#energy demon/shadowed butterfly sniper
||The Shallow butterflies muse tag dump||
Ashley butterfly
Hiroshi Kai
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jelanisaeed · 4 years
Fight Scene - Bakari
The voice of his archers resounded in a pleasant echo. Grateful didn’t begin to explain the rush of happiness as he rolled away from a gush of acid. Green like the sickly skin staining the bodies of these mutant frog demons. They locked their unfocused gaze on him as their long tongues swiped their warty lips.
Bakari frowned. With a quick enchantment, he became a puppeteer to dozens of scattered arrowheads across the bloodstained field. And felled his assailant with a rush of only two.
Naturally, he smirked. Weaving through the battlefield wasn’t hard now. Gained more arrowheads to orbit him with quickly spoken enchantments. The best lesson Bavual taught him after those months. With a flick of his wrists, demons melted away into puddles of sticky green goo. Even the best of them—a blotted scorpion with a thin needle stinger—succumbed to his might.
Ironic, though Bakari didn’t waste time contemplating the ways of the universe. All that matter was the safety of his team. Thankfully, his efforts saved quite a few from sneak attacks. Of course, conjuring the occasional shield didn’t hurt either.
Saves us a laundry bill, he whistled as green goo slid down his glimmering shield of cobalt mana.
Larger demons always gave the worst goo-baths. This one with the mangled features of a wolf and spider fused in an unholy union. Personally, Bakari saw its death a favor. No way living wasn’t difficult for it. And his job as a Dajide Murengo dictated he bring peace to nature. Though he wished for another way.
“Archers!” He barked, backflipping away from a heavy swing from a mutated bear. “Aziza’s Tears!”
Arrows rained down from above and killed many off the smaller demons in their way. The bear hung on, riddled with arrows as purple blood leaked and matted its fur to its back. It moaned, falling to its knees as fresh tears twinkled down its face. Bakari frowned. Perhaps had the cards been different, they’d live in peace. Not forced into a war didn’t ask for.
A war Bakari never wanted.
“I’m sorry,” Bakari whispered and rocketed another arrowhead…right through the head. “I pray the kiinbies grant ya new life.”
A hunter’s prayer he learned from Big Mama. Suppose to cleanse the arrow and lead the spirit to the afterlife.
They could all use a spiritual cleanse after this. Bakari surveyed the area with a frown. The bodies of the fallen weren’t far from here devoid of their precious mana. Soul-stones harvested if those gaping holes meant anything. Mourning now wouldn’t change their fates. He only wished the kiinbies were kind to their aggressors.
“Stay strong,” he proclaimed, oozing pulses of positivity through his empathy. The effects were instantaneous as brilliant energy enveloped them in body mending hugs. “We finna survive.”
Bakari knew survival well and refused to miss this date. Hopefully, they didn’t mind the extra company.
Though they might have to postpone. A chill ran up his spine as a heavy shadow weighed on him. Hot breath slapped at his neck and he shuddered.
Bakari leapt back and ignited fistfuls of cobalt magic against his heads. His remaining arrowheads floated above as he glared at the enemy. A demon far larger than any before towered over them. Decked out in intricate, ceremonial armor and thick spinal spikes. An awful pair for those rotten teeth it flashed through the afternoon light. Or the green salvia stained across its dry, purple lips.
“Figures,” Bakari scoffed and summoned with bow. Gently, he drew back the bowstring. Magic howled through the weapon, calling forth a notched arrow of pure magic. “Back off—Fell Sniper!” The arrow flew with his remaining arrowhead following close behind.
Only to be swatted aside by the demon’s heavy, spike-ridden club.
“I’m starin’ to hate y’all,” Bakari deadpanned.
The demon only roared before rushing in. It swung its heavy club, but Bakari ducked. Reeling back a magic coated fit, he howled before slamming a punch into its chest. It’s armor cracked as its skid back, winded as its club flew from its grip. But Bakari wasn’t finished. Howling dogs filled his ears and a stream of cobalt magic erupted from his hands and smashed into the demon! Carried it off far as it cried out in pain.
“Block that,” he snarled, landing a solid kick through the skull of a creeping frog.
Despite his wishes, however, he knew it wouldn’t stay down for long. Demons that strong never did. They went for rounds and some claimed they didn’t feel pain.
Bakari chased after it, notching another magic arrow. His soldiers tried to follow, but he scolded them. They were there to hold the line.
The crash site wasn’t far from him. Calm except for the shifting rocks pilled on top of each other. From the demon, he assumed. Frowning, Bakari circled it tensed. It had to be alive; Bakari felt the beat of mana drumming at his senses. So why—
The boulders exploded in a thick purple haze, sending harsh tremors through the earth. Bakari shielded himself from the biting winds. Closed his eyes for a second too long. When he opened them, the demon stood before him. With a hideous grin, it swung at him.
Thank Lord Mavu his shield materialized when it did. Half-baked; however, it covered only his front and his back his back exposed to crash into the rockface. “Gah,” he cried out. But managed to roll away just in time, narrowing avoiding being smashed beneath the demon’s feet.
Not face enough to avoid the meaty head before it seized his face and yanked him up. Weightless was a strange feeling Bakari never liked much. Nor the wind whipping his body as the demon swung him around.
Then came the pain.
The sharp, burning pain like massive glass shards piercing his skin. He screamed, but the hand muffled him. Already he felt his magic go to work as howling dogs filled his mind. Just need a minute to lick his wounds like only the best bloodhounds—
The pain flared up once more, stalling his magic. He didn’t even notice the weightlessness this time. Only the pain. Harder this time as the demon applied pressure.
Harder—the grinding rocks echoed in his ears. Whispering pitied apologies as they bared witness.
Harder—he waved them off, preferring nothing more than driving an arrow through the demon’s—
Harder! The wind snatched from his throat. His magic went into overdrive. Barking orders as it dulled the pain and healed the wounds. But it wasn’t fast enough.
His throat burned. Raspy and sore from each barely concealed scream as the demon.
Bakari braced himself for more, but it never came. Fatigue, perhaps? Heavy breathing bounced through his ears, but Bakari didn’t know where it came from. Not that he had much breathe left. His burning eyes made seeing impossible, but mind knew this well. Sightless and degraded much like all those moons ago. When he was only a child struggling to survive with his family. A child who saw too much. Years ago, he pledged to never be helpless again. To find the strength to overcome any obstacles. Yet the object of his fears had him trapped just like all those moons ago.
No, he willed his trembling arms up and grabbed the cold metal of the demon’s gauntlet. I ain’t, he breathed, fortifying his bones and augmenting his muscles with magic. The bloodhounds howled through his ears. And he squeezed. I ain’t gonna die here!
Tighter—the metal groaned under his grip.
Tighter—creaking echoed and Bakari pumped more magic through his body.
Tighter! The metal caved in and the demon screeched. Something thick and warm dribbled down his arm.
“I ain’t gon die,” Bakari pushed the hand up, ignoring the screaming in his tired muscles. Slowly, it lifted. And he rose to his feet, holding his hand overhead with a bloody grin. “Or lose!”
His massive wings bloomed and unfurled from his back, glittering. Bakari took to the skies, dragging the demon with him as his beautiful butterfly wings gave heavy flaps. Higher he flew until the world became an anthill to him and spun. Howling, he threw the demon down with all the strength left in his arms.
He wasn’t done, however. He opened his arms for an empty embrace. The bloodhounds howled once more, releasing pounding magic through his veins until it oozed through his dark skin. His arms flowed through practiced patterns. Drawing in the mana from the world around him before resting above his head, hands clasped.
And countless arrows materialized above. Cobalt like his eyes and pointed down at the plummeting demon.
“Hunter’s Tears!”
The arrows shot after demon and soon an eruption echoed through the air.
Bakari flew down and found the demon in a crater. Deceased with arrows riddled through its chest and single one plunged through its forehead. He frowned. Perhaps things could have been different. Maybe it deserved a ending better than its slow dissolve. For now, however, he chose not to worry.
Right now, his friends fought for their lives across this horrid field of decay. And he refused to leave him unaided.
Bakari unzipped his pouch and out came a flock of magic seals. “Great hunter of the Black Moon—Mlinzi,” upon his words, the seals ignited in a burst of magic. “I beseech thee, bestow upon me thy grace!” The seals flocked to their positions, draining their magic into the earth. As for Bakari, he sank to his knees and clasped his hands in prayer. “Bless this land with thy breath!” The howls reached a crescendo as he slammed his palms into the ground.
“Hollowed Hut!”
His magic surged through the earth and rose in wispy streamers of light. Knotting togethers as the howls came down from their height. Yet the magic only went higher. It’s chosen form bathed him in a comforting light and made the sweat pouring down his skin worth it. Even licked away his wounds as it gave its own howl to the heaven.
The deep, soul-rattling howl befitting only the strongest of bloodhounds.
And the strongest it was. The massive hound tossed a glowing bone into the sky, howling as it shattered and raining glimmering rays of light across land.
“Be safe,” his wings retracted deep within his soul-stone. Exhausted, Bakari collapsed as rushing feet echoed around him.
The darkness returned. But this time, he welcomed its embrace.
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turnian-fates-blog · 8 years
Yuko Flandre
Full Name: Yuko Familias Flandre.
Age: 40
Race: Demon (Wolf)
Gender: Male
Profession: Demonic Diplomat, 5th Pool of Sin (Wrath)
River boat of the Styx: summons a small wooden raft, able to fit a maximum of 3 people inside of it. The boat is made completely out of wood, and has the full utilities of an amazing wooden boat.
Wisp Manifestation: Yuko is able to bring out the spirits around to aid him in his attacks, the type of utilities he has are dependent on color.
Blue: has water-like properties.
Red: increased force on impact.
black: causes feelings of dread.
White: increases slashing damage.
The wisps can be thrown and are around the size of golf balls.
scythe: 8 feet long, blade is quarter of an inch thick, and is one foot in length
Description: Yuko stand at 6 feet flat, his eyes changing color to various shades of red when, changing depending on his mood. His personality is generally laid back, finding enjoyment in almost all things. He smokes from a metallic pipe, and is extremely quick to anger due to his Sin being Wrath.
Music Solvand Inaba
Age: 39
Race: Angel (Cat)
Gender: Male
Profession: Angelic Gunslinger
“Loony” Inaba: A personality split from Music, he’s a completely loose canon. He instead has white fur. When he fully witches places with Music, the black cat’s fur slowly melds away to a pure white coat. He’s proficient with shotguns and heavy assault rifles.
Summon Armory: Anything that Music puts into his imaginary world, both he and Loony can take from the world using a  small impulse of magic. Both of them need to either pull it out of their clothing or their own shadow.
Lunatic Blue Eyes: Allows “Loony Inaba” to manifest himself from Music, also allowing him to take weaponry in and out of their own private mirror world.
Description: Stands at a height of 5'8. Music has sapphire colored eyes, is never seen without his dark brown cap. Music normally wears a black overcoat and tends to wear two silver earrings in his right ear. His fur color is a pitch black. He has a slight obsession with smoking, one that was attempting to get cut, he instead smokes catnip, just don’t let anyone know it.
Kamilia Gravel Black
Age: 12 years
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Profession: Musician
Spiritual Band: A team of 3 spirits can be summoned along to aid Kamilia in caster both spells and guide her songwriting. There is 1 Drummer, 1 Guitarists, and 1 other vocalist.
Description: The little girl stands at a height of around 3'10, her favorite colors are light grey and black, normally being her colors of choice for her clothing. She generally wears long dresses and blouses, always keeping her hair long and neatly placed around her shoulders.
Kouri Vel Iku
Race: (Formerly Fox) Weather Spirit
Gender: Male
Profession: Assistant to Music, Angelic Sniper
Temperament Weather: Whatever emotions Kouri feels can manipulate the surrounding area’s weather.
Cloudy equipment: Kouri’s sniper and various other tools can be formed from his cloud-like body.
Description: Kouri stands at a height of 5'9, Wearing a purple vest and always has a rifle on his back. His eyes are filled with clouds, the light blue causing clashing with his darker normal color of blue. His pelt is completely blue, small white patches on his stomach and chest. His body can dissipate into a more ethereal form of clouds.
Sludge Ver Calavan
Age: 3,500 years
Race: Rat Oni
Gender: Male
Profession: Bartender of Seven Strings
Drinking Chains: The locks and chains around Sludge’s neck are able to stretch out to a maximum of four feet, the chains can sap the energy of a person, leaving them with a feeling of wanting to drink alcoholic beverages.
Smallest horns, strongest strength: Sludge possess strength enough to lift and throw 30x his weight, the strength stemming from the horns on his head. As they grow longer, he gets stronger. They can be cut off, but can regrow to ‘full’ height within a month.
Description: Sludge is roughly around the height of 5'4, always seen wearing his bartender outfit or a sleeveless plaid shirt along with a purple kilt. He has horns just underneath his ears and wears a lock and key around his neck along with chains. his fur is a soot-like grey. The chains when stretched out can reach up to 4 ft.
Rogar Elistaban-verdu Demitori
Age: 58
Race: Turnian (Goat)
Gender: Male
Profession: Mercenary, Dark Knight, Head Chef at Seven Strings
Anti-mage Armor: A set of black armor that disrupts spells being cast on the wearer. It is a set of black steel plate mail, It can be summoned and donned on within five minutes.
Dark Ax: A two handed weapon with the ax head stretching roughly 1 foot, the blade half an inch thick.
The pole is about 5’4 from bottom to top.
Description: He’s a ram who stands at 6’ flat, wearing more ‘comfortable’ clothing such as jeans and long sleeve shirts. His fur is a light brown and he has a dark brown spot on his left eye. He tends to be extremely laid back and lazy, rumors of him falling asleep while cooking all in reality are true.
Alivana (Ali)  Von Kalibrin
Age: 50
Race: Turnian (Lion)
Gender: Male
Profession: Servant of the West Angelic Building, Butler
Time Manipulation: Using a piece of silver, along with intense training from his former master, Ali is able to stop time for up to an hour while doing harsh physical labor. He can interact with all inanimate objects and adjust them to react within normal time. (I.E. throw a knife, in stopped time, and it flies when time is resumed. If he touches a living being, the being can move freely within the stopped time as long as they remain within 15 feet of the butler.
Description: Ali is a white lion who is 6'2, always seen wearing a suit. He tends to walk everywhere with a silver platter, always smiling and being quite kind to anyone he comes across.
Vivi Luminari L'Lavallant
Age: 25
Race: Shark
Profession: Dancer
Spiritual Dance: using the emotions in his heart, Vivi's dance can manifest into beings of pure energy. These can range from small things such as bugs to even large 12 foot tall dragons. It's all up to how creative the user is. It's an art form easily picked up, but hard to master. It is taught in downtown Silver Turn at the Makantash Theater  
Description: Vivi stands at 5'6, his light yellow scales are his second most predominant feature, the most noticeable thing are his eyes which shine a glorious emerald bright and true. He is always wearing flowing clothing which seems at least two sizes big on him with the sleeves extending past the tips of his fingers. His speech patterns are fragmented, not making full sentences.
Luc Vanti
Age: 40
Race: Demonic (Gryphon)
Profession: Servant to Yuko Flandre
Fantasia's weaponry: inspired by writings of old, Luc has the ability to summon weaponry. They range from a long halberd to an ax to a thin and nimble rapier. All weapons seem to have a butterfly and floral pattern engraved and stylized after them.
Description: Luc is 5'9 in height, his feathers are a mix of blue and purple, the base of his feathers being primarily a deep blue. He tends to wear a dark colored suit. The gryphon wears a mask over his eyes, extending out past his face in the shape of a butterfly. The mask is completely metallic.
Balthazar Kav’Davr
Age: 60
Race: Turnian (Spider)
Profession: Owner of Silver Turn
Web Spinnin': allows Balthazar to spin threads of pure emotion, each color holding a different effect than the others.
Red: the color of Anger: increase the power behind strikes and are very suitable as a normal weapon.
Orange: the color of Greed: it increases the want and longing of a target, it can be used on charms or counter-charms to make them more powerful.
Yellow: the color of Fear: it causes a paralyzing effect when wrapped around a target at least once.
Green: the color of Growth: has an absorbing effect, as each attack hits it, the threads become thicker. Max is about 3 inches in diameter.
Blue: the color of Calm: Brings a calming effect to the heart, can be used to deepen the ability of previous strings or abilities, allow them to take an additional beating.
Black: the color of Murder: rises murderous intent in anyone,
White: the color of Purity: Increases pacifistic thoughts and feelings in a person.
Purple: the color of Pride: Increases the confidence of one person.
Description:  He stands at about 6'2, with arms out in his back. Balthazar is a jolly fellow, his short fur a pitch black with slight tinges of brown. He tends to wear button up  shirts, ones specially made by himself just to accommodate his arms.
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Hi Hiroshi,
What do you like or love about Hellmare? You can tell us since you like like her so much.
"Hello there." he said looking at the anon but saw his question.
"What do I like or love about Hellmare?" he said thinking about it but he crossed his arms to think while having some lunch. When he did, he smiled a bit.
"What I like about Hellmare is she's smart, funny, sweet, she's always there for her friends and allies, even showing she's willing to fight for what's right." he said thinking but looks down. "Also, it's because she cares. She's always there to help her friends because she wishes to hope the other is safe and okay. She did the same for me when I was freaking out during a bad blizzard. She stayed with me to insure I was alright." he said.
"I love her gentle personality and strong personality. She has a beautiful smile, her eyes are like gems, and she's really special. She and I tend to drink tea from time to time even some home made Tea I here at home. "he said showing some hand made tea bags due to him growing his own.
"We do work well together if my fraction works with the DBT or side by side if we have a similar mission/target. She always is ready to head into battle which is impressive to how she can plan, strategize, and work along the plan to make it work. But to answer you yeah I do like like her. A lot. I have a crush on her since she's the most beautiful girl I've ever met. And I do enjoy our hanging out and talking over some good tea. But yeah...she's one of a kind alright and I really hope one day she accepts my feelings. But if not, we are still cool friends."
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What do the grooms think?
Hex, Nobu, Zen, and Hiroshi blinks but their faces burn to smile looking happy. To answer the anon, they loved it. Very very much.
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Yes exactly something passed down to you. It's a tradition for weddings to have something passed down.
"Hmm, I see." HIroshi said nothing to think but looks to the others that was thinking about it. For a moment, Hiroshi sighed reaching into his shirt to pull something out. "I think I have something: This. It's a three loop ring necklace my mother made me. She told me as a child if I ever find my 'special someone' I should wear this. It's a pass down from my family for many years now......so I think that could work." he said. "She said something of when I do get married, it's suppose to do something special."
"For me....I think it would be a rare old hair flower piece for me. I heard it was made many years ago. I got this from my grandmother and she said it was to bring new life and a new blessing for me and who I marry.." Hex smiled holding it. "I still kept it away till I did get engaged and well...yeah." he smiled to look upset. "Till she passed from sickness.."
"For me..ummmm..it's this. A water pearl bracelet my father had. He said in the past, other river kitsune's had this to show a new page in life. He said it will always bring a blessing for you but I have another that is to be given to the other I'm marrying." He shows another water pearl but it's a necklace.
"And m..me..it would be a gem crafted White dahlia flower piece for me but I have the same flowers made as a necklace for the one I was to marry. It was my mothers. She was given this as a wedding good luck charm to give to my father. She told me, when you bond with another, give them this. It will show how powerful your bond is, always staying by each other side and being blessed if you were to have a strong change of having a family." He mutters softly to smile.
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You know the saying some thing borrowed something blue and something new
"..You mean something passed down to us from another?" Hiroshi asked with arms crossed. "Like something from old traditions of family?"
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Also Hex, Hiroshi, Nobu and Zen what are your favorite flowers? Also what are you using for the something borrowed for your weddings
"Flowers?" Hex asked to think about it with the others doing the same. "Well, my favorite i..is sunflowers." He smiled.
"Mine is red roses..." Hiroshi said.
"Hmmmm....I..I think it's purple lavander flowers....but it's between that and my known flower near my home , white dahlia" Nobu mutters.
"And me..it would be bluebell flowers." Zen said smiling.
"And borrowed for our weddings?" the boys were a bit confused.
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So Hex your very sensitive hmm? Like all over sensitive or just in a few places. What about Hiroshi, Zen and Nobu?
Hex didn't know how to answer but he blushes worse to look down. "Y..Yes. Very s..sensitive if I'm excited or aroused...t..though, getting blowjobs tend to make me even worse." he said covering his face.
Hiroshi thinks but crosses his arms. "I guess for me it's just some areas."
"Uhhhh...it's either my neck and ears. Or tail.." Zen mutters.
"....M..My chest...is most sensitive." Nobu said.
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So what do you guys suits/dresses (not sure what you all wearing?) Look. What do you think your partner will look like?
"Hmmmmm, I know Nobu will be wearing a white tux with a white rose but he will have a Sakura one there but also on his wrist. It was said from him his mother got married to his dad, he did the same. So it's a tradition right?" Hex asked seeing Nobu nod. "Though, I thing Sakura's d..dress or kimono will be of cherry blossoms theme or color..."
"As for me, I guess I'll be wearing a black tux but it will have a nature like theme to it. That or something close to it. I think for Hokuto, he could be wearing something that's something of a pass down from his family or in that same tradition.." Hex thinks.
"I think for me I'll be wearing a wedding male kimono but it would be black and red. Or maybe close to it....but for Raizen, I'm unsure it could be a suit as well but who knows? I'm always curious of surprises.." Hiroshi smiled.
"A..and for me..I'm wearing a traditional male kimono wedding outfit that was something hand made for me. I was told it was already done but I won't see it till the wedding. But...I'm curious of what Momiji will have. I'm already excited myself even if I'm wondering if it's a male kimono or suit..." Zen said thinking.
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So how are the wedding plans coming along ( for the ones dating the ninja children)
Nobu, Hiroshi, Takumi(Zen) and Hex were already talking with one another but heard the anon.
"O..Oh hello there anon. Everything is going well so far. We already got our outfits for the weddings, the rings have been made umm..are we missing anything?" Nobu looks to the others.
"Hmmmm....well, the food has been already planned for that day along with the theme and we found a good spot for it or close to it thanks to Takumi.." Hiroshi said seeing Zen blink but smiled while writing something.
"But yeah, everything is doing great. It's so close now we can't wait." Hex giggled.
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So Ash? Has the team did anything special for you during your birthday today so far? And what of the other fractions?
She blinks seeing a grey face in the house but Ashley thinks a little to think.
"U..Ummm....s...so far, the t..team is making m..me breakfast in the k..kitchen right now. They t..told me to sit here and wait. It's really sweet they would make me b..breakfast since I do all the cooking. H..However.." she tense hearing something break in the kitchen.
"Damn it Hiroshi! Were trying to make breakfast, not break anything!" T-bone said with Hiroshi glaring.
"Don't stop yelling at me. I know how to do this. Your the one that broke the last one!"
"Guys, stop arguing we are trying to make breakfast for Ash!"
"This is fun!" Timmy giggled mixing something.
Ashley sweatdrops worried. "B..but..they tend to fight in the k..kitchen making m..me something. They almost b..burned the kitchen down but they got better.." she rubs the back of her head before hearing the next part.
"A..and other f..fractions? I know I..I got text messages and same for my big b..brother. They wished me ha..happy birthday which was sweet." she smiled before she heard the boys shouting and hearing the smoke alarm.
"U..Uhh...g..guys? Are you okay in there!?" she said.
"But...w..why is the fire alarm going off!?" she squeaked.
"NO REASON!" The guys said but she sweatdrops.
"...Umm.....one moment." she said getting up to check but seconds later. "A...A FIRE!? H..HOW DID YOU ST..START A FIRE!?" she said but goes to quickly help put the fire out.
Well, this is one way to start the day for her huh?
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How do you think Rex and Ashley would feel if they found this out? Winter and Hiroshi?
"Rex would be very angry if he found out what Navarro was thinking. Honestly, he would be either really angry or he would be sure his team wouldn't beat him up." Winter sighed.
"As for Ashley, she either would look scared that Navarro would suggest that or freak out from the questioning. She's well..easy to upset due to her being sensitive but working on it. That or starts crying...and we don't want that to happen." Hiroshi explains to the anon.
"So it's best they don't know too much but I get the feeling they will sooner or later."
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Do the boys fear of Rex Getting angry if anything upset or harmed his baby sister? We hear Rex is very very scary when something happens to her? I mean, Navarro thinks you guys only joined Ashley's fraction due to her being the only girl there. Is that true???
"Yes." The boys all said this at once while looking nervous.
"We will be honest on one thing, Rex fucking scares us. If anything or anyone harms or did something to his sister, he would have fucking killed us. If not him, Cal will." T-bone shudders at the thought while looking nervous.
"To explain, when we first met Ashley, we met him too along with Cal who was Ash's Devil. She was telling him about her own fraction and starting out. He knew she would be fine but..when she was not around, he gave us a clear deadly warning and it went like this:
"I will say this once, and ONLY once, I want my baby sister to be safe and treated with respect. I don't expect you boys, minus Timmy, to do something that will harm her or be over her like some dogs. So, I'll give a warning." He glares looking at them while gripping his sword, his blind white eyes looking at them as the boys got scared.
"If Anything, and I mean anything, happens to my baby sister..I'll find out about it. Then, I'll be sure to hurt you all down and make you regret making her shed one. tear. Get the picture?" he warns seeing T-bone, Hiroshi, and Hex gulp but nod slowly.
"That was when we first met him and believe me, during the first few months or two, we were scared. We did everything to ensure she was safe, happy, and taken care of. And were still doing that to this day. It took Rex a while to trust us but he seems us as her friends and nothing else." Hex sighed crossing his arms.
"And to answer you as well, we do have crushes like for me but that's private." Hex said.
"And we didn't join Ashley's fraction due to her being the only girl okay? She asked us to join her since she wanted to help us and we are happy for her help so don't assume other wise."
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To the boys of the Shallow Butterflies, is it true! Do you guys have a thing for your leader Ashley like the girls do for Rex in the Season Demon Warrirors!? XD
~~The Shallow Butterflies answer~~
T-bone, Hex, Hiroshi, and Timmy blinks hearing the anon say this that the older boys felt their faces flush but looks a bit annoyed hearing this.
"Seriously? Look man, why do you think we have some thing or what was it..uhh.."
"A harem T-bone." Hex said.
"Yeah that! I mean, just because were all guys in the same group with one girl, that don't mean anything. I mean, come on." T-bone sighed throwing his hands up but Hex looks to think. "That's almost like how Cal is the only male devil in the group and our devils are females."
"And to answer you no, we don't have a thing for our leader since she's our friend. That and the one who's helped us. Besides, we don't like like her that way. She's our friend and only a friend. I mean, some of us do have crushes with others in different fractions but not with our leader." Hex answers with Hiroshi agreeing.
"He's got a point. We treat Ashely as a friend and leader but nothing else..."
"I think I heard or guess Ashley has a thing for Joshua I think?" Timmy mutters happily but the other boys blinks to look at him. They look seeing Ashley happily holding a butterfly in the palm of her hands as it moves it's wings.
~~The Season Demon Warrior's answer~~
"You anons are so weird. No, we don't have a thing for Rex. Besides, we are all his friends." Winter explains not finding this funny. "That might explain what Navarro is going on about."
"I still can't believe he thinks we would even be like that with Rex. Just because he's the only boy and were girls. I mean, if he liked someone, he would have said something....." spring mutters looking at the anon.
"Yeah so don't jump to conclusions! That goes for Navarro too!" Fall grumbles with arms crossed.
"Now now, I'm sure he's just worried about Ink...e..even if he's jumping to that sort of thing. I just hope it gets taken care of before it gets worse." Summer adds in while they saw Rex drinking some tea in another room.
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Hokuto, Sakura and Raizen were training out in the forest when Raizen suddenly gets his lust demon powers from sneezing like crazy and it makes the group horny.
"I'm telling you guys. It's just a normal season today. it's a nice day even with the sun." Hex smiled happily looking to Kai and Nobu. The two guys blinks hearing this but thinks about it.
"I guess that's true. Today is not t..too bad and it gives a good vibe.." Kai mutters with Nobu agreeing. They were just relaxing near a tree together but didn't know what happened to the three. Yet.
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