#personally I like Ikemen Sengoku version
selenacosmic · 1 year
This is just a fun little thing I decided to do because of how much knowledge I have of some characters and I love sharing. Some of these are pretty obvious, not all the characters will be here so if you want to add the facts you know that aren’t here, feel free to do so!
Fun little facts about the warlords.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
Whenever he goes out to get Konpeito from the kitchen, he wears a hood on his head to try and disguise himself.
He treats bearsace as a sacred artifact, on one event a kid asks if they can play with bearsace and he just said no because it was important to him.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Hideyoshi has a group of lady friends with whom he has tea with, they admire him and definitely have a crush, but they are more like friends.
Hideyoshi isn’t fond of sweets, but he doesn’t mind eating them if it’s with someone special.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
He studies medicine and treats many people, but he is better as a veterinarian as he treats harmed animals, even if he doesn’t admit it.
He likes hot sauce to a dangerous degree, it’s never hot enough for him.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
It has been said that, the reason why he he eats food all mixed up in a weird way is because he can’t taste it.
In one audio drama, mitsuhide purposely competed with Hideyoshi for the right hand man position just so that Hideyoshi realized how much he deserves that position. (He also cooked for Nobunaga and was proud of his monstrosity.
Mitsunari Ishida.
He is the only one who has ever come close to beating Nobunaga in Go, which shows how smart he is.
Even though they have completely different personalities, Mitsunari and Mitsuhide are often studying together, they both are like the Mitsu duo. They also have eating problems. Mitsuhide because of how he mixes food badly and Mitsunari because he just forgets to eat while studying.
Masamune Date.
In one audio drama, Masamune challenges shingen when they see each other at the market in azuchi, but when shingen suggests they eat before fighting, masamune decides to take over the kitchen to cook for them both.
In another audio drama, focusing on the characters “Yandere” characteristics, masamune showed to fit the role surprisingly well.
Ranmaru Mori.
In an audio drama, Ranmaru revealed to be very skilled with acting. More specifically, he knows how to pretend to be a girl very well. His voice actor was able to imitate a feminine voice pretty well.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
Kenshin saved three bunnies’ lives by simply saying he didn’t feel like eating rabbit soup, and since then those three bunnies keep following him while multiplying.
There is a version of ikemen sengoku that was only released in Japan, on the PS vita. Only a few selected characters were chosen to have routes on it and kenshin is one of them. On it, there is a piece of story where kenshin goes into the future and manages to control a mafia group. (I don’t know Japanese, so I don’t know how accurate this is, but there are cgs of him in a modern attire from the ps vita game).
Shingen Takeda.
There are many things that could be said about him, but one of my favorites is the fact that shingen is one of the few characters that actually swear in the game.
During an audio drama, he reveals that he likes when a girl ties her hair when entering the hot springs, mostly because he likes seeing the nape of their neck getting flushed.
Just an extra one because I love him, shingen has shown that he likes when people, regardless of them being women or men, compliment him. During the event “the art of seduction” where he teaches the other warlords how to flirt, he seems to appreciate when Mitsunari compliments him as a teacher.
Yukimura Sanada.
Yukimura had a different voice actor the start of the game, but he was changed. You can still see his previous voice actor voicing him in the audio drama he is in with Shingen and Yoshimoto.
He has a hard time finding what to talk about with Yoshimoto, to the point where he starts talking about spears and which ones are his preference, Yoshimoto finds the subject boring.
Yoshimoto Imagawa.
Yoshimoto is part of the few characters that were featured in the Ps vita, meaning he had a route out way before it was released in the original game.
I don’t know Japanese and never managed to find a translation for his route in the ps vita version, but there are cgs of him with Mc in the modern era.
Sasuke was also featured in the audio drama with kenshin and Masamune about the Yandere concept, and was actually spooked by how good he is at that role.
Lone forces.
Motonari Mouri.
Motonari is fluent in many languages, including Portuguese (my first language is Portuguese, so it’s funny seeing him speak in Portuguese sometimes)
He wasn’t in any audio drama, but was first featured in the ikemen sengoku anime.
Kennyo naturally attracts wild animals because of the energy he has, they seem to sense that Kennyo is a good person.
Kennyo has acted as a father for Ranmaru since he was a child, which would explain why Ranmaru is so dedicated towards Kennyo.
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dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Hey Mrs. O hope you're well! I just have a question about IkeSen. Im a bit confused about whos in power. Like they talk about an Emporer, and a shogun, and daimyo's. Im confused how Nobunaga and the other lords fit in and who is in charge lol any clarification would be greatly appreciated
Hi Nonny! Thank you, I am peachy.
I don't blame you for being confused - Ikesen gives us an extremely watered down version of Japanese history and even that is confusing because Japanese history is heckin complicated! I'm no expert but I'll see if I can make things clearer for you.
In the time of Ikemen Sengoku it is the Sengoku period obviously (which roughly spans the 15th and 16th centuries) and more specifically 1582, which is the year Oda Nobunaga 'died'. However, we're dealing in a fictional version of things where stuff gets fudged a bit, so let's not get hung up on the exact dates. The structure of Japan at that time was still a feudal system divided into 5 basic levels that looked something like this:
Emperor > Shogun >> Daimyou >>> Samurai >>>> Peasants
The Emperor was nominally the most powerful person in Japan, a political figure of course, but most of all he is a spiritual figure. He's the leader of the Shinto religion and said to be descended from the sun goddess Amaterasu. The Emperor and his Imperial Court fulfilled many important ceremonial functions and was a place where the arts and culture were encouraged and maintained.
In truth though, the most powerful person in the sphere of day to day earthly life was the shogun, a military dictator that ruled over the country. (Incidentally, the first shogun to really consolidate power and create feudalism as it existed in Japan for 600+ years was Minamoto no Yoritomo - the poster boy for Ikemen Genjiden) The shogun ruled with the Emperor's blessing, whether that was freely given or manipulated, and if you really want to grossly oversimply an analogy I think you could somewhat liken it to the concept of the Pope and some monarchs in historical Europe - both powerful in different ways, and a monarch ostensibly ruled with the Pope's stamp of approval.
Below the shogun would be the daimyou, powerful land-owning lords who controlled personal armies of samurai loyal to them. This would include many of the warlords we know by name in the game - Oda Nobunaga, Takeda Shingen, Date Masamune, Uesugi Kenshin, Mouri Motonari, Imagawa Yoshimoto, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi (eventually) were all daimyou.
Samurai in service to the daimyous could include some illustrious warriors as well, and there are plenty of them that are suitors in Ikesen too - Akechi Mitsuhide, Ishida Mitsunari, Naoe Kanetsugu, Maeda Keiji, and Sanada Yukimura were all subordinates of the men above. (Though Yukimura's older brother, Nobuyuki, was a daimyou)
In the time of Ikemen Sengoku, we have the shogun (or ex-shogun, I suppose) Ashikaga Yoshiaki. It's Complicated, but suffice it to say that Nobunaga had helped him to power as a sort of puppet shogun and then removed him from it, and Yoshiaki did not take this very well. He became a rallying point for those looking to oppose Nobunaga's rise to power and hence his role as a villain in our story.
SO, technically, at the time of our story nobody really is in charge exactly, and that's half the problem. The Emperor exists offstage in Ikesen, and the Imperial Court is always a force that has to be taken into consideration, but Nobunaga is generally adept at maintaining a positive relationship with it. It isn't until after Nobunaga manages to bring almost half of the previously fractured provinces of Japan under his control, and the unification he begins is continued by Hideyoshi and ultimately solidified by Ieyasu, that a new shogun rises to power and maintains the Tokugawa shogunate for the next three centuries or so.
If you're interested in a brief rundown on the shogunate and how it worked, this video is really useful and entertaining for giving you a good grasp on the basics. And here's another from the same channel that gives a cool visual history of Japan, but I've linked the timestamp to the Sengoku period for you here. I hope that helped, rather than made things more confusing? I obviously didn't even touch on some of the other characters in the game or how Kennyo and the Ikkou-ikki opposed Nobunaga - if you have more questions about them, feel free to ask!
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orihara-infobroker · 5 years
Nobunaga The Fool
As I inevitably do when I sit down to write, I get distracted. Sometimes by things relevant to whatever I’m working on, sometimes not. Today it was Oda Nobunaga. I was talking to people about how, after watching Nobunaga The Fool, I can’t unsee/unhear Mamoru Miyano as Nobunaga. If you haven’t watched this anime I recommend it. It’s amusing. Just don’t... expect any serious history from it. XD
This led me to think, later, about how there are so many depictions of Nobunaga in media. I think the first time I remember personally seeing a reference to him was in Ninja Scroll where they call him the Shogun of the Dark at one point. (I might be misrepresenting. Haven’t watched that movie in forever).
So I turned to google in curiosity. FOR RESEARCH. What does this tumultuous man actually look like? The Adventures of Nobunaga in Google below the cut.
Well. Like this:
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Well. Pretty average looking samurai dude. So, of course, I wanted to see how he’d been recreated in fiction. The truest to real Nobunaga shows up in Sengoku Basara and Samurai Warriors, both video games:
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Where he looks like the badass villain. Cuz he kind of is in most video games.
But wait, how is that fair? Nobunaga unified Japan! He wasn’t a villain! (THE Problematic Favourite of Japanese History).
Well, let’s take a look at Nobunaga the dateable boyfriend! There are quite a few otomes that focus on Sengoku samurai. 
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Ikemen Sengoku (same hair colour, same scary asshole. (I have this game on my phone but no time to play it. I started with Date Masamune so I have no idea what he’s like but screenshots say he’s still an asshole.)
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Samurai Love Ballad. Reddish brown hair? Ok. Still an asshole to the MC like ALL THE TIME. (I played this one. He was my first pick. Because I like sadists I guess?)
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Sengoku Night Blood - An AU where all them hot samurai are either werewolves or vampires. So meet Drac- Errr Nobunaga the vampire. Blonde is his powered-up form. I have not played this game. I started the anime at some point because “oooo samurai” and had no idea it was based on a game. I have not finished it because I have more anime on my watch list than time to watch it.
Well. ONWARD TO THE ANIME. There are a lot of variants of Nobunaga in anime. Apparently, in Japan, everyone loves a good Nobunaga story. BUT it wouldn’t be a good story until we gender-bend him!
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Battle Girls, Sengoku Otome, and The Ambition of Nobuna. Redhead, Redhead, Blonde. Interesting. XD
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Drifters, Nobunaga Concerto, and Nobunaga the Fool.
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Almost forgot the gender-bent Nobunaga in the Fate game.
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Then there’s this new anime that Funimation is airing. It just launched in July. I didn’t even know it existed until this search. Will watch. It’s about Nobunaga as a youth. A very pretty youth. Kochoki: Wakaki Nobunaga.
I’m probably missing some references but I think this is enough XD Now, after seeing all these variants, what shall I make my Oda Nobunaga look like? Hmmmmmm.
Lastly is a bonus. Not actual Nobunaga. Just his swords. In human form. Because who doesn’t like anthropomorphized swords? From the game Touken Ranbu:
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Fudou Yukimitsu: Tanto Souza Samonji: Katana Yagen Toshirou: Tanto Heshikir Hasebe : Katana
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buswilligan · 4 years
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(Sorry guys, I’m reposting this bc I’m so utterly baffled by the way tumblr decided to format the original post and i couldn’t get it out of my head)
You’re right, I don’t think I’ve ever really posted much on Maira other than those drawings! I’m so glad you’re interested, I think I mainly don’t talk much about my mcs bc I don’t feel like people in the fandom really care lol. But if u know me u know I’m always looking for an excuse to talk about my ocs SO….
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Maira Burke is my Cybird MC, I use her for ikesen and ikevamp!
Personality wise, Maira’s very kind, intuitive and unafraid to speak her mind like the mc in game; she’s definitely a bit more rough around the edges than game mc, though that’s mostly just because she was never very social before the events of the games, she always kept to herself. She has a very dry sense of humor and definitely ends up being the straight-man type when it comes to everyone else’s shenanigans. I’ve mentioned it before, but she’s 6′3 and has a resting ‘don’t even look at me or i’ll stomp you to death with my hooves’ face, so people have always left her alone. SO now she genuinely doesn’t know what to do or how to react once she’s suddenly surrounded by people who aren’t intimidated or deterred by it.
Here’s her pinterest board bc everyone knows I have no self restraint when it comes to pinterest~
Backstory under the cut since this is getting long lol
Anyway! Maira’s backstory is the same for both games up to a point. She’s from America and was raised by her grandmother who was a seamstress for a living. She was always super close to her nana and the two shared a lot of their hobbies and liked to travel the world together as she was growing up (nana inherited a decent amount of money when her husband died).
While Maira was in college, her nana fell severely ill so she took a break from school to take care of her. Ultimately, her grandmother succumbed to her illness and it threw Maira into a deep depression. Despite Maira lowkey being a prep appearance-wise, she really didn’t have like… friends other than her nana. She’d always been very focused on her studies and came off as pretty standoffish despite being a genuinely nice person, mainly because she doesn’t like attention, but people usually misinterpreted that as her being intimidating and steered clear. SO, after her nana’s death she tried to return to school but couldn’t focus or find motivation and ended up dropping out altogether. Staying in her grandmother’s home started getting really difficult for her, so she ended up selling it, and this is where her story diverges depending on the game.
For ikesen, she decides to move to Japan and devote her energy to fashion. She’d learned how to make clothes from her grandma growing up and really enjoyed it, but she hadn’t originally wanted to make a career out of it. In ikesen, she decides to pick it up again since it’s something that she has a good grasp on and it’s a way for her to be close to her nana’s memory.
For ikevamp, she takes her inheritance and starts a travel blog. Eventually the blog starts getting enough attention that she starts making an income from it, luckily before she ran out of inheritance money lol.
For both, it’s really easy for her to decide to stay in the past bc, even if she hadn’t found love there, she doesn’t really have anything to return to. She doesn’t have any friends or family in her original time, and the people that she meets in the past have become like family to her. I think that even w/o falling in love she would have quickly decided not to return anyway. listen…… i love the found family trope…
So that’s Maira!!! I hope this is at least vaguely coherent, it’s 1 am right now but I wanted to get this typed up since it’s been a while since u sent this ask. I really wanted to draw smth for it and I kept either not liking the drawings or losing them bc of my computer restarting on me rip.. Feel free to ask me more abt her if u ever have questions, I’m always ready to gush abt my ocs!!!!
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xxsycamore · 3 years
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Hello everyone! I’m back with 2021 version of my own kinktober challenge! (link to last year’s). I meant to post this way earlier but I couldn’t due to personal stuff 😔😔  
What is this? Visions of Temptation is a kinktober dialogue & kink prompt list for everyone over the age of 18! It’s absolutely free to use across all fandoms, with a main focus on otome. If you’re a writer, artist, etc., you can use this list to create your kinktober works. You can share this with your followers and open requests using this list too!
How it works? It’s up to you whether you choose to use prompts from one of the lists or both. Remember not to stress over the posting dates and full completion of the challenge!
About credit: I’d be happy to see your works, so please tag me when using my list! Posting to other sites is fine as well, as long as you mention my blog :)
Note: You can also use the tag #VISIONSOFTEMPTATION2021
Here is a list of some of the targeted fandoms, once again feel free to include any fandom that isn’t on the list!
- CYBIRD games: Ikemen Vampire; Ikemen Prince; Ikemen Revolution; Ikemen Sengoku; Ikemen Genjiden; Midnight Cinderella 
- Tears of Themis
- Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
- Games from Voltage Inc.
- Love Unholyc 
- Obey me!
- Mystic Messenger 
If you have any questions, you can always send me a message! 
Reblogs are appreciated! 
Under the cut you can find the two lists in blank format: 
1.           Guided masturbation | Temperature play
2.           Somnophilia | Cockwarming
3.           Sexy lingerie | Not wearing lingerie
4.           Shower sex | Bathtub sex
5.           Scent kink | Accidental stimulation
6.           Pet play | Dry humping
7.           Oral fixation | Breath play
8.           Touching under the table | Bend over the table
9.           Size difference kink | Switching
10.         Public sex | Exhibitionism
11.         Fear play | Predator and prey
12.         Maid/butler fetish | Glove kink
13.         Voyeurism | Mirror sex
14.         Striptease | Clothed sex
15.         Goofy sex | Handjobs
16.         Shibari | Wax play
17.         Against the wall | Uniform kink
18.         Nipple chains | Nipple play
19.         Biting/Marking | Hair pulling
20.         Vanilla | Aftercare
21.         First time | Unexperienced character
22.         Crying | Overstimulation
23.         One night stand | FWB
24.         Creampie | Breeding
25.         Hate sex | Orgasm denial
26.         Gun play | Knife play
27.         Face sitting | Deep throating
28.         Spitroasting | Double penetration
29.         Body worship | Massage
30.         Sensory deprivation | Begging
31.         Sexual roleplay | Supernatural traits
1.           "Try not to make a mess."
2.           "I suggest you take tomorrow off after what we're about to do tonight."
3.           "Do you need me to stretch you out first?"
4.           "Take it off. Slowly."
5.           "I'll give you five seconds to reconsider."
6.           "Are you sure you forgot to put on panties on accident?"
7.           "I might hurt you. Are you sure you want that?"
8.           "I don't care if it's too much, you're not allowed to cum."
9.           "Do you know how hot you look right now? It's really distracting."
10.         "I see that you're enjoying my gift."
11.         "I don't want you to be gentle with me."
12.         "I've never wanted to fuck you more than I do now."
13.         "Didn't I tell you to stay still?"
14.         "Who would've guessed you're into this."
15.         "Don't tease me. You wouldn't like to see me mad."
16.         "No, no, this is about you. Lay back and enjoy."
17.         "Do you really think it's a good idea to tempt me like that?"
18.         "Oh you think I wouldn't? Watch me."
19.         "If we both can't sleep, why not do something fun instead?"
20.         "Care to explain what were you doing in my room?"
21.         "Does it feel that good? You're trembling, you know."
22.         "God, give me the patience to wait until we're home."
23.         "We don't have the time to take this to bed." "Who said it has to be in bed?"
24.         "Fuck me, ravish me, please just do something already!"
25.         "I'm going to fuck you until you can't stay awake anymore. Maybe after that too."
26.         "Doing this feels dirty…" "Because it is."
27.         "I know you can fuck me harder than this…"
28.         "Get on your hands and knees before I change my mind."
29.         "Let's call this off already. You know, make up, make out…"
30.         "Why don't you two settle it with a competition and I can be the judge?"
31.         "The night is still young."
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akihiko-march · 3 years
Ikemen Sengoku and Sengoku Night Blood: Fun Comparison
PART 2 [Masamune and relating families of the characters]
A lot of people know Ikemen Sengoku, but Sengoku Night Blood was really one of those games that rivalled Hakuouki with the premise of Samurai but they're vampires/supernatural. I love both Sengoku games equally, but I thought it'd be fun to show the difference of illustrations with the boys! [Some have shockingly different characterisations]
Also I just really want to introduce SenBura [Sengoku Night Blood] because I see a lot of comparisons between IkeSen and SLBP, but not SenBura.
Note: The images are just my collages. The sprites are from the English Wiki of each respective game. Also, for SenBura I am NOT including their awakened versions.
Introduction to Sengoku Night Blood:
This is the official wiki, but basically each major warlord has a different faction that they lead, with the caveat that they're either a werewolf or vampire. There's more lore aspects, but I want to introduce the character designs!
Also, I feel like the characters from Sengoku Night Blood provides more characters compared to Ikemen Sengoku. I'll start from an IkeSen background, so the Oda 'forces' first!
Nobunaga Oda
Our beloved, haughty warlord from IkeSen that loves his konpeito VS the cold hearted vampire warlord from SenBura that loves his dried persimmons!
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Akechi Mitsuhide
We have our sly kitsune from IkeSen VS the kind hearted SenBura vampire Mitsuhide, who is loyal, if not more than IkeSen's Hideyoshi to his Nobunaga!
Oddly, their personalities do share similarities, both being the silent type but Mitsuhide from IkeSen is more mischievous while SenBura's Mitsuhide is extremely loyal to Nobunaga, after betraying him once in the past.
Fun Fact: The seiyuu for Mitsuhide [SenBura] is the same as Napolean Bonaparte [IkeVamp]
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Ranmaru Mori
The self-proclaimed idol warlord from IkeSen VS the calm vampire that's number one Nobunaga stan from SenBura! Both are generally sweet to MC, and generally stop any shenanigans that happen around her. They both do scold their superiors in a way, but both never crossing Nobunaga.
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Hideyoshi Toyotomi
The perfect gentleman, mother hen of the Oda Forces with utter loyalty to Nobunaga from IkeSen VS the protective vampire leader of the Toyotomi clan that has a grudge with Nobunaga?? Also, SenBura's Hideyoshi is the main character in their story! I would say that SenBura's Hideyoshi associates with the monkey identity more than IkeSen's Hideyoshi.
Both, once out of a certain sister/friend zone with MC, grow incredibly possessive of her.
Fun Fact: The seiyuu for Hideyoshi [SenBura] is the same as Jonah Clemence [IkeRev]
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Mitsunari Ishida
The clumsy tactician of the Oda Forces from IkeSen VS the clumsy vampire tactician from SenBura that's also stubborn?
SenBura's Mitsunari is more quick witted, but still clumsy as Mitsunari from IkeSen. They're both noted to 'not be as talented with a sword' compared to the others, but from their respective series, they have a similar style of fighting.
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Kenshin Uesugi
The war-loving warlord that can be troublesome if he's itching for a fight from IkeSen VS the justice-loving werewolf that can be troublesome if he's in a bad mood...
They also distance themselves from MC in similar fashion, and their colour schemes even match! SenBura's Kenshin isn't much of a yandere like IkeSen's Kenshin, but both are very protective of MC.
Fun Fact: The seiyuu for Kenshin [SenBura] is the same as Hideyoshi Toyotomi [IkeSen ]
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Kanetsugu Naoe
The devoted, sometimes sarcastic servant to Kenshin from IkeSen VS The devoted, sometimes sarcastic werewolf to Kenshin from SenBura?.. Yeah, they both also love to tease MC... But they both have a thing for those tall boots and fabulous hair-
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Shingen Takeda
The flirtatious hunk of a man that deeply cares for those he considers family from IkeSen VS the proud, battle-loving werewolf that deeply cares for those he considers his family from Senbura. Also, they both hide their intelligence extremely well from others, and have a instance for information gathering...
Fun Fact: The seiyuu for Shingen [SenBura] is the same as Motonari Mouri [IkeSen]
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Yukimura Sanada
When IkeSen's Yukimura stans his pet wolf Muramasa, he might as well become SenBura's Yukimura since... both are fairly wolfish characters to be honest. Except SenBura's Yuki is shorter. But they both carry huge ass spears so I guess it counts.
Fun Fact: The seiyuu for Yukimura [SenBura] shares the same VA as Nobukatsu Oda [FGO/Fate Grand Order] which is the historical younger brother of Nobunaga Oda
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Sasuke Sarutobi
This time, IkeSen's stoic Sasuke goes against someone who's the complete opposite of him as SenBura's Sasuke?? Really, their personalities are 180 degrees of each other, its surprising that they're meant to be the same person. Both equally talented ninjas that are BFFs with Yuki. When the BroTP even transcends series... And Sasuke is a werewolf [SenBura].
Fun Fact: The seiyuu for Sasuke [SenBura] shares the same VA as Loki Genetta [IkeRev/IkeKaku]
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 years
Hi dark-frosted-heart! just for your opinion what do think ikemen prince would have been like if the game was an isekai where emma is from modern 21st century world similar to ikemen sengoku, vampire, and Revolution
Hello! I feel that the experience would be similar to Ikesen since they’re both relatively the same time period with similar values. Emma’s character would be similar to Mai personality-wise. Well…since the English version came out, there have been comparisons anyway.
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yuriko-mukami · 2 years
🎮 - What’s your favorite video game?
Questions for the mun!
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(( Yosh! An interesting topic!
From DL games I find it hard to decide which one I like the most, I guess I just love Ruki's routes in general (still one to play!). But that's probably not a surprise.
Aside from DL, my favorite otome games are Amnesia: Memories and Later and Hakuouki: Kyoto Winds and Edo Blossoms. I guess I'm a bit boring person who goes for classics here. From mobile otomes Ikemen Sengoku is my favorite.
Other than otome games I play mostly JRPGs (and I've played those more than otoge). There are so many games to love but my all-time favorites are Final Fantasy IX and Final Fantasy XII. Like many other FF fans, I started with FFVII and that game has a special place in my heart, and I truly love FFVIII too, but FFIX was the one that captured my heart completely.
In Final Fantasy IX, the story is awesome, all characters are so lovable, the music is perfection, and the world feels very alive. I love the mini-games, the battle system, and the art style too.
And when it comes to Final Fantasy XII, I'm in love with its world Ivalice. It's so vast, alive, and interesting. Adventuring there fills my heart with joy. I also adore the characters, especially Balthier and Fran, and the political story hits somehow the right buttons in my mind. I recognize that the storytelling is lacking in some spots and that you need to see behind the surface to really understand the characters who don't always say everything clearly... but damn, that game gets me every time.
FFXII was also the first game I played in Japanese because I wanted to try out the Zodiac Job System version and back then it seemed that it wouldn't get a port in the Western world (A funny nuance: the voice acting was in English but menus, subtitles, and non-voiced conversations were in Japanese). So, in that regard, it is special to me. Years later we got FFXII: The Zodiac Age for PS4 here too and that was the perfect reason to play it again. And damn, I just love the job system and gambit system of that game!
I think out of all games I've played I have finished FFIX and FFXII at least 5 times each (and neither is that short) and I totally am going to play them again someday 🥰
(Sorry, this turned out a rather long answer for such a simple question... 🙈)
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ikeromantic · 3 years
First Day
This is an Ikemen Sengoku coffee shop AU. Approx 1700 words. Nobunaga, the owner of Azuchi Cafe, hires a girl to work in his coffee shop alongside his other oddball employees.
Pastry Chef and little rain cloud: Ieyasu Tokugawa
Head Chef and irredeemable flirt: Masamune Date
Dining Room Manager and rule-master: Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Barista and most popular kid in your class: Ranmaru Mori
Barista and coffee disaster: Mitsunari Ishida
Accountant and walking bad-boy vibe: Mitsuhide Akechi
I have never written a coffee shop AU and I have no idea what I'm doing.
Nobunaga unlocked the back door at 3am. It was so early most people would still call it night, but he enjoyed the peace and quiet at this hour. As if he were the sole living human in a world of stray cats and blinking traffic lights.
He flipped on the lights and began morning prep. As the owner of Azuchi Cafe, he didn’t need to be the shop opener, but he was the kind of man who’d never ask his employees to do something he wouldn’t do himself. This meant he often worked from opening until close, cleaning the kitchen at 10pm. It was something he was proud of, even if it was exhausting some days.
Ieyasu arrived a few minutes later, along with the morning shipment. Fresh fruit, cream, some new coffee bean varieties, and other items he stocked daily. The blond was quiet as he helped unload. Not a morning person, not by a longshot.
Once the crates were inside, Ieyasu made a beeline for the espresso machine and had two cups on the counter before Nobunaga completed his inventory check.
The blond downed both cups and then got started in the kitchen. He was too smart for a cafe job - easily one of the best bakers Nobunaga had ever met. And this cafe was blessed with two, though the other man was a polar opposite of the silent, serious Ieyasu Tokugawa.
As if thinking of him summoned him, the back door swung open and in swaggered Masamune. “Good morning!” His voice was loud and vibrant, as always. He never needed caffeine to feel awake - Masamune was naturally caffeinated.
“D’you have to be so loud?” Ieyasu glared.
“Do you have to be such a grouch?” Masamune raised his one eyebrow. His other eye was covered with a pirate-style eyepatch. The look wasn’t just for effect. He’d lost his left eye to a childhood illness, but that hadn’t dampened his spirit or enthusiasm.
Ieyasu held up a dough covered middle finger in response and went back to making croissants.
Masamune put a hand to his heart. “Such cruelty.”
“Stop bickering and start cooking.” Nobunaga tried to sound stern but couldn’t help the little smile on his lips.
The two of them did, though the grumbling and sniping never really stopped.
While Ieyasu handled bakery items, Masamune was in charge of the grill. Hot sandwiches, soups, and whatever else he decided to put on the menu. Nobunaga had given up trying to restrain him. The man was a genius cook, and whatever he made sold, so it made sense to give him his head.
Akechi showed up next. Mitsuhide was an accountant by trade, with a law degree besides. He didn’t technically work at the shop, but he did the books and didn’t charge much for the work. Nobunaga wasn’t sure why he spent so much time at the cafe, but he’d become a fixture. Showing up before opening to do Azuchi’s books and then sitting in the dining area, working on his laptop for hours.
“Anything I should know about,” Nobunaga called, before Mitsuhide disappeared into the cafe office.
“If there was, I’d tell you. Probably.” Mitsuhide gave him his trademark smile, sly like a fox.
“It’s that probably that worries me.” Nobunaga frowned. He didn’t actually believe Mitsuhide would sabotage him. Not after so many years as a client. But with that man, you never quite knew where you stood.
Akechi shrugged. “I can’t think of a reason not to - but you never know.” He disappeared into the office, and soon the only sound from that room was the clacking of a keyboard.
The sky to the east was beginning to lighten, the stars fading from view. It would be time to open soon. As if on cue, Mitsunari showed up with Ranmaru in tow. They were the baristas, taking orders, making coffee, and serving the sit-down diners.
“Isn’t it a beautiful morning?” Mitsunari said this to Ieyasu’s back as he passed him.
The blond snorted. “It looks like every morning. Literally, exactly the same.”
“And every morning is beautiful.” Mitsunari Ishida smiled. “I am so lucky to work with such wonderful people. It will be a great day. I can feel it.”
Ranmaru laughed. “Absolutely. Just ignore old grumble-pants here. We are going to have an awesome day.”
“I am not old,” Ieyasu snapped.
“You are compared to me!” Ranmaru was the youngest in the crew, and he liked to remind the others about it.
“That’s enough. Get up to the front and prep the display. Both of you.” Nobunaga pointed toward the front counter.
Ranmaru gave him a pouty look, but did as he was told. Despite his penchant for causing trouble in the kitchen, he was great with customers, and pretty reliable.
Mitsunari didn’t seem to realize he’d been in the middle of the bickering. He just smiled and followed Ranmaru to the front.
That one, Nobunaga thought, was dangerous. At first impression, Mitsunari Ishida seemed like an airhead. Cheerful to the point of being vapid, and clumsy as well. But he could take orders faster than anyone else, remember which customer had which preference, and quote the menu without a glance at the board on the wall. He was great, so long as you didn’t ask him to pour the coffee.
At opening, Hideyoshi finally sidled in. He was the dining room manager, in charge of the servers, and everything on the front end. Nobunaga trusted him implicitly. Most cafe owners had to worry about theft and inattention from their cash-handling employees, but not him. Not with Hideyoshi Toyotomi at the counter. That man was a veritable saint, if sometimes a little melodramatic about his service.
“I know you told me I didn’t need to be here until 10, since you open. But I couldn’t let you handle everything alone.” Hideyoshi’s version of ‘good morning’ as he tied his apron on.
Nobunaga sighed. “You are my closing manager, Hideyoshi. You’re going to be stuck here until 10 or 11 tonight . . . and you realize, I do have employees here, helping, right?”
Toyotomi nodded. “Sure, sure. But extra hands always help with morning rush, right?”
“Right. And that’s why I have a new hire coming in at 8.” Nobunaga sighed.
“A new hire?” Mitsunari’s violet gaze lit up. “Will I get to train them?”
“Don’t be stupid,” Ieyasu grumbled. “We want them to make coffee, not learn how to dump the pot on the floor.”
“Stop being so mean,” Ranmaru sniped back, defending Mitsunari.
“Hey, hey! The new employee isn’t gonna get trained by any of you. Clearly, the boss is going to put them with me. To pass on my culinary genius.” Masamune’s one eye sparkled.
“No, no, and absolutely not,” Nobunaga said, raising his voice. “Hideyoshi and I are going to train them. If the lot of you don’t terrify them into quitting on their first day.”
And that was the end of that discussion. It was 5am and the door opened. The steady stream of customers kept everyone busy for the next few hours. Lattes and cappuccinos, americanos and macchiatos, and decaf for those in denial. The flow began to slack as 8am approached. Most people were at work now, coffee in hand.
Clean-up started in the kitchen, and Hideyoshi began on the dining room.
The glass front door opened at 8am sharp. The new hire walked in. This wasn’t Nobunaga’s first time meeting her, but he still felt a twang in his chest as she smiled brightly at no one in particular.
“I hope I’m not late!”
Hideyoshi eyed her up and down, nodding to himself. Flat shoes, cute but practical. Hair pulled back sensibly - stylish, but not overdone. Professional clothes, fitted and comfortable. He hadn’t been part of the interview but he was feeling pretty positive about this candidate. He gave Nobunaga a nod.
“No, you’re right on time,” Mitsunari replied, leaning on the counter. His angelic smile was fixed on her.
The impact was obvious. One did not face the pure, focused joy of Mitsunari and not feel it. She blinked for a moment, stunned, her cheeks flushing. “Oh. Well that’s good, right?”
“Sure is,” Ranmaru said, coming around the side of the bakery display. He wiped his hands on his apron and held one out to her. “Welcome to Azuchi!”
“Hey, that’s my line,” Nobunaga grumbled.
“Yeah, but I’m cuter when I say it.” Ranmaru’s cheek reply got a chuckle from Masamune.
The one-eyed chef came out from the kitchen to observe. He wasn’t looking for whatever qualities Hideyoshi had, but what he saw made him grin. “Well, lass, I’d say welcome again but that’d make me look like an idiot. How ‘bout I help you put on an apron and show you around the place?”
“Again, my line,” Nobunaga said tiredly.
Ieyasu poked his head out from the back and sighed heavily. “Great. Another fluff head to train. Look, when you get bored listening to these idiots, come find me in the kitchen. I’ll try to teach you to bake. I’m sure you can manage a simple recipe. Probably.”
The girl looked unsure how to respond. She finally shrugged. “Yeah, ok! I’m here to work, so whatever you want to teach me, I want to learn.”
“You’d be better off learning how to keep the books,” said an amused voice behind Ieyasu.
The girl’s eyes darted up as Mitsuhide came out from the back. “Not that I’m hiring. I don’t do internships either,” he continued. He stepped out from behind the counter and closed in on her like a stalking cat. His golden eyes slid down from her face, over her chest and hips, down her legs, and back up, slow as syrup. “Though I can think of some reasons to make an exception.” He handed her a business card. “For when you tire of this service job.”
“Ah, thanks?” She glanced at the card and by the time she looked up again he was gone.
“Everyone, get back to work. I’m handling the new hire. You’ll all get a chance to train with her. I want her to work swing, so she’ll need to know a little of everything.” Nobunaga clapped once.
The workers all got back to it, though not without plenty of backward glances.
Hideyoshi handed the girl an apron. “Good luck!”
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echigo-empress · 3 years
Why I hate the English MC (Pt. 2)
Disclaimer: I’m still not used to using Tumblr, so please forgive me if I’m not using this platform, or its features, the way everyone else does. I’m just hoping to express my often locked-away thoughts and feelings with like-minded people, and had the courage to do so, after seeing validating posts from a few precious people. If you don’t like what you see, please exit. Thank you.
To start: I hate Ikemen Sengoku’s main character (MC).
If you “adore” her the way many Reddit fans do, please stop reading and go away. 走开 。你说什么东西,我都不会听。
I do not know if she is equally unpleasant in other routes (since she was already unpleasant enough in Hideyoshi’s), so I’ll be basing my words off Uesugi Kenshin’s route. I was hesitant to share my honest description of her, which is: She is too American to be likeable for my taste.
But then I realized there is some validity in the American tag. Let me break down some reasons why I hate her:
She is rude.
She is obnoxious.
She uses a lot of American English slang that I’m not sure American players are even aware are region-specific to the U.S. e.g. “big ole guy” “because reasons” Who says these things in real life? Do you hear other English speakers using such terms? Huge other rant I am not talking about today, but related: Anime translators and subbers who use too many American English or Americanized words, piss me off. Newsflash: English is not only spoken in the U.S., it is widely spoken and taught across the world. Just because someone selects ‘English’ as a language, does not automatically mean they are culturally American, or that they even speak American English. British English came first. There are so many people who are billingual, trillingual, and more (e.g. Germany, Belgium, Italy, South Korea etc.), choosing to converse in ‘English’ has many reasons that may not always be tied to someone’s identity or even citizenship. This is probably a fault of Cybird’s team, but how they even thought this was okay, acceptable, is beyond me. It proves to me just how small-minded, presumptuous, and maybe even racis-... they are.
She has a bad attitude. Oh, I could wax lyrical about this. Despite the player’s obvious choice in Kenshin, her attitude towards him remains cynical, cold, mistrusting, and frankly, nonsensical. It makes their romance feel unnatural, and jarrs the reader from fully immersing themselves in the game world. The player’s in-game word choices are bad (imo), but the follow up lines in the route are often straight up confusing, as if the translators only rewrote the MC’s lines, and altered Kenshin’s answers to fit her dissociative identity disorder tendencies (read: split-personality disorder)
It got to the point (Chapter 5) that I was starting to look for a way to switch the language to Chinese, or Japanese, within the game settings, and didn’t find any. Anything but to read one more word of her prejudiced and judgemental drivel. I had a feeling that the English version was terribly bastardized, and salvation and sanity returned when I found this affirmative post.
Even though this American girl MC was someone (I felt) was the opposite of me. And it’s hard for me to consume media with an unlikeable/unrelatable protagonist. I struggled through. I tolerated her, even though this was supposed to be a game about me x Uesugi Kenshin, because I fell in love with him. And made this blog.
And overnight (or rather, over Chapter 8), my heart shattered into a million pieces. Because, here’s the last, but possibly most important point:
She discriminates against people with depression. I would share the screenshot, but I was so heartbroken that I didn’t take one of that scene. Where she not only expresses 0 compassion for Isehime’s depression and suicide... but goes on to say something like ‘I will never be like Isehime. I will always fight to live, and I will behave differently; I’m nothing like her.’ 
Let’s unpack everything that’s wrong with that in the next post.
Chapter list of Probably quit Ikemen Sengoku because I hate the English MC/Uesugi Kenshin’s route series:
Part 1: Why I chose Uesugi Kenshin’s route
Part 2: Why I hate the English MC/Uesugi Kenshin’s route  (we here now)
Part 3: Depression, Trauma, History, and encouragement for other fans who might feel the same way
Part 4: Probably Quitting Ikemen Sengoku / Should I finish it?
Part 5: The Chinese version of Ikemen Sengoku / 美男战国 | 美男戰國
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otomelavenderhaze · 3 years
My thoughts on Chevalier’s route with some vague spoilers ~
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Lemme just take something out of the way before anything else: I loved Chev’s route and I have very few critics about it, so it’s gonna be that type of review when I’m going to have more good things to say than bad things - if anything I would recommend ppl to read it. 
If you played Ikemen Sengoku and liked Nobunaga’s route, then you will probably love Chev’s. I also saw a lot of similarities with Mozart’s from Ikemen Vampire, only because he shares the same unfriendly, kinda brusque, rude and blunt behavior, the thing that sets them apart by alot is how quickly Chev can resort to violence or threats to get things his way. 
For someone that never saw his route’s trailer or knows anything about his personality, Chev is pretty much referred to throughout his route as a beast, someone incapable of human emotions or any short of emphaty towards others. So he comes off as cruel, violent, rude and dismissive of everything that doesn’t have value in his eyes - also very arrogant. 
So, understandable he’s not everybody’s cup of tea. I grand y’all that. 
HOWEVER, context and attention to detail make all the difference to Chev's route, because it's not inside it in a vacuum, everything built around it, the sequence of events, choices of other characters and visions of those same characters enrich the writing in such a way that when the climax of the route arrives, it's impossible not to feel the tension despite the vague belief that everything will work out in the end.
And I must say that keeping Chev's actions as the core of all the conflict on his route, the source from which all other minor conflicts drank from, is brillant. 
The biggest proof of this is the small arcs that Belle passes on his route, her growth as characters is only possible because Chev is so challenging. Without this version of Belle we got on his route and without the particular changes that she goes through, I'd say the Chev route wouldn't work.  
And it's very interesting how she's not there to confront him all the time, she's there to counterbalance him. Chev is very attached to his values and his way of looking at life, in such a way that she also doesn't seem to be there to change him completely... but I think she's there to make him realize things he hadn't considered before - and honestly, they did it really well in his route, it’s a really engaging aspect of the story. 
Belle is not submissive or there to absolutely forgives all his faults, if anything, when she’s in the process to try to understand him, she gets the chance to see the good and the bad. The interesting thing is that she’s don’t really accept the bad, because it all go against her own values - she can’t accept that cruel side of him because it’s not only about them, it’s also about their country’s future. 
Despite the difficulties in understanding Chev as a character, his route is very grounded in the scenario that the game presents to us. There is tension, danger, drama, conflict, intrigue and romance along this route, and that makes it all the more enticing. 
I also want to play the dramatic ending, at this point I only played the romantic one, but I really liked it, especially the twist at the end - that feels big, personal and loaded with emotion.
And as my last point: if you really like Leon and Clavis, maybe you feel like playing Chev’s just to see more of those characters. They used Clavis in a really cleaver way, making him a very mysterious and mischievous constant presence. Meanwhile Leon is there as another counterpoint for Chev himself, really showing that both are complete opposites, but that despite this, they are able to understand each other. 
I was surprise to see how imporant for Chev’s story are MC, Clavis and Leon, there’s also a lot of Luke and Noko on his route, but I feel like Clavis and Leon was the ones that stole the spotlight more often. 
I can’t wait to play it all again to be honest, I had so much fun, as a fan of the original adaptation of “Beauty and The Beast” from 1991, I loved all the references, all the small details, I saw a lot of beast on Chev too - I had a blast playing it, the game made me laugh unintentionally and intentionally many times on the Chev's route.
I recommend y’all give it a try for sure. 
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Hello, dearest Nemo. Inspired by a matter you're probably aware of, here I come, to ask you for certain opinion, although perhaps in form of HeadCanons... Let's say we have Ghibli Movies and the Warlords. Which movie would be each warlord's favourite? What do you think?
Ooooh, lil'Lorei remembers my obsession with Studio Ghibli movies, I see. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku 
Characters: All - Kanetsugu because idk I can’t find shit on him only that he is a tsun.
Prompt: The warlords and studio Ghibli movies. Disclaimer: I only listed the movies I have watched, which is a fair amount but by no means all. 
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To sit on the couch with a Sengoku warlord felt strange. No, it was definitely weird! All the more so when you put up a Studio Ghibli movie. Just any, because you felt like it. Little did you know that the warlord would take so well to it. He had been rather apprehensive at first, after all, moving pictures and that strange sound? But after a while the movies won him over. After all, who could resist the peaceful charm of Studio Ghibli, dreaming away at the romance of everyday life set in a beautiful landscape far away from all worry and chaos?
Nobunaga Oda: Spirited away
“The soot sprites have good taste,” the Oda leader pronounced, a proud smile etched on his face as he enjoyed the movie playing. On the screen the little black balls could be seen carrying off the konpeito, dancing around the little girl that had just lost her name to Yubaba, a move that Nobunaga had heartily laughed at. “I should consider doing this myself,” he had exclaimed, eyes glistening in mischief, “but I would rename them,” and to this remark you could only feel yourself sweatdrop, recalling the animal-inspired nicknames he tended to give his vassals.
Ieyasu Tokugawa: When Marnie was there
Something about the movie triggered something within him. The themes of loneliness, and constantly being moved around, but most of all, the trope of a found family and the concept of home. They resonated with his own childhood that he had resented so much. The past in which he was treated kindly, but also at times cruelly. All of these stories consolidated into one movie and two girls. “Marnie was weak,” he would later say, “good for Anna,” was his end review, but you could see the tears in the corner of his eyes. The movie had touched him.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi: Tales from Earthsea
A story of guilt and servitude? Prince Arren and the shadow that chases him? An inner fear, but yet a strong resolve to sacrifice all to reach ones goal? Hideyoshi is sold. The promise in the end is what gives that extra edge needed as Hideyoshi is weeping at the end of it all. “I will return to you, lord Nobunaga. I will repay all of my sins!” he wails and you know that he means it. Strangely enough, you have a feeling that Nobunaga would like the concept of ‘True Name’
Masamune Date: The wind rises
The story of a young boy whose dreams are shattered because of his weaknesses and then overcoming them? That’s his boy! Masamune has been cheering Jiro on since the opening of the movie and never stopped. Not until halfway through the movie and a frown settles on his face until the man has to gulp audibly to keep himself in check. All that chasing after a dream and the sacrifices made. It definitely hits a snare with the man who is quiet after the movie. He will need a cuddle or two.
Mitsuhide Akechi: Kiki’s delivery service
“There is just something about watching a little mouse grow up, isn’t there?” Mitsuhide teases with that lilting smile of his ever-present. But between the affectionate nickname and watching the movie there is something wistful about the man who sees the peaceful coming-of-age and finding identity and inspiration for live and passion within the little girl on her broom. He doesn’t say it, but he hopes that children in the future can grow up in such peace as Kiki does, able to adventure and a home to return to.
Kyubei: Whisper of the heart
Two kids chasing after their dreams, one set and the other just learning about it and a very capable cat that guides them. Kyubei enjoys the relationship that develops and the romance that comes with it, finding the fantasy element adorable. “I have a favourite person as well,” he tells you later with a mystifying smile, referring to the poster advertising the movie. A favourite person and a dream, he realises, which he hadn’t before.
Mitsunari Ishida: The secret world of Arrietty
“How very inventive!” the man constantly exclaims as he watches the little Arrietty move around in the garden. When she is fighting off bugs her own size Mitsunari clasps his hands together, as he rattles off on the many efficiencies they can make use of the bugs and employ the garden and the doll house. In the end Mitsunari feels only a little sad about Arrietty’s departure, though he has all faith that the friends will meet again, “is there a sequel,” he asks you for that, eager and beaming.
Keiji Maeda: Howl’s moving castle
Of course Howl’s theatrical ways are what enraptured the man at first, accompanied with Sophie’s determination and go-getters attitude. “That is no dull woman!” he exclaims happily as he watches the older sister fall to the curse cast by the witch. And though it is only vaguely implied Keiji comes to understand that it was something about the heart, just as Howl transforms because of his own heart. ‘A heart is a heavy burden.’ Sophie’s line catches him and Keiji agrees that Sophie’s hair is like starlight. He turns to you, however and tells you that you’re his starlight.
Ranmaru Mori: The cat returns
The cats, Baron the gentleman cat that just looks super cook and a whole slew of shenanigans about to happen. Secretly Ranmaru sees Kennyo in Baron, dreaming away watching his master be the cool hero that he was always meant to be. A little mysterious, totally awesome and can kick ass. Yes, that’s his favourite person!
Kennyo: My neighbour Totoro
There is something homely about the strange giant figure with its creepy smile and silent gestures. In fact, the whole movie endears the man. Two girls surrounded by the beauty of nature, growing up in peace and afraid of soot, catbus riding them to their mother. Kennyo can’t help but smile at the outrageousness of it all, finding it all very endearing. Secretly he thinks himself as Totoro, hiding in the forests and watching over the innocents.
Kenshin Uesugi: Princess Mononoke
A story about rulership, about how humanity ruins life eventually, about destruction and a lot of fighting. Kenshin loves it, especially for the last part. But as a former monk himself with a good appreciation for the gods and nature Kenshin relates to lady Eboshi who is willing to fight all if it means keeping her people safe and San, who fights to protect what she holds dear. He understands that and he relates to that.
Shingen Takeda: The tale of the princess Kaguya
A classic he is familiar with turned into an animation he has never experienced! Shingen loves it. Though he has to admit that he likes the story versions better he has a good appreciation for the artistry and the interpretation of the story, along with the pain of forgetting and leaving.
Yukimura Sanada: Porco Rosso
His favourite nickname turned into a character! Yukimura was flabbergasted at first, but then he came to understand that this was a spell of sorts, just as the movie itself was a trick of magic called science. But alas, that’s not why Yukimura was so in awe with the movie, it was the cool zeal in which the main character flies for his convictions. And somewhere deep down, though he will never admit such, the main character reminds him of Shingen.
Sasuke Sarutobi: Grave of the fireflies
Ah, the classic on which a whole generation was cruelly introduced to Studio Ghibli’s magic, the movie that started it all and above all: made everyone cry. Some may find him a bit of a weirdo to choose this as his favourite movie, after all it is such a sad movie. But it is the history, the message behind it, the themes dealt with and at last the pain and love of the siblings bereft by war. Sasuke’s heart is beaming just at the thought of the entire movie as his eyes start to tear up, dryly.
Kichou: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
There is no movie that quite agrees with him that the world is set out for doom than Nausicaä. The world is destroyed by humanity in a war, humans are still at war, but not only amongst each other for their greed but also with nature. Nature is trying to kill them for the sins committed by man. It all comes together and shows how the blight of this world truly is men and how the future that you come from is just an illusionary peace.
Yoshimoto Imagawa: Ocean Waves
Modern life poured into an artistic expression of young love. There is nothing quite more artistic than that in Yoshimoto’s opinion. The art is pretty, the story is enjoyable and not too riddled with all ugly traits and reminders of chaos and war and he gets to observe the modern world and its beauty a little more. Yes, Yoshimoto is indeed trying to forget about all the ugliness back in the Sengoku.
Motonari Mouri: Castle in the sky
Sky pirates, raiding a precious city, chaos overall and a booming ending? Sign him up. Motonari doesn’t really care for the main characters, finding them too sweet and innocent, but he has noticed that this is an overall trend within Studio Ghibli movies. Do, tell him more about the sky pirates, however and he definitely needs one of those flying machines.
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OC PROFILE - Yasusada Mizuno (水野 安定)
first thing to note: He is my version of the Ikemen Sengoku MC,i,as a transmasc person,decided to make a masc MC for my comfort,but i might make a fem MC as well so yea! He is merely a character i made for fun.
Name: Yasusada Mizuno
Name's meaning and small explanation of my choices: Yasusada's name is written with the following characters 安定 and the meaning of the characters are: 安(yasu) means "restful" and 定(sada) means "establish",i liked the meaning so i picked it for this exact reason. His surname is the same and written with the same characters as the clan Ieyasu's mother,Odai no Kata,came from and it was suggested by a friend,and i thought about a running gag being Ieyasu avoiding him due to his surname.
Age: 22. With his birthday being 17 of october,making his sign Libra.
Personality traits:
While he is rather stoic and not all that social;he is rather responsible and is very dependable. He can be very warm,kind and loving while his guard is down,albeit this side of his is reserved only for certain people.
He is very introverted and sometimes might get overwhelmed easily,he also have a tendency towards overworking himself and have a difficult time asking for help. He is essentially someone who looks tough but in reality is a huge softie.
He also have a rather mischievous side to him,enjoying a fair amount of trickery and having a snarky sense of humor and being sarcastic often(with the one who receives the most of his sarcastic remarks being Nobunaga).
He have strong morals and can be rather difficult to deal with,being extremely headstrong and stubborn. He believes on fairness and is strict on his treatment of others. He is the type of person who will not stay quiet until something is done about something he deems unfair.
Physical description: Yasusada have a fair complexion,with pinkish colored hair and red eyes with cat-like slits for pupils. His hair is rather fluffy,and usually is seem up in a ponytail with a light blue ribbon keeping it up.
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Design notes:
I wanted something that made him look cute and i think i succeeded!
The design had some inspiration from this Ranmaru design,the designs of Kazuha,Thoma and Ayaka from Genshin Impact. Albeit i tried to make it as original as it could be.
I think the patterning on his jacket makes it pretty obvious what his animal theme is(koi fish) 😂
Over all i'm very pleased with the design and colors. I love it and i love my boy and i hope you guys like him as much as i do :D
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lorei-writes · 4 years
There's a bit of background: I wrote this letter to Sasuke from my perspective, as a player of IkeSen. I wonder if this is okay for the Letters event?
It was June 14, 2020. I checked the notifications on my phone, to see that my favourite actor and someone I idolize was no longer with us.
I remember sitting down on my bed, getting under the covers, and crying. I just couldn't stop. It felt like losing a friend, or someone extremely close to me.
I was already playing otome games, I was hooked on Ikemen Vampire, had a bit of a crush on Lancelot from Ikemen Revolution and was pretty into Kakeru from Honey Magazine. However, none of them were able to fill the gaping hole that he had left.
But that all changed when I met you.
I was playing Nobunaga's route on Ikemen Sengoku when I realised, "hey that ninja is kinda cute..does he have a route?"
And that's when I quit Nobunaga's route to play yours. And the more I played, the more i realised how similar you are to him. Astrophysicist, love for the stars, highly intelligent, charismatic, talented in spheres other than astrophysics. But most of all, I could sense the warmth and love you had for everyone.
The more I played your route, the more I felt myself come out of that slump. And I started to fall. I fell in love with the way you fall asleep, slowly, then all at once.
Sasuke, you were there for me when no one else was. You helped me when I cried over assignments. You helped when I woke up from scary nightmares. You comforted me when no one could..
You have been the friend I've always wanted. You're the reason I have been able to evolve and grow into the person I am today.
I know you'll probably never read this. I know you'll probably never know that I exist. I mean, you're a character from a game. And I'm, me.
But if for some reason you exist in another universe and can read this. I wan my you to know that I love you. That you're important to me. And that I owe so many things to you.
Sasuke. You are important for my heart. It beats faster everytime i see you on my phone screen.
Your memes, your flirting, your goofy little bli-wink, your fear of butterflies, your love for the stars, fanboying over Ieyasu, running away from kenshin, bromancs with Yukimura, worshipping Ieyasu, walking in the ceilings, being a history nerd, you being you, I love it all. I love every bit of you. And in our little time together, you've shown me infinite ways to be happy. You've helped me heal. You've helped me smile. You made my 2020 the best year.
Thank you Sasuke. Thank you for being you.
I love you.
// a letter from another timeline
// 1
To whom? Only if I knew.
These nights sleep does not want to come to me – I do not mind. The universe is endless and so is the sky. It’s clearer now that I am in the past. I understood it was different then, but could never quite imagine it. I can observe things I could not even dream of, learn details forgotten throughout the centuries…
Yet somehow, I cannot sleep. Perhaps it is just my imagination… Or maybe the training is starting to wear off on me? Lord Kenshin said I had improved tremendously. It must be it – there is no other logical explanation, is there?
// 2
To whom? I am still not sure.
The feeling does not pass. Somehow, I think I am getting used to it. I have a suspicion I may not want it to pass.
// 3
To You,
If you can read it, somewhere, in some far away world. Just as the universe ever-expands, there is no set limit on the number of timelines you could exist in, I believe. Do you know me there? Am I even real? Are… Are you real in my reality?
This feeling does not stop. I cannot think it was caused by my training anymore. To describe it, I would say I am being watched… Yet it is not quite it. I cannot sense any presence. There is nobody around and no eyes follow me. I would know, it has been four years since I arrived here after all.
Would it be naive to say feelings transpire the understandable and the tangible? I do not know. I must think of it more before reaching any conclusion.
Yet, if it is not too much to ask… If there is person such as myself and you, living somewhere in one of the parallel versions of time and space… Could we meet there, perhaps?
I would want to talk with you.
// 4
To You,
Sasuke is by far my weakest character when it comes to writing, so... I hope I didn’t screw up too much. ^^”
For more details about the event, look here.
Tag list: @datenoriko, @nad-zeta, @tsubaki3192, @jiyuu-chan, @missjudge-me, @ikemencrossedmyth, @plumpblueberry , @nimeryaa, @nuttytani, @thesirenwashere, @milas-imaginarium, @kisara-16, @yukas-clover, @alerialumina , @cheese-ception , @iamryxx, @cottonfluffballofdoom If you want to be tagged under my future works, let me know (any way works)! ^^ Also, if you have some preferences (for example: you’d rather not be tagged under some series, etc.), please, tell me. If you don’t want to be tagged anymore - please, do not feel bad about it, just say so :)
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mamaito · 3 years
I agree with the self insert thing. People always talk about the OC they created to be in the story (or they use the default protagonist). And I’m like... it’s just me? Like I didn’t create anything. I literally just imagine myself as the protagonist. That’s why I sometimes get so annoyed when the protagonist does certain things because I’m like, I would never ever do that and it takes me right out of the story.
I agree with you regarding that last part, I lose interest when the MC doesn't do the thing I expect they might choose. Or at least be close enough to relate. I've eventually started accepting heroines will never completely capture any individual since we think different after all.
I remember when I was reading Ikemen Sengoku, I liked the MC there (I'm aware they changed her personality for the english version) but every now and then, certain things she does in routes show her actual personality and habits from the JP version and I start wondering if this was the same person who talked backed to Nobunaga.
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loptyrs-moved · 3 years
Can you talk more abt ur fandoms ocs? I like your writing a lot and would like to know more abt em
Oh my goodness I’m 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you’re SO sweet thank you!
Well, I have quite a few and some have their own deeper lore stories that go with them. If you guys want more information on them, I can do separate posts on all of them. But Here they are! I’m so excited to share my babies with you!
More is under the cut. The Picrew I used is here.
Ikemen Revolution
Black Army Side
Corrin Fukui
Age: Appears to be in mid-early twenties
Hair: Brick white
Eyes: Blood Red
Height: 4′11
Any other Qualities:
Draconic features -- She’s literally a dragon but not by nature
Curved Opalescent Horns
Shimmery opalescent tail
Wings that also shimmer in the light
Pointed ears
Easily frightened by loud noises and sudden movements
stunted growth
Hoards blankets and comfort items
writes in a journal every day 
its one luka got for her and she refuses to write in anything else. she pours her heart out on the pages, and all her memories
she had a brother! but he passed away because of the magic tower :(
turns into a gIANT DRAGON 
Was found by Luka while on a patrol near the forbidden forest, lost and afraid, so she was taken in
Had amnesia at first
She actually is an experiment of Amon and she managed to escape
Excellent at sewing and gardening
Sufficient with baking
She’s for Luka! The way they fell for each other was a slow, gradual trust, and mutual understanding. She saw him as a man, as he was, and nothing else.
Sometimes is called Corri
gentle hearted and innocent
but not as innocent as you’d think 
she’s a dragon, and she’s a greedy little one
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Ophelia Dae
Age: 24
Hair: Crimson red
Eyes: Jade green
Height: 5′8
Any other Qualities:
A skilled swordsman, and one of the Chosen Thirteen
9 of Spades baybeee
While she is more accustomed to short swords and sabers, Phelia is a magic user! But she isn’t really in agreement with Ray with his stance on magic
“Is he bothering you Queen?”
Was friends with Ray and Fenrir while in school, and was just as much of a hellraiser as them
she was there when the day things went dark happened and was almost taken but that day is a blur for her
phelia REFUSES to talk about it
she still has nightmares
raised by a single mother
TRIVIA! She was an old fire emblem oc i had and she was the daughter of Arvis -- so if you squint when she uses magic you’ll see Valflame
joined the army probably because Fenrir was too, and she was inspired by him 
she joined for her own reasons but he made it easier for her to do it too
his passion was what made her fall for him in the first place
has a personal vendetta against the magic tower for what they did to her and her friends
will sacrifice herself if necessary to the cause
Bruh girl
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Amira Nasiri
Age: 22
Hair: Chocolate brown
Eyes: Turquoise blue
Height: 5′3
Any other qualities:
My version of Alice! Difference is that she’s Persian
That’s it
She’s just as spunky as Alice 
however she responds with being called Alice a little different
she’s adamant about being called Amira
At some point she just accepts Seth does it to distance himself
also an avid baker like alice
Amira is just Alice except she’s just my take on her. 
She has the same vibrant spirit as Alice
and I personally consider Seth the canon route for REASONS
just ask me why fjgdfgjksd
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Red Army Side
Azul Flores
Age: 25
Hair: Raven black
Eyes: Wisteria purple
Height: 5′0
Any Other Qualities:
An old friend of the Queen of Hearts
like she met him when she was 8 years old
fought his bullies when they would give him a hard time when he was a kid
they dated for a WHILE
did NOT work out
Ambitious, hard working young woman who was married into a high standing family on the Red side. Her mother was a teacher and gained the attention of one of the Chosen Thirteen on that side, and got married
Azul is NOT the officer’s daughter. She’s his step daughter
Has had extensive studies on the History of Cradle and of the Red Territory.
Wants to be a Cradle Historian
Works for the Red Army as a personal assistant to the queen
Look their story is very dramatic and it hurts me every day so please stay tuned with them. 
Heckles Jonah like its her job — she knows him better than anyone elsd, if anyone knows his bs, its her
Bad resting bitch face
Actually really shy, and quiet when in different surroundings
A sweetheart and will cut a bitch for you once she knows u
She is perhaps one of the most transparent, honest, genuine person. there is no bullshit with her. she will tell you her honest thoughts with you
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Cerise Nam
Age: 19
Hair: Berry Pink
Eyes: Petal Pink
Height: 5′2
Any other qualities:
Her mom came to Cradle from a far off place, and set up a food and pastry shop in the Central Quarter. Met her dad. Been there since
They live in Black Territory
She works for her parents and works with the pastries/desserts
loves making desserts from where her parents are from
She knows the Queen of Hearts VERY well since she makes the best mille feuille
Got a job from him actually, and works for the Red Army Headquarters kitchen
Loves to cook and bake!
a little naïve, but she’s a realist
youngest of FIVE kids!!
Morning girl
She may be petite but she can HEAFT heavy bags of flour/rice/dry goods
Met Zero by accident, and crashed into him while in town
love at first sight for her. how can you fault her?
she thinks he’s dreamy... and sweet...
does she flirt with him a little? Cerise can’t help it...
She and Zero have more of a hidden relationship because she fears her parents won’t approve
family stuff -- and she understands
look im cheesy
dont worry it works out
zero has to consider himself and his own personal stuff too so its a little difficult 
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Non Army Suitor(s)
Lucile Lidell
Age: 20
Hair: Straw blonde
Eyes: Aqua blue
Height: 5'1
Any other qualities:
She and her twin, Noelle, are the actual descendants of the original Alice
Inherited unusual hairpins that were from cradle
More of the 'modern woman stuck in the wrong time' kind of gal
Noelle and Luci: partners in crime
Short skirts galore
Does not give a singular shit of what MEN think of her
Wants to be taken seriously
Sometimes acts like an airhead in order to get attention. She's actually pretty somber as a person and prefers to be in the background as her sister takes the stage
loves her sister more than anyone else in the world
When she and Noelle fall into Cradle, they kind of hightail it and live in the woods with Harr and Loki
Sticks with Harr since he's literally the least threatening man ever
First man to feel safe around
"Excuse me he said NO pickles!"
Will cut a bitch for him, or use magic -- luci will hurt someone if they even think a bout looking at him wrong
Loves to make clothes
'I mended the holes in your cloak for you...' 'Bye Harr, be safe and have a good day.'
'Welcome home, I missed you.'
Puts up a tough girl front but she's just a big softie just like him
Doesn't realize she has a crush on him until shit starts to hit the fan
Actually very vanilla tbh but wants to spoil her bf
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Ikemen Sengoku
Ito Tsunade
Age: 26
Hair: Straw Blonde
Eyes: Molten Gold
Height: 5′5
Any Other Qualities:
Graduate student at the same university as Sasuke 
got stuck in the storm with him and Mai, and was tossed into the sengoku era
but she got separated from Mai
Met Shingen first much to her luck because uh.... lets say Tsunade is aint the sharpest tool in the shed
her aesthetic when she gets there?
her head might be empty but her tits are fat and they will protect you
Music nerd — loves traditional Japanese instruments, especially the difficult ones
Specializes in girl metal in modern day
eventually proves herself and plays some sick chords for the takeda/uesegi forces
she has entertained them for now
puts sake away like a monster
when she meets sasuke, she finds comfort in the fact he’s also lost with her, so she clings
asks him how to protect herself from shingen bc he’s horny lolol
genuinely thinks sasuke is hilarious
also does NOT realize she’s in love with him until the gravest of grave happens
her name was UNINTENTIONAL
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Aibana Hinata
Age: Presents in his early-mid twenties
Hair: Black Midnight
Eyes: Haunting gold and vermillion
Height: 5'3
Any other qualities: 
The concubine of Nobunaga
Please know I made him a long while before the other guy was dropped so I’m just gonna offer this little gay boy
Nobunaga bought him from a brothel after being so intrigued by him. Hina entertained him so well that he was set for life
Likes to challenge Nobunaga in battles of wits
board games
debate as pillow talk
swordplay if the lords will entertain him enough
Bisexual as hell
Gender? Don’t know her
He uses all pronouns
True pronoun: princess
Smart, and educated
former geisha
he can read! and write!
if there is mai, he would bond with her like no one else
he would be her best friend
her confidant
genuinely adores her
even if she is pursuing nobunaga, he doesn’t resent her ... he just wishes that she would find room in her heart for him too
puts up a tough exterior
a softie.....
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