#noemi aisling
simslegacy5083 · 28 days
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 75: A Beautiful Second Chance
Luigi and Noemi hadn’t spoken since she’d turned him down on New Year’s Eve. He missed her almost every day, but he pushed those feelings down deep. They’d been through too much to go back to “just friends” now.
He needed to move on, and so the day of his father’s second wedding Luigi showed up to the chapel in Tartosa hand in hand with Amaya.
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Luigi wanted to be sure he and Amaya were compatible in the bedroom before asking her for a long-term commitment, but he would know soon.
She’d leaned in close as soon as they met at the teleport station, telling him about a villa she’d found near the wedding venue, and the blindfold related plans she had for him that night. It was going to be a LONG day considering what he had to look forward to at the end of it!
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Once everyone was seated the wedding party started things off in style. Valentina’s granddaughter Aubrie looked adorable in her simple peach dress, even if the tomboy wasn’t too happy about having to wear it or the “pinchy” shoes that went with it!
The three boys followed close behind her. The couples adopted son Kian was full of his usual self confidence, Scott a bit shy, and Luigi found himself wiping away a tear of joy for his father’s second chance at love and his Papa’s support and acceptance that had helped make it possible.
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Then it was time for the couple of the hour to follow their loved ones down the aisle. Peachy offered his old friend his arm with a smile.
When he’d taken this walk with Jack so long ago, he’d hoped to convince his love to sync up their ages and had never imagined doing it again. While he would have loved to have kept his best friend by his side, he felt blessed by the incredible gift of this second chance at happiness with Valentina.
Reaching the arch where Chance was waiting made those memories of that other sunny day, and his other love, suddenly overwhelming. Luigi saw his fathers back stiffen and looked on worriedly, ready to jump up and help if needed. Instead, Valentina reached out, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. Taking a deep breath Peachy opened his eyes, smiling at his fiancée and asking Chance with a smile “well, what are you waiting for!?”
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The elder immortal, who had spent centuries waiting for his own second shot at happiness, was the perfect sim to officiate this wedding.
His speech about the joy of finding love after loss hit just the right note, especially with its reminder that new love didn’t diminish the feelings one had for those they’d loved before. Candor, sitting next to Bianca, smiled at his ex-husband and good friend, silently thankful for the time they’d shared.
Valentina had encouraged Peachy to slip as many jokes as he wanted into his vows and that dash of comedy helped keep the bittersweet ceremony upbeat. His bride laughed out loud at the silly stories from their past, especially her boring prom with “King August” and their other magic friends.
Even Luigi found himself chuckling at his dad’s stories – it was much easier to do when he wasn’t the subject of the jokes in question! Amaya seemed much less excited, sighing and rolling her eyes throughout the event, but he was sure that she’d warm up and charm everyone at dinner later.
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Peachy had been a Lawbourne for a long time now, but the universe granted him a little Lothario good luck to start his second marriage off strong. Still chuckling, his bride leaned in to kiss him and missed the mark, her glasses scratching his scarred eye on their first try.
He took it in stride, joking as he wiped away a tear “I’ve always been told this is the best way to end a wedding ceremony in my family!” before leaning in with a little more care and successfully delivering a long and tender kiss much to the appreciation of their crowd of loved ones.
Now officially husband and wife the newlyweds invited everyone to join them in the dining hall for a gourmet feast prepared by the groom himself.
It was time to celebrate!
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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cupiditasfm · 2 months
Skeleton #26: Tiger Eye
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- Pauline Laure Dupont (Sister to Renaud, Younger sister to Nicole, Older sister to Noemie, Adoptive mother to Betrand, Odette and Pierre, Wife of Lucille, Step-Mother to Aisling and Charlie, Head Stylist for Dupont Couture) fc suggestion: Golda Rosheuvel (fc must be a lesbian black woman!)
Brief description: Pauline was the creative sister out of the main Dupont siblings. She was the one who broke boundaries by being the loudest and edgiest woman in a room full of staunchly traditional men and she wouldn't stand to be put down by her brothers. She was smarter than all of the men in her family combined and used her brain to fuel her creativity when it came to her work as a cutting edge stylist in her family's company. Although, she knew when to take a break from her hectic work and family life... that couldn't be said for some of her other siblings. Pauline found solace in animals and volunteering at an animal shelter in Paris despite the paparazzi trying to get pictures of her from outside. She willingly ignored all of that and simply let herself feel free from all the stress as she helped out at the animal shelter. She got a lot from being there, mainly a sense of relaxation and purpose... and also meeting her future wife Lucille there didn't hurt either. The family welcomed Lucille with open arms and were thrilled at the new editions to the family, which were Lucille's children from a previous marriage and the children that Pauline and Lucille adopted. Everything was going well... until Renaud died and Millie took over Dupont Couture. Pauline was like an immovable rock, weathering the storm that was Millie as the new CEO of her family's company. She was never fond of Millie but she felt bad for her and pitied her more than anything. She was a bit more understanding towards Millie but she does think that the company could be run better. Lately she's been trying to give Millie some much needed advice on how to run Dupont Couture, but Millie doesn't trust Pauline because she's so entangled with Renaud's siblings and the things they spout about Millie. Millie sees Pauline as an enemy as well when Pauline is actually only trying to help her despite not seeing Millie as a friend or as a part of the family either.
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feederly · 6 years
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I tried this method where you draw in grayscale first, so it's easier to focus on details, and colour afterwards-
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Best Actress
Winner: Elisabeth Moss (Her Smell)
The Nominees
Aisling Franciosi (The Nightingale) Adele Haenel (Portrait of a Lady on Fire) Juli Jakab (Sunset) Noemie Merlant (Portrait of a Lady on Fire) Saoirse Ronan (Little Women) Alfre Woodard (Clemency) - Runner Up
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wildmeadowsbackup · 2 years
Let’s Review The Sims 4 “My Wedding Stories”
So, I’m not the type of person who likes to wait for packs and for the last few years I’ve mostly gotten the items for the CAS elements because I hadn’t properly played the game since like 2015.
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I’ll be honest, I’m slightly disappointed. I hate that they gave use the same hair three times, I understand it was because of the veil but for the love of god just make that a hat and let us pick what colour we want it. It would have been so much nicer. Hair with attached hats is what I hated most about TS3. Which is why when they announced way back before TS4 released that we would be able to put hats on any hair and that hairs wouldn’t have hats locked to them, I was excited.
This man Camille was engaged to? Dude is gone. Like I had a look and I couldn’t find him in the game, now he could be there just I missed it but I wanted to have him and his wife have a child that was married to the daughters I gave Camille and Dominique. (Who are called Donna (blue hair) and Norah (red skirt). Donna has teen Daughter Noemi and Norah has the kids, Sienna, Pedro and Alfred) (I might put them up for download if people are interested)
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So I went to Tartosa, which btw is so pretty but I have some issues with it. First of all, it took me a good few minutes of searching to find a public toilet in the city hall area. (I haven’t exported the other areas of the map yet due to being busy or tired)
Second issue I had was, it was 4pm on a saturday and the stalls for the cake and flowers were closed. It legit said one the option to visit the stalls that it’s open from 9am to 6pm. Now unless Tartosa has some whacky daylight savings, then 4pm has never been 6pm. I found this very annoying.
Cakes.... they are soooooo pretty but they spoiled within hours of having it in my inventory. I had to cheat to fix it. Not to mention that Andromeda, the bride, just eat some of it at the engagement dinner.... before the wedding which was the next evening even though I'd set it was the wedding cake.
The actually events? uhhhh..... 
So I tried two events today and haven’t had time to do others. It’s currently almost 5 am as I write this. (Proof reading was done at 6:09am... it’s taken me like almost two hours to make this whole post including editing) I tried the Engagement party and the Wedding Ceremony. 
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Only like 5 of the invited Guests turned up for either of the events and for both the events, they turned up in the everyday wear. The only thing that really made it a little easier was the teleport mod. The Engagement party was over so quick and barely worked for me. Asking sims to give speeches does not mean all sims will come listen, super annoying even with the “come listen to speeches” option.
As for the actual wedding, again guests didn’t show up until I teleported/summoned them in and then I had to MC dresser them all and even then some guests just straight up left even though they’d been invited because the little red “guest” didn’t appear above their heads...
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I played musical chairs at my Aunt’s wedding. The musical chairs at this wedding was nothing like that and far less fun...
So as expected, no one stayed at their seat after I used the “take your seats” option. And yes, autonomy is off in my game. I used that option about 10 times and everyone kept switching seats when all I was trying to do is make the others that were still standing sit.
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The most annoying part? When you finally have the couple, struggle down the aisle as soon as you have the couple getting married actually do so everyone stands up in the middle of the aisle or crowds around the arch. Like I’m here to take nice screenshots, please sit the fck down. It took me so long to get Geoffrey to escort his daughter Andromeda down the aisle, only to have everyone crowd them at the end.
here's the nice pictures I did manage to get :)
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He’s a very proud dad <3 (he cried half way down the aisle and I cried too)
Oh and here's a shot I got after I teleported the guest out the way of the couple.
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Anyway I moved on, couldn’t get people to dance where I wanted them to but they did do the bubble blowing which was good. So then it was time for the cake and it let me down....
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First of all, that nice little serving table? yeah you can’t cut the cake on it. and once you can cut the cake with your partner, just like in the live stream, it doesn’t work. Like it queues, then as the action goes into play it just straight up disappears? Not to mention guests just take the cake in the ceremony when they feel like it and it’s not just the cake, they leave to get food, or dance in a random corner or go jogging?!?! oh and I love when they decide to do something different for a second and then T pose randomly as they get sucked back to the lot.
Final thoughts brought to you by Grace Gardner
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Honestly if you are like me and want the pack simply for the Build/Buy or Cas items, then go for it. If you’re looking for gameplay, I’d say wait cos it’s still broken even with this Mod installed. The hairs are pretty but there could have been more? Like where are the veils? and the outfits are a definite plus to the game, personally I just wish there’d be more cultures add for that. (Click here for some african CC). 
The Items seem nice and they definitely added some beautiful features to the game. However basically all the rainbow/pride stuff they updated or added to the game makes me wanna scream. It’s cringe and some of it is just down right horrible, as a queer person myself I would never be seen dead wearing any of those horrible rainbow swatches and I can’t wait to see creators fix them. Like they did here
Are the weddings doable? Sure, if you’re willing to sit there for a while and really give it a go.  Do I think it would be doable without the mods? Fck no. Getting it to work on console? I wouldn’t even wanna try. Worth the price of I think $29.99 AUD? No, probably not. Did I expect any different? Absolutely not. Dine out is the same as this, and Get To Work doesn’t even work properly anymore, of course I didn’t expect any better.
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Anyway that’s all I have to say for now, thanks for stopping by Gamers!
(if theres any spelling mistakes im so sorry! it’s dyslexia and being tired af rn)
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sendusablade · 3 years
Clean Up On Aisle 3
Shopping didn’t use to be so hard.  Even after all of the things that happened to her in the past few months, she was able to at least function.  She had Noemi to thank for that.  Now?  Now she was alone.  Sure, she had her friends.  She had this new rebellion.  She had her life, somehow.  Much to be thankful for.  Yet the riskiness of her future plans and loneliness of her new space dragged her into a place that was unfamiliar and the fear that came along with it wasn’t backing down no matter how hard she tried to overcome it.
This was a problem that was presenting itself acutely as she shopped for food for the week.  There was no reason to believe any of the faces she passed would be after her, and yet, thoughts of her vulnerability in the moment permeated her entire being.  Even with her training, she could never plan for a random attack.  It wasn’t like she was able to before.  Who knows?  Any one of them could be associated with a Regulator.  They could finish Delia’s job.  Or Isfet’s.  She had to be ready.
Charlie felt pressure building in her chest as her anxious thoughts took over, making the task at hand almost impossible.  She was half-way done shopping before her hands started to shake.  Just get this done and get out.  Go home.  Whatever that meant now.  
Was that blonde man in aisle 2 following her?  This was the second time she passed him.  It could be nothing.  Or it could be something.  
Suddenly breathing became more and more difficult and she clutched her cart with an iron grip, veering it a little too close to the instant mashed, knocking them down.  Shit.  Now people were looking, and she was frozen in place.  
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notxjustxstories · 4 years
The wlw video i’ve spent the past 8-9 months working on is finally done! Special thank you to @afluffykiwi @alivrse @chantelroyal @curious-kittens-ocs @harleyquinnzelz @hermosoharry @kendelias @megdonnellys @newthomally @ofbadchoices @perfectlystiles @randomestfandoms-ocs @susiesamurai @the-elena-show @trench-coat-wearing-angel @trianglegoddess @twinmasks and @villahnelles for letting me use their ocs!
Full list below the cut--
afluffykiwi: Ivy Hart, Helen Adams, and Sasha Chayka
alivrse: Stefanie Salvatore and Adira
chantelroyal: Natalie Lance, Mina St. Clair, Aurora Cody, Cordelia Cortese, Cassondra Fuller, Abigail Hawthorne, Valentia Flores, Alexandra Edison, and Esmerelda Rivera
curious-kittens-ocs: Riley Wayne
harleyquinnzelz: Luna Starling
hermosoharry: Valeria Acosta and Monica Boyea
kendelias: Molly Boyd, Lucy Stilinski-Hale, Prim Pan, Margo Babineaux, Valentina Smackle-Hart, Nova Warin, Winifred Winn, and Maya Lynn
megdonnellys: Hazel Sommers
newthomally: Elektra Ren
notxjustxstories: Zephyr Westergaard, Sophie Martin-Bustier, Raegan Barnes, Danielle Agreste, Willow, Aabagael Belnap, Destiny Scott, Jasmine Robles, Viviana Mendoza, Harper Houghlin, Angel, Lyssa El, Grace Turner, Gwendolyn Agreste, Sparrow Fury, Faedra Lawson, Brenna Banner, Remi Crane, Charlie Davenport, Paxton Halliwell, Di Saltzman, Laura Whitaker, and Darcy Stevens
ofbadchoices: Qianna Coldwater, Selena Savoretti, and Sage Frostwax
perfectlystiles: Hazel Martin and Athena Ainsworth
randomestfandoms-ocs: Alyssa Solomon, Ainsley Winchester, Mallory Mason, Alice Valliere, Abigail White, Arianne Martin, Elise Charming, Bex Wayland, Riley Solo, Alexis Argent, Princess Isabelle, Felicity Taylor, Aisling Greyjoy, Ryann Hernandez-Viamonte, Aaliyah Andrews, Amethyst Adams, Kristiana Keller, Pandora Peabody, Addison Blake, Aurelia Agreste, Nikki Rogers, Tesla Banner, Rose Blossom, Cora Royce, June McLaughlin, Rosalind Flores, Lyra Lovell, Stevie Cooper, Amelia Bolton, Aaliya Andrews, Bella Baxter, Calypso Lokidottir, Beverly Mantle, Summer Simmons, Joey Hargreeves, April King, Venus Avery, Summer Sol, Delaney Carlyle, Angelica Hopper, Kit Holmes, Carter Lane, Dorothy Madison, Matilda Banks, Beth Thompson, Marilyn Pillsbury, Carrington Minkus, Pandora, Gemini Black
susiesamurai: Cate Archer and Sora Parl
the-elena-show: Noemi Ricci
trench-coat-wearing-angel: Kimmy Hanscom
triangelgoddess: Alex Linsteadt and Marley Kraweic
twinmasks: Juno Hargreeves
villahnelles: Evan Moreno
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timetrickster · 5 years
Aloha Oe X Edith Nox Crossover  Episode 7: Necromancing The Girl
As always hope ye enjoy! @cometworks
Tag: @thelysstener @coloursintheblur
After the battle for the reforging of EDITH’S true self. JUSTIN was attacked by long lost pain. EDITH comforts JUSTIN as he was still frightened from the long-dead ghosts of the Time Walkers. He makes heavy breaths as the effect of SORROW EDITH’S powers had been lasting.
I don’t know what to do?!
Honey, the Sorrow version of yourself. You have to summon her and take away the effect.
EDITH closes her eyes tightly and trying to summon her Sorrow form but to no avail.
It’s not working! (She cries)
Breath sweetie. Just take your time.
She does so, breathing slowly and closing her eyes. Then opens them summoning the Navy aura and placing her hand on JUSTIN’S forehead then taking away the effect of her power. As his heavy breathing stopped. The Navy aura disperses and EDITH puts him to sleep leaving him on the couch to rest.
JUSTIN wakes up holding his head from a major headache. He finds a cup of water on the coffee table waiting for him and immediately drinks it. ROBYN walks in and rushes to his side.
“Hey, sweetie! You okay?” She says in sign.
JUSTIN nods and notices a mirror onto his left. Seeing his metallic skin and feeling it. Hearing the scratching sound of metal of his fingers dragging across.
ROBYN (cont’d)
“My wife told me that part of your face was burned off by Wrathful Edith. Are you okay?”
Yes, I’m fine Ms. Lux.
He raises his left hand, and his hand glowed blue time energy. His face healed returned to normal.
“How did you?”
JUSTIN smiles.
Time healing.
ROBYN like EDITH was bright-eyed as if humongous stars filled them.
“You’re a fascinating little alien.”
JUSTIN smiles and laughs.
NOEMI is working at the family store. The store that NOEMI’S absentee parents had left behind. Meanwhile, PERIWINKLE, NOEMI’S little sister is sitting in his office. JUSTIN walks in with a smile as always.
Morning Noemi!
Morning Jus! Hey, your face is healed!
JUSTIN laughs.
Yup! Edith mentioned you had a store, wanted to come to see it!
Oh! Well… (Like a showman he raises both arms) Welcome to Sol Stuff! We’re like a hybrid antique, library, and pawn store.
It was a rather small store, that gives that “old time” feeling. It had a backroom entrance  
Did you say antique and library?! (His eyes were wide open)
Uh… yeah, why?
JUSTIN vanished and was looking at the antiques of this universe.
NOEMI (cont’d)
Justin? I hate it when it vanishes.
He walks around the store then finds him in the backroom doing intense scrutiny over different antiquities.
Sorry for vanishing… I love history as a kid and I learned a bit of archeology on Earth. Oh, do you mind if I help?! Please.
Yeah sure, I have to run a few errands, can you watch Periwinkle?
I don’t think I’ve met your little sister before.
Allow me to introduce you.
He walks to his office and brings in PERIWINKLE to the backroom.
NOEMI (cont’d)
Birdy, this is Justin.
THE ALIEN?! OOH! Hi! Nice to meet you! (She had this smile on her face.)
JUSTIN having the knowledge on having two little sisters acted accordingly.
It’s nice to meet you too Peri! (He points to the Star Diamond necklace she worse) You know your brother got this necklace for you on a planet my adopted parents come from?
Yes! He told me that you’re a prince of a flower planet!
JUSTIN laughs a little.
I very much am. This special necklace comes from my aunt’s kingdom. Which floats high above the clouds. The stars would fall and they would make beautiful jewelry.
Mhm. And I taught this really cool trick to your big brother to awaken the star. (He turns his head to Noemi.)
He motions him to snap his fingers. NOEMI nods and does so. The Star inside the diamond star-shaped necklace awakened. Shining an immense brightness. PERIWINKLE looks on amazed and she immediately hugs her big brother.
Thank you. (She squishes herself against her big brother)
He returns the hug and a smile.
I’ll be gone for a while, Justin will be watching you. Behave okay Birdy?
Yes, Noemi!
NOEMI leaves the store and JUSTIN and PERIWINKLE work around the store together. Organizing it and making it look presentable. The two have a wondrous time together as they fixed up the store. A few hours had passed by and it was the afternoon now. They sat at the counter and researched a bunch of the artifacts.
NOEMI had just returned with a few books in hand and a bag of food. He is surprised by the state of the now organized store. Unable to comprehend an organized store, JUSTIN & PERIWINKLE stand at the counter with both arms up and saying.
You guys cleaned and organized the store?! I love it!
He smiles and caresses his little sister’s hair.
NOEMI (cont’d)
I brought some food by the way! Why don’t you two enjoy, while I take over the counter for now!
Come on Peri, let’s research the Butterfly of Kaze.
Yes, sir!
The two grab some food and head to the back room. A customer comes in, a lady also a necromancer. How can you tell? The backpack she’s carrying around. She was blonde which was a rarity among necromancers, she simply meets eyes with him and gives a weird and awkward smile then goes straight to the book section. NOEMI nervous as well tries to work up the courage to talk to her. JUSTIN with PERIWINKLE at his side suddenly appears and whisper which scare him.
(Loudly whispers) DON’T DO THAT! Oh, my Fates… (He breathes heavy while holding a hand over his chest.)
Meanwhile, JUSTIN is laughing silently and rolling on the floor, while PERIWINKLE does the same without rolling on the floor.
Sorry, but it was funny. Plus Justin saw the pretty girl and had a feeling you liked her.
NOEMI looks at her and points to the back room door, JUSTIN crawls his way with PERIWINKLE following. NOEMI hyping himself up to talk to the necromancer girl. He nervously yet awkwardly walks toward her.
She was nervous too.
Finding everything alright?
Uh… yeah. Just looking for books.
She stood quite close near the Necromancer books.
Are you a Necromancer?
Uh… (She was scared by the question.) No… (She slowly stepped away.)
NOEMI feeling he scared her off. He reacted immediately.
She stops and looks at him. NOEMI removes the Perception Filter, revealing his jet black wings. She was surprised by this and he was nervous once more with his wings on.
You’re a… Necromancer too?
NOEMI nods.
How did you know I was one? And how did you do that?
I used to hollow out a backpack too. Um… that’s a complicated story to tell.
Oh… really? Might I know the gentleman’s name?
Noemi Sol. Shall I know the beautiful lady’s name?
Argento Mani. (She holds her hand out for a shake)
He accepts the shaking of hands and things return to awkward.
Uh… you have really pretty hair…
Sh blushes and hides her face with a slight “aw” from the compliment. The light reflects off her rare blonde hair and wings, giving this silvery white color which NOEMI finds mesmerizing.
NOEMI (cont’d)
Your hair… it’s uh… it’s silver… you look like an angel…
She blushes again,
Thank you… sorry… I’m just really nervous when I like a guy… (Realizes what she just said) I mean!
(Surprised by that, he quickly responds) I’m nervous when I like a girl too… uh I mean… uh… Do you want to go out sometime? (He tries to smile and look cool but it looks awkward)
She laughs it off and smiles at him which makes him laugh and smile too. Meanwhile, from the counter, JUSTIN & PERIWINKLE are playing sneaky sneaks as they see NOEMI & ARGENTO hitting it off.
(She takes notice of them) Um… I think your siblings are watching us.
NOEMI turns around to see both JUSTIN & PERIWINKLE quickly hiding as he turns, now embarrassed.
Dammit, you guys!
(She laughs) That’s adorable and yes.
Yes… I would love to go out sometime… um, but can you help me find a book on Necromancy first?
Really?! I mean… Yes! Um… sorry, I’m not very good at this to be perfectly honest.
That’s okay.
He looks at the shelves full of magic spell books and finds a few Necromancy spell books, at least three he has so far.
With our magic being so… quiet… I only have the three.
That sounds perfect. Um… do you want to go to Maple Brews sometime?
I… uh… (He breathes in)
ARGENTO she laughs at his nervousness finding it cute.
(He lets out his breath) I’d love to.
Great! Um, here’s my number, (She hands him a slip of paper with her phone number.)
I’ll ring you up at the counter. (He smiles.)
He grabs the three books and brings them to the counter with ARGENTO following. JUSTIN & PERIWINKLE weren’t behind the counter though. She pays him, he hands her the change and her purchase and she goes on her merry way. NOEMI looks around the store and each aisle for both JUSTIN & PERIWINKLE.
Peri? Justin? Where the heck did you guys go? (He whispers to himself.)
He looks up to see them on the ceiling with JUSTIN clutching his fingers like claws and PERIWINKLE on his back.
How did you guys get up there?!
JUSTIN stands up and hangs upside down without any falling down.
Gravity boots dude. I get bored a lot.
PERIWINKLE lets go and used her air magic to float down safely. JUSTIN turns off the Gravity Boots and does a flip landing on the floor.
Noemi’s got a girlfriend!
I don’t.
Yes, you do! Tell him, Justin!
JUSTIN he nods as he looks toward NOEMI, agreeing with PERIWINKLE.
I don’t!
Dude, come on, I know how it feels. I was hella nervous too when it came to a girl I liked a lot. Now we’re dating!
She made your heart stop for a second, didn’t she?
I felt exactly the same way with Hoku… my heart just stopped and I saw that her beautiful, beautiful eyes… and I knew I was in love with her.
That sounds nice… but what if I mess it up?!
You won’t!
What if I do?
Hey! Dude… I’ll tell you again, I know how you feel. Everything that you’re feeling right now, I felt the same way. You just have to believe in yourself and go with the flow of things, stay calm and be her friend and if you guys advance… then maybe you’ll find out what happens next.
The friends and PERIWINKLE are all hanging out together. They’re having a fun little lunch. NOEMI was now extremely nervous about his soon to be date with ARGENTO. EDITH the lovable ball of curiosity as always she jumps to help him.
Noemi, you’ll be fine!
NOEMI is sitting on the ground with his arms holding his knees and his wings holding him like a baby.
NO, I WON’T! (He makes a face of distress and worry)
Yes, you will! You just have to believe in yourself!
Yeah! You got this!
I’m gonna mess it up! I know I will! I don’t know if I can go anymore!
Noemi, I love you. I love you very very much. But I believe in you that you can go and do this.
Yeah! I love you, Noemi, you got this!
Yeah, dude. You’re just overthinking it, you’ll be fine.
Man up and don’t be a bitch.
Sorry… uh, I love you, Noemi. But you seriously got to be more confident in yourself. (She comes closer to comfort him.) I believe in you buddy. You’re like my dorky annoying winged necromancing brother. I love you, dude… and I know you can do it.
The words coming from VIOLET, a person whom he disliked since the beginning of meeting each other. Finally said something nice for a change instead of something even harsher.
Thanks, V.
You’re welcome, Noemi. (She gives a brief laugh and a smile.) But if you don’t do this, you’re a bitch.
(Smirks and laughs.) Screw you too. (He reaches over for a hug.)
VIOLET gladly accepts it and patted him on the back.
It had been a few weeks since both NOEMI & ARGENTO had met at the shop. They were like love birds, literally due to the fact that all Necromancers have wings. They both are sitting together, enjoying their drinks. Surprisingly both the same drink, raspberry tea. They’re actually hitting it off perfectly.
How’s Peri?!
She’s doing good! She’s doing great in school too.
Aw! That’s good to hear. I love that ball of cuteness.
She loves you too. (He makes a little laugh) I think it’s because you make me happy.
Aw! She’s adorable! Can we please plan a day where we go on a picnic or something?!
Of course, she’s gonna love that.
Hey, I never got to ask, where are your parents?
NOEMI froze a little, then takes a simple breath.
They left the picture years ago…
I’m… sorry… I didn’t mean to.
No, don’t be sorry. My friend Edith taught me to let go of my anger towards them. I wouldn’t want Peri to see me like that.
ARGENTO places her hand on his, which he notices. At first, he was surprised, but then slowly comes to hold her hand, which makes them both slowly fall in love with one another.
You’re an amazingly strong person.
Thanks. (He has a slight smile.)
Have you ever used your Necromancy magic?
Um… yeah. When I was ten, I revived someone by accident which knocked me out for ten days. My recovery took two months.
Oh my…
Why do you ask?
Um… I was reading through the Necromancy spell books and I found a new way of revival.
Really? The only attempts of other spells and rituals tried by other Necromancers leads to horrid deaths.
I know, but my research in the books have led me to possibly full resurrection.
He leans in closer, due to interest.
NOEMI That’s not possible.
I know it doesn’t sound that way, but it’s in the spell books. If we just follow the directions right, we might be able to resurrect things fully. Without any side effects. Will you help me?
A few minutes of silence between them fill NOEMI’S head. Believing and wanting to be more confident and not the shy boy he normally is.
I’ll help you.
ARGENTO smiles with glee and gets up to kiss him on the cheek.
I’ll see you soon sweetie. (She smiles) I love you.
NOEMI shocked by the words, despite hearing it a couple times from her, it still made his heart burst with love.  
I love you too. (He smiles)
The two leave and enjoy the rest of their day together.
A few days later, it was night, it was time for the new spell to be performed. NOEMI was getting ready after preparing dinner for PERIWINKLE.
Ok then, Peri, finish up your dinner. Edith and Justin will be watching over you. You better eat your veggies young lady. (He holds one finger, trying to be imposing) finish up your Caster homework and don’t stay up too late.
How come I have to eat those yucky things when you get to have fun kissing Argento?
She says sarcastically.
Sorry. (She laughs and smiles)
We’re gonna perform some new necromancy spells.
PERIWINKLE had lost her child-like wonder as the word, “Necromancy” was spoken, she instantly became concerned.
No! Please don’t!
She rushes over to hug him, holding his waist and grabbing some parts of his long coat. Concerned for her now, he kneels and hugs her.
Hey, hey, what’s wrong?
You’re gonna get hurt!
No, I won’t. I promise I won’t.
Yes, you will! Like the last time! You didn’t wake up and I got so scared and I don’t want my big brother to die! Please don’t leave me alone again! (She cries in his arms.)
(She holds her face) Hey, look at me. I’m never ever leaving you. Okay? I love you… and there isn’t anything in the world that would want me to leave my little sister all alone. I promise I’ll be safe.
You promise, promise?
I promise, promise Birdy. (He smiles)
She hugs him one last time before he leaves for the night. PERIWINKLE sits on the couch and crosses her arms, now overthinking about it.
NOEMI had flown in on ARGENTO who had already set up a ritual circle in chalk. She rushes toward him for a hug and a kiss.
You made it!
Yeah, let’s get this started.
The two stand at two ends of the circle, within the middle of the circle, it was a long-dead raven. The stench of death was a foul a mere feet within its vicinity was entering an area of death. They place both hands on the ritual circle, their hands glow that light green looking wickedly dangerous. They instantly feel the pain of their magic taking a toll on both of them. The magic generated by them fuels the magic circle and glows the same wickedly light green color.
The magic flies into the corpse of the raven, raising it as if some unknown force carried it into the air. Infusing it within the corpse of the raven as it’s lifeless body had regained motion and life. They both let go of the circle and grab each other and see the spell work its magic. The raven’s corpse lands in the middle and jumps back to life.
We did it?! WE DID IT! (She grabs Noemi’s face and kisses him.)
They both cheer for their achievement and success, the raven suddenly starts screaming as if it were in excruciating pain. Concerned ARGENTO slowly walks toward the circle. NOEMI concerned is behind her, all of a sudden the raven begins to morph into something… monstrous. An abomination if you see it that way. Most people would cower in fear due to these necromantic powers as the magic of this sort is rumors of horrid deaths and mere destructions and manipulations of souls and death.
The raven morphed into somewhat of a humanoid being. Having developed a grey skin toned body and hands forming more claw-like ends.
His voice gurgled as he spoke, as his body morphed and resurrected. Half his face was a shadow, glowing red eyes, while marks on his toned and grey skin were etched with symbols and marks. Glowing the wickedly light green through them.
I never expected this. Any of this, (he laughs)
His laugh echoed despite not being in a closed room.
Who are you?! (He stands in front of Argento)
I don’t know… (laughs like a crazy person) I’ve never been summoned before, especially in a vessel which, despite being an animal. Makes me all the more terrifying.
Wait… we were resurrecting the raven! We didn’t soul summon you!
Fortunately, child, you did. There is no such thing as a full resurrection in Necromancy. You can manipulate the zombies, phantoms, vampires… summon souls. Reanimating yes, but back to life… (He laughs again.)
Who are you?!
I think I was… uh, Necromancer. No… I was a Necromancer! It’s all coming back now… I did spells and rituals like you… except I did worst things…
NOEMI summons a blast of necro magic in the form of skulls immediately firing it. Hitting RAVEN MONSTER but it proved ineffective.
Nice job kid. I would’ve done the same thing.
He dashes quickly toward NOEMI and grabs him by the neck.
I sense you’re a Necromancer too. Both of you. I also sense that you boy. You never mastered your magic. Huh?
He throws him across the roof. ARGENTO rushes over toward NOEMI.
As a former Necromancer… I am thoroughly and utterly disappointed in you. To reconcile this, I will take your soul. Seems fair right?
He raises his claw-like hand and begins to drain NOEMI’S soul. ARGENTO tries to fight back, using her powers to play tug of war for his soul. The fight is intervened by JUSTIN & EDITH. JUSTIN blasting the RAVEN MONSTER with a blue time blast. EDITH roaring with her wrathful blasts both stopping him from draining NOEMI’S soul.
How did you guys find us?
Emotional distress.
Plus glimpses of precognition.
Lovely. Thanks, guys. And, oh… Um, this is Argento… my girl… friend.
You’re so cute when you’re flustered.
Nice to meet you!
The RAVEN MONSTER roars and with his wings morphed large enough to look like the most towering monster there was. Wings of the night as they were larger than NOEMI’S & ARGENTO’S wings.
I am disappointed… this New Era… Necromancers are weak, spineless and mistreated! Now I’m surrounded by children!
He rushes at them grabbing both JUSTIN & EDITH simply hanging them by their clothes.
You smell of Empath magic! (He turns his beak toward Justin.) AND YOU! You smell of something else… what are you! (He throws Edith away.)
Just an alien from another world. (He blasts him with time energy)
He drops them rolls backward back to the group. He freezes the RAVEN MONSTER in time and takes a breather.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
You guys have to figure this out, I can’t hold him long enough.
I don’t know! It was supposed to be a resurrection of a raven! Not a soul summon of a dead Necromancer…
Well is there any reversal spells?!
I don’t know!
She begins to feel a heavyweight pounding on her chest as she breathes in and out quickly. NOEMI tries to calm her down, knowing the feeling too similar.
Look at me! Look at me, sweetie! (He places one hand on her cheek)
She turns her face toward him.
NOEMI (cont’d)
She does so and slowly rebuilds herself from the stress. The RAVEN MONSTER unfreezes and looks around like a crazy person, despite being that already.
What did you do? You froze me in time? How?! TELL ME?!
Well, you’re clearly off your rocker, but I can’t tell you the secret of my people!
Don’t worry. (He dashes toward him grabbing him by the neck.) I’d thought I’d beat it out of you! (He squeezes Justin’s neck tighter.)
Unknown to the RAVEN MONSTER not knowing JUSTIN has a second metal skin underneath his organic one. He tries to fake the choking as long as possible as the group tries to figure their way to reverse the spell.
TELL ME! (He looks to his friends) MAKE HIM TELL ME NOW!
They simply ignore and comb through the books. Realizing this all being a ruse, his rage puts his scattered mind together. He throws JUSTIN toward them.
Apologies, my mind was scattered.
His voice sounded more sophisticated and raspier.
That doesn’t sound good.
Now that as my mentality has restored. I can kill you all now.
NOEMI stands and uses his necromancy magic to defend his friends and his girlfriend. JUSTIN joins him helping with keeping him at bay. The RAVEN MONSTER blocks the necromancy magic but is affected by the time energy. PERIWINKLE suddenly drops in her eyes glowing light blue which represented her wind magic.
Birdy! NO!
He rushes toward his little sister, putting every known possible fear in him. He fires the blast of necro magic once more but he’d become rather weak. He begins to fall but PERIWINKLE catches him with her wind magic and floats him safely to the ground.
(He snickers) What’s this? A little girl comes to fight me?
That’s right, asshole.
Ooh! I’m so afraid of a little girl. (He says sarcastically)  What’s a little witch like you supposed to do to me?
That’s Magic Caster to you bitch!
She blasts him with wind but surrounds both he and her in the eye of a tornado. NOEMI despite being weak has the strength to get back up. EDITH & ARGENTO make sure he is okay whilst JUSTIN tries to break through the tornado but the winds around were as solid as a wall. The RAVEN MONSTER not aware of her hidden talents as a Magic Caster was frightened.
This is for hurting my big brother, asshole!
She charges a blast of wind in both hands, as the magic of hers glow that whitish blue color. Her magic so great and hiddenly powerful it forms a construct of wings.
Spirit Magic…
PERIWINKLE blasts him with the charged wind blast and he slowly dissipates. The RAVEN MONSTER was no more and PERIWINKLE had returned to normal and ran to her big brother.
Noemi! You okay?!
(With weakness in his voice) Of course Birdy. I promised you didn’t I?
You did, I’m glad you’re safe.
Hey, Birdy. Meet Argento.
Hello Periwinkle. (She smiles)
PERIWINKLE hugs her instantly.
I love you already!
JUSTIN waves his hand over NOEMI giving him Time Healing in order to heal.
Yes, Noemi?
Where did you learn how to curse young lady?
Uh… you…
Everyone laughs and the night ends with the ritual circle destroyed and the books being hidden in within Sol Stuff. Meanwhile hidden in the darkness lies a figure in shadow but a familiar character. He speaks into a magic orb.
Mistress Neydolya! The Necromancers have successfully brought back the soul of the Dark Necromancer.
Good… very good. Did you get the ritual spell and all the requirements needed?
Yes, my mistress!
Good. Return at once. This shall be apart of the greater plan ahead.
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fairytellerxo · 5 years
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AN: this was one of those I’m bored, let’s see what would happen if Angel and Noemi were facing the idea of a life-changing moment.  It’s fun and it didn’t make it into the story but I thought it’d be fun to share this drabble.
Chaotic Melodies Drabble #2, Angel x Noemi
Noemi looked at the line of tests that sat on the side of her tub. Four positives, two negatives and there were still two more that she had just peed on. It was a bad situation, at least she knew Angel would take it that way. She was open and willing to take on the responsibility of a child but she knew he was still enjoying his glory days. “Fuck.”
She watched how quickly the current two tests turned positive. She was most definitely pregnant. She just had to figure out how to break the news to Angel. “Maybe I can get him drunk and break the news to him...” She murmured to herself as she started picking up the tests and discarding each of them one by one, only to set the last two positive tests aside. “He’s going to lose his fucking mind.”
“Who is?” Angel stopped in the doorway and smirked at the brunette. “I thought you stopped talking to your imaginary friend when you were like sixteen Emi.”
“No, I just stopped talking to her when you were around because you’d give me shit for still having an imaginary friend.” She laughed as she shrugged her shoulders slightly. “She’s a good listener, she doesn’t talk back, doesn’t offer up any unwanted advice. She’s just like me but you know, quiet.”
He shook his head slowly and smiled. “It’s weird, you can just talk to yourself. It’ll seem a bit less crazy than the imaginary Noemi situation you have going on still.” He reached forward and pulled her to him before kissing her head. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling better yet? I know you said you had a stomach bug for the last few days. I’m not trying to get your fucking cooties. I haven’t been sick in years. Don’t plan on getting sick anytime soon.”
Noemi leaned back to look at him slightly before she shook her head. “You’ll be fine. This bug only affects women. I think I’ll be out more than a few days now.”
“You could’ve just said you got your period.” He grabbed her ass slightly and smirked. “I’m not a kid anymore. I know periods are natural and definitely not fucking gross.”
She let out a slow breath before he pushed him out of the bathroom and towards her bed. “Sit down, you’re gonna need to be sitting down for this one Angel.”
He nodded as he dropped to the bed, grabbing her hips and bringing her to a stop between his legs. “Noemi, I don’t need a refresher course on the whole girly thing. You did it once and it stuck. I even know why pads have fucking wings. I can’t tell the guys that but I definitely can walk down a girly aisle and not be panicked by all the colorful shit.”
She shook her head slowly as she held up the two positive tests. “Angel, I’m pregnant...”
“Holy fuck,” Angel looked between the tests and Noemi. “I mean, holy shit. this is definitely not a stomach bug... Holy fuck.”
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The day we picked him up, we went to a pet store on the way home to get him fitted for a better harness, and several aisles away, a child screamed. Sweeps legs disappeared from under him, he was shaking with fear and looked completely terrified. 3 years later, here is Sweep with one of my gorgeous nephews. It also helped that I half filipino and about two weeks before the collab was announced I was thinking about how I would spend any amount of money on Filipino inspired makeup lol. I recently went to Ulta and swatched the OG JH and I (regrettably) own a few Morphe palettes and see the difference just by touch. I did, however, recently break my "no morphe" ban and buy an all shimmer fall based hues Morphe palette and it formula is just like the OG JH. I actually found out about it after seeing him mention it, and then luckily it's the only high PPD (as far as I know) sunscreen that is SD safe and almost silicone free too. Ideally I'd like to use a reef safe sunscreen but I don't live near any sea, or go into it because I'm bathophobic, and have yet to find a reef safe sunscreen that is also Seb Derm safe without a ton of silicones. I also agree with Lab Muffin, that climate change is the biggest culprit for coral reefs dying, but every little help counts especially in those touristic areas.. Rather than face another trial, Feit pleaded no contest to a lesser charge of aggravated assault. No murder charge was filed against Father Feit and Noemi Ponce Sigler is sure she knows why. "I came upon a scene that has stayed like engraved in my mind, " she told Schlesinger. Big and bold brows are the name 옥천출장안마 of the game this year, but not everyone is blessed with dark and dramatic eyebrows la Audrey Hepburn. Fortunately, with a few tools from the cosmetic aisle, you can achieve them anyway. Pencil liners are excellent makeup tools for creating a temporary eyebrow look. However, she feels that nobody owns colors or even a color story. She also discusses how that this allows people to use products that they would not be able to afford otherwise. Overall, she says she does not feel strongly either way.. Their eating habits. My brother used to just mix everything together and eat it, like it was a casserole or something. This guy in my church group used to make pizza salad, which was him picking off all the toppings of a supreme meat pizza, setting it aside and then eating the toppings after he ate the topping free pizza slices. You must wear it. There is none worthier in our city here, And it will suit you well. Upon one side A slim and horned satyr leaps in gold To catch some nymph of silver. No, the headline does not scream what you said. Unless as I 옥천출장안마 said. Cheerleaders are exclusive to US. Clearly, they fraudulently purchased some real estate and developed it into a biotech company creating dangerous food. Doctors, food nutrition, and biotech people know too much about health that a risk. Real estate agents and developers might notice the inconsistencies with the land sale and building can have that. I have seen more atheist views and you really aren't meant to use religion a support for others there, and so if that effects you there is that, but it is meant to be a group of understanding people. Everyone of the sub cares and always will care. Maybe go through the comments I've given people to see support.
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haysmoli · 2 years
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Isla: Congratulations, darling, you’re glowing! 
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Noemi: You’re sure it’s not too late for me to walk you down the aisle?
0 notes
0hmydekiru · 6 years
You seem to have a lot of OCs. Do you have like a master list of them or something?
oh god I have so many. 
Most arent considered mains to me, they are more like npcs, which means i probably only have their name and fc prepared. 
I might have a thing here and there about them in my brain and i might have some idea on how they would interact with certain mains but they aren’t as fleshed out as the mains. 
the secondaries can move to man if i start working on them more.
This isn’t all but this is currently all that i have found info on or remembered.
* means they moved from secondary to main.
☆ means share names but are different characters.
¤ means they have a canon counterpart but i am making changes.
i @’d them if i had a blog though i could have missed a blog or the thing didn’t link them/tag.
also for more homestuck ones go to @trolls-cherubs-and-kids
Italics mean they are on the @la-manada-de-muerte blog.
Bold means they are on the @unafraidofmoonlight blog
it will take a while to list them all (both main and secondaries) 
started on 4/9/18 in the evening and finished in the early morning of the 10th.
feel free to ask about any of them and i will do my best to answer!
1.      Nocovia Westly (story of my own that came from a rp)2.      Haven (LOZ/BOTW)3.      Eleonora Katharina Westergaard (Descendants 1&2) so much is written for this it’s kinda funny.4.      Idunn Fireheart (DA/Skyrim)5.      Yngvild (Vikings)6.      Yué Li (Star wars)7.      Cory Winchester (Supernatural)8.      Maggie Neely ¤ (TNW) x2 as different fcs steely-deliverer-neely9.      Mýrún/Muirenn DunBroch/Haddock (HTTYD/Brave)10.  Nanna (Undertale)11.  Natsuki Tachibana (Naruto/Bleach)12.  Dove Farseeker (WOW) @seekerdove13.  Snatch n Jab, Longshot, and Musey (DnD)14.  Xune'drada “Xuna” Of House T'sarran (DnD)15.  Maethriel (LoTR/Hobbit) @maethriel16.  Idunn (LoTR/Hobbit) @idunnthedwarrowdam17.  Casey Clearwater (Twilight)18.  Jax Pierce (Twilight)19.  Ara Rigel Argyris Black (HP)20.  Jax Kat Black Nee Argyris* (HP)21.  Chandra Bhatt Sharma (HP) @chandraofhufflepuff22.  Pyra Thera Nott  (HP)23.  Theodore Nott ¤  (HP) 24.  Moana Sigyn Herondale  (HP)25.  Haven Alexandria Potter (HP) @shelterofhogwarts​26.  Elara “Ellie” Pandora Black* (HP)27.  Nova “Novie” Calypso Black* (HP)28.  Oberon “Obie” Deimos Black* (HP)29.  Iris & Hazel Plank (HP)30.  Alejandro Rodolfo Martin (HP)31.   Calen JolanLycian (HP)32.   Nissa SimoneAdams (Riverdale/The Flash)33.  Hansa Chari (Riverdale)34.  Maëla Samaelson (Riverdale)35.  Morgause Mervyn (TW)36.  Yukio ‘Yu’ Kai-Zhāng Hale (TW)37.  Cordelia Jane Lycian (TW)38.  Talia Paisley Posey (TW)39.  Althea “Tia” Hestia Harman (TW)40.  Poppy Darcy (TW)41.  Pan Katsaros (TVD/TW/SH)42.  Ajax Megalos (TVD/TW/SH)   43.  Nemesis Argyris☆ (TVD/TW/SH)   44.  Meara Asherah Martin (PJO/TW)45.  Farley Halvorsen (TVD)46.  Ella Herondale-Graymark (SH)47.  Amara Bane (SH/TDI)48.  Morgause Jackson (PJO)49.  Kit Marinos (PJO)50.  Hansa Stark (GOT)51.  Eleonora Baratheon (GOT)52.  Ina Martell (GOT)53.  Lola Caraleah Barton (Marvel & maybe DC)54.  Lola Marie Blake/Banner (Marvel)55.  Adiand'r Kon-el/ Adiary Selene Anders-Kent AKAMoonfire/Superfire (DC/Marvel)56.  Anani Leah Bachman aka Volatile* (Marvel/DC)57.  Marisol Lola Robles-Sanchez aka Thunderbird* (Dc/Marvel)58.  Koraline Dalilah Isley (DC)59.  Hansa Marissa Harmaajärvi (DC) @hmh-azureriptide60.  Pyralis Titaia Zabat (DC)61.  Cordelia “Cory” McLellan (DC) picked a surname for her finally (for C & her 3 bs)62.  Sigyn Ran Allen (DC)63.  Hlin II Baldersdottir (Marvel) @daughters-of-baldr64.  Eir II Baldersdottir (Marvel) ^^65.  Samanta Fárbautisdottir  (Marvel) 66.  BlueShade (Marvel) only has an alias never named her.
Veronica Potts (Marvel) @watergrownpotts​   
Kenna (?)
  Secondaries1.      Jude Black (Twilight)2.      Nemesis Argyris (HP)3.      Dorothy Selwyn (HP)4.      Barbara Selwyn (HP)5.      Lucille Selwyn  (HP)6.      Theodosia Rosier (HP)7.      Dolorosa Rosier   (HP)8.      Josephina Rosier  (HP)9.      Amara Nott (nee Fawley)  ¤ (HP)10.  Richard Nott  ¤ (HP)11.  Thaddeus Fawley  ¤ (HP)12.  Sullivan Fawley  ¤ (HP)13.  Hansa Marissa Lillard-Patton  (HP)14.  Hestia Faye Bones  (HP)15.  Aiden  Nicholas Bones  (HP)16.  London Amelia Bones  (HP)17.  Líadan Aisling Ó Rinn  (HP)18.  Bran Meallán Finnigan (HP)19.  Harlan Cedric Howler (HP)20.  Aiden Nicholas Howler  (HP)21.  Nova Amelia Howler  (HP)22.  Hestia Faye Howler  (HP)23.  Noah Duncan  (HP)24.  Jacob Duncan  (HP)25.  James Duncan  (HP)26.  Caleb Duncan  (HP)27.  Freya Duncan  (HP)28.  Connie Quinn  (HP)29.  Matilda Quinn  (HP)30.  Taryn Quinn  (HP)31.  Slyvie Quinn  (HP)32.  Mulan Li  (HP)33.   Xing-Yue Li  (HP)34.  Chou ‘Cho’ mo chang/ Qiū Zhāng ¤ (HP)35.  Ling ‘lin’ he chang /Zhāng  (HP)36.  Ru ‘Rue’ Lian Chang/ Zhāng  (HP)37.  Arnav Chopra Desai  (HP)38.  Anvi Chopra Desai  (HP)39.  Mani Bhatt Desai  (HP)40.  Hari Bhatt Desai  (HP)41.  Asha Bhatt Sharma  (HP)42.  Darshana Bhatt Sharma (HP)43.  Damon Jones (Riverdale)44.  Mu Samaelson (Riverdale)45.  Stefan Cooper (Riverdale)46.  Morgaine McArthur  (TW)47.  Nimue Mervyn  (TW)48.  Alma Subi Kakar  (TW)49.  Imelda Vonda Althaus (TW)50.  Maud Ella Althaus  (TW)51.  Karou Jun Seung  (TW)52.  Zola Zidati Brisbane  (TW)53.  Ahyoka Wolfe (TW)54.  Espie Brigid O'Brien  (TW)55.  Thespa Arianrhod O'Brien  (TW)56.  Lewis Gimli Watts  (TW)57.  Ula Nimue Ó Muireagáin  (TW)58.  Ira Jude Evans  (TW)59.  Hazel Tatiana Vespera Petrova  (TW)60.  Clíodhna “Cleo” Deveraux  (TW)61.  Tracy Stewart ¤  (TW)62.  Erin Matthews  (TW)63.  Tala Bane  (TW)64.  Kendel Anderson  (TW)65.  Teagan Bennett  (TW)66.  Monica Andrews  (TW)67.  Noemi “Ami” Martinez  (TW)68.  Aili (eye-lee) Isaacson  (TW)69.  Rebekah “Beks” Kayne  (TW)70.  Amelia “Lia” Mills  (TW)71.  Rebecca ‘Harley’ Harlowe  (TW)72.  Stacy McCall  (TW) 73.  Jesse Harlowe  (TW)74.  Ara Yukimura (TW) 75.  Hestia “Hex” Raven Basurto  (TW)76.  Julianna “Jules” Wolf (TW) 77.  Mark Richard Bennett  (TW)78.  Kevin Robert Bennett (TW) 79.  Stella Rene Bennett (Nee Lycian (Nee Celeste))  (TW)80.  Duncan Owen Lycian  (TW)81.  Eline ‘Eli’ Gwendolyn Lycian  (TW)82.  Steven Marcus Bennett  (TW)83.  Seeley Blythe  (TW)84.  Renata Enid Bishop  (TW)85.  Ramona Henley Bishop  (TW)86.  Lukas Carter  (TW)87.  Denise Maeve Lemay  (TW)88.  Mira Ocarina Martin (TW) /Mira ‘Stark’ Tyrell (GOT)89.  Kavum Martell (GOT)90.  Chandra Martell  (GOT)91.  Aarushi Martell (GOT)92.  Adelaide Michaelson/Hamilton/Graymark/Herondale (SH/DC/TVD???) 93.  Heiđrún Halvorsen  (TVD/TO)94.  Serena Halvorsen  (TVD/TO)95.  Bistra Halvorsen  (TVD/TO)96.  Maiko Akamine (Naruto)97.  Rory Darrow (Homestuck/undertale)98.  Arizona “Rona” Robles (Homestuck/Undertale)99.  Cili (LoTR(?)/Hobbit)100. Eliza  (LoTR/Hobbit)101. Lalia Fairbairn-Greenhand  (LoTR/Hobbit) 102. Maire Fairbairn-Greenhand  (LoTR/Hobbit)103. Arodien (LoTR/Hobbit) 104. Idunna Odinsdottir/Dana Runa Astrid Meadows  (DC/Marvel)105. Hlina Odinsdottir/Leah Suzanna Fawn Meadows (DC/Marvel)106. Titaia Ianthe Alkmene Katsaros aka Tana  (DC)107. Mao Tachibana &  Kyōsei-sha/Dōsei (DC)108. Haven Amelia Buckley/Laila Aisha Al-Amin (DC)   109. Liam Alexander Buckley/Omar Ali Al-Amin (DC)   110. Warren Axel Buckley/Amir Jericho Al-Amin (DC)111. Luke Meadows (DC)112.Stephanie Meadows (DC)113. Veronica Marie Robles-Sanchez AKA Techward (DC)114. Noemi Robles-Sanchez AKA SolarMatrix (DC)115. Jane Sanchez AKA LunarSphere (DC)116. Nephele Anemone Zabat  (DC)117. Demetria Petra Zabat   (DC)118. Thalassa Arethousa Zabat  (DC)119. Bonnie Anita Blake (Marvel)120. Caroline Jolene Blake  (Marvel)121. Noah Blake  (Marvel)122. Eline Clare Dickson (?)123. Jane Marie Dickson (?)124. Neelam Nehal Sharma (?)125. Ara Sawako sasaki (?)126. Kira Aiko sasaki (?)127. Arun Madhava Soman (?) 128. Adithya “Adi” Kapoor Patel (?) 129. Sharada “Charu” Anjali Mahal (?)
Edit: add to main: Nissa Simone Larkspear (SH)
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emilyscharmers-blog · 6 years
an unfair test → chrislia
INVOLVED → Malia Rierson & Christopher Watson
LOCATION → Leavenworth, Michael's Crafts
NOTES → Malia and Chris have an awkward interaction after a fight.
Malia sighed as she packed up after a long cheerleading practice, she hadn't been herself over the last couple of days, it sucked, she wasn't happy, she had been irritable and upset, mostly because what happened with Chris. She didn't like the thought of him dating someone else, he had been single since she had met him, he rejected her, and he was hellbent about not being with her because of their age difference. After practice, she met up with her friend for a coffee in the middle of the town. After they spoke for bit, she finished up and said their goodbyes. She hung around a bit, doing a little shopping both for her apartment and something to make herself feel better, but what she didn't expect was to run into Chris, not just see him but physically mash shoulders with him. "Oh, sorry." She turned to see him, the color draining out of her face, seeing Chris standing there, a beautiful brunette girl standing next to him, letting out a sigh. "Sorry." She repeated, moving down another aisle.
Chris had been a little irritable the past few days but he has mostly kept to himself, working and after work going to the farm house he inherited since it needed to be fixed up. He kind of threw himself into it actually. Things with Malia were getting a little tense and he didn't know how to deal with it. Chris was crazy about her but their age difference worried him, not because he thought he would get arrested or anything but he didn't want her parents reacting badly to it, thinking she needed to be with someone closer to her age. He dated a girl younger than him before and it was only a four year difference and that was the issue with her parents so he didn't want to deal with that again. Noemi kind of dragged him out today to get him out of his funk, looking around at things that he would potentially be buying for his house once he was done remodeling it. Now what he didn't expect was to run into Malia but seeing her face only confused him more. Why had she reacted that way and move down another aisle. Moving to the aisle she was in, he came up next to her. "Not talking to me now? Why'd you rush off?"
Malia really didn't want to see him with someone else, especially someone who looked like that, she literally looked like a Victoria's Secret model and that was the last thing she wanted to see, she had been pretending that the girl he was dating looked like a toad or something or was a severe down grade from her, but here she was. When he followed her, she was picking out a new mirror for her vanity since her other one was starting to get terribly gross. "Hm?" She mumbled, turning to look at him. "Oh, just didn't want to interrupt."
Chris raised an eyebrow at her when she responded. "You're not interrupting anything. I've been working too much and Noemi dragged me out of the house to get me out of my mood I've been in and helping me pick stuff out for my house."He watched her with the mirrors. "What are you doing?"
Malia had put some little decorative pieces in her basket, just something to add to her apartment since it did need a little more life since the Spring was coming on quick and she wanted to get back into a more bright and colorful way of things. "Well, you were doing something and are with someone, it would rude of me to just take that over, besides, I'm here for something anyway." Shrugging, she fixed her skirt and looked over the mirrors. "I need a new vanity mirror, mines disgusting."
Chris licked over his lips as he leaned somewhat against the shelf. "Noemi is cool and she knows who you are so she wouldn't be bothered by it anyway." His head tilted towards the mirrors a moment when she said she needed a new vanity mirror, letting out a soft laugh. "Why don't you clean it, then it wont be disgusting."
Malia shrugged her shoulders. "I barely know her." She said, moving her hands to her right hip as she looked over the mirrors, which she was only semi interested in. "That sounds like a fun day for you." Nodding her head, the redhead moved down another aisle to smaller mirrors. "It's old, chipped, and there is a stain from when paint got on it, and I don't need to justify wanting a new vanity mirror to you."
Chris raised an eyebrow at her. "Did I say you needed to justify a new vanity mirror? You said it was disgusting, I suggested cleaning it you didn't say anything about it being chipped until now. What's going on with you?"
Malia shrugged running her fingers through her hair, letting out a breath. "Nothing, I'm perfectly fine." She said, marking down the model of a mirror in her phone and moved to take to the register.
Chris rolled his eyes a little when she spoke, slowly moving after her. "You and I both know that I know when you're lying and you're lying. You're not perfectly fine, otherwise you wouldn't be so damn short with me and have that tone in your voice."
Malia sighed when he continued to follow her around, she didn't know why he just wasn't just going to hang out with his friends. "I'm fine, Chris, why are you so bent about this?" She said, wincing sightly when she stepped feeling a pain shoot through back from when she got dropped at practice. "Just go hang out with your friend, you were doing something before you started stalking me." She said, moving her hand to her back.
Chris sighed out when she continued to question him. "Because I know there's something wrong that's why I'm bent about it." All the frustration and the annoyance left his face when he noticed her wince and her hand moving to her back, staring at her for a long moment. Even after she told him to go and hang out with Noemi he didn't listen. "What happened?" He breathed out, his hand moving over hers on her back.
Malia sometimes she hated being a cheerleader, she had been dropped more in her lifetime by girls she was supposed to trust, she honestly flipped on the girl who dropped her because she was being irresponsible and not paying attention and she could have broke her neck. "I'm fine." She said, knowing the bruise on her side was growing. "I got dropped at practice today."
Chris moved to grab her shirt and pull it up gently, seeing the bruise on her side. "That's not being fine, Malia." He breathed as he looked it over. "Jesus Christ, how high up were you when you were dropped?" He asked, concern in his voice as he tilted his head to look at her again.
Malia tried to push him away when he started to pull up her top, she had gotten checked out by the doctor that was on sight normally for them. "I'm fine, I've got a bruised rib and I fell from the top, I'm a flyer, I didn't get caught."
Chris shook his head. "What the fuck, Malia? You were at the top and weren't caught? You need to be home relaxing and off your feet, not wandering around and concerning yourself about a vanity mirror. Come on, I'm taking you home. You need to rest and take something for the pain."
Malia raised a brow when Chris started to flip out on her. "Will you calm down, and stop freaking out in the middle of the store." She said, shaking her head. "I'm a cheerleader, it's not the first time I have been dropped, I'm gonna be fine." Pulling away from him and walking away.
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bwauthors · 6 years
21 & 137 please. Love your writing!
adflkdfs Thank you! That means so much. And thank you for the requests.
21. “He’s a bad kisser.”
Julien had been banished to the bedroom when Noemie had arrived, but he couldn’t complain. Daphne had left him with her tablet, and he was able to read in relative peace hiding away. If he had remained in the living room of their tiny flat, he might have been subjected to any number of personal questions he wouldn’t have answers for, and that was a headache neither of them needed.
“He’s a bad kisser,” Noemie said, her complaint carrying into the bedroom, but it was his name that pulled Julien from his reading. “What about Julien?” It had been dry anyway. “You’ve hardly told me anything about him, you know.” Noemie had voiced her hurt at being so neglected on several occasions. 
“That’s-- hardly--" Daphne tried to find an out, and Julien could hear the blush in her voice.
“I guess you wouldn’t know. Julien’s the first person you’ve dated since I’ve known you.” Noemie sighed, giving Daphne an answer. “But I do like him-- Theo, I mean. I guess I’ll have to teach him.”
137. “We need groceries, not just junk food. You’re worse than the kids.”
Julien’s fingers crinkled the bag of potato chips as he stared at the brightly decorated surface. Daphne plucked the puffed package from him, returning it to its place on the shelf. “You don’t want those.”
This was his first trip with her to the grocery store, and another source of amazement as he found an endless array of prepackaged food. “We didn’t have these, you know.” He motioned to the aisle, chock-full of snacks in various flavors. “It’s-- how do you even pick?” Daphne smiled. She did that every time he encountered something new, and it often made him self-conscious. He tugged at his cuffs, adjusting his sleeves beneath his jacket and cleared his throat.
“We need groceries, not just junk food. You’re worse than the kids.”
Julien looked down the aisle to another couple and a similar bag of snacks clutched between the hands of a desperate man. At least Daphne found his curiosity charming, but he had to wonder how long that might last before she became impatient with his attempts to adjust to life nearly a century after his time. At least they didn’t have any children for comparison. 
“We need carrots,” he said, lifting a hand to direct them towards the vegetables.
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feederly · 7 years
Tumblr media
Full name Noemi Aisling Meaning of name Noemi - From Neoma, meaning new moon in Greek Aisling - an Irish name meaning dream or vision Age 14 yo Godly Parent Morpheus, the god of dreams Personality In progress of being developed Fun Facts - Even when the light shines bright, her shadow seems to fade away and can be barely seen. - When she was a child, she wanted to become an actor and joined the theater club in primary school, but when most of the people fell asleep when she was performing, she quit out of frustration. - Even when she didn't know she was a demigod, she made people fall asleep when she got in trouble to get away. - Her weapon can turn into cloth. It was a gift from her father. - She prefers to interact with people through dreams, because she feels more powerful there. - She sometimes causes people to fall asleep accidentally. - Because she can't control her ability of creating dream images, they sometimes appear without her wanting to when she is stressed and draw her energy. - She is likely to just lie down and sleep even during a battle when she feels like her companions can protect her and handle the situation themself (which is not always the case). More to be added... maybe pjo/hoo © Rick Riordan blank meme © Bichette1  -> bichette1.deviantart.com/art/P… Noemi Aisling © Feederly
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newyorktheater · 5 years
In 1944, when FDR was running for an unprecedented fourth term as President, the Democrats kicked out his then-Vice President, Henry Wallace, and nominated Missouri Senator Harry Truman to run for the office instead, even though Truman wasn’t actively seeking the office. Just 82 days after getting elected, Truman took over as President when Roosevelt died in April, 1945; he dropped the atomic bomb on Japan four months later – one of many actions that made the Wallace-to-Truman switch of great consequence.
“Convention,” which is running through June 29 at Irondale Center in Fort Greene, presents  the 1944 Democratic National Convention where this occurred. It is an ambitious undertaking with a massive cast that performs throughout the cavernous room in a kind of surround sound experience – on stage, in the aisles, behind us, in the narrow balcony above us, and in the bleacher seats beside us. How a handful of bigwigs were able to engineer the ouster of a popular vice-president, and why they did so, promised to be a riveting drama. But it didn’t turn out that way for me – not riveting drama, and not engaging theater.  “Convention” didn’t work for me. It was simply too hard for me to follow what was going on.
Still, the team that spent several years putting it together — Brontosaurus Haircut Productions, led by playwright Danny Rocco and director Shannon Fillion — deserves credit for recognizing the historical  importance and the theatrical potential of this event, and for marshaling the resources and mastering the logistics to get it staged.  It’s obvious that much research and planning went into “Convention.” I respect what they are trying to do. So, let me attempt some constructive suggestions:
~Use one of the best practices of successful immersive theater, and give the theatergoers some sense of control. Instead of having us just sit still for two hours in the (un-air conditioned) “convention hall,” allow the theatergoers to move from the convention floor to some of the “smoke-filled backrooms” that we’ve heard so much about. Have a different scene unfold in the relative quiet of each one of those rooms. (This could be done a la “Sleep No More,” in which each individual theatergoer is totally in charge of where he goes and when, or it could be like “Then She Fell,” in which the actors lead the audience members to the various rooms.)  That way we could experience the chaos of the large cast shouting and chanting and speechifying at one another in the convention hall, but also be able to listen undistracted to small group conversations, so that we can more easily follow the drama(s), especially the “conspiracy” to unseat Wallace that’s meant to be the heart of the show.
To answer any argument from the creative team that they are trying to re-create the actual experience of attending a political convention: I’ve been to national political conventions, and people don’t just sit in their seats, passive targets for sensory overload. They focus on what interests them and ignore what doesn’t. They move around, attend parties, go to various caucus meetings, lobby one another, schmooze. Much happens away from the convention floor. Having the theatergoers move to different discrete spaces is more in keeping with an individual’s actual experience of attending a convention.  But even if it weren’t, clarity sometimes must take precedence over atmosphere in a work of theater.
~The Irondale Center was so unbearably hot that they distributed white paper fans, but asked us to return them at the end of the evening. Why not print campaign slogans on them — FDR/Wallace or Wallace’s The One or whatever they actually were in 1944 – and let us keep them?
~Have the characters wear buttons or nametags that identify them – or even huge signs around their neck. Politicians often wear buttons printed with “I am [their name],” and conventions often supply nametags, “Hello, my name is….”  It’s true that neither politicians nor conventioneers usually wear huge signs around the neck, but I think the audience would be willing to suspend their disbelief – indeed, be grateful.  Whether or not this is a workable idea, there must be some way to give the audience a chance to sort out these characters, almost none of whom are familiar anymore to anybody who isn’t a professional historian of the period.   (As a public service, I’ve identified both the actors and the characters they’re portraying in the captions to the photographs below.)
~Most of the characters are old white men; the majority of the performers portraying them are young white women , dressed in 1940’s men’s business suits, including Claire Mikelle Anderson as Henry Wallace. Whatever the symbolic significance of this casting (and it doesn’t reach “Hamilton”-level resonance or clarity), a greater diversity (certainly in age) would avoid the impression that “Convention” is a production of a college theater department.
To be fair, there is some diversity in the current production: Harry Truman is depicted by Charles Everett, a black actor, and his wife Bess Truman by Daniel John Serpati, a white male actor wearing a tasteful small-brim hat. Among the female characters, the most intriguing is the actress Helen Douglas, a convention delegate from California, portrayed by Lizzie Stewart. Shortly after the convention, Douglas would become a member of Congress, and in 1950 run for the Senate in an infamously vicious election won by Richard M. Nixon.
~The show has a vendor (Brandt Adams) selling hot dogs for 20 cents to the cast of conventioneers, who stand on stage or in the aisles eating them inches from the audience, which felt rude. Give the theatergoers an opportunity to buy and eat some of those hot dogs!
~Have Harry Truman wear a hat. I had a long conversation during intermission about this with the costume designer,  Jennifer Raskopf, who happened to be sitting in front of me, taking notes. (Her credits include assistant costume designer in the Broadway production of Hamilton.) She said that Truman didn’t wear a hat at the convention – she showed me a photograph of the actual hatless Truman at the 1944 convention – and that generally men didn’t wear hats indoors even then. But before he became a politician, Truman owned a haberdashery in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. So it would be a nice theatrical touch for Truman to wear a hat, even if this is not what he did in real life, because it would be a first step in establishing the characters of “Convention” as people with…if not observable personalities, at least some humanizing quirks.
Click on any photograph by Ahron R. Foster to see it enlarged, and read the caption.
Sarah Sutliff as Edwin W. Pauley, treasurer of the DNC, McLean Peterson as Chicago Mayor Edward Kelly and Ashley Alvarez as Robert E Hannegan, Chairman of the DNC
Claire Mikelle Anderson as Vice President Henry A. Wallace. In the background are (left) Charles Everett as Harry Truman and Daniel John Serpati as his wife Bess Truman
Lizzie Stewart as the actress and delegate Helen Douglas, Michael Leon as Alben Barkley from Kentucky, and Michael Pantozzi as Philip Murray from the Congress of Industrial Organizations
Matt Hurley as Jimmy Byrnes, principal White House assistant, center, with Ginnie House as Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, Michael Leon as Kentucky delegate Alben Barkley, Gabrielle Djenne as Sidney Hillman from the Congress of Industrial Organizations, and Michael Pantozzi as Phillip Murray from the CIO
Kathleen Littlefield as convention co-chair Samuel D. Jackson of Indiana, Ginnie House as Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins and Claire Mikelle Anderson as Incumbent Vice President Henry A. Wallace
“The Conspirators.” ”The Conspirators” Sarah Sutliff as Treasurer of the DNC Edwin W. Pauley, Kathleen Littlefield as Convention co-chair Samuel D. Jackson of Indiana, Ashley Alvarez as Chairman of the DNC Robert E. Hannegan, McLean Peterson as Chicago Mayor Edward Kelly and Christina Bottley as Postmaster General Frank Walker
Lizzie Stewart as Helen Dougas, Sue Kim as Dorothy Vrendenburgh, Secretary of the DNC
Michael Leon as Kentucky delegate Alben Barkley
Kathleen Littlefield as Samuel D. Jackson, Indian, convention co-chari
Convention Irondale Center 85 S. Oxford Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Written by Danny Rocco Directed by Shannon Fillion Lighting Design by Erin Fiel, sound design by Megumi Katayama, costume design by Jen Raskopf Cast: Brandt Adams, Ashley Alvarez, Claire Mikelle Anderson, Christina Bottley, Paul Corning, Gabrielle Djenné, Charles Everett, Kyle Fitzpatrick, Alaina Fragoso. Ginnie House, Greg Hudson, Matt Hurley, Sue Kim, Nina Kova, Michael Leon, Kathleen Littlefield. Ally Musmeci, Michael Pantozzi, Mclean Peterson, Catherine Pulley, Jessica Rogers, Becca Schneider, Daniel John Serpati, Lizzie Stewart, Sarah Sutliff, Adrienne S. Witt, Amanda Barlow, Martina Fernandes, Jack Flatley, Caroline Kulak, Megan Quick, Grace Rittenberg, Noemi Sarog, Yui Taniguchi, Elliot White, Harry White, Tove Wood Running time: Two hours and 15 minutes, including one intermission Tickets: $18 Convention is scheduled to run through June 29, 2019
Convention Review: Ambitiously Recreating the 1944 “Conspiracy” for Truman In 1944, when FDR was running for an unprecedented fourth term as President, the Democrats kicked out his then-Vice President, Henry Wallace, and nominated Missouri Senator Harry Truman to run for the office instead, even though Truman wasn’t actively seeking the office.
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