#noel nichols
simpuritysims · 6 months
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This story progression update is basically oops! All careers! As a result of the careers module finally firing and reorganising all the jobs in town.
The most interesting choices here include putting Nichole in the same job as Adrian, which will surely end well, and, uh...
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Ella I love you but you do not have the qualifications to be your mom and dad's BOSS.
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Beverley Nichols and the Bensons
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E. F. (Fred) Benson, Beverley Nichols and A. C. (Arthur) Benson
Beverley Nichols dined with Fred and went into raptures about [Fred's] house, saying in his usual whimsical way that the furniture seemed to have been put in its place by the gentle hands of Time; the pictures had almost grown into the walls; and the carpets had sprung naturally from the floors like some gracious form of grass. According to Nichols, Fred's face glowed with happiness as he showed his guest round the house. He was described as ‘a smallish (Fred was five feet ten), pinkish, twinkling, urbane, grey-flannel-trousered man’ who had finally come to rest in a quiet London square, having retained the sparkle of his eyes, his taste for Italian wine and, above all, his love of a sheet of white paper in the stillness of the night. Fred, who had not ‘come to rest’ at all, noted with amusement the slight cattiness behind Nichols's gush. [Geoffrey Palmer and Noel Lloyd, E. F. Benson: As He Was]
Beverley Nichols was a lunch guest and on one occasion he came with his nephew. This must have been the time he was contemplating his piece “E. F. Benson, or Very Much at Home” (from Are they the same at home? 1927), because Mr Benson asked him if he was going to show it to him before he published and he said yes. But apparently he didn't, as Mr Benson was pretty peeved at a reference in the article to his novels "growing more and more dusty on the shelves of the subscription libraries. He doesn't care, I'm sure." In fact he did. "Mr Benson didn't like that at all," said Charlie [Tomlin]. Mr Benson had a mild dig at him in retaliation in some review of a publication where Beverley Nichols is in Italy or somewhere abroad and suddenly at the end realises it is April and the daffodils are blooming in England. So he has to rush home, of which Mr Benson wrote "I hope to God he got back in time." (Beverley Nichols was to retain a certain animosity towards Mr Benson until his own death in 1983.) [Cynthia and Tony Reavell, E. F. Benson: Remembered, and the World of Tilling]
Despite this shared animosity between him and Fred, Nichols previously maintained a long friendship with the older Benson brother, Arthur:
In the space of two minutes my war — my very special war — seemed much less unpleasant, because my new friend was none other than the Master of Magdalene, A. C. Benson, whose father had been one of Queen Victoria's favourite Archbishops. There were three Benson brothers, all distinguished in their separate ways, though the only one who is nowadays remembered is E. F. Benson, who is currently enjoying a belated revival as a writer of Edwardian comedy. A. C. Benson, whom I came to know very well indeed, was a true scholar and an admirable administrator, with a knack of coaxing large sums out of American philanthropists for the benefit of Magdalene, which was his chief love. A beautiful little college it was, with a library of exceptional distinction, founded on the original bequest from Samuel Pepys. Benson was a mixed-up man, who had a habit of developing sentimental attachments at a moment's notice, and no doubt this was what had occurred when he met me in the porch, though I did not at first realise the full implications of the encounter.
[…] Ever since my departure [A. C. Benson] had kept in touch through a constant stream of correspondence. No young man ever had a kindlier mentor; he wrote as an equal, drawing me out, seeking my opinions. He was not only kindly but practical. Realising that I had no means apart from my meagre Second Lieutenant's pay, he took some of my letters and sent them to an American magazine called The Outlook with the suggestion that they should be published anonymously. They were accepted, and the editors asked for more. Altogether I made five hundred dollars from The Outlook, which was a small fortune in those days. For the first time I knew the excitement of writing words on paper and selling them, of twisting my pen into symbols that could be exchanged for gold. Which is all that authorship has ever been about, or ever will be. I do not know whether The Outlook still survives and Benson's letters to me have long since disappeared, with the exception of one, which I kept and cherished because I had a feeling that it was a landmark in my life.
"My Dear Beverley, We do not know each other as we might have done, but if you have come to know me at all you will have realised that one of my ‘complexes’ — I believe that is the fashionable expression — is a hatred of waste. Perhaps that is why I can claim some success as the Master of Magdalene. I keep a very strict watch on the outgoings of the Bursary! But it is not only a matter of accountancy. It goes deeper than that. I am bewildered and alarmed by the profligacy of Nature, and even more bewildered and alarmed by the wastage of this hideous war. I think that you are being wasted. You have many talents and none of them is being used. With your precarious state of health your sphere of activities must be limited, but that does not mean that you can be of no use at all. As soon as I see an opportunity I propose to do something about this. Once you suggested to me — with that never-failing impertinence which I find so engaging — that I was an ‘intri- guant.’ (I had been telling you the story of the ingenious manner in which I had persuaded a Chicago millionaire to give us ten thousand dollars for our beloved Library.) You could not have paid me a higher compliment. Intrigue, to me, is the spice of life. I am an ancient spider, sitting in the centre of an ancient web, weaving ancient spells. And some of them will shortly be speeding in your direction. My affectionate greetings, A.C.B."
The ink of the letter has dimmed to a sickly sepia, and the address on the envelope, with its faded penny stamp, is almost illegible. But I still feel a glow of warmth as I read it, with half a century of disillusionment behind me. [Beverley Nichols, The Unforgiving Minute: Some Confessions from Childhood to the Outbreak of the Second World War]
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queersrus · 4 months
Winter theme
[winter theme]
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Avalanche, arctic, apricity, andri, aspen, alaska, artica, antartic, antarctic, antartica, antarctica blizzard, bylur cold, coldine, coldina, coldette, coldetta, coldelle, coldella, coldino, coldetto, coldellie, coldello, chill, chilli/chillie/chilly, coat, chan, cherith, cheimónas, claus, cypress demetria, diamond, december evergreen, eira, eirwen, edur, eryi frigid, freeze, freezine, freezina, freezino, freezelle, freezellie, freezella, freezette, freezetta, freezetto, frost, frosty/frostie, freezing, frozen, frozone, frozette, frozetta, frozetto, frozelle, frozellie, frozella, frozello, frozine, frozina, frozino, frosta, frostette, frostetta, frostetto, frostelle, frostellie, frostello, frostella, frostine, frostina, frostino, flake, flykra, fannar, February glaze, glacia, glacial, glacier, gwyneira hail, haukea, haunani, hiver ice, icey/icie, icicle, icestorm, icette, icelle, icetta, icella, icine, icina, iciclette, icicletta, icetto, icellie, icellie, icetto, icino, icicline, iciclino, iciclina, iciclelle, iciclella, iciclello, iceberg, inverno, invierno, iarnă, isolde janus, janara, january, juniper kis, kari lumi, lixue miyuki neve, nevis, nieves, nivia, noel/noelle, noella, nic/nick, nichol/nichole, nicholas/nicolas/nickolas/nikolas, north, norther, northern, november, nevada, neva quilo snow, snowelle, snowette, snowella, snowetta, snowy/snowie, snowflake, snowfall, snowstorm, snowine, snowline, snowina, snowlina, snowellie, snowello, snowlino, snowetto, snowino, sleet, squal, snowdrift snowfield, snowpack, snowcap, snowcone, snowslide, slush, snowbank, solstice, skadi talvi, tuhin, tushar vinter, viola, violet/violette, violetta/violeta winter/wynter, winterelle, winterella, winterello, winterellie, winterina, winterine, winterino, winterette, winteretta, winteretto, wintertide, wintry, wintery, wintertime, warrin, wren xue yuki, yukina, yukio, yule, yuletide zima/zyma, zane
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1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
wi/winte/winters/wine(wintine)/winterself sni/sne/snowy/snowine/snowself ni/nove/novy/novembrine/novemberself di/de/decemby/decemberine/decemberself yi/yule/yuly/yuline(yuletine)/yuleself ni/northe/northy/northine/northself i/ice/icy/icine/iceself gli/glace/glacy/glacine/glacialself fri/fre/freezy/frozine/frozenself(freezeself)
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
wo/winter/winters/winterself sno/snower/snowers/snowerself no/november/novembers/novemberself no/nor/northerns/nothernerself do/december/decembers/decemberself yo/yuler/yulers/yulerself io/icer/icers/icerself glo/glacier/glaciers/glacierself fro/freezer/freezers/freezerself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themselves
wi/winter, win/ter, winter/winters, winter/wonderland, winter/solstice sno/ow, sno/snows, snow/snows, snow/flake, snow/shoe, snow/pile, snow/fall, snow/snowy, snow/snowing no/november, no/vember, nov/ember, november/novembers, no/north, nor/th, north/norths, nor/north, north/northern, northern/light, north/ern, northern/northerns, north/pole de/cember, dec/ember, decem/ber, december/decembers, dec/december, dece/december yu/le, yu/yule, yule/yules, yule/yuletide i/ce, ice/ices, ice/icy, ice/iced, ice/icicle, ice/icle, icicle/icicles, ice/cube gla/cier, gla/cial, gla/glacier, gla/glacial, glac/ier, glac/ial, glacier/glaciers, glacial/glacials fro/zen, fro/frozen, froze/frozen, frozen/frozens, fre/freeze, free/freeze, fre/eze, free/ze, freeze/freezes, freeze/freezing, free/zing, freezing/freezings, fro/frost, fro/st, fro/ost, frost/frosts, frost/frosted
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the cold season, the living north, the snowflake, the fallen snow, the winter monarch/king/queen, the snow queen/king/monarch, the frozen golem, the frozen being of the snowplanes, the dweller of the snowbanks, the snowman, the icicle, the dweller of the frozen late
winter embodied, winter personified, winter incarnate
*one who lives benieth the frozen waters, one who burrows in snow, one who rules winter, one who adors the chilly season, one who celebrates yule, one who was born in the cold months
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non-exhaustive list of sources that are imo especially interesting/thought-provoking, just really solid, or otherwise a personal favorite:
“Leaders and Martyrs: Codreanu, Mosley and José Antonio,” Stephen M. Cullen (1986)
“Bureaucratic Politics in Radical Military Regimes,” Gregory J. Kasza (1987)
A History of Fascism, 1914–1945, Stanley Payne (1996)
The Fascist Revolution: Toward a General Theory of Fascism, George L. Mosse (1999)
Fascism Outside Europe: The European Impulse against Domestic Conditions in the Diffusion of Global Fascism, ed. Stein U. Larsen (2001)
Ancient Religions, Modern Politics: The Islamic Case in Comparative Perspective, Michael Cook (2014)
“Crisis and the Way Out: The Rise of Fascism in Italy and Germany,” Mihály Vajda (1972)
“Austro-Marxist Interpretation of Fascism,” Gerhard Botz (1976)
“Fascism: some common misconceptions,” Noel Ignatin (1978)
“Gramsci’s Interpretation of Fascism,” Walter L. Adamson (1980)
“The Ideological Origins of Right and Left Nationalism in Argentina, 1930–43,” Alberto Spektorowski (1994)
“The Making of an Argentine Fascist. Leopoldo Lugones: From Revolutionary Left to Radical Nationalism,” Alberto Spektorowski (1996)
“Argentine Nacionalismo before Perón: The Case of the Alianza de la Juventud Nacionalista, 1937–c. 1943,” Marcus Klein (2001)
“Tenentismo in the Brazilian Revolution of 1930,” John D. Wirth (1964)
“Ação Integralista Brasileira: Fascism in Brazil, 1932–1938,” Stanley E. Hilton (1972)
“Integralism and the Brazilian Catholic Church,” Margaret Todaro Williams (1974)
“Ideology and Diplomacy: Italian Fascism and Brazil (1935–1938),” Ricardo Silva Seitenfus (1984)
“The corporatist thought in Miguel Reale: readings of Italian fascism in Brazilian integralismo,” João Fábio Bertonha (2013)
“Corporatism and Functionalism in Modern Chilean Politics,” Paul W. Drake (1978)
“Nationalist Movements and Fascist Ideology in Chile,” Jean Grugel (1985)
“A Case of Non-European Fascism: Chilean National Socialism in the 1930s,” Mario Sznajder (1993)
Revolutionary Nativism: Fascism and Culture in China, 1925–1937, Maggie Clinton (2017)
“An Authoritarian Parliament: The Croatian State Sabor of 1942,” Yeshayahu Jelinek (1980)
“The End of “Historical-Ideological Bedazzlement”: Cold War Politics and Émigré Croatian Separatist Violence, 1950–1980,” Mate Nikola Tokić (2012)
“An Interpretation of Nasserism,” Willard Range (1959)
Egypt’s Young Rebels: “Young Egypt,” 1933–1952, James P. Jankowski (1975)
“The Use of the Pharaonic Past in Modern Egyptian Nationalism,” Michael Wood (1998)
“Mores, “The First National Socialist”,” Robert F. Byrnes (1950)
“The Political Transition of Jacques Doriot,” Gilbert D. Allardyce (1966)
“National Socialism and Antisemitism: The Case of Maurice Barrès,” Zeev Sternhell (1973)
“Georges Valois and the Faisceau: The Making and Breaking of a Fascist,” Jules Levey (1973)
“The Condottieri of the Collaboration: Mouvement Social Révolutionnaire,” Bertram M. Gordon (1975)
“Myth and Violence: The Fascism of Julius Evola and Alain de Benoist,” Thomas Sheehan (1981)
“A German Racial Revolution?” Milan L. Hauner (1984)
“Abortion and Eugenics in Nazi Germany,” Henry P. David, Jochen Fleischhacker, and Charlotte Höhn (1988)
“Nietzschean Socialism — Left and Right, 1890–1933,” Steven E. Aschheim (1988)
The Brown Plague: Travels in Late Weimar and Early Nazi Germany, Daniel Guérin, tr. Robert Schwartzwald (1994)
“Hitler and the Uniqueness of Nazism,” Ian Kershaw (2004)
“Ideology and Political Protest in Haiti, 1930–1946,” David Nicholls (1974)
“Michel-Rolph Trouillot’s State Against Nation: A Critique of the Totalitarian Paradigm,” Robert Fatton, Jr. (2013)
“Iran’s Islamic Revolution in Comparative Perspective,” Said Amir Arjomand (1986)
“Arab-Kurdish Rivalries in Iraq,” Lettie M. Wenner (1963)
“From Paper State to Caliphate: The Ideology of the Islamic State,” Cole Bunzel (2015)
“Iraqi Archives and the Failure of Saddam’s Worldview in 2003,” Samuel Helfont (2023)
“The Emergence of the Israeli Radical Right,” Ehud Sprinzak (1989)
“Max Nordau, Liberalism and the New Jew,” George L. Mosse (1992)
The Stern Gang: Ideology, Politics and Terror, 1940–1949, Joseph Heller (1995)
““Hebrew” Culture: The Shared Foundations of Ratosh’s Ideology and Poetry,” Elliott Rabin (1999)
“Israel’s fascist sideshow takes center stage,” Natasha Roth-Rowland (2019)
“‘Frightening proportions’: On Meir Kahane’s assimilation doctrine,” Erik Magnusson (2021)
“The Fascist Conception of Law,” H. Arthur Steiner (1936)
“The Goals of Italian Fascism,” Edward R. Tannenbaum (1969)
“Fascist Modernization in Italy: Traditional or Revolutionary?” Roland Sarti (1970)
“Fascism as Political Religion,” Emilio Gentile (1990)
“I redentori della vittoria: On Fiume’s Place in the Genealogy of Fascism,” Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (1996)
“A New Look at the Problem of “Japanese Fascism”,” George M. Wilson (1968)
“Marxism and National Socialism in Taishō Japan: The Thought of Takabatake Motoyuki,” Germaine A. Hoston (1984)
“Fascism from Below? A Comparative Perspective on the Japanese Right, 1931–1936,” Gregory J. Kasza (1984)
“Japan’s Wartime Labor Policy: A Search for Method,” Ernest J. Notar (1985)
“Fascism from Above? Japan’s Kakushin Right in Comparative Perspective,” Gregory J. Kasza (2001)
“Political Aspects of the Paraguayan Revolution, 1936–1940,” Harris Gaylord Warren (1950)
“Toward a Weberian Characterization of the Stroessner Regime in Paraguay (1954–1989),” Marcial Antonio Riquelme (1994)
“The Men of the Archangel,” Eugen Weber (1966)
“Breaking the Teeth of Time: Mythical Time and the “Terror of History” in the Rhetoric of the Legionary Movement in Interwar Romania,” Raul Carstocea (2015)
“Was There a Russian Fascism? The Union of Russian People,” Hans Rogger (1964)
“The All-Russian Fascist Party,” Erwin Oberländer (1966)
“The Zhirinovsky Threat,” Jacob W. Kipp (1994)
Russian Fascism: Traditions, Tendencies, Movements, Stephen Shenfield (2000)
“Why fascists took over the Reichstag but have not captured the Kremlin: a comparison of Weimar Germany and post-Soviet Russia,” Steffen Kailitz and Andreas Umland (2017)
“Storm-troopers in Slovakia: the Rodobrana and the Hlinka Guard,” Yeshayahu Jelinek (1971)
“The Forgotten Falangist: Ernesto Gimenez Cabellero,” Douglas W. Foard (1975)
Fascism in Spain, 1923–1977, Stanley Payne (1999)
“Spanish Fascism as a Political Religion (1931–1941),” Zira Box and Ismael Saz (2011)
The Ba‘th and the Creation of Modern Syria, David Roberts (1987)
“Kemalist Authoritarianism and fascist Trends in Turkey during the Interwar Period,” Fikret Adanïr (2001)
“The Other From Within: Pan-Turkist Mythmaking and the Expulsion of the Turkish Left,” Gregory A. Burris (2007)
“The Racist Critics of Atatürk and Kemalism, from the 1930s to the 1960s,” İlker Aytürk (2011)
“Northern Ireland and British fascism in the inter-war years,” James Loughlin (1995)
“‘What’s the Big Idea?’: Oswald Mosley, the British Union of Fascists and Generic Fascism,” Gary Love (2007)
“Why Fascism? Sir Oswald Mosley and the Conception of the British Union of Fascists,” Matthew Worley (2011)
“Ezra Pound and American Fascism,” Victor C. Ferkiss (1955)
“Populist Influences on American Fascism,” Victor C. Ferkiss (1957)
“Vigilante Fascism: The Black Legion as an American Hybrid,” Peter H. Amann (1983)
“Silver Shirts in the Northwest: Politics, Personalities, and Prophecies in the 1930s,” Eckard V. Toy, Jr. (1989)
“Women in the 1920s’ Ku Klux Klan Movement,” Kathleen M. Blee (1991)
“‘Leaderless Resistance’,” Jeffrey Kaplan (1997)
“The post-war paths of occult national socialism: from Rockwell and Madole to Manson,” Jeffrey Kaplan (2001)
“The Upward Path: Palingenesis, Political Religion and the National Alliance,” Martin Durham (2004)
“The F Word: Is Donald Trump a fascist?” Dylan Matthews (2021)
“Castizo Futurism and the Contradictions of Multiracial White Nationalism,” Ben Lorber and Natalie Li (2022)
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blueeyedbesson · 8 months
Celebrity Roleplay Character
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Abigail Noel Demko
Younger sister of Thatcher Demko
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Age: 26
Career: Actress (Voice/Live Action) & Singer (side hustle)
Love Interests:
Quinn Hughes
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Zach Beeken (ex; 3 years)
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Joe Keery (ex; 4 months)
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Other Exes:
Dylan O'Brien (8 months) Hayden Christensen (6 month secret sexual relationship) Cameron Boyce (5 years)
Teen Wolf (season 2; 2011) American Heist (2014) Superstore (seasons 1-2; 2015-2016) Stranger Things (season 3; 2019) Outer Banks (season 1-present; recurring; 2020-present) Halloween Kills (2021) The Summer I Turned Pretty (season 1-present; 2022-present) Five Nights At Freddy's 2 (TBA) Scream 7 (TBA)
Pretty Girl Debbie Downer (with Penelope Bacon) That Part After We Broke Up (with Dylan Arnold) exes (with Penelope Bacon) greedy Stupid In Love (with Garrett Nichols) Mr. Jones Love Me Better Here's To Us think later knowing you exist butterflies (with Zach Beeken)
Inner Circle
Penelope Bacon: through skeet ulrich. he is the god father to both of them Quinn Hughes: at an event for the canucks right after quinn got drafted Brock Boeser: through thatcher Jack Hughes: through quinn Luke Hughes: through jack
D'Amelio Family: incredibly rude Pete Davidson: never liked him and always got a sinister vibe from him Kardashians & Jenner: they think they're up on high horses or something
Other Facts - skeet ulrich is her godfather - wants to star in more horror movies - grew up playing hockey with thatcher and almsot became a skater - treats luke like a brother & has a love/hate relationship with jack, like real siblings - studies architecture in free time - had a crush on ben feldman
Less Than 5 Dates -Drew Starkey (3 dates) -Dylan Arnold (4 dates) -Josh Hutcherson (4 dates) -Garrett Nichols (1 date) -Mason Gooding (2 dates) -Ross Butler (3 dates) -Nico Hischier (2 dates) -Jack Hughes (half date; was a group date & they got ditched by their dates but finished the night together anyway)
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stylecouncil · 6 months
yes I’ve web weaved bradley cooper with bruce springsteen and mike nichols and the beastie boys and noel gallagher in my head/in my series of self reblogs, what about it. someone else did all of them first for me and I just continued it.
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Here's when all 40 new Hallmark Christmas movies will premiere (from ew.com) — Part 1(Hallmark Channel only)
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Noel Next Door
Premieres: Oct. 21, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Natalie Hall, Corey Sevier
Contains: Nasty neighbor, unlikely romance
Official description: "A hard-working single mom gets into a war of words with a neighbor who she feels is ruining Christmas, only to find that this misunderstood grouch just may steal her heart."
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We Wish You a Married Christmas
Premieres: Oct. 22, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Marisol Nichols, Kristoffer Polaha
Contains: Stranded couple, car trouble, Vermont, lots of alpacas
Official description: "Becca and Robby are a married couple having a hard time connecting with each other as the holidays approach. Just before Christmas, they head to a cozy Vermont inn at the advice of their marriage coach so they can recharge.  Their weekend away gets unexpectedly extended when a mishap puts their car out of commission and just may put them on the road to a very happily married Christmas."
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A Kismet Christmas
Premieres: Oct. 23, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Sarah Ramos, Carlo Marks, Marilu Henner
Contains: Holiday homecoming, reignition of old flames, supposedly magical cookies, children's books
Official description: "Sarah is a children's book author who returns to her hometown, where she reconnects with her family and Travis, her teenage crush. She soon discovers that a long-held family legend might actually be true." 
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A Cozy Christmas Inn
Premieres: Oct. 28, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Jodie Sweetin, David O'Donnell
Contains: Motivated real estate exec, B&B with an unfortunate owner, Alaska
Official description: "Real-estate exec Erika travels to Alaska during Christmastime to acquire a bed and breakfast, only to discover that it's owned by her ex. While there, she finds herself falling in love with the town and quite possibly him." 
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Jolly Good Christmas
Premieres: Oct. 29, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Reshma Shetty, Will Kemp
Contains: Gift hunting, professional shopper, American in London
Official description: "David is an American architect who recently moved to London for a prime opportunity in a prestigious firm. With just three days before Christmas, he crosses paths with Anji, a professional shopper, who raises an eyebrow over his choice of a gift card for his girlfriend. David ultimately decides to hire Anji and, thanks to a series of unexpected events, finds himself on a wild adventure across jolly old London as Anji helps him search for the perfect present." 
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Ghosts of Christmas Always
Premieres: Oct. 30, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Kim Matula, Ian Harding, Beth Leavel, Lori Tan Chinn, Reginald VelJohnson
Contains: Family business owner in need of Yuletide joy, the Ghost of Christmas Present
Official description: "Katherine is a Ghost of Christmas Present and she must help one soul, Peter, rediscover his Christmas spirit. But this year has something unusual in store."  
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A Magical Christmas Village
Premieres: Nov. 4, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Alison Sweeney, Luke Macfarlane, Marlo Thomas
Contains: Three generations of women under one roof, magical figurines
Official description: "When Summer's mother, Vivian, moves in with her and her young daughter, Chloe, her orderly existence is upended. Upon arrival, Vivian sets up an heirloom miniature Christmas village resembling their town and tells Chloe it grants Christmas wishes. As Chloe begins setting up the figurines, real-life events seem to mimic the scenes she creates. With a little help from the magic of the Christmas village, the family will be brought closer together and, just maybe, Summer will learn to open her heart to love again." 
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Lights, Camera, Christmas!
Premieres: Nov. 5, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Kimberley Sustad, John Brotherton
Contains: Christmas movie within a Christmas movie, above-the-line/below-the-line romance
Official description: "When a holiday rom-com movie shooting in her town needs a costume designer, Kerry, a local shop owner, steps into the role. While working on the movie, she rediscovers her passion for costume design and finds herself falling for Brad, the film's famous leading man." 
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All Saints Christmas
Premieres: Nov. 6, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Ledisi, Roger Cross
Contains: Holiday homecoming for music star, New Orleans, reignition of old flames, fake dating
Official description: "Lisette is a popular R&B singer who's getting ready to travel home to New Orleans for Christmas. When the media mistake a photo of her with her music producer ex as an engagement announcement, her family insists that he join her on the trip."
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In Merry Measure
Premieres: Nov. 11, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Patti Murin, Brendan Penny, Jennifer Robertson
Contains: Holiday homecoming for music star, choir rivals
Official description: "When pop star Darcy returns home to spend Christmas with her sister and niece, she unexpectedly finds herself coaching the high school choir with her onetime rival, Adam." 
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The Royal Nanny
Premieres: Nov. 12, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Rachel Skarsten, Dan Jeannotte, Greta Scacchi
Contains: Undercover spy, royal romance
Official description: "Claire is an MI5 agent who goes undercover as the royal nanny. She must overcome the challenges of her assignment, like resisting the charms of Prince Colin, while keeping the family safe at Christmas." 
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Christmas at the Golden Dragon
Premieres: Nov. 13, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Kara Wang, Osric Chau, Sara Canning, Antonio Cupo, Barbara Niven
Contains: Family restaurant in jeopardy, another Arrowverse star
Official description: When Romy and Rick's parents surprise them with the news that they will be closing the Chinese restaurant they have owned and operated for decades, the siblings each find themselves re-evaluating their futures. Also impacted by the news are the landmark restaurant's loyal patrons and staff, who have all come to depend on the restaurant over the holidays." 
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Inventing the Christmas Prince
Premieres: Nov. 18, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Tamera Mowry-Housley, Ronnie Rowe Jr.
Contains: Rocket science, child's imagination
Official description: "Shelby is about to quit her job as a rocket engineer when her daughter becomes convinced that her Scrooge-like boss, Evan, is the Christmas Prince from a story Shelby invented years ago." 
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Three Wise Men and a Baby
Premieres: Nov. 19, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Paul Campbell, Tyler Hynes, Andrew Walker, Margaret Colin
Contains: Trio of overwhelmed brothers, no sign of Steve Guttenberg
Official description: "Three brothers get the surprise of their lives when they are forced to work together to care for a baby over the holidays. As they slowly get the hang of things, they find themselves on unexpected journeys of self-discovery and begin to rebuild their relationships as brothers, as well as the damaged romantic and professional relationships in their respective lives… all while rediscovering their love of Christmas." 
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When I Think of Christmas
Premieres: Nov. 20, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Shenae Grimes-Beech, Niall Matter, Beth Broderick
Contains: Holiday homecoming, reignition of old flames, Christmas concert
Official description: "Sara Thompson returns to her hometown to help her mother move and is surprised to find her ex-boyfriend Josh Hartman is back home. The two had once planned a life in music together, but Sara left to study law. The former flames slowly reconnect and try to heal wounds, both old and new. When Sara makes a surprising discovery, she and Josh forge a bold plan for the upcoming Christmas concert that will lead them all back to their musical roots and make this a holiday to remember." 
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My Southern Family Christmas
Premieres: Nov. 24, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Jaicy Elliot, Bruce Campbell, Ryan Rottman, Moira Kelly, Brian McNamara
Contains: Bruce Campbell, a character named Campbell not played by Bruce Campbell, journalist learning about her roots
Official description: "Under the guise of a journalist, Campbell has a chance to get to know her biological father for the first time — without him ever knowing who she really is. As she spends time with him and his family, as well as with the town's record keeper, she realizes that families are messy, wonderful things. In the end, Campbell must decide if she's going to keep her identity a secret or reveal the truth to her father — a decision that will change their family Christmas forever." 
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Premieres: Nov. 25, 6 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Clare Bowen, Brant Daugherty
Contains: Design contest, fake family
Official description: "When Jen gets the chance to enter a brand's design contest, she poses as a family influencer, enlisting the help of her best friend, Max, and her baby nephew. When her video is selected as a finalist, Jen is torn on whether to go on with her perfect 'family' or reveal the truth." 
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A Royal Corgi Christmas
Premieres: Nov. 25, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Hunter King, Jordan Renzo
Contains: A corgi named Mistletoe, royal romance with commoner (dog trainer), Christmas Ball
Official description: "Reluctant Crown Prince Edmond returns home just before Christmas in anticipation of being named successor to the throne. To ingratiate himself to his mother the Queen, he gifts her with 'Mistletoe,' a rambunctious Corgi in need of some serious training. After several doggy disasters, Edmond turns to Cecily, a canine behavior expert from America for help — but to his great surprise, Cecily demands that he take an active part in the daily dog training sessions. Sparks fly between them as the pair work together to get Mistletoe ready to present at the annual Christmas Ball. Just as the precious pup captures their hearts, they discover that love can grow in the most unexpected places, leading them to question what they really want." 
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A Tale of Two Christmases
Premieres: Nov. 26, 6 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Kat Barrell, Chandler Massey, Evan Roderick
Contains: Another Arrowverse star, Sliding Doors-style Christmas
Official description: "Thanks to some Christmas magic, Emma gets to experience two different Christmases — one where she stays in the city and celebrates with a new crush and his friends, and one where she returns home for all the traditions with her family... and Drew, a longtime friend who may have feelings for her. Emma's double holiday ultimately helps her discover what will truly make her happy in life as well as in love." 
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Haul Out the Holly
Premieres: Nov. 26, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Lacey Chabert, Wes Brown, Ellen Travolta, Peter Jacobson, Melissa Peterman, Stephen Tobolowsky
Contains: Lacey Chabert, holiday homecoming with a twist, HOA intervention
Official description: "Emily arrives home, hoping to visit her parents, only to discover that they are leaving on a trip of their own. As she stays at their house for the holidays, their HOA is determined to get Emily to participate in the neighborhood's many Christmas festivities. 
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A Christmas Cookie Catastrophe
Premieres: Nov. 27, 6 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Rachel Boston, Victor Webster
Contains: Cookie company in jeopardy, stolen secret recipe, handsome local baker
Official description: "Annie Cooper has big shoes to fill when she takes over as CEO of her late grandmother's small-town cookie company and is doing her best to help their struggling business get back on track. That task gets more daunting when her grandmother's secret recipe is stolen during the Christmas party. As Annie tries to crack the case and uncover the culprit she works with Sam, the owner of a local bakery, to recreate the recipe in the hope of saving the company and her job. As Annie and Sam bake batch after batch in pursuit of the perfect one, they begin to learn that their lives go together like milk and cookies." 
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A Holiday Spectacular 
Premieres: Nov. 27, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Ginna Claire Mason, Derek Klena, Eve Plumb, Ann-Margret
Contains: Ann-Margret, the 1950s, the Radio City Rockettes
Official description: "In 1958, Maggie is an heiress from Philadelphia who puts her high-society wedding plans on hold in order to sneak up to New York City and make her secret dream come true: dancing live on stage in the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall." 
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A Big Fat Family Christmas
Premieres: Dec. 2, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Shannon Chan-Kent, Shannon Kook, Tia Carrere, Jack Wagner
Contains: Photojournalist with a secret, social media followers, massive family holiday party
Official description: "Liv is a photojournalist eager to make it on her own. To get a dream assignment — shooting the Chang family's annual holiday party for a cover story — she doesn't reveal that they are, in fact, her family. When she finds herself growing close to Henry, the co-worker covering the story with her, she wants to confide in him but doesn't want to jeopardize her big break." 
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A Fabled Holiday
Premieres: Dec. 3, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Brooke D'Orsay, Ryan Paevey
Contains: Reunion of childhood BFFs, magical town
Official description: "Talia and her childhood best friend, Anderson, unexpectedly reunite in a curiously familiar-looking town full of Christmas spirit that restores its visitors when they need it most." 
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Undercover Holiday
Premieres: Dec. 4, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Noemi Gonzalez, Stephen Huszar
Contains: Pop star holiday homecoming, fake dating
Official description: "When returning home for the holidays, newly minted pop star Jaylen tells her protective family that Matt is her new beau, when in reality, he's her overzealous security guard." 
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The Most Colorful Time of the Year
Premieres: Dec. 9, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Katrina Bowden, Christopher Russell
Contains: Color blindness, school teacher-optometrist romance
Official description: "Ryan is an elementary school teacher who learns that he is colorblind. Michelle, an optometrist and mother of one of his students, helps bring color into his life in time for the holidays." 
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Christmas Class Reunion
Premieres: Dec. 10, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Aimee Teegarden, Tanner Novlan
Contains: Holiday homecoming, high school reunion
Official description: "High school classmates, who once dubbed themselves the 'cursed class,' reconnect at Christmas for their 15-year reunion. Over the course of their time reconnecting, the classmates challenge each other to remember who they were, who they are, and who they want to be." 
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The Holiday Sitter
Premieres: Dec. 11, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Jonathan Bennett, George Krissa, Chelsea Hobbs
Contains: Overwhelmed uncle turned babysitter, hot neighbor turned love interest
Official description: "Sam is a workaholic bachelor who babysits his niece and nephew before the holidays when his sister and her husband have to go out of town. Completely out of his element, he recruits help from their handsome neighbor Jason and finds himself in an unexpected romance." 
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Holiday Heritage 
Premieres: Dec. 16, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Lyndie Greenwood, Brooks Darnell, Holly Robinson Peete
Contains: Family in need of repair, helpful ex, Hallmark's first celebration of Kwanzaa
Official description: "Ella returns to her hometown to mend fences with her fractured family. With the help of Griffin, her ex-boyfriend, she encourages her family to celebrate Christmas and Kwanzaa and to heal their past wounds before it's too late." 
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Twas the Night Before Christmas
Premieres: Dec. 17, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Torrey DeVitto, Zane Holtz
Contains: Actress turned director, analysis of the poem "A Visit from St. Nick," possible ghosts
Official description: "A former actress trying to break into directing tests her skills with a town's annual Christmas Eve courtroom production in which the true authorship of the famous poem 'A Visit from St. Nick' is debated." 
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Hanukkah on Rye
Premieres: Dec. 18, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel
Stars: Jeremy Jordan, Yael Grobglas, Lisa Loeb
Contains: Another Arrowverse star, Lisa Loeb, matchmaker, rival deli owners
Official description: "A matchmaker connects Molly and Jacob, but their new romance is put to the test when they realize that they are competing deli owners. Will a Hanukkah miracle keep them together?" 
Check out the full article HERE at ew.com 
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kmcook333 · 4 months
why does noel dyzel follow jefri nichol
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openingnightposts · 7 months
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tvintedspvrkmoving · 7 months
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mobile muse list : television
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* original character. ** written as an original character.
it's always sunny in philadelphia :
frank reynolds , fifty eight , danny devito
the waitress , thirty four , rachel mcadams
american horror story :
violet harmon , twenty one , taissa farmiga
bob's burgers :
gene belcher , twenty three , noah centineo
louise belcher , twenty one , hailee steinfeld
tina belcher , twenty five , barbie ferreira
doctor who :
amelia pond , twenty one , karen gillan
clara oswald , twenty six , jenna coleman
rose tyler , twenty one , billie piper
euphoria :
barbara "bb" brooks , twenty three , katie douglas
cassie howard , twenty three , sydney sweeney ( @howaerds )
lexi howard , twenty two , maude apatow
maddy perez , twenty three , alexa demie
ruby "rue" bennett , twenty two , zendaya
glee :
brittany s pierce , twenty three , heather morris / alt tbd
finn hudson , twenty three , adam dimarco
rachel berry , twenty two , hailee steinfeld
santana lopez , twenty two , cierra ramirez
quinn fabray , twenty three , dianna agron
the good place :
eleanor shellstrop , thirty two , kristin bell
janet , ageless , d'arcy carden
jason mendoza , twenty eight , manny jacinto
trevor , immortal , adam scott
gossip girl :
blair waldorf , twenty two , leighton meester
dan humphrey , twenty two , penn badgley
serena van der woodsen , twenty two , blake lively
grey's anatomy :
alex karev , twenty four plus , justin chambers
april kepner , twenty four plus , sarah drew
cristina yang , twenty four plus , sandra oh
george o'malley , twenty four plus , t.r. knight
isobel "izzie" stevens , twenty four plus , katherine heigl
josephine "jo" wilson , twenty four plus , camilla luddington
jules millin , twenty four , adelaide kane
lucas "luke" adams , twenty four , niko terho
lexie grey , twenty four plus , chyler leigh
mark sloan , twenty eight plus , eric dane
meredith grey , twenty four plus , ellen pompeo
mika yasuda , twenty four , midori francis
jury duty :
noah price , twenty six , mekki leeper
new girl :
nick miller , thirty six , jake johnson
winston bishop , thirty four , lamorne morris
outer banks : now at @pcguelife
parks and recreation :
april ludgate , twenty four , aubrey plaza
schitt's creek :
alexis rose , twenty seven , annie murphy
david rose , thirty one , dan levy
shameless :
fiona gallagher , twenty eight , emmy rossum
mickey milkovich , twenty four , noel fisher
phillip "lip" gallagher , twenty six , jeremy allen white
stranger things :
kimberly holloway , twenty two , inde navarrette *
robin buckley , twenty three , maya hawke
supernatural :
brooklyn winchester , twenty two , kaitlyn dever *
charlotte winchester , twenty two , olivia holt *
dean winchester , twenty six plus , jensen ackles
ed zeddmore , twenty seven , nicholas galitzine **
elena gilbert , twenty one , nina dobrev **
harry spangler , twenty five , devon bostick **
hayley wilson , twenty three , maia mitchell *
iliana , unknown , astrid berges-frisbey *
joanna "jo" harvelle , twenty five , dianna agron
kevin tran , twenty one , osric chau
layla rourke , twenty six , rebecca rittenhouse **
lucas barr , twenty four , nick robinson ** ( @medaeium )
sarah blake , twenty three , taylor cole ** ( @provenaence )
weston lane , twenty eight , pete davidson *
superstore :
cheyenne lee , twenty two , nichole sakura
teen wolf :
allison argent , twenty four , crystal reed
asher mccall , twenty two , niko terho *
chris argent , forty three , j.r. bourne
cora hale , twenty one , adelaide kane
daniella coleman , twenty two , chase sui wonders * now found at @ch1maeras
derek hale , twenty five , tyler hoechlin
emma martin , twenty two , madelyn cline * now found at @lupaeus
emmett hale , twenty five , mike faist
erica reyes , twenty three , gage golightly
hadley cooper , twenty three , abigail cowen *
isaac lahey , twenty three , daniel sharman
kira yukimura , twenty three , arden cho
laura hale , twenty eight , phoebe tonkin **
lydia martin , twenty three , holland roden now found at @quiritaetus
malia tate , twenty two , shelley hennig
melissa mccall , forty six , melissa ponzio
noah stilinski , fifty , linden ashby
paige krasikeva , twenty five , maia mitchell **
peter hale , forty five , ian bohen
riley hale , twenty two , zoey deutch / maia mitchell * now found at @haelestorm
scott mccall , twenty three , tyler posey
sierra ngata , twenty four , courtney eaton *
stiles stilinski , twenty three , dylan o'brien
vada parker , twenty six , fivel stewart
walker :
clint west , thirty six , austin nichols
emily walker , thirty six , genevieve padalecki
micki ramirez , thirty four , lindsey morgan
stella walker , twenty one , violet brinson
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nicholejonesandfamily · 9 months
Ever gave the vagabond back to the parent?
Nichole: Noel? *gently nods* he did, yes
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simpuritysims · 7 months
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Nothing super interesting happening in story progression so far, except for the fact that Nichole got her ass kicked out of home within a day of me starting this save.
I believe she actually moved out on her own in the last run (hell, I think she had a kid that's now gone) but when I re-made everyone I had Noel's family all together again for ease. And she went and got herself kicked out.
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namenerdery · 9 months
Girls with interesting names born in Ohio between 2011-2015 [I, J, K & L]
Iceis Empris Noces Icing Ann Icona Navi-Jhourdyn Iellyah Noel Ignacia Matilde
I'Land Latoya Ileighsia Nevaeh Ilithyia Iris Illustrious Epiphany Imagin E
I'Missy Irianabella Im'Unyque Rena Love Inara Cyan Indasianna Marie Indicah Celeste-Capri
Infinitee Jai Berniece Insignia James Ione Beatrix Iridessa Skye Iris Magdalena
Isadora Cyrinthia Isla Florin Evangeline Sunflower Island Renee Issabellalynn Zuileikia Italia Principessa
Ithaca-Rose Aurora Moon Ivahngelina Grace Ivannablessed Donnamonique Izrhyel Victory Patrice
Jachary Amira Jacsin Louise Jacx Corbett Morgan Jaelihana Rose Jakenzie Lee
Jalaciana Emilee Ann-Nicole Ja'Lexzy'Aonna Nevaeh Jamaica Mone'T Jamar'Eeaye Brenda-Marie Janaesis Ah'Majae
Jareighya Louise-Maxine Jastlyn Nichole Marie Jaxann Olivia Jaymeslynn Elisabeth Rose Jaz'Oreighe Gracey-Lee
Jazrael Elizabeth Jazz'Brielle Rachiel Diane J'Dyn July Jeighlyn Eula Jenahsis Janice Goddess Jennifer
Jenezaeibella Marie Ammie-Lee Jenzley Kay Marie Jerezmay Suebella Jerkarrah Belle Jermeatriana Lamae
Jessillenna Storm Grace Jesstinee An'Marie Jevaeh Mi'Angel Loretta Jewlnetta Ann Jewlrie Rochelle-Sandrea
Jeyvaeha Queen Jhadde Edith Jhamzyne Rachelle Jinger Eva Delilah Joe'Liegha Arteshaunna
Joshieana Yvonne Joy'Phull Monshea Nicole Jubili Spirulina Julicciana Mystique Amanda Tiera Mae Serenity Justice Lynn Jupiter Reighn
Jyaxn Lilyann J'Yazzeriaha Carissalyn Jynx Violet Aurora Jyzelle Paij
Kadilyhne Bonnie-Jo-Lillian Kaednz Theory Kaighin Taylor Kalasia Kheringtyn Alyvia Kalexander Niyalyn
Ka'Liayh Georgia Ann Kalifornia Diane Kalumbi'Auna Marie Evelynn Kansas Crystal Lynn Kanzis Rayine
Kaorynn Marie Kaspyn Rayne Katalie Jaide Kawaii Reign Elizabeth Kayaence Amor
Kayleighna August Keighlauna Raine Keishliannie Dianne Kempress Ihana Kentasia Jaliyah
Kenya Omega Grace Kerosene Elizabeth Keurstyn Monroe Khaleesi Michonne K'Harma Iva'Faye Maychel
Khiyliane Rena Khn'Zii Mi'Faith Khoebie Lee K'Hole Piper Kimverlin Valesca
Kimystri Marie Kinslaey Jayde Kitelynn Grace Kixx Emerson Cain Kiz'Ziee Denise-Marie
Kountry Grace Kraigrihanna Yvette Kreadence Mae Krescent Shernoble Kricket Mae
Kurtacy So'Miya-Nicole Kwindalyn Rae Kylliye Renea Kymhstrie Arnay Rose K'Zaylyn Simone Catherine
Laeghan Elizabeth Laeleianna Kathleen Lakayasia Rlexis Laker Sally Jo-Ann Lannister Eleanor
Lauciaunna Marie Ann Lauxanna Alaire Lavender La'Rue Legacy Da'Prettiest Unique Lavora Leighyonia Jaspierre Unique
Lensey Rebecca Liburtee Sue Lightning Rebecca Skye Lilivanna Rose Lloyalty Royale
Lord Presence Lotus Coccinea De'Neese Lovaeh Rayne Jamison Lovealeiana Deziya Shapray Unae Luvly'Ann Renee
Lyilyian Deniece Lyluxe Mae Lyrica Candy Dawn Lyvaeh Analeigh
0 notes
thenoticeblog · 1 year
Willow: House of Griots | Pilot Script Table Reading
We’re back at it again with the Principal Cast of “Willow: House of Griots,” working through a table reading for the Pilot Episode. We discussed upcoming events, reviewed production scheduling and details, watched our short film “Willow: State of Emergency,” and sunk our teeth into this special 90-minute pilot episode of “House of Griots.” Much love to Elliot Guilbe for the Photography, Glenn Quentin for the Production Support, and Sultan Ali for the Marketing Support.
Principal Cast Ashley Noel Jones as Willow Kerubo Brown Suzanne Darrell as Iyoba the Foundress Cameisha Cotton as Diane X Kirrin Tubo as Taina Lilian Oben as Vanessa Charles Masiko Ensemble Reader Tommy Coleman Stage Directions Reader Heru Khuti
Showrunner & Writer Paul A. Notice II
Heads Up: Our Short Film “Willow: House of Griots” will be available on Amazon Prime later this year. Keep an eye out for our announcement. In the meantime, save the date for our upcoming Short Film Screening at Weeksville Heritage Center coming OCTOBER, 21st, 2023! Details coming soon!
You can Support “Willow: House of Griots” here.
Special Thanks to all of our supporters: Josmar Trujillo Nana Dakin Will Duggan James Reilly Kirrin Tubo Paul Notice Sr. Marco Rodriguez Nyle Emerson Doreen Notice Jade Notice Nichole Villafane Sita Sarkar Justin Prince Kiera Williams Paul VanDeCarr Jeannette Colyvas Daniel Notice Laura Edmondson Tommy Schaperkotter Glinetta Collins Larry Powell Erica Saucedo Megan & Liv Jeannette Colyvas Ian Harkins Jim Costanzo Melissa Noelle The Ellen & Andrew G. Celli Foundation, Inc. Holly Heckart Sarah Fleming Edward Rice Ataefiok Etukeren Joann Selvidge James Gantt Jade Notice Marie Casimir Rama Orleans-Lindsay Shiloh Hodges Benedict Nguyen Lizette Vernon Lily Bo-Shapiro Saleem Kashif Kendra Foster Anika Chowdhury Lia Bonfilio Katrina Reid Zell Davis Robin Holmes Gabby Sherba
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dear-indies · 1 year
hi pals!! i'm looking for a woman of color FC in her 30s who gives off a very bubbly/has it together vibe while also having a lot of vulnerability? i know that's so vague lmaoo but i was thinking similar vibes to Issa Rae or Kirby Howell Baptiste if that helps!
Tiya Sircar (1982) Bengali Indian.
Gabourey Sidibe (1983) Senegalese / African-American.
Jolene Purdy (1983) Japanese / English, Scottish, Irish, German, at least one eighth Ashkenazi Jewish.
Lupita Nyong'o (1983) Luo Kenyan-Mexican.
Li Jun Li (1983) Chinese.
Wakeema Hollis (1984) African-American.
Tanisha Long (1984) African-American.
Pisay Pao (1984) Colombian.
Joséphine Jobert (1985) Martiniquais, Spanish, African, and likely Chinese / French, Sephardi Jewish, Spanish.
Amber Riley (1986) African-American.
Ileana D'Cruz (1986) Indian and Portuguese.
Chantel Riley (1986) Afro Jamaican.
Oona Chaplin (1986) Chilean [Mapuche, Spanish, evidently Romanian] / English and Scottish.
Jessica Lu (1985) Chinese and Japanese / Chinese.
Amber Stevens West (1986) African-American and Comanche / Norwegian, German, English, Dutch, distant Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, remote Welsh.
Da'Vine Joy Randolph (1986) African-American.
Nicole Byer (1986) African-American - has said she "doesn't identify as straight" but doesn't like labels.
Teyonah Parris (1987) African-American.
Susan Wokoma (1987) Nigerian.
Mahaley Patel (1987) Afghan / English, Scottish.
Anupriya Goenka (1987) Uttar Pradeshi Indian.
Lauren “Lolo” Spencer (1987) African-American - has Lou-Gehrig’s disease.
Pearl Mackie (1987) West Indian / English - is bisexual.
Candice Patton (1988) African-American.
Anushka Sharma (1988) Uttar Pradeshi and Garhwali Indian.
Kelly Marie Tran (1989) Vietnamese.
Kimiko Glenn (1989) Japanese / German, Scottish, Irish.
Barrett Doss (1989) African-American / Bohemian Czech, Norwegian.
Cassie Steele (1989) Filipino / English.
Nichole Sakura (1989) Japanese / Irish.
Richa Moorjani (1989) Indian.
Quinta Brunson (1989) African-American.
Danielle Brooks (1989) - has openly dated men and women but hasn't labelled her sexuality publicly.
Ebonee Noel (1990) Afro Guyanese.
Keisha Castle-Hughes (1990) Tainui, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou, and English - has bipolar disorder.
Antoinette Robertson (1990) Afro Jamaican.
Phillipa Soo (1990) Chinese / English, Scottish, Irish.
Amanda Zhou (1991) Chinese.
Diona Reasonover (1992) African-American - is a lesbian.
Here you go!
0 notes
lecturesaflo-ts · 2 years
Un Noel Royal d'Alix Nichols aux Editions J'ai Lu
5 octobre 2022  301 pages Romance – Chick lit – Amour – Noël – Duc – Famille royale 6,99 € – Ebook / 14,90 € – Broché Moi, c’est Camille, l’unique pauvre de Mont-Évor. Il y a six ans, un incendie criminel a ravagé une aile entière du palais royal, et ma sœur aînée, Jeannette, a été désignée coupable. Cet événement a profondément marqué les esprits… et chamboulé ma vie. Depuis, je vivote en…
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