#no zolu this time sorry yall
elymansss · 10 months
*gives you an award and medal for getting luffy right*
Thank you! Luffy is a super interesting character and complex even with how.. how to put it, simple? he is.
He's both, it's amazing to see how Oda made Luffy. I do worry that sometimes i can't completely and correctly characterise Luffy, but i try anyway
He's straightforwards, simple, has ideals and dreams he follows until his death and never does what he doesn't want to do. He's someone who is truly free and has people around him bend so his whims, whether they know it or not.
He's hard headed and doesn't change his mind, like ever. I've never seen him be completely in the wrong, his innate senses just make him always be correct for some reason (unless im misremembering lol) It's a unique trait i'd say
His freedom influences everything and everyone, and his demeanor pushes anyone who sees him forward into their own journeys. A beam of hope and happiness in the dark that is their reality.
But his stubbness and his unwillingness to show weakness (unless absolutely unavoidable) is quite prominent. He's someone who accepts the truth as it is, knowing he won't bring the dead back to life and is able to process such heavy information in months. Some people take years to get over the deaths of loved ones, yet you see this 19-year old process it in a tiny amount of time
He doesn't even talk about it to his crewmates
He's someone who has had people around him affected by their heritage, background or past so prominently that they escape from their lavish home into a jungle or angrily lash out at the name of their dad. Luffy knows, so he doesn't ask, not Ace, not Sabo, not his grandpa and not his crew. After all, living in the present is the best and bringing up the past won't change much.
He's someone who experienced being alone for years, until he met his brothers. He felt so isolated and lonely, the thirst for love being quenched for a bit by Shanks. After that though he got brothers. And they loved him and he loved them. Then Sabo died.
They weren't alone but it felt empty. Luffy experienced loss early, he knows what it's like. The empty space of the deceased person makes you feel even lonelier than if they just left on their own two feet. He and Ace cheered each other up.
Of course in Luffy's mind, all of this is simply thought and let go of. He now knows that he doesn't care for the past much. The past would stop him from living in the present and using the skills he learned then to do something in the present is possible without sinking into the memories. There's no need to complicate life. Death will come for you, early or late, so why not have fun and eat and sleep and fight while you can?
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
Don't feel like you have to make a list or anything but do you have any specific fic recs? I just really enjoyed that one you mentioned!
Jonny Recommends a Bunch of OP Fics
(i know you said no need to make a list but i’m gonna anyways, here’s a bunch of junk grabbed from the mess that are my bookmarks. most of these will be gen and G/T rated unless indicated otherwise cause that’s how i roll. i feel like i’m not very good at describing things to make them sound appealing but i will try! if nothing else, know i’ve read everything on this list at least two or three times.)
Oneshots, AKA Most of What I Read
Ring Around by Maldoror_Chant - ~600 words - Platonic kisses!! It’s just so goddamn cute please read it.
Underwater by ThisCat - ~1000 words - In which Luffy almost drowns, and thinks about some stuff, and the author has one of the best grasps on his personality and attitude towards death I’ve ever seen. Also every time I reread this I find myself holding my breath, which should tell you something. 
✖ by Faktory - ~1000 words - Vivi gets a tattoo, for remembrance’s sake. We need more Vivi in fic just in general, and this one is just so warm and meditative and lovely.
reach up to me (if you even can) by guiltylights - ~1500 words - Look it’s just a fic about Ace getting to see tiny Luffy post Gear Third and laughing his ass off for a solid five minutes. Good shit. Brothers. 
In Another Life by marimoes - ~1800 words - Hey I know you guys love Doflamingo and Rocinante do yourselves a favor and just read this one? It’s not happy but man it sure is something. Closure? I dunno but it’s good. 
tomorrow never happens by midnightluck - ~2000 words - Pre-canon, Sabo runs into a Vice Admiral who seems to know him for some reason and everything works out pretty well. 
Back So Soon by Moriohno - ~3000 words - Post-canon, Brook keeps his promise, just go read it right now it might make you cry but like for happy reasons. 
A Way to Reach the Future by JadeFlicker - ~3000 words - The Strawhats accidentally land on the frozen wasteland that used to be Ohara. More hopeful than you’d think. Also one of the few fics I can’t read in public because I will cry. 
Interlude for Eight Straw Hats and One Giraffe by Maldoror_Chant - ~4000 words - Kaku has a terrible horrible no good very bad day, and probably has to falsify a mission report. Honestly just hilarious from start to finish. 
paint the flag and fly it high by Codedredalert - ~4000 words - Pre-canon fic about the baby Heart Pirates stealing a submarine, designing their Jolly Roger, and largely failing to paint said Jolly Roger on said submarine. 
disaster in the making (we’re not sorry for it) by guiltylights - ~4000 words - The original fic I recced that prompted this ask, but I’m putting it here again now that I’m making a proper list cause it’s just excellent and needs more appreciation. Law crashes a Shichibukai meeting with a big sack of hearts and Hancock and Doflamingo get to bear witness. 
Deliverance by Sarcasticles - ~7000 words - Listen, I know a lot of you who follow me love Sabo and Koala. Read this fic. Pre-canon, they have their first mission on their own, everything goes wrong, Sabo does some arson, it’s excellent. 
Prospects by BrambleFuzz - ~9000 words - Katakuri joins the long list of people who did not get the heads up that friendship with Monkey D. Luffy isn’t optional once he’s made up his mind about it. Rip.
Birds of Alubarna by kurgaya - ~29000 words - The Strawhats go to a masquerade and that’s kind of all I can say about the plot on this one- and okay listen I know it’s long and also kind of baffling at first but YALL this author’s prose is so floaty and magical and it goes so well with the sort of unreal fantastical nature of events and it’s just good?? It’s just good. Also Vivi is in it and that’s always a bonus.
Chaptered Fics, AKA Half of These are Fix-It Fics and I’m Not Sorry
Lionheart by cyan96 - ~28000 words, Unfinished - tbh I nearly didn’t put this one on the list because I feel like most people who follow me have probably already read it, since I read my tags and I know how many of you love Law and Cora, but, on the off chance you haven’t, go read it rn. Go. Do it. 
Sea of Monsters by WhirlyBird70 - ~32000 words, Unfinished but it’s more like a bunch of short stories anyways - Bunch of fucked up stuff in this one so mind the tags but like, it’s a The East Blue is Full of Demons AU and it’s good weird shit so if you’re into that go read it. 
Small Changes by sweetscentences - ~37000 words, Finished - More Law and Cora. Honestly this one is just… so happy and domestic and good?? Also it’s got baby Heart Pirates, and they’re fucking adorable. (Also the author says they’re working on a sequel, so go support that!)
our shores of starlight (come sailing in) by kurgaya - ~46000 words, Finished - First thing on this list to not actually be gen- it’s Zolu, kinda, but not really focused on that? Mostly it’s just about Zoro. He’s a ghost in a sword, which is absolutely not gonna stop Luffy from recruiting him. I already talked about how great kurgaya’s prose is somewhere above this and that applies here too, it’s just gorgeously written. 
Scylla by missmungoe - ~50000 words, Finished - Technically this one’s not gen either, it’s Makino/Shanks. Makino marries a pirate, becomes a pirate, gets a sword, nearly gives Garp an aneurysm. Please read it. 
Overcoming an Era by Beyond_Kailani - ~60000 words, Unfinished - Ace bumps into a very familiar blonde in a top hat while searching for Blackbeard and ends up dragging him along. Maybe my favorite ongoing fic? I’m a huge sucker for canon divergence with regards to the ASL brothers and this is just, that, and it’s wonderful. 
Within Risk of Reason by Depths - ~60000 words, Unfinished - Another Sabo-centric ASL fix it, I’m a simple woman with simple tastes- but really. It’s got time travel, and crimes, and vaguely dubious adoption. What more do you need? It’s so so good. 
Obligatory Shitty Self-Promotional Note
I’m not narcissistic enough to make a whole nother list here, but I also write OP fic and my ao3 is Origamidragons if you want to check that out! 
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