#norma bean
whyeverr · 8 months
Sweet Beginnings Tag 🌱
This tag is all about looking at your past. All you need to do is to find one of the first screenshots you ever took (preferably also published), and post it beside the recent one! And tell everybody when you took that first picture! Oh, and don’t forget to tag your posts! #sweet beginnings tag
I was tagged by @panicsimss @kazroze and @cantseemtohide — thanks lovelies! My apologies in advance for searing your eyeballs 🥲
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My very first (!!!) post is from June 2018, which means I’ve been posting here on a near daily basis (with a few breaks here and there) for 5+ years.
That’s right. This has been my primary hobby for over 5 years. And I’m still so bad at this!
Looking back and comparing my very first gameplay to my current BACC, I’m struck right in the optic nerve by the different aesthetic choices, for sure, but also by a certain sort of parallel…? A matriarchal alien colony establishing itself on earth, a group of survivors banding together to rebuild a new, better society amidst a zombie apocalypse… Chuck in my La Boca Cerrada series (survival! Nietzsche! hedonism!) and you’ve got quite the psychological profile going. 😁
tagging @biffybobs @myverycoolnickname @saartje77 @littlefallsnook (who is also making me nostalgic for aliens!) @lilacacia @cowplant-snacks @devotedsims @mysimsloveaffair and @gladlypants
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miru667 · 6 months
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End of year art dump, part 2!! Everything from January to yesterday. xP All of this is Let It Flow AU stuff, read more for descriptions, context and credits!
1-2) Audrey Grace and the friends she made during her first recon mission to Vileville! From left to right: the Cashtea-ler ( @ampreh ), Théodore Wijins, La Rouquine ( @nalak-bel ), and Wesley the glowing boy ( @ampreh ). The last three are Cashtie’s henchmen who all want him dead. 💀
3-4) Cashtea-ler vs deoncelerized Cashtie (aka Cashtiel)
5) Audrey’s outfit for her 2nd recon mission to Vileville. >:D I really wanted to draw her in black just so she could be a little more stealth and a little more goth. Black Lady from Sailor Moon was my inspo!
6) A sketch page of OCs belonging to people from an rp server I’m in. From left to right, top to bottom, they are: Hugo (@butterscorner), Norma ( @crazypotatofan ), Nathan ( @nalak-bel ), Bean ( @lemonine ), Émilien ( @blackcatangel ), Wesley ( @ampreh​ ), Audrey (mine lol), Bét ( @bethanygabrielleart​ ), Théodore (belongs to my friend Alink, no tumblr)
7) RP art from a scene with @rafatello​ ‘s OC, Joan!! xD He pickpocketed the wrong tourist 🔪 (I love Joan he’s great kshfgjk)
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sacrilegiousoul · 27 days
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs/mutuals and pass it on
Top 5 movies: Where The Wild Things Are, Ponyo, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Twilight, the Witch
Top 5 albums: Sempiternal by Bring Me The Horizon, All Hail by Norma Jean, Lungs by Florence + The Machine, Redeemer by Norma Jean, and Preachers Daughter by Ethel Cain
Top 5 songs: Darkness Within by Machine Head, Hospital For Souls by BMTH, Careen by Norma Jean, Silhouettes by Of Monsters and Men, Go With The Flow by Queens of the Stone Age
Top 5 foods: fries, chicken and dumplings, slim jims, lima beans, and pasta
Top 5 favorite things: my girlfriend, my dog, my Polaroid camera, the notebook my girlfriend got me on our first meet, anything made by my grandma
I’m tagging @hospitalwaste @awf00l @lesbianhysteria @lesbianjudasiscariot @lethaurgy @zombipuke @furrowfilthe and tagged by @folklown <3
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shakespearerants · 5 months
Ich glaube inoffizieller Wohnheimküchenvorsitz ist wirklich die beste Vorbereitung für top level Management...musste grad meinem Nachbarn (27 Jahre alt, literally von Beruf Politiker, im letzten Jahr seines Masterstudiums) erklären, warum es nicht gut ankommt, wenn man 2 Wochen vor Vorlesungsende und damit 3 Wochen vor "Wohnheim leer bis auf die Ukrainer" eine Erhöhung des Küchenbeitrags (noch nicht mal von allen eingegangen) (demokratisch festgelegt auf 3€) um 66% fordert, weil man selber kein Bratöl kaufen will (hatten dieses Semester Reste vom Auszug dreier Nachbarn zum einfach Nehmen rumstehen, die jetzt aufgebraucht sind) (ja, ich habe ihm mehrfach erklärt, dass das NICHT der Normalzustand ist) (nein, ich glaube er versteht nicht, dass es die ökonomisch klügere Entscheidung für ihn wäre sich einfach nen eigen Liter Sonnenblumenöl für unter 2€ vom Norma um die Ecke zuzulegen) (for those in the know yes this is bean boy).
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This is the complete list of characters I would have cameo at a Universal Animation assemblage similar to Once Upon a Studio.
Felix the Cat: Felix the Cat
Woody Woodpecker: Woody Woodpecker, Winnie Woodpecker
An American Tail: Fievel Mousekewitz, Tanya Mousekewitz, Papa Mousekewitz, Mama Mousekewitz, Yasha Mousekewitz, Tiger, Henri le pigeon, female pigeons, Tony Toponi, Bridget, Honest John, Gussie Mausheimer, Warren T. Cat, Digit, Maus Street Maulers, Cat R. Waul, TR Chula, the Cactus Cat Gang, Miss Kitty, Wylie Burp
Land Before Time: Littlefoot, Cera, Petrie, Ducky, Spike, Littlefoot's grandparents, Chomper
Opus 'n Bill: Opus, Bill the Cat, the ducks
We're Back!: A Dinosaur's Story: Rex, Elsa, Woog, Dweeb, Louie, Cecilia, Vorb, Stubbs, Captain Neweyes, Dr. Bleeb
Casper: Casper the Friendly Ghost, Stretch, Fatso, Stinky
Babe: Babe, Fly, Rex, Ferdinand, the mice
Balto: Balto, Jenna, Boris, Steele, Muk, Luk, Nikki, Kaltag, Star, Dixie, Sylvie, Rosy
Rocky & Bullwinkle: Rocket J. Squirrel, Bullwinkle J. Moose (in their 2D/CG 2000 looks), Fearless Leader, Boris Badenov, Natasha Femme-Fatale (in their 2D 2000 looks)
Curious George: Curious George, Ted the Man in the Yellow Hat, Maggie Dunlop
The Tale of Desperaux: Desperaux, his parents, Chiaroscuro "Roscuro", Chef Andre, Boldo
Despicable Me: Felonious Gru, Lucy Wilde, the Minions, Dr. Nefario, Margo, Agnes, Edith, Kyle, Vector, Mr. Perkins, Silas Ramsbottom, Eduardo Perez/El Macho, Antonio Perez, Scarlett Overkill, Herb Overkill, the Nelsons, Balthazar Bratt, Dru Gru, Marlena Gru, Fritz, Clive the Robot, the Vicious Six, Master Chow, Wild Knuckles' henchmen
Hop: EB, Easter Bunny, the Pink Berets, Carlos, Phil, bunnies, chicks
The Lorax: the Lorax, the Once-ler, Ted, Audrey, Mrs. Wiggins, Granny Norma, Aloysius O'Hare, O'Hare's bodyguards, Sy the Delivery Guy, the Hummingfish, the Swommee-Swans, the Barbaloots
The Secret Life of Pets: Max, Katie, Duke, Gidget, Snowball, Mel, Buddy, Pops, Tiberius, Rooster, Chuck, Liam, Daisy, Hu, Sergei, wolves
Sing: Buster Moon, Miss Crawley, Herman, Rosita, Norman, their piglets, Gunther, Johnny, Marcus, Stan, Barry, Ash, Lance, Becky, Eddie Noodleman, Nana Noodleman, Mr. and Mrs. Noodleman, Hobbes, Meena, her mother and grandparents, Mike, Nancy, Suki Lane, Porsha Crystal, Jimmy Crystal, Jerry, Nooshy, Darius, Klaus Kickenklober, Clay Calloway, the Q-Teez
The Grinch: the Grinch, Max, Fred, his mate and calf, Donna Who, Cindy-Lou Who, Bean, Buster, Bricklebaum, Mabel, Groopert, Axl, Izzy, Ozzy
Super Mario Bros.: Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, Bowser Koopa, Donkey Kong, Cranky Kong, Kamek, penguins, Giuseppe
Migration: the duck family, Delroy, Pigeon, Erin
Characters I'm unsure would make the assemblage:
The Veggies of VeggieTales
The Jetsons, Mr. Spacely and anyone involved in Jetsons the Movie
And for real-life people:
Steven Spielberg, David Kirschner, George Miller, and Chris Meledandri as themselves.
What do you think?
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Hmm.... hey, interns? Did you have any secret talents you never found out, other than your psychic abilities?
[Norma] That sentence ...doesn't make sense. How can we know if we have any secret talents if we never found out about them? It's just-
[Lizzie] Norma, stop being a pill about semantics and answer the question.
(Inters chuckle)
[Norma] Ugh ...secret talents ...do I have any? (Frazie leans over and whispers a suggestion in her ear) (Gives Frazie a playful push) (hushed voice) I am not telling them that.
[Frazie] Oh, c'mon, it's cute!
[Lizzie] Okay, now I'm curious.
[Norma] And you're gonna keep being curious.
[Lizzie] Compromise! How about we all start and you get the last word?
[Norma] (Pause) (Blushes as Frazie nudges her) Okay, fine. Hey, where's Raz, by the way? I just noticed he's not here.
[Frazie] He's helping Milla and Mom making dinner for tonight. By the way, you're invited too.
[Norma] Thanks.
[Lizzie] Are we done being wholesome? Let's get on with it! Oh, and Raz's hidden talent is hair styling and fashion, just gonna call that out.
[Adam] (Chuckles) I'll start. Turns out that playing around with my yo-yo's all the time made me realize that I'm actually ambidextrous.
[Sam] (Jokingly) I thought you were straight?
(Everyone chuckles)
[Adam] Har-har. No, seriously though, I didn't realize it was happening at first. I was writing something down, dropped something, switched over my pen to my other hand, grabbed the thing that had fallen on the ground and while I was checking if it wasn't broken or something; I just kept writing.
[Gisu] That's cool. When I was home for the summer, I helped out in a neighbours workshop, who is a professional woodworker. I got curious, he showed me some techniques and it seems I got a knack for woodworking. I'm thinking of making my own boards.
[Sam] I know how to do Mongolian throat singing. (Clears throat)
[Morris] Sam! Window accident? Remember?
[Sam] Oh yeah! I forgotten about that. Nevermind then.
[Morris] I know how to make mixtapes. I started making my own since last Summer, when we were in Brazil, after Espen showed me how.
[Adam] How are they, by the way?
[Morris] They're doing fine. They are thinking of coming over to America to learn business management, since they want to open a Music Label after they graduated.
[Lizzie] You guys know needle felting? That art thing where you stab at felt a million times until it becomes something? Me and Millie started doing that and I am apparently a natural at it.
[Norma] (Scoffs) Right...
[Lizzie] You don't believe me? Who do you think made that Cthulhu plushy that's menacingly looming in the corner of my room?
[Gisu] For real?
[Lizzie] For real! Okay, that leaves Frazie and Norma. Spill the beans, you two.
[Norma] (Groans)
[Frazie] (Giggling) You want me to tell them? (giggles as Norma just nods with an expression of defeat) Me and Norma have taken up a new hobby in secret a couple of months ago.
[Gisu] Hang on, is this about why you two disappear for hours sometimes?
[Adam] We just figured you two got somewhere private and ...well, got funky with each other.
[Norma] Don't ...ever use 'getting funky with each other' ever again, Adam. And it's not that!
[Gisu] Stop dancing around the issue and just tell us.
[Frazie] (Laughs) You guessed it!
[Gisu] What?
[Frazie] Dancing! Me and Norma have taken up Swing Dancing a couple of months ago and she's a natural pro at it.
[Morris] No!?
[Lizzie] For real!? Norma's got two left feet!
[Sam] Seeing is believing!
[Adam] Yeah, now you gotta show us!
[Norma] (Groans and tries to burry her face in her knees) Please stop...
[Frazie] Oh, don't be like that. You're amazing at it and we have so much fun during lessons. Our teacher says that Norma learned so quickly, she thought that Norma lied about being a total amateur.
[Norma] And she asked Frazie - pleaded, more accurately - to keep the extreme flexibility and contortionistic moves to a minimum, because she really freaked out some of the other people.
[Sam] Oh, now I gotta see this.
[Morris] I'm getting the music! (Hovers off to his room) I'm sure I got something in my collection.
[Gisu] Adam, Sam, help me clear the room. And get the camera, Raz will surely wanna see this. (Uses TK to clear the couch and table)
[Norma] Guys ...
[Frazie] (Gently takes hold of Norma's hand, looking pleadingly into her eyes) Norma, will you please dance with me? It would mean so much to me... I'll make it worth your while.
[Norma] (Blushing) Okay, fine. (Grins) But if we're gonna do this ...let's do it properly. You ...gotta wear the dress.
[Frazie] Yes! As long as you wear the suit. Let's get changed! (Grabs Norma and Drags her towards her room.)
[Norma] Be right back, guys! You better get the music ready.
[Lizzie] (Laughs) Oh, she's excited now. (Pause) Hmmm, swing dancing ...didn't Millie say she wanted to try that? (Shrugs) Oh well, you only live once. I'll text Mills about that later. (Grins) Right now, we've got a show to prepare for.
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doctorsimcraft · 2 months
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"You and Violette weren't there." Frida swirled her wine, "So where were you?"
"Ghost hunting." Norma shrugged her shoulders with a smile, "We dragged Theodora with us." "Well I chose to go." Theo cringed. "Beans, Theo you're bad at this." Norma gritted her teeth.
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mandareeboo · 2 years
Not sure if you're taking prompts right now but Dead End idea: Pauline and Norma have their own Driver's Seat moment.
"You know I'm right, doll."
Norma ignores the glow of green against her back as she digs through Courtney's magical chest. "C'mon, c'mon," she whispers desperately. "There's gotta be something for angels in here."
"Yer barkin' up the wrong tree, girlie." A ghostly hand slammed the thing shut, just barely avoiding Norma's fingers. Pauline tutted obnoxiously. "Use that think bean of yours. If demons had a way of fightin' off angels, would the planes still be at war?"
"Fine! Whatever." Norma digs through her jacket pockets. Some gum for if she grits her teeth too hard and got a headache. A utility tool provided by the company- a bunch of doodads, but nothing that could be considered a weapon. Jennifer's all-access pass. "I'll- I'll think of something."
"You're gonna go up against a horde of angels alone? With yer friends' lives on the line? You can't just wing that."
Norma stands so she's nose-to-nose with the spirit. She's not an intimidating person by stature, even compared to the mousy ghost, and Pauline doesn't flinch at the ferocity in her eyes. If she can't spook her, how can she fight off angels? "Since when did you care about them?" she asks.
Pauline scoffs. "Now don't go tryin' to make this personal, darlin'. This park is my legacy. Don't matter if it's angels or demons- if somethin' kills off my entire staff, I gotta be the one to deal with that. And rehiring when you're incorporeal is a real pain in the butt, lemme tell you. Besides...."
Green fingers cup her cheeks, sinking inside the skin. Norma shudders at how cold they are.
"I like you, darlin'," she murmurs quietly, twisting her face to and fro. "Sure, you aren't my usual getup, but you've got the spark, honey. You know my movies and my music inside and out. Every dance step and every fun fact I put in trashy magazines. That's very important to possession, you know."
"It is?"
"Why d'ya think I have my imposters tailed? Having a sustained possession requires more than just good looks and a bit of black magic. If I want a body to last for years, I need it to be a second skin. I need their soul to be mine." A cruel gleam twinkled in the ghost's eyes. "And I don't think I've ever had a better candidate."
The question slips out before Norma can stop it, "What about Barborah? You were nothing alike."
"What about her?" she dismisses. "We might be different, but her soul was full'a guilt. She blamed herself for what happened to me- and rightly so, the traitor. She was mine the moment she touched my cold, dead hand."
The fingers push in deeper. The ice tingled up and down Norma's jawbone.
"I could make you fall in love with me all over again. Doesn't that sound nice?"
Norma struggled to move herself free, but the tendrils were like hooks- it was possible to pull away, but it'd hurt. "I don't need you. I could-"
"You could what? Not make eye contact with them while they kill your little friends? Have a meltdown 'cause one of 'em wanted to know your name? This makes the most sense and you know it. I can use my powers without them poofing me into another plane, and you can save the day and go back to being little miss security."
She stared blankly at the green glow a moment, forcing her mind to keep up and diagnose this plan as 'unfortunate but accurate'. "We'd need some rules."
Pauline raises a delicately plucked eyebrow. "Kinky. Hit me."
"You can't hurt my friends, or my family, or friends of my family and family of my friends. That includes found family. And when they're safe, you let me have my body back."
"Deal," she says easily, far too easily.
As the green invades her skin and soul, Norma has this brief, horrifying moment where realizes the loophole there. Pauline didn't have to hurt her friends to hold them in danger, and until she undid said danger, Norma had no body. A dark chuckle warbled through her chest.
Don't you worry about that. Succumb.
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So my two eclipse backups are Perseus and Titanic
Titanic First
Titanic is a female who is around 10'7, with a slightly darker colour palette from Eclipse
She wears a pair of somewhat burnt, grey shorts with black stars on them and a plain black tank top, although they sometimes change that out to a pair of Dark orange and pastel orange classic pants (like what sun and moon wear), a black long sleeve and a light orange shall over that
She swapped out the old model's legs due to rusting and internal damage that couldn't be fixed, so she swapped them with a pair of dino-like legs to help with running (she denies it but she has beans)
The bunker she and Perseus activated was redecorated and renamed 'The Return' and is a safe spot for any and all universes
Titanic will throw hands if anyone harms her children. She enjoys baking, cooking, sewing, and walking around the forest the bunker is in.
Titanic has two voice boxes, one of the original Eclipse and a female one (think sweet middle-aged southern mom)
she has a long tail with white fluff on the end
Perseus' turn!
Perseus is 4'3 with a pastel colour palette
They activated a week before Titanic
they started calling her by the name Titanic cause they thought it sounded cool (She doesn't have the heart to tell him about what happened to the Titanic)
Their named after one of the Milky Way Galaxy Arms
he has dyslexia
He is the more impulsive of the two
he made siblings with a sun backup named Norma, a moon backup named Cygnus, a lunar backup named Sagittarius, a blood moon backup named Scrutum, and a Harvest moon backup named Crux, All named after the arms of the milky way
He enjoys gardening, foraging, feeding wildlife, and training the local foxes, raccoons, and wolfs
They have a pet raccoon named Lily pad, or Lily for short
he has paws like KC, they also have beans
My lord eclipse will come later
I love them both so much and I'm currently squeezing them like plushies.
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vangold · 1 year
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Finally got these other two done. Some beans we see somewhat more rare in my gallery - for Cullen I think this is actually even the first time I ever properly drew him. Still needa figure out how to draw his hair best :P
Ginger on his side is my other canon Inquisitor, Thee Lavellan. Considering the latest happening in the Gaming and *cough* Voice Acting Bubbles, I guess it is somewhat ironic that Thee is a trans man lel
Also some Jazztale Chasriel. Didn’t have those two beans eather in a while. I’m kinda happy about how the dynamic with this one turned out to be honest ^///^
Still having quite the shitty real-life time over here, thus my apologies that I get way less done currently. I might talk about details once this mess is over.....which is hopefully soon. Kinda would appreciate some norma ass average lazy day again for a change to the current desasters -.-
Ah welp, comes time, come hope or whatever :P
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thad-spaulding · 4 months
LOCATION: Paranormal Beans & Comics WHO: @judithguerrier
While Norma settled down in her seat, Thaddeus went to the counter and purchased a few sweet treats for his fae daughter along with a fun bobo tea drink, while he got himself his usual once a week coffee treat for himself.  Not often did Norma join him on his coffee trips, but today was special.  The two were meeting up with a dear friend and she had a special place in Norma’s heart.  Something that tended to be rare in Norma who never quite fit in with people her own age.
“Judith,” he smiled and waved when he noticed her walk in.  “Sorry, we got here a bit early and Norma was on the verge of a temper tantrum if she didn’t get her treat right away,” he commented hoping she didn’t take great offence with him ordering items without her.  “How are you? Sorry, you probably want your coffee then we can talk,” he chuckled awkwardly.
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cursedrizzo · 4 months
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— ∘♱∘ Sponsored by ∘♱∘ —
✦ HexPosed // Mystic Pose Set @ Mainstore
— ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. —
Head// Lelutka Zo
Hair// Stealthic - Ecstacy Hair
Top// MOMOCHUU - May Top
Panties // error - norma panties
Shoes// Milkbath - beans paw stockings
Accessories// Sour - Pup ears // Snookie Store - Gaia Piercings // Dappa - Duct Tape
Makeup// iicing - Running Mascara
— ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. —
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:30
Feel free to ask about anything else! ♥
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aghotel · 5 months
Peterborough Winter Travel: Family, Leisure, and Outdoor Activities
Winter transforms Peterborough into a wonderland of possibilities, offering something for everyone, from families seeking cosy moments to thrill-seekers craving adventure. The city comes alive with a blend of family-friendly activities, leisurely escapes, and adventurous outdoor pursuits. This travel guide for Peterborough serves as your ultimate navigator to explore the diverse winter activities and embrace the magic and charm that only this season can bestow. Get ready to discover a city transformed into a winter haven with out guide for Peterborough winter travel.
Family-Friendly Winter Escapades
Winter is a time for families to come together, and Peterborough provides the perfect backdrop for creating lasting memories. Lace up your skates and glide across the frozen surface of Little Lake at the Silver Bean Café, surrounded by the picturesque winter landscape. Gather the family for a day of snowman-building and winter picnics in Jackson Park, where the scenic beauty amplifies the magic of the season. Warm up with a cup of hot cocoa at the charming Dreams of Beans Café, adding a touch of warmth to your family adventure. Don’t miss out on the winter festivals and light displays, such as the enchanting lights at the Riverview Park and Zoo, adding a touch of magic to your winter escapades.
Chill Out in Style: Leisure Activities for Relaxation
Peterborough invites you to unwind and relax amidst its winter charm. Pamper yourself with a visit to the rejuvenating Elmhirst’s Resort Spa, offering soothing treatments to melt away the winter blues. Explore the city’s hidden gems, including the delightful book selection at Hunter Street Books and the inspiring art exhibits at the Art Gallery of Peterborough. Lose yourself in the magic of winter through leisurely walks in the parks and gardens, such as the serene trails at The Quarry at Trent University. Indulge your taste buds with gourmet winter treats at local restaurants like St. Veronus Café & Tap Room, and keep an eye out for exclusive events like winter-themed wine tastings and intimate live music performances at venues like The Venue. Embrace the slower pace of winter with leisurely pursuits that make Peterborough a haven of tranquility.
Adventurous Escapes for Winter Thrill-Seekers
For the adventure enthusiasts, Peterborough has a host of outdoor activities that promise an adrenaline rush. Dive into the thrill of winter sports like cross-country skiing and snowshoeing against the stunning backdrop of the city’s landscapes, with popular spots including the trails at Harold Town Conservation Area. Discover the best spots for winter hiking and ice climbing, such as the challenging routes at Warsaw Caves Conservation Area, and consider joining guided tours that unveil the hidden gems of Peterborough’s winter wilderness. Whether you’re a seasoned winter sports enthusiast or a first-timer, the city’s adventurous escapes, including the adrenaline-pumping experiences at Kawartha Nordic Ski Club, will satisfy your craving for excitement and make your winter getaway truly unforgettable.
Budget Accommodation In Peterborough
For a relaxing stay and delicious dining experience, book your stay at our 3-star hotel in Peterborough, The Milestone Hotel, which is located at Normas Cross, Junction 16 of the A1(M). The hotel has modern amenities including Hypnos beds, free Wi-Fi, free parking, a restaurant & bar and meeting rooms. You can take advantage of exclusive offers at the hotel including Winter Warmer Offer and Valentine’s Day package.
Love to explore? Discover and book your perfect trip with local insights, travel guides and destination inspiration from AG Hotels Group. Sign up for our newsletters, here.
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fivepastsix · 5 months
From Screen to Stovetop: Recipes I'm Bookmarking
This list represents my curated collection of recipes earmarked for future culinary endeavors. Have you had the pleasure of trying any of these recipes yet? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences, so don't hesitate to share your feedback!
Bon Appetit - Best pesto
Weston Table - Fig bruschetta with honey gorgonzola butter
Weston Table - Fig and prosciutto flatbread
Jamie Oliver - Pasta with aubergine & tomato sauce
Jamie Oliver - Pasta and green olives
Jamie Oliver - Greek feta tray bake
Jamie Oliver - Crispy-bottomed steamed dumplings
Air fryer Buffalo Cauliflower
Jamie Oliver - Classic ratatouille
Jamie Oliver - Leek & potato soup
Jamie Oliver - Sicilian spaghetti alla Norma
Jamie Oliver - Baked eggs in popped beans
Jamie Oliver - Pasta peperonata
The Modern Proper - Spicy roasted red pepper bucatini with whipped feta
Weston Table - Acorn squash, ricotta & maple apple slaw
Jamie Oliver - Roasted carrot salad
Bon Appétit - Roasted butternut with herb oil and goat cheese
Bon Appétit - Chicken-lentil soup with jammy onions
BBC Food - Chicken and vegetable balti
BBC Food - Chickpea traybake pittas
Jamie Oliver - Fragrant squash curry
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pasta alla norma
A few years ago I decided to try to eat more beans. I liked the idea of eating beans (healthy, filling, environmentally conscious) more than I liked the practicalities (texture) of it. I consider this initiative largely successful (chickpeas and black beans are now in my rotation a lot!), and it culminated in my purchase of COOL BEANS (a cookbook written by someone who absolutely adores and respects beans, which I think is wonderful).
Once that was successful, I embarked on a quest to eat more eggplant, another one of those elusive veggies that seems to be used a lot to create filling, tasty, vegetarian meals but that I've always felt slightly negative about. I'm like 80% done with this endeavor. The first 40% is this black pepper tofu & eggplant which is so easy and tastes absolutely incredible. The other 40% is the pasta alla normal from Six Seasons, a lovely cookbook that somehow turns vegetables, salt, and butter or olive oil into something magical with every recipe.
Rigatoni and Eggplant alla Norma
1 eggplant (~3/4 lb)
2 garlic cloves
1/2 pound raw hot Italian sausage (I like spicy, you can use mild. For a vegetarian version, replace with 1 caramelized onion)
1 pint cherry tomatoes (halve them if they're big)
oregano (fresh or dried) (I never use fresh oregano)
chile flakes
8 oz rigatoni (or whatever short pasta)
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
1/2 cup crumbled ricotta salata (or more parmesan, or skip it altogether if going vegan and add some nutritional yeast! I'm weirdly unmotivated to acquire ricotta salata, so I don't usually have it.)
First - prep the eggplant.
This is sort of a do-ahead recipe. The thing about eggplant is that it's sort of wet and spongey. It's sometimes better if you let it be dry and spongey (aka let is soak up the stuff), so this recipe asks you to cut the eggplant into 1/2-inch rounds, then into 1/2-inch wide strips then stick it in a colander and sprinkle with a little salt. Leave for 1-2 hours to draw out the excess water. When ready to cook, dry the eggplant with paper towel. Get it realllll dry-like.
I've expedited this step before - cut eggplant, put it in colander with salt for as long as it takes to cook the garlic and sausage, blot dry, and put in pan - and it still turns out amazing.
Cook garlic & sausage
Heat some olive oil in a Dutch oven, not too hot. Smash the garlic cloves and put them in the olive oil and cook slowly, til it's soft and smells nice and is golden but not burned, ~5 minutes.
If you're doing sausage - shape the sausage into 3 patties. (I really love this trick from this cookbook - for dishes requiring sausage chunks, do it by shaping raw sausage into patties, cook them til they're almost done, then breaking them up just to finish cooking. The texture is really nice). Ok so make your patties, cook them in the Dutch oven for about 5 minutes total (flip a few times), then break up into bite sized chunks. Scoop out of the pan and set aside.
Cook the eggplant
If the pan looks dry or you didn't do sausage, add another couple tablespoons of olive oil and raise the heat to medium high. Add the eggplant in a single layer and cook, turning as the strips brown on each side (6-8 minutes total). The recipe wants you to do this in batches. I rarely have the patience to do more than 1 batch for this, so sometimes I just toss it all in and fuss less over the exact brown color, and it still turns out really nice.
Cook the noodles
Boil water and cook noodles as instructed. Save 1/2 cup of cooking water before you drain. The recipe calls for very salty noodle cooking water, I have a hot take that it tastes good no matter how much salt you put in your pasta water!
Start making the sauce
Add the tomatoes, oregano, chile flakes, and caramelized onion (if using) back to the pot. Season with salt and black pepper. Cook until th etomatoes break down and everything gets all saucy, 6-10 minutes. Return the sausage to the pan if using.
Bring it home
Add the pasta to the pan. Stir and cook for a minute or two to let the flavors get into the noodles a little. Add the parmesan and stir some more. Adjust for salt, pepper, or chile flakes, and add pasta water as needed to get it to the right saucy consistency. Top with ricotta salata/parm and drizzle with olive oil to serve.
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If Illumination did the Mario dance (Part 1)
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We got an ad of the Illumination character library going to see the new Mario film, but it would be extra brownie points if we got music videos of the Mario theme song from the classic 1989 cartoon with each franchise's cast members doing the Mario dance. Btw, I would love to hear Chris Pratt sing that ditty.
As you can see, the following characters in these first four memes are as listed:
Hop: Carlos, Phil, the Pink Berets, EB, Easter Bunny, and the other bunnies (I couldn't find a pic of the chick army, and as for the live-action characters, who cares about them?)
Lorax: Lorax and the Truffula Forest critters, the Once-ler, Ted, Audrey, Mrs. Wiggins, Granny Norma, and other Thneedville citizens
Secret Life of Pets: Katie, Chuck (sorry that I couldn't get his face in), Liam, Norman, Snowball and Tiberius (I couldn't show the other pets because they can't stand on two legs to do the dance)
Grinch: Grinch, Donna Who, Cindy-Lou Who, Buster Who, Bean Who, Bricklebaum, Mayor McGerkle, Groopert, Axl, Ozzy, and Izzy.
As for the Despicable Me and Sing franchise, that'll come later, as they have so much characters to list for dance cameos.
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