#north node square jupiter
black-lake · 9 months
astro observations 10
Hey -- I miss doing these astro notes, it’s been- years? where have I been? forced into a rat race. I’ve lately been watching a lot of stand up comedies, timeless comedy movies, rush hour, the hangover, you name it, they don’t make shit like this anymore. I’ve also been dealing with saturn transit my 10th house and conjunct my sun fucking up my life. so I got stuff to share.
⛄︎ Happy capricorn season! I find it ironic that capricorns are hard workers but people don’t work hard in capricorn season, it’s when everybody slows down, enjoys the holidays, reflects and attempts to make new year’s plans. 
Aspects that indicate humor 
☃︎ I said it before and I will say it again, strong mercury-jupiter aspects are the most common in comedians charts, every existing comedian seems to have them conjunct, oppose or square. e.g. Jim Carrey, Kate McKinnon, Kevin Hart (mercury conj jupiter). Chris Tucker, Amy Schumer (mercury square jupiter). Rowan Atkinson, Steve Carell (mercury opp Jupiter).
☃︎ Moon in scorpio or capricorn, top notch dark humor. Chris Tucker, Pete Davidson, Louis C.K. (capricorn moon). Ricky Gervais, Ryan Reynolds, Matthew Perry (scorpio moon). 
☃︎ Moon in gemini or sagittarius, making you laugh at random things, making the small details in life events remarkable and ironic. Sag got that joyful light hearted spirit no matter how sarcastic they get. Bill Burr, John Mulaney (sag moon). Gemini got that chaotic animated twisted humor, can go on endless tangents but you’ll never get bored. Aubrey Plaza, Jim Carrey, and Rowan Atkinson (gemini moon).
☃︎ North node in gemini or sagittarius being a naturally funny storyteller their whole life. I also notice north node in virgo, leo and capricorn in those that pursue public speaking or stand up. 
☃︎ Many comedians or just straight up funny people got MC in gemini, virgo, sagittarius, or leo. 
☃︎ Mercury in aries, leo, gemini, sagittarius, scorpio, capricorn the type of people that tell a basic story but the tone of their voice, choice of words, and the underlying emotion mixed with their perspective and delivery makes it hilarious.
☃︎ Mercury in a fire sign, can be loud, the underlying anger and passion in their voice tone is what makes them funny. Chris Tucker, Kevin Hart and Dave Chappelle all got a leo mercury. Joe List got an aries mercury.
☃︎ Mercury in an air sign, they keep you engaged, animated expressions, great at impressions and mimicking when they tell stories. Trevor Noah is a good example and Jim Carrey (aquarius mercury).
☃︎ Mercury in earth and water, the way they so calmly tell an intense life event story with a straight face and calm demeanor, almost seeming high, a lot of irony and nonchalance. Pete Davidson (scorpio mercury), Ricky Gervais (cancer mercury) and Kate McKinnon (capricorn mercury). 
☃︎ I have mercury conj jupiter in aries and I’m ruled by mercury (gemini rising). I’m super sarcastic and cutthroat when angry, it makes people upset, shocked, amused, wanting to laugh but also butt heads with me. My mind can find irony in literally anything. I also can change my voice and facial expressions easily when I’m mimicking someone. 
☃︎ Those with strong mercury-pluto aspects, the type that could actually give you contractions from laughter. They think intensely, experience life intensely, are cutthroat and skeptical, are super intellectual and deep which is enough to make them ironic in the way they communicate. Their communication style comes across as bold, raw and shocking, saying it how it is, not afraid of joking about taboo or embarrassing stuff. It feels like my life is fucked up my mind is fucked up and I don't give a fuck typa attitude. Matthew Perry, Pete Davidson, Louis C.K, Adam Sandler, Ryan Reynolds, Steve Carell (mercury conj pluto).
☃︎ Heavy pluto and saturn placements can make someone insanely funny especially if they’ve got aspects indicating public speaking. The absolute best at self deprecating humor. They aren’t afraid to share their traumatic experiences, because not only they make people laugh but they give hope to those who can relate. They got where they are by accumulating that much knowledge and wisdom and it came through many wounds usually relating to rejection, abandonment and feeling inadequate. They use humor to heal themselves and others. 
☃︎ Pete Davidson, Ryan Reynolds and Ricky Gervais got heavy scorpio and pluto conjunctions, examples of plutonian humor. Dave Chappelle and Chris Tucker got heavy saturn aspects, examples of saturnian humor.
☃︎ Now Chris Tucker got all the basic comedian placements. He’s easily one of the best and most successful comedians to ever exist. The type to open his mouth and everyone starts laughing. It’s the attitude not even the context. He was the popular kid too, friends with Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Jackie Chan, Prince and literally every iconic celebrity in the US. 
☃︎ Chris has a mercury square Jupiter at 0°, leo mercury 28°, capricorn moon, scorpio jupiter, saturn in gemini, jupiter conj neptune (can expand the imagination in storytelling), north node in aquarius (he was a trailblazer in rush hour and many comedians mimic him).
☃︎ I noticed so many times that people with saturn in gemini can be socially responsible, meaning that they refuse to cuss in some occasions and refuse to talk shit or go against their morals. Partially due to the lessons they learned on gossip and the consequences of misinformation or twisted narratives. Chris Tucker rejected an offer because he refused to cuss and smoke weed on camera, he also avoids vulgarity and profanity in his stand ups. 
☃︎ Those with gemini north node are either so good at communicating clearly, storytelling and entertaining or will learn that in this lifetime. Same goes for gemini risings. One of their missions is to accumulate knowledge from everywhere they go without the need for distant travel and sharing it with others rather than keeping it confined for abstract contemplations (sag south node). They develop a communication style that is so personal to them that allows them to be a messenger, a bridge between people and a powerful speaker. 
☃︎ I have a leo north node and the more I grow older the more I realize I'm never meant to act so old. This inner child in me screams to come out after every tough cycle esp when I'm mentally trapped in societal conformity. Those with a leo nn exude childlike innocence and purity, at their best spreading love and joy wherever they go. Though to get there they go through challenging experiences alone to build so much strength and confidence so they can pursue what they love and share love so freely since they are so used to being cold and detached (aqua south node). 
☃︎ Those with a cancer north node are naturally so good at business matters like building a company or climbing the success ladder (capricorn south node). They learn quickly that material success alone does not bring them fulfillment. Every time they reach somewhere that feeling of achievement is fleeting and they just want to share those moments with others. They have this urge to connect emotionally to their loved ones and create memories. They might desire having a family of their own, a secure home, and a sense of safety and stability.
I somehow always unintentionally post in december and my posts be considered old next month, so I quit my toxic draining job last week, kinda feels like a life crisis, but I’m feeling so safe and cozy in my bed having my hot mocha eating all the christmas sweets and watching funny shit. so share your fav stand ups, funny movies or documentaries, anything you watch during the holidays. stay warm and cozy 🧣🎅🏼
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lunaa007 · 2 years
Astrology observations #2
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This is for fun, they are just my personal observations :)
♦️ Capricorn Venus might be attracted to people with good social status like doctors/lawyers, social success might be a turn-on for them. They value stability and financial success.
♦️Virgo venus is the venus sign most likely to have cosmetic procedures done as they project their perfectionism on their appearance and aesthetic. They want to (and often do) look perfect.
♦️Mars in 1st house might come across as agressive or intimidating. They might not look very approachable. They could have a strong body and look athletic regardless of their exercise routine.
♦️Mars in scorpio: I know only two people in my close circle with this placement and they both have dark circles under their eyes. Even when they are not tired. It gives them a penetrating and intense look.
♦️Sun conjunct/square Saturn natives might have a harder time expressing their core personality in the first years of their life. They might feel restricted in their self-expression and might show their sun sign only with people they truly feel comfortable with.
♦️Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Mercury can easily express their emotions and feelings. Especially by writing, they find the perfect words to express how they feel. They could write amazing love letters ❤️
♦️Mars conjunct/square/opposite Uranus often love speed. These aspects are very common in Formula 1 drivers and motoGP racers. These people love to take risks and live for the adrenaline. However they also must be careful when driving as they can be too impulsive. But they usually have excellent reflexes (conjunct especially). The square and the opposition might be more clumsy and often hit themselves against furniture and stuff like that.
♦️The people I know who ride motorcycles all have Mars-Uranus aspects, but more tense aspects. A lot of them also have a Mars-Pluto aspects, but more harmonious ones.
♦️Sun-Uranus positive aspects (conjunct, trine, sextile, quintile) have the gift of not caring what other people think about them. They could easily express their individuality and follow their own path, not caring about following a socially accepted one.
♦️Chiron in the 4th house might have had a chaotic childhood. Their family might trigger trauma responses in them. They might have to do inner work on accepting where they come from and might help other people with troubled families.
♦️Sun or venus in the 5th house might be interested in polyamory or open relationships. They might love the thrill of romance and flings and might not want to give that up for one person.
♦️ Aries on the 3rd house cusp might be very impulsive drivers, not respect speed limits and have aggressive interactions with other drivers on the road.
♦️Sagittarius + Scorpio placements can be very contradictory in relationships. They might not want to commit to one person and keep their freedom but at the same time they could be obsessive and jealous in love, wanting the other one to only have eyes for them.
♦️Neptune in the 1st house might receive a lot of projections from other people. This is a common placement for celebrities as their fans can see in that person whatever they want to see, regardless of who that person really is. Neptune puts a filter, a blur in the house it sits and the 1st house rules the appearance among other things. This also gives an ethereal look, they are often considered beautiful. They could be very photogenic as Neptune rules images and mirrors.
♦️Jupiter in the 8th house people might receive inheritances during their life, and they might also marry rich. They might have a huge interest in psychology and taboo topics.
♦️North node opposite MC people might find that their direction of growth in this life is to not prioritise their work and career over their home/personal life but to find a balance. They might have an easier time focusing on their career but paying less attention to their family.
♦️Pluto in the 1st house might like having piercings and tattoos. They might do these to mark new beginnings in their life.
♦️Moon in the 11th house might rely on their friend group for their emotional balance, their social life can be highly important for them.
♦️Pluto conjunct MC people: please never do illegal things and immoral things because your deepest secrets/wrongdoings will be revealed for everyone to see. Pluto represents what is hidden, our underworld, and the MC is the highest point in our chart, the first part of us that the public sees. This might also mean that if you have an affair it will become public.
♦️I noticed a lot of Aquarius risings go through a hard time with their hair before learning to love it and treat it in the right way.
Thank you for reading ❤️
© lunaa007
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malachiteclouds · 1 year
🌟natal astrology observations part 2 🌟
jupiter conjunct mars people can have extremely inflated egos. they are very argumentative and can't stand being wrong
moon opposite pluto have such intense feelings but they feel so far removed from them. they have a really difficult time processing their own emotions. they can repress feelings, then revisit the topic and not even realize they felt so strongly about it
1H pluto/conjunct asc love masks. they're spectacular at hiding and going unseen. they are masters at stealth and reservation which is why they intrigue people because they have complete control over who gets to see what and how much
aries rising/moon x being called "hot headed" all the time. they can physically get red in the face a lot/while mad or have really bad headaches/migraines
pisces placements have a specific look and are easy to spot. it's in their teeth , i can't explain it
7H saturn most loyal placement ever. they are devoted to understanding you and themselves through you. they can see their partners blind spots really well and they tend to be very genuine in their attempts to better themselves as an individual and the relationship as a whole. when they decide to commit, they will stick by your side through whatever it is you're going through
mercury chiron aspects, you guys NEED to write and/or speak. i know you feel its your weakness but really it is your superpower
women with lilith conjunct/opposite/square venus can have a habit of competing with other women. they can also put blame on women and think women are constantly jealous of them. they can have an itch for male validation that they really need to do some inner work to dismantle, as a lot of it comes from a past where THEY felt/feel insecure in their femininity or they felt/feel othered by women
moon north node aspects can be known for their mom or for being a mom. disharmonious aspects(squares/oppositions) can be notorious or infamous for being a "bad mom". can be extremely ridiculed for parenting style
12H stelliums live in quiet. in basements. in small apartments with lots of books and messy papers everywhere. they live in silence. they live in solitude. they live in stillness. they live in seclusion. they live in isolation. they were put on this earth in this lifetime for deep introspection and exploration of singularity.
5H moons are amazing in early childhood education. talk about thinking on your feet. it's basically like "hmm it would be fun to dip some yarn in some paint and drag it on the paper... oh and these 3 year olds happen to be here"
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inthestarsme · 9 months
Solar return observations pt. 1 ✨
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‼️ Do not reproduce, repost or use any of my content without my consent. If you ever repost anything, you need to always mention my page ‼️
Hey guys! I hope you've been having a great christmas time! I'm starting a new little series, bc honestly, i haven't been observing anything new when it comes to birth charts lately, but i've really been into solar return charts, which is why i really wanted to make this. As you might have seen, i had already posted another observation which included some observations on solar return charts, which i deleted bc some of the things i shared didn't resonate with me and i only want to give you content i can truly stand behind. But i am mentioning this, bc i'm going to include some of the solar return observations i made in this post, so don't be confused if you think you might've already seen this on one of my posts.
If you do not know about solar return charts, i would recommend you to look it up beforehand. I am not the best at explaining this kind of stuff, but there are other astrology pages who have amazing introductions for people who are getring into solar return charts. Please look them up and then come back to this!!
Before we start: these are just my personal observations. I am by no means a professional astrologer, and i don't want you coming for me because you disagree with me on the meaning of something. If you want to correct me, feel free, but i will not tolerate any hate or disrespect (which means you will get blocked).
‼️Trigger warning: mentions of bad relationship experiences, bullying and mental health struggles ‼️
Sooo let's go!
Jupiter in the 8th house conjunct neptune in 7th house: Although of course this can show different in every persons life, for me in the year i had this placement i didn't meet my rich husband who was my wonderful soulmate. Instead i only dated one guy who in the beginning seemed very great but turned out to just be using me for intercourse. In general the guys i've met who were interested in me seemed quite stable and like good people, but turned out to actually be known by close ones as f-boys. So if you have this placement in your solar return chart, please beware. It might look better than it is, as neptune is also about illusions and in the 7th house of relationships, this can mean you might not see who the person truly is, and with jupiter in the 8th house, it could be because they might be using you for sexual endevours, or you might be more into sexual endavours than usual and thus give another person the illusion you might be into more to get access in that way (which: please don't do that. there is people out there who are willing to give you that without you having to betray them. it's not fair to someone who is trying to actually build a relationship).
Neptune conjunct the Descendant with Chiron in the 7th house: Adding to the last observation: the year i started dating my first boyfriend who was very toxic and completely used and betrayed me was the year i had neptune, the planet of illusions, in a very close conjunction to my descendant. Also, like chiron (the wound we cannot heal but which can heal others) would indicate, this whole situation sent me into quite a mental health crisis, which i didn't even realize until about 2 years later. it really messed with me, so please be careful if you have this placement. i still learned a lot about relationships, and i feel like i now would never again get into a relationship without being 100 percent certain about the persons intentions and so on, but it was still very unpleasent. So, please be careful.
Saturn, Pluto and Uranus in the 4th house: Whilst Pluto and (especially) Uranus can totally mean you moving because they are very much about change, i wouldn't say the same about saturn in the 4th house. Saturn is usually more about restrictions and difficulties. Of course there could be difficulties with your landlord for example, which might cause you to move, but otherwise, i think saturn here is more about not being able to move freely in your home or you feeling bound to your home for some reason. This can of course vary in interpretation depending on other aspects and planets, it could also be about problems with you family. It very much depends.
North node conjunct uranus in any house: Whatever house this placement is in, you might experience some significant change in this area or might learn something about this area of your life which will change it significantly. For example, a friend of mine had this in his 7th house and during that year, after a lots of years of being in an polyamorous relationship, they went back to a monogamous relationship because some things had appened, which made them realize for them to keep on having a healthy relationship, a monogamous relationship might be better. I also had this placement in my ninth house and during this year some things happened which significantly altered the way i handle my studies in college.
Stellium in 12th house (with sun and moon): You might be going through a phase where you are in more solitute and a lot of things you didn't know about will come to light. I am currently experiencing this, and i could totally feel the shift. I feel it kind of was like my last solar reutrn year i had so many experiences with traveling and meeting new people, that i kind of feel like an "experience fatigue". it felt like i was making so many new experiences, and focused on making more and so on, that i forgot to put meaning and intention behind those. So now i just want to slow down and still make experiences, but also focus on my inner world, on learning new things about myself and also work on some mental health stuff. also, i feel like there has been a lot going on behind the scenes on how people view or say about me which i don't or didn't know about, like for example one year a go, a comment i made on youtube got about 6000 likes and people were bashing me so hard in the comments and i didn't even notice until now 😭 idk, i hope whatever is going to be revealed isn't too harsh (the comments were bad but honestly, i didn't mind. it's not the first time i've gotten hate on social media lol). the 12th house is generally not considered to be very positive, but for now i feel like it is mostly about me time and discovering new things about myself.
Sun square pluto: I read something on the tumblr page "lavishlyleo" about this placement being a very difficult placement which can last for a looong time, and i looked it up: i've had this placement since i was about 14 years old. now, i've had quite a rough childhood, but me having to deal with that and having to process it and simultaniously starting to experience more bullying and so on started around this time. i think beforehand i knew my life wasn't the greatest, but i could still move through it and be very happy and content because i had a great friend group and a lot of other good stuff going on. the fact of me having to realized how the things i have gone through were so fucked up and how they messed with me was soo much harder tbh. but now this placement has been easing up a bit and will go away in about two years and i have honestly been doing so much better than the years beforehand, especially when it comes to my social life! i am so excited on seeing how life will be as soon as this placement finally goes away.
Chiron or lilith in the 11th house: As these two are more harsh and about experiencing some bad stuff to also learn and develope, having this in the 11th house may not be a good sing of you keeping your friend group and maybe losing those. Or in general just having bad experiences with groups of people.
I will leave you with this now. As the year progresses, i will see how certain placements play out in my and other peoples life, so i can give you some more observations i made. But i hope you enjoyed this!
Sending out love and please keep safe! Until next time byebye 🩵
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safiredreams · 1 year
Astro Notes XIII
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Leo Ascendants tend to radiate confidence and warmth, it’s actually quite hard not to like them upon first getting to know them because they are generally very open, honest about who they are and what they want type of people
Aquarius Ascendants can be very distant and cold upon first getting to know them, they will generally keep people at an arms length and enjoy their personal space. People tend to want to be their friend because these people don’t really judge the weird and the strange and they are perhaps one of the chillest and calmest Ascendants
Virgo Ascendants tend to be quite timid and boring upon first meeting them, they don’t really portray much of their core personality but they nevertheless act nice and soft and visually are quite put together, they often have this fresh and clean way about them
Libra North Node - Aries South Node people need to ease on their independence, they need to learn to ask for help instead of always doing everything themselves, they need to learn to share their worries and emotions with people. Being alone is not the answer in this lifetime
Scorpio Venus is a classic enemies to lovers trope
Taurus people are going to need to keep tradition in their relationships, and by that I mean traditions that run in their family. If their mom made them the same dinner every Sunday then they will expect to keep that type of tradition moving forward in their life with their own partner
Jupiter in aspect to Venus people can be one of the most likeable type of people you ever get to meet, its hard not to laugh and have fun when you are in their company
Capricorns take their time when it comes to pursuing someone, they don’t want to waste their time and energy on something that will not work out in the long term
Sun, Moon, and Venus in the 8th house are generally placements that will attract a lot of people to them sexually because they radiate that type of intense magnetism that they themselves might not even be aware of
Puto conjunct Sun people may attract a lot of stalkers
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Synastry aspects with my unforgettable and beloved ex (Personal Experience) *Part-1* 💝👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻
I’ve been feeling quite nostalgic about the memories I had with my first ex in these days. I normally don’t reveal my feelings this because I’m worried that I wouldn’t be able to control myself and things would go worse as I tend to be impulsive when I really want something. However, I checked our synastry chart last night as I couldn’t sleep and I saw some lovey-dovey aspects as well as heartbreak aspects so let’s dive into it!🤿
His sun conjuncts my moon
💗This is a traditional soulmate aspect and I also think he’s my soulmate. We broke up because we were too young and our parents forced us to. Also, it was because he was moving to another city. If it had not been like that, I’m pretty sure that we would still be together to this day. He has also told me that he felt that we’re soulmates. I felt very comfortable with him most of the times and he just got me. He understood my feelings and I also could tell his feelings just by looking at him. Our energies also sometimes were mixed up. If he was sad, I was sad too and we were not even in the same place at those times. It was like magic. He was like the Ying to my Yang and Romeo to my Juliet. Even though we don’t have mercury aspects, our conversations were always going with the flow and there was not a single time when we had nothing to say. We were friends and also lovers.👫🏻
His moon conjuncts my Venus
💗This is also very warm and sweet, especially in Cancer. We both were romantic but needless to say, as I have a Venus in 12th house, I made more romantic gestures for him than he did for me. Whenever we were together, we stared at each other while holding hands and we smiled and giggled. It was like a scene from a typical high school romance movie. I loved to hold his hands so much. I felt very safe when I held his hands. I used to hug him from behind and from the front and at those times, I just felt like I was at home even though I was at school where I hated the most. I used to rub his cheeks while holding his hands from the other hand when he cried. I felt appreciated with him and we loved each other’s presence. Lovey-dovey for sure!👀
My moon conjuncts his mars
💗This is known as a “baby making” aspect in synastry from my knowledge. And even though we didn’t have sex and he didn’t even touch my private parts and neither did I, I always felt this electric connection flowing in my body whenever he touched my arms and thighs. My blood boiled suddenly and it was special. I felt like he could be the father of my children lmao😭😂. And I also loved staring at him and brushing off his hair when he slept. He was like a cheerleader for me too. He supported me emotionally and I supported him to take actions to achieve his goals. I was prone to anxiety attacks so I had difficulties in studying but he uplifted me and I also helped him learn by studying with him together. The connection between us felt so traditional though. Most of the time, I loved switching gender roles (not in bed). For instance, I didn’t want to become a housewife who stays at home and takes care of children. But with him, I just wanted to marry him, stay at home, nurture him and our children, cook for them and do typical housewife duties.👰🏻‍♀️
His venus trines my mars
💗That also indicates a sexual attraction but his Venus was in Leo and I am allergic to guys with Venus in Leo. I just don’t get along with them normally because they irritate me. They want someone who they can show off to public and I don’t know his intentions towards me but urgh idk I don’t like Venus Leo men (I love girls though). At this point, I think I played as a masculine role and he was in feminine mood because I kissed him first. Yes you saw it. He wasn’t making any moves so I wasn’t patient anymore and I just kissed him and he was soo surprised because in our country, girls don’t normally kiss first. He told me that it turned him on more but in a romantic way and not sexually.😃
My moon conjuncts his Jupiter
💗We were bubbly together. I laughed with him a lot and our relationship was teemed with giggles and crazy laughs. I enjoyed his company and he enjoyed mine too. I felt expanded intellectually when I was with him and I was willing to do everything together with him such as traveling and trying out adventurous activities. I provided him to open up his feelings but he never fully did.🤷🏻‍♀️
My sun squares his mars
💗We rarely fought during our relationship but there was one fight that I can never forget. At that time, he teased me about a trivial matter and I was so serious about it because I was on a period and I lashed out my anger at him. He didn’t get it and he never retreated and went on teasing me so I didn’t talk to him for 3 days even though he was sitting beside me in the class for all those days. He tried so hard to make me talk to him but I kinda insulted his mom and his exes and then, he fought me back (he was a momma boy, he still is). Our argument was intense and explosive. My mars Aries shot his ass off with non-stop cursing words and he also said that I was selfish and etc. The fight ended with the help of mutual friends but during the argument, it was like two tigers fighting for a piece of beef.🐯
His sun sextiles my Venus
💗I have to admit it. I liked him first and I kind of flirted with him. He flirted me back and we got together. From the first time I saw him, I had this lil crush on him like he was my type even though he didn’t meet my expectations. I adored him the way he was. I just felt so positive about him and he told me he felt it too.
My north node squares his moon
💗I have seen in a post on tumblr (I don’t remember the original author sorry) that those people whose personal planets make square aspect to your north node may drag you down or delay you in some way. In other words, they may be the reason for delays and restrictions to get to your life purpose. His moon squares my north node and I had to process our break up for about a year because of his feelings and mine. I don’t know how to explain this but I felt emotionally stuck with him like I could not escape from my own emotions and I felt that he was the one responsible for it.
My Lilith conjuncts his Venus
💗It’s really interesting to see this pattern going on with me because there are 3 guys that I can never forget in my life and two of them have their Venus conjunct my Lilith. I’ve read countless posts about Lilith contacts and I still don’t clearly get who is more obsessed with who but I’m pretty sure I was the one more obsessed with both of them. I couldn’t let go of them even after a long time. This guy and I broke up 3 years ago and look at me, I’m still here, writing a post about the synastry between him and I😭😂. Plus, I felt that I could show my Lilith side to him without worrying about being judged. So if any of you have experiences with Lilith conjunct venus, please share yours freely because I’m so curious!!😩
His Lilith conjuncts my mercury
💗He was obsessed with the way I talked. He told me to talk more with him about various topics because he felt good hearing my voice. I find this funny because my word usages are not even attractive and my voice is also not hot but he said he loved it. He didn’t like it too when I talked to other people, even to my older cousin brother. Pretty bit of a tiny red flag but I was so in love with him so I was blind at that time.😪
My Chiron opposes his Venus
💗This is also a same pattern because I was always heartbroken by guys who had their Venus in aspect with my chiron (not only opposition). People say that Venus conjunction chiron is a marriage aspect and it’s very healing but I got major traumas from a guy whose Venus conjunct my chiron so hmm umm excuse me!? Back to my ex, his Venus is in opposition with my chiron and it was not healing at all. AT ALL. He traumatized me. His parents traumatized me. His friends traumatized me. Honestly, it’s very complicated to explain but the reason why I got bullied and slut-shamed at school is because of him. But those experiences made me stronger and more mature. It brought me to where I am right now and that’s why I don’t regret it. It hurt me so much though. Like a sword in my heart.😔
His Saturn conjuncts my ascendant
💗So, I don’t have much to say about this aspect but I felt insecure with him at some times. Especially when it came to my daily activities and my appearance. I felt that I wasn’t pretty enough and I felt ashamed to mention what I did in my daily life. But this is not very personal because most guys from my class had their Saturn conjunct my ascendant as Saturn moves not so fast and those guys were at the same age with me. In a way, I felt insecure about my appearance with people who were at the same age with me.
His moon conjuncts my ascendant
💗I’m not very sure about this because I don’t know his birth time and the moon can differ from 1-10 degrees forward or backward depending on the birth time. But his moon is at 15 degrees (without birth time) and my ascendant is at 21 degrees, so it conjuncts as of now. I felt at ease with him as I mentioned earlier but I’m going to talk more about this aspect in my later post because his moon is in my 12th house and I have a lot to say about that. Even creepy and paranormal stuffs.🥶
His chiron conjuncts my descendant
💗I searched it up on Google and I saw that the chiron person is destined to give the descendant person a lesson in whatever ways and that is absolutely true. He brought lessons into my life and I’m really grateful for those and interestingly, back in those days, most guys in my class also had their chiron conjunct my descendant and they also brought me lessons and lessons and lessons. The whole class didn’t speak to me FYI. And also the whole school. That’s okay now because I realized that being alone doesn’t mean feeling lonely and you can feel lonely even though you’re going out with friends if you’re not in the right circle.
Anyways, I had to write this out because my heart was crying out for him so much and the only thing I can do at this time is writing this and recalling some sweet memories we shared. I have a love-hate relationship with him and currently, I miss him so much and wanna talk to him but I can’t. I wanna g we back with him kinda but as my friend said, there was a reason why I broke up with him and why I blocked him on social media so I shouldn’t go back.
This is the end of this post and remember these are not facts. These are just my personal experiences so take them with a pinch of salt!! Thank you for reading to the end and have a nice day!❤️
•There is gonna be a part-2 for the synastry with this ex and I will be mentioning about house overlays in that post but mainly about moon in 12th house so stay tuned!✨
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catmarlowastrology · 1 year
🌙 Analysing Lana del Rey's Moon in Leo
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Lana's configuration embodies a constant dance between her adventurous spirit, personal values, relationships, and a quest for knowledge.
Lana's emotional landscape, depicted by her Moon in Leo in the 9th house, revolves around a hunger for grand experiences linked to travel, higher learning, or philosophy. This placement speaks to a dramatic and passionate approach to understanding life's bigger questions.
That being said, her Moon's opposition to a retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius in the 3rd house hints at tensions between this grand vision and day-to-day communication or learning; there are moments where she feels her expansive feelings are being limited or misunderstood.
Squares to Venus in Taurus in the 6th house, the Taurus Descendant, Scorpio Ascendant, and Taurus North Node emphasize challenges in balancing her desire for grand experiences with routine matters, partnerships, and her destined path in relationships. These aspects can lead Lana to occasionally feel confined or misunderstood, especially in close relationships and everyday activities.
But there's a hint of unpredictability and potential financial opportunities, as her Moon trines a retrograde Uranus in Sagittarius in the 2nd house, suggesting unique ways of earning or valuing resources.
The sextile to Chiron in Gemini in the 7th shows that through partnerships, Lana has opportunities for deep healing, especially when it comes to merging her larger-than-life emotions with effective communication.
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athenadaughter · 1 year
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can someone please tell me what career to pursue I am dying inside
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seagull-astrology · 1 year
C385 William Barr, AG again
Something about Bill Barr William Pelham Barr was born on May 23, 1950, in New York City. He earned his bachelor’s degree in government from Columbia University in 1971 and his master’s degree in government and Chinese studies from Columbia University in 1973. His father, Donald Barr, was headmaster of the prestigious Dalton School in Manhattan, his mother a housewife. He is the second of four…
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astrosamara · 5 months
Astrology Observations #1
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🩵Mars in Gemini and Virgo are very quick learners. They're at their best when they keep themselves busy with new and intellectually stimulating hobbies.
🩵Cancer placements in the big 3 have the most comforting and nurturing energy. These people are so easy to be around and it feels so easy to be yourself around them. I feel like people don’t give cancer placements enough credit for how good they are at making people feel loved.
🩵10th house moons are very loved and admired in their careers. I've noticed a lot of celebrities with this placement.
🩵Neptune in the 11th house can really idealize their friendships and groups and can end up being very deceived by them. Their friends can be very phony and not their true friends at all. 
🩵Leo and Libra in the big 3 makes someone a natural in the spotlight. Fame comes easily to them.
🩵Moon in Pisces or 12th house tend to have very strong connections to their dreams. They can even have epiphanies that help guide them in their life.
🩵In solar return charts, I've noticed that when the transit sun conjuncts the solar return chart ruler, a pivotal moment will happen for that year related to what planet it is. For example, my solar return ascendant in 2022 was in Sagittarius and when the sun made a conjunction with my solar return Jupiter, I received my associate's degree. My previous solar return ascendant in 2021 was in Libra, and when the sun made a conjunction with my solar return Venus, I developed a new long-term crush that inspired me to pursue a new passion. It can be fun to make a note of these dates every year to see what comes up.
🩵8th house synastry is no joke. These connections are incredibly intense and very hard to break free from. It can feel almost impossible to forget about this person. Very transformational as well.
🩵Harsh moon aspects are strong indicators of a wounded relationship with the mother. Pluto square the moon in particular is a very challenging placement for this matter. The mother could have instilled deep trauma and fear in you at an early age.
🩵Positive Mars and Venus aspects make someone incredibly charming. They're often easily liked and admired. I've noticed this the most with Mars sextile Venus.
🩵It's so important to pay attention to your moon sign/house/aspects to discover what you need to feel emotionally fulfilled. For example, I'm a Pisces moon and need to be creative and have a healthy amount of alone time daily to feel content.
🩵Personal Aries placements rapidly need new and passionate energy in their lives. It's so hard for them to stay in situations they're bored and uninspired in. Depending on other placements in the chart that can be more grounding, it's very hard for them to remain committed to a situation for a long time if it's not interesting.
🩵Idk if it's just because I have a Scorpio venus and stellium, but I find Scorpio moon and/or mars men to be so sexy.
🩵Pay attention to what themes come up in your life during your north node return, it can reveal a lot about what you're destined to do and what sort of life can be the most fulfilling for you.
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations
Hi besties,
I have been studying and learning astrology for the past 4 years and this is my first astro observation, I have many yet to come. 🦊
Highlights: purpose, north node, neptune, jupiter, sun, mercury, fame, minor aspects, degrees, squares, moon, orbits.
⭐️ Jupiter positive aspects to moon and sun especially conjunction makes someone smile a lot, or have a beautiful bright smile. You can't help but smile when they do. 🥺
⭐️ Mars conjunct Uranus or Neptune is definitely the "performer" aspect. It gives huge talent in dance and performance in general, so many iconic performers have this aspect. Uranus, unique way of moving the body and expressing oneself that can't be compared to no one. Neptune, mesmerizing way of moving and expressing emotion that can be addictive.
⭐️ Mercury conjunct Neptune is definitely the "signer" aspect. It gives enormous musical talent. Other positive/negative aspects give someone huge love for music and dance. 
⭐️ Mercury aspecting North Node, an urge to use your voice through speaking or writing, singers, lawyers, journalists, tv show hosts and people who have to speak a lot, especially if aspecting MC too.
⭐️ Sun making any aspect to North Node (minor aspects included) is one of the biggest indicators of fame, especially square, quincunx, opposite and conjunct. This aspect means that the native has something that the public outwardly needs to elevate the collective, whether it's in their personality, outlook on life or a skill they have. One of the native's purpose is to put themselves out there and receive feedback whether positive or negative. The effect and feedback is rather visible, loud and changeable.
⭐️ Mars aspecting North node can also indicate public exposure especially when taking action like dancing, performing, acting, doing sports etc. 
⭐️ The biggest indicator of fame imo is Neptune aspecting North Node (minor aspects included) especially square, trine, sextile, quintile, and quincunx. Keep in mind that this does not always have to mean the usual concept of "fame", but rather an influence on the public and a subconscious push and pull to it. The native usually has talents or rather energies that the collective needs, looks up to and admires. The native is influencing the collective for a subconscious change in behaviors, thoughts and ways of living. The effect and feedback is rather mysterious, fantasy based, obsessive and long term.
⭐️ Neptune here can sometimes mean toxic admiration like seeing someone as an absolute perfection which can lead both the public and the native to distorted perceptions and harmful coping mechanisms.
⭐️ Neptune trine, sextile, square MC tends to be in the chart of actors and musicians, neptune opposite, conjunct MC tends to be in the chart of models and tv personalities. 
⭐️ Now if the native has both sun and neptune aspecting north node in a tight degree, possibly MC too. Oh boi, they have an excruciatingly strong urge and sense of purpose since a young age to be in the public eye and share parts of themselves and talents with people. They likely knew their purpose since a young age and trusted the universe. That's because part of their purpose is to receive "outer validation" using the skills and talents they acquired for their soul evolution. The feedback is what keeps them going. If they become too egoistic and forget their purpose they can receive major backlash and hate from the public, especially harsh aspects.
⭐️ Jupiter opposite/square moon, either too optimistic or too pessimistic with a hint of helpless optimism and sarcasm. (trust me I have this) :< It can also mean emotions surfacing and expanding out of nowhere. Wanting to understand your emotions. There's always a meaning for feeling a certain way, even if you don't know it.
⭐️ Also any Jupiter moon or mercury aspects, especially conjunctions, if someone tells you how they feel, you immediately start your philosophy session (I'm guilty of it) 💀 but in all fairness tho, you're always right or partially right about it. These aspects give this broad perspectives and understanding of life, although you can take it too far sometimes, given that they also didn't ask lol.
⭐️ When looking at your North Node, MC and Ascendant aspects it's essential to look at all minor aspects too and increase the orbs. Any aspect to these three points is relevant to your life and purpose. These are imo the most important points to look at in a chart. Minor aspects matter and matter a lot especially with the nodes.
⭐️ I disagree with astrologers saying that squares to the nodes are "skipped steps from a previous life", they are rather tense aspects that call the individual to take action consistently early on in life or suddenly at some point because the world won't wait for them and the timing is sensitive with the squares to the nodes. Especially if saturn is also involved in the mix. Individuals might feel that time stopped at a certain point or time won't stop and they need to act quickly.
⭐️ The north node is where we stand in the collective in terms of energy and perception. With squares and oppositions, not as flexible or free as trines and sextiles. The collective's world has many differences to the native's inner world, perception of the world or life in general. The energy matches at certain times where the universe nudges or forces these individual to take action or change something in their lives, and it's rather a difficult and transformative change (this applies to transits too). These aspects give me the feeling of your turn coming "too early or too late", either before the native is ready or after they gave up already.
⭐️ I advice that if you use astro.com to increase the orbs of the aspects to 145%. You can also do that if you use astro charts. Even though tight orbs are more prominent and obvious, wide orbs are very important too and still mean the exact same thing. They almost always answer my questions about a certain chart pattern that's missing! I take conjunctions and oppositions up to 13° sometimes 15°, trines and squares up to 12°, sextiles up to 9°, quincunxes up to 9, and quintiles up to 4°.
Love y'all 💛💛💛
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astuteology · 10 months
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● Scorpio venus- gets sexualized alot. Many people would fantasize about these people but will not let them know. MANYYYY have crushes on them.👀
● Capricorn + Scorpio placements- are either very naive and easily influenced/manipulated or the manipulator themselves. BUT the way their mind worksss.. ufff... they get shit done, they have solutions to e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Can become a lawyer cuz mann you can't win against them. Everrrr.
● Capricorn/ aquarius or earth sign placements/degrees- you would rarely see them support astrology. They'll show interest if you're telling them everything good about their sign, as soon as you get to the negative part.... out the door🚶🏻‍♀️(although it's not always the case)
● In synastry if you have- venus square north node/ venus square saturn, venus square neptune, venus square uranus.... its not going to be a long lasting relationship. Cuz venus, the planet of love, is literally denied its main role. Degrees matter too, more than 5, can work. Less than 5, probably not.
● sagittarius placements- go from being fun and adventurous to being serious and mature. As the grow older, they start understanding life on a deeper level. Also, sagittarius placements are quite lucky (see where it is placed or where jupiter is placed.)
●Neptune/pluto/lilith/mars- on the ascendant, doesn't matter the aspect, GAIN ATTENTION WHEREVER THEY GO. People be turning their heads to look at you. You're random people's crush. And those who feel threatened by your presence, tries to spread false rumors about you or tell you that you're 'too bossy' 'too much' too this and that. They're just jealous cuz you got the IT factor in you and you not only gain everyone's attention but also their crushes 😌.
● Taurus placements- they have a very soothing voice. Their voice gain everyone's attention around them. Even if its noisy, as soon as a Taurus start saying something, everything gets quite. Its just the way they talk, they can have a deep or soft voice, but the way they speak is very beautiful.
● Libra placements- are superrrr nice. They're always there for you. They feel nice and happy when the people close to them are happy. Since libra is the sign of balance, they know when to be nice and when to be a bitch... so don't ever walk over them, You won't like it.
● I think aries and Capricorn placements- are the only placements that fear failure ALOT. Like ALOT. Even if they don't have a way, they'll make one. They have to do something, they can't just sit and relax, their soul won't let them.
● 12th house placements will know things beforehand due to overthinking. They would know if this friend of them is going to betray them. They start feeling uneasy somewhere in their body. With the 8th house placements, once they trust, they give their trust to you 100% and they usually gets backstabbed. Then they stop trusting people completely.
● Underdeveloped Scorpio placements- if your crush is a scorpio or has prominent scorpio placements, please stay away. They are usually involved with someone but keep it hidden. You won't know it until and unless they tell you, which they never. So its better to keep your heart safe than knowing at the end that they were involved with someone all this time.
● (in synastry) Underdeveloped scorpio venus and pisces venus- toxic, manipulative and narcissistic together. They talk shit about their close friends with each other. They turn against their friends. They develop, a kind of, superiority complex.
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆Dark side of underdeveloped placements:
▪︎ Capricorns- rude af. Very mean for no reason. They think they are the main character. No honey you're just a bitch.
▪︎ scorpios- fucking cheaters. One person is not enough for them. Very toxic. Will body/slut shame you behind your back. Oh and secrets??? What are those? Now everyone knows them.
▪︎ Aries- can yall stop playing victim card and become more mature and responsible please? What's with yall crying and throwing a tantrum to get your point proven right? Ridiculous. Also stop guilt tripping people.
▪︎ taurus- why do you feel good when someone has less than you?? Why do you judge people when you yourself are negative.
▪︎ Gemini- yall try so fucking hard to get attention. Yall really dont get a hint that your crush doesn't wanna talk to you huh? You irritate alot of people around you. Very pick me energy with this. And no youre not know it all.
▪︎ Cancer- these bitches ruin 'THE CANCER' reputation. They go around lying about everything. Share someone else's secrets'. Puts blame on the other person.
▪︎ leo- yall need to be humbled very bad. Everything depends on your mood and self esteem huh? Yall throw people's past on their face in front of everyone when yall get pissed. Istg you feel better and satisfied when someone is put down in front of you.
▪︎ aquarius- please shut up with the false conclusions. Yall never accept your fault. You fuck up someone's mind then tell everyone they're crazy for acting like that.
▪︎ pisces- no not everyone is in love with you. Get out of your head please. Stop messing with people's feelings' and mind. Stop being avoidant. Stop being a bitch.
▪︎ virgo- DONT force your thoughts on someone else. Dont criticize them for having their own thoughts. Anyone can have different thoughts. And stop trying to subconsciously control people. You make people walk on egg shells.
▪︎libra- stop being 2 faced. Youre not everything a person desires.
▪︎ sagittarius- you make people fall for you then use them and throw away. Say it with me bitch...... people 🔪 are🔪 not🔪 for🔪 fun🔪. Also even if you have everything, yall still act like you got nothing. You dont help people. You only care about yourself.
—–- ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ––—
Thank you 🩷
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northopalshore · 1 month
Juno Persona Chart 🤵🏻💍
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Juno ( 3 ) is an asteroid used to interpret your future spouse, your first impressions & your marriage life.
In this post I will be listing some observations I made in regards to the Juno Persona Chart. Feel free to use them as guides to your own JPC.
Libra (18° virgo) 1st house
Looks put together, clean, attractive & smells nice. It's very obvious to you they take good care of their appearance.
Aries 1st house
Attraction at first sight. This person will look very muscular, or athletic. Could seem a bit rough, or unmanaged. They are likely to pursue you first.
Jupiter (18° virgo) in 1st house
They could appear larger than you either in height or weight ( or both! ) FS is VERY attractive. A fun person to be around. They are noticeable wherever they go. Very sharp, will notice the smallest details about you on first glance. Could be popular too. You could think they're a bit of a show off at first lol.
Moon in 1st house
They could look quite feminine, or soft, something about them makes you feel very safe. They could be crying the first time you meet, they are not the type to hold back emotions. Big eyes, round features they'll look very gentle. Could be younger than you, perhaps much younger or they could just look younger for someone their age.
Eros (21° Sagittarius) 1st house
You could think they're very attractive to people around them. Might be quite popular with people from all kinds of backgrounds. Hot as hell. They could have great s*x appeal
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Fama (26° taurus) in 1st house
They might be well known, or very popular for their looks or fashion.
Venus (21° Sagittarius) in Capricorn/4th H
Very witty, calm reassuring, safe. They are very charming and loyal. You might like to stay at home together, travel together & collect knick-knacks to display in your home.
Capricorn stellium
Most likely older than you. Could be a significant age gap. You might think they're maturer than you, could be a bit stern or closed off. Very responsible. They could be a career oriented person.
4th house stellium
Meeting through social media (home), family/friends introduced . You'll feel very safe in your relationship. They'll treat you with so much care and compassion. Your home will be very harmonious.
Mars ( 22° Capricorn ) Sagittarius 3rd house
You will talk about other cultures a lot, or if you are foreigners to each other then you'll talk about your own cultures with each other often. Very passionate conversations. You will never get bored talking to this person. You might work with this person, or talk about work together.
Mars trine moon
You will feel like this person is the embodiment of your passions and desires in a relationship. Your emotional and sexual needs are met in this relationship. There is a lot of attraction between you.
Moon sextile Jupiter
You will instantly feel comfortable with each other. There is this sense of familiarity even when you first meet. Feeling like best best friends.
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Jupiter square saturn
You could feel like you can never get enough of this person. You could feel like this person is too good to be true. You'll wonder if they'll even be with you in the long-term. This person could be afraid of change in a way.
North node in 7th house
You are meant to be in a romantic/contractual relationship with this person in this life! (i.e getting married)
North node in Taurus/Taurus°
You are meant to indulge in love, food, romance and luxury with this person.
North node in 8th house
You are meant to transfrom each other in this relationship. Could be a karmic soulmate. They will change your life entirely. You could meet them after a huge change in your life.
North node in 5th house
You are meant to have fun in this life together. Children could be very important to both of you. They could be very artistic, or you could meet at parties, art galleries, theaters & concerts.
Boda in aries/aries°
You might marry this person very quickly after getting in a relationship. They will not hesitate/wait to put a ring on it lol!
Briede in 8th house/Scorpio degree
If you are a woman, being their wife will drastically change your life vise versa if you are a man.
Briede in taurus/taurus°
As a wife, they/you'll be very beautiful, loyal, a great caregiver. Could be a sign of being a stay at home wife.
Lilith in 10th house
Something about their career could be an issue when you get together. They might have a lot of trauma surrounding their career.
Lilith in 8th house/5th house
They could have had some trauma in a previous relationship. Perhaps they were cheated on, or manipulated. Whatever it is it has scared this person deeply by the time you meet. They could have suffered from s*xual trauma or has insecurities surrounding feminintiy, s*x or intimacy.
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Saturn in 5th/8th house
They could still be a virgin when you meet. They might have refrained from indulging in s*xual affairs or romance in general. Could be very strict or picky with choosing partners.
Saturn in 10th house/Capricorn°
They could have been working for a long time before you met them. They could be at a point in their lives where they could look back at all their achievements with satisfaction. Could be career oriented. Might have worked in their industry for a long time/didn't switch careers/have a stable job.
Sun in 10th house
You could be a very popular couple. You could have even met at work. Even in your relationship, work will play some sort of prominent role. People will notice you more when you are together.
Neptune (16° taurus) in aquarius 5th house
You could romanticise your relationship a lot, feeling like your love life is one out of a fairytale. Fun dates where the focus is only the both of you.
Uranus (5° leo) in pisces 5th house
Spontaneous dates, they could love surprising you with their presence lol. Suddenly showing up at night, suddenly inviting you over to their place, sudden dates.
Moon leo/leo° in 11th house
They could be someone popular. Maybe someone famous too, an influencer, a youtuber, blogger, artist, performer, model and whatnot. They definitely have an online presence. Popular on IG? Whatever it is, it involves their face, their talents & creativity. If it's in a scorpio degree, or hard aspects pluto/mars/venus they might be a p*rn star lol.
Moon in 8th house/Scorpio degree
They are a very emotional person who has been through a lot of upheavals throughout their lives. They are deeply connected with death, taboos, obsession & s*x. However, these are not the type to sleep around. They NEED & crave intimacy and emotional depth in romantic relationships. They will not tolerate shallow or manipulative partners.
Moon scorpio/scorpio° in 7th house
Relationships are very important to them. They are very picky with people that they let in their social circles. Your relationship will be very intimate, passionate and private.
Vesta (5°,17°,29°) in 6th house
You could work together, or collaborate on some sort of artisic pursuit. You'll be very comfortable working with this person.
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*** entertainment & educational purposes only, reader discretion is advised***
Thank you for reading! ♡
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aestheteangel · 5 months
Surpriiiiiiiiise 💝
solar return chart observations🧩😛🥰💙:
moon in 6th house : more sensitive when people talk about and criticize them. It’s advised Take care of your health during this time. Too moody. can struggle with appetite mood swings.
Taurus rising/ Jupiter or Venus in 1st / Pisces/cancer/Sagittarius rising : can indicate gaining weight this year.
cancer mercury : can bring past memories/ events. The individual will think of the past too much this year and everything will remind them of it. can go back to something from the past wether it was a person or even a place they used to stay in in the past, such as an old school, house or any as such, and will stay in for a while.
If the wheel of fortune conjuct your north node this year, it means there’s a blessed bright future ahead of you, could the next year be better than this one, never theless the last months of this year could be better also. 💗
but if your wheel of fortune conjuct your sun this year, consider yourself lucky cause you will have to deal with “lucky girl/boy syndrome “ everything will just seem perfect, right time, at the right place with the right person. 💗
The occurrence of mars in the third house. Especially if it is in a fire sign. It may indicate that the person is more likely to engage in arguments and verbal altercations, and their “ tongue “ may be sharp and hurtful
Moon trine the twelfth. This is the be year in which you attract things you desire because of your high ability this year to attract.
Moon in the twelfth or in Pisces gives you a strong ability to imagine. The best time for writing gives you a high aesthetic sense by describing sensations and feelings.
Solar return moon square Venus. This year, you will have a review of your view of relationships and whether they benefit you in the first place, but it may give you a desire to get into many relationships.
Moon aspect Pluto, a lot of travels bf and exploring new things
Traveling/ new romance
Ruler of the ninth, twelfth/fourth/third , in 5th
A combination of planets in the ninth (especially if it is Jupiter/Sun/Mars/Rahu/Uranus/Pluto)
Ruler of the ninth/fourth/twelfth century AD, falling on the ninth of the year
Solar return
Aries rising : cutting hair; Owning a car
Gemini rising : Changes in social status, such as marriage, mingling with society, prominence (fame), or building projects.
One of the most powerful signs of travel..
Twelfth natal chart falls in
Fourth solar return
Fourth natal chart if it falls in
twelfth solar return
Among the indicators of marriage in the annual chart 💍 ...
-The presence of the moon in the wedges of the chart
-Positive Venus aspects to Saturn
-Venus is in the ascendant and in conjunction with the ruler of the ascendant
-The conjunction of the wheel of fortune with ruler of 7th
-Capricorn Venus , degree 20-21
-Juno in conjunction with the sun or moon
-aspects between the house 3,7,9
Moon in the sixth house of the year indicates that this year will be difficult in terms of completing daily tasks due to the presence of the moon in the sixth. The sixth house pulls the planet’s energy in a negative and tiring way. Here we see the large number of routine burdens accumulating on you and you feel a feeling of lack of accomplishment no matter what you do.
Moon In Gemini, it gives fluency in the tongue and gives you a desire to take initiatives, and if you have old relationships, you will revive them and always be the first to initiate.
Moon in a negative aspect with Neptune an indication of many white lies. Be careful not to manipulate anyone. Do not forget karma!
Sun- saturn aspect solar gives you a desire to change yourself and you try to enter self-development courses because the hexagon connection indicates attempt.
When Mercury/Uranus/Jupiter is present in the annual chart or transiting the Gregorian calendar in...
In homes: 9/12/6/3 Great opportunity for travel
Or work and study in another city and house 9/12
They symbolize scholarship, emigration, or foreign travel for a long period of one month or more and dealing
With a foreign environment, if you see opportunities, take advantage 👌🏻
Scorpio rising
In solar return :
Exhausting yourself, straining your soul... and paying a huge price for comfort
Either the stage of searching for a lifeline is like searching for a needle in a haystack.
Stay well, Scorpio ascendants in the annual year.. It's okay, this time will pass..
The presence of Uranus in your first house indicates the presence of sudden thoughts on an unplanned day, month, and time. As if a light came on out of nowhere. It is a sign that carries a start towards a desire that was born of the moment.
This aforementioned matter will continue with you throughout the year. In changing your appearance, modifying your appearance, registering in a club, performing an operation, or something related to your appearance. Sudden thoughts follow thoughts. In one of my years, Uranus was in my first house, and without planning, I got braces, and this is an example.
When solar Leo rising , regardless of the energy that will accompany the person throughout the year. From new and diverse interests, from a love of appearing on the scene, an irresistible desire for public appearance, and the necessary boldness and confidence that they will possess in an unusual and exceeding manner. Their fame, wide acceptance, and great popularity.
However, I find that the Leo is closely linked to the emergence of a new, exciting and special emotional relationship. The Leo sign in the year is not free of romantic relationships for you, and the ignition of the romantic and emotional side in your yearly horoscope that bears the Leo horoscope.
If you have solar mars conjunction sun in the 12th house, you are preparing to discover enemies that you thought were family or friends, and often hostility that is spiritual harm or deep pain, but you are sure to emerge from it stronger spiritually.
The best year in my life was in the Ascendant of Sagittarius, and Sagittarius is my second home in AD. Oh God, I can’t tell you how I was focused on my success and studies. I had a lot of freedom, I made many friends, and I was very social, and the friendships I made in the Ascendant of Sagittarius are still with me ❤️
A year in which the ruler of your fourth house is on the 9th could be a year in which you travel or move abroad.( I have this next year so if i actually moved I’ll let you know)
When Mercury is in conjunction with the midheaven, you may have to travel for work.
I have also found this to be true when the yearly ruler is with the midheaven in the ninth house.💗💗
The presence of ascendant in the sign of ‫scorpio‬ or the presence of‫ Pluto ‬in your first house. They are two sites that touch the self in a detailed way. Through these two connotations, there is a transition from something to something new. As if it was bidding farewell to an old version and receiving a new version. It indicates that there is an intense change that you will live with and on these basis you will begin to receive the new version of you, the good or bad of which depends on your reception of it.💗
When you have a year in which you have a close ascendant or Pluto in your first house, this story will begin to happen to you. A story of your change and change, and it will be a year that supports change. It supports transition, supports modification, whatever the situation may be, whether in your appearance or outside. Try to embrace the changes and make them positive for you.💗
love u 💟..
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pearlprincess02 · 2 months
style guide: ARIES EDITION
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rihanna - jupiter in 1st house, james dean - uranus & chiron & north node in 1st house, kendall jenner, miuccia prada - sun & north node in 1st house, barbra streisand - sun & mercury in 1st house, penélope cruz - sun & mercury in 1st house, cardi b - moon in 1st house, sophie turner - moon & venus & part of fortune in 1st house, amber rose - moon & juno in 1st house, nikki reed, shakira - chiron in 1st house, stevie nicks - north node in 1st house, vinnie hacker - ceres in 1st house,
style aesthetic: bold & dramatic, leather chic, modern minimalism, rockstar vibes, athleisure luxe, metallic accents, animal prints, vintage with a twist, unexpected mixes, sunglasses as statement pieces, red, orange, and black
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marilyn monroe - venus in 9th house, audrey hepburn - venus in 1st house, elizabeth taylor - venus in 4th house, mariah carey - venus in 12th house, lady gaga - venus in 11th house, gigi hadid - venus in 12th house, rihanna - venus in 12th house, jennifer aniston - venus in 6th house, shakira - venus in 12th house, cristiano ronaldo - venus in 3rd house, gigi hadid - venus in 12th house, keira knightley - (unknown), cate blanchett - venus in 11th house, melanie martinez - venus in 5th house, tyler, the creator - venus in 9th house, sarah jessica parker - venus in 11th house, eva longoria - venus in 5th house, janet jackson - venus in 5th house, millie bobby brown - venus in 8th house, suga - (unknown), sarah michelle gellar - (unknown), madison beer - venus in 11th house, helena bonham carter - (unknown), gal gadot - (unknown), emma chamberlain - venus in 3rd house,
style aesthetic: confident & playful, bold & romantic, leather with lace, athletic luxe, fiercely feminine, metallic accents, graphic prints, tailored pantsuits, bold blazers, vintage with a modern twist, bold jewelry, statement sunglasses, and eye-catching hats, gold, silver, red, orange, and hot pink!
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tyra banks - moon & mars & chiron in 10th house, kayne west - venus & mars & chiron & part of fortune in 10th house, angelina jolie - jupiter & chiron & ceres in 10th house, céline dion - moon & mars & saturn & north node in 10th house, cameron diaz - chiron in 10th house, julia roberts - north node & lilith in 10th house, sharon tate, meghan markle, the weeknd - pallas & part of fortune in 10th house, jessica lange - sun & mercury & venus & mars & north node & part of fortune in 10th house, jennette mccurdy - moon & mars & juno in 10th house, danielle fishel - sun & mercury & venus & mars & chiron in 10th house, kate moss - mars & chiron in 10th house, cindy crawford,
style aesthetic: tailored suits, sharp blazers, crisp shirts, bold statement necklace, a brightly colored pocket square, a unique pair of shoes, bold eyewear, orange, black, white, grey, red power suit, a red statement scarf, and red accents
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selena gomez - venus in leo, elizabeth II - venus in pisces, kourtney kardashian - venus in pisces, beyoncé - venus in libra, katy perry - venus in sagittarius, zayn malik - venus in pisces, angelina jolie - venus in cancer, cameron diaz - venus in cancer, nabilla benattia - venus in capricorn, audrey hepburn - venus in aries, blake lively - venus in virgo, anna nicole smith - venus in libra, avril lavigne - venus in scorpio, jude law - venus in sagittarius , rachel mcadams - venus in scoprio, halsey - venus in scoprio, doja cat - venus in scorpio, priyanka chopra - venus in gemini, olivia rodrigo - venus in capricorn, nina dobrev - venus in sagittarius, madison bailey - venus in pisces, damiano david - venus in aquarius, maggie lindemann - venus in cancer, elle fanning - venus in pisces, olivia holt - venus in virgo, mina - venus in aries, sophie turner - venus in aries, isaac mizrah - venus in virgo,
style aesthetic: flowy fabrics, pastel colors, silk fabrics statement jewelry, natural textures, well-fitting clothes, minimal makeup, unique color combinations, unexpected layering, vintage pieces, bold statement piece, a head-to-toe monochromatic look, eye-catching earrings, handcrafted pieces, unique materials, a touch of lace, soft pinks, baby blues, lavenders
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kim kardashian - neptune in sagittarius, paris hilton - neptune in sagittarius, kylie jenner - neptune in capricorn, ariana grande - neptune in capricorn (conj. asc), scarlett johansson - neptune in capricorn, eminem - neptune in sagittarius (conj. asc), nicole kidman - neptune in scorpio, marilyn monroe - neptune in leo (opp. moon), damiano david - neptune in aquarius (conj. venus & tri. moon), björk - neptune in scorpio (conj. asc), nelly furtado - neptune in sagittarius (conj. asc), perrie edwards - neptune in capricorn (conj. asc), dave franco - neptune in capricorn (conj. asc), river phoenix - neptune in scorpio (opp. moon), lil peep - neptune in capricorn (opp. moon), lorde - neptun in capricorn (tri. moon), sofia richie - neptune in capricorn (tri. moon),
makeup style: dreamy & ethereal, soft washes of color, shimmery textures,  makeup uses cool tones, metallics, glitter, glowing skin, lightweight foundations, highlighter for a natural glow, graphic eyeliner designs, whimsical lashes, soft & natural lips, smoky eyes with a twist, smoky purples, teals, touch of silver, lavender, muted purples, blues, greens soft pinks, peaches
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starastrologyy · 3 months
Wealth in Astrology🖤
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Please do not repost anything I write on other social media platforms x I only have a TikTok & a Tumblr.
Wealth in a natal chart
Jupiter in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th house.
Part of fortune in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th house.
People with the ruler of their midheaven in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th tend to earn a substantial amount of money from their careers.
Venus or Jupiter in the 8th can indicate marrying a wealthy spouse.
People with Uranus, Jupiter AND Venus in the 5th house are more likely to win money from games of chance such as the lottery. Please note you have to have at least two of these for it to apply to you.
Some people argue Venus-Pluto contacts (trine,sextile, & conjunction) specifically can indicate wealth. However, I’d argue that you’d want to see if the conjunction is happening in one of the ‘money houses’. Pluto is also the planet of extremes so this aspect is truly one where you’d need to look at other aspects & the chart in its entirety to see how it will unfold.
North Node in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th house.
Jupiter/Venus ruled 2nd, 8th, or 11th house cusp. (Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, or Taurus) over these houses.
People with 8th house placements (especially Venus or Jupiter) are more likely to receive an inheritance, marry a wealthy spouse, or make money through investing/trading.
People with 11th house placements (Venus,Jupiter) have the potential to earn a significant amount of money from their careers.
Planets in a natal chart that are at the 29th degree *in Cancer* are considered to be financially auspicious as that is the millionaire degree. I want to emphasize that the 29th degree is a Leo degree, but what I’m referring to is planets that are in the sign of cancer that are at the 29th degree. I hope this makes sense.
Wealth by Transit
Long-term transits to the 2nd house can indicate a change in your finances. However, I have found this to be especially true if for example Jupiter is transiting your 2nd house *AND* making a trine or conjunction to your natal Venus.
Uranus transits to the 2nd house can indicate an unexpected change in your finances. However, you want to look to see how it’s aspected to see if this change is likely to be positive or negative. If Uranus in the 2nd is making a square to Venus that can indicate a sudden loss of wealth/money.
On the topic of Uranus, when transit Uranus makes transits your 5th house your chances of winning at a game of chance are higher. But, this is only true if transit Jupiter is also transiting the 5th house or if you have your natal Venus, Jupiter, or part of fortune in the 5th .
The best transits for money are Jupiter/Venus transiting the 2nd house OR Transit Venus/Jupiter making a conjunction, trine or sextile to your natal Venus/Jupiter. You also want to look out for transit Venus or Jupiter making an aspect to planets in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th houses. Squares & oppositions can indicate difficulties or losses connected to money. So, sextiles, trines, and sometimes conjunctions are preferred.
Transits of the benefics to the ruler of your 2nd house can also represent a financially auspicious time.
Solar Return
Jupiter in solar return 2nd house can often indicate an increase in wealth that year. This is especially true if Jupiter is making a trine or a conjunction to the Solar Return Venus.
Ruler of the Solar Return Ascendant in the 2nd house, can indicate that you will have a very financially focused year. That is also true if the sign that is over your Solar Return Ascendant is the same sign that is over your natal 2nd house cusp.
I have also seen Pluto in the 2nd house of a Solar Return chart indicate a significant change in an individual’s personal finances/resources. However, we would need to see how it’s being aspected to determine how it would play out for you as an individual. Trines & sextiles (and sometimes conjunctions) are preferred.
Solar return part of fortune in the 2nd house tends to be auspicious for finances.
Solar return Jupiter making a trine to the Midheaven. However, this is most likely to be true if Jupiter is trining your midheaven from the solar return 2nd house.
The ruler of the Solar return Midheaven in the 2nd house can also at times indicate a change in personal finances (in connection to your career). This is also likely to be true if the sign that is over your solar return midheaven is the same sign that is over your natal 2nd house cusp.
Chart Readings are still open! Link is in bio for those interested 🤍 reviews are on my Masterlist x
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