#northern custom of letting a 10 year old boy spend all his time with a KNOWN SERIAL KILLING RAPIST
kingsmoot · 9 months
btw roose sending reek to raise ramsay and then no one batting an eye when ramsay takes little walder under his wing the cycles are cycling
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The Yorkshire Ripper Back Story podcast link here -  https://www.buzzsprout.com/1016881/6357289
Speaker 1: (00:00) [inaudible]. Yes. Dana Lewis / Host : (00:19) Hi everyone. And welcome to backstory. I'm Dana Lewis in 1980, I was a crime reporter in Toronto, in England. A chilling frightening story was unfolding. A man who was stalking and killing women dubbed the Yorkshire ripper. That's where he was lurking Yorkshire, England in towns, Lake Bradford, Sheffield Lee. He killed 13 women and attempted to murder seven more. He was eventually caught his name, Peter Sutcliffe. And this week Sutcliffe serving 20 concurrent sentences for life. Imprisonment died from COVID-19. In 1980, I told my boss his name was Robert holiday. Let me go and cover the murders. I paid my airfare and hotels and told the news director, if you like the story, I bring back, just pay my airfare. And that's what happened on my vacation time. This is the story I did way back then in the end, the story I prepared for a national radio show called Sunday, Sunday aired just as Peter Sutcliffe was caught and his terrible murder spree came to an end. I got my story and 600 bucks for the air ticket. I was only 20. This is what I sounded like. And that's the way it was. Hell of a crime story. Speaker 1: (01:39) [inaudible] yes, I won't say when, but yes, we will catch him. It's got a nice background to support. So when you can't live on 23 pound a week with two kids, sorry, it's not possible. So you're willing to take the chance of the ripper in order to feed your family into social skills. Well, I did come up the stock Hill girls, innocent girls as well. He come up from the other channels. You could be Jack. I could be Jack the ripper it's as difficult as that from ABC news. I'm Bob Windsor, British police might have caught up with a murderer called the Yorkshire ripper. I was terrorized Northern England for five years by killing 13 women police in West Yorkshire arrested two days ago about the murder Pharaoh. The feeling Speaker 3: (03:00) Is that, um, it is most likely on the time that they spend in the red. So they thought the beginning of a new one, which would be well or a new red is, um, now discovering. Um, how and why and who Dana Lewis / Host : (03:13) West Yorkshire police think they know who they have charged. 35 year old truck driver, Peter Sutcliffe with murder number 13. He has been remanded in custody until tomorrow. There are many clues as to how the murders were committed. There are few that indicate why friends and neighbors of Sutcliffe say he was a quiet man. They are surprised. That's the thing about your church. Friends and neighbors are easy to come by. It's a large area, but it has that small town atmosphere, Yorkshire views itself as a nation. It was the largest County in England until it was quartered in 1974. It's towns folk have produced textiles since the 18th century and that unmistakable scent of black coal fills the air. Although the rolling countryside could be sold in a travel magazine, the towns and cities of the area are bleak and gray. The people hardworking and conservative. The Yorkshire ripper has left the area in shock. Speaker 5: (04:15) The first victim that we attributed to them on this now locally known as the AKI Rippa was in fact, Anna Rogowski. She was a 37 year old woman who was walking through the streets in the early hours of the face of July, 1975. She was walking through the streets of Keithley when she was, um, struck about the head, attacked with a number of blows and left unconscious. Dana Lewis / Host : (04:37) The ripper began his spree of killings in the town of Leeds, October 30th, 1975, 28 year old Wilma McCann was struck over the head and stabbed savagely. The ripper was born and the stage set for Britain's worst mass murderer. During the next five years of the ripper would allude Britain's best detectives. It would attack 17 girls in total leaving 13 dead for police superintendent, Frank Mort. It was the largest investigation he would ever be involved in. I had come to you five years ago and suggested that, uh, a killer as bold, as vicious as this could elude you for so much time. Would you believe me? Speaker 5: (05:15) No, I don't think I would. Um, if you would have said to me that yes, we might have a mass murderer. Yes, I would have believed that. But if you would have tone, tried to suggest to me that a murderer could have, in fact, committed 13 violent and vicious attacks and left solidly behind that I would have found difficult to accept. Um, but events have proved. In fact, that we have a man who is capable of doing that, Dana Lewis / Host : (05:38) He seems to be able to lead these women away. Does he not, or at least approach them without causing them to run? Speaker 5: (05:44) Yeah, that's, that's one version that you could could attach to it. The other one, and the one that I prefer to think is probably the, the way he operates is not necessarily to pursue them for long distances, but maybe to stand in some secluded shop doorway or some secluded yard entry. Um, and when the woman passes email, you need to perhaps take one or two steps to strike the blow. Uh, so far as the prostitute was concerned, yester, I think it's fairly clear that, uh, he would pick the woman OPA as a normal customer would pick up a prostitute and drive to a secluded area, which either he or she nominated and committed the crime, uh, was this one. He would pick the area and wait for the girl to come into that area. I, in the past of like an M a little bit to the spider who picks his area, and then he sits quiet and waits. And when the fly comes by he'll snap, and I think the same principle applies here. He will pick it out here and he will wait until those circumstances are exactly right. And the girl comes along and then he will attack. And if the circumstances are not right, then that girl continued on her way. Speaker 5: (06:54) We're now into the 20th of January, 1976, when bucking leads the body of Emily Jackson, the 42 Ariel prostitute was found. She had been stabbed and beaten about the head many, many times. That was the first real indication perhaps that we had, um, a one-man killer and all one monitor attack, a woman that was working in a number of areas of the country. Speaker 1: (07:18) [inaudible] Dana Lewis / Host : (07:24) Besides a cassette tape, three letters were also sent to assistant chief, Constable George Oldfield from a man. Police believed was the ripper, the material criticized old field. Then in charge of the man hunt and his team of detectives. Speaker 1: (07:39) I can't see any sharp pain. Nick, just checking for fingerprints. You shouldn't know, by now it's painted in with some . Dana Lewis / Host : (08:03) The cassette tape gave the case a new mystery. It was dramatic. Some say spine chilling and investigator search for its author. Loudspeakers played at a gain and a gain from town to town in the hope someone would recognize the man behind the voice, the tapes and letters to police. What sort of a man does that? Speaker 6: (08:25) I think it's the kind of man who fits in with my hypothesis of him being a psychopath. It was fascinating to me too, to watch how it unfolded really how there seemed to be developing a battle of wits between mr Oldfield and this murderer to such an extent that he felt emboldened enough to send a tape and a letter now to digress for a minute. I think that was a mistake. Dana Lewis / Host : (08:50) Dr. Steven Shaw was one of several psychologists called into assist in ripper hunt in 1973, his work with the criminally insane expensive. Speaker 6: (09:00) So these are mistakes and a psychopath does make his mistakes and he doesn't learn from them, but he cannot resist the impulse. And that was another of my features cannot resist the impulse to have a battle of wits with mr. Oldfield. So has to taunt him has to send the tapes to say, I've got the respect for you, mr. Oldfield, but your boys are not much good. I am better than the whole of the West Yorkshire police, as it were almost crowing over them, challenging them to, Dana Lewis / Host : (09:28) It appears the Yorkshire police department has finally met that challenge and beaten the ripper at his game. There is a second half to this story besides the police and the ripper. There are the people of that area. There's is the real story in this tale. Speaker 5: (09:48) The ripper, in fact, didn't strike again for another 381 days. And then on the 5th of April, 1977, um, Irene Richardson, she was killed in Leeds and that's when the local media first started using the title, the ripper. Um, it didn't stop him killing. However, because he moved into Bradford and on the 23rd of April, 1977, Patricia Atkinson, um, she was killed 63 days later, he came back to leads and on the 26th of June, he killed a young 16 year old girl Jane McDonald. And this was the first of the women who were not in fact, a prostitute or a lawnmower Dana Lewis / Host : (10:28) As the ripper taunted, and played his deadly game with the people of Yorkshire. The area changed drastically, Oh no, not the buildings or landscape, but as residence in daytime hours, conversations were filled with tales of the ripper, who we might be, what he was doing. And when he might do it again at night, a terrified County locked its doors and fear cab drivers could see the change. Speaker 7: (10:53) It takes David like the suit to Lee's chapel town, or used to be not similar to, since the, um, since the murders, the, uh, the girls have tended to move out of laser just to cherries. Is that fair? Dana Lewis / Host : (11:05) Garth? What would I have found a five years ago? If you would've been driving me through this area Speaker 7: (11:11) Five years, you have found a lot, lots of activity. Basically. You see it, you would have seen the girls on the street corners, the punch of cars, driving around the streets, looking for the girls, basically just bunch of activity, which you don't see in alleys. It's just practically deserted. Since I've been taxing, I've met a good living out of it, but now I'm just barely making living. It's just so quiet. It's really, Dana Lewis / Host : (11:42) The red light areas were so quiet. It took me four days to find any prostitutes with the courage to work the area. When I did find them, it was under a street lamp and a broken down of the rippers, hometown Speaker 1: (11:54) Of Bradford there. The girls worked in pairs or not at all finished what's happened. There's no claims anymore. It's dead. Just pure, please. Just a lot of police. Are they giving you a hard time? Not really. They're just everywhere all the time. So a lot of the guys not coming around and there's no, no. Don't you get a little scared though. Yeah, but I don't work alone. I work with her two girls, whoever gets the client, you know, if they don't want, until they're the ones still goes, most girls now work away. Our town, wherever they gun London, pick towns, knowledge, London, Scotland, Ireland. Even because of the river. They were. Yeah. Yeah. Not just because they were afraid that because there's no money there anymore. Well, why don't the customers come up though? Is it because the police had given him a haircut? The police like do spot checks a lot and it's very, and when they've got family or police, aren't discreet about it, they just go knock on door and say in front of the wife, they'd been on pink, red light, or they'd been seen it's like, it used to be a spot check. Speaker 1: (13:02) And every car that came up here, it got checked out thoroughly. And to do that, they used to go to clients' homes, even the works and see the money driven state for the wives. So I'm not sure they can't afford that. Started scouting or sort of just stopped coming through that as well. It's dead. It is quiet. And it's like this every night now it's been like this past few weeks. The main thing is if you're a prostitute, wherever you go, this place, it's because there's no money. And what she was getting locked up for nothing. That's why they're going away. They're still getting locked up somewhere, but at least their own in the moment. Yeah. Well, how do you, how do you girls feel about the police? All right. Are you mad at them for doing well? They're doing the Japanese. So they try and protect us only for police on a red light area, rip a beer outside. Speaker 1: (13:50) That's the way I think that's the reason he's turned to straight people because he knows now not to come up cause he's gone and get spot checks or whatever it is. There's too many police now. So he's turned into straight people to do them. Yeah. Do you think about the river when you're standing out here at night? It's always a, it's always that because we know lots of the people. Not only have people been killed in your community, not only are girls really scared to go out on the streets at night, but when a girl, a prostitute, you know, well, just, just not someone you work with a friend of yours, it happens to her. Doesn't that make you want to quit? It does. Yeah, but you can't quit. I couldn't quit. Look at it this way. Right? All laws is one parent families. She has two kids. I have two. She's got three. Yeah. We don't have no fellow behind doors. Normally sports, as we've got, as renters, food is closed. Then you get all 23% of social security a week. I'm can you live? You can't live. So you're willing to take the routes. Well, you have to do, it's not a much a willing to take it as a matter of live in it's a mantra that you have taken that risk for your kids to start when going get put into care. Speaker 5: (14:59) And then there was another, and in fact, the longest gap of all, he went 441 days before he moved back to leaves and the latest victim Jacqueline Hill, and she was killed on the evening of the 17th of November, 1980. And again, she was beaten about the head Dana Lewis / Host : (15:15) From the Bradford red light district to elite pump. The feeling was the same. No one could escape the grip of the ripper like this man, all wondered if at one time or another, they had looked the killer right in the ear. Speaker 1: (15:28) They  tool to each other about it because you may be talking to the ripper. That's the feeling then it, sorry. Many people have said though, that this is the feeling around here. And in fact, in the whole of Bradford, you mean people are so scared that they're looking at anyone they talk to. And wondering if he's the ribbon. Dana Lewis / Host : (15:49) By the time I arrived in Yorkshire to gather this story, 13 murders had been recorded. Towns. People were awaiting. The next one, the families and relatives of the victims were tired, broken, and would not talk to reporters. But given the chance by the BBC to talk directly to the ripper, they took it. Mrs. Irene MacDonald, her daughter was murdered in 1977. Speaker 1: (16:13) It was a beast with no feelings. And you're a coward. Why do you come up with stock? Young girls, innocent girls as well. You'd come up from behind them, the door, other chance. You're not a man. You're a beast. And I heard too. And I believe all the population and leads and everywhere too. I wonder who you think you are. Do download. Think y'all God or something. God give life. God take us away. Not you. I think you are the devil itself. Dana Lewis / Host : (16:51) Mrs. Patricia Brandenburg, her niece was murdered in 1977. Speaker 1: (16:56) Jane was a beautiful girl. You took life from her. You destroyed a family in one way or another. A father just deteriorated. You're nuts. So mad. He despicable. I despise you intensely. Every living person curses you, you can't even dig a hole for yourself because people would come and find you and drag you out. Dana Lewis / Host : (17:18) Mr. Harry smelled, his wife was attacked in 1975 Speaker 5: (17:22) Of all the women you've killed. I think if you were to take a census of them all, I think given the opportunity to do, as you wish with them, I think they would rate you pretty low sexually. I think that's what it's all about. You you're proving. You're a man by killing them. Most men don't have to kill a women to prove that they're a man. Let's talk about real crimes, organizing bank robberies and on. And I think you will be really a non runner. It tends to be women and it has to be Dana Lewis / Host : (17:55) Behind mr. Hayden, highly. His daughter was murdered in 1979. Speaker 5: (18:00) You are the lowest of the low. You did mention, uh, believers in your tape to the police that you want it to be mentioned in the Guinness book of records. I'll go along with that, you should be classed as the biggest coward the world has ever known. That's in the Guinness book of records, Dana Lewis / Host : (18:23) Mrs. Barrel leech, her daughter murdered in 1979. Speaker 5: (18:28) Look over your shoulder. You hit him from behind. The number is tango uniform. Mike nine eight, three Romeo, probably three ways that the murder could be brought to justice. Number one is it could be some super detective, um, as a blinding flash of genius as a result of which the man is arrested. Yeah. That's possibility. Number one, possibility. Number two is that the grind, the day-to-day slug, uh, will bring results because of the painstaking tedious, very involved and very detailed inquiries. There is also the third way, and that is that some policeman, uh, doing some duty, totally unconnected with the ripper inquiry will. In fact, what round the corner and walk straight into the Manor. Dana Lewis / Host : (19:29) Superintendent. Frank Moritz predictions given to me several weeks ago. We're not that far off 35 year old Peter Sutcliffe was arrested. Nine days ago, two constables on routine patrol. And the red light district of Sheffield stopped a car driven by Sutcliffe in his company. A lady of the night, the license plates were checked and found to be stolen. One thing led to another and by the beginning of the week, it was announced the truck driver would stand trial for the murder of the rippers 13th victim. After interviewing over 200,000 people searching 30,000 homes at a cost of $10 million. The 500 man ripper squad has disbanded. The people of your chair will not return to the norm quite so easily. This is Dana Lewis. Eventually those tapes, the police played from town to town were proven to be fake. It wasn't Sutcliffe, but it did distract the police from catching the real killer for a while. How was Sutcliffe finally caught the two policemen who stopped him on a routine check? One of them felt suspicious when the man has to relieve himself. The officer went around to the scene later and found that Sutcliffe had dropped a hammer and knife on the ground. And that was the end of the Yorkshire ripper string of murders Dana Lewis / Host : (20:48) This week, victims of his attempted murders and families of those who were killed, spoke out to say they won't shed a tear for Sutcliffe's passing, but his death brings about closure to a bloody and terrifying period in Yorkshire. I'm Dana Lewis. Thanks for listening to backstory. Please subscribe to the best international news podcast and share our link. Take care. And I'll talk to you again soon. 
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therealswitcharoo · 4 years
She was used to keeping awake for long periods of time, but this was different. 24 hours in a plane, plus 5 more due to the weather, was exhausting when sleeping was the only real option, and even that was impossible for her. Squirming in her seat, she reminds herself to express her immense gratitude to Nezu for calling her and letting her know she was accepted, rather than sending a letter in the mail. If he had done that, she never would have been able to make it for the final exams tomorrow afternoon. Still, this ride was cutting it pretty close. She’d have to hope she could get a cab immediately and that there was good traffic. Otherwise she would be late, and she’d make a horrible first impression.
She finds herself unbuckling her seatbelt and standing to stretch again. Her flight had left around 6 in the morning- no one had wanted to get up for 2 or 3 in the morning and get to the airport, she guessed, because thankfully the plane was empty and child-free. Some people and customs had given her odd looks because after all, a 15 year old on a plane by herself, on a 24+ hour flight no less, was pretty strange. But the lack of people on the plane provided a nice and quiet ride, as well as a row in the back all to herself. Therefore, she wasn’t bothering anyone with her constant movement, and her getting up and down multiple times.
Most of the people on the plane were noticeably Japanese, of course. They were probably heading home- they looked like business men. She could probably guess they were travelling for work. She would have almost guessed they were here for the semi-annual hero ranking announcement, but they hadn’t recognized her at all, so there was no way.
Kyoshi Seishin. Also known as the Pro Hero, Switch. Moved up from number 17 all the way to number 4 on her listings. One day she would make number 1 in all of Northern America. She had to.
But for now, she could set that goal aside.
She was on her way to UA, after all. She needed to stay focused.
Kyoshi’s fascination with UA High School began when she was younger, around the age of 10. She had been at home, and while her father dealt with some paperwork at the kitchen counter, she was flipping the TV channels in a half awake state.
Kyoshi had been mostly with her father for her young life. That meant spending a lot of time around the commission her father worked for, and that meant a very closed off life from the rest of the world. Besides, the Commission for Elite Battle Heroes, or CEBH for short kept their operations extremely private. This meant that Kyoshi’s education from elementary to the very end of middle school had taken place completely in CEBH’s care.
Classes at CEBH went on for however long her father was in training or on a job, which sometimes meant as long as an entire day -7 in the morning until 11 at night- with allotted breaks for bathroom use and meals also provided by CEBH. They had practically raised her.
With such a huge Commission looking after her, Kyoshi had learned various things a hero in training would. Things like battle techniques, fighting styles, how to pick and use a support item, how to study a Villain and predict his next move, and much more. Of course along with all that, She’d taken on the basics like reading, writing, mathematics, and the study of multiple languages including French, Mandarin and Japanese.
So as she is clicking through channels in her exhausted state, having finished a test organized by CEBH, when she comes across the 55th annual UA Sports Festival she’s immediately interested in putting her schooling to the test.
Year after year after that, she’d done the same thing. It became a tradition to sit down and watch the UA Sports Fest just so she could call out what someone should have done better, what they did good, what they could improve on. It wasn’t like anyone all the way in Japan could hear her, but it was fun to watch how other kids would use their quirks. Not to mention watching the hero course students who would later become pros was interesting. She could get a glimpse at Japan’s future in each person.
The more she watched, the more she wanted to learn about Japan and their heroes, so she did her research. Starting with the most recent rankings.
Number 5, Mirko. She rose to her spot quickly with the many approval ratings.
Number 4, Edgeshot. Not only was he a skilled hero that deserved his spot, but his inability to sit still when there was always a Villain to fight made the number of jobs he’d done skyrocket, which raised his rank.
Number 3, Hawks. Kyoshi had met him once for a brief minute. He didn’t sit still either, but Hawks’ restlessness was different from Edgeshot. He was just bored all the time. He had flew (no pun intended) over to Canada the year she got her own licence as a Pro Hero. With all the training from her father’s Commission, it was easy for her to apply to the test. With no laws against it, she had beaten out Hawks for the youngest Pro Hero in the world. He came to congratulate her with the best intentions, left her a gift, and disappeared before the dinner party.
Number 2, Endeavor. She remembered him, he used to come to Global Heroes United meetings organized to ensure universal peace between heroes of different nations. Endeavor was always asked to attend as the representative for Japan since the number one was always so busy, though his cold exterior and intimidating stature made everyone nervous. Never Kyoshi, though. Her father had befriended Endeavor from the start, which meant she had no fear for the man and had ended up calling him her uncle once or twice. Endeavor would bring his youngest son, Shoto, and when their meetings started the children would both be ushered into a room made specifically for them. Shoto wouldn’t talk much to her until the third year they met. He was a shy little boy.
Finally, the legendary, Worldwide known number 1 of Japan, All Might. To say he was good at his job was a major understatement. That man invented going beyond what you think you can, and had fans all over the globe. He was an inspiration, and a warning to the Villains of Japan that if they dared to commit a crime, they better know what they’re doing. His reign as a hero had dropped crime in Japan from 20% to nearly 6% in half of a year alone. His life was a huge secret, no one knew too much about him other than small things here and there, like his internship in the USA when he was in college or the fact that he went to UA High in his days as a teenager. There wasn’t too much to say about All Might- he was number one for a reason, and that was that. Even when her father was number 1 of Canada and Kyoshi was immensely proud of him, even she had to admit that All Might still outshined him by miles.
All her research, all her training, her time as a Pro Rescue Hero at 10 and becoming a Battle Hero at 14, it was all for this.
The plane begins its descent after a long 24 hours…
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((Hi, thank you so much for my Sava review! My cousin and I did another character swap and they gave me Troy-Logan. I redrew his picture and hopefully it looks a bit more polished. I asked for this character but I only asked for vital information and I kind of went from there. I would like to make him more of a good guy. I want to know if I gave him a more cohesive story and background. I did a personality overhaul and hopefully this presents him as a better character. I tried to make this another Short profile, but I hope that this makes sense. It’s hard, but I think I’m starting to understand what you all are talking about.
World: The Universe that my cousin and I created. An Alternate earth during the year 2036 and Troy comes from the Space section of our story.
Just some quick Info: I know this is a really bad writing thing, but I made a running joke that Nobody really knows how old Troy-Logan is. He mentions things in his life and people wonder how old he is really. I have a BS story going on that his Ice based powers have slowed his aging, but yeah… lazy writing on my part.
I was asked about this, but someone asked me how he knew how his dead sister acted. On their planet, soldiers are required to make a Video log of their life each day.
N’Kairens are shapeshifting aliens that live on their planet. They spend most of their time disguised, but they are kind beings.
Troy-Logan was born during the time where humans and A’maranians didn’t really mix with eachother. ))
Name: Troy-Logan Vega-Alakkaria
Aliases: Troy, Logan, Ren calls him “Viggo’s Hot Uncle”, Cho Min-Ki.
Gender: Cis Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Age: Unknown but he looks 35.
Species: Human-A’maranian Hybrid
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Occupation: Lead singer and rhythm guitarist in his band called Avalanche
Alignment: Lawful Good
Affiliations: He’s affiliated with the Viggo, The A’maranian Army, The Shershen’ forces, and Ren Silla.
Family: Oh Hye-Sun and Cho Tae-Won: Hye-Sun was his mother and they had a very tumultuous relationship. Growing up, she tried to his the fact that he was an alien by doing some rather cruel things. Their relationship got even worse after she started to day that he was cursed. He hasn’t spoken to her in years. Tae-Won was his father and he does love him. The only thing that Troy hated was that Tae-Won was too passive and he let his wife get away with a lot. Although he’s not his real son, he cared for that boy like he was his own. He was actually good friends with Maxmilian.
Blue Veya-Alakkaria: She is his youngest sister. He’s never met her in his life, but he feels a strong connection to her. All that he knows about her is that she lived with Maxmilian for a while before she left to live in England. He wants to know more about her because he never knew that he had a sister who was 10 years younger than him. He feels like it’s his duty to at least learn about what she did.
Maxmilan Veya-Alakkaria: Maxmilan is his true father. He never knew this because his mother was good at hiding this fact, but he started to put pieces together. He loved him because he was so kind and he was just himself. He thought that it was interesting that both of his dads were friends with eachother.
Viggo Hwajae-Alakkaria: He has a strange relationship with Viggo. He loves him but in a weird way. As he explains it, He knew that his sister was dead, but then here’s her adult son who looks and acts just like her. He’s creeped out by him because he is kind of like Blue, but reincarnated as his relative.
Best Friends: Krystal: Krystal is one of his closest friends. She is a N’Kairen and she is his lead guitarist and backup singer. When he has to get some things done, she stands in for him during concerts. She’s so good that she recorded a whole album as him and nobody knew the difference.
Relationship Status: Single
Significant Other: None at all
Other Relationships: Aeron: He and Aeron are not friends, but they are not enemies. He’s met him before and he’s glad that he was kind to his sister when she was alive, but other than that, he doesn’t like speaking to him.
Height: 6'6
Weight: 250lbs
Build: Muscular, but tall.
Skin Tone: He’s relatively fair skinned.
Hair: Thick, Curly, and White with blondish streaks through it.
Eyes: His eyes are actually more Ice white with light hints of pink in them.
Identifying Marks: Curly white hair, his tattoos, and his smile.
Appearance: Troy-Logan is a very handsome man who looks like his nephew. He is 6'6 and 250lbs. Like his nephew and his sister, he is from the northern side of the planet, so he has pinkish eyes. His hair is naturally frost white with hints of blonde. His eyebrows are black and expressive. He has a few piercings which include two above his right and left eyebrows, top and bottom lip piercings, and gauges in his ears. He has quite a few tattoos with blue on them that start at his neck and end on his legs and tail. Like his younger sister, he is of mixed heritage being Swedish and Korean. He has a sharp nose like his father and friendly eyes like his mothers, but that is about it. One thing that people seem to notice about him is that his tail is a bit weird. It’s paralyzed from the base down and only half of it moves. He’s never thought of removing it though.
Personality: Troy is known for having a laid back and easy going attitude. Like his real dad, he’s a natural charmer, but he tends to show it by being a real good friend. He is a bit brash and if he feels like he’s being disrespected, then he’s not afraid to tell someone off. He truly loves his family and he’s always willing to do something to help Viggo out. He loves being a singer and he thinks that his biggest motivation for singing is his fans. He really loves them and he will do anything to keep them happy. He’s always willing to meet them, hang out with them, and he’s even partied with a few of them. Because of how he was raised, he is extremely hard on himself. There are times where if he can’t get something right, then he throws a fit. This contrasts with his willingness to help others out. He sometimes feels like he’s not A’maranian enough, and he this is something that makes him self-conscious.
Motivations: Family. He’s lost his dad and his sister, so he wants to make it up by being a great uncle to Viggo.
Current Goal: He is trying to help Viggo and Emperor Sava with stopping the Makarasan army.
Life Goal: He actually wants to find inner peace and he wants to be in a place where he can be happy with himself.
Motto: “Always put on a good show”
Best Quality: The amount of love that he has for people in general. He loves his band, his fans, and his planet. He’s just a really kind guy who’s energy is infectious.
Worst Quality: He is not patience or nice to home self at all. He feels like he doesn’t do enough and he just gets really frustrated at who he is. This anger with himself has nearly caused him to die.
Likes: Writing lyrics, Hanging out with fans, reading, cooking, setting up wiring and rigging his own shows, repairing cars, and he likes taking care of Ja’arat beasts.
Dislikes: Messing thins up, being called “Half Breed”, hearing people talk bad about his sister, not being able to help someone, rude people in general, and he’s not a fan of K-pop.
Fears: Right now, his biggest fear is losing Viggo. That’s his family and he would hate to loose someone that he’s close to. He also has a fear of breaking his back again.
Hobbies: Playing guitar, cooking, and he’s currently making a new line of guitars that he drew.
Talents: He’s a talented guitarist. He’s also able to hear something and he can play it back. He’s a great singer, and he does have a vocal range of 6,1 octaves.
Skills: He is fluent in Korean, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, The A’maranian language, and Russian. He can actually sing in these languages as well. He’s also has Ja’arat training, which means that he can use any of these beasts at any time.
Abilities: Like All A’maranians, Troy has the ability to fly and he has enhanced strength. He is more durable than a regular human as well. His particular set of powers includes Ice manipulation and Ice conjuring. Because of this, his body is cold to the touch.
Weaknesses: One of his weaknesses is that if he’s too hot, his powers don’t work that well. Also, he has a bad back and it does hurt him sometimes if he pulls some really drastic stunts.
Secret: Although he’s loved on the planet for a few years, he’s terrible at speaking the A’maranian language. He’s never quite picked up the nuances and small details of it.
Influential Memory: His influential memory was meeting his real father for the first time. He had no idea that the man was so close to him, but so far away from where he was.
Role Model: His Role model would have to be his other dad, Mr. Cho Tae-Won. This man loved him regardless and he did not care that he wasn’t his son. Although this is not his Father, he will always treat him as such.
Crush: He does think that Ren Silla is cute and he likes his personality, but he’s just too young for him.
Source of Embarrassment: He’s embarrassed by the fact that he believes that he’s not good enough. He feels like he’s not A’maranian enough, he knows that he’s Korean but he doesn’t feel like he fits into his country.
Source of Pride: His guitar. It’s a custom, 7 string Ibanez that his father for custom made for him. He’s still using it today, he just changes it up.
Born in Seoul, South Korea, Cho Min-Ki was born to Oh Hye-Sun and her husband, Cho Tae-Won. Her son was born with her lover’s strong features and for the first few years of his life, she kept the baby hidden. His mother told him that he was cursed, so he never objected to her shaving him bald, he never fussed when she got his canines removed, and he never objected when she got his tail removed. As he got older, he eventually managed to get into a good college, but his mother demanded that he dye his hair black and that he wore brown contact lenses whenever he attended his classes. In an effort to help his son deal with stress, Tae-Won bought his son a custom guitar. Min-ki loved it and in his spare time, he would play a few chords on it. Tae-Won enrolled his son in an english class. The guy that Tae-Won picked was named Maxmilian. They got to talking and Max told him that he was an English teacher on his planet and he wanted to know more about Korean culture. It was strange how comfortable he felt around Max, but he knew that his mother would throw a fit. Max asked him what was wrong and and he told him that his mom, Oh Hye-Sun, would throw a fit if she saw them hanging out together. Once Max heard that name, he got nervous. He asked Min-ki to leave. Not knowing what was going on, he did as he said. It had been years since Min-ki saw Max again, but during that time, he wanted to express himself more. He went through a “Rebel” phase. He let his hair grow out, he got a few tattoos, and he got a job as a motorcycle repairs man. The job was fun and he liked it because his mother would go nowhere near those places. Max did return, but Min-ki learned that Max was his real father. He asked Tae-Won if this was true, and he confirmed it. He wanted to make it up to Min-ki, so he asked him if he would like to live on his planet for a while. Min-ki was torn, he liked Max, but he didn’t want to abandon Tae-Won. After an argument with his mother, he went to live with Max. Life on this new planet was different, But Min-Ki felt like he had to prove himself. He was cocky and He decided to join one of the hardest factions of the army, electing to be a Ja’arat rider. He took on a mission that was too difficult, which resulted in his beast dying and him breaking his back. It took years of rehab and soul searching for him to find some meaning in his life. He did his best to fit in with the A’maranian people, letting them get to him better. Max became terminally ill, but before he passed, He asked Min-ki to go and find his younger sister. He was shocked, but he learned that she was 10 years younger and he raised her on this planet before she went back to Earth. It took a total of 10 years, but he had gotten a complete story about her. He learned from the A’maranian Embassy that her name was Blue, she married a human man and they did live on Akrinco for a while before she was killed in the war against the Shershen’. His good friend, Krystal told him that someone from Akrinco was looking for him. A relative of hers was looking for them, but it said that he had what remained of her possessions. He was curious, and he made his way back to Akrinco. He did speak with a young man named Viggo Hwajae and he claimed to be her son. The strange thing was that he definitely looked like Blue, and from his story, everything seemed legit. Although they are still getting use to one another, he truly trusts Viggo and he sees him as family.
Hello Again!
I understand that you and your cousin traded this character, but I think that a lot of what I said in my initial critique of this character still pertains. One of the things I liked in the first write-up was that Troy-Logan had realistic identifiable flaws. Removing them to make him more charming and personable takes away what makes him a relatable character. While I appreciate that the background is shorter, the other suggestions that were made still stand. For example, Troy’s mother constantly changing his appearance, even going so far as to cut off his tail and hide his eye color, would give him lingering self esteem issues. Where is that shown? If his dad knew that Troy wasn’t his biological child, why didn’t he step in when his wife was doing these things? What about after his wife left him for the same man she cheated with before? I think you should go read the original review and build Troy’s personality to include traits that stem from his background.
Happy Writing,
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biofunmy · 5 years
While California Fires Rage, the Rich Hire Private Firefighters
Don Holter is an owner of Mt. Adams Wildfire, a private contractor in the Sierra Nevada foothills near Sacramento. Most of his business comes from contracts with federal agencies, but his company is one of only five private firms in California that he knows of that work directly for homeowners.
Most don’t advertise the service widely, he said, instead relying on word of mouth. “It’s not who you are, it’s who you know,” Mr. Holter said.
Mt. Adams Wildfire offers short-term “on call” wildfire protection for families and neighborhood associations in Northern California and Eastern Washington. Last year, the company was on call for close to 90 days, Mr. Holter said. The service can cost up to $3,000 a day.
The majority of private fire crews work for insurance companies like Chubb, USAA and Safeco, which often provide fire mitigation services to their policyholders in high-risk fire areas without extra charge.
But most insurance-contracted crews don’t actually fight the flames. They focus on making homes more fireproof by installing sprinkler systems, fire breaks and fire-blocking gels.
Firefighters with Mt. Adams Wildfire will battle wildfires threatening homes, Mr. Holter said, on the phone from a job in South Lake Tahoe.
As climate change makes wildfires more dangerous, and often understaffed fire crews are exhausted by the increasing frequency of blazes, Mr. Holter said he expects more companies like his will pop up.
“It’s coming,” he said. “It’s a good old boys’ system, but it’s going to change.”
Private firefighting isn’t new. In the United States, government agencies including the National Forest Service have contracted with private crews to fight and prevent wildfires since at least the 1980s.
What has changed is that contractors are beginning to hire out their services to homeowners directly, as well. It follows that some security firms see a new business opportunity.
Chris Dunn is the founder of Covered 6, a private security firm outside Los Angeles that contracts with homeowners in nearby Malibu and Hidden Hills. He said he is planning to cross-train his security guards to fight fires and hopes to offer a subscription-based fire protection service by next summer.
In addition to training his own staff, Mr. Dunn wants to create a federally accredited firefighting course for independent contractors, who could be on call when homes are at greatest risk.
“It would be like a temporary worker during Christmastime,” Mr. Dunn said. “Retail has them, why wouldn’t fire season have them?”
Disregarding Evacuation Orders
Ever-increasing wildfires are costing Californians hundreds of billions of dollars. Taxes in the state are already high, and insurance rates for homeowners in high-risk fire areas have soared.
On top of that, utility customers will soon be on the hook for over $10 billion in extra charges to help companies cover wildfire damages.
One of those companies, Pacific Gas & Electric, already charges some of the highest electricity rates in the country. The company has been harshly criticized for pre-emptive blackouts this month that have left millions without power for days.
It is also currently in bankruptcy proceedings to address liabilities resulting from recent fires started, in part, by its aging equipment, including the inferno that engulfed the town of Paradise, killing 85 people last year.
Residents in the wealthy enclave of Hidden Hills, who already pay for Mr. Dunn’s security company, plan to spend even more to protect their gated community. The city has earmarked $5 million to bury hundreds of feet of overhead power lines and plans to eventually move all electricity cables underground.
Last year’s devastating Woolsey Fire, one of the largest on record in Los Angeles County, was a big factor. The nearly 2,000 residents of Hidden Hills, where celebrities such as Drake, Jessica Simpson, Howie Mandel and members of the Kardashian family have homes, had to evacuate during the blaze on Nov. 8.
At first, flames appeared to safely pass by, so firefighters left the area to fight the fire in nearby Malibu, where at least 400 homes were destroyed. But by the next afternoon, strong winds had pushed flames across a wildlife preserve back toward Hidden Hills.
“We didn’t have any fire trucks left,” said Lilian Darling Holt, a resident of 40 years and a member of the Hidden Hills community emergency response team. “We basically had to fend for ourselves.”
Armed with pool pumps and fire hoses, residents and Covered 6 security guards held the fire at bay long enough for Cal Fire air tankers to arrive that evening and drop pink fire retardant around the edge of the city.
Though the Woolsey Fire ultimately burned more than 96,000 acres across Los Angeles County and Ventura County, in the end, only one structure in Hidden Hills, a barn, was lost.
The story was picked up differently in the media, however, after TMZ reported that Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West had hired private firefighters to save their mansion.
Quickly, the internet was flooded with arguments about the celebrity power couple’s personal fire crew, with critics saying that the privatization of wildfire services undermines what should be a public good. Later that month, Ms. Kardashian West appeared on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” seemingly to defend the action.
“They saved our home and saved our neighborhood,” Ms. Kardashian West said on the show. “I had them make sure they controlled every house on the edge. So it wasn’t just my home that I said take care of. I said, ‘Take care of everything.’”
But according to interviews with Hidden Hills residents and city officials, the reality was more complicated. When flames threatened, such a firefighting team was nowhere to be found.
It wasn’t until at least a day later that a crew arrived at the Kardashian-West home and began spraying its own retardant, said Mr. Dunn of Covered 6. “I know because I logged them in the gate,” he added.
Steve Freedland, who was the Hidden Hills mayor at the time and now is a member of the City Council, said: “The story about Kim and Kanye sending private fighters to save Hidden Hills — that was completely untrue. That really played no part.” (Representatives for Ms. Kardashian West declined to comment for this article.)
Mr. Freedland, who served in an emergency command center at Hidden Hills City Hall as the fire raged, said that about 30 residents and city security guards ignored mandatory evacuation orders and stayed behind to protect the homes in the fire’s path.
“Those are the people that I’d like to see get credit,” Mr. Freedland said. “Not some fictional fire crew.”
Too Many Fires to Fight Them All
Private fire teams that show up to protect homes sometimes neglect to coordinate with emergency agencies and can hinder evacuation efforts, according to The Los Angeles Times.
“From the standpoint of first responders, they are not viewed as assets to be deployed,” Carroll Wills, the communications director for the California Professional Firefighters, a labor union, told the newspaper. “They’re viewed as a responsibility.”
Many in California, most notably the writer Mike Davis, the author of “City of Quartz,” and the essay “The Case for Letting Malibu Burn,” have questioned the logic of protecting homes in extremely fire-prone regions in the first place.
Mr. Davis and others have argued that, at least when it is public agencies fighting the fires, it is an unfair use of resources and that as wildfire season in California worsens, the state should reconsider the amount of new housing that can be built in high-risk areas. (In recent years, some homeowners in fire-prone regions have begun to be dropped by their insurers.)
A new report by Los Angeles County found that emergency services were seriously unprepared to respond to last year’s Woolsey Fire, and that in a fire that size, residents cannot always expect public agencies to protect them.
When the blaze broke out, many fire crews in the state were already busy fighting the Camp Fire in Northern California and another fire in Ventura County. (Some in Malibu also reported that firefighters failed to arrive during the blaze.)
With that memory still fresh, Hidden Hills residents considered hiring a private firefighting service.
Instead, they bought their own fire engine. The pickup-size truck, which comes equipped with a water tank and hoses, is designed to fight blazes in rural areas. Local volunteers are training to use the vehicle to put out brush fires and hot spots.
“I want to make sure the next time people stay behind, we’re better equipped and not putting anyone’s safety at risk,” Mr. Freedland said. “Having a truck that has water and a pumper on board is a game changer.”
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Todd’s chat with legendary vocal arranger Kirby Shaw
Todd Wilson had a chance to interview Kirby Shaw for our email newsletter. Todd is one of our founders and serves the Nashville Singers as Executive Director and Artistic Director.    
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Published November 6, 2017
TW: When did complete your first vocal arrangement. Do you remember the name of the song? KS: As crazy as this sounds, my first "arrangement" was a composition 5 Psalms For Unaccompanied Double Chorus for my Masters of Arts degree at San Jose State in the mid 1960's. Growing up playing trumpet in school bands, singing in school/church choirs/jazz combos/bands all through college, as well as spending time being glued to the black radio station in Oakland, California KSAN (the same town that spawned Tower of Power) prepared me to jump into music/writing/arranging in a variety of ways. I didn't fully realize this at the time, but looking back now it makes sense. TW: Can you describe the arranging process or what inspires you along the way? KS: My arranging process for American popular music begins by working to honor the artists(s) whose music I've chosen to arrange. In addition to duplicating the rhythmic groove, harmonies and melody that often don't appear in the published sheet music, I try to capture as many stylistic details as possible. If it's a song that I think could benefit by adding a horn section (usually Trumpet 1 and 2, Tenor Sax and Trombone so as not to drown out the choir) I'll include that as well. 
My inspiration for writing/arranging school music is two-fold: 1) As a choral educator, I'm continually thrilled with what happens when people come together to sing: everything becomes better...troubles are lessened...endorphins are created...feelings are expressed and shared in a special communal way.  I've come to the realization that, as choral educators, we are in the people empowerment business and choral music is the vehicle!...2) The United States is easily the groove capitol of the known universe! Every cultural contribution to music-making can be found here. I feel so lucky to have grown up in a time that spans 30's- 40's style music all the way into this century. Much of this rich elixir of musical styles has come from Black America...freedom of expression derived from messing with melodies, rhythms and harmonies. I work hard to include these in many of my arrangements. In truth, I'd like to be known as the blackest white arranger I know! TW: What percentage of your arrangements are commissioned works, where people/groups come to you vs. songs you just decide to arrange on your own? KS: I do a few commissioned pieces each year, but most of my income comes from writing/arranging for the major music publishers...Hal Leonard/Alfred/Shawnee Press. I was fortunate enough to be at the right place (Reno Jazz Festival) at the right time (1974) with the right choral group (College of the Siskiyous Vocal Jazz Ensemble..one of the first community college jazz/pop choirs in California). A representative from Hal Leonard looking for something different to add to their music education offerings heard our group and asked me if I'd like to do some arranging for their company. That started the arranging ball rolling. Most of my arrangements are tunes that I like and happen to be available for the various publishers. TW: What are some of the groups that have commissioned you to create a custom vocal arrangement? KS: Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Acoustix, numerous high school and college choirs, Barbershop Harmony Society, Cor Vivaldi.
TW: How long does it usually take for you to complete an arrangement from start to finish? KS: Depending upon the length of the piece(s) one day to a week. TW: Do you ever encounter writer's block, times when your creative juices are not flowing adequately enough to get an arrangement started? If yes, how do you usually overcome that situation? KS: Honestly, I hardly experience writers' block. I feel so honored to be a part of what I consider to be the richest popular music treasure storehouse in the history of the world (the USA), I stay stoked! TW: David Lettermen time... What would you say is your top 10 list of Kirby Shaw arrangements you are most proud of? KS: This is hard to nail down, but here goes: Bridge Over Troubled Water, Let There Be Love, When I Fall In Love, Tear Them Down, Star Spangled Banner, Jamaican Noel, Blues Down To My Shoes, Operator, Higher Ground, I've Got The Music In Me, Java Jive (I lied..that's 11) TW: What advice could you give to aspiring arrangers? KS: Jump in...and keep jumping in! Good ears are a big help...some piano chops and keyboard harmony are a good idea, and have a group where you can try your stuff out. Keep learning...keep exploring! TW: Many people only know you as an arranger, but you're a performer too. I was listening to your quartet Just4Kicks this past week. Are you guys still singing together? KS: Singing in Just 4 Kicks has been one of the most enjoyable activities in my life. Clue...our first rehearsal lasted for 10 hours and we laughed for 9! We find it hard to believe that we've been together for 25+ years. With the inevitable changes that occur in long-term relationships, we're hoping to keep this thing going, and we'll always love each other as brothers in song. TW: As a performer, when you're putting together a set list for a gig, do you have a particular process for choosing the songs and the order of those songs? KS: A) It's a song I like...B) Styles/Grooves/Lyric content need to vary from song to song...C) Keys need to vary from song to song D)..most importantly, don't be boring! TW: When we had the grant funding available, you served as a clinician for one of our Acappella Academy sessions. I know the intent is for you to impart your knowledge on others at these kinds of sessions. Can you describe some of the "aha moments" you have encountered along the way, times where you learned something new? KS: Honestly, every time I come in contact with a choir (even a few spontaneous times in airports!) there are a-ha moments. Why?..because of the uniqueness of every individual in that choir. For me, each of us is a unique spiritual being and each of us has interesting things to bring to the music table. It's a wise choral educator that allows these a-ha moments to happen in a rehearsal. Possibly my biggest a-ha moment recently was in Calw, Germany. A female tenor in her mid-20's came up to me after our final performance and said "Thank you, Dr. Shaw, for saving my life. I was in a padded cell at a mental hospital after trying to kill myself, and listening to the practice tracks for our concert inspired me to not give up." It was truly a humbling experience for me to hear that. TW: What are your thoughts on the evolution of songwriting over the course of your lifetime? Are you happy with this evolution? KS: Quality songs will always be written...for me, these will be songs that honor the 5 elements of music...Melody, lyrics, harmony, form, rhythm and tone color (Ok..I added one here too!). However, I agree with Deke Sharon and a large contingent of knowledgeable music writers and arrangers that these are dark times for popular music.  I believe the slow downward spiral started in the 1990's. Part of the problem could be that with technology, (the good news and the bad news) anyone can now write a song. For me and my wife, we try not to roll our eyes when we're in a restaurant and hear a pop melody that's limited to a boring 4-note pentatonic 4-yr. old level melody that repeats...and repeats...let's see, one time we counted 14 repetitions! We find this to be truly beyond belief, and our hope is, as music has moved in the past, that music will swing back to a more interesting place than where it is now. TW: Which musicians/groups do you admire and what about them inspires you? KS: There are too many groups and individuals that have inspired me to cover in this brief interview. To mention even a dozen would do a disservice to the others.  It's a veritable treasure trove of talent, that's for sure! TW: What other vocal arrangers do you admire? KS: This is a tough call as well, but a few of my many faves would include Gene Puerling, Phil Mattson, David Wright and Rosana Eckert. TW: Do you have any non-musical hobbies? KS: I did a lot of surfing (before the Beach Boys..yikes!)..hiking in the Southern Sierras and northern California's Marble mountains and Trinity Alps,..cleaning up the forest on our 24 acres at 5100' above Ashland Oregon's Rogue Valley...landscaping, planting Japanese Maples, Sequoia Giganteas, Douglas Firs and digging the planting holes by hand...getting away from it all with my wife, Markita, and our dog, Tux. TW: What cool stuff do you have coming up in the near future? KS: Besides a bunch of rewarding teaching/concertizing In Australia couple of months ago, I'll be in Los Angeles starting in December to record my new choral arrangements for Hal Leonard. The choir my wife and I direct, The Jefferson State Choral Coalition, is now a non-profit and we'll be doing a Holiday Gospel concert soon with Darlene Reynolds-Cooper, a former student of mine who's one of the most soulful singers I will ever know. I'll judge at the Smoky Mountain Music Festivals next April. In spring of 2018 our choir will do a Blues and Grooves concert in the Medford Oregon Craterian Theatre with the Hank Shreve Blues Band. Hank is a world-class harmonica player, and hey, his dad plays bass in the band!. I'll be in Calw, Germany again next June, along with some mid-west music reading sessions for Show Choir Camps of America. TW: Is there anything I have not asked you about that you would like to share with our 2,000 or so subscribers? KS: Be kind always...this'll be a nice contrast to the current nastiness going on in our country. If you're a singer, you're an actor...get your faces on and make it real. Do not require your audience to figure out what you're  feeling. What we do as singers in choirs is really important. We can truly make the world a little better every time we join in song. Give it everything you've got! Cheers - Kirby
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