nassalidali · 3 years
shit to live for :)
stargazing, hot chocolate with marshmallows, over accessorising myself to the sounds of erykah badu, hanging plants, weed growing on the window sill, self portraits all over the floor and walls, the smell of crepes and lemon, 3am conversations with the moon, bookshelf mostly consisting of journals filled from cover to cover, getting up before the sun, the feeling of the sun on my bare chest, playing the ukulele and singing songs for children, cuddling with kittens on the sofa while re-watching how i met your mother, late nights drunk with my lover, bad days, eating grapes after yogurt, polaroids between the pages of james patterson's women's muder club series, midnight trips to the supermarket in my pajamas, running in the rain, scented candles and bubble baths, sand getting stuck in my swim suit at the beach, sex, being the person i needed when i was younger, celebrating every solar return, writing tumblr blogs about life, sleeping on the airplane, tattoos all over my body, piercings all over my ears and nose, black and red ombre lipstick, brightly coloured wigs, therapy sessions, shells and jewels decorating dreads, meditation, fairy lights around a mirror, huge oversized hand bags, good days, sleeping all day, driving around singing my favourite songs at the top of my lungs, not caring how i sound, being excited to put on makeup.
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