#no links to the twt post this time just wanna see what happens
mogwaei · 5 months
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Nightmares & Monsters among the monstera
Solas 🌿 Maelgwn
(slightly spicier version for the second panel over on my twt @/spiced_eggmog)
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piease-iove-me · 1 year
tagged by @thiamsxbitch thank you so so much!!!
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to Ao3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have.
I'm gonna post the lastest ten because i think it's fun (and I'm kinda bored) but fair warning: only the first two of the list are thiam :')
1. even if it's a sin i've commited, even if this life is only about paying for my sins
It started without Theo noticing—surprisingly enough—and forced by casualties beyond his control. It was the lack of money at first, the lack of a safe place, a home. It was many things all at once that slowly turned into an unconscious decision. It’s an unspoken retribution, something Theo doesn’t talk—or even think—into existence but that is there, nestled at the back of his mind, weighing heavy on his chest. And it feels right, so it solidifies to become the way things are, the way they have to be.
2. i'd no idea on what ground i was founded, all of that goodness is goin' with you now
"I'm not dying for you." The words echo at the back of your mind for a long time, tasting bitter on the tip of your tongue. Everything's frozen, static.
3. Niveo
Jeongguk sits alone at the edge of his oversized bed. An inescapable silence hangs heavy in the air. Only the tight clenching of the jiangshi's fingers betrays the inner torment that riddles his mind.
4. like ebbing waves (come and break and go)
The water’s cold in the North, gelid enough for it to seep through his skin, reach his bones and curdle his blood. Still, this is where Jimin belongs, the sole place in the North where he can feel somewhat at ease.
5. blood stained lips
There’s a river streaming closeby. Jeongguk can’t hear it, but the men he’s traveling with can. One of them signs it to him, how loud it is. Deafening, he says, as if Jeongguk would understand. He doesn’t.
6. votum: found peace in your violence
He slowly lets himself sink into the bath. Scorching-hot water has a bothered flush paint over his skin. The searing warmth seeps deep to his bones—through skin and flesh—and it’s comforting to think it might wash away all the dirt in its wake.
7. put your lips on mine, make me forget my sins
Jimin’s entire body trembles, limbs weak from the bone-deep shudders that unrelentingly course through him. His brain is foggy from the painful, gnawing feeling that wrenches deep in the pit of his stomach and wrecks through his lithe frame.
8. like a secret
He smirks victoriously, hand reaching for the knife’s hilt.
9. cruel binds
Jimin looks around with wary eyes, checking for phantom threats. He allows himself a moment, then forces his body to move, finally leave the dank alleyway he’s been hiding in for some time.
10. tears
The sky’s a gloomy grey above the fortress. Thick clouds—pregnant with unshed tears—are all he can see when his eyes daringly turn to the world beyond the window.
There’s no sun to be found. There hasn’t been in a long time, and it’s now hard to recall the feeling of its warm kiss on his skin.
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luwukass · 8 months
the eras tour international leg megapost
hii besties we are about 10 hours away from the first show of the next leg so im just gonna make a quick mention of accs/recourses you might wanna know about if youre following along with the tour 💕
live streams!
i normally just use swiftstream bc i stream the show to my polycule from my computer and thats the easiest way for me to do that! david did post in the swiftstream discord server that hes gonna be recording the shows and replaying them afterwards for those in the american timezones which i think is REALLY awesome so if that applies to you i really recommend swiftstream (the time listed as 7pm in the screenshot is central european time incase you want to transfer it to your timezone for reference)
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if you dont wanna use swiftstream i know that tessa streams every show on multiple platforms and ive heard is very reliable
swift alert!
so if you didnt know already swift alert is an app (android and iphone) that also has a BUNCH of resources in it! it tracks surprise songs, outfits, it has a calendar, you can favorite your show to get a special countdown to it, it also has active livestreams and push notifications you can able for specific parts of the show! you do need to make a one time only purchase(about 2usd i believe) for most of those features but the app overall is free. i use it all the time and i love it so i really do think its worth the price
now if youve followed me during the last leg you know i post swiftball updates. if you dont know what swiftball is its a giant guessing game over what outfits and surprise songs thats gonna happen during the show its officially run by allie on twt (link) i will post each ballot before the show and once the show is ended a correct answer sheet
now the only other thing i can think to mention is @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes jamie here on tumblr she writes all of the speeches out so if youre interested in seeing those she does a really great job of transcribing them out (she is in an american timezone iirc so the speeches wont be live but she will still be writing them out which is awesome)
plz lmk if i forgot anything or if there are any updates yall want Me specifically to post i will be watching all of the shows live from now on 💕
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zoekrystall · 11 months
Added more in my pinned post and accidentally talked too much in the tags to hit the limit whoops. Added that txt yesterday bc I saw people primarily (some only) sharing donation links. Can you tell when I wrote stuff was I just ever so slightly irritated by all the emotions talk. Which yknow I get feeling angry and whatnot but I am specifically talking abt the stuff w "how can you not feel _". Idk if I already talked abt it or deleted it before hitting post some other time I think I did. Also was irritated by all the people yelling at people for being triggered like if you don't know the difference between discomfort and triggered do I not want you near me. That difference is very significant.
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Idk man I am just tired of people equating empathy w humanity the most. I'm really glad I hardened up more bc I just think abt 2020 where I think I got first truly radicalized or/and learned a fuck ton but also all that guilt tripping and all made the already bad mental health further nosedive and that is just not sustainable neither for the cause or us. Like yes sharing and all actions that do help are important but it's also important to step away and do anything else to not burn out in like a day or two. Luckily the people that get followed got shaken up a bit and dash and rbs get focused more on positivity in general since then and that def helped long term (was gen "would _ rb that" "would _ scold if I would rb that" until it became a no brainer when my lifeline wasn't there. not the time to gush but fuck do I think I would still be in the same mud without him). Still not the best but better than then so sharing is easier on the mental health.
I feel. So weird for not being able to feel empathy for others but def feel it when others irritate me. Yeah I feel bad when I don't feel anything but what does it bring to force myself to feel something. I already knew in 2020 that the trying to force myself was empty I only felt like I have to try to feel awful bc of all the guilt tripping. It's hard to explain how it feels I think it's such a strange feeling. Anyways I'm at least aware enough to know if I get irritated around this I shouldn't constantly be vocal abt it bc it really does not matter in the grand scheme of things this is the only post and if further will I just on private bc no-one needs to see that but sometimes venting is needed.
I'm only really talking abt that bc reg the trigger stuff like ffs people still need to be able to function and there are things to do without getting triggered if the heavy topics are what do it. Also the people that want to help through sharing those can look at that if they know what they'll see and can get prepared first. I got ptsd doesn't mean I never ever look at any triggering stuff ever again I just need to be in the headspace and a heads up would always be very good. Really wish twt would do it like here w not completely not showing the tweet (minus in replies where you can click to show) if it has smth muted but saying "yo this post got this muted thing ya wanna see it". Like. People getting triggered are absolutely not the same people bitching bc they're just uncomfortable. The latter are the bad ones I do agree but know the fucking difference. Feeling uncomfortable just living happens like daily for the most standard reason so feeling that abt a horrendous situation should be a given. You however shouldn't get triggered daily. Also yes we can admire the people there but not everyone is as strong you shouldn't guilt them into dealing w more than they can. I'm gen (starting to consider, already did a few though) immediately blocking everyone posting that stuff esp the aggressive ones. I do not care if you have x or y not everyone experiences things the exact same way. I am being so good abt holding back insults.
And reg the emotions thing like people learn not everyone feels empathy and that it doesn't make people anything bad and that actions count challenge. Not everyone w aspd for example is automatically a evil person. What matters is if they talk abt things and if they genuinely stand behind them. Idk if I speak for most or if just past self but writing in all caps "how can you not feel bad/sad/angry/etc at seeing [atrocity, usually as video attached]" will make people not magically care if they didn't prior it'll just irritate them and scroll away. Factual information is what can make people turn around more (like, literally just share without that commentary for example). So many "both sides bad" focus on emotions afaik. Compassion, empathy, etc for both. There are people that see and feel bad abt what happens to them but still say both sides bad.
I'm tired I'll likely sleep now but yeah I just. Wanted to write abt it and get it out ig. Rb disabled and I won't bad faith argument idc if any of this sounded privileged to you. I can prob write all this way more eloquent but man idc this isn't a post that is supposed to spread and I wrote this while being sleepy. I also think there is, for individual people that aren't big names, some nuance reg having to talk abt something and being allowed to not engage in every important topic but 1 that is too complex to just kinda ramble about 2 this current event is less nuanced reg that I def think try to share as much as you can even if just occasionally. I think I only don't like it bc not saying anything online doesn't equal not doing anything. Someone could go to every protest they can and write and call but just not using their socials bc that takes their energy enough or smth. And some have multiple accs and only focus spreading it on their main (and/or w the biggest following, which should be used). I think that is what specifically gets me. But yeah didn't think abt it enough to form enough abt it and also maybe talking more abt it when this is over bc how I said it is less complicated rn. And. Yknow. When I am not tired as hell.
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tenelkadjowrites · 2 years
ahahahhaha no don't worry, my signal was in fact acting up (i'm on an island) so i decided to send the ask again just in case when i still remembered what i wanted to say! (also totally knew what to expect before i clicked the link 😆)
i know some people hate mullets with passion but i had no idea people were so nasty? his mullet literally attracted me to the group lmao. despite being a fan for a long time i only joined atiny spaces at the beginning of 2020 so i had no clue.
miss tenelka, taemin is my ult as well so i know what you're talking about, i've been a shawol for ages! though my feelings towards hwa are a bit different since taemin is like my bestie, my soulmate (i know, dramatic, i just relate to him and key a lot), and hwa is... my ideal everything... but i theory obviously
their first concerts were something else, i would love to see them again though, but so far it hasn't happened and probably won't for a while 🙄 (glad you're free from your ex)
ahhhh i see, honestly the gossip girl aspects didn't matter to me much, i liked htat the focus was more on the characters, but i understand where you're coming from. i definitely felt the presence of the city in arrow in the dark.
i used to have a hwa side blog (it's sadly gone cause tumblr is a bitch) and i still have hwa centred twt account. i mainly post(ed) about him, made gifs, edits, fan art and some people treat me like a solo stan it's baffling. i won't lie and say he isn't my fave, because he is and i love him the most, doesn't mean i dislike other members, smh.
in the end you have to post and create whatever you want, i'm sure people who bias other members and perhaps don't really read seonghwa fics are a bit jealous because you're such a great writer. so i can't blame them for wanting to read a story about their fave from you! but yeah they just need to deal with it. there's no use writing something that you dislike or feel like isn't authentic
yeah, it was mostly instagram comments whenever he would post a selfie. the comments were usually pretty negative and i remember being disgruntled over it and happy he didn't cave to pressure and change his hair. that's one of the reasons i love hj - he always wears what he wants and does what he wants to his hair and that's that. he's had hairstyles i've not been a fan of but i always love that he does what he wants stylistically boldly. and now newer atiny love the mullet and i constantly see them wishing he would bring it back so i feel vindicated in a way lol.
twitter is overall a pretty negative space. i use it mostly for shitposting because it's just a mess. sorry you had to deal with ppl thinking you were a solo stan. i don't understand the logic in that because there is such a diff between being a solo stan and having a bias, you know? if you ever start posting on there again, let me know cuz i am always kinda looking for good hwa accounts on there.
yeah sometimes i feel a little bit of the odd one out in the fanfic community because i know you are sorta expected to take requests, write for every member of a group, etc and i don't. i'm also shy and keep to myself and i struggle with any sort of attention me (i try not to be too aware of how many notes or followers i have because it gives me anxiety lol). most of the friendships i've formed thru the blog is because people have messaged me first altho i try to overcome my shyness and message people if they've written a fic that i've read and enjoyed a lot. i understand if someone likes my writing style but doesn't wanna read a hwa fic they could be a little frustrated i haven't written for other members but as you said, my writing is an extension of me and it's important that i write what i want and what feels true to me. the work is better for it.
thanks for always taking the time to send in thoughtful mesages.
EDIT: also i completely forgot to reply to the taemin part of this message omfg, sorry about that.
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chaosmax · 3 years
Fanfic author interview
Tagged by: @espisayer (*^-^*)
Name: Mew
Fandoms (you write for): Just YGO right now. Though I used to write for several old fandoms.
Two shots?: Yes I used to do those, usually if something had more than one ending or if it was something I intended to be a oneshot but then enough people commented saying they wanted more of something. 
Most popular multichapter fic: Technically ao3 says it’s an old Warrios one but uhh... we’ll just ignore that bc it was trash. YGO wise it’s Making it Right going by overall views, comments, and kudos. I really need to get back to that one I miss it TwT. Painful but good family kush, I miss gremlin ghost Mokuba.
Actual worst part of writing: The putting it all together part. I’m generally pretty good at outlining and knowing where I wanna start and where I wanna end up. The trouble is bridging things and making it not feel like filler that’s going on for too long and such. Also the last moment readthrough before hitting post is the WORST. Because that’s when you see all the stuff you wanna change but it would require rehauling pretty much everything and it’s too late to do that now : “).
How do you choose your titles?: Route A of me titling things-- I know what I want to title this thing before I’ve even typed the first sentence. Maybe a lyric from a song, a few or one word that’s the focus of the fic, or just something that sounds really nice. Route B of me titling things-- I reach the end of writing the fic and go “oh shit” and spend the next 15 min trying to think of a good song lyric or something that goes with it.
Do you outline?: If it’s a oneshot I have an entire doc just for shorter drabbles that have my ideas scribbled down in brackets that’s usually just one sentence that I ride through the whole thing. 
For longer stuff, oh yes. Outlining is a must. I have a discord server with just me in it and have a timeline in one of the channels for all my fics of what I want to happen that I go back and edit as I come up with more ideas.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to: Oh boy. Speaking of, I’ll just read some off the drabble ideas I’ve still not gotten around to off from that doc: Duel Links Kaiba and how he calls all the DM characters replicas, Jou and Shizuka struggling to grow up and realizing how much their parents’ divorce messed them up mentally vignette style, light and funny idea of Kaiba and Diva talking about that time Diva turned into a giant green rage monster fun times haha, Isono trying to stop the abuse he saw going on when the bros were kids, and AU oneshot where mainverse Seto goes to a dimension where the KC takeover plan failed, that dimension’s Seto is killed, KC tightened its grip on the world, and Mokuba was out for revenge on Gozaburo who he suspects killed him.
Best writing trait: Sweats. Uhhh... I think my endings are pretty impactful hopefully? I like ending things on a powerful line. I’ve also been told I’m good at showing and describing when a character is experiencing double-edged and convoluted feelings, which is important to me and I hope I’ve kept that up.
Callouts @ me: Brain if you could let me finish ONE multichapter fic that’d be NICE before fixating on another idea k thx. Just... if I could finish more things in general and not focus on the numbers on ao3 or the notes would be nice too.
Spicy tangential opinion: I agree bad epithets are : “) and they are so common in fics and it makes it hard to read. Also basically anything other than italics for emphasis really grinds my gears? The occasional bolding I can allow, but using them left and right just... it makes it hard to read especially when paired with all Caps it just feels like yelling and hurts to read. I feel like unless you’re trying to put the emphasis somewhere where it wouldn’t normally be read as, the words themselves should deliver the punch. Not giant text, not bolded text, not colorful text, just the words.
Tagging (only if ya wanna): @rainstormcolors and @dragonidpyrus12 and any other fic writers that wanna do this!
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neobubz · 2 years
hi! I just wanna tell you that DEAR M IS LOSER JAEHYUN'S ERA. Lol kidding aside. I noticed that he was kinda stiff (idk if thats the right word) and that his actions are kind of awkward. The little twitch over here and there... some quirks i do when i feel awkward. He does that when he's not even at the center. Like you'll notice how awkward he felt at that moment. But dont get me wrong i love jaehyun sm. I just feel like he can do more if he's given a chance to star in another drama. ALSO he's a good kisser (on screen). I didnt gasp when i saw him raise his shirt and the camera zoomed in his abs bcos come on thats a normal occurrence in ncity. But ppl only talked about how he looked good (thats given GIVEN) and all stuff. I barely see any post on twt about his skills.
I appreciate that u asked this here bcos i have no one to talk to about these things aside from my non kpop friends whom i sent the link so they can watch using my account ahshshshajjaa they are all unbiased bcos they didnt know jaehyun or any nct members at all. my 2nd gen friends only knew kpop year 2012 below hahahaha
hi! omg thanks for messaging me! i was beginning to think no one had seen it lol
haha loser jaehyun era?! why does this make me laugh 🤣 like jaehyun + loser in the same sentence makes me laugh so much! a lot better than prince jaehyun...😑...hate that so much…
i figured he was going to be awkward. like idols in dramas/movies are to bring in the money and that's it. not because they have a natural god given gift for acting, which makes me feel so bad for them especially those who really want/wanted to act like when BTS' V was in that one historical drama like i knew how much he wanted to act and i was so happy for him (though i still haven’t watched it) and then people rained on his parade saying he sucked. like what do you expect an Oscar winning performance? it’s his first time. if he didn't suck and was good i’d wonder why he was an idol in the first place 😝
improvisation makes me think is something that might be good for jaehyun during those “i’m not the main focus” moments. i think lots of people well known or beginning should take improve classes every now and then to learn/refresh their skills! plus i think it would be super fun! sorta like what they did when they were the college students he’s pretty quick on his feet when people give him a chance to get his thoughts together; and witty too 😊
what you said about his twitching/quirks reminded me of that. i for sure (despite not having watched it) think if given more than one chance he'll be able to grow comfortable enough during those in between moments ^^
i'm like terrified for winwin and yuta's acting debuts. people who are fans of yuta seem to have all these high expectations but from the trailer i'm like "eh, reminds me of Gokusen but edgier" lol i love yuta but i'm expecting it's going to be him glaring daggers (which he's amazing at doing already), the typical japanese tough school boy/tough guy growl (idk how they do this when they talk but i secretly love it), then proceed into a fight scene where the camera work is about about a C+ where you can clearly see no actual physical contact happened 🤣 but this is such a great opportunity for yuta and it’s like FINALLY he gets a chance to shine on his own and for winwin...like winwin is secretly my spirit animal 😊 but i'm not expecting much from him. he doesn't really "emote/react" that much when around the nct members and with wayv (though i did see laughing, talking, etc. more) it doesn't make me think like 'yeah he's going to be a decent actor" but he looks like he's having so much fun and that's all i care about ^^ when you do something you love and have fun doing it you’re not actually “working” so winwin fighting!
eh? jaehyun a good kisser you say? 😏😉 may just have to check it out lmao like no joke i would only assume this guy is an amazing kisser like he just has to be! lol
right? these girls going crazy over jaehyun's abs…i mean it's not like when johnny performed an almost magic mike like performance out of the f-ing blue lol my brain went "eh?!!!!!!!!!!!" when i saw him but jaehyun showing his abs is like "what? else? i can look up his abs on goggle and find a tons of pictures"
i hate that people only talk about his looks…i'm not a super ultra mega jaehyun stan or anything (i have very little memory of his exsistence in 127 until he came out in the regular teaser in the business suit and even then i thought ‘yeah he’d be that guy in the office all the women want to f*ck’ 🤣 and that was it. but he is a complex human being who is more than just a pretty face. there are times where i feel like he wants to say something but stops himself or someone interrupts before he can get his words out. i feel bad for him at times and wish people would stop obsessing over his appearance (but that's just me)
ugh…twitter is just fanwars and people trying to get their favorite member to trend by doing these “appreciation posts” saying things like "thank you for giving me a reason for being able to live day after day. my one and only love (insert nct member name)" [legit just saw this in regards to haechan on twitter since his name was trending] like bish….?!!!! are you for real?! please tell me that you have other reasons for living day after day and not because of some idol you don't even know lmao
awwwwww absolutely! anything you want to talk about i'm always here! it’s so fun to talk to other kpop fans and though i love writing my stories i want to talk/gossip/fangirl with all of you guys! i have no one to talk to about these kinds of things in my day to day life (my besties are male who don’t give a sh*t about kpop) so it's nice to chat/share opinions 😊
if you want to spam me with pictures of your favorite NCT member idc. if you want to talk about someone not getting enough lines, or a song not being what you expected (STICKER!!!!! 😤) you can! or if you want to rant about fans being stupid and starting unnecessary drama i’m here for ya!
i'm an oldie i've been listening to kpop since about '08/'09 and the only problem with having listened to kpop for that long is I'M SUPER CRITICAL of all these new groups lol like if y'all don't impress me like people did in SNSD/BIG BANG/2NE1 etc. then yeah…not gonna listen to you at all until you peek my interest...plus i'm just legit getting old and they are debuting babies now... -_- 14 IS TO DAMN YOUNG!!!
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What happened with Jimin? Why do fans need to issue an apology to him? (i mean i fuckin agree with that no matter what it is- bts fans can be so fuckin unnecessary and rude and do things they shouldn't-) I'm just not sure I know what happened?
twt fans are rly vulgar n nasty but if u want a link to what a tweet said…. if u wanna see it… large warning cuz its just rly gross and nsfw :/ its not the first time something like that was said. there was some cow jimin post going around too and like wow ha ha its a “joke” but um……theres a line ??? idk why people think its okay to say nasty n disturbing things like that esp on twt where the boys are most active
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