#north civisce
kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Voltorb (Civiscian) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Volt and Orb Classification: Round Pokemon Type: Eletric/Star Evolution Method: Evolves from Electrode when exposed to a Cosmic Stone Ability: Flavour Text: This variant of Voltorb, along with it's evolution, are said to have crash landed into earth from another planet. These Pokemon may have been the original that the Kantonian and Sinnohan ones have diversified from. It's just as unpredictable as its cousin, expoloding at the slightest provocation.
Name: Electrode (Civiscian) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Electric and Explode Classification: Round Pokemon Type: Electric/Star Evolution Method: Evolves from Voltorb when exposed to a Cosmic Stone Ability: Flavour Text: It travels by floating. Whether this is due to cosmic energy or electromagnetic manipulation is not known. What is known is that this Pokemon has enough electricity to power an entire small town for a few hours. It is easily provoked, but if it bonds with another Pokemon or human, they will be able to touch Electrode and feel slight static, not unlike a plasma ball.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Feliceon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Felicity and Eon Classification: Fortunate Pokemon Type: Luck Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee with a Cauluc on the team Ability: Fortuning (Turns Normal Type moves into Luck Type moves and boosts their power a little) Flavour Text: A very happy-go-lucky Pokemon and for good reason. Feliceon is very popular amongst Trainers and even the everyday layman because of their ability to increase the luck of those who it's close too. It definitely not a guarantee, luck is fickle like that, but it's abilities are not one to be scoffed at.
Eon Burst Luck Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Flexeon Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Flex and Eon Classification: Extension Pokemon Type: Rubber Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee that's holding the Rubber Band Ability: Vulcanizate (Normal type moves become Rubber type moves. The power of those moves is boosted a little.) Flavour Text: The most stretchy Eevee evolution out there. Flexeon can extend their limbs and tail to be able to get to out of reach places. They are also capable of using the tension and momentum of their stretches to cause more damage to opponent Pokemon. The sack on their next and chest can inflate to help protect against blows.
Eon Burst Rubber Physical 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP A dangerous full-body ramming attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Mercureon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Mercury and Eon Classification: Liquid Metal Pokemon Type: Steel Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee holding the Metal Coat Ability: Clear Body Flavour Text: It's body is made of mercury and thus it can liquify itself at will. It has a habit of shapeshitfing its tail into the likeness of swords and blades it sees that it likes. It may turn itself into a puddle and slip through cracks to avoid enemies.
Eon Burst Steel Physical 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP A dangerous full-body ramming attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Metoreon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Meteor and Eon Classification: Starlight Pokemon Type: Star Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee that was exposed to a Cosmic Stone. Ability: Cosmic Healing (Heals 1/16th of it's HP at night or during a meteor shower. Also gets a bigger HP Boost from moves such as Wish and Moonlight) Flavour Text: It's a  Pokemon that's mostly active at night. It dislikes heavily populated areas because of light pollution so if you have one and you live in a city, don't be surprised if it leaves for days at a time to enjoy stargazing in nature. It's tail is incredibly light, fluffy, and flows easily in even the slightest of winds making it look almost nebulous. The star patterns in it's fur are static, but appear to change with the light reflecting off the darker blue patterns and the flow of it's tail.
Eon Burst Star Physical 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP A dangerous full-body ramming attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Mysteon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Mystery and Eon Classification: Mysterious Pokemon Type: Cryptic Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee that knows Mystic Touch Ability: Mystify (Turns all Normal Type moves into Cryptic Type moves and powers them up a little) Flavour Text: This Eevee Evolution is hard to come by. Not many Eevee can learn the move Mystic Touch making it the rarest of Eevee's Evolutions. Those that do evolve are elusive, thus it's hard to study them. It is said that these Pokemon have a direct connection to Mythical Pokemon and is one itself, but that has yet to be Proven Mystic Touch Wonder Physical 60 BP / 100 Acc / 15 BP The user rushes the opponent and upon contact reverses all positive stat changes.
Eon Burst Wonder Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Programmeon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Programme and Eon Classification: Manufactured Pokemon Type: Tech Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee whilst holding the Harddrive Ability: Malware (May Glitch upon contact) Flavour Text: Most Cyber Type Pokemon are manmade and Programmeon is no exception. Programmeon was humans' first attempt at making a more "natural" looking Data Pokemon, even before Porygon 2 and Porygon Z. Humans took advantage of Eevee's unstable genetic data and exposed it to countless electronic data and scientific research, trying to trigger a new evolution. After many trials and errors, Programmeon was born. It's simplistic design is intentional as to mimic the rest of the Eevee evolutions' simple designs. In addition, because this is a manmade pokemon, it's even more susceptible to human suggestion and will do whatever it's Trainer says regardless of the morality, or lack thereof, behind it. It no longer needs to eat, feeling full upon absorbing electricity. It's relatively silent, so much so that many Trainers think it's mute, but is fully able to vocalise.
Eon Burst Data Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Qilineon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Qilin (The mystical hooved draconic creature of East Asian origin) and Eon Classification: Dragon Pokemon Type: Dragon Evolution Method: Evolves from Eevee holding a Dragon Scale Ability: Multiscale Flavour Text: A solitary Pokemon that likes high up in mountains away from other Pokemon. It's rumoured to be able to fly, but actually just has the ability to hover a bit for a limited time. Combining that ability with jumping and you get a Pokemon that looks like it's flying.
Eon Burst Dragon Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Trapinch (Civiscian) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Trap and Pinch Classification: Ant Pit Pokemon Type: Electric Evolution Method: Evolves Into Civiscian Vibrava at Level 35 Flavour Text: It digs funnel shaped pits in the sand to trap just like it's Hoennian forme. These pits are also often electrified, paralysing prey once they enter, giving them no chance to escape. There are often shards of glass found in these pits.
Name: Vibrava (Civiscian) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Vibrate and Larva Classification: Vibration Pokemon Type: Electric/Dragon Evolution Method: Evolves from Civiscian Trapinch at Level 35 and into Civiscian Flygon at Level 45 Flavour Text: It's able to vibrate it's wings to create electricity. It uses this electricity for electromagnetism in order to fly as it's wings are still underdeveloped.
Name: Flygon (Civiscian) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Fly and Dragon Classification: Mystic Pokemon Type: Electric/Dragon Evolution Method: Evolves from Civiscian Vibrava at Level 45 Flavour Text: With it's wings now fully developed, it creates massive electrified sandstorms in order to hide itself. It's not uncommon for shards of splintered glass to fly in all directions from these sandstorms. Civiscian Flygon is also able to summon thunderstorms to hide in if it chooses.
Plasma Trinity Electric Physical 30 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP The user strikes three times whilst electrified. Each strike has a 10% chance to paralyse the opponent.
Name: Flygon (Civiscian) (Critical Burst) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Fly and Dragon Classification: Mystic Pokemon Type: Electric/Dragon/Ground Evolution Method: Critically Bursts from a Civiscian Flygon holding the Flygonance Flavour Text: It is a Pokemon of legend, with very few Trainers having reported to have seen it. The glass on it's head, shoulders, and thighs are very valuable. It is said that stained glass depictions were first inspired by this Pokemon's wings.
Fulgurite Smash Electric Physical 180 BP / 70 Acc / 5 PP Civiscian Flygon's Burst Move. This move turns Civiscian Flygon's Plasma Trinity into Fulgurite Smash, an attack where Civiscian Flygon electrifies the sand below the opponent, creating giant glass pillars that crash down unto the opponent. This broken glass may splinter and dig into the opponent. This attack is Electric and Ground type simultaneously.
(I'm really proud of this fake and I want to talk about its inspiration. It's fulgurites (aka petrified lightning) and stained glass. Fulgurites are glass mounds created when lightning strikes sand. That's what's on is head, shoulders, cheeks, and thighs. The wings are inspired by stained glass windows. As for why Flygon: well, why not?)
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Wolverash Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Wolverine and Thrash Classification: Wolverine Pokemon Type: Frenzy Electric Evolution Method: Evolves into Piezorine with a Thunderstone. Flavour Text: Don't let it cute looks fool you. Come across a Wolverash whilst it's having a bad day and you'll leave the encounter shredded and shocked.
Name: Piezorine Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Piezoelectric Effect ( the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress) and Wolverine. Classification: Wolverine Pokemon Type: Frenzy/Electric Evolution Method: Evolves from Wolverash with a Thunderstone Flavour Text: It loves to torture it's prey before devouring them. It sparks them and dances around teasing them before their demise. It has a natural rivalry with Melemantle
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Lucean Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Lucis (Latin for light), and Ocean Classification: Plain Fish Pokemon Type: Water Evolution Method: Evolves into Halocean at Level 30 Flavour Text: A rather boring looking Pokemon that doesn't get the attention of trainers often. It has poor eyesight that leave it vulnerable to prey
Name: Halocean Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Halo and Ocean Classification: Light Fish Pokemon Type: Water/Light Evolution Method: Evolves from Lucean at Level 30 Ability: Vision Trap (Contact with the Pokemon may induce Blindness) Flavour Text: It often competes with Lanturn for prey using the same methods. It's rather beautiful and it's a common sight in beauty contests.
Holy Chalice Light Special 85 BP / 90 Acc / 10 PP The user concentrates water and light into a sphere and hurls it at the opponent. HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
Name: Halocean (Critical Burst) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Martes Halo and Ocean Classification: Light Fish Pokemon Type: Water/Light/Dragon Evolution Method: Critically Bursts from a Halocean holding the Haloceance Flavour Text: It is said to be one of the most beautiful Pokemon in Civisce. However, very few get to see this forme. It is a very elusive Pokemon, even being seen as a cryptid or a myth.
Sacrament Water Special 160 BP / 85 Acc / 5 PP Halocean's Burst Move. This move turns Halocean's Holy Chalice into Sacrament, an attack that calculates damage based on the lower defence stat.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Neutri Name Etymology: Derivative of Neutral Classification: Neutral Pokemon Type: Electric/Amity Ability: Neutral: Stats cannot be lowered if an ally with the Plus, Minus, Multiply, Divide or Equal Ability is also in battle. Flavor Text: Neutri is a shy little thing that tries it's best to put on the best cheering show it possible can, but it just can't get the hang of making the electric pompoms its evolutions have so easily mastered. Instead it cheers the best it can off to the sidelines.
Name: Plusle Name Origin: Derivative of "plus" Classification: Cheering Pokemon Type: Electric/Amity Evolution Method: Evolves from Neutri with higher Sp. Atk than Atk. Ability: Plus-Boosts the Sp. Atk. stat of the Pokémon if an ally with the Plus or Minus Ability is also in battle. Name: Minun Name Origin: Derivative of "minus" Classification: Cheering Pokemon Type: Electric/Amity Evolution Method: Evolves from Neutri with higher Sp. Def than Def. Ability: Minus-Boosts the Sp. Atk. stat of the Pokémon if an ally with the Plus or Minus Ability is also in battle.
Name: Multus Name Origin: Derivative of "multiply" Classification: Cheering Pokemon Type: Electric/Amity Evolution Method: Evolves from Neutri with higher Atk. than Sp Atk. Ability: Multiply-Boosts the Atk. stat of the Pokémon if an ally with the Multiply or Divide Ability is also in battle. Name: Divon Name Origin: Derivative of "divide" Classification: Cheering Pokemon Type: Electric/Amity Evolution Method: Evolves from Neutri with higher Def. than Sp Def. Ability: Divide-Boosts the Atk. stat of the Pokémon if an ally with the Multiply or Divide Ability is also in battle. Name: Equali Name Origin: Derivative of "equal" Classification: Cheering Pokemon Type: Electric/Amity Evolution Method: Evolves from Neutri with either Atk. and Sp Atk. or Def. and Sp Def. equal. Ability: Equal-Boosts the stats of the Pokémon if an ally with the Plus, Minus, Multiply or Divide Ability is also in battle. Neutri's evolutions always put on a show to be reckoned with! If you have all five present (these three plus Plusle and Minun) at an event, you're bound to rile up the crowd to impossible levels cheering on their home team. You could just stick with some Poppom Oricorio, but why settle for that bird when you can have your own multicoloured, adorable entourage of Pokemon just made to cheer? They'll even make multicoloured, electric pompoms with their unique Shock Bomb to really dazzle the crowd. Shock Bomb Electric Special 60 BP / 100 Acc /20 PP An attack unique to Plusle, Minun, Multus, Divon, and Equali that ever so conveniently looks like pompoms. Fitting for a quintet of cheering Pokemon, no? The user generates the sparkling ball of multicoloured electricity and slams it into the ground sending out a small shock wave.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Aereon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Aether and Eon Classification: Bright Light Pokemon Type: Light Evolution Method: Evolves from a Eevee exposed to a Dawn Stone Ability: Serene Grace Flavour Text: It's a pokemon that's really active during the day. The glowing orb between it's ears and the halo on it's tail can appear and glow at will. It dislikes fighting and is more prone to using Flash and running away from confrontation. If needed, it will fight by blinding opponents and striking them down whilst they can't see.
Eon Burst Light Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Baseon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Basic and Eon Classification: Basic Pokemon Type: Normal Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee holding the Silk Scarf Ability: Adaptability/Run Away Flavour Text: This Pokemon was thought to be the one and only evolution for Eevee until others were discovered in different environments. It's rather proud of it's long silky fur and doesn't like it getting dirty.
Eon Burst Normal Physical 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP A dangerous full-body ramming attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Brawleon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Brawl and Eon Classification: Fisticuff Pokemon Type: Fighting Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee holding the Black Belt Ability: Guts Flavour Text: Put 'em up! Put 'em up! Brawleon wants to fight and won't take no for an answer. It doesn't greet you by using it's cry and coming up to you leisurely, oh no! Prepare to be greeted by this Pokemon rearing up on it's hind legs and punching the air with its forepaws. It's actually very skilled at fighting on two legs and can even use punching attacks with it's forepaws. But that isn't to saw a Double Kick from Brawleon won't hurt all the same!
Eon Burst Fighting Physical 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP A dangerous full-body ramming attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Chroneon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Chronos (the personification of time) and Eon Classification: Time Pokemon Type: Time Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee holding the Pocket Watch Ability: Quick Start (The Pokemon gets to attack twice on its first turn) Flavour Text: Ask Chroneon the time and the arrows on it's neck will point to the exact minute and hour it currently is. It's very popular amongst those who aren't morning people, able to wake them up at the exact time every day. It's more accurate than most clocks.
Eon Burst Time Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Contameon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Contaminate and Eon Classification: Sting Pokemon Type: Poison Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee that is leveled up whilst poisoned Ability: Poison Touch Flavour Text: Avoid Contameon as much as possible. This Pokemon is easily set off; it tends to act first and ask questions later. An encounter with Contameon is most likely to end up with you mildly poisoned from the horn on it's head. As long as you don't get stung with the large stinger on its tail count yourself lucky.
Eon Burst Poison Physical 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP A dangerous full-body ramming attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Emaneon Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Emanation and Eon Classification: Hero Pokemon Type: Aura Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee that levelled up holding the Knight's Shield Ability: Zen (Powers up Aura type moves when the Pokemon's HP is low) Flavour Text: A noble Pokemon to a fault. When it senses danger, with it's horn and whiskers, it jumps into action immediately to defend those in trouble. It has a tendency to be a bit too hasty, however, trying to defend those who can defend themselves.
Eon Burst Aura Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Eraleon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Feral and Eon Classification: Feral Pokemon Type: Beast Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee holding a Bear's Fang Ability: Moxie Flavour Text: The Eevee evolution that's hardest to train and the most unpredictable. Eraleons are fierce, savage Pokemon who don't back down from a fight. Those that evolve from Eevee are a bit easier, thus many Trainers choose to go that route. However some brave Trainers will still try to catch wild ones, soon becoming overwhelmed with this Pokemon's unpredictability.
Eon Burst Frenzy Physical 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP A dangerous full-body ramming attack. This also damages the user a little.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Jarrafah Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Zarafag (Arabic for Giraffe) and Jarraf (Early Modern English Spelling of Giraffe) Type: Grass/Wonder Classification: Odd Giraffe Pokemon Evolution Method: Evolves into Ziraphtic with the Ancient Stone Ability: ???/Effect Spore Flavour Text: Cute yet a bit unnerving, according to many Trainers. Jarrafah is a tall, lanky Pokemon that doesn't seem to have it's bearings yet. It is a very determined Pokemon which make it a favourite of many Grass type Trainers.
Name: Ziraphtic Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Ziraph (Early Modern English Spelling of Giraffe) and Cryptic Type: Grass/Wonder Classification: Unnerving Pokemon Evolution Method: Evolves from Jarrafah with the Ancient Stone Ability: ???/Effect Spore Flavour Text: Now are those spots or eyes? Sure a Ziraphtic Trainer could answer that for you, if they were willing that is. For some reason, those who own this Pokemon are perturbed by it. Thus, it is quite uncommon for anyone to do so. However, many take the chance due to the mysterious nature of the red leaves growing from its body. They hold mysterious abilities that vary for every consumer, from healing, raising stats, or even reviving fainted Pokemon.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Quartzeon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Quartz and Eon Classification: Stone Pokemon Type: Rock Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee holding the Hard Stone Ability: Rock Head Flavour Text: A quiet Pokemon that prefers to isolate itself. It eats gemstones hidden in the ground as nourishment. Trainers may find this Pokemon to be standoffish and unwilling to listen to commands. It's not too keen on being forced out of it's Pokeball to fight, but earn it's trust and it will fight for you.
Eon Burst Rock Physical 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP A dangerous full-body ramming attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Secteon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Insect and Eon Classification: Bug Pokemon Type: Bug Evolution Method: Evolves from Eevee holding the Silver Powder Ability: Tinted Lens Flavour Text: The smallest of Eevee evolutions and probably one of the most coveted. The patterns in its ears are the envy of many a socialite. There are several breeding programmes present to get the Secteon with the most beautiful ear patterns possible.
Eon Burst Bug Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Soareon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Soar and Eon Classification: Glide Pokemon Type: Flying Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee holding the Sharp Beak Ability: Gale Wings Flavour Text: It has hollow bones so it can fly just as well as any bird-like Pokemon. It enjoys doing complicated manoeuvres in the sky to impress humans and Pokemon alike. Eon Burst Flying Physical 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP A dangerous full-body ramming attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Spectreon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Spectre and Eon Classification: Haunting Pokemon Type: Ghost Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee holding the Ghost Tag whilst in a burial ground  Ability: Cursed Body Flavour Text: If you see a Spectreon, don't be too alarmed. Look for the body of an Eevee that has recently departed and give it a proper burial. If you do so, you may gain an ally in Spectreon as thanks. Eon Burst Ghost Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Sympheon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Symphony and Eon Classification: Music Pokemon Type: Sound Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee knowing a Sound Type move Ability: Rhapsody (Sound Type moves may cause confusion) Flavour Text: It's the Pokemon of choice for many composers. Able to help compose songs, hear defects on music and correct them, and even find the perfect pitch in singers is a valuable trait. Sympheon's voice is said to be melodious in itself and it's not rare to find them singing to other wild Pokemon for their entertainment. Eon Burst Sound Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Terreon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Terrain and Eon Classification: Underground Pokemon Type: Ground Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee holding the Soft Sand that knows Dig Ability: Sand Force Flavour Text: This Pokemon is partially blind as a result from spending most of it's time underground. Above ground everything around it looks somewhat blurry. That isn't an issue for Terreon, as it navigates the underground and surface world the exact same way: feeling vibrations in the ground to see what's around it. Eon Burst Ground Physical 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP A dangerous full-body ramming attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Trixeon Name Origin: Portmanteau of a mispelling of Tricks and Eon Classification: Magic Pokemon Type: Fantasy Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee that knows Captivate Ability: Imaginate (Normal-type moves become Fantasy type moves. The power of those moves is boosted a little.) Flavour Text: This Pokemon is quite skilled in magic. So much so that it is rumoured to be able to make your wildest dreams come true. It is very particular about it’s “wand” searching far and wide for the perfect one. It will become depressed if it breaks.
Eon Burst Fantasy Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
Name: Zepheon Name Origin: Portmanteau of Zephyr and Eon Classification: Twister Pokemon Type: Gale Evolution Method: Evolves from an Eevee that was exposed to an Wind Stone. Ability: Highwind (Powers up Gale type moves when the Pokemon's HP is low) Flavour Text: It is rare to see this Pokemon on low ground.  It loves soaring through the air very much, and is very adept at manipulating the winds in it’s favour to do so. It’s not uncommon to see this Pokemon competing with Soareon to see who can pull off the best tricks.
Eon Burst Gale Special 100 BP / 100 Acc / 10 PP An extreme energy blast attack. This also damages the user a little.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Fulmicorn Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Fulmen and Unicorn Classification: ElecUnicorn Pokemon Type: Electric/Steel/Amity Evolution Method: Does not evolve from or into any known Pokemon. Flavour Text: A legendary Pokemon found at the peak of Mt. Trional. The entire mountain top is covered in storm clouds wrought by this Pokemon. It takes a brave Trainer to try and take on this Pokemon, as it's power is frightening. Septentrion Levin Electric Special 120 BP / 85 Acc / 10 PP A minacious, electric attack straight from the northern skies. This attack may paralyse but will always lower the opponent's defences. Team Quietus is trying to harness the power of Fulminicorn or Vulcaniram in order to defeat and control Zoetidon. Fulminicorn has existed since the beginning of time and tasked with caring and protecting the humans of Civisce in Zoetidon's stead. If it falls into wrong hands, what could happen? (This Pokemon was not totally designed by me. It was originally designed by @/heiko_region and @/syndaril on Instagram. I just tweaked the design to my liking. And as for Amity, check out my site for more info.)
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Shellos (Civiscian) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Shell and Loss Classification: Sea Slug Pokemon Type: Water Evolution Method: Evolves into Gastrodon at Level 30 Ability: Storm Drain/Sticky Hold Flavour Text (North Sea): This forme of Shellos, in contrast to the formes found in Sinnoh, are present in the northern half of Civisce. It's thought the harsh environment to the north has changed this Pokemon's features so drastically. Flavour Text (South Sea): This forme of Shellos is found in the southern half of Civisce. It's bright colouration helps it hide amongst the corals present under the ocean there.
Name: Gastrodon (Civiscian) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Gastropod and Don Classification: Sea Slug Pokemon Type: Water/Ground Evolution Method: Evolves from Shellos at Level 30 Ability: Storm Drain/Sticky Hold Flavour Text (North Sea): Despite being presumably cold blooded, this forme of Gastrodon survives the icy waters of the north well. How it does this is a mystery. Flavour Text (South Sea): The vestigial plate in Gastrodon's back has evolved that way due to it evolving the purple mucous defense it has in modern times. For North and South Sea Civscian Gastrodon, that mucous is actually blue.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Nekomi Name Origin: Portmanteau of Neko (Japanese for Cat) and Mini Classification: Curious Pokemon Type: Luck Evolution Method: Evolves into Purrmanx if female or into Pandread if male. Both at Level 35 Ability: Lucky Shot (Boosts evasion when Pokemon lands a critical hit) Flavour Text: A curious thing. Nekomi often get into more trouble than it's worth due to its curiosity. Luckily it doesn't stray far from it's parents or Trainer so they can usually get it out of trouble if need be.
Name: Purrmanx Name Origin: Portmanteau of Purr and Manx (A breed of cat) Classification: Luxurious Pokemon Type: Luck Evolution Method: Evolves from female Nekomi at Level 35 Ability: Lucky Shot (Boosts evasion when Pokemon lands a critical hit) Flavour Text: In the wild, it usually spends it's time getting it's young, Nekomi, out of trouble. Trained ones, however, have a air of superiority, thinking themselves to be the most beautiful Pokemon ever with the most luxurious fur. Getting its fur dirty it the quickest way to meet your demise by its claws.
Name: Pandread Name Origin: Portmanteau of Panther and Dread Classification: Deceptive Pokemon Type: Luck Evolution Method: Evolves from male Nekomi at Level 35 Ability: Lucky Shot (Boosts evasion when Pokemon lands a critical hit) Flavour Text: In contrast to Purrmanx, Pandread do not put so much care into their appearance, focusing on feeding their young, their mates, and themselves. Their dark colouring is used to their advantage, hiding in the night and pouncing at the right moment. Coin Toss 130 BP/ 100 Acc/ 5 PP Physical Luck Purrmanx's and Pandread's signature move. They toss the coin they hold in their tails and let it fall to the ground. If heads they attack with a powerful blow. If tails a random stat is lowered.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Kitterrow Name Etymology: Portmanteau Kitty and Bone Marrow Classification: Ghost Cat Pokemon Type: Ghost Evolution Method: Evolves into Saberrow with a Dusk Stone Flavour Text: A feisty thing that treasures the bone in their tail.  If it finds a bigger and fancier bone it quickly discards the previous bone it had for the new one.
Name: Saberrow Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Saber and Bone Marrow Classification: Bone Clobber Pokemon Type: Ghost/Frenzy Evolution Method: Evolves from Kitterow at Level 40 Flavour Text: From feisty to wild, Saberrow is now merciless. It’s favourite part of hunting is breaking the bones of prey whilst they’re still alive. The large bone it carries is from a successful large hunt.
Bone Claw Ground Physical 70 BP / 100 Acc / 15 PP The user attacks with claws made of bone.  This move lands critical hits easier. This move is both Ground and Ghost type simultaneously.
Name: Saberrow (Critical Burst) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Saber and Bone Marrow Type: Ghost/Frenzy/Ground Classification: Bone Clobber Pokemon Evolution Method: Critically Bursts from a Saberrow holding the Saberrance. Flavour Text:  It relishes in destruction. It will rampage and down trees and other objects in its way, just for fun. Do not cross its path, as it will down you as well
Tarnished Vitality Ground Physical 170 BP / 70 Acc / 5 PP Saberrow's Burst Move. This move turns Saberrows's Bone Claw into Tarnished Vitality, an thrashing attack with Saberrows Bone Clubs.This move is Ground and Ghost simultaneously.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Collail Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Caracol (Spanish for Snail) and Snail Classification: Snail Pokemon Type: Bug Evolution Method: Evolves in Dracargot at Level 40 Ability: Shell Armor/Weak Armor Flavour Text: It's rather slow and frail, often needing the protection of Dracargot to survive. Those brave enough to wander on their own are close to evolution.
Name: Dracargot Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Dragon and Escargot (French for Snail) Classification: Spike Shell Pokemon Type: Bug/Dragon Evolution Method: Evolves from Collail at Level 40 Ability: Shell Armour/Weak Armour Flavour Text: It hoards gems and treasures of all kinds in its den and covers it with a stick slime to deter thieves. Those willing to look past that are attacked without mercy.
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Silvally (Civiscian) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Silver and Ally Classification: Synthetic Pokemon Type: Normal Evolution Method: Evolves from Type: Null with high friendship Ability: RKS System Flavour Text: Civiscian Silvally, like it's Alolan counterpart, is an artificial Pokemon created to take down strong foes. It has received an upgraded Ability, which allows it to use Memories of the new types found in Civisce, as well as just being stronger than the original in general. Team Quietus created this Silvally, but for what purpose? Chimera Rush Type Varies Physical 130 BP / 90 Acc / 10 PP Silvally's signature move. A dangerous headlong rush attack that makes contact with the opponent. The memory held determines the type. (First legendary! I hope I wasn't the only one surprised to find out Silvally was considered a Legendary Pokemon. Like I said in the Flavour text, it is a bit stronger than the original, in that it has 105 in each of it's stats instead of 95, totalling 630 BST)
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Drampyte Name Etymology: Portmanteau dragon, vampire, and byte (as in diminutive) Classification: Vampire Pokemon Type: Dragon Evolution Method: Evolves into Drampire at Level 45 Ability: Bloodsucker (Recovers HP after using a Biting or Fang attack.) Flavour Text: It hunts only at night and has a particular penchant for blood.  It prefers that of Miltank, Tauros, or Bouffalant over most other Pokemon.
Name: Drampire Name Etymology: Portmanteau of dragon and vampire Classification: Vampire Pokemon Type: Dragon Evolution Method: Evolves from Drampyte at Level 45 and into Drasferatu at Level 60 Ability:  Bloodsucker (Recovers HP after using a Biting or Fang attack.) Flavour Text: It's at the complete mercy of Drasferatu's control. Trainers find that when separated from that fearsome Pokemon, Drampire are actually quite docile.
Name: Drasferatu Name Etymology: Portmanteau of dragon, and Nosferatu Classification: Command Pokemon Type: Dragon/Dark Evolution Method: Evolves from Drampire at Level 60 Ability:  Bloodsucker (Recovers HP after using a Biting or Fang attack.) Flavour Text: This Pokemon has the peculiar ability to bend other bat-like pokemon to its will. Don't be surprised if you get attacked by a swarm of these types of Pokemon before you get a chance to face it.  If you find yourself (un)lucky enough to get through all that, prepare for the fight of your life. Literally.
Eclipse Dark Physical 100 BP / 85 Acc / 10 PP The user, summoning the power of the eclipsed moon, cloaks itself in darkness and brutally attacks the opponent. This move may lower Defence and Special Defence.
Name: Drasfertau (Critical Burst) Name Etymology: Portmanteau of dragon, and Nosferatu Classification: Command Pokemon Type: Dragon/Dark/Ghost Evolution Method: Critically Bursts from a Drasferatu holding the Draferance. Flavour Text: Upon Critically Bursting, Drasferatu becomes overcome with a lust for blood and battle. It attacks indiscrimantly, therefore Trainers must weigh their options carefully when deciding to power up this Pokemon Blood Rising Dark Physical 190 BP / 70 Acc / 5 PP Drasferatu’s Burst Move. This move turns Drasferatu’s Eclipse into Blood Rising, a move where Drasferatu attacks the opponent and life force equal to 50% of the damage dealt. 
(Second psuedo legend!)
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