#noster eagle eye
helgiafterdark · 3 days
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skyrim-forever · 1 day
Through playing through the Civil War questline and in general thinking about the Great War, I find the perspectives in Skyrim very interesting
We obviously interact with many Great War veterans throughout the game (Ulfric, Galmar, Rikke, although others such as Noster Eagle-Eye who are less important to the story). Notably these are all Nords from Skyrim (duh Eve, the game is literally called Skyrim), but I think that's telling when examining the perspective characters like Galmar in particular have.
The idea that the Empire bent the knee to the Dominion doesn't make sense when you look at the fact that the Empire was on its last leg by the end of the war, many parts of Cyrodiil had particularly hit hard by the Thalmor invasions (Anvil, Bravil, the Imperial City). But this point makes more sense knowing that the Dominion never set foot in Skyrim during the war, Nord soldiers were incredibly important to helping the Empire retake the Imperial City. But the Nords never saw their homeland destroyed, there's a good chance many of them do not know how close total defeat was for the Empire.
Although I imagine there are citizens of Cyrodiil upset about the White-Gold Concordat, they are the ones who watched their civilians and cities be destroyed. The Nords can have this opinion because they weren't in the thick of it the same way. I think it would have been cool to see more characters from Cyrodiil who would have lived through the war and hear their thoughts on the civil war.
Just some ramblings, I've been thinking a lot about the Great War lately
also I am in the camp that the White-Gold Concordat is based on a bluff. Between the oblivion crisis, eugenics, and harder time reproducing, no way the Dominion have enough people
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akavirikingkai · 1 year
Meeting Noster Eagle Eye
NEE: “A coin or two for a veteran? It's not much to ask...”
K: “Here, go get yourself dinner and a room for the next few days at the Winking Skeever.”
NEE: “Oh! Gods bless your kind heart!”
K: It’s no trouble at all. Go get some kip. (Turns to DB) Brynjar didn’t talk much, but he often had the same expression as that man. The least I could do is give him a few night’s peace.
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Every time I do Blood on the Ice, it gets buggier and buggier, to the point that I can't even do it anymore. I'm not looking forward to my new saves going to WindHelm.
Last time it happened, Calixto was inside his MASTER LOCKED house/museum so I couldn't sell him the amulet. Ofc I could just proceed as normal with the quest but then the amulet won't become the strange amulet and it will be stuck in my inventory for all eternity. Also Calixto has been acting up and killing people in broad daylight.
On all new saves after my Stalleo-Io save where I couldn't proceed with the quest and characters who haven't been to WindHelm, I'm avoiding that city and the area surrounding it like the plague. Problem is, even if you don't enter the city and go to Brandy-Mug farm outside, the docks or stables, it still counts as a visit to the city and it makes things more difficult. Plus, if I want to fully complete the White Phial quest, I have to go to the city atleast four times; once to get it, second to bring it back, third to talk to Quintus after he sends his letter and fourth to finally fix it and Nurelion dies in peace. ALSO if I want to do Theives Guild stuff, that's a whole lot more visits to the city, five jobs and one special job.
The graveyard scene is supposed to trigger from 7pm-7am, but it has triggered in the daytime as well so I can't even only go to the city during the day to avoid starting the quest.
PLUS there's also Rise in the East, convince Tolbjorn to give the Argonians better wages, Northern Maiden to Solstheim and back (you can't fast travel to anywhere on Skyrim from Solstheim, it forces you back to the docks of WindHelm), Muiri's DBH contract on the sister, Itchy Scales double distilled skooma quest (he has a habit of not showing up every time I go there, one time I broke into their assemblage and got the quest like that), Shavee's Amulet retrieval, BlackSmiths guy's Queen Freydis' sword, FangTusk bounty, basically alot of quests that involve leaving the city and coming back. I think even going on the docks, going in the city and going back on the docks still counts as each individual visit, so just gettin the Argonians better wages is 3 visits. Not to mention sometimes NPCs won't give me their quests when I talk to them. Octieve San and Noster Eagle-Eye in Solitude won't give me their quests as well as the BlackSmith in WindHelm also won't always give me the sword quest when I first talk to him, the option isn't there. There's also Adanto who wants you to deliver a book to Solitude and he sometimes doesn't give me the quest. Luckily you don't have to come back to him. There are a few quests that can be taken care of inside the city but there are many more that can't.
Even if I condense everything into as minimal visits as possible, Rise in the East and going to Solstheim and back are still gonna fuck me up and put me over the four visits.
I'm doing the quest according to the detailed walk through of UESP to the T, talking to NPCs and retreiving items in the exact order listed in the walkthrou. Tova is still alive (I do the DBH after Blood on the Ice), high elf stable hand lady is still alive, not going to Hjerm until needed, talking to guards and Jorleif, talking to Wulferf the Unliving instead of having him jailed, TRYIN to sell the amulet to Calixto before talkikg to Viola Gordiano, but the game keeps messing shit up for me.
At this point the only real solution is to pick the Imperial side in the war so the guard never has a chance to give me the quest. I'm not sure thou if this will entirely get rid of the quest or if it just 'stunts it', Susanna the Wicked still gets killed, Calixto still locks himself inside his house but no more people die atleast. But now I'll have this permanent quest on my log.
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Noster Eagle-Eye from Skyrim, who is visually impaired
[Image Description: 3D model of a man with his arms in front of a stone wall. He has mostly bald head with black side burns and facial hair. He is wearing a dirty tan tunic with a robe belt, leather pants, and animal skin boots. His left eye socket has a white stone in it and his right eye is black.]
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Hearing Ilberd's voice lines is... very jarring bc I only know his VA from skyrim (Proventus Avenicci, Dervenin, Noster Eagle-Eye) and hearing it from a completely different situation breaks my brain boxes a little bit
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alchemical-adept · 7 years
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White Magic and Black Magic Obsessed and Possessed Black magicians can also make their victims become obsessed with fixed ideas. Likewise, numerous cases of being possessed exist within the Gospels. Generally, mediums of spiritualism become obsessed by “larvae” and by demons that populate the lower regions of the Astral World. All these cases are cured by reciting the Conjuration of the Four in front of the manic person, as follows: Conjuration of the Four Caput mortum, imperet tibi dominus per vivum et devotum serpentem! Cherub, imperet tibi Dominus per Adam Iod-Havah! Aquila errans, imperet tibi Dominus per alas tauri! Serpens, imperet tibi Dominus Tetragrammaton, per Angelum et Leonem! Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Anael! Fluat udor per Spiritum Elohim Manet in terra per Adam Iod-Chavah! Fiat firmamentum per Iod-Havah -Sabaoth! Fiat judicium per ignem in virtute Michael! Angel of the blind eyes, obey, or pass away with this holy water! Work winged bull, or revert to the earth, unless thou wilt that I should pierce thee with this sword! Chained eagle, obey my sign, or fly before this breathing! Writhing serpent, crawl at my feet, or be tortured by the sacred fire and give way before the perfumes that I burn in it! Water, return to water! Fire, burn! Air, circulate! Earth, revert to earth! By virtue of the Pentagram, which is the morning star, and by the name of the Tetragram, which is written in the center of the cross of Light! Amen. Amen. Amen. Ritual: The Conjuration of the Seven of the King Solomon can also be recited. Its meaning is already explained in our book Esoteric Treatise of Theurgy. Moreover, perform smudges with sage and rue on the sick person; to that effect the plants must be burned over lit, red-hot charcoals and by following the procedures already described in the former chapter. The Pentagram of Solomon must be traced on the floor of the threshold (entrance) of the door, just as it is shown in the following illustration: pentagram The superior angle of the star of five points will be directed towards the interior of the room; the two opposing angles must face the outside of the room. This must be traced on the floor with charcoal. Thereafter, the tenebrous ones will be commanded, “In the name of Christ, by the power of Christ, by the majesty of Christ” to abandon the body of the victim. Enmities Black magicians manipulate people in order to make them the enemies of other people. Thus, the enemies fueled by the Black Lodge attack the victims. Hence, if students do not know how control themselves or restrain themselves or overcome themselves, they fail and withdraw from the path. Disciples must control enemies, dissolve enmities with the following clue: Lie down on the bed. Relax all the muscles of the body. Enter into a slumber state and concentrate on the heart of the enemy. Imagine the enemy’s heart like a tabernacle that treasures infinite love. Then, mentally place your image (the image of the disciple, an image full of love) within the enemy’s heart. Subsequently, the disciple must imagine that he is looking at the area between the enemy’s eyebrows. Thereafter, the disciple must place his/her image, full of intense love, between the two eyebrows of the enemy, within the enemy’s mind. In this exercise, it is necessary for the disciple to feel a true love for that enemy that hates him. Let us understand that this is not a matter of trying to pretend we love the enemy: for us, it is indispensable for the feeling of love to surge forth towards that individual, towards the enemy who hates us. However, if, despite all of this, the enemy persists in causing us harm, then we must work with the maguey. The Elemental of the Maguey (Agave Americana) If the student lives in an urban setting, then, he must travel to the outskirts of the city or to a hamlet and search for a maguey in the countryside. There, with a small stick he will trace on the ground (from right to left), a circle around the maguey. The dimensions of the circle around the plant should be about eight hand spans. Afterwards, the student must bless the maguey and beg the “elemental” of the plant to depart to wherever the enemy (whose action the student is trying to counteract) is located, and to disintegrate the enemy’s evil thoughts. Then with a sharp knife, cut a piece of the leaf of the maguey. The piece of the cut leaf must be placed between the palms of the hands, then, command the “elemental” of the maguey with imperative will to exert supreme obedience to us. The elemental must be commanded to immediately leave and be near the enemy and to stay close to him in order to disintegrate his evil thoughts. Simultaneously the required mantras must be pronounced. The mantras that must be pronounced in the moments when practicing this entire ritual are as follows: Libib Lenoninas Lenonon Unto each letter of the mantra, provide a bell-like impact of resonance. The outcome will be astounding. This is how the elemental of the maguey will disintegrate the wicked self-willed thoughts and feelings of hate of the enemy, thus, in the end, the enemy will become a friend. Understand that in these exercises, what is essential is to truly and with all our heart love those who declare themselves to be our enemy. Likewise, in urgent and grave cases, the disciples can defend themselves from their enemies with these other following mantras: Klim Krishnaya, Govindaya, Gopijana, Vallabhaya, Swaha. Vices and Bad Habits Often, the tenebrous ones take advantage of people’s tendency towards vices (i.e. use of liquors, drugs, the vice of fornication, etc.). They do this in order to deviate them from the path and in order to inflict severe harm on them. Every disciple or Master of the White Lodge must abstain from all of this. Regarding social gatherings: those initiates who have strong will, sometimes politely allow themselves to sip or to taste up to three small quantities of liquor or up to three small quantities of beer. They never go beyond three; if they do, they violate the law. Subliminal images and exploits of black magic are abundant within the atmosphere of theaters, since the Black Lodge has them under its control. For instance, spectators contemplate actors performing pornographic scenes or listen to words with double or malevolent meaning. These tenebrous elements of depraved enjoyment hurt the retina and the ear and even penetrate the mind. Then, in the Mental Plane, the psychological “I” of every person intervenes by creating mental living effigies that become absolute replicas of the stage images, which captivated the retina and the ear of the spectator. These effigies are endowed with Consciousness and become true “mental demons” which (during the hours of normal sleep) fornicate several times with the spectator’s mind. Obviously, this causes nocturnal pollutions (wet dreams). Cinemas are worse because within them these depraved elements are more abundant due to the extremely noxious popularity that film makers have impressed on their movies. Disciples should abstain from going to movie theaters. Unfortunately, in this day and age, theaters and cinemas with their undercover corruption or evident practices of black magic are centers (because of their audacity towards perversion) that have been transformed into explicit and unmistakable temples of black magic, which are unhealthy to the mental state of people. Even worse conclusions or allegations (yet precise and woeful) can be aimed at night clubs which have inflicted so much evil onto the morality of today’s youth. Therefore, disciples should know how to defend themselves from the above mentioned filthy temptations. Moreover, there are women who unknowingly accumulate great amounts of Luciferic force. Often these women are not necessarily that beautiful; yet they fall under the service of the Luciferic force. This is why naive male disciples become irresistibly tempted by them; the disciples fight against the temptation, yet the weak end up falling into these women’s atmospheres and fail on their path by fatally submitting themselves to these temptations. Indeed, these women with their Luciferic force hypnotize and attract the weak. Nevertheless, a sacred clue to defend ourselves from these terrible temptations exists: this is the “Pater Noster.” Hence, the Prayer of the Lord fervently prayed and meditated on without haste and with a great amount of willpower is the clue. Negative Action of Culture The tenebrous ones are terribly intellectual. We have known black magicians brilliantly talented with sharp intellects. These tenebrous ones manipulate the intellects of esoteric students and use the intellect as an instrument in order to swerve the students from the Royal Path of Light. These Luciferic tenebrous ones, besides being extraordinarily intellectual, are also perverse fornicators. Many aspects of the present modern culture or militant culture reveal the intervention or influence of these intellectualizing tenebrous ones. Esoteric students must defend themselves from all of these unhealthy and dastardly intellectualisms (as any explorer of the Paths of Light or as any aspirant to the Superior Worlds would do) by listening to the voice of their own heart, by listening to the voice of their own zeal and of their own inner Divinity, their inner God. False Prophets Any false prophet is a fornicator. Therefore, any prophet that advises the ejaculation of the seminal liquor is a false prophet who is under the commands of the tenebrous ones of the Black Lodge. Ye shall know them by their fruits. - Matthew 7:16 Intervention of “Elementaries” “Elementaries” often harm people, who then become their victims. Various types of “elementaries” exist, namely: kaballis, phantasmata, incubi, succubi, dragons, basilisk, aspis, leos, etc., (read The Elementals by Franz Hartmann). Women who masturbate engender incubi from their spilled seminal fluid. Likewise, men who masturbate engender succubi from their ejaculated semen. Incubi are masculine and the succubi are feminine. These “elementaries” incite their progenitors to repeat the perverted vice that gave them life; they live at the expense of the Vital Body of their progenitors. This is how incubi and succubi physically weaken their victims. Asafetida smudges disintegrate the incubi and succubi. The asafetida plant must be tossed onto lit, red-hot embers and thereafter the smoke will cleanse the environment of larvae; asafetida smudges disintegrates them. We also recommend spreading sulfur inside the shoes since the ethereal vapors that rise from sulfur disintegrate these dangerous larvae. The phantasmata elementaries wander around at night and go to the beds of fornicators in order to fecundate their spilled seminal fluid, from which countless larvae of all types emerge. Sulfur and asafetida finish off all these larvae. A great deal of larvae called dragon invades the bedrooms of prostitutes. This larva is fashioned by spilled seminal fluid, yet it is disintegrated with sulfur and asafetida. So, “elementaries” make disciples fall into the abyss of temptation. This is why every disciple should use sulfur and asafetida, because black magicians utilize all of these larvae in order to harm and swerve the devotees from the path. Samael Aun Weor via
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kaitlynwithak · 8 years
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When you realize that Skyrim characters such as Arniel Gane, Proventus Avenicci, Grisvar the Unlucky, and Noster Eagle-Eye are all voiced by the same guy as Xin Zhao...
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gaminghardware0 · 4 years
The absolute best way to play Skyrim
You might be familiar with the tales of Eslaf Erol from the biographer Reven’s accounts of his adventures across Skyrim. It’s important to recognise his often gross exaggerations and shameless distortions: ‘Beggar, Thief, Warrior, King,’ Reven wrote. That’s a little reductive of the truth.
Despite being born into royalty, unbeknownst to himself, Eslaf Erol became a pauper before he could walk. Every day he saw the kingdom of Erolgard’s richest citizens while nobody saw him: warriors clad in Ebony armour strolled through the streets, and wielders of awesome magic performed dazzling illusions for more septims he’d see in a year. From a side street in Solitude, I watched them with Noster Eagle-Eye, a fellow beggar and fierce friend. ‘If only I could do those wonderful things,’ I thought to myself, as I spent my coin down the Skeever. ‘Maybe one day.’
Lacking much alternative, I turned to pickpocketing, and found I had a certain adroitness in the art. The rich folk in Solitude barely even noticed when a ring went missing, or even a Gold Emerald Necklace. But as a beggar, it was obvious that this extravagant jewellery was not mine; I never even had a family heirloom to pawn, and most shopkeepers kicked me out on sight. I knew a fence, however, and they were more than happy to take all manner of trinkets off my hands - although they rarely paid well.
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helgiafterdark · 8 months
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this is when my stormcloak radicalization began
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helgiafterdark · 2 months
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