, the fate of Jean Gray along with Professor Xavier, Magneto and the rest of the X-Men will be solved, and Dark Phoenix will unveil us if it represents the end of this cinematographic universe that infected of emotion the audience, it also had inconsistencies and errors. In this last letter, we will see until the final credits. For now, neither Fassbender nor McAvoy knows what the future holds for what they consider as one of their most endearing characters. "As far as the X-Men are concerned, I've always said: If this is the last one, it's been great, we have new owners of the franchise and who knows what they're going to do? But if this is the last one narratively, it feels like a good ending " James concludes. goodbye mutants?
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colsons-baker · 7 years
Speed (Part 2)
Summary: Five guys and two girls with a love of the fast lane and a penchant for violence team up to save the world. But will it work out?
Characters featured in this part: Michael Fassbender, Sebastian Stan, James McAvoy, Armie Hammer, Chris Evans, Kelsey and Katie.
Warnings: Strong language
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*Present Day*
Kelsey shook violently as she watched the screen and everything that was unfolding between Michael and Sebastian. Armie wrapped his arm around her and she cuddled into him, her head against his chest. But she still looked at the screen, unable to take her eyes off it for some reason. “Seb.” She whispered. “Can’t you turn it off?” Armie asked James, wanting to stop Kelsey from being tortured. James shook his head as he rapidly pressed the keys on the keypad. “They’ve overridden the system, they have complete control.” He explained. “We can’t turn it off, or change the picture.”
“So you just invited this cop into the group?” James asked, standing underneath the car that was currently on the lift. “I had no other choice, he had dirt on me.” Michael explained as he walked past; “Anyway, it’ll just be for a week or two. He’s just looking for dirt on the Howie gang, then he’ll be gone.” “Still!” James exclaimed, placing a bucket down and beginning to drain the oil. “He’s a cop.”
“He’s kinda cute actually.” Katie said, looking up from the engine of the car. Michael glared over at her but knew she was only saying that to mess with him. “You should see him Kelsey!” Katie exclaimed. Kelsey was about to reply when Armie cut her off. “And why would she want to do that?” He asked, getting out of the Impala he was sitting in with her. Katie shrugged and looked up at Chris, rolling her eyes at him.
“Wait a minute.” Chris chuckled, looking away from Katie to Michael; “You’re missing one tiny detail.” “And what would that be Chrisy boy?” Katie asked. “Can he race?” Chris asked. “I mean, it’s all well and good letting him join to get the Howie gang, but it’s going to look suspicious if we let a shit driver in.” He explained. “You got a point Chris.” Katie said, turning back to look at the engine. Chris smiled and glanced at her bum as she leaned over.
Just as Michael was about to answer, there was a knock on the steel door of the warehouse. “Sexy Sebastian!” Katie announced as she looked up to see who was at the door.
“You want me to race a girl?” Sebastian asked, an eyebrow raised. “No offence.” He said, turning to look at Kelsey. He blushed when he saw her looking at him, she was extremely pretty. “That isn’t just any girl.” Michael replied; “She’s my baby sister and one of the best drivers I know. Now, get in the car!”
Sebastian rolled his eyes and got into the car that had been chosen for him. He put on his seatbelt and, in his head, went through the route that he had been told to follow. He looked over at Kelsey and saw her fixing her rear view mirror. He wondered if she was single before he shook his head, trying to snap himself out of it. He started the engine and waited for Michael to say they could go.
Suddenly, Sebastian jumped as Kelsey sprang out of the garage. He looked to Michael, who was standing near the car motioning for him to go. He pressed his foot down on the accelerator pedal, shooting out of the garage and around the corner. He eventually caught up with Kelsey and smirked as he overtook her.
The smirk on Sebastian’s face disappeared when he looked into his rear view mirror and saw Kelsey turn down a side street. He frowned and wondered where she was going and why she wasn’t following the route that her brother had mapped out. He shrugged and picked up speed as he weaved in and out of the other cars on the road, the sound of beeping and angry drivers following him. He wanted to win this race
Sebastian drove into the garage and hit the steering wheel when he saw Kelsey sitting on the bonnet of her car. “That’s not fair!” He exclaimed, getting out of the car and slamming the door shut; “You cheated, you didn’t follow the route!” Kelsey chuckled as she slid off the bonnet of her car. “Michael didn’t specifically say that you had to follow the route.” She said, walking towards him with a smirk on her face.
Sebastian looked at Kelsey for a moment, a dumbfounded look on his face. Suddenly he burst out laughing. “Fair play!” He said, extending his hand out to her. Kelsey took it and shook it as Sebastian looked around the empty garage. “Where is everyone?” He asked. “They’re getting food.” Kelsey explained; “They didn’t need to stick around once they knew I had won.” Sebastian nodded his head.
There was a moment of awkward silence before Sebastian broke it. “How about the loser buys the winner a drink?” He asked, looking at Kelsey with hopeful eyes. Kelsey thought for a moment before she replied. “Sure!” She replied, nodding her head.
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