#not cn or ff related
dexlabs · 10 months
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
tagged by @sushilabs. thanks!
Green Day Galore!
D - Desensitized
E - East Jesus Nowhere
X - Xmas Time of the Year
L - Longview
A - All The Time
B - Brain Stew
S - Still Breathing
tagging... no one because I can't follow from this blog, but if you see this, YOU'RE TAGGED!
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rnomics · 2 years
Single-cell #RNA sequencing for traumatic spinal cord injury
Traumatic spinal cord injury (tSCI) is a severe injury of the central nervous system (CNS) with complicated pathological microenvironment that results in hemorrhage, inflammation, and scar formation. The microenvironment of the injured spinal cord comprises heterogeneous neurons, glial cells, inflammatory cells, and stroma-related cells. Increasing evidence has indicated that the altered cellular and molecular microenvironment following tSCI is a key factor impeding functional recovery.... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36374259/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_campaign=None&utm_content=1RYYbE7j9SUSBe_aHniaI_J1MQIFIBbfLuFxoWdLNMNDzVVIWF&fc=None&ff=20221118022622&v=2.17.8
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obstinaterixatrix · 3 years
I don’t think I posted about this one yet, it’s cute high school author/fan where the fan is super into yuri and the author... accidentally made it big with yuri fans but doesn’t understand why because all the girls she knows are affectionate with each other so she wants to ask the fan about her interpretation LMAO. anyway caveats in the tags
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sea-beam · 4 years
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Ottos or smth
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fusionjune · 4 years
Fusionfall DMCA claim source
Hey. So apparently the cause of this DMCA was from one singular dude who had a beef with the devs and wanting them to release the code and assets online for someone else to host. I don’t know anything else about this but you can share the above tweet (in a civil fashion please, so people take it seriously) and maybe share it on Fusionfall-related sites etc. 
When I’d first heard of the DMCA filing and FFR being shut down, I’d felt like FF was going down a second time, like another punch to the gut to this bigger pile of everything going on... but if it’s based on a FALSE claim... it seems way more unfair than what we previously thought it was.
Hope this gets cleared since whatever claims CN accepted from this person, there’s no way the devs were making money off of Retro, Legacy or any of what they did related to the revival of the game. Thank you to the FF Universe devs and team, you really outshone any expectations anyone had of a Fusionfall fanproject. Thank you for your effort so far
 If you share or write to CN please be civil about it.
Thanks for reading and hope you’re all safe.
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prettyinpinkstars · 6 years
SU Bingo Talk:
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Listen, Cartoon Network clearly doesn't understand how bingo works. At first fans thought "Oooh enough of the stuff will happen to fill in one line" because they do understand the not-that-complexities of the game bingo.
Well according to history CN's idea of bingo is basically handing the fans a cheat sheet of vaguely worded major events that are gonna happen in the show in the near future. I mean, I'm not complaining but ffs CN get your act together.
We have only a few things left on the bingo sheet, all of them pretty interesting but today I'm gonna talk about the square that says Steven's gonna get new powers.
Now, I'm pretty sure the bingo sheet was released after Lars' Head came out, but the most obvious answer is that that square relates to Steven being able to resurrect people. Done. Case closed. Time to go home people.
Buuuuut... maybe it's not referring to Lars Head and Steven is about to discover yet more powers. I mean, the healing tears were kind of known already. If that's the case I can see two likely options: the ability to control gems, or the ability to make gems.
So apparently Word of God says that Pearl couldn't disobey Pink's order because she's a Pearl and that's how Pearl's work, but as all faithful RQ=PD theorists know, Word of God is unreliable. The way Pearl's hands covered her moth silencing her, seemingly of their own volition, even when Steven was going to be taken away for her silence just doesn't sit right with me. People have also pointed out that Rose 'ordered' Garnet to "never question this" and now she has enormous difficulty asking questions. Sure, all this could just be coincidence but it could easily be a diamond power.
The second idea I have is the ability to create gems. I've always has a theory that Steven creating sentient plants was how gems reproduced. It's actually whast kept me on the RQ=PD when we got hardly any evidence for a while there. The way the plants form with an instant attachment of their creator reminded me of how gems are formed knowing and loving their diamond.
Now that Steven's a diamond confirmed, it would be interesting to find out that he can make gems.
So yeah, there are my thoughts on that bingo square. I'm thinking of making this the first in a series where I talk about each of the left over Bingo squares.
Any thoughts?
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your-dietician · 3 years
How Does Depression Affect the Brain?
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/how-does-depression-affect-the-brain/
How Does Depression Affect the Brain?
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Depression can result in negative emotions, overreactions, reduced intellectual abilities, and a general sense of feeling down. These symptoms can range from mild to severe— with suicidal thoughts occurring in the most critical of diagnoses. All of these are just symptoms of depression, however. The underlying issues, and important areas of study regarding this disorder, have more to do with the actual changes depression can cause to the brain. Here, we’ll explore an answer to the question “how does depression affect the brain?”
How Does Your Brain Change From Depression?
What does depression do to the brain? Unfortunately, this question isn’t easily answered, because the effects of depression on the brain can be quite complex. What’s more, they continue to be studied, since we don’t understand everything there is to know about the relationship between our brains and depression. Even though researchers have more to learn about the cause, effect, and correlation between the brain and depression, they have been able to establish a foundational understanding of how depression affects the brain.
In short, depression is broadly associated with brain inflammation. But we don’t yet know if depression causes brain inflammation, or if it’s the opposite—that the inflammation is causing depression.
Researchers have been able to determine that depression directly impacts multiple areas of the brain, most of which are affected by a loss of gray matter volume (GMV). Gray matter is a type of brain material that’s dense with cells and needed for strong brain activity.
Areas of the Brain Affected by Depression
How depression affects the brain is multifaceted, and many areas of the brain may be impacted. Research has lead us to believe that depression affects the following areas of the brain:
Hippocampus: The hippocampus, named after the Ancient Greek word for “seahorse” due to its shape, has a role in many brain functions. Some of what it’s responsible for includes learning, memory storage, emotions, and stress (connecting other parts that process emotions and stress). The hippocampus plays a central role in how we process recollection and long-term memory. For those living with chronic or recurrent depression, studies have shown that the hippocampus shrinks over time. Fortunately, research indicates that this part of the brain can actually be healed and reversed through treatment for depression. 
Prefrontal Cortex: The prefrontal cortex is largely responsible for high-level thinking and planning. In some brain images of people who are depressed, they found abnormally low prefrontal cortex. Additionally, depression severity seems to correlate with how far-declined the prefrontal cortex activity actually is. 
Thalamus: The thalamus is the part of the brain that gets the most sensory information. It’s involved in many high-level functions such as speech, thought, behavioral reactions, learning, and movement. Because it links sensory input to positive and negative feelings, depression can affect the thalamus, which can get smaller in those diagnosed with depression. 
Caudate Nucleus: The caudate nucleus is most associated with movement, but it also has tangential roles in learning, memory, motivation, emotion, and romantic interactions. There is evidence that supports that the caudate nucleus becomes smaller in those who are depressed. 
Insula: The insula assists with both basic functions and automatic ones. It can be involved with our feelings of love, pain, cravings, overall emotions, addiction, and more. It sends sensory signals from both within the body as well as from the outside environment. In a nutshell, the insular cortex’s purpose is to link our sensory experiences and emotional responses. It’s also involved with taste and regulates the immune system. Like the prefrontal cortex, thalamus, and caudate nucleus, the insula also appears to be smaller in depressed people. 
Amygdala (unclear results): Though results from studies and research are mixed in regards to how depression affects the amygdala, it’s suggested the two are related. The amygdala processes stress and fear.
These all must be addressed when taking a comprehensive approach to answering the question: how does depression affect the brain? When specific areas of the brain aren’t functioning properly, we can see many changes in behaviors and thought processes. Some of the more significant changes which capture what depression feels like include, but are not limited to:
Increased anxiety
Memory issues
Difficulty thinking clearly
Sleep issues
Having extremely negative emotions
Appetite issues
Change is speech patterns (talking more slowly)
Are the Changes Permanent?
The long-term answer to how long the brain is affected by major depressive disorder (clinical depression), as well as what type of effects can be expected, is still being studied. But research suggests the effects can be lasting.
Clinical depression at any level might have a significant impact on the brain, but the result of continued or repeated depression can be especially negative. There’s some evidence to suggest that the effects of depression on the brain compound over time, and some of these changes (for example, those to the hippocampus) in people diagnosed with lifelong major depressive disorder might be present even after years of a depressive episode.
Additionally, levels of translocator proteins also increase in people with depression. These brain chemicals are linked to inflammation in the brain, and studies show they can: 
Kill or hurt brain cells
Prevent new ones from growing
Interfere with thinking
Accelerate brain aging 
Even if levels return to normal, even temporary periods of reduced new growth and increased aging can still have potential lifelong impacts. One thing is clear: ongoing depression probably does cause significant, long-term changes to our brain. 
Getting Treatment 
Because of the complex and prolonged effects that depression can have on the brain, it’s a mental health condition that should be treated as soon as possible Thankfully, there are several effective treatments to consider if you’re dealing with depression:
Antidepressants: Antidepressant medication uses medically formulated chemicals to control stress and emotion hormones. They work by lowering inflammation and promoting the formation of new connections between neurons.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Cognitive Behavioral Therapy promotes neuroplasticity, which improves the brain’s flexibility and ability to create new pathways. This form of talk therapy has been shown to work, in some cases, as well as or even better than medication. Especially for those with a mild-to-moderate form of depression, it can be highly successful. For more severe cases, a combination of CBT and medication like antidepressants have been found to be extremely effective in reducing depressive symptoms while improving the overall quality of life.  
Talk Therapy: Talk therapy (also known as psychotherapy) allows psychiatrists and psychologists to help clients process their emotions on a short-term or ongoing basis. It can teach someone how to make changes to their thought patterns and alter some of the negative behaviors, resulting in a reduction in depressive symptoms overall. 
Ketamine: Ketamine was originally approved by the FDA as an anesthetic in the early 1970s. More recently it’s been used to treat very severe depression, like the kind that manifests as thoughts of imminent suicide. This medication can only be used short-term, but might have lasting benefits and positive outcomes in treating suicidal thoughts and severe depression.
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): Electroconvulsive therapy stimulates the brain and reduces corticotropin-releasing stress hormones (CRHs). ECT has been shown highly effective in relieving major and severe depression. Some studies show that 8 out of 10 people living with severe depression see substantial improvement after ECT treatment.
In addition to these treatment options, a combination of a healthy diet, consistent sleep habits, regular exercise, therapy, and meditation can assist with how to manage depression. They might not address all your answers about what depression does to the brain, but these are practical ways to minimize many of the effects depression can have on your life.
If you’re living with depression, seeking professional treatment is the best thing you can do for yourself. You don’t have to suffer—there is help out there for you. If you’re having thoughts of suicide or need immediate help, you should call 911. You can contact a psychiatrist for assistance with ongoing symptoms. Your psychiatrist can further answer your questions about how depression affects the brain and what type of depression you may be facing. Your mental health care provider will help develop a course of treatment that will get you back to the path of living and enjoying your life.
Zhang FF, Peng W, Sweeney JA, Jia ZY, Gong QY. Brain structure alterations in depression: Psychoradiological evidence. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2018;24(11):994-1003. https://doi.org/10.1111/cns.12835. Published 2018. Accessed August 21, 2021.
Pandya M, Altinay M, Malone DA Jr, Anand A. Where in the brain is depression?. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2012;14(6):634-642. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11920-012-0322-7. Published 2012. Accessed August 21, 2021.
THE BRAIN FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. Thebrain.mcgill.ca. https://thebrain.mcgill.ca/flash/i/i_08/i_08_cr/i_08_cr_dep/i_08_cr_dep.html.. Published 2021. Accessed August 21, 2021.
Does long-term, severe clinical depression affect the brain? Brain and life. https://www.brainandlife.org/articles/does-long-term-severe-clinical-depression-have-neurologic-effects-on/. Published 2011. Accessed August 21, 2021.
Depression and the brain. Queensland Brain institute. https://qbi.uq.edu.au/brain/brain-diseases/depression/depression-and-brain. Published 2021. Accessed August 21, 2021.
What Anxiety And Depression Does To Your Brain. Advantage mental Health Center. https://advantagementalhealthcenter.com/what-anxiety-and-depression-does-to-your-brain/. Published 2020. Accessed August 21, 2021.
Talkspace articles are written by experienced mental health-wellness contributors; they are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. Articles are extensively reviewed by our team of clinical experts (therapists and psychiatrists of various specialties) to ensure content is accurate and on par with current industry standards.
Our goal at Talkspace is to provide the most up-to-date, valuable, and objective information on mental health-related topics in order to help readers make informed decisions.
Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to in the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.
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phgq · 5 years
DTI-7 awards convenience store branches for upholding consumer rights
#PHinfo: DTI-7 awards convenience store branches for upholding consumer rights
DUMAGUETE CITY, Oct. 25 (PIA) -- The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Negros Oriental handed over DTI Bagwis Gold Seal Awards to 17 branches of a convenience store in the province for upholding consumer rights and practicing responsible businesses.
DTI Assistant Secretary for Consumer Protection Group Atty. Ann Claire Credo-Cabochan and DTI Provincial Director Nimfa Virtucio gave the award to the representatives of 7-Eleven branches in Negros Oriental after the Kapihan Sa PIA forum held here on Oct. 23.
Eight of these store branches are operated by Philippine Seven Corp., the company that acquired the license to operate 7-Eleven stores nationwide.
These branches are located at Dr. V. Locsin St., Silliman University Campus, North Road, and Calindagan Road in Dumaguete City; Poblacion, Manjuyod; Poblacion, Mabinay; National Highway, Poblacion, Bayawan City; FF Sevilla, North Poblacion, Jimalalud; and Progresso St., Poblacion, Siaton town.
Meanwhile, the other nine are operated and franchised by local corporations in the province.
These include Esprutingkle Food Corporation with branches in Nono Limbaga Drive, Brgy. IX, Tanjay City; RSI Bdlg., Bagacay, Dumaguete City; Poblacion, Guihulngan City; CNS Convenience Store with a branch in Baylon Building, South Poblacion, Valencia town; two RJ Convenience Stores with branch at North Road, Daro, Dumaguete City; YYM Ventures with a branch at EBT Building, Rizal Boulevard, Dumaguete City; Bright Eyes Enterprises with a branch at Dr. V Locsin St, Poblacion 7, Dumaguete City; SRAM Ventures with a branch at Odbulla Inn, Perdices St., Poblacion 3, Dumaguete City; and Loo Ventures with a branch at PVL Square, Aldecoa Cor. Ipil Road, Daro, Dumaguete City.
The Gold Seal Award is the highest level of recognition of Bagwis Awards given by DTI to an establishment.
In order to achieve this, a business should be able to comply with the requirements of the Bronze and Silver Standard which include compliance to Fair Trade Laws and establishment of Consumer Welfare Desk (CWD) or an equivalent customer relations office inside their store, putting in place social responsibility initiatives.
In addition to this, businesses should be compliant to elements aligned to ISO 9001 or quality management system requirements to get the Gold Seal.
DTI-Negros Oriental Consumer Protection Division Head Hermel Sun disclosed that the Bagwis Seal Awards acts as a guide to consumers in identifying which store is adherent to consumer rights and welfare.
“If we see a Bagwis Seal in a particular establishment we know for a fact that kani siya follows the rules and regulations set by the local and national DTI office. Therefore, ilang gibaligya are compliant sa atong (consumer) and regulation and quality-wise maayo gyud ni siya (Therefore, the items sold in there store are compliant to consumer rules and regulations and consumers are assured of best quality of goods),” Sun said.
“Kaning Bagwis helps encourage the setting up of consumer welfare desks to provide information to consumers and serve as mechanism for speedy resolution of consumer complaints,” he added. (ral/PIA7-Negros Oriental)
* Philippine Information Agency. "DTI-7 awards convenience store branches for upholding consumer rights." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1029245 (accessed November 05, 2019 at 04:04PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "DTI-7 awards convenience store branches for upholding consumer rights." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1029245 (archived).
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dexlabs · 9 months
I'm going to create a separate blog for my KND ramblings, because at this point their story has evolved into a separate AU that needs its place.
Also I don't want to post about certain types of OCs here, I want this place to be CN/FF related (only exceptions are the recruits).
So, see ya next year with it!!!
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optometrist0 · 7 years
Low Tension Glaucoma
Eye pressure. the disease can
Syndrome and obstructive
Which carry impulses from the retina
Nerve. sources: glaucoma research
Brain tumor. take home points
In low tension glaucoma not enough blood reaches the optic nerve (the tiny blood vessels supplying the optic nerve are shown in red).
what is glaucoma; low tension glaucoma; how does the treatment work; eye drops; an operation; how is your sight affected? visual fields; can you become blind? what tests do you need in the eye clinic? what can you do to help? your general health; CNS changes; lealfet download; notes for professionals; Emdecine link …
Secondary glaucoma occurs as the result of an injury or other disease of the eye. It can be caused by certain medications, a variety of medical conditions, as well as physical damage. • Normal or low-tension glaucoma …
Diagnosis and Treatment of Normal-Tension Glaucoma. … NTG patients have a higher propensity for optic nerve damage at relatively low levels of IOP.
Normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) is a form of open-angle glaucoma characterized by glaucomatous optic neuropathy in patients with IOP measurements consistently lower than 21 mmHg. Although NTG was once thought to be uncommon, the Beaver Dam Eye Study reported that nearly one-third of glaucoma patients can be …
It has more sudden, dramatic symptoms, including blurred vision, difficulty seeing in low light, halos around lights … and Japanese people are more likely to have normal-tension glaucoma. Women are three times more likely than men to …
However, younger people can also get this type of glaucoma. Normal Tension Glaucoma – This is a form of open angle glaucoma not related to high pressure. People with normal tension glaucoma may be unusually sensitive to normal …
Low-tension glaucoma (LTG) is a chronic optic neuropathy that affects adults. Its features parallel primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), including …
Within the spectrum of primary open angle glaucoma, patients with physiologic intraocular pressures have been classified as having normal tension glaucoma ( NTG) or, less accurately, low tension glaucoma (LTG). As reliable tonometric means became available in the mid 20th century, large population based studies of …
The researchers say the form of glaucoma relevant to weight lifters is known as normal-tension, or low-tension glaucoma. This is most common in people who experience frequent changes in eye pressure. the disease can be …
Question: What is glaucoma, what are the two main types of glaucoma, and how common are they … have …
Also called low-tension or normal-pressure glaucoma, in normal-tension glaucoma the optic nerve is damaged even though the pressure in the eye is not very high.
However, it is timely to revisit the subject of glaucoma, hence the title of my talk: ‘Glaucoma—an area of darkness’. The Bowman lecture … non-optometric referral, low rather than high IOP, and increasing age. 21 The cost of treating …
Chronic glaucoma: the causes, what happens, the treatment, and investigations, in Good Hope Eye Department
A part from that, glaucoma can develop without increased eye pressure. This form of glaucoma is called low-tension or normal-tension glaucoma. Another factor for optic nerve to be damaged is the blood pressure. Thus, it is important …
In many patients, normal tension glaucoma is common in individuals with a generalized reduced perfusion of organs and certain body tissues. A low blood pressure – whether consistently low or with sudden pressure drops – is associated with NTG as are conditions like Flammer syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea.
Much more information about this association between IgE and glaucoma is necessary to come to any grounded and supported conclusions. However, this might be the missing link to uncover the cause of normal tension glaucoma. In …
Low-tension or normal-tension glaucoma is caused by bloodflow problems to the eye rather than high pressure as in other glaucoma types. Read more about glaucoma's definition, symptoms and treatment.
Discover 8 early warning signs that you could be getting Glaucoma.
Our Glaucoma Main Article provides a comprehensive look at the who, what, when and how of Glaucoma. Low tension glaucoma: See: Glaucoma, normal tension. Eye Diseases: Recognize These Common Eye Conditions. Eye Diseases Pictures Slideshow · Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis):Learn About This Common Eye …
Normal-tension glaucoma is thought to be related, at least in part, to poor blood flow to the optic nerve, which leads to death of the cells which carry impulses from the retina to the brain. In addition, these eyes appear to be susceptible to pressure-related damage even in the high normal range, and therefore a pressure lower …
Low-tension or normal-tension glaucoma is caused by bloodflow problems to the eye rather than high pressure as in other glaucoma types. Read more about glaucoma's …
Are you ready for the cold dark days that come with Daylight Saving Time? Prepare for winter skin before turning your …
glaucoma of right eye; Aphakic glaucoma, both eyes; Bilateral glaucoma assoc w other anterior segment anomaly; Bilateral glaucoma assoc w vascular disorder; Bilateral …
Low-tension glaucoma symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment information for Low-tension glaucoma (Glaucoma) with alternative diagnoses, full-text book chapters …
Oct 29, 2017 … Also called low-tension or normal-pressure glaucoma, in normal-tension glaucoma the optic nerve is damaged even though the pressure in the eye is not very high. Doctors do not know why some people's optic nerves are damaged even though they have almost normal pressure levels. Those at higher …
Find What You Need in Less Time. Search Now & Discover Hundreds of Results!
Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss. The most common type is open-angle glaucoma with less common types …
Both are treated with eye drops that reduces eye pressure. In the case of normal-tension glaucoma, eye pressure is brought to the low end of the typical range to limit further damage to the optic nerve. sources: glaucoma research …
However, younger people can also get this type of glaucoma, reported the PBA. Normal Tension Glaucoma, also called low-tension or normal-pressure glaucoma, is characterized by optic nerve damaged even though the pressure in the …
Jun 16, 2016 … Low-tension glaucoma (LTG) is a chronic optic neuropathy that affects adults. Its features parallel primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), including characteristic optic disc cupping and visual-field loss, with the exception of a consistently normal intraocular pressure (IOP), ie, less than 22 mm Hg. Although …
This results in an accumulation of excess fluid called the intraocular fluid, and when the tension caused by its accumulation within the eye rises severely, glaucoma results … 0812xxxxxxx There may be a low grade genital tract …
Glaucoma is usually caused by increased pressure inside the eye, but there is a form of the condition where this doesn't happen, called low tension glaucoma or …
Low tension glaucoma doesn't exist and you don't have a brain tumor. take home points. Open angle glaucoma often happens at normal eye pressure. Low tension or normal tension glaucoma is not a separate disease. Lower pressure glaucoma patients actually have a less aggressive disease. It is not necessary ( and …
The probability of blindness in eyes with NTG is much lower than previously reported in patients with high-tension glaucoma. Nevertheless, special care should be taken to follow NTG patients, and especially those with worse BCVA and more advanced visual field loss at diagnosis. Glaucoma is the leading cause of …
Glaucoma is now considered an abnormal physiology in the optic nerve head that interacts with the level of intraocular pressure (IOP), with the degree and …
Glaucoma Facts Contents Glaucoma affects more than 3 million About glaucoma. this General information about glaucoma Than 3 million americans are living Million americans are living with Although laser treatment and surgery can Facts & FAQs Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Approximately 300,000 Australians have glaucoma; 50% of people with glaucoma in … Glaucoma Is Usually Caused By Contents Overview covers symptoms Glaucoma has been Examine the eye disease glaucoma Inflammation inside the He sees several thousand glaucoma patients a year. As one of the leading causes of blindness around the world … The treatment options for glaucoma include medications — usually eye drops — laser therapy, and surgery. “We usually … What Narrow Angle Glaucoma Contents Common than open-angle Writer who lives Patients with open-angle Usually detect those The eye’s drainage system is located in that angle. With closed-angle glaucoma, sudden obstruction of drainage caused by the narrow angle produces dramatic symptoms: severe eye pain, eye reddening, blurry vision, headache … Consistent with its antimuscarinic activity, FF/UMEC/VI should be used
from http://bestoptometrists.net/low-tension-glaucoma-4/
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Tall Bearded iris have stalks with a height of 70 cm (27 1/2 inches) and above, with branching and many buds. Each stalk, in itself, makes a stately arrangement in the garden or in a vase. In addition to a wide variety of colors and patterns, the TBs display other qualities (such as ruffling and lacing) more frequently than do the other classes. The highest award is the
Wister Medal
. Related links:
Cultivation of Bearded Irises
Historic Irises
Tall-Bearded Symposia
'Millennium Falcon'
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 Tall bearded Irises are in the 5 alphabetical webs following below.
An advanced search checking the box “Search all public webs” will search all the TB webs. Or you can go to a particular web and search there, Or, the best way to find something is to browse a letter range above. First web;
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all Bearded iris have stalks with a height of 70 cm (27 1/2 inches) and above, with branching and many buds. Each stalk, in itself, makes a stately arrangement in the garden or in a vase. In addition to a wide variety of colors and patterns, the TBs display other qualities (such as ruffling and lacing) more frequently than do the other classes. The highest award is the
Wister Medal
. Related links:
Cultivation of Bearded Irises
Historic Irises
Tall-Bearded Symposia
'Millennium Falcon'
Select a letter range to browse TB's by variety name:  
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 Tall bearded Irises are in the 5 alphabetical webs following below.
An advanced search checking the box “Search all public webs” will search all the TB webs. Or you can go to a particular web and search there, Or, the best way to find something is to browse a letter range above. First web;
A through E
Second web;
F through J
Third web;
K through O
Fourth web;
P through T
Fifth web;
U through Z
Please do not enter images that are not your own without owners' permission, this is against Wiki policy. "Although the Encyclopedia is free to all, it is supported by Emembership in AIS, If you would like to help sustain this reference, for $15 you can become an Emember,
click here
." Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit:
Tall-bearded Iris Society Website
Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.
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