#caitlyn pierce
simpuritysims · 6 months
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This story progression update is basically oops! All careers! As a result of the careers module finally firing and reorganising all the jobs in town.
The most interesting choices here include putting Nichole in the same job as Adrian, which will surely end well, and, uh...
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Ella I love you but you do not have the qualifications to be your mom and dad's BOSS.
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marydrawsometimes · 1 year
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"can't take my eyes off of you"
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jazz-kitty · 1 year
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+ frames without a blue filter over them
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Wanted to draw something soft for once
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They probably haven't slept in weeks, they deserve this
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nhaaauyen · 2 months
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨ The Ghost of You ୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
"This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong // To love that well which thou must leave ere long." -William Shakespeare (Sonnet 73)
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zombie apocalypse sevika x reader au!: sevika was the super soldier; a killing machine driven solely by survival. you were nomadic, constantly searching for something in whatever was left of the world—till you met her.
series masterpost: part II // part III // part IV // part V
wc: 4.7k cw: guns, brief descriptions of violence author's note: ty @mirconreadzztuff22 for being my arcane encyclopedia!! This is gonna be a seven part series so buckle up!!!
You blink awake, the world slowly coming into focus as a cacophony of muffled sounds pierces your slumber. Squinting one eye open, you’re able to see shadowy figures dragging your companions away, their struggles futile against the intruders' iron grips. Your heart races, but instinct kicks in. You remain still, feigning sleep, as footsteps approach.  
Someone looms over you - in the dim light filtering through the drugstore's grimy windows, you catch a glimpse of her scarred face and steely gaze. As she reaches for you, adrenaline surges through your veins. In a flash, you slam into her, catching her off guard.
For a split second, you had the upper hand - but it's short-lived. The woman recovers with lightning speed, her combat skills levels way above yours. She easily corners you against the cold, dusty shelves, her knife finding its way to your throat. The blade's edge kisses your skin, a thin line of warmth trickling down your neck.
"Move any further, and I can end this now." she growls, her breath hot against your ear.
You raise your hands in surrender, and she roughly drags you to join the others. You're thrust into the main area, forced to your knees alongside Vander, Vi, Caitlyn, and Powder. The scene before you is horrifying - Through the front window, you see a horde of walkers slamming against the glass. Their decaying faces press against the surface, leaving smears of rot and congealed blood. 
At the fore stood the woman who captured you, her gang forming a menacing circle around your group. You noted how tall and muscular she was, her dark skin gleaming with a thin sheen of sweat in the dim light. A red shawl draped over her left side, obscuring her arm and shoulder.  Her short, styled hair framed a face set in stern lines, but her eyes, they sparkled with something dangerous, almost predatory.
The woman’s gaze swept over your group, lingering on each face before settling on yours. "Looks like we've got ourselves some lost lambs," she drawled, her voice a low, smoky rasp.
You felt Vi tense beside you, her fists clenching. On your other side, Caitlyn's fingers twitched near her now empty holster. Powder, uncharacteristically quiet, had her gaze fixed on the panels with the undead clawing their bloody fingers at.
The air crackled with tension as Vander spoke. "We're just passing through, we don’t mean to cause any trouble."
"Do you know whose territory you're in?" she demands, her voice cutting through the moans of the undead outside.
"No… but we weren’t going to settle here, let us go and we’ll get out of your hair."
The woman's laugh is harsh and devoid of humor. "I don't care," she sneers. Her eyes scan the ransacked shelves of the drugstore. "What I care about is where the remaining medications are. Hand them over."
Your throat tightens. You know exactly where they are – hidden in your pack. "I have them."
Her gaze locks on you. "Hand them over."
"Why should I?"
In an instant, she's in your face, so close you can see the flecks of amber in her dark eyes. Her scarred lip curls into a snarl. "Because you don't want to know what happens if you don't."
Your mind races, torn between protecting your group's precious resources and avoiding the wrath of this formidable woman and her gang.  Would she really let you go if you acquiesced? 
The tense standoff is suddenly interrupted by a burst of static. One of the woman's group members fumbles with a radio clipped to their belt. A male voice crackles through, urgent and clear.
"Sevika, the store's surrounded now. Get out before dark hits. Over."
The tall woman - Sevika, you now know - snatches the radio. "Copy that," she replies tersely, her eyes never leaving your group.
With a sharp whistle, her group springs into action. They wordlessly pack supplies, secure weapons, and prepare for evacuation. The efficiency is impressive, and you can't help but admire their coordination even when you had two of them keep their guns trained on your group.
“What about us?"  
Sevika's lip curls in amusement. "What about you?"
"Are you going to let us go?" Vander presses, his voice steady despite the circumstances.
"Sure," Sevika drawls, then points directly at you. "After she gives me the meds."
"What? How the hell are we going to get out of here ourselves?" Vi protested. 
Sevika's response is cold and indifferent. "If you want to get out that bad, do it yourself."
You watch Vander's mind work, always strategizing. "You have a base, it’s obviously well-supplied based on the amount of weapons and people you have. Take us with you, we can fight and help."
Sevika scoffs. "Now, why would I do that? You're lucky enough I'm letting you go alive."
Someone in her group chimes in with a smirk, "If they can get out alive." Snickers ripple through the gang, and your stomach turns at their callousness.
As Sevika's group continues packing, she allows your group to stand. You seize the moment, stepping forward. "I've got EMT training. I know how to use the medications I took."
Sevika dismisses you with a wave. "No thanks. We've already got a doctor."
"More help wouldn't hurt."
Her patience wearing thin, Sevika snaps, "I'm not picking up strays, especially ones so easy to put down."
You step closer, your face inches from hers despite the notable height difference between you two. "We were easy to capture because we were sleeping. That's a coward's move."
One of Sevika's people moves to intervene, but she halts them with a raised hand. Her eyes lock with yours, and to your surprise, her scowl turns into a smirk. 
"Okay," she says, her voice low and challenging. "Prove to me right now that you can survive.  However many survive, we'll take them in. But anyone left behind, I'm not coming back for. You're responsible for this."
Vander nods grimly. "Fine with us."
The moans of the undead grow louder outside.  While Sevika's group finishes their preparations, your group hurries to gather what few possessions you have. 
Vi angrily stuffs clothes into her backpack. "This is bullshit," she hisses. "We can take 'em. I say we fight our way out."
Caitlyn shakes her head. "That's suicide, Vi. They outnumber and outgun us."
You kneel beside Powder, helping her gather her collection of odds and ends - Her hands shake slightly as she works.
"It'll be okay, Powder," you whisper, giving her a reassuring smile. "We'll stick together, just like always."
Powder's eyes dart nervously between you and the others. "But what if they separate us? What if-"
"Shh," you soothe, squeezing her shoulder gently. "We won't let that happen."
Vander's deep voice cuts through the murmurs. "Enough," he says firmly but quietly. "I know none of us like this, but we're out of options. We can't keep running forever."
Vi whirls on him, eyes flashing. "So we're just gonna roll over and let them take us? After everything we've been through?"
Caitlyn places a calming hand on Vi's arm. "Vander's right, Vi. We're exhausted, low on supplies. This might be our only chance at something better."
You stand up, looking around at your makeshift family. "Maybe this is an opportunity. We don't know what their community is like but it could be a chance for a real home."
Vi scoffs, but there's a flicker of hope in her eyes that she quickly tries to hide. "Yeah, right. And I'm sure they invited us out of the kindness of their hearts."
Vander steps into the middle of the group, his duffle bag slung over his shoulder. "Listen to me," he says. "I don't trust them any more than you do. But right now, we need to play along. Stay alert, watch each other's backs, and be ready for anything. We're stronger together, remember that."
There's a moment of silence as his words sink in. Then, one by one, you all nod in agreement.
As you finish packing, you catch Sevika watching you, that same unreadable expression on her face. 
"Alright, time's up," Sevika calls out. "Let's move."
The moans of the undead grew louder outside, time was running out. With one last look at each other, your group falls in line behind Sevika's squad. 
Sevika's group snap into formation, they move with a fluid precision that speaks of countless drills and shared experiences. Sevika stands at the center, her scarred face set in grim determination as she outlines the plan to her team. You edge closer, straining to hear every word.
"Listen up," Sevika's voice cuts through the air. "Dustin, you're the distraction. When I give the signal, toss the radio into the parking lot. That should draw most of the horde away."
"Margot, Ran, Renni take position at the rear, pick off any stragglers that get too close. Conserve ammo, make every shot count.  Finn, you’ll lead - make sure everyone is accounted for, then go, don’t wait for us."
"The rest of you, we're on supply duty. Grab everything you can carry, and prioritize non-perishables." Sevika's eyes sweep over her team, then land on your group. "I'll be keeping an eye on our new 'friends'."
As the plan springs into action, adrenaline courses through your veins. You dash to your pickup truck, sliding into the driver's seat. Powder hops in beside you, her eyes wild with excitement. In the rearview mirror, you see Caitlyn and Vi taking up defensive positions in the truck bed, their guns at the ready. Vander moves with surprising agility for his size, efficiently loading supplies.
You hear hard rock playing from the blaring radio that Dustin hurls into the parking lot. The walkers' heads swivel towards the noise, their groans intensifying as they shamble after it.
Gunshots crack the air as Sevika's shooters pick off the walkers that didn't fall for the distraction. You grip the steering wheel tighter, ready to peel out at a moment's notice.
Sevika appears at your window. "Ready to prove your worth?" she challenges, eyebrow raised.
You’re about to respond when a voice from above steals your attention.
All heads turn to the roof. A kid stands there, panic evident on his face. Sevika's eyes widened in disbelief.
"What the fuck? They forgot Ekko?" she snarls, livid at the oversight.
The momentary distraction costs you. Walkers, drawn by the commotion, shamble towards your truck. Only one corner of the store remains clear, but it's too far for Ekko to reach safely.
Your mind races, and adrenaline sharpens your focus. "I know how to drift," you blurt out. "If you guys can clear as many walkers as possible near that open corner, I can whip the car close enough for him to jump down."
Sevika eyes you skeptically. "You have an interesting set of skills…  you’re confident you can get us close enough?"
"I can do it in my sleep. So, are we doing this?" you ask.
She nods curtly. "Fine. But don't get tempted to fling me out of the car."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
Sevika barks orders into her radio, relaying the plan to Ekko. The air fills with gunfire as both groups focus on clearing a path. You rev the engine, calculating angles and timing in your head.
"Hold on!" you shout, then slam the accelerator.
The truck lurches forward, tires screeching. You weave through the thinning walkers horde, your heart pounding in your ears. As you approach the corner, you crank the wheel hard, initiating a perfect drift. The world blurs around you as the truck slides sideways, stopping just beneath Ekko's position.
"Now!" Sevika roars.
Ekko leaps, landing with a thud in the truck bed. You don't wait for confirmation, immediately spinning the wheel to face the exit. In the passenger seat, Powder whoops with glee, while gunfire erupts from behind as Caitlyn and Vi pick off any pursuing undead.
A sharp tap on your window startles you from your laser focus on the road. You roll it down, coming face to face with Sevika's intense gaze.
"Need some directions?" she asks, a hint of amusement in her voice.
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you realize you've been blindly following the road away from the store. "Uh, yeah. That'd be great," you manage, trying to mask your embarrassment.
As you follow Sevika's directions, a sight on the horizon makes your jaw drop. A gated community looms in the distance, its high walls painted with the word “Zaun” on it represent safety you haven't seen in years. Suddenly, the organized efficiency of Sevika's group makes perfect sense. This is nothing like the ramshackle shelters you've cobbled together over the years.
The convoy of trucks comes to a halt in front of the gates. You expect them to open, but Sevika raises her fist. Your brow furrows in confusion, but before you can ask, she's out of the truck, moving with predatory grace toward the other vehicles.
She stops at one truck, yanking the door open with such force you're surprised it doesn't come off its hinges. In one fluid motion, she drags out the man who was supposed to be in charge in her absence earlier, Finn, and slams him against the side of the vehicle.
"You coward," Sevika snarls, her voice dripping with contempt. "You're a disgrace to this group."
You're transfixed by the sheer intensity of her anger, the way she towers over Finn despite not being much taller.   Then you see it - movement in your peripheral vision. A walker, stumbling closer to Sevika's unprotected back. Your heart leaps into your throat, panic flooding your system.
"Sevika!" you try to shout, but it comes out as a strangled whisper. Ekko's grip on your arm tightens, holding you back.
"Don't." he warns, but you barely hear him roaring in your ears.
Your mind races, unable to comprehend why no one is reacting. The walkers are mere feet away now. You struggle against Ekko's grasp, every fiber of your being screaming to do something, anything.
The walkers' rotting hands reach out, inches from Sevika's shoulder. Time seems to slow down. You're about to break free, to hell with the consequences, when-
The walkers crumples, a clean hole through its skull. The bullet whistled so close to Sevika you swear it must have grazed her.
But Sevika doesn't even flinch. 
"You're pathetic," she spits, her eyes boring into the man.
And suddenly, it clicks. The walker was never going to be a threat, but Finn was going to let the walker get her.  That decision was a huge fucking mistake.  
Before she let go, he leaned in to whisper something imperceptible but it had enough effect that she practically threw him onto the ground in response.
The gates begin to open, and as Sevika strides back to your truck, you can't help but feel a mix of admiration and fear.   The woman before you was no ordinary one, she was willing to put her life on the line to protect her people and weed out the weak links.
Sevika slid back into the seat next to you, her eyes meeting yours.  You feel exposed, like she can see right through you. There's a challenge there, a silent question: Do you know what you’re getting into?
You swallow hard, gripping the steering wheel tighter. 
As you drive through the gate, you couldn’t conceal your awe. The scene before you is like stepping into a different world - one untouched by the horrors of the apocalypse you've grown accustomed to.
Neat rows of houses line well-maintained streets. Lush gardens and small farms dot the landscape, bursting with life and color. People - actual living, breathing people - stroll along sidewalks, chatting and going about their day as if the world outside these walls hasn't ended.
You count maybe 15-20 houses in total, but the sheer number of people you see is staggering. There are more living souls in this one community than you've encountered in years of scavenging and surviving.
Sevika directs you to a parking spot, and as you're climbing out of the truck, a woman approaches. She's tall and dressed in a neat uniform, with short-cropped gray hair and a face etched with the kind of hardness that comes from years of survival. Her sharp eyes remind you of a hawk's.
"How much longer were you gonna keep talking before you let me shoot?" she asks Sevika, a hint of amusement in her gruff voice.
"As long as it takes to make my point, Grayson." Then, gesturing to your group, she adds, "I picked up some strays today. Oh, and a spot just opened on my team, by the way. If anyone in your group wants to switch sides..."
"Enough of stealing my patrol, Vika."  For the first time, you see Sevika truly laugh. You notice her tooth gap, she looks almost carefree.  
“Well, looks like you survived,” Sevika says, turning to your group.
“You could say that with a bit more enthusiasm next time.”
There’s a ghost of a smile on her lips at your quip.  “It’s your turn to uphold your end of the bargain now.”  She puts out her hand.  
You retrieve the bag you stuffed under the seat, it rattles with the pills as you hand it over.  Without even a goodbye or thank you, she turns to leave, and you watch as her group immediately follows suit.
Grayson gives you a once-over, then nods. "Alright, let's give you the grand tour."
The houses were luxurious and belonged to a class you never knew. Some have solar panels on the roofs, explaining the electricity you can see being used. There's a central square with what looks like a communal dining area. The smell of cooking food makes your mouth water - real, fresh food, not the canned goods and stale rations you're used to.
You pass by a building that Grayson identifies as the infirmary. Through the window, you can see shelves stocked with medical supplies. It's more medicine in one place than you've seen since the world fell apart. You notice guard towers strategically placed along the walls - despite the idyllic appearance, it's clear this place is well-defended.
"I've got a meeting to attend but Ekko here will take care of you, though I do hope that we will meet again - my patrol squad is always looking for new members." With that, Grayson strides away, leaving you all trying to take in the scenery.
"Come on, let's get you settled in! Sky will get you guys all sorted out." Ekko waved at your group to follow.
He leads you through the streets, and you can't help but marvel at the sense of normalcy. People are going about their daily lives, talking, and laughing. It's like stepping into a memory of the world before.
"Welcome!" Sky says, her voice gentle with a hint of anxiety at the sight of your group - soot ridden and blood stained clothes weren’t the most friendly image. "We got a spare house. It’s not huge, but it should accommodate all of you comfortably."
She hands Vander a set of keys and a small map. Then, with a delicate clearing of her throat, she adds, "If I may suggest... There are showers in your new home. I think you'll find them... refreshing after your journey."
Vi snorts at the polite understatement, while Caitlyn looks slightly embarrassed. 
Sky continues, "Once you've had a chance to clean up, Ekko can show you to the pantry. We'll make sure you have enough food to get started."
You can hardly believe what you're hearing. Showers? Fresh food? It seems too good to be true.
As if reading your thoughts, Sky's expression softens. "I know this must be overwhelming. Take your time to settle in. It must be hard adjusting to how it is here, but this place didn’t happen overnight. Everyone here has a part in maintaining things the way it is. "
Ekko nods, gesturing towards the door. "Ready to see your new digs?"
As you follow him out, you exchange glances with your companions. There's hope in their eyes, but also caution. This place seems like a dream come true, but you all knew that nothing was ever permanent. 
The moment you step into your new house, chaos erupts. Bags fly everywhere as you all rush to claim spaces. Vi tosses her pack onto a bed, while Caitlyn more carefully sets hers down. You and Powder are a whirlwind of motion, exploring every nook and cranny.
Tears prick your eyes as the reality sinks in. A real home, after so long.
"I call the couch!" Powder shouts, leaping onto it.
Vi raises an eyebrow. "You can have the bed, you know."
"Nope! This is perfect," Powder grins, bouncing slightly.
You all burst into laughter, the sound foreign but welcome after so much hardship. As the laughter dies down, you realize just how hungry you are. Powder’s stomach growls loudly, causing another round of giggles.
"I think that's our cue to hit the pantry," Vi says, standing up and stretching. "Come on, let's see what they've got around here."
At the pantry, you're shoveling food into your mouth, barely pausing to breathe. "I know this is canned, but why is it so good?" you mumble around a mouthful.
Ekko chuckles. "We have fresh fish, vegetables, and fruit too."
Your eyes widen in disbelief just as Sky walks in, Sevika close behind.
"Oh perfect, we were looking for you guys!" Sky says warmly.
Sevika's eyes scan your group. "I see you're settling in already. We’ve got jobs for you."
She starts assigning roles, Vander and Vi in food gathering. Then she turns to you, Caitlyn, and Powder. "You three will be working here in the pantry."
"What? Even after all those 'interesting skills' you said I had?" The words are out before you can stop them, tinged with disbelief and a hint of anger.
"This is a serious job. Making sure everyone gets the right rations is important. Preventing theft, too." Her tone is cocky, almost challenging.
Fury bubbles in your chest. After everything you've been through, all the skills you've developed to survive, you're being relegated to... food inventory? You want to argue, to prove your worth, but the words stick in your throat. You're acutely aware of how precarious your position is here.
Beside you, Caitlyn looks equally stunned. She's an incredible shot, her skills were wasted on this task. But like you, she remains silent.
"Understood," you manage to say, the word tasting bitter. You exchange a glance with Caitlyn, seeing the same resolve in her eyes. 
The days blend into one another as you settle into a routine at Zaun. It's surreal, to be able to think beyond mere survival. Conversations here with others touch on memories, hopes, dreams - luxuries you'd almost forgotten existed.
You're lost in thought, mentally cataloging the supplies, when a familiar voice cuts through your concentration.
"Looks like our newest recruits are really getting into the swing of things."
You turn to see Sevika leaning against the doorframe. Her presence fills the small space, making the pantry feel even more cramped than usual.
"Don't you have something more important to do?" you mutter, trying to hide your annoyance. "Like, I don't know, running this whole place?"
Sevika chuckles, pushing off the doorframe and sauntering into the pantry. "Multitasking, sweetheart. I can keep an eye on you and run this place at the same time."
You roll your eyes, returning to your task. But Sevika doesn't leave. Instead, she picks up a can, tossing it from hand to hand.
"You know," she drawls, "when I brought you in, I thought you might be more... useful. Didn't peg you for the grocery store clerk type."
Her words sting more than you'd like to admit, and it was also enraging - how dare she act like it wasn’t her fault you were assigned here in the first place? 
"We can't all be badass scavengers," you retort, reaching for a high shelf. Before you can grab it, Sevika's arm extends past yours, easily plucking the item you were struggling to reach.
"Here," she says, handing it to you. Your fingers brush as you take it, and you're struck by the calloused warmth of her hand.  You mutter a reluctant thanks, hyper-aware of her proximity. 
From the corner of your eye, you notice Caitlyn watching your interaction intently from across the room. Her gaze flicks between you and Sevika, a mix of curiosity and concern in her eyes.
Sevika notices too. She turns to Caitlyn with a raised eyebrow, the casualness in her voice from earlier gone. "Something on your mind?"
Caitlyn quickly averts her gaze, busying herself with her task. 
As you reach for another box, Sevika beats you to it, effortlessly lifting the heavy container. 
"How do you even have time for this?" you blurt out, frustration and confusion coloring your voice. 
Sevika sets the box down, her eyes meeting yours. "I don’t." 
The moment stretches between you, fraught with tension. Sevika's typical scowl returns, and she turns to leave.  "Try not to burn the place down with your expert can-stacking skills," she throws over her shoulder as she exits.
These encounters with Sevika were becoming more frequent, each one leaving you more uncertain than the last. But the random checkups made sense - you don't trust her, and neither does she.  
The pantry job was a way to keep your group in check but it coincidentally became a test of patience as well. Powder flits in and out, her time increasingly spent with Ekko. While part of you was frustrated by her lack of help, a larger part was glad she actually got to enjoy her childhood.
The breaking point comes during an argument with a burly man demanding extra rations. 
"Sorry, but rules are rules," you say, trying to keep your voice level. "Take it up with Sevika if you have an issue."
His face reddens. "Screw that, I'll go straight to Silco!"
The name hangs in the air, the mysterious leader of Zaun you've yet to meet. You knew Sevika's role as his right hand, but Silco himself remains an enigma, spoken of in hushed tones.
As the man storms off, you lock eyes with Caitlyn. Without a word, you both know - it's time for a change.
You find Grayson at the tennis courts, an incongruous sight that still makes you do a double-take. She's lounging in a weathered lawn chair, a beer in hand, watching a lackluster game between two residents.
The sun beats down on the cracked concrete court, weeds pushing through the fading lines.
Grayson spots you approaching, her eyes narrowing slightly as she takes a long swig of her beer. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
You can smell the alcohol on her breath as you draw closer, noting the slight flush on her cheeks. Despite her relaxed posture, there's a sharpness to her gaze that tells you she's far from incapacitated.
"We need to talk," you say. "About our roles here."
"What about them?"
Caitlyn steps forward, her posture straight and confident. "I want to join your patrol team."
You nod, adding, "And I want to join Sevika's scavenging group."
Grayson snorts. "If you want to join Sevika's group, why come to me? Why not ask her yourself?"
You feel your cheeks heat up as the memory resurfaces. "I did..."
Sevika stands before you, arms crossed, that infuriating smirk on her face. You've just finished explaining your request to join her team.
She laughs, the sound both mocking and somehow enticing. "If you can beat me in sparring once, sure." Her eyes rake over you. "But we both know that's not happening anytime soon, pantry girl."
"I need you to train me," you tell Grayson, determination in your voice. "Make me a better fighter. All I did was drive and fix wounds, but I know I can do more."
Grayson's eyes narrow. "How do I know I won't be wasting my time helping you two?"
Before you can respond, Caitlyn moves. In a blink, she's drawn Grayson's pistol from its holster and fired at a beer bottle perched on a table at the end of the court, shattering the bottle.
"Because we have the skills to prove it," Caitlyn says coolly, handing the gun back.
For a moment, there's silence. Then Grayson's face splits into a grin. "Alright, I'm convinced." She stands, stretching. "But today's my day off. I'll see you two at the west watchtower tomorrow morning." 
Her expression turns serious. "If you're late, don't bother asking again.  Do we have a deal?"
You and Caitlyn share a look.
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Caitvi x reader who just goes along with things and doesn't state their opinion or how they feel,but they do get quiet or tense when they're uncomfortable or pick their nails. But if your alright with angst maybe they get overwhelmed or hurt or both,but still refuse,so they force it out of them,and they're hurt like "why didn't you tell us?.." or something,it's comfort.if it's a little to dark I'll ask something else😭 sorry if it is
Hi! It's not too dark at all. To let it be known, I'm fine with writing angst! If you're curious about how much is too much, you can simply message me! I hope y'all enjoy the fic.
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"You Can Tell Us." | CaitVi x Reader
╰┈➤ PLOT: In the household where you grew up, expressing your opinion wasn't tolerated. Hell, expressing your emotions wasn't tolerated either. To keep the peace, you learned to not say anything in stressful situations, even if that means sacrificing your well-being.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Yelling, Co-Workers Being Assholes, Name Calling, Hurt/Comfort(?), Pet Names, Cursing, Not Proofread
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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Your whole life you were the person who kept the peace. You were someone who bit their tongue to avoid getting yelled at or offered solutions to problems that had nothing to do with you. If there was a solution to a problem or a way to avoid conflict, you were the person who chose those options.
So, why did this have to happen to you?
At your place of work, you were minding your business. You finished some paperwork earlier than planned and decided to take an early break. Then, four of your team members rushed into the break room.
"Do you think you can sit here and have us do all the work?" "You have some nerve making us look like the bad guys." "You're a lazy piece of shit. I don't know how you even made it this far."
The words pierced your skin and heart like darts to a board. You didn't dare to say anything back. Stunned in the moment, you took a sip of your water. Your eyes focused on the plain wall behind your teammates.
"And look, now they're spacing out like we're not even here," a co-worker buzzed. He scoffed. He leaned down in front of you and waved his hand in your face. "Hello? Anyone home?"
When he didn't get a response, he knocked on your skull.
You gave them nothing. Tears stung in your eyes.
"Wow, shocker! No one's home," he laughed. The rest of the team followed. Fulfilled, the man hummed. "Guess that's what happens when you hire an airhead who's probably having relations with the boss." the man put his hand on the table, cornering you in.
Your eyes remained on the wall. You weren't having an affair with the boss, but you didn't feel the need to say anything.
He shifted himself into your eyesight. A sinister smirk tugged on the corner of his lips. He took the tip of his finger and tipped the bottom of your cup. The cup fell over, the clear liquid soaking through your shirt and lap.
The laughter roared.
"Oops!" he feigned a gasp. He pulled away from you, his hand on his chest. "Guess you should've been more careful. It's okay," the man gave a fake smile, "holding cups is hard."
A cackle ripped through him as he leaned his head back. He shoved his hands in his pockets then turned around and left. The others flocked after him like ducklings to a parent.
Hot tears ran down your cheeks when they were out of sight. You forced yourself out of your chair and dragged your feet towards the paper towels.
Sobs scratched your throat at your pathetic attempt to dry your shirt. You were drenched through and it was cold out. Only six more hours left.
Home and on the couch, you stared at the wall to calm yourself down. With your nervous system still on the rocks, chews on your lips and nails, and an unfocused gaze, the attempt was a failure.
"Vi, that was completely inappropriate and not needed!" Caitlyn scolded as the two of them walked into the house. In the right mindset, you would greet them and ask how their day was, but because of today's earlier events, you didn't hear them come in.
"Oh, come on, Cupcake," Vi spoke. A chuckle followed her sentence. "All I did was curse him out a little and threaten him." the pinkette threw off her boots. Caitlyn carefully slipped her feet out of her own. "Don't act like you didn't like it," her tone was sing-songy.
The bluenette's cheeks were dusted pink. She put her hands on her hips, watching Vi's smirk grow as they kept eye contact. "I-It... It was fine, but it wasn't needed."
"Come on!" Vi threw her hands up. She hopped and spun on the balls of her feet as she entered the living room. "Muffin," Vi gave you a playful pout. She sat beside you on the couch, her arm resting on your shoulder. She gave you her signature puppy eyes. "Am I the bad guy for telling one of Caitlyn's employees to get their shit together or else their job is on the line?"
"That is not what you said," Caitlyn rebutted. She found her place on your other side.
Vi hummed, shrugging. "So, maybe I paraphrased a lil'. What's the harm?"
"The harm is you're trying to sweeten up your side of the story to be more appealing," Caitlyn narrowed her eyes toward Vi. Vi only grinned in response.
Vi put her gaze back on you. "Is it workin', Muffin?"
You're far gone. You haven't moved and the chewing on your nails got worse. You haven't blinked in so long, your eyes were producing tears to regain moisture.
"Muffin?" Vi leaned closer to your face. The tears now slid down your cheeks and your chest heaved up and down. Vi glanced to Caitlyn who was already scanning you to see if there was something physically wrong.
When she couldn't find anything, Caitlyn shook her head to reassure Vi of your physical safety.
Nothing was wrong physically which meant something emotionally or mentally was bothering you. Vi frowned. She placed a hand on your shoulder. "Muffin. Hey." Her voice was clear and firm. She was sure her voice had no hint of sadness to not push you over the edge. However, if you looked into her eyes, you would find them glassy with dilated pupils.
Caitlyn's eyes were similar. Her blue irises darkened in concern, fear, and anxiety; all the words she could use to describe how disheveled she was feeling.
Not seeing you move, Vi shook your shoulder. "Muffin. Snap out of it. What's going on?"
Caitlyn brought a hand to your thigh. She gave your thigh a gentle squeeze.
With another squeeze to your thigh from Caitlyn and a squeeze on your shoulder from Vi, you finally blinked. The moisture in your eyes made a reappearance. You looked between the two of them, pulling your nail out of your mouth. "Huh?"
"You've been staring at the wall. Cait and I came home a while ago and you haven't said a word," Vi whispered. Her grip on your shoulder turned into comforting rubs.
"Oh, I'm fine," you force a smile. Caitlyn deadpanned. She pulled her gaze to Vi who wore the same unphased face.
"You're not fine. It's okay to not be fine, dear," Caitlyn stroked your thigh. Her eyes were filled with sadness, the same with Vi's grey eyes.
"I promise, I'm fine."
"Bullshit!" scoffed Vi.
"No, they're not fine. That's obvious!" Vi removed her hand from your shoulder. Instead, she got up from the couch to resume her sentence. "I should've known you weren't okay. You didn't do that cute greeting of yours when your face lights up and you squeeze us like you haven't seen us in years."
You shifted in your seat, a frog in your throat. Tears well up in your eyes again, but this time, these tears are from sadness. You scratched your palm with your nails.
Caitlyn sighed. "I, too, should've noticed the change in your behavior. I guess we were too wrapped up in our own drama to notice," Caitlyn took a glimpse of Vi's expression.
Her eyebrows were furrowed, the skin between them creased. She'd squeeze her hands into fists and then let go repeatedly as a fidget.
Caitlyn took Vi's anger as a sign she should resume speaking. "We're not trying to force you into telling us, but if you're not okay, you can. We're here to comfort you, be your rock when you can't be your own." Caitlyn shuffled to squat in front of you. She doesn't force you to look at her, but you can see her worried eyes in your peripheral vision.
"Being with the two of you taught me it's okay to depend on others," Caitlyn admitted. "I want to be the person who can have anything under control and can come off as collected, but keeping all my frustrations inside or innermost thoughts can be challenging."
Vi calmed herself down enough to sit on the floor. She rested her head on your knee and put a hand on Caitlyn's leg.
Gaining comfortability, you slid down the couch. You sat between them with your back resting on the couch's edge. Vi's head repositioned itself to your shoulder and Caitlyn's moved to your other knee.
With her sitting adjustment, Caitlyn continued. "I don't want you to feel like you have to be the strong one. I don't want you to feel like you can't be vulnerable with us or even disagree with us."
"Yeah, Muffin," Vi's voice broke as she spoke. "Disagree or angry, we're going to love you the same. Confrontation comes with life." Vi dragged her hand down her face. "It's shit sometimes, but you gotta work your way through it, yanno?"
A heavy sigh escaped your body. You threw your head back onto the cushions and covered your face. You sobbed behind your hands. Your heart sank; your chest tightened. That frog in your throat grew into a toad. You babbled about this morning's events and how helpless you felt.
Anyone who wasn't familiar with you wouldn't be able to decipher what you muttered behind your hands. Luckily for you, your girlfriends know you inside and out. Even if it takes them a bit to notice when something's off.
The two of them pulled you in a tight embrace. They didn't speak or make efforts to shush you as you spilled your guts to them. Vi made a conscious decision not to let her anger get the best of her.
Although, those guys had no clue what was in store for them tomorrow morning.
Caitlyn also thought about making a visit to the office, but to complain to HR about the events. Not to find the culprits and make them pay. She was sure Vi had that handled. (Caitlyn would also have to handle her later.)
When your sobs calmed and your breathing evened, Vi spoke first. "They're a couple of dicks."
Caitlyn didn't feel the need to scold her.
"They should know how to treat a human being. Guess you can't do that when you're a shitty human, huh?" Vi chuckled to lighten the mood, but there was no joy behind her laugh. Only pure rage. "I'll fuck them up for you, don't worry." Vi placed a tender kiss on the side of your head. "I'll run you a bath, mkay? You should wash the day off of you."
"What about you and Cait's argument or whatever?" You peeled your head off the cushion to look at them. Everything was blurry behind your tears, but you could make out their frames and silhouettes. "Don't you need help?"
"Taking care of you is much more important than some silly fight," Caitlyn whispered. She smoothed the area on top of your head. Her delicate fingers brushed against your ear lobe as she brought them down. Her polished fingernails carefully traced the outside of your lobe. "Vi and I are big girls. I'm sure we can figure it out."
Vi grinned. "Hey, what fight?" she winked at the both of you.
A sad chuckle left your body. For a moment, relief washed over you. Once your chuckle finished though, the heaviness came back.
"Hey," Caitlyn's hand ran down your cheek. She wiped your tears with her thumb, Vi copied. "How about we get food from your favorite restaurant? I can go pick it up while Vi prepares your bath."
"I think that's a great idea," Vi used the back of her hand to soothe the skin on your cheek. "What do you think? Does that sound good, Muffin?"
You gave them a meek shrug.
"That looks like a maybe." Caitlyn giggled. "What if I add in dessert? would it be a yes then?"
"Oh, Muffin, say yes! Say yes! She's offering dessert!" Vi grabbed onto your arm. She shook you like a kid begging their parent for ice cream.
A genuine laugh came from your throat. Finally, all the pain is released from you. You don't know what made it leave. Maybe the sound of dessert or Vi's childlike begging. Or maybe it was the fact that Caitlyn and Vi cared for you enough to sit down and work through whatever problem you were facing.
For the first time in your life, you felt safe. Truly safe. You felt as if you could freely speak your mind without the underlying fear of rejection. You could say what you want.
"Okay," you gave the both of them a slight smile. "I think that sounds nice."
"Oh, yes! I love you, I love you, I love you!" Vi wrapped her arms around your body and pulled you on top of her. She gave you a bone-crushing squeeze.
"Vi!" you laughed.
Caitlyn laughed as well. She stood up and went to put her shoes and coat on. "Don't hurt them, Vi."
"Could never, Cupcake," Vi said from under you. "Now, hurry on and fetch us our dinner, woman! Mama's hungry."
Caitlyn scoffed, smiling. "Mama? Woman? Who are you talking to right now?"
"Oop," you muttered, grinning at Vi. "You're in trouble," you taunted in a whisper.
Vi playfully narrowed her eyes at you. She glanced at Caitlyn with an innocent and playful grin. "The tallest, cutest Cupcake in the world?"
"Right," Caitlyn dragged out the word. She opened the door. "I'll be back soon. You two stay out of trouble." and with another laugh, Caitlyn left the house.
Vi hummed. "I think she secretly liked being called 'Mama'."
You perked a brow. "Sure, she did, babe... Can we go draw my bath now?"
"Can I join you?"
WC: 2,285
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What if Price got migraines, so he came to your piercing shop to get a Daith put in to help (because he hates taking meds). But then, he decides to get more done....
"Sweet Relief" (AO3 Link)
The shop had been quiet all winter. It started with No Ink November, an inside joke you and your business partners laughed about every year. Money was tight, that was for sure, and no amount of Instagram deals or tell-a-friend coupons were going to dig you out. So, you’d been practicing with your piercing skills. Your shop had plenty of tattooists, and one girl was even a specialist in scarification, but no one did piercings. You decided to work hard and fill a niche. 
It was a cold January morning, and you rolled into the shop around noon, setting up your station for your three o’clock appointment, a daith piercing. The guy had booked online with some generic disciple name like Mark or Luke or something. You checked the sheet. 
Based on his questionnaire, it was his first piercing, but he’d been tattooed by your shop partner, Caitlyn.
“Hey, Cait!” You called into the back of the shop. 
She shouted back,
“You know a John Price?”
She poked her head around the door and came over to your station,
“Sure do. He’s a total hunk. Some army guy. Comes in about two or three times a year for work. Is he cheating on me?” She laughed, ribbing you. 
“He wants a daith,” you showed her the sheet. 
“Huh,” she shrugged, “Cool. Enjoy it, babe.”
Winking and laughing to herself, Cait ducked back into her station and you waited for the man to show up. 
Then, like he had been summoned, the shop’s door bell tinkled and an enormous, bearded man stepped through. He was in casual clothes, and he wore a wool beanie to keep out the cold. He looked around the space calmly, giving a polite nod and a wave to Cait. When his eyes found you, he smiled, 
Goddamn if his voice wasn’t like a warm fire on a snow day. It rumbled, low and deep through the room, hitting you right in your chest, surprising you. 
“Hey!” You recovered, “You must be John. Come around.”
“Yeah,” he made his way over to you and sat in your chair, “I’m here for the daith piercing.”
“Gotcha. I’m all ready for you. I’ll clean the site, mark it, and I’ll show it to you before we commit.”
You got to work, studying his face as you worked. There were little scars here and there, and a big one near his temple, ragged and rough. You rubbed cleanser on his ear and asked him,
“So, why this one? You get headaches?”
“Sure do. Don’t always have meds out in the field, so I needed something a bit more permanent.” 
You gave him a curious look,
“The field?”
“Army. Special Forces. That’s where I got this beauty you were admirin’.” He thumbed the large scar on his brow.
You blushed a bit. He sure was observant. 
“Ouch,” you said, “I promise this won’t hurt half as bad. Here, have a look.”
You held up the mirror to let him see the mark you’d made. He shrugged,
“You know best, love. I trust you.”
His words stirred something in your belly. You liked the pet name, and his ease with trusting you went right to your head. 
“Alright, hold still, John. You wanna count?”
“No,” he smiled and turned his eyes on you, watching you work on him. 
You shoved the needle into his skin and watched his eyes close as the pain washed over him. He took it in stride, smiling when you finished with the hard part. He opened them again to watch you, and he almost seemed to look at you with some level of desire. So, you tried out a pet name of your own.
“There you go, handsome. All set.”
“Cait should’ve warned me. Had no idea my pain would come at the hands of such a pretty artist.”
“Careful, soldier. Gonna get yourself a tongue ring on the house if you keep buttering me up like that,” you showed him the barbell you’d installed, and he took a cursory glance at it. 
“Maybe that’ll be my next one. I heard they work wonders.”
“On migraines?” You laughed, confused by his tone. 
“No,” he leaned forward, putting himself in your space, “On pretty artists.”
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catcze · 11 months
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You have arrived at:
⠀⠀「 ⠀# F O N T A I N E ⠀」
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Giving them random kisses [part 2] ⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley, Neuvillette, Lyney, Kaveh, Alhaitham
⠀ ⠀ Waking him up in the middle of the night, asking for food ⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley, Alhaitham, Cyno, Scaramouche / Wanderer, Xiao, Childe, Kaveh, Diluc, Neuvillette, Kazuha, Ayato, Albedo, Kaeya, Thoma, Zhongli
⠀ ⠀ Wearing his clothes ⠀ ⠀— Kazuha, Wriothesley, Neuvillette, Kaveh
⠀ ⠀— Arranged Marriage
⠀ ⠀— Wrapping his fists after he gets into a fight
⠀ ⠀— Domestic life
⠀ ⠀— Dog boy Wriothesley with a tail
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley making out with you after a fight (suggestive content)
⠀ ⠀— Friends with benefits + mutual pining
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley tending to your wounds
⠀ ⠀— Wolf Hybrid Wriothesley
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley with scruff
⠀ ⠀— He gets spooked in haunted houses
⠀ ⠀— Wrio x a con artist
⠀ ⠀— Breaking up with him (crack, but also angst)
⠀ ⠀— Giving him the silent trearment
⠀ ⠀— Wrio who steals your cute accessories
⠀ ⠀— Bodyguard Wriothesley
⠀ ⠀— You make me understand what the love songs are talking about.
⠀ ⠀— College AU with bad boy Wrio as your boyfriend who loves you
⠀ ⠀— Trying to get out of bed but he's being an ass (fluff ♡)
⠀ ⠀— Gifting him a collar
⠀ ⠀— [City of stars] singer! reader x Wriothesley
⠀ ⠀— Motherfucker stole your donuts
⠀ ⠀— Wrio learning how to speak tagalog for Filo! reader
⠀ ⠀— Trying on his gauntlets
⠀ ⠀— Does he take initiative?
⠀ ⠀— When you have to wake up before him
⠀ ⠀— Finding stickers all over him (somewhat suggestive)
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley admiring you in the flowers
⠀ ⠀— Matching jewelry
⠀ ⠀— Your dog is stealing your boyfriend!
⠀ ⠀— He always takes care of you when you're drunk
⠀ ⠀— You won't regret marrying me
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀— Sorta Sequel :  He cries on your wedding day
⠀ ⠀— Sharing a smoke (suggestive)
⠀ ⠀— Taking care of sick! reader
⠀ ⠀— Trying to rizz you up, but you fluster him instead
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley can open cans with one hand
⠀ ⠀— Painting his nails
⠀ ⠀— You can ask me for anything
⠀ ⠀— He insists on carrying all your shopping bags
⠀ ⠀— Wrio & reader with a similar dynamic to Vi and Caitlyn
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley touring your sons around the fortress (reader is called 'mom' but no pronouns were used)
⠀ ⠀— Carrying you because of an injured foot
⠀ ⠀— Reader knew Wrio when he was younger
⠀ ⠀— Boobs, thigh, or ass? (suggestive content)
⠀ ⠀— Wild West Wriothesley
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley angst
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀— Sequel : Happy ending !!
⠀ ⠀— He melts in your arms when he's tired
⠀ ⠀— He makes a pink tea party for you !
⠀ ⠀— Laying down on him
⠀ ⠀— Caring for you on your period (afab reader)
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley has a lip piercing
⠀ ⠀— [Sorta Tangled AU] Thief! Wrio x Royal! reader
⠀ ⠀— Accidentally wearing his shirt
⠀ ⠀— Athlete Wrio x Cheerleader Reader
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀— Sequel : More ideas !!
⠀ ⠀— Seeing you in the sunshine
⠀ ⠀— Little Red and the Wolf
⠀ ⠀— Making out in a corner of the fortress
⠀ ⠀— "Why do you love me?"
⠀ ⠀— When he sees you in a fitted suit
⠀ ⠀— Wrio flirting in french
⠀ ⠀— Reader doesn't like tea
⠀ ⠀— Asking Wrio for a big hug
⠀ ⠀— You're his world
⠀ ⠀— Comfort for bad days
⠀ ⠀— Giving you his coat when you're cold
⠀ ⠀— Sigewinne knows
⠀ ⠀— 1920's crime boss Wrio
⠀ ⠀— He gives you princess treatment (gn reader)
⠀ ⠀— Patching him up after a fight
⠀ ⠀— Does he take initiative?
⠀ ⠀— Dangerously yours
⠀ ⠀
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greatpestilenz · 1 year
Alluring - Ekko x Reader Smut
As you sit on the floor next to Caitlyn, Ekko's intense gaze fixates on you, piercing into your very soul, while you try to avoid meeting his eyes. The words spoken by your blue-haired friend fall on deaf ears, as he rises from his seated position by the door and crouches down to unshackle your hands from the bar behind you. Stepping back, he carefully maintains a distance between you two. The scent of your perfume overwhelms him, causing his heart to skip a beat, which he conceals behind a frosty glare.
"I'm putting my trust in you, but don't make me regret it. Vi vouches for you, claiming you're one of the good ones. Let's hope she's right."
"There's no such thing as 'one of the good ones.' It's just people trying to survive," You assert, meeting his glare with determination. "I understand you don't trust me because I come from up there, and I don't expect you to," You add firmly. "Your name is?"
Ekko raises an eyebrow at your defiance, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. He crosses his arms, the leather of his gloves creaking softly. "Is that so? You think you're just another survivor, huh?"
He takes a step closer, letting the tension thicken in the air between you. "Well, I've seen plenty of survivors in the undercity. But not many like you." His eyes roam over your figure, taking in every detail, before locking onto yours again. "There's something... different about you. Something... enticing."
"The name's Ekko," He replies, his voice laced with confidence. "And you are?"
"Pft. You're weird. Name’s Mc." You say and brush past him, looking around and taking in the sights around you.
Ekko chuckles, following closely behind you as you explore the hideout. "Weird, huh? Well, I've been called worse," he replies, his playful tone dancing in the air. As you glance around, you notice the flickering candles, the makeshift furniture, and the worn-out posters adorning the walls. "This place may not be much, but we've managed to make it our own." He leans against a nearby table, his white hair falling lazily over his forehead "So, what do you think? Not too shabby, right?"
"I'll leave you to it," Vi declares as she departs with Caitlyn, casting a playful smirk in Ekko's direction.
"Mm... pretty good," you comment, nodding approvingly. "Certainly nothing like what I've seen in Piltover."
Ekko nods, his eyes following Vi as she leaves with a mischievous smirk. "Well, she's always got some tricks up her sleeves," he comments with a playful smirk of his own. He then turns his attention back to you, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "And yeah, I figured this place would be a far cry from the polished streets of Piltover. But hey, sometimes a bit of grit and chaos can be refreshing, right?" He walks closer to you, his voice lowering to a husky whisper. "Besides, there are some things you can only find down here in the undercity."
"I can tell." You say without sparing him a glance. "What else you got here in the undercity?"
Ekko smirks, enjoying your curiosity. "Oh, plenty of things," he replies, leaning against a nearby wall. "There's the Black Market, where you can find just about anything you can't get your hands on legally. Need some rare chemical components? They've got 'em. Looking for some experimental tech? They've got that too." He pauses, as if considering something. "And then there's the Underground Fight Club. Raw, brutal, and definitely not for the faint-hearted. But if you're looking for a rush, that's the place to be." His voice drops slightly, his eyes glinting with excitement. "Of course, I can always give you a personal tour if you're interested."
"I'd love a tour. It's my first time setting foot in the undercity," You admit, finally mustering the courage to meet his gaze, causing his heart to skip a beat.
Ekko's eyes widen slightly as you finally turn to face him, a twinkle of surprise in his gaze. He quickly recovers, his cocky smile returning as he meets your gaze. "Well, consider yourself lucky to have me as your guide," he says, his voice filled with playful confidence. "I'll show you all the hidden spots, the best places to eat, and maybe even a few secrets that only the true residents of the undercity know about." He takes a step closer, his hand lightly brushing against yours. "But beware, once you experience the undercity, it's hard to resist its allure."
"Secrets that only the true residents of the undercity know about?" You quip with a playful huff. "I thought you didn't trust me," You add with a smirk, teasingly reminding him of your earlier encounter.
Ekko chuckles, his smirk widening. "Oh, I still don't fully trust you," he admits, his voice laced with playful suspicion. "But that doesn't mean I can't have a bit of fun with you, does it?" He takes a step closer, his eyes locked onto yours. "Besides, there's something about you that's... intriguing. Maybe I'm willing to take a risk this time." His hand trails up your arm, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. "So, are you ready to explore the secrets of the undercity?"
You clear your throat, trying to conceal your blush. "You're a funny one, Ekko," you say, emphasizing his name playfully. "So, about that tour?
Ekko chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, don't worry," he says, his voice husky. "I'm definitely not all talk. The tour starts now." Taking your hand in his, he leads you through the winding streets of the undercity, guiding you through the hidden alleyways and lesser-known paths. You can feel the excitement building in your chest as the atmosphere of the undercity envelopes you.
As you walk, Ekko points out various landmarks, sharing stories and legends about each one. He leads you to a hidden rooftop with a breathtaking view of the glowing lights of Piltover above, a stark contrast to the darkness of the undercity below. "This," he says, his voice softening, "is my favourite spot. The perfect place to escape and forget about the world above."
His hand slips around your waist, pulling you close against him. The electricity between you is palpable as the cool night air brushes against your skin. Ekko's lips graze your ear as he whispers, "But the best view isn't up there, it's right in front of me." With that, he leans in, capturing your lips in a heated, passionate kiss, his body pressing against yours in an intoxicating embrace.
"Mm-" You immediately snake your arms around Ekko's neck and kiss back, shutting your eyes tightly.
Ekko's arms tighten around you, his kiss deepening as he responds eagerly to your embrace. His tongue gently brushes against your lips, seeking entrance as the kiss grows more heated. The taste of him is a heady mix of sweet and spice, igniting a fire within you. The sound of your lips meeting fills the air, mingling with the soft symphony of the city below.
His hands roam over your body, exploring every curve and contour, sending shivers of desire coursing through your veins. The touch of his warm, calloused hands against your skin sets you ablaze, heightening your senses with each caress.
As the kiss lingers, the intensity between you only grows, the heat of the moment enveloping both of you. The world around you fades away, leaving only the electric connection between your bodies. Lost in the moment, you allow yourself to be consumed by the fire of desire, trusting in Ekko to guide you through the depths of pleasure and ecstasy.
"Ekko," you pant between breaths as he pulls away, needing to catch your breath. "Oh my god, you're insane," you exclaim with a grin. "Do you pull stunts like this with everyone you meet?" You ask, half in awe and half teasingly curious about his daring nature.
Ekko's chest rises and falls rapidly as he catches his breath, a satisfied grin playing on his lips. He looks into your eyes, his gaze intense and filled with a mixture of desire and amusement. "No, not everyone," he replies, his voice husky and filled with a hint of mischief. "Only with those who manage to catch my attention." He leans in, his lips brushing against yours in a teasing manner. "And let me tell you, Mc, you've definitely got my attention."
His hand caresses your cheek, his touch gentle yet possessive. "But don't get me wrong," he continues, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "I may be passionate and spontaneous, but I also know how to listen and understand. I want to get to know you on a deeper level, beyond just physical attraction." His gaze softens, and he brushes a strand of hair behind your ear. "If you'll let me, that is."
"So, you've done this with plenty of people?" you remark with a smirk, raising an eyebrow playfully to continue the banter with Ekko.
Ekko chuckles, his smirk matching yours. "Well, I won't deny that I've had my fair share of encounters," he admits playfully. "I've always believed in living life to the fullest, embracing passion and pleasure whenever the opportunity arises." He leans in, his voice dropping to a low, seductive tone. "But here's the thing, Mc. None of those encounters have ever felt quite like this. There's something about you, an irresistible allure that draws me in." His fingers trail lightly along your jawline. "So, yes, I've had my adventures, but with you, it feels different. Special. And I want to explore that."
"Really now?" You say, locking eyes with him and sporting a mischievous smirk. "Adventurous, huh?" Without hesitation, you lean in, capturing his lips in another passionate kiss, embracing the thrill of the moment.
Ekko's eyes widen in surprise, but he quickly recovers, a delighted grin spreading across his face. He eagerly meets your lips, his own kiss filled with hunger and desire. His hands slide down your body, pulling you closer against him, as if wanting to merge your bodies into one.
The kiss is filled with a raw intensity, fuelled by the electric chemistry between you. Lips and tongues dance together in a lustful rhythm, exploring and tasting each other with a hunger that grows with each passing second. The world around you fades away as the heat between you intensifies, leaving only the intoxicating embrace of the moment.
The sensation of his touch, the taste of his lips, and the press of his body against yours send waves of pleasure coursing through your veins. Every kiss, every caress, ignites a fire within you that threatens to consume your very being. In this passionate exchange, the boundaries between pleasure and desire blur, leaving only a craving for more.
"Fuck.. Ekko..." You moan out from his touch as you pull away from the kiss.
A deep, guttural growl escapes Ekko's throat as he hears your moan, his eyes darkening with desire. He looks at you with a hungry gaze, his hands still lingering on your body, craving for more. "Mmm, did I make you moan already?" he teases, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and desire. "Baby, we're just getting started."
He leans in again, his lips hovering just inches away from your ear. "I want to touch every inch of you," he whispers, his breath hot against your skin. "I want to taste you, make you scream my name." His words are filled with a primal hunger as he trails kisses along your neck, leaving a trail of fiery sensations in their wake.
Ekko's hands roam boldly over your body, his touch becoming more urgent and demanding. He revels in the softness and curves of your skin, exploring every intimate corner with fervour. The passion between you intensifies, the air thick with desire and longing, as you surrender to the intoxicating tension that courses through both of you.
In this hidden corner of the undercity, you give in to the intoxicating dance of pleasure and desire, indulging in each other's bodies and losing yourselves in a realm of blissful sensations.
"I can't help myself when you're so irresistible," you whisper softly. "Consider this my permission," you smirk, giving in to the moment as you kiss him once more, succumbing to the allure of the intense connection between you.
Ekko's eyes darken with a mix of desire and satisfaction as he hears your words. He reciprocates the kiss with equal intensity, his lips melding with yours in a fervent dance of passion and longing. His hands roam freely over your body, exploring every curve and contour, as if memorizing every inch.
He breaks the kiss, his breath hot against your skin as he gazes into your eyes with a mix of reverence and hunger. "Thank you," he whispers, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I promise to make this an experience you won't forget."
With that, Ekko leads you to a secluded corner of the hideout, where a soft blanket lays waiting. He gently guides you down onto it, his movements filled with a tender yet unrelenting passion. The weight of his body presses against yours, and the heat of his touch ignites a fire within you.
As your bodies intertwine, he explores every inch of you, his hands tracing patterns of pleasure along your skin. His kisses trail passionately down your neck and collarbone, leaving a trail of electric sensations in their wake. With each touch, each caress, he sends waves of ecstasy crashing over you, taking you to new heights of pleasure.
In this intimate connection, time seems to stand still as you bask in the sensuality and vulnerability of the moment. The room is filled with the sound of whispers, moans, and the rhythmic symphony of your bodies moving together. The flickering candlelight casts shadows across your entwined figures, adding an air of mystique to the passionate encounter.
Driven by an unbridled desire to please you, Ekko guides you to the zenith of pleasure, unleashing a symphony of shared ecstasy that resonates deep within your soul. And as you succumb to the overwhelming waves of pleasure that wash over you, you can't help but feel a deep and profound connection with Ekko, knowing that this is just the beginning of a journey filled with unspoken desires and unforgettable moments.
As your hands explore Ekko's body, feeling the smooth contours of his stomach and the defined muscles beneath his skin, a low groan escapes his lips. He arches his back, allowing you better access, revelling in the sensation of your touch.
With a playful smirk, you help him remove his shirt and muffler, exposing his bare chest to the flickering candlelight. His skin is warm and toned, adorned with intricate tattoos that tell the story of his life in Zaun. The scars on his body speak of battles fought and survived, adding an air of rugged masculinity to his appearance.
Ekko watches you with hungry eyes, his anticipation evident in the way his breath quickens. He reaches out to touch you, his fingers lightly tracing along the contours of your own exposed skin, mirroring the desire and intensity that courses through both of you.
The room is filled with the scent of anticipation and the soft touch of skin against skin. The flickering candlelight highlights the passion that swirls within the air, intensifying the connection between you.
Without words, your bodies move in perfect synchronization, driven by desire and a hunger for one another. The dance of exploration and pleasure continues, as you dive deeper into the depths of intimate ecstasy.
As Ekko removes your shirt, exposing your bare chest, he wastes no time in lavishing attention on your breasts. His lips descend upon the supple skin, leaving trails of hot kisses and delicate nips along your curves. He explores every inch, taking each nipple into his mouth to suckle and tease, alternating between gentle licks and fervent sucking.
His hands caress your sides, tracing patterns of desire, his touch both tender and possessive. He revels in the softness and warmth of your skin, his fingers gliding sensually over your curves, igniting a fire within you.
The sensations send electrifying waves of pleasure coursing through your body, intensifying the connection between you. Your back arches instinctively, seeking more of his touch, giving him unrestricted access to your most sensitive areas.
Ekko's lips and tongue continue their sensual assault, exploring every contour and crevice, his mouth creating a symphony of pleasure upon your breasts. The combination of his skillful touch and the flickering lights of Piltover above creates an intoxicating atmosphere of sensuality and desire.
Driven by a primal hunger, Ekko seeks to please you. His every action is filled with an intense focus, as if he exists only to elicit pleasure from your body. The blend of his passion and expertise brings you to the edge of ecstasy, leaving you longing for more as the flames of desire continue to burn between you.
With a swift movement, Ekko pins your hands above your head, holding them with one hand as his other hand fervently pulls your shorts down. The atmosphere crackles with raw desire as the anticipation builds, leaving you breathless and eager for what's to come.
His touch is both commanding and gentle as his fingers trail along your exposed skin, sending shivers of excitement down your spine. With each caress, he stokes the flames of your desire, heightening the intensity of the moment. The feeling of being restrained fuels the sense of vulnerability and surrender, as you yield to his control.
As your shorts are discarded, leaving you bare and exposed, Ekko's gaze darkens with a mix of hunger and admiration. He takes a moment to soak in the sight of you, revelling in your naked form, before his lips find yours once again, claiming you in a searing kiss.
His body presses against yours, his heat and strength a physical manifestation of his desire. He explores the contours of your body, tracing the curves with his fingertips, leaving a trail of electrifying sensations in their wake. His touch ignites a fire within you, awakening a primal need that demands to be satisfied.
The air is thick with anticipation as Ekko continues to kiss and caress you, his movements becoming more urgent and intense. Time seems to slow down as the world fades away, leaving only the two of you entwined in this moment of passionate surrender.
With a hungry urgency, Ekko breaks the kiss for a moment, his gaze filled with lust and desire as he swiftly removes his own pants. His body, muscular and defined, is now completely exposed to the flickering lights, revealing his own vulnerability and need.
As he returns to capture your lips once more, his hands roam freely over your body, exploring every inch with a fervent touch. The warmth of his skin against yours sends waves of pleasure cascading through your body as the intensity between you heightens.
His erection brushes against your thigh, a tantalizing reminder of the mutual desire that envelopes both of you. Moans and soft gasps fill the air as the anticipation builds, each touch and caress deepening the connection between your bodies.
With your hands still restrained above your head, Ekko presses his body against yours, aligning himself with your heated core. His lips leave a trail of fiery kisses along your neck and collarbone, his hot breath intermingling with your own ragged breaths.
Driven by an insatiable hunger, he enters you slowly, guiding himself into your wetness with a deliberate, measured thrust. The sensation of him filling you completely sends waves of pleasure crashing over you, overwhelming all senses and shattering any remaining restraint.
Ekko's movements become a rhythmic dance of passion, as he sets a steady pace, his thrusts growing more intense with each passing moment. The room fills with the symphony of your shared pleasure, the soft moans and breathless whispers echoing in harmony.
In this intimate union, time seems to lose its meaning as you surrender to the intoxicating embrace of pleasure. The intimate friction, the raw power of his thrusts, and the exchange of heat and desire between you create a symphony of sensations that radiate through your body.
"Ekko-!" You moan out loud, feeling your climax nearing.
Ekko's movements quicken, matching the rising tide of pleasure that cascades through your body. He captures your lips in a passionate kiss, deepening the connection between you as you both chase the elusive peak of ecstasy.
He groans against your mouth, his own desire driving him to the edge as well. His thrusts become more urgent, more desperate, as he skillfuly navigates your body, each movement bringing you closer to the brink of release.
The air is thick with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, of shared moans and heavy breathing, as the symphony of pleasure reaches its crescendo. Sensation builds within you, a coiling tension that threatens to unravel at any moment.
Then, with a powerful surge of pleasure, your climax crashes over you like a tidal wave. The world dissolves into a blur of pure sensation as your body convulses in ecstasy, every nerve ending overwhelmed by the intense pleasure that courses through you.
Ekko continues to move within you, prolonging your pleasure, until he too succumbs to the depths of his own release. His body tenses, his movements falter for a fraction of a second, before he finds his own release, his breathless moans mingling with yours in a cacophony of shared bliss.
In the aftermath, your bodies remain intertwined, the intensity of the moment slowly ebbing away, leaving behind a sense of profound satisfaction and connection. The rooftop is filled with a hushed calm, the fading candlelight casting a comforting glow upon your entangled forms, as you bask in the afterglow of your shared passion.
Breathing heavily as you come down from the intense moment, a grin forms on your lips. "So, how about those secrets that only the true residents of the undercity know?"
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reaper2187 · 5 months
Caitlyn kiramann x prisoner female reader
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In the dreary depths of the labyrinthine prison, where shadows danced amidst the cold, concrete walls, you found yourself, a prisoner lost in a world of despair. Your once-vibrant spirit had been extinguished, replaced by a bleak numbness that permeated your every fiber.
As the harsh clang of metal bars echoed through the desolate corridors, a ray of hope flickered in the darkness. Officer Caitlyn Kiramann, a formidable and enigmatic figure known for her unwavering determination and piercing gaze, entered your cell. Her presence, both imposing and compassionate, ignited a spark within you.
'Good morning,' Caitlyn's voice was curt yet tinged with a hint of empathy. 'My name is Officer Kiramann. I'm here to conduct your intake.'
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to expect. Had she come to break you further, or was there a glimmer of compassion beneath her stern exterior? With trembling hands, you extended your wrists for the shackles.
As Caitlyn secured the metal bracelets, her touch was unexpectedly gentle. Her eyes met yours, and in that instant, you felt a surge of raw vulnerability. It was as if she understood the storm that raged within you and the weight of the shackles that bound your spirit.
'Your name?' Caitlyn's voice was soft now, her tone conveying a hint of concern.
You whispered your name, your voice barely above a murmur. A flicker of recognition crossed Caitlyn's face as she flipped through your paperwork.
'I've heard whispers of you,' she said, her eyes holding a mix of pity and respect. 'You're a young woman with a troubled past. But I believe there's still good in you.'
Your heart skipped a beat. Had fate brought Caitlyn into your life to offer a lifeline amidst the despair? Or was she merely playing a cruel game, giving you a taste of hope only to crush it mercilessly?
With each passing day, Caitlyn became your solace in the desolate prison. During your weekly counseling sessions, she listened to your tormented thoughts and offered words of encouragement that slowly chipped away at the icy wall around your heart.
As the months turned into years, a profound bond developed between you and Caitlyn. It was a bond that transcended the boundaries of imprisonment and authority, one forged in the crucible of shared sorrow and the flicker of newfound hope.
One fateful evening, as you and Caitlyn sat in her office, a wave of weariness washed over you. Your body and spirit had been pushed to their limits, and the weight of your past transgressions threatened to consume you.
Tears streamed down your face as you poured out your heart to Caitlyn. You told her of the childhood trauma that had led you down a path of self-destruction, the mistakes you had made, and the guilt that haunted you day and night.
Caitlyn remained silent, her eyes filled with understanding. When you had finally finished, she reached out and took your hand in hers.
'I know that you're not perfect,' Caitlyn whispered. 'But I see the pain you carry, and I believe in the redemption that awaits you.'
In that moment, a dam within you broke. The chains of despair and self-hatred that had bound you for so long finally shattered, replaced by a glimmer of hope. With Caitlyn's unwavering support, you resolved to confront your past and rebuild your shattered life.
As your release date drew near, a bittersweet feeling washed over you. You were terrified of facing the world again, but you were also filled with an unyielding determination to make a fresh start.
On the day of your release, Caitlyn stood outside the prison gates, her steady gaze meeting yours. A mix of pride and trepidation filled her eyes as she handed you a small box.
'This is for you,' she said. 'It contains the tools you'll need to build your new life.'
With trembling hands, you opened the box to find a simple notebook and pen. It was a symbol of the hope and redemption that had been ignited within the darkness of prison.
As you stepped out of the gates into the unknown, you knew that you would face countless challenges. But with Caitlyn's unwavering belief in you, you were prepared to embrace the future with newfound courage and determination. And so, you carried the notebook and pen, symbols of your journey from prisoner to free woman, forever grateful for the lifeline that had been thrown to you amidst the shadows.
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simpuritysims · 7 months
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Nothing super interesting happening in story progression so far, except for the fact that Nichole got her ass kicked out of home within a day of me starting this save.
I believe she actually moved out on her own in the last run (hell, I think she had a kid that's now gone) but when I re-made everyone I had Noel's family all together again for ease. And she went and got herself kicked out.
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mollysunder · 5 months
I keep seeing a theory go around that says Mel was pregnant by the finale. I'm not too sure if that's true or not, but Mel had to have a baby... it'd be Rell.
Why do I think it works?
1. In League Rell's mother was heir to Noxian noble house that fell out of power. Currently, House Medarda's in trouble with someone even more powerful than them (probably Swain).
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2. Rell's a ferromancer, a mage that manipulates metal and makes armor (usually with Iron) and constructs with it. Mel's probably a magic user, and the golden armor embedded into her skin is similar to the one Rell wears. (Like Gaara and Rasa)
3. Rell is a champion explicitly stated to be half-black, while Mel is black and is currently with a nonblack partner.
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4. Rell and Ambessa wear their hair in a similar fashion (a bit weak), and some concept art with Ambessa makes her look blonde. So maybe they both like to dye their hair blonde.
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5. The Medarda crest is a great golden piercing sword, while Rell uses a great golden piercing lance.
6. Mel, Rell, they rhyme. Sometimes, things are so dumb they have to be true.
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7. Just another great opportunity for mother daughter Medarda pain, because in Rell's story, her mother projected incredibly high expectations onto Rell to bring back the family's prominence. And wouldn't it be an absolute nightmare to see Mel make the same mistakes as Ambessa, but slightly different!
Side note: I recognize Rell has a whole backstory with the Black Rose that makes her mom a worse person than Mel could be. But Arcane has largely altered the origins, ages, and relationships of majority of it's cast including, Caitlyn, Warwick, Ekko, Viktor, Jayce, and given Singed an entire daughter through Orianna. So why not make Rell a Medarda? Rell would still have a mother-daughter relationship that's fraught in a new way, but still tinged with the loss of generational wealth and high expectations. Plus there's always a new reason to hate Noxus.
Enjoy a pouty Rell!
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queenshelby · 1 year
Pairing: Emmett (A Quiet Place) x Original Female Character
Warning: Age Gap, Forced Procreation, Past Sexual Abuse, Angst
Words: 2,677
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Emmett brooded alone in his rustic cabin, his weathered face contorted in a scowl. Evelyn's plea weighed heavily on his mind, an oppressive burden dragging him into the depths of frustration. "Why should I bring a child into this forsaken world?" he muttered to himself, the words escaping his lips as a hushed whisper. It wasn't just the lurking danger beyond their sanctuary that deterred him; it was the guilt that haunted him from his past.
As if on cue, Evelyn entered the room, her wide eyes searching for Emmett's gaze. She understood his mood without the need for words, instinctively sensing the turmoil within him. "Have you made a decision?" she asked, eager to know if Emmett was prepared to be paired with Caitlyn for the program.
"Yes, Evelyn, and the answer is no," Emmett replied firmly, causing Evelyn's eyebrows to furrow in concern. "I understand," she said, taking a seat beside him, her presence a comforting balm. She watched as he shook his head, her empathy flowing freely.
"Do you truly understand?" Emmett questioned, a flicker of anger igniting in his eyes. "Bringing a child into this world... It's a perilous gamble. I lost my family once, and I cannot bear the thought of losing another. Pretending to go along with the program while secretly abstaining will only result in Caitlyn being paired with someone else after months or even a year of fruitless attempts." Emmett's words were laced with painful truth, and Evelyn knew he had thoroughly considered this choice.
Evelyn's expression softened, and her hands reached out to gently touch his arm. "That's why I understand, Emmett. I am grateful that I am too old to participate in this program. But, despite the odds, we have a chance to create something beautiful here."
Emmett met her gaze, realizing the depth of her understanding and compassion. "I will inform the Council of your decision," Evelyn finally said, leaving Emmett to his solitude, knowing he desired it.
Caitlyn stood alone on the edge of the island, her heart heavy with the weight of her resolve. She had made her choice. Like Emmett, she couldn't fathom bringing a child into this harsh and dangerous world. It seemed a futile endeavor, only amplifying the vulnerability of the human race. And so, she had decided to leave.
With determination in her eyes, Caitlyn hastily scribbled a note explaining her intentions. "I cannot remain here," she wrote, the words stark against the paper. With a sigh, she pinned the note to a prominent post, aware it would be discovered soon enough.
As luck would have it, Evelyn stumbled upon the note during her leisurely stroll back from Emmett's cottage. She usually took the scenic route, collecting naturally growing food along the way. Her eyes widened as she read the words, her heart pounding in her chest. "Dear God!" Evelyn cursed, hastening her return to Emmett's cottage.
"Emmett!" she called out upon approaching, her voice echoing through the lush landscape. "You won't believe what I found!" Emmett came running towards her, rifle in hand, fearing the worst.
Startled, Emmett's rugged face etched with concern. "What is it, Evelyn?" he asked, worry creeping into his voice.
Evelyn caught up to him, the wind whipping her hair around her face. "It's Caitlyn," she said breathlessly, thrusting the note into his hands. "She's gone."
Emmett's eyes narrowed as he scanned the note, the words sinking like stones in his chest. "I'm not surprised," he muttered, a mix of anger and worry brewing beneath his gruff exterior.
"Nor am I, but I must find her, Emmett. The boys need her, and she has already endured so much," Evelyn pleaded. However, Emmett shook his head, his mind made up.
"No, I will go after her. You are needed here," Emmett declared, his voice a solemn whisper. With a determined glint in his piercing blue eyes, Emmett embarked on his perilous mission to find Caitlyn and bring her back, regardless of the cost.
Meanwhile, Caitlyn had already found herself on the mainland, her footsteps silent against the cracked pavement. She had always been a daring adventurer, but this was an entirely new level of peril.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she cautiously navigated the desolate streets. Her deafness was both a blessing and a curse in this soundless world plagued by creatures drawn to noise. Caitlyn couldn't afford even the slightest sound. She had witnessed firsthand the horrors these creatures were capable of, and those memories haunted her dreams.
As she walked, Caitlyn's thoughts drifted to Emmett and Evelyn, both of whom she considered dear friends. They had always been there for her, a steadfast pillar of support. Emmet, in particular, was a mentor and friend to her, even if he was twice her age and had a tendency to be grumpier than a bear with a toothache.
It was for the better this way. Caitlyn knew that Evelyn and Emmett would look after the boys for her, and she knew that she had made the right decision, namely to leave. She couldn’t even imagine the heartache of having a family would bring to her in this unkind world and forced procreation with someone she despised was even worse. It was Caitlyn’s worst nightmare. Much worse than the creatures themselves.
Meanwhile, Emmett trudged onward, his face etched with determination and worry. He had always been a protector, but this felt different. It felt... personal.
Days passed, but Emmett never faltered, following Caitlyn's inadvertent breadcrumbs. He had a hunch that she was heading to the abandoned factory in the heart of the town. With his survival instincts guiding him, he navigated the dangerous path, avoiding the roaming creatures that lurked in the shadows.
As he approached the centre of the dilapidated worker's township, the silence grew deafening, and fear hung heavy in the air. The creatures ruled this place, and one wrong move could mean certain death.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Emmett spotted Caitlyn in the distance. She stood frozen amidst the ruins of a forgotten city. Relief washed over him like a cool wave, but he knew better than to rush to her side. He had to be patient, cautious - the silent hero.
Emmett approached Caitlyn with utmost care, his eyes never straying from the lurking creatures. Caitlyn turned towards him, her eyes widening in surprise, her hands trembling slightly. She had hoped someone would come for her, but seeing Emmett now, a mix of emotions flooded her.
"I didn't expect you to come," Caitlyn signed softly, her fingers uncertainly grasping at the air.
Emmett offered her a small, understanding smile. “We're friends, remember?" he signed, a confession he had never made before. In his world, he believed he had no friends.
Caitlyn nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. Never had she valued friendship more than in that moment.
 “Come, I know where it is safe,” Emmett motioned for Caitlyn to follow him. She nodded, knowing he had a plan to keep her alive.
From the moment she met Emmett, she had been captivated by his resourcefulness and resilience. He understood the creatures' nature, communicating through sign language that he had learned from Regan.
As they walked side by side, silence enveloped them. Each step was cautious, every breath held in anticipation. In their world, noise was the enemy.
Finally, they reached the edge of the dense forest, where Emmett had established a hidden sanctuary during one of his supply runs.
Emmett led Caitlyn to a small cottage, but before they could reach safety, a sudden crack of a branch shattered the silence. Fear gripped Emmett's chest, his heart skipping a beat.
“Hide!” he gestured frantically, urging Caitlyn to find shelter. He pulled her towards safety as the creatures charged through the vegetation, their terrifying presence shaking the very foundations of their being.
"Quiet," Emmett mouthed, his hands steady. Caitlyn held her breath, her wide-eyed gaze fixed on the creatures as they passed, their instincts focused on the noise that had momentarily disturbed their stillness.
Slowly, agonizingly slowly, the creatures moved on, unaware of Emmett and Caitlyn's presence. Caitlyn released a shaky breath, her body trembling with fear. Emmett reassured her with a pat on the shoulder, relief evident in his eyes.
Eventually, Emmett and Caitlyn entered the cottage. Every rustle of leaves, every whisper of wind made Emmett's heart race, fearing the return of the nightmarish creatures.
The events of the past few days had left Caitlyn physically and emotionally drained. She needed rest before continuing her journey, and Emmett understood that.
For hours, they sat on the cold ground, Caitlyn lost in fragmented memories. Fear, pursuit, and the haunting faces of the creatures consumed her thoughts. But amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of hope - Emmett, her beacon of strength in this relentless nightmare.
“You have two choices now, Caitlyn," Emmett signed, guiding her face towards his.
“We can venture to the factory together, leaving the safety of the island behind for good, or we can return to the island where it's secure," Emmett signed, allowing her the space to process the overwhelming events and emotions.
 “I cannot return to the island, Emmett!" Caitlyn signed, as a gentle rustle of leaves outside caught his attention. He turned to face the sound, his heart quickening once more.
“Yes, you can. I'll move in with you, and together, we can pretend to comply with the authorities' quest to repopulate the planet," Emmett joked, eliciting a smile from Caitlyn, though she shook her head.
Caitlyn scrutinized his countenance, searching for even the slightest trace of deception, yet all she discovered was an unwavering honesty etched into every crease. Reluctantly, she replied, "And what reason do I have to place my trust in you?"
Emmett's hand quivered imperceptibly as he clenched his fists, his words intermingling with the distant roar of creatures. "Because I am present here and now, am I not? Despite everything, I have morals that prevent me from allowing the Council to coerce you into something you do not believe in," he whispered and expressed through his hands to the best of his abilities.
A heavy silence descended upon them as Caitlyn contemplated Emmett's proposition. She weighed the risks, the potential for security, and the immense responsibility of bringing another life into this daunting world.
Breaking the stillness, Caitlyn signed, "If we feign our alliance, what will happen if we are discovered? The consequences could be catastrophic."
Emmett nodded, fully comprehending the gravity of her concerns. "It will be risky, yes, but perhaps my willingness to partake in this charade will grant you some respite, at least until we can find a more viable solution."
A faint smile curved Caitlyn's lips, her hands conveying both apprehension and hope. In the eerie hush of their surroundings, Emmett's offer lingered in the air, awaiting Caitlyn's decision. The weight of their future bore down upon them, threatening to shatter their fragile aspirations.
Caitlyn's hands moved deliberately, contemplating her response. With each measured gesture, her decision began to take shape. Finally, she signed, "I will accompany you back. For now."
Relief washed over Emmett's face, though it was tinged with caution. He knew their journey to the island would be arduous, and their trials far from over. Yet, together, perhaps, Caitlyn stood a fighting chance.
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mmaarrzz · 3 days
Sweet Freedom (NSFW)
After finally getting out of jail, Vi gets a taste of something sweet.
Tags/Warnings: Vi x Caitlyn, Basically the brothel scene but they fuck.
The stench of incense thickened the air of the brothel. To most, the sights of masked figures and dim lights filled them with excitement, but for Vi, it brought about a sense of nostalgia. For Caitlyn, however, this new environment was a shock to her system. A straight-edged enforcer wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this.
Vi put a hand on Caitlyn's back and pushed her into the building, noting the way the lights glittered off her eyes as she took in the sights, a bright blush growing across her cheeks as the sounds of pleasure erupted from behind not-so-closed curtains.
"Vi, how exactly are we supposed to be going about this?" Caitlyn asked, not quite understanding what kind of benefit a place like this would be to their cause.
"Pretend like you work here." Vi said with a shrug.
"I would never!"
Vi slowly spun around, hands still in the pockets of her jacket. She ran her eyes up and down the blue haired woman, making her feel almost naked. "You know what your problem is?" She said, walking around Caitlyn, spending a moment too long staring at her bottom that did not go unnoticed. "You expect everyone to give you what you want. If you really want people to talk to you, you need them to think that you have what they want."
"And what do I have?"
Vi spun around and pushed Caitlyn against the wall, trapping her between her arms. "You're hot, cupcake.”
Vi grabbed Caitlyn’s chin with her hands, moving her face around to get a better look. “You know, we don’t have any sweet things like you in Stillwater, I miss the taste.”
Caitlyn shied away from Vi’s piercing gaze. “I don’t think we have many in Piltover either.”
Vi chuckled at that, “I’m sure they do, Cupcake, you just gotta look a little harder.” Their faces were centimeters apart, warm breath heating the others lips. “You wanna try?” She asked as she ran her thumb across Caitlyn’s soft lips.
The slightest of nod was all she needed before she attacked the girl's lips with her own, savoring how another woman felt for the first time in years. She moved her hand from the wall down to the taller woman's waist, pinning her hips to the wall with her own.
Shockingly, it was Caitlyn who opened her mouth first, her tongue darting out to explore. It was all the permission Vi needed to take things further, shoving a knee between Caitlyn's legs to push upon the heat growing between them. With her strong arms, she pushed the blue haired woman down on her leg, the pressure of her thigh making Caitlyn gasp.
Caitlyn tangled her fingers in Vi's pink hair, finally remembering she had hands to use as well. She moaned quietly as Vi grinded her thigh into her crotch, the shock causing her to pull on Vi's hair, ripping their lips apart.
"Oh, I'm gonna make you regret that, Cupcake," They locked eyes as Vi kissed her way down Caitlyn's neck, stopping to lick up the length of her pulse before biting down. At the same time, she slid her hand down from her waist and up her dress to fondle her ass, feeling the lace of her panties. Vi unlocked her lips from the woman's throat with a small pop, stopping to admire the bright red mark that would soon be her dark purple claim on the woman. "Why don't we get a little more comfortable?" She asked, nodding to the curtained room next to them. She didn't wait for an answer, instead peeled herself off of Caitlyn and sauntering over, peeling off her jacket to reveal her muscular arms exposed through ripped-off sleeves. Caitlyn just stood there, taking a moment to process everything. She had never been with a woman before, and she had never been this turned on in her life. There was a small part of her, in the back of her mind, trying to remind her of her duty, of her purpose for being here. But when Vi whistled impatiently to get her attention, and she drew her eyes to the purple cushioned bed surrounded by candle light she squashed that small part and walked forward, letting Vi drop the curtains behind them.
Caitlyn sat on the edge of the bed, ankles crossed, hands gripping the hem of her dress as she tried to inconspicuously rub her thighs together. She couldn't take her eyes off the woman in front of her. Her strong muscular frame, pink hair, the small tattoo underneath her eye, it all drove her insane. She noted the piercings that decorated her ears, and wondered if she had anymore she was going to find out about.
It didn't take long for her question to be answered, as Vi peeled off her shirt to reveal herself. Caitlyn traced the soft line of pink hair peeking out from her waist band up to the metal in her naval, admiring the intricate tattoos that adorned her sides leading up to her breasts. One nipple had a small bar in it, the other surrounded by thick lines of ink.
Vi laughed as she was ogled, and pushed Caitlyn down on the bed as she straddled her waist. She grabbed one of Caitlyn's hands and brought it to her pierced breast, pushing her chest forward ever so slightly as she filled her palm. She leaded down to kiss her once more, gentler this time, as the woman gave her breast a light squeeze, testing the waters. Their tongues danced with each other, Vi letting out small sighs as Caitlyn now fondled both of her breasts.
Caitlyn lightly rolled the pierced nipple between her fingers, causing Vi to let out a breathy moan. She pulled a little harder, enjoying how the pink haired woman ground herself down on her as she did so. Caitlyn sat up, bring her head down to give small kisses on the woman's chest. She left a light kiss on the tattooed breast, then one on the other. Vi was panting with anticipation before Caitlyn gave small licks to the nipple, circling it with her tongue before bringing it into her mouth. The taste of metal was strange, but not unwelcome as she sucked, massaging the other with her hand.
Vi moaned loudly as she brought her hands up to return the favor, pulling the top of Caitlyn's dress down to expose her supple breasts. They fit perfectly into Vi's large hands, and the warmth of them traveled down between her legs and filled her with a hunger she hadn't felt in a long time.
She couldn't take the teasing any longer, and she pushed Caitlyn back down onto the bed. She sat up on her knees and spread Caitlyn's legs in order to situate herself between them. She rode her hand up the blue haired woman's thigh, stopping at the edge of her dress to look up into her bright blues eyes. Caitlyn gave a gentle nod and lifted her hips to allow her to push the dress up, exposing the black lace panties she wore beneath. They were already soaked through, the candle light flickering on the slickness now coating her inner thighs.
"Aw, did you wear these just for me?" Vi quipped, snapping the elastic on her hip into her skin.
Caitlyn sucked a quick breath between her teeth, "Remind me to show you my collection sometime."
"Oh, I'll make sure you won't forget. Now, let's see if you taste as sweet as you look."
Vi lightly traced her thumb up and down the middle of her underwear, the slickness leaving almost no friction of the fabric. She pressed down slightly at the nub on the top, rolling her thumb in a gentle circular motion as Caitlyn began to squirm beneath her.
"Tell me how much you want it," Vi demanded, "Tell me how much you want me."
"Please, Vi. I need you. I want your touch and your mouth. It's all I've thought about since I met you. I want to feel your strong hands inside of me."
"I think I can make that happen, Cupcake," she replied as she pressed a gentle kiss to her clothed center, taking the time to rake the tip of her tongue all the way up, stopping to add a little more pressure once she reached the top. She didn't have the patience to be a tease. She pulled the panties to the side to expose her dripping pussy, wasting no time to get a taste of the sweetness she oh-so craved.
She ran long stipes of her tongue up and down Caitlyn's center, relishing in the gasps and sighs let out whenever her tongue flicked her clit before moving down to her entrance once again. She quickly picked up the pace, lapping at the wetness and feeling her clit somehow get even bigger against her tongue.
She took the pearl into the mouth and sucked, enjoying the way Caitlyn's back arched just so to push herself even further into the other woman's mouth. She tortured the bud, rubbing her tongue against her clit as she sucked.
Vi traced Caitlyn's entrance with her finger, spreading her slickness on her fingers. She didn't push in, instead opting to trace up and down between her folds once more.
"P-Please..." Caitlyn moaned, and it was all the begging Vi needed to push one of her thick fingers into the other woman, feeling her tighten around her as she pulled out slightly, curling her finger as she went.
She set a gentle, slow pace to start as she continued to lap at Caitlyn's clit, who was all but screaming in pleasure at this point. After she relaxed around her, Vi added another, bending them up to rub gentle circles inside her.
Caitlyn threw her head back in wanton moans, brining one hand to grip at Vi's hair and the other to massage her own breasts.
Despite the grip Caitlyn had on her hair, she pulled her mouth away as she pumped into her pussy, watching as she lost herself to pleasure. The image in front of her was almost enough to set her off herself, but she was completely focused on the pleasure of the other. There was a prize to be won, and she was going to stop at nothing to have it.
Vi brought her other hand down to put pressure right above Caitlyn's crotch, reaching her thumb down to rub steady and firm circles around her clit. Caitlyn was almost fucking herself on Vi's hand at this point, the pink-haired woman now taking care to speed up her pace, pushing her fingers all the way into the other before slowly pulling them out with a curl, staring into her piercing blue eyes all the while.
"Vi... I-I'm getting closer..." Caitlyn gasped as the hand that was once tangle in pink hair was now tangled in the sheets, trying to ground herself to reality as she lost her mind to pleasure.
Vi sped up the pace of her fingers once more, making sure to maintain steady pressure on the top of her walls as they squeezed her tighter and tighter. She heard the beautiful sounds of Caitlyn's wetness around her growing, and it wasn't long before they exploded out of her as she came around Vi's fingers. The pink-haired woman dipping her head down to lick up every drop of Caitlyn's cum as she fucked her through her orgasm.
Vi fucked her until she had nothing left to give, and was simply a quivering, whining mess beneath her. She gently removed her hands from inside her, taking care to lick the rest of her cum off before moving up her body, peppering small kisses' against her fucked-out face.
"Vi... I-" She was cut off with a gentle kiss. "That was amazing..."
Vi chuckled, "Thanks Cupcake, I'm glad to know I still got it after all this time." With one more kiss she peeled herself up from atop her, moving to clean herself up before dressing once more. "Wait here while I go have a quick chat."
As much as Vi wanted to stay, to hold Caitlyn and deal with the throbbing between her own legs, she had come here for a reason. She pulled open the curtains and walked down the hall, she still had a job to do.
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shinyasahalo · 1 month
Top 100 AO3 Fem Ships (Aug. 21, 2024)
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
COLLEGE HAREM AU feat. ekko, vi, sevika, finn
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please be aware that every character is over the age of eighteen in this au and there will be sexual themes across the whole au- minors do not interact.
content warning. lowercase writing intended, sub ! afab ! reader, dom ! characters, oral sex, blow job, cunnilingus, dub-con/non-con elements,
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EKKO, president of the IT club
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ekko can be found at three places during the day- library, IT class, or his dorm room. his head is always buried in his screen, headphones on his ears listening to whatever kind of music he was in the mood for while coding his next game, app, or just improving the college's website with little tweaks here and there, maybe sending out maintenance emails to students about the school emails shutting down for the afternoon. he often gets frustrated that his codes don't work out the first time, or that whatever he was trying to improve turned out worse than before. at times like those, he likes to have you under his desk, pants pulled down under his balls with your pretty mouth wrapped around his cock, helping him relax and clear his mind.
"you have to swallow all of it, we wouldn't want my cum wasted on my pants or laptop, would we?"
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VI, president of the wrestling club
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despite being in one of the most aggressive sports out of all the choices in the school, vi is somewhat of a quiet student, only speaking if needed or when frustration gets the best of her. she is often at the campus patrol office to listen to caitlyn's whining about one of her club members beat up a student on campus and now sevika is gonna be involved. she would head right back to the training room to empty her head, trying her best to cross ways with you and when she finally does the whole wrestling gym will be cleared for only the two of you. she clicked the sliding door shut before pushing you on the pile of mattresses and immediately hiked your skirt up, fingers hooking under your panties and pushing them inside without any foreplay. she was very forward with her desires, and she would not settle for any less than her tongue dwelling in your drenched core.
"i wanna hear you sweet cake, loud and clear, don't worry about anyone else okay? just focus on me, only me."
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SEVIKA, president of the beautification council
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despite being one of the biggest troublemakers on campus, sevika has scored herself a high place in the school hierarchy, all thanks to silco who was one of the biggest financial supporters of the school. she enjoys the power she had been given, always threatening the students by putting them in front of the council for this and that- you weren't an exception. she walked with you, leading you into a trap as she went on and on about what you were gonna be held accountable for. sevika gives you a few options for not getting a 'black dot' in your permanent record before pushing you up against the inside of the council room's door and giving you her favorite option- eating her out. don't worry, it will be the secret of the two of you! do this for her and it's swept under the rug. so you do, kneeling down in front of her after she undid her pants, pushing your face as far into her crying cunt as you can, and start eating her out.
"fuck doll, you are not as innocent as i thought, you are eating me so well!"
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FINN, vice-president of the beautification council
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despite his somewhat scary pierced, tattoed face, body, and deep, accented voice he is a kind of decent person. he goes after sevika with the whole power trip of taking somewhat advantage of his status. first meeting with him was when he and sevika were passing balls between themselves with the different 'charges' they came up with. finn made little of it and thought his president was messing with you like every other student until he saw you in the council room with his president, lapping at her core eagerly. he is so pent up about it that the next day he pulled into the council room once again, sitting in the chair sevika sat in, and have you sitting on his lap. his fingers rub along your folds as he whispers how frustrating it is that you were with 'her', pleasing 'her'. he is just so jealous of sevika having you first that he can't help but tease you until you are crying, begging him to put his fingers inside and let you come.
"sevika is a tease don't worry about her, I'll make sure she doesn't bother you anymore. she can't make you feel this good, i am the only one, okay? nobdy else, just me, finn."
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