#norm trudy grace and jake raising a child in their little pod in the mountains: this is going great
Spider that technically lived longer on Pandora than Jake: What if it was a lot longer? Like maybe Grace decides one day to bring Baby Spider(with a tiny mask) to one of her classes to teach the Navi kids about what human babies look like. The Navi kids love this baby. Especially Neytiri and her sister. Tsutey takes longer to warm up to the baby. The baby is incredibly sad when the classes stop and can't vist anymore. What if the whole tribe knew about this human baby? And when Jake convinces the tribe to let Grace back in she brings toddler spider too.
This makes it seem like Spider is Grace's baby though?? Like, even if Quaritch isn't involved, Paz is just letting Grace walk off into the woods with (who they think are) the savages with her baby? Seems very unlikely. So maybe for all intents and purposes, they were neglectful or bad parents, or they kept leaving him places so Grace did her thing and stormed in and yelled at them and took Spider.
But then I am absolutely on board, like then you know the Na'vi already knew and liked him. He'd be more Kiri than Kiri is, he was the kid they always saw Grace with and raising and teaching about them. He'd probably be the most welcome human in the Omaticaya.
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