crimsonblackrose · 2 years
1, 30?
1. what song makes you feel better? This one is tough. It depends on my mood. Right now I’ve been enjoying this song (and really the whole album):
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)? Oh so many things. Star filled skies and the sounds of trains in the distance, corn that grows too high and standing on a porch watching storms roll in. The feeling of pussy-willow buds and lambs ears and prickly weeds. Weeping willows, daffodils, and the unexpected blooms of iris. The heavy scent of snowballs, honeysuckle, and lilac/ Barn swallows and the purr of cats. Watching caterpillars and rolly pollys, looking for mantis, walking through spiderwebs and the morning dew. Pie, pancakes with secret ingredients, kitchen witches and corned beef and hash. Tadpoles, snails, crawdads and goldfish, waterlilies and cats tails. Mint, clover and columbines. Morning mist and thick fog, waking up to frost, standing on metal grates as the heat blew through. Singing "My Favorite Things” in the car until we get lost, chocolate malts and diet pepsi, wind socks and the warmth of popcorn seeping through the bag while you hold it before the movie starts.
Deep dish pizza, listening to the trains rattle past, city lights and the occasional smell of chocolate. Parties to use up leftover food, zombie readings, slippery ice covered sidewalks, fireworks in the summer, getting donuts at three am after dancing all night, and sitting in the park in summer on a picnic blanket watching movies with friends. Board games that last over 6 hours, curling up on couches and the floor to watch movies. Opera sung in the stairwells, musical recitals and plays. The smell of fresh paint and carpet cleaner. Tea parties and burlesque. The morning rush waiting for elevators, the never ending spiral back down during fire drills. The smell of books, ink and paper. Making paper cranes and origami stars, butcher block, glue and scissors. Bohemian Rhapsody sung as a group spontaneously while waiting for the trains, penguin waddles huddled for warmth and to not fall on the ice while trying to cross the street.
Yellow ginkgo trees, persimmons, sweet potatoes and roasted chestnuts, pancakes filled with brown sugar and pine nuts that are too hot to eat right away, cherry blossoms and silver grass, long train rides and quiet taxi rides into the night. honey cookies and tea, paper dixie cups full of instant coffee, stirred with the yellow coffee packet. Mountains and a flooded river, golden bowls filled with milky alcohol, shot glasses, metal tongs and scissors flipping meat over and being alone in a large group, a tiny crab picked up on the mudflats in a cup that gets forgotten at a noribang. Let it Be, picked because I don’t have to ever sing it alone. Snails in the bathroom, spiders under the door, wasps in the stairwell, bats in the school, peacocks and chickens wandering the playground. Waiting in the cold for a taxi after the last train, or standing in the snow waiting for the bus. Milk tea and mochi donuts. Demands for candy. Pizza with sweet potatoes on it, ice cream, fried chicken and pickled radish. A warm floor.
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amintensai · 7 years
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I feel like back to dancing but today we went to karaoke( noribang) 🎤 my favorite place to sing!! ✨ #korea #busan #karaoke #music #sing #カラオケ #노래방 #24jan (at Busan, South Korea)
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thewilythylacine · 6 years
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I suspect I would be overdressed at this establishment. The things you see on your way to the movies. #karaoke #noribang #hadang #mokpo #onlyinkorea #nightphotography #nightlife #southkorea🇰🇷
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alexaugustus · 8 years
I don't how your Sunday is but my last official night in #korea is fucking epic. #homenoribang #gramgram #drunkasfuck #noribang (at Jincheon)
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crimsonblackrose · 7 years
The days leading up to the end of the year tend to be pretty reflective and stressful. I usually try to dig up whatever resolutions I made, or goals and I feel discouraged because I don’t feel like I accomplished them, or that I’m where I want to be. I find myself being pretty pessimistic about the past year. I usually think of all the things I had wanted to do and didn’t get a chance to, or hadn’t even found time to attempt.
I didn’t bake with my rice cooker, I spent this time last year living out of moving boxes with a coworker in a semi-awkward but less awkward than expected living arrangement as our housing was remodeled, which was insanely stressful. I spent my birthday last year having to figure out how to bring my mattress back into my apartment from where the construction workers had shoved it behind the giant old school TV that I couldn’t move, which is still living in my laundry room because there’s no way I can bring it back in my apartment by myself, and I kinda don’t want to. The rice cooker is living out there too and I doubt I’ll bring it back in when microwavable minute rice is so much faster than my hour long rice cooker. So that’s a goal from my original Korea to-do list that I don’t think will be ever be realized.
My last years’ new years resolution also just said “learn more Korean”. Which I suppose I accomplished but I also had hoped my Korean would get way better, that I’d be able to ask my coworkers how they were doing in Korean and talk with them more. But while I did study a little, I didn’t as much as I had hoped. I’m not where I wanted to be, but I’m better than where I was, and I just have to accept that and be proud of the progress I have made.
I also really wanted to write more and when the year ended I felt like I had nothing to show for it. But I’ve been going through my journal and even though it doesn’t feel like it I’ve done a lot of writing. I finished a rough draft of a novel and started a writing internship. I’ve also been doing a ton of editing and beta-reading for friends.
If I look at my resolutions and goals I realize I did kind of accomplish them in the simplest sense, but despite writing things like “write” or “learn more Korean” behind that I had meant a much loftier goal that I didn’t accomplish. But when I look at how the years gone I’ve realized I’ve forgotten everything I did and really I’ve done better than I feel like I’ve done. Even though it feels like this year went both fast and also as slow as quicksand.
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I spent my winter vacation in Laos, with a little bit of time in Vietnam and Thailand. I did a tour for the first time and ended up loving it. I made new friends, stayed in a village in the mountains, ate a ton of delicious food and even met some elephants.
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February is my birthday month and despite earlier complaints about having to spend the day reorganizing my remodeled apartment and moving back in, the month itself was pretty good. I spent the lunar new year in Taiwan, road on a motorcycle for the first time in my life, visited the city that inspired Spirited Away, ate a ton of street food with my friends and enjoyed so much tea.
Apri I went to Daegu, which wasn’t some place I’d never been to before, but I went on a short weekend in order to see the lantern festival for Buddha’s birthday. It’s was gorgeous and despite how rushed the weekend felt I was so glad I went.
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I visited friends I had made last year at training and explored parts of Korea I had never been to before. Like Andong and their mask festival or the gardens in Daejeon. I also went to the rose festival in Seoul which was lovely.
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After two years of being thwarted in my attempts to visit Jeju island I finally made it and it was amazing.
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I visited Gangwon with my coworkers and had probably the least stressful teacher’s trip yet and managed to avoid the yearly drunken noribang.
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I went home for the first time since moving to Korea. I visited 5 states and saw family and friends that I haven’t seen in ages. (I also lost my phone though it eventually made its way back to me). I spent a lot of time trying to cram way too much in (and was stressed because there wasn’t enough time to see everyone and everything I wanted to) I  I managed to take my aunt to see Aladdin and even treated myself to see Hamilton. (Cause how often am I in the USA?)
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I went to the camera cafe that’s been on my to-do list forever. I also visited Osaka and a friend I hadn’t seen in years then went to Tokyo and saw more friends. I ate amazing food, got into the spooky spirit at Tokyo Disney and met Simon and Martina from Eat Your Kimchi. (Not to mention I finally made it to the Ghibli museum after years of trying)
I spent November recovering. I had spent most of the year running around everywhere, and even if I wasn’t abroad I was meeting up with friends and saying goodbye to some that were heading home. I also had my first Thanksgiving meal in years with some friends at Wink.
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This last month has been insane. I went with my coworkers to Paju, had friends visit and did a lot in Seoul.
  When I get to the end of the year I forget this stuff. I forget how busy I was and just remember the days where I sat around watching youtube or binge watching TV shows or playing video games. Not the days where I was doing what I loved. But if I sit down and list it like this then it’s much clearer to see, I didn’t spend a single month without at least one small adventure, and that’s insane. Especially since my go-to state is a hermit who stays home drinking tea and reading books. (I crushed my book goal this year)
While I’m not sure how 2018 will go I do already have some things planned that I’m excited for come late January and February. I’m trying not to put too much pressure on 2018 to be amazing, or that I’ll even know where I’m going all the time, but I’m looking forward to it for sure. Even if all I did on the first day (today) was clean and look back on the year that had just ended.
  What’s something you did in 2017 that you’re proud of? What’s some things you’re looking forward to next year?
Happy New Year!
Year in Review: 2017 The days leading up to the end of the year tend to be pretty reflective and stressful.
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sushifrenchfries · 11 years
Myeong-dong Music
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crimsonblackrose · 7 years
Usually during our teacher trips we stay at a decent but small quiet pension. Some place where there may be other people but there isn’t a lot of other people, which made our stay at 02 resort ridiculously different. I ended up at the resort before a majority of my coworkers since one of my coworkers felt sick and we took her to the resort early so she could rest up. Which meant I got to join in at check in and explore before the rest of my coworkers arrived. We ended up in a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment style room with a decent size living room/kitchen and a balcony with a stunning view of the mountains and rest of the resort.
While not the newest rooms it was still nice, with wifi and a TV. However we weren’t able to figure out (any of us, including other staff in other rooms) how to use the air conditioning, let alone find any air conditioning. Which meant we had the fan on until every one went to bed and then it turned off and we just left the balcony door open with the screen shut. I slept in the living room with 5 of my coworkers in traditional bedding. We had 8-9 people per room, which while doable was pushing it for the space. There weren’t any western beds and with the smaller size of one of the bedrooms I figured I’d at least be cooler in the more open space, which I was, barely.
The resort also included a CU convenience store, several floors of amenities including a noribang (singing room like karaoke), a cafe and several restaurants including the Korean restaurant we had breakfast at. And that was just what was in our building.
The cafe
a blueberry smoothie
breakfast, dried fish soup, at the Korean restaurant
The resort seemed to be packed with conference guests and sports teams. The resort is popular in the winter for skiing and the rest of the year for golfing. We didn’t go near either, instead the majority of my coworkers enjoyed soju and the noribang. I opted to just relax at the cafe and have some tea in the evening so that I could try to get rid of my headache from sitting in the back of a bus for a long period of time.
O2 Resort 오투리조트 스키장 Usually during our teacher trips we stay at a decent but small quiet pension. Some place where there may be other people but there isn't a lot of other people, which made our stay at 02 resort ridiculously different.
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mermaidsparklesama · 10 years
Put yo hands up 2pm @renamonstar @yayitsnadia #unnies #noribang #turntup #drinksup #handsup #gocrazy
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mermaidsparklesama · 10 years
Helloo hello. Noriiiiibanggg #unnies #noribang #turntup #cloudycover @renamonstar @yayitsnadia
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