#not bothering to fix typos
 “i’m so hot..” “loving the confidence.” “oh shut up.” 
For Kon/Bart (Only if you're interested/up to it)
“Wasn’t hot-boxing supposed to be, I dunno fun?” breathed Bart as he felt sweat cloy on his forehead. “Helen said it was supposed to be a party. Not… this.” 
Tim wrenched his arm free from under Bart and took calculated breaths. “This is not what she was talking about, oh my god.”
Kon was wedged as far back as possible in the tiny box, Bart on one leg and Tim on the other. “Hey, it’s not too late, we could make it a party,” he gulped as Bart shifted in a way that was dangerous. Had this been any other scenario, had they not been tossed in together by a breakthrough villain, this might have been exciting. 
Kon loathed new villains. At least with Hot Streak or Captain Boomerang he could anticipate what could happen. But oh no, they had to deal with Iron Wrapper or whatever it was. 
“Superboy, is your TTK able to do anything helpful?” Tim asked and it was clear he was desperately trying to not breathe. Kon put his hand on the side of the metal box and pushed out with his TTK, it crawled along all sides and he pushed, straining. After a full minutes of bracing against the box he let up. “Nope, looks like we’re stuck. Babe?” 
Bart shook his head and started to answer Kon, but Tim interrupted. “No compromising language! We don’t know if they’re listening!” 
Bart rolled his eyes. “We’ll come out on Twitter later. Anyway. Sorry babe but I’ve been trying to vibrate through since we got trapped in here. Nada.” 
“Damnit! Okay, Rob, you got any ideas? What about your bat-communicator?” Kon asked. “Imp and I have done all we can, time to pony up.” 
Tim was quiet for a couple moments before he answered him. “No reply,” his voice was raspy and he too began to sweat. Of all the traps he got himself in this should not be this difficult. 
Bart attempted to lighten the mood. “So two boys, an enby, and a box-” 
“No.” Tim was not in the mood. 
“Just trying to lighten everything up, damn it’s hot.” Bart shifted in Kon’s lap and Kon wrapped one arm around his waist and he pulled him closer to him. 
The movement was obvious to Tim but he declined to comment on it. Getting them to keep their hands off of each other while suited up had been impossible since they got together five months ago. “It’s hot because we’re running out of air. We need to find a way out of here. So uhm, if either of you have some shocking new way of using your power please speak up.” 
Silence, and breathing.
“Besides, you’re literally against my leg, gross.” Bart pointed out and Tim backed down. 
Tim grew concerned. “Guys?... Oh you better not be-”
Bart and Kon both recoiled at the same time. “What?!”
“Come on man, we could really die in here you think we’re-  that’s low, Rob. Real low.” Kon grumbled defensively. 
“Sorry, sorry. Just on edge. I’m serious though. Any ideas?” 
“Y’know, maneuver 7.” 
Bart considered it as the sweat on his forehead finally began pooling and falling down his skin in streaks, and the skin under his body suit felt swampy despite its moisture wicking being the best on the planet. “Well… Babe, you wanna try it?”
Kon was momentarily lost. “Try what?” 
“I don’t think we ever named them,” Kon huffed in a lazy, heat hazed laugh. 
The back of Tim’s throat feel like he had taken a bite of oatmeal and it was just stuck there, dry and unmoving and he was desperate for water, and air. They couldn’t keep this up. “I don’t care if you were inspired by Looney Tunes, please just try it!” 
When Rob snapped, which was actually pretty common, both of them knew to pay attention. 
“Okay, Bart what are you thinking?” 
“Vibrating force field. You get your TTK up, I vibrate it, you push.” The plan was simple and combined unimaginable force with blinding speed and kinetic energy. 
Kon immediately threw up his TTK to surround them, one hand on each side of the box. Bart reached and covered Kon’s hands with his own hot fingers and he concentrated, and began to vibrate. 
As he did, little pops and flashes of electricity flickered every now and then in the dark. They were blue, then white, then yellow as he used more and more of his attachment to the Speedforce. All the while Kon pushed as hard as he could with his tactile telekinetic barrier. 
The air was so thick. 
There was no air left and Rob could feel his mind blanking, he thought he was hallucinating when he suddenly saw bright assaulting light envelop all of them. 
The deep gasp was completely involuntary when fresh and pure air filled his lungs, and he quickly began to assess their situation. 
The box they had been trapped in had burst from within and debris had been flung in all directions. Meanwhile Bart was laying backwards on top of Kon, his goggles steamed up as he laughed lazily. 
“Toldja that would work! That was so cool!” Bart boasted. 
“Hell yeah,” Kon croaked, his face was red as he took low breaths. “I’m so hot.” 
Bart grinned. “Loving the confidence.” 
Tim rolled his eyes. “Oh shut up. Come on, we have a perp to track down, you two can flirt later.”
“He’s never gonna change, is he?” Kon wondered aloud. Bart finally shifted off of him. 
“Nah. But we like him like this.” 
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greyias · 10 months
Oh look, it seems everyone has been opted into the unfortunate "experiment" now. For everyone who has been blissfully using the old UI up until now, welcome to hell :)
Do you not like hell? Do you want to leave and crawl back up into the sunlight of the old UI? Well, have I got a link for you! A beautiful tumblr user (who is not me) has gone and fixed things beautifully for you already: https://github.com/enchanted-sword/dashboard-unfucker
You will need to have Tampermonkey installed on your browser of choice, and once that's done, just go to the github link above, and peruse the readme to install. And voila! You have your old dash back!
The authors of XKit Rewritten said during the experiments that at the time, since this was an "experiment" they weren't going to implement anything to revert to the old UI (although who knows if they'll do it now). And the dashboard unfucker has worked beautifully enough for me to where I genuinely couldn't tell if they had ended the experiment or not.
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souvenir116 · 3 months
Charles being sassy for 39 seconds:
all vids are from Clara 🤍
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frodo-a-gogo · 1 year
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Funny Apery. Male-Centric Workplace Humor. Co-written by @boltzmannbutt on Twitter.
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chrzannekk · 11 days
undertale x camp camp?
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accelerandy15 · 7 months
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Made a comic omg 💙💛💋
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currently day 364
one day left until one year HLEEP
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commander-ledi · 9 months
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getallemeralds · 5 months
Oh is that minecraft Steve over there in the horizon?
moinecraft stevee you need ot help me my chairi s so fucked up
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calenhads · 1 year
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give me a fight i can't resist give me something to break with my fists take me to war oh, honey, i dare you
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introductionpresence · 6 months
is saying "that's mint" as in something/a situation being good like a british thing. cos i 100% would say it more except im not sure people online would unferstand
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greatprotector-if · 1 year
hey guys progress is being made
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loversj0y · 11 months
drink as fuck rn how usll soing?
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anti-oneirocritic · 1 month
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belovedharringrove · 2 years
"wait," billy asks, confused as hell and kind of scared and sort of angry but mainly so fucking confused. "you're saying there are other universes out there?"
the man... woman... being standing next to billy in what seems to be an empty white room snorts and nods their head, giving him a look like they know exactly what's going through his mind. "there are infinite universes out there. i'm especially fond of the one where humans died in 2012. nature is especially beautiful in that one and the animals are so nice." they gush and billy decides to ignore them and not think too much about what they said because he would fall into a spiral of so there's a universe where ma didn't leave and neil's dead and we're happy and together and i didn't have to leave california? and that hurts to think about so he just ignores it, and ignores the treacherous part of his brain that says there's a universe where you and steve are together and happy and in love because that also hurts too much to think about.
"alright? so why are you telling me this?" billy sighs and goes to sit on the armchair that seems to have appeared out of nowhere. "and who are you?" he adds, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at them.
"i am... i am who i am. who i need to be." the person says and those words explain everything yet nothing at all. billy met them after he... died. at starcourt mall. the last thing he saw was max leaning over him and crying, darkness and then he was in this room and the person was there. it seemed like years had passed and also only seconds. the person had let him scream and yell and cry and mourn for what he never got to have and then, when he got tired and calmed down, they went into an explanation about all the infinite universes and here they were now.
"well, if you must know," they say, rolling their eyes like it's such a bother to have to explain "i want to show you something." they say and suddenly they have... something. in their hands. it's like a tv but small and flat and shaped almost like a notebook. they press something on the side and the things lights up and they start tapping on the screen, eyebrows furrowed and tongue sticking out slightly.
"it's a tablet. i'm using it to log into tumblr." they say as a form of explanation and billy frowns. "what's tumblr? is that some sort of ethereal thing the gods use to keep track of mortals?" he asks and the being barks out a laugh at that. "feels like it if you use it long enough but no." they say and summon another seat across from billy, leaning back to look at him straight in the eyes.
then they go into another explanation. an explanation of how, in this universe, billy's life and everything that happens in it is part of a show called 'stranger things' and they go explain what the internet and tumblr is and why they're using it right now, and they explain what fandoms are because they say that it's important he knows that, for some reason. billy wants to not believe them but his life has seemed like something a fucked up person made up so the fact that it's part of a show in this universe makes sense. it makes him laugh. he tries to ignore the being's milky white eyes looking at him with what seem to be pity and understanding.
"why are you telling me this?" he asks again, wishing for a cigarette or that he were actually dead and not in whatever hell this is.
the being rolls their eyes again and go back to tapping the tablet screen again. "the internet is vast, almost endless. and tumblr seems to have no fucking end. the stranger things fandom is also on tumblr and, while the vast majority seem to hate you or your character for some reason, there's a little corner of it i think you should see." they say and hand billy the tablet... and then roll their eyes and show him how to use it and how to scroll through tumblr.
after what seems to be like months, billy is scrolling through what the being calls the 'billy fandom tumblr'. what he sees confuses him. there's people making... what where they called? posts? defending him and bashing his dad and crying over his death and all his lost potential. he's also confused. "why are they calling me a slut? and baby girl? and why the fuck am i in a jar?" he asks and the being waves off his questions, telling him to just keep scrolling, dammit and so billy does and the more he sees, the more his eyes seem to feel more and more suspiciously wet.
"they're strangers. they don't- why are they defending me so much?" he asks, voice wavering as he stares at yet another post of someone angry and hurting over his lost potential. the being simply shrugs at the question, picking at their seemingly flawless nails.
"maybe they just see something in you that no one ever wanted to see." they say and billy cries, the tablet slipping from his shaking fingers and falling onto the floor. "why are you showing me this?" he manages to choke through the knot in his throat, lifting his head to look at the being. "everyone deserves to know they're loved, william. even you." they sigh and move forward to cup his cheeks tenderly and billy can only cry more at that. he thought he would never be loved. he died thinking he was unloved.
as he cries, he feels a burning sensation in his chest and starts to hear a slow beeping sound start echoing throughout the room. "what's going on?" he asks, scared once again. "that would the sound of you waking up." the being says and suddenly billy is surrounded in darkness once again.
he gasps as he opens his eyes to a bright room. it takes his eyes a little bit to get accustomed to the brightness, but when they do he realizes he's in a hospital room. him. he... survived?
comes the broken whisper from his bedside and when he turns his head, steve harrington is there with red eyes and an even redder nose, bundled up in a thick jacket. when he sees billy staring back at him in confusion, he sobs in what seems to be relief and rushes forward to hug him gently. billy doesn't know what to do at that so he just. lays there.
"everyone deserves love, even you." he hears the being's voice in his head and so he exhales through his nose and hugs the crying steve back. he has no idea why he survived when he was supposed to die but he doesn't want to waste this opportunity. not now that he has steve with him in his arms. maybe soon he'll process the fact that he spent a confusing amount of time in a blank room with an otherwordly entity and break down and need therapy for it but for now, he holds steve close and lets himself smile for the first time in a while.
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the ungodly thoughts about luis are STRONG tonight
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