#not beating the dumbass allegations any time soon
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kylux miis unfinished shitpost grins
the thing is its unfinished cus my dumbass did all of this from scratch instead of editing the clothes on and i just ran out of steam by the end of it
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forjongseong · 1 year
*knocking* since it’s written there
lol me reading something about studying as soon as i finished my exams🤡🤡. and it’s a studying for stupid IETLS. it’s not a studying it’s more a (stu)dying. hate everything that starts with sty- and ends with -dying.
so why heeseung getting the same score as before seems so funny to me??? and his excuse “i’d have gotten less without you”🙄. hope these tutoring sessions really helped him and he doesn’t have any problems during his study abroad. jake hoon hi🤭
okay okay okay that little interaction between y/n and the waitress!!! please tell me why do the waiters always want to pick up the dirty dishes right after i eat the last bite? they’re hunters with hawk eyes sometimes. what if i want to sit around dirty dishes a little longer mhm??
and student! jay being late reminded me of sec! rookie jay🥹 despite the fact that he came late he definitely called the impression. what an impression!! y/n was lowkey panicking admiring his handsomeness.girl same. we understand her cause look at him!! he doesn't have to do anything and i drool over him. tmi. a majestic black cat. jay’s never beating the black cat allegations fr.
him wanting a higher score than heeseung it’s just a boy moment. yk like boys comparing their dick sizes or number of hookups. boys🙄
AND WDYM WRTING ESSAY THE WAY JAY DOES IS WRONG????😟😟 i do it the same way??? for whole my life??? bro you should’ve written this fic a long time ago so maybe now my essay writing skills were at an all time high hdhdhd.
why was she surprised when he called the students stupid? if they don't listen to tutor who they paid money to who are they if not dumbasses?🤡 jay speaking facts right there.
y/n can’t stay mad at him for being late? simp behavior! him inviting her over to his house? act of a predator i think. nah forget it!! he just too cute with his nervous rumbling. like a virgin 🤭
false and not-given questions!!!! bro i hate it with all my heart and soul. always confuse me. jay and me in the same boat. we’re besties😎. just listen i can totally see with my eyes that needed information isn’t written in a question but what if i’m THAT stupid and i just didn’t comprehend it?? this type of questions is like “choose a correct answer: 1) a+a=2a; 2)a+a=a^2; 3)a+a=a”. fuck them.
“If I get the answer right,” he began, “would you show me your boobs?” OKAY I GET IT YOU’RE BOLD BRAVE DARING. “Alright, why not? Nothing to lose here,” NOT OKAY GAHSGSG. she should’ve not fallen for it. i honestly didn’t expect her to say that. i thought she’d react like a responsible tutor with “are you out of your mind? are those questions that hard to answer? i can explain it to you again” and laugh it out. but she’s wild and we love it.
“I meant like, I think I could get motivated a lot if there was a reward waiting if I get a question right. Or if I reach a certain score in a mock test, don’t you think?” sure sure let’s see where your little game takes you. sorry it reminded me of dog that waits for the treat after completing the trick🤡
“Well, you’d probably be getting in between something.”…and you brought your hand to your thigh, patting it. STOP THE MADNESS RIGHT THERE. I CANT HANDLE IT.
*clearing my throat* *cough cough* usually 7.5 rounds off to 8 so Jay could receive a blowjob hahah. the makeout🤌🤌🤌 please kissing licking sucking jays birthmark😫😫 that’s all we want. is that too much to ask?
“Seamless,” he commented as he eyed your panties. would be cute if it was polka dots or striped panties🤭.
so jay is that of boyfriend who prioritizes his partners pleasure over his own? huh? and his fingers?? the way they curl??? he plays the guitar doesn’t he?? you have be good with fingers for that no?? once chance jay one chance im begging.
“It’s unfair,” Jay began, “the way you taste as good as you smell.” sir it’s unfair the way you look hot as you sit as you breath as you walk as you exist. you shouldn’t talk about the unfairness in this situation.
“In that case,” you said, pushing his chest slightly so he could move away from you. You tugged down your panties that had stayed on the whole time, and when you took them off your ankles you handed them to Jay. ughhhhhhghgg i just know he was jerking off holding panties with one hand right under his nose. like 🤤🤤
okay where the angst came from???😃😃 “I appreciate what you’ve been doing for me, but I also don’t want you to get the wrong idea.” the audacity. HAGAGAGAGAG BOY YOU FUNNY. made my giggle at night.
“If I get over 7.5—”“I’ll treat you to lunch.” what it's like to get the same thing in return? pleasant right? nice jay. good job. and you tell me he’s the top student in class? bro is stupider than these students who didn’t listen to y/n’s advices in the first part of fic. even though he get 8.5 he still stupid.
“The day of our last meeting when I said I needed to remain focused. I was trying to confess to you.” see!! who confesses like this??? only stupid boys. i get it. jay is just a book smart. what if before y/n noona he only saw human body in med books😱😱 he’s nerd after all.
“When I said if I get more than 7.5, I was going to say I wanted to eat you out.” top5 phrases to ruin the mood.
why he’s teasing her!?!?! why he’s teasing us?!/!/! please just fuck her already with your huge and thick and beautiful (i just know it) dick!!
“Tell me if it’s okay to move,” he whispered ever so gently before kissing your nose. but a point to him waiting till yn adjusts.🥹
Your hand was looking a little lonely, so he took it and intertwined his fingers with yours. fhfghfg “your hand looks heavy. can i hold it for you?”🤓
“So, what are we?” You asked in the most straightforward manner. TOP1 PHRASE TO RUIN THE MOOD.
I read this review three times already and it's hilarious every time omg not you DRAGGING jay and literally calling him book smart, brave and a pussy in the same sentence, stupid and smart in the same sentence I AM CACKLING
glad you think it's wild because that means I achieved something... this is still by far my favorite one shot i have ever written for jay!
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sennqu · 2 years
the more i uncover about Mike's arc in S4, the more I understand why his monologue is the way it is, why that monologue is a natural culmination of his arc, why he and El are fundamentally incompatible, and why i feel this:
"And I feel like maybe I was worrying too much about El, and I don't know, maybe I feel like I lost you or something."
foreshadows his S4 storyline. (don't worry. the timeskip in Ep9 shows us he'll get better in S5)
edit: my Cali write up IS DONE! FINALLY
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 years
Too Much–Zac Efron
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Zac and I have been dating for six years. Most girls would be irritated that their boyfriend they were living with hasn't proposed after six years, but I wasn't. We've always had a close relationship and a ring wouldn't change that.
Until about eight months ago.
During his Netflix special, we didn't see each other that much. As hard as it was, we made it work. When he came back, things had changed. I couldn't put my finger on it, but Zac was different. He was short with people, he never seemed to smile, and he wasn't as willing to keep a conversation going.
The press hasn't helped either. Ever since people found out about Zac's rehab and accident, they've been trying to get a picture of us or the latest scoop on our relationship. Over time, it's put some strain on us.
I was at home, folding laundry when something on the tv caught my attention.
"Is there trouble in paradise? Could Hollywood's Favorite Couple be headed for trouble? After the break, we'll talk about the Efron Affair."
I rolled my eyes, angrily scoffing as I turned off the tv. I tossed the remote onto the bed and grabbed my purse. I headed to the store, my anger still radiating as I went through the aisles.
Everywhere I went, people were whispering. I saw a few magazine covers that hinted at the alleged affair. From what I could tell, rumors are going around that Zac cheated on me with his costar.
I ignored the looks as I checked out and headed back to our apartment. As soon as I parked outside our townhouse, my car was surrounded. My breath got stuck in my throat as I saw the cameras and the people. I carefully opened my door, not bothering to grab the groceries. I tried to walk inside, but I kept getting stopped.
"Y/N, is it true about the affair?"
"Y/N, are you still with Zac?"
"Why haven't you broken up with him?"
"Do you hate him?"
The more questions that were shouted at me, the more lightheaded I got. I was about to walk away when a reporter grabbed my hand.
"Zac cheated on you," he said, getting in my face. "What are you going to do about it?"
"He didn't cheat on me," I shot back. "It's just a stupid rumor you morons spread because you don't have anything better to do with your lives."
I ripped my hand out of his and stormed back into our place. I closed the door behind me, instantly locking it. I leaned my back against it, a sob getting stuck in my throat.
I struggled to calm myself down, only able to when I heard the news vans pulling away. I kicked off the door right as my phone started ringing. My breath got caught in my throat when I saw it was Zac calling.
"Hey," I answered.
"Hey, babe," he said, sounding strange.
"You okay?" I asked.
"I have to warn you," he sighed.
"There's this stupid rumor going around about me cheating on you, but I swear it's not true. I would never cheat on you, baby. The woman in charge of the press for my new movie thought it would be a smart idea to start a dumbass rumor. I'm so sorry, darling."
"It's okay," I said, sitting down on the couch. "I umm. . . I ran into a couple of rumor spreaders after I got home from the store today."
"What?" He asked through his teeth.
"Yeah," I cleared my throat. "They cornered me at the car and wouldn't let me in the house. They kept yelling at me, asking what I was going to do about the affair."
"Oh baby," he sighed. "I'm so sorry. I hate that people never care about what happens to the non-famous partner in the relationship."
"Yeah," I scoffed. "How unfortunate."
"Y/N, I didn't mean. . ." he stuttered.
"It's fine," I cut him off. "Look, I gotta go. I left the groceries in the car when I got ambushed. I should really get them now that those leeches are gone."
"Y/N, are you sure you're okay? I know the rumor is. . ."
"Zac," I said harshly, cutting him off again. My voice broke as I finally said what I've been thinking for a while now. "This is getting to be too much."
"Wait," Zac cut me off, "Y/N, what do you mean? What's getting too much?"
I held my breath, tears returning to my eyes. I bit my lip, knowing that if I say this, it most definitely will change things.
"All of this," I finally confessed. "I'm getting tired of the distance, the rumors, the press. It's getting too much for me, Zac."
"Y/N, wait. . ."
"I'm sorry," I quickly hung up before he could say anything else.
                                * * * * *
After I hung up with Zac, I quickly walked up to our room and started packing a bag. I called my married friend and told her everything. She didn't hesitate to offer their spare bedroom for me to rethink my relationship in.
I grabbed my bag and my phone and headed out the door. The second I opened the door, my heart dropped into my throat when I saw an out-of-breath Zac on our doorstep. He glanced down at the bag in my hand, the look on his face sinking as he looked back up at me.
"Baby, don't go."
"I can't do this," I stuttered. I held my breath as Zac slowly walked up the steps until he got right in front of me.
"Y/N," he whispered as he looked down at me. "Please, let's talk about this."
"There's nothing to talk about," I said, my voice barely audible. "This is getting to be too much. I mean. . ."
As if on a perfectly horrible queue, a van full of paparazzi pulled up. I heard Zac swear under his breath as he quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the house. I let go of his hand and walked over to the couch—not sitting down—as Zac closed the door, instantly locking it, and closed the curtains.
I quickly looked away from him as he turned around. He took a step towards me, but I took a step back.
"Y/N," he said, his voice getting caught in his throat.
"I know we talked about all of these possibilities when we first started dating, but things have changed so much," I started before he could get another word out. "And I don't think I can handle it anymore, Zac. I mean, rumors are constantly being spread about us. I can't go to the store without being bombarded by people asking way too revealing questions about us. Plus, I feel like we barely see each other anymore. And I can't do that. I can't have a relationship where I get your answering machine more than I get you. It's frustrating and painful and exhausting. And I can't do it anymore, Zac. I just can't."
By the time I finished, tears were streaming down my face. As soon as I finished, a sob got caught in my throat. Without hesitation, Zac took one swift step towards me and wrapped me tightly in his arms.
I continued to sob into his chest as he tightened his arms around me and leaned his head on mine. I started to slowly calm down when I felt him start scratching my back.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, finally breaking the silence. "But if it's any consolation, I don't think I can do this anymore either."
"You can't?" I asked under my breath as I slowly pulled out of his embrace.
He sighed, smiling sweetly at me as he grabbed my hand, instantly intertwining our fingers. I chewed on the inside of my cheek as he led me over to our couch; the same couch we've spent countless hours at night staying up late to talk about random things, amongst doing other things.
"The distance is rough," he laughed dryly, "I'm not going to sugar coat it. I don't sleep much when I'm out of town because I can't sleep without you next to me. Half the time when the director yells cut, I find myself searching the room for you. And whenever I can't find you, part of me. . . I miss you, Y/N. Every day, baby."
Silence fell between the two of us as we stared into each other's eyes. I held my breath as Zac reached up and cupped my cheek in his hand, catching a tear with his thumb. After lingering for a few beats, his hand finally dropped back into his lap.
"So, what do we do?" I asked under my breath.
"I don't want to give up on us," he said instantly. "I know it's going to take a lot of work to go back to how we were, but I'm willing to do it."
"Zac," I said, my voice breaking.
"I will do anything to keep you in my life, Y/N," he continued. "I love you, darling, and I can't imagine my life without you. Please tell me you think we can work this out. Because if you don't. . . I'll fix it. I will fix everything, baby. Whatever it takes to keep you in my life."
I chewed on my bottom lip, struggling to find my voice. It felt like a million thoughts went through my head as I studied the face of the man I'm in love with. It was instantly clear that I never stopped.
"I don't want to break up," I finally said. My cheeks burned when I saw the relief in his eyes. While keeping my hand in his, he reached over with his free hand and grabbed my other hand.
"That makes me so incredibly happy, darling."
"But I can't keep going on like this," I continued. "I'm willing to work through things but I can't be the only one. I understand that your job takes you away at times and it feels wrong to ask you to stop filming but. . ."
"I could meet you halfway," he said quickly. "Or more than halfway if that shows you just how much I love you. I would give up anything and everything to keep you in my life, Y/N. Please, let me show you just how hard I'll fight for us. You won't have to do anything."
"It doesn't just have to be you," I said, a small smile on my face.
"Yes, it does," he instantly corrected me. "I'm the one who's been getting on an airplane at 3 in the morning. I'm the one whose career causes tension. I'm the reason you're followed by the paparazzi. I'm the reason for everything."
I cut him off by leaning over and pressing my lips to his. I let out a small moan as Zac instantly deepened the kiss. The longer we kissed, the faster it got. I giggled, slightly breaking the kiss when Zac grabbed my thighs and brought me over to his lap.
I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair. We moaned as he started massaging my ass. I tilted my head back, squeezing my eyes closed tighter as Zac broke the kiss and started kissing my neck.
"Zac," I moaned, making him pull his lips away from my neck.
"I will do anything to get you to stay, baby," he said between his heavy breaths. "Please, don't leave me."
I reached up, gently grabbing his face in both of my hands. "I'm not going anywhere," I whispered.
"I love you so much, darling."
"I love you too."
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
This is a collective Masterlist of ALL my CURRENT Works:
How do two strangers who seemingly spend ZERO time together end up with their true Happily Ever After? Through anonymous texting or nosy best friends that don’t know how to mind their own business?
Join Bokuto as he tries harder NOT to fall in love with the mysterious Y/N forgetting about the competition entirely. And join Y/N as she finds herself falling for the most genuine idiot she’s ever met.
At 23 with a solo career going nowhere, Katsuki’s management group Endeavor wants to put together a rival idol group known as Ground Zero consisting of his old groupmates minus the two traitors and a few new additions in the forms of Hitoshi Shinsou, Keigo Takami, and Toya Todoroki (A.k.a Dabi). Their manager Shigaraki thinks this combination of men has what it takes to be better than DK, but Shinsou knows they won’t be able to do it without Y/N.
Y/N is one of the most sought after designers in the business. Pushing her love of music aside she pushed her creativity into a different wheelhouse. With lots of begging and pleading from childhood friends Hitoshi and Jirou, Y/N is hired on to help “re-brand” Ground Zero.
Does Ground Zero stand a chance against the formidable and VERY popular DK? Or will someone come along to show Katsuki a whole new sound?
Will Y/N forever hate idols and pop beats, or will one angry gremlin show here that there’s more to him than the Idol stereotype?
At the age of 18, Y/N L/N followed her boyfriend out of their small town of Shirakawa, only to find herself ditched and abandoned in the streets of Mustafu. Broke and Alone, she managed to find a place that would take her in. 3 years later found Y/N, L/N working as the best dancer in the Diamond Client Agency; an elite corporation of clubs strictly for the Hero Elite. Her evening activities consisted of dancing and stripping for heroes and the rich elite. Her day hours consisted of her working on her writing. She wrote articles for the local papers. She had always wanted to write her own stories; since her dream of being a hero was never allowed to come to fruition.
By day, they were Pro Heros: Ground Zero, Mind Jack, and Touya. They had spent the last 5 years in a relationship with the woman they thought they’d spend forever with. Too bad she was only with them to boost up her own ranking. Following the heartbreak the three of them decided they didn’t need anything serious. They didn’t plan for anything serious when they saw her dancing, at a Diamond event. They didn’t plan for anything serious when the event was attacked. But love happens unexpectedly doesn’t it? Especially when love comes in the form of a woman fully encased in Magma.
How does a single mom who has worked for everything, handle becoming the center of attention for two stubborn business men who only want to give her the world? How do two business men with checkered pasts handle a woman who has a history of her own?
This is Rockabye <3
Keigo Takami is the owner and operator of Commission Tattoos, one of the hottest shops in the city. Out of nowhere a new shop has opened conveniently enough across the street and he and his boys can’t seem to stand the competition.
Y/N Midoriya ,Tattooist from the small city of Mustafu, has moved her entire life to Tokyo with her friends. Opening Midi’s Tattoos & Piercings seems like a good first step in a big flourishing city like Tokyo. Throw in the sexy competition across the way and you’ve got yourself a party!
Follow Y/N as she tries to navigate her way through big city life, boujie Tokyo city girls, and four men who don’t know how to handle a woman like her. Follow the employees of Midi’s and Commission as they try to maneuver sad single life, chaotic lesbianism, and their bosses aggressively hate flirting all under the sprawling Tokyo skylights.
Y/N L/N has been Katsuki’s best friend their entire lives. Izuku Midoriya found the nerve to confess to her in high school, and Katsuki stepped aside just so his best girl could be happy. Moving to the US for a one in a million opportunity; Y/N’s relationship flourished as Katsuki’s career blew up.
Years later finds Y/N dumping her trash ex Deku, and Katsuki moving the Agency he created back to Japan, so he and Shoto can finally get the fucking girl. Too bad Y/N is clueless, and outside forces are doing all they can to keep them apart ;)
Y/N, L/N had big dreams of being a content creator. Alongside her boyfriend they made their own channels and started thriving. Success breeds jealous and due to devastating betrayal Y/N shut down her channel, packed up her bags, and left Japan.
Now, 4 years later at the annoying insistence of her best friend, her cousin, and his annoying boyfriend; Y/N is moving back to Japan and into the ‘Kozume Hype House’. Living under the same roof as her besties boyfriend, her old childhood friend, a dumbass named Lev; and four of the hottest streamers in Japan is going to be a wild ride for Y/N.
Mix in Y/N’s ex, 4 men falling for her, and her no dating rule; and you’re in for a world of sweet chaotic drama.
You have known Tsukishima Kei your entire life. You went to the same schools all your life. Graduating middle school gave you the break you needed until you saw a familiar head of blonde hair on your first day at Kurasuno. You’ve spent every school year hating the others existence. What happens when you’re partnered together and have no choice but to cooperate for the sake of your graduation?
Y/N L/N is an athletic trainer recently moved back to Japan after spending 6 years in the U.S. As much as she loves her friends; what she can’t handle is their constant need to “find her a man”. Join Y/N as she navigates her way through dealing with ex-boyfriends, old crushes, and new found love interests; all while trying to navigate her life in Japan and finishing her athletic trainer qualifications. 
Who’s ready for this fucking circus?
Hajime Iwaizumi: Male Escort hired by skinny twig models for arm candy and a good fucking. This man can have any woman he wants, but he has specific rules for the women who hire him. No kissing on the lips. No catching Feelings. And No spending the night.
Y/N L/N:  A model considered “Plus Size” because she doesn’t fit the alleged mold of Size 6 and below. A woman who is confident in herself and her body. She is a woman who proves every day that she doesn’t need a man by her side to get that money.
After Y/N is involved in a scandal surrounding her former FWB Tsukishima Kei, Iwaizumi Hajime begins to take notice of all things surrounding and pertaining to HER. Her work ethic, her confidence, her ability to push the haters off with a smile on her pretty face and a flutter of her eye lashes. She’s everything he’s ever wanted in a woman…
But can he show her that he’s everything she needs in a man? How can he prove he’s the man for her when she knows what he’s done to plenty of models who didn’t fit HER MOLD?
Guess you’ll just have to stick around and find out huh?;)
Kuroo Tetsuro had never been very outgoing. He was shy and awkward for most of his life. The only time he seemed to be pulled out of his shell was when he was on the Volleyball Court. High School Volleyball had been the highlight of his life. Until he met Akane. Akane was everything to him. Pretty, Smart, Popular…He couldn’t believe a guy like him could land a girl like her…Until she humiliated him in front of every person in the school.
From that moment forward Kuroo kept to himself, sticking only to his closest friends. Head ducked down, he graduated high school and upon entering Tokyo University, he was determined to make things different…Until he was faced with his high school tormentors…he resigned to the fact that college would be just like high school…and then he met you.
Suna Rintaro was traded from the EJP Raijin, to the MSBY Black Jackals thanks to an incident involving [redacted]. He was pretty sure he was done with any dating after the shit he went through before. Atsumu and Bokuto had other plans, and decided that the perfect woman for him was only a few blocks away.
Y/N Kageyama has spent her entire life surrounded by volleyball. Her best friend growing up was Ushijima Wakatoshi; Her little Brother is Kageyama Tobio; and the idiots she babysits include the Seijoh three + Iwaizumi. It’s no wonder she’s interested in Volleyball Players…too bad Ushijima always manages to step in and send the wrong message huh?
Y/N L/N: 24 year old single mother to twin four year old girls Mochi and Matcha. Advertisement Executive by day and super mama by night; Y/N has been raising her babies with the help of her friends alone for the last four years. As soon as she thinks she has things handled, she’s thrown for a loop when her twins attempt to play match maker four times over with the help of their uncles and aunties; unable to say no to their precious babies.
Follow the three L/N women as one mama learns that she doesn’t need to do it alone; and two girls learn what it really means to have a father...four fathers ;)
3 of Tokyo elites most notorious playboys find themselves tiring of the same routine day in and day out. Each with their own stories of heartbreak. How does one step out of what they’ve been doing for what feels like forever? One woman, tired of celebrating milestones, and vacationing alone; ready to take that step again.... 
When you throw in a meddling best friend, an idiot twin, and a clusterfuck of idiot children; it can only result in one thing...complete and utter chaos, but will Y/N and the 3 playboys finally find happiness in that chaos?
Depends on if all the meddling is helpful or not ;) Stick around and find out yeah?
Y/N and Kuroo were together for three blissful years.The day of graduation she finds herself in tears as she listens to Kuroo tell her that the last three years were a waste of time. With a wave of his hand he walked away and out of her life. Moving to Miyagi she found a group of friends to support her and pick up the pieces. 3 years later Y/N finds herself at Tokyo University. As a new woman with a new attitude; will she run into Kuroo and the chaos he brings with him? Or will someone else come along and show her what love truly feels like?
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dwtsfun · 4 years
Dancing with the Stars Season 29 Week 10: Let’s Talk
So I spent some extra time really thinking about how I want to approach talking about this week. There are many parts and I want to address and I wanna do it as thoroughly as I can. So first let me get the trivial things out of the way. Tyra looked amazing. I loved the judges’ entrance. CAI looked incredible too. Bruno looked great. Derek’s suit would’ve looked better if it were a different color. Maybe a darker and cooler color would’ve been better, like a green, blue or purple. 
Okay now let me address the elephant in the room. Nelly. So here’s where I stand. He deserves to be in the final as much as anyone else that is there right now. Period. You can dislike it all you want, but he earned his spot. He is not a Skeleton type where he hasn’t improved, can’t dance for shit, talks shit about EVERYONE and expects to be rewarded high scores for terrible dances. From what we have all seen, Nelly seems to be genuinely shocked that he’s being received well and at the fact that he is doing as well as he is. And he’s hasn’t shown a sense of entitlement that Skeleton always had surrounding him. Plus, he minds his business and doesn’t bad mouth the other celebs. So I’m going to fully reject that comparison. It’s asinine.
“But he was the worst dancer left!” Okay. And? Your point? This is not new. We have had plenty of celebs who were not one of the best dancers make it to the finals. Kelly Osbourne made the finals over Aaron Carter and Joanna Krupa. Cristian de la Fuente made it over Mario. Marie Osmond made it over Sabrina Bryan and Jennie Garth. Jerry Rice made it over Lisa Rinna. Bristol Palin and Bill Engvall made it over everyone. Candace and Alek beat out a ton of people. Noah made it in over Nastia. Ginger dumbass (I actually have real issues with this lady) made it in over Wanya. David Ross got second place. Lauren Alaina got in over James van der Beek. And Nelly making it as far as he has should not be shocking. He’s got the biggest name of everyone on the show. He’s not a bad dancer (he’s actually pretty decent and better than most of the people that I just listed). And his journey is the quintessential DWTS journey. The audience loves a person that comes in with no experience, embraces the experience and improves as the weeks go on. So it’s very strange to me that Nelly is garnering this type of reaction because he’s “the worst left”. It’s almost like a lot of fans have never watched this show before. So I have to wonder what is driving this issue with him (I know why and I’m sure you all know too). It’s the same thing that drove (and still drives the uproar) for Jacoby placing higher than Aly back in season 16.
“But what about his sexual assault allegations! He shouldn’t succeed because of those.” Yes, I know those are surrounding him. Yes, I know he’s been arrested. Yes, I know it likely happened (and for those of you that are going to come in here acting like I’m doubting survivors, I am not. But I have a platform and I’m not trying to be sued if anyone on his team comes across this post). I am not absolving him of that. BUT, many of the fans don’t know that. To them, he’s just the really famous rapper that made those couple of songs that they like and has worked with Tim McGraw. He might even be their favorite rapper. We also cannot suddenly choose to take the moral high ground when it comes to Nelly, while still watching and supporting this show. This show has casted several different types of abusers, racists, downright hateful people and alleged MURDERERS since it’s inception. And it sympathizes with them. This is actually a shoe where many stars go so that they can try to rehab their image. So that moral high ground approach just doesn’t work for this show. Especially not when there is another alleged abuser sitting right next to him. You can make the personal choice not to vote for him for whatever reason. That is fine. But you also have to know that your continued support of the show is going to allow them to keep casting these types of celebrities.
“But Skai and Johnny were just better.” Yes. That is very true. AND people weren’t voting for them in the way that they were voting for everybody else. Each of them had already had at least one bottom 2 appearance. It made sense for them to both end up in the bottom 3 on double elimination night and be sent home. It’s actually what should have happened to Ally last season when she ended up in the bottom 2 with James.
“But his dances sucked!” I will get to his dances from Monday later on in the post. But his dances throughout the season largely did not suck. I will give you his first paso. That was a mess. The rest of his dances were decent to very good.
“Women have it harder than men on this show!” Well see, here is where need some more nuance. White men (pros and celebs alike) get rewarded for the bare minimum on this show. The judges will (and have) rip apart a Black, Indigenous or Asian man very easily. I would actually say that white women are more fairly treated than any other group besides their white male counterparts. The rest of us fall below everyone else in the social hierarchy.
Okay. I’ve gone on a lot so I’m going to make these rankings pretty short.
1. Skai and Alan- I am ranking these based on my personal enjoyment of both dances, So if you’ve followed me for a long time, you know that I love me a good Viennese waltz. And this was beautiful. Skai’s top line is gorgeous. She was very elegant. And the balance of confidence and vulnerability was something I have not seen from Skai this season. Her cha-cha was a definite redemption. I thought she did a great job with her hip action. She was loose. She was sure of herself. She was confident. I’m glad Skai got to have a week where everything was just top notch. If she had to leave, this was the perfect note to leave on.
2. Johnny and Britt- I really loved both of these dances as well. I was shocked at how well their salsa went. Johnny seemed to do a much better job of understanding the movement of it and executing it. As for the jazz, it was amazing. I loved it. And I loved that it didn’t seem like the freestyle lite routines that we’re used to seeing when couples are assigned jazz. These two should be incredibly proud of everything that they accomplished. I spent the season comparing Johnny to Evan Lysacek and while I think Evan beats Johnny in ballroom, I think Johnny was the overall better dancer.
3. Justina and Sasha- I really really liked this tango. I’m not sure if I would’ve given it a 10, because there were definite issues with her frame throughout. But, it was a huge improvement over their last one, so I’m okay with it. She wasn’t hopping throughout the dance and there was a difference in the way she embodied it that I just liked more. Maybe it was the lack of the character thrown on top of a dance that already has a distinct built in character. As for their contemporary, it was very pretty. I don’t care much for that style, but the perfect score was well deserved. 
4. Nelly and Daniella- Like everyone else tonight, Nelly definitely brought his A-game. That paso was a huge improvement from the first time that he did it. There was way more artistry this time around. He was shaping properly minus a few moments. He was smooth and intentional. It was actually very good. His feet still need work, but this was a very nice dance. I liked that Daniella left his shirt off because we really got to see all of the shaping. He is also very nice to look at lol. I honestly felt like this could have been a very solid 27. I could even see Bruno throwing in a 10 because of how attentive he was to the smaller details of this dance. As for the jive, this was actually the dance where I felt Nelly was most at ease. To me, this was their best dance of the season. That final gear that I could sense they hadn’t tapped into yet, was finally realized. Now from the way a lot of the fans were talking, you’d think this dance was a disaster. But it was far from it. He messed up the choreography a few times, so I don’t think it should’ve gotten a 30. But it was no less than a 27. Everything else he did was actually really good. Daniella put in a lot of content into this dance and he really nailed it. Also, recently there have been a ton of dances that were given perfect scores that may not have deserved them (including a few this season). So I don
5. Kaitlyn and Artem- Their paso was a definite improvement over the first time they did it. And I think it was technically the best dance of the first round. However, I still wasn’t feeling it. It was still too restrained for my liking. And while Derek tried to explain it away by saying that was the character of the dance, I just can’t let that slide.Their contemporary was beautiful though. By the time we got to their dance, I was all contemporary’d out because it was the last of three. So I didn’t appreciate it as much at first. But upon my second and third viewing of it, I actually really liked it. Everything that I had wanted from her in the paso and the Argentine tango was sitting right in this dance. I wish she had taken some of that and put it into those two dances as well. I might’ve actually been able to truly get behind her.
6. Nev and Jenna- Their foxtrot was an improvement but like my feeling with Kaitlyn, I just didn’t care. It was good. I don’t feel anything when he dances. It feels very hollow. His contemporary was nice but of the three contemporaries, I liked it the least. It didn’t really stand out. It was there. It was good. Perfect even. I wasn’t all that impressed though. I wish he would stop lying about his dance experience. 
So that’s it. Let me know your thoughts on the night and I will talk to you all soon.
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dwestfieldblog · 8 years
...or scraping the duck's arse of the barrel, if you prefer...talking about the Republican elephant in the room...and after the 'swamp' has been fully drained, what will be in its place? A nuclear silo, a concentration camp for all the Mexicans, Muslims, Hollywood folk, the musicians, comedians, the un American media? The ex members of the Diplomatic/Intelligence services, the females who don't enjoy being groped by a chunky slime ball in a hairpiece and all the ugly women who can't take a joke?
 Twitter tweet, tweet, tweet, sad, sad, SAD. Him quoting Julie Assange as an actual FACT. His disgusting parody of the crippled journalist... (and the audience cheered and laughed on) this man is a spoiled teen bully and brat who cannot even speak in decent sentences. Yes I know, teapot and kettle whistle eh? You expect this type of male behaviour from an African despot, a current tyrant in Asia (eg:Turkmenistan etc.) a criminal warlord, some drunk and bitter guy in a pub with a small penis and a lot of hate... or a deranged psychopath who has got his way too often. Not the leader of a Western democracy
 Ronald the toupee says NATO is 'obsolete' ...along with the European Union... divide and conquer? He supports Brexit, not just because of 'taking back control' of borders but because as a businessman Trump knows damn well that the UK is in desperate need of making new deals fast and he will be able to wrangle a ball breaking one with ease..Britain to ripped off again and again, beggars choosing to remain beggars.
 Collapse... Putin must be rising each morning and roaring with hairless chest beating laughter. And iron confidence. A master-stroke to run and develop a greedy ego led moron all the way to the innards of the White House. (Even though Clinton got 2.9 MILLION more votes.) 'The Donald' is an utterly predictable fool who is not worth a fraction of Michele Obama. Ladies, women, girls, females, keep protesting, America needs a Pussy Riot en masse. Nice quote in several international newspapers; 'He makes George W Bush look like Abraham Lincoln'.
 A part of me can see the ironic fairness in some ways...the West worked hard to bring down 'Russia'...but that was to destroy Communism...which was a charming but utterly unworkable idea, the workers control the means of production? (China? Cuba? North Korea?? ) the fiction of which was maintained only by extremes of control and fear. The idea was never about destroying the actual country. However, some of Mother Bear's recent and present actions are mirror copies, (but now modernised) of what the West did. A balance of evils across Time. Perhaps Putin truly believes Democracy and Capitalism are as equally bad as the system in which we saw him grow up. He has a lot invested in proving it.
 And the other side have a vast amount invested in keeping it all going. Regardless of who suffers, as long as there are enough workers and consumers. 'Beyond grotesque' that a handful of men are worth 500 billion pounds (same as the wealth of 3.6 billion people.) (Oxfam Report, World Economic Forum 2017)
 Meanwhile back...
 America should 'greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes'. Take a minute to consider even three ramifications of that comment made by Trump's knee-jerk Pavlov Dog response to Putin's announcement that Russia needs to power up her military to deal with threats. Let alone a grown man soon to have the codes for end of the world using the word 'nukes'. A realisation to come only to the mutants in the ashes, or to the world to come to heel to the glory of American fire-power?  A pork sword fight between the two cocks of the walk...who has the biggest missile and how loud can it explode?
 Watching the senate hearings for the new government, chair by chair, the metastasis of Trump's vision. Perhaps the Duck Fart will have to over compensate for the widespread perception of him as Putin's bitch, by getting 'tough' with Russia. Should make for compulsive viewing for those who enjoy getting The Fear on a daily basis. A Cold War adrenalin rush in a golden nuclear dawn.
 A gurning voyeur of alleged (but still fairly believable for man with such a low, childish opinion of women and a suspiciously heavy dislike of Obama) golden whore showers in a Moscow hotel to go with the mind fornicating kitschy golden doors in the Trump tower. Loved his denial of the sexy evening because of his being a 'germophobe'.  An ex MI6 agent named Christopher Steele? Really? Sounds like a character. Couldn't make it up. Oh, they did? Good KGB chess tactics. Disinformation and fake news, 'post truth' to the end. The bitter last hot yellow drop.
 Fun watching China's reaction to the perfect expression of the American Dream. Oh LORD, I wish Hunter S Thompson and Bill Hicks were still alive to document all this. Listened to half an hour of on the spot interviews from those at the Inauguration, fervent listeners to his first speech as President (yes on the BBC ('another beauty' DT.) )World Service. 'He's going to make America great again, I cried, he's one of us'... Monkey mind see and monkey mind do do-do. No-one has learned shit from history...
 BEWARE OF ANY BASTARD WHO TALKS ABOUT 'THE PEOPLE' and RETURNING POWER TO THEM, especially when they are running for office or are newly installed. Even more so when they speak loudly about weeding out the corrupt and draining the swamp. What they mean is to install their own brand of power and corruption.. and be doubly aware of those blatantly lacking actual morality when they bring religion into it for 'God and Country'. God doesn't need puppets but those who abuse the idea of the Highest do. The majority of world leaders should never be allowed into any Church or Temple under any circumstances. But then, neither should most of the priests, imams or teachers. Only 'The People', heh heh heh...speaking of whom...
 Another couple of months of dumbass Daesh solo attacks, killing Muslims as well as the infidel. Well planned guys. One of you dies, dozens of us die and thousands turn against you each time. A caliphate based on mass murder will have the same end result as all other former empire regimes. All ideas based on pure Ego will collapse, pretending to serve a higher power as an excuse to destroy and kill burns bright and OUT. Very hard to fool the Light.
 One of the most horrific pictures (out of hundreds) from the Syrian conflict was to see the refugee girl Bana,7 from Aleppo in Erdogan's arms for a photo opportunity. Shiver at the juxtaposition of a man responsible for so many deaths and brutal arrests pretending to be a loving uncle. Number four on the List...
 Populism...hard Right parties, chaos candidates financially supported from 'afar' to stir the muck and create new cesspits. Germany gearing up for a hacked election... Estonia, Finland and Scandinavia... practising war games and defences in preparation, with fair reason to be worried, while in Poland, the annual NATO exercises racked up due to Putin's actions in Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine meet with unveiled threats triggered by the scent of smoking guns. F**k this.
 I've finally had enough, NO more news, TV, radio, papers, headlines until this foul human mistake in the Reptilian White House is gone, one way or the other. The swamp has been drained and this is the creature uncovered and dripping with filth. The people have spoken with a guttural roaring grunt, all the idiots join hands and rejoice, desperate to be gullible.' Great changes are coming and you will be asked to identify yourself'. (to quote JC again). A genuine shame that democracies can be so easily manipulated by their enemies.
 You get what you are, the only true universal Law.
I will remember that as I die, if I am not too busy screaming. Or laughing.
  God bless you J.B, safe journey home, free from pain, Love always.
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