#non tan
soularsss · 2 months
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heatstroke trend with Rex 🫶
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sakuraghosttown · 4 months
Gijinka (萌え擬人化) known in English as Moe Anthropomorphism refers to the artistic trend of designing characters based off of inanimate subjects. Creating simple yet eye-catching designs, sporting symbols of what they humanise, Gijinkas usually take the form of cute girls although there exist masculine Gijinkas.
The phenomenon, tied to otaku culture, saw popularity on Japanese forums, notably 2Channel in the early 2000s, although some examples of personified electronics in particular can be traced to the late 90s. On our side of the internet, the trend was also popular on 4chan where such characters were appreciated and even created (Ebola-chan being a popular example)
Gijinka Girls & their Original Products
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Biscuit-tan VS Japanese KFC Biscuits
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Habanero-tan VS Bōkun Habanero Snacks
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Karu-tan VS Calpis/Calpico drink
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Heeko VS Hee Button from Trivia Fountain (TV show)
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Me-tan VS Windows Millennium Edition
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tinylittlelee · 1 month
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happy birthday to meeeee 🎉
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blmpff · 7 months
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yeah... they're siblings alright
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weeeeeeezamboni · 8 months
@respectthepetty made a post about Tan being the second murderer and it makes so much sense! of course there are two killers, the masked murderer covers way too much ground and is in way too many places at once for their to only be one, and as @respectthepetty also previously mentioned, we've already seen another subtle throwback to Scream by way of the three main rules for not becoming a victim (all of which were ignored in the very first episode). it only makes sense that we'd see this too
i don't know if anyone's mentioned this yet, but i was thinking last night about the bathroom scene from episode 2 and how they might've pulled that off, and then it hit me
Tan wasn't there
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is that what the kids are calling it these days? apparently he'd gone up to sleep (according to Phee who we already know is killer #1), but even watching it for the first time with innocent eyes, this felt strange. he only shows up again later, after the whole incident with Top that he was suspiciously absent from, talking to White and Phee while the rest of the original boys have their team meeting
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but this whole exchange feels kinda off
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Tan brings up how strange it is that they seem so scared of Non's ghost, and then gets this look when White calls them Non's friend
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and then is weirdly quick to jump to the conclusion that his friends, the people he took a trip into the middle of the woods with, hurt Non
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and then White says this
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and the camera cuts immediately to Phee and Tan looking like they're hanging on his every word
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and then White drops the bomb
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and they share this significant look
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in episode 3 Top volunteers to drive out of the woods to get help after Uncle Dang's death (and after having already failed once attempting to escape with Tee), but Phee stops him, claiming he's untrustworthy (he is)
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of course you shouldn't, both killers are at the house, Top might just make it out to help
so naturally, Tan volunteers to go with
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but on their way out of the woods, they end up getting lost
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following Tan's directions
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and then Tan eventually makes it back to the house alone
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and we're really supposed to believe he just woke up where they fell and walked all the way back to the house perfectly fine?
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after he looks at Phee like this
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something obviously happened out there in the woods, and next thing we know about Top is his bloody wallet chain and a trail of blood leading into Janta's shrine
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it's revealed later that it was him behind the mask that night, which means it was him that did this
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and i don't care how strong Tee thinks he is
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that man is not lifting you off the ground by your neck
which means we know three new pieces of information about Top since he went missing:
1) he's suddenly acquired heightened strength (and i'm also gonna point out here that man was hit with a golf club multiple times? where did Tee even get it from? did i miss something?)
2) Top was clearly unwell and vomiting when he made it back to the house
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and 3) he was seizing on the couch and then bleeding from his eye
now i'm not an expert on drugs so i don't know if there are any kinds of steroids or anything else that can produce all three of these effects at the same time, but there was definitely something funky going on in his body
these boys all deserve what's coming for them, and i really hope Phee and Tan are working together on this and i'm not just seeing things i would live for that
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spicypussywave · 7 months
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syrena-del-mar · 7 months
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"Aren't you sad that I'll go abroad for a very long time?" "No. Whether you're here or not, it doesn't make any difference." "I'm sorry for never being a good brother."
Dead Friend Forever (2023) || Episode 9
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respectthepetty · 7 months
If you look close enough at this scene,
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you can see the exact moment Tan decided to write Phi's name down in his burn book.
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Good for him.
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themundanedumpling · 7 months
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this is how dff should end
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leconcombrerit · 8 months
Last one for today and I'll stop yelling stuff in the tag but this moment made me go 'uh, maybe he is up and ready to murder people after all'. That face is scary. He looks ready to cry, but more than this, he looks determined and full of anger.
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Those boys have no idea what's about to happen to them. And whatever Tan's business is, I'm sure he's got the same unbending will and cold anger. You know, the kind that can simmer for three years without ever losing its intensity.
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lofeel · 1 year
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sakuraghosttown · 4 months
Nise-Haruna & Miku
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tinylittlelee · 18 days
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blmpff · 7 months
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Phee The Suicide Preventor
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saccharinerose · 1 year
Hearing about the pregnancy subplot in ACOSF firmly cemented that Rhysand is a complete and utter fucking moron.
Like dude was really going to just keep quiet about his wife 100% dying in childbirth and taking him with her bc of their magic suicide pact with basically no backup plan whatsoever.
He was just fine and dandy with Feyre going into labour and dying, confused and in agonizing pain. She dies, their baby dies but he never has to deal with the consequences bc a second later he would also keel over dead.
The rest of the Inner Circle would wank themselves over how tragic and noble he was for keeping this secret from his Wife Who Is Totally His Equal Guys I Promise... at least right up until the moment they realize the canonically sexist magic of the world probably chose Rhysand's dipshit uncle as the next High Lord and everything goes to shit.
Great job, buddy. Gold star for you! I just know SJM is going to crown you High King or whatever and pretend like you’re not woefully under-qualified for the job!
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faunandfloraas · 3 months
the colour theory thing drives me crazy because to me it should just be a fun lil thing- like oh you're a cool winter, so you'll probably suit x y z well! but most colour match videos i see are so like YUCK- You cannot wear *insert huge swath of colours and tones here* and I'm just like.... Shut up. Shut ya mouth.
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