#no manga spoilers please
43-moonshadow · 2 months
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I was told this would be appreciated.
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xx-disco-inferno-xx · 2 months
i've started getting mha content in my feed. oh boy, i hope i don't get manga spoilers again 🤠👍
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Okay okay listen there's something very interesting about how the Spy x Family anime handles the adaptation from some manga scenes. From the first chapter of the manga:
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In the first panel, we see that Anya is standing on Loid's right. In the next panel, he turns to his right, so happy and relieved - and relaxed - that she passed the entrance exams that he picks Anya up on his arms and congratulates her.
Now, the anime did something very interesting:
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We get a short glimpse of the two of them looking at the list of accepted students, and now Anya is on Loid's left. So on first glimpse it might look like a small oversight, but instead they have Loid do this:
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He not only picks Anya up, he now spins her around from how proud of her and relieved he was. We also get to see Anya's short, surprised reaction as she realizes what Loid is doing, before she smiles again. This is the first time that he's so openly physically affectionate with her, the only other time before that was when he gave her a head pat after the abandoned supermarket incident. Here he's fully unlocked proud dad mode.
I also feel like the use of shading from the tree above them means something, but I don't know enough about visual symbolism to comment on that. My humble opinion is that it's a direct contrast of what they were going for in the manga: the "Mission Clear!!" emphasizes how this moment is an important moment For The MissionTM; we don't see any of the surrounding environment. In the anime, we see the environment (and only), to the point where we even see the shade from the tree on them; they are part of the natural environment, and this makes Twilight's excitement feel like it's natural; it's for Anya and her success, and not (just) For The MissionTM. That could explain even more how this was a moment Twilight relaxed enough for his exhaustion to hit him like a cartoon anvil.
It's not just a mission that he completed; he knows deep inside that he took a girl from a horrible environment and provided her with a home, a family, and a chance for a high-quality education, and the girl proved she's as dedicated to it as he is. He can lie to himself all he wants about how he sees no further future with her once the mission is over; that reaction says everything.
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I love how when Twilight and Nightfall start the tennis tournament arc in Spy X Family it’s just like--
Nightfall: He doesn’t know tennis but I do, once he sees how amazing I am at it and knock this mission outta the park he’s totally gonna fall head over heels in love with me! >:-D
Twilight: Oh great, I gotta deal with the mission AND babysit this lady the whole time -_-
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brightersoul2 · 3 months
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Sentai Daishikkaku Episode 12
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narutosidebitch · 3 months
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bare1ythere · 3 months
Not to be a Laios kinnie AND a furry but why does Izutsumi not want to be a beastman?? being a catperson would be ideal existence to me tbh
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scamperin-shroom · 1 year
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Mist flavored Kool-Aid anyone?
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tanjir0se · 1 year
I am literally plagued by thoughts of Douma he intrigues me so much because I have no idea if he’s being genuine or not. Does he actually care about the other upper ranks or is he just pretending??? His way of talking to Akaza felt so condescending and derisive but maybe he genuinely does care?? He does seem to have some kind of pathological need to be liked….Or maybe he’s just being intentionally over-nice and fawning on him to cover up the fact that he’d sell him out to the demon slayers in exchange for a corn chip if he thought it would serve his interests???
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dude1818 · 2 years
One thing that confused me a bit was Euphyllia's reactions in the king's office. When the king slams his hand on the table, she clearly flinches, which I was sure was signalling that she had been abused. She had a similar beaten dog response when her father reached for her while mimicking the king's (comedic) abuse of Anis, but he acted like he had never done something like that before. He immediately backed off when he saw the terror in her eyes. Her responses to both seemed way too deliberate and non-comedic for it to not mean something, but I can't imagine where else it would be coming from. Certainly not Al, since they never spent time together. That only leaves her mother, I guess?
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gendy-endy · 2 years
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Chainsaw man.
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xx-disco-inferno-xx · 3 months
i finally caught up with the mha anime (no manga spoilers pls) and given my recent sonic hyperfixation, all i could think about was that if sonic & co got blasted to the mha universe a la sonic x, nobody would even think twice about it. they'd literally just think they were normal people
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Regarding Nightfall in today's SxF episode... what exactly is her goal? To marry Twilight and live with him while they're both being spies? Like, is she aware of the issues that will arise if they really get involved with each other like that? Does she think that they'll overcome those issues because they're PerfectTM?
I mean... she does kinda think they're both perfect, both as spies and for each other. Whatever Twilight does, Nightfall looks at with awe and admiration. If he suddenly drinks coffee with milk, there's nothing wrong, it's because he's putting on an act for the fake family he's created. If he spares a thought for her after having told her spies are expendable, he's not becoming compromised, he's just being the Perfect (potential) Husband she wants. Because even if they're in Wuv they'll still be perfect spies because they won't allow their feelings to get in the way, of course.
Which is also how she probably justifies to herself her anger that it's Yor and Anya that are uncovering Twilight's true emotions, and not her. Those two plebeians could never have the control over their emotions that she does! And that can lead to disaster! But she has perfect control over them, so even if she and Twilight break the rules and have an intimate relationship, that wouldn't cause an issue to their spy lives.
And it's that obsession she has for him that blinds her to how he views her. She's trying her hardest to prove to him that she's the perfect candidate for a wife (a wife, not a mission partner), and with Twilight not having a clue about the feelings she harbors for him, he takes all her efforts as aggression, opposition, and/or competitiveness. He wasn't affected by the Boric brothers taunting him - he's had way worse and why would he even bother - but Nightfall was like "No one insults my Senpai!!" and didn't care to think what Twilight thinks about him being taunted, and she attacked the brothers viciously. He then saw her put so much effort into the tournament that she was ignoring her own injuries, and his concern was that she was panicking and losing her composure, which would make the mission fail - but she saw it as him caring for her. And I mean, he actually does care whether she lives or dies because he cares for people in general, but she takes that as him encouraging her feelings for him. They're in such different wavelengths that any relationship between them beyond practical and professional would be impossible. Nightfall refuses to consider what Twilight actually thinks, and Twilight is completely blind to her affections. Not wanting to crack your poker face ain't helping, hun! Allowing your face to express some emotions now and then could go a long way!
I've kinda answered my own question, I guess, lol. That's why I like how Nightfall is written, even though I don't like her character and don't agree with the way she acts. I like that it inspires me to talk and analyze her behaviour and through that understand how she is doomed, but also, how her very wrong ways of going about her goals provide a contrast to Yor's ways.
Nightfall thinks Twilight is perfect - every little thing he does, to her it's perfection. Even him becoming softer and allowing himself to grow feelings in the midst of a mission is perfect to her. Because even when emotionally compromised, Twilight can do no wrong. Her priority and one goal in life is to convince Twilight she's the perfect choice for a wife.
In comparison, while Yor has a great impression of Loid, she still notices (or overcomes!) his missteps and flaws, even when she doesn't comment on them. She sees that he's upset at the restaurant, and she suggests they go out for some air. When Master Swan is being an Asshole and Loid tries to keep his own calm, Yor is the one who runs to Anya to comfort her, and asserts her right to do so. When Loid pushes Anya to study so much that she resorts to hiding in her room, Yor is the one to remind him to be more gentle with her, and when she sees him doubting himself, she reminds him that Anya gave them "A perfect 100 points". She's being both aware and respectful of the times she feels Loid is lacking, while at the same time retaining her amazing impression of him. She sees him as human; a kind, caring person, who makes mistakes from time to time - mistakes she is ready to point out if they have a big impact (like making Anya sad) and step up to cover for if needed.
And most importantly, her priority is for her family to be happy. When she sees the others being upset, she offers support, all while being extremely humble, by the way. She takes other people's feelings and points of view into consideration, and she offers help in any way she can.
Of course, she does have moments where she makes wrong assumptions of Loid's feelings, but those mistakes stem from either her lack of confidence (when she thinks that Loid thinks of her as a bad wife) or not knowing he's a fucking spy on a mission of all things.
And for all of that, it's why Loid/Twilight understands Yor, while he cannot read Nightfall at all. He doesn't even know Yor's real job, Nightfall is his actual mentee (yes that's a word apparently), yet it's Yor's treatment he understands so well to the point of responding to it. As someone mentioned here, Yor caring for him not having stomach aches is making him comfortable to a) change his habits to help himself and b) actually ask her to help him. Yor is open and honest, and that inspires Loid to count on her and consider her an equal. Nightfall has an unbreakable poker face (again, because she mistook him telling her to not act on her emotions as him giving her the Perfect Advice to not express emotions ever) and Twilight is left clueless as to what exactly she wants besides succeeding in the missions.
Yeah, wow. This post is all over the place and my thoughts are very disorganized but god damn do I have them. I love it.
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“Boys will be boys” is whatever Damian, Ewen, and Emile have going on.
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makialene · 2 years
Just started watching csm and not to be dramatic but I would literally die for Kobeni she’s so cute
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narutosidebitch · 3 months
Murata don't die please
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