#no one is a cupcake for liking or being excited for the new album concept and youre also not a fake fan for being apprehensive about it
biblicalhorror · 8 months
My dash has been extremely divided today re: taylor swift/swiftie criticism and honestly my take on it is that as long as you don't believe she is an untouchable oracle who would never lie or exaggerate any story about her life and is always the victim in every situation OR that she is an evil nuisance to society for continuing to make and put out her art at a time when her boyfriend is also massively successful then we should all pretty much be on the same side here
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hilarieburtonmorgan · 3 years
Ten Years Later, the One Tree Hill Cast Is Setting the Record Straight
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Ten years after the finale of One Tree Hill, the actors Hilarie Burton Morgan, Sophia Bush, and Bethany Joy Lenz have never been closer. Despite their shared experience growing up on screen, the trio— who played Peyton Sawyer, Brooke Davis, and Haley James in the heartland-set high school soap for nine seasons—were kept largely isolated from one another during those years.
That distance began to dissipate with age, and when the #MeToo movement alerted the actors to some of their common experiences while working on One Tree Hill. In their new weekly iHeartRadio podcast Drama Queens, the three actors unpack the moments—nostalgic and traumatic alike—that unfolded behind the scenes of the wildly popular drama. To celebrate the podcast’s success, Burton Morgan, Bush, and Lenz joined us for a bit of reminiscing. —BRIAN ALESSANDRO
HILARIE BURTON MORGAN: Sophia, you were the person that called me about a podcast. What was the catalyst for you to be like, “It’s time”?
SOPHIA BUSH: When we first finished the show, I didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t want to touch it. I didn’t want to be close to it. And then as time went on, and we all started being able to get together, and share stories, and talk some shit. We all finally told each other the stories we’d been afraid to share — I wish we’d been able to have the friendships we have now back then! — and hearing everyone’s stories really made me so furious. It lit that fire in me, and I thought “well, we just have to burn it down.” But, I also had to remember how much our fans love the show, and to realize that despite so much that was insidious we also had fun. We’ve shared stories about what was painful and hard, and I think especially because of what you were put through, I wanted to call you first and just say, like, “Does this idea feel triggering?” You said “No, this feels quite cool.”
BURTON MORGAN: What was your first reaction, Joy?
BETHANY JOY LENZ: I was definitely hesitant about more One Tree Hill anything. But the more we talked about it, I was like, “Wow, this is actually a chance for redemption.” Also, I don’t want to throw shade on the show that did give us amazing opportunities. I always try to temper my frustrations with a good bit of gratitude. But as for the bad stuff, I really do love the opportunity to redeem that. Some of it was us being young and stubborn twenty-year-olds, but a lot of it was the people around us who were using our youth and naïveté to keep us from arguing back. It was always, “Joy, you’re the odd man out. Sophia, you’re the odd man out. Hilarie, you’re the odd man out.” So we never reached out to each other. I’m incredibly grateful for the relationship I with you amazing women now.
BURTON MORGAN: I left the show first, and it was the divorce of my life, because I’d committed so much to being the good soldier. “I’ll do whatever press you want. I’ll go on whatever mall tour.” And so, the loss of that was traumatic. But the next relationship I got into professionally was with White Collar, and the best person I could have ever encountered was Tiffani Thiessen, who was an icon to me. She told me right out of the gate, “Don’t bad mouth the show that got you started. Defend your character, forget the bad guys, take what’s good.” That was such great advice. She was someone whose opinion meant something to me, because she’d been a teen idol of mine. Who were some women on TV that that you felt like we were trying to emulate while we were doing the show?
LENZ: I don’t think I ever really knew how to process it. I actually feel like I missed a lot of the excitement because I kept asking myself what it all meant.
BURTON MORGAN: I was the opposite! I like experience. But I made terrible choices.
BUSH: I’m with Joy. Now, I over intellectualize everything because back then, I was always soaking up all the experiences and I got my ass handed to me. So now I’m like, “What does it mean? What is it all?”
BURTON MORGAN: How many years out are we now? Like 17 years out from the first year?
LENZ: I don’t even know how to process that.
BURTON MORGAN: 18 years out? Jesus, we could have children in college at this point. Why do you think people still care?
LENZ: Comfort food. I mean, that’s it, like especially now that there’s so much content. I can only speak from my experience, but when I settle in to watch TV, I will spend 20 minutes scrolling before saying, “You know what, fuck it,” and turning on Frasier. And that’s what I watch because I know those characters, and I just want that familiarity. I honestly think the over-saturation has played a huge role in our fans’ need for One Tree Hill.
BUSH: And I would also say that there is something about how — as outlandish it got at times — there was also a lot that felt honest. People write to us about how they feel seen, how they feel represented, how they see their own struggles in our show. When I meet new people who are just discovering it and I think, “You could be watching anything! Why? Thank you?”
BURTON MORGAN: Honestly, having an older kid, and seeing the things that he’s drawn to, he loves watching TV shows from our era. Probably the same reason I loved watching Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie and What’s Happening – it’s retro. They’re mystified by it because there’s no social media on our show and so people are actually talking to each other. You actually had to show up at Karen’s Cafe to have that important conversation. It’s a wish fulfillment for these younger kids where they’re like, “Oh, my life doesn’t look anything like that.” We are the time warp, which is super fucked up.
LENZ: And we were also the last show that was doing, dare I say, wholesome content? I mean I know our show, like, jumped the shark several times in many regards, but in terms of the“hometown kids, middle of America, just dealing with regular emotions and life stuff,” those shows became very rare. Everything that came after us was like rich kids—Gossip Girl and The OC, and then it was all brought to a high-concept place like the Vampire Diaries, Riverdale stuff. And I don’t know that there’s anything out there that’s kind of gotten back to the roots, like One Tree Hill.
BURTON MORGAN: Can you imagine pitching One Tree Hill now? Like, “it’s about some kids. Two of them play basketball, and the rest are just moody.”
BURTON MORGAN: What episodes are we all excited to review the most? Some of them are cringey as hell.
BUSH: I’m sure a lot of them will be.
BURTON MORGAN: I like the Halloween episode we did at Tric [the “all-ages” nightclub]. That was batshit. It was 1000 degrees in there and everyone was dying and miserable and we’re dressed up like cartoons.
LENZ: I know. The one with the car, where they made me fucking siphon off gas.
BURTON MORGAN: That was fun cause that was really the first time the three of us were put together.
BUSH: Having to pretend to be high on pills when I never had been, I was like, “I’ll try!” Hilarie, your wedding episode was…
BUSH: That was such a shit show, man. You said the Halloween episode — you’ll cackle when you see we did a Halloween episode after you were gone. And I had to be dressed up as one half of A Clockwork Orange, but was abandoned in my costume, and I was written to be dressed as a giant orange and Carol (Cutshall, costumer) papier-mached a workout ball and drilled armholes in it, and I had to wear it. AND I directed that episode!
BURTON MORGAN: That’s perfect! That’s a chef’s kiss.
BUSH: I had little T-Rex arms, being like, “well, if you go over there” – And they’d say “Where?” And I’d be like, “I can’t show you! I’m stuck in an orange!” It was, it was so humiliating. But when I think back on it, great comedic fodder.
BURTON MORGAN: What is your favorite keepsake from the show?
LENZ: I have the Julius Caesar book that Haley gives to Lucas in the pilot.
BURTON MORGAN: I have the leather jacket that Peyton takes after Ellie [Sheryl Lee] dies. That was an intense crying scene for me. My body has a physical reaction to that jacket.
LENZ: What’s yours, Soph?
BUSH: I have, like, a bin.
BURTON MORGAN: You have everything!
BUSH: There’s like this sad episode where Brooke celebrates her birthday alone in her room with a cupcake. I have the photo album from that scene, which is very sweet because it’s all photos of you and I, Hilarie…
BURTON MORGAN: You have that?
BUSH: Oh yeah, I took that immediately. There are real pictures of us from growing up, because it was this story of these friends who grew up together…
BURTON MORGAN: Joy, we’re gonna photoshop you in.
BUSH: Honestly, we should just make a new one. Of all the stuff that feels sentimental, that “Brooke Davis for President” pin kills me. It’s up on the wall in my office, because it makes me laugh. When I think about why that’s the one thing I’ve displayed—next to a photo of the three of us— it’s because it symbolized something that at the time really embarrassed me, but now I respect. Brooke Davis took the thing she was made fun of for, and turned it into an anthem. She was this bad bitch who owned her shit. That’s something I’ve tried to emulate.
BURTON MORGAN: One thing that I keep thinking is, “we deserve this.”
LENZ: Because we do! It’s hard to say that as women, I think.
BURTON MORGAN: What makes you two feel like we deserve this?
LENZ: Because we’ve worked our asses off, and because it’s beautiful to experience friendship with each other in a way that we were robbed of in our younger days.
BURTON MORGAN: We were really good girls. I’m excited to set things straight.
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Afraid Ch. 11
Sorry it’s taken me so long to update guys
Taglist: @sparxx27​, @kaitieskidmore1​, @fandomshit6000​
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“How do you have a baby shower without knowing what baby stuff to buy?” Sharise huffed as she helped me set the long table outside with an array of snacks for the guests that would be here any minute.
“Because our baby is not in need of anything and this is a celebration of love.” Nikki mocked my words from when he questioned the point in having people over ‘when they could just send gifts’.
“I only get to do this the first time once. Assholes.” I scowled arranging the cupcake tower.
“It’s like the attitude was sucked out of Nikki and transplanted into you via baby.” Sharise giggles poking my cheek as I swat her hand away.
“Yeah well this is Nikki’s baby so let’s just pray he doesn’t come out with hooves and horns.” I grumble. Nikki’s hand connects swiftly with my butt and I yelp giving him the finger as he makes his way into the house.
“What names have you guys narrowed down?” She leans against the table and takes a cookie from the tray on display.
“We haven’t discussed them much with everything going as fast as it has been.” I sigh. Between the boys working on their album, Nikki and I moving in together, and the press that has been hounding us since word spread of my being pregnant; we just haven’t had the time to discuss the simplistics like names.
“(Y/N), you guys have to make time for this.” She crossed her arms and fixed me with a glare that she’s clearly perfected from scolding Vince.
“I only have a middle name picked out for a boy, but I haven’t approached Nikki about it yet.” I rubbed my hand down my face. “It’s Thomas. For Tommy.”
Sharise nodded her head as if she was stockpiling a list of first names that would sound perfect with Thomas.
“WHERE IS MY FAVORITE INCUBATOR?” Tommy’s boisterous voice booms through the house and to the backyard despite all doors and windows being closed.
“Who the fuck taught him that word?” I groan in time for Tommy and Heather to come through the back door with gifts in tow.
Tommy sets the oversized gift on the ground and beelines toward me to press his hands against my stomach as he always does. Out of the corner of my eye I catch Heather rolling her eyes and I try to suppress my urge to spit venom in her direction. Nikki really did give me his attitude via baby. I smile warmly at the sound of Tommy cooing about how he can’t wait for the ‘little dude’ to make his appearance. The family our baby had was unorthodox and full of leather and bad decisions, but I couldn’t deny that he was loved beyond compare.
Skylar napped peacefully on the makeshift bed we had created out of couch cushions while the boys, Sharise, Heather, Sam, Tom, and I chatted in the kitchen. Whiskey and Alarik were curled up close enough to each other on the sofa to not look as if they actually enjoyed each other’s company. The food was put away from the festivities and the boys had kindly taken care of putting the baby’s gifts in the room we had begun to set up for him. I sighed contently from my seat on Nikki’s lap as he rubbed my thigh and focused back in on the conversation being had around me.
“You ferals really are as dumb as ya look.” Mick scoffs sipping his new drink of choice, sweet tea.
Tommy tosses a small bit of bread off his plate at Mick in retaliation, but is immediately scolded by Heather to not throw food in the house. I’m surprisingly grateful for her doing so since it’s less I have to try to clean up and the baby bump is already making bending difficult and I’m only six months along.
“I’m just saying it would be cool to bring (y/n) and the baby at least for the american portion of the tour” Tommy defends his stance.
“Bringing a baby on tour is idiotic.” Mick insists.
“I might have to side with Mick on this one man.” Vince shrugs rubbing Sharise’s shoulder where his hand rests. “We didn’t bring Skylar on any of the tours.”
“Skylar wasn’t a newborn when we went on any tours.” Nikki pipes up. “I don’t want to miss out on any crucial moments.”
A dozen pairs of eyes fall on me as they await for me to pipe up on the subject. The subject that I hadn’t even considered yet.
“Uh I think there’s still time to think about that don’t you. I mean the album isn’t even fully finished and you guys still have to name it.” I fidgeted nervously.
“Speaking of naming the album” Nikki’s sudden excitement shifts the conversation. “I think Dr. Feelgood will fit best.”
The boys argue back and forth on the name and concept art ideas which resulted in Sharise, Heather, and I going to the living room to play with Skylar. Although in typical Nikki fashion, in the end the name that he wants and the concept art he scribbled out is what is the final decision for all the boys. Mick is the first to leave once that is all settled with Vince and company not far behind. Heather left to meet a few of her friends while Tommy hung back with us.
“So since it is just us three” I start and take a deep breath to gather the courage to do this since I hadn’t even run the idea by Nikki yet.
“Yo (y/n) I love you and Nikki is my husband, but I can’t have a threesome with him and his pregnant girlfriend.” Tommy interrupts and soda shoots out of Nikki’s nose sending him into a coughing fit.
“No Tommy. What? That isn’t what I was going to say.” I shake my head. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“Oh shit” Tommy laughs. “My bad, it’s just what usually happens when Sixx and I are alone with a girl”
I raise an eyebrow at Nikki who is still recovering and holds his hands up in the best defense that he can muster.
“Anyway.” I continue “I wanted to ask your permission to give the baby the middle name Thomas, for his uncle Tommy.”
In retrospect I don’t know what I expected his response to be, but crying hadn’t crossed my mind.
“I was actually gonna ask the same thing.” Nikki smiles rubbing Tommy’s back as small sobs cut through his body. “I was even going to take it a step further and ask you to be his godfather and take him if anything were to happen to (y/n) and I.”
Tommy’s suddenly swooping me up in the air and hugging me close before placing me back on the floor and wrapping Nikki in a bone crushing hug. He wipes his tears and places his hands on my stomach leaning in close.
“I promise to be the best uncle Tommy you could ask for little dude.” He speaks to my stomach and a face splitting grin replaces his features.
“He kicked my hand!” He bellows in his excitement. “And he just did it again.”
Nikki and I exchange grins over his head and I know we’ve made the right decision. Tommy spends a good majority of the rest of his time at the house talking about all the cool things he was excited to do with the baby once he was old enough. That night I surprisingly had the best sleep I have had my whole pregnancy because I didn’t have to worry about my baby ever not feeling loved. Calm down. Be calm. It’s fine that Nikki’s birthday is a week away and you haven’t gotten him anything. That’s fine. I paced the kitchen while I bit my nails and tried to narrow down ideas of what to give Nikki. He only bought a house for us and is the father of my child, it’s totally normal that I would have no idea what to give him. The idea pops in my head and before I can even double think it I’m dialing the number into the phone connected to the wall. I twirl the cord around my finger and pray there’s an answer.
“Hello?” Mick gruff voice comes through the speaker.
“Mick! It’s (y/n).”
“Oh god what did Nikki do this time?” He groans.
“No nothing. Jeez those boys have really traumatized you.” He chuckles under his breath and I continue “I just don’t know what to get Nikki for his birthday and you’re kind of like their hateful drunk uncle that no longer drinks, but you know the boys through and through and I need your help.”
“First take a damn breath you’re making me feel winded. Second, Nikki loves to capture moments. Get him a camera.” He said as if it was obvious.
“What kind of camera?” I ask grabbing a pen and paper.
“I don’t give a shit.” And the line goes dead. To give him credit that is the longest he’s stayed on the phone as far as I’ve seen.
Alright, now to just find a store to get a camera that would satisfy Nikki’s needs.
Nikki adjusts the ill fitting birthday hat on his head and grabs another present off the coffee table in front of him.
“From Tommy and Heather, May all your struggles be in bed.” Nikki reads the card attached to the nicely wrapped gift and turns three shades of red. I had heard all about the so called speech that he gave at their wedding mirroring those exact words.
Nikki tears the wrapping paper off the package and shakes the box a little to see if he can guess what could be in there. Unable to guess what it could be, he opens the box to find red fuzzy handcuffs.
“Tommy!” I squeak turning a shade of red to match Nikki’s.
“Hey man I’m just trying to help my friends” He winks and takes a sip from the wine bottle in front of him.
“Lets move on” Nikki nervously chuckles and I see him grab my gift for him. I gulp down the nerves that are building in my stomach and brace for impact. “Aww baby this one is from you.”
I can feel my heart beat rushing in my ears as he tears the paper off the box for the camera and freezes once he sees the packaging. A small grin graces his features as he opens the package containing a Leica M4-P and he pulls it out to examine it.
“How did you know I needed a new camera?” He asks not bothering to look up from the camera he was turning over repeatedly in hand.
“I can’t just divulge all my secrets.” I flick my eyes over to Mick and mouth a thank you to which he just gives me a quick nod.
Nikki motions for me to come sit in his lap and I follow suit letting the boys wolf whistle as we exchange a few kisses. Nikki gives them the finger and a I suppress a small giggle at their behavior.
“Well you know what this means don’t you (y/n)?” Vince asks smirking.
“What does it mean?”
“That you have to be his first photoshoot.” Vince waggles his eyebrows making sure I understand his innuendo is sexual.
“All right time for cake!” I exclaim to try to take the pressure off of me and I stand quickly.
Pain rushes through my body and I clutch my stomach. No this isn’t right.
“Babe are you okay? Is the baby on your bladder again?” Nikki asks concern thick in his voice as I double over in pain from the cramps suddenly hitting my body.
“Hospital. Now.” Is all I can muster out with tears falling from my eyes. Another cramp hits my body and I’m curling in on myself more.
“What’s going on?” He scoops me in his arms as the boys help him with our stuff and carrying me to the car.
“I think the baby is coming. Early”
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kumkaniudaku · 4 years
A/N: Happy Two Year Anniversary to this blog. I hope you enjoy. 
Summary: CoCo’s trying to get back to herself with a special photoshoot and help from an unlikely source. 
Standing in the bathroom mirror dressed in nothing but the skin God blessed her with, Tasha proudly turned her hips from side to side to examine her body. A small smile crept across her golden features as her eyes raked over her hips before landing on her backside. She used the tips of her fingers to grasp at the cuff of her ass and lift the area.
"Hey there, girl. Been a long time since we've seen each other. Lookin' good." Tasha's hands took the scenic route to her breast, stopping at her stomach and rubbing her palm over the section that had plagued her for years. When she reached her chest, she playfully pushed her breasts together and smiled. "And look at you guys. Sittin' all pretty after all these years."
With her hair loose and untamed and Beyonce's self-titled album playing in the background, CoCo felt a surge of energy that began a swirling motion in her hips. She watched the natural curves and jiggle of her body as she moved and smiled, finally feeling comfortable with the "new" her. A year and half postpartum was filled with the ups and downs of understanding the changes within her and accepting them. Tasha's silly dance moves were a moment of celebration that her husband, who quietly stood in the doorway to enjoy the morning entertainment, understood and appreciated.
In the middle of twirl to the rap portion of Yonce, Tasha was startled by her husband. She quickly rushed to her phone to pause the song and end her private dance party.
"No, don't stop," Chadwick laughed as he stepped into the bathroom. "I'm lovin' the show."
"I feel like you're laughing at me."
"Of course not, baby. I'm laughing with you." His last words became a sultry mumble as he made space for his lips on Tasha's. Goosebumps pebbled on her cold skin wherever Chadwick's warm palms landed, finally finding a home just above her ass. They stood in one position, holding each other and making silly conversations that kept the energy light. In the middle of a debate on which child would be the first to wake and terrorize the house, Tasha decided to share a bit of news.
"I got an email this morning from Rihanna," she casually introduced, keeping her eyes away from Chadwick's as she pretended to take an interest in the chain around his neck.
"Is this for another one of those wild girl's nights that ends up on Instagram?"
"Wow, I accidentally showed a little nipple once on IG Live once, and now it's a whole thing!" Chadwick cocked his head back with his eyebrows raised and a soft smile resting on his face.
Instead of bringing up the instantaneous internet reaction that lasted for days after the unintentional peep show, he laughed at the memory and shook his head.
"Anyway," she emphasized with an eye roll. "It was an invitation to do a little modeling very soon."
"Modeling for Rihanna, huh? Is this the Fenty makeup stuff you look so good in?"
"No, but I'll make sure to bring your compliment up the next time I speak to her," Tasha laughed before going silent.
Her sudden reluctance to continue didn't escape Chadwick as he playfully pinched her backside to get a response.
"Don't leave me hanging, girl, what is it?"
"Ow! Okay! Rihanna wants to see me in some of her new...lingerie."
"I'm sorry what was that," Chadwick asked after noticing his wife's intentional rush past the last word.
"I said Rihanna wants me to model some of her new lingerie."
"Lingerie. Like half-naked, ass out in see-through lace lingerie?"
"Possibly. She says, and I quote, that I have a nice ass that deserves to be seen all over the world. She gave me the entire rundown of the campaign and the process. Baby, I really wanna do this. I'm finally feeling back to being myself after having Noah, and I want to celebrate! I'm not going to have this body forever. I should show it off while I still have time, right?"
Chadwick could hear and see the excitement radiating from Tasha at the thought of working on the campaign, but he worried about her. From the beginning of their relationship, he'd vowed to protect her from the often cruel opinions of the public. While he trusted CoCo's ability to take the comments in stride, he wasn't sure if he would be able to refrain from unleashing his wrath upon some unsuspecting teenager behind a keyboard.
Dropping his head, Chadwick placed a chaste kiss on Tasha's nose. "If you think you can handle it, I'm all for you showing off your little cupcakes within reason."
"Oh, yeah, right. You love these little cupcakes."
"Mm, I do. 'Specially when you have 'em all oiled up for me. Ooh, or in that backless satin dress you wear on special occasions."
Tasha rolled her eyes and smiled as he ran through all of the ways he liked to see her derriere present for his viewing pleasure.
"Do you wanna hear about the overall concept of the shoot or not, lover boy," she laughed while Chadwick nipped at her neck and pressed her body closer to his.
"Go ahead; I'm listening. I can listen and rub at the same time."
"Well, what if I wanted to be rubbed separately?"
CoCo could barely hear her husband's response over her squeals as Chadwick lifted her from her feet to place her on the counter. They quickly abandoned playful tickling for more sensual forms of touching until they were too wrapped up in each other to notice other sounds in their home.
Their escalating round of flirting came to a sudden halt when the repeated clicking of the bedroom's doorknob caught their attention.
"It's time for breakfast," Micah yelled from the hallway. "You guys said playtime was at night! I'm hungry."
"What are we eating this morning, baby girl?"
"I dunno! I'm not a grown-up yet. Can Mommy wake up and make us pancakes? MOMMY WAKE UP!"
Tears pricked CoCo's eyes as she fought to stifle laughter and catch her breath. "I'm awake, Chicken Little. Pancakes coming right up. Go check on your brother."
Micah answered with an unenthusiastic grumble before dragging her feet down the hallway in the direction of Noah's bedroom. One look at each other sent Chad and CoCo into a fit of laughter at the sheer comedy of the moment.
"That's our girl," Tasha laughed.
"She's a little diva. I wonder who she gets that from."
"Oop! Is that sarcasm I hear, husband?"
"Oh, never!" Sneaking a final kiss, Chadwick stepped back to make his way toward the threshold of the bathroom. A mischievous smirk graced his face as he turned to address his wife. "She absolutely gets it from you."
"Hit a switch on a fake nigga, like a station. Sex with me so amazing…"
Tasha silently mouthed the words to Rihanna's ANTI album while her house buzzed with staff members assisting with the early morning shoot. Though her exterior was calm and collected on the outside, she was suffering through an awful surge of anxiety.
When she initially accepted Rihanna's invitation, CoCo didn't even consider the specifics. She'd been a part of plenty of photoshoots, but all of them had he styled in clothing that didn't show off very intimate curves and lumps. Never had she been tasked with fighting to cover her nooks and crannies with her olive-colored Savage x Fenty robe.
"You think I can fit this?"
Snapping from her onslaught of negative thoughts, Tasha shifted her eyes to get a glimpse of her sister through her vanity mirror.
"Yeah...in about four months."
"I don't have four months. I wanna have sex tonight. I'm hormonal, and I want it immediately."
"Then, by all means, cram those big lactating titties in that bra."
Tiana laughed from the pit of her growing belly for several seconds until she paused. "I think I just peed a little."
This time Tasha joined in, motioning for the makeup artist to pass her a few tissues to catch the tears welling in the corner of her eyes.
"Sit your ass down, TiTi. The only person allowed to pee on the carpet by accident is still learning how to stand on his own two feet."
"I just love my little chunk muffin," she gushed, referring to her nickname for Noah. "When are they coming back?"
"Hopefully, long after all of this is over. I don't know if I'm ready for Micah to see me dressed so...so scandalous."
Taking a seat on the chaise across the room, Tiana shook her head in disapproval. "Oh girl, hush. You're a woman with a beautiful body, and Micah could stand to learn an early lesson about the power of living in your skin unapologetically. A healthy body image at a young age is important."
"When did you become a damn poet," Tasha asked in faux annoyance. She knew her younger sister was right in her advice and needed a moment to process the statement.
"I became a poet when you invited me over here for moral support. It's my new thing after reading all these rich lady parenting books."
"Who knew my little sister had morals?" The pair locked eyes through the mirror and smiled at each other when Tiana flashed her middle finger and waved Tasha off. "Really, though, thanks, Ti. I appreciate the advice."
"Yeah, yeah. Show your appreciation by directing me to the best snacks in your pantry."
The hairstylist took a break from situating CoCo's pin curls to finally release his laughter, making the Greene sister duo join in.
"You two need a YouTube channel. I would subscribe," he complimented as his laughter subsided. "Feel free to grab some food from the catering station on the deck. Or we can get someone to bring it to you. What's the order?"
"Oooh, fancy! Don't worry about that, sweetheart. I need to get some exercise done anyway. Gotta keep my girlish figure for my Savage shoot one day."
Tiana gave the room a show as she playfully ran her hands up her legs and twisted her hips in a sultry dance. Once she exited the room in search of lunch, silence filled the room once again.
Megan Thee Stallion became the soundtrack of Tasha's thoughts as she pondered Tiana's advice. Maybe it wasn't Micah that needed the body positivity message. Though she didn't necessarily hate her body, she was used to living in her shell in public, and only embracing her natural self in private. It was time for a change.
"Knock, knock." A set of knuckles rapped against the hardwood door of CoCo's vanity area inside of her closet, making her pause to catch her breath. Such a melodic blend of West Indian charm and homegirl inflections could only belong to one person.
"Rihanna?!? In my house?!? Am I dead?"
The Bajan Beauty chuckled as she moved further into the room to check on the progress of Tasha's glam prep. "If you're dead, then I'm gonna need all this shit back."
"Wow, so you wouldn't let me represent the Fenty brand for Jesus?"
"Who said you were going to see Jesus?" Everyone in the room fell into a fit of laughter as Rihanna wrapped her arms around CoCo in a warm embrace. "You look so good right now! Like...damn!"
"Do I? Because I feel like an old lady trying to be young again."
"Oh, please! Stand up." Tasha immediately began to protest, but her words fell on ears that would not take 'no' for an answer. Before she could make a mad dash for the bathroom, Rihanna rushed to pull Tasha in front of the full-length mirror to get a good look at herself.
They stood in silence for a moment, allowing CoCo to quietly regard her body while Rihanna adjusted the straps of her racy bodysuit. The custom Savage by Fenty silk robe hanging off of her shoulders hid most Tasha's body, but what she could see brought a small smile to her face.
"Cross Fit is full of a bunch a dudebro white boys, but I have to say, it works," she laughed as she turned her body to get a better look.
"I told you! I know a bunch of old bitches that need to take a seat and hang it up. You are not one of them." Finally done with her adjustments, Robyn stood on her tip-toes to rest her chin on Tasha's shoulder and smile. "Now that we're on the same page, you ready?"
Taking a deep breath, Tasha nodded and smiled, "I'm ready."
"Good. Now, get this bitch some wine and turn up the music. She needs to get loose!"
As ordered, CoCo took a break for red wine before settling in the mood of the shoot. Rihanna explained her vision for the afternoon as a beautiful look into the sexiness of motherhood and being a wife.
"It's like Desperate Housewives meets XNXX," she described as Tasha downed the last of her Merlot. "Ho, but make it, mommy."
Though the visual was funny, CoCo understood the intention and used it to fuel her movements from scene to scene. Exaggerated arches while pretending to vacuum or make up the bed felt silly initially until the praise of the photographer began to boost her confidence. In her second outfit, a floral lace teddy, she felt covered enough to be comfortable and exposed enough to feel like the most beautiful woman within 100 miles.
"Look at me like I'm your husband walking into the kitchen after a great night, and you're making breakfast to thank him. Give me those bedroom eyes."
Everyone in the kitchen could sense an energy shift as Tasha bit her lip and gave the camera a coy look over her shoulder. Flashbacks of a scenario matching the request made her stomach flutter with the emotion of seeing her man waltz down the stairs after their first night together.
"Oh, she's feeling it," Tiana smiled as she leaned over to speak to Rihanna. "I recognize that look, T!"
"You fantasizing over there, girl?"
"Let the master work in peace, please. Thank you!"
CoCo's thoughts of Chadwick became a reality when her exhausted husband walked through the front door with both kids in tow. The sight of a full crew roaming his home added an extra layer of anxiety to an already turbulent afternoon. But, taking a step into the kitchen and laying eyes on his wife gave him a second wind.
He watched her charm the room and the camera like a pro.  
He wasn't the only person speechless for her display.
Micah's eyes sparkled as she watched her mother dazzle, and she couldn't help her tiny squeal. The sound drew everyone's attention while she rushed into the room.
"Mommy, you look like a movie lady," she exclaimed.
Tasha turned just in time to intercept Micah's hug before pulling her off the ground. When she looked up to find Chadwick, he gave her an apologetic look.
"I know I said we'd be gone, but Noah was fussy and I -"
"Baby, it's okay." Tasha's laughter caught Chadwick off-guard.
"You...you sure? I can take them to the park or something."
"It's fine! Right, Robyn? It's cool if they stay?"
"Girl, this is your house! It would be very Karen of me to tell you who you can and can't have in here," Rihanna laughed. "Plus, I wanna hold the baby. Gimme!"
Chadwick took Rihanna's request as an opportunity to get closer to CoCo, who welcomed him with open arms and a kiss to the cheek. Leaning in to return the gesture, he made it a point to brush his lips across her ear.
"Keep this outfit for another time. You look amazing."
"Yeah? Maybe you can help me into the next one." The thought of another racy number had Chadwick on high alert and more handsy than he would generally be in front of a crowd. "Hey, now! Get on out of here. You're holding up the crew."
"Bold of you to assume we didn't get all of that. I want some more," Rihanna added as she tickled Noah. "Miss Micah, you wanna take some pictures?"
"Yes! Please please please, Mommy! Pleaseeeee!"
CoCo looked to Chadwick for confirmation that he granted her with a nod and a smile.
"Of course, baby. Let's go find you an outfit."
With some help from the team on set, Micah found in a dress that matched the styling direction of Tasha's bodysuit. The bright sun provided perfect light for the outdoor setting, making the backyard's greenery and the blue water in the pool. Micah was a star from the first click of the camera. For a child that had only been in the world for a little over 6 years, she had knowledge of her angles and how to interact with another person in the shot. Her facial expressions mimicked Tasha's as they posed together under Rihanna's direction. Her apparent excitement to be part of her mom's moment put CoCo at ease.
Soon, Noah joined the shoot for the final 20 frames. His baby giggles infused the perfect amount of energy to finish the day.
Long after the shoot had ended and the house cleared of visitors, Tasha still found herself buzzing. Standing in front of the mirror in the bedroom, she smiled at her reflection.
"You think I could model full time. Like for AARP?"
Her comment made Chadwick choke with laughter before he could respond. "Yes to modeling, no to AARP."
"That's the right answer. Good job, babe." Once she'd had enough of looking at herself, Tasha flopped across the bed and closed her eyes. "Today felt so...good. I've never felt this free before. And seeing Micah look at me like a superhero made me feel important. She is six years old and giving me more validation than anyone in the world. It's wild."
"She thinks the world of you, trust me. We all do."
Popping her eyes open, she got a glimpse of Chadwick smiling down at her, making her feel warm all over. This was the high she's been chasing as she made the journey back to herself. In all of the photos taken and posted for likes and commentary from the public, nothing could compare to the way she felt when her kids told her 'I love you' or when her husband winked at her from across the room. His comments were confirmation of the lesson she'd finally learned. She didn't need to look a certain way for people she didn't know or care about.
All the love and adoration she desired was already around her.
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