hriobzagelthewanderer · 8 months
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Hriob is just sitting in the Library, going over some old texts and tomes, humming to himself as he eats from a basket of citrus... one hand turning pages as the other handles the fruit, not paying attention to anything else...
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"...Oops, almost dripped a bit, need to be more careful-"
Now he's just casually licking the juice off his elbow for a good minute before he resumes his studies. Its not like anyone's watching, is there?
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sylvctica · 7 months
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bloodyarn · 3 months
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Holy fucking shit
that's a lot of pink
that's a lot of bingos
Now only need to multiclass as wizard and help some elderly lady over the street. We strive for perfection.
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automaton-otto · 1 year
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"Fucking Kiwi."
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"What the hell did I miss? I was talking to Miss Mata and next thing I know I'm told you got the boot from Warden."
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"I don't wanna talk about it let's just head to that lounge the others were talking about."
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ladyarjuna · 8 months
The ground shakes.
Beacon looks up from her conversation with one of the gnomes and growls, reaching for her cane and standing up. "verdamnt--"
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brawlqueen · 1 year
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" solita!" the twelve year old jogs faster than the average child; running to the woman with the tell-tale green hair. " y-you're here too? but why?! " no, she can't show fear. she can't.
she steadies her voice; dark grey eyes on hers. "what's going on? do you know something?" is it bad that she's....almost relieved?
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pure-patissiere · 7 months
“There isn’t full confidence here. Maybe, half full confidence. Two thirds at most.”
Initial Impressions Starters
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The baker’s brow rose in perplexity , her lips pursing as she mulled over the other’s words . Suddenly , her movements had stuttered . Her second nature , known by heart movements got jostled . Teal eyes looked down at her hands , placing the remaining cookies into the display case before she cleared her throat .
“ T-This is referring to . . . what exactly . . . ? “
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heroesxdemons · 7 months
"Yugo, right?" Solita leaned on a wall nearby as she watched the younger boy train. A lot of the Court members were strange, but Sol couldn't help but wonder about the seemingly child who was a part of the military branch. "How're you holding up? If you need anything?"
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Yugo was taking a quick breather after some intense training, the 'horns' on his hat twitching as he noticed he had an audience. "Hm? Oh, yeah that's me. You're....Solita, right? It's a pleasure to meet you." Yugo smiled politely, dabbing his forehead with a small towel.
"I'm quite alright, but thanks for the concern." He insisted. " I've been meaning to introduce myself to you and to the other members of the Court before but i've been a bit busy lately so it must have slipped my mind. Sorry about that."
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wiildhearrted · 7 months
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She sees you, Sol. She's just pretending her type isn't that easy to hit.
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 8 months
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The Fae Court - Leadership:
In regards to the Fae Court of the Wanderer, the rising star - or blight - upon the political, trade, and military landscapes of several worlds and realms, little is known by most about what really goes on within the Halls of the Mountain King where they are situated... much less how the Court is run beyond the Fae Lord's leadership. In truth, while it is for all intents and purposes a 'Royal Court', the organization is split into five different 'Branches' under Hriob based on focus and job description: an Administrative Branch to handle archives and trade, a Logistics Branch to run day-to-day issues such as supplies, crafting, and maintenance, a Medical Branch to care for and maintain the well-being of the Court's members, an Arcane Branch to investigate, invent, and deploy masterworks of magic and alchemy, and a Martial Branch to protect the interests and members of the Court via special operations as much as open combat.
Fae Lord: Hriob Riebe Zagel [ @hriobzagelthewanderer ] Founder and Leader of the The Fae Court of the Wanderer, Hriob is many things to many people... Teacher, Sage, Guardian, Force of Nature, Warrior, Masterwork Enchanter, Hero, Villain, Nuisance, Trickster... However, however talented and powerful he may be, he is only one individual in this, and he no longer wishes to do it alone. The Court is as many things as he is; paramilitary task force, information broker network, political lobbying group, cunning trade partner, principality-sized kingdom, supernatural humanitarian aid organization... whatever the world(s) need it to be.
Lady-in-Courting: Sacara Valas [ @thelittlestdemon ] Currently the new Goddess of Order taking over for her Mentor, Ma'at, Sacara is arguably not a part of the Court... yet. However, she is in a growing serious relationship with the Lord Hriob. Assuming the trend continues and their courtship progresses to a proper engagement, all the command and leadership - and all the privileges and responsibility that entails - will also be shared between the Lord and Lady of the Court accordingly. As far as one can tell, this is a pointedly purposeful arrangement on Hriob's behalf: in part to show his trust and seriousness in pursuing her hand, and in part a wager on her character that she would take it as seriously as her own pre-existing duties while still using that opportunity to grow even brighter in his eyes.
Advisor & 2nd-in-Command: Amata 'The Weaver' [ @entwinedfates ] The premiere workaholic of the Court, Amata - formerly known as Claudia before she managed to escape a fate worse than death - is at the heart of the organization in more ways than one, and more ways than one may think. Every badge of office or alliance handed out by the court has a shard she can connect to, every change in the timelines can and will be noticed and mapped out by her prescience, every individual in the Halls is gently observed by her many senses... even if she rarely acts on it other than as a messenger for Hriob, Amata is one of the most proactive managers in the Halls, if not all existence. Hopefully as the head of the Administrative Branch of the Court her underlings will rise to the challenge of simply keeping up with her, if not helping lessen her workload.
Stewardess & 3rd-in-Command: Solita Rasier [ @nostomannia ] In many ways the polar opposite of her direct superior and friend Amata, Solita is nothing if not ruthlessly focused and competent... when she wishes to be. As head of the Logistical Branch, and as such the day-to-day tasks and support for the rest of the court, the success of the Court is as much on her shoulders as anyone else's, and if nothing else her successes so far managing the affairs of the Halls has proven Hriob's trust in her to be fully validated. Whether or not her antics on the side, causing headaches for her coworkers and employer alike, are worth that subtle efficiency, is another question entirely - one that few seem to want to openly take a stance on.
Head Healer & 4rd-in-Command: Ellyn Bythe [ @thelittlestdemon ] Formerly a Nurse under the direction of Ma'at in her famous hospital clinic, Ellyn has been given command over the Medical Branch of the court, plying her experience in handling troublesome patients, organizing other medical workers of many specialties, and mixing modern medical science with supernatural healing methods to provide the best care possible for the many, often troubled and scarred individuals within the organization. She remains good friends with her Aunt-in-Law Senea, now her colleague in the Arcane Branch, and enjoys her change-of-career from Medical Worker to Medical Director - even if she often still gets to play Physician more often than not.
Head Knight & 5th-in-Command: Ávrá 'Eerie' Sombry [ @dethdvncer ] By far one of the most dangerous individuals Hriob has ever managed to meet, much less befriend, Eerie is... probably one of the most antisocial and no-nonsense people within the Martial Branch of the Court... much less the Court in its entirety. Nonetheless, in terms of tactical understanding and sheer martial skill alike, the taciturn enby has proven time and time again to not only have the Fae Lord's trust in being his 'big dangerous knife', but also in directly championing the same values and causes that Hriob himself holds important - both on and off the field of battle.
Court Witch/Court Mage & 6th-in-Command: Bianka [ @pathomannia ] & Senea Tabitha Bythe [ @shemustbemagic ] In a rather unusual move on the Fae Lord's part, the Arcane Branch of the Court is... less an organized department of calm and stoic mystical masters, and more a half-crazed and eclectic skunkworks full of equally unhinged but highly varied 'experts' of myriad temperaments and backgrounds. Following this trend, 'leadership' is more or less split equally between the resident Kleptomaniac Immortal Mage, and the Idolan Feline Witch... which tends to mean they cause chaos and argument constantly without a designated project to collaborate on. Whether Hriob arranged this is a team-building test, a cruel stratagem to make sure the Arcane Branch remains reliant on himself for direction, or simply to see who would come out on top when the dust finally settles, is anyone's guess.
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oflostinfound · 9 months
Two boxes stacked on top of one another, each labelled for their intended recipients. A blue box with Eath's name on it, and a red one with Hax's. Both filled to the brim with treats, like different fudges, cranberry cake, sugar cookies, and more. On top was a simple Christmas card, wishing the two happy holidays.
Old Asks - Christmas edition!
The boxes are retrieved and the cards read, the two daemons a bit surprised at the gift, but neither would turn it down.
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Eath is going to go ahead and dig into the sugar cookies, paired with some of her homemade tea and a nice book, it makes for a lovely rest of the winter evening.
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Hax on the other hand is going to put away their box until they're able to return back to their normal form and properly enjoy the treats. They'd have to find who left the boxes and thank them properly- perhaps with some baked goods of their own.
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dragonskxn · 9 months
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"One, two, three...! Three bingos! It really does look like you're my type~"
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needlenxggin · 10 months
We haven't talked or interacted much, bit honestly I love seeing you on the dash. You always seem to have something to post I can have a laugh over.
2023 is almost over
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Ty for enjoying my stupidity dfjkdfg <3
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witchembrace-a · 10 months
"And from where have you come, dear maiden?" Vampiress queries with a lilt of curiosity in her tone, chin resting 'pon pale digits as she speaks. It isn't often that Chloé comes across new visitors, and @nostomannia's presence awakens the curious whims of her inner child (though she is still but a child regardless of how long she's walked the earth) in turn. Her smile upturns, warms like the pleasant warmth of a hearth in wintertime. Speaking of winter, Chloé gestures to the snow outside the castle, tilting her head.
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"Perhaps you were seeking shelter from the storm? Regardless of your intents, I do welcome you to my abode for now. But do not overstay your welcome. You do not want to find out what happens to those who failed to listen."
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. . . starter call.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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I tried to make the drawings simple by not toning them, but I couldn't make Solita look like Solita without them so here is a sloppy tone job, sorry lmao
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automaton-otto · 1 year
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Kara rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her drink, "Aiming high this round aren't we, Miss Fairheart?"
"Never have I ever..."
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"Gone aggro over being called a Kiwi."
Sol (@nostomannia)
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