#nobu shiroidaria
||Team PLNM muse tag dump||
Persiana Verde (Leader) The Tough one
Lance Vermilion (Teammate) The Trickster
Nobu Shiroidaria (Teammate) The Silenced one
Mahir Periwinkle (Teammate) The Bookworm   
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"That is what my sweet hunter? Not fair? Alls fair in love and war. So what do I get for winning?" She giggles and kisses him. "Were you holding back on me?"
He didn't say anything but his face burns more to look at her. "Even if your sneaky which is really smart. Though, you did catch me o..of guard. I wonder what I could do to reward you..." He mutters to look at her but kisses her back softly. "And I wasn't. I never do when it comes to training..but maybe I did since I do enjoy seeing my fiance being as beautiful as she is powerful."
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Sakura giggles as she can see her fiance getting flustered and decided to try some of her seduction techniques to try and win the fight. "Oooh my sweet Nobu is strong and handsome... I could never beat him!" She acts dramatic and waits for him to come closer before pouncing on him and springing the trap. Now she was wrapped around him.
He keeps his defense up even if his fiance was serious cute. However, he heard that to blink wondering what she was up to before he looks to her. "You kn..know that is.." as he speaks he got pounced on to see her wrapped around him to blush heavily.
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What are Sakura and Nobu up to? Are they having some dirty fun some where? Maybe some training that turns into sexy time?
Well for Nobu he was doing some training with his fiance Sakura since they were spending time with one another but he was focused while blocking some attacks from Sakura while deflecting some of the flames while he was sweating but his hair was up in a pony tail while training with her. Though, he was trying not to blush due to the appearance of his fiance to train with her.
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What do the grooms think?
Hex, Nobu, Zen, and Hiroshi blinks but their faces burn to smile looking happy. To answer the anon, they loved it. Very very much.
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Yes exactly something passed down to you. It's a tradition for weddings to have something passed down.
"Hmm, I see." HIroshi said nothing to think but looks to the others that was thinking about it. For a moment, Hiroshi sighed reaching into his shirt to pull something out. "I think I have something: This. It's a three loop ring necklace my mother made me. She told me as a child if I ever find my 'special someone' I should wear this. It's a pass down from my family for many years now......so I think that could work." he said. "She said something of when I do get married, it's suppose to do something special."
"For me....I think it would be a rare old hair flower piece for me. I heard it was made many years ago. I got this from my grandmother and she said it was to bring new life and a new blessing for me and who I marry.." Hex smiled holding it. "I still kept it away till I did get engaged and well...yeah." he smiled to look upset. "Till she passed from sickness.."
"For me..ummmm..it's this. A water pearl bracelet my father had. He said in the past, other river kitsune's had this to show a new page in life. He said it will always bring a blessing for you but I have another that is to be given to the other I'm marrying." He shows another water pearl but it's a necklace.
"And m..me..it would be a gem crafted White dahlia flower piece for me but I have the same flowers made as a necklace for the one I was to marry. It was my mothers. She was given this as a wedding good luck charm to give to my father. She told me, when you bond with another, give them this. It will show how powerful your bond is, always staying by each other side and being blessed if you were to have a strong change of having a family." He mutters softly to smile.
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Also Hex, Hiroshi, Nobu and Zen what are your favorite flowers? Also what are you using for the something borrowed for your weddings
"Flowers?" Hex asked to think about it with the others doing the same. "Well, my favorite i..is sunflowers." He smiled.
"Mine is red roses..." Hiroshi said.
"Hmmmm....I..I think it's purple lavander flowers....but it's between that and my known flower near my home , white dahlia" Nobu mutters.
"And me..it would be bluebell flowers." Zen said smiling.
"And borrowed for our weddings?" the boys were a bit confused.
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So Hex your very sensitive hmm? Like all over sensitive or just in a few places. What about Hiroshi, Zen and Nobu?
Hex didn't know how to answer but he blushes worse to look down. "Y..Yes. Very s..sensitive if I'm excited or aroused...t..though, getting blowjobs tend to make me even worse." he said covering his face.
Hiroshi thinks but crosses his arms. "I guess for me it's just some areas."
"Uhhhh...it's either my neck and ears. Or tail.." Zen mutters.
"....M..My chest...is most sensitive." Nobu said.
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So what do you guys suits/dresses (not sure what you all wearing?) Look. What do you think your partner will look like?
"Hmmmmm, I know Nobu will be wearing a white tux with a white rose but he will have a Sakura one there but also on his wrist. It was said from him his mother got married to his dad, he did the same. So it's a tradition right?" Hex asked seeing Nobu nod. "Though, I thing Sakura's d..dress or kimono will be of cherry blossoms theme or color..."
"As for me, I guess I'll be wearing a black tux but it will have a nature like theme to it. That or something close to it. I think for Hokuto, he could be wearing something that's something of a pass down from his family or in that same tradition.." Hex thinks.
"I think for me I'll be wearing a wedding male kimono but it would be black and red. Or maybe close to it....but for Raizen, I'm unsure it could be a suit as well but who knows? I'm always curious of surprises.." Hiroshi smiled.
"A..and for me..I'm wearing a traditional male kimono wedding outfit that was something hand made for me. I was told it was already done but I won't see it till the wedding. But...I'm curious of what Momiji will have. I'm already excited myself even if I'm wondering if it's a male kimono or suit..." Zen said thinking.
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So how are the wedding plans coming along ( for the ones dating the ninja children)
Nobu, Hiroshi, Takumi(Zen) and Hex were already talking with one another but heard the anon.
"O..Oh hello there anon. Everything is going well so far. We already got our outfits for the weddings, the rings have been made umm..are we missing anything?" Nobu looks to the others.
"Hmmmm....well, the food has been already planned for that day along with the theme and we found a good spot for it or close to it thanks to Takumi.." Hiroshi said seeing Zen blink but smiled while writing something.
"But yeah, everything is doing great. It's so close now we can't wait." Hex giggled.
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Nobu! How are you and Sakura doing. Mahir and Lance what kind of person are you both into?
He blinks hearing this but looks to think. "W..were doing alright. I was just finishing up making lunch for her to eat.." He mutters in a light happy tone showing the plate.
His teammates Mahir and Lance blinks but thinks.
"I would like to find someone that loves to have a adventure and enjoys playing some jokes and pranks. Maybe someone that would not mind liking a Fanus like me since we are rare to find now a days." He thinks about it wagging his tail. "That and enjoying some downtime..."
"Hmm, I'm not picky to who I would like to see in a person. I guess, I'm unsure due to being nervous around others so......anyone that is alright with someone like me. I'm always looking to find someone..."
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So who is the rest of your team? What do they think about you meeting someone?
"The rest of my team, it's these guys. Lance Vermillion who is a fox faunus." she shows a male with a fox tail that wags. He did show a smile.
"This is NObu Shiroidaria...He's a quiet but he's pretty nice." she shows a dark skinned male with snow white hair who was giving a bow to the anon.
"And this is Mahir Periwinkle." she said showing a male who was holding a book but gives a light bow. Now for the other part the boys think about it.
"Were alright with it. As long as Siana is happy then we are." Lance smiled with the other two agreeing.
"True, we want her to be happy but it's always good to see her relax for once." she looks at the guys while glaring.
"I can relax! I'm not tense!" she said but the guys blinks to sigh.
"See what we mean?"
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Hokuto, Sakura and Raizen were training out in the forest when Raizen suddenly gets his lust demon powers from sneezing like crazy and it makes the group horny.
"I'm telling you guys. It's just a normal season today. it's a nice day even with the sun." Hex smiled happily looking to Kai and Nobu. The two guys blinks hearing this but thinks about it.
"I guess that's true. Today is not t..too bad and it gives a good vibe.." Kai mutters with Nobu agreeing. They were just relaxing near a tree together but didn't know what happened to the three. Yet.
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Hokuto, Raizen, Sakura and Momiji showed up with their parents to introduce them to their lovers. You could definitely tell the resemblance with Hokuto and Momiji to their fathers.
Near the outside of the estate, Hex, Kai, Nobu, and Zen were hanging out while they were thinking of what they would do for the day. Though, they were talking about some things while eating some strawberry and cream cakes that Hanoka made for the estate today.
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*Days later Kai was the only one home today as he had recently cut his hair short since it grew a bit* "Nobu should be here soon...cant wait to see the look on his face"
In a few minutes, Nobu did show up or was just walking up to the area where he was still holding the note of meeting with Kai. He was really wondering what was going on since he also was busy helping with getting things ready for the wedding with him and Sakura.
He looks up to see the building and goes to knock.
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A cake covered in cherry blossoms was in front of Nobu. It was big enough to hide a person. Upon close inspection the cherry blossoms were chopped up fruits shaped to look like blossoms. It was covered in a white butter cream with pink icing. This was in Nobu's room. Sakura was hiding in the cake naked waiting for him to approach it.
Nobu was curious to how in the world this cake got into his room and where it came from. He saw the cake looked good to eat and sees the white butter cream and pink icing. Even seeing the cute fruits cut up to look like blossoms. He blinks to see it, walking over to the cake closer as he blinks. "I wonder where this cake came from?" he mutters softly.
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