#no matter what you pick overlord is the main villain of both of them
cuppajj · 2 years
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timbertumbr · 3 years
Coincidental Encounter (Ninjago Kai X Reader) The Fall Of The Ninja AU
Please note that this is a miniseries that will be somewhat episodic so as to not stress me out too much as opposed to an actual fanfiction. And with that being said, you can read the oneshots out of order if you want to but it’s preferred if you read it in order for a bit more understanding.
You can find the miniseries oneshots in order here: not made yet.
And if you’d like to know this AU a little better, here’s the outline I wrote up for some of the main characters: Here you are.
I hope you enjoy this little series! :D
Spoilers to Ninjago Season 1-10.
Ninjago City. A city one full of light and energy. Now it was full of melancholy and grey clouds hovering over it. It started when the guardians of Ninjago, the Ninja broke apart for unknown reasons a year ago, most of them disappearing. Because they broke apart, the balance of light and dark shifted into a grey area.
No matter what anyone did to try and restore the balance, it always remained grey. On the plus side, because of the shift there haven't been a lot of villains terrorizing Ninjago City. 
You groan in defeat as you stare at all of your failed plans to bring balance back to Ninjago as the patrons of Laughy's mutter amongst themselves and drink their Boba. Dareth, the owner of Laughy's noticed your distress and approached you for what felt like the 100th time.
"Heya Y/N, another plan failed?" You groan again.
"Don't remind me," You mutter as Dareth sets your favorite drink in front of you. 
"Look, I appreciate you trying to bring back balance or whatever. But if the brown ninja can't do it, what makes you think you can?" He was genuine and was trying to help in the Dareth way but honestly, it annoyed you.
"He said for the 100th time," You mutter sarcastically, Dareth frowned from that response. You sigh.
"Look, someone has to do it right? If the Mayor, police or even the Brown Ninja aren't gonna do it, then I am," You grab the drink and chug it til it's empty, placing it down onto the table again taking deep breaths.
"Thank you," You collect all your failed plans and leave Laughy's determined. Dareth smiled, happy to have reignited your determination.
"Once again the Brown Ninja saves the da-" He's cut off by a Patron.
"Hey 'Brown Ninja,' can I get a refill over here?" 
"Yes sir, right away sir," He quickly returns to work mode and gives the patron his drink.
You made your way to the park where they made the statue of Zane after defeating the Overlord 2.0. You sit down on the bench and looked at the Wu Statue next to it.
Out of all the citizens that took the Ninja's disappearance the most was Master Wu and of course their families. Wu was absolutely devastated and started wandering the streets with an empty look in his eyes. No one knew how to approach him so they left him be. He was found dead one morning, seemingly having been hit by a car and the suspect took off.
You sigh as you look at the two statues, thinking of how to possibly restore the balance… when a person in a cloak and unfinished Kitsune mask. You didn't pay them any mind, there were some odd ones in Ninjago. Like Fugi-dove.
You give them a polite nod and continue thinking of ways to restore balance. Unbeknownst to you, the person was looking at all the attempts to restore balance that sat beside them. They were honestly impressed by the dedication and determination. And so, they open their mouth to speak.
"What's all this?" You were surprised by the hoarse voice that spoke up, almost as if they rarely used it.
"O-Oh! Just something I've been working on for the past year," They nod and look at the pile of plans.
"May I?" You nod.
"Sure, knock yourself out," They pick up the plans and carefully examine them. You both sat quietly doing your own thing until it started to rain, just a light sprinkle. You let out a hand and let some drops fall into your hand. 
"Hmm, how fitting," You comment, the person handing you the plans so you can put them in your bag. 
"Very…" They whisper. You both sit in the rain for a few moments before you speak up.
"What's your name stranger?" They huff.
"Doesn't matter," You smirk, knowing your response immediately. 
"Hello 'doesn't matter,' I'm Y/N," A surprised noise unexpectedly comes out of them, turning their mask towards you.
"That… was awful," You smile at their attempt to hide their amusement.
"Eh, still gotta try to bring some light in this world, even if it is a corny dad joke," That answer surprised them. And in the first time in a while-
-They smiled behind the mask.
That joke and that smile tipped the balance toward light again, this stirred something deep within the core of Ninjago, something that's been building over the years of its existence. 
Something made of the purest dark emotion in the world.
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fairymadnessyeah · 4 years
Happily Ever After
Shigadabi week day 7
AO3 Link
We won or we think we did When you went away you were just a kid And if you lost it all and you lost it Well, we'll still be there when your war is over
Redeemed / The End / Darkness
It took them three hours to reach their destination. Their driver, a person with an earth-moulding quirk, created a lizard-looking thing and took them to the quiet countryside house. Tanpo remarked about how it looked like Spinner and exclaimed and asked question about everything they passed by. When they arrived, an older woman with white hair was waiting for them at the door. Tanpo was the first one to get out, jumping out of their transport and running towards the woman in joy.
"Grandma Rei!" he screams and hugs the woman.
"Hi, Tanpo," the ice woman greets him, embracing him back. "How have you been?"
"Great! Dad bought me a ukelele, and I've been learning how to play it!" he tells her with a smile.
"That's wonderful, dear," she kisses his forehead and the rest of the family come closer, finally done with the driver.
"Hey Ma,"
"Hello Miss Rei,"
"Good to see you, Oba-chan,"
"Hi Dabi, Tomura, hi, Hiyuri, Did you have a good trip here?" she asks them as they go to the house.
"It was fine, a little bumpy," Dabi tells her as he carries some of the luggage along with Shigaraki. "What about you, ma? The neighbours are treating 'ya okay?" the woman nods.
"They are great. Miss Yuri invited me to her knitting club, and she even offered me a place on her flower stall on the local market," she tells her eldest son. "Do you need help with your suitcases? I prepared the room for you. I hope you don't mind sleeping on the floor. I only had bedrolls,"
"It's alright, Rei-san. We don't mind," Shigaraki says as they place their things on the guest room.
"Oh, Tomura-kun, you don't need to keep the honorific, we are family now," she smiles at the dark overlord, getting another in return.
"Thanks, Rei,"
"Hey, mom, do you think you can handle the two brats for a while? We need to pick up something," Dabi asks as they make their way back to the living room where Hiyuri and Tanpo were.
"Of course, I'll look after them while you take care of your things. But don't take too long, please. You are supposed to be on vacation," the two nod at the woman. "Alright, come Tan-chan, Hiyu-chan, I'm going to teach you how to make moon cakes," she offers her hand to them.
"YAY!" Tanpo cheers and heads to the kitchen with Rei.
"Where are you going?" Hiyuri asks. "Can I go?"
"No, we need you to stay here, we won't take long," Tomura tells the teen.
"But I can help, with whatever it is," she tries to plead with them.
"We need you to stay here, if something happens, you are the only one strong enough to protect them," Dabi reasons with her. "Besides, we came here to visit grandma, spend some time with her, she misses you," the teen sigh and nods.
War broke out not long after the raid. Villains moved to the west side of the country as the heroes held their ground on the east. What was more surprising though was that people soon started choosing sides. The heroes had thought that on the territory the PLF resided was hell on earth. That they were trapped in there like rats, that your life consisted of fighting for survival and living in fear under a crazy and violent regime, but it wasn't the case. On the villains side, there were no quirk regulating-laws, so everyone was able to protect themselves and whoever they wanted. They could leave their lives being whoever they wanted to. Everybody, no matter quirk, race or gender, was the same and were treated like human beings. And soon, word came around of the better living condition and ideals that were on the other side.
People started migrating, leaving the heroes side of the fight.
At first, it was a small amount. To reach the Villains, you needed to go through no-man land, and that could mean suicide if you weren't careful enough. The first instances, the heroes came across were a few low-time criminals and one or two civilians trying to cross to the other side. But after the HPSC declaration of Recruiting, the numbers increased like wildfire.
The Hero Public Safety Commission, after noticing the decrease on heroes the war was producing, released a new recruitment law. All people who had quirks that could be used for battle, would be recruited as soldiers to the end the war with the villains. Those that were of age to fight would receive a small amount of training and would then be taken into the battlefield and those who were too young, had to attend training. The law didn't make the public happy. The heroes weren't thrilled about it either, but there was nothing they could do. They were losing numbers quickly, and they needed help. Calling them heroes was a mistake. Heroes helped people. Heroes brought hope when everything seemed impossible. Heroes were the light that shone on the darkest of times.
But with the war, they spent all their time in the battlefield. There weren't any patrols or agencies or emergencies. Not anymore. And as more recruits came into the scene, the career of professional hero, became nothing.
On the other side, however, people could join the fight if they wanted to. Shigaraki was as strong as an army, but as more and more people started to join their army and fight for their happiness, he only joined when things were dire. Him and the rest of the PLF managed the war as lieutenants and generals and guided the new members of the army in battle. But everything changed when two kids stepped into the game.
Ryori Hiyuri and Tanpo were two siblings, who lived with their heroin addict mother. The woman was away most of the time, either getting high on drugs or selling her body to earn money for more. Thought that was better than when she was home. Their mother had a quirk that gave her the ability to immobilize someone if she touched you. She was easy to anger and would leave them outside on the cold or hit them when they made her mad. Hiyuri took care of her brother most of the time and tried to steer their mother's attention to her. But once the law got approved, she knew it wouldn't take long for the government to take her away. Tanpo was quirkless and just a kid, without her, he would not last long. So, one day, she packed everything they needed and burned the hole in the wall they lived in.
Hiyuri knew the two wouldn't be able to survive on the street along with her brother, and if they found them, they would separate them. It was her job to protect her brother, but she needed somebody to teach her how to do it. And she knew who would be a perfect teacher. The guy who was blamed for their house fire. The man who had the same blue fire quirk as her, Dabi, the cremator of heroes.
It took them four months to reach one of the villain's camp. They were packing everything to leave, but when she tried to sneak them into their trucks, they were found. A parka wearing gremlin found them and took them to his co-commander, saying something about spies and an execution. What a turn of events it ended up being when said Commander was no other but the man she had been looking for so long. The two men in charge started arguing about them, but Hiyuri didn't listen. She interrupted their conversation and demanded the scared man trained them. The two looked at her as if she was crazy. She told them their story and promised to pay the scarred man bak when she was strong enough. She would have done anything to stop being helpless and be able to protect her little brother.
"So you're telling me, you ran away from home, which you burnt down, so I would teach you how to use your quirk, to protect your little brother?" Dabi asks and starts laughing after she nods. "Oh, God, that is priceless!" he says between chuckles and gasps. "Hey, Spikey," he suddenly addresses one of the men loading crates into a van who had purple spikes coming out of him. "Make room in my van, we have two new passengers and get them some food," he orders.
"Am I doing it right, Oba-chan?" the small child asks as he kneed the dough.
"Yes, you are doing it perfectly," Rei tells him. "Now, we need to stretch the dough and place them on our moulds," she says, grabbing a rolling pin from one of her kitchen cabinets. Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door. "Hiyuri, dear, could you go check who it is?" she asks her granddaughter, who had been watching them bake.
"Of course," she agrees and goes to the front door. Remembering her training, she checks who it first through the peep-hole before opening the door. When she does, she sees a tall, muscular man with white hair and grey eyes. Once she identifies the man, she opens the door and gets pulled into a bear hug.
"Hiyuri! I missed you so much! Look at how much you've grown!" the albino cries, making too much noise, which alerts the other people inside the house.
"Uncle Natsuo!" a Tanpo covered in flour screams and dashes towards them, joining their group hug.
"Tanpo, my man! How are you, buddy? Did you miss me?" the older male asks and messes his hair, finally letting them go.
"Natsuo, I'm so happy you came," Rei says when she steps into the room and hugs her other son.
Nobody had been safe from the recruitment law, not even those who mentally couldn't fight. When the Todoroki siblings, those who still lived on the hero side of the country, received the note that said their mother and Fuyumi would have to join the fight, they did the unthinkable. Fuyumi and Shouto made a distraction while Natsuo took their mother to the other side of the country. The two wouldn't have made it very far if it wasn't for a lizard man who recognized them. Spinner took them to the main base, and Dabi gave them a safe place to stay. It was a shock to see the dead brother and son, both albino though they would never see him again. And if they did, they didn't imagine he would have a boyfriend who could level the entire country with a snap of his fingers or kids.
"I wasn't going to, but one of the nurses threatened to neuter me if I didn't take a few days off," the man explains, with an awkward grin. "We are the two love-birds, anyway? Aren't they supposed to be taking a break too?" he asks, looking around and not finding his brother or his in-law.
"They went to take care of something, they should be back in a minute," she tells him and goes back to the kitchen. Tanpo follows behind her, wanting to keep helping her with the moon cakes.
Natsuo leaves to put his stuff in the guest room and when he comes back down, finds Hiyuri looking through the window. The image was certainly nostalgic. He had seen the same thing years ago when Dabi was still Touya, and mom had recently been taken to the hospital. He would find him looking out the window, waiting for her to return.
"You know," he interrupts her inner thoughts and sits near her on the couch. "You remind a lot of your dad when he was younger," he tells her, and she huffs.
"I just want to help them," she admits, avoiding his gaze. "Repay them for what they did for us..."
"Well, that's going to be a problem, since they only want you and your brother to be happy," he says, making her blush. "You know you're more than just an apprentice for them. They're your family. Seeing you happy is enough for them,"
The trip to the main base of the PLF took an entire day. Hiyuri and Tanpo fell asleep on the way there, even if the elder didn't want to. But after weeks of no eating or resting, the warm food and comfy chairs made them drop in an instant. When she woke up, she and Tanpo were in a room with two beds they didn't recognize. She quickly went to the door, to check they weren't trapped, but found something she didn't expect. They were at an apartment, and there was food being prepared for them by the villain Dabi and next to him, the supreme leader, Shigaraki Tomura.
"Good Morning," the scarred man says without turning back to see her. "Wake up your brother, breakfast is ready," he tells her, and she follows.
The two eat the food quietly, glancing between the two males as one finishes cooking, and the other reads the newspaper. When Dabi is finally done with the cooking, he places a plate in front of his boss. The thin male puts down the papers and scan thems as he eats. It must have been quite the sight for him. A twelve-year-old with golden hair and blue eyes asking to be trained along with a brother of six years with the same hair and grey eyes, definitely not something you saw every day. When he is done, he whispers something to his employee and kisses his temple before leaving. That last part almost knocks her out of her chair.
"Listen, brat," he calls her attention. "I'll train you, see if you have potential. But there are a few conditions which are not negotiable. Number one, you both get checked out and into a school,"
"What? Why!?" Hiyuri complains.
"Because if things don't work out and I can't train you, you still have a future. You both need basic education. The second thing, while you are my protegee, you are going to stay here. It might be dangerous to live somewhere else," he explains.
"Alright, when do I start?" she asks.
"Not today, you're dehydrated and hurt. If you want to train, you need to be in top condition. Toga is going to drop clothes for you two. Take a bath, change, and we'll have a doctor check you out," he said and disappeared through another door. The two kids looked at one another and did as they were told.
It took an entire month for the training to start. During that time, the two kids got to know the rest of the league and got closer to the two people who lived with them now. The two males cooked for them and left them their space. They didn't scream at them, they didn't beat them. They even got rid of the first tutor when they found out he sometimes slapped them with a ruler. There was also Toga and Spinner and Mr Compress, who would drop by and babysit them. Even if Hiyuri complained about not needing someone to look after her.
Not even when they started training did they raised their hand at them. Soon enough, the kids began to get comfortable with the two. Dabi wasn't always there, but Tomura was. The supreme leader, who gave pros nightmares, would cook for them (or have somebody do it, since he didn't know how), help them with homework and play videogames with them. He even took care of them when they got the flu.
After a year together, Tanpo was calling them dad. Hiyuri took more time to accept it. But her breaking point was the day Tomura released the ceasefire offer. It was in the form of a video, and it was uploaded to the internet so everyone could watch. In it, he talked about how he was tired of putting others to fight the war, how this would become an endless battle with enormous and pointless casualties, and he didn't want that. What he didn't say though, what only Dabi and their small circle knew was that he didn't want that for them. For Hiyuri and Tanpo.
"Why do I want to do that!?" Shigaraki screamed. "With the Noumus and my followers, we could decimate the heroes in a decade or so! So, why!? Why do I want to stop now!?"
"Because Hiyuri showed signs of joining said fight," Kurogiri, a man with purple mist hair and yellow and blue eyes tells them. "You care about her, and you don't want her to go through the same you went through. She's your daughter. You want what's best for her,"
"Oh god, we adopted two kids," Dabi says, sitting shocked in a chair.
"We are parents now..." Tomura whispers hauntedly.
"When are you two going to stop doing that? This is the millionth time you have that revelation," Spinner says, tired of their shit.
Dabi and Tomura had something they been calling 'parent-crisis' ever since the two kids appeared. The two would suddenly grow quiet and then state they were fathers now, like they didn't know that yet. The first time it happened, after Tanpo had given the two a drawn picture of their family, had been funny. Now that they did it every time, it wasn't as fun.
That day, when the two reached their apartment, and they got greeted with a hug by Tanpo and an aloof 'Hey Dads' by Hiyuri, the two villains felt their hearts beat with a thousand emotions. Pride, love, belonging. They had found a home in each other a long time ago, and now, they had welcomed two new additions into that home, which they wouldn't change for anything. It didn't matter if there were still heroes out there. They were happy, and that was enough to understand that they had won. They had created a world where they could live in. The outcasts of society, their friends and their kids would be happy. They would make sure of that.
"Can you believe this is how our lives ended?" Shigaraki asks his boyfriend as they come back to his mothers house.
"No," he sighs. "But I weirdly don't want to change it," he admits and takes his hand.
Tomura understands. It had been years since they adopted Hiyuri and Tanpo and every moment with them was priceless and memorable. He can't exactly pinpoint when he got so attached to them. But he did. He looks forward to seeing them after his meetings. He loves playing videogames with Hiyuri and listening to Tanpo practise with his music. He loved those kids with every molecule of his body and worried about them 24/7. Toga had called him a mother hen and that he was wrapped around their fingers. So what? She wasn't any better, neither was Dabi.
If somebody had told him years ago that he was going to have his own family, he would have believed they were crazy. But now. As he held a gift, he had bought for his children with his boyfriend outside his mother-in-law's house, he was happy. The happiest he's ever been. He had a family, friends. A place he could call home. He had hope.
The two ex-villains go inside the small house, leaving the gift at the living room, and step into the kitchen. The kitchen is covered in flour as they throw it to each other in some sort of harmless scuffle. You couldn't see much of the white powder in the two albinos head and Tanpo's. But on Hiyura's black hair is hard to miss. The two kids, on their first official father's day with them, dyed their golden hair to black and white. Toga had helped them, and they said they did it to look more like them. It was so touching and moving Dabi cried.
"Dad! Pa!" Tanpo interrupts the play-fight when he notices them. The nine-year-old runs to them, throwing himself at Dabi's arms.
"Hey, careful there smiles," Dabi tells him as he picks him up.
"Did you finished what you had to do? What was it?" Hiyuri asks, coming closer.
"Come, find out. We choose it just for you," Tomura says and guides them to the gift.
Dabi puts Tanpo down, and both get closer to the big crate, covered by a white sheet. Hiyuri is about to put her hand over it, when the case slightly shakes and a small whine and a bark come out of it. Tanpo gasps in excitement and in the blink of an eye, pulls the sheet away and opens the cage. "It's a puppy!" he exclaims, taking the small creature in his hands and then shoving it towards his sister. "Look, Hi-niisan, look!"
The girl approaches the dog with caution, as she does with everything, and the small thing whines and licks the tip of her nose, making her blush. The adults watch the interaction with fond smiles. Dabi places his arms around Tomura and his head on his shoulder and taps his hip three times, signalling he wants the man to read his mind.
Sensei, who was dead in a ditch after an ugly discussion with Tomura, had left him a plethora of different quirks at his disposal. Some he kept, some he gained on his own and some he gave away. Tanpo, for example, was born quirkless, but one day asked him if he could give him a quirk to protect his sister. Tomura gave him a defence one, knowing the calm and gentle nature of his son. It allowed him to grow blue scales on his body that worked like an armour and were heat resistant. Tanpo had loved it, and Spinner started calling him 'dragon partner' since then.
"Not bad for an ending sequence, right?"  he smirks by his side, pulling him closer against his chest.
"A true happy ending,"  Tomura chuckles and kisses the back of his jaw.
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Suicide Squad and Amanda Waller:
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Suicide Squad makes 100% more sense if you realize that the real antagonist of the movie isn’t Enchantress- it’s Amanda Waller.
1. Amanda Waller is the one who picks everyone
Waller wants to protect the world in the only way she knows how- by using forces at her disposal and she decides to get together a team of neutral villains that she can manipulate to her will. She hand picks these villains because she knows she can control them through fear of their own lives but also that while they may be criminals, they all have moral codes that each of them follow. She even picks her man in charge carefully because she knows that she can emotionally manipulate him to do what she wants but also Flag dying goes against the interests of the other members of the Squad.
2. She picks Deadshot because he’s the easiest to manipulate
Deadshot has always been Waller’s go-to in the comics because he has an extremely strict moral code and he will do anything for money or gain. His daughter is his weakness that she is able to exploit but at the cost of knowing that if he were ever out of her power, he would kill her. She chooses him to be the leader of the squad mostly because he is pragmatic and has a strong personality that the others will easily follow behind. Waller knows that criminals are like anyone else- they tend to stick with their own. Deadshot and Rick’s relationship is vital to the team staying together and working.
3. She enslaves Enchantress but leaves her brother’s figure just sitting around?
That sounds like classic Waller entrapment. Enchantress was far too powerful and to volatile for Waller to ever really be in control of. She was actively plotting against Waller since her imprisonment and Waller knew that. She guessed it was only a matter of time before she was going to escape. She stayed to observe Enchantress after her escape and see if the Squad can manage to stop her. That’s why the plan was never to go after Enchantress, it was an active choice made by the Squad to stop her. They didn’t even know Waller was still alive when they stopped Enchantress’ plan
4. Waller kills everyone in the tower
This is because Waller doesn’t want anything to jeapardize her hold on the Squad. In the comic books she made it incredibly clear that she doesn’t trust anyone, even herself, to keep the power of the squad from doing things for personal gain. So anyone who knows about the Squad and their purpose are disposed of because it could potentially be a threat in the future. When a main character opens fire on a roomful of strangers and then both protagonists are like “Well, sometimes it be like that”- that’s some serious villain territory.
5. Waller doesn’t hesitate to kill Harely, and makes herself a target by doing so
To ensure that the team is on the side of Deadshot, she demonizes herself by telling Deadshot to kill Harely in front of everyone for money and freedom. Normally, he would do it without hesitation- but now he thinks of Harley and the rest of the Squad as his friends and decides to miss instead. This cements him as a key player in the Squad and instantly gains the recognition and the respect of the other members. It forces Waller to make herself the bad guy by calling in an air strike and forcing the others to keep the distance between her and the Squad.
6. She locks them back up after they’re done, but does reward them to keep good faith and give incentive for more missions
While she allows everything to happen with Enchantress, she does manage to survive everything and goes back to be in charge of Task Force X, and while she does lock them back up, Waller isn’t stupid- she rewards their world-saving and gives them a taste of freedom. This is to ensure loyalty among the crew but also shows that she is willing to negotiate but only so far. And this also secures her as their overlord- they now know that a completely normal human has the ability to do whatever it takes to keep them in line.
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