#noelle plays nightbringer
amistytown · 1 year
I keep thinking about Nightbringer and how my MC would feel sad and anxious being somewhere that’s familiar but unfamiliar, torn from her home, and her friends and family don’t recognize or love her as they once did. 
She would bottle her feelings up and maintain her composure around everyone, but once she leaves and is alone for the day she’d spend many nights crying, wondering if things will ever return to normal, if she’ll manage to return to the present, or if they’ll ever love her again. Her interactions with Levi hurt her most of all. She can’t talk to or confide in her best friend. It’s very lonely.
Though she knows the brothers are going through a lot themselves. The war happened not too long ago and the death of their sister still haunts them. She feels guilty for thinking about herself, knowing they need her during these difficult times. She doesn’t want to cause more problems or bring them more pain. 
It’s a lot to deal with, so many emotions, but she’s trying her best.
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decayedgloria · 11 months
obey me characters and their visions
Or what I think are their visions idk it’s 3 am and I just found out I failed my pathology exam so here’s a crossover of two games that provides me an escape from this putrid reality 😁
also just trying to get rid of drafts rn
Tags: sfw, pure crack speculation, I’m going insane, obey me demon brothers and undateables and luke, genshin impact visions, everything here is MY OPINION and should not be taken seriously, feel free to disagree with me
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-He strikes me as the type to either have a hydro vision or a geo vision
-more leaning towards hydro
-hydro vision holders tend to be dedicated to their work and uphold their own view of justice, more often than not being protectors of some sort i.e Candace and Aaru village, Ayato with the Kamisato Clan
-I draw parallels between him and Ayato because they both have gone through hell and back for their families (often literally) and have had to salvage tarnished reputations in order to protect said family
-also very rich and elegant men who have a “dark side” that most aren’t aware of
-It’s also just every hydro character being really sophisticated and elegant tbh he fits the vibe I think (minus Childe but he has his moments)
-Geo because, well… look at him. He’s prime geo vision material. Like a rock solid wall holding up the HOL but like he’s also hanging by a thread lol.
-Geo Vision, Hear me out on this.
-Not only does it suit his color palette, but if you think about it, Mammon places a lot of responsibility on himself to be a good older brother to his siblings (despite falling short most times), we see this especially during Nightbringer
-Geo’s thing is literally responsibility. Every geo user has some sort of responsibility that they themselves have chosen to undertake, whether or not they can handle it
-They’re all also quite stubborn. Once they’re dead set on something they will never let it go, and on top of that they also protect either someone or something
-Every geo user has a goal relating to something to do with material or status: Ningguang and the Tianqiu, Noelle wanting to be in the KOF, Zhongli wanting to retire (lmfao). Mammon wanting to be rich (and wanting him and his brothers to be at the top of the Devildom in Nightbringer) literally fits.
-Mammon, despite being a goofy character, fits into geo so perfectly it’s actually insane.
-Mammon and Itto are the same person. I’m not elaborating.
-Electro vision all the way.
-It’s no surprise. Canonically he’s seen as a weirdo, even by his brothers (not me tho I love my men a little pathetic) and he doesn’t spend much time mingling with others, so of course he’s gonna be singled out
-almost every single electro vision holder is outcasted by at least one society; Beidou being cast out of her village, Fischl being thought of as eccentric because of her personality, the literal electro archon becoming a shut-in
-He would absolutely get the vision probably in like the early part of Nightbringer when we got stuck in the TSL universe and he had to make a decision
-(if you’re wondering why I keep bringing up Nightbringer it’s bc it’s the one I’m currently playing ok)
-Levi also passes the “I have a scary animal that helps me fight” thing. Henry’s quite formidable when he’s back to normal size :)
-Hm, thinking about it and at first I’d say dendro is the obvious answer but there’s also quite a few other contenders actually.
-Pyro is one of them, and when drawing parallels Diluc comes to mind (obvs grumpy men stick together always.) As the avatar of wrath, he’s like mad 80% of the time and I can imagine him raining hellfire upon everything (and he has, best believe).
-But also he’d fit the “passionate” description, he’s so passionate about books and magic that he’d literally kill for a book that he wanted (and did I’m pretty sure). He’d also be considered passionate for hating Lucifer so much I think
-he also has quite the past to fit with a pyro user, especially during Nightbringer when he’s still coming into terms about being basically a baby demon and learning to confront his brothers and finally accept them
-Dendro is quite obvious for him. He craves knowledge from books, and I’m sure if he were in Teyvat he’d find his way in the Akademiya just to get into the House of Daena’s restricted section
-I think either or could be his vision, depends on which Satan you’re talking about (Nightbringer Satan and main timeline Satan are two vastly different individuals)
-if you really wanna get into it tho, cryo/electro's pretty... fitting. Especially for nightbringer Satan. Even if his brothers try not to make him feel like it, he will always be different from them; the fact that he basically was made to replace Lillith in a sense, and he distances himself away from them because he just doesn't fit in.
-all in all he's so versatile realistically he could have like 4/7 visions since his character is so dynamic between the two games
-Now this was harder to come up with, but after giving it some thought I think he’d have an Anemo vision
-think of it this way. In Nightbringer take a shot everytime I bring that game up his whole arc in the beginning was learning to let go of the celestial realm and accepting the fact that he was a demon now, effectively granting himself the freedom to love himself once more
-Anemo is the element of freedom right? He fought himself and his inner demons for freedom like that, which happens to a lot of those who are granted this vision (Wanderer and Xiao moment)
-Thats really all I have for him. Tbh, the only other vision I could see him wielding his pyro, but I couldn’t think of anything else I can say that hasn’t already been said
-another short anemo king go figure (he and heizou would get along I think)
-another one I had to really think of, but upon further deliberation with myself I'm thinking pyro again (the default vision lmfao)
-Yes. Passion for food, he'd get along with Xiangling quite well (too well, imagine her in the devildom holy shit)
-Also pretty passionate about working out and protecting his brothers, so there's that lol
-I am stumped on him bc he's like lowkey just there bro like
-how would he even get his vision idk man
-but imo pyro is the default vision so he gets it (feel free to disagree with me)
-If you think this guy does not have an anemo vision you are wrong
-like dead mf wrong he is anemo all the goddamn way
-he lost his sister and still blames himself for it, but he also wants to be free with his brothers in the devildom
-the other vision i would give him is electro because he does tend to like, shut himself off or whatever so there's that
-but he's 100% anemo I don't make the rules sorry
-first tall male anemo user?? (surprisingly he's 5'10 guys it's probably all that sleep he does lmfao)
-hmmmm, such a hard decision I wonder what vision I would give to the literal prince of hell- pyro.
-jk jk let me explain
-Pyro, because as I've stated before, it is both the default vision imo and also the vision for those who are passionate IMO (I cannot stress this enough)
-Diavolo is very passionate about RAD, and the whole "demons getting along with other species" concept is something he has been working very hard on (man is trying to end specieism in the obey me verse)
-on top of his outgoing and friendly personality, pyro really does fit him like a glove. I could make an argument for geo because he shoulders a fuck ton of responsibility for the devildom (esp in nightbringer) but like
-he is warm and friendly and strong, perfect pyro material
-I needed to think about this one for a bit, but after further deliberation with the screams that echo in my head, I am confident in saying that this man has an anemo vision
-if he were in the genshin universe he'd def be one of the shady people from celestia (bro is literally istaroth but i digress)
-as much as anemo fits him aesthetically, I also want to point out that he just... gives people freedom? Like the first half of nightbringer was him finally fulfilling someone's wish to go to heaven to see their lover
-he also just parallels a lot with venti, idk i just see him being very fitting with an anemo vision
-like, he's immortal yet does not look it (Scara, Xiao, Venti), downplays his power to appear "normal" in a sense that he won't be an immediate threat to those perceiving him (Venti), saw a pyro kid and decided to adopt them and begrudgingly take care of them no matter how annoying they are (Xiao and Hu Tao though I may be reaching)
-bro does not have a vision yet (jk its cryo)
-I feel like he'd be given a hydro vision solely for the fact that he is changing his, quite frankly specie-ist, ways lol (like eula hello?)
-he is quite shy when mc first met him, the only reason why he didn't immediately get mad at them is because they weren't a demon and that's saying something
-he tends to be very guarded around said demons, often becoming aggressive when interacting with them but he's warming up. It's like a wall of ice slowly melting through the mc and simeon's guidance
-he also reminds me of mika for some reason
-he has an electro vision and yes, it's exactly the same situation as Lisa
-though he doesn't need one (none of them do tbh), I feel like he wanted one just for shits and giggles like I definitely see him being a descender on Teyvat
-he's literally the most powerful human in the obey me verse, of course he's going to be viewed differently from others even though he "tries" to not be too overt about it (very, very big emphasis on tries. I think he only does it for mc atp)
-I feel like he'd get along well with the electro ladies as well, particularly Miko and Lisa (Gorou and Luke need to hide like asap)
-in all seriousness though, he just fits into electro so well given all the character traits present in electro wielders
-another vision I could see him having is dendro, partly because he's always down to have more knowledge about magic that he doesn't know yet and is in constant pursuit of creating pacts with the demon brothers
-another hydro wielder :)
-calm, collected, elegant, sticks to their principles- classic hydro archetype tbh I love him so much
-again, very similar to Lucifer's reasoning but he leans more towards hydro wielders like Nilou and Candace I think, who are quite relaxed but won't hesitate to protect what they love and fight for what they deem is right
-spoiler warning: he literally got cast out of heaven for the mc.
-as I've said before, there really isn't anything I can add that I haven't said before, other than the fact that Simeon would definitely enjoy Xinqiu's company and possibly get along with Furina when discussing acting and the arts
-other than hydro, I don't think any other vision suits him tbh (big maybe on anemo but like, it doesn't really fit tbh)
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I am so fucking bad at character analysis but here you guys go
the labor of my sleepless night while i gather more motivation to write the second chapter of madame neuvillette
also i am so very tempted to start writing for other fandoms but this blog is enough for now tbh
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amistytown · 1 year
Here are my thoughts on Nightbringer. Spoilers for lessons 1-10; I haven’t unlocked everything because my strength took a nosedive around lesson 5, but I’m working on levelling up my team so I can. I also want to make sure I’m not struggling when they release the next lesson 🥲
Anyway . . .
I’m enjoying the story so far! It’s interesting to see what the brothers acted like before they integrated into Devildom society and the impact the Great Celestial War had on them. They’re still the same characters we know and love, but at a much different time in their lives. Their wounds are still fresh, they’re trying to navigate their new lives as well as the trauma of losing their sister and the fall. They’re going through so many changes, and I want to be there for them 🥺
The story doesn’t go as in depth as I’d like, but that’s to be expected since the original game lacked that detail too; that’s what fanfiction is for! However, I’m finding it more enjoyable and better written than seasons 3 and 4 of Obey Me. Of course, they had their moments, but they didn’t feel the same as the first two seasons to me, and Nightbringer does a better job of that in my opinion. It brought back memories of the first time I downloaded and played Obey Me and how excited I was to continue the story. I definitely had a difficult time putting my phone down lol.
I hope they have a solid outline for the story and its progression. I don’t want what happened to Obey Me to happen to Nightbringer. I’ll be curious to see if they tie everything together in the end and if we’ll get to see how the brothers in the present timeline feel about MC’s diasppearance. The Nightbringer aspect is interesting, and I’m assuming Barbatos is Nightbringer. I wonder what his reasons are for sending MC to the past, and if it was present Barbatos or perhaps Barbatos from the future or another timeline?
I do dislike how, even though the story takes place in the past, the timeline doesn’t add up. Obey Me has always done this (example being Levi reading manga and watching anime when it shouldn’t exist yet) so I tend to ignore it for my own sake. I’ll write these inconsistencies out of my own headcanon.
I feel so sad for the brothers and all they went through and are still going through. I know my MC would do their best to be a positive influence in their lives, supporting and comforting them through these difficult times. I also see my MC being uncertain and scared being stuck in the past and not knowing how they ended up there or if they’ll be able to return to the present, wishing they could turn to the brothers and not being able to. The demons they came to know and love don’t know or love them, and that would be hard to deal with; home but not quite. Then having to keep themselves together and pretend everything is okay, lying to those they love because they can’t risk the impact it would have on the future 😭
I like that Solomon plays a bigger role in Nightbringer. I’ve grown fonder of his character. My MC would appreciate his company and consider him their rock: I see my MC and Solomon having a sibling-esque relationship. If it weren’t for Solomon they would feel much worse and not know what to do. I love his relaxed nature and sense of humor too. It’s comforting.
And of course I have to talk about Levi!!! MY SWEETIE PIE 🥹🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 Honestly, I was afraid of how they’d depict him in Nightbringer. I’m still a bit nervous since they haven’t mentioned him being a general in the Celestial Realm or Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy; I’ll be curious to see if they do at some point. Obey Me also showed he was not always an otaku shut-in and implied that happened after the fall, but I’m almost under the impression that’s not the case in Nightbringer? I’m not certain though. They did state in Obey Me that Levi had control over Lotan in the Celestial Realm, but in Nightbrinfer it shows that summoning and having control over Lotan is one of his newfound abilities ehhh.
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Crying 🥹💕
I love his interactions with Snake/Henry 1.0 😭 They’re so sweet!!! I hope we get to see Levi becoming an avid TSL fan; it’s funny that MC introduced him to both TSL and Ruri-chan hehehe. And since Snake will become Henry 1.0 I’m really looking forward to more TSL content. PLEASE 🥺✨ I was so happy with Levi’s storyline and how they incorporated TSL. 
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I never thought I could love Levi even more than I do, but in this moment I fell in love with him all over again 🥰 He’s SO adorkable!!! I want to hug and kiss him and smother him with LOVE. And getting to waltz with Levi flkdsjflkds Such a sweet moment. The progression of his and MC’s relationship is much different than in Obey Me, and it’s interesting to see how a freshly fallen Levi interacts with MC compared to the Levi who’s been a demon living in the Devildom for centuries (you could say this for any/all of the characters.) I initially didn’t like his character in Obey Me because he was mean, rude, and demanding until I found out he’s actually a total cutie 😊 
Ahhh and the scene where we run into Levi in the bathroom!!! I love how at first he doesn’t believe MC wants to spend time with him of their own accord, but then says how, in the shower, he thought it over and maybe MC means what they said. MY HEART 😭 When he opened up to MC I wanted to cry and wished I could hug the poor demon. Talking about how even in the Celestial Realm he was depressed, not feeling like he belonged, and thought maybe that would change in the Devildom. And in that moment I thought, “no wonder he’s my comfort character.” Poor Levi has been dealing with so much, even in the Celestial Realm, and I want to see him happy. He deserves all the anime, manga, and games in the three realms!!! Oh, and when it was obvious he was interested in cosplay but too self-conscious to give it a try. Ahhh, I relate to him too much. It all hit me hard, and I wanted to cry the entire time. 
He ends up coming such a long way 😢 I LOVE HIM SO MUCH 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
All the characters are dear to me, but another one I wanted to talk about is Satan!!! I’ve always enjoyed his character, and he was actually a favorite of mine before I become a hardcore Leviastan. Nightbringer made me appreciate his character again, and he pushed his way into my top 3. I feel like I can relate to him. Not being able to control your emotions, having a hard time understanding yourself and those around you, wanting to fit in and not knowing how, being unable to express yourself and lashing out when you don’t mean to. I’ve felt similar throughout my life (still do in ways) but have learned to hide my “true” self behind a mask when in public and have had to figure out how to navigate and express myself in healtheir and “acceptable” ways. If that makes sense lol. I kept relating to him and feeling so sorry for him. Yes, he’s scary when his anger gets the best of him, but I still felt sympathetic, found him relatable, and wanted to comfort him. EDIT to add he also seems to get overwhelmed and overstimulated easily, which I, again, relate to; like when Belphie was upset, and Satan had to leave because he couldn’t deal with the commotion. 
And I know Obey Me overused his love for cats, but the scene where he sees a cat for the first time 🥺 Cats seem to be a comfort for him, and I can understand that too. Animals are a huge comfort for me, especially bunnies, and are some of the best friends I’ve had. When no one understood me, they did, and I felt like I could be myself and they would accept me for who I am; they don’t judge and love you uncondtionally. Sorry, I’m getting personal, but I wonder if it’s the same for Satan. I want to give him a big hug.
Omg, I’ve talked long enough, but now I want to talk about game mechanics! I actually enjoy playing Ruri Tunes. The dance battles in Obey Me always bored me. I hated not being able to skip them before VIP. I didn’t mind them in the beginning, but the more I played the more they annoyed me. Ruri Tunes is entertaining and engaging! I’ve never played a rythm game before, but I’m learning and am better than when I first started a couple days ago. I love listening to the songs and hope they drop the remixes eventually. I find myself wanting to get better at Ruri Tunes so I can clear them all and get full combos; I love when Levi says FULL COMBO lol.
As for Wanderers’ Whereabouts and Fab Snap, I feel indifferent to them at the moment. They don’t add anything to the story for me, and I’m not a fan of the 3D models. I haven’t messed around with them too much, so maybe they’ll grow on me, but as of now they don’t interest me.
I think the app itself runs a lot smoother and doesn’t lag like Obey Me did. The graphics are nice, though I miss aspects of the original Obey Me app like the transition between scenes and lessons and the look and feel of Nightmare; I think they could have updated them without losing the ambience of the originals’. Does that make sense? Otherwise, I love how they updated the game!!!
I can’t wait to see how the story progresses and Nightbringer grows over time. I was afraid when I heard they wouldn’t be updating the original app because Obey Me brings me so much comfort and joy, but a lot of my doubts have subsided since playing. I’M SO HAPPY AND IT REALLY CHEERED ME UP 😭✨
Ahhh if anyone has read this far I thank you fldjfldfdksjflsd So much nonsense 💀 Though now I really want to write more. I feel like I have that inspiration and motivation I had when I wrote my first headcanon set 🥺 And I’m interested to know what everyone else thinks of Nightbringer 😊
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amistytown · 1 year
Okay, I have to jump back on because this scene from the new lesson 😭 I HAVE TOO MANY EMOTIONS. I AM CRYING. I CANNOT. HE IS TOO PRECIOUS.
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amistytown · 1 year
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I decided to do a 10 pull since it’s Nightbringer’s first event Nightmare 🥹
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amistytown · 1 year
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My first 10 pull 🥺✨
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amistytown · 1 year
I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t like the Crazy About You remix, but it’s my second favorite 😭
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amistytown · 1 year
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amistytown · 1 year
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Just stopping by to share this!!! I AM SCREAMING AND CRYING 🥺🥹😭🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 MY PERFECT DEMON, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
I hope I can pull him one more time before it’s over and good luck to everyone who is pulling 💕
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amistytown · 1 year
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amistytown · 1 year
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When I gave him medicine 😭
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amistytown · 1 year
Im happy to see you enjoying nightbringer! I am stuck in lesson 5 atm despite having 3 ur team😂 but i want to save my dv for more mammon ur…
Nightbringer is bringing me so much joy right now 😭 I feel a bit guilty because I spent my days off playing it 🥲 Though it's been nice to sit here and do nothing and not think to the point I overwhelm and depress myself. Head empty except for Nightbringer and Levi 🥰
My strength took a nosedive in lesson 5, so I had to rely on the flower staff; I was too impatient to wait until I leveled up my cards 😞 I'm working on hard mode and am on lesson 6, but my strength is waning. I don't want to waste the flower staff on hard mode.
Did you get his UR? Levi finally came home the other day 🥹 I'm working on leveling up my URs, but it's taking longer than I want it to lol. What URs do you have? Are you enjoying Nightbriner? Thoughts?
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My team so far! I need a Greed card 😭 I don't know if I should keep pulling on Chapter A or wait until they roll out events.
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amistytown · 1 year
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My first full combo on hard 🥺
I am an amateur so I’m proud of myself lol.
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amistytown · 1 year
I’m going to take a little break from Tumblr to avoid Nightbringer spoilers. I can’t play the game as fast as I’d like to, but I have today, tomorrow, and Friday off (unless I get called in) so I think that’s plenty of time hehehe. 
I hope everyone is enjoying themselves and pulls the cards they want 🥰
Also, my work friend actually texted me last night to say thank you!!! I was really anxious about it and hoping I didn’t make things awkward/seem like a weirdo, so that was nice of them. 
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amistytown · 1 year
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My first Levi card 🥹🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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amistytown · 1 year
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Same, Levi, same 😔
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