#not another danganronpa seiyuu joke—
platygalk · 1 year
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I know everyone’s excited about the new Tokyo Mew Mew New episode and stuff, but of all the moments in the episode, the one that excited me the most was seeing that Madeleine was voiced by Yoko Hikasa. We did it, guys. We got another Danganronpa VA crossover opportunity. Makoto (2002 Aoyama) and Byakuya (2002 Shunsuke, New Seiji) have completed their trio in another franchise. ... So I drew Kyoko eating a madeleine cookie. Like the character is named. That’s... That’s the point. That is the joke here. ... Somewhere out there, there’s at least one other person who appreciates stupid seiyuu trivia as much as I do.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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same energy
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Magical Girl Site
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How did I get into this anime? I…huh…Good question! I don’t recall. Probably some other anime reviewers mentioned it and I put it on the Amazon/Netflix list hoping I won’t have to watch it any time soon. Two years later and here we are!
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Aya Asagiri’s life is a living hell. She is constantly bullied at school and no one does a thing to stop it. Her teachers don’t care about her well-being. Her father barely notices she exists. And to top it off, her brother beats the crap out of her just for him to relieve stress! Is it any wonder that she wants to commit suicide? One night, her computer mysteriously turns on to a website, promoting Aya to become a magical girl. She brushed it off and thought nothing of it…
That is until the next morning when she finds a note and a gun in her shoe locker. After being tortured by her bullies and almost raped, she finds herself at the end of her ropes and pulls out the mysterious gun. When she pulled the trigger, her bullies disappeared. Turns out, the targets are transported to another place. In the case of some of her bullies, they were transported to in front of a moving train.
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Karma, bitches!
It’s unknown why Aya was specifically chosen to become a magical girl, but fellow magical girl Yatsumura feels she could use Aya’s magic to combat a looming threat to other magical girls. But they must not overuse their magic, otherwise they will die.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: As of this moment, this anime seems to be in the capable hands of Amazon Prime. And we all know how well they treat animes, right?! Hahaha! Funny! Anyways, don’t expect a dub! The cast seems to be comprised of many female seiyuus I’m not particularly familiar with. I mean with the exception of Aina Suzuki, I hear her sounds every day thanks to the Love Live game apps! Add to that the creepy, raspy voice of Frieza playing the site administrator! One voice actor however I heard the second he let out a creepy, hygena-like laugh, I knew exactly who this crazy bastard was! Nobuhiko Okamoto plays a great psychopath. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Aya is played by Yuuko Oono
*Yatsumura is played by Himika Akaneya
*Sarina is played by Haruka Yamazaki (known for Ruka on Hayate the Combat Butler, Mero on Monster Musume, Aika on High School DxD, and Natsumi on Danganronpa 3)
*Nijimi is played by Yuu Serizawa (known for Shera on How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
*Shioi is played by Aina Suzuki (known for Mari on Love Live Sunshine)
AUTOMATICLY THROWN ON DISLIKED LIST: Okay children, who automatically ends up on my hate list for life?
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Fuckers who commit rape and fuckers who kill animals for fun!
Damn right! Give this anime some credit for not showing Aya’s bullies throwing a cat in front of a moving train. If this were 10 years ago, they probably would have animated it and I would have been puking afterward. I’m not sure which of Aya’s bullies threw a cat in front of a moving train, but for the time being, I’m throwing them all on the list.
And while I’m here, Sarina! She was like the ring-leader in the bullying of Aya. I’m almost certain she’s the bitch that killed the stray cat but I have no proof of that. With my history with horrible people like that, I have no sympathy for bullies in the slightest and feel she got what was coming to her. Bitch, you got that big, ugly scar on your neck for a reason. You got what was coming!
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DEFINITELY BELONGS IN DISLIKE HISTORY: Now that I got the usual gripe off my chest, gotta add Aya’s onii-chan, Kaname! Sweet merciful crap, do I love hearing Nobuhiko Okamoto play a psychopath, but this is going way too far. And Kaname is just irredeemable! He has this complex that makes him think he’s on God-tier and everyone else is beneth him. Now I do have to hate Kaname and Aya’s father for placing this kind of pressure on Kaname and beating the shit out of him if he gets bad grades. But good fuck, this guy just pushes past the line of no return when he tries to manipulate little girls, steal their power, and lose control. And this wasn’t like he had no control over his own body and wants to stop this from happening! Kaname meant every thing he did to his sister and her friends. OH…and that one guy he forced to off himself! I just can’t even with this guy!
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SHIPPING: I know a lot of people ship the hell out of Aya and Yatsumura and yeah, I can see that and I would ship them too. But for reals, I just want these two girls to live a life of peace together for as long as they’re around. For fuck’s sake, did you see the shit they put up with in their lives? Aya was bullied relentlessly at home and school. Yatsumura watched her whole family be slaughtered by a creep. These girls deserve some sort of peace! I know this is the shipping category, but I felt the need to say this.
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STICKS: Okay anime, what are you doing? Aya uses a magical gun! Sarina uses a magical yo-yo! Nijimi uses magical panties (insert immature laugh here)! Yatsumura uses a magical remote! How hard is it to have them say that! And I probably shouldn’t put blame on the anime and holler at the manga! But calling magical items “Sticks”, that feels…I don’t want to say stupid, but I can’t think of any other word to go along with that. I just feel like the manga was on some deadline and they were frantically finishing what to call their magical items and just went “FUCK IT, IT’S STICKS”.
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COULD HAVE FOOLED ME: In the “Could have fooled me” category we have a boy who identifies as a girl magical girl! Man, 2018 definitely was the progressive AF year! I mean, we had Lily from Zombieland Saga, we had the girls who transformed into magical buff men in Magical Girl Ore, and now THIS! So we have Kiyo! An openly transgendered magical girl that’s not a token joke! Okay, well done guys! Pearl points all around!
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ENDING: Early in the series, we learned about a moment called “The Tempest”. A catastrophic even set to take place once enough negative energy is caught. There are a lot of Magical Girl Site administrators that take advantage of “POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS”. They pick the most unfortunate girls as pawns in their game. And once “The Tempest” hits, everyone will die and the world will start over anew. Aya and Yatsumura end up meeting new magical girl allies and even a few that were coersed by different administrators. Not to mention one of Aya’s bullies is a magical girl too with a score to settle! What could be worse?
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How about we add Aya’s disgusting brother to this mix?! As I’ve mentioned before, Aya’s brother Kaname would use Aya as a personal punching bag in order to get rid of stress. When Aya became a magical girl, she would spend more time with Yatsumura or the other girls, leaving Kaname to go without slugging his sister. So fuckface over here manipulates another magical girl, Nijimi to do what he says. This leads to him stealing Nijimi’s underwear and gaining her magical power of mind control. I never thought I would have to say a sentence like that, but here we are.
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Kaname went out of control with this power as he managed to injure all of the girls and give a fatal blow to Nijimi. But another possible enemy dropped a bomb on us when they kidnapped Kaname. THEN, these girls are targeted at Nijimi’s funeral and they almost died. Add another plot-twist, a police officer that’s been seen from time to time in a lot of the tragedies in the show is in cahoots with one of the magical girl site administrators. This keeps getting fuckier by the minute! Well, the girls felt it was time to take action and try to take out the administrators that screwed them with this doomed fate. But once they took out one of the administrators, they came across an ugly truth.
Sight administrators are magical girls who died previously!
Yeah, not that big of a shock! Madoka Magica gave us magical girls who end up so corrupt that they become witches they’re supposed to fight. While some of the administrators ended up falling to these girls, Nana (the creepy one we’ve been watching since ep 1) is the hardest one to take out. She ends up killing Yatsumura (because she used up too much of her power), but then manipulates her to become an administrator.
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Once she manipulated Yatsumura, she ends up going after Aya. And after a lot of back-and-forth between the two girls, Yatsumura was able to snap out of Nana’s control and they managed to take out Nana. And we end the series with a brighter future for Aya and Yatsumura as their lives become a little less unfortunate.
Yeah, few issues here!
1.) There are still a butt-load of site administrators. Isn’t there still a “Tempest” going to happen? 2.) Aya and Yatsumura’s lives aren’t in danger anymore after using fuck-tons of their power? WTF?! 3.) What was the point of Aya shooting herself to get Yatsumura back? I am not following you. Is this some sort of Insception shit?! 4.) That detective! Misumi was his name? Why was he just casually talking to Nana a few episodes back? 5.) Why don’t we see him until the final few moments in the finale? 6.) WHY DID HE RAPE KANAME?! 7.) WHY WAS THIS SCENE A THING? 8.) I don’t want to say Kaname deserved it, buuuuuut… Uuuggghhh…Mumble, mumble. I can’t finish that thought. 9.) These site administrators are probably pissed and are going to want revenge on these magical girls. What’s going on here?
…Let me guess, I need to read the manga to get all my questions answered…
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Seriously...what Misumi did. That scene is forever etched in my brain forever. Next to that scene of Kaname wiggling his junk in front of a guy.
This anime was pretty bad. No wait...
This anime was way too edgy for me! Episode 1 was just absolute torture porn involving Aya. The first episode managed to combine the bully scene in Vivid Strike, the puppy killing scene in Elfen Lied, and every bullying episode of Hell Girl all into one single episode. As for the rest of this series, they go above and beyond to grab some of the worst aspects of other animes and implement them here. Aya’s older brother almost has a God-complex that rivals that of Light Yagami of Death Note. Nijimi has a devoted fan that’s almost crossing over from the movie Perfect Blue. Body mutilation scenes on levels not seen since Higurashi! And fill this world up with the worst kinds of humans imaginable like in Elfen Lied! This was just too much hatred! Too much!
Add to that, there’s absolutely no resolution to this story. Yes, Aya and Yatsumura are alive and together. But guys, there are still some other-worldly strong site administrators looming! Tempest is still happening. KANAME IS STILL FUCKING ALIVE…literally and figuratively speaking! And with how much this anime has been panned by anime fans across the board, I doubt if this anime will ever receive a sequel. Guys, if you want a really good 12-episode anime about magical girls with an edge, just watch Madoka Magica. But if you’re a curious idiot like me, whatever, you do you!
As this anime is an Amazon Prime exclusive, I’m afraid that’s the only legal outlet for this.
Now that this is over, my next Amazon/Netflix/Crunchyroll anime is…
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Grand Blue!
Oh, it’s set in a cute ocean town. Am I going to enjoy some cute absurdity like I did with Tsuritama?
Sort of!
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kaibutsushidousha · 7 years
Artbook Data - Miu Iruma
This happened on the first try and in the second my antivirus sounded a big alarm as soon as I typed the word “adorable”.
By the way, the untraslated version of the Saihara name list is: サオ原, ハメ原,  ダサイ原,  無能ヶ原, ショボ原 and クサイ原.
Seiyuu’s comment: Haruka Ishida
Miu-chan is a fundamentally adorable girl, but with some other sides to her (laughs). I don’t think I’ve ever seen a character as extreme as her even in the DanganRonpa series. I was worried people won’t like her, my acting included, but she has some traits that make you want to protect her, so please fall in love with her and do the Love Hotel!
Kodaka’s comment: The best and worst dirty girl
Iruma’s keyword was “The naughtiest character in DanganRonpa history”. That’s why had to make her design so cute. We added some BDSM essence to the uniform and the sprinkled some steampunk elements to make it look more inventorish. Some people on the staff pointed out that inventor felt too close to DR2′s Kazuichi Souda’s mechanic, but when I think inventor, I think something like Dr. NakaMats, so I went the current talent because I don’t think the job overlaps with mechanic. Her last name sounds vaguely scientist-like and her first name is as cutesy as it can get. I think the name really expresses how distant both sides of her personality are. I would say the way she gets weak when people stand up against her is what makes vulgar dom personality able to sustain itself.
Her biggest role in the plot is of course the murder trick on chapter 4. I want to make it a “murder that happens in another world”, so the first thing I thought about it was that Iruma was going to be heavily involved. Then I combined this idea with the old idea of “a Trial were even the culprit doesn’t know who the culprit is” and the script turned out as it is. I though of some scenes where she always helping the detective with her inventions, but unfortunately the only one I managed to include in the actual story was the cameras in chapter 1. It’s better like this because the inventions already had their big share of utility with Ki-bo and with one other character, don’t you agree? It shows how much she is better as background comic relief than as an inventor. 
Due to some her more extreme remarks, I was really anxious when it came to the seiyuu selection but Haruka Ishida readily assured me: “I can play even the worst of the worst!”. I found the ridiculously cute voice she used for the most indect lines really good and felt like I really offered the job to the right person. By the way, we made a sprite of Iruma with a terrifying dildo in her hands to use in situations where she would get the most angry, but for ethical reasons we were forbidden to use it... This is honestly regrettable!
Design Notes:
Goggles: You can’t have an inventor without goggles. They have been protecting her eyes for all sorts of experiment. It has some extra purposes like keeping her hairdo in the right place.
Mouth: A mouth that spouts dirty talk, verbal abuse and self-praise every time it opens. Not something you would think it belongs to an “overly hot genius” with “history-changing good looks” and “golden brain cells”...
Chokers: A choker is a tight-fitting neck accesory. The combination of 2 spiked chokers and and a punk-style necklace is painful to look at...
Belts: In order to put highlight the curves she is so proud of, she made a mysterious contraption of belts that doubles a garterbelt.The more you think about it, the more impractical it gets.
Underwear: Sexy undergarments worthy of adorning overly hot great genius’ venusian body. One of it’s high-selling points is how it preserves the wearer’s warmth for a long time after you take it off.
Gloves: Sturdy leather gloves to protect the icefish-like hands of the genius inventor. It’s her favorite type of gloves: gloves without finger covers, that allows to do more delicate work with it.
Boots: Hardtaste long boots with ultra-thin ultra-high heels. It hurts a lot when she steps on you with it, but the world has all sorts of peoples of all sorts of kinks.
Favorite presents:
Bondage Boots: Queen-style super-long super-high-heels enamel boots decorated with chains on the laces. A physical representation of Iruma’s prefered fetishes.
Blanket Overcoat: A blanket fully wearable and a high-collar long-sleeves overcoat. Whether or not it’s easy to move with is irrelevant. An item made for Miu “I want to do stuff while I’m still asleep” Iruma.
Workchair That Makes People Lazy: The ultimate workstation, an overly confortable sofa with an attached computer. 100% guaranteed to render Iruma unable to move.
Tentacle Machine: A nimble magic hand said to have been once used a non-specified girl. Does Iruma want to use it on someone, or does she wants someone to use it on her...?
Key Phrases:
The Aloof Genius Who Loves Slacking Off: People don’t know her name, but everyone knows her inventions. One example of Iruma’s awesomeness is the insanely popular “Eyedrop Contacts”. But she doesn’t give a damn about profiting from it. The only work she cares about the products of her useful “In Your Sleep series”, which include tools to allow you to type while you sleep, read manga while you sleep, eat while you sleep. Her undisciplined personality is clearly visible by her invention history!
Inventors Are Into Robots!?: When an inventor takes the robot in front of her, he won’t possibly leave intact. Iruma had her eye on Ki-bo from the start, and since her lab opened, she has been taking him there and violently pushing him down on the table...! A forceful strong-willed girl and passive weak-willed boy... but Iruma is only doing maintenance on Ki-bo, take your mind out of the gutter!
It’s Called A D...?: Even if you use the ladder in the library, there are still high blindspots you can’t reach. In order investigate this crime scene, Iruma made an unmanned flying camera that greatly contributed to the investigation. But the flying machine is called a drone, not a dogone or a dromon! Yumeno’s “She was intelligent, but beyond that, she was very dumb” quote comes to mind!?
She Opened Her Mind About Prostration: Akamatsu and Saihara immediately go down to their when they want her help to invent something that can lead to a clue. Their desperate act after being bluntly rejected flipped a switch inside her and now she is addicted to people putting their heads on the ground for her...
The Secret Behind The Witness Report...: When Gokuhara tried to forcibly drag everyone to the Insect Meet-and-Greet, Iruma escaped him. Judging she could match him in physical strenght, she avoided the dangerous situation by unleashing her forbidden power, the “woman’s weapon“! However Gokuhara ran away confused at the scene, so we’re left to wonder if those weapons really filled its purposes...
Main Quotes:
“Huh? Oh my, what is this strong feeling burning in my chest? I-Is this... motherhood?“: Monotarou, one of the Monokumarz, lost his memories. Upon looking at how freely Iruma could overwrite the giant VR device’s program, he assumed she was his creator and started to call her “mother“. As this point we would expect her to respond with his usual indecent banter, but instead we get some powerful heartfelt response! Ki-bo turned out as the dad of this surrogate family(?), but how long will it last!?
“It’s The 'Machine That Punches You When You Make A Bad Dirty Joke'!“: Iruma keeps showing new inventions that untentionaly shows her kinks exclusively to her favorite, Saihara, or as she calls him, Dicktective/Fuckhara/Suckhara/Dumbassaihara/Saihairy Balls/Shithara! ...However, her “Hook-up Counter“, “Machine That Punches You When You Make A Bad Dirty Joke“, “Moan Sampler“ and the underwear teleportation device “I See London“ all serve exclusivily sexual purposes. You can tell how much of a weirdo she is when her own invention reacts to her dumb joke and she feels pleased about it!
Final Comment: Iruma looks so cute when she has her mouth shut, but she ruins it all with her over-the-top haughtiness and nonstop vulgar talk. Wanna get down to your knee to get to see her flustered face?
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shinichameleon · 7 years
NDRV3 - “陰キャ原”
Lately I got several messages when they asking about... this one  “陰キャ原” they’re always asking. I’m sorry if I answer very late and I want to finish it right now.
This post is huge spoiler warning if you didn’t finish the game especially final chapter. Don’t try copy  陰キャ原 and paste in Twitter or Pixiv’s search bar unless you’re really curious to know.
(I recall oumakokichi had stated and explained about this “character” before but I can’t remember where it was)
Who is “陰キャ原”? Why I see this name everywhere especially in Twitter and Pixiv?
陰キャ原 means Inchara, a combination name of In character + Saihara. Inchara is a character featured in final chapter of NDRV3, where mastermind reveal audition videos for the killing game, showing what sort of people they were prior to participating. When Shuichi were shocked upon that video shows his former self willingly participated in a killing game and as one of Danganronpa fanatics. Thus, Inchara was born and the reveal of his existence becomes “One Scene Wonder” trope in Danganronpa’s history.
Inchara has another alternative name, “影原” means Kagehara, in English name, Shadowhara. This fan nickname comes from Shin Megami Tensei Persona′s reference, where Shadow bosses are taking as a human form and impersonating them with fake or true desire personality. Inchara and other students including who didn’t show up in the audition video, something akin to Shadow in Persona series.
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Inchara was fan nicknamed by Japanese fans due the fact Shuichi shows his personality in audition video is very Out-Of-Character and found it very funny that our protagonist is actually an otaku. At the same time, many fans found this very wrong in so many levels. Thankfully Kodaka gave a huge hint from his Twitter.
According to Kodaka, he said players have to find out the contradiction in prologue chapter after they were finished the game. In prologue chapter, Former Shuichi weren’t crazy or feel obsess when the first time we saw him before final chapter. There are difference between Former Shuichi from prologue chapter and Inchara from final chapter:
Former Shuchi is sane and nothing looks like Inchara, no feel obsess, hype or acting like a crazy otaku, Shuichi being his usual self even after the end of prologue chapter. Inchara on the other hand, many Japanese fans believe there are several famous theories about him, I list two theories there:
A crazy otaku who cosplays as Shuichi and working together with mastermind.
A mastermind Tsumugi, disguises as everyone and makes fake audition videos. (We’ve seen Shuichi, Kaede and Kaito so far). Tsumugi can cosplay all DR characters EXCEPT MUKURO from two previous DR games, and surprisingly she can change her voice and size whenever she cosplays as someone else. The irony is that Tsumugi is allergic to cosplay as “real people” but she says she can cosplay due all previous DR characters are fictional characters, however this is maybe one of Tsumugi’s lie. Many fans joking Tsumugi has another talent called “SHSL Seiyuu”.
Meaning Inchara is not Shuichi we always know and they could be an impostor who disguises as him to make Shuichi fall into the despair. Well Shuichi believes this is one of mastermind’s trump card or not until proven otherwise.
How and why Inchara becomes an ensemble darkhorse. What about Kaede and Kaito? What about everyone else? And what do you mean they are separate character?
I think Inchara becomes ensemble darkhorse because...... it’s another main protagonist becomes crazy person. Remember Makoto had been brainwashed after watching Despair Video and Hajime is almost lost his hope and says “SHUT UP!”? Well this is one of them.
Although, the strong point about Inchara is that he has share similarity with Izuru Kamukura: As a plot twist, unexpected, and different identity character. Believe it or not, Inchara is your new SPOILER-KUN, just like how everyone calling Izuru Kamakura as Spoiler-kun without revealing his name for those who didn’t finish the game. Except Inchara had little contributed to the plot but makes Shuichi falls into despair.
Inchara’s personality and characteristic are come from audition video but few traits at least. Until his personality contributed by Japanese artists, depend on how they view him as an otaku. You;ll see how many times Inchara being creep whenever you see him buying Danganronpa merchandise.
As for Kaede and Kaito, I think everyone comments “They’re just their real usual self and nothing special about them. Still sad to hear about that”. Then there’s Inchara all of a sudden. You know, I have to admit I were shocked too when they’re revealed audition videos.
The reason why Inchara as a separate character or at least I can say he is a Doppelganger. As I mention it above, everyone believes Inchara and Shuichi are not same person. There are good reasons why everyone tagging him “Inchara” or “Kagehara”. Sometimes they tag it with their both name including “Saihara Shuichi” as well. It’s not wrong if someone calls Inchara as “Saihara Shuichi”, hence they have done this before even since Izuru Kamakura’s first appearance in SDR2 and still calling him as “Hinata Hajime”.
So yeah, Inchara has own character and his popularity goes skyrocket after that big reveal in final chapter, even despite he appears briefly in addition video. Just........ check all these links, you’ll see why.
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(From  感觉好久没画最赤…… by Zui. Permission granted by the artist)
Does that mean we have to tag new name for fake Saihara?
I would say yes, but I don’t think that’s not best answer I think of. It’s up to you, whether you want Inchara / Kagehara as brand new character or still tag him as Shuichi Saihara. By the way, not just him though, same goes for all characters including mastermind. Although..... Fake Saihara, Fake Akamatsu and Fake Momota are only characters who show their “true” personality in audition video so far. What about other characters? 
Some Japanese artists having fun with this shadow / fake characters and come up with a lot of theories about their real personality. Some artists drawing Kirumi being a lazy person, Hoshi as pervert character  Gonta as giant bully or actual a genius student who acts like a normal person, Himiko being an energetic person and so on. So yeah, you can see where is this going.
Now here’s the thing: We don’t know all unseen fake characters’ personality, so I can see why someone says “We have to tag Kage / Shadow + their last name” if there is no official work about unseen fake students. I can give you an example:
If you see fanart of Kirumi being lazy or any OOC moment, just tag “Kagejou”, “ Inrumi”, “Shadorumi” or any name you can think of. 
If you want recommendation, I think Kage and Shadow sound good choice for tagging their name. Here’s the list I always mention them whenever I talking with my friends. All their name are based of their family name, Inchara is the only one who got trend nickname in Twitter while other characters haven’t got one (I always get rid out W word from “Shadow” except Kaede and Shuichi, don’t ask me why):
Shuichi - Inchara / Kagehara / Shadowhara / Kiimoihara (Creepyhara)
Kaede - Kagematsu / Shadowmatsu
Kokichi - Kage-ouma / Shadouma / Innocent Ouma (You will see a lot of Innocent Ouma fanarts whenever you see him acting awkward and being nice person)
Himiko - Kagemeno / Shadomeno
Kaito - Kagemota / Shadomota (Displays his bully personality)
Maki - Kagekawa / Kagemaki / Shadokawa / Shadomaki
Kiibo - Kiibo, just Kiibo. Unless you want to call him Human Kiibo or Prologue Kiibo. Sorry Kiibo.
Miu - Kageruma / Shadoruma
Rantarou - Kage-Ami / Shadowami / SUPER STAR AMAMI KUN (It’s a joke that Inchara wants Amami’s autograph, hence Amami is a superstar of two previous games before 53rd season. Before you ask, yes there is a fanart of Inchara buying Amami merchandise).
Tenko - Kageshira / Shadoshira
Gonta - Kage-Gonta / Shadow-Gonta (If Gonta never refer himself as a third person).
Kirumi - Kagejou / Shadorumi / Incharumi / Inrumi (For some reason I always use Inrumi, it’s kinda sounds like sort of youkai’s name)
Korekiyo - Kageshinn / Shadokiyo / Shioguji / Salt-Kiyo’
Angie - Kagenaga / Shadonaga
Ryouma - Kagehoshi / Shadohoshi
Tsumugi - Kageshiro / Shadogane
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One more things, it’s very important if the character is wearing school uniform, meaning it’s very easy to identify these “shadow” characters are come from prologue chapter and audition video. If character never show their OOC and same personality (After prologue and before final chapter) while wearing school uniform. meaning you don’t have tag it.
I apologize if my English is kinda mess, I did my best to elaborate easy and simple. Thank you for sending the question!
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the-apocryphal-one · 7 years
Both trials four and five have finished!
I’ll skim over trial four because it’s kind of boring.  The starving to death idea was kind of nice though, and I like that the game takes away your run control because Hajime is so exhausted.  The writers were able to pull off a murder pretty well with the characters they were given since none of the people there were exactly willing to kill their friends to get away.  Having a character with the mentality that it would be easier for two people to die than everyone is definitely a mentality that one of the people there would have.  If that was the case, though, why Gundham didn’t up and say he was the one who did it.  Pride, maybe?  Hajime said that he kind of easily admitted to what he did and I guess that’s true, but why did he go to such lengths during his crime not to be found out?  Did he really believe in his classmates that much that they’d figure out what happened, even though the two things he didn’t predict (the broken handle, and Fuyuhiko in the lounge) were the main factors for catching him.  It doesn’t add up.  I’m sure if I really wanted to try to justify it I could, but I don’t care enough to try.  Trial four was kind of boring.  I didn’t dislike it, but figuring out the funhouse wasn’t exactly riveting.  Oh, and there must be a problem with the PC port because the game glitched out and I had to reset three times: when I visited the funhouse for the first time, when I went to talk to Akane right before Hajime was going to try his hand at the escape game, and when I was walking down the hall from one of the towers to…do something.  I can’t remember what we were trying to do.  That was annoying.  It’s nothing wrong with the plot or anything, it’s probably just a bug with the port.
Chapter four was just the calm before the storm though because chapter five is nuts.  It goes everywhere, to bombs, traitors, Nagito being weirder than usual, fire, and so much more!  I had a lot of fun with it.  The massive, massive trap set by Nagito was crazy.  Nagito’s crazy.  I already knew he had a few screws loose, but someone must have gotten a screwdriver and unscrewed the rest of them.  Or not, because he already seemed willing to sacrifice whatever for hope or something.  He’s really desperate to be called the Ultimate Hope, huh?  Yeah, I’d be excited to throw away the “Ultimate Luck” title too.  Everyone knows that’s the worst stat.  But THE TRIAL.  OH BOY, THE TRIAL.  The execution!  I already knew Chiaki was going to die near the end of the game because spoilers are really hard to avoid, but I didn’t know why or how she did.  It already sucked that everyone I liked was dying, but she was one of my favorite characters!  And I already liked Monomi and felt sorry for her.  Seeing that image of them holding hands and waving bye was both the worst and best things ever.  I mean, other than that, this chapter also killed off the two people that actually figure stuff out during the trial.  Come on, man, I still have, like, one more trial to go through.  
Anyway, I felt the tension and friendship between the characters when Hajime named Chiaki the traitor so much more heavily than the last chapter in the first game.  The new voice clips when Hajime is taking apart people’s defense of her certainly doesn’t help.  I’m not saying the first game did a bad job at establishing friendship, but it helps that I like all of the characters still alive and is invested in the protagonist.  I don’t know why, but the friendships seem more…real in this one, I guess I could say?  I’m more invested in the second game’s plotline and characters than the first so that might be why.
Oh, and Byakuya isn’t dead?  I’m stuck somewhere between “so close,” and “good, I was actually kind of missing him.”  It means that his impostor has a better personality than him so ha.  Joke’s on him.  'Sides, we already have a much better “asshole blonde who is heir to family power and prestige”.  I’m so glad Fuyuhiko hasn’t been killed off so far.  Please, please, I want him to make it to the end of the game.  He’s become so much more likable since the beginning.  ALL OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS ARE DYING.  Barring Hajime, of course, but he has handy Plot Armor.  …Maybe.  Probably.  Oh, geez, I hope he makes it to the end of the game too.  Will he?  I mean, I saw that Makoto will come back as the lead of Danganronpa 3 so… crap, Hajime could die.  Hopefully he’s just busy with other stuff.  Man, I’d have so opted for Ibuki over Akane.  I like Akane alright, don’t get me wrong, but I liked Ibuki so much more.  Is Akane related to Hina in some form or another?  Or did they design her after Hina for the fanservice?  I’m kind of thinking the latter but I’m not sure.
Anyway, I could tell that Nagito was going to be killed off just from the chapter’s title alone but I certainly did not expect that he would try to kill everyone.  What’s his problem?  I think it’s safe to assume that his story isn’t over yet, though.  Finding his body was brutal, not gonna lie.  I really felt what Hajime was feeling–he was crazy but he didn’t deserve that to happen to him.  Then, “wow, I can’t believe I felt sorry for you.”  
On the topic of Hajime, he has no ultimate skill.  If it wasn’t treated like how it was in the game, it could have been a joke because of how anticlimactic it was.  The game went in the opposite direction and I don’t really mind.  Either one would have worked.  Talent aside, I like him so much better than Makoto.  Admittedly, that’s not very difficult considering how low the bar was, but I still really like him.  He has a reason for believing in his friends–it’s not a blind faith.  Basically, he’s Makoto except with a more realistic personality.  He’s friendly and sociable, but he’s not stupid.  Not Makoto-bashing and all but…he was a really flat protagonist in a story and character-driven game.  That’s generally not really a good idea.
Oh, and you asked me what ships got my attention?  None really.  I’m not really much of a shipper.
I don’t proofread these things.  On a scale one to ten, how obvious is it? cx
I think Gundham didn’t say anything less because he had faith in them, and more because he didn’t want to die. He would if he had to, but if they failed to figure it out and he got to live? That was also okay with him. I feel the murder motivation was good, as was the murder mystery itself. And yep, I liked the little detail of Hajime losing his ability to run as he got hungrier and hungrier.
Trial 5 is such a great trial. The mysteries! The emotions! The execution! I loved Chiaki to bits too, broke my heart what happened to her (and Monomi! Poor Monomi!). Poor Hajime’s going to have to do everything from now on. Also yes, agreed about the voice acting. I like his Japanese seiyuu too, but JYB is so great in the latter half of the game.
I seriously urge you to avoid spoilers for Chapter 6 (sucks you got spoiled on Chiaki). Seriously. All the secrets come out there, and they are good ones. Blacklist everything related to DR on Tumblr. Don’t look at any of my DR posts besides this one (since I don’t spoiler anything, it’s very very hard to do that in this fandom). Go into an Internet coma.
Ahaha yep, Byakuya’s like a tumor--he grows on you even though you don’t want him to. I really like the Imposter though (and YES Fuyuhiko is much, much better than Byakuya. Right up there with Hajime and Chiaki as my top three faves).
He might, he might not~
Akane’s not related to Aoi, it’s the latter. I also would have preferred Ibuki over her, or hell, even Hiyoko. Akane just kinda...stops contributing. Or developing (and that’s a far worse crime in my eyes).
You’ll find out Nagito’s problem later. But yes, he was insane and brilliant and much as I don’t like him, I was also really shocked by his body. Because that was a really brutal way to go. You really have to respect the sheer fortitude he had to do that to himself.
Hajime being so ordinary is what’s so great about his character. He’s nothing special and that gives him SUCH a huge complex. Because DR’s world only cares about special people, and he’s not, and that tanks his self-esteem. That’s what makes him so relatable to the audience, I think, because who here hasn’t wanted to be recognized as someone special?
7-ish? You ramble, but that’s a good thing, and I never spot any obvious errors!
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