#noooo its ok
jackshiccup · 5 months
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affectionate chin tilts my beloved.. (perhaps in the same universe as my college/long distance au)
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beatcroc · 1 year
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pest control.
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*UPDATE: i made a sequel
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frenchonionsoop · 5 months
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i watched the other homoerotic detective show
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lokh · 10 months
anji mito flirting with men compilation
exactly what it says on the tin. a compilation of anji mito bisexual moments in chronological order
1. ggx2
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this is his win quote against chipp. yes im counting this
2. dust strikers
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this is in response to johnny saying something about how its impressive that bridget would want to fight a bunch of powerful guys or something like that. johnny responds with "what?" and anji quickly elaborates that hes interested in guys POWER but im still putting this here also
note: previous two entries are canonically dubious. so thank god he has some bisexual moments in strive too
3. strive
this one keeps getting looked over for some reason but he has THIS conversation with nagoriyuki if you beat him with 1 heart in extreme mode stage 8
nago: you've thrown me for a loop. what a dance. anji: liked it, did you? nago: haha, perhaps. come visit me again. anji: ...wait. i didn't even get to talk to him.
and most recently. his intro interaction with asuka
anji: hey there, handsome. asuka: another ambush? really?
anji also has a win quote against him where he goes "you need more training. have you been eating right?" but ive always interpreted that as more mocking lmao but ymmv lmao, he has a few other unique intro interactions with asuka that could be interpreted as flirting ("look at us, dancing like this!")
feel free to add on (PLEASE add on if i missed something)!
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He is butler now :> Also oh boy oh boy roland birthday soooon
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astralisbelle · 1 year
Dead Man's Hand 12 - Skin and Water
Dead Man's Hand Masterlist tags: engineer!reader, gambler!reader, loose canon timeline, eventual smut, fluff, action, casino aesthetics, touch starved reader, touch starved din, reader and din get on each other’s nerves, also they’re idiots, defrosting ice king din, cinderella vibes, everybody loves grogu
chapter summary: Sometimes, it gets to be too much and you need to feel close. Despite it all, they cross the line. warnings: smut, r18, minors dni
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Hot water beads down her back as steam fogs up the bathroom. She closes her eyes, letting the events of tonight wash away down the drain. No blood or cuts, but the touch of that filth still lingers on her neck, on her arms. But she doesn’t want her skin to forget every touch.
The gloved hands around her, the claws poking her clavicle. Those, she wants to keep. I’ve been on my own since then, she told him before. Hell, the last person that did anything remotely close to saving her was Peli stepping in, but this was on another level entirely. Someone took on an entire squad of Stormtroopers for her. Someone braved what she thought to be certain death for her.
The joyous moment where she hugged them still reels in her head even as she shuts off the water. She hugs her arms, trying to still her beating heart. After drying herself off and putting on a bath robe, she steps out, seeing Din stash away his weapons and armor for the night. Just as she's about to speak, he cuts her off. "I know you're tired," he says through the modulator. "Go ahead and sleep. Kid and I will be out here."
She nods slowly, accepting it. "Okay... um. Good night, then."
She feels disappointed. Why?
She should at least try to sleep, she decides. Lying down and getting under the covers, she faces the ceiling of the dark room, closing her eyes. She tosses and turns and no matter what she tries to do, she thinks about that moment all three of them shared. Even though it came off of the most frightening moment of her life, she had never felt such swelling elation in her chest before. Being in his arms – Din’s arms – she loved it. And now, she missed it; is it selfish to miss it?
It’s hard to sleep with such thoughts and emotions keeping her awake. She doesn’t want to be here in this giant bed alone, she wants to be near him, as far as he’d allow. Kicking the covers off, she paces around the room, biting her thumb nail. It’s selfish, she tells herself. But I want to ask him. But it’s selfish. Also, he might say no. He’ll think you’re coming onto him! Back and forth, back and forth.
I don’t care.
She steels her resolve and marches to the door. Just before she can press the button, it slides open on its own and a dark outline stands in the frame. They startle each other, but he holds up his hands. “It’s me! It’s me.”
“Oh.” She puts her hand over her rapidly beating chest. “Sorry.”
“Sorry.” His voice is still masked by the modulator. “I…” She waits. “Never mind, sorry to disturb you.”
“No, no!” She catches his arm, surprised to feel only a shirt between her skin and his as opposed to the thick armor. “Wait. Um. I was just coming out because I… well, I can’t sleep. Do… Do you want to come inside and talk?”
His muscles tense under her touch and it still feels like he’ll pull away. “...Y-Yeah. I… wanted to ask you something.”
“Okay.” She takes a few steps back, letting him in before closing the door.
“You can turn on the lights. My helmet’s on.”
“Ah, that’s fine. This is fine.” In truth, she picked out the nearest nightgown which turned out to be rather short, barely covering half of her thighs. No, the darkness is welcome just this once. She sits down on the edge of the bed and waits until he joins her, his movements quiet without all of the armor weighing him down. “What did you want to ask?”
“Why…” He pauses. “Why did he take you? You said it was a trap.”
She nods slowly. “I guess it was half a trap, half revenge. He was talking to me at the table, telling me that I should take my winnings and just leave, that I didn’t want to get involved in this beskar war between you and him. He knew I could beat him, so he tried threatening me.” Her feet rest on the edge of the bed as she hugs her knees against her chest.
“So… why didn’t you?”
“Why didn’t I what? Bow out?” She scoffs at the question. “We had a deal.”
“You made millions of credits. You could have left.”
She peers at him – or rather, the shape that she thinks is his head. “Are you serious?”
“If someone is given a choice between tons of cash and certain death, it’s not a hard decision.” She wants to yell at him, to remove his helmet and smack his cheek for implicating that she was that greedy. But that’s not it, is it? His tone isn’t accusing it’s… tense. Uneasy. Before she goes solar on him again, she inhales deeply and breathes out.
“Where do I begin? First of all, I wouldn’t have won any of those credits if it weren’t for you bringing me here. Second of all, that beskar belongs to you, not some old man clinging to the remnants of the Empire. Not exactly a hard decision. And third…”
Din waits. “...And third?”
I wanted to hear your voice when I gave it to you. I want… I want to see you happy. She can’t say those words, not when they catch in her throat. “I… It’s the least I can do. Look what you’ve given me.”
“Don’t.” The curt tone surprises her. “I haven’t given you anything. I put you in danger.”
“I made you a target. You got hurt.” He sounds ashamed. “He used you as bait, didn’t he? It’s the only reason he kept you alive.”
Her hand taps on her knees, lifting off to reach for him… but she stops before it can touch him. “Yes. He wanted your beskar.” Her hand falls to the bed. “But he’s gone now. You did the galaxy a favor, if you ask me. And you saved me.” Her voice softens, hoping to ease the negativity in his.
“No. I put you in danger in the first place.”
The words erupt out of her like a volcano. “Oh, shut up, Din.” He whips his head towards her. “I agreed to this, didn’t I? I kept playing. And you’re right! I could have left with all my credits and sodded off to some faraway planet, but I didn’t, did I? You wanna know why?” She drops her feet towards the floor and leans in. “I want to win. I want to get you that beskar. I don’t care if I lose my money doing it, I want to get it for you!” Din’s brows raise. “I want you…” His heart drums in his ears. “...to have it.”
Din is usually a man of few words, but by choice. This time, she has robbed him of anything that he could say. But why? Why is it so important to her that she do this for him? He doesn’t know… and maybe he doesn’t care. Stars, if he’s honest with himself, he wants to hold her face. He wants to press his forehead against hers, he wants to…
He can’t. He just lowers his head in humiliation, humbled by her words. “You’re a noble one.” Then, he says her name with such gentleness that he usually reserved only for his son. “I don’t know how I will begin to repay you.”
“...Well.” She twirls some hair around her finger. “It’s not like I want anything in return. But, if you want… I wouldn't mind if you… um… stayed."
“Here. Tonight. I’d sleep easier knowing you’re there.”
In the silence, Din weighs the situation in his head. The room is dark enough for it to be safe and adhere to the Creed, but he’s concerned about other matters. There is, of course, the heavy implication of what she’s asking. On the outside, anyone can tell that she means it innocently enough, but a part of him (he’s afraid to say) doesn’t reject it outright. That means he shouldn't... he shouldn't, right?
And as for her, she just assumes it’s out of the question.
He’s thinking about it too hard again. Din stands up. “Just tonight.” He can make it through one night; he has discipline. Circling around the bed to the other side, he sits down on the untouched edge and pulls on the covers. Once she settles underneath them, his hands inch towards his helmet. They feel heavy and his stomach flips as he pulls it off, setting it on the night table.
Din is tense all over as he pulls the covers over himself and slides in. He keeps his distance, hands resting on his stomach as he looks up at the ceiling. “Is… this okay?”
His unfiltered voice makes her a little giddy. She moves slowly, giving him plenty of time to pull away if need be, and finds his hand. “You can be a little closer.” She scoots inward and chips away at the gap between them. “Is this fine?”
She wants to push it. Sliding closer, she turns onto her side, back towards him, and pulls his hand onto her hip. When she feels no resistance, she draws him in further, resting his hand on her stomach. “There.”
This is closest either have been to another being.
Din’s warm body rests against her back. She can feel his soft breaths tickle the back of her neck and the rise and fall of his chest. Her fingers rest on his hand, feeling his grooves and knuckles. Through the silk of her nightgown, his hand tenses and he doesn’t realize that his fingers are tapping, bunching and smoothing the fabric.
She thought that she would be able to relax at this point, but the opposite has happened. Her tongue dries and heat seeps down into her core. The little voice in her mind is clear of its need: I want Din to touch me more. She thinks about how close his hand is towards her chest. She can do it. All she has to do is move his hand. Just move it a few inches up…
He whispers her name.
“Are you okay?” His voice vibrates against her skin. “You’re… shaking. And breathing fast.”
Was she? Shit, she didn’t even notice. “I-I’m fine.” She swallows hard, but she can’t seem to calm herself. Stars, if they stay like this, she will go mad. Din’s palm rests flat on her stomach, feeling hot and even a little damp. I can’t take it anymore. She takes the plunge and she slides his hand up until it covers her breast.
Din’s breath hitches and his fingers, on instinct, squeeze. She makes a soft gasp, her hand resting on his wrist. He knows he shouldn’t, but he cups her flesh between his fingers again. Is this… actually happening? He isn’t sure how slow or fast he should go, so he just continues his gentle kneading. She slips down the straps of her night gown and pulls it down enough until silk no longer blocks him from her skin. He pinches her peak between his index and thumb, earning a little sigh of satisfaction.
Dank farrik, I shouldn’t be doing this.
He hides his heavier breaths against her shoulder, the hairs on his chin tickling her skin. His lips press a soft kiss, then another to her neck right where someone else’s fingers had dug in. Stars, she didn’t expect his touches to feel this good so fast. She squirms against him, shimmying as she pulls down the gown. Din can feel her struggling, so he helps her to take it off until it pools around her ankles and she can kick it off. He knows that means she’s completely bare, she’s pressing into him, she’s wanting more.
Sod it. Sod it all to hell.
He sits up, pulling her cheek so her head looks up, and tilts his head to kiss her. She sighs, melting into his kiss and accepting the warmth of his tongue on hers. As she drinks in his taste, his scent, she lifts a leg and rests her foot on the other side of him. He breaks away, nuzzling himself between her neck and shoulder as the hand that had been groping her slides down her torso. He passes over the lines of her skin, the softness of her flesh sending shock waves down his core. His breaths have a twinge of his voice in them, music to her ears.
Din takes his time. He makes circles below her navel, enjoying the little jolts she makes with each tickling touch. Her whines make it evident that she needs him to hurry up, but all in due time – after all, he doesn’t know when he would get another chance to feel her again. His free hand slips under her shoulder and neck, wrapping around and inviting hers to rest on it. Their fingers fan out and intertwine and after one more kiss against her shoulder, he’s ready. He snakes his hand past her thick curls.
Her shuddering whimper sends carnal hunger throughout his body in waves. His fingers find warm slickness between her thighs and he freezes for a moment, worried his rough, calloused hands wouldn’t feel any good. But her hips wiggle and she bucks towards his touch, all but begging him to continue. He dips his fingers further, middle finger stroking the small bud that makes her voice higher and her fingers squeeze his harder. Neither can see each other in this darkness, but he can imagine that she must be in beautiful bliss.
“Yes…” Her chest hastens in its rise and fall.
Stars, he loves hearing her. “Yeah?” he whispers against her ear, sending delicious chills down her back. She represses a sound of affirmation behind firm lips, but that only spurs him to hear her more. Din uses two fingers to slip between her folds, delighted in the tremble of her body. He draws his fingers back and she aches for their return, her hand gripping his shirt. She pulls it up, her palm brushing against his chest and the contours of his muscles. He doesn’t want to let go of her, but he’ll comply for now.
Din pulls his hands away to reach behind his head, pulling his shirt over and throwing it somewhere – he doesn’t care where. One of her hands pulls on the hem of his pants and the other presses its palm against his firm stomach, inching down. His groan when she finds his girth is louder than he intends it to be, but it just feels so damn good. He kicks off the pants and lies down on his side again, gently pressing on her chest so she lies on her back. Din holds her chin gingerly, delivering open kisses to her lips.
As he places her foot behind him to spread her thighs, she reaches between them, pulling his thick cock against her slit. His head clouds with desire, hips grinding against her – he needs to be buried deep inside her now. He holds her leg with one arm and snakes behind her neck with the other again, letting her rest on his bicep. She finds his hand again and once more they intertwine. They break away from their kisses, foreheads touching as she lifts her hips, angling his tip against her slit. “Oh, fff…” As soon he splits her walls, he groans deeply, pressing inside further. Their bodies shudder and euphoria pulses through them. Din rocks his hips, starting off slow, not wanting to hurt her.
“Din, haaah…” Her hand squeezes the one she holds, her free one resting against his chest. Her moans sound torturous, turning into fluttering mewls. Din curses under his breath right against her ear and any coherent thoughts are ousted, his body acting on instinct. He wants more, he needs more. But he restrains himself. Then, she whispers his name again. "It's okay," she says. "Go harder. I can take it."
"I-I don't want to hurt you--"
"I'm fine. Please, Din..." That alone ushers him to plunge further, sliding all the way in until she takes the entirety of him and hits his base. She squirms, thighs quaking, submitting to his touches. Din rests her leg in the crook of his arm, his hand pressing on her lower stomach to make her flush against his chest. He slides his fingers over her bud, making wide swirling motions to feel her tighten around his length.
She presses her forehead against his, making sure only he can hear her perverted noises, each whimper, each moan and mewl. Whenever he fills her entirely it causes her to convulse, her thighs wanting to instinctively close, but he has her right where he wants her. Their hands hold onto each other tightly and they truly feel like one.
She feels perfect. This feels perfect.
“Din… Din… don’t stop. Don’t stop!”
Her name in his throat is gravely and carnal, his fingers rubbing faster. Din’s core twists in his stomach, his body chasing the peak of his high. Her voice escalates and the writhing in his arms turns more violent as she nears. Her back arches off the bed and she tosses her head back with a final cry, her walls clenching around him. Din can only thrust a few more times before his body releases all of the ecstasy at once, tightening his muscles before relaxing them. He holds her trembling body in place while he fills her with his seed, his fingers making indentations in her skin.
With one deep sigh, it all ends. They fill the room with their heavy breaths, their minds wiped entirely of anything else. “Come here,” he says tiredly. “Come here…”
He adjusts their position so he can slide on top of her, their chests pressing together as his arms snake underneath. She tilts her head up and meets him in a hot, long kiss, pulling him to press his weight on her. Stars, she knows she would never get enough of this feeling. She’s sensitive to all of his touches, including his stubble tickling her chin. Din’s hips give hers a few soft grinds before he collapses next to her, still holding her close.
The last thing she hears is him whispering her name in her ear, lulling her to sleep.
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been listening to ghost again lately
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system-architect · 1 year
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drew a really good gunner in the therapy waiting room yesterday (upper right) and ive been chasing that high trying to replicate him ever since.. + closeup
alternate caption: sometimes u have a little freak portal accident and end up being afflicted with the condition of being a living flux bomb for life. ah well
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planetarymesss · 7 months
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silkysong · 5 months
i wish people were normal about chronic illnesses for 2 seconds
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webvampzz · 25 days
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happy birthday ok computer :3
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ackee · 1 month
self shipping is so FUNNN sniffle. i wish i liked fandom things rn i wanna be where the people are !
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coldsunlight36 · 9 months
Season 3 of good omens is going to have Love Of My Life by Queen in the background w/crowley & its going to destroy us. in case ur wondering
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automatonknight · 2 years
Kurier and Benny getting up to no good, silly style
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baby didn't, in fact, get it
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bumfucknowhere · 25 days
Bestie you got blue eyes? :0
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year
i think the fell xenologue does a great job at characterizing some of the royals beyond the vanilla game mostly because every single royal has like one or two core principles that really make them who they are and so getting rid of those one or two things completely converts them into a completely different person. like alcryst losing his self doubt, celine loses her empathy, hortensia loses her resilience, etc etc. but i think my favorite version of this has to be fogado, who has in my opinion the most drastic change. i think all of the other royals have very outward presenting traits that you can easily catch onto and see theyve lost. but fogado is just a little different, because what fell fogado lacks isnt really a trait; he loses his sense of love. (rest under the cut bc it turned into an essay. my bad also fell xenologue spoilers obvs)
“our” fogado (?? idk how to differentiate between them. work with me here) is not an easy person to read in universe. he makes it very clear in chapter 13 that he’s pretty good at deception and is very willing to make use of that skill. his supports with timerra and pandreo also tell us he’s gotten used to keeping up a specially crafted persona meant to kind of suppress his feelings (that timerra and pandreo can see through but. like 1. theyre smart 2. sister and bff ok moving on). but he doesn’t do it out of malice or because he just likes being tricky, he lies because he loves. everything in fogado’s life is shaped by what he loves: his country, his friends, and his sister. every single motivation he has is fueled by this: the constant partying, how often he leaves the castle, all his acting. its even in his goddamn class name (cupido) and birthday (feb 14) if you needed the game to spell it out for you
so thats why when we get to the fell xenologue, the fogado we meet is changed in that one specific way: his love is gone. we know this because of a few things, the first of which is that he is honest. aside from the robe (in which he is assassinating someone! but also. lets be so honest with ourselves here. you can see his fucking face) he’s immediately upfront with his intentions: he wants the bracelets, he wants power, and he wants you to die. and thats it. he just kind of hands you that information, and then fucks off when you win. on what earth would our fogado do that? dude wouldnt even tell you if he broke his leg, he just partied a little hard last night. but thats just it isnt it? our fogado lies because he loves people, hes protecting them. fell!fogado is transparent because he’s not protecting anyone, he doesn’t care.
but the biggest kicker in fell!fogado’s lack of love is in his interaction with our timerra. our fogado loves his sister more than anything, as he literally plans his entire life around making HER life easier. he sacrifices even just spending time with her just because he needs to make sure hes fully prepared to keep her safe (not that timerra wants that for him but he doesnt really get that. which is another topic i could dive into but this post is long enough lets not make it a novel). fell!fogado though? well you see–
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any love fogado holds for his sister, or any love at all really, is just not present in fell!fogado. and you could say that maybe its just because of the corruption, but then why do we still see love between the fierenese and brodian siblings? even fell!timerra still loves her brother if her conversation with our fogado is anything to go off of. but the writers know that fogado lives and dies on his love for people, its his entire being and so much more so than the rest of the cast. which is why thats what had to change in him for the fell xenologue. it wasnt really just a flip of the switch haha murder thing (though. it could have been handled better. lets be real) but it was the loss of everything that makes fogado him. and i think the fact that this gets to be highlighted in the dlc just makes base game fogado all that much more interesting, because it cements his motivation now that we know what he's like without it. fogado is a guy driven by love and its just fucking great
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