#nommy rambles
literary-lesbian · 2 months
lady danbury glaring daggers at violet and marcus in every scene like leave him and fuck me instead
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rockybloo · 1 year
Nommy and all the other cavemen speak completely normally (because Flintstones is a big inspiration here) so all I can imagine is her interacting with some time traveler of sorts and them speaking slowly and simple to her like she's a child or doing that "UNGA BUNGA" stuff.
And her eye is just twitching as her patience runs thin because she has a wee bit of a temper and eventually she snaps and cuts them off with a completely fluent threat: "I'd start putting some respect in your voice before this I turn that shiny box (said time travel device) you just came out of into a coffin."
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hugheshugs · 2 years
Poo poo pee pee idk I’m bored rn 
😭 should i tell a funny story?
okay so basically (ik no one asked but im still saying it anyway)
when i was in kindergarten we were making igloos out of sugar cubes and when we all finished we were going around and looking at everyones creations, my dumbass saw this kids igloo and thought it looked bad, so naturally, i told him it was ugly. wrong move bc turns out, our teacher helped him make it (🤡). then he went to snitch on me so i ran to hide behind a chair but i knew i was gonna get caught and i did, then i had to go in a timeout
i had to sit behind this board thingy and i was crying it wasnt my finest moment
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vore-scientist · 5 years
I wrote a summary for the “conclusion” to Mystic Woods and it’s pretty epic
Not that I plan to end it. The idea of Mystic Woods is to write endless isolated stories at different time points with no care for actual chronological consistency.  
because the stories so far have ranged from years before Yonah was even born (Negotiating With Giants) to a little over a year after Sophia becomes Yonah’s Student (The Mystic Woods Snippet story, and also the Choose Your Own Ending Wedding Story which I havent written yet) 
That’s three decades of time 
The “conclusion” takes place about 8-10 years after Sophia begins her magical studies. So that’s another decade. 
Just if I ever write enough stories with plot driving elements I’ll try to write the conclusion so y’all know how it all ends
(or if I can’t stop myself write it anyways and i guess spoil all the elements leading up to it but whatever. I can’t do that yet because I need to do a lot of world building first. Also I don’t know how to write battles lol)
What I can say is about the ending is this: 
King Ben dies and Sophia inherits the Mystic Woods and become it’s King. The Mystic Woods chooses her to become King, and thus she inherits the Kingdom of Orr as well. 
But Sophia doesn’t seem like the kind of person who wants to run a kingdom does she? That sounds BORING! She abdicates the throne of Orr to her brother Yonatan (who if you recall was “blessed” with intelligence and wisdom making him the ideal ruler), but she is very into being a Arcane Monarch, Witch King Protector of the Mystic Woods. 
(yes the conclusion has vore in it, who do you think I am! In fact it’s integral to how things shape out for the kingdom) 
oh and Miryan and Yonah get married bc listen, weddings good. Wedding of a half giant wizard and dwarf witch? very good. 
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imyourbuddie · 5 years
Just wanna say your Buddie codas are EVERYTHING. I love your writing, can’t believe I didn’t see them sooner !!
Omg I’m so glad you enjoy my ramblings. You have legit made my whole damn week. BRING IT IN NOMMY! T_T
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regrettableedible · 7 years
I’m gonna go to Didney Worl and see if i can find some good g/t photo materials while I’m there
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nommi · 8 years
hi nommi~ so i have this best guy friend (i'm a girl) like we hang out everyday and i think i like him? or at least find comfort in him :o i'm scared to say anything cause it might ruin our friendship plus my other friends have told me he has no romantic interest in me :'c but at the same time people have told me we seem like a couple and it's killing me.. what do i do?? (sorry i'm rambling i dunno what i'm saying ///)
Hello, sweetie!~
If you’re still not completely sure of whether you really like him or not, then I would advice you to wait a bit more time. Try to understand your own feelings better and don’t rush anything, so you don’t end up making any regretful decisions.
If you see that your feelings for him just continue on growing stronger, then I would encourage you to confess to him! Even if he doesn’t feel the same way, at least you will feel relieved that you were able to express your feelings.
Be confident, dear. That’s the main key! But don’t forget to take your time as well and do not jump into anything.
Hoping for the best! ^-^
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literary-lesbian · 2 months
"i am here for you. always."
and what if violet moved to the sofa and their legs accidentally brushed and then they tentatively held hands and then they kissed. what then.
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literary-lesbian · 6 months
hey guys did i ever tell you about how much i love nadja of antipaxos
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literary-lesbian · 6 months
has anyone else on this massive fucking website watched big boys. anyone?
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literary-lesbian · 1 month
"you're being rather generous with that codpiece eric"
how would you know that henley. henley i know what you are.
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literary-lesbian · 3 months
what no what the fuck no. wait what no MARX? gabrielle what are you doing to me what the actual fuck this isn't fair
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literary-lesbian · 2 months
guys i just woke up from a dream where alecto was just randomly dropped on the 14th of august with no warning
the cover was alecto sitting with her knees up to her chest staring off to the left and her hair sort of faded into a background of smudged pink and blue sunset colours
corona became Emperor and chose ianthe as her Hand (don't know how or why)
nona and hot sauce returned?
there was an important train. and the train driver really went through it apparently
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literary-lesbian · 2 months
i really really really need to start listening to hohr again but it feels like such an insurmountable task because i'm so far behind now :/
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literary-lesbian · 21 days
when they say write what you know but literally nothing interesting has ever happened to you
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literary-lesbian · 5 months
honestly think heathers is the musical with the best interval placement of all time
it's like DEATH and GASLIGHTING.... go and have a drink. ready for more drama. GAY DISCO
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