#no stunts. no bbg. nothing about that. just chilling
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
can u explain what happened with tamara bell and louis during glastonbury 2015?
well, there’s probably far better posts about this, but I’ll give it a quick go. welcome to the show, baby cakes
tamara is proven to be a good friend of Harry’s. photo below of them YEAAAARSSSS ago
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and this is a photo of her, lux, and lou Teasdale, also mates
Tumblr media
so the thing is, is that, from these photos… you could go “oh harry set louis up with a hot pal hes known for years” and like… that’s exactly what the media ran with. They constantly linked harry and Tamara as friends, (funny how he fucks everything that moves but not her, right?) and harry being the matchmaker of her and louis. Anyway, she’s been around for a while, and she’s cool and hot and brunette… wait… why is it important that she’s brunette? why did it have to happen in June 2015?
Oh! That’s right! Because bbg rumours started to get even worse. There was already SO much seeding and shit in the media about louis and B, and what kind of relationship they had. It’s like that time the “mystery blonde” article started circulating, and louis went clubbing and got into a van full of brunettes so none of them could be mistaken for B, lol. She probably should’ve realised and dyed her hair (which she eventually did LOL). But I digress
The whole bbg thing was supposed to look a lot more… wholesome, than what louis made it. I believe it was meant to be more of a “Louis’ found the love of his life and they’re expecting yay!” Kind of thing because he was always pinned as the long term relationship guy, aka, the exact opposite of Harry styles™️. However, idk how tf they were gonna push that bc his breakup with E was announced officially on March 23rd, and B only really came into the picture between May 5th and 15th. So…….. Less than two months with B, if there was no crossover (which they wouldn’t want anyway) and it was immediately straight after E, they still wanted to push the wholesome baby settle down mature dad version of louis. And you know what he did? He said fuck you Uncle Simon.
So, to entirely get rid of ANY speculation he was with B romantically/engaged which was the narrative, he walked around with brunettes to really push home the point there was nothing there with B, even if bbg went through. So, he threw himself under the tour bus. He essentially said “hey this’ll make me look like more of a prick but also stops me from being around that woman even if the kid thing happens, and therefore it distances me from it and I won’t be in a long term thing again”… more or less. This is why we also got a short Danielle fling in December of that year, just to push home the point that he wasn’t with B or any kind of “mystery blonde” that they could mistake her for. Which is, for lack of a better term, HILARIOUS
And also this was hugely important because for a very long time, we didn’t actually know what B looked like. She changed every time we saw a pic of her from the media. So it was really confusing which blonde they were talking about, so he made it clear to make a point of being with brunettes only. And Tamara, well, she’s just a cool fucking human. Old friend of Harry’s, chill, a model with a small following, just overall a kind of cool person. So he chose to walk with her and lazily hold her hand to cut any ties with B that the media continued to create. So, he’s known her for ages, and so has harry, and it was nothing, but it made a huge crack in the bbg narrative.
Anyway, yeah, it’s very unserious. All of it. The timelines of bbg in general and all of the stunts/rumours it truly was ridiculous. But somehow he managed to never end up “dating” that woman and Tamara is a big part of that, because also, he chose to fuck them over with that move. It’s truly iconic sassy Louis behaviour.
I probably missed some stuff here but thanks for chatting!
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