#nobunaga in modern media
mr-system-of-a-downer · 3 months
Honestly the thing that's annoying about the ubi yasuke situation ain't that he's there- it's that they're either going to ignore the fact that he was a slave and treated like rat piss dogshit by pretty much everyone but Nobunaga- or they're going to try and make that a plot point and there's no fucking shot that'll work out well.
Like I don't get why they didn't just make up a totally not yasuke character like they did with Eivor totally not being the beother of Skallagrim and set the game later in time.
Ngl I don’t trust Ubisoft to him Justice since the Yasuke anime is unironcialone of the few pieces of media I can call “woke” due to changing a lot of the historical record to appeal to a modern audience.
Like yeah, he was a slave before he came into Oda’s service but I wouldn’t say he was treated poorly, but again I don’t really trust anyone but a Japanese dev to not turn him into what amounts to a token black guy.
Also the AC games just kinda suck now and they’re so far removed from what they were originally I just don’t bother with them. Wish they would just end. Franchise zombie to the extreme.
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exploring power fantasy
if we die, where do you want to go? heaven? nirvana? valhalla? that really good taco shop with the brisket and the cashier who doesn't care that you asked for French fries in the burrito instead of the normal fried potato's you have? (its a texture thing you say as i project my burrito preferences onto you)
some may wish to go to another world. that's right you rancid fucking shittertinkers! were gonna talk about the usage of power fantasy within the isekai genra and its possible literature usages, and wither or not there are actually some good versions of the genre.
first lets establish a baseline into what a power fantasy is. power fantasy media is a version of wish fulfillment or escapism in which the character (usually a blank slate in which us the reader can be within) displays an improbable amount of dominance within the story.
the most common one that we can find is thus: black haired skinny dude dies, usually after being hit by a truck or from some form of stress. they then get sent to a new realm, normally something euro fantasy based with all the castles, dragons and wizards and such.
said character will meet the king, they find out that the gods above or whatever entity that be has decided to grant them a seemingly useless skill, lets say piss laser x. the ability to piss at overwhelming velocity. then they find out that not only does this skill allow them to fire an actual dick laser that also bypasses defenses of enemies, they can force other entities to piss at high velocity, thus stunning them and allowing the character to beat the shit out of them.
or in less obtuse terms, a character is given a skill that is objectively strong and overpowered and from that point onwards, their sole task is to live in that world and do whatever they want regardless of any plot or threat that may attempt to effect them.
is this kind of story telling inherently bad? maybe! can it be fun to read if you don't give a shit? yes! is it annoying if it gets way to popular and suddenly a powerscaler decides they want to take permanent residence up your ass about who or what they can beat?
anyways you have more likely then not came across something like this in media given its astoundingly easy to use and also a very populer story format when used in parodies. ill flog myself for bring this up later but consider the show rick and morty. dispite rick not being a blank slate, we can easily call his method of plot progression akin to power fantasy.
but in that comes the variations. where as something like overlord will use the overpowered status of the character to only explore how the character interacts with the outside world, with their powers being nothing more then a method to shape the world and give us scenes of utter carnage brought to us by the sick twisted minds of middle aged Japanese businessmen.
we can see some budding attempt to fuck around with the idea of power fantasy in rick and morty. cool, rick can do anything and everything. what does he do? which immediatly opens it up because if no one can face you, your greatest foe becomes yourself. again, i say its budding given that the show is to scared to give rick a challange in anything other then name alone and even other ricks rarely serve any form of challange. again though, its the attempt that fascinates.
now lets not get it twisted, you dont need to have powers to have a power fantasy. you can also gain it from the idea of going backwards in time with the knowladge of the present. EX: https://mangadex.org/title/a4304d3b-191d-471f-8c78-353d403a35d0/sengoku-komachi-kuroutan-noukou-giga
the manga presents the idea of a school girl with a pencent for craft and war going back in time and joining oda nobunagas army and upgrading it with modern weaponry like compound bows and such. i consider this power fantasy given its creating a character with the ability to rewrite history because they were born with a certain knowledge in a world that lacks it, meaning that while they are easily killed, they are still the most valuable person within that time.
the usage of the story trope is normally to allow an author to explore the full extent of a power idea or to truly lambaste a certain troupe that the author may not like.
for example, the cancelled manga hero killing and a new manga called Cheat Eater are about overpowered main characters going around killing overpowered main characters. don't like a character? toss them in an let your op mc grind through them! don't like magical girls? make them a bunch of evil douchebags and let your overpoward mc kill em!
its mainly a trope of dismissal, as in you are creating a character mainly to dismiss, ignore or actively dislike something.
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odaclan · 2 years
Hi, I don't know if you have been asked this before, but I was wondering which modern depiction of Nobunaga do you find the most accurate? Personally I have to say I'm the most pleased with what Koei does.
In the mainstream/popular media, Nobunaga is still being portrayed in a very much grandiose fashion. Even if he's not depicted in so extreme a manner as though he's God Incarnate or Satan Incarnate, he's still this gallant, legendary heroic figure, who is ahead of his times. It's not my place to say that interpretation is wrong, but I just have a different view.
As I grow older, and the more material I read, I've developed the opinion that he should be depicted in a much more humble and serious manner. He's strong-willed, he has temper, he's successful, but he's a normal person.
For example, according to someone reviewing Mouri clan paperwork, Nobunaga once messed up how he addressed Motonari, and in the subsequent letter wrote of himself with such humble pronouns, presumably to indicate how sorry he was for the faux pas. The typical pop-culture Nobunaga doesn't usually give off the impression that he would do something like this.
Koei's games are attempting to be somewhat fair, I suppose. The dramatic flair is kind of a given, considering the medium (video game). A very sedate and realistic game might not be fun to look at, even less so than a movie or TV series.
In my mind, a realistic Nobunaga would work best for a gritty and grounded manga or novel, as a down-to-earth depiction is often not suitable for screen. I mean, I suppose a skilled writer and director could do it, but I'm not sure if people would want to do that, considering Nobunaga's still-widespread reputation of being "over the top".
That being said, I'm curious about how he's like in the Takeda Nobutora movie. As I mentioned in a previous post, that was the only movie in recent history that allowed their samurai characters to wear a proper orimage hairstyle. Not a ponytail, not the sticking-up nonsensical hairstyle, but the correct topknot as depicted in samurai paintings. Reviewers and its producer commented that this movie is a subdued narrative, so there is a chance that this movie's Nobunaga might not be so exaggerated as he usually was. It also helps that he’s not the main character here. Sadly, I have not yet the chance to watch this movie.
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maximuswolf · 4 months
I would like to respectfully add to the AC protagonist Drama
I would like to respectfully add to the AC protagonist Drama First off I'd like to say that I am an older straight white male who played video games for over twenty years and an Assassin's Creed Fan since 2007. I'm not black or Japanese. But I also like to think that I'm not a raving racist either. So my credibility is basically like hearing Sauron's opinion on the enslavement of the Shire. I get it I do. But I'd like to hopefully add some nuance. To me, this entire controversy is disingenuous from both sides. I know after reading that, you have your chubby cheeto-crusted gamer finger hovering over the downvote button wondering how can someone who's being racist and someone who's against it both be disingenuous. I'd like to explain myself a bit as I do think this is more nuanced than people are making it out to be. I think both are arguing about very different things and neither are relevant to the actual content.I don’t like the new Japanese Assasin's Creed game having a black protagonist because it doesn’t make sense for the trend Ubisoft already set. Almost all protags have been from the region they’re depicted. It’s like having a white protagonist for a game set in sub-Saharan Africa in 1100 AD. I’m sure some dude like that existed but it seems a bit counterproductive if your goal is inclusivity which many have already pointed out. That being said, it makes more sense to have Yasuke as a character you meet or as a companion. I'm not against him having a major or even primary role in the story. It would absolutely make sense for him to be a part of a group of assassins given the position he had in Nobunaga's court. Dope, cool, makes sense. But, shouldn’t the protag in this new game be a Japanese male and a Japanese female? I don’t think this is unreasonable to say when the Japanese are already underrepresented even in media about them, which many have also pointed out in Western media about Japan having white protagonists.Ac1 Altair was an Arab in the Middle East, ac2 Ezio is an Italian in Italy, ac3 Ratonhnhaké:ton is a native American man in America, ac: Origins bayik is Egyptian man in Egypt, ac odyssey the two protags are Greeks in Greece, ac syndicate your protags are British people in London. You can’t deny it’s the overall trend, but, to be fair, there are exceptions to the AC culture trend for protags. In Valhalla, you’re a Viking raider in England which is a cultural difference rather than a racial one. Also, Black Flag where you are a white male British pirate during the age of piracy in the Caribbean(with a black first mate) have been noted exceptions. You could make the argument this new game is like Black Flag or Valhalla where the protag isn't from those regions the games take place in but to me, it seems unfair to have a game like AC Syndicate and AC Odyssey have native male and female protags but Japan doesn’t because Black men are underrepresented as protagonists in Japanese settings. It comes off as shallow pandering rather than actual care for inclusivity. Anyway, that's my take on why I have an issue with it. I would not have a problem to play as a black man, an Asian man, or a woman, or even an lgbt protag. I take issue with this weird mutation of what inclusivity has become within the modern gaming sphere.TLDR:Dumb internet bullshit, the real controversy is the game being $120 and probably half finished on day one. Submitted May 17, 2024 at 02:00PM by FirstBankofAngmar https://ift.tt/4o3ljhR via /r/gaming
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orihara-infobroker · 5 years
Nobunaga The Fool
As I inevitably do when I sit down to write, I get distracted. Sometimes by things relevant to whatever I’m working on, sometimes not. Today it was Oda Nobunaga. I was talking to people about how, after watching Nobunaga The Fool, I can’t unsee/unhear Mamoru Miyano as Nobunaga. If you haven’t watched this anime I recommend it. It’s amusing. Just don’t... expect any serious history from it. XD
This led me to think, later, about how there are so many depictions of Nobunaga in media. I think the first time I remember personally seeing a reference to him was in Ninja Scroll where they call him the Shogun of the Dark at one point. (I might be misrepresenting. Haven’t watched that movie in forever).
So I turned to google in curiosity. FOR RESEARCH. What does this tumultuous man actually look like? The Adventures of Nobunaga in Google below the cut.
Well. Like this:
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Well. Pretty average looking samurai dude. So, of course, I wanted to see how he’d been recreated in fiction. The truest to real Nobunaga shows up in Sengoku Basara and Samurai Warriors, both video games:
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Where he looks like the badass villain. Cuz he kind of is in most video games.
But wait, how is that fair? Nobunaga unified Japan! He wasn’t a villain! (THE Problematic Favourite of Japanese History).
Well, let’s take a look at Nobunaga the dateable boyfriend! There are quite a few otomes that focus on Sengoku samurai. 
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Ikemen Sengoku (same hair colour, same scary asshole. (I have this game on my phone but no time to play it. I started with Date Masamune so I have no idea what he’s like but screenshots say he’s still an asshole.)
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Samurai Love Ballad. Reddish brown hair? Ok. Still an asshole to the MC like ALL THE TIME. (I played this one. He was my first pick. Because I like sadists I guess?)
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Sengoku Night Blood - An AU where all them hot samurai are either werewolves or vampires. So meet Drac- Errr Nobunaga the vampire. Blonde is his powered-up form. I have not played this game. I started the anime at some point because “oooo samurai” and had no idea it was based on a game. I have not finished it because I have more anime on my watch list than time to watch it.
Well. ONWARD TO THE ANIME. There are a lot of variants of Nobunaga in anime. Apparently, in Japan, everyone loves a good Nobunaga story. BUT it wouldn’t be a good story until we gender-bend him!
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Battle Girls, Sengoku Otome, and The Ambition of Nobuna. Redhead, Redhead, Blonde. Interesting. XD
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Drifters, Nobunaga Concerto, and Nobunaga the Fool.
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Almost forgot the gender-bent Nobunaga in the Fate game.
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Then there’s this new anime that Funimation is airing. It just launched in July. I didn’t even know it existed until this search. Will watch. It’s about Nobunaga as a youth. A very pretty youth. Kochoki: Wakaki Nobunaga.
I’m probably missing some references but I think this is enough XD Now, after seeing all these variants, what shall I make my Oda Nobunaga look like? Hmmmmmm.
Lastly is a bonus. Not actual Nobunaga. Just his swords. In human form. Because who doesn’t like anthropomorphized swords? From the game Touken Ranbu:
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Fudou Yukimitsu: Tanto Souza Samonji: Katana Yagen Toshirou: Tanto Heshikir Hasebe : Katana
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sk3tch404 · 3 years
💜 = ask
💙 = Drawings (to see more only this kind of content, search, #my doodle baboodles)
🖤 = shitpost
❤ = Writings
💌 = Videos
💞 = Older Post (mostly 2020 - 2022) I can't take people thinking my old media is at the same level of media I post rn. And i can't get myself to delete bc of sentimental reasons
Red indicates fandoms that I am open to doing! But feel free to send in an ask if you'd like!!
Which idv male hunter would be YOUR yandere? 💞
Yandere Norton inspired drawing 💙 💞
Yandere hostile Joseph daydream 💜 💙 💞
Yandere Joseph, Antonio, and Wu chang playing Puppet Combo games with Reader head cannons ❤ 💞
Reader besties with another Darling with Yan Naib and Yan Norton ❤💞
Yandere Joseph (Yeah, and the next time you call me a stalker, make sure you put registered in front of it! You wack motherfu-) 💙 🖤 💌💞
Yandere Athlete Squad (- Ganji) (So what do we do?! There's only one thing to do! We have to induce amnesia) 💙 🖤 💌💞
Yandere Aesop with Fem Gyaru! (Kogal) Reader 💜 💙💞
LACF, The Passion Project (Analog Horror Style) 💌💞 (Mainly Norton)
Yandere harem shenanigans (Aesop, Naib, and Norton) 💙💞
Yandere Jack (Ripper) general hcs 💜 ❤💞
Yandere Aesop (general stuff) 💙💞
Yandere male hunters + survs reacting to you asking if they 'like like' you after confessing 🖤 ❤💞
Jpop idol darling concept with Antonio and the Composer 💜 ❤💞
Yandere Norton Hcs 💜 ❤💞
Yandere Jack Thoughts. ❤
Yandere Wu Chang with a Chinese reader from modern day ❤💞
Yandere Tanjiro with frail Y/n 💜 💙💞
Yandere Inosuke with black Y/n who don't take his shit 💜💙💞
Yandere Tanjiro with distant Y/n who later develops feelings 💜💙💞
Yandere Kokushibo + Wedding attire 💙
Yandere Kokushibo, Akaza, Douma, & Aizetsu sillies 💙
Yandere Rengoku doodle 💙
Yandere Douma doodle 💙
Yandere Megumi on a boba date 💜 💙💞
Yandere Phantom Troupe with an s/o who gets friendly with other partners. ❤💞
Yandere Nobunaga, Chrollo, Phinks and Fetain doodle 💙
Yandere Chrollo doodle 💙
Get well photo - Yan Sanzu 🖤 💜 💙💞
Mc Swagger Rindou 🖤 💜 💙💞
Takeomi - Hair down pt.1 (Segsy wet dog) 💙💞
Takeomi - Hair down pt.2 (Kpop boy style/Felix from that one k boy group) 💙💞
Ran, Sanzu, and kokonoi idek 💙💞
Yandere Izana doodle #1 💙
Yandere Izana doodle #2 💙
Yandere Hanma blurb - Smoking ❤
Yandere Ran doodle (Unhinged School Boy) 💙
Yandere Izana doodle #3 💙
Yandere Hanma doodle 💙
Yandere Bob Velseb 💙💞
Yandere Kevin 💙💞
Yandere Tighnari doodle 💙
Yandere Shiva general hcs ❤️💞
Yandere Silco General Hcs ❤
Yandere Silco with a Reader who only puts up with him because of Platonic! Jinx ❤
Yandere Glam doodle 💙
Yandere Dee doodle 💙
Yandere Doctor Masacrik doodle 💙
Yandere Malone doodle 💙
Yandere Risotto Doodle 💙
Yandere Ghiaccio doodle 💙💜
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Since I’m already on the subject of Nobunaga, I might as well clear this issue. 
To re-explain how the “classic” rotating volley story of Nagashino works: The 3000 gunmen were standing together, not separated into three squads in 3 different places. They just stand in 3 rows of 1000 guns each. The first row shoots, then moves aside to let the second row shoot while reloading their guns. The second row shoots, then moves aside and reloads, letting the third row make their shot. By the time the third row is done, the first row has finished reloading and is ready to take another shot.
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This creates an endless barrage of bullets that rip apart the cavalry.
That being said: Nobody knew where the source of this story is. The rotating volley story seems to have spread around already by the Edo era, and was presented as “fact” in textbooks in the Meiji era. In modern culture, Kurosawa Akira’s popular Kagemusha movie probably cemented the image in many viewers, even if he wasn’t the creator of the trope. 
There is an account in the Shinchou-ki (not to be confused with the similarly-named ShinchouKOU-ki) that said the Oda had brought 3000 guns, although this is considered not very reliable and historians preferred the account that said only 1000 guns were brought. Either way, no matter what the number of guns is, there are no description of rotating volleys and the massive amount of guns were just shot once. 
Even 1000 was so many guns already that it sent the horses into panic, and they really didn’t need the rotating technique. 
Now, there is an interesting “proof” that Japanese riflemen employed rotating volley technique during Hideyoshi’s Korea invasion. The king of Joseon and a Ming general recorded that the Japanese riflemen “split into groups and took turns shooting”. If this really had described the rotating volley, then this means that it’s at least not a technique borne out of fictive imagination. We are just not able to prove that it was used in Nagashino. (If this technique somehow turns out to be Hideyoshi’s invention, then there it is, another one of Hideyoshi’s things being stolen by Nobunaga in media. Oh, how hilarious)
Back when I first did running commentaries of the routes in this blog, I chose Nobunaga’s Divine End, and was dismayed to find that the infamous rotating volley story was not mentioned there. In retrospect it makes sense, because it was focused on the MC’s POV, so she would not have been able to witness the war. 
My problem was that Nobunaga’s profile had said he is a “Master Tactician”. However, in the story the battles were shown to be mostly won on brute force. The only “strategy” I could recall seeing in the route was Nobunaga outsmarting bandits who kidnapped MC by tricking them into eating chili pepper-laden cakes. This discrepancy between stated character and actual narrative execution just bothered me a lot. 
I am now somewhat mollified, since it actually is here. Us players are meant to read both ends anyway. I just didn’t realize immediately because I had moved on to start running commentaries on Masamune and Kojuro back then. I’ve only finally managed to catch up on the Noble Ending now (well, shortly before I started rereading the Nobunaga Act 2 to do the commentaries). 
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selenacosmic · 4 years
Masterlist 2✧
The last update- 23. 09. 2023
Ikemen Sengoku.
Romance in the office(shingen Takeda).
They save their child from a kidnapper.
How the warlords kiss(Oda forces).
How the warlords kiss(Uesugi-Takeda forces).
Their first time hearing MC singing.
Youtuber MC.
The end of the year with the warlords. (Oda forces)
The end of the year with the warlords. (Uesugi-takeda forces.)
Their child in Halloween costume.(Oda forces)
YouTuber MC falls of the chair.
MC cosplaying as the warlords.
Blind MC who is very affectionate.
Contortionist MC.
MC with weird pregnancy cravings.
MC who can’t feel pain.
Deaf MC.
MC with resting bi/ch face.
MC that knows nothing of Japanese culture.
MC with trust issues.
MC who is super shy and super smart.
MC who is professional at Go.
Mermaid MC.
MC who is obsessed with books.
Suitors protecting MC from a creep.
Cuddly MC.
MC with heterochromatic eyes.
A Native American MC.
Period comfort.
Neko MC.
MC comforting suitors.
Protective suitor.(Kennyo)
Poc MC.
Suitor taking care of sick MC.
Muscular MC.
Flirty MC who likes suitor’s muscles.
Arguing and making up.
MC with super long hair.
What fascinates the warlords in the modern era.
Their children getting saved.
Kitsune MC.
MC who is a master at sword fighting.
Blind MC touches his face.
Poker face MC.
MC with dyed hair, piercings and tattoos.
MC with galaxy eyes.
Teen!MC has a crush on him(not romantic).
MC with a quirk(mha).
MC who is a Targaryen.
Teen!MC has a crush on him pt.2(not romantic).
MC who eats a lot.
Warlords hear MC singing simp
Warlords react to the stage play.
Widowed MC with a child.
Targaryen MC lets them ride her dragon.
Teen!MC is stood up, warlords get revenge.
MC from a faraway future.
Targaryen MC pt.2.
Match with Yoshimoto.
Japanese dragon MC.
MC wants another man.
Tall MC.
MC who blasts Melanie Martinez.
MC with galaxy eyes pt.2
Teen!MC shows them social media.
Widowed MC with a child pt.2
Japanese dragon MC pt.2
Warlords reacting to their fanart.
MC fights a vassal who is a traitor.
MC with a pet white snake.
MC with an eyepatch.
MC saving herself from a kidnapper.
Magic MC heals shingen.
Teen!MC interviewing them for a school assignment.
MC having sleep paralysis.
MC who can do aerial dance.
MC who is overly excited.
Warlords if they were dogs.
Warlords being caught in MC’s traps accidentally.
Warlords react to Yandere MC (very light. MC acts more like a fan).
Warlords as mafias in the 21st century.
Warlords trade bodies with their pets for a day.
Warlords as hogwarts’ students.
MC crossdressing.
Don’t flirt with your doctor(shingen/AU).
After an argument, how MC makes his bento.
MC who is good at stealing.
MC screams because of a spider in her room.
Diabetic MC.
Kennyo and pets.
Teen!MC introduces them to her lover.
MC who is covered in scars.
Their wives ignore them and hide under a giant plushie octopus.
The warlord’s little sister suffers bullying.
MC takes Nobunaga and shingen to a sweet buffet.
MC had a food allergy.
Teen!MC bakes them a cake… and fails.
Fun little facts about the warlords.
Teen!MC shows them the Star Wars trilogy.
The warlords doing the Dabke dance.
Magic healer MC pt.2
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daeva-agas · 3 years
100 questions for Nobu fans
The person who I got the questions from recently redid theirs, so I figured why don’t I redo mine. My original one is very not thoughtful at all, and more of fandom-based fangirling LOL. Let’s see if I make more sense now. 
Original Japanese: http://www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~longhua/azuchi-100situmon.html
English translation: http://uesama-dango.blogspot.com/2021/06/happy-birthday-nobunaga-sama.html
01. What is your nickname? I usually go by agas. Sometimes D_A or Renoir.
02. How old are you? I’m legal.
03. Are you a man or a woman? Girl/Woman/Lady
04. Where are you from? The beautiful Emerald of the Equator
05. What’s your occupation? Freelance commission artist
06. Since how long you’re a supporter of Lord Nobunaga? Mm, 2013 I would think. 
07. How do you usually refer to Lord Nobunaga? I usually refer to him as “Nobu” because I’m lazy. I occasionally call him “Nobunobu” or “Nobubu” when I’m shitposting. “Nobunaga-sama” every now and then, when I’m being dramatic.
08. When did you first know about Lord Nobunaga? ... When I was probably 10, and the reference flew right over my head.
09. And how did you know about him? In the manga Detective Conan, there was a case in Osaka Castle involving a group of history fans doing a roleplay game of historical characters. That was where I found about Nobunaga and Hideyoshi’s uma-jirushi XD Of course, it TOTALLY meant nothing to me at the time. Just “there’s a whole bunch of names and it’s history-related, but I don’t know who these people are”.
And then it kind of came back, in a history-themed chapter in Doraemon. And then I guess eventually I found out about Koei’s Samurai Warriors. 
10. Which was your first impression of Lord Nobunaga? “I have no idea who this is” probably doesn’t count, huh? 
Once I vaguely knew who he is, despite my initial image mostly informed by Koei, I actually felt he’s more like Qin Shihuang rather than Caocao. Probably more because I have no idea what Caocao’s policies are like. Meanwhile, I knew Qin Shihuang once burned a bunch of books and killed the scholars that I thought vaguely resembled the burning of Mount Hiei (it was different, but well, at the time that’s what I think).
11. When did you start to love Lord Nobunaga?
I wouldn’t say I know precisely when. Just that Shinchoukouki and Japonius Tyrannus had very very strange stories in them that made me want to learn more. 
I was too busy spazzing in my old post to say... Uh, I was actually... not interested in Nobu, originally? I got those two expensive books for the Nobuspawns. Nobu being more interesting than I thought was a complete accident.
12. If there’s an episode that made you fall in love with him, tell us.
The part where he gave the random beggar a bunch of stuff, and made the nearby villagers take care of this man for the rest of his life. I know Nobu is a decent ruler, but he came across as very detached. Before this I never really heard of anecdotes like this, where he has personal interaction with people. 
13. Tell us about your strong feelings (passion, fear, respect or love) for Lord Nobunaga.
Suffice to say, I've somewhat distanced my feelings for him as a person. Used to have something of an idol worship/geeking. Now... well, I don’t know. Mostly something along the lines of “give him a break, man, he probably needs a hug or something.” I disdain the over-the-top treatment he is still getting from Japanese media, and I just... about feel as bad for him as I do modern day overworked and hassled actors/singers/etc.
14. Which is Lord Nobunaga’s best quality?
Knowing what he wants and working to achieve it. Whatever it is that he wanted, he does his best to get it done. 
I mean, what his motivations are is highly debatable now, so I can’t even say “I admire his ambition”, because I no longer know for sure that he has one. So, you know. Hard working. He tried his best and all. And despite the constantly-ballooning problem he faced, he managed to hold shit together just enough for things to function.
15. Which is Lord Nobunaga worst flaw?
Bad people skills? I feel like he’s the type of person who doesn’t really get subtle communications, and prefers thing straightforward. So a lot of the vassal issues is because a lot of the clans are hoity-toity and would be all public image and delicate when they communicate. Nobu then either misinterprets, or doesn’t get it at all, which results in dissatisfaction on both sides. 
16. What do you think is the secret of Lord Nobunaga’s strength?
Many things. Good choice of staff, decently clever planning, willingness to override tradition with new policies. 
Clinging to old stuff for no reason hinders progress, and even if Nobu don’t exactly “invent” new things, he’s willing to be open to consider new stuff.
17. And what about his weakness?
Bad people skills. Period. That, in general, brings you TROUBLE. Like, dude, WHY.
18. Among all the annedoctes of Lord Nobunaga’s life (historically accreted or not) tell us your favourite three.
a) He danced women’s dance while dressed as a Celestial maiden.
b) He got headlocked in an argument with his son, threw a pillow to his son’s face, and just gave up
c) He wore dick kimono when visiting Dousan
d) He cooked lunch, and it was so lame that the guests could only say “the ingredients were very fresh” so as to not offend him
e) The beggar story
19. And why they are your favourites.
a) I mean, I always thought he just knew Atsumori, since that’s all everyone ever talked about. I just think this was an interesting story. Also, conspiracy theories abound, but I’m going to ignore that for now
b) More because of the son, TBH. Nobu has the vibes of being so strong/intimidating/scary/etc. The fact that he totally just “fuck it I give up” because his son is somehow more stubborn than him is hilarious.  Though, makes me wonder if Nobu really is actually more lenient than we think. This sort of anecdotes don’t make its rounds that often. I’ve only seen of this son story, and Hideyoshi. 
c) It’s not a true story, far as I can tell, but it’s just such an utter disaster that I can’t help but enjoy laughing at it every single time.
d) Nobu cooking is an amazing story, okay. Nobu. Cooking. That just does not compute. Like, even in a froo froo otome game/shoujo manga, I would be like “that’s so fake”. But this is an account made by someone whose house was being used to host the guest, so... 
e) This act of kindness is almost surreal. I honestly had flashbacks of the BIBLE reading this. Like, he just saw this lame beggar, and after hearing the beggar’s story, told the villagers to make sure this guy is clothed and fed properly and has a house built for him. Supposedly he even hand-picked the fabrics for the clothes too. Like, again, I’ve always gotten a rather stoic vibe from the Nobu in fiction. Him being very hands-on like this is very new to me at the time. Still impressed by it now.
20. And what about any that you’re not fond of? I suppose I would say I really hate any modern adaptation of him that goes to the extremes. Either the "crazy power-hungry demon” extreme or “he can do no wrong” extreme. I hate both. 
Oh. Telling his minions to kill and destroy the enemy even though they’re perfectly willing to surrender. Sometimes diplomacy is necessary, you know…
21. Is there an episode that make you think “Ooh, Lord Nobunaga, how cool you are!”? The trial of fire. He did a trial of fire for a RANDOM PERSON… for no particular reason? I guess it was out of his sense of justice? But he picked up a burning axehead like nothing, even though it’s really none of his business. This kind of stuff I only hear in myths and epic legends like Beowulf or the tales of King Arthur’s knights or something.
22. Is there an episode that makes you think “Lord Nobunaga can be kind, too!”? The beggar thing I mentioned in question 18. Also, the very caring letter he sent to Nene.
Although the latter is more confusing than heart-warming. Granted, I have never actually seen Nobu’s other “nice” personal letters, but… eh… WHY THE HELL DO YOU CARE THAT HIDEYOSHI WHINES ABOUT HIS WIFE?
23. Is there an episode that makes you think “This thing, and only this, I would have preferred if Lord Nobunaga didn’t do it!”?
How about not going off to Chugoku to gloat? Then maybe Honnoji won’t happen. If Samurai Archives was to be believed, Hideyoshi actually told Nobu NOT to come because he could handle the enemy just fine.
24. Is there an episode that makes you think “Lord Nobunaga, how embarassing!”? WEARING WANG-PATTERNED KIMONO DOWN THE STREETS. WHY DID YOU DO THAT???? I am 99% sure that’s just bullshit rumour, but *sobs* the story still exist anyway, so I will harp on it ad nauseum. 
25. Is there an episode that makes you think “This is a posthumous invention!”? “Nobunaga is an evil demon who wants to rule the world and think he’s god”. This is seriously why I cannot stand Sengoku Basara.
26. Is there an episode that makes you think “I can’t think about it without laughing!”? Nobunaga held a party to celebrate Nobutada’s birth. A dance party, it was said. Nobu, really.
27. Is there an episode that makes you think “I can’t talk about it without crying”?
Ahaha haha ha. I feel bad for saying this, but none. I wish Honnouji didn’t happen, but I wouldn’t cry about it. 
28. When did you think that Lord Nobunaga’s aestheticism reached its climax? When he had people light up lanterns all through Azuchi. It’s got to look like a night-time city lights view with all the pretty sparkly lights.
29. What kind of clothes fit better to Lord Nobunaga? I really have a thing for seeing him in a mix of European and traditional Japanese clothes. 
I like the white European shirt + hakama that he wore in Gou drama.
30. If Lord Nobunaga would be a colour, which one do you think he’d be?
All colours for all seasons. LOL. Lately I’ve been associating him with “spring”, so a leaf-green sort of colour?
31. If Lord Nobunaga could be described by a kanji, which one do you think he’d be? 永 (“Ei”) –Eternity. Whatever you think of him, his presence left a lasting impression.
32. If Hideyoshi is a monkey and Ieyasu is a tanuki, Nobunaga is..?
A very very put-upon raven. Smart, vicious, has the image of doom and gloom but is not actually one.
33. What is your favourite battle of Lord Nobunaga?
The fight against Araki Murashige.
34. Why? Because it involves a lot of things that I care about. Namely the three Nobu hellspawns fighting together. Also. Takayama Ukon.
35. If you could pick one, which is your favourite period of Nobunaga’s life?
The... 1568-1573 period? Basically the early days of being tangled with national-scale debacle. He’s still the (somewhat) “bright-eyes and innocent” Nobu, still optimistic, still... generally well-adjusted. 
Also the new story about him being friends with Motonari? Fantabulous, give me more.
36. Which was the greatest danger that Nobunaga had to face in his life (besides Honnouji’s)? Okehazama.
37. Which is your favourite quote of Lord Nobunaga? 是非に及ばず zehi ni oyobazu His last words at Honnouji. I just… marvel at his calmness, I guess. It’s almost a parallel to what he said before Okehazama, but this one… After knowing he’s been betrayed AND that he’s facing a sure-death situation, he pretty much says “oh well, it happens”.
38. What is your favourite scene in Nobunaga’s life, as depicted in novels or TV dramas..?
AHAHAHA HAH HA HA HA I wish novels bothered to go there at all. 
I always love Nobu’s interaction with his spawns. Sadly, I do not get that in fiction. Not in the ones that I’ve seen, at any rate. Maybe I should go try reading that Nobutada novel or something.
39. What is your favourite portrait or painting of Lord Nobunaga?
Kano Eitoku’s painting. I dunno, I really like it. Maybe because it’s so crisp, and clear. Also I like the “quirk” of his where he draw Nobu’s moustche curling up like some cartoon character? I thought that was fascinating.
40. Who is your favourite vassal of Lord Nobunaga’s crew?
Hideyoshi used to be my favourite lord before Nobu ate my life, so he will forever have a soft spot in my heart. I like Toshiie, Akechi, and Niwa Nagahide too.
41. And what about the vassal you like the least?
Arrrgh, it’s hard… I don’t particularly dislike anyone! 
Although I have to say that I get a bit irritated at Ranmaru being over-emphasized at times. I don’t dislike Ranmaru per se. I just yet to see how he’s in any way more special than all the other valets.
42. Who is the strongest vassal of Lord Nobunaga’s crew?
Katsuie? He isn’t named “Oni Shibata” for nothing.
43. Who is the smartest vassal in Lord Nobunaga’s crew?
Hmm… Tough question. Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide for a tie?
44. Who is your favourite woman among those who had to do with Lord Nobunaga?
With a bunch of info now debunked, that’s hard to say. I would reply Toku-hime by default, because my preoccupation with Nobuspawns. But there’s really no reason for it, is there. 
There’s too little to be known about Nouhime, or Kitsuno, or anyone.
45. Who is the enemy of Lord Nobunaga that you hate the most?
None. I don’t CARE enough about them to hate.
46. Who do you think was Lord Nobunaga’s most faithful vassal?
Uh… Niwa Nagahide… maybe? Idk.
47. Who do you think was Lord Nobunaga’s arch-enemy?
48. Who do you think was Lord Nobunaga’s benefactor?
Should be his father-in-law. Wasn’t Dousan one of Nobu’s first close allies or something to that effect?
49. If you were one of Lord Nobunaga’s vassal, what rank would you like to have? It depends on the context. Would I be someone born and raised in the warring times? Would I be a time-traveller? Would I be like a ghost possessing one of his vassals? Would I be a time-traveller who somehow writes myself into history?
Secretary, maybe? Or accounting. I’m decent with maths. I’m not really keen on going into battles, and I don’t want to be a page. It’s weird. 
50. If you could time-travel to Sengoku era, where, when and what would you do? Well, I’d love to be able to take pictures of the castles’ interiors and layouts for personal reference. Tell me I would be able to return home anytime I want in this scenario, because I don’t want to be stuck in that era forever. I don’t want to be arrested, killed, made into someone’s concubine, sold, or be involved with anyone who later dies.
51. If you could be one of those close to Lord Nobunaga, who would you like to be, and what would you like to do?
His portrait painter? I don’t know. Honestly, I first would want to know what it IS that he really wants. Does he want to raise/cultivate a sensible ruler so he can retire in peace? Does he want to be king himself? Then I’ll figure out what to do/say once I know.
Barring that, maybe advise him to pay more attention to his other sons so that they could step up to the plate just in case anything bad happens (AHEM). I really have no idea why he rarely told Nobutaka and Nobukatsu to participate in battles. I mean, wow, those two only ever go out if Nobu wants a big overkill and make sure the enemies gets destroyed completely.
52. If you could be Lord Nobunaga for one day, what would you like to do?
I don’t know. I want to do something that would make a lasting change, but it’s hard to think of what.
Maybe not go to Kyoto during the day of Honnouji? LOL. Just send Akechi out and just wait for the news at home in Azuchi.
53. What would you think would have happened if Lord Nobunaga didn’t win the Battle of Okehazama?
He’d die. Pretty sure of it. The impression I get of Imagawa is that he would destroy the Oda. If he didn’t die, I say he’d lose whatever little support he has and he’d have a rather difficult life. Maybe he’d go ronin? I don’t know.
54. If Lord Nobunaga didn’t die at Honnouji, how would you think that history would have changed?
Pass. Next question.
As I said in 51, I don’t know what Nobunaga wants. I’ve recently started to get the impression that Nobu is just so put upon. I think he actually would’ve liked it if the shogun or the emperor was competent. He just wants to be assured with his own eyes that everything will be fine. He only took things into his own hands because the official lords in charge (the shugo, the shogun) couldn’t handle the issue, and everything just imploded.
55. Did you ever visited one of the historical places related to Lord Nobunaga?
Honnouji, Gifu, Azuchi, Kiyosu. Still a lot of places to go, but... maybe once I don’t have family with me.
56. Recommend one of them.
Definitely the Nobunaga no Yakata replica. 
57. Which one would you like visit?
58. Did you ever visited Lord Nobunaga’s tomb? The Honnouji one
59. What would you pray for, in front of his tomb?
Sorry, I don’t believe in praying to or for the dead.
60. Is there an event or a festival about Lord Nobunaga that you’d like to recommend?
Haven’t been to any of them, and I feel bad about saying that I don’t really want to go. Maybe if I have a friend to be excited with I might want to go, but otherwise I’m just... not a festival person. I dislike crowds.
61. Is there an item of Lord Nobunaga that you bought without thinking twice?
Does the Shinchou Ko-ki count? I’m... also not that big of a merch person. I got a Dairokuten Maou folder, and an Oda mon necklace, but I think that’s it.
62. Is there an item of Lord Nobunaga that you didn’t manage to get? THE DIY AZUCHI CASTLE MODEL. I want it so bad, but it’s no longer produced and all I can find is incomplete parts of it in Japanese auction sites. There’s no point in purchasing them if it’s incomplete!!! 
63. Is there something of Lord Nobunaga’s personality in yours?
Bad temper, bad people skills, impatience… Well. I guess “having crazy ideas” is the one semi-decent thing we share in common. 
64. If you could compare yourself to one of the persons close to Lord Nobunaga, who would you be and why?
His son Nobukatsu? I dunno, he seems to be the one who isn’t doing anything much, but he does still contribute something occasionally.
65. Do you know other fans of Lord Nobunaga?
Yes, of course. Pfff… That’s where I got this questionnaire from
66. Did you ever turn someone into a fan of Lord Nobunaga?
Yes. Apparently I am a very good salesperson. I didn’t even TRY to get them interested. I just ranted and whined and rambled on about the things I like about Nobu and suddenly I have a number of people telling me they like him too because of my rambles and starting to research a little too, LOL.
67. Is there something that you can boast about to other Lord Nobunaga’s fans? My handmade “Oda army” hoodie, wheee~
68. If you know a little known trivia about Lord Nobunaga, tell us!
Well… the wang-patterned kimono I mentioned in a previous question? And Nobu making a dance party to celebrate his son’s birth. And Nobu cooking. And Nobu chucking a pillow at Nobukatsu
I once heard that Nobu and Nobutada had a fight over tea utensils, but I still have no idea what it was all about.
69. Tell us a wordplay (refs to goroawase) about Lord Nobunaga that you like.
I know none. I’m so ashamed. Ichigo pantsu is about all I know.
70. Is there something about being a fan of Lord Nobunaga that was useful to you? I know know a lot about Japanese history, samurai, tea ceremony, castles, and other Japanese things.
71. And what about something about it that was a problem for you?
It’s not really fun knowing too much. I can’t turn off my brain when I read fiction, so I just get really frustrated unless something else about the fiction is interesting. Like maybe the actor is hot, or the manga or game has nice artwork, etc.
72. What is a thing about Lord Nobunaga that made you happy?
He’s really entertaining to read about.
73. What is a thing about Lord Nobunaga that made you sad?
... Hm, maybe this question is poorly translated, but wasn’t this already asked?
Anyway, I guess I’m sad that he seems to just keep running into trouble. I kinda just want him to be at peace.
74. Is there a novelist, researcher, scholar that you like?
I know some now!! Owada Tetsuo is your go-to guy. I like his opinions. Hashiba Akira has some interesting theories about Nobu and IIRC Hideyoshi too?
75. Is there a novelist, researcher, scholar that you don’t like?
76. Is there a website where you contributed with articles or essays about Lord Nobunaga?
@samurailoveballadhistory. Not really Nobu-centric, but you know.
77. If there’s a website you love about Lord Nobunaga, link it to us.
Bleh, I wish I know. Les Patterson’s blog? http://otsuke.blogspot.com/
78. Tell us about a taiga drama featuring Lord Nobunaga that you liked.
...................................... That’s a very hard question. Face-wise, I like Ichikawa Ebizo as Nobu in Naotora Taiga, but I do not enjoy his cliche personality. I did enjoy Sorimachi Takashi’s Nobu in Toshiie and Matsu, but being that it’s an older series now, I consider it a bit too stiff to my liking.
79. Tell us about a movie or TV series featuring Lord Nobunaga that you liked.
I feel like, I have created a very strong personal image of Nobu in my mind based on the texts I read, that I just... don’t really enjoy much fiction anymore. I just look at them to see what’s new being done, or to ogle an beautiful aesthetics. 
Iseya Yusuke in Ask This of Rikyuu is interesting, but he doesn’t appear on-screen for long enough for me to judge. I wish I know where to watch Ebizou’s Okehazama movie.
80. Tell us about a TV show about Lord Nobunaga that you liked.
Does Bushotai-Nobunaga’s shitpost Tiktok count? It’s really just a bunch of shitposts. He did a lot of memes, called Yakuza’s Majima “Masamune” once because eyepatch, and a bunch of fooling around with the other Bushotai members. 
81. Among the actors who performed as Lord Nobunaga, who is the best?
Iseya Yuusuke and Oikawa Mitsuhiro. Based on looks only. The writing of Nobunaga no Chef is wonky, and Yuusuke’s Nobu doesn’t appear on-screen for long enough for me to judge.
The screenshots of the Okehazama version of Ichikawa Ebizo looks promising, but I really don’t know yet. 
82. Is there an actor that you’d like to see performing as Lord Nobunaga?
Get that Nagoya Bushotai Nobu on movie screens. He’s good for the role. Although... that might mean he’d leave the Bushotai if he becomes a real star, so maybe that's a bad idea.
Maybe, Tamayama Tetsuji? I always wanted him to be Nobuspawn, but since he’s a little older now, maybe he can pull of Nobu himself.
83. Is there another person (or historical character) that reminds you of Lord Nobunaga?
Pft. You think I know enough about anyone else in history to make a fair comparison? Qin Shi Huang, maybe? I don’t know, the succession chaos after his death is also reminiscent of the Kiyosu Conference mess.
Tempted to say Vlad the Impaler just for the hell of it, but nah, it’s different.
84. Did you ever play a videogame featuring Lord Nobunaga? If you have any to recommend us, please do!
The only one that counts are all the otome games with Nobu in it, bwahahaha Love Legend of Sengoku, Maou Nobunaga Ranse ni Moyu, Sakitaru Kurochou, Ninja Love, Sengoku Himekoi, Tenka Touitsu Love Ballad…
Well, I played Sengoku IXA for a bit, but I’m not fond of that kind of battle game system.
I know Sengoku Musou, but I don’t play it. I just watch my sister play it.
85. Tell us about your impressions after you played it.
I just play for brainrot and pictures. Narrative-wise, there’s nothing to write home about. 
86. How many books do you own about Lord Nobunaga?
A bunch of magazines, an Azuchi Castle book, Shinchoukouki and Japonnius Tyrannus. Not really about Nobunaga but there’s this book about Buddhism in 16th century that talks about the Honganji-Nobunaga situation.
87. What is the book about Lord Nobunaga that you long for the most right now?
There’s this book that seems to be about his children? I want that because I long to understand his relationship with his children. Also all the European letters, because often they have goodies that are not (yet) found in Japanese texts.
88. Is there an historical document related to Lord Nobunaga (before Meiji era) that you’d like to recommend?
Uh, Shinchou Ko-ki, I guess? But don’t everyone know about it already?
89. Is there an essay or research that you’d like to recommend us?
Japonnius Tyrannus is technically a research dissertation that is compiled in book form. 
90. Tell us about a novel featuring Lord Nobunaga that you liked.
Taiko was the closest thing. There’s this novel series called “Nobunaga, Conqueror from Owari” or something to that effect in my local language, but I haven’t read it in full. I don’t even remember who wrote it. I remember liking the snippets I read, though. I also like The Signore by Kunio Tsuji.
91. Tell us about a manga featuring Lord Nobunaga that you liked. I like the Sengoku series by Miyashita Hideki. I also really like Nobunaga no Chef and Rin-ne Nobunaga no Yabou. That last one could do without the stupid “I am god” moment, though.
92. Is there an author that you’d like would write about Lord Nobunaga? No. I’m an indifferent reader. I haven’t had a favourite author in ages. Artist, though. I would be happy if Ikegami Ryouichi does another run, but with a different writer. Lord, the previous one he did was so dull. I also like the art style of the artist who did Haou no Tsuki. If they did a Nobu-centric one, and make it run longer, I’d be happy.  
93. Do you have posters/portraits/illustrations of Lord Nobunaga displayed in your house? I used to have a drawing of Nobu that I put up on my room. But I don’t anymore. Not a poster person. It’s kind of embarrassing for me?
94. When do you think “I’m really a fan of Lord Nobunaga!”? How about filling in this questionnaire? I don’t usually have the patience to answer this many questions, OMG. Oh. Also. Every now and then I would just randomly rant about Nobu, ahaha ha.
95. When do you think “I’m really obsessed over Lord Nobunaga!”? ... I actually am not anymore. The wagon’s circled, I’m back to focusing my attention to Nobuspawns for the most part.
Which was how this mess started in the first place.
96. When do you think “I’m a failure as a fan of Lord Nobunaga!”? When I see other people being excited over merch and events, and I just don’t care. I feel like I should care, but I do not.
97. If you won the lottery, what would you do related to Lord Nobunaga? Go on a trip to Japan and travel around all the relevant places.
98. Is there a question that you would have liked to see in this list? I’m an easygoing meme-filler. I take any questions you throw my way, so… no. I’m just glad there isn’t an “are you in love with Nobunaga-sama?” or a “Do you want to marry Nobunaga-sama?” questions.
99. Thank you for reaching this point. How long did you take?
Under one hour? I’m more level-headed and deadpan now I guess, so it was easy to fill this up in shorter time.
100. And, in the end, what do Nobunaga represent for you?
A person, like any other. Like, I make it a point now to treat him as a regular human being. The way I would treat someone I might want to befriend. I may have to resort to a bit of psychoanalysis because I can’t really talk to him or anything, but I... kind of approach it with “person first, accomplishment later”, and just walk through it, event by event.
Yep, it’s now way more cold and dead LMAO. Maybe I’m going overboard with minimizing his grandioseness, but I really make a point to see him as a "normal lord” of the era first. Ignore his amazingness, and treat him as one of the many random lords who just exist but people mostly don’t care about. Like, say, if I ask who Oda Nobutomo is, can anyone answer me? They have lands and titles and stuff, super important and all, but people don’t usually care. 
This is why I read up on the surrounding culture and customs of the era. Helps me figure out the “atmosphere” of the time period, and not just flail over stuff that looks like a big deal today but is actually “it’s just another Monday” sort of thing back then. 
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hello, could I use your talent again? I was thinking: How would lords from ikesen react to the quarantine because of pandemic like we have today? You can choose historic or modern settings, it's up to you!
Hey there, love! Thanx so much for the request! Hope ya enjoy it! 
Sidenote I don't how thing are in other countries so I'm writing this from the perspective of mine, hope that's okay! Let me know if you want me to do the rest of the warlords 
Modern AU: Warlords reacting to quarantine
When the news breaks the two of you suit up to go to the shops like you are suiting up to go to battle, and sprint to the nearest store to buy all the candy you can.
Turns out the the only thing you bought was candy lol not one other single necessity ooops
Mitsuhide visits the two of you in a trench coat late one night and delivers you guys some necessities like gloves, masks, and sanitizers in the most shadiest way possible.
He is surprisingly well informed about the virus
Two of you aren’t too bothered by the happenings of the world, cause his whole world is in the small apartment *cough that would be you cough*
Probably powerful enough to buy the supermarket supply chain, and low key distributes food and essentials to the less fortunate during this time
The two of you are stocked up enough to not leave the house for a loooooong while, thanx to all your friends and fam
Two of you don’t really watch the news but rather opt to watch movies snuggled up to each other.
Will probably live off of candy during the whole quarantine time
He turns his phone off cause Hideyoshi won't stop calling reminding him to stay safe and stop eating so much candy
Somewhere along the line I can see the two of you playing Strip Go, a past time favorite 😂
Spends the whole quarantine in each other’s arms playing video games, the two of you will probs conquer the virtual world by the end of the quarantine
The two of you will be cuddled up together watching tv when you hear the news of the COVID-19
He low key freaks out, you tell him the two of you should go and stock up on supplies before the lockdown
Looks at you and smiles, “I have prepared for this moment my whole life.”
Walks to the grocery cupboard opens it and gestures to the bottom shelf
HOLY SHIT! Looks like he bought all the hand sanitizes in the shops
Leaves the news on in the background to stay informed about the new numbers and updates
Have you washed your hands? Are you wearing your mask? You better not leave this house young lady, can’t have you getting sick?
Spends hours on the internet getting more accurate information about the virus
This mother hen will spend hours and hours on the phone, calling and texting all your friends and family to make sure they are staying safe!
Sneaks Mitsunari to you house cause he low key doesn’t trust this boy on his own
You just pull Hideyoshi to a big hug while kissing his cheek telling him to calm down, and that panic and social media are probs more dangerous than the virus itself.
The two of you do yoga in the morning to calm the nerves and stay healthy. Followed by the two of you sitting together while having a nice warm cup of tea with honey in the morning sun
Knows before anyone else there is going to be a quarantine before it happens
Has already fully stocked your apartment to last you for the whole year, never mind just a few months.
Does a crazy amount of research to make sure he is well informed about all the ins and outs
The night before the lockdown is due to start, he drives to Nobunaga and shadily hands him some essential supplies he forgot to buy.
Makes sure his little mouse doesn’t get panicked. Will watch murder mysteries all day with you.
The two of you will be nestled in each other’s arms under a fluffy blanket, while he gently rubs your back to keep the anxiety at bay
Will make his little mouse takes vitamins in the mornings to keep your immune system up!
Will TEASE you causing you to get angry and chase him around the apartment. This is how he makes sure his lil mouse gets in enough exercise! This will probs end in another form of exercise…. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄  ahem
Will spend hours on the phone trying to get Hideyoshi to stop worrying about everyone
Will make your time in quarantine fun! Turn your apartment into a murder mystery for you to solve
Will let you put make-up on his face and play with his hair to turn him into a pretty princess
He will return the gesture by letting you fall asleep in his arms while soothing playing with your hair
Lots of cuddles from Mitsunari to keep the nerves and anxiety at bay
Two of you will build Blanket forts to keep the two of you safe from the outside world
Will spend so much time cuddling up together while reading in you little blanket fort that you low key lose track of time
The two of you will probs avoid the negative vibes from the news and get most of your info from Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi!
Mitsunari will make sure to keep both of you healthy by making sure u guys take the multivitamins Ieyasu dropped off  
And also eat the yummo nutritious food that Masa kindly dropped off
The two of you would binge-watch all the Disney movies! Will probs sing and dance to all the songs, using the remote as a microphone
You guys never run out of fun activities to do!
Will learn how to paint and paint the most terrible portraits of each other but beam at each other at how terribly good they are and hang it up around your house regardless
The two of you spend most of your time sitting together in your reading nook, with your head on Mitsunari’s chest while he reads to you
Makes the best most nutritious foods for his lass to ensure the both of you are healthy and well nourished
Will land up making enough food for an entire army
Will package the extra food and give it out to friends and fam to make sure they also stay heathy during this time- specifically the troublesome trio (Mitu’s+ Nobunaga)
The two of you will use humor to deal with the panic of it all, cause everyone knows laughter is the best medicine for every situation.
Will have meme making competition, where the loser has to give the winner a kiss
You convince masa to do your favorite workout with you from your favorite fitness YouTuber. This ends in both of you breaking out in laughter at how ridiculously the two of you look. You both will continue anyways cause the best way to stay healthy is to stay fit
Masa makes sure that every day in quarantine is a new fun adventure
Each day you guys will play a new game twister, risk, monopoly, 30 seconds, you name it the two of you will probably play it
Masamune will do the food runs for the two of you, he doesn’t want to risk exposing his precious kitten to the outside world will drop off his food packages on his food runs!
All and all you, and Masa will turn being in quarantine into one big adventure whether is ticking fighting each other, playing games or just spending quiet nights together in each other’s arms, it will be a good time
The two of you live your lives basically social distanced from other people anyway, so its business as usual.
When the news breaks Ieyasu will rescue as many stray animals he can, to care for them during this time
Luckily the two of you live on a big plot filled with rescued animals so what’s a few more cats and dogs off the streets
The two of you keep fit by playing with all the animals on your farm
Ieyasu will make medicine packages, packed with multivitamins and flu fighters for you, and all your friends and family
During a food run Ieyasu will drop off his medicine packages
Will serve you herb tea and breakfast in bed to make sure you stay healthy and well
Even though he will never admit it he worries about Mitsunari, felt better when he heard that Hideyoshi had taken him in for the time being!
He will be as prickly as always, making contradictory comments as usual. One day after he makes a slightly cheeky comment, you smack him in the face with a pillow! OOOOh, this is war. The two of you engage in a full-blown pillow fight!
I can see the two of you sitting for hours on hours together building a 3000-piece puzzle
The two of you are often snuggled up together while Ieyasu gives you the sweetest little Eskimo kisses and cheek kisses.
Hope ya enjoyed it! and as always if its shit..... I'm sorry I haven't done many HC’S😞 >”<
Anyways hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!  Remember to wash your hands, not touch your face, and stay inside as much as you can! Sending all my love <3
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lorei-writes · 5 years
Modern things the warlords would appreciate
(Small things that would improve the overall quality of many lives, not necessarily something beneficial to achieving their goals; short)
Nobunaga: chocolate...And modern dental healthcare (I can easily imagine him arguing with Hideyoshi and saying something in lines of "I'll wash my teeth with that fancy toothpaste you bought afterwards!")
Hideyoshi: free public education and info campaigns (if he could just shove an infographic into somebody's face instead of scolding them, he'd probably save a looot of time)
Ieyasu: painkillers and animal shelters (I volunteered at a cat shelter during the holidays and one of the ladies working there was basically Ieyasu reborn; I can see him marvelling over the progresses of modern medicine in regards to anesthesia and the general treatment of pain. Of course, he wouldn't really admit it impressed him all that much).
Masamune: fresh produce from around the world and vaccines (smallpox has basically taken away his eye. He'd be delighted to know that with just small injections humans are able to defend themselves against otherwise deadly or dangerous diseases. And to know that we've eradicated some illnesses like that? He'd be so impressed).
Mitsunari: libraries, kindle and electricity (he'd absolutely fall in love with the idea of books being printed in mass quantities, hence being oftentimes relatively cheap. Mitsunari would spend hours in his local library, just to find himself lost in yet another piece of literature. He'd also appreciate kindle, as it's way smaller and lighter than traditional books).
Mitsuhide: internet, especially social media, smartphones (I suppose Mitsuhide would start gaining information about other people as soon as he would get how to use the internet. Also, wouldn't having a small, convenient communication device with features such as camera and voice recorder be just so appealing to him? I can imagine he'd use it for his personal reasons just as much as for simply teasing people).
Kenshin: alcoholic beverages from all around the world and therapy (I mean it. His state of mind often burdens him and makes him act irrational. He'd certainly appreciate being equipped with tools to actually work against his dark thoughts. He'd be able to work through his fears).
Shingen: modern medicine and baked goods (he'd probably join Nobunaga in the "I'll wash my teeth, come on" club. I suppose he'd be especially found of smaller cakes and cookies he'd be able to easily sneak past Yukimura).
Yukimura: future being a time Kenshin is legally forbidden from "helping him train" maybe he'd like how common texting is?
I can't really come up with anything for Kennyo other than "haha, Nobunaga is dead in this era", so let's maayyybe not include him.
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Pairing: Nobunaga x Reader
Genre: Modern AU
Rating: Fluff and Smut
Word count: 1720
Written by @rikumorimachisgirl for Anonymous
A/N: Not the Marvel movie. 😁
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The score was 94-92 in favor of the Echigo Samurais. With three more minutes left in the fourth quarter, you press on the Azuchi Warlords assistant coach Mitsunari to call a timeout. Echigo has played a running game throughout and led by as much as ten points in the dying seconds of the first half of the game, but Shigen Takeda openly blowing a kiss at you seemed to have ignited something in the Warlords, as your boyfriend and team captain Nobunaga Oda led the team, powering through the second half. 
You hurriedly handed out towels and sports drinks to the players, who were more than happy to receive them. All, except your boyfriend, who showed no interest in joining the team as they huddled around Mitsunari. A sudden power fluctuation caused the electronic boards to reset, giving each team extra time to rest and strategize, but he didn't move from his spot. He was a sight to behold - his eyes fixed on the scoreboard, his expression unreadable. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of girls cheering. 
"We love you, Nobunaga!" 
You winced at the unabashed declarations of his fans seated on the right side of the court but kept your gaze at him. To your surprise, he gave them a sideline glance and winked, as he wiped the sweat off his forehead with his wristband. 
The fans screamed like harpies, as you sighed, dejected. Normally, he wouldn't pay them as much attention as he just did but given your latest argument and the fact that the man in question wasn't backing down, you knew your boyfriend wasn't about to give you any preferential treatment.  
"Are you two still fighting?"
You almost jumped at the sound of a voice speaking quite near you. 
Standing next to you, the small guard cocked an eyebrow at you, annoyed. "What are you being all jumpy for?"
"How long have you been here?"
"Long enough to hear you sigh, " he replied, toweling off his sweat-drenched blond hair. "You must be daft if you think I'm going to take instructions from Mitsunari." 
"He's the assistant coach for a reason, you know."
"Yeah because our head coach opted to play team captain today instead of watching from the sidelines, " Ieyasu said curtly, shifting his gaze to Nobunaga. "So, why haven't you made up yet? You're making our lives a living hell." 
You knew how difficult the team's lives have been since that fateful day when Shigen Takeda - of all people - saved you from nearly being mugged by a group of thugs on your way back to your apartment from a quick trip to the grocery. Of course, no sooner than he had beaten up the perpetrators, pictures of the two of you together circulated throughout social media. It only took less than an hour before your own boyfriend saw the picture himself, and of course, the picture he had to see was that of you flashing a gorgeous smile at Shigen to thank him for saving you.
"He really has been giving us a tough time, you know. I couldn't feel my legs last night after practice."
"Well, I would talk to him but he hasn't been responding to my messages nor answering my calls, " you whined. "He hasn't even come home since that evening. Is he staying at Mitsuhide's?"
"You think Hideyoshi would allow that? You better make up with him immediately so that Mitsunari can use his room again. He's been staying with me for two nights now, I might murder him if he stays another night."
The referee whistled to call the players back, and you watched Ieyasu walk back to the court with the rest of the team. You caught sight of Nobunaga making his way back as well, and without thinking, you quickly grabbed his wrist to stop him. 
"I have a game to play -"
"I'm sorry, Nobunaga, " you said, cutting him off mid-sentence, as your vision started to blur. "There really wasn't anything else that happened. You're the only one for me."
He sighed, and broke free from your grip, only to capture your hand in his. "We'll talk later. Right now, I have a game to win. Don't worry, it'll be over soon, " he said, smiling as he wiped a stray tear from cheek before running to his post. From the corner of your eye, you could see Ieyasu rolling his eyes, and Masamune giving you a thumbs up. Your heart soared, knowing that your boyfriend will do everything he can to keep his promise. 
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The game ended at 95-94. The entire stadium erupted in cheers as the Azuchi Warlords won the championships once again, three years in a row. Hordes of fans and reporters gathered around the team to take pictures and interviews, as you watched from the sidelines with a huge smile on your face. One by one, the Warlords took their leave to go to the locker room and change. All except your boyfriend, who was still with the press alongside Mitsunari. By the time they'd finished with the interviews, most of the players had emerged from the locker room, looking refreshed and ready to party. 
"We're all going to The Castle to celebrate, " Masamune Date, the team's small forward, and resident playboy told you as he stepped beside you to watch Nobunaga thank the reporters and fans for their support. "I suppose it's safe to say you won't be there later…"
"Please, Masamune, it was your idea to leave these two to party on their own, " Ieyasu said, sounding bored while watching your face turn red. "Just make sure you don't make a mess like you did the last time."
"The last time?" Your eyes widened like saucers. "We've never done anything nasty in the locker room, I'll have you know!"
"Actually, that was me, " Mitsuhide Akechi, the team's center, chimed in sheepishly. "What? The team manager of the Anegawa Daimyos was asking for it, clearly. Anyway, we're leaving. This is all up to you now. Don't forget to lock the door."
You blushed harder, waving them off before you made your way to the lockers where your boyfriend now was. 
"Nobunaga? I'm coming in, " you called before stepping into the locker room. Except for the sound of water running from the shower area where your boyfriend was, the room was incredibly quiet. Slowly, you made your way towards the shower room, stopping by the entrance as Nobunaga's perfect physique, which the glass door did very little to hide. His arms braced the wall, as the stream of warm water cascaded down his back, his tight bum and his long legs. 
As if caught in a trance, you decide just then to give him a celebration he won't forget. You stripped off your clothes, careful not to make any noise while you do. After you'd folded and set them aside, you hurry to the shower room before you lose your nerve. 
The sound of the glass door sliding made him tense, and he immediately glanced behind him. 
"How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to decide to join you since you were taking your sweet time, " you responded quietly. 
Your retort made him smirk, and you found yourself pinned against the tiles as he molded your lips with his. It was quite a sensation - the cool surface of the shower tiles on your back and the heat of his body pressed against yours almost made you melt. 
"You were waiting?" He asked in between kisses. 
"You said earlier that we'll talk - oh…, " you gasped as he pushed his tongue into your mouth to dance with yours. 
"Yes, I said we were going to talk, " he said, catching his breath before capturing your mouth with his once again. "You've been a naughty girl, socializing with our rivals."
"I have not, " you said, panting while pulling him in for another kiss. 
"Playing the role of damsel in distress, " he continued, as he trailed kisses down your neck. "Trying to get me jealous."
Your eyes flew wide at his admission. "Jealous? You?"
"And this surprises you?" 
"Yes, " you replied, pushing against him hard enough against the wall. The warm water from the shower only made your body feel hotter, as you trailed kisses from his chest down to the tight muscles of his stomach, and finally dropping to your knees as you held the girth of his cock, and gazed up at him. "I'm surprised you're jealous especially because you should know by now that I crave only you."
You flicked the tip of his cock with your tongue, tasting his precum that leaked out of his hardened member. Your eyes never leaving him, you lapped up and down his length slowly again and again until he groaned. Cupping your cheeks with his hands, he shoved his cock into your mouth, reaching all the way to the back of your throat. "That's it, baby. Suck me harder, " he said, his breathing ragged. You placed your hands on his hips for support and he tightened his hold on your hair as he fucked your mouth. 
After a while, he pulled you to your feet and backed you up against the wall once more. Wrapping your legs around his waist, he entered you with one swift motion and drowned your moan with a kiss. 
You clawed at his back and kissed him desperately. He was rougher than usual, but that didn't seem to bother you. You were so close to orgasm as pleasure coursed through you as he pounded into you relentlessly. You missed this - you missed him - and you knew you weren't going to last. 
"Nobunaga!" You cried out as you flew into orgasm, and he followed shortly after, grunting loudly as he came. As soon as you both came down from your high, he carefully set you back on your feet but didn't stop holding you close. 
"I missed you, " you murmured against his chest.
"I missed you too, " he said, as he tucked your hair behind your ear. "And I'm sorry. It was foolish of me to act like I did."
"I'm glad you agree. I won't ever leave you, you know."
He smirked. "I know, baby, " he said. "Because you and me, we're endgame." 
The end. 
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odaclan · 3 years
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信長シックスティーン “Nobunaga Sixteen” by Kiuchi Tatsuya is... a very strange manga. It appears to have originally meant to be a series, but got axed, so it ended up being a very awkward solo-volume work. 
High school student Sayaka is in love with her friend Nobuhiko, though she often gets frustrated by his soft and rather weak-willed attitude. One day, out of nowhere Nobuhiko gets possessed by Nobunaga, who has escaped from the afterlife. Ranmaru follows him, although for some reason he has the form of a little imp-demon creature. Nobunaga just runs around town being excited about the modern day, and mostly drives Sayaka insane because it’s her crush’s body he’s inhabiting. 
They then meet Hideyoshi, who also somehow escaped the afterlife as well, and is possessing the body of a harththrob idol (the brown-haired boy in the illustration) called Kazuomi. He says he wants to be handsome for once.  Sayaka and Nobunaga saw him having a photo shoot, and Nobunaga just wanders up to him and shouted “Bald Rat”. Sayaka panics, but Nobunaga wasn’t wrong. Hideyoshi-Kazuomi recognized Nobunaga and that results in a mess because Hideyoshi starts wailing “My lord!!”. 
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It was hinted that there’s something very wrong about this situation, because ghosts/demons from the afterlife keeps trying to drag Nobunaga back and while Hideyoshi helped drive them away, he has a sinister look on his face when Mitsuhide is referenced. There are also somewhat tense moments where Nobunaga and HIdeyoshi discuss about being in power and being immortal that’s obviously meant to be important later.
There were also moments where it seems like Sayaka might be developing feelings for the Nobunaga-in-Nobuhiko, which is a tad weird, as the author made a point to show Nobunaga as himself, with beard and all. There’s even the historical portrait version floating around, the famous one with green vest. I’m... not entirely sure that is entirely palatable to the target audience.
But since the series is axed, the last chapter is just a somewhat carefree episode at a petting zoo. There was a thief, and Nobunaga uses a horse to chase him down. Sayaka thinks it was epic, but the bystanders who sees it starts babbling about Abarenbo Shogun (a TV drama about Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune) and all the talk about Tokugawa makes Nobunaga angry. Then... it just fizzles out with a vague “Ah, this is my weird life now” comment from Sayaka. 
I wasn’t able to find any info on the author’s social media, or any statement by the publisher about this. It’s just an unfinished product that was left hanging. I wonder if this actually happens a lot in Japan, and us in the international world are just typically unaware because only popular series gets localized outside Japan. I recall that this is not the first time this happened in the 2010s, especially with publishers running digital serialization platforms. 
The Yasuke manga I once mentioned, “Kuroboozu”, had an even worse fate, for example. It didn’t even get a pseudo-closure, even a rushed or botched one, like the above. The volume ends on a cliffhanger, anticipating a continuation, but the second volume simply never existed. 
Image source:
*) The blogspot review is not in English, it’s just what shows up when I Googled the title *) The Amazon and Booklive sites have some preview pages to look at
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blackclover1x144fan · 4 years
Full Watch!!! Black Clover Season 1 Episode 144 full Free Online
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Watch Watch Black Clover Season 1 Episode 144 Full Episodes : Right here, right now #1 | Exclusive [1080p60ᴴᴰ] ✔ 🅽🅴🆆 🆆🅰🆃🅲🅷 🅴🅿🅸🆂🅾🅳🅴 🅰🆅🅰🅸🅻🅰🅱🅻🅴 ⇛⇛ https://tinyurl.com/y6p9x2q4 📱 Watch Black Clover Season 1 Episode 144 Watch Full Episodes 📱 Official Partners ‘HBO’ TV Shows & Movies 📱 All Episodes of “Watch Black Clover  Season 1 Episode 144” are Now Streaming (ALL.SUB)
● Title: Black Clover ● Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy ● Air Date: 2020-09-22 ● Season Number: 01 ●Episodes Number: 144
● Overview● Asta and Yuno are two orphans who want the same thing: to become the Wizard King. Locked in a friendly rivalry, they work hard towards their goal. While Yuno excels at magic, Asta has a problem uncommon in this world: he has no powers! But, on the day they receive their grimoires, they surprise everyone. To reach their goal, they’ll each find their own path to greatness—with or without magic. ● Stars● Nobunaga Shimazaki (Yuno (voice)), , Gakuto Kajiwara (Asta (voice)), , Kana Yuuki (Noelle Silva (voice)), , Asuka Nishi (Mimosa Vermillion (voice)), , Aya Uchida (Sylph (voice)), , Ayumu Murase (Luck Voltia (voice)), , Daiki Hamano (Valtos (voice)), , Junichi Suwabe (Yami Sukehiro (voice)), , Jun Fukuyama (Finral Roulacase (voice)), , Genki Muro (Magna Swing (voice)), , Satoshi Hino (Gauche Adlai (voice)), , Kiyono Yasuno (Charmy Papittoson (voice)), , Nana Mizuki (Vanessa Enoteca (voice)), , Minami Takahashi (Grey (voice)), , Masayuki Akasaka (Grey, Transformed (voice)), , Kenichirou Matsuda (Gordon Agrippa (voice)), , Hikaru Midorikawa (Zora Ideale (voice)), , Toshiyuki Morikawa (Julius Novachrono (voice)), , Daisuke Ono (William Vangeance (voice)), , Takuma Terashima (Klaus Lunette (voice)),
🎥 Watch Black Clover (2020) Season 1 Episode 144 TV-Full-HD| Full Series Online || Mnet ● Black Clover (2020) Season 1 Episode 144 |Watch HD ● Black Clover (2020) Season 1 Episode 144 |Release Date ● Black Clover (2020) Season 1 Episode 144 |Full Episode Online ● Black Clover (2020) Season 1 Episode 144 |Watch Full Series ● Black Clover (2020) Season 1 Episode 144 |Watch Free ● Black Clover (2020) Season 1 Episode 144 |Watch Streaming & OnlineSocials Media
⚜‘Watch Black Clover ’ Se01 Ep01 : ‘Right here, right now #01’⚜ Two American kids who live on a U.S. military base in Italy explore friendship, first love, identity, and all the messy exhilaration and anguish of being a teenager. Atelevision show (often simply TV show) is any content produced for broadcast via over-the-air, satellite, cable, or internet and typically viewed on a television set, excluding breaking news, advertisements, or trailers that are typically placed between shows. Television shows are most often scheduled well ahead of time and appear on electronic guides or other TV listings. A television show might also be called a television program (British English: programme), especially if it lacks a narrative structure. A television series is usually released in episodes that follow a narrative, and are usually divided into seasons (US and Canada) or series (UK) — yearly or semiannual sets of new episodes. A show with a limited number of episodes may be called a miniseries, serial, or limited series. A one-time show may be called a “special”. A television film (“made-for-TV movie” or “television movie”) is a film that is initially broadcast on television rather than released in theaters or direct-to-video. Television shows can be viewed as they are broadcast in real time (live), be recorded on home video or a digital video recorder for later viewing, or be viewed on demand via a set-top box or streamed over the internet. ⚜TV SERIES⚜ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 16s. Televised events such as the 111 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 116 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 116 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 116 World Series inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 118, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “Mr Television” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 1, 111 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 111 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 111. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 111, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 161, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season. ⚜FORMATS AND GENRES ⚜ Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional series). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows. ⚜ CREDITS ⚜ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama, Anime Movie, etc. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings! Thanks for watching Videos Today.
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fruitsbaskets2e22 · 4 years
Regarder ~ Fruits Basket “Saison 2 Episode 22″ ( Streaming vF )
⇨Fruits Basket — Season 2 Episode 22 : curse/cornered ⇨ Watch Full Episodes ︾ ︾ Online Complete. ︾ ︾ Enjoy Watching !!! ⇨[One click to play] » ︾ ︾https://www.tvputlockers.xyz/tv/85991-2-22/12501-12523-12540-12484-12496-12473-12465-12483-12488.html
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Fruits Basket Tokyo MX Fruits Basket 2x2 Fruits Basket S2E2 Fruits Basket S2 E2 Fruits Basket S2 Ep2 Fruits Basket S2E2 Fruits Basket Episode 22 Fruits Basket August 2, 2020 Fruits Basket 2020 Season 2 Episode 22 Fruits Basket Temporada 2 Capítulo 22 Completo Fruits Basket Temporada 2 Episodio 22 Completo Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 Watch Online Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 Full Episode Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 Watch Free Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 Online Free Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 Download Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 Full Show Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 Full Video Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 Full HD Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 Online Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 2020 Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 Free
Fruits Basket — Season 2 Episode 22 : curse/cornered Knowing that his grandfather Taejin is being held somewhere, Mori rushes to the place of his confinement. Unaware of the situation, Daewi and Mira enter the team battle without waiting for Mori to arrive. Mira struggles with Marin’s elusive way of fighting. Mira’s beloved sword is taken into the hands of Marin, who had been preventing Mira’s attacks. When Marin takes the wooden sword known as a “national treasure”, the blade began to shine white, revealing it’s true appearance and power.
Title : Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 22 Genre : Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy Air Date : 2020-09-02 Season Number : 2 Episodes Number : 22 Overview : Asta and Yuno are two orphans who want the same thing: to become the Wizard King. Locked in a friendly rivalry, they work hard towards their goal. While Yuno excels at magic, Asta has a problem uncommon in this world: he has no powers! But, on the day they receive their grimoires, they surprise everyone. To reach their goal, they’ll each find their own path to greatness—with or without magic. Stars : Gakuto Kajiwara (Asta (voice)), , Shimazaki Nobunaga (Yuno (voice)), , Kana Yuuki (Noelle Silva (voice)), , Junichi Suwabe (Yami Sukehiro (voice)), , Asuka Nishi (Mimosa Vermillion (voice)), , Aya Uchida (Sylph (voice)), , Ayumu Murase (Luck Voltia (voice)), , Daiki Hamano (Valtos (voice)), , Jun Fukuyama (Finral Roulacase (voice)), , Genki Muro (Magna Swing (voice)), , Satoshi Hino (Gauche Adlai (voice)), , Kiyono Yasuno (Charmy Papittoson (voice)), , Nana Mizuki (Vanessa Enoteca (voice)), , Minami Takahashi (Grey (voice)), , Masayuki Akasaka (Grey, Transformed (voice)), , Kenichirou Matsuda (Gordon Agrippa (voice)), , Hikaru Midorikawa (Zora Ideale (voice)), , Toshiyuki Morikawa (Julius Novachrono (voice)), , Daisuke Ono (William Vangeance (voice)), , Takuma Terashima (Klaus Lunette (voice)),
❍❍❍ TV SERIES ❍❍❍ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 2020200s. Televised events such as the 202020 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 202020 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 202020 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 202020 World Series inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 202020, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “Mr Television” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 20, 202020 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 202020 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 20, 202020. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 20203, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 202020, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completoly all-color network season.
❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional series). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed] A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 20200s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 20200s, many series feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television series to have this kind of dramatic structure,[20][better source needed] while the later series Babylon 3 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intended five-season run.[citation needed] In 2003, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[3] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2003, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.
❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings!
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
Okay, let's try this one more time. This story was given feedback by the talented @cailannuesugi and @voltage-vixen. Thank you, ladies, for your help and encouragement when I felt like giving up.
Title: Meeting the Mogul
Ikesen Modern Day AU
A/N: This is my first fic, so please don't expect it to be perfect. I also don't own Ikesen Nobunaga and the other characters except my OC. Cybird owns them.
This is inspired by the artwork I commissioned from @shrimpalompa 💕
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With her eyebrows furrowed, Mia allowed her feet to drag along the length of Manhattan's busy streets. Despite the crowd of busy professionals hurrying to buy their lunches from the food trucks lined up along 50th Street, and the incessant honking of cars and taxis stuck in traffic, all she could think of is how badly she messed up her last interview.
The delightful scent of sauteed garlic and onions wafting in the air made her stomach growl slightly louder than usual. There was nothing she wanted more at that moment than to eat a nice gyro sandwich at Lil Zeus Food Truck, but with only fifty dollars to tide her over until she finds a job, she took a deep breath, turned away from the food truck, and continued to walk. She took one step after another, until the concrete pavement was replaced by a patch of green, and the sound of car horns was replaced by the catchy melody of a marching band practicing nearby.
Central Park was beautiful at this time of day - mostly because the afternoon crowd and the throngs of tourists don't frequent the place at this hour.
She sat on the grass, defeated. She had one shot at getting employed as a clerk in the prestigious firm, and she totally screwed her interview. "Seriously, who asks about the President's background during the interview anyway? " she wondered out loud still feeling bitter about her failure at the hands of Azuchi Inc's, Vice President of Human Resources, Hideyoshi Toyotomi. She sighed again, took out her mobile and typed in the keywords 'Nobunaga Oda, Azuchi Inc'. Pages upon pages of news articles about the President and CEO appeared on her screen, much to her surprise. As her finger hovered over one of the articles, she silently cursed herself for not having thought of doing this yesterday before she finally gave in and pored over the details on the mysterious mogul.
He watched her as she sat on the grass with her back turned to him.  He winced at the last thought; then again, she didn't seem like the type who'd pick out her dates online.From where he stood, it appeared like she was playing a game on her phone or browsing one of those social media sites his employees are so fond of... Or maybe checking out a dating site. Though she didn’t seem like the type to rely on other sources to help her find a date. His thoughts drifted to their first encounter yesterday, and he smirked.
In an attempt to avoid the possibility of listening to his Vice President of Human Resources' complaints about his decision to ride his bike to work, he opted to enter the building through the ever-busy and usually crowded Talent Management Hub. Donned in a black button-down shirt, which he wore untucked with a pair of dark denim jeans, he handed his helmet to the seemingly dumbstruck guard and made his way to the exit leading to the main lobby. Just as he was about to step into the main lobby, he felt someone grip his wrist tightly.
"Excuse me, where do you think you're going?"
He turned and saw a girl - not more than twenty-four if he had to guess - looking sternly at him while she gripped his wrist tightly.
He heard collective gasps around them, but she didn't seem to have noticed. From the corner of his eye, he saw one of the managers make his way towards them, but he stopped him before he could get any closer. The clock on the wall read 9:25 am, so he had a good five minutes before his weekly meeting with Marketing, but the girl holding on to him intrigued him so much, he didn't mind canceling. Just what was she trying to get at by stopping him, he wondered.
"Didn't you just arrive, Sir? You don't have an ID, so you must be an applicant, too," she said gently, as she tugged him to follow her to the waiting area. Still confused, he glanced at the other people who were quietly seated, trying to avoid his gaze. "It's unprofessional to cut the line, you know. Let's wait for our turn here."
He chuckled at the realization that she didn't know who he was. He decided to humor her by sitting beside her, but it didn't take long until she was called for her initial screening. It was at that moment that he decided they needed to hire her. However, when Hideyoshi dished out his infamous rapid-fire "Oda Fast Facts" on her, there was no doubt she wasn't going to be signing a contract with them.  The dashing dark-haired mogul frowned as he recalled the report he was given on the status of her application. He recognized potential when he sees one, and knew they had just let this one slip away. He left word that he was having lunch elsewhere, and took off with his Vice President of Operations following closely at his heel.
"You know what you should do next? You should buy that Lil’ Zeus food truck. Have you seen the line? It felt like ages before I got us some of these!" A familiar voice brought him out of his thoughts and he glanced sideways to see that his executive had just arrived carrying a gyro on each hand. "It's about time you got here. What was the matter, couldn't charm the ladies to get ahead? You must be losing your touch, Mitsuhide, " he teased.
The silver-haired executive smirked as he handed one of the gyros to his boss. "I'll have you know I snaked my way to the front of the line in less than 2 minutes. The cook ran out of oregano and they had to get a fresh batch." He paused for a second or two to take in the scenery before him. "So is there a reason you wanted to have lunch here?"
"No reason, " the dark-haired debonaire responded, his carnelian colored eyes sparkling with mischief as he stared at the girl whose back was turned at them once again. "I see, " Mitsuhide said, thrusting the other gyro at him. "Good luck, boss. I'll see you at the office." He flashed the young executive a dazzling smile before he turned and made his way towards the unassuming girl.
"That's funny, he has no pictures, " she mentioned, after opening yet another news article about the mysterious Nobunaga Oda - the sixth since she started - and there still wasn't any photos of the man in question.  
"Usually that’s the case when the person's not very good looking."
Startled at the sound of his voice, she jumped and turned around. Standing a few feet away from her was the man she met in the interview. Though she still didn't know his name considering she never asked in the interview, and he never introduced himself. Today, he was wearing a white button-down shirt, which was still untucked and a pair of khaki trousers. She never noticed how attractive he was until today - more like a model, with his tall and well-toned physique, which was evident in the cut of his clothes.  
"It's you, " she said. 
"Yeah. Me, " he replied. "Had lunch?"
"Yes, " she nodded, but her stomach wasn't having it. Her face flushed red as soon as her stomach growled. 
He snickered. "You know, I happen to have an extra gyro."
"Do you always happen to carry a spare gyro around?"
Her retort made him laugh, as he really didn't see that coming. "Did anyone ever tell you that you're hilarious, " he asked. He plopped down beside her in the grass and handed her one of the gyros. "And to answer your question, I carry them around in case I get lucky and see a pretty girl who is in desperate need of lunch." 
"My hero, " she smiled. "Thank you for this. I'm Mia, by the way. And you?"
He shrugged, ignoring the fact that she had introduced herself. "So, what were you doing on your phone, looking for a date or something?"
"Of course not, " she said, as she munched on her sandwich. "I was curious to see what Nobunaga Oda looks like."
"Why would you want to know how he looks?" 
She took out her phone with one hand and showed him the search results. "See these? I've read six articles about him, and not one of them contained any pictures of him. Isn't that strange?"
He scanned the titles and frowned. "Maybe he doesn't want his picture taken." 
"Why though? I think he's amazing. I mean, he's not even from here, yet he made a name for himself and he's been helping boost Japan's economy even from offshore. He's made a name for himself in a place where people least expected him to. His achievements are known all over Japan, and that's why I wanted so badly to come to New York and work at Azuchi Inc."
He cocked an eyebrow at her passionate response. It sure wasn't the first time he's heard people sing praises about him and his organization, but it felt different hearing it from someone who had nothing to gain from sharing this with him because she absolutely had no idea who he was. 
"Speaking of which, whatever happened to your application?" It was her turn to ask. For a moment, he almost forgot that she thought he was an applicant, too. She cleared her throat. "What's the matter? You know you don't have to be embarrassed if you didn't make it. I mean, I didn't -"
"Why did you fail?"
She frowned. That was twice he ignored her questions, yet he had the gall to ask her such a rude question. What kind of person is he exactly, she silently wondered. 
"If you're done trying to assess whether I'm trustworthy or not, would you mind answering my question?"
Rude. This man was just plain rude, she concluded. "Why do I need to answer that?"
"Because I gave you a sandwich, " he said, as he lay carelessly on the grass with his hands behind his head.. "And because you look like you're going to tell me anyway."
She sighed. Well, he wasn't wrong, she thought. "I suppose it was it because I didn't know a thing about the President and CEO of Azuchi, Inc, " she said, hanging her head low. "Except for his name, I didn't know where he came from, what his philosophy was, his advocacy, why he prefers to drink tea from Japan…"
"Don't you think that information is useless?"
"I used to. I'm not gonna lie that I felt really bad after the interview with Mr. Toyotomi. I felt bad because I thought those questions he asked me were ridiculous, " she said, as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "But I realized something while I was reading through the articles about Nobunaga Oda. I now understand that Mr. Toyotomi only wanted to make sure I knew and understood Mr. Oda's vision because it is only when you understand that you can actually contribute to that vision by working hard. I didn't really know that this morning, but now, I'd do anything to get another shot at that interview."
His eyes never left hers as she spoke, and with each topic, he found himself more and more entranced by her - perhaps it was the way her face lit up and her hands moved as she spoke about the things she was passionate about, or her wistful smile as she stared at the lake in between topics. He was captivated, so much so that he hadn't noticed that time has gone by until he felt his phone vibrate. 
Frowning, he took out the sleek gadget from his pocket and was briefly surprised. It was 3:00 pm - way past his supposed lunch break. Hideyoshi would have a fit, he silently thought, smirking. 
Sighing, he sat up and brushed the dirt off the back of his shirt. "As much as I'd like to stay and talk some more -"
"You have to go, " she said, cutting him off. She watched him quietly as he straightened his clothes up and ran his hand through his messy black hair. She had never been so drawn to a person before, but there was something about him that spoke to her - maybe it was the way he listened to her like what she was saying was important or the way he challenged her opinion every now and then… or even the way she saw her reflection in his eyes when he smiled. 
The light clapping sound that resonated in the air as he dusted off his clothes faded, and she suddenly felt her heart grow heavy - like all three weeks worth of homesickness had finally kicked in. 
"You look like you're gonna cry, " he teased, as he stood and offered his hand out to her. "Are you gonna miss me?"
"Am not, " she replied while he pulled her to her feet. "But did I get you in trouble?"
"I'm late for a meeting. Nothing I can't handle, " he winked. "I'm just gonna tell them that I met an interesting girl in Central Park."
"You make me sound weird."
He snickered. "Okay. How about I say a cute girl held me hostage?"
"They're not gonna believe you, " she replied, her face turning slightly red. 
"Here, " he said, handing his phone over to her. "Let's take a picture, in case they require proof."
"And make me the laughing stock of your team, "she retorted but allowed him to take a picture anyway.
"They wouldn't dare laugh, " he assured her as he checked their picture and smiled. "This is a good picture."
"Yes, it is." She peered at his handsome face in the picture and smiled.
"I don't like having my picture taken because I always seem to look strange, but I like this one, " he smiled back. "Well then…"
"Yeah, I guess this is goodbye."
"I'll see you tomorrow at 8."
"What? Here?"
He laughed, and the rich sound tickling her ear. "At my office, silly. Tell Mr. Toyotomi I sent you there. He'll be able to give you an orientation, " he said casually and then turned to leave. 
"Mr. Toyotomi - as in the guy from Azuchi, Inc? I'm confused… Whom should I say sent me, " she called out as he started to walk. 
"Oh. Tell him I sent you, " he turned to face her once again and exaggerated a bow. "Nobunaga Oda. I never told you before, but it's a pleasure to meet you, Mia. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow."
Her heart pounded loudly in her chest as she watched him disappear in the distance, she almost failed to notice a new text message that read: 
'We are pleased to offer you the role of Assistant to the CEO. Please report to Mr. Hideyoshi Toyotomi's office at the 41st floor of Azuchi, Inc tomorrow at 8:00 am sharp. - Mitsunari Ichida, Director of Talent Management.'
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