#noiseless chart
lost-technology · 1 year
Survivor’s Guilt Ch. 1
Trigun fanfiction Trigun Stampede universe (with some Trigun Maximum elements) Rated T / PG-13 for graphic descriptions, canon-typical violence Gen, unless pairings come into it later Multichaptered, unknown stopping point, chapter 1. Main characters: Vash, Luida, Brad, Rem, Nai / Millions Knives and the horrible lingering memory of Tesla. Summary: The stars fell from the sky upon a lonely desert planet. The world was made of blood, sand and broken glass - and later on, gunsmoke. What could have been a paradise had become a violent world, one of hard-bitten, traumatized survivors...Including... the most unexpected. Rem Saverem survives the apocalypse.   Also found here - Chapter 1 on AO3 Chapter 1: Restless Dreams (read below or link above)
Survivor’s Guilt Chapter 1:  Restless Dreams She wore a halo of fire.  The wind of the back-draft rattled the little shuttle as Ship 5 screamed its death-throes.  The noise of breaking machinery, whipping fire and echoing human cries died off to noiseless space for a moment before heat enveloped the shuttle in a stifling cocoon and the turbulence of atmosphere-entry greeted the child and his brother.  Burning flak greeted his vision from the windows and the sunset sky of where they were landing on this planet was blood red.  The landing was none too gentle – a slam and skid into sand.  Nai laughed the entire time.   Half-melted sands and broken glass were all around him when the shuttle’s doors had cooled off enough to unlatch.  The atmosphere was breathable.  Ah, yes…This world was what Rem had called a “Goldilocks Zone” planet after a fairy tale about an obnoxious little girl and some bears she’d told them where the girl stole “just right” things from the bears, because it was in the “just right” zone to favor organic life (at least the only type that people from Earth had ever known of).  It had been deemed as “barely habitable,” however, and only a prospect if the long-range scanner hadn’t picked up a world more favorable that successive decades or centuries of cold-sleep could keep settlers fresh for. Nai had decided that “any planet will do,” he’d supposed. It was not like he had human needs – or Vash’s needs.   He danced and laughed in the flames, among cold-sleep tubes holding subjects mercifully not awake enough to realize they were burning alive. They would die before they felt anything, at least. There were procedures for bringing someone out of cold-sleep. Quick-thaw was catastrophic and killed instantly.   Vash gaped in abject horror as he was certain that he saw a few men twitch in their caskets.  He screamed when he saw a child – a little boy not much younger-looking than him and Nai – thrashing.     ______________ Vash twitched and reached out, his fingers greeted by a thin sheet on a flat bed.  Nai was not there, cuddled against him.  (Vash required food, water and sleep.  Nai required no “input” to remain healthy and rarely slept, but occasionally indulged in it to keep Vash company). “I was dreaming, Rem,” Vash mumbled, but as he blinked his eyes and suddenly became aware of his surroundings, he realized that she was not there, either.   He got his bearings and tried to tell himself that, no, he had not seen anyone twitching or thrashing…when he’d seen… the actual source of his nightmare. The dead had died in silence and stillness. The universe, it seemed, still held small mercies. Vash sat up and repeated what had become his daily mantra, breathing deep.  “I am on Ship 3.  It is in the sand-sea left behind by an ancient ocean on a recently-charted, single-biome desert planet with no name.”  He tried to remember the chart number and the system, but they’d been blown out of his head. There hadn’t been a single day he’d been here that he’d remembered it.  He was pretty sure he’d hit his head upon the impact of his and Nai’s shuttle – either that or the sheer trauma he’d experienced recently kept him from remembering little details.   “The ship’s crew activated their gravity-well before impact and most of the ship was left intact.  Most of the crew and passengers survived.  I was discovered in the desert and brought here.  I am locked in a small cell because I am an independent Plant and they don’t know what to do with me.”   He noted the temperature of the room. “It is stifling in here.  I do not know where Nai is.  I am alone.”   Just as he assessed his situation, the recitation of where he was and what had happened was something he reminded himself of every day to keep himself aware of reality.  It was tempting to think that he was dreaming.  Patched-up wounds from the crash and subsequent wandering in the jagged metal and broken glass of ship-remains as well as the rocks of the desert asserted themselves when he was in a waking state – and so, pain helped, too.  He was often in pain when he was asleep, but nothing was as keen as when he was fully aware and actually put weight on a leg or wandered over to a wall.  He’d started carving markings into it, counting days to keep his reality-record.  He did not know how much longer he’d be doing this.   One of the guards had already slipped a tray of breakfast through his door.  It sat there and got cold.  He was getting skinner and felt fairly weak.  Vash’s stomach asserted its existence, along with his wounds.  It didn’t matter.  He was not going to give them the satisfaction of simply keeping himself sleek for slaughter… This was a dark line of thinking… like that of Nai. There was a small, annoyingly persistent part of him that thought that maybe Nai was right.  Vash expected that Brad or one of the guards was going to drag him out of this cell any day now to pronounce “a needless drain of resources” or “a mercy” or “a need for scientific study” and shoot him in the back of the head with a SEEDS service-revolver.   That… was if he was lucky.  A certain stark image he was desperate to forget kept swirling in his mind.  It was good for putting him off his breakfast.  If he kept on this way, there’d definitely be less of him to flay and study.  Maybe he’d even be well and fully dead.   Vash knew that this thread of thought would have made Rem cry, but she wasn’t here.  She’d been haloed in flames, determined to avert disaster – and she had wanted him and Nai to survive.   “Let’s just do it already!” – Brad’s voice, arguing outside his cell.  “He is a clear and present danger to us all!  He doesn’t even produce anything!  The little brat isn’t even bothering to eat what we feed him…just a waste!” “He is a child, Brad!” – Luida’s voice. “I can’t believe you!  Not only the greatest scientific discovery in our lifetimes – “  (Vash cringed at that), but, “he speaks, he feels!  He is a person!”   “He’s a glorified cow!”  Brad huffed.  “And a defective one, at that!  You know what the old cattle farms would do with bull-calves they couldn’t use…” “Why are you so afraid?”   “You know as well as I do how much potential energy is stored in Plants.  There’s this one just walking around… You see a kid; I see a walking nuclear bomb. Diffuse, dismantle before it causes a problem, is what I say.”   “You looked into his eyes, Brad, same as me. You cannot tell me that you didn’t see a soul there.”   “I’m afraid I didn’t see anything at all - Nothin’ but trouble.  Not that it matters…if somethin’s a danger, I don’t care if it feels and thinks and talks. We’ve got a ship full of people and even more to take care of – actual human beings -our kind.”   Vash tried to go back to bed.  He wound up curled on his cot listening to tangents about rouge AI and the history of slave-revolts and the fear of the oppressed by their oppressors that kept certain bigotries alive for centuries until the remaining people of Earth had no choice but to work together to attempt to become a multi-planet species to scrap for survival.   Luida was pulling for him, but maybe, he thought, she should just let Brad end it already.  Brad was… afraid.  Vash didn’t think his hatred toward him was born from malice so much as it was terror – and Brad was right to be afraid of him.   He had given Nai the ship’s codes that he’d hacked into.  He’d thought it was for a prank – just another one of their ultimately harmless episodes of the ongoing prank war with Rem.  Nai…had used them….he was at fault – and the stars fell from the sky, wormwood…Chernobyl… Hundreds of thousands were dead and the number was rising.   Every day Ship 3’s search parties combed the wreckage of nearby ships and discovered the injured and those dying of exposure, clinging to life.  People were brought in to the hospital here. Lights and sirens sounded at least once a day when a search had returned, it’s human findings trickling in from the carriers. The population of Ship 3 was growing slowly, but not everyone made it.  Most of those coming in died on the operating tables or a few days later in bed – too drained, too wounded.   There were two demolished ships within range of search and rescue.   One of them was Ship 5.   Luida had told Vash yesterday that she was sorry. They had found no sign of Rem either alive, or any part of her body, uniform or other identifiers.  There were records from parts of the ship’s computer that were recovered that testified that Rem had held her post to the end and was, indeed, the one who relayed the signal to alert the other crews on the other ships of impending disaster. She reversed thrust, ensuring that even some of Ship 5 had survived.  The survival of Ship 3 was credited to her as well as well as the fact that ANY of the human-colony-carriers had time to respond and avert worse damage. Luida thought it strange that the glitch that had caused this hadn’t affected Plant-only carriers.   Vash could not tell her the truth, ever. He could stand the fear of him in Brad’s eyes.  He would not be able to withstand the same fear in hers.  After all, Luida’s delicate features, her dark hair (albeit short) and her kind eyes reminded Vash of Rem – enough that he wondered, sometimes, if she might actually be a relative of some fashion, a cousin, perhaps. If so, Luida gave no indication of this. _________________ Night came like a cloak.  Even within the bowels of a spaceship with no window to the world of nature outside, Vash knew the hours.  Everything dimmed beyond his window into the interior of the ship as unnecessary lights and machines were turned off for the sleep-curfew. The only light source in his room went off, plunging the room into near total blackness. A bluish-gray haze shone through the window like the static of a distant television.  It was a cold light that Vash did not like.  It felt like noise, even in the silence.   Only a few of the crew held night-time working hours.  Most of the crew and all of the settler-class had Lights Out strictly at 10 pm.   Of course, Ship 3 operated on Earth-time, just as the ships had in space.  A time-system had not yet been devised to match that of the planet they were on.  From what Vash could hear of discussions beyond his door, this planet was very close to Earth in terms of both rotation and orbit around its binary host-stars in terms of time-cycles.  It was not exact.  There was already some debate as to whether the people should re-work a calendar and their measurement for the length of a day or keep on with “Earth-time” because it was what everyone was accustomed to.   It had been another day of shock, accepting a grim reality, not-eating and overhearing arguments about his personhood, welfare and general existence.  Luida had not even come to talk with him today, as she usually did.  There were days when she was busy or otherwise restricted. Today had been a terrible day.   Vash had gotten settled on his cot and had just begun to fall into drowsiness at around 11 pm.  That’s when the light through his window shone red in alternating flashes and a loud siren blared.  He heard gurneys clattering past in the hallway.   Incoming wounded.  The last set had happened five days ago and none of those brought in had survived.  As time and exposure worsened initial injuries, fewer and fewer survivors were even found by the search parties and of those that came to Ship 3’s hospital, a vanishingly small number continued to survive.   This was on him… all of these slowly-dying. Vash hugged his knees as best as he was able in his tethered shackles and tried to ignore the siren.  It stopped after several minutes.  It was close to midnight before drowsiness began taking him again. Exhaustion took him into a realm without any remembered dreams.   ______________ Someone was shaking his shoulder.  He was being bounced around fairly violently on his bed before he snorted and blinked his eyes open.  The day-lights were up in the ship and Luida was staring down at him. “Huh? What?” Vash mumbled.   “I’m sorry to wake you up so rudely,” she announced.   Brad leaned on the frame of the open door, his arms crossed.  He gave a “Hmmph.”   “Is there something wrong?” Vash asked, seeing how pale Luida’s face was.  Sweat lay in beads on her forehead at her hairline.   “You need to get up and come with me,” she said gently.  “I mean, I’ll let you go to the toilet first, if you need it, or take a drink of water, but this is urgent.  There is someone you should see.”   “Someone..?”  Vash questioned.  A shock ran through his bones.  Had they found Nai?  Was Nai asking about him?  Was he hurt? Was Nai imprisoned like he was? Had Nai killed anyone else? Any of the Ship 3 people?  What were they going to do, knowing there were two of them now?  What would they do knowing that he’d lied about thinking his twin was dead?   He stood up.  “I don’t need anything,” he answered.  Vash was eager and also afraid.  What was he going to say staring into those cold eyes again?   Luida took him by the left wrist, just above the shackle and led him down the wall.  Brad followed closely behind, watching them carefully.  They turned down more hallways, headed toward the hospital wing of the ship.   “ICU?” Vash read on one of the signs as they entered the warren.   “You should brace yourself,” Luida said, her tone soft.  “And keep very quiet no matter what you see.  We have many patients in need of rest.  She needs it, as well.”   “She?”   Luida brought Vash into a room filled with all of the beeping machines, computer-equipment, suspended bags and tubes and medical-Plant connection equipment of a hospital room with patient hovering between life and death.   He felt every organ in him clench and the color and warmth drain from every inch of his skin.   A woman lay in the bed.  Her right arm was bandaged, down to the hand and the individual fingers.  Blooms of red seeped through the dressing.  The right side of her face from her cheek and her eye were bandaged and the hair on that side of her head and been burned off.  What remained on her left side was scraggly and midnight-black. Equipment-lines snaked beneath the sheet covering her up to her mid-chest and, by the shape of its drape, her right leg ended at the knee.  
She was thin – much thinner than when he’d last seen her.  She looked very small, like that day on their ship after he’d gotten her into a medical-bed, himself… after having stabbed her.  Vash’s rage at being denied his momentary suicidal-impulse and his fear of their kind had ultimately been pitiful in terms of not driving the paring-knife hard-in enough to cause immediately fatal damage.  The blade had not hit any major organs, although it had come dangerously close and she had bled a lot.  An interrupted suicide-attempt and utterly borked and half-hearted attempted murder were not what Vash wanted to be thinking about right now, but the came to his mind unbidden.  How could they not when the image he was looking at reminded him of what he’d seen then?
She was worse off now, much, much worse.
“R…Rem?” he said, voice cracking.  He approached the bed, reaching out.  
“Careful!” Luida warned.  
Brad was watching this from a stiff stance in the doorway, arms crossed firmly in front of his chest.  “So, this is that lady from the pictures?”  he asked.  He then spoke low, and cautiously, a sudden reverence seeping in.  “Is she the one who saved all our butts?  Is she…the Hero of SEEDS?”  
“Rem!” Vash cried, tears and globs of snot running freely down his face.  “I’m so sorry!  You’re… you’re alive?  You’re still alive?”  
Vash reached out and brushed her left cheek very lightly.  He took her hand, mindful of the IV in the back of it.  Luida pulled a chair from against the wall and pushed it under him so he could sit down.  Vash curled in on himself, sobbing next to the bed.  
“It would seem so,” Luida confirmed for Brad. “He recognizes her.”  
“She doesn’t look long for this world,” Brad whispered.  In spite of his suspicions about the “Plant-brat,” he hoped that he had not heard him.  Brad still feared Vash, but this was a moment in time in which the young one had shifted from the status of “walking potential nuclear bomb” to “overwhelmed child.”
Perhaps it was the touch on her hand, the gentle and rhythmic rubbing that Vash was doing with his thumb on the back of it, clear of her IV and over her knuckles… Rem’s nose twitched.  Her left eye slivered open as she turned her face. One of the machines registered a sharp BEEP! to her change in status.  
“Vash?” she whispered, her voice hoarse and full of smoke.  
Vash shot upright in his chair. “Rem!  Rem, it’s me!  You’re alive! You… you didn’t die! You’re here!  I thought you were..!  Oh, Rem, I, I, I, I…”  
“Slow…down…” she breathed out.  “Deep breaths…sweetheart…”  
Taking care of him – even in the state she was in.  Vash immediately calmed, to Luida’s wonderment.  He took a deep breath and snucked up some snot.  He carelessly tried to wipe what he couldn’t take care of on a wrist, bringing up his shackle and tether into Rem’s view.
Machines sprung to life in a loud cacophony as Rem suddenly tried to wriggle herself upright in bed.  Vash jumped back in alarm and two nurses and one of the doctors rushed in.  
“Why is he in shackles?” Rem demanded. Her voice was a rasp and she struggled to make it loud enough to be well-heard.  Her un-bandaged eye held fury.  “Get him out of those right now!”  
She shivered and clawed at the edge of her bed as the nurses held her by the shoulders, the equipment screamed and the lines on the monitors jumped.  “You can’t get up right now!” one of the demanded.  
“She’s gonna kill herself!”
“Easy! Easy!”  
Vash backed up into Luida, his eyes “like a deer caught in headlights” (from stories of old Earth and some of its few remaining majestic wild animals, the last time the world was known).  
The doctor quickly unhooked the drip to Rem’s saline-IV and plunged a clear fluid from a syringe into the tube.  She suddenly arched her back and looked skyward, the eyelids of her uncovered eye fluttering.  The nurses guided her gently back into bed. “V…Vaaaaasssshu…” she slurred before the sedation took full-effect and she fell into a nearly instant sleep, her mouth parted, her hair left in a graceless mess.  
Vash felt Luida’s arms around him, gently hugging him from behind.  
Brad and a pair of guards that were waiting outside took Vash back to his cell.  
The door shut loudly.  The sound of the lock was extra metallic, sharp and cold.
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bookpromo · 2 months
Typewriters: Iconic Machines from the Golden Age of Mechanical Writing (Writers Books, Gifts for Writers, Old-School Typewriters)
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Get your copy today!
From the creation of the QWERTY keyboard to the world's first portable typing machine, this handsome collection is a visual homage to the golden age of the typewriter. From the world's first commercially successful typewriter—the Sholes & Glidden Type Writer of 1874—to the iconic electric models of the 1960s, eighty vintage devices are profiled in elegant photographs and fascinating text that highlights the design modifications, intricate details, and peculiar quirks that make each typewriter unique. From functional advances like noiseless machines to luxurious details such as mahogany covers and inlaid mother-of-pearl, a century of design innovation and experimentation is charted in these pages. Packed with visuals and rich with history, Typewriters is the essential story of a writing invention that changed the world.
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devinemeditech · 8 months
Digital Acuity Chart
Using a Devine Meditech distance vision testing device, people can test their vision while seated either directly facing the drum (direct option) or indirectly facing the mirror (indirect option). Additionally, the interior surface of the drum is typically striped, so while the drum rotates, the subject's eyes are exposed to a moving visual field while they stay motionless.
It has frontal, on-surface display, special image-based display for patients who cannot read, easy-to-use, hand-held controls, compact, lightweight design, and colour deficiency test.
LCD Auto Chart System
The LCD Auto Chart System includes a wireless handset. Computerized or digital eye charts are being used more and more in the assessment of visual acuity. For every instrument, there are selectable optotypes, presentation modalities, and crowding options. People test their vision with the Devine Meditech LCD Auto Chart equipment while positioned with their backs to the drum wall. For vision tests, a digital vision chart is helpful. It's easy to use with the handy remote control, which has keys designated for each chart.
Compact and light weight
Multiple Regional languages
Exclusive Image gallery for various eye diseases
Reverse mode available for all charts
Compensation for red green filter
Suitable for all refraction rooms
Easy Wall mounting
Cordless remote work from any direction
Chart offered : C/E Chart, Dot Chart ,Snellen , Ishihara Chart, Astigmatic fan, Log mar Chart, Spot Light, Duochrome test light
A device consisting of prisms, lenses, and cylinders called the AA Phoropter measures the refractive error of the eye to help determine an appropriate prescription. With a Phoropter, one can measure the eye's natural resting position, binocular vision, near-distance focal ability, and eye movements.
•   Lens switching with high speed and low noise •   Operation interface with easy-to-operate layout •   Two-in-one operation mode of tablet and keyboard •   App supports the use of Android tablets and iPad •   Equipped with split prism •   Bluetooth wireless connection with tablets and other devices
Automated Chart Projector
Automated Chart Projector with IR Controller, Screen and Wall Mount Uses of Automated Chart Projector
With its remote controller, quick toggling of icons, red/green & polarized icon test sheet, binocular vision, and binocular balance, it can generate more accurate measurement results in less time.
Features of automated chart projector –
LED light source, lower heat and longer life
 Advanced electrical control system, charts switching does not flicker
Noiseless motor, charts switch mute and without vibration
Excellent red and green balance function
Using dial wheel to focus, convenient and fast
220-230 voltage power supply
The vision tester emerges as a pivotal tool in safeguarding and enhancing visual acuity. By providing a systematic and accurate assessment of one's eyesight, this device plays a crucial role in early detection of potential eye disorders, contributing to timely interventions and preventive measures. The convenience and efficiency of vision testers make them an invaluable asset in various settings, from healthcare facilities to educational institutions. The vision tester is a testament to the convergence of technology and healthcare because it enables people to take proactive steps toward maintaining their vision, ultimately promoting a world where everyone can access visual wellness.
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sanjanajustwatched · 10 months
That's Our Cue - (HOD - Production Design and Art Dept.) 🎱
My role in this film was HOD for Production Design and Art Department.
This film wasn't very heavy on production design as we had a location that was already well decorated and fit the director's idea.
However, there was a mirror along the back wall that needed to be hidden to avoid crew reflection. I discussed with the producer about the potential methods to cover up the mirror.
Window frosting, but it won't completely hide the shadows/ reflections. I'm not sure how much of the camera + equipment will be visible, but we won't be able to completely hide them.
  Peel and stick wallpaper - but it will be hard to get off and can leave residue or the water activated window films, those are easier to remove, but it will mess with lighting in some scenes.
  Just taping posters/fabric/chart paper. Will need dimensions of the mirror if we're going with that.
(my notes) 👆
Eventually, I decided on using brown Kraft paper as it wasn't a very dominating or distracting color and suited the wood panels on the wall. It was also the least damaging option because I didn't want to ruin the location decor.
The wall however was very blank so I made a few plain '8 ball' posters, which were initially printed but due to it reflecting the light, I painted the posters on colored card paper instead to avoid that.
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While it isn't a very noticeable detail, the reason I chose to paint the 8 ball on the posters was a reference to the magic 8-ball which would be reflective of the characters' choices and indecisiveness.
I also made a few printed posters to stick around the location and a glass panel to prevent reflections.
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(blurry picture 😭)
Scrapped idea -> Noiseless Pool Balls
An idea the group had initially was to make noiseless pool balls, so that it wouldn't interfere with location sound. I did some research and came up with the idea of using Sponge balls or Ball Pit balls as they wouldn't make much noise on impact.
Scottpropandroll is a youtube channel run by Prop Master Scott who has made countless videos on how props are made and used in film. Luckily, he also made a video on what sort of balls are used in billiards scenes and this is where I foun dout that painted racquetballs are what get the job done!
However, after checking with the director it was confirmed that instead of this method the pool balls would have specific placements and the actors would have choreographed movements. On set I was also taking care of continuity of thw billiards table in shot.
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John (director) and DOP (Lewis) had decided on a Tony Soprano theme in terms of costume for both the characters. Unfortunately the actors did not have a lot of options that would match the idea, so we had to scrap the idea and go with what was available. I wanted to create some sort of distinction between the two characters so I bought a plain black tee for Robert's character and Peter wore a checkered shirt.
Robert's character also wore his wedding ring on the wrong hand as a sign of his distress in the situation and a representation of the way he copes with responsibilities in his marriage.
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(Budget Breakdown)
In the end I was happy with my work on the film and while this film wasn't too heavy on production design, it has given me an understanding of minute details that could make the set more authentic.
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0 notes
libord · 1 year
Share Markets are believing to be in consolidation from this level
Introduction: Market experts suggest that the current bottom of 17,000 on the Nifty50 index appears to be strong, and there is a possibility of consolidation from this level. If the index continues to bounce from this level, it could indicate an upside and activate bullish counts on point-and-figure charts up to 17,800–18,000. However, they are also cautioning that there are still some downside counts open to 16,500, so it would be wise to be aware of this possibility if the price falls below 17,000. Furthermore, they suggest that there are opportunities in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, defence, and banking sectors. They also said to note that some stocks in these sectors are performing well, outperforming the major indices, and displaying a strong trend. Experts View about the current situation in Nifty 50 stocks: Market experts suggest that the Nifty index has reached a strong bottom at 17,000 based on various indicators. They note that the current uptrend is the fourth corrective move and has seen the same amount of upside so far, but has bounced from the previous demand area, indicating a strong bottom has been formed. Furthermore, they mentioned that the number of stocks above the 200-day moving average in the Nifty50 has increased in the last 15 days, and more than half of the stocks are in a bullish swing according to P&F charts. They suggest that if there is a follow-through action to the current bounce, it might then indicate an upside and, adding to it, activate bullish counts on P&F charts for the levels up to 17,800–18,000. However, they also note that there are some downside counts open to 16,500, and until these bearish counts are negated and bullish counts are formed, the trend is still bearish. They advise traders to be aware of this possibility while deciding on strategies. Lastly, they also mention that Nifty is still underperforming against other major asset classes such as bonds, currencies, and gold, and for a meaningful upside, this picture must change. Experts View on the Comparison of the Price Movement of the Bank Nifty to the Nifty50: Market experts compare the price movement of the Bank Nifty to the Nifty 50 and note that both have corrected by 10 to 12 percent. However, they also mention that in the short term, the Bank Nifty is outperforming the market. They also further note that all stocks in the Bank Nifty are in the bullish column in the P&F chart, indicating bullish swings, whereas only about half of the stocks in the Nifty are in bullish swings. This suggests that more stocks have turned bullish in Bank Nifty. Additionally, they also mentioned that they track breadth indicators closely, as the number of stocks participating in a trend is usually a leading indicator. However, they also caution that there are stiff resistances on the higher side, which means that there is a possibility of short-term consolidation in the Bank Nifty. Experts view on the importance of and some useful information about the Noiseless Chart part (Points and Figures): According to a few market experts, they say that they learned early in their careers that seeking consensus in the market is not the path to success. They began exploring lesser-known methods and stumbled upon noiseless charts, such as P&F, Renko, line-break, and Kagi charts, which take only price into account and eliminate noise from the data. These charts can reveal hidden price patterns and provide important information regarding trend and pattern. Price analysis, indicators, and strategies in technical analysis are applicable to these charting methods, making studies more effective and resulting in a significant increase in trade productivity. They also believe that those who have not learned about or understood these techniques are missing out on something valuable when it comes to trading. Experts View on the Nifty IT Sector: Market experts are expressing caution and uncertainty regarding the current state of the market. While some stocks may be trading at support levels, there is no concrete evidence that the market has bottomed out yet. The IT index has shown a higher bottom, but it is not yet bullish, indicating that other sectors may be performing better. They also suggest that the confirmation of a bullish double bottom pattern in the IT sector's relative strength chart would be a useful tool to confirm a support pattern, but it has not yet occurred. Experts view on Adani Group stocks: Market experts believe that Adani Group stocks are known for their high volatility and that traders who have a well-defined strategy in place for entering and exiting trades and managing risks may find opportunities to benefit from trading these stocks. However, they also suggest that these stocks are not suitable for newcomers or traders who base their decisions on news or intuition, as they may make emotional trades in these situations. Therefore, traders who have experience and discipline in their approach may consider trading Adani Group stocks, while those who lack experience or a sound trading strategy should avoid them. Experts view on sectors for investment: Some market experts are actively seeking trading opportunities in three sectors: healthcare and pharmaceuticals, defence, and banking. They have identified some stocks in these sectors that are looking promising and noted that these sectors are currently outperforming the broader market indices and exhibiting a strong trend. They also believe that focusing on leading stocks within these sectors is a sound strategy, as it can offer a favourable risk-reward ratio, provided that the overall trend of the market (as represented by the Nifty index) is not bearish. However, they also warn that many traders make the mistake of not considering the broader market trend while selecting trades, which can lead to poor performance. Conclusion: Markets experts say that currently they are expecting the possibility of consolidation in the market, and the current bottom of 17,000 on the Nifty50 index appears to be strong. In short, they suggest that it is a good time to enter the market and suggest investing in sectors like healthcare and pharmaceuticals, defence, and banking as they are actively seeking trading opportunities in these three sectors, but without having a demat account you cannot invest in these sectors. So, here is an opportunity to open your demat and trading accounts with Libord Brokerage Pvt Ltd and start investing in these sectors during this correction period in this market. On the stocks of IT and Adani Group, they believe that although the IT sector has made bottom, there are no signs of going up from here, and on Adani Stocks, they have suggested that new traders and investors should stay away for the present situation. So, overall, other than IT and Adani Group, investors should start investing in sectors like healthcare and pharmaceuticals, defence, and banking and generate a good return in their portfolio.
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birbaleducation · 2 years
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*Mastering Positional Trading Techniques with Noiseless Charts* Join *Mukta Dhamankar* to explore positional trading techniques using noiseless charts on *22nd March at 3 pm*. Learn to make better decisions about when to buy and sell, which can result in higher profits and lower losses. By using noiseless trading methods, you can improve your *trading accuracy, reduce risk, and increase your chances of success in the markets*. Expore how to use noiseless charts for investment in cash or trading ideas for derivatives with her. Do not wait. *REGISTER NOW*! 👉 https://surl.li/fqtoc Take advantage of *20% off* with code *WEB20* https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDQQQNtRy0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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austennerdita2533 · 4 years
A/N: Hey @commonxcrimminals​ remember that Melendaire Fix-It-Of-Sorts fic I’ve had on my computer since freaking MARCH?? Well...I finally finished it!  CAN YOU BELIEVE. Anyway, were it not for your oodles of encouragement or our constant why-did-Melendez-have-to-die wailing sessions on every social media platform out there, I probably never would’ve summoned the gall to finish or post the darn thing. So thank you!
This one is dedicated to you, my friend. Love you more than I can possibly convey! ❤️ ❤️
Summary: When it comes to moments of life or death, Neil and Claire learn sometimes one defibrillation of the heart can reset everything.
Also here: (A03)
Enjoy! xx
The sirens start, red and blue lights cutting through the darkness with speed. Neil’s strapped to a gurney, conscious but barely, with tubes and leads sticking from him like he’s part machine while his eyes fixate on the gray-white swirl of the ceiling.
What’s happened? Where is he? Why the hell does he hurt so much? Right now the blunt ache over his left temple is a trifle compared to the scalpel-like shard that’s been stabbing through his abdomen every two to four seconds and has nausea roaring into the back of his throat with each bump, with each gloved touch that ghosts over his prone form in examination, his vision dotted and blurred and fading…
It’s fading quickly…
…so…q u i c k…ly…
Monitors beep in the background. Softly at first, then louder. Faster. Shorter. Quieter. Steadily the screens track his stats before diving into erratic nonsense that can’t be pieced together as his fists curl into the sheet beneath him, knuckles bumping against a metal railing.
Neil’s eyelids burn, they grow heavy. All he tastes is blood and bile. A mask hangs over his mouth so he can’t talk, can’t call out either, the oxygen cool as it filters through his nostrils, little hairs tickling. He winces once, takes another shallow breath in—and then nothing.
Blackness pops. Noiseless but everywhere. Like a falling curtain, it frays the edges of the world until he can no longer see them.
Coldness slams like a hammer over his chest, pouring, rippling, spreading out with tendrils to invade cell after cell until before he knows it he’s drifting away from time and thoughts and oxygen that won’t hold steady…He’s sinking down, down, down into a rigid stillness that refuses to lift.
But then—
A flurry of movement to his right. Behind his head. Next comes a lot of pronounced clunking, swearing, whispering; perhaps even some harried tearing or unzipping.
No, no, no. Stay with me, pleads a familiar voice from above him in echo. With his head spinning with delirium, however, he’s unable to place who is speaking.
Come on, Neil. Don’t do this, not now. Hold on for me.
He feels distant, detached, like he’s been sunk under water but never went swimming.
Hold on for me, the voice repeats again. Please.
The words are wet and desperate as they land on his chest with two hands that push, and push, his eyes slitting open just wide enough for Claire’s face to float into focus for a moment then out again like a dream, the heel of her palm pounding into him with the force of a tether to keep him there with her, alive, stable - one breath, one blink, one heartbeat at a time.
The fleeting sight of her brings him back. Hair. Scrubs. Hands. Eyes. She brings him back into the pain and into the light. Her relief, that smile—he needs it; it’s a leash yanking him off the ledge of surrender and telling him to fight for another chance to live. To speak. After all, he’s a surgeon, so doesn’t he already know time is a borrowed gift with no guarantees?
Stay with me, Claire says again. And this time, he clings. He clings to her as hard as he can even as the world goes black a second time, his heart still full of too many unsaid things.
She waits for the door to click shut behind her in the stairwell.
Alone on the landing, there are no more voices. No more computers or phones. There are no more charts to read, labs to run, procedures to schedule, or medications to administer.
Wheelchairs stop squeaking through the hallways. Their wheels are no longer sticking to speckled white tiles as they turn the corner and head toward recovery. The smell of brewing coffee in the lounge near OR Four becomes a stale memory because here, and only here, do the demands of the hospital dissolve long enough for Claire to collapse her head into her palms for a moment, and breathe. Just breathe.
She only takes a moment. A second to grapple with the enormity of all that is happening.
Eyes closed, thoughts scattered, her fingers coil around something metal in her pocket and idle.
Her thumbnail traces sleek edges, silver grooves. A chain droops over her knuckles and scratches. Soothes. Familiarity tingling with each pass.
It’s a cross she fists in the quiet gloom. A token. Some beat-up trinket of her mother’s she couldn’t part with after her death so she’s taken to carrying it with her like a talisman even though she hasn’t believed in anything, or in anyone, for a long time. Not for years and years. Not until him, that is.
He’ll be fine, Claire assures herself with a nod and a sniff. He’ll be okay.
The scan results sit in a folder next to her feet, still in need of a consult, still in want of a surgical scheme. The words “stable but critical” float in her periphery then flicker out again like a nightmare that won’t fade.
He needs to be okay, she thinks. Cold bites into her palm as she squeezes then releases, squeezes then releases, her pinky tracing the divots the pendant leaves behind on her skin.
He has to be.
Slowly, organically, Neil has chipped away at her walls to become a fixture in her life and she likes him there. Needs him there. She realizes she’ll do anything to keep him around, to keep him close to her for as long as she can.
So believer or not, Claire bows her head. She closes her eyes tighter and lets faith bleed from her heart straight into her hands.
Clutching her mother’s cross to her breast, begging for the strength and the skill to save him so they can have more time to bowl badly or laugh the night away over beers, so she can have the chance to say the words she already feels, she utters an urgent plea into the space around the stairs.
Claire wishes so hard for him to live that the words flutter as they take wing. They transform into symbols of her hope and despair:
A fossil in the air.
A sob with feathers.
A scream leeching from her compressed lips like a prayer.
Neil wakes with his head bandaged, his abdomen dissected with stitches, and a tuft of curly softness blanketed over his arm.
Squinting against the harsh hospital light, he sits up. Allows himself to adjust. To take in his surroundings.
Currently he lies flat in bed. A central line coils up his arm. His head pounds, and his mouth is dry. Wrapped in scratchy sheets, in sticky gauze and bandages, he notices the curtains are pulled shut for privacy and that there’s a woman fast asleep in the space beside him.
The first thing he does is smile. The second thing he does is tremble, relief as well as gratitude pricking the corners of his eyes.
The sight of Claire snoring and pillowed against his side overwhelms him so much that he shifts to brush his hand over the crown of her head without thinking. His touch, both featherlight and timid because he’s worried she’s a mirage on the verge of disappearing, petrified that one wrong move will shatter the reality of this moment like glass, Neil cups her cheek in his palm and he marvels—he savors.
He loses himself in the pure simplicity of touch. The chaste pleasure of it. Tracing the curves of her face with his thumb until she wakes.
“Hey there, sleepy head. Nice to see you again,” he whispers as her eyelids flicker open.
“Hey, you. Welcome back,” she stirs groggily and yawns. “Can I get you anything? Pillows? Blankets? Meds? Here, let me—”
Claire makes to move, to fuss over him, but she stops when Neil shakes his head, holding her in place with a look, with a languid stroke of his fingers along her jawline. Relenting, she softens enough to desist fidgeting. Then leans into his palm to ask, “How are you feeling?”
“Fine?” she balks, sitting up. “Don’t lie.”
“I’m not. Though, I do have the sneaking suspicion I was autopsied in my sleep for spare parts,” he jokes, wincing, “but otherwise I’m not bad. Fuzzy. Sore mostly. And you?”
“I’m okay, I guess. You know…considering.” Her shoulders heavy, Claire shrugs as she averts her gaze to check his fluids and vitals on the monitor, exhaling like she’s been holding in a breath for years. “Anyway, I’m much better now that you’re out of surgery.”
“—Not to mention conscious.”
“And talking again,” Neil adds glibly.
“Yeah,” she laughs but it falls flat. “That, too.”
“How long have I been out, by the way?” It’s a pointed question. Uncomfortable. Painful for them both to address because of all the might have been’s and almost was’s it carries with it, but he needs to know. He has to be in possession of all the facts.
Turning toward the window, Claire adjusts the blinds and swipes at her face, hiccupping back some stray emotion she doesn’t want him to see. “It’s been a while," she explains. Doesn't elaborate.
“Yeah," she says, her voice small. “Things were touch and go for a few days.”
“I see.” A beat of strained silence. Then another. And another. He’s starting to notice the weariness she wears about her person now: the paleness, her rimmed complexion, the wrinkles in her clothes. He even recognizes the remnants of a few to-go lattes in the trash bin. It makes him wonder how many hours she’s spent camped out in this room while he recovered—weighing the odds. Pouring over charts. Pacing the floor while she waited for signs of life that weren’t guaranteed, or worse, might not have been coming at all.
“Hey, Claire?” he breaks in softly.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry.”
Startled and sobering, she turns. Sits back down on the edge of the bed. “For what?” she asks.
“Nearly dying to start,” Neil says with a sigh. “For the cowardice I’ve been hiding behind. For not knowing one-sided conversations aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, or that living inside your own head lands you nowhere except in hell.
“I’ve been stupid and careless… wasted so much time. I’m a fool for not having told you I’m in love with you sooner, for one,” he continues huskily, his voice breaking around emotion and a smile when she gapes back at him in disbelief. “But I am. In love with you, that is. Have been for a while.”
Claire’s eyes are red and glassy now. Her head has fallen during his speech to make a pillow of his chest, a place from where she blinks even and level back at him. Studying him as if he were a scientific specimen.
Still, there’s a warmth about her that puts him at ease. Her attentiveness is a balm that makes him stronger and bolder even though he has no reason to be.
Shrugging, Neil offers a slight upward quirk of his mouth before adding, “I could have lost you. Best to just—lay it all out there at this point, don’t you think?”
The sentimentality behind his choice of words is not lost upon him but he finds there’s no point in discretion now. There is nothing dumber to him than chasing back courage with fear when he knows how he’s ended up here, and why. There has to be a reason he’s come back to this world. To this hospital. To this moment. And to her.
There has to be.
He believes there’s a future out there where they can hold happiness in both hands, he feels it like a scalpel pressed against an artery. All they have to do is be brave enough to make a grab for it. Mark the incision. Cut the damn thing wide open and let possibility bleed where it bleeds.
“If you don’t realize I love you, too,” Claire sniffs at long last, trying to sound droll and unaffected, though not quite managing it with tears spilling down her cheeks, “then you’re an idiot.”
“An idiot, huh?”
“The biggest.”
“Right.” He considers this seriously. “Got it. Now, can you rate that on a scale of 1 to 10 for me, please?”
Snorting, she fires back without missing a beat, “Sure. Try infinity.”
Neil laughs at that. Then, with undisguised tenderness, he frames Claire’s head in his hands and pulls her toward him by the nape until she’s tangled in sheets and IV wires with him. To hell with the pain.
“Well then. Let’s see if I can do something to lower that number, Dr. Browne,” he says before capturing her mouth in an overdue kiss to cinch things between them with chemistry. With feeling. Jumpstarting their hearts like a defibrillator that will reset everything.
That one kiss, as it turns out, marks the first step towards being able to forge a future together. A start. To them, it comes to represent just that: a new beginning.
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blogquad674 · 3 years
Deezer Hifi Airplay
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Deezer HiFi is also directly integrated on Xbox, Chromecast, Sonos and other devices. Please visit our Devices page to see all devices that are compatible with Deezer HiFi. Deezer HiFi High Fidelity sound. Unlimited streaming. 3 months free Then £14.99/month Cancel anytime.
Deezer HiFi Stream in lossless quality for £14.99/month, 3 months free. Deezer Student -50%. Premium for just £4.99/month, 1 month free. Plans Features Devices Help About us Careers Explore. All channels Charts Most popular release New releases.
Airplay (audio output settings on Airplay cannot be modified - always ALAC @16bit 44110kHz, I tested fully wired and WiFi). Stream to Pioneer SC LX86 (which was famed for its well done airplay- DAC integration). Sound out with Monitor Audio Silver series. Deezer App audio output set to 1411kbp - ' T ' set to HiFi.
Using Airplay: Open the audio settings of your iPhone and select the room of your Phantom (for example, living room) as audio output. Run the Deezer app on your iPhone. The sound will now come out on the Phantom. This sound will be in 16bit / 44.1kHz CD quality. The 16bit / 44.1kHz format is also the one used for a Deezer Hifi subscription.
Closing the gap between you and your music
Posted by | June 30, 2020 | Deezer, GB, Global, Press, UK, US
New gapless playback on Deezer HiFi eliminates noiseless breaks
Silence is for libraries, not your music. So, when those annoying pauses pop up in between tracks, consider it a thing of the past.
Now, with our new gapless playback, Deezer HiFi fans won’t need to fast-forward or wait for the next track to begin. You can listen to any high definition tracks, whether it’s your favorite live album or classical orchestra without any breaks in true CD quality.
“I’m constantly playing music at my house, especially when I invite my friends over. I can’t tell you how many times I had these awkward moments of silence while we all waited for the next track to come on. Gapless on HiFi allows me to focus only on the music,” said Benoit Terpereau, our VP of Product at Deezer.
Gapless playback is set by default, so HiFi users don’t have to update a thing! It’s available to our HiFi users around the world on all mobile, iOS, Android devices.*
For more information, visit www.deezer.com.
*Notes: Gapless playback is also available for HiFi subscribers on Sonos, Apple Homepod (with Airplay), Apple Watch, Ultimate Ears (via Bluetooth), BMW, Carplay and Waze.
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High Fidelity sound. Unlimited streaming.
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I already have a Deezer Premium account. Do I need to create a second account for Deezer HiFi?
No, you can upgrade to Deezer HiFi in the Manage my subscription section of your account settings. All your favorites and downloaded content will also be saved when you upgrade your plan.
What's the difference between Deezer Premium and Deezer HiFi?
Deezer HiFi gives you all the benefits of Deezer Premium, plus it allows you to listen to FLAC tracks in lossless quality.
What is lossless quality?
Music files are typically compressed to provide you with faster streaming. With Deezer HiFi, you get High Fidelity sound - that means you get uncompressed music files encoded in FLAC format (16-bit, 1,411 Kbps). Essentially, lossless quality is crystal clear, CD-quality audio.
Deezer Hifi Airplay Free
Can you have multiple profiles with Deezer HiFi?
At this time, it's not possible to have multiple Deezer HiFi profiles under one account. If you would like to have more profiles, our Deezer Family plan lets you create up to 6 profiles.
Can I use Deezer HiFi from any app?
You can access Deezer HiFi across all your devices, from the desktop app and web player to any iOS or Android smartphone. Deezer HiFi is also directly integrated on Xbox, Chromecast, Sonos and other devices. Please visit our Devices page to see all devices that are compatible with Deezer HiFi.
High Fidelity sound. Unlimited streaming.
3 months free Then 14,99 €/month Cancel anytime.*
Deezer Student Hifi
This offer grants you a 3-month free trial to the Deezer HiFi service. At the end of your free trial period, you will be automatically converted to a full price Deezer HiFi subscription at 14,99 € per month, unless you opt out at least 48 hours before the date of automatic renewal. This offer is non-binding. You may cancel your subscription at any time. This offer is available only for users who have never benefited from any Deezer free trial or promotion and/or who are not or have never been subscribers to a Deezer paying subscription. This is a one-time only offer per user. This offer is valid from 03/01/2021 to 04/30/2021. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer. In order to redeem this offer, you have to enter valid payment details, login or create an account and accept the general terms of use of the Deezer service (available at http://www.deezer.com/legal/cgu).
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adrenaline-whump · 5 years
Selection Process
When the young doctor leaves his office, there are only two vehicles left in the far corner of the parking lot: his car, and a van a couple of spaces away. He’s been writing detailed notes in patients’ charts that he hadn’t had time to finish earlier. It’s not unusual for him. He lives by himself, so no one will complain if he comes home late.
He clicks the unlock button on his key fob, and the car beeps obligingly. As he puts his hand on the door handle, something moves in the window’s reflection. He glances over his shoulder.  
Someone’s walking around the front of the van. The doctor registers three facts in order. First, it’s not a bum, the attitude and posture are all wrong for that. Second, the man is approaching him with definite purpose. Third, Jesus fuck he’s got a gun.
“Put your keys on top of your car,” the stranger says calmly.
The doctor stands frozen for a long moment. Moving his arm takes conscious effort. He carefully places his keys on the car’s roof. A carjacking? The guy can have the car. He’s welcome to it.
“Put your phone next to your keys.” There’s a streetlight behind the man; his face is in shadow. The doctor takes his phone out of his pocket and sets it next to the keys. Maybe the next directive will involve his wallet. That’s fine. That makes sense.
“Move.” The man gestures briefly with the gun. Away from the car, he’s indicating. The doctor takes a step back, then two more.
He doesn’t realize he’s backing toward the van until its side door slams open behind him. Caught between two threats, he freezes for a critical second, his reflexive pivot coming too late.
Someone seizes him from behind and flips him into the van.
Reality itself seems to spin off its normal axis; the deafening bang might be his impact on the van’s metal floor, or the slam of the door behind him. His subconscious reacts first, thrashing without thought, trying to break free of the weight pinning him down. It’s useless; one arm is trapped under him, and a crushing grip forces his other arm behind his back. His cry of shock and fear goes nowhere, stifled in a gloved hand. More hands catch and pin down his legs, keeping him from kicking.
“Easy.  Easy.”  That’s not one of the ones holding him; it’s the same voice he heard before, coming from somewhere up by his head.  Calming down is not going to happen, the doctor thinks wildly.  Not when he can feel the van has lurched into motion, and he can hardly breathe with this bruiser’s weight compressing his chest.
His captors shift slightly, and metal clamps around his right wrist, with a clicking sound.
Panic washes back over him, a harsh, disorienting surge.   Something deep inside him is screaming nononoshitno!  He jerks and twists, fighting for any scrap of leverage.
A colorless, noiseless flash, and reality shudders out of focus again. When it settles, a spot on the side of his head is pounding painfully, keeping time with his rapid heartbeat. In the moment he lost track of, they’ve wrenched his left arm behind him, and the second cuff closes around his wrist.
The van bumps and turns; the doctor recognizes the left turn out of the parking lot from long familiarity. The gradual curve to the right means they’re getting on the highway. Fuckfuckfuck.
Between the heavy weight holding him down, and the uncompromising hand over his mouth, he cannot get enough air. He thrashes again, a little less energetically, and tries to inject a note of pleading into his muffled protest. He doesn’t want to get hit again, but Christ, if they want to asphyxiate him, they should just do it and not half-ass it. Someone’s talking to him again. He struggles to hear the words over the van’s deep rumble.
“Easy, Doc, easy.  Listen to me. I know it’s hard to breathe like that. I can do something about it, but you need to cooperate with me. I need you to settle down and listen.”
The doctor forces himself into rigid stillness. How can this guy sound so calm? How do you go out and grab someone off the street and act like it’s nothing? Maybe it is nothing to him.
“That’s better. You will not get away from us unless I let you go. If you fight us, things are going to get worse for you. If you keep quiet and do what I tell you, you’ll be a lot more comfortable. There’s no need to ask a lot of questions. If there’s something I think you need to know, I’ll tell you. Is all that clear?”
Not much of a choice. Trying not to hyperventilate, the doctor nods as much as he can.
“Good. My friend’s going to move; you stay where you are.”
The pressure lifts, and he can breathe, finally. The sudden inrush of oxygen makes his head spin. His breath catches again as a folded piece of fabric settles over his eyes and is knotted behind his head with swift precision.
Rustling sounds; people move to new positions inside the van. The in-charge guy stays seated next to him; one hand casually resting flat between the doctor’s shoulder blades. Somehow it feels just as capable of pinning him down as the linebacker who moved away.
He realizes he’s shivering, intense enough to ache. Underneath his racing, panicked thoughts, fragments of a classroom lecture echo in his memory. Sympathetic nervous system; fight-or-flight response; epinephrine and cortisol. The brain floods the body with hormones to prepare for instant action. And he, on the floor of a van going God-knows-where, can only burn off the emergency energy as best he can, and wait to see what happens.
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Treadmill image by Sport-Tiedje GmbH
“The kettlebell is an ancient Russian weapon against weakness.” Pavel
If you enjoy this article, please LIKE, SHARE, and follow us on Facebook.
Before we go into greater detail, here are the 7 reasons I suggest you purchase a kettlebell instead of a treadmill:
Kettlebells Improve both Muscular Strength and Cardiovascular Condition
Kettlebells are More Cost-Effective
Kettlebells have a Small Footprint and are Portable
Kettlebells are Simple & lend themselves to Quick Workouts
Kettlebells are Quiet
Kettlebells allow for a lot of Exercise Variety
Kettlebell workouts are low impact
#1 Kettlebells Improve both Muscular Strength and Cardiovascular Condition
It may seem counter-intuitive, but when you are losing weight, strength training, not cardio training should be your number one exercise priority. For years we have been indoctrinated to believe that to lose weight you have to eat less and move more, but the main flaw with this approach is that even if you do it properly, you will lose muscle mass. If you don’t challenge your muscles, you will lose calorie-burning muscle mass along with the fat which will lead to a fat loss plateau.
Kettlebell workouts can burn as much as 20 calories a minute, depending on your level of effort. Just like running, it is depended on your intensity of effort. If you want to transform your body, replace the mindset that cardio is how you burn fat. Exercise burns fat and strength training helps preserve muscle. Learn more, Why you should prioritize strength training, especially on a diet (UPDATED with FREE workout program log).
#2 Kettlebells are More Cost-Effective
Personal treadmills can range from $500 to $5,000, with the average cost of a well-built treadmill being approximately $2,500. You also have to factor in the cost of purchasing a new pair of running shoes every 6-months as well.
You only need one kettlebell to begin a kettlebell workout routine. I recommend a 15 lbs. kettlebell for women, a 30 lbs. Kettlebell for men. The two kettlebells I recommend cost $25 and $38 respectively. Even if you decide to add additional kettlebells, the cost will never approach that of a treadmill.
#3 Kettlebells have a Small Footprint and are Portable
Unlike a treadmill that will dominate a space, a kettlebell takes up very little space. It can be put in a closet or under a bed. Some treadmills are designed to be folded-up, but I have never seen anyone actually do that between workouts.
Kettlebells are completely portable. On a beautiful day, you can take your kettlebells outside for a workout. You can take it with you on a camping trip or a vacation with your family.
#4 Kettlebells are Simple & lend themselves to Quick Workouts
“Our communist enemies, who are trying to bury us, have exercise breaks instead of coffee breaks.” -Bob Hoffman, York Barbell Club
Kettlebells are very simple. There are no electronics, and there are no belts to maintain. You simply grab it and begin. You don’t need to put on your running shoes, you can perform a lot of movements in your street clothing.
I suggest we take Bob Hoffman’s advise and squeeze in some quick workouts throughout the day. Before I began writing this article, I grabbed my kettlebell, performed 25 swings followed by 50 jumping jacks and then finished with 25 more swings. Our physiology and psychology are linked, so when I want to get my energy up, I like to do something that will get my heart racing for a couple of minutes. Kettlebells make getting in a quick workout very manageable.
Here is a simple workout you can do in under15-minutes:
Beginner Workout: Complete 150 kettlebell swings in as many sets as you need too. When you get tired, rest for 30-60 seconds, then keep swinging and repeat until the 150 repetitions are complete. Once you can complete 150 swings consecutively in a workout, progress to the intermediate level.
Intermediate Workout: complete 300 kettlebell swings in as many sets as you need too. When you get tired, rest for 30-60 seconds, then keep swinging and repeat until the 300 repetitions are complete.
#5 Kettlebells are Quiet
If you are like me, you do most of your cardio workouts in the morning before everyone else is awake. My family would not appreciate me pounding away on a treadmill at 5:00 AM in the morning at all. Kettlebells are noiseless. I typically alternate between my kettlebell and spin bike. Neither makes any noise, and both are low impact. My spin bike has no electronics, so I can hop off, perform 20-30 repetitions of a kettlebell exercise or calisthenics, like mountain climbers, and then hop right back on and resume pedaling.
#6 Kettlebells allow for a lot of Exercise Variety
You can do countless exercises with kettlebells targeting every muscle of the body. You are only limited by your imagination. Kettlebell workouts are simply a lot more fun and enjoyable. You can purchase the exercise chart below for approximately $20.
  You can also find countless exercise videos on YouTube for free. This 20-minute video would be a great one to start with:
  The treadmill was originally invented as a form of punishment for prisoners in the 1800s. It wasn’t popularized for commercial and home use until the 1970s.
#7 Kettlebell Exercise is Low Impact with very little Risk of Overuse Injuries
Unlike running on a treadmill, a kettlebell workout is low impact exercise, and your risk of overuse injuries is very low. You aren’t repeating the same movement pattern thousands of times during a workout like you do with running.
Best Wishes and Best Health!
Change your habits, change your life! Start small, dream big, build momentum.
Learn more, 7 Reasons kettlebell training is perfect for weight loss.
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“The Kettlebell is an Ancient Russian Weapon Against Weakness.” Pavel Tsatsouline Treadmill image by Sport-Tiedje GmbH “The kettlebell is an ancient Russian weapon against weakness.” Pavel If you enjoy this article, please…
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definedge-blog · 7 years
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chalabrun · 6 years
*breaks door* Did someone say symbrock angst? How about Life Foundation or whoever found a way to separate venom from Eddie and they went to all the lenghts and captured them, then violently removed and contained Venom, while eddie was badly injured and Venom is now a prisoner, not knowing whether Eddie even survived his injures, let alone if Venom and/or Eddie are gonna be experimented on/tortured ect.?
Good gods, I had way too much fun writing this. Am I the fandom Satan yet?
Warning(s): M,torture mentions, physical abuse
Be grateful, they’dspat at her through their forked tongues. That had appeared to be death was,instead, a suddenly induced coma. The Life Foundation couldn’t afford to loseanymore intellectual property. Not when they’d already lost so much when theSymbiote, now being known as Venom, had vanished off the radar. Dora’s heelsclicked on shined tile that reflected dreary reflections, trying not to lookdown. Not when these floors and walls harbored still so many terrible secrets.
The public believed SHIELD had absorbed them. They didn’tknow that SHIELD had been compromised by Hydra years ago.
Swallowing nervously, Dora Skirth took a clipboard hung froma hook scrawled with vitals like a seismic chart. When she’d declared shewanted to be a doctor, her two Jewish parents had celebrated it. Theyeven made her favorite desert that night: Turkish-style Baklava. She thoughtshe’d be helping people, making the world a better place.
Not blackmailed into compliance lest she disobey.
Edward Charles AllanBrock, the header read in stiff, martial print. It was an accident, thepapers coldly informed her. His forcefully broken legs had been the result of afall from the extraction. The multiple liaisons, the bruises, the malnutrition.The light coldly reflected her horror as she saw the genuine article bound to abed, eyes swollen shut. His arms were tethered to the bed, but it was becauseof a negative reaction to the anti-psychotics, it swore!
A puff of air breezed past as the glass door slid open, shetried to school her face calmly. Not have tears bubbling in her eyes. She movedsome bangs over her eyes. Dora knew the camera angles well enough.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Brock.” Was that serious enough?Detached and cold? The walls had ears. Eyes upon eyes. A chilly stool was whatshe sat upon. How blinding false angels in white could be. “How are you?”Children pretended the audience was in their underwear. She dreamt her witnesseswere still alive.
Edward coughed roughly. Craning his head painfully. “…Doc?”He started to move, and so did she, purposefully. Like she was restraining himfrom starting too violently.
“Don’t, please,” she hissed quickly and quietly, hands onhis shoulders. Hovering over him like an angel of death. “Try not to move. Youwere injured gravely in the process, Mr. Brock.” This she modulated normally.Loud enough for the ears and spies to hear. Her leash and chain collar slackeda little. “Can you tell me how you feel?”
He understood, thank god. This wasn’t like last time; theywouldn’t let it be. “…It’s too quiet. Why th’fuck can’t I hear it? Ven. It— It’sgotta be in pain, doc.” He sounded delirious. She jotted that down. Doraremembered what it felt like, temporarily. It felt like having your heart cutfrom your chest without anesthetic, she thought. Only to herself. Like bloodyhands before they could be washed.
Edward’s jaw worked, tears building in the puffy corners ofhis eyes. Painful, purple. “I still remember it real clear. It screamin’. Itwas in pain. Can’t—Can’t ya at least tell me how it is? Jus’—I gotta know,please.” Dora felt her heart constrict. Her eyes fell shut, and she clenchedthe clipboard until her knuckles blanched.
Until it sagged. She could feel Edward’s eyes implore soheavily he might as well have thrown himself at her feet begging. “Theextraction process, you—may not be able to recall much, Mr. Brock. We usedsymphonic dissonance to…discourage a bond. To remove it from the host. It…didn’toccur easily. Once we did, “ she glanced at him, his eyes watery with a tearslipping out; his body remembered, “the subject was exposed to hightemperatures. An oven.”
It sounded clinical, but there was nothing mechanical in theway Edward’s throat bobbed. He inhaled shakily, even through the restraints,his sweat-marred forehead strained against the band there when he fought weakly.“I remember, doc. I remember.” His face was raw and flushed, cheeks shining astears rode over them. His chest shuddered from both the pain of memory anditself. “It was—screamin’, so loud. Y’ever hear anything like it? It soundedlike death. Like all those horror movies, an’—I couldn’t save it. DAMMIT!”
Dora watched blankly as his head shook, then limbs flexed.It was like watching a car fly over a cliff. The bed shook, sheets upset asEdward thrashed and caused it to whine in protest. “Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT DAMMIT—I COULDN’ DO SHIT, AN’ IT’S IN SO MUCH PAIN I CAN’T—” Hecaterwauled while writhing like a worm cut open for bait, twisting and banginghimself against the glass. The bars rattled, the bulletproof glass shook.Sweat, blood, tears. The stuff hard work took. The stuff of a soul so tortured.
Tears of her own fell as she blankly watched, barelyreacting as the door to Brock’s room opened and men in white with blacknightsticks stomped through and she parted past them like the Red Sea.Watching, haplessly, as they beat Edward into submission. Cursing profanelyagainst some ignorant god as they did. Edward’s cries and screams became muted,voiceless wails as they pummeled him, blood on the sheets, the mattress.Bruises on top of bruises.
His thrashing stopped. Her shock didn’t.
Wide-eyed, the men filed noiselessly through, not even aword of regard. Not when she was transfixed upon the subject, the man raspingbreaths with lips coated a shining red. Muffled sobs choked up and burbledsickly, his eyes puffy again. Purple instead of just red. Black instead ofpurple.
Her voice, it sounded so broken. Not as shattered as his.Remembering she had flesh, blood, and bone, Dora rose from her seat as thestone ebbed away. A heel clicked. Then another. Hands gripped the bed’s rails,slick with blood and sweat. He sobbed, noiseless and drowning in his own salt.
There was nothing she could do to help him.
“I’m sorry.”
The good doctor crumpled to the ground and wept.
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7 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Wine Cabinet Reviews
Whether you collect wine as an investment or for sheer enjoyment, a well-made wine storage cabinet ensures that your wine develops and ages properly. But not all wine storage products are created equal. Buying wine furniture involves a complex set of factors like cooling capacity, insulation quality, and racking space.
To help you choose the right wine storage cabinet for your collection, we've listed out the most common mistakes that people make when purchasing one. Better yet, we've included tips to help you avoid those pitfalls.
Potential mistake #1: Purchasing a wine cooler when you really need a wine cabinet (yes, they’re different!).
You bought a wine cooler because of the reasonable price, and it seemed to be running just fine. Until you grab a bottle you'd been storing for a few years, and you notice that wine has dripped out through the cork, which has become dry and brittle...
Designed to chill wine to proper serving temperatures for short periods of time, wine coolers tend to ignore humidity while creating a cold inside environment.
Though not important when it comes to storing wines for a few months, humidity is very important if you plan on aging wine bottles over longer periods. Corks need to stay moist so that they don't dry out and become brittle—otherwise, air will seep into the bottle and wine will seep out.
By contrast, refrigerated wine cabinets typically keep the inside environment between 55°F and 60°F, the ideal temperature range for storing and aging wine, while maintaining humidity in the ideal 60 to 70% range.
Solidly-constructed cabinets also offer the dark, undisturbed environment required for the proper storage and aging of fine wine over months, years, and even decades.
How to avoid mistake #1:
Knowing the differences between coolers and cabinets, shop for the right solution to fit your goals and your lifestyle. If you’re looking for an appliance to cool wine quickly for a few days or months, you might want a wine cooler. However, if you plan on collecting and aging wines, you'll need the stable storage conditions that a refrigerated wine cabinet can provide.
Read more about the differences between wine coolers and wine cabinets.
Potential mistake #2: Buying a cabinet with racking that doesn't fit your bottles.
You've got your beautiful cabinet moved into your house, the cooling system turned on... but, when you go to put a treasured bottle onto the rack, it doesn't fit.
This frustrating scenario happens because "standard" wine racking that comes with many coolers and cabinets isn't large enough for certain kinds of bottles.
Standard wine racks have 3.25- to 3.5-inch slots, which are perfect for most Cabernet and Bordeaux bottles. Large-format bottles, for wines such as Burgundy, Pinot, and Champagne, won't fit in these slots and typically require 3.75-inch slots (or larger).
How to avoid mistake #2:
Before you buy a cabinet, check that its wine racking accommodates large-format bottles. Try to get as many 3.75-inch slots as possible to store increasingly popular and common large format bottles.
Even if you don't plan on storing and aging wines like Burgundy or Champagne at the moment, it's wise to give yourself flexibility for the future. Don't constrain yourself to only collecting Cabernet and Bordeaux wines.
Mistake #3: Selecting a cabinet that has inadequate insulation.
Your cooling unit seems to be working fine, but it runs non-stop. And when you check the temperature inside the cabinet, the conditions are hovering above 60°F. Why won't it stay cool enough in there?
If your cabinet isn't properly sealed off and insulated, even the most sophisticated cooling unit can't keep your wine at an optimal temperature. Insufficient or low-quality insulation allows outside heat to affect the inside temperature of the cabinet, raising it above the desired range of 55 to 60°F.
In order to compensate for inadequate insulation, a cabinet's cooling unit will have to run constantly to maintain the desired temperature. The additional burden uses more electricity, creates extra noise in your home, and will shorten the life expectancy of your cooling unit.
How to avoid mistake #3:
Pay attention to insulation when investigating cabinets to buy. While there's no such thing as too much insulation, consider the conditions in which your cabinet will be placed. If the environment is temperature-controlled, you probably can err on the side of less insulation and/or glass in your cabinet, to show off the bottles inside.
However, if the environment will not be conditioned, remember that the higher the temperatures get outside the cabinet, the more important the quality and amount of insulation used to protect your wine collection becomes.
Mistake #4: Letting a loud cooling system ruin your peace of mind.
Your cabinet's cooling unit runs for most of your waking hours, and the noise is bothering you. A conspicuous whirring, buzzing, or whooshing sound can really start to grate on your nerves.
Despending on the ambient temperature, a cooling unit might need to run up to 16 hours a day. As a result, noise is an important factor when choosing a refrigerated wine cabinet.
All cooling units and refrigerated cabinets make some noise, ranging from the barely noticeable to the annoyingly distracting. If you plan to place the cabinet in your home, make sure the cooling unit isn’t too loud.
How to avoid mistake #4:
Check noise levels for any wine cooling unit or refrigerated cabinet you're considering. Scan product information for objective facts about sounds made by the unit, measured in decibels. Don't trust qualitative judgements or claims like "very quiet" or "noiseless" without numbers to back them up.
For instance, at Le Cache, we use CellarPro 1800 Series cooling units in all of our wine cabinets. You can see the noise levels for each 1800 Series model on this chart (CellarPro models are in blue).
All CellarPro 1800 units run at less than 55 decibels, which is around the same as the ambient sounds in a quiet suburb. If you find that your cooling unit is too loud, and/or if the acoustics in your home amplify the sound, you can purchase a sound hood from Le Cache to further dampen the noise.
Potential mistake #5: Waiting until after you purchase to look at placement requirements.
You've purchased a stunning refrigerated cabinet that suits your home's decor perfectly. "It'll go right against the wall in the dining room," you think. Except that the ceilings are too low to give the cabinet the clearance it needs...
Refrigerated wine cabinets require clearance either above or behind them to let exhaust from the cooling unit to dissipate and provide fresh air for the cooling unit to cool itself off. Most require up to 6 inches of clearance behind the wine cabinet. Some wine cabinets can be placed right against the wall, but those require sufficient space above the cabinet.
If you decide to return a wine cabinet, be prepared to pay for the shipping charges. The expenses may be significant, depending on the size of the cabinet, your location relative to the warehouse from where the cabinet was shipped, and possible restocking fees.
Since the cost of returning a cabinet is so high, it's worth the effort of measuring twice to make sure that the cabinet will fit in its intended destination and can be maneuvered to that location.
How to avoid mistake #5:
Familiarize yourself with a wine cabinet's placement requirements. Use a measuring tape to check that the place where you plan on putting your cabinet allows for enough clearance for the cooling unit's exhaust.
Potential mistake #6: Not reading the fine print of the return and warranty policies.
You know that your cabinet came with a 5-year warranty. So, when the cooling system needs a repair, you're disappointed, even if it's long after purchase, to find out that you have to pay for the service and replacement yourself.
Warranty terms offered by different manufacturers can vary greatly. It pays to understand exactly what is covered and what is excluded.
For instance, does the policy cover the cost of the labor it takes to replace a part or just the replacement? If the cooling unit fails and you need to ship it out for repair, will the company send a temporary replacement to protect your collection while the other one is being fixed?
Some companies offer coverage only on the compressor with no labor included, while others cover all parts and labor for the specified warranty period.
How to avoid mistake #6:
While shopping, be sure to look over a cabinet's warranty policy, including the warranty on its cooling unit, if separate. If you still have questions, ask about which parts are covered, whether the warranty covers labor, and for how long.
Some manufacturers, like Le Cache, offer extended warranties that cover in-home repairs and shipping charges in the event that your wine cabinet needs service. To save yourself the trouble of dealing with potential mechanical issues, you may want to consider purchasing an extended warranty from the manufacturer.
Potential Mistake #7: Lacking enough storage space for your growing wine collection.
You fell in love with that Burgundy you tasted in France and you want to order a case of it. But where will it go, since you've almost filled your cabinet?
Avoid tough questions like that by giving yourself extra room and bottle capacity when you select a cabinet.
How to avoid mistake #7:
Plan for the future by estimating how much space you think you’ll need, then doubling it.
If you can afford the additional cost, and if you have the space, it's better to have too much room rather than too little. To reduce power waste, you can fill your empty racking with water or beer bottles until your collection grows to meet the size of your cabinet.
Purchase a wine storage cabinet that will grow with you. While figuring out the right sizing for your collection, choose the model that can hold not only the bottles you own currently, but also additions to your wine collection.
Any questions about how to store your wine? Contact one of our experts for answers and advice about outfitting a wine cellar or choosing a Le Cache cabinet model.
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Meeting Level
A meeting point in a part of the land, gender with a loved one and desire. Two independent life as well as other scenarios.
We have now undertaken benefit of our individual enterprise journeys this calendar month in order to meet at the center and take a rest from your routines. While I was coming earlier, I took good care of scheduling the resort and acquiring a few things to have something to eat after our reaching. I really like these instances that Javier and I steal from daily life. Distanced by varied scenarios and away from our management it is fantastic to be as occasional lovers without ties or obligations, or any type of everyday affectivity that can make us go through this unchosen divorce. Failing that, we take pleasure in a lot of days and nights and evenings https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=dansk of interest dotted throughout the federal chart. Liberated to spend them with each other. Liberated to put off them if mind and body will not be responsive.
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A message noises in my cellular phone. It provides already landed. I get dressed using the light blue under garments I bought yesterday along with a coordinating tshirt that I will use without fastening. As he is available much closer he will spot the scent of my physique and the man knows that I happen to be thinking of him which I am just ready to repeat with distributed inner thoughts.
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A window of wine to create time. A few knocks about the entrance. Our time has come. Yet again and try to great.
- Hi! Is this the conference point?
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birbaleducation · 3 years
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Best Ceiling Fans in India 2019 – Reviews & Buyer’s Guide
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Since summer season is around the corner, people have started thinking of buying the cooling solutions such as Air Conditioner, High-Speed fan, Tower Fans, Air Coolers, etc. for their home. However, many people still rely on a Table Fan as it flows with their budget and can be centered anywhere.
Apart from these cooling appliances, we have been using ceiling fans for a long time to circulate air in our surroundings. It is an essential home appliance.
It keeps you cool, helps you save on the energy costs and complements your home decor. It is the best and cheapest cooling appliance.
Best Ceiling Fans
Whether you use more than two fans, the electricity consumed is still less than consumed in air conditioning.
Based on our Market Research, we have prepared a buyer’s guide along with a list of 10 Best Ceiling Fan in India 2019.
We highly recommend you to read our buying guide located towards the bottom of this post.
Comparison Chart for Top 10 Ceiling Fans in India for Home & Office Ceiling Fan Blade Size Speed (RPM) Crompton Aure Prime 1200 mm 380 Gorilla Efficio 1200 mm 350 Crompton Hill Briz 1200 mm 370 Havells Nicola 1200 mm 350 Orient Electric Aeroquiet Premium 1200 mm 320 Havells Pacer 1200 mm 400 Luminous Dhoom 1200 mm 380 Bajaj Maxima 600 mm 870 Gorilla Renesa 1200 mm 350 Bajaj New Bahar Deco 1200 mm 380 Which are the 10 Best Ceiling Fans in India for 2019? 1. Crompton Aure Prime Anti Dust 1200mm Ceiling Fan (Birken) Crompton Aure Prime From INR 3,170.00 INR 2,698.00 Save INR 472.00 ( 15% ) (as of 05/07/2019 19:30 IST - Details) Buy Now on Amazon Combat heat this summer by bringing home the Crompton Greaves Ceiling Fan. The fan is briken in colour with a golden painted ring on the motor. It delivers cool and fresh air, and consumes less power.
It is the Best Ceiling Fan in India from Crompton.
Key Features
It is an Anti-Dust fan that ensures 50% less dust. It comes along with a 2-year warranty. With a power input of 74 watts, it makes 380 rotations per minute. It has 4-speed settings. Its blade span size is of 1200mm. It gives a silent performance and maximum efficiency. What we like
It gives a high airflow to a large area. It attracts less dust. It is easy to clean. You will get a stain-free new look with every clean. 2. Gorilla Efficio Energy Saving 5 Star Rated 3 Blade Ceiling Fan With Remote Control and BLDC Motor (1200mm, White) Gorilla Efficio From INR 3,690.00 INR 3,137.00 Save INR 553.00 ( 15% ) (as of 05/07/2019 19:30 IST - Details) Buy Now on Amazon Gorilla Efficio White Ceiling Fan is India’s most energy efficient fan, designed and manufactured by IIT Bombay Alumni. This fan equipped with a number of excellent features that add sheer comfort to your life. It is perfect for use in average sized bedrooms, dining rooms, and study room. It is a power saving ceiling fan with a high-efficiency motor.
Key Features
It is a 5-star rated fan with an energy saver BLDC motor that makes it super energy efficient. It consumes just 28 watts to run at the highest speed. Its 12mm blades cover an area of 144 sq mt. It offers a high air delivery of 220 cubic meters/min. It features a smart remote with sleep mode, boost mode, timer and Speed control. It comes with 2+1 years of on-site warranty. What we like
It helps reduce power consumption. It is a noiseless fan. It runs 3 times longer on an inverter and, results in longer battery life. It has reasonably priced. 3. Crompton Hill Briz 1200 mm Ceiling Fan (Brown) Crompton Hill Briz From INR 1,520.00 INR 1,299.00 Save INR 221.00 ( 15% ) (as of 05/07/2019 19:30 IST - Details) Buy Now on Amazon Crompton is one of the popular brands for the ceiling fan. It is one of the reputed fan manufacturers in India. It will refresh your body within a few seconds. You will get great benefits after getting this.
It is one of the Best Selling Ceiling Fans in India (2019) with greater reliability on air circulation.
It is a perfect ceiling fan for harsh summers as it runs consistently on low power consumption. It is an energy saving fan. It is available under RS 1400. You can buy it with ease. If you want to ask any query about the product, then you can call at Customer Service No: 18004190505.
Key Features
Crompton offers a 2-year warranty period on this ceiling fan. It uses 75 Watts of electricity. It operates at a voltage between 220 and 240 Volts. It comes with three blades. Its sweep/fan size is of 1200 mm (48 inches). It will give a good air throw from every nook and corner of the room. It rotates at a speed of 370 RPM. Its ribbed aluminum body has unique angles to deliver air all over the room. It comes with a double bearing strong motor that ensures smooth operations. Its package includes an instruction manual. It comes with a long-lasting hanging rod. It ensures air delivery of 205 CM at all corners of the room. What we like
It is ideal for bedrooms. Crompton fans are of high quality. Its ribbed blades ensure more air delivery to almost every part of the room. Its speed is easy to adjust. It will give you great comfort. 4. Havells Nicola 1200mm Ceiling Fan (Gold Mist and Copper) Havells Nicola Buy Now on Amazon Havells Nicola 1200mm Ceiling Fan is a super powerful fan. It is best for living rooms and bedrooms. Its contemporary design makes your room even more beautiful. It is eco-friendly. It keeps your home away from the bad smell. It is also beneficial for drying up the floors. You can install it in the bathroom, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, hall, etc.
Key Features
Its motor is highly efficient. It uses 72 Watts of power for superfast cooling effect. Its 48 inches three metallic finish blades circulate air to a larger area. It has four sweep variations that are 600mm, 900mm, 1200mm and 1400 mm. It’s motor cover comes decorated with trim, metallic paint and aluminum blades. The warranty is 2 years on the product. It’s gold mist, and the copper colour looks stylish. It’s motor speed is 350 RPM, and powerful air delivery rate is 225 CMM. What we like
It is a stylish fan and has a unique canopy design with colour combinations. It has high energy efficiency. It has decorative trims on the cover of the motor and blades. What we didn’t like
It is difficult to clean the fan due to its complicated design. 5. Orient Electric Aeroquiet 1200mm Premium Ceiling Fan Orient Electric Aeroquiet From INR 5,820.00 INR 4,594.00 Save INR 1,226.00 ( 21% ) (as of 05/07/2019 19:30 IST - Details) Buy Now on Amazon Aeroquiet is the latest model from the house of Orient. It is the ultimate choice for a modern home. Its aerodynamic design makes it one of the most elegant ceiling fans available in the market. Its unique design gives a new look to the interior design of your home. It is a perfect blend of good performance and style. It uses less power. Its blade is made of high-grade glass filled compounded ABS with PU paint finish. Its high gloss premium finish ensures longer life of the fan.
Key Features
The warranty of the product is of 2 years. Orient Aero Series Fan comes with an 18-pole heavy motor and 1200 mm blade sweep that ensure smooth operation. It has 3D aerodynamically designed blades for high air delivery of 8122 CMM that is far high to cool a room within a few minutes. It gives a speed of 320rpm. Its aerodynamic body and wings give maximum air throw to your room. It needs just 240 volts, 62 Watts and 50 hertz of power to operate. Orient Aeroquiet 1200 Ceiling Fan has a stylish design. Its glossy body gives consistent airflow without any noise even at high speed as it comes with double ball bearing. Its top and bottom cover is adorned with a canopy, spindle, stainless steel and rim. What we like
It has rust free blades with innovative design. It gives a good quality performance. It has an 18-pole motor for smooth operations. It is an energy-efficient ceiling fan. There is no humming sound and offers a noiseless operation. It has a unique blade design. Its aesthetic design flows with modern decor. Its rust-proof ABS body makes it durable. 6. Havells Pacer 1200mm Ceiling Fan (Brown) Havells Pacer From INR 2,310.00 INR 1,940.00 Save INR 370.00 ( 16% ) (as of 05/07/2019 19:30 IST - Details) Buy Now on Amazon Havells is a trusted brand in India that manufactures ceiling fans at affordable prices. Havells fans have a classy design and are highly energy efficient. It is one of the top ceiling fans in the market. It will save you from excessive heat and sweat. You can install it in any room without any worry. It is pocket-friendly so, you should definitely buy this product.
Key Features
It has air delivery of 230 cmm and energy consumption of 72 Watts. The warranty is of 2 years on the product. So, you don’t need to worry about the service charges. Its rated speed is 400 revolution per minute. It gives excellent performance even on low voltage. The size of the blade span is 1200 mm that provides uniform air to every nook and corner. The fan makes 400 rotations in a minute with 235 CMM of air delivery. Its superior motor comes with double ball bearings. It allows the fan to rotate smoothly. Its strong aluminium alloy body gives a great performance. Its double hanging rod is durable that will hold the clamp, blades and double ball bearing efficiently. What we like
Its cleaning is effortless. Its price is reasonable. It is an energy efficient ceiling fan. It isn’t as expensive as BLDC fans or energy efficient fans. 7. Luminous Dhoom 1200mm Ceiling Fan (White) Luminous Dhoom From INR 2,140.00 INR 1,579.00 Save INR 561.00 ( 26% ) (as of 05/07/2019 19:30 IST - Details) Buy Now on Amazon Luminous is another reputed brand for ceiling fans. This electric ceiling fan has all such qualities that will make your summer memorable. It will keep your body fresh and calm all the time. It is another nice choice for your home and office. This model of ceiling fan considered as one of the Best Ceiling Fans in India from Luminous.
Key Features
Its power consumption is 70 Watts. It operates at a voltage of 230 Volts. It furnishes with high-quality raw materials. It gives superior performance even on a wide range of voltage fluctuation. It can deliver 220 CMM of breeze in every corner. It is ideal for the office & home. It comes with 380 RPM motor. The body of its motor and aerodynamic blade design are made from aluminium. It has copper motor windings wire. It is free from rust and will help in improving the life span of the fan. Its rotors/stators use hi-perm steel sheets to avoid lower watts loss. What we like
It is ideal for large rooms. It circulates air with consistent speed. 8. Bajaj Maxima 600 mm Ceiling Fan (Brown) Bajaj Maxima From INR 1,550.00 INR 1,435.00 Save INR 115.00 ( 7% ) (as of 05/07/2019 19:30 IST - Details) Buy Now on Amazon Bajaj fans are known for speed and style. This fan from Bajaj offers good performance and provides high comfort. It has the good build quality and consumes less power.
Key Features
It comes with 4 blades that rotate at a diameter of 600mm. It delivers air at the rate of 110cmm. It operates using 66watts of power and provides 870 RPM. Double Ball Bearing increases load bearing capacity. It features a high torque motor that gives high performance. It has superior grade electric steel lamination that ensures the long life of the fan. It has a 2-year warranty. What we like
It is a high speed ceiling fan with sleek and modern looks. It performs well even at low voltage. It consumes less power. 9. Gorilla Renesa+ Energy Saving 5 Star Rated Ceiling Fan With Remote Control and BLDC Motor (1200mm, Pearl White) Gorilla Renesa From INR 4,490.00 INR 3,951.00 Save INR 539.00 ( 12% ) (as of 05/07/2019 19:30 IST - Details) Buy Now on Amazon The Gorilla Energy Saving Ceiling Fan will cool your body instantly. It is available under 4500. It comes with three wide blades that will deliver maximum airflow to all sides. The brushless direct current technology based motor ensures that the ceiling fan consumes less power. It gives a silent operation and reliability.
Key Features
It comes with a 5-star BLDC motor that is super-efficient and long-lasting. The manufacturer warranty is for three years on the product. It consumes only 28 Watts of power even at high speed. It comes with remote control for smooth operations. You can operate boost function, sleep & timer mode with a single touch on the button. Its operating voltage range lies between 140 to 285 Volts. It doesn’t produce humming noise so that you can take comfortable sleep at night. It is available at an affordable cost compared to other models. It contains superior designer blades with a metallic coating to save the fan from rust. It has a sweep size of 1200 mm. It ensures that fresh air circulates to every nook and corner. It can run continuously even at voltage fluctuation. What we like
These fans with remote control are easy to operate. It delivers no heat with a good amount of air flow for maximum comfort. It is an energy saver ceiling fan. Since it works silently, it is good for classrooms, libraries, offices, hospitals. 10. Bajaj New Bahar Deco 1200mm Ceiling Fan (Brown) Bajaj New Bahar Deco From INR 1,625.00 INR 1,299.00 Save INR 326.00 ( 20% ) (as of 05/07/2019 19:30 IST - Details) Buy Now on Amazon If you are looking for a ceiling fan that not just performs well but also looks good, then Bajaj Deco is a perfect option for you. It is a blend of aesthetic looks and powerful performance. This is one of the Best Ceiling Fans in India with suitable price.
Key Features
The warranty is of 2 years on the product. Its power consumption is 73 Watts. It offers a uniform air circulation. It is ideal for large bedrooms, living rooms, hall, etc. It is equipped with quick-start high torque-motor. It has a powder-coated finish that protects it from rust. It performs well even under low voltage conditions. It can circulate extremely cool air in all directions. It comes with double ball bearing along with ribbed and side bend blades. Its package includes hanger assembly, canopy set, motor assembly, down rod, blade set, warranty card. What we like
It has a unique colour combination with an exotic design. It ensures an even distribution of air throughout the room. It has a good air delivery rate. Most Popular Fans Brands in India Bajaj Crompton Gorilla Havells Luminous Orient Types of Ceiling Fans A ceiling fan is one of the most important electrical appliances that add style to your home. They help you feel cooler in the summers and warmer in the winters. They keep your electricity bills low.
Summer Ceiling Fan causes the hot and warm air to deflect in an upward direction. It decreases the room temperature. In Winters, the ceiling fans rotate in the opposite direction and increase the room temperature.
There is a variety of ceiling fans with different features and benefits. Some are good for indoors while others add charm to the outdoors. Generally, ceiling fans are of 4 types as described below:
Standard Ceiling Fan
You can find this type of ceiling fans in the majority of households.
They come in a variety of styles and sizes that match almost every decor. This type of ceiling fans is most useful for the indoors where the ceilings are 9 feet tall.
Low profile Ceiling Fan
This type of ceiling fans works well if the ceiling in your home is less than 8-feet tall.
The fan doesn’t require a drop rod. This fan is installed directly on the mounting bracket that keeps the fan at 7 feet off the floor.
Dual Motor Ceiling Fan
This type of fans is exactly what it sounds like, a ceiling fan with two motors. It houses a powerful motor at the centre with two horizontal rods. Each rod has adjustable fan heads.
They are commonly used in public places as they circulate the air in a specific direction and cover a wider area.
Damp or Wet Ceiling Fan
Damp ceiling fans consist of motors that resist the damage due to moisture and humidity. It is an outdoor ceiling fan. It has all-weather blades that are resistant to warping.
They are used in places that don’t receive direct precipitation. It can handle rain and snow and is a good option for outdoor areas.
How to Choose Best Ceiling Fans for Home? Though the demand for Window AC and Split AC has been increasing, we can’t deny that the latest ceiling fans models are energy-efficient and bill-saving products. They decrease the load on an AC.
It is essential for you to buy the Best Ceiling Fan for your dream home that will give you great comfort with a fresh breeze. You should read all the specifications of the ceiling fans before shopping it.
Get Clear on your Budget
Your budget is the most important factor when you set out to buy any product. You need to decide how much money are you willing to shell out on buying a ceiling fan.
You will find a variety of fans available at different price ranges. Knowing your budget in advance allows you to look for the best ceiling fans within your budget.
However, if you have decided to spend more, you can opt for a ceiling fan with remote control.
Room Size
Many ceiling fans are available online. If it isn’t selected according to the size of the room, it won’t deliver much air to all sides of the room. So choose the Best Ceiling Fan according to the room size and the ceiling height.
Room Size Sweep Size 35 square feet or less than 35 600 mm or 24 inches More than 35 to 65 square feet 900 mm or 35 inches More than 65 to 100 square feet 1200 mm or 47 inches More than 100 to 225 square feet 1400 mm or 55 inches Motor
One of the most crucial components is the motor. A high quality motor lasts for many years.
It gives the highest airflow all over the room. There are two types of motors. BLDC and Single Phase Induction motor.
BLDC ceiling fan generates low noise and uses less electricity. It is extreme and long-lasting that rotates with continuous speed.
Single Phase supplies a single voltage to rotors. It is a common type of motor that uses wires and winding poles. It works with the permanent capacitor to run the fan.
Some of the fans these days, come with a reversible motor. They enable you to change the direction of the blade’s revolution.
Number of blades
Size of the fan and number of the blades depends on the size of the room.
Most of the fan comes with three or four sweep blades. Three blade fans are quite popular in India. They are less expensive as compared to the four blades fans.
Both of them works faster, but three blade fans are a bit noisy.
Length of Drop Rod
A drop rod is used to hang a ceiling fan with the ceiling. Length of the drop rod matters a lot to get good air circulation.
A ceiling fan shouldn’t be too close to the ceiling or too high from the floor. It may affect the fan’s performance.
The fan should be 6 to 7 feet from the floor. And, the blades should be at least 2 feet from the ceiling.
If your ceiling height is 6 feet, then you don’t need a down rod. If its height is of 10 to 14 feet, then you can use 12 to 36 inches long drop rod.
The airflow of a ceiling fan is measured in CFM (cubic feet per minute). It is the measure of how much air a fan can deliver. It is measured when the fan is running at its highest speed.
A good ceiling fan can deliver an airflow between 4,000 to 5,000 CFM.
However, some efficient ceiling fans are able to give an airflow greater than 6,000 CFM.
BEE Star Ratings
The best models of ceiling fans include features such as saving electricity. They don’t have high power consumption.
BEE or Bureau of Energy Efficiency assigns energy star ratings to the fan manufacturing companies according to the efficiency of the products.
More the number of stars, lesser is the consumption of electricity.
It is best to go for a power saver, high star rated ceiling fan. It will deliver a good airflow. At the same time, it will cut down your electricity bill and help in reducing electricity consumption in the house.
Important tip
Additional features mean additional costs. If you don’t need a remote-controlled fan or additional lights on the fan, go for a model that fulfils your most important requirements.
There are also more good quality models available such as Usha Technix, Superfan Super A1 Ceiling Fan, Crompton HS Plus 48-inch 53-Watt Power Saver Ceiling Fan, etc. You can check price on Amazon and buy them without any hassle.
Frequently Asked Questions How Does a Ceiling Fan Cool the Air in Summers?
A ceiling fan makes you feel cool in summers by creating an artificial breeze. It absorbs the moisture from your body.
In summers, you need to run the ceiling fan in a counter-clockwise direction. When it runs in a clockwise direction, the slant of the blades pushes the air down. It starts to cool the room temperature.
What Is RPM?
RPM is revolution per minute. The fan speed depends upon the RPM, that means if the fan’s RPM is high, then its speed will also be high.
Which Fan Motor Is Energy Efficient?
BLDC or Brushless DC motor is an energy saving motor. It reduces the power consumption, heat loss and friction. It is best in the ceiling fan technology.
How Many Blades Should a Ceiling Fan Have?
Most people believe that more the number of blades a fan has, cooler the air is. Along with the number of blades, the quality of airflow depends upon blade pitch, motor and balance of the blades.
If a fan has fewer blades, it causes less drag on the motor. As a result, it goes faster and moves more air. It creates better airflow and chill effect.
Pitch of the blade is another important factor. The fan blades shouldn’t be completely horizontal. It restricts the blades to pick up air. If the pitch is high, it can replace the air efficiently.
So, a fan with fewer blades turns faster with a stronger motor and increases the air movement. However, if you are looking for a gentle breeze, you can consider a fan with more blades.
Please note that the blades should have a tilt of around 12 to 15 degrees. The tilt or angle more than affects the efficiency of the fan. Some fans have a high lift angle, which improves air delivery.
What Size Down Rod Should I Need for My Room Size?
Choose the size of the Down Rod according to room size.
If ceiling height is of 9 Feet, then you need 6 inches pole. 12 inch pole length is suitable for 10 feet room. Similarly, 18 inches is for 11 feet. 24 inch is for 12 feet. 36 and 48 Inch pole length is ideal for 13 feet and 14 feet. If your room is of 15 feet or higher, then you should take 60 inches down rod.
What Is the Meaning of Fan Sweep or Blade Sweep?
Fan sweep is the diameter of the circle that we see when the blades are in motion. A decade ago, ceiling fans were available in 42″, 48″ or 52″. The latest models available these days with sweep up to 60″ and even over 96″.
Does Air Circulation Depend Upon Fan Sweep?
Yes, fan sweep helps to circulate more air in the whole room. If it is of 1200 mm then it will cool your entire room at same speed quickly.
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