#captain aldis
Some of my favourite characters in skyrim, and why 👹
Balgruuf The Greater: i think this speaks for itself tbh, my favourite Jarl
Balimund: I don't actually know, kinda just looked at him and said "yes, he's the one." Or at least one of them anyway lmfao
Brynjolf: cocky thief with a *small amount* of issues, need i say more?
Captain Aldis: Self Explanatory. he's pretty, good personality, wants books, and lots of muscle? Yes please
Captain Gjalund Salt-Sage: idk he just smiled at my character once and it did things LMFAOOO
Captain Lonely-Gale: Father? Sorry, Father? Sorry-
Falk Firebeard: Steward whos probably a borderline alcoholic? Possibly involved in scandals? Pretty? Yes please
Glover Mallory: no.1 Smith, thief gone good, first I've found to sell Daedric stuff, what more can you want?
Halbarn Iron-Fur: personality is on point, easily lovable, one of my favourite smiths along side Glover
Idolaf Battle-Born: Dilf with an attitude, fuck yeah
Igmund: As with Balimund, I'm not even sure
Korir: if Siddgeir and Balgruuf had a child, he's them. Personality wise anyway, bit of a wanker tho
Kraldar: idk he's just there and he's sweet
Roggi Knot-Beard: Our favourite alcoholic, lovable character, ray of sunshine.
Rune: He's baby. Todd let me help him find out who his parents are i beg
Torbjorn Shatter-Shield: Dilf, I feel so bad tho oh my god, I killed Nilsine in Muiri's quest... never again. I don't need the bonus.
Ulfric Stormcloak: I can fix him
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helgiafterdark · 3 days
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lakeviewcellar · 1 year
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"Nothing to see here citizen! Move along!"
0 notes
wallwriterstuff · 6 months
Part 2: The Yes Basket ||John Price x Teen!Simon Riley||
Warnings: Mentions of drugs. Implied child neglect, explicit mentions of physical injury and abuse (1 sentence mentioning bruises and being underweight). All the angst. Talk of foster care and sibling separation. Mentions of military discharge and injury. Minors should not interact with this.
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Words: 2236
Summary: John Price has had plenty of foster children before him and knows how to support most of the behaviour he sees. A simple trip to the supermarket unveils a deeper need for understanding than he originally thought, and John is left scrambling for answers Laswell won't give him.
Chapter 1: To Soothe A Soul Next Part (3): Dirty Laundry ->
Simon Riley is a ghost in his home.
He’s barely seen the boy since Laswell dropped him off last week. The lack of weight on him clearly works to his advantage for sneaking about the place because Price has been startled by his sudden appearance at least twice, and his instincts are usually pretty good at detecting anyone in his general vicinity. Either that, or Simon must have gotten good at creeping around. Perhaps it was safer that way in his former home, less noise less attention. All Price knows is that he only sees the boy when he’s eating his food or using his shower. He uses the shower a lot. He can’t tell if it’s a novelty thing that he never really had before or if it’s perhaps a psychological thing that needs a little more investigating, but the boy spends at least an hour a day scrubbing his skin raw in the tub, only to appear in the kitchen afterwards with a pink face and hands and stinking clothes that undo most of the work he’s just done.
He still won’t let Price wash anything in the bin bag.
Simon’s living out of it, he thinks. Not that he has any access to that room now. Simon barely cracks the door when he knocks on it to inform him dinner is ready or to ask if he wants to join him in watching a movie or something with Riley. He’s been gentle about his approach on it to, not outright disregarding his belongings as a filthy nuisance in his home but rather asking him how he can help him look after them. He’s been stealing food to. Light-fingered little bugger got away with it for almost 48 hours before Price realised his fruit bowl was suspiciously low on fruit. He’s had children in his care hoard food before, knows how to deal with it, so today, he’s dragging Simon out into the big wide world whether he likes it or not to solve the problem. The echo of his knock on the wood is met by complete silence behind the door, and Price still feels that prickle of dread when Simon cracks the door open just enough to stare him down as if he’s the intruder, somehow.
The whites of his eyes are only just whiter than the pallor of his skin.
“We’re going to head to the shops together, get some groceries in. Since I’ll be cooking for both of us I want you to give me an idea of what sort of things you like to eat. You’ve got 10 minutes to get yourself ready, alright?” Price doesn’t phrase it like a question, knowing the answer would absolutely be no if he asked. Simon barely blinks, a minor twitch of his brows showing his displeasure through a frown. Price waits him out, watch’s carefully for any sign of resistance. Seeing no way out, Simon finally acquiesces with a short nod, slamming the door shut between them both. Price let’s out a quiet breath and turns to head back downstairs, sure he’s going to have to come and get him when the 10 minutes he’s given him to get ready is up. It’ll serve two purposes, he thinks. If Simon takes a walk with him today then the boy will get a better lay of the land, have a bit more freedom to walk himself to the park maybe or walk himself to school, when the time comes for that, but it also means getting in food Simon can have control over. Speak of the devil.
Riley perks at his feet and trots happily to the boy as he stamps his feet into beat up trainers at the bottom of the stairs. The laces are threadbare at best and there’s holes in the outer skin that let Price know they’re no longer waterproof. Maybe when they have to tackle the issue of school uniform he can broach the topic of new shoes. Forcing himself up, Price moves to the coat rack and takes down Riley’s leash and harness, the German Shepherd waiting patiently to be belted up. Simon says nothing, hands stuffed deep in his pockets and eyes cast downward towards his feet. He doesn’t force the boy to break the silence, wondering if Simon is just a bit stunted in his social development or if there’s something greater at play. He never can tell, still doesn’t know him quite well enough.
He offers Simon the lead anyhow, and the boy takes it wordlessly, walking out alongside him and not waiting for him to lock the door behind them. Price has to catch up, and just about catches a glimpse of Simon slipping a black surgical mask over his face. Price’s brow furrows, a shudder rolling down his spine when he gets closer and sees the shoddily painted skeleton jaw painted on the front of the mask. It doesn’t feel like a fashion choice.
God kid, what the hell happened to you?
It’s like walking with the angel of death, even the breeze in the trees seem to fall silent in Simon’s presence. Price isn’t one to easily be unnerved, hell his job demanded he have nerves of steel, but something about Simon’s silent and foreboding presence makes him feel the need to fill the quiet space with noise.
“I’ve got a basic list, bread, milk, all that stuff, but once we’re in the shop you can give me an idea of what sort of dinner you like.” He said. Simon says nothing, of course. He gets a handful of looks from neighbourhood gossips but ignores them steadfastly. He’s like an omen of death, dressed in all black, hidden under baggy clothes, and…not reaching for a single bit of food. Price realises quickly that this is going to be harder than he originally thought. He feels like a phony Santa with the fake jolly attitude as he tries to suggest different things and is met by a shrug each time. He’s lost track of the amount of products he’s picked up in an attempt to sway him when Simon finally speaks ups.
“I don’t care.” The blunt and abrupt sentence is punctuated with a voice crack that makes the boy visibly cringe, as if the visible evidence of his youth is somehow a weakness he’s unwittingly shown. Price watches him for a long moment, head tilted and eyes squinting slightly.
“I do.” It’s a simply sentence, not one he packs a lot of emotion into, but it garners him the biggest reaction he’s had so far. Simon narrows his eyes. That eerie presence he exudes magnifies ten fold and almost tries to envelop Price, like a shadow has oozed from the boy and tried to poke and prod it’s way into Price’s very soul to examine the contents. He holds his gaze with the most neutral expression he can and pulls out his wallet to hold out a crisp ten pound note to the boy.
“This here is for you to go and get snacks with. We're going to make a yes basket. Anything you put in the basket, you can eat at any time. No permission needed, it's your food to eat as you please. The only rules for the basket are that whatever you buy fits within your budget, you need to buy a mix of junk food and healthy stuff, and it's only refilled when we go shopping on Saturday. If you eat it all by Wednesday there's no adding extra's too it until Saturday. If you do find it's empty and your still hungry, you can still eat the snacks in the kitchen cupboards, but we share those, so you need to ask permission before taking them. Understand?” his explanation is met with a further narrowing of the boys eyes, but Simon isn’t fool enough to look a gift horse in the mouth. Whatever life he’s been raised in, Price gets the impression that reading and playing people, having street smarts, is something the boy prides himself on, and that’s what makes him snatch the money from his hand and stalk for the fruit aisle first.
Price doesn’t see that basket once it’s taken into his room, but his fruit bowl remains full. Whether or not he paces himself is beyond Price’s knowledge to, but he’s set the boundary and he’ll see soon enough if Simon’s pushed it. If the way he eats his dinner is any indication then he reckons the basket was empty on day one. He scarfs down anything in front of him like he’s a black hole gorging on any and all matter, regardless of whether he finds it pleasant or not.
The subtleties in Simon’s expression is what helps him tailor his shopping lists going forward. His nose wrinkles ever so slightly when he eats anything he doesn’t like, and the missing nutrition in his previous diet is quick to make itself known when just a fortnight of eating a more varied and rich diet makes the boy sick to his stomach. He tries to hide it of course, but Riley’s compassion doesn’t let the boy suffer alone for long. The scuffling at his door is what wakes Price, and he forces his prosthetic back into place with a grunt, thumping with groggy eyes towards the bedroom door. He hears Simon heaving the minute he opens up,  giving Riley a scratch behind the ears before he heads for the bathroom. He pauses just briefly before knocking on the door and waiting to see if Simon will invite him in. He doesn’t, of course, so Price pushes the door open, and tries not to heave himself.
Simon’s always hidden beneath his clothes and now he knows why. Pale skin is mottled by severe but aging bruises. The poor boys black blue and yellow, a tapestry of violence inked into his skin that he’s still recovering from, may never recover from. There’s bones where he’d expected at least some muscles. He wonders if the skeleton painted on his face mask is supposed to represent the skeletal structure he’s somehow kept upright and ticking over in whatever horrific circumstances Simon has had to call his life up until this point. Price wipes any trace of his horror from his face as he grabs a wash cloth and dampens it, placing the cool cloth on the back of the boys neck as he awkwardly kneels beside him.
“Easy Simon, breathe.” He murmurs. Simon flinches form his hands, from his help, too used to doing things alone, but he’s just a child and he wants the one thing any child demands when they feel so awful nothing else helps.
It’s a quiet croak, but it’s enough to shatter Price’s heart. He swallows thickly to get a grip on the lump in his throat before he pats the boys shoulder.
“Just me…have you had a sip of water?” he asks softly. Simon doesn’t turn his head, just leaves his head resting along his arm so Price doesn’t see the weakness seeping from his eyes. He shakes his head. Price gets him a glass of water, and they sit in silence until Simon’s ready to stumble back to bed again.
It’s the first time the silence doesn’t feel oppressive.
Price lets him sleep in the next day for as long as he needs, doesn’t ensure he eats breakfast as he’s now ensure just what to feed a stomach he guesses was previously empty most of the time, and instead calls up Laswell.
“John. How’s things?” her voice is tired and it sets his alarm bells ringing.
“Alright. Better, sort of. We’ve made a bit of progress, I think. How’s things on your end?” Price leans against the kitchen counter, watching Riley do his business in the back garden as he reads the pregnant pause before she spoke again. Not good then, he thinks.
“We’re alright,” She lied, “How can I help you today?” Price decides to let it go. Simon is his priority.
“Was wondering if we were any further forward with getting a doctor’s appointment for the lad, or even sibling visits. He mentioned his mum the other night, might do him some good to see his brother.” Price suggested.
Kate sighed, “Don’t push it John…Tom’s not good. Kid’s disclosed a lot since they were separated…Simon won’t be seeing him for a while yet. Doctor’s not called back yet, I’ll push it from my end. Is he well enough to wait?” Price’s head span for a second. Just what had the younger boy disclosed that had Kate so uptight? What had he seen? What had Simon seen? Or...is it something Simon had done? No, no that didn’t feel right. Simon was like a pitbull, preferring to puff up and look domineering but, under the right care at least, completely harmless. His burning curiosity might never be satiated. His job was to help the child, not investigate the case. No, no he had to leave that to Kate.
“I’d rather he was seen sooner over later. Could do with some help from a dietitian maybe. He was more undernourished than we originally thought and I don’t want to give him too much to soon.” Price relayed his concern neutrally, even as his mind raced ahead. “I’ll call today then and call you back when I have an answer.” Kate didn’t bother with a goodbye before she hung up. Price sighed, stared at his phone for a moment, and placed it on the side.
One thing at a time John, he thought, One thing at a time.
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lewisossokoh · 2 years
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Angel Representation in Movies & Series Pt.1
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runilafancasts · 7 months
Fan Cast: Iron Man (2000-2004), 79
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Tony Stark/Iron Man - Jake Gyllenhaal
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Captain America/Steve Rogers - Chace Crawford
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Warbird/Carol Danvers - Britt Robertson
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Falcon/Sam Wilson - Michael B. Jordan
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Black Panther/T'Challa - Aldis Hodge
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Pepper Potts - Holland Roden
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Happy Hogan - Josh Gad
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diejager · 3 months
I need to add something to the request I put in
(totes okay if you don’t accept this)
bunny hybrid probs has to deal with a lot of racism because most think they’re just breeders and stuff, so reader has gone as far as to swear they’ll never become a breeder (which is fucking hard not to with soap around lmao)
Cw: sexism?, racism/xenophobia?, non-con touching, soap being horny, tell me if I missed any.
Despite wanting to fight for your cause, you knew there wasn’t anything you could give - excuse - to reason your biting, the lingering taste of spoiled and rotten blood on the back of your throat and the stains of red on your lips were a constant reminder of your aggression. You knew Price wouldn’t fault you for lashing back at them, insulting and disgusting pigs whose eyesight went as far as the end of their noses, with an ego so high up their arse that they couldn’t differentiate a softer and domestic rabbit to a hardened and trained one. 
It felt degrading, being constantly reminded that you could’ve been a small breeder, a broodmare to another mate, forgoing your person for a duty others seemed to have filled. The world didn’t need more bunnies than it already had. It didn’t help that you were softer than them, wider hips, tender skin and rounder curves, charmingly feminine despite the rough material of your fatigues or your growls and snarls. They’d often ignore your hisses when their hands lingered, ignoring the signs of aggression because what- bunnies weren’t inherently aggressive? You fought, you bled and you killed, so how would biting and clawing be any different?
But Price wasn’t proud of your manner of escape —self-defence, anger issues, rage, whichever word he used. He grumbled lowly, placing down his precious hat to fist at his hair, the gleaming silver strands a physical reminder of the stress and pressure he lived when he had you all under his care. A dedicated leader. An empathetic friend. A good captain. A loving man. He was all and more, but there were things even he couldn’t do, and the constant complaints and reports on your “biting problem” was souring his bitter tea. 
“Biting won’t do any good,” he mumbled your name in slight disappointment, sighing at your sudden pout, ears drooping sorrowfully.
“I know, but they keep saying things,” your snarled, fisting the fabric of your pants, “These p- men keep touching me and Soap isn’t hel-”
“Helping you with all the times he’s pulled you into his room or a closet. I’m aware,” he breathed out a puff of smoke, rolling his head back with a satisfied feel of ash and tabacco, “I’ll remind him to be mindful.”
You flashed him a grateful smile, small but happy, shoulders slumping lighting at the small respite Price had given you. It might not be a fix-it-all, but it would mellow down the on-going rumours of you being both a bunny hybrid and a barracks bunny —however insulting and debasing that was. 
“Now, onto the actual issue,” you were keenly aware of his hand, running along the seams of his beard and against his lips, “Reckon they’d enjoy longer drills.”
You couldn’t help the grin that curled your lips into a cruel smirk, teeth flashing at your captain’s planned punishment. 
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @haven-1307 @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce
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marshmallowdarling · 30 days
Retired Knight! Simon is the last person to come around to the thought of you (surprise surprise). Because like these are his boys, who are you to come in and try and steal them away? 
Very much jealous and possessive and the other men eat that shit up! Wrapping his arm around his captains waist when you come into the room, throwing an arm around Johnny’s shoulder while he makes you all breakfast (because everyone needs to eat including you and even though he doesn’t like the idea of you he doesn’t hate you), pressing himself into Kyle’s back while Kyle washes the dishes. Just little things that silently say ‘he’s mine’. 
But again, he doesn’t hate you as much as he loathes the king throwing you into their home and in a way he pity’s you. Having to be a ‘spouse’ for their general who already has three boys at his side, a loveless marriage and having to be the ‘other person’. 
He watches you, at first he didn’t mean to. Habits from the army were hard to break and patrolling their home was a way to soothe his nerves and drain his energy so he wasn’t itching to do something, and he sees you trying to tend to the few animals John got as a present. Key word is ‘trying’ because bless your heart you have never really taken care of barn animals, seen then yes and touched one once or twice but actually tended to one? You thought you had an idea on how to take care of them but that gets thrown out of the window when you try but you don’t want to ask the boys because how hard is it? And you really want to prove you can be useful… 
So, he watches and watches. Watches as you try to haul some hay over to the horse and almost throw out your back. He watches as you try to carry a bucket that seems manageable, but you can barely even lift it an inch from the ground, waddling with it swinging everywhere and needing to set it on the ground for a few seconds after a few feet before trying again and then stopping and then trying again and then stopping and then trying-
And he watched with a raised brow from under his mask when he sees you happily feed the cows some melon, patting their short fur… until another cow’s big wet tongue laves over your hands, and another cows large tongue curls around your shirt- and by the end you’re a wet, sticky mess. 
After watching you for a while he decides he should try to help, not because he likes you but because everyone needs to start somewhere right? And watching you every day failing was painful but you did surprise him when each time you would get back up and dust yourself off…. Even when sometimes you had a little cry or swear before you got up, but you still got up and every time a hint of respect flashed in him. 
He gets to the small barn before you do, knowing your routine from watching you almost every day for a month. When you get there and are rightfully confused he doesn’t say anything for a bit before picking up one of the two buckets on the floor next to your feet, the one with most amount of stuff, before wordlessly showing you how to hold it properly and feed the cows. He doesn’t even ask you to do anything, just letting you stay near the second bucket and after a few minutes when you do get the hint he just gives you a little nod. 
Each day after starts like that, until Kyle realises what’s happening and comes around with a nice cuppa for the both of you while you work in the early mornings. 
But Simon still doesn’t like you, he just tolerates your presents. It’s what he says anyways when Kyle teases him about it while under him, but Simon just grunts and buries his feeling while putting the brat under him in his place. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOW DO WE LIKE?!?! I'm sorry for dropping but my family is going THROUGH it right now but here's a little peaky peak into my brain lmao
Tag List (omg mom look I made it); @sheep-from-rad , @aldis-nuts , @reap3erslov3 , @pasanau4
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deutsche-bahn · 6 months
Ich war auf der letzten Langstreckenfahrt mit RB produktiv und habe mal meine persönlichen Lieblingsanekdoten von diesem Blog gesammelt:
Vorab: UQuizze, weil was gibt's wichtigeres
Welche Ausbildung solltest du machen?
Which german tv personality are you? (en)
Tell me about your taste in food and I'll give you a Getränk um das neue Jahr anzustoßen
Welches Weihnachtsgebäck bist du?
Welcher Weihnachtsmarktstand bist du?
Welcher Blechkuchen bist du?
Welches Seemannslied bist du?
Welcher recurring character in meinen ramblings bist du?
Oberthema: ich hasse Reisen und Reisen hassen mich
ein Tscheche ruft das Jugendamt
sorry, mein Chauffeur ist noch Fahranfänger
im Flixbus auf den Spuren Jonathan Harker's
Bahnstreiks, you say? Lass mal Europareise machen
I draw the line at Pfandflaschenmissbrauch
die Autobranche hat ein persönliches Problem mit mir
Wir haben jetzt Autos, aber das hat auch nicht geholfen
Oberthema: das ist kein Stammbaum, sondern ein Problem
Meine Mutter demonstriert ADHS-Symptome und zerstört eine Lampe
Meine Mutter kommt nicht in den Himmel
Schlüsselbeinbrüche im mittelalterlichen Turm
Meine Mutter möchte helfen, ich möchte kündigen
der Scheidungsmops
Meine Mutter desekriert das Oberlandesgericht
Mein Großvater, der Kriegstreiber oder: Eine Frittenbude wird Kollateralschaden
Oma prügelt Keksteig
Wir verbrennen meine Tante
Mutter postet jetzt dick pics
Mein Großvater ist Kunstkenner
Oberthema: Handwerk
he wasn't even forklift certified
Bürostuhlbezogene Freiheitsberaubung
Ich schmelze einen Tesa-Roller
Oberthema: Langsam Jacqueline, sonst kotzt du wieder
don't beat a dead horse, beat this live one instead
Hier ist dein Jungpferd. Prepare to die.
Enemy Mine
das Antistresspony stresst mich abartig
Oberthema: ein laufendes Experiment zum Thema Dauerstress und Polykülen
I. good use of slang, buddy II. in which I end up in a car trunk, suffering immensely III. who needs a portland polycule cult when you have... whatever this is IV. just you and me and this guy that neither of us invited
Oberthema: being queer is about the crippling melancholy actually
queer melancholy, ausgerechnet in Irland
die politische Gesamtsituation lacht mich aus
Press the 'randomize' button in the character creation menu, and you shall receive:
Philipp Amthor, Krisenmanager
Aldi-Kurt Cobain teilt Lebensweisheiten
Akkordeon I
Akkordeon II, diesmal mit noch mehr Schloss Einstein Dialogen
Meine Lebenssituation entgleitet mir: another saga
Hauptberuflich inhaliere ich Lösemitteldämpfe
Kümmerlich, diese Gallenblase
Hilfe, meine Wohnung leckt
Das nennt sich lösungsorientiertes Mobbing, Junge
Die Pisser gönnen mir die Nordsee nicht
Kernsanierung: The Musical
Mein Sanierungsexperte ist ein bisschen asozial
und zuletzt: miscellaneous soziale Misserfolge. das Leben ist ein niemals enden wollender Loriot-sketch
als Kinder begeisterten wir uns für Pyrotechnik
fuck you and the e-roller you rode in on
Captain, wir ha'm einen Marderschaden
ra ra rasputin russia's greatest humiliation kink
ich betreibe Konfrontationstherapie
man stelle sich Gollum in seiner Grotte vor: meine Ein-Mann-WG
wirf mich, du Hund
that time I brought a fake beard to a knife fight
Im Edeka meines Vertrauens beschimpfen sich die Mitarbeiter
WDR-Redakteure erklären mir soziale Gerechtigkeit
Johanna findet mich schwierig
Falls das annähernd unterhaltsam war, I have a tip jar
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batmannotes · 5 months
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The Epic Saga Concludes with Part Three of the Highly Anticipated Trilogy!
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three   
Based on DC’s iconic comic book limited series ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, join DC Super Heroes from across the multiverse in the action-packed conclusion of the three-part DC animated film Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three. The eagerly awaited film brings to a close the thrilling trilogy that marks the end to the Tomorrowverse story arc.
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Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, DC and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, the all-new, action-packed DC animated film features some of DC’s most famous Super Heroes from multiple universes including Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, who come together to stop an impending threat of doom and destruction. Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three will be available to purchase exclusively on digital on July 16 and on 4K UHD in limited edition steelbook packaging and Blu-ray on July 23.
Fans of this superhero adventure will also be able to indulge in a range of bonus features including interviews with the filmmakers on how they created a comprehensive universe across seven films.
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part One and Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Two are currently available on Digital, 4K UHD and Blu-ray.
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Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three features returning popular voice cast members: Jensen Ackles (Supernatural, The Boys, The Winchesters) as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Emmy winner Darren Criss (The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, Glee) as Superman & Earth-2 Superman, Aldis Hodge (Straight Outta Compton, Black Adam) as Green Lantern/John Stewart, Meg Donnelly (Legion of Super-Heroes, High School Musical: The Musical: The Series,) as Supergirl & Harbinger, and Stana Katic (Castle, Absentia) as Wonder Woman & Superwoman, along with Corey Stoll (Ant-Man, Black Mass) as Lex Luthor.
The star-studded ensemble voice cast also includes Gideon Adlon as Batgirl, Ike Amadi as Martian Manhunter/J’Onn J’Onzz, Geoffrey Arend as Psycho Pirate/Charles Halstead, Troy Baker as The Joker & Spider Guild Lantern, Brian Bloom as Adam Strange & Sidewinder, Matt Bomer as The Flash, Ashly Burch as Nightshade & Queen Mera, Zach Callison as Earth-2 Robin & Robin/Damian Wayne, Kevin Conroy as Earth-12 Batman, Alexandra Daddario as Lois Lane, Brett Dalton as Bat Lash & Captain Atom, John Dimaggio as Lobo, Ato Essandoh as Mr. Terrific, Keith Ferguson as Doctor Fate & Two-Face, Will Friedle as Batman Beyond & Kamandi, Jennifer Hale as Hippolyta & Green Lantern Aya, Mark Hamill as Earth-12 The Joker, Jamie Gray Hyder as Hawkgirl & Young Diana, Erika Ishii as Doctor Light/Dr. Hoshi & Huntress, David Kaye as The Question & Cardonian Lantern, Matt Lanter as Blue Beetle, Liam McIntryre as Aquaman, Cynthia Kaye McWilliams as Dr. Beth Chapel & The Cheetah, Lou Diamond Phillips as The Spectre, Elysia Rotaru as Black Canary & Black Canary II, Matt Ryan as Constantine, Katee Sackhoff as Poison Ivy, Keesha Sharp as Vixen, Jimmi Simpson as Green Arrow, Jason Spisak as Blue Lantern Razer & Hayseed, Armen Taylor as The Flash/Jay Garrick, Gas Soldier & Executioner, and Dean Winters as Captain Storm.
Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three is produced by Jim Krieg and Kimberly S. Moreau and executive produced by Butch Lukic, Sam Register, and Michael Uslan. The film is directed by Jeff Wamester from a script by Jim Krieg. Casting and voice direction is by Wes Gleason. The film is based on characters from DC and the graphic novel “Crisis on Infinite Earths” by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez
Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three will be available on July 16 to purchase digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more. On July 23 the film will be available to purchase on 4K Ultra HD in limited edition steelbook packaging and Blu-ray Discs online and in-store at major retailers. Pre-order your copy now.
Additionally, the Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Trilogy will be available on July 16 to purchase digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more, and features an exclusive special feature - An Epic Challenge: Crisis in Comics and Animation.
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Now fully revealed as the ultimate threat to existence, the ANTI-MONITOR wages an unrelenting attack on the surviving Earths that struggle for survival in a pocket universe. One-by-one, these worlds and all their inhabitants are vaporized! On the planets that remain, even time itself is shattered and heroes from the past join the Justice League and their rag-tag allies against the epitome of evil. But as they make their last stand, will the sacrifice of the superheroes be enough to save us all?​
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three - Physical and Digital
A Multiverse of Inspiration
Jon and John: Stewart and Constantine
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Trilogy (Digital only)
An Epic Challenge: Crisis in Comics and Animation
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Running Time: 98:06
Rated PG-13 for some violence and language.
*Digital version not available in Canada
Available exclusively on Digital on July 16
4K UHD in limited edition steelbook packaging and Blu-ray arriving on July 23
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Trilogy Also      
Available exclusively on Digital on July 16
Preorder at Amazon.
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Aldis when he finds out about Bryling and Falk
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helgiafterdark · 8 months
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this is when my stormcloak radicalization began
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toshidou · 2 years
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oddly specific british hcs . . .
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characters // the 141 (simon "ghost" riley, john "soap" mactavish, kyle "gaz" garrick, john price)
an // don't ask me what this is, because i really don't have an answer for you. my brain just spat this out at me mid walk and for some reason i decided to post it here. i am so sorry.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
He's scared shitless of Year 7s, despite knowing full well that he was one of those little bastards when he was a kid. Not much puts the fear of god into him, yet something about a group of little shitheads who think they own the world has him crossing to the other side of the street at the sight of them.
Got suspended from school one time for stealing one of the dildo's from the RE classroom and supergluing to the seat of the kid who tried to bully him.
Got good grades at school. Not because he put in the effort, but because he stole all the exam answers from his teachers desk and spent the night before the exam memorising it all. "Work smarter not harder" was his motto.
Once got lost in a Primark. He was only looking for some cheap sleep wear, and ending up somewhere stuck between rows of Disney clothes and screaming children on leashes.
Has an unhealthy obsession with Monster energy drinks, he once drank so many in a row he went temporarily blind in his left eye. Still drinks them to this day.
John "Soap" Mactavish
He once had a full on mental breakdown in ALDI because the cashier was scanning things too quickly and he couldn't keep up.
Has started several fights in pubs because someone insulted Iron-Bru, both Simon and Price have had to drag him out of nearly all of them kicking and screaming garbled Scottish insults.
Used to dip his sherbet dib dab in dirt as a kid.
Once got in trouble in maths class for spelling "80085" on his calculator and laughing so hard he pissed himself.
The only time he laughed that hard again was when the Queen kicked the bucket. Price looked nothing short of disturbed.
If one more person comes up to him and yells "DISGUSTANG" in an exaggerated and shit Scottish accent, he's going to commit serial arson.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Went to private school, and gets bullied for it by the entire 141 as soon as they find out. They rib him even harder after they find out he was head boy.
Got invited to a night out in London by one of his rich acquaintances from school, which ended up being The Box. That night single-handedly gave him more PTSD than any mission he's ever been on.
Has personal beef with Percy Pig after he almost choked to death on one, and to this day he will never live it down that Ghost had to give him the Heimlich.
Has an unhealthy addiction to the Spice Girls. Sometimes he forgets he lives on a military base and still sings "Wannabe" at full volume in the showers. He's had to swear Soap to secrecy on numerous occasions.
His favourite Spice Girl is Scary Spice.
Captain John Price
His biggest guilty pleasure is listening to Take That. He'd first heard them first thanks to his mother being worryingly obsessed, and started mockingly singing along to their songs on brief phone calls from his barracks after he'd first joined. Little did he know that soon he too would unironically love their music. And yes, he cried when Robbie left the band. It's a secret he's taking to the grave.
Hates Waitrose with a burning passion, he once threw a fit over the price of a packet of peanuts and scared the middle-aged woman and her baby two aisles down.
Saw Gaz choking on a Percy Pig, and then proceeded to buy him every available Percy Pig related merchandise for Christmas.
Loves vinegar on his chips from the chippy, and when he found out the smell makes Soap gag, suddenly he loves his chips drowning in it.
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More captain price headcanons/relationship headcanons?!
Kinda specific ideas? I need help.
- this man dreams of going on double dates you, Laswell and her wife.
- absolute best wingman ever for Gaz and only Gaz. Is desperate to see Gaz settle down with a partner (no gender specified for gaz 🫶🏻)
- I wish as a cat person I could see him as one but absolute biggest dog person on the planet. He would take so much time to train them and teach them so many tricks. Absolutely babies any dog he sees. Need a dog sitter? He’s on speed dial.
- having worked in a betting shop, you cannot tell me Price doesn’t like a bet on dog racing. He always tries to do all the major horse races too. He definitely grew up having to sneak into betting shops to find his dad.
- favourite date nights with you are getting a big bag of chips from your favourite chippy and finding somewhere nice to sit as you eat them with those little wooden forks. Imagine if you live by the seaside, eating chips with price by the beach? Perfect. His favourite time with you.
- would be the first person to pull a face if a kid starts screaming in a public place.
- Sainsbury’s man. I either see him as Aldi’s or Sainsbury’s fan. Absolutely loathes tescos. Cannot see him going to Asda. Likes Waitrose for select bits and M&S for date nights. He will list all his preferences for you.
- would go mad for you wearing his favourite football team shirt.
- either doesn’t care for gossip and secrets or absolutely lives for civilian!partner’s workplace drama. If you call and say Karen ran her mouth at work, oh he’s ready to hear it all. And he definitely tells Gaz about it if Gaz knows about your relationship.
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skyrim-said-that · 2 years
Skyrim unromanceable husband ELIMINATION ROUND
thats right, i finally am doing a poll. ive decided that im going to take my fucked up skyrim husband list and put them all in a bracket to decide on the ultimate husband. after which i will be unpinning the list. the matchups will be as follows:
Group #1
competitor #1:Rune
competitor #2:Kharjo
Group #2
competitor #1:Brunwulf Free-Winter
competitor #2:Jon Battle-Born
Group #3
competitor #1:Veezara
competitor #2:Ondolemar
Group #4
competitor #1:Glover Mallory
competitor #2:Dremora
Group #5
competitor #1:Valdr
competitor #2:Gwilin
Group #6
competitor #1:Ancano
competitor #2:Celann
Group #7
competitor #1:Borkul the Beast
competitor #2:Miraak
Group #8
competitor #1:Faendal
competitor #2:Captain aldis
Group #9
competitor #1:Erandur
competitor #2:Urag Gro-Shab
Group #10
competitor #1:legate fasendil
competitor #2:Ralof
Group #11
competitor #1:Hadvar
competitor #2:Brynjolf
Group #12
competitor #1:Nazir
competitor #2:Neloth
Group #13
competitor #1:Malacath
competitor #2:Shadr
Group #14
competitor #1:Neetrenaza
competitor #2:Arnbjorn
Group #15
competitor #1:Paarthurnax
competitor #2:Savos Aren
Group #16
competitor #1:Ungrien
competitor #2:J’zargo
Group #17
competitor #1:Durnehviir
competitor #2:Kodlak Whitemae
Group #18
competitor #1:Sanguine
competitor #2:Valindor
May the best fake dream husband win
(teldryn was removed bc he won sexyman so it felt fair and also i had an uneven number) (also remember YOU PEOPLE chose all this. it was a COMMUNITY list)
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runilafancasts · 7 months
Fan Cast: Iron Man (2000-2004), 75
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Tony Stark/Iron Man - Jake Gyllenhaal
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Steve Rogers/Captain America - Chace Crawford
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T'Challa/Black Panther
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Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch - Tristin Mays
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Vision - Jude Law
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Carol Danvers/Warbird - Britt Robertson
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Pepper Potts - Holland Roden
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