#no why would you eeever say or think that
deathfavor · 9 months
@furiaei said: ❛ you really think i’m going to help you move a dead body? ❜ (for Chrollo, I'm sorry but I saw my opportunity and I took it)
crime based sentence starters
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Youthful eyes blink in surprise at the woman's words, staring for a few seconds before he gives a gentle laugh that is warm and friendly. There's a boyish, youthful charm that clings to him although he cannot be much younger or older than she is. In some ways, its like the marble statues carved by masters who are frozen eternally in their visage — like the Greek heroes sent to wars and battles who still had youth clinging to them while they were sent to spill their blood on the battlefield for the amusement of gods. But unlike cold statues, Chrollo's expression is warm and lively. And even though he dons a dark suit, it's simply charming rather than imposing or authoritative on him.
" Well, it isn't very often I hear people call an ancient mummy a mere dead body, but you are not incorrect. " Chrollo answers with a lingering smile on his lips. " But I was rather hopeful you might. My colleague got sick from food poisoning rather suddenly and this mummy is supposed to be on a flight in a couple hours to ensure it makes it for opening night on a tour. " His rubs the back of his neck, a picturesque display of someone under a great deal of stress. " And, well, you can understand I don't want to drop it trying to load it by myself. "
Chrollo gestures to the other wing of the museum, where the sounds of the crowd drifts through the halls of marble floor and hanging chandeliers to reach the room they currently are.
" I asked the local museum staff here for help, but it seems the opening of a new exhibit here takes precedence over this. " There's a sad smile that rests on his face, like someone whose watched a favorite book be passed over thousands of times. " They agreed they would help but it seems like they underestimated how long they'd be caught up with this. I'm growing quite concerned that they'll be too late. " A sigh eases from his lips, grey eyes turning away from the open doorway to look towards Mya.
" I know you're just a patron visiting this museum like many others, but your assistance would really be appreciated. If you aren't busy? I...don't have a lot on me but I could offer some money at least if you'd like for your help. " He offers, one hand resting over the container the mummy is contained within. The only off thing about anything said is, perhaps, he seems a fraction of a bit too calm for the concerns he voices.
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seecarrun · 2 months
My pal!!!!!! My friend!!!!!!! I'd like to tell you a beautiful little secret!!!!!! You want to know what that.....
Domesticabuseshipping is dead you genwunners!!!!!!!!!
Amourshipping is canon losers!!!!!
Ah man. Normally I would just delete this and go on with my day, as I am a whole ass adult with like, a husband and child and career and mortgage and shit, and I haven’t seen childish fandom bullshit like this since literally the 1990’s, and I have better, more important things to do with my life and you are just going to respond to this with the same repeated thing over and over again.
But luckily for you, said career is actually a kindergarten teacher, so I like working with sad and upset children.
Because honestly? I think that’s what this is all about. I think you are sad and mad and upset about how Serena’s character was wrapped up on the anime, and I think you have every right to feel that way.
I’m not a Serena fan, myself, but I have no ill feelings towards those who are. Love what you love, I say! I actually couldn’t get into the BW or XY anime, just not my thing, but I did start rewatching again at Sun Moon, and I can absolutely see why a Serena fan would be frustrated at how they ended things for her. Literally all the other traveling companions (save for May and Max, for obvious reasons with May’s Japanese VA) had a more significant wrap up with Ash than she did in the last season.
Misty and Brock both got the whole Aim to be a Pokemon Master thing, Dawn came back to watch Ash complete during the World Coronation and cheer him on, Iris was IN the World Coronation thing as a gd champion!!
Serena got an episode, and she didn’t even interact with Ash in it hardly at all. She spent the whole time with Chloe, and only saw him in passing when he walked past her to get on the boat at the very end. There was no blushing, no love confessions, neither the kiss nor Sarena were eeever talked about again. She got a non speaking cameo watching him against Leon along with the others and that was it. I have my own opinions as to why the writers did that, but that is neither here nor there, that’ll be a post on it’s own.
But that’s frustrating! I totally get that! She was the only traveling companion to kiss Ash, surely that means something and she’ll be brought back or brought up and she and Ash will be together forever!
But nope, pokemon isn’t that kind of anime. It and Ash’s journey ended with just him and Pikachu running off into the sunset, with Gary, if we’re being honest, as probably the most significant human to him in the end (as it should be, my old ass genwonner heart LOVES how Gary was there at the end living in Ash’s head rent free lol).
So I do get why you are upset and lashing out. I think it’s dumb and immature and annoying, but I get it.
My parting wish for you is hope that you’ll realize that literally no Ash ship is canon; his time in the anime is done and he ended up with no one, and that is simply okay because it’s pokemon and romance in that show has literally never been the point. I hope you keep on loving your favorite characters and ships and that you let everyone else enjoy their’s.
Buuuut let’s be honest, I know that you are just going to ignore everything I wrote and keep doing this same shit, but it was worth a shot, right? :P
I hope you have the day you deserve. <3
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I've seen people (people including me lmao) point out Claude never siding with The Emperor on CF as direct proof that he wouldn't ever side with her, even if she was winning. And yes that's true. But I've seen far fewer people out that Claude will just tell Dimitri and Byleth where Rhea is on AM, and how that proves that even in 3H he doesn't actually want to kill her.
Like, he has that moment in VW where he says he's wondered what a world without Rhea would look like and you get support points up if you show off you noticing that, but like. When push comes to shove? He still helps find her. And can't stress enough how much he did not need to do this.
He's done his part. He's helped the Kingdom, fought back the Empire, got the Alliance to remerge with the Kingdom, and his ship home is literally right behind him - he didn't have to also help the Church find Rhea, especially since they were going to Enbarr anyway and would likely just find her by themselves without his directions. But he made the conscious choice to be the one to tell them where Rhea was. When! For all he could've possibly known, the Church finding her meant Rhea being back to being archbishop, not Byleth!
And combine that with how in his route he helps find her and grows something like respect for her in their last interaction, and in SS it's his side that helps her, and in CF he doesn't fight against her or side with the Empire... it's kinda clear that he... never wanted to kill Rhea. That wondering what a world without her would be like =/= being willing to actually kill her/having the want to actually kill her.
So all his talk in 3Hopes about the "corrupt church" and Rhea "shackling down Fodlan" and his unending need to kill Rhea because of him thinking it'll magic Fodlan into being better? I look upon all of the routes in 3H as evidence against that idea. Especially the ones without Byleth there with him and especially the route where he's actually encouraged by Byleth to kill Rhea "for the greater good" (CF) and he still doesn't do that. Almost like he doesn't think bloodshed is a viable or morally sound way of going about change!
But that's a silly idea, nothing in 3H could eeever support THAT idea /s
[I'll focus mainly on Azure Moon, because I have nothing to add regarding the other routes that you haven't already covered] Claude literally searches for Rhea on his own time, and instead of going for her head himself (broke, tired, why would you do that king), he gives that information to Dimitri because he knows Dimitri will just go free her from the bowels of Enbarr (woke, wired, god bless you king). There's no way he gets this information out of Hubert, who only mentions a damn thing after everyone's dead or about to die, so he literally jumped through hoops to get an answer to make sure she didn't die in the ass of some palace somewhere after being kept there for five years. If he wanted her dead, I promise you, he would have left her to die--but even on a route where his on-screen interactions with her are next to, if not exactly, zero, he still gets her safe. Now, is the Doylist explanation for this "Rhea needs to be found, and the Empire would never help out the Kingdom in any capacity, so the writers needed some way to learn"? Possibly. But the fact remains that Claude ponders an existence without her, and remains firm in his distaste for useless bloodshed--which, surprise surprise, extends to Rhea, who by now he can tell is not harming Fódlan simply by breathing. And shoutout to the way he treats her like the vessel of knowledge she is on VW; you don't kill someone you believe has the answers to questions you've been asking for over half a decade, and you certainly don't leave a woman to die in the hands of an army who's done nothing but try and trample all over you for five years because, and lemme check my notes here--your independence is a sham.
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the-dark-omochao · 7 years
Kuro looks back to the crumbling wall.
On a certain night in the middle of the summer, a pair of Chao sat alone at the top of the crumbling wall. The Milky Way twinkled brightly above, a great ivory crescent its only worthy competitor. The two elder chao sat together near the lake below, Quartz’s head nuzzling into Ajax’s chest as they dozed off. Nimbus laid fast asleep not too far away from them on a certain bed of clovers he favored. Sol kicked his feet that hung over the edge, next to ▪▪▪▪.
“We sure have it good, don’t we, ▪▪▪▪? Look at all this. I don’t think it’d be this fun if Jax never found Quartz.” The Hero chao laughed a bit. “Heck, I don’t think I’d be nearly as good at swimming if it weren’t for him.”
The dark chao seems to think for a moment. “Well… I don’t think that’s the only thing that made the garden better. I mean, Ajax and Quartz are good together. But like… They weren’t the only changes. You helped.” There’s a light, playful punch to his arm.
“Ack--!” Sol grinned, feigning pain at her ‘attack.’ But he realizes something. “Wait… Did I just get a ▪▪▪▪ compliment!? A ▪▪ompliment!? I didn’t think they had those!”  
There’s a devious sort of smile from ▪▪▪▪. “Who knows? You might have. It’s a mystery forever.”
Sol pumps a celebratory flipper out. “I diiid! Woo-hoo!! Those are hard to come by!” All exaggeration aside, it wasn’t exactly a common thing for her to unabashedly come out and say something like that, especially to him. The grin on his face widens with genuine happiness. “I’m glad you actually opened up to me on that day, ▪▪▪▪. I might’ve just died of boredom if you didn’t! I’d have to deal with a pair of old folks alone.”
She rolls her eyes. “I don’t think you would have died. And besides, Nimbus came along pretty quick after. But I guess opening up wasn’t THAT bad.”
A snicker. There’s the bashfulness he knew. “Yeah, Nimbus and them keep me on my toes, but… You’re different. Special, I’d say.” An unfamiliar wash of shyness came over him as those words spilled out. Talk about role reversal, he thought in spite of himself. He did manage to keep his grin up, though his eyes decided to focus on the sky in particular…
“...Y’know, you’re a lot like the moon.”
▪▪▪▪ looks over to Sol as he breaks the silence, a brow raising at the statement. “The moon...?” She shifts her gaze to it, observing the glow it cast around the garden. Even the stars seemed to be washed out next to it. “Why’s that?”
Sol’s eyes shimmer as the moonbeams reflected into his retinas, only to turn to her. “Soaring above, a sight for all to see, lighting up the world right under it. I mean, it’s so pretty, it’s hard to look away, isn’t it?”
!! The chao finds herself at a loss for words, wholly unprepared for the compliment. She trips over a few syllables for a moment before looking away in embarrassment.
“Aheheh…” Sol chuckled, a tinge of embarrassment in his voice before clearing his throat. After a moment looking at her again, his eyes transfix to the water below… as he gently puts a flipper on her paw.
The action does little to calm her suddenly active nerves. Still, she makes no effort to remove her paw, even moving eeever so slightly closer.
“...Let’s stay like this forever.”
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lillseehorse · 7 years
A new beginning so it seemed. A place full of hidden treasures was calling me to reveal its beautiful secrets. 
Excited and nervous at the same time about what the following 72h would bring me, I jumped into my next adventure and stepped on the plane towards unknown.
  At arrival I chose an Uber to be the best option as it was already passed 10pm and the owner of my rental apartment was waiting for me for the handover of the keys. Dimas, the driver did not spare the effort to wait and look for me while I was was lost on the parking of the airport. Not only that, but he even insisted on carrying my luggage and walked me to the doorsteps of my apartment, promising he would work on his English as the body language workout we just went through made us sweat more than we wanted. I couldn’t wish more than that and that was just the kick off.
The apartment CASA ESPERA was located in Bairro Alto, the heart of the city, from where you can easily walk to every part of town with the waterfront just a few hundred meters away. Checking into Casa Espera was a little adventure by itself. The steep narrow staircase to the 3rd floor left little room for luggage and carrier, however, is worth every single step as it is the entrance to a little comfortable kingdom. The apartment was decorated with an eye for detail and a touch of vintage, leaving alone the eye catcher of music player in the living room. Satisfied with my choice of accommodation I stripped off my travel jumper, put on my adventure outfit and headed out to seize the night.
It started with a Mojito shared with another couch surfing soul in a bar called SPOT. As we both weren’t fond of the karaoke show the bar delivered we moved to Park Bar, a dazzling place on the roof of a parking garage. The place was packed with people from all over the world. We quickly mingled with some locals, teamed up with a tourist group of five Dutch ladies and two expats from Columbia/France and formed a party group with endless positive vibes. The night was young and we had our dance shoes on. So we continued the party at LUX, a well-known club at the Tagus riverside, danced the night away as light as feather and welcomed the sunset with the hands high up in the air.
Riiight…The next day started rather slow. Tram28 was on the menu for the afternoon. 1.5 hours under the burning heat of beautiful 31° C welded together my newly found connection with two German ladies. They, too, were on a treasure hunt, sensing that we were on the right track to something big. I understood why people preached to head to Marnim Moniz Square to enter the tram at its point of departure. Not only for the sake of the hangover cure the window seat was worth the wait. Standing all along on the 1h tramride holding on to some battered grab rails wasn’t exactly on my to do list, and God forbid, should the photos have turned out poorly. We tingled along amazing neighboorhoods such as Graca, Baixa, Estrela and Alfama which were filled with many tiny cosy stores offering everything your heart could desire. It was great!
That much that I decided to take the same line back, however, made my plan without checking the tram route and eventually ended up seeing other photogenic parts of the city.
After a little siesta I grabbed a real late night dinner at Taberna Portuguesa. Their staff was super courteous and the food to die for. I ordered the bread covered with chicken sausage, smoked ham, tomato and roasted cheese which blew me away and decided to eliminate the dessert at the Mirador Santa Lucia. With my thoughts dipping deeply into every bite of that heaven of chocolate cake I almost missed out on the enchanted encounter with Haio, but only almost.
He gave me a private city tour throughout the entire night. Stops worth to mention are certainly the Praca de Comercio with the Arco da Rua Augusta at its side, the Elevador de Santa Justa made out of iron elevator that connects the lower streets of quarter Baixa with Chiado and Praca de Figueira. One of my favorites was to pass Rua da Bica de Duarte Belo which was hustling at daytime, given the fact that it is most likely the most photographed street of the city, and so incredibly peaceful at night. In my opinion the best way to get a closer look at the iconic funicular which carries passengers all day up and down.
My third day I entirely dedicated to Sintra, an official UNESCO World Heritage site and heavenly place with majestic palaces, castles and blooming estates from medieval times. The train ride took no longer than 40 minutes and departed at station Rossio. First I felt like being brave and walk all the way up to the National Palace de Pena, but luckily due to lack of time I changed my mind and did not regret to do so. It turned out to be a very steep and curvy way up and would have taken me certainly 1,5 hours to climb up those monstrous winding roads.
Arriving up there, the bright colors of the palace were reflecting and shining in all their glory making me wonder how a princess’ life back then would have looked like. Oh boy, and the view from up there was just priceless so there’s no other way than to go and check it out with your own eyes.
After soaking up a fair portion of sun on the Tritone Terrace of the palace and feeling like a queen, I moved on to Quinta de Regaleira, a romantic park complex with fountains, lakes, grottoes and a palace. My personal highlight here was the Unfinished Well, the smaller of the two Initiation wells which never served as a water source as the name might suggest. From one of the towers I embraced the last sun rays of the day and made sure to reward myself with a gigantic ice cream in the historic center of Sintra before heading back to Lisbon. The day was topped off with a dinner close to Castelo de Sao Jorge and some hot Salsa dance moves later the night at the Mirador das Portas do Sol.
So came the last day so much faster than expected and all I had in mind was to make that day count. I started with a delicious jamon y queso sandwich at mercado da ribera, a place with more than 30 food stalls offering tasty portuguese delicacies rather at the expensive end of the bill, nevertheless totally worth a visit considering how little I actually had spent that far. Happily stuffed I negotiated my way on a Tuktuk whose driver agreed to a private tour (I tried really hard to convince him to let me drive but for whatever reason he didn’t wanna give in). This ride was the best decision eeever! The only must do I had in mind even before coming to this beautiful city was to pay a visit to Antiga Confeitaria Belem, the bakery known to be the navel of the world of egg tarte pastries which are best enjoyable still warm. 15000 Pasteis de Belem how they are called are freshly produced and sold every single day. There was a queue of more than 100 meters that caused me pain only from looking at it. The easiest way to enter THE temple of custard cakes is so simple and at the same time the best way possible- with a local.
I had spent years on imagining how they would taste and there I was, devouring this sweet dream of desserts on the back of a Tuktuk while having the history of Lisboa explained to me. We passed the most famous sights such as the Monastery Jeronimo, Sao Bento Palace and Monument of Discoveries and I caught myself thinking how amazing it would be to live in this magical city and was determined to at least gather information to make this thought reality. .
Could it get any better than this? Absolutely so…
Diving my toes into the refreshing blue and building sand castles at Costa da Caparica, a beach easily reachable via the 25de Abril Bridge which 100% lives up to its reputation. Impressed and totally sold my mind got carried away from the sound of the roaring waves of the Atlantic Sea.
  My dearest Lisboa, as shy and innocent as you first may seem, the moment you showed me your hidden gems and wilderness you took my heart by storm and there is only one thing left to say: Muito obrigada! You always see each other twice in life! And without doubt you and me rather sooner than later.
  Stay tuned and be part of my little adventures and share the love to travel! To be continued…
the expedition to terra nova A new beginning so it seemed. A place full of hidden treasures was calling me to reveal its beautiful secrets. 
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