#normally i have more to say about the heartstrikers
WAIT, YOU'RE A HEARTSTRIKERS FAN? Man, I am so mad I didn't know this earlier.
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anxiety-and-fandoms · 3 years
Random rant time! :D Use this ask as an excuse to ramble about your OCs AUs, favorite characters, or really anything you want! Go wild!! :D (aka I followed you recently and I think you're really cool and I wanted to get to know you better lol <3)
ITS FINALLY HAPPENED (also, thank you for the ask! I appreciate it!) (Also, I’m limiting my rants to 1 story/oc group per ask. If not I think Ill break tumblr with the length of my post.)
This specific story I’ve been working on throughout the last couple years. It’s still quite unfinished, I haven’t even decided on a name yet. Should I ever finish it and decide to post it, I think it would fit best as a webcomic? I’m not sure.
This story takes place in the classic fantasy setting, full of dragons and fairies and plenty of other species, too many to list out here. In fact, there’s so many species that it’s quite common to be labeled as ‘unclassified.’ Usually, people who fall under this label are those who’ve been descended from generations of cross-breeding between ‘citizen species’ (aka species who have the ability to participate in society, aka the more ‘human’ species). Fun fact, one of the main characters (who takes on a bit of a sympathetic antagonist role) is an unclassified species! These are mainly just excuses for me to go crazy with character design.
Since I’ve already ranted about one species that exists in this universe, let’s just turn this into a species-themed post shall we?
Sirens are, by far, one of the more interesting and overall put-together species that I have. They tend to reside in almost any large body of water, and their appearances and ability’s vary quite a bit. -Sirens who live by the shores or in tropical waters tend to resemble more traditional merfolk. They have the ability to change their forms to resemble humans, and tend to lean towards meat rather than plants. They live in groups and are quite chatty. They’re most known for their brightly colored skin, beautiful tails, and the amount of lives they’ve taken to feed their hunger. -Sirens who live in open waters are quite different- usually they travel alone, or with their partners. When their children become of age, they send them off to live on their own. However, it is possible for them to group up, and those groups tend to be highly territorial, known for taking down ships that pass through without their permission. Their skin comes in various shades of blues, greens, and dark grays. However, spots of bright blue or white are not an uncommon sight to see. Many of these oceanfolk have bioluminescent scales as well. These come in a variety of patterns that are often passed down throughout families. For the few sirens that are known to live in the deep sea, they are often used for communication, sight, and attracting prey. For those that don’t live as deep, they’re used for stunning and confusing prey. Ocean siren usually don’t have tails in the same way tropical sirens do- they look more like the sea monsters from Luca, I’d say. -There are more species/subspecies of sirens that I have, but this post is already quite long and I want to list some other species as well :)
Heartstrikers - More commonly known as ‘Cupid’s’ or ‘Love Demons,’ Heartstrikers are known for their curved, pink horns, angelic white wings, and their magic abilities. They can turn invisible, and have the power to create and use a ‘cupid’s arrow.’ Using this can preform a temporary burst of love magic that will wear off after a couple of hours unless the affected is shot again. These bows are tied to the Heartstriker’s soul, and can be turned into normal arrows on command. If a non-Cupid tries to use them, or if a Cupid attempts to shoot someone for their own personal gain, the arrows will turn to poisonous ones that will kill whoever they are shot towards. The cure for ‘Love’s Poison’ is made from an incredibly rare plant, and must be delivered to the poisoned within the first few hours of them being poisoned. Usually, because of these reasons, Love’s Poison is known for being almost surely fatal, and many people have dubbed Heartstrikers ‘Love Demons’ because of it. Angels - Angels are a subspecies of avians that may have been crossbred with another species. They are born with feathery, pure white wings on their back. Overtime, some angel’s wings will slowly start growing black feathers. It is still unknown why this happens, although the most common belief is that it’s similar to gray hair, just in wings- a sign of aging and stress. However, for some people, black feathers on an angel are a sign that they should not be trusted, and they avoid angels with black feathers for this reason. There has been only one angel known to have pure-black wings in history, however he died long ago at the age of 96. Not much is known about him besides the fact he was a general of war, and was rumored to slay entire armies with nothing more than a sword, a shield, and a set of armor. Another thing unique to angels are the occasional gold markings that appear on some of their bodies- it can be gold strands of hair, gold markings on their bodies, golden eyes, etc.. These markings emit a faint glow in the dark and the angels who bare them are capable of weak healing magic. The blood of these gold-crested angels are also a part of a potion used to keep dying people/things alive for a few more minutes so that their loved ones can say goodbye for them (currently unnamed).
Shifters - Shifters take many forms, and go by many names. Shifters have the ability to change their form into animals or other people, although their control on this power varies (ex. werefolk count as shifters, however they are usually the result of a curse rather than naturally born). Usually a shifter focuses on one main species of animal- that animal feels more natural to shift into, however some strive to master more than one species as well. Shifters are one of the species that don’t tend to follow a pattern with how their magic works- their magic depends person-to-person instead.
And that’s a wrap! This is far from all the species I’ve made (heck, even not counting the non-civilian species this is far from finished), but I feel like here is a good place to stop, for now. If you’ve made it this far, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night, and thank you again anon for the ask!
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kukurubean · 6 years
the anon gremlin hears death headcanons and strikes: _do you have any others_ for the ala mhigans? or the thaumaturges? (pretty please?)
This is gonna turn into a quick lore post because I feel like that might be more helpful! There isn’t much, but there’s enough that I think is interesting.
If you visit a grave site in Gyr Abania, you’ll notice small offerings and mementos beside the graves. Swords, pugilist weapons, Ananta bucklers, and—most commonly—containers. This screenshot is from a quest where food offerings were made close to Hidden Tear. (Note: Hidden Tear is a shrine specifically made for offering prayers to the dead!) 
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Beyond that, ceremonies for honoring the dead were normal before occupation. These rites are mentioned to be mandated by the Fist of Rhalgr, but you do not need a proper monk to perform them.
“The Lochs are now haunted by a host of restless shades who were denied their last rites. And sadly, brute force is the only way to banish them.”
“I should have performed the ceremony, and the Empire’s laws be damned. I should have had more courage. But I was so afraid to die…”
- A Rite to Rest, Betha
The huge amount of specters in Gyr Abania is the result of Garlemald’s occupation. But obviously, this doesn’t happen nearly as much in other places. An M tribe member offers that it “has somethin’ do to with the aether” in Gyr Abania. To which I say we need Erik brought in immediately.
As far as THM, I suggest checking out the 4.0 ALC quests here! It deals with Niellefresne, Heartstrike, and mentions some interesting details about Ul’dahn burials in the meantime. Erralig’s Burial Chamber was made accessible for this quest!
One of the relevant tidbits I can remember atm involve the Immortal Flames leaving Ul’dah though Gate of Thal during the Calamity in hopes to cheat death (Nanamo’s Tales from the Calamity). People who are exiled or spurned are also told to leave out that gate.
The other concerns Warburton, Minfilia’s father. I seriously recommend checking out this quest from 1.0. It involves the characters in the 4.0 ALC questline and has some cool points on the Order of Nald’thal. Some quick facts from that quest and related ones are:
Funerals are extremely expensive. The quote for Warburton’s funeral was 1,500,000 gil.
Those who are not citizens of Ul’dah must appeal to the Ossuary to make arrangements.
The Ossuary is allowed to buy and take ownership of bodies. 
Mourners can be hired to show up and cry at funerals.
They are hosted in the Ossuary itself; Warburton’s coffin was situated in front of the statue of Thal.
Only the most “virtuous” are placed inside Erralig’s Burial Chamber. AKA whoever paid enough!
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