#🔆 anon
regal-rosebuds · 2 months
Do you have any advice or 'tips' for someone questioning if they regress or not? I'm questioning if I age regress, but I'm not sure how to tell if it's age regression specifically.
A no-pressure question (/genuine)! You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
Have a wonderful day!
- 🔆
ꔫGreat question! I will try to answer it to the best of my ability!
ꔫA way that worked for me was kind of just acting as if I am one (whether I am 100% sure or not)! There's never any shame in trying out a label and then realizing it does (or doesn't) work for you!
ꔫI'd reference some of the activities I listed out here: "ꔫHow to Voluntarily Age Regress" if you want to use that idea of "trying it out"!
ꔫMaybe if you find that you're not a regressor, you'll find that you simply enjoy age dreaming instead!
ꔫSomethings I notice about my regression (and this is different for everyone, but this is my experience):
Things feel kind of cloud-like or even "fuzzy" in terms of my senses and mind
It comes about very easily/often when I am tired
Because I both voluntarily and involuntarily regress, I have a pretty wide realm of triggers; this may be something you want to explore for yourself!
I am sometimes easier to upset/more irritable
Mistaking myself for younger than I know I am
I can even have more direct thoughts like: "I want my teddy" "I want to watch cartoons"
ꔫNow that I am quite comfortable with regressing, I find that it feels akin to a light switch flipping on or off for me nowadays. I can tell clearly when I'm entering my regressed mindset, and can even fight it similarly to how one fights sleep!
ꔫSorry if that wasn't really helpful, these things are tricky!
ꔫP.S. I saw your other ask! There's no shame in wanting to be on anon, don't worry!
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aethercodeevol · 2 months
have you ever drank soda? If so what’s your favorite! :) -🔆
I have, I would have to say I usually go for a diet cola, I like the taste more than regular
Sarsaparilla is really nice too ☺️
- ❤️‍🩹
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 months
What if the creator gave Sun the babies?
Sun has been busy relaxing and only working in the daycare, he struggled with FC today.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Do you mind if I share some more thoughts on the new unit au (same anon as before, just capitalizing my letters now)? I have many thoughts.
For the new unit, how many members would there be? Would it be a unique solo unit like that one guy whose name I cannot remember? Or would there be multiple people in the unit?
If that's the case, then who are these new people? They're not gonna be anyone you see in-game, that's for sure. So, are they strangers? Are they old ocs you thought you'd forgotten about? Or are they people designed specifically to fill out the roster? Ghost characters with no backstory or purpose aside from aiding you and your unit.
Personally, I like the third one. It fits with the "I was designed for you" theme the other characters seem to have. It also leaves room for even more yanderes, which is fun.
I think three members (including you) would be ideal. You act as the leader and centerpiece for the unit, while the other two are the backup duo. The entire unit is undoubtedly focused on you, which is a bit unusual, isn't it? More reason for suspicion, perhaps...
If it's okay, I'd like to send in more ideas about this as 🔆 anon
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This ask is a continuation of this
Honestly, I´m blown away by how creative you are, I´m eating all of this up!! Such a big brain, I love the ideas! Welcome aboard, 🔆 anon! Absolutely feel free to send in more thoughts too, I love reading it!
More thoughts on this under the cut!
gn reader
tw yandere, implication of violence and dislike against the reader because of a misunderstanding, mention of a killed dog as a descriptor but it doesn´t actually happen
Who are the characters in the newly introduced unit the player is now a part of?
Okay so first of all let me start by repeating myself: This is literally such a good idea!
If the unit happened to be a solo one then the pressure on you would dramatically increase, so for your own safety, I hope it´s not. Look at this like this, only a single character was added into the game, and not a second later, their beloved player disappears and abandons them when there had been no prior sign of this happening. In their desperation, they´ll very quickly turn to blame you for the entire ordeal, simply because you´re the easiest to shift the blame to. They obviously haven´t done anything wrong so the only one responsible could be the one character that was added recently without any warning. You must not have liked the design or the style of music or anything else! You´ll have an especially hard time because pretty much no one is on your side. Even the more sane or empathetic ones won´t help you out because they´re too struck by grief and they don´t dare to stand up against the overwhelming majority who will just want you gone.
You´ll have a slightly easier time if you aren´t the only one in your unit because it at least leaves the chance that *you* in particular aren´t the problem but instead maybe one of the others.
I do think the game and world would opt to give you two completely new characters because if they just used an old oc of yours, you might be even quicker with finding out that something must be wrong. After all, even if they´re old, there´s still a good chance you might recognize them.
But then again, is it really any less suspicious that amongst your favorite characters, there are now two completely new ones you´ve never seen before in your entire life that seemingly only exist to make you look good and put you in the spotlight? They´re both nice enough and it feels good to at least have some people here in ES that you can talk to without being villainized for some reason you don´t understand. It hurts, having everyone you pass shoot you dirty looks as if you´ve killed their dog or something when you have no recollection of doing anything wrong. You´re literally just existing, why do they hate you?
But you can´t deny that it´s a bit creepy how both of your unit mates only compliment you and tell you how glad they are to have you with them, it´s like their entire personality is based around pleasing you and you can´t help but think it´s a bit unsettling. How come you´re always the center of all of your songs even though they´re both undoubtedly talented when you might not have any prior experience when being an idol? Why is it that all your outfits are suited to your own preferences and when you speak up about it, both of them insist that they´re happy with being able to wear the clothes you enjoy? It´s worrying and yet you´re still happy to have them because it at least means you have two people that will always have your back, no matter what
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cozy-cg · 2 months
🔅 Uhmmm… hi Milo. I was wondering if you could maybe give me an advice… I meet someone and I want to ask him if he wanna take care of me bc he’s so nice but I don’t know how bc he still doesn’t know that i regress but he thinks I’m cute when I’m small even if he doesn’t know and I enjoyed a lot being with him 👉👈 and you don’t have to answer me but thanks <3
Hey bub! I would start off with just broaching the topic of age regression lightly- maybe something like, “Oh one of my friend told me she age regresses. Do you know anything about that?” Not an exact thing to say, but something along those lines.
And if he responds with something positive, go from there! :) I wish you the best of luck <3
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citrinebunny · 5 months
your blog’s got me so hot, sweet girl 🥵 I’m sure we’d all love to know, what’s on your mind right now?
ugh yes!!! i love hearing about people getting turned on from my blog <3 and if there’s one thing that’s always on my mind it’s size difference. i love love love feeling small and knowing someone can just manhandle me however they please :)
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babyjakes · 6 months
read clear blue water just now and i’m 😅😣😓😥 why are forced orgasms so hot??? i’m coming (pun intended) back to read the rest of kinkmas tonight -🔆
aah hehe i’m so glad you liked it 😈😈 i looove forced orgasms they’ll always be my fav, just something so hot about daddies wanting you to come bc you need it and you’re a poor little baby who can’t think for herself 🥺 hope you enjoy the rest of your reading!! 💕
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xynnoix · 2 years
He have the Heterocomia tob Macaque with his blue and yellow eyes, now we have Heterocomia Halloween Macaque with purple and yellow eyes.
I say the next would be Chrisma-
AHAHHAHAHA, gosh please- I just think it looks pretty 😭. It'd probably be red yellow btw
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storm-coax · 5 months
🪃: Does your teasing ever come back to bite you? - 🔆
Yea it has lmao
definitely for a couple of people I've talked with but I don't get why it happens, I've done nothing to deserve such treatment /j /lh
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missmonsters2 · 10 months
Hey it's been two weeks lmfao I haven't been at school because WELL DAMN THE TEACHERS WENT ON STRIKE
I can physically feel myself getting dumber with each moment that passes
aNYWAYS I'm really getting into resident evil I think the autisim is making it worse but who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
oh damn!! The teachers must do what they must.
I would recommend self-studying buttttttttttttt why do that when u can read fics or watch shows LOL
resident evil is still on my list!! hopefully will get to it soon.
I'm having a great day!! Hope you are also having a great day goofy goober!!!!!!
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builderfreak · 1 year
i think looking at your posts is giving me a headache. it's kinda funny - 🔆
Thanks‼️‼️ it's my unique and amazing power 🔥🔥🔥‼️
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aethercodeevol · 2 months
fully black cat breed! He’s a shorthair! -🔆
How adorable!
We should make a black cup in Kitty Cards specifically for your charming little kitty friend *smiles*
- ❤️‍🩹
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 months
I would like you to know that you do some weird stuff to my brain, when you post, my mind goes “OMG! SNOWE POSTED”, i will forget pronouns completely and call you he, she, they, and every other pronoun in the book, sometimes pronouns don’t even work and you become “Emotional Support Goblin/Poster”
Btw i like your posts
Why thank you! I use all pronouns! I'm glad to be the emotional support goblin!
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yandere-daze · 2 years
🔆 here! Guess what. I have yet another idea. So surprising.
Okay so, imagine the other two members are twins. Carbon-copies of each other both physically and mentally. I mean, it makes sense right? They were both created haphazardly, only designed as extras for your group. Now, imagine those twins looking eerily similar to you.
Maybe you got transmigrated into a new body after arriving in this new world, maybe you didn't. Either way, they mirror your current appearance. Your new members are practically your clones. They look slightly different from you, some of their features, for example, are just a bit off. Their looks seem to be modeled after your own. Almost as if pieces of yourself were ripped from you before transforming themselves into the people before you.
But that's not possible...right?
They don't yet have much in the way of personality, so they choose to mirror your mannerisms instead. As time goes on, they form their own habits, different from yours, and different from each other. It's relieving, honestly. Even if you're nervous about what they might become, having such blank slates following you around was unnerving.
They're helpful, too. Reliable. The only friends you have. They guide you through the motions of being an idol, not that you need much help, for some reason, you know almost as much as they do. From dance moves to musical theory to personas, the moment you awoke in this world, you knew it all. Well, not everything, but enough. More than you did before. Almost as if the information had been downloaded into your brain. If you didn't speak Japanese before, you do now.
Everything necessary for being an Ensemble Stars idol was handed to you on a silver platter. Even if you don't quite fit with the story, the game twists over itself to make room.
Things don't add up, sometimes. There are no records of you before your appearance. You have an ID and any other legal documents you need, but there's no evidence of your existence aside from those few papers. The cast is prone to confusion. If they don't think about it, things seem normal. However, if they start asking questions, the world twists itself again. What were they thinking about a second ago? Weird. They can't remember.
You shouldn't be here, so of course there are going to be some errors with the system. But that's okay; it's worth it to have you here.
The world was designed for you, after all. What's the point if you can't enjoy it?
That was longer than intended! You don't have to expand on these ideas if it's too much work btw. I just don't have anywhere else to share them lolz
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Omg welcome back 🔆 anon!! Glad to hear from you again, I love your ideas!! Honestly I was just reading through your ask and I found myself just unconsciously nodding along at every line because it all made so much sense??? Like this is such an interesting and cool concept, hello???
gn reader
tw yandere
Like, it would make sense that your two unit mates don't have any outstanding details at first, they weren't designed by happy elements after all and are a creation of the game itself! There was no character design team to think of any intricate new character designs and personalities as those two and your unit aren't really meant to exist in the first place. So it only makes sense for the game to try and draw from the one thing it knows best : you!
And this would be so creepy for the player too. First, you find yourself in a foreign place and suddenly there are two people that look almost exactly like you and act and think in a similar manner too? That's so unsettling to think about, it's like straight from a horror movie! I mean this situation *is* horror I guess
Like, they creep you out but you'll still take what you can get. Everyone else here seems to either purposefully ignore you or straight up hate you for some reason and it's very lonely after a while. But these two twins stick around no matrer what and it just feels nice to have someone to talk to and joke around with in such a hostile environment. They're the only ones you have for company so you will just have to try and overlook their strange circumstances
I also really like the idea of the player waking up and just knowing all of these things that relate to being an idol. It would be impossible for someone that doesn't have the faintest idea about anything related to music to be part ( and leader) of a new idol unit that is supposed to be the most popular one with time. ( it's only natural that everyone will love your music the most, right? This world was made for you and you're the most lovable being walking this planet!)
And it would be so strange too like, how do you suddenly know all this stuff? When did you learn all this? It doesn't make any sense at all but since when does this world you've suddenly found yourself in make any sense?
I'm also really fond of the game trying it's absolute best to include you in a game that wasn't *really* designed with you in mind. I imagine that every other app is just fine and being updated by the devs as if nothing happened while it's just you in particular that got into this mess. So obviously, they can't draw from the content that was already in the game, you aren't supposed to appear there.
But the game still wants you to feel welcome so they try to shove you into every single event, no matter how contrived the inclusion may be. You should be allowed to have fun, right? Nothing matters if you don't enjoy being here
So whenever one of the characters starts to think "you know, it's weird that this new no-name idol group is suddenly part of a really important live show" the game is like "no, actually you didn't just think that <3" and makes them all dizzy so they forget having every doubted you
It's really interesting to think about so thank you for sharing!!
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
i dont get how ppl are demanding for updates cause IM CRYING I ONLY REALIZE NOW THAT JPTP IS ENDING SOON 🥹🥹🥹 ill definitely miss this au's dynamic fr :') i love endings but jdjfsjdja i always get this feeling of "what do i do with my life now" everytime i finish a series or a chapter story😖👊💥
(also can i please be 🔆 anon?)
no because the longest i’ve gone without updating was probably 2-3 days? genuinely baffles me i update sm it’s so annoying 😭😭
omg same i will need a mourning period before i start my next au
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for this situation, i think a chainsaw would work better, but a spoon could scoop out the eyes, although a baseball bat or crowbar would work best, easy to knock out or take out knees
*Gives them baseball bats and crowbars*
Moon, this place is scary. -Lunar💮
You’re telling me. *holding his belly* I though my it would be Minecraft so there wouldn’t be any danger. -Moon💙
Guys, the Sun! -Eclipse🧡
Don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt me! -Servant Sun☀️
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