#norton live chat
afterthesequels · 11 months
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AfterTheSequels™ "Behind the Scenes" Podcast on YouTube - "The Lovers Chat" with our #BenSolo & #Rey - Episode on 7/22 @ 3 PM Pacific / 6 PM Eastern
Join us for an exclusive look at our film's main love story with our own BEN SOLO and REY --- Actors Daniel Davenport and Madeleine Norton --- as we dive into the importance of love in storytelling as a whole, in Star Wars, and the deep fascination we have with some of the franchise's lovers. We definitely will discuss the parallels of Ben and Rey to ANAKIN SKYWALKER and PADME AMIDALA --- you don't want to miss it! We will keep these discussions as spoiler-free of our movies' events as possible, but as revealed in our teaser trailer, Ben Solo is RESURRECTED! Alongside Dan and Maddie, we will also be joining by our very own POE DAMERON --- actor Tony Rescigno --- to talk about the complexities his character has had within stories that most folks never got to see, most specifically his 6-7 year love affair with the scoundrel/spice runner, ZORII BLISS. WARNING: This topic will contain SPOILERS about the CANON novel "Poe Dameron: Free Fall".
And we cannot forget the amazing story of "finding love amidst the tragedy" tale told in the trilogy of novels "Aftermath" of the later-in-life couple, WEDGE ANTILLES and NORRA WEXLEY. To dive into that relationship we are joined by our amazing stage and film actors: Charles Wilson and Donna Heffernan who bring these two characters to life for us. WARNING: This topic will contain SPOILERS about the CANON trilogy of novels "Aftermath".
And of course, Executive Producer/Writer/Director Maria Espino will be discussing that wild and crazy revelation that CAL KESTIS and MERRIN are in fact a couple! A Jedi and a Nightsister, together again. WARNING: This topic of the show will contain SPOILERS about the CANON video game "Jedi: Survivor", the sequel to the amazing "Jedi: Fallen Order" video game. As Maria is very much a part of the video game industry and owns The Last Prophecy Gaming, Inc. --- a video game development studio --- she has great insights!
And with finish off with a discussion around the lore of Star Wars by diving deeper into the views the Jedi and the Sith both had on love. Why was it so hard for these two groups to "just follow the rules"? ITS A LOVE FEST OVER HERE!!!!!! <3 <;3 <3 You don't want to miss it! Be sure to click on our logo below to visit our YouTube channel! Subscribe and set up notifications. You'll be notified as soon as we post a video or go live with our podcast and other series of goodies we're bringing to you.
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bfiaflbox · 6 months
- Endanovember -
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Pairing: Matty Healy x female reader
warnings: swearing, smoking, shitty writing
Disclaimer: this is a one shot at the moment. It's kinda Christmas themed, completely unrelated to anything else. I just sat down and typed this out so no proofreading here.
The title is from that graham Norton interview where Matty forgets where the album comes out and Ross reminds him that it was "Endanovember". Bon Appetit.
I wrote a second part to this, but I don't like it yet, so let me know if you're even interested in a second part :)
Endanovember 2022
„Are you ok?“ he asks, kind of timid. We‘re sat in a tiny coffee shop just around the corner from where he lives.
„Yeah…“ I struggle to put my feelings into words „I guess I just feel a bit melancholic“
„About what?“
„Christmas? I don’t know. I love the lights and the vibes and the idea but the reality always disappoints.“, I let out a sigh. After Matty doesn’t say anything I continue. „We were discussing Christmas plans in the family group chat and… my brother is spending it at his in-laws, my mom is going on some yoga retreat or whatever and I haven’t spoken to my dad in three years, so I‘m just kind of… here I guess? I don’t know, I feel a bit left behind“ fuck, putting it into words makes it feel real and hurt even more. It’s triggering some deeply rooted insecurity, the feeling of not being loved. Tears prick at my eyes but I’m determined to not let them fall. Proper date that would be, him taking time out of his busy day just to sit here with his … what, situationship? Friend with benefits? to cry about her disfunctional family.
He reaches out and takes my hand, his thumb drawing circles on the back of my hand. He doesn’t say anything at first. He seems to be lost in thought for a bit then says: „You could come home with me.“
„Are you inviting me for afternoon sex? Because I’m not averse to that idea“ I joke
„Nooo, I mean yes, but I was talking about Christmas. Come home with me to spend Christmas with me and my family.“
„What? Don’t you think that’s a bit much to bring your current fling to the family Christmas celebrations?“
„Fling??“ he looks at me kind of confused and hurt. He lets go of my hand.
„… I mean, yeah??“ now I’m not sure anymore. To be fair we haven’t talked about what this thing between us is. To say I liked him would be the understatement of the century but I definitely wasn’t his girlfriend. I met his mates and we spend as much time together as our schedules will allow but he’s a busy man, probably not just with music-related things. I never allowed myself to hope that this was an exclusive thing.
„No! What? Do you think that‘s what this is?? That‘s bullshit!“
I get the feeling I just fucked this up royally.
„I just…“
„Have you been seeing other guys?“ he interrupts me.
„No! I just thought that we haven’t talked about what this is and…“ I’m lost for words.
„Nine months! We see each other every chance we get, we speak every day, you know all my mates, I take you to every event as my plus one, I tell everybody you’re my girlfriend and you think this is just a fling??“
„I don’t know? there hasn’t been a single conversation about this!!“ I’m annoyed that he’s getting mad at me.
„I need a smoke“ he gets up, grabs his coat and leaves.
What the fuck just happened?? I stay seated for a few moments, then decide to go home, too. Fucking asshole, leaving me here like this.
I put on my coat and step outside into the cold late November air. Matty is pacing on the sidewalk in front of the cafe, cigarette in hand, looking upset. Apparently, he did not leave, he did indeed just need a smoke. I kind of feel guilty for doing him wrong like that, even if it was just in my head.
When he sees me, he stops for a second, looks at me and goes „Ok you know what? You’re right, we haven’t talked about this. Let’s talk about this.“
„Can we maybe not do that on the sidewalk?“
„Fine. Let’s go to my place."
He grabs my hand and starts walking. I want to yell three or four different things at him at the same time. I want to ask him where he finds the audacity to be mad at me, why the fuck are his hands this wonderfully warm when it’s freezing cold outside and also I want to beg him to let us fix this because it’s a good thing, whatever it is. But I stay quiet, walking beside him, down the street to his place.
Once we’re inside, I blurt out „I really don’t get why you‘re mad at me because…“ I don’t get to finish my sentence because Matty has pushed me against the wall of his hallway and is kissing me like a starved man. My anger is wiped away instantly and I want nothing else but to feel his lips on my lips, forever. Still, my hands find their way into his lovely soft curls. I make a fist and tug at the strands they grab, admittedly in an attempt to hurt him a tiny little bit.
He groans, breaks away and rasps „Kindly, shut the fuck up, I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at myself for not making it clear enough to you that I fucking love you“ Excuse me, what?
„Excuse me what?“
He huffs out a laugh „Yeah you heard me“
I‘m glad I have the wall for support because right now I’m not sure I would be able to hold my balance. I kind of want to ask him if he‘s taking the piss but think better of it. All I do is look at him while trying to process what just happened.
„Darling, you‘re the kindest, funniest, most compassionate person. You feel so true and reliable and safe. I know I'm not the easiest person to be with but I can leave some of the heavy things behind when I'm with you. And you’re so. Fucking. Sexy“ he kisses me again and I get it. I get it because I feel the same way. Being with Matty feels like coming home to a good place where someone actually gives a fuck. Yes, we are having a great time whenever we hang out, I just thought he didn’t feel remotely the same. But he‘s here, I‘m not making this up, this is actually happening.
„Could’ve said something earlier, Idiot“ I whisper as we break the kiss for air.
„I should have, shouldn’t I?“
I nod. „That would’ve been clever“
„Yeah“ he agrees.
„Yeah because... turns out I love you too and we could’ve had this all along“
„You could’ve said something, too, you know?“ he lets out a soft laugh
„And what, completely humiliate myself?“
„Hey, no kink shaming“
We both burst out laughing and I playfully swat at his chest. Matty hugs me in return and I feel like I'm finally home.
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A Little Life - Harold Pinter Theatre
For anyone who does wish to attend this production, please don’t take the content warnings lightly - the self-harm is graphic and two characters have full-frontal nudity. 
I (Freddie) attended the matinee production at the Harold Pinter Theatre in London on Sunday 7th May
Trigger Warnings: talks of self harm, child abuse, sexual assault, domestic abuse and more
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There’s no discernible reaction from the audience when Luke Thompson as Willem makes his entrance onto the stage. He’s wearing a dark blue hoodie, the hood pulled up over his hair - perfectly innocuous, nothing spectacular or grand as he walks about the stage. The lights are still bright, the audience is still chatting, laughter is filling the room. And Luke Thompson as Willem is onstage frying himself some bacon and eggs.
What has struck me again and again whenever I reread A Little Life - because, yes, I get a masochistic kind of joy from putting myself through that pain repeatedly - is the intimacy of it. Naturally with any book, the reader is granted the chance to feel close to the characters, to garner a look at their lives behind the veil. But if you were to ask me, I would say that there are very few - if any - novels that create this illusion as Hanya Yanagihara’s does. For 813 pages you are allowed to experience this life as they are, to experience snapshots of their lives - the good, the bad and the unimaginably horrifying - even as the rest of New York, the rest of the world, goes on as normal, with no thought spared to what is occurring within the walls of Lispenard Street and their subsequent homes. 
The awareness that despite what Jude is revealing to the readers about his past, the beyond nightmarish history he has, the world is continuing to go on as normal was perhaps the aspect of the novel I adore so much that I was most scared about losing in adapting it for other mediums.
But from the moment Luke Thompson stepped onto stage, transformed into Willem and beginning to go about his daily life, with the moving images of New York streets surrounding him in his apartment, I knew that my worries had been unfounded. Ivo Van Hove with his unbelievable direction paired with Jan Versweyveld’s set design had found a way to maintain that understanding. 
Throughout almost all of the performance, there is no moment of stasis. Be it JB and Malcom painting and working at desks on the right side of the stage, or Andy reading his book in his clinic, or the ever-present Willem and Harold. 
The former is always in the same spot on a sofa at the back of the stage, flipping through scripts, determined to make it big as an actor, pouring all of his attention and focus onto learning the lines, dedicated to making his dream a reality, and yet always there ready to support Jude. In the second act, Luke Thompson takes the exact same pose when listening to Jude revealing the details of his childhood, desperate to understand his best friend, and at this stage his lover, in the same way he had been desperate to make it as an actor.
Harold, however, spends much of his time on stage left, stationed at the kitchen set up. Constantly in movement, cooking several dishes throughout the course of the play. A reference, perhaps, to the number of Thanksgivings Jude is reported to have spent with him and his wife, Julia (absent from this adaptation). 
Despite the eternal loneliness that James Norton as Jude exudes with just his presence, he is only truly alone for a few moments - the harrowing whisper of “x equals x” that he gasps out after Elliot Cowan as Caleb leaves him naked in the street. It is then that he is alone onstage, laying in his blood, until he is retrieved by his loved ones and taken to rest on Andy’s hospital bed.
It is this detail of James Norton’s performance as Jude that I found the most powerful - which is saying something, considering that I am considering suing him for emotional damages, hasn’t anyone ever told him to think about using his acting powers for good, rather than evil? He captures a side of Jude that I had not previously considered - Jude views himself as a side character in his own life. He doesn’t feel worthy of attention, of his friendships, he is lonely in spite of being surrounded by those he loves the most and as a result feels unable to call out and ask for the help he desperately craves but does not believe that he deserves. 
The contrast between this and the fact that Jude is always centre stage is immense and almost disconcerting to watch and caused me to spend the entire performance practically begging him in my head to just turn around, they’re right there!
But this desire to be helped and to be heard is brought to life by the presence of Nathalie Armin as Ana. The first person in Jude’s life to truly care about him, and the only female in this adaptation of the novel. Armin has a commanding presence on the stage, even as she is a mere figment of Jude’s imagination. Dressed in all black, a stark difference to the bright set, allowing her to melt into the darkness when the spotlight focuses on Norton. 
In many ways, Ana vocalises the audience’s own thoughts - pleading with Jude to confide in his friends, desperate to stop him from harming himself further, and the relief in Armin’s expression as Jude finally tells Willem his story. 
The choice to keep the cast small causes a heavy weight to be put on Elliot Cowan’s shoulders, as he is tasked with portraying three different, truly heinous characters. Even without the costume changes, however, I truly believe it would be possible to tell which of the three he was in each scene.
Cowan gives truly fantastic portrayals of each of the villains of Jude’s life, as Brother Luke he shows the softer touch which allowed for him to manipulate Jude in his innocence, he never handles Norton roughly when playing the part of Brother Luke. Carefully pulling him along, coaxing Jude to trust him to the point that the child does not realise just how wrong it is what Brother Luke asks of him. 
This acting from Cowan makes Jude’s words all the more heartbreaking in Act 2 when talking to Willem, as the audience is able to see why Jude insists that Brother Luke was different, that he did love him.
When taking up the role of Caleb, however, he becomes the manifestation of everything Jude believes about himself. He has none of Brother Luke’s gentleness, but all of his intensity and possessiveness. The last that we see of Caleb, is when he lifts Jude up by the arm, Norton’s body used to reflect the words he says - “x equals x”. Being with Caleb has brought to life Jude’s darkest thoughts of himself, and Jude views this as proof that no matter what he will always be the same. Damaged and unlovable, to be blamed for everything he had been subjected to in his youth.
As Dr Traylor, Cowan’s words are clipped and straightforward. He is the most detached of Jude’s abusers, not caring for his name and only referring to him as “a prostitute” and reinforcing what Jude already believes about himself. It is not until Jude’s “release” that we see any true kind of emotion from Dr Traylor. Cowan shows Dr Traylor with a manic kind of joy upon forcing Jude to run from him, all the while on the tail in his car. The chase scene is long, and dramatic with the incredible musicians rising in volume and intensity with their instruments. The length of the scene forces thoughts back to Jude’s earlier response when JB asked about his legs - “I used to run cross country”.
In all of his roles, Cowan has the same commanding presence onstage as Armin. The moment he leaves the wings, regardless of who he is in that moment, the audience’s attention is drawn to him. As though by sheer glares and willpower we will be able to change Jude’s story, that we as mere observers will be able to push against Cowan’s slow, purposeful steps and keep him away from Norton. 
Zubin Varla and Emilio Doorgasingh gave masterful portrayals as Harold and Andy, respectively. They are markedly different to the presence of Willem, Malcom and JB - in what proves to be a very physical play, Harold rarely touches his son, while Andy only does so as necessary in his medical examinations of Jude.
This respect for Jude’s boundaries when it comes to physical contact is what truly sets Harold and Andy apart from the other older figures in Jude’s life (those villains played by Cowan). Varla’s portrayal of Harold is always evaluating his own movements, always second guessing himself before moving towards Jude - he does not seek out the easy, casual contact shown by the other three young adults. But when Jude comes to him for comfort, Harold is always eager to provide it.
The final scene of Harold and Jude embracing - Jude in his wheelchair, Harold knelt on the ground in front of him, with the rejected trays of food scattered on the floor around him - when Norton practically falls into Varla’s arms, sobbing into his shoulder, as a screen slowly comes down to hide them, JB on the outside, is one that I believe will stay with me for years to come. 
There is an emotion in Varla’s voice when he confides in the audience the story of Jacob, his first son. And in that closing scene we are forced back to that monologue, when he confesses to anyone listening that when Jacob died, there was a little part of him relieved, as that meant it was over. And although it is heartbreaking, it is this statement that makes it no real surprise that when the screen lifts again, Harold is alone in front of that wheelchair to report Jude’s suicide.
Where Armin’s Ana shows the sympathetic side of the audience, the aching desire to hug Jude and promise him it will be okay, to protect him both from the world and himself, Doorgasingh’s Andy exhibits the rougher side of it. His frustration at Jude’s abject refusal to accept help, his anger at watching someone he loves destroy themselves. The hopelessness he feels when his advice goes unnoticed, and his frequent calls to Harold and Willem - often screaming at the two people Jude is closest to, desperate for them to be there for him more.
Andy does not have the same stage presence as many of the other characters do, instead he - and the same can be said for Malcom - almost fades into the background at times. But they are there, ready to pick up the pieces. Both Doorgasingh and Wyatt are spectacular in their characterisations. In the novel, Andy and Malcom show an awareness that they are not the most important people to Jude, that they cannot help him in the ways others can, and in this adaptation, the actors bring that feeling to life.
They are there, working in their own lives, on their own projects. Malcom quietly sees what Jude refuses to acknowledge about his worsening condition and accommodating for it even despite the push back of his best friend. And Andy who can be seen pacing at the side of the stage, calling Jude when he can sense everything is getting too much for him - they are both there for him in their own quiet ways, and their loyalty and love for Jude is never questioned by the audience. It is also important to note that in this adaptation of the novel, neither of these characters address the audience directly - the only two whose focuses are solely within the story with no fourth-wall breaks.
Omari Douglas as JB, on the other hand, stands out more than anyone. First as a result of his costumes - often more brighter than those of his castmates - and then just as how he presents himself. Anyone who watched his performance in It’s a Sin will recall how Douglas’ presence demands to be noticed, and this is carried forth onto the Harold Pinter Stage. He captures the heart of JB’s character - desperate to be heard, to be needed by his friends. Charming in his own way, despite how his messy character causes him to betray his friends at several points in the story. 
Douglas transitions well from how JB is around his friends - brash, loud, confident - to how he truly feels when talking to the audience. His voice is softer, he somehow seems a little smaller as he talks about watching Jude, how he feels Willem doesn’t value his friendship as highly as the others, how he feels they don’t need him anymore.
While JB’s drug addiction is rather rushed in this adaptation - it’s discussed at length in the novel - Douglas eloquently displays his anguish to the audience, his desperation to quit. A previously difficult to like character, after having seen him mock Jude’s disability, and betray his trust, the audience is able to empathise and understand him better. And when it is just him and Jude left at the end of the show, Douglas doesn’t say anything, but takes up the same space as had previously been filled by Willem and Malcom. He quietly watches Jude - just as he had before with his painting, only this time, it’s out of concern for his friend, rather than concern for his career and viewing him as a muse.
I have already mentioned how this production brought me to tears on several occasions, however none made me sob more so than Luke Thompson’s monologue at the end before his car crash. Having already read the book several times, I had known that this was coming and yet it didn’t stop me from hoping that somehow I’d misunderstood the plot point and that Willem did actually survive. So when Thompson took centre-stage and I knew what was next, my sister took my hand as the two of us prepared ourselves.
Beyond the tear-jerker of a monologue, when I later considered the adaptation as a whole I wondered over the choice to mention Hemming at that point. Perhaps this mention worked some some of the audience, however for me I felt it should have been mentioned earlier, as it is in the novel. With Willem only mentioning Hemming before he dies and only in reference to Jude, it caused me to reflect somewhat poorly on their relationship. It’s a minor point about the adaptation, however I do wonder if mentioning his older brother earlier, before Jude himself begins to use a wheelchair, it would have been more impactful.
I could sing praises about the chemistry between Norton and Thompson onstage - however considering I have the voice of a dying seal, it’s probably best that I don’t. Instead, I’ll simply say that their interactions in the second act, as Willem confesses his attraction to Jude, and he struggles to understand it caused my heart to skip a beat. 
Norton captures Jude’s innocence throughout the play perfectly - from the moments that he slips into his childhood self in flashbacks, to when he’s so unsure in his relationship with Willem, unused to being with someone who does genuinely love and care for him. 
All in all, I enjoyed this stage adaptation of A Little Life - if “enjoy” can be the correct word for a production that brought me to tears and caused me to question the meaning of life. It was hauntingly beautiful, heartbreakingly sad and utterly harrowing. I don’t believe I’ve ever been quite so moved by a whole troupe of actors and the way that they characterise their roles. While I certainly have some criticisms and hang-ups about this show and the story in general, I shall save those for another post, hopefully less long and wordy.
Would I return to the Harold Pinter Theatre to watch it again given the choice? Truthfully, I’m not sure. While I fell in love with these actors, the direction, set design and music, I’m unsure if I could watch it again and feel the same level of intensity as I did on this watch. Also, I cried enough to give myself a headache by the end - so if I were to watch again, I’d have to remember to bring a water bottle to ensure I stayed hydrated.
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weneverlearn · 5 months
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Mary Weiss, me; outside Magnetic Field, Brooklyn, 2008 (photographer unknown)
Mary Weiss, R.I.P.
It was 2005, and I'd lived in NYC for less than a year. I somehow finagled my way into a listening party for the incredible new Rhino Records box set, One Kiss Can Lead to Another: Girl Group Sounds Lost & Found. It was at some small event space in midtown, I don't remember what it was called. Cool joint though...
I felt a bit overwhelmed in this packed room of esteemed scenesters, aging industry big wigs, and the incredible original performers from the box set they were able to round up and sing a few songs.
Luckily the ever-fun couple of Miriam Linna and Billy Miller (Norton Records) were there, scanning the room with eyes as wide as anyone's, and the two introduced me to a few heps, like Richard Gottehrer -- the amazing producer/songwriter who sprung form the Brill Building and ultimately produced some of my faves, like Richard Hell, the Go-Gos, and Marshall Crenshaw, among many.
Then I saw Sune Rose Wagner, singer/guitarist of the Raveonettes, one of my newer faves of the moment, and he was crying. I'd interviewed him over the phone a couple years earlier for a Cleveland mag, so I re-introduced myself and asked what was wrong. We hugged. He said that earlier in the week they'd played and had all of their instruments stolen afterwards, and he was so distraught he was thinking about quitting music. I told him no way, maybe they'll find the stuff, etc... He kind of perked up, and then once the women started singing with a live band, his teary eyes started shining from the glow of the stage taking over the pretty dark room. These women -- and I can't remember which acts they came from, but they were all on the box set -- were resplendent in glittering dresses, hair done big, and smiles wider than 5th Avenue.
I saw Billy and Miriam again, and they were chatting with Mary Weiss lead vox/face of the Shangri-Las -- arguably one of the top three acts of the whole mid-60s "girl group" scene. I was introduced quickly, but I let them get at their convo as I assumed the Norton nabobs knew Mary from way back.
However, Billy comes up to me later and tells me he had never met her before, that she was his first female musical star crush, and he absolutely sounded like a 16-year old trying to cram his melting heart back into his chest. I was pretty floored myself -- I always loved the Shangri-Las from first hearing them slip out of oldies stations growing up to when I first started diving into girl group sounds as a record-amasing teen. They, the Ronettes, and Darlene Love were the cream of the dreamy crop in my book.
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The whole night was not unlike making your way through a Shangri-Las compilation: every emotion possible heaving up and down, surrounded by sounds lilting, swelling, crumbling, but always with that Big Beat bubbling, ready to shove you out of the sadness...
After the news of Mary Weiss' sad passing yesterday, of course many acknowledged her teen stardom of the mid-60s; the influence of the Shangri-Las' street-tough image and emotions on the New York Dolls (who used Shangri-Las producer, Shadow Morton, for their second album) and much of the early new wave of the mid-70s; the respect of her keeping a singing career going through the years, and the glorious third act she had in the late 2000s with the help of Norton Records and the great album, Dangerous Game, where Weiss, in excellent voice, was backed by the rulers of garage pop of that era, the Reigning Sound.
No, it wasn't some top 10 album, but it just oozed with a kind of vintage-to-ever cool that is so rarely captured in a "comeback." (And it definitely got her press and new young fans.)
In fact I think that album, and especially that incredible Rhino box set, brought back that '60s malt shop-meets-back-alley girl group ouvre to a whole new generation.
This was not front page news. Nevertheless loads of acts like King Khan & BBQ, Peach Kelli Pop, Shannon & the Clams, Hunx and His Punx, the Vivian Girls, Baby Shakes, Black Lips, A Giant Dog, and even the re-emergence of Nikki Corvette and Ronnie Spector to the stage brought the cloud-bound reverb and scruffy riffs of vintage girl groups back to prominence in the underground garage rock scene. And again, due to their sounds and looks, the Shangri-Las and the Ronettes were the template.
It has since dawned on me many times that Mary Weiss -- and the Shangri-Las as a whole -- have a nearly singular place in R'n'R history. Considering the admittedly limited catalog of songs, their outsized influence has spread from radio hits in the '60s to the underground proto-punk not ten years later; to the CBGB scene; early '80s new wave and power pop shadow-pep (like Blondie, Go-Gos, and many more); Aerosmith covered "(Remember) Walking in the Sand," and others of the big coif/high dramatics of hair metal had some Shangri-Las DNA in the hair spray; from transgressive filmmakers like John Waters to drag queen blueprints; to 2000s female neo-soul hitmakers -- arising at the same time as the aforementioned garage pop underbelly -- and even up to the recent talk/sing busted romance stylings of mega-popsters like Taylor Swift.
I saw Weiss at a couple shows over the next year or so. She was always so excited and grateful for all the accolades and thanks people laid on her. She played a remarkable show in Brooklyn that Lee Greenfeld booked, at the Atlantic Antic street fest in September, 2007 -- right outside Greenfeld's madly-missed club, Magnetic Field. We felt the Antic gig would be the first of many, but there were just a few more local gigs, if memory serves.
Somewhere in 2008, at an A-Bones / Yo La Tengo show at Magnetic Field, I chatted with Weiss for a bit afterwards. I can't express enough how inspiring was her love of music and hanging out at a small bar with a bunch of music obsessives knocking back cheap beers. At the 1 a.m. chime, she kissed my cheek, I laid one on her's, I walked home, and I will assume that if there is a Heaven, that moment should get me into the meetings where they discuss how to improve Heaven. It's a cinch it's improved today.
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Variety obituary here.
From obituary:
The group’s tough-but-vulnerable New York City teen image was genuine. “Overall, the girl groups had very sweet images, except for the Ronettes and the Shangri-Las, who had a tougher, harder attitude,” Greenwich told the website Spectropop in an undated interview. “By today’s standards, they were as innocent as the day is long. Back then, they seemed to have a street toughness, but with a lot of vulnerability. Mary Weiss [had] the sweetest long straight hair, an angelic face, and then this nasal voice comes out, and this attitude — the best of both worlds.
“In the beginning, we did not get along,” she continued. “They were kind of crude, with their gestures and language and chewing gum and the stockings ripped up their leg. We would say, ‘Not nice, you must be ladies,’ and they would say, ‘We don’t want to be ladies.'”
From Chapter 33 of The Downtown Pop Underground — order online, or from a local independent bookstore
THE SHANGRI-LAS’ INFLUENCE ON PUNK LOCATION Brill Building The Shangri-Las were one of the common musical denominators that Blondie shared, and Clem Burke explained the Shangri-La’s proto-punk appeal: “They had their black leather vests and their tight black leather pants, and they sang ‘Give Him a Great Big Kiss.’ They sang about dirty fingernails, wavy hair, and leather jackets, and things like that.” The Shangri-Las cast a long shadow over glam and punk rock. The New York Dolls’ “Looking for a Kiss” borrowed the spoken word intro from their “Give Him a Great Big Kiss,” and another Dolls song, “Trash,” copped the campy “How do you call your lover boy?” line from “Love Is Strange,” a catchy 1956 hit by Mickey & Sylvia. The group’s final album, Too Much Too Soon, was produced by Shadow Morton, who had crafted the girl group classics “Leader of the Pack” and “Remember (Walking in the Sand)” for the Shangri-Las. As Burke recalled, “Bubblegum rock was part of the roots of the New York music scene. Some of the old-school guys like Richard Gottehrer or Marty Thau—who had some money and success in pop music—they understood the music because they were coming from that Brill Building mentality.” Thau was the New York Dolls’ first manager before McLaren took the job, and he had previously made a living as a record promoter for late 1960s bubblegum groups the 1910 Fruitgum Company (“Simon Says”) and the Ohio Express (“Yummy Yummy Yummy”). Thau recorded the Ramones’ first demos and released Suicide’s debut album on his independent label Red Star, and also formed the production company Instant Records with the old-school industry hit maker Richard Gottehrer. “Richie was part of that whole Brill Building rock thing,” Leon said, “which had a lot of nostalgia for us because we grew up with it on the radio when we were kids.”
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thegettingbyp2 · 2 years
I need another Johnny Knoxville story, I don’t care what happens in it, I don’t care if it’s smut, and get or fluff, I just need something please
A/N: I've had this idea for a while and I thought it was cute so I hope it's okay!!
Chat Show
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I was standing in my dressing room on the set for The Graham Norton Show, double checking that every part of my outfit was right. Once I was satisfied, I sat on the sofa and had a look at who else was going to be on the show; it was going to be me, Catherine Tate and Johnny Knoxville. I knew Catherine Tate from when we had been in Doctor Who together but I had never met Johnny Knoxville and I was excited because I knew how much my brother loved Jackass. I’d seen clips from the show and films but I’d never sat down and actually watched it fully because I didn’t understand how these guys could laugh about hurting themselves so much.
One of the ushers knocked on my door and walked me to the backstage area where Graham Norton was already live and beginning the show.
‘Oh my God, (Y/N),’ Catherine squealed quietly as she tiptoed across the space to greet me, wrapping me in a big hug.
‘Hi!’ I whispered just as excitedly, keeping my voice down as well, ‘how have you been?’
‘Amazing! It’s been too long! Please tell me you’re coming out for a couple of drinks with us after the show? We need to have a catch up, I don’t think I’ve seen you since the Doctor Who days!’
‘I wouldn’t miss it!’ I replied before Graham introduced her and she gave me a grin before stepping onto the set.
‘Drinks after the show? Now that sounds like my kind of thing,’ an American accent came from behind me and I turned around and was met with quite possibly the most attractive man I’ve ever seen in my life. He had dark brown hair that matched his dark eyes, he was tall, making me look up at him even in my heels and he was wearing a light blue jumper that made him look incredible. ‘Sorry,’ he said when I hadn’t replied, stepping towards me and holding a hand out, ‘Johnny Knoxville.’
‘(Y/N) (Y/L/N),’ I replied, taking his hand, pleasantly surprised that instead of shaking my hand, he lifted my hand to his lips and gently pressed a kiss to my knuckle. ‘It’s so nice to meet you.’
‘You two,’ he said grinning. ‘God, you look familiar,’ he said, as he frowned slightly. We didn’t get much chance to talk before he was called up and then finally it was my turn. I stepped onto the set and was greeted by Graham with open arms and a kiss on the cheek before I turned to the sofa to see Johnny standing up, giving me a kiss on the cheek as well before we all sat back down, Johnny sitting closer than necessary so I could feel the heat of his arm as it rested on the back of the sofa. I saw that Catherine had left already so it was just me and Johnny.
‘So, (Y/N), it’s so good to have you back,’ Graham said, making me smile and duck my head slightly. No matter how many chat shows I go on, I always get a bit awkward. ‘Now you’ve finished Peaky Blinders and instead of giving yourself a break before starting the Peaky Blinders film, you’ve decided to head back to the theatre.’ Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Johnny turn his body slightly further in my direction.
‘Yeah, I hate not doing anything so I wanted to keep busy so I thought I’d go back and do another show. I always like being a part of theatre because it’s where I started and I love the challenge of having to remember your lines and the lyrics to songs every night.’
‘I’d be fucking awful at that,’ Johnny said beside me, laughing. I found his laugh infectious as it had an almost manic tone to it and I laughed lightly with him. ‘The amount of concussions I’ve had, I’m surprised I still know my name.’
‘Oh yeah! That reminds me, my brother is a huge fan of yours,’ I exclaimed, turning towards Johnny, our legs brushing up against each other, ‘he’d kill me if I didn’t say hi from him!’
‘Well maybe after this, we can give him a call or something, say hi back, doll,’ he replied and I felt my cheeks heat up slightly at the pet name. Completely having gone off topic, Graham took it upon himself to pull the conversation back to the topic I was on the show to actually talk about.
‘So, you’re currently playing Baby in the new West End revival of Dirty Dancing, what made you want to take on such a big, well-known role?’
‘That’s where I recognised you from!’ Johnny cried out, ‘I went to see the show last night, you were incredible!’
I was surprised that someone like Johnny Knoxville had gone to see a show like Dirty Dancing but I couldn’t deny that I was flattered when I heard that he had enjoyed the show. ‘You went to see Dirty Dancing?’ Graham asked, clearly not believing him.
‘Yeah! I fucking love that movie!’ Johnny exclaimed.
‘Me too!’ I replied.
‘Seems you have good taste then doll,’ Johnny said, leaning even closer to me. For a moment I’d forgotten that we were on live TV and I let myself get lost in his beautiful dark brown eyes. After a while, the conversation was steered back to the topics at hand and before we knew it, the show had come to an end and we had made our way backstage.
‘So that was fun,’ Johnny said as he stood in the doorway to my dressing room while I grabbed my bag ready to head off to the bar for a few drinks.
‘Yeah, it was,’ I smiled at him. ‘I still can’t believe you came to see the show last night, I’d have thought that film was a bit to girly for your liking.’
‘Are you kidding me? I love all of those kind of movies! Maybe we should get together and watch a couple whilst I’m in London?’
‘I’d like that. Are you coming to the bar with us?’
‘Wouldn’t miss it, though maybe I could take you on a date tomorrow, just the two of us?’
I felt my cheeks heat up again as he asked me on a date; I hadn’t expected it but all night I had hoped that he’d at least say something. I stayed silent for a while, putting my finger on my cheek, pretending to think about his proposition. ‘Come on doll, you’re killing me,’ he said after a while.
‘I’d love to,’ I replied, laughing lightly as he breathed out in relief.
‘Great! In that case, shall we get going,’ he said, over dramatically holding out his arm for me to take.
‘I believe we shall,’ I said, just as dramatically as I looped my arm through his and we walked out of the building towards the bar.
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master-john-uk · 8 months
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I am back! (Sorry.)
After an unexpectedly busy( but welcome) fortnight for my London based company... This week I have had a rather different and enjoyable business trip accompanying trainees from a Norwegian research and engineering company on a visit to Dorset, Devon and Somerset.
I did two similar trips for the same company last year. But, this one was slightly different. All of the trainees were geologists... more interested in collecting fossils than learning about military hardware and training practices. We were only allowed to visit Lulworth Camp for two hours, as intensive "live fire" exercises were taking place... And we had a brief stop this morning at Norton Manor to chat with Commandos about their recently issued new equipment.
Apart from that, the group spent most of their time on beaches looking at the different types of rock, the cliffs and other things that do not really interest me. I was able to add some historical information about the sites we visited.
Personally... I looked at it as an agricultural/farming tour. It was interesting to see how other farms are coping after the wet August and September heatwave. I am not sure if I am glad, or sad to see so many facing the same problems as my own farm.
Today (12th August 2023), I saw signs for the National Ploughing Championships at Bishop's Lydeard, near Taunton which take place this weekend. My farm will not be represented... we are too busy ploughing our own fields!
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mercerislandbooks · 11 months
50 Years of Island Books: Our Sales Reps
In this installment, we’re seeing Island Books through the eyes of our sales reps. Dan Christiaens, Christine Foye, David Glenn and Kurtis Lowe all have decades-long relationships with Island Books, with lots of stories to share.
Miriam: Welcome Dan, Christine, David, and Kurtis! I'm excited to talk to all of you. As key sales reps for the big publishing houses, you've all had long-standing relationships with Island Books, and we wouldn't be the place we are today without your contributions. Tell me some stories! It can be about your first impression of the store, how you came to work with us, a particular title that did well at Island Books, or any other fond memories.
Dan Christiaens (Norton): I’ll start off. It was around 20 years ago that I started covering accounts in the PNW. I was still living in SoCal. Island Books was on my account list so on my first trip I stopped by and met Roger. He was pretty terse, made it clear that he didn’t see reps, but would review my stuff and send me an order for anything that he wanted. The store was lovely, well curated, with the typewriters all over and a small music section featuring CD’s, which caught my attention. I would stop by the store when I was in town, say hello, and always buy a CD or two.
When I moved up here in 2004, I started visiting the store more regularly, chatting with Cindy or Nancy, or even Roger—and would buy a CD or order some music that I wanted that they didn’t carry, and began to suggest music they should be aware of. Then our books became the topic of conversation, and I started recommending various books of ours. Roger slowly came to respect my knowledge of our books—and we became friendly, and then MAGIC HAPPENED! And he started ordering from me!
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Christine Foye (Simon & Schuster): Here's one of my favorite photos of all time, a picture of Laurie, Taylor Jenkins Reid, and me on tour for the hardcover of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Which leads me to.... 
A book that did especially well at the store and why—The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo! Laurie and Victor came to the prepub dinner that I had for TJR in Seattle. Laurie immediately embraced the book and shared it and hyped it and talked nonstop about it until finally pub day came and by gum, Island Books was outselling all of my other accounts within a month. This was the perfect storm of great book, passionate reader and responsive customer base. It's wonderful to find a book one can really get behind, and Laurie and the whole staff did that with this marvelous novel. Also, don't we look lovely in green? 
Remembering my first days selling to Island Books—I started selling to Roger in 1993. I knew nothing about anything, I was fresh out of the St. Martin's Press office in New York, selling trade paperbacks and mass markets and children's books and perfectly confident in my ignorance. Roger made short work of my inexperience but was kind about it, and commented on how I tidied up the store shelves and faced out titles. Had I worked in a bookstore, he asked. I sure had, and after that things were always affectionate between us in the Roger way. Which is to say, he let me sit and chatter for probably 10 minutes longer than he would have otherwise. And often I got a laugh out of him, which was wondrous. We did bond over having both been to Newfoundland — did you know he co-edited a book about it titled Outport: Reflections from the Newfoundland Coast? He did. (It's out of print.) I always loved Island Books, it was a pleasure to visit and see what kind of books Roger had decided to buy for the community. What a lucky community. 
David Glenn (Penguin Random House): Durn, my first visit to the store was so long ago I’m not sure I can even dredge it up from my addled brain. If I had to guess, I’d say it was probably way back in the mid-90s? Of course that was back in the “Roger Days,” and I think it’s fair to say that, within our tightly-knit rep community, Roger was known as kind of a tough buyer. He relied a lot on jobbers and didn’t particularly like being “sold,” especially if it was by someone he felt perhaps didn’t necessarily measure up, or wasn’t sufficiently prepared to defend a title if questioned about it. Roger did not, as they say, suffer fools gladly and, quite honestly, I was pretty intimidated by him at first. He gave me a bit of a rough few seasons there at the beginning—always good-naturedly, for sure, but also making sure I understood who the buyer/owner was. Early on, though, I decided that I was going to do whatever it took to win Roger over. I was gonna get a belly laugh outta that guy one way or the other. So every season I made sure to bring my A-game, and began my campaign to be “welcomed” by Roger. It took me a lot longer than I thought it would—at least a couple years—but eventually, the respect I had for Roger as an owner and businessperson, was replaced by just the simple goodness of the man. I loved his dry sense of humor, and if you could coax it out of him, he had a truly impish grin. So Island Books at that point became one of my favorite stores to visit.
When Roger decided he’d had enough and it was time to sell, I was pretty bummed. And in what was an odd quirk of fate, the fellow that helped Laurie come to a decision about buying the store was an old fraternity brother of mine who lives on the island. Happily, Laurie and Victor have been the ideal stewards to move Island Books along, post-Roger. The store has always had a wonderful vibe, a superb staff, a great location, and a tremendously supportive community.
As far as books go, I have to mention a title I feel is perhaps the finest novel any of my imprints have published during my 34-odd years with Penguin Random House: The Heart’s Invisible Furies, by John Boyne. Full disclosure: Island Books has sold a solid, if unspectacular 40-plus copies of it since it came out in August of 2017. So, not a real barn-burner. But more than the “zero” it would have sold had Laurie not been willing to take a chance, and an example of the fruits of the give-and-take between a rep and a buyer. It may not have set the world afire, but my fervent hope is that it will remain a staple at the store for years to come.
In January of 2018, I hosted a dinner for three PRH authors: veteran Amy Bloom, and newcomers Tara Westover and Karen Cleveland. Both Laurie and Victor attended that dinner and, at one point, Victor noticed that while nearly everyone was chatting away left and right, Karen Cleveland was looking a little lost and forlorn (whoever the rep host was that night should have been paying more attention). So he marched right over and began chatting her up. Well, cutting to the chase, Victor read her debut thriller Need To Know (based on the author’s own experiences as a former CIA counterterrorism analyst) and made it his own personal crusade to make it an IB bestseller. In short order, IB sold over 70 hardcovers, and another 100+ more in paperback, which is just an outstanding result for a debut novel. Tara Westover’s singular memoir, Educated, also struck a chord with Laurie and Victor that night. And while it’s true the book was a massive bestseller for nearly every bookstore in America (spending over two years on the NYT hardcover bestseller list in hardcover no less), IB more than held their own and, in fact, really punched above their weight, selling nearly 600 copies in hardcover alone. This is the power of the independent bookstore in general, and the superpower of a store like Island Books. Every community in America should be so lucky to have such a store, and I can’t help but believe that if this were actually the case, the country would be a far less frightening and chaotic place.
Kurtis Lowe (Imprint Group): When I started as a commission rep back in 1997, I did not work with publishers that ranked for a meeting with Roger Page. However, in early 2001, I joined Book Travelers West, so Roger was ready to meet with me to scrutinize the lists of Workman, Ten Speed Press, Running Press, Watson-Guptill, and more. As I pitched book after book (only the best), Roger would pause before a title, pen hovering over the printed catalog page… sometimes he would he would score a one, for one copy... saved! It would have a chance. Two copies. Looking good! Three copies… just about as high as he would go with me. That is because local wholesalers had no better indie partner than Island Books when it came to restocking a title if it worked, and the high shelves were too full displaying vintage typewriters to make room for overstock.  Roger’s team could be on the phone minutes before the deadline and receive a shipment by the end of the day. An initial order of one, two or three copies of could become 20, 50, or 100s sold over time.
When a title did not make the grade, Roger was not cruel, as he slashed a diagonal across the page, but at least he was definitive: “Not quite,” he would state, and often add a helpful comment of feedback for the publisher.  Perhaps the greatest feeling of triumph as a rep was to throw a Hail Mary, one more point to get that book on the shelf, and Roger would page back, look again, squiggle out the slash and enter a number and circle it for order entry.
The times that Roger really went for a book were beautiful, and he was ready to do something a little special. Back in 2014, Island Books picked The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry for their April store pick. I committed to touring Gabrielle Zevin to 27 Pacific Northwest bookstores in three days to celebrate this gift to the bookselling (and rep) community. Roger loved the idea; he set up a display in front and gave a little speech to the the late morning gathering. 
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(Photo Credit: Kurtis Lowe / Roger Page introducing Gabrielle Zevin /The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill) / April 2014 Book of the Month Pick for Island Books / April 7th, 2014)
I’ve observed many bookstore succession stories. Laurie Raisys taking over, respecting traditions, and creating new ones, while bringing her own experience and energy to the store has clearly been a great success. Lillian Welch is my buyer now, and she eerily brings some of that challenging scrutiny that reminds me of Roger, but also a new and vibrant commitment to the best books for all readers in challenging times. Thank you to the many booksellers at Island Books who carry on your great tradition and congratulations to Island Books for 50 years as a shining literary light on Mercer Island!
Thank you to Dan, Christine, David and Kurtis, for giving us a glimpse into how those books get on the shelves at Island Books!
To our Island Books community: In the next 50 Years of Island Books installment, I’ll be talking to Cindy Corujo, who has been a bookseller for 36 years and has the longest tenure of any Island Books employee.
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The Winchesters S1E8
Chat with me below the cut! 🥰🥰
K, so first of all, I think this episode is my favourite so far! I really enjoyed it!
Loved the dynamic between John and Samuel, and also the two of them and Mary. It was cool to hear a bit more of Carlo's story, and man does Jojo have a beautiful voice.
I'm also starting to feel the chemistry between John and Mary more. I feel like as Meg and Drake get to know each other better and connect more, John and Mary's connection will deepen too.
And I just KNEW Dean was the one to give John the letter!! I think he's trying to fix things, from the beyond? Or is he back?! And how long till Sam joins him?
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I know, I know, Sam can't join him til Walker takes some family/rest time! 😁 But I'm so excited for the possibilities!!
So amazing to see Gabriel/Trickster Loki in this episode! Richard was amazing as always!! 😍
Oh, and OMG!! The band playing behind Carlos was Louden Swain!! It was Mike, Billy, and Norton, and I'm ALMOST positive the keyboard player was Rob, but I couldn't be sure, and he isn't listed on IMDB. But it REALLY looked like him!!
So, here's a theory that's just starting to unravel in my head...so...be warned. 😄
In SPN it was always shown that "you can't change the past" what happens in the past, always happened and can't be altered.
But those were the rules of "Chuck's" universe. But maybe...with Chuck out of the picture, maybe Dean feels like he CAN change things now. Maybe he's aiming to get John and Mary into a happier life, where Mary won't have to make that deal with Azazel, where they'll spend their lives together, as hunters yes, but they raise their boys with love, and not like soldiers.
Look how badly Mary wants to not repeat her father's mistakes of starting her children in the life SO young and without any other options. And John was literally telling Samuel tonight to treat Mary as a daughter and not a soldier.
Maybe if Dean can facilitate a different beginning for his parents, shining light on the hunting secrets Mary kept from John, giving them early access to the MOL vast knowledge, then maybe he can give them a whole different life. Maybe they'll be able to have a less tragic story together. It was always Dean's dream to save his parents. So what if he can not only save their lives, but their hearts and souls too?
And maybe Sam and Dean Winchester still grow up to be badass hunters who save the world, but maybe they can do it with a bit more of a stable base and as part of a huge network of family and other hunters.
Anyway, that's just my insane rambles. I have no idea whether any of that will have anything to do with what coming up. Just my thoughts. 😁
I said, before I even saw the episode, that seeing the picture of Dean just THERE! on his birthday felt like him being born again.
And after Dean is born, Sam isn't TOO far behind. 🤞😍🤞
What did everyone think?
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aggressionbread · 2 years
trying to contact Norton (i know :/) through its stupid fucking live chat customer support except the "chat now" button is just a crusty jpeg with no link attached to it. feel like im getting scammed here.
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foodreceipe · 2 years
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The Cure for “Thinking Too Much”!
Posted on May 28, 2014  by  Pamela Starr Dewey
It was well-known in Victorian times that thinking too much was a health hazard for women. What a relief, then, that John Pemberton came to the rescue of the Weaker Sex with his new Miracle Brew that did indeed “Relieve the Fatigue that comes…from Over-thinking” as promised in the advertisement below.
During the late to mid-19th century, medicines promising to cure multiple ailments from “foul breath,” “irregularities incidental to women” and everything in between proliferated. Many times these bogus medicines were mixed with ice-cold carbonated water and served as cheaper and more refreshing alternatives.
In the spring of 1886, John Stith Pemberton, a Confederate army veteran, had created one of the most elusive and important recipes of all time. This Georgian native mixed sugar, water, kola nut extracts, coca leaf extract, and other secret ingredients into a syrupy concoction that would become the base of the world’s most prolific soft drink the world has ever known. Mixed with soda water, the drink was extremely powerful with cocaine from the coca extract and four times the amount of caffeine of the modern syrup mix. The original recipe of 1886 has since been lost in time. Pemberton’s business partner and Union army veteran, Frank Robinson decided to name the new beverage Coca-Cola. The name derived from its initial selling point: “containing the properties of the wonderful Coca Plant and the famous Cola nuts.” At the time of the drink’s inception, cocaine was a commonly used substance, but was later near-completely eliminated in 1903. [Source]
In the 1880s and 90s, the company utilized lithographs of the young, beautiful, and wealthy. Giving the impression that anyone who was willing to spend a measly five cents could live like the rich for the time it took to enjoy a glass of Coca-Cola. [ibid]
Yes, even if you couldn’t afford the type of shopping trips of the beautiful and wealthy young ladies shown above, you could window-shop-‘til-you-dropped, and then stop by the soda fountain to be “revived and sustained”–and imagine yourself chatting over your glass of Coca Cola with the Rockefellers and Carnegies…before going home to your tenement!
At first the models for the Coke ads were anonymous beautiful and wealthy young ladies. But it didn’t take long for the Coca-Cola company to realize the value of celebrity endorsements.
Singer Hilda Clark became the first celebrity model for The Coca-Cola Company. Also known as the First Coca-Cola Girl, Hilda’s image was used on cardboard signs, tin trays, trade cards, bookmarks, drink tickets, and calendars from 1899 to 1903. [Source]
The many moods of Hilda Clark, from prim and proper to a tad sultry graced Coke ads for several years.
Coke calendars became wildly popular around the turn of the century, and Hilda loaned her pretty face and poofy hair to those too.
I don’t know what happened to Hilda, but by 1904 she was replaced by a more regal celebrity.
From 1904 to 1905, Lillian Nordica became the new face of Coca-Cola. Born Lillian Norton in 1857 in Farmington, Maine, Madame Nordica was also a singer who had performed with the Metropolitan Opera in New York, as well as in many major musical venues in Western Europe and Russia. Early calendars and other promotional items featuring the divas of the time not only launched the popular Coca-Cola Girls advertising platform but Clark and Nordica items had also become some of the greatest hits with vintage Coca-Cola collectors over the years. [ibid]
It would be almost 30 years later before Coke introduced the ultimate celebrity endorser, shown here in 1932 in his very first appearance in a Coke ad.
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emma-hahn · 2 years
💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
Thank you 😊
• Going to Christmas markets
• Where I live (Alsace, North East of France), it’s such a beautiful place
• Downton Abbey
• Doing blind tests with my friends or my sister
• the Graham Norton Show (aka the best chat show ever)
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #056
Are you a leader or follower? Definitely more of a follower, but one that will try to lead if it's for the better or cruel leadership exists and needs to go. How many times have you actually been in love? Twice. Where do you get your pizza? It's usually either Little Caesar's or Domino's. Do you own a Nintendo DS? If so, what games do you have? Yeah; I have Nintendogs, two Pokemon games, Cooking Mama, and uhhh oh yeah Guitar Hero. Maybe another or two, but I'm not sure. I like never use it. If you have a Facebook, is yours privatized? Why or why not? Yes, because I don't want to share my life with everyone.
Can kittens ever be ugly? Honestly, no lmao. I fucking love kittens. One of my favorite baby animals. Can you count to three in German? I can count thousands past that, but for the curious it's eins, zwei, drei. What foods do you always put salt on? Popcorn is one. Are you good at holding back your laughter if needed? NO. Is anyone you know really religious? I live in the Bible Belt, buddy. Have you ever owned a garden? I know Mom had two over the course of living in my childhood home. Anyone’s birthday coming up soon? Girt's is in a month. (: Would you ever wear fake eyelashes? Possibly for my wedding, but idk. Have you ever seen a walrus? Possibly at SeaWorld as a kid, idr. Are you more worried about marriage or a career? A career. I'm going nowhere fast in terms of making money... If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it? Keep it; like I'm not saying I WANT one, but usually facial scars look cool to me. Especially those that go through your eye(brow). Has there ever been a murder in your town? I bet my fucking life on hundreds. This place SUCKS. Last thing you and your ex boyfriend/girlfriend talked about? Sara asked if I knew if Tez was okay for leaving the group chat. I lied and told her I didn't know. I still wonder if I went about doing that whole split in the right way... Have you ever donated blood? Yes, in high school. Have you ever been called prince/princess? Yup and I nearly vomited lmao How important do you consider your pets, if you have any? I fucking ADORE my pets. They're my goddamn children and I will hear no arguments about it. I really wish I had more. Do you always flush? ... There are people who don't?????????? Like dude it is THE MOST common decency to flush a fuckin toilet after you use it. Have you ever swam in an actual LAKE? Yep yep. There was one that we went to pretty far away while visiting friends that was SO CLEAR and it was absolutely magical to swim in. It was cool, the little fish near the bank were so chill and unbothered, too. I'd absolutely love to go back. Do you have a friend called Nadine? No, but I love that name. Do you like America’s Next Top Model? Omg I remember WAY back when when my mom and I were actually into this show together and would watch it. That was way back when I was a teen, though. I kinda lost all respect for the show when I learned about them using tarantulas as props one season, I'm talking about on their faces and all. DO NOT fucking do that. One, the urticating hairs will fuck up your face and its orifices. More importantly though, that is a MASSIVE falling hazard and a tarantula's abdomen would 100% rupture from that high up if it did. And there's no fixing that. I fucking hate when people lose respect for animals in the name of fashion or whatever. What type is your antivirus? Norton. If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life? I think if I was really presented with the option, I'd ultimately decline. What was the best thing you were given? Honestly? My mother. I could have been born to billions of other women and yet I got her, and she's the primary reason I am still alive. What would you want to say to your latest ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend? That I only did what I thought was right and that I hope she succeeds in life. Also that I will always cherish what we once - emphasis on once - had. Do you have any phobias? Lots: parasites (especially internal), pregnancy, vomiting/vomit itself, whale sharks and deep water, heights, maggots and similar larvae, driving, some insects, crowds, general social phobias, body horror, etc. I'm scared of a lot, honestly. Did you try to change for a person? Yep. Have you ever done something bad, but you don’t regret it? Yes. Do you like getting hurt? Uh no, masochism ain't for me. Does anyone hate you? She probably does. Name your last ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend. Sara. What are the last two songs you listened to? "Ausländer" and "Eifersucht," both by Rammstein. Shocker. If you could punch anyone in the face right now, who would you punch? On god my pacifistic ass would take up the chance to deck my uncle in the fuckin jaw. Filthy fuckin slug of a human being. Would you date/hook up with your brother’s best friend? I know literally none of my brothers friends, and even if I did, most likely not. Are you afraid of roller coasters? Yes, very. Do you have a nickname that you don’t enjoy? Ummm I don't think so. Do you know a James? I don't think so. Are you afraid of worms? Eh, I guess kinda? Parasitic worms fucking terrify me, but your average earthworm is mostly whatever. Those giant ones though creep me out. I also don't really like touching any. Do you wear rings on your thumb? I used to on my left hand, but I haven't since I cut Sara out of my life. I took my friendship ring with her off. Do you like BBQ sauce? I hate it. Have you ever been caught cheating on a test? No, because I never cheated on those. How many Spencers do you know? One. I used to take pictures of his family a lot. Do you see more of your mom's or dad’s side of the family more? Mom's. I've seen Dad's family like... once in my whole life. Do alligators scare you? No, I love crocodilians. I mean I'm not gonna go near one or tease it or anything, but they don't scare me. I think they're incredible. Have you ever seen a tadpole? I've seen literally thousands upon thousands. My sister, childhood friend, and I actually saved a shitload in a ditch when it was drying up. I COULD NOT FUCKING BELIEVE how many eggs there were, like we didn't even make a dent in the population of that mass. I also used to like catching them on the banks of rivers when I'd go fishing as a kid, usually with just my hands. Don't terrorize local wildlife please, ha ha. Did you ever want a pet rabbit? I sure did; I was crazy about lop-eared rabbits for a while and very nearly got one years ago. I wouldn't get one now, though; it's not the kind of pet I do best taking care of. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? A LARGE group, uhhhh probably not since I did my senior project presentation in high school. I visited the special ed class to teach them about snakes and their misconceptions versus the reality of them. I was a nervous fucking wreck but honestly did pretty well, and I deeply cherish the memory and how into it the kids were, especially this one darling boy. When you were a kid did you ever look up “sex” in the dictionary? No, actually. I never knew what it was 'til sex ed in the 5th grade and know I didn't care enough to search it in the dictionary after... Honestly, have you ever said a racist joke? I know I haven't because I would have been disgusted in myself. Those aren't funny, and you just don't perpetuate shit like that. Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person you kissed? Yeah, many times. Have you ever kissed underwater? I'm pretty sure I have before. Did your mother change her maiden name when/if she got marred? She did. Do you use Tik Tok? No. What decorations do you have in your bathroom? We only have like three little plants on the sink. What was the last thing you cooked in an oven? I don't really touch the oven, it scares me. What year was your favourite band formed? Ozzy went solo in 1979, and Rammstein formed in 1994. Outside of blood family, who was the last person you hugged? My boyfriend. ^Any idea what that person is doing at this moment? I can tell via the Battle.net app that he's playing the WotLK Classic version of World of Warcraft. He's gotten into that version since that's when he started playing the game way back in the day and it's got him nostalgic, ha ha. Has anyone ever done a sketch or painting of you? I don't think so. Would you rather go to Greece or Hawaii? Greece. Do you believe in the concept of global warming? No shit I do. I know how to observe cause and effect. When was the last time you took a picture of something and was it yourself? I took some photos of a crape myrtle branch in my backyard about a week ago. What would you consider your favorite movie of all-time? The Lion King. Does it bother you when you wear the same thing as someone else? Not at all, no. Are any of your neighbors’ yards in desperate need of a grass cutting? No, pretty much everyone's looks the same. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes. Is there anything you hate about going on vacation? I get VERY stressed out packing. Does more than one person like you? Not that I know of. Could you ever be friends with somebody who was homophobic? No. Absolutely never again. Are you someone who enjoys stand-up comedy? Yeah. If someone offered you an all-expenses paid trip to one European country, where would you go and why? Germany, because I love the language, the culture, I'd like to try some foods, etc. Jello or pudding? Chocolate pudding. I haven't had jello in a long time, but I used to like some; nowadays though I kind of feel like the texture might bother me. Have you ever taken sleeping pills? Yes, but they don't really work for me. Do you think French kissing is gross? I mean, from a hygienic perspective, I don't think a valid argument against that is possible. However, let's just be real here, there are WAY grosser things you could do, and besides, by simply existing we're constantly fighting germs so whatever. Can your significant other/crush cook? Two things, ha ha. He's got me beat, though. What was you dream job when you were a little kid? What happened to that dream? Paleontologist; I'm unwilling to travel so much and I also can't tolerate the heat. What types of magazines do you read? I don't really willingly read any, but if I'm like sitting in a waiting room with magazines to pick from, I'll pick ones that deal with animals and nature. What was the last video game that you played? Girt and I started Heavy Rain a few days ago. What genre of video games do you enjoy the most? Horror. Are you a slut? I'm quite the opposite. Do you find piercings attractive? Usually, yes. What's your favorite number? I don't have a strong connection to any number, but ig if I had to pick it'd be 666 just because it genuinely does humor the hell outta me how a number can offend religious folk lmao. Do you ever hate yourself? Always. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same gender as you? I know with certainty I've had a crush on three different women, each to varying degrees. Who’s the last person to see you in your underwear? My mom. What are your plans for tomorrow? Spend the day with Girt; it'll be our anniversary. We don't have any extravagant plans, just gonna chill at the house I think. What are you currently listening to? I'm watching Super Best Friends Play do a LP of God of War. Last thing to make you smile? Oh my FUCKING god I was losing my absolute mind watching Game Grumps play this AWWWWWWWWWWWFUL animal-based soccer-playing game last night. I can't remember what it was called, but oh my god the voice acting and animation are HYSTERICAL. The boys were going absolutely berserk laughing too, and Arin's cackle ALWAYS makes me laugh too. I was literally in tears trying to stifle my laughter to not wake Mom up, ha ha. Do you live with your mom and dad? Just my mom; my parents divorced when I was a teenager. [TW: SUICIDE] Have you ever written or received a suicide note? Ugh, I've written one and fucking hate admitting it and knowing it ever existed. Do you have the same color hair as your siblings? My immediate sisters, yes. Maybe my brother, but I'm actually unsure since his head is almost entirely shaven. Katie and Misty have black hair. I don't know about Tiffany. Do you have the same color eyes as your siblings? No, except I think my half-brother. Pretty sure his eyes are a light blue.
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Navigating the Web: Choosing the Right Online best head shop for Your Needs
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The convenience of  online head shops  is undeniable.  But with countless options available, selecting the  best online head shop  becomes crucial for a safe and satisfying purchase. Here's what to consider when choosing an  Online best head shop:
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Trust is key.  Look for Online best head shop  with a  positive reputation.  Check for customer reviews on independent platforms like Google, Yelp, or Trustpilot.  Read reviews to gauge customer experiences, product quality, and overall satisfaction.
2. Product Selection and Transparency:
Variety matters.  The  best Online best head shop offers a  wide selection of high-quality products,  including:
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Vaporizers of various types (desktop, portable, concentrate) for a diverse vaping experience.
    Grinders made from durable materials for efficient herb preparation.
    Smoking accessories like rolling papers, trays, and cleaning supplies.
Look for detailed product descriptions, clear pictures, and  honest information  about materials, functionality, and intended use.
3. Secure Payment Processing and Discreet Packaging:
Security is paramount.  Choose an Online best head shop that utilizes a  secure payment processing system.  Look for https encryption in the website address and verify the presence of security badges from trusted companies like Norton or McAfee.
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theodore-micah · 1 month
Level Up Your Gameplay with These Must-Know Genshin Top Up Tips
As one of the most popular RPG games globally, Genshin Impact offers an immersive open world for players to explore. However, unlocking new characters, weapons, and upgrades requires the premium currency Genesis Crystals. Topping up Genesis Crystals can enhance your gaming experience tremendously, but the process can be confusing for beginners.
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This comprehensive guide by LootBar covers all the essential tips and tricks for Genshin Impact top up. Read on to learn how to buy Genesis Crystals quickly, safely, and cost-effectively!
Choosing the Right Top Up Platform
With so many top up sites available, finding a reliable and affordable seller can be challenging. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a platform:
Competitive pricing with discounts and promotions
A variety of secure payment methods
Fast and reliable delivery of crystals
24/7 customer service and support
LootBar checks all these boxes and more, offering Genesis Crystals at up to 5% off plus exclusive weekly deals. Their self-operated platform provides instant delivery using player accounts, with experienced agents ready to assist 24/7.
Understanding Genesis Crystal Packages
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Genesis Crystals can only be used to redeem items like the Battle Pass or converted into Primogems. To unlock new characters or weapons, you’ll need Primogems.
LootBar offers Genesis Crystal bundles ranging from $1.99 to $99.99. The larger packages provide more value, so go for those if you plan to play long-term. First-time buyers also get an extra 20-60% crystals on their initial purchase!
Here is a quick overview of the packages available:
$1.99 - 60 Crystals
$4.99 - 300 Crystals + 60 Bonus
$9.99 - 680 Crystals + 100 Bonus
$19.99 - 1,280 Crystals + 240 Bonus
$49.99 - 3,280 Crystals + 800 Bonus
$99.99 - 6,480 Crystals + 1,600 Bonus
How to Top Up Genesis Crystals on LootBar
LootBar makes Genshin Impact top up easy with just 5 simple steps:
Select your desired Genesis Crystal package
Enter your Genshin Impact UID and server details
Provide your transaction password (for account security)
Choose your payment method (PayPal, credit/debit card, etc.)
Check your in-game mail for the delivered Crystals!
The entire process takes just a few minutes. If you face any issues, LootBar agents are available 24/7 via Live Chat to help resolve them promptly.
Safety Tips for Hassle-Free Top Up
When topping up from unofficial sellers, players risk account theft, payment frauds, and more. Dealing with unethical platforms can ruin your gaming experience and cause financial losses.
Here are some tips to ensure a smooth and secure transaction:
Avoid sellers offering prices too good to be true
Never share your account password or other sensitive details
Select trusted platforms with good reviews and ratings
Check the site’s security protocols like HTTPS, SSL, etc.
Save payment information only on reputable seller websites
As an established marketplace serving over 500K gamers, LootBar adheres to the highest safety standards. They also provide a 100% money-back guarantee in case anything goes wrong.
Why Choose LootBar for Genshin Top Up
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With 4+ years of experience in gaming services, LootBar is a top choice for Genshin Impact players seeking premium crystals. Here’s what makes them stand out:
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So why wait? Unlock your favorite Genshin Impact characters and weapons now with LootBar!
For the best gaming deals and giveaways, subscribe to the LootBar newsletter and Discord community.
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sszeemedia · 4 months
It is my final weekend: Graham Norton exits Virgin Radio on live show
Radio presenter Graham Norton Saturday announced his departure from the UK’s Virgin Radio on a live show. Norton, who is known for the BBC TV chat show that hosted A-list celebrities, dropped the bombshell during his Saturday morning broadcast, saying, “It is my final weekend of shows here at Virgin Radio.” The 60-year-old presenter joined the station in 2021 alongside Chris Evans in a shift…
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deadlinecom · 4 months
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