#no one is immune to clamp's bullshit
wrathbites · 2 years
Shiver and shake, hands that quake
They’re getting off that godforsaken ship if Shepard has anything to say about it, Collectors be damned.
"Let me see."
"I'm fine."
"Let me see."
Around them Shepard's barrier ripples, not quite at the point of buckling but definitely straining under the constant bombardment he's doing his best to shield them from.
Shepard hisses at him, annoyance loud and clear over the firefight, over Harbinger's ominous bullshit, and pulls his hand away from where he'd clamped it.  A trembling hand, vampires no more immune to pain than humans are, coming away bloody.
That is — that is definitely not good.
"Samara, you ready to take over with the barrier?"
"Of course, Commander."
"I'm fine —"
"If you say that to me one more time with a hole carved into your side, Shepard, I'll knock you on the head myself and carry your sorry ass outta here slung over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes."
Shepard scowls at him.  Kaidan scowls right back.
"I told you before and I'll repeat it now, Alenko: I'm not dying on this godforsaken ship, and I'll drag the rest of you along kicking and screaming if I have to.  Keep pushing forward."
"You're injured."
"I'll heal."
"And your barrier —"
"Will hold if you can keep those creepy little fuckers off my back."
"All due respect, Shep, they're not little."
"Oh bite me, Kasumi."
"No thanks.  That's Alenko's job."
Fucking hell.
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
It's your fault!!!
I hadn't read Tsubasa before, and a while back I read some post of yours about kurofai, and went huuuh, these seem like my type. So I started the manga (spoiler alert: yes, yes I love them absolutely), and last night I got through the vampire thing, AND how do people recover from that?! :((( I couldn't sleep, I'm sitting at work and can't focus one bit cause every time I remember their expressions at "Good morning, Kurogane", I explode.
It's gonna get worse, right? It's CLAMP so it's gonna get worse :(((
Sooo great work on CLAMP propaganda ig :D
I know it's totally my fault but... this is.... the best message ever?
I'm doing the lord's work spreading the gospel of CLAMP 🙏🏼✨.
But in all seriousness. omg I LOVE kurofai? They're one of my top ships, period. They are just so cool and their friendship is so beautiful and the subtext is..., and Kurogane is... and Fai is... *screams in kurofai*.
I love that you love them too! Welcome to the family.
Aside from kurofai, I'd say Tsubasa is one of my all-time favorite manga. I just find the idea of fate bringing strangers together and how each of them has their own personal struggles and their own struggles in relation to each other--all the while being fated af... I just love it.
Ok but let me tell you a non-secret. People never recover from CLAMP 😂😂🤣😭🤧. Tsubasa is indeed going to get worse. Much worse bahaha. Fai's backstory is... I don't call Nanase (the writer) a sadist just for funsies haha.
Those 4 little Japanese witches are angst merchants and they are really good at pulling on heart strings because they write about very relatable and very human grief and pain.
But the main problem my dear... is that Tsubasa is really good at making people curious about other CLAMP work. So you might find yourself wondering whether you want to read more CLAMP. Further, you might find yourself picking up more CLAMP manga and learning that it, indeed, gets much, much worse, and that you love every minute of it.
Cue Tokyo Babylon and x/1999 (the vampire twins in Tsubasa are protagonists for these two respective manga. Actually, the characters in the Acid Tokyo arc you are reading through are all characters in x/1999).
Anyways! Keep me updated! I loved this.
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years
Falling: Chapter 2
Pairing: Raihan x Reader
Falling in love is easy…
It’s falling out of love that’s the hard part.
As you try to run from old feelings you meet someone who is determined to bring the spark back into your eyes. Raihan isn’t sure what happened in the past and he doesn’t care. He’s got one shot to make you his and he’s going to take it.
First Chapter: Here
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London Bridge is Falling Down
You honestly can’t remember the last time that you had fun while you battled. Being a trainer then a champion was something you strove to do because you loved the thrill of battle. And yet, you can’t recall the last time it wasn’t something you forced yourself to do. The thrill and the excitement had long since vanished. It was one of the reasons you moved to Alola. They didn’t have a league and you could just focus on your pokemon and yourself. That was before Kukui…
You glance down at your phone as it rings for the 5th time that morning and ignore the call sending it straight to voicemail. The battle tower in Wyndom looms before you. You smile in excitement as you look over to Raihan before you rush in. He’s right behind you a moment later. 
“You said you’re a fan… Who’s your favorite?”
“Havoc, your Garchomp.”
You smile as you put him in the front. A small crowd forms around the two of you. With a smirk, you enter the arena and proceed to demolish the tower. Perhaps it was unfair of you but it’s been a while since you were able to let loose. Your pokemon loved every encounter and preened with every victory. Havoc had way too much fun and seemed to thrill at the battles. Once you reach the top you feel yourself take a breath as you take the victory. With a sigh, you return to the bottom floor where Raihan and a huge crowd had formed. They are all silent as you send them a sweet smile and walk out the door. Raihan trailing along behind shocked. 
“That was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life…”
Your laugh is musical, “I’m sure there are far cooler things that you’ve seen.”
“No… That was it.”
You chuckle as you shake your head, “So what now?”
“Yeah! Beating a battle tower makes a girl hungry…” 
“I’ll say…” He says as he takes you to a nearby seafood restaurant. 
“You know this might be the best first date I’ve ever had…” you muse as you plop some dessert in your mouth.
“First date?!” he asks before choking on his drink. 
“Yeah… I mean you want to get married we should probably start at the beginning…”
Raihan hides his face as he chuckles awkwardly, “I’m never living that down am I?”
“Of course not…”
“Don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“No… What makes you say that?”
“Well, there’s always that guy near you.” “Kukui?”
“No, not the professor, that really tall handsome guy… Kinda looks like an anime character…”
“There are all those rumors about the two of you…”
“OH! You mean Joker…”
“Yeah! Joker, my Zoroark! He can cast illusions. I had an overzealous fan a few years ago and Joker cast an illusion to get him to back off. It’s kinda stuck, now he will cast illusions every once in a while just to mess with the media. He has fun doing it, and it helps to control the crazies.” 
“That’s… your pokemon?”
“And you just let him mess with the world?”
You just shrug, “It’s a harmless prank.”
“You aren’t afraid it’s going to….hurt your love life?”
“What love life? I’ve spent the last three years running a league and being its champion. Who has time to meet people when an entire region relies on you?”
“You sound like Lee…”
“It’s the way things are… If anyone told me what being a champion entailed then I would have passed… It’s no wonder Red disappears into the mountains so regularly.”
“You know Red?!
“We’ve battled a few times…”
“So were you serious about this being our first date, cause I think I’m in love…”
You throw your head back with a laugh, “I bet the girls love you.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Oh… cause you’re smooth… it’s too bad I’m immune to smooth.”
“Immune to smooth? What does that even mean?” he asks with a smirk as he leans forward and rests his hand on top of yours.  
You lift your foot and brush it up his leg stopping when it reaches his inner thigh, you smirk as he gets very still and swallows. Your eyes are locked with his and you part your lips giving him a sultry look as you lean into him. 
“What-” he begins.
You slip your foot from his thigh and take your napkin and wipe the corner of his mouth, “You have crumbs here.”
He leans back and turns away from you. You let out a sweet giggle as you lean casually back in your seat. 
“You okay there dragon boy?”
“Dragon boy?”
“I’ll think of something better later.”
He lets out a scoff and you smirk as you hold his gaze, he looks away again and your smile widens. 
“Can we go shopping? I need some new clothes… Everything I have isn’t warm enough.”
“Uhh sure, I’ll just get the bill…” he practically leaps from the table. 
“Sweet I’ll meet you outside.”
Flurstering Raihan was more fun than you had had in a long time. After being expected to be so busy and so serious all the time, it was nice to let loose a little. Did you probably take it too far? Maybe… You doubt he was complaining though. You know how men like Raihan work. He’s a ladies man and he likes to fluster the women in his presence. You were only playing along, it’s not your fault that you’re a better player than he is. 
“You ready?” Raihan asks as he comes up behind you and murmurs in your ear. 
You glance over your shoulder in boredom before you turn to face him fully, “Of course.”
“I’ll get you back before the day is over.”
“Of course you will Dragon Boy…”
He sends you a smile, his sharp canine showing.
The two of you head down the much busier streets. Raihan gets quite a bit of attention from pretty much everyone he passes. He loves it, you can tell from the way that he waves or smirks a the girls he passes. He gives little boys autographs and stops to talk to trainers that approach him. You mostly stay in the background content to be left alone. You’re not opposed to fan service, it’s just annoying that all you want to do is go shopping and the world won’t let you. 
You finally make it to the boutique and you heave a sigh as walk in away from the prying eyes of the public. 
“Oh thank Arceus!” you exclaim.
The girl behind the counter looks confused but you just send a smile and head off to find something you like. After you have gathered several outfits you head to the fitting room.
“What do you think about this one?” you ask as you open the curtain. 
Raihan looks stunned when you walk out wearing a pair of tight black jeans, a cami with a sweetheart neckline and a red jacket. 
“Looks good…” he says after he got his bearings back. 
“Hmm…” you hum before you go to try on another outfit.
The next one is a cobalt blue form-fitting dress that had the man going wild. 
“That’s a good one...too…” he says as he looks away. 
“One more!” 
You pop out wearing a black skirt with a deep red cami and a black blazer. 
“Everything looks great on you, you know that!”
“Aww thanks, Raihan!” you say a smile and a wink. The man thought his heart was going to come out of his chest. 
“Come on… I have a surprise for you,” Raihan says after he had all your purchases sent back to the inn you’re staying at. 
“Oh? Is it our wedding?”
“Could be… You ready to lock it down?” he asks as he pulls you along behind him. 
“I can do better…” you tease. 
“Than me? No way!”
“Speak for yourself Dragon Boy!”
“What’s with the boy shit?  You know I’m a man right?”
“Oh? Have I offended the great and terrible Raihan?”
“Dragon Boy makes me sound like some wannabe… You’re going to have to come up with something better if you’re going to be my wife.”
“I’ll get on that…”
Raihan stops in front of the sky wheel and you gaze up at it in wonder. 
“Ready?” he asks as he glances back at you. 
You nod and the two of you make your way onto the sky wheel just as the sun starts to set. 
“You know… this would be the perfect place to get married…” you say as you glance over to him a smirk on your face. 
He sends you a boyish smile as he moves your hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear, “Is that what you want?” he whispers as he draws his thumb down your cheek then over your jawline. 
“Yes…” you breathe out, “Call Leon…”
Raihan pulls back and laughs and you do, you lean against him in hysterics.
“You would marry Leon over me? It would take 3 hours for him to get here from that light pole,” he says indicating a light on the bridge. 
“Probably not… He seems nice but he’s not my type…”
“Oh? Who is your type?” he asks looking genuinely interested. 
You look away from Raihan and back over the city. You currently had fifteen missed calls from the man you fell in love with. 
You let out a light scoff, “That doesn’t matter because I don’t have time for such things anyway.”
Raihan frowns, “Doesn’t mean you don’t have a type… Plus you deserve someone to take care of you too.”
You glance over at him, “Someone to take care of me? Who would want to do that?” You can’t keep the bitterness from your voice and you clamp your mouth feeling the playful mood die.
He frowns at your question, “Why wouldn’t someone who loved you not want to do that?” 
Your gaze is guarded as you hold his stare, “Hmm… I suppose that’s the question isn’t it?”
Raihan moves closer to you and puts his arm around you pulling you against his much larger frame. You’re surprised when you feel a sense of protection coming from him. He rests his chin on the top of your head and you feel yourself stiffen at the contact. 
“Raihan what-”
“Shh… just… I don’t know what happened to you to make you think no one wants you but that’s bullshit. You’ve always been so strong, but has anyone ever stopped long enough to allow you to breathe? It must be hard having to be strong for everyone all the time.”
“How do you…”
“Leon puts on a brave face, but he gets so tired sometimes. When he gets a day off all he wants to do is sleep. I can’t remember a time when he wasn’t running around having to do Rose’s bidding or taking care of a catastrophe or making public appearances. Even just going out for a beer is an event where people won’t leave us alone. You’ve been doing for 3 years what Leon has done for a few months. I know you’re tired…”
You just nod unsure of why you’re opening up to a man you just met, “I am...I’m exhausted.”
“Don’t worry… I’m going to find a way for you to get your spark back…”
“My spark?”
“Yeah! You didn’t become my favorite trainer because of that cute butt of yours… even if it did help…” he says as he scratches his cheek looking innocently up at the ceiling. 
“So you’re a butt guy?”
He sends you a wolfish grin in reply. 
“Hmm… interesting…”
“Why is that interesting?”
“Just is…”
“Why do I feel like I’m being judged right now?”
“Because you are.”
“What does that mean?!”
“Nothing…” you say innocently. 
Raihan pouts as he just pulls you closer to him, “Nothing my ass…”
“I mean you have a nice ass too… but not as nice as Leon’s.”
“Did you just say Leon has a better ass than me?!”
“I’m hurt! He can beat me in battle and deny me the championship, but he can’t have a better ass than me!”
You laugh as you wrap your arms around his waist and rest yourself a little farther against him snuggling against him, “You forgot that I’m going to marry him too.”
“That’s it! Get off of me you can’t use me for my body while insulting me.”
You giggle as you go to pull away.
 “Damn girl I was kidding! Come back!”
You laugh even louder as he possessively pulls you back against him. He sends you a devious smile as he pulls you into his lap and rests his chin back on your head. 
“Someone is a little possessive…”
“Well… I’ve had my eye on you for years… what makes you think I’m okay with letting you go now?”
“Uhh… well…”
“You turn to look at him, “You’ve been my fan for years??”
He looks away unable to meet your eye, “Yeah… Ever since…”
“Ever since….?”
“Ever since you destroyed everyone in the Unova League…”
“That was years ago…”
“Yeah well… I like your battle style…”
“Umm hmm…” you say with a smirk. 
“What does that little ‘umm hmm’ mean?” he asks defensively.
“Damn woman… You’re going to be the death of me…”
“Nope, I’m going to be the death of Leon… He’s my future husband…”
“Damn… that’s cold.”
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This was not the intention at all and yet here we are... I have no regrets though... Let me know your thoughts in a comment! I love reading them!
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ghost-ghost-baby · 5 years
Talk to me // Dabi x Tomura x Reader soulmate au // (poly)
a/n: look,,,, im not gonna lie i had to split this bc i wasn’t sure if i wanted the next part to b angst heavy or smut heavy. or both. so enjoy! warnings: angstish,,, self harm mention,,, yandere themes,,,, i think thats it???  requests: open 
The world hated you, that was it. Was it because of how you used your quirk? Quite possibly, you’d turned to a villains life without batting an eye, hadn’t you? Still, you didn’t think that meant you deserved this. You’d joined the league a month ago, Toga had bugged you until you gave in, it’s not like you had anything better to do. It’d been good, for about a day, and then like your life always seemed to do, it went to shit. Dabi and Shigaraki had come back, all over each other which was frankly what you’d expected from what Toga told you. You couldn’t really blame them, they were soulmates, you were kinda happy for them at first, until they’d spoken to you. 
“You must be Toga’s friend.” 
“You’re not what I was expecting.” 
Words had burned through your soul, you’d been waiting to hear those words since you were sixteen, and now this- this was happening? You hadn’t spoken, not wanting them to know, only nodding before you’d turned back to Toga. 
Luckily you could avoid them with relative ease, you didn’t live at the base, you had a nice apartment all to yourself that you loved. You’d worked hard for it, it was your home. And right now you missed it more than you thought possible. You could be curled up in bed with a drink… maybe some weed, but no, instead you were on some bullshit mission with Dabi. Well, technically the mission was finished, you were walking back now. He hadn’t pressed you to talk, him and Shigaraki just… thought you didn’t at this point.
“So, what’s with you and avoiding me and Tomura.” Dabi’s words had you freezing in place, biting your tongue until you tasted blood.
“I mean, it’s kinda obvious, you’re friends with everyone except us, and I want to know what you’re hiding.” You grit your teeth, you were almost back at the base, Toga was waiting for you and you could-
“Hey, stop being such a bitch!” Dabi hissed, hand clamping around your arm and making you yelp. Your eyes locked on his, mouth still shut tight and worry pounding through your veins. His grip tightened and you winced, sharp pain followed b a warmth that could only mean-
“What the fuck?” Dabi didn’t pull his hand back, staring at the blood that soaked through your shirt, coating his fingers and revealing something you’d managed to keep hidden for years. Fucking dumbass, he should have left you alone. 
“Y/n, is-”
“Fuck off, Dabi. I know what I’m doing.” You hissed, wrenching your arm away and bolting to the nearest club, he’d never go there. 
The club was higher end than you’d usually go, but heroes came here and you were betting on that to hide you. 
“There you are Y/n! Ths place was so hard to find!” Toga slid into the booth next to you, happily grabbing the drink you’d gotten for her. 
“Yeah, but no one we know comes here.” You were already on your second drink, although your friend seemed determined to catch up. 
“Good point Y/n! You were always so smart!”
“Shhhh, Toga we don’t wanna wake anyone up!” You whispered, hand covering your mouth to muffle your laughter. It was almost four am, everyone else was sleeping and you and Toga had decided to go back to the base after realizing there was no way you’d be able to make it your apartment. You made it to her room without incident, thank god, closing the door before the two of you dissolved into giggles. 
“God, we haven’t done this in ages!” Toga sat on the bed, you following without a moment of hesitation. 
“It’s been too long.” You agreed, lazy grin overtaking your face as you leant forward. Toga’s face mirrored yours, she’d always been good at picking up your moods, and her hands wound around your neck as you kissed her. You pushed her down on the bed, god her lips were so soft, hands trailing over her to try and get her clothes off. Toga was just as desperate, her fangs dragging along your lips and you weren’t even surprised when you felt a knife rip through your clothes. 
“You owe me another pair of jeans Toga.” Your tone was light, briefly pulling away before you focused on her neck.
“I always pay you back Y/n, you know that.” Her hands pulled off the shreds of your clothes, fabric littering the bed around you. You nodded,, lidded eyes fixed on Toga as you settled between her legs, pushing her skirt up and hooking your fingers on the band of her underwear. 
“What the fuck are you two doing?” Shigaraki hissed, and you couldn’t help but turn, eyes looking him and Dabi over. 
“You’re welcome to join.” You smirked, watching him tremble at the words. 
“Dabi, grab them.” He turned and left, leaving you with Toga and Dabi.
“You guys wanna have a threesome?” You joked, too drunk to grasp the situation as Dabi scoffed, tugging you up by your wrist. 
“Okay so that’s a no… just lemme grab a shir-”
“God you’re stupid.” Dabi shook his head, covering you in his jacket before scooping you up.
“Okay, easy there big boy, have you see-seen my quirk? I’m great.” You slurred, head too heavy to do anything except fall to Dabi’s shoulder.
“Whatever you say.”
“What the fuck happened last night?” You groaned as sunlight hit your face, hand pushing your hair out of your face. You weren’t in your apartment, and you were wearing someone else’s shirt. 
“God not again, I hope my pants are around…” You pushed the covers off, thankful the shirt was big enough to fall past mid thigh. 
“What’re you doing?”
“Looking for my- Dabi?” You jumped back, arms crossing over your chest. “Oh this is bad, I knew I was shitty but I’ve never gone for taken people… I really need to lay off the booze.” You mumbled, hand coming up to rub at the back of your neck. 
“We didn’t sleep together. However, you did come home plastered at four am, and Tomura and I had to stop you fucking Toga and bring you back here. You passed out.” Dabi’s voice was cold and you frowned. Feelings warred for dominance, the strongest being the fact they had no business who you slept with, you weren’t theirs. 
“Okay, good to know. I’m gonna go uh, find some clothes and ask Kurogiri to warp me back home.” 
“I don’t think so. Tomura was crushed last night, and he doesn’t want you leaving the base.”
“Excuse me? Fuck that Dabi, I’m fucking going.” 
“No, you’re not. We’re gonna wait for him to get back, and when that happens we’re all gonna sit down and have a nice little chat.” 
You’d never been in a situation this tense, Dabi was standing by the door and you were left on the bed, trying to cover as much as you could with one shirt. You could have sworn there was an anxiety rash on the back of your neck, and your fingers were itching to find something sharp. Your nails had been getting long, maybe you could-
“Don’t even think about using your quirk.” You startled, eyes jumping up to meet red ones. You’d never seen Shigaraki this mad before. It was… kinda hot you had to admit. 
“Look, Shigaraki, Dabi, I really don’t see the big-”
“How long have you been hiding this from us?” Shigaraki’s voice was cold, hands twitching by his side.
“Uh well… since you guys spoke to me, I guess. You already had a good thing going and I didn’t wanna… screw it up.” 
“That wasn’t your choice to make.”
“Yeah, well, I made it anyway.” You were already getting defensive, walls and masks flying back up before you could do anything.
“We’ve been waiting for you for years, brat. How the fuck could you not say anything, you’re our-”
“I’m not yours, actually, and now if you don’t mind, I’m going to find Toga. She owes me some pants.” You were pushed down as soon as you stood up, when had Shigaraki gotten that close? 
“What the fu-” You went silent as Shigaraki clipped a bracelet around your wrist, hands surprisingly gentle and you wanted to crawl out of your skin when his fingers brushed up against your scars.
“Don’t touch me.” You hissed, arm pulled back as though it had burned. In a way it had, it was too much. 
“Don’t talk to him like that.” Dabi finally spoke, you’d forgotten about him, actually. Wow, you really were a shitty soulmate.
“We can touch you as much as we like, you’re our soulmate.”
“Shigaraki, look-”
“Call me Tomura.” 
“Do you really wanna finish that sentence?” Hands grabbed onto your legs and you shut your eyes, waiting for his quirk to kill you, only to be able to open your eyes a second later, still alive.
“The bracelet makes you immune to my quirk, Dabi has one too.” 
“Keep in mind, your bracelet also cancels your quirk, until we can trust you.” 
“Okay, I’m out.” You shook your head, trying to push Tomura off of you. 
“You haven’t even given us a chance. We’ve been dreaming of finding you since our words appeared and you won’t even give us a chance?” You were caught off guard at that, you’d never seen those red eyes look sad. 
“I uh, it’s not you guys, it’s me! I’m just… really a lot to handle, and uh… you guys seemed so happy I just didn’t wanna mess anything up?” You trailed off as the pair exchanged a look. That couldn’t be good, honestly you couldn’t see it ending up well for you. 
“Well if that’s all,”
“We’ll just have to show you how important you are to us.”
Great, they finished each other sentences. You were certainly in for a treat. 
“It’s no big deal, you guys really don’t-”
“You obviously need our help, need us. Did you know staying away from your soulmate for long periods of time declines your mental state?” Dabi scoffed despite walking over to the bed, letting his hand rest on Tomura’s shoulder. 
Okay, you didn’t know that, and it must’ve shown on your face. Tomura reached out, hand cupping your face, and you didn’t know if you liked the way it burned. 
“We’re gonna have so much fun.”
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loyaltyburdened · 6 years
💏 fuck me UP
send me a 💏 for my muse’s reaction to seeing your muse kiss somebody else. // @batteryacidfcknuts
          it was a stupid fight. that’s all it had been. it certainly wasn’t anything new either. they fought, they argued, they cooled off, they worked it out. to their credit, stupid fights happened much less frequently than before – the two had grown a lot, but that didn’t make them IMMUNE to petty bullshit. even so, THEY WORKED THEIR SHIT OUT. they always worked it out. there had yet to come a time where either of them felt like they couldn’t, so imagine mike’s surprise while on his way to apologize for his actions, when he saw eddie in lip-lock with someone else. granted, they’d been distant from one another for a few days now, but mike NEVER expected for THIS to happen – never expected to see eddie moving on so quickly. 
          mike hadn’t realized that he had stopped breathing until he could feel his lungs burning. he could feel himself choke on air as he attempted to catch his breath, but it seemed that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t breathe. his chest felt tight and he was frozen in place. his feet stayed rooted to the floor with his hands in fists at his sides.
          his heart battered against his rib cage so roughly that he feared it would burst right out of his chest. his stomach dropped, skin tingling with clamminess. he felt SICK. he could feel the nausea rising, throat tightening – a hand was clamped over his mouth as he made an attempt at pulling himself together. it didn’t do him any good. his eyes burned horribly as tears began to prick at the corners, blood pooling in his cheeks, quickly spreading to the rest of his face as tears started rapidly falling, with him being powerless to stop them.
          he felt hurt, he was ANGRY; he wanted to confront the two of them – possibly punch the asshole in the face – but he couldn’t. he felt HELPLESS more than anything, unable to do anything while his world crashed and burned around him. he was nothing more than a crumbling mess the longer he stood there. only a few seconds had passed by, but it felt like an eternity. for a moment, all he could hear was white noise before he was able to snap himself back to reality.
          mike had never been one to have the best impulse control, and while his first thought had been to approach them and demand an explanation ( which was really just another way to say ‘knock the other guy’s lights out’ ), he hesitated, then lost his nerve. he felt like he could hardly breathe as it was, leaving his heart to have to work overtime to make up for it. he couldn’t handle this right now. he feared that he was going to break down right then and there. so, rather than pick a fight, mike, for the first time in forever, backed down.
          he knew that he needed to get out of there, so he wordlessly turned on heel and left as quickly as his legs would carry him. blurry eyes darted around, trying to find a place where he could have a moment to himself. he’d been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he wasn’t even sure if either of them had seen him, but he sent out a silent prayer that they hadn’t as he dodged into the nearest empty room.
          mike was an ugly crier, and on top of that, he was afraid of what he might do if eddie came after him. he didn’t want to get into another yelling match, and he certainly didn’t want his boyfriend ( if he could even CALL eddie at that this point ) to see him crying. it was already pretty obvious that eddie was over him; wanted nothing more to do with him, so why would he bother going after mike anyway? mike supposed that he should be THANKFUL that were the case. at least then eddie wouldn’t have to see him like this– A MESS. as mike rose a hand to wipe at his eyes, he could feel his throat tightening again at the thought.
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Riverdale prompt: Jug with a bug (badumtsh) staying at the Andrews'
(So this fic is a direct sequel to this prompt that I did! So that fic is extremely short because emeto/stomach bugs aren’t my strongest suit as in I can’t stand emeto in real life but I don’t mind writing it, which is slightly strange? so I decided this prompt would be perfect for a little follow up! Still quite short tho and also sappy, whoops.)
Archie woke up an hour later than he usually did that morning, at 8:30. When he first woke, his first instinct was to check over Jughead, to make sure he was okay, and while the boy was pale and sweat was dotted on his skin, he was alive.
His best friend had woken up to an awful bout of vomiting, and he honestly wasn’t surprised. It was only a matter of time before Jughead came down with something, seeing his immune system was shit and also his whole life seemed to be falling apart. It was only natural his body wasn’t taking too kindly to it.
He’d managed to console a panicked, anxious Jughead and clean him up. He had contemplated telling his dad but he put it off for the next morning, and now the morning had come, so Archie was about to do just that.
Archie got out of bed as quietly as he possibly could, tiptoeing out of the bedroom and down the stairs to Fred’s room. Upon his arrival he saw the door was open, and could hear some cooking from downstairs so he went into the kitchen to meet his father.
“Oh, morning Arch, Jug still not awake yet?” Fred asked idly, transferring some bacon onto a plate.
“Yeah..about Jug dad,” Archie sighed as he took a seat by the breakfast bar.
“He’s sick, dad, he woke up vomiting,” Archie said casually as he poured himself a glass of OJ. Jughead being ill was perfectly common for them. It was just like discussing this morning’s edition of The Register.
Fred shrugged, “About time, really. He’s held on pretty long for his standard; have you checked for a fever?”
Archie froze, awkwardly taking a sip of his OJ and swallowed, “uh, no.”
Fred groaned and facepalmed, “Archie..”
Archie laughed sheepishly and gave him an awkward grin.
Fred turned the stove off, grabbing a glass of water and went up the stairs, taking a little detour to the bathroom to collect the thermometer, and proceeded to Archie’s bedroom.
He opened the door as quietly as he could to ensure he didn’t worsen the headache he was positive Jughead had, and his heart broke at the sight of the Jones boy feverish, pale and shaking on the air mattress. Jughead was a sickly kid and this wasn’t uncommon, and one would presume Fred would’ve gotten used to it, but it still broke his heart every time.
He crouched down to Jughead’s height and pushed back sweat ridden black hair and felt his forehead, frowning at the intense heat coming from it.
“Awh, Jug..” Fred tutted and stroked the black hair softly.
Jughead let out a little cough, which then escalated into a harsher cough which caused him to wake. Upon waking up, an intense headache flooded his senses and he scrunched his face in pain.
He opened his eyes slowly to see a pair of caring eyes; full of concern and love, and for a second Jughead was convinced those brown eyes belonged to Archie’s but as his eyes began to focus, he realised he was wrong.
Fred Andrews stroked his hair soothingly and gently, his touch so soft and comforting, something that left him feeling whole. Jughead hadn’t realised how much he had needed this, this kind of fatherly, loving and warm touch.
Jughead wasn’t exactly the most affectionate, being aro/ace and all, but little pats on the back, little punches on the shoulder, little hair ruffling, a hug once in a while, a cuddle when he needed it..He never thought he would be touch starved. But in times like these, even he needed just a little reassuring nudge.
“M-Mr Andrews, I uh..I’m sorry..for all this mess..” Jughead croaked, bringing his arms down to his gurgling stomach so he could clutch it to try and reduce the pain he was feeling.
“Jug, you can’t help getting sick, especially with all this bullshit you’ve been going through,” Fred said sincerely, while getting the thermometer ready.
“No, Mr Andrews, not that. I’m sorry for..all this mess I’ve put your family through. For endangering Archie, who I know you love more than anything in the world, for my father and everything, for being a burden on your family, I know you’re really tight on money..and yet here I am giving you another mouth to feed, and hell, I’m more expensive than Archie because of all the money you’ve spent on hospital trips and medicine..I’m so sorry for my mess of–”
“Jughead!” Fred interrupted, cupping one hand around Jughead’s cheek firmly, but not in a way that seemed intimidating or angry, rather reassuring.
Fred looked at him, looking for words to say when he sighed.
“Look, Jughead..These past few days..I’ve really fucked up. You don’t deserve this, and I keep making it seem like you do, but you don’t. I can’t even imagine what it feels like to go through what you’re going through..all that pain and heart break..And I haven’t been helping either, huh? Making it seem like I don’t want you here. I do, Jughead, I was just scared. I was running away from it Jughead, Riverdale’s darkness..but I can’t keep running away from it. Running away does no good, all I can do..is maybe shed my light on others, people who don’t have the light, like you, and maybe..maybe then my light can reflect onto you and to others..So we can stop this darkness,” Fred said softly.
Jughead let the words in, smiling at the kindness of Fred, any trace of hurt from Fred’s actions disappearing. He was instantly redeemed. His words were inspiring and enlightening, and they meant a lot, but he was Jughead, and he did not easily give in to sappiness.
“Nice Nicholas Sparks monologue, Mr Andrews,” Jughead smirked.
But from the hopeful light in Jughead’s eyes, Fred knew that Jughead understood, and of course he would, Jughead was intelligent, beyond his years, and he found it fascinating how he could communicate with this boy on a deeper level. Despite his snarky humour, which sometimes he used as a defence mechanism, he knew that Jughead understood. His walls were just very tough; and understandably so, with how often the world chose to hurt him.
“Here, let’s take that temperature..” Fred announced, placing the thermometer into Jughead’s mouth, after Jughead took a sip of the water.
Jughead looked as if he was struggling to keep a cough in, and his eyes began to water, slightly heaving. He held a hand over his stomach, stomach clearly upset by the movement from the incoming coughs.
Jughead immediately whipped the thermometer out when it beeped, and began his little coughing fit, the little convulsion seriously upsetting his body, causing some sick to rise in his throat. Jughead groaned, clamping a hand over his mouth as he rushed to the bathroom as fast as he could.
Fred cringed as he heard his heaving and gagging, sighing. He looked at the thermometer, frowning at 100.8 on it. He whistled.
He was about to get up to help Jughead when he could faintly hear his son muttering comforting things. Assuming that he had already done so, Fred stayed put and proceeded to fix Archie’s bed so that Jughead could use it.
Archie returned with Jughead, arm strung around him in order to support him. He slowly set his best friend down on his bed.
Once the smaller boy was on his bed, he grabbed the blankets and snuggled up to them, as well as pinching the bridge of his nose. He clearly had a bad headache, worsened by his rushing to the bathroom.
Archie sighed, “I came up here with some aspirin, but now I’m not sure if he can keep it down?”
Fred sighed too, “I’m not too sure..I bet that headaches awful, Jug, but you could barley keep down a glass of water..”
Jughead groaned, burying his face into the pillow, “This could not get any worse..”
Fred swallowed, “Also, with the fever you’re running I’m not sure if that many blankets is good for you.”
Jughead groaned louder and started to whine, clinging to the blankets like a life line. Fred couldn’t even protest; the sight too heartbreaking. Jughead never complained when he was ill; always obeyed and tried to ward off his symptoms for as long as humanly possible. It was telltale sign that he really felt awful.
Archie seemed to be thinking the same thing because he exchanged a look with his father that was practically begging for Fred to let Jughead keep the blankets.
Fred sighed, “Fine, Jug. You can keep the blankets for now, but if the fever rises we’re getting rid of one, okay?”
Archie sat down next to his friend and felt his cheek, frowning. His frown worsened when he saw Jughead scrunching his face in pain.
“..and the aspirin, dad?”
“..give it ten minutes–might just be the rush from running to the bathroom. If it persists or gets worse, fine, give it to him. I’m going to go out to buy some medicine..”
“Mr Andrews, don’t–”
“We’re low anyway Jug, its good to pick up some more..”
“Exactly! You’re low because of me!”
“Do you need another Nicholas Sparks monologue?” Fred smirked.
Jughead shut up, and managed a tiny smile.
As Fred left, Archie turned and gave him a confused look, “Nicholas Sparks monologue?”
Jughead laughed, “Its nothing–I just figured out your dad would be a great teen sap romance icon..”
Archie made a face, “Eugh, you’re going to make me throw up..”
Jughead rolled his eyes, “At the moment, that’s my job.”
The two both laughed for a bit, and the banter continued for the next few minutes until Archie was sat next to him, with the laptop in front of him, watching Netflix, allowing them in that moment to be just kids.
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theateared · 4 years
You Don’t Seem Like Yourself Tonight. ❜
Summary:  Sometimes, even an Alpha makes mistakes.
    Drinking is a fool’s errand.  I don’t indulge in stupidity.
    The thought had faded into the back of his mind by his fifth glass.
    Despite the way he carried himself, Edgar was a creature surrounded by stress.  Most of the time, he could handle it.  It was his job to do so, and he revelled in the challenge of it.  He’d always been an advocate for emotional distance;  oftentimes, he didn’t even feel the byproducts of his taxing status because he was so busy looking after everybody.  Even so, frazzled nerves were dangerous for him--  it resulted in slip-ups like this.
    “Oh…”    A curse sat on the tip of his tongue as he tipped the bottle completely upside-down, watching as a single drop of rum dripped onto the counter.  Did I really finish the whole lot?  Why would I do that?  I was feeling stressed, not suicidal--
    He almost leapt out of his seat when the door that led upstairs opened softly, the familiar creak registering as an intrusion rather than a friend passing through.  He slumped slightly, trying to sober up in the space of a second.  Don’t notice me.
    “... Edgar?”
    He cleared his throat, trying to will a potential slur away.    “Mm.”
    When her footsteps began to close in, he squeezed his eyes shut, attempting to force his vision to cooperate with him.  Stop blurring.  Her hand entered his line of sight as it pressed against the bar, lithe body leaning forwards until she was in his space.  Had he been in his right mind, he may have picked his head up;  may have made some snide comment about her wanting to be there.  
    “Oh, my God.”   One large ear flicked with annoyance as she sniffed around him, though he only had himself to blame.  It was frustrating to know that even somebody as well-composed as him was not immune to making mistakes.  The last thing an Alpha needed to do was compromise their alertness.  It was part of the reason he chose a tavern in the first place:  to always be the most conscious person in the room.   “You’re drunk.”
    “I’m not drunk,”   he argued, relieved that his counter had been so short for the words felt like bricks in his mouth.   “I just had a little.”
    “Bullshit,”   Grace scoffed, already making her way around the counter.  Her hand wrapped around the neck of the bottle he’d been nursing, pulling it to her.  After a brief peer inside, she levelled him with a harsh look.   “This’s empty.”
     The drink made him more irate than usual.   “Are you my mother?”
    She squinted at the comment, not understanding.  What relevance does your mother have to me checking up on you?   “What does that even mean?”   She hesitated briefly, stalling by putting the bottle back down atop the counter.  Without the hum of people drunkenly nattering away, the tavern seemed lifeless, so quiet it was eerie, yet she found that she preferred it.  Her hand remained around its neck before she pulled up a stool, hopping up onto it.  After a brief moment of debating with herself:   “... I’m sorry.  I know it’s not my place to question what you do.  I'm just...  worried.”
    Not even inebriation distracted him from the subtle shift in tone.  You’re so hot-and-cold sometimes, Grace.  I don’t understand it.  His head inclined slowly, eyes finding her amidst the fog.  She looked as if she had arisen from a slumber much too early;  tired circles lined her eyes, normally pristine hair ruffled at the edges.  The longer he looked, the more endearing he found it.  In a way, he was seeing her in a vulnerable position too.
    “Worried?”   he asked, forcing a scoff to follow.   “Why?  Are you concerned that I can’t hold my liquor?  I assure you that I am quite capable of it.”
    “You--”   She barely regained control of her tongue, teeth clamped over the end of it to keep it from spitting insults at him.  She watched with some amount of chagrin as he raised his eyebrows at her, head tilting slightly to one side as if waiting for her to finish.  You asshole.  You stupid fucking asshole.
    “I’m fine.  I’m always fine.  So don’t ask.”
    Her brow furrowed, her lower lip caught between her teeth as she considered what to say.  Something didn’t sit right with her.  He looked exhausted.  The usual mirth in his voice was long gone.  He didn’t seem to have much patience for their games.  Everything was off in some way.  In the end, she decided to follow her gut.   “... I’m worried because you don’t drink,”   she said slowly, hands fidgeting.   “You told me yourself.”   Her thumb stroked gently across her opposing palm, a habit she resorted to when she felt nervous.  Sharing space with Edgar had become easier as she’d spent more time with him, but she wouldn’t deny that she was still wary of him.  Though he’d proven himself as a dependable leader, she’d thought likewise about those who had hurt her in the past.  I put my trust in you and for what?  To be abused?  To be treated like less than dirt?  Her head shook softly as she expelled the thoughts like smoke.   “So then I’m wondering what made you want to down an entire bottle by yourself after closing time. You…  don’t seem like yourself tonight.”
    She shuffled in her seat then, unable to bear the tension.  Her body slumped against the counter, head kept upright only by the hand that she was leaning on.  Though she was looking at him, her body no longer faced his.  It made her feel safer.
    Her ears twitched as she heard him sigh.  It was a sound unlike anything she’d ever heard from her Alpha.  It almost made her pity him, though she knew better than to say so.
    “You’re damn right.  I don’t really feel like myself either.”   He briefly considered some amount of transparency before dismissing the idea entirely.  The last thing he needed to do was deepen his own grave.  Oversharing about his feelings was only going to lead to her thinking even less of him.  With a hint of regret:   “... I apologise, Grace.”    He breathed in deeply through his nose, trying to keep his body from wobbling as he rose to his feet.  He was surprised when he felt her hands close around his wrists, lightly pushing downwards until he was back in his chair.
    “You don’t need to apologise?”   She hated that her voice sounded so unsure;  she could imagine that it didn’t inspire that much confidence in anything she was saying.   “It’s just--”
    “I do,”    he interrupted ruefully, one hand raising to rake through his hair.  As she watched, she couldn’t help but notice how thick it was.  It bunched around his knuckles like rich satin, strands effortlessly weaved through his fingers as his hand made its way back to the counter.    “... I gave in to weakness.  And you…  you weren’t supposed to see me like this.  This isn’t something I should be doing anyway.  I know that.  I should always be on the lookout for my creed.  This isn’t something I intend to make a habit of.  You were right to call me out.”    He paused for a moment before turning his head in her direction.  Though he was the one apologising, his stare was as unflinching as ever.  She found it difficult to look away once she’d locked on to him.   “I hope that you can find it in you to overlook my mistake.”
    Her face filled with confusion, though it wasn’t without a hint of awe.  Regardless of her opinion on Edgar’s rude comments, his concern for his leadership was admirable.  Sometimes she forgot that, beneath the wide smile and the manic persona, Edgar was a very serious person.  His privileges were not lost on him, despite the fact that he sometimes seemed as if he didn’t give a damn about them;  his responsibility as her leader helped him maintain an air of dignity, one that was incredibly noticeable whenever tensions ran high.
    “Do you really need my forgiveness?”   she asked quietly, a frown that was more thoughtful than it was combative worn loosely as she searched his face for any hint of a trick.   “... it’s just a drink, Edgar.  It’s okay.  I’m just glad you’re okay. And for what it’s worth...  I hope you take my word for it when I say that you need to take a break every once in a while.  You push yourself too much.”
    He stared at her a while longer, eyes fixed on hers before he slowly nodded.  His body seemed to cave in on itself in the moment, back bent as he hunched over the bartop.  I need some sleep.  I’m too stressed.
    “I suppose I’ll feel this in the morning…”   he murmured, a deep sigh following as he rubbed gently at one of his temples.  Grace couldn’t stop herself from laughing, albeit quietly, and suddenly he didn’t feel quite so horrible.
    “Here’s to hoping so, you idiot.”
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
@noa-ciharu​: what part of trc killed you most?
me: NOTHING! I AM IMMUNE! *insert evil laughter that is slowly replaced by nervous laughter from reading chapter 161*
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also me working my way through Fai’s arc: dammit, Nanase you sadist! *is ded and goes and cries in the corner* 💀💀💀
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