#nosgoth oc
cheerful-sixears · 3 months
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Kryyptus in a more realistic style :3c may or may not be referenced from self, but hey >:Vc am happy with it! Less devolved design concept thingy idea for Kryyptus. I'm not big on drawing much realistic stuffs, but I might attempt more sometime to hone on my skill levels, more. I drew this last year. ;u;
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legacyofmistakes · 24 days
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Mildly deranged witchpriest of Rahab. I needed a warmup and wanted to try my hand at drawing him again
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hash-ak-geek · 1 year
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Hey, hi, hello!
Welcome to all who end up on this little post of mine. I am a fanartist and have pretty much been that way for the good majority of my existence. I love fantasy, medieval heraldry, and Arthurian lore with all those grand old knight and dragon elements, too.
My most favored nook in fantasy at the moment, is the Legacy of Kain series. Though not so much a dragon scaled story, scaled vampires had a charm I couldn't resist 10 years ago and so still charms me to this day!
My name is Devon; though you can call me Dj, or my other characters' names:
-Cadmus Dreadmourne: an older vampire that stands by Vorador as a hope-driven sibling in opposition, seeking reason to pick up his vampiric valor once more. His words are powerful, but his voice is rather weak. He has a short temper, and that is often the direction to a quick -and very common- defeat.
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-Rabidus, the Wretched: the open mind with an ailing soul. Rabidus suffers from recurring emotional distress patterns caused by abandonment and betrayal. He wants to remain trustworthy of what might remain in a better light for Nosgoth, but his troubled mind fights him at every turn. Rabidus takes pride in his artistry. He sought out new ways to find brighter pigments in colors, softer bristles in horse mane, and even technique to better a matte stroke. Creating a personal canvas to illustrate the wonders of his own mind, would garner the attention of many. Though he wasn't fond of center stage, he did love and learn to cherish his ability to bring many aspiring smiles together. He belongs to @chubbiestreaver as of now!
I now have the somewhat charming, always sycophantic Turelim, Pearce, A.K.A PUNCH!
▶Pearce Levels himself to humans, Vampires, and wayward heroes. After dropping his name and rank in Turel’s forces and Kain’s favor, he became a bigger importance to a largely obscure and very small flicker of hope for Nosgoth’s preservation. 
▶He's bull-headed, hot-tempered, and usually air-headed most occasions, [especially at the beginning of his unlife and devolution, and he steels and toughens up over the centuries during the Soul Reaver Era.] but he's very protective of his loved ones, and to his fellow clansmen that he works hard to appease and grow in the ranks of. That all changes, though, after Turel’s abrupt absence during the climax of the Pre-Soul Reaver Era.
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I dabble in art most often and would love to develop my writing more and move forward with a project I currently work on alongside my brother, @chubbiestreaver though we spend more time brainstorming than story writing.
I hope to have fun here, and I'm looking forward to sharing art and ideas with a fellow community of people who enjoy Lok as I do!
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>> //art by me :3c
>> //all you need to know at this time is:
//Kryyptus is a Razielim Vampire. Taken more from the concepts from pre-Nosgoth game concepts. He's more of Arnold Ayala's concept takes for SR. I find them more enjoyable. He's got a tricky story, and it needs tweaking so that's even more frustrating to develop at this time ;sldfksj;dlk//
>> //I'll have more info and an up-to-date profile completed, soon. Kryyptus is one of my longest-developed Legacy of Kain Vampire OC's. He's quite fleshed out, but needs way more development and written edits.
>> //Hoping to elaborate more sometime, sooner than later. I want to be more active in this community, too, once again. ;u;7
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ethaneldritch · 1 year
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Been drafting up some LoK ocs! At last! They don't have names yet, so any suggestions are welcome ^^
They are servants of the Sound Glyph...Nosgoth's edgy equivalent of pop stars. Also the spider guy was in a Minor Accident and now constantly hears agonized voices from the spirit realm. It makes him a little twitchy sometimes.
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necromancer-4-hire · 1 year
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This is my OC, Rhan. I had an artwork from awhile back so of course this isn't the original.
Age: Just woke up but has been sleeping for over a thousand years. (previously in human years 23)
Height: 4ft 11in
Weight: 142lbs
Meant for battle? Not even close her victories are based off of pure luck alone. There's a reason she didn't survive the guard shift.
How'd they die? Was recruited as a guard to the gates of Steinchencröe. Proper training was not provided since Rhan was a replacement for the night. However, that night an ambush took place and Rhan's life was taken.
Parents? Rhan doesn't know that her sire is Sebastian.
She is a fledgling that was born during the Blood Omen 2 era after the fall of Kain. Her sire abandoned her at the grave when Rhan didn't wake up as scheduled; thinking her dead. She lost a canine tooth when she fell out of her tomb so she keeps it as a necklace. After finding her way out of the catacombs Rhan travels for several days before running into, Kain the sole surviving vampire of Nosgoth. Of course Kain's not exactly thrilled to be accompanied by a fledgling; let alone a female. However, after Raziel's sacrifice to the reaver Kain is neutral about having a companion follow him everywhere.
It probably isn't but I found this detail ironic.
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thedietelf · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by @tafferling
Three Ships:
Oh man I have some OCxCanon going as well as some canon canon. So--
The Disaster Quartet aka Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon/OC/Maul
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Sebastian Vael x Fenris
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Moira x Angela
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First Ever Ship:
Oh man, Uhhhh-- I think Chibi Usa and Pegasus
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Last Song:
Dark Matter by Les Friction
Last Movie:
Cats Don't Dance. Wanted too show the hubby!
Currently Reading:
Master and Apprentice by Claudia Gray
I can't stop screaming while I read this I love Qui so much
Currently Watching:
The Clone Wars. Rewatching Tales of the Jedi
Currently Consuming:
Currently Craving:
Qui-Gon Jinn *eyebrow waggles*
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I tag..
@voxmyriad @trainwreckgenerator @vivern-of-nosgoth @vodkafolie @gaeadene @booksnotyetwritten @daevguy @corsairoriginal @arctic-hands
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crowtrobotx · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @vivern-of-nosgoth ! Thank you! ❤️
Three Ships: y’all know I don’t usually get into this but I am extremely feral over Max/Anne (Black Sails) and Ead/Sabran (The Priory of the Orange Tree.) Also gonna hardcore agree on Karl Heisenberg/OC or Y/N because I love seeing that old man in situations. ❤️
First Ever Ship: Oh god lol. I’m gonna age myself here but I think it was probably related to H*rry P*tter and it was uhhh W*lfstar. I was already very not normal about middle aged men at the ripe old age of nine lmao.
Last Song: Caroline - Colter Wall
Last Movie: I watched “Onward” with my mom last week - underrated Pixar movie imho. Even if Crisp Rat is in it. 😒 The Manticore is my favorite character by far.
Currently Reading: The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - NK Jemisin. Making my way through the whole trilogy slowly but surely.
Currently Watching: Puppet History! The new season is so unhinged, I love it.
Currently Consuming: Peanut butter hot chocolate because I just got done with work and it was a DAY.
Currently Craving: The ability to quit my job and also maybe 15 lbs of the soy garlic Korean fried chicken from the joint downtown.
I’ll tag whoever wants to do it!
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cheerful-sixears · 3 months
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I wanted to share some art of my Legacy of Kain/Nosgoth OC. His name is Kryyptus, sometimesmostoftenalwaysreferredtoas "Kryyp". He's a member of Raziel's Clan, the "Razielim". He can be humble and quite aloof most often, but he's also a boastful jerk sometimes; unless he likes you, then he'll never leave you alone and bring you shinies forever.
I have more LoK stuff to share, it'll probably be a slower share, but I'm getting there. <3 let me know if y'all are interested in hearing more about him! 0v0
art by me and @monkie-deej
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Hello! This is @evil-dad-evil speaking. I've indulged myself and have decided to make a Kain blog because I love him. My name is Shadow, I'm 21, and I use he/vamp/bats pronouns. [I am a self shipper and my main F/O is Kain, so don't be alarmed if I am protective over him at times.]
This may also be a kin blog because I'm getting signs that I kin Kain as well.
My writing blog is @obscure-imaginations and I am a mod over on @incorrect-nosgoth. Under the cut, you will find this blog's taglist, rules, and DNI. Thank you for reading!
Rules: No outright NSFW- suggestive jokes and whatnot are okay. I will do shippy material with OCs, and a few selective canon characters. Fanservice can always be provided. Kain is a rather charming fellow, isn't he?
Taglist [brackets and lines not apart of tags]:
court session. [asks] | observations. [reblogs of rp] | musings. [aesthetics and things that apply to Kain] | amusement. [ask memes] | evil dad speaks. [mod talk]
refused the sacrifice. | in character || i care not for any dangers. | crack/joke tag || his beloved. | shadow
Bigots of any kind. Christans/catholics. Pro-lifers. The Satanic Temple or any of its associates, inclusing "atheistic" Satanists/Luciferians. TERFs/radfems/gender critical/trandmeds/etc. Proshippers/comshippers/variants. Pedophiles/MAPS/NOMAPS/PEARS/etc. Incest (includes adoption). Noncon. DSMP/Harry Potter/Melanie Martinez fans. Starseed/indigo children/other ableists. Anti self-dx.
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patiusarchivist · 2 years
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Vashti looked out from her perch. The thunder of rain rolled in the far distance, it will be coming in a few hours. Her inner fledgling pleaded for her to retreat back to the haven, but she stayed. There was nothing to fear. Lady Damia gifted her an allowance from rain's touch. Her service was invaluable enough to share a taste of her clan's dark gift.
Like an anthropomorphic bird of prey, she shifted on her taloned feet and leaned more into her palms. Finch-beaked masque forward.
Under smog-blackened night, she was easily mistaken for the number of gargoyles that rested their eternal vigil over Windamere Castle, one of the few voradorim relics left in this begotten age. Once upon a time, it was a place of quiet hedonism before the Sarafan Order razed it and rebirth was insisted in the empire by her clan.
Now...it was a grave and soon, more cadavers will join the ghosts of her clan kindred and the hundreds of mortal souls that were sacrificed upon its altar.
Vashti has been hunting a rather cunning warband of humans for nights. They had become canny to the Razielim that patrolled the western skies, keeping to the few forests and undercrofts. They would rather fight the draugr risen by Melchahim necromancies and the skinners themselves than fight the night sky.
Even humble and deprived as she was, Vashti couldn't help but smile a little. Now, they caught a Harpy's attention. The 'sisterhood' of Razielim who delighted in nothing more than inflicting the pain and humilities that they've suffered onto their enemy. Their beauty masked under avian motifs and a wildness that would have the noble clan scuff at the Dumahim influences.
Vashti didn't care. She didn't care what the haughty and high-blooded thought. She never did and perhaps that is what drew Lucien's attention long ago...her sire adored her fire and wanted it kept eternally.
Well, father. I am still here.
A dark gilt talon tapped upon the stonework of the turret she sat on. Her sharp ears almost rang in the intensity that she put into listening. She could see but her other senses were just as primed. The Harpies were always keen huntresses, even in the gilded nights when the name was a mere joke with the Rahabim Alukae and Dumahim Iron Wolves.
The memories ached and merely acted as a kindle to Vash's spite. Her inner fire was burning more and more until, right when she heard that first shot in the night. With that flash of alchemist flame and the distant hisses and howls of an Iron Wolf pack, the Razielim licked her fangs and threw herself.
A moment of weightlessness. The heart-pumping thrill as her body dove...and with the flare of her wings, swept into a grand dive with grace. Each little tilt and dip danced with the dry winds that picked her up higher before coming down again.
The Harpy was coming and she shrieked her glee with her beautiful murder.
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prouddumah · 2 years
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Dumahim wild sorcerer
The fall of the Pillars had made the world unstable and its magics twisting and fickle, yet there are the few magi who survive and harness its maddening arcanes.
Energies. States. Dimensions. Mind. Conflict. Death. Time. Nature.
Balance has been broken and by the attendance of Kain and his selective teachings, few of his vampire progeny are chosen to be his disciples. Those whose souls provide potential. What could have been and may never be?
These few are sorcerers that hold a fragment of balance and even then - the nine fundamentals of Nosgoth can destroy them at any time. Amongst the Dumahim, such magi - a caste already disdained and distant from their warrior kindred in the Tower of Strategies - are so far and between among the generations.
Like all of Kain's descendants, the curse of Nupraptor run through their very being and it disturbs their magics unless honed. For the Dumahim, they find little care for the 'cowardice' of magics despite the warlike use. Their affinity to the personal touch of war is only matched by the Turelim and their abundance of physical prowess, so why bother studying the loathsome texts and annoying particularity of magical tutelage? Especially a 'school' so fickle as Nosgoth's irregular winds.
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hedjblogr · 4 years
me talking about the Undertale rpc in the past tense like I'm not still in it
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necromancer-4-hire · 1 year
Bonding: Kain and OC Rhan
Kain and Rhan had camped at the pillars for a couple days until moving on to their next location. Apparently the scion was in search of the possessed Janos Audron and it was his destiny to destroy him and send the Hylden Lord back to the hell he had spawned from.
However, no progress could really be made until a certain fledgling pulled herself together.
"Will you hurry up girl?" Kain frowned at the young vampire that slumped behind him; it wasn't even sunrise yet but that wasn't going to stop Kain from making progress.
"I'm coming; it's not my fault I have to wear this cursed druids hood."
Standing with his arms crossed, Kain glared down at the newborn climbing up the mountain ledge. Dressed in the long tattered robe that shield Rhan from the sun.
"No really; I appreciate the enthusiasm." Kain huffed and decided to come up with a plan B. At this rate he'd never find the Hylden Lord and stop him from destroying Nosgoth in it's entirety.
Again Kain sighed, "You're a puny thing; honestly the fact that Sebastian left you to rot was no surprise." Within seconds Rhan had made it up the mountain ledge.
She hated it when Kain brought that up, but it was for her own good. Nodding in approval to her timely manner and fresh scrapes Kain proceeded to travel to the mountain in Uschtenheim where Janos' old retreat had been. Most likely where the old crow was nesting.
In the back of his mind, Kain knew that he couldn't bring Rhan. She wouldn't survive the encounter and he couldn't watch her while fighting the old demon. Several minutes passed until Kain stopped abruptly and turned to look at his young protege; struggling to keep up with him as she slowly healed from her mountain climbing experience. Whether he liked it or not he was stuck with Rhan.
"We're going to stop somewhere else before we continue."
Avernus Cathedral
Walking through the main hall of the cathedral a red clad necromancer flipped through a book of old runes. This was how he usually passed time when there were no rituals to conduct or when Azimuth wasn't raving about destroying every dimension in existence.
Until he felt a disturbance.
Turning to the sound of his name, the death guardian was frowning until he was met with his "undead son" or he could only hope. His features were more monstrous and he had obviously aged but not so terribly.
"Kain, what pleasure do I have to greet you in the past? I assume it's of importance considering my absence in your future?"
Sighing Kain almost covered his face in embarrassment. His fledgling self would laugh at what he was dealing with now. "I'll get right to the point." Turning to look behind him Kain inhaled sharply seeing what Rhan was doing.
"You get back here!" Rhan dropped a stone tablet with a crackle as it hit the ground and chipped a corner.
"Sorry, coming..." She tried to put the tablet back until it split in her hands leaving her to discard it and half jog over to where Kain was standing, obviously flustered with Rhan's clumsy wonders.
"This," Kain began exasperated, "is Rhan my protege from Meridian."
Rhan half-bowed in front of Mortanius, "Pleased to meet you sir."
"Pleasure is mine," Mortanius looked up at Kain surprised that he hadn't gotten rid of the fledgling yet. "You took in a protege?"
Kain felt his eye twitch, "She's been dormant over a thousand years in my time, and her sire no longer assists. What's the harm that I let her live awhile?"
"You've gotten soft."
"Nonsense, old man." Kain ushered Rhan in front of Mortanius. "I need you to keep her for awhile until I return. She's a weak point in my journey and I'd like her to live long enough to be of use."
Mortanius felt his jaw drop, "I'm not keeping your... child pet."
"I haven't asked anything of you until now; she's grown so you don't have to do anything but keep an eye on her."
It was quiet for several seconds, so quiet you could hear Azimuth raving from two halls down. (Blood Omen info says she was cruel and insane.)
"Fine but if you're fledgling burns down Avernus before it's time it'll be your head!"
Kain frowned, "How do you know all this already?"
"Moebius, he never shuts up." Mortanius turns to walk down the hall and looks over his shoulder at Rhan. "Come child."
Rhan looks up at Kain before following the necromancer.
"Mind your manners, and stay within Avernus as much as possible." Kain warned as he prepared to take flight.
Rhan nodded ,"Yes Kain."
Kain turned into bats and flew out of an open window.
"Be careful."
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jessiethewitchzard · 5 years
hot take but Nosgoth was the only good team based shooter
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