#no one knows who he is except for REEES people.
minarcana · 2 years
i have been receiving and reading daily poetry emails for quite literally every day of my adult life. yet somehow every time i seek to compile collections of quotes for people, there is a solid 70% chance a line from andrei bely will creep in there, a man who normal english-speaking people have never heard of and who i obsessively read every single one of his works i get my hands on.
i feel like both of these are if not individual red flags, at least yellow ones, and they are both things that make me go "fucking of course you write urianger, you weird little fruit"
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user1286 · 2 years
OH AND ONE MORE THING, I never knew anything abt Arthur’s parents until a few days ago, and I completely forgor the existence of Elizabeth. Do I care?? Not much. Also I have horrible memory so in general there are a shit load of things I may have forgotten hehe.
I woke up at the top of a hill. Rocky, cold and mossy. I was soaked in sweat and haunted by another one of those strange dreams with a deer staring at me, except, this time, it’s own faun followed behind.
I couldn’t think clear at all. My head and body ached like I’d had some lead shot into me. There was none of course, but that didn’t stop my body from being so weak when I tried to get up. Most of what I could do was groan, and hear the steps of someone behind me.
I quickly turned and reached for my gun, but my pocket was empty, and there was only a child, maybe around 14 to 15, standing in front of me. Frozen.
The kid was covered in dirt, lean, a bit shorter than I, and had the type of torn clothes one would see on someone who fell 50 feet down a hill.
We stared at each other for a bit. She was looking in my eyes with fear, and her arms were up clearly ready to fight. I was in the same position, only more relaxed as his stance easily belonged to a beginner’s.
“Just where are your parents, kid?”
I slowly put my arms down, knowing there would be no threat as far as I knew.
“I could say the same about your family, stranger.” Her arms were still up.
“How would you know I have a family if there’s no one around?”
“How would you know I have parents?”
Snappy kid. Reminded me of me when I was around that age.
as much as my body hurt, I couldn’t help but laugh at the thought.-thinking I would end up like Dutch with this kid being another me.
She awkwardly laughed along, losing focus on her guard, and putting down.
“I was wanderin’ around, and I found your beat up body there thinkin’ you were dead. Honestly I was planning on stealin’ your stuff, but you had nothing, so I just set a quick camp here Instead.”
He pointed at what looked like a pile of sticks and leaves next to a blanket and a red horse with a pack on its rear.
Some kind of camp I thought it was.
“You wanna join, stranger? i have some jerky and water unless you wanna sit out here and starve.” she walked ahead to the horse.
I couldn’t really say anything for the moment. I only weakly walked with the kid as if I had any option anyway.
The memories from recent came flooding back though. The whole robbery mess, Guarma, Dutch, Micah, John. Everyone and everything. I remembered all was gone by then. All had turned into only a painful memory sitting in my head. Only another family for me to mourn.
My parents were one hell of a pair. Both bad and good people. Both in their very special ways. All ended with them losing their lives for their own specialties back when I was around 13. At 14, I’d met a man who felt like a far stronger figure for me to look up to as a boy. Hell, he practically raised me to be a man. Around 20 years go by, I grew up, and I met a beautiful woman. We had a baby girl, both then killed by robbers. At some point, I’d been with a woman for a time that didn’t last. She got a kid but didn’t want him, so I took him in. Poor Isaac would have been better with a mother a prostitute, and not slowly dying from the stinging bite of winter.
At least back then, I had the reassurance of my loved ones’ voices, helping me keep going. At least I still had a family with me to go through hell. Now, I no longer got one.
That was what I thought at first.
I never knew I’d be glad to have met a kid, so admirable.
Philip is one hell of a rowdy teenager. Idiot has the both the mind of a 60 year old philosopher, and the behavior of a clueless 6 year old.
I can’t even figure out if he’s even a boy or girl. Sometimes he has a faint mustache atop his lip, and sometimes he’s screaming at someone at a bar to leave some poor whore alone. She is a confusing child.
Ive already asked for a name but this fool keeps on telling me any. Always saying a new one one week or one hour after deciding a “permanent” name.
That only sounds like self esteem issues to me, but who was I to say.
I didn’t even know who I myself was anymore. My whole family’s gone, and all I ever did with myself was for them. I guess I was never really my own person back then.
The kid gave me jerky, and he helped me recover. Hell, even gave me a gun to defend myself with. We sat for a few hours until mid day.
We talked for a good bit, unsurprisingly the kid tried hard to act all tough. Saying things like,”I’ve been alone all my life, my folks were tough on me until disease took ‘em.” Or even things like,”he tried to pick me up, and then I shoved my gun right down his mouth and shot him right there. That’s why I never have anyone with me. Because I can already take care o’ myself.”
I could read him like a book though. It was all in the eyes. It was like there were words written on them, and when I read into those dark brown eyes, I only read fear, resentment, and anger. There was no form of killer in this kid. Nothing.
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fapangel · 7 years
Since I first issued my dire predictions of civil violence in the not-so-distant future, I’ve been looking, exhaustively, for evidence I’m wrong. III Have you considered this angle: The traditional media's hyping that up? I mean, we know in the early/mid 60's the newspapers and cameras focused on the small number of violent protestors during anti-war protests and made them out to be the majority. If the media has no shred of integrity left, why are you looking at them for evidence of integrity?
That’s just the thing - I’m not. I’m looking at people. at the “man on the street” and in both my personal life (as in actual meatspace, not online) and in actual journalism (some people still do it, outside and inside the mainstream establishment,) I’m seeing a decidedly worrisome tone. 
We all remember “literally shaking” on Twitter the night of the election, but there were other words going around quite a bit - sick, disgusted, afraid, scared, etc. Twitter - as it’s used by the majority - gives a quick insight into the personal emotions of the people using it. (This is why PR uses that bank on the presumed intimacy - like Trump’s twitter - tend to be more successful, and more careful, sterile treatments, like the Clinton campaign that took 12 staffers and 10 drafts to compose a single tweet, typically lack traction.) Sure, us seal-clubbin neocons and tree-hugging liberals had a good giggle at the triggered snowflakes breathlessly predicting the Right Wing Gestapo emerging from the woodwork to bash the gays - but then a friend of mine told me it’d actually happened, post-election, to a friend of his, and that’s when my laughter stopped. 
As was explained to me, the LGBTQ folks feared that Trump’s election would be seen as “permission” by all the knuckledraggers, and it seems it was. So it’s time to ask yourself the question - how did the knuckledraggers get that impression to begin with? Maybe - just maybe - it had something to do with the media screaming, 24/7, for months, that Trump was literally Hitler and that he was going to oppress all the gays and Jews and Muslims and fluffy bunnies. “Of course he’s Our Guy,” the Illinois Nazis said with glee, “the entire news media keeps screaming about it!” 
Also consider that the media’s reinforcing the left wing’s narrative, which makes people on the left wing much more likely to believe it since it’s validating their own beliefs. Vox.com has an excellent article on the Russian conspiracy blitz and why it’s playing so well with Democrats, and the author is neither a Trump fan or apologist (as is abundantly clear from the article itself.) It’s worth reading entire, but this quote stands out: 
“Misinformation is much more likely to stick when it conforms with people’s preexisting beliefs, especially those connected to social groups that they’re a part of,” says Arceneaux. “In politics, that plays out (usually) through partisanship: Republicans are much more likely to believe false information that confirms their worldview, and Democrats are likely to do the opposite.”
The article accurately compares the current phenomena to the entire “birther” movement on the right - it’s the exact same psychological phenomena, so unsurprisingly you see it manifesting with human beings on both sides of the spectrum. A lot of politics falls into that category, and it’s where most of that “political common ground” I keep talking about can be found. The difference is that the Left controls the lion’s share of the communication media and in turn, our culture. Hollywood - a cultural engine if there ever was one - is extremely left wing and has been since before McCarthy’s day. The modern telecommunications and internet media, which lives and breathes in Sillicon Valley, is likewise invested in the left wing; Erich Schmidt, chairman of Alphabet (Google’s parent company,) founded a PAC to give Hillary’s campaign IT support during the election, and we all remember how the CEO of Mozilla was hurled out of office because he dared to cast a private, anti-revolutionary vote. The next time you hear leftists talking about how “de-platforming” is legitimate, remember that the leftists literally own the fucking platforms. Nobody’s gonna find your conservative site if Google de-lists it. This is the problem - both sides have their lunatics willing to swallow any shit they’re being shoveled, but only one side has a massive megaphone that’s actively colluding - complete with sticky-handed twitter high-fives - to push the same narrative across the board, and cross-validate it. 
Hilariously, the Vox author (Kevin Drum) doesn’t see it, making the article a self-demonstrating one: 
Luckily for the Democratic Party, there isn’t really a pre-built media ecosystem for amplifying this like there was for Republicans. In the absence of left-wing Limbaughs and Breitbarts, media outlets totally unconcerned with factual rigor, it’s much harder for this stuff to become mainstream.
… except he does see it, because he goes on to name some examples (and some tweets) of people chugging the kool-aid… but all of them Democratic politicians or DNC staffers who should know better, not the media itself. He’s clearly intelligent and well-balanced, he’s standing in the middle of a bullshit cyclone he knows is bullshit, but he’s only just now starting to smell the rot and he hasn’t even noticed objective journalism’s decaying corpse yet, despite standing in its ribcage. If someone like him can be so stymied, how do you think That Guy - you know, [the bitter old man |the aging hippie creep] who always [ sits on his porch yelling at birds | shuffles around Trader Joe’s in grungy sandals comparing kale prices] and blames everything on [ dat gal-dern Mooslim Obongo | the military-industrial-jew-lizardman-complex] is going to react?
Some people do actually believe this shit and they are mostly Democrats - hell, here’s a Gallup poll with the numbers if you doubt my analysis. And to re-iterate, they’re inflaming extremists on both sides of the spectrum, because the more violence antifa commits, the more the Illinois Nazis will croon “see, we were right all along!” 
The traditional mass media engaging in this shit is much, much worse than the right-wing “alternative news ecosystem,” the blogs, the talk radio hosts, infogiggles, etc. They’re all personality-based and those personalities differ and disagree (if they didn’t, how would they offer content distinct from what the others offer?) This is natural, because conservatives argue. They argue a lot. It might surprise some of you given how often the media portrays the NRA as triple Satan, but there’s gun rights groups that exist specifically because some conservatives think the NRA is too wussy. You’ve got social conservatives, business/free market conservatives, REEE TAXES conservatives, etc., and they rarely see eye to eye. Ann Coulter - the Screeching Enchantress herself - once wrote that “Republicans can’t put together a two-car funeral without writing six books denouncing each other.” 
You don’t see this on the left - not in the media, at any rate. There’s more to this than just the obvious mainstream media collusion; the back-slapping and twitterwank, although their deliberate and conscious effort plays a huge part. There’s also how the left wing thinks. 
If you’re old enough to remember the Bush years, you’ll remember how often the left would attack Rush Limbaugh - even though an entire ecosystem of conservative, national talk-radio had sprung up by then, so he was no longer The One And Only Conservative Voice In Mass Media. Liberals treated - and attacked - him as the de facto leader of the right wing, and this puzzled conservatives no end, because a pundit, however clever, is not a goddamn politician or leader. 
The left wing, however, thinks differently. Unlike classical liberalism, which is mostly concerned with balancing the inherent rights of individuals with the rights of every other individual in a social contract, the leftists (communism/socialism/etc.) focus on the  collective as the central, essential point, and move from there. This is why “virtue signalling” exists; leftists care very much about what others think of them. Emmet Rensin’s essay on smugness in liberalism, which I’ve mentioned many times, showcases it well; while describing his subject, he also illustrated the mechanisms by which it manifests - left-wing culture. Everything he described - the virtue-signalling to others that you know the correct facts, the knowing, even the “Eye roll, crying emoji, forward to John Oliver for sick burns,“ exemplifies it. This Mother Jones writer’s reaction to his piece has a telling line: 
“I’ve long since gotten tired of the endless reposting of John Oliver’s "amazing,” “perfect,” “mic drop” destruction of whatever topic he takes on this week.”
They key here is John Oliver. When leftists look at Rush Limbaugh, they see a conservative John Oliver - in short, a demagogue. Demagogues and cults of personality have always been of prime importance with the left wing - remember how Obama was lionized by the left during his first campaign? To say nothing of the Kennedy’s being immortalized as “Camelot.” Yes, conservatives liked Reagan a whole lot, but we don’t vote in entire fucking royal dynasties, which is why Low-Energy Jeb is cooling his heels right now. And these demagogues, you’ll note, are all on the same page when it comes to ripping into conservatives… and their epic, wicked put-downs then become The Big Joke that the left wing retweets and reblogs and parrots to each other ad nauseum. Remember Tina Fey’s mockery of the only working mother leftists have ever despised? I’ve seen people on facebook quote “I can see Russia from my house” fully believing that Sarah Palin herself said it - the Tina Fey skit is the reality, for them. Truth is lost around the twentieth re-tweet, or so. 
And these “comedians” - in truth, pundits and opinion columnists - base their jokes on whatever quote-unquote “revelations” aired in the mainstream media’s news broadcasts that morning. 
If you’ve ever noticed how quickly a new catchphrase or word gets onto every leftist’s lips - like “fake news” - this is how it’s done. It’s not just the mass media moving in lockstep co-ordination to get the message out; it’s how the phrases become the newest “in-thing” with the entire leftist culture, that then get bandied about in the social sphere, on and off-line. After the cruise missile strike on Syria, I watched, on /pol/ alone, about thirty different varying interpretations, everything from “Assad and Putin are unironically heroes shove omfg I love facism Trump why u blow them up” to “I HOPE HE DROPS A MOAB ON RUSSIA NEXT FUCK THE REDS NUCLEAR WAR NOW” to a bunch of “he’s really playing 64 dimensional chess check this shit just you wait” that covered everything in-between. And that’s just on /pol/, which is so full of bullshit and jokes they literally made a fucking containment board for the containment board - called /bantz/. You don’t see this in the leftist blogosphere - the opinions all align the same way and vary only in magnitude of gibbering lunacy. And the John Oliver quotes don’t just define the conversation, they define the fucking language - for instance, “Drumpf.” 
Do not, for one second, think that the media doesn’t know how all this shit works. They may be delusional, but they don’t control and run vast media empires because they’re stupid. And a lot of them have been at this for a long, long time. 
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This show keeps putting the raw power of a quirk over the quirk-havers actual skill, to a ridiculous degree. Like the villains hanging back in fear just because they didn't know what quirks the stupid little kids had... and every conversation over how marketable a student hero is just about their quirk. Not how skilled they are with it, not even how they use it, just... that. insert examples here
Which raises the question of, why are these kids even training? Skin girl can make anything from her skin- just, anything at all, right off the bat. She doesn't need to practice her skinmaking to master making more complex objects, or making more reliably stable ones, or what have you, she just... can and does. It's mentioned it takes her longer to make larger or more complex items like the insulated blanket (though I wouldn't even call that "complex" since it's the same material throughout- what about machinery with multiple parts?) but this is just dropped like some simple fact that couldn't be changed by bettering herself. Electric guy is already at his maximum power and can't, like, practice directing his electricity, he needs a gadget to advance any further. in a similar vein A lot of quirks have very specific limitations, like navel guy can only fire for a minute before he gets a bellyache (and this does actually lead to a scene I liked; after treating these limitations as jokes the silly little kids have we have eraserboi vs everyone where we're shown he has bloodshot eyes from not blinking n shit and it's actually played as somewhat horrifying that he pushed himself that far, hit his limit and now we're all probably fucked). Can he do anything about that? Will strengthening his stomach muscles through situps help? Can he train his navel-lazers, building up a resistance so he can lengthen his firing time? If not, what the fuck is he doing with his time? Plus the show isn't even consistent with this; when floatgril's powers are narrated to us we're told she pukes if she lifts too much at once (despite what triggered this- Beku and one robort- being significantly less than the multiple roborts she was throwing around immediately prior...). I had assumed this was a joke and puking after overexerting yourself was just something that happened in this show because Beku was shown doing the same during his training montage, but then the show goes on to give some characters and overly specific weakness apparently built into their semblance like that as a thing that it does. What? I'll give it the benefit of the doubt here, maybe this is just early-chapter weirdness, maybe the joke is even what inspired the author to start giving characters weirdly specific weaknesses, but still get your damn shit together.
What training are they even doing anyway? There was like a month they spent preparing for the tourney, but instead of showing us what the heck they were doing and expositing how their quirks work through that, or what skills they need to develop for hero work, they just skim right the fuck over it.
And the timer on AM's power works this way too- regardless of if he gets into a brutal fight or just stands around being muscled, his time limit is the same (apparently; as I've mentioned before they aren't even consistent despite all that's actually said saying it's consistent). So doing nothing is the equivalent of doing something. Just... nothing makes sense.
6 So Icyhot comes out with his reasons for singling out Beku (and also dumps his entire life story while he's at it), but it's really awkward and dumb. His father is the "second best" hero (by whose metric? what objective standard is there here?) who's always been pissed at Al Mite for existing, so Icyhot... singled out Beku to pick on to show his dad he didn't have to do what his dad wanted by becoming the best hero ever like his dad wanted. ???????
The entire thing about everyone thinking Beku's powers are "like Al Mite" is kinda forced... though lovechild is a better assumption than somehow getting it right, at least. It's really not that similar, unless an incredibly generic power like superstrength is somehow rare. The specific details- that the power makes you grow visible muscles- shouldn't be something that tips people off because All Might always has his muscles on max when he's in public. That's his secret identity. But apparently everyone has secret knowledge they shouldn't have and don't know they have, so Beku growing muscles makes them think of All Might, inexplicably. but icyhot cites this as "even more reason to beat you" even though it's the only reason to begin with - while icyhot rambles on about his marriage expositions there's just random still panning shots of the other kids at the cafeteria, some with them grouped by gender but not all. What? Is this supposed to mean something?... also, boo hoo abusive father victim mother backstory... except the victim mother is the one who gave Icyhot that burn scar. w okay, but why Beku? Or why only Beku? Icyhot coud do just as well showing off to his dad by beating up Baguko or the rocket legs guy. Beku's connection to All Might isn't the answer to this because nobody else even understands what that connection is, which Icyhot even confirmed himself by babbling about how he doesn't know why Beku is connected to Al Mite but he totally does.
Also, I'm telling you again lying could fix everything. "I only activated my quirk recently, AM happened to be around and he said my damaging myself with my power reminded him of himself at my age so he declared himself my mentor." Boom, no weird worries about people suspecting something that's arbitrarily supposed to be absurd (the power transfer) for awkward reasons (people knowing AM wasn't born with his quirk would ruin faith in heroes because why? iunno). Actually, just lie that AM was born with the ability to pass on his Quirk to one person and he chose Midoriya for it- tell the truth about Beku but keep lying about AM. does nobody in this world think
"I owe it to people who've supported me" doesn't translate to "I must be number one no matter what" but we're just supposed to accept that it does. He should try his best, sure, but knowing the limits of his abilities is worth something too. everyone getting worked up over nothing but the grils wearing crop tops who cares. call me when grapes tricks everyone into wearing klk outfits. at least invisigril has a sense of fun. reee boys is all hentais reeeeeeeee
al mit hits beku over the head for having entirely reasonable worries about not having gotten his victories by his own hand, which is honestly kind of true. What the fuck? He then declares "there's no such thing as luck!" and says something like Beku should be proud of accomplishing... the things he didn't actually accomplish. What? this is the sort of thing that would normally be emblematic of a Mary Sue, but I don't feel like the problem is with Midoriya's character- he actually does work hard, as demonstrated in this very scene he has some very real insecurities, he's not the only one the story cares about (though its handling of bringing another character to the forefront and telling us it's time to care is pretty clunky). It's just the plot and the ethos of this series that're retarded. That is, the world doesn't *constantly* bend over to server Midoriya, it's just in these particular sorts of situations. And it's applied to other characters too, come to think of it, insert examples here. I think it's partially because he's not being allowed to advance but is still expected to perform. He can't possibly do... well, basically fucking anything until he manages to control his new quirk the tiniest fucking bit, but the show, mostly but not exclusively via All Might, keeps insisting he should be able to hero now that he has the ability to break all of his bones at will. The problem is actually pretty similar to what I outlined above, come to think of it- the powers are treated like discreet units that can't interact with anything, so even though it woukd be more rewarding and basically improve everything if Beku could gradually gain control over small parts of his power it's just all-or-nothing (ironic, given the name of the quirk...). more like all for nothing Here's an idea, he gains control over his power in one finger only, so while anything else will still fuck him up he can do infinite flick forcing him to use some interesting strategies. Later this spreads to the entire hand/arm so he can punch and do shit like that.
you know what would be interesting- icyhot wins his battle, all set to fight Beku in the next round, but then Beku actually fucking loses. Not because he decided to drop out or give up, but because he was outmatched, or because holding back on his powers (saving his limbs for later) cost him the match, or because using his powers (even being clever and limiting them to indirect hits or something) did enough damage to himself to allow the other guy to win... and then see how Icyhot reacts. There, consequences for Beku being forced to do things while his powers are still shit. And it would be a HELL OF A LOT MORE INTERESTING for the guy Beku is worried about facing to go first, because then Beku could be all worried about fighting him after seeing his match and his first round opponent could be all like "you should worry about me right now lol". Instead Beku's match is the first of the entire thing because lol fuck why not? buildup is fake news!
- oh wait just kidding recovery gril is hanging by go ahead and break all libs every times. don't worry about (mumbles about stamina) or however the fuck her powers are supposed to work, it is now time for our hero to experience MASSIVE PAIN AND TRAUMA with no consequences except more pain and trauma. and then creepy guy claims he's already won because we don't need reasonable fights, no, we need the most impossible situation for midoriya to get out of every single fucking time. every battle needs to be the most significant thing ever, every time. who's he fighting after icyhot, anyway? does anyone care?
7 you know, the entire concept of these kids obsessing over getting scouted in their first fucking year of the academy is retarded because they're supposed to be there to get better as heroes. losing in this tournament or whatever doesn't mean much because they're at the very beginning of developing their powers. And how long have they been having classes so far anyway? Like a month? Most of which was undescribed tournament training that was entirely skipped over? the fuck's there for them to show off, they've done fucking nothing And on the other hand, someone who looks good in their first year still has three years to wash the fuck out.
- tricks beku into reeeing about muscletail guy but why does beku care about le random classmate we've barely seen him interact with - apparently beku stopping in his tracks is the most insane happening ever and has everyone in the audience projectile shitting themselves. Why not save the massive reaction for the thing that happens immediately afterwards, where creepy makes Beku walk out of the ring? I mean maybe Beku just rethought the idea of rushing straight at his opponent who has an unknown power and just stopped of his own volition.
... Okay, that's supposed to be the previous owners of the One for All quirk, but they just look fucking cursed as hell. Also Beku won via Deus ex Machina and the intervention of others, exactly as he was upset about earlier when AM smacked him and told him "there's no such thing as luck". The show is telling us right to our fucking faces that this random shit that happens that allows Beku to continue suffering should be taken as Beku's accomplishments.
"those (?) people *came into my mind*, and for a second-" with the shady visuals and the terrifying music, this really looks like they're trying to make it some deeply horrifying thing but apparently it's a positive and we shoukd feel good about it - Solution to battle- break your own jaw so you physically can't talk. Like, instead of doing the exact same fucking thing with the fingers we've seen before, vary it up a bit with Beku punching himself in the face, not breaking his hand somehow and instead breaking his face a bit. SEE? NOW HE'S DOING SIMETHUNG INTERESTING WITH HIS WEAKNESS, INSTEAD OF JUST THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND O-
... Creepy punches Beku, Beku's nose isn't bleeding, but then he goes for Beku's broke fingers and *then* Beku's nose starts bleeding. what Everyone is praising creepy for a good fight but barely anything happened. this is sad the swelling emotional music keep playing as creepy places his brainwashing on Beku once more for no reason and ominously recommends he keep his guard up against his future opponents. This is supposed to be some friendly advice thing but it just comes across as... well, creepy...
I appreciate nurselady being concerned about Beku being pushed to hard but OH LOOK IT'S A WOMAN BEING COMEDICALLY VIOLENT AGAINST A MAN AGAIN ESPECIALLY ONE WHO'S BEEN ESTABLISHED AS PHYSICALLY FRAGILE AND THE ENTIRE PLOT OF THE SHOW IS WRAPPED AROUND THE GORRIBLE INJURY HE ALREADY LIVES WITH! A HABHA HHAHAHAH H AHAHAHAHAH HA H AH A i especially like the part where he's shown to be in serious pain afterwards and we're still expected to laugh. fucking disgusting ree "Maybe eight or nine of them? iunno" Why the ambiguity? the visuals clearly show eight... Is there going to be some bullshit thing later on wheren there's some lost user of the One-for-Alls and instead of actually foreshadowing it with the actual effects this user left on the world with their physical fucking existence it's just going to be this autistic numerical bullshit? fuck you. it's a clear sign you're getting closer to making oneforall your own, because we couldn't have an actual clear sign like him gaining any measure of control over it as reward for his hard work, nope just ghosts ex machina ha ha fuck you And we're told it totally wasn't the vision that saved Midoriya, it was his *passion*! We're *told*! That means it has to be true! Just let the kid actually accomplish something under his own power already and stop holding out on him, fuck
I'll win this match using only mom's quirk! You know, the mom that poured boiling water on his face and left him with a massive disfiguring burn scar. so touching "you'll soon fine the limits of that power" if every previous battle he was in is any indication that limits is no limits. and then he immediately goes and fills half a fucking stadium with ice i think he's fucking fine firedad fuk nothing matters this show is so bad
0 notes
alice episode 12 and also 11 and whatever the fuck
You know what would have been kind of nice? Instead of pulling some new characters no one cares about out of someone's ass, have this last arc be Sana dealing with Cleo. You know, use things that’ve already been established instead of throwing them out and pulling pointless new shit out of your asshole. You wouldn't be able to pull the gain powers = become evil thing, probably, but you could put his defeatist gloomy pessimism to some use. Have him go "smiling all the time is the same as not smiling at all", and Sana shoot back "well, not smiling all the time is... the same as smiling all the time! So smile sometimes, okay??" Plus the guy's a gloomy fuck, so he could certainly end up feeling like he doesn't need to exist. And there's another thing, have Sana actually help someone who's in a similar place to where she used to be, troubled by powers they can't quite control, showing her growth rather than just having her act like a damn brat the whole time. But seriously, you introduce this character who seems to be troubled- you know, INTERESTING- and then you entirely forget about him. How did he get so gloomy? Is he just like that, or is it because of le evil research labs and their le evil evilness? (Which, incidentally, the three girls seem to have come out of entirely alright...) He looks like he needs a god damn hug. At least show that he got adopted by a decent family after the lab was taken out. Maybe replace that weaker slice-of-life episode with Sana running into him, and have her dealing with him set up what she needs to say to deal with pigtails. Hey, Sana and the twins are all over each other, but none of them seem at all concerned about what happened to the other member of their group. Fuck's up with that. Cleo was a character with some momentum- you see a gloomy character like that and you'd expect to see them grow into someone more open at some point- and he was just dumped. You're left wanting closure... or at least I am.
Alright, I'm calling it. When the last episode airs- I'm writing this before it's out but will post it afterwards- when the last episode airs, there's gonna be some nice montage at the end of everyone having happy lives and Cleo's either not gonna be in it at all or he's going to get the lamest scene. reee
Oh hey, remember when Sana talked to an older version of herself out of nowhere, way back in like episode 4 or 5 or whenever? Remember when that happened and was never explained and never went anywhere? That's some good shit m8. Good shit. God this show sucks
Another thing I hated about these last couple episodes... the instant platitudes. Pigtails asks her man-looking friend if her powers are scary (which is already a bit unnaturally specific given pretty much nothing has happened yet) and manfriend jumps immediately to “you are my best friend i nevr be afraid!!” rather than some more natural response like “no, why would I be?”
this serious moment needs assistant cum-glomping meido sue yes this stupid fucking moment needed to happen again
"I don't think there's anybody who shouldn't exist" except the research lab people fuck those guys right
episode 12: i feel nothing. nothing at all. i expected nothing and i got oh look it's fucking nothing
Characters were mediocre, the magic was lackluster and completely wasted the Wonderland theme outside of hamhanding some basic-ass symbols onto it, and the whole conflict was solved literally because an old man yelled at clouds. And yup, no Cleo even in the end. 2/10 fucl this show
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