junghelioseok · 1 year
Hey Dear, i love love love love your writings, I have read makin' merry, wake up call and untitled. Makin' merry being my absolute favourite. No wonder i read it in January, would think about it every now and then, it stuck with me basically and I came back to reread it. Just thinking about makin' merry makes me feel so warm inside. The way it's written, i can see all of it happening, the Christmas lights, the freshly brewed wine and stuff. The whole vibe of Makin' Merry is so comforting and feels like home to me. My inner Christmas hoe just feels the happiest upon thinking and reading it. Love it and more<3💖💖
WOW this is a late response to this, but thank you so much, sweet pea! i definitely went through a phase of loving on jungkook when i wrote those fics, and i'm still 😤 about it lmao go away jk i am first and foremost a hobi stan leave me be!!!
anyway. i'm so happy to hear that my writing can warm up your holiday season (even though it's march rip) 🤣
wishing you all the best!
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thealmightyemprex · 7 months
So Thanksgiving is tomorrow ,and I am gonna admit....Not a fan
I dont like the traditional food,I hate Football ,and my childhood meomries of Thanksgiving are not fondly reminiced (Awkward at best,painful at worst ).Hell even on a media front you dont get Thanksgiving movies and specials as often as Christmas ones,and of the Thanksgiving Movies ive seen my favorite is Adams Family Values ,which points out why Thanksgiving sucks.Trues it is thanks to Thanksgiving airings Wizard of Oz became such a beloved classic but despite that being a nostalgicv fave I never really watched it round Thanksgiving.Hell the one Thanisgiving tradion I like is the Macys Thanksgiving parade ,cause while yes I know its a giant commercial(What isnt ) I like seeing the floats and baloons andd broadway performances . Halloween spark joy for me .Christmas sparks joy for me ,....Thanksgiving does not
Now I have my own traditions that spark joy but they arent the normal ones:Kaiju movie marathons and either Lasagna or steak instead of turkey
I am curious what people think,especially people who dont celebrate it
@amalthea9 @ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @makingboneboy @princesssarisa@theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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kjhmyg · 2 years
hello rain! i hope you are doing well. i’m really sorry to ask you this but a really nice reader messaged me @/nostalgivc, and tumblr isn’t allowing me to message them back. if you can please post this i’d really appreciate it so they can see😭😭🥺
of course! beloved nostalgicv!!! you've been summoned!! hehe
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kjhmyg · 2 years
Heyyyy Rain. I hope you're doing great. It's been a LONG while since I last sent a msg, I have been busy with exams and stuff. I missed writing you msgs. but I have been keeping up with RE tho, it's something I can never ever put off ok?! the latest chapter- RAIN TFFFFF it legit kept me on my toes OMGGG you cant really be doin this to us?! Rain istg some producer needs to notice RE. Its so damn good, like real netflix shit, far better than all those shows euphoria nd shit. RE deserves much more, like it atleast needs to be published as a real book. ukw, I have read so many books here and there, theres not one book that i have been patient about for over an year. Like I lose track of em simply cuz they arent good enough and worth my patience. But this, even if u posted the chapter years later, i would still come back to it, to you! Thats how much I love the book nd u ofc (btw in case u dont remember me, im the one who wrote poem for RE) much love Rain. Stay happy <33
my dear, how could i ever forget you? actually i was just thinking about you last night and wondering if you were okay since i hadn't heard from you in a while 🥺 i hope your exams have been going well!! and ahh thank you, you think so highly of re and me 😭💛 idk maybe one day i'll turn this into an actual book hehe but until then im happy to post on here and getting to interact w all of you! stay happy and healthy too!! <3
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kjhmyg · 3 years
AND ALSO, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SHOUT OUT! I wanted to ask you, did you start RE, to actually make it into a book this long and detailed or was it just a drabble which you weren't going to continue cuz I remember you mentioning that the idea for the chapter 1 (hot steamy library scene) came up when you were paying for overdue lib fees, so it just left me curious, and in case it was just going to be a drabble, then what made you continue it? love <3
no worries, your poem was rly good and i was touched i wanted to share it <3 oh i definitely did not have the intention to turn it into a series! i wrote the drabble and that was the end of it in my head. i think it was months later that i re-read it and got inspired to write a part 2, oddly because i wanted to write some pwp or smut lmao and also because i got several asks and comments asking if i would continue it! i then thought, okay i'll end it with part 2, like a conclusion to the drabble. but nope haha the ending to part 2 was meant to be conclusive but i thought oc stealing that page from him fit well into the plot, which meant it was open-ended and i had to continue it someday. so i got someone to proofread/compare it and they told me it was better than the conclusive ending i wrote. so i crossed my fingers, posted it, and got so much love from that chapter that i decided to carry on with it! :)
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kjhmyg · 2 years
rainnnnnnnnnnnn chapter 13 is insane, awesome, bomb, incredible djkjdgblakdjf!!!! Please get yourself published or get yourself at NETFLIX. You are insanelyyyy talented ok ok ok I need to chill, man the chapter, I am legit scared af! Looking forward to the next chapters!! Love yaaaa <3333
😭😭😭 netflix please notice me!!! hehe thank u babe see you when i post the next chapter!! love u <3
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kjhmyg · 2 years
what is it like to be the creator of theeeeee besstttt story rough edges? what is it like to write about re jk and y/n???? tell meeee! ukw, I miss them so so much and ofc u too, I hope work isnt being a pain and u are doing greatt~ much love@nostalgicv
well what's it like to be one of the most precious human being to walk this earth??? honestly writing about them is so fun they're my babies and idk they just bring me comfort 🥺 i miss them and u all too, dont worry the next chapter is alr on its way!! <3 love u
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kjhmyg · 3 years
''I cant control myself when it comes to u''__'Everything about you he finds endearing'__Rainnn why do you have to make me feel so single esp when uk i have been wanting to have a bf exactly like re jk tho we know we cant get one:') I dedicated my entire last night and today to read this chapter, I am slow when it comes to my fav books okay?! The chapter was so so so good, I don't know what's to come ahshkdkak. I really hope they get to be happy together! Love you so much Rain💗💗, @nostalgicv
Rain did you not receive my ask ?? :') @nostalgicv
hi bb, don't worry i received your ask! hehe just that i was waiting for today to answer everything. pls it makes me feel extra single while im in my room writing sweet moments for those two 😭😭 you never know one day you might find a sweet lovely boy like re!jk 🥺 thank u for reading my love!!! love you too! <3
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kjhmyg · 3 years
I ammmmm sooooo anxiooous, like idk what's gonna happen next! So excited!! Ahhh Btw it's @nostalgicv idk if u remember lol, I deleted my acc due to some reasons, I keep coming back here tho! Love ya
omg hi i did notice you deactivated! i hope you're alright tho :( thank u for coming back to read re hehe im anxious for what's to come too! love u <3
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kjhmyg · 3 years
loved the chapter like always! I really admire your writing, its not the usual writing yk, like I can actually see everything happening in front of me while reading RE. There's just something different, something that makes your writing much much special. I hope you do realize how much happiness I get from reading your works, your answers to the asks and posts and everything in all. Also just found, RE was published on Jan 15, 2019, which is just wowww, soon 3 yrs anniversary! love ya Rain <3
ahh thank you my love, you're always so supportive and kind! i hope i can continue to sprinkle some of that happiness unto you for the rest of the story. and yes! seems crazy that it's been 3 years since i posted the intro 😭
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kjhmyg · 3 years
hey author, how many more chapters for RE to complete? The book is amazing! one of my fav books read so far!! take care!!
hello! i'm not sure how many chapters left hehe but i doubt it would go past 20. and please! calling it a book is too gracious 😭 but thank you so much for the love! you take care too <3
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kjhmyg · 2 years
Happy new year rain, wishing you all the happiness you deserve forever more. Thanks for being here, thanks a lot for writing RE, I spent my entire 2021 half with RE couple and you, thanks for spreading positive vibes and I hope you get the same from us as well, love you so much <3 @ nostalgicv
hello my love! happy new year to you too! it's been a pleasure sharing my writing with you and everyone on here the past year!! so glad you could join our little family. thank you to you too for always showing some love! hope you are well, love you too! ♡
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kjhmyg · 2 years
“Damn it, Y/N.” He mutters. “Is it me or does it feel like…” “Tighter? I know, I feel it too.” You mumble against the bed. “Are you taking penis enlargement pills? Be honest.” damnnnn I was reading the valentine day drabble and fkkk its so fkin hot, RAIN YOU REALLY R ONE HELL OF A WRITER, this HOT exchange had me reading it over and over ugh @nostalgicv
jejsdjjsksb im yelling cause it's so embarrassing to read stuff i wrote before 💀 im glad u like that drabble tho 😉 also i read that it's not supposed to be tight so my babies pls keep in mind that this is fiction hehe.
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kjhmyg · 3 years
also the poem😩😩🤯🤯🤯 it was soo good. it fits with re so much. the different use of the word high had me screaming 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 to the person who wrote it
right?? it's so good i can't even begin to explain how much i love it!
cc: @nostalgicv
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