#not done shopping and i have 0 money lmao
honeyedsunlight · 6 months
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@bleekay my cat Sandy had the same vibes as your Sokka the other day 😂🥰
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osakiharu · 2 years
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content : gender neutral reader, fluff, bonten rindou <3, there’s not much to add here apart from swearing here and there and one mention of an injury i think :0
notes : this was longer than expected but this is what happens when you give me a request for one of my favourite characters <3  
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- 2nd best boyfriend according to wakui himself hello ??
- we all know rindou is treating you properly. if you’re dating rindou he’s gonna treat you right and how you should be treated in a relationship. 
- he’s not one of the best boyfriends ever for nothing <3
- he makes it very clear that he doesn’t want you involved with his work if possible - you know exactly what he does, he just doesn’t want you being put at risk of getting hurt or even killed just because of the people he’s involved with 
- so as much as he would love for you to come and surprise him every now and again and sit with him while he does work you’re not allowed :/
- the only way you really become involved with his work is when you’re patching him up after a mission because he doesn’t want anyone else to do it but you <3 why go to the hospital when he has his very own “cute little nurse” of his own?
- “you should wear- fuck, that hurts,” rindou groaned as you began to clean one of the deeper cuts on his chest, “you should wear one of those hot nurse outfits next time… just f’me, yeah?” 
- he likes to take you to events / parties to do with the people he works with or if everyone agreed they’d go to the club later that night <3 - he’s happy with you meeting everyone he works with like mikey, koko, kakucho etc if you don’t already know them because he gets to show you off to them <3 he makes it very clear that you’re his though :0
- the whole time he’s got this smug look on his face until ran cracks a joke about him when you leave for a second - “they’re clearly being held hostage by rindou, why would they date him when i’m stood in front of them?” ran thinks he’s funny :/
- although rindou is very happy you and ran get along and like each other he knows he’ll never be able to escape his brother’s teasing
- really, he just loves going out with you regardless of where it is so everyone can see how pretty and wonderful you are <3
- keeps you an arm’s length away from sanzu though… he’s a little unpredictable idk he might pull a katana out his ass 🫶
- he’s pretty possessive of you :0 - it’s very much because he wants to keep you safe and away from harm, he’s not exactly worried about other guys anyways, as if they’d be able to win you over when they’re up against rindou haitani 
- i don’t think other people would even get a chance at attempting to speak to you like that because he’s always there with an arm around you - he always has one of his scary glares that are enough to put even the bravest person on earth off from speaking to you
- he always makes sure to wear his rings when you’re all dressed up with him just in case he feels the need to beat someone up 🫶
- it’s not like rindou expects you to go off with anyone else anyways, he trusts you a lot and he knows you wouldn’t do something like that <3 (and he wouldn’t either mwah)
- expect a lot of dates (most of them make you wonder just how much money he has) <3 shopping sprees, fancy restaurants, you name it you’ve done it a million times already 
- most of the fancy dates are planned by rindou or they’re rindou’s ideas so he always makes sure to listen to what you want to do when you have a little date idea or you wanna go somewhere (even if it’s not somewhere with a 5 star badge on it) <3
- he will do anything you suggest even if he’d never considered doing it himself (and even if he’s a little reluctant towards it he’ll still go and do what you want lmao)
- like if you wanna go to the cute little cafe you always walk past and get cake he’s down. if you simply just want to go on a walk to take photos of the sunset he’s happy with that too ! - he knows you enjoy all the expensive meals and the meters-long receipts from shopping sprees but he also just enjoys more quiet moments with the two of you together <3 
- he still doesn’t understand why people like picnics so much though…
- in private rindou is a softie we all know this by now. 
- lots and lots of cuddles <3 he will always take any free minute in a day you both have to just cuddle with you - he gets pretty busy and stressed because of work so he loves being able to hold you to his chest, hugging and kissing you or listening to you talking to him about whatever comes to mind so he can forget about literally anything else for a bit <3
- it’s pretty rare for him to be the one being held and kissed though - he prefers being the ‘big spoon’ and being the one holding you, it’s enough for him so if you want to be in his place you have to initiate it and do a bit of persuading 
- he always enjoys it though <3
- he always cuddles up close to you when you go to sleep too - he doesn't care of it’s 100 degrees, you are sleeping on top of him or under his arm no questions asked. 
- he likes physical affection a lot <3 he’s always kissing you and wrapping his arms around you, or little touches here and there - he finds that it comes naturally to him compared to other ways of expression and he hopes it says what he wants to say <3
- he will make out with you anywhere as long as there’s no one else around. he’s pretty sure you’ve made out in every room of the house multiple times (his favourite being the bedroom of course) and he’s slowly adding different places to the list
- likes his office at home too - if you come in to see how he’s doing, he’s grabbing you and sitting you on his lap kissing you until your lips hurt </3 he’ll keep you sat on his lap once he goes back to what he was doing - “you sit there, lookin’ pretty for me, angel, ‘m almost done.”
- he’s waiting for the day he lets up on the no-visiting-at-work rule so he can have you sat on his desk with his hands all over you when sanzu walks in <3 - rindou thinks sanzu has a little crush on you (he doesn’t, he’s just genuinely trying to be nice and making sure you’re not scared of him) and although he’s not fond of the idea of anyone but him seeing you like that, he’ll pass up on that situation just this once.
- “maybe i should just kill him, i can cover it up,” rindou sighs as he props his feet up on the coffee table, leaning his head back on the couch, “how’s he gonna sit here and flirt with you when he’s constantly following mikey around like the fuckin’ dog he is! isn’t mikey enough for him? see! he’d be a shitty boyfriend, that’s like cheating if you think about it, y/n!” 
- rindou is the type to let you do anything to him. he’s the “anything for you” type (even if he kinda can’t be bothered)
- he likes it when you sit him down to show him what you bought when you were out with your friends ! it makes him laugh at how excited you are to show him everything and he gets you to try everything on so he can “see it properly” and get a good idea of how you like to dress so he knows what to buy you as a surprise 
- “mhm, i like that one, too. looks real pretty on you, sweetheart.”
- yes. even the underwear. he’s not letting you get away without showing him those :0 
- he lets you mess around with his hair and tie it up in all sorts of ways and it’s you’re lucky you might be able to sway him to let you put a tiny bit of makeup on him 
- he tries to get you to work out with him in return but often you just end up sitting on his back or lying under him while he does push ups 🫶
- he does his best at taking care of you on bad days but he’s not the best at helping you :/ he’s better at attempting to distract you from whatever’s worrying you or dragging you out of bed rather than actually offering help - he would if he could but he doesn’t want to accidentally give shitty advice and make you feel worse :(
- “tell you what, baby, we can go and take a nap for a little, ‘n’ if you feel up to it we can go on a walk or watch a movie, yeah? that sound good? s’ gonna be okay, don’t worry that pretty little head of yours.” 
- but y’know :/ rindou has a short temper and gets in a bad mood easily especially if something manages to hit a certain nerve that day - some days he just can’t stand the people he works with and he swears the world teams up against him to piss him off and to give him the most difficult day possible
- and sometimes he just can’t shake off his sour mood before he gets home and you have to deal with the tail end of it :/
- he snaps at you on days like that - “bad day, rin?” “is it not fuckin’ obvious, y/n? fucking hell.”
- but it only lasts for a few minutes ! once he’s gotten changed and had a shower if he can be bothered he’s cuddling up next to you on the couch, kissing you all over and apologising <3
- “’m sorry, baby,” he whispered as he pulled you into his lap, kissing your head, “shouldn’t have spoken to you like that, ‘s not your fault.”
- and rindou is forgiven because we know he’d never do anything to upset you or hurt you on purpose <3
- overall dating rindou is literally the best, he would do anything for you and he loves you so so much <3
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irresistiibles · 2 years
hello waddup here is a plotting/starter call for the mini event! below the cut is just some brief descriptions of what my characters will be up to. toss this a like if you want to plot but also feel free to just reply and i will throw some starters your way once it starts. please specify who you want the starter from/for! some characters have more info than others because they just made more sense for the event, so if you want a general starter for anyone let me know. i’ll also be keeping most of my other threads of course, though i’m slowly dropping older stuff, so if you want a new thread for something fresh just let me know!
achilles (1/?) - josh washington
i for sure know he’s gonna wind up kicked out of the snowball fights. he’s not using any powers he’s sure of it but then why the fuck is his aim absolutely perfect??? he’s also a menace unafraid to just cram snow into someone’s face so he should not be there. after that he’ll mope and complain but just kind of check everything out. definitely not a big fan of the cold.
amber (1/?) -  imogen moreno
will be taking part in the snowman building competition and also just making snowmen in general. beyond that probably hanging out at the hot chocolate stand and generally having a good time
asami sato (0/?)
mostly exploring the vendors and buying a few too many gifts. gets weird rich people vibes during the holidays and may attempt to give things to strangers. not taking part in the snowball fights but will like watching.
chihiro ogino (1/?) - rei hino
mostly sticking to the food and drink vendors and giving in to her sweet tooth. will also want to watch some of the music performances. could attempt some ice skating or art but isn’t really interested in engaging in anything competitive. will try pouring espresso into hot chocolate.
ciel phantomhive  (1/?) - lizzie midford
his toy company has a stall again this year but because his memories are still out he’s actually having a semi enjoyable time. 
donna noble (1/?) - the twelfth doctor
not a big fan of the cold but she doesn’t want to be missing out. will be staying near the hot drinks and potentially doing some gift shopping for herself. will be getting several pictures with sexy santa
edward elric  (1/?) - winry rockbell
will get goaded into competitive snowball so fast it’s embarrassing. is having an automail arm that’s going to be stronger than any organic arm cheating? maybe so but what are they gonna do? tell him to take his arm off? i think not. my man is going to win.
entrapta  (0/?)
goes to build a wreath and somehow makes something completely different. or builds a snowman and tries to stick electronic parts in it to bring it to life. can she put launchers on the sleds? entrapta’s not sure but they definitely want to try. chaotic but having fun.
esther mckinnon (0/?)
she is a sucker for stuff like this and will be having a lot of fun. trying all the creative stands and hanging around the food vendors. really willing to try anything that isn’t competitive. 
glinda upland  (0/?)  
doing some shopping mostly and taking pictures (there will be a sexy santa picture for sure).  may try building a wreath but who knows if it’ll be any good.
jin ling  (1/?) - orpheus
does not know how to social and will bring the dog as a buffer and though he will not get a picture with santa he may get her to lmao. can also compensate for social struggles by just buying people things. dogs and money are the only way he knows how to make friends. will probably do some snowball fights
katya goncharova (0/?)
this all feels a little chaotic and maybe childish for her but katya will check it out regardless. she’s probably not well dressed for the cold but oh well. will do some shopping.
lily evans (2/?) - rubeus hagrid, marlene mckinnon
may offer to help referee a snowball match and will be trying to get holiday shopping done.
mianmian (0/?)
she’ll give ice skating a shot even though she has no idea how to do it. someone is more than welcome to try and help her. beyond that she’s keeping it chill.
madoka kaname (1/?) - homura akemi
having a lot of fun! she’s not as into the super active things but will be hitting up the food and craft stalls without hesitation. will also definitely hit up ice skating.
mob (2/?) -  lucrecia montesinos hendrich, rosemary winters
he’s not going to work at a stall but is willing to lend out his powers to help with set up, cleaning, whatever you need if you need a psychic to lift heavy things he is your guy. beyond that he wants to enjoy the other stalls, maybe try a craft or ice skating, but he’s an awkward guy and will need some help getting dragged into things.
nie huaisang  (1/?) - dani powell
someone out painting. ornaments are not his usual medium but he’s happy to trying. he likes the aesthetic of everything but will be complaining about the cold and going for several warm drinks.
rita skeeter (1/?) - sha hualing
giving unwanted commentary on the snowball and snowmen competitions. maybe even taking bets. getting pictures with sexy santa. judging people’s gift choices. being a general menace.
shang qinghua (0/?)
here for the food and drinks but could easily be bullied into face planting on the ice skating. he’s for sure whining about the cold despite the fact it’s incredibly manageable compared to what he’s used to.
shi qingxuan (1/?) - abby anderson
has a flask to pour into hot drinks because this whole thing is cute and fun but how are you supposed to stay warm in the winter without a little alcohol? come on people get it together. very social and will drag strangers into doing stuff with them because qingxuan hates doing things alone and makes friends by force
toph beifong  (2/?)  - aang, katara
struggling cause it’s cold enough that she has to wear shoes most of the time so they can’t use their earthbending to navigate super well but will take them off to be very competitive in the snowball fights!
victor nikiforov  (1/?) -  langa hasegawa
will mostly be on the ice rink showing off, but also offering to help people who are nervous ice skating. if there’s any alcoholic warm beverages he will be drinking a bit
zagreus  (0/?)  
had a fun time at the event last year and is coming back this year, at least a little more well dressed for the cold this time! will be doing some snowball fights before attempting some of the more chill stuff. man gets competitive fast though so he ay say he’s going to do a lot only to get stuck in matches for a while.
zhongli  (1/?) - childe
may be offering to referee some snowball fights. mostly just exploring vendors. this is an old immortal who just likes seeing societies getting together, so he’s mostly happily sightseeing in it all.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
This is originally an ask game that’s making the rounds here on Tumblr, but in this blog of course I answer everything. Quarantine Ask Game; questions by ghostly-nblm What’s your go-to snack? I haven’t really have one throughout this lockdown. I just snack on whatever’s available in our pantry - usually we have potato chips, salted egg chips, nuts, etc. And then sometimes my dad will whip up something for us himself, like wicked Oreos, churros, corndogs, and chocolate chip cookies. What’s a movie you could watch over and over? I could probably watch The Proposal everyday for the rest of my life and I doubt you’ll hear a complaint out of me. It’s just so funny, so lighthearted, and the entire cast meshes very well together. Favorite show to binge? Again when it comes to comfort shows/movies, I pick the lighthearted ones because they get me to relax and laugh a lot. That said, my favorite show to binge would be Friends. I recently started binge-watching it again and it feels good to come back to it after several months of not seeing an episode. 5 songs that make you want to dance? Shut Up And Dance - Walk the Moon Cinnamon - Hayley Williams Don’t Start Now - Dua Lipa Caught in the Middle - Paramore 7/11 - Beyoncé So, basically, Top 40 shit because it’s that genre that produces the most dance-y songs anyway. Pls don’t judge lmaaaaaao I like other artists I swear
5 songs that make you feel less lonely? I don’t know if I’ve ever turned to music to feel less lonely...I never really seek out that particular feeling. If anything, I listen to certain songs because I feel alone and I would want it to stay that way for the meantime.
Favorite meal to cook yourself? I always blank out at these cooking questions because I don’t know how to make anything, soz. When I start earning my own money I swear I’ll start experimenting with ingredients in the kitchen. You heard it here first. Seriously guys, when I finally get a stable income and you notice me spending it on unnecessary shit, feel free to nag me and tell me to start cooking!!! How do you “treat yourself”? With food. Food has always been my reward to myself after a long week, a hard exam, a bloody presentation, and basically after getting through something I had been dreading for a long time.   Favorite thing to do when doing self care? Surveys. Who have you been talking to the most? My family, I guess. “The most” is really pushing it though; I don’t talk a lot these days and it’s been difficult for me to sustain a conversation and not drain my battery in the middle of it. One thing you really miss right now? The past. I normally don’t think about it, but if there’s something from the past that I do miss, I end up pining hard for it. If you could be self-isolated with anyone who would it be? Angela. We haven’t seen one another in seven months so we could definitely do with spending seven months together lmao. We miss the shit out of each other. Do you have any pets? Yes :) Small update on my dogs: so for the last four months Kimi has hated having Cooper around and snarls every time he senses he’s nearby. But, and we have no clue what changed, now he has started humping Cooper and wants to be near him all the time...ugh. Favorite video games? At the early early phase of the lockdown I played Mario Kart 8 on the Switch all day long. Then for some reason I stopped and I haven’t played since like April. I haven’t played other video games. Favorite podcasts? Ear Biscuits. Andi has also started their own podcast and it debuted like a week ago; it looks extremely promising, but I’m super behind since I’ve deleted all my socials. I’ll catch up once I’m in the right state of mind and am feeling better enough to come back on my accounts. Favorite YouTubers? The main channels I watch are Good Mythical Morning and The Try Guys. But throughout the quarantine sooooooo many local celebrities have started their own vlog channels and majority of them are super fun to watch. My faves would be Andi Manzano’s, Manny Pacquiao’s daughter Mary’s, and Bea Alonzo’s. Wake up time? These days I try to be out of bed by 8:30 so I can sufficiently prepare and clean up for work, but early on in the lockdown I liked staying up all night and then waking up at like 9 or 10 AM. Sleep time? Anywhere from 10 PM to 1 AM. If you could go anywhere right now where would it be? I’d be in Sagada, vacationing by myself and doing some hiking, spelunking, reflecting, and soul-searching. I wish I can go back there someday; I just reallllly need to be out of the house and out of the city for a while.
What’s a change you want to keep when self isolation is over? There is nothing I wish to keep from this quarantine. It turned my entire life around and I wish I had all the things I had before it instead. Have you learned something? Yeah. Some of them the hard way. Any new skills? I took up a course on marketing last month so that was a lot of fun. Hobby-wise, I’ve been thinking of getting into cross-stitching so I can’t wait to buy my own kit and start with that. I’m also learning a lot of new and super helpful skills at work, like coming up with PR tactics/executions, knowing what will work for a client and what wouldn’t, photo editing, etc. It’s been the best internship experience ever. What’s a hobby you’d like to start learning? ^ The latter. I’d also love to learn how to bake, and maybe? start a vlog because it’d be nice to have an outlet where I can express myself and do new things while sharing my experiences with other people. What’s something you’d like to get better at? I constantly want to improve at my job because perfectionism. What food do you wish you had right now? Coffee shop pastries. :( God I haven’t had one of those in a while; I miss them loads. Your go to quarantine outfit? I don’t have one but man, when I do go out I tend to overdress because I rarely get an opportunity or have a reason to drive out these days, so I allow myself to look cute and all dressed up even if I’m just meant to pick up food at my grandma’s or something. What have you done today? I’ve been taking this survey, taken a shower, cried for a half hour, played with Cooper, cradled Kimi like a baby, checked my emails, and taken a few sips of coffee. Any plans for tomorrow? Work work work. What’s on your “to watch” list? The second volume of Unsolved Mysteries is finally out on Netflix so I’m hoping I get around to watching a few episodes soon. Any musicians/bands you’ve discovered? Most recent one was Chase Atlantic but I discovered them like back in July. Since I’m not listening to a lot of music these days, I’m not expecting to find new bands or singers to get into any time soon. Post a selfie right now!! Eh. Post pictures of your pets! I don’t feel like raking through my photos this morning. Maybe some other time. When was the last time you drank water? Last night at dinner. When was the last time you ate? Last night. When was the last time you got up and stretched? I can’t remember when I last did that. I usually stretch in bed, though.
Favorite song right now? This has been asked on every damn survey recently. I’m sure you’ll find my answer within the first page of my blog. Favorite social media to scroll through? It used to be Twitter until the lockdown hit and everyone stopped going out and having interesting updates. Before I deactivated everything, I loved spending time on Facebook. What’s the last thing you ate? A slice of pizza. What’s the weather like where you are? It’s a little cloudy and cold. I’m expecting it to rain today. Have you been playing animal crossing? No, but I know so many people who have been. How are you feeling? 50% meh, 50% just going through the motions. Who’s the last person you texted? Ate Alyanna. We’re both going through rough patches at the moment so we were cheering one another up. I needed that positivity a lot this morning and I’m glad we had that interaction. What does your last text message say with no context? ”Waaaaaaaa cute” Post a meme that made you laugh recently:
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Outdoor activity you’d like to do right now? Hiking, mountain climbing, camping. Anything that’ll help me get disconnected from the world for a few days, really. Something you’re looking forward to when quarantine is over? Doing all those ^, traveling, being able to actually go to a workplace (once I have one), seeing my friends, going to bars again. Someone you’d like to see when quarantine is over? Everybody, man. I don’t give a shit as to who it is. Any new games coming out you want to play? Not really. I’m just waiting on GTA 6 even though there’s been like 0 updates on that front. New shows you’ve discovered? I revisited The Crown, but that’s it. I haven’t discovered anything new. Most comfortable piece of clothing you have? I find all of them comfortable; that’s why I wear them at home haha.
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paolopallegient · 4 years
good morning, today is a better day.
i feel like all my work in the morning for the past 2 days have really helped achieved this feeing of me tal safety. To explain
3 days ago i learned that Gabbi had cut me off. It was hard to find out, i went ahead and slept it off, it meant nothing to me at night. I woke up and the information sunk into my heart. I was at my worst that morning, but i forced nyself to do good to myself. I remember not wanting to move, but i put my clothes in the laundry, showered, meditated, had a good bfast too with black bean noodle and some egg. It was good. Then i had work later with Darren and Dhan. It sucks because i love working with Darren and Dhan but i wasn't in no mood to communicate or talk to anybody. It makes me sad. I went home and facetimed Nicole and she had told me the true meanings as to why Gabbi had cut me off, which included why kiana had cut me off as well.
i went home and showered, got into bed and listened to music the whole time. I didn't want to talk to my parents, i didn't want to do anything bro. I waited for my parents to sleep just so i can eat by myself. I remember crying to Nicole about this moment because i felt like there was no hope for me. I remember late at night i hopelessly texted Kev so that we can talk it out. I needed to talk it out with somebody. Somebody who'd have my back. The insecurity within me had a feeling he wouldn't like what he heard or even lose another friend with him. It turned out well though.
The next day, I did the same stuff. I woke up, showered, did my laundry, made bfast, and even picked up an earlier shift. I usually work 4-9, but on this day i worked 1-9 so i was there longer. It turned out to be good for me. As i mentioned, i had to meet up with kev to talk about it. It was really good for my mental. I feel like i'm really learning how to grow and surround myself with good things nowadays. I guess i've experienced so much people leaving my life and the presence of their absence affecting me had taught me something 😂🤝😂. It's crazy, anyways, Yeah he was able to give me the guidance i needed. He told me that what i did isn't as severe as to what people are doing concurrently. Men are doing much worse than what i've done. He also said something very nice to me near the end, where i was dropping him off at his place. I was playing a logic song, a song off his new album No Pressure, but the song was in the background really so i wasn't paying attention. Kev placed my attention to the song and he said to me that he doesn't want me to be in the fear of being "cancelled" or crossing paths with somebody that doesn't like me because "that's not freedom."
That's not freedom. The song was "Amen", one of his favorite song off No Pressure. What he said there was something i carried through the whole day. I went to work after i dropped him off and i was thinking about that endlessly. I went to work and Kevin & Will were working. I realized that i like working with Kevin because he actually likes to talk and conversate. He's not as bad as people talk about him. It's merely the opposite, he surprises me. At the beginning he was hard on me when making drinks because, i was learning yenno? But now, when i do something "lazy" i'm surprised that he does the same. He made 3 drinks in a a blender lol. I've gotten condemned for doing such so i don't do it anymore. Anyways, talking and working the first half of the shift was nice. I was happy to talk to him. Kathy and Solo came in later. Solo is always dope, it's hard to talk to him doe because he's quiet as fuck and i like my music loud lol. Then Kathy was where it was at tho. I'll just say what she told me rather than how the conversations went. She told me she used to study film. She wanted to be in Film Production(i think) and went into Film Criticism on accident bc she wasn't looking close enough as to what she was studying or what classes were part of the curriculum. She told me as well that she's married, and that her and her husband used to own a restaurant, an american chinese place like Panda Express. 3 years ago she used to work at a boba shop, a local one in Orange County. I noticed that she refrains from telling me the names of the places she works, maybe those were years she didn't want to remember. It's understandable. 2018 and 2019 are years I do my best not to remember. Typing those years out actually made me reminisce and wow yeah i understand her, suggesting that her bringing up the names were the case as to why she wouldn't wanna talk about them.
Anyways, later in the shift around 6-7 it got busy and i started getting real mentally negative. It was insane to me, i started just drifting off while making drinks and i remember secretly slamming my hand down on bar. It just sounded like normal noise considering things are slammed all the time anyways, so nobody noticed anyways. Later, something crazy happened. I saw a girl come up and she had very familiar eyes. This is where my ability to recognize people astonishes me because I saw this girl's eyes and i recognized her as Noah Abel Cruz's girlfriend. Then i look whose next to him and it was Noah lmao. I had the quickest intuition to discount them, then i pulled out... i didn't tell Kathy to discount them... I wish i did. It was like my authentic self remember 2014, then my older self remember 2017-2018 😂 lmao stupid. I wish i coulda saved them some money in the name of growth. Although, what i did had shown that I was affected by his and my decisions from the past. I didn't appreciate what he's done or said to me in the past. Although, i still made their drinks... i think...? I remember yes, i did make their drinks. This moment i really am not proud of lmao so, it was pretty ass haha. I made their drinks and i remember being done for awhile, and Solo was busy AND KATHY WAS BUSY SO I MIGHT'VE HAD TO BRING THEIR DRINKSS TO THEM. But naw, I was able to hear Kathy's next order i think so i just remember beginning it and then solo came and brought the drinks. What happens later with the Noah story is crazy. from 7:10-7:50 i was going relatively crazy. I was thinking and repeating that moment forever. "shoulda discounted them" "shoulda shown him that i've grown" "should brought their drinks to them" idk. Earlier in the shift i texted Melissa if she could roll my weed because, yesterday with Dhan and Darren, Dhan gave me weed...? LOL Like, i have no form of smoking it but yeah. He just gave it to me, and Melissa agreed to roll my weed. Then i get a snap from Christian that they're both hanging out at the time i text her. I told him that, if they want free boba, come bc we close at 8, and they got excited. They came around 7:50 and were so playful?
They were happy to see me... It was nice to felt needed, or at least produce excitement for somebody. It was nice. I remember somewhat scrambling because solo was making drinks and I wanted to make their drinks and yeah. I made their drinks, said goodbye, etc. Then we closed, nothing much this night, just showered and laud in bed, ate later and watched Japan Sinks (which i don't like lmao, i won't be finishing this series lol). Anyways, yeah. I forgot to mention, the Noah thing. So we closed, i got into my car and called Kevin bc he called me while we were closing. He told me that Noah called him, and told him exactly what i was telling him. Like, "man i felt weird" stuff like that. He was saying that we'll probably reconnect at a listening party in the future at Kevin's. I think i have to organize my feelings with Noah first. Thinking about it now, i'd still feel weird. We'll work on it. I'll work on it. Anyways, yeah. crazy.
Christian, Melissa, Noah, Coworker Kevin, Vrother Kevin, Dhan, Darren, Nicole, all these people enjoy my presence. Even my parents enjoy my presence too. i have to remember this.
today, i will get up, use the restroom, i want to brush my teeth bc i didnt brush last night. I'll come back, make my bed, meditate, then shower, then fold my laundry, Kevin is coming around 12:30 so i'm assuming that we'll probabky eat when he comes. We'll be watching Do The Right Thing and Once Upon A Time In The West, an oldie double feature. It'll be good. Later in the day, i'm going to melissa's so she can roll my weed. I appreciate her. I appreciate kev. Today will be good and i'll further beaing good to myself. Tired of being tired of being tired.
Kiana, Gabbi, Justin, Preet, Bianca, etc. I want you all to know that i'm choosing to grow. I feel like i have potential to achieve greatness in this life. I want to do better for my seed so that my sons or daughters know consent and know how to "read the room" and not make people uncomfortable. I want to teach them and educate them. My nephews and nieces as well. For the future, if i become a teacher, i do want to teach my students as well. I want to become a person of change. I will change, i'll show you all. You can decide to be present for that, if not then...
I wish the best for all of you. I remember a life where i cared for all of you. Thank you for being apart of my journey. I have 0 defenses in my case if i get cancelled, i admit to what i've done. Although, i'm not going to allow that to restrict me from growing and being a better person. If you ask me, why wouldn't cancel culture WANT me to grow and be better? Idk. If i lose more friends to this, I won't be surprised but, yenno what i'll do?
Wake up in the morning, shower, meditate, do my laundry, and eat breakfast. I'm done being a shit-person to others, but it begins with myself. I have to love myself.
Today is day 3 not getting cancelled. I have a dentist appointment sunday. Next week is Julius's bday. Gabbi's too but i won't be celebrating it lol. Then Passdown retreat, then the week after school starts. Then blam. Life keeps going. I will grow.
Thank you Paolo for taking the time to just type this whole thing out... this was also a step towards loving myself. Alright, i have to shit. See yall in my next post. Love you all. Swag.
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nbapprentice · 6 years
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there’s so, so, SO much nonsense surrounding this game that i’m gonna do my best to separate it into digestible bits, with its own categories. even then this is... wow. it’s big.
Warning tags will be added at the start of every section, but the general gist is: incest, pedophilia mentions, fetishization of rape and abuse, fetishization of mlm, fetishization of people of color, racism, ableism, nb erasure and transphobia. aside of the warnings, this post will also touch upon Scummy Business Practices
let’s get going
Dana Rune’s and Elle’s lack of moral fiber: #incest #pedophilia#rape and abuse fetishization #homophobia
tl;dr: dana loves incest porn, elle loves guy on guy rape, and the both of them are friends with at least one pedophile
dana rune has run, is still running an incest zine (please visit my faq on what i think about “thats not really incest” and “it’s just fictional!”). The Arcana, as a dev team, clearly does not care, as shown in their e-mail responses.
dana also very much doesn’t care and has reacted to any criticism on this by dismissing people and blocking actual incest victims who tried to contact her about it claiming it was for her “mental health”
in some tweets she claims she “interprets” the characters as not siblings, but she never really cared enough to cover her ass when it all began (she happily admits she’d “cross the incest line”)
dana has commissioned artists who also ship incest, draw near-pedophilic art that’s supposed to pass as acceptable because the character involved is supposedly not a minor despite looking like a child down to wearing pigtails (the character is also wearing a racist-ass belly dancer outfit), AND even made white-washed fanart of The Arcana.
dana follows twitter user kapymui who also produces incestuous Fire Emblem art
dana has retweeted omocat long after it came out that omocat is, at the very least, consuming pedophilic content (on “omocat didn’t know what shota meant!”: yes they did)
moving on, elle has a long, long, LONG history of fetishizing mlm and the rape and abuse that comes with yaoi and had a rich, RICH “yaoi” tag before they deleted their tumblr
they curiously deleted their tumblr right after i made this reblog
shortly after that, tumblr user thalassiq remade and started attacking and insulting any blogs criticizing them - even people providing support in IMs. Since this doesn’t match Dana and Elle’s normal pity parties I’m personally willing to believe they were just a person wanting to start shit - but it’s so telling how Elle used this chance to dismiss everyone who disagrees with them by calling them “children” and did not even bother to offer a kind word to people who were harassed and even had their trauma mocked by this person. It costs 0 dollars to say “that was not me but I’m sorry about people who were hurt.”
Dana and Elle are close with Ava’s Demon creator Michelle Czajkowski aka that one person who endorses child porn of her characters, and even had her draw a promo image for the game. Michelle has been creating highly sexualized content of her minor characters for a while now.
ok so elle and dana are gross freaks, how is that related to the game?
oh it’s very very related
Dana Rune’s and Elle’s lack of moral fiber that’s Actually Inside The Game or The Game’s Blog: now with more #racism #fetishization of poc and mlm #whitewashing #fat hate #pedophilia #nb erasure #transphobia
tl;dr: the arcana is filled to the brim with racism! so much of it! haha holy shit! and that’s not even where it ends!!!
their game is rated PG-13 but includes incredibly sexual situations such as Julian making this fucking face while getting off on pain. This isn’t the only time Dana and Elle use their videogame aimed at young teens to showcase their kinks and fetishes. I have no issue with NSFW or titillating content, as long as it’s rated accordingly. This content is NOT and it’s a blatant disregard for their audience just to have a larger, more pliable demographic and have more money sent their way.
if you start your argument with “well, teenagers look at porn” 1. shut up 2. theres a HUGE difference between teenagers going after adult content aimed at adults, and adults creating content they know will be seen by kids barely starting puberty
as pointed above, dana has 0 qualms literally commissioning people who make whitewashed fanart of her own fucking game that’s supposed to be all about the inclusivity and safe spaces
thearcanagame blog has a pattern of reblogging whitewashed fanart (before you come in swinging with the good ole “ITS THE LIGHTING”: 1. no it isnt 2. the artist should’ve picked better lightning then 3. i draw and post shit online too so dont come telling me i just dont understaaaand),
fanart of their fat characters showed skinnier than they are in their sprites (although to be real for a moment - Portia is curvy at most and them behaving she’s fat rep is HILARIOUS).
going back to NSFW content: nadia and asra are overwhemlingly sexualized in the game, and were the first to have sexualized CGs and sprites introduced.
CGs: Asra’s here, here aND HERE, Nadia’s here with a NSFW warning because she’s just got her whole fucking ass out. Sprites: Asra’s thank god for whoever compiled it all in one image, Nadia’s and once again, NSFW warning lmfao!
Julian’s sprites on the other hand are noticeably tamer, including the one where he’s fucking strapped in leather. His only sexual (NSFW warning because its literally softcore tentacle porn WHICH, ONCE AGAIN, SHOULDN’T BE PUT IN A GAME AIMED AT 13YOS) CGs were also included months after Nadia and Asra received any of theirs.
Through all of the updates, people have constantly requested that Asra and Nadia’s sexualization be toned down, and time after time The Arcana just churned out fetishistic, hypersexualized content at an absurd rate, especially when compared to the one white love interest.
Oh, speaking of the one white love interest: Julian is based off of Jeff Goldblum (this is not spectulation - they p much bring it up at any given time) but like. If Jeff Goldblum was white. They base their favorite love interest off their supposed favorite man in the world but casually leave his skin tone behind. Lmao.
they also play favorites very obviously - in the prologue, Nadia and Asra have a romance paid scene each. Julian has a scene... that requires no coins. Julian was also the first LI to receive three CGs, two of them requiring no coins, while both Asra’s and Nadia’s first CGs were behind a paywall
Dana and Elle have been notoriously skittish about confirming or denying their characters’ ethnicities. After hyping for weeks on thearcanagame that they would confirm the character’s races they basically made a post that amounted to “well they’re not white lol!”
they only relented after the perfectly understandable outrage... and posted a thread about it on Elle’s twitter. Nothing on the actual thearcanagame blog. Anyway, here’s the thread. Note how there’s mention of Julian being Jeff Goldblum... but nothing about him and Portia being Jewish (or “fantasy Jewish” as it were).
The one time they did confirm their jewishness dana then backpedaled and said she shouldn’t have done that lol.
another fun tidbit of how well The Arcana handles race and how much it cares about feedback from fans: an ask was sent about an anon begging for Nadia to step on them. The blog, with the finesse of a bunch of horny dumbasses, didn’t just publish the ask, but approved of it (even though the fans of color had long, long, LONG been telling everyone not to fetishize Nadia into a “step on me kween” wet dream). People were outraged, of course, and the blog ~apologized~ and said they were still learning.... then a new chapter included a scene of Nadia stepping on the Apprentice. 🙃
not to mention elle, on their twitter, made a passive aggressive “women can be doms?” tweet, trying to twist it into a “yr oppressing women” angle (when the issue is that women of color are always constantly portrayed as aggressive and domineering)
Now for a wombo combo of racism and Elle’s fetishization of mlm:
the devs have spoken at length of how Julian’s and Asra’s relationship was quite unhealthy. In a paid scene in Asra’s route, they’re depicted as Asra being disgusted w Julian touching him+Julian following Asra to his shop when Asra refused his offer to go with him (aka julian... stalked him lmfao).
.......... this scene is promptly followed by a highly sexual scenario where Julian’s pain fetish is played up. Remember how this game is rated PG-13? Me neither. Asra’s previous disgust with Julian is also forgotten, for some reason (and by some reason i mean Elle wants to make them fuck w/o buildup or logic).
Then Asra’s route has yet another paid scene dedicated to Asrian, even though he’s supposed to not even like Julian! And be head over heels with the Apprentice! But Elle just has to make these two be entangled despite insisting their relationship was not good for either of them!
Now here’s the kicker: Julian doesn’t have any paid scenes related to his romance with Asra. Note how it’s one of the brown LIs whose route is highjacked by the white LI, but not vice versa. Hmmmmm.
Now, on the topic of Asra: thearcanagame has said repeatedly that he’s nb and uses he/him pronouns, and promised (since last year) that there would be dialogue where he speaks about his gender
as of the making of this post such dialogue still does not exist
so basically asra is the nb to dumbledore’s gay: anyone who just plays the game w/o keeping up with the official blog has no idea of what asra’s gender is supposed to be.
aka he’s not nb. he’s just a cis guy. the arcana just doesn’t want to put its money where its mouth is, i dont care if elle is nb themself. the team made a promise which has not been fulfilled yet and i suspect will not be.
instead, our introduction to canon nb characters is... these two.
By “these two” i mean neither vulgora nor valdemar are even fucking human, and stick out like sore thumbs with their monstruousness.
so our nb rep is... non-human villains. a few books later one of Nadia’s sisters with they/them pronouns shows up, but that’s too little too late on top of the fact that we should’ve known Asra was nb from the first to begin with. It’s a fucking embarrassment and an insult.
at least two villains are visibly disabled (Lucio’s missing arm and Volta’s blind eye+intentionally asymmetrical face). Julian’s eye doesn’t count because, spoilers, he’s not lacking an eye and even if he was it’d still be hidden behind a dashing eyepatch instead of grotesquely displayed as a sign of his lacking morality.
The Arcana Exploits The App Business Model To Price Their Full Game at $500, $1000 if the three extra routes make it out, and they never delivered their Kickstarter rewards:
tl;dr: you heard me
the original price per route was planned on being $1.99
they took that “subject to change” really seriously, it seems, because now each route, once the game is fully out, is estimated to cost around $170 each.
both those screenshots are taken from this post which explains in detail just how truly scummy all of The Arcana’s business model and decisions are: https://mysticmicrotransactions.tumblr.com/post/174308723344/dishonesty-from-the-arcana
the tl;dr is basically what’s listed in the beginning of this section, but other highlights from that post are: the use of addictive gambling mechanics such the Wheel of Fortune, and the dazzling calls to action in the new mini-game.
something that The Arcana supporters forget (or choose to ignore) is the fact that for a long, long time the game did not have the mini-game or the log-in rewards for coins. Players depended only on the gambling of the WoF or paying absurd amounts of money for the new chapters.
the devs went from playing the victims who were unable of controlling prices to (as spoken of in the link from mysticmicrotransactions) saying the making of the game (a pathetic little app game backed by a studio and a kickstarter) justifies the prices
they also gave people false hope about maybe changing the prices in the future, all while bleeding money from loyal players in “micro” transactions
the arcana literally added a $99.99 coins option on their latest update
in case it hasn’t sunk in yet: you can pay a hundred dollars upfront to the arcana, and you still will not have access to the whole game
there is no defense to this
“it’s free stop whining” let me explain:
“spend months on end accumulating fake currency or pay hundreds of dollars up-front to be able to play” is a scummy business model no matter how you look at it
if i can spend $60 upfront to play an AAA game there’s no excuse to demand more than that for a game with much smaller and, honestly, inferior content
the combination of there being already far and few games featuring lgbt characters and characters of color AND the little cult of personality set up by Dana and Elle makes people feel that spending money to support them is an acceptable expense.
it’s not
manipulating people into spending ridiculous amounts of money and then claiming “it’s their choice” is just scummy business, baby, and thats all the arcana does
the devs are brats who instead of admitting $500 is absurd for a game instead write petty little caricatures into their game - like, lbr: dana, elle, if i could afford diamonds in my hair i wouldn’t have even bothered with your shitstain of a game
despite bragging that ppl would get the full story w/o needing to pay, the paid scenes are pretty much required - the first few books of julian’s route have no romance without accessing any of the paid options. you dont even get so much as a kiss in without handing coins over. many, many people were baffled when julian had a teary break-up scene when from their perspective they hadn’t even started building a relationship.
wow that’s more than i ever thought it’d be
and i’ve been aware of their bullshit for near a whole year now!
i don’t have much of a note to end this on, other than: the arcana just isn’t even that good. it suffers from weak writing, pathetic character development and above all actually harmful content. do not try to argue with me on any of these points unless you’ve read all of that, because whatever you have to say i’ve likely mentioned before. if you still are that determined to yell at a me on the internet, please preface your argument with the phrase “I’m a pee pee poo poo man” so I know you’ve read everything in here. thank you!
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I understand if you obvi don't ever wanna do any or all of these but a few please? And thank you!!! 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 25, 28, 30, 32, and 43?
*deep inhale* Not all of these in one go BUT I shall do a few so I can space them out! Feel free to ask again!
0: Height 5’5 was my childhood dream height but now that I’m done growing I want to be taller >:(
1: Virgin? Yea lmaoooooooo I ain’t ever gettin a man HA-
3: Do you smoke? No and I will never condone it
4: Do you drink? I wish! I licked beer out of by grandpas beer cap once! And I drank the smallest drop of wine out of my aunt’s glass another time! But that’s literally all the alcohol I’ve ever consumed. I want to chug a margarita in Epcot please and thank you
12: Relationship status Painfully single :)
13: Biggest turn ons Money
17: Someone you miss My dog :(
22: What I want to be when I get older A teacher!!!! A dual teacher that can teach English (like language arts) and history cause then this bitch can SNATCH up a job!!! School districts like dual teachers so I’ll be ready!! But I’m planning on doing the DCP for a semester so I’ll be behind in college...oh well!!
28: A description of the person I dislike the most She has the worst highlights I’ve ever seen, theyre chunky and too light for her hair color. She’s got braces that somehow always have cheetos stuck in them. Her voice pierces my ears. She is convinced we are best friends and we have never once hung out except for one time I went dress shopping with a friend and she invited herself along lmao
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately WHY did I immediately think of Jude Law I’m CACKLING-
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weseizethenight · 4 years
1 - 50 ✌️🤡✌️
🖕🤡👊 Reblog the post COWARD!!
1. What's your sexual orientation?
2. What are you obsessed with rn?
Right now I'm obsessed with... Skyrim... Todd Howard has had my soul in a soul stone since I was 15. I can't escape.
3. Have you ever done any drugs?
One wee puff of Amsterdam speciality 🤡
4. What piercings do you have?
The grand number of 0 babbbyyyy
5. How many people have you kissed?
8 🙈
6. Describe your dream home
A bungalow or flat in a town or city with nice cafes and shops. Flowers galore, pastel palette, gothic-esque artwork. A whippet for company 😎
7. Who are you jealous of?
Anyone with a good career job...
8. What's your favourite show to binge?
The Office US. I watch it every day because Michael Scott also has my soul stone.
9. Do you watch porn?
What isn't porn nowadays amiright?
10. Do you have a secret sideblog?
Two lmao but that's a secret
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Athens. I seriously want to go there and explore the city 😭
12. What's one of your fantasies?
Getting a big pair of wings and flying about. Also hitting people with them and wrapping them around myself when it's cold.
13. Have you/would you get your nipples pierced?
Nah and nah.
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
I would buy my friends and family houses, pay off my student loans and spend it on a whole bunch of crap
15. Are you in a relationship?
16. Do you follow any porn blogs?
Nope, unless one has turned into one lmao
17. Are you angry with anyone rn?
@nomojave for doing 1-50, and myself for doing it!
18. What tattoos do you want?
A crescent moon made of my granny's favourite flowers. Moonlight is the nickname my Granny and Granda call/ed me 🙈
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to?
I wouldn't change my name actually. I gripe about it but it's the name my wee mammy gave me and it's a part of me.
Though I would change it to Charlotte if I HAD to.
20. What's something you're obsessed with?
Couples that are so different from each other! Height, status, human/other... For example, Garrus and Shepard 😏👌
21. Describe your best friend.
@nomojave Booboo the fool ❤
22. Tag someone you think is hot
🤔 @nomojave
23. Who are five of your favourite bands/musical artists?
Within Temptation
Florence and the Machine
Billie Eilish
24. What are three places you want to travel?
Greece, Japan and South of France
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
Restaurant with friends accompanied with cocktails/or going to the pictures then heading to a bar for a good talk.
26. What's your favourite season?
Early Autumn
27. What's your pet peeve?
Open mouth chewing 😡
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
Myself 😂😂 Or... @nomojave
29. What's the most overrated movie?
Oft, idk uhhhh Joker maybe?
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but are too shy to message.
I would but honestly I'd do it then cba continuing to message
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
Paper books for sure! Ebooks are handy but nothing beats the feel of a good book.
32. If you could live in a fictional world, which world would you pick?
Does Cirque Du Freak count? 🙈 If not... Buyrim
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe look like?
Like Amy Lee threw up in my closet with a mix of colourful long skirts, bardot tops and boots ✌
34. What's your coffee order?
Cappucino, two sugars.
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
No 😔
36. Do you still have feeling for any of your exes?
Hell naw
37. Have any tattoos?
Not yet ayyy
38. Do you drink?
Yes, occasionally
39. Are you a virgin?
Ya man 😎✌
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
My mutuals aren't idiots so no haha
41. How many followers do you have?
524... but only five active rebloggers 😂
42. Describe the hottest person you know
(I'll not say any of my friends since they're all goddam beautiful)
Dark hair, blue eyes, tall dude. Square jaw, nice eyebrows. Literal model.
43. What's your guilty pleasure?
Shitty YA fiction
44. Do you read erotica?
Eh very rarely tbh.
45. What's the worst date you've ever been on?
The guy didn't drink water and spontaneously dabbed🤦🏼‍♀️ ...
46. How many people do you follow?
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
Gotta stay true to my childhood self and pick a Mr David Tennant 🙈
48. Describe your ideal partner
Genuinely funny person that doesn't put pressure on you. Nice and chill and rich... I mean, money doesn't matter!
49. Who do you text the most?
I wonder who... @nomojave
50. What's your favourite type of weather?
Sunny weather, hot but not too hot. Nice wee breeze.
I can't believe I sat and done this omg! Had to write the questions out because it wouldn't copy and paste!!
@nomojave I swear... you better be reblogging that post...
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
I have an idea for Old Dog, New Tricks, maybe Five has a really hard time understanding money and is constantly like ???? When he orders coffee or goes anywhere. Maybe Diego has to come scoop is tiny older brother from mall jail cause he literally just forgot to pay for something. I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU WRITE BY THE WAY ITS FANTASTIC YOUR FANTASTIC
OH SAME HAT!! I should probably actually just,, put out my list of random Five thoughts for the series before anything else lmao but you’re so right about the money thing!! he’s used to just grabbing whatever bc no one owns anything in the apocalypse they’re dead they ain’t using it
so without further ado here’s the list i’m working with, with 0 edits from my shitty notes so take it with a grain of salt lmao
- talking to himself (even after putting Dolores back)- food hoarding- food aggression (genuinely though if you try steal Five’s food he WILL defend it with his live, usually meaning the end of yours)- food waste issues- five’s idea of edible vs. inedible (bugs? very edible)- clothes thief five- table manners are for SCHMUCKS - Five, probably- scavenging in general/no sense of other people’s belongings (counter point: very protective of his own belongs while not projecting other people’s ownership onto objects. Everyone was dead in his day. Dead people don’t need things)- clothes shopping (function over form, he’d stab someone for thick comfortable socks)- clothes waste issues?? I feel like Five would be handy with a needle and thread tbh- sleep issues (no waking up alone)- bed issues (nesting on the ground, sleeping where the fuck ever, is that five asleep on top of the tv?? that can’t be comfortable)- carrying a knife (Diego has one, it’s DIEGO, so does klaus, WHAT, hey i’m a war vet ofc i carry a knife, you’re a whAT) - alcoholism (it’s safer to drink alcohol than water in the apocalypse tbh)- money?? how does money work again? (it’s not like hargreeves gave them an allowance, money was useless in the apocalypse, and the commission provided things)- issues with touch/what counts as personal space - snow = flashbacks to ashes in apocalypse- writes on any surface available with no concern with anything (did you carve into this wall with a kniFE, and what if i did)- self indulgent five and kitten or puppy content since no mammals in the apocalypse (i feel like five would be suitably wary of large animals. you can’t trust horses.)- okay i really do want to write klaus giving five the cat pillow- clothing triggers?? the outfits they were wearing dead or something? I need to actually see if you can see the death outfits in the show tbh
i’ve already done quite a few of them lmao but it is what it is tbh
just someone get this boy some therapy tbh smh
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kanasmusings · 5 years
[Translation] QUELL “Matchless People” Bonus Track
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Here’s the bonus track that comes with Matchless People~ I don’t actually remember if it’s a pre-order bonus thing or if it’s from a joint purchase bonus XD And sorry if this took a bit longer to publish. I got distracted with all the VAZZROCK stuff lmao.
Thank you again to Deea for the files~! Please don’t ask her for them as per her request and please don’t ask if I’ll be sharing mine as well, thank you ^^
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
[Bonus Track – Mini Drama]
  ICHIRU: Eichi…! Eichi, wake up.
ICHIRU: Eichi!
EICHI: Hm… What? Is something wrong…?
ISSEI: (chuckles) We just arrived at the reception area.
EICHI: Ah… I see… (stretches)
SHU: You seem sleepy. You don’t have to get up if you don’t want to.
EICHI: Mm-mm, I’m fine. I’ll go with you. I’m feeling thirsty, too, anyway.
(they get off the vehicle)
EICHI: (stretches)
ICHIRU: Woah, amazing! This is so huge!
ISSEI: There are still a lot of shops open even at night!
ICHIRU: Something smells delicious~! Ahhh, I suddenly got hungry!
SHU: It looks like we still have some time so… Want to go take a look for a bit?
ICHIRU: Let’s go! Ah, but before that… Bathroom!
(Ichiru runs off)
ISSEI: Ah, Ichiru, wait! I’ll go with you.
EICHI: The staff who came with us are all sleeping in the bus and yet they’re so full of energy, huh?
SHU: Yeah. You wouldn’t think that they did a lot of performances for an outdoor live.
EICHI: They were both in perfect condition today, weren’t they~?
SHU: They looked like they were really enjoying themselves.
EICHI: They’ve gotten used to being on site lately. The live’s stage was also spacious so it helped ease their nerves. Even I felt good about it.
EICHI: It was like our song was being taken to the sky.
EICHI: SQ and ALIVE… It was fun doing a joint activity, huh~? It was like a festival.
EICHI: Things didn’t stop even in the rain.
SHU: We were worrying about what would happen during rehearsals but… we were really fortunate.
SHU: We have to do our best with our other activities so we can do things like this again.
  (Eichi drinks)
EICHI: (sighs) Ah~ That hits the spot~
ICHIRU: Look, Issei! That menchi-katsu looks so delicious~!
ICHIRU: No, wait… Maybe the hotdog is more…
ISSEI: Ah! They have soft serve ice cream, too.
ICHIRU: Really?!
(Ichiru approaches Eichi)
ICHIRU: Eichi, stop drinking water. Let’s go eat something.
EICHI: Icchi’s so energetic, huh~?
ISSEI: Eichi, are you tired?
EICHI: U-uh… A little bit… Maybe my body’s going soft…?
EICHI: Back when I was an AD, I used to help with scheduling, the filming… I even work as an assistant during the main show, and even the cleaning up but, I never really felt that tired afterwards…
ICHIRU: Maybe you’re getting old~?
EICHI: Wait right there. That was just three years ago!
EICHI: And even if we consider all that, I’m still in my 20’s!
SHU: I’m sure there’s a different kind of nervousness with your new activities that it can’t be helped.
EICHI: Shu is so nice~
EICHI: But, at this rate… I’ll feel conflicted because I’m the only one tired.
ISSEI: Maybe you’ll feel better if you eat something.
ISSEI: You don’t have to chew ice cream so I think it’ll be easy to eat even when you’re tired.
EICHI: Y-yeah. Th-that’s fine with me but… that kinda makes me sound like an old man, huh…
SHU: But, it’s true that sweet things help make you feel better.
ISSEI: It raises blood sugar after all.
ISSEI: I got a bit curious about the melon bread advertised on the homepage, too.
ICHIRU: Eh, there was something like that?!
(Issei looks through his phone)
ISSEI: Here, see?
ICHIRU: (Ichiru starts reading from Issei’s phone) “The service area is a five-star gourmet…”
ICHIRU: It’s true! Even the melon bread looks so good!
ISSEI: But, it looks like this store is already closed.
ICHIRU: Ehhhhh?!
EICHI: I see. That’s a bit disappointing, huh?
SHU: It is late at night after all.
ISSEI: Let’s go eat some when we get the chance next time. For now, let’s think of this as something to look forward to next time.
ICHIRU: “Next time?” You mean, like with the live? But, we won’t know when we’ll get to go again, huh?
EICHI: This service area’s not that far from Tokyo and it might be kinda fun to visit it just to play, you know?
ICHIRU: Oh, I see! We can come here for fun, too!
SHU: It’s fun to do something just for the sake of a trip and not just work.
EICHI: Okay, I’ve decided! I’ll go with ice cream for today.
EICHI: The others I’ll just, you know, look forward to for next time, too!
ICHIRU: Eh, what about the menchi-katsu?
EICHI: Um… I don’t think that going with something oily would be a good idea.
ICHIRU: See? I knew you were getting old.
EICHI: No, I’m not!
SHU: It seems like we’ve decided what to buy so let’s go and get them and head home.
ISSEI: What will you get, Shu?
SHU: Mine is… Let me see… Maybe a meat bun.
EICHI: Oh, you like meat buns?
SHU: I don’t think that I dislike them.
ISSEI: Hm? What do you mean?
SHU: When it turns to winter—Ah, no… Lately, it’s been happening during summer, too.
SHU: They sell it at convenience stores a lot, don’t they? I’ve always been curious about that.
ICHIRU: I knew this might be the case but… You’ve never had them before?
SHU: Actually, yes. I keep getting nervous whenever I go alone so…
EICHI: No way, Shu…! It’s a staple winter food! A convenience store meat bun being sold at night!
EICHI: Say something about it sooner~!
ISSEI: He’s right. If we knew, we could’ve come with you to buy some.
SHU: (chuckles) So, it’s that much of a big deal, huh? Sorry, I just remembered it now.
ICHIRU: Shu is really… He’s really weird about some things or rather—he’s just ignorant of some things or—Ahhh!! We keep saying “meat bun this” or “meat bun that” that I feel like eating some, too!
ISSEI: What about the menchi-katsu and the hotdog?
ICHIRU: I wanna eat them both, too! Wait—Is that too much?
SHU: You should eat them if you’re really hungry.
SHU: We just had a really big event. Eating that much is probably not much of a problem.
ICHIRU: (chuckles) Then, I’ll have some~
SHU: (brings out a credit card) Use this card to pay for everyone’s—
ICHIRU: Don’t need it, don’t need it. We can buy stuff like these ourselves.
(Ichiru walks off to buy the food)
ICHIRU: (to the vendor) Um, excuse me! One menchi-katsu, one hotdog, and one meat bun, please~!
  EICHI: (chuckles) Icchi looks like he’s having fun~
ISSEI: Shu. Thank you for offering some money.
ISSEI: But, since Ichiru enjoys being able to pay for things with his own money, I’m sure he appreciates the gesture.
EICHI: Ah! I think I understand that feeling! Like, paying for a yakisoba from a food cart with your pocket money makes it even more delicious, right?!
ISSEI: Yeah. It has a different but special feeling since it’s at night, too.
SHU: I see. I understand now. It seems like I did something inelegant.
EICHI: Speaking of… I wonder how much I have left in my wallet…
EICHI: Ah, I know~ I’ll pay for it using my phone.
SHU: You can do something like that?
EICHI: You can if you register your credit card on your smartphone.
ISSEI: Ah! I’ve always thought of trying that. Do you think a minor can do it, too?
EICHI: Hm… I dunno. Let’s look it up later.
SHU: I’m curious about it, too. Teach me how to do it next time.
EICHI: Of course~ That would be no problem.
ISSEI: Shu learned a lot of new things today~
SHU: You’re right. It seems like my dream of eating a meat bun is about to come true, too.
EICHI: And here I thought that I had an idea what you all like but—A meat bun, huh?
EICHI: That was an unexpected blind spot…!
ISSEI: (chuckles) I’m glad you liked it.
ICHIRU: Hey! What’re you guys doing?
ISSEI: Oh, Ichiru’s calling for us. Let’s go to him.
(Eichi and Issei go run to Ichiru)
ICHIRU: Ah…! I can’t hold all three of these! Eichi, pass!
EICHI: (flustered) W-w-wait…!
ISSEI: Alright, I’ll hold the two ice creams.
  SHU: (to himself) I’m sure that anything will taste delicious as long as I’m eating with all of you.
  ICHIRU: (sighs) I’m so full~
EICHI: …! You finished them all already?!
ICHIRU: That much is no biggie~!
EICHI: Maybe it really is youth…
ICHIRU: Oh? (with a teasing tone) You’re finally admitting it?
EICHI: …! This is…. kinda frustrating…!
ISSEI: It’s your turn next, Shu~
SHU: Then… How about this?
(Shu puts a card down)
ISSEI: Then… I’ll go with this.
SHU: I see.
ICHIRU: Who’s um… winning right now?
SHU: It’s Issei.
ISSEI: I lost a while ago so I’m gonna win this time~
EICHI: They’re both strong so really, it’s a very tough battle.
SHU: I agree. Issei’s pretty strong, huh.
ICHIRU: I knew it~                              
EICHI: So Issei’s good at playing cards, huh?
ISSEI: Am I? I do like it though.
ICHIRU: By the way, the worst kind of card game to play with Issei is Concentration! (1)
ICHIRU: He remembers where all the cards are after seeing them only once so you can never win!
EICHI: Ahhh…! Issei’s memorization skills are amazing after all!
ISSEI: But, Ichiru has really great luck. Once he’s on a roll, he can get matches even if he doesn’t memorize them so it’s hard to win against him.
ICHIRU: Mine is really just luck though~
SHU: That means, if you two are paired, you’d definitely be invincible.
EICHI: That composure of yours is really something, too, Shu.
EICHI: By the way, my strong point is playing tactics when it comes to a one-on-one game~
ICHIRU: Oh, so you’re the type who can make the opponent draw the queen card in a game of Old Maid, huh?
EICHI: Exactly, that’s how it is.
ICHIRU: That’s so like you! You seem like the type who’ll smile when someone gets the old maid.
EICHI: Eh?! Is that the impression I give off?
ISSEI: (chuckles) Should we play with all four of us after we’re done with this?
SHU: Issei, wait. The match is just beginning. I won’t lose that easily, you know?
ICHIRU: Eh~? Can you turn it to your favour in this case?
EICHI: Shu, show me your cards for a bit~
EICHI: Ah… Hm… This really makes you conflicted, huh?
SHU: Yeah. I’m deciding whether I want to throw this one down of if I want to put the other one down.
EICHI: Uh… This one—Ah, no… Maybe this one…? Ah, I guess we can just leave this one to luck, huh?
SHU: Right? By the way, my winning chances are low if it’s left to chance.
SHU: I’m a lot worse with luck.
EICHI: U-uh… Even if you tell me that, I—
ICHIRU: (chuckles) Doing things like this sometimes is fun, huh~?
ALL: (laughs)
  ICHIRU: Alright, then… This one! (Ichiru puts a card down)
EICHI: AH!! So you’ll really go for that, huh? Um… If I put this down… no, that won’t be good… what about this one…?
EICHI: Ah, this is no good…! It’s my loss no matter what happens…!
ICHIRU: It’s not over, you know? Don’t give up halfway.
EICHI: I mean, this is basically impossible, you know?
ICHIRU: Don’t care, just throw whatever down. You might win!
EICHI: Then… here… (Eichi puts a card down)
ICHIRU: (laughs) It’s my win!
EICHI: See?! I told you so!
ISSEI: Um… That gives Ichiru one point. I have three and Shu also has three.
EICHI: You guys are just too good!
ICHIRU: Your face gives it away so much~
EICHI: Alright, one more! Ah—But it looks like we’re getting closer to Tokyo.
ICHIRU: Eh? Already?
EICHI: We’ll be there a bit after we get past the highway. Maybe we should start packing our things up.
ISSEI: I wanted to play just a bit longer though…
EICHI: It was fun, huh? Let’s all do it again next time.
ISSEI: Okay. Then, I’ll put the cards away.
(Issei starts putting the cards away)
ICHIRU: I’m kinda feeling hungry~
EICHI: Eh…?! Again?
ISSEI: Playing cards was fun, huh? Don’t you think so, Shu?
SHU: Hm? Ah…
ISSEI: Were you sleeping by any chance?
SHU: I just dozed off for a bit. I’m fine now. What’s wrong?
ISSEI: We’re almost to Tokyo.
SHU: I see. Time flew by so fast, huh?
ISSEI: It did. Time really does fly so fast when we’re having fun.
SHU: You’re right. But, there’s still a next time.
SHU: The same goes for us playing cards again, going to the service area again, and even having another live.
ISSEI: (smiles) If there’s a next time then, that doesn’t make me so sad.
SHU: Yeah, it’s something to look forward to.
ISSEI: (chuckles) Shu~ You’re getting too excited.
SHU: (chuckles) I’m just impatient.
ISSEI: (smiles) Oh right, you said so before.
  (they all walk back in the dorm)
  EICHI: We’re home.
(Eichi puts the bags down)
EICHI: It’s really reassuring coming back to the dorms, huh?
EICHI: Today—Ah, no. Thank you very much for your hard work at the live and rehearsals these past two days.
SHU: Yeah, great work.
ISSEI: To you, too.
ICHIRU: (stretches) Now that we’re home, I feel like I’m getting tired.
SHU: We all did our best and it turned into a good live. I want you to rest easy tomorrow.
ISSEI: Do you have work tomorrow, Shu?
SHU: Yeah, but it’s not particularly early so there’s no need to worry.
EICHI: I’m gonna go make some tea right now. Would you guys like some?
ISSEI: I want some, too.
SHU: Me, too. But, I think I’ll go take a light shower first.
EICHI: Okay~ Then, I’ll go get them ready.
ISSEI: Eichi, do you want me to help?
EICHI: It’s okay, I’ll do it. Issei, go on and sit down.
  ICHIRU: Hey, Issei. Do you think the live’s reports are already up on the net?
ISSEI: Ah, they might be. Let’s look.
(Eichi quietly brings the tea over)
EICHI: Sorry for the wait~ Ah—
SHU: Eichi, sorry for letting you do—
SHU: Hm?
EICHI: (whispering) Look.
(Issei and Ichiru quietly breathing in their sleep)
SHU: (smiles) They must have felt at ease after coming back to the dorms.
EICHI: (chuckles) It’s like they ran out of batteries.
EICHI: Ah but, what should we do? Maybe letting them rest on the bed is better…
SHU: They’re sleeping so soundly. I’d feel bad if we woke them up.
EICHI: Ah, I know! Then, maybe I should lay a futon out and sleep here, too~
SHU: If you’re going to do that then, let me join in, too.
EICHI: Eh? But you have work tomorrow, right? Will that be okay for you?
EICHI: Maybe the bed would be—
SHU: Don’t leave me out, please.
EICHI: Ah, no, no. That’s not what I was—
ICHIRU: (sleep-talking) ‘Scuse me… One hotdog and melon bread, please…
ISSEI: (sleep-talking) Ichiru…
EICHI: (lets out a strained breath) I thought we woke them up…
EICHI: (whispering) Okay. Then, I’ll go quietly bring some futon here.
(Eichi slowly walks away)
 SHU: (to himself) Things I only saw in my imagination are all becoming true every day, huh.
SHU: Thank you, really. Good night.
Translator’s Notes:
(1) I uh... Don’t really know if I should consider this a translator’s note because it’s mostly just me not knowing anything about a card game. I didn’t know what the game “Shinkei-suijaku” would be called in other countries (not just in general) because this is legit the first time I’ve actually heard of it orz 
It’s basically a card game where you place cards face down on a table and you try to make pairs match. I just went with “Concentration” because I think that is the most common translation for it. It’s also called “Pairs” or “Match Up” or other stuff but “Concentration” was apparently more popular???
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work if you want. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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Me and Cas answered all the asks so now it’s your turn!
Ugh fine.
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
 Nothing? I prefer my cassettes.
is your room messy or clean?
Well it was sometimes a bit messy, but Cas cleans a lot.
what color are your eyes?
do you like your name? why?
Yes. Because I was named after my grandmother, who was a really sweet woman.
what is your relationship status?
Off the market, ladies.
describe your personality in 3 words or less.
what color hair do you have?
what kind of car do you drive?
Chevy Impala 67. Black. The most beautiful car you will ever see. Name’s Baby.
where do you shop?
Wherever it’s cheap.
how would you describe your style?
As cool. Flannels, leather jackets. What else could somebody want?
favorite social media account.
Favorite? As if I’m here on my own will.
what size bed do you have? Size?
Queen size. Perfect for Castiel and me.
any siblings?
Two pain in the ass little brothers.
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
Somewhere quiet.
favorite snapchat filter?
The halo or devil horns, just to annoy Cas.
favorite makeup brand(s)
Maybelline N- wait what.
how many times a week do you shower?
Every day. Sometimes twice a day, if the hunt was… gory.
favorite tv show?
Dr. Sexy. Also like the Good Omes thing.
shoe size?
how tall are you?
Hm also 6″0′
sandals or sneakers?
do you go to the gym?
I used to.
describe your dream date.
Some pie, some music, driving my car, getting kissed. You know.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
More than $100
what color socks are you wearing?
They have pizza pattern on em. So like many colors.
how many pillows do you sleep with?
do you have a job? what do you do?
Professional hunter, bitches!
how many friends do you have?
Maybe Five? People usally leave me, so not sure.
whats the worst thing you have ever done?
Tortured souls in hell.
whats your favorite candle scent?
Not sure.
3 favorite boy names
Joel, Liam and Tony
3 favorite girl names
Hayley, Aria and … Mary.
favorite actor?
Steve Bacic
favorite actress?
Maggot Robbie
who is your celebrity crush?
Misha Krushnic.
favorite movie?
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
It - Stephen King
money or brains?
do you have a nickname? what is it?
Deano, Dee, Deanie, Pumpkin, Liittle Monkey… My mums love to embarrass me. Honeybee, too.
how many times have you been to the hospital?
Can’t count it.
top 10 favorite songs
Every Led Zeppelin song there is.
do you take any medications daily?
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
what is your biggest fear?
Being alone again.
how many kids do you want?
whats your go to hair style?
I wake up and tadaaa.
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
who is your role model?
what was the last compliment you received?
That a certain someone loves my lips. For many reasons.
what was the last text you sent?
“So you found my gift huh?”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
I got some news for you!
what is your dream car?
The one I’m driving.
opinion on smoking?
No thank you.
do you go to college?
what is your dream job?
Not having a job?
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
If I have the chance? Yes.
do you have freckles?
do you smile for pictures?
Only if people force me.
how many pictures do you have on your phone?
Too many.
have you ever peed in the woods?
do you still watch cartoons?
I love cartoons!
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Favorite dipping sauce?
Every there is.
what do you wear to bed?
Underwear, pajames in the winter.
have you ever won a spelling bee?
what are your hobbies?
Playing pool, watching movies, cooking.
can you draw?
do you play an instrument?
Guitar and Piano.
what was the last concert you saw?
Just a small town band. Was nice rock tough.
tea or coffee?
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
do you want to get married?
what is your crush’s first and last initial?
C. Lmao.
are you going to change your last name when you get married?
I don’t think so.
what color looks best on you?
I have no idea.
do you miss anyone right now?
Too many people.
do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Closed, don’t wanna scare Sam for life.
do you believe in ghosts?
what is your biggest pet peeve?
Too many to count.
last person you called?
favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookies and Cream.
regular oreos or golden oreos?
What the fuck are golden oreos?
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
oh.. uhm rainbow…
what shirt are you wearing?
Old Batman shirt.
what is your phone background?
Cas sleeping, his mouth wide open cause he snores! And I’m cuddling next to him, laughing my ass off.
are you outgoing or shy?
With Ladies? Outgoing. Otherwise… shy.
do you like it when people play with your hair?
Only Cas is allowed to do that.
do you like your neighbors?
I hate humans.
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
have you ever been high?
Yes, when I ate this weird burger once. That was weird. ‘I don’t care that I don’t care’
have you ever been drunk?
More like every day, am I right?!
last thing you ate?
Bacon for breakfast.
favorite lyrics right now:
You know devils don’t fly
So don’t expect me not to fall
Devils don’t fly
But God we almost had it all
But I got chains and you got wings
You know that life ain’t fair sometimes
Devils don’t fly
But I try
summer or winter?
day or night?
dark, milk, or white chocolate?
White choclate.
favorite month?
what is your zodiac sign?
who was the last person you cried in front of?
Hmmmh. I cried yesterday in front of Crowley, Michael, Cas and Sammy, when Crowley bought his hellhound. Very embarrassing. 0/10.
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write streddie being soft uwu
Stan: *is doing a puzzle like a quirky kid*
Richie: *is trying to help at said puzzle but failing*
Eddie: Richie you just took my piece!!
Richie: Well it was in the wrong spot!!
Stan: *doesnt pay attention bc P U Z Z L E Y U M Y U M*
Eddie: what do you mean?! It fit into the other ones!!!
Richie: No it didn’t!!
Stan: *almost finishes puzzle yum yum*
Eddie: DEAR LORD- IM SORRY STANLEY BUT THIS IDIOT DOESNT KNOW HOW PUZZLES WORK....but it looks very nice to *smiley boye and kisses his forehead*
Richie: *>:(* Edward bullies me
Stan: *finished puzzle :D* Look it’s done!!!
Eddie: awe that looks very nice Stanley!! And Richie you know I love you to death *kiss*
Richie: I feel unloved- let’s watch a movie, boyfriends
Stan: Can we watch a scary one?
Eddie: I swear you two hate me sometimes- *sits on the couch*
Stan: Nooooo *also sits on the couch* *cuddle part 1*
Richie: Eddie is literally a bully *sits next to edward* *leeches to boyfriends part 1 and 2*
Eddie: you guys know I hate scary movies! Last time I peed myself!!
Stan: It wasn’t even a scary movie-
Richie: It was scooby doo
Eddie: *crosses his arms* and?
Stan: You could just not watch the movie with us?
Richie: *puts on the hip movie uhh poltergeist yeah lmao that’s scary*
Eddie: okay peace out! *runs to his room*
Time: kachow
Richie: EDWARD
Stan: Eddieeeeeee
Eddie: *is sleeping in the other room*
Stan: *finds the b0y* *:0* *sits next to eduardo* *Q U I E T*
Richie: *:0 part 2* *plays with edward’s hair oop* *Q U I E T*
Eddie: *wakes up but is v v v tired* oh hi guys *yawn*
Richie: aloha *continues to play with edwards hair*
Stan: *stan* hi
Eddie: *is like half asleep* you know I love you guys
Stan: *uwu* *leeches to the eduardo* yeah we know
Richie: we love you too, dork
Eddie: *hugs the Stan and falls back asleep*
Stan: *sleep oclock*
Richie: *sleep oclock part 2*
Time: kachow
Rain: kapow
Eddie: *wakes up and it's dark out* Stanny?
Stan: *sl33p*
Eddie: hhhhhhh *sits up but cannot bc thy Roach*
Thunder: KACHOW
Eddie: *screams bc of thy thunder*
Richie: *literally falls* FUCK
Stan: *awakens* What-??
Eddie: sorry guys- I'm not the best with thunder storms-
Thunder & Lightning: A
Richie: *roach* *hugs edward*
Stan: *hugs edward part 2*
Eddie: you guys are gonna suffocate me *giggly boye*
Richie: good *teehee giggly boye part 2*
Stan: noooo!! *giggly boye part 3*
Eddie: wow thanks Richie *kiss uwu*
Richie: yeahhh i’m tired- *sleep lmao* *also leech tho*
Stan: *pat* it’s really late
Thunder: ahaha H
Eddie: I know...I'll try to sleep
Stan: good! *kiss úwù* i’m going to sleep *sleep oclock*
Eddie: *falls asleep cuddling the Stan*
Morning: peenids
Stan: *sleep sleep sleep*
Richie: *sleep sleep sleep*
Eddie: *is in the kitchen making breakfast* richie! Stanley!! Breakfast!!
Richie: *aWAKENS* F00D *falls into the kitchen ouchies* ouch
Stan: *awakens* *walks like a NORMAL PERSON* i’m tired *stan*
Eddie: *runs over to Richie* are you okay?
Richie: probably *ouchie there’s a bruise on his arm lmao* *s t an d*
Stan: you’re such an idiot
Eddie: yeah but he's our idiot *hugs the Richie from the side*
Richie: *kisses the edward uwu* thank you both for calling me an idiot
Stan: *hugs the b0yfriends* no problem idiot
Eddie: I love you guys so much but GOD DAMMIT THE EGGS ARE BURNT
Richie: you look like a burnt egg
Eddie: sit down on the couch or something- I'll have to remake breakfast
Stan: Alright *sits on the couch*
Richie: okay my guy *sits on the stan*
Eddie: Richie- you're going to crush Stan
Richie: too BAD
Stan: iM FINE-!
Eddie: I'm still confused about how you two like each other
Richie: *DRAMATIC GASP* Excuse you Stan loves me!
Stan: I do that’s a fact right there
Eddie: I'm so offended
Stan: Dont burn the house down, Eddie
Richie: *l33ch*
Eddie: I won't burn the house down, breakfast is done! Come eat before it gets cold
Richie: *l e a p s off stan and goes to the kitchen 😔👊*
Stan: *stans into the kitchen*
Eddie: *gets his own breakfast and sits on the couch*
Richie: *gets f00d and sits on the coffee table*
Stan: *gets f00d and sits next to edward* Rich, what the hell are you doing
Eddie: richie what the actual hell- *picks him up and puts him on the couch*
Richie: nooooo *goes back on the coffee table*
Stan: right, okay- can we go to the zoo today?? i want to see the bIRDS
Eddie: sure Stan- we can go see the birds
Stan: cool!!
Richie: can we get food there teehee
Eddie: sure Richie! And Stan I cant wait to Christmas so like *gives him a pet bird*
Richie: thats a sexy bird- where the fuck did you get money, Eds?
Eddie: I've been saving it up!
Richie: nice job, my guy
Stan: *birdbirdbirdbird* *:D*
Eddie: *kisses the Stan*
Stan: *kisses the edward*
Richie: ewww get a room
Eddie: you guys have literally made out on front of me before
Stan: you WATCHED??
Richie: ewwww eddie watches porn
Eddie: what!? No! I was watching tv
Stan: how did you know then?? we were like- in the other room??
Richie: no we weren’t dumbass
Eddie: it seems like every time I kiss one of you and other one makes fun of me!
Richie: calm yourself my guy *kisses the edward owo*
Stan: what he said minus the my guy part *kisses the edward after roach*
Eddie: hhhhhhhhhh *hugs the roach from the side*
Richie: *leeches to the edward* your hair is soft
Stan: include me you dorks *also leeches*
Eddie: watch me fall asleep again-
Stan: you better not because then I’ll fall asleep
Richie: and I’d get time alone and who wants that ew
Eddie: *yawns*
Richie: *kisses the edward’s forehead* wow what a cutie
Stan: I know right?
Eddie: stop it *hides under a blanket*
Stan: noooo come back *s natches edward*
Richie: *:(*
Eddie: *is in the Stans lap now*
Richie: *kisses the stanley and the edward*
Stan: *hugs the b0ys*
Eddie: *kisses the Stan for like 2 minutes*
Stan: *O W O* *y e e h a w*
Richie: gET A ROOOOM
Stan: *red intensifies* i don’t know-
Richie: HAHA GAY
Eddie: *v v v v v red boye* i-
Richie: you two are cowards, if i was in stan’s position right now you’d have to go to the doctor from all the bruises
Eddie: R-ICHIE)!!-
Richie: I’m just telling the truth
Stan: *red x28338383*
Eddie: *yeehaw to the Stan* I'm sorry-
Stan: *AHHH* *R E D*
Richie: god get a room this is classified as porn
Eddie: oh shush Rich *kiss uwu*
Richie: *Y E E H A W BR O* rekt amirite
Stan: *dYing*
Eddie: Richieeeeeee *hides and hugs him*
Richie: *hugs the stanley and the edward* you two are nerds
Stan: *red flavor*
Eddie: *cuddles up to the Richie* cold
Richie: *plays with eduardo’s hair heehaw*
Stan: *sleeps bc this is too much red is bad*
Eddie: *falls asleep with the Stan*
Richie: *also sleep heehee*
Phone: kachow my guy
Stan: ughhh *awakens to answer the phone*
Eddie: Stanny what's wrong?
Stan: shhhh phone call *answer phone* oh hi *phone talk*
Eddie: okay...*goes back to sleep*
Stan: *phone talk for an hour wtf* ok bye *phone hang up* *lays back down with the b0yfriends*
Eddie: Stanleyyyyyyy *lays on top of him*
Stan: oh- hi- *holds the edward and the roach’s hands bc owo*
Richie: *probably fuckimg— hibernating*
Eddie: *gives him a kiss but he's like v tired*
Stan: I’m tired bbbye *sleep oclock*
Eddie: *falls asleep on the Stan*
Later o’clock: hola
Richie: *awakens to make a grilled chhhheese*
Stan: *sleep?*
Eddie: *still sleep on stan*
Richie: *sits next to the b0ys and eat a good and cool sandwich* *uwu energy*
Stan: *aWAKENS*
Eddipe: *nuzzles the stan in his sleepp*
Stan: *pat pat* what time is it?
Richie: how should i know? we slept all day though, it’s dark again
Eddie: *wakes up but is very sleepy* huh
Richie: *s andwich* look who finally woke up
Stan: *quiet clapping*
Eddie: oh shush *nuzzle uwu*
Richie: *cough cough* gAy *cough cough*
Stan: you’re literally our boyfriend shut up
Eddie: I'll attack you with affection young man *jump on the rouch*
Richie: OH SHIT *falls over ouch* *giggly boye teehee*
Stan: *witnesses*
Eddie: *is on top of the roach behind the couch*
Richie: wow this is pretty gay
Eddie: oh so you don't like me being on top of you?
Richie: no, i’d rather be on top of you *teehee kiss owo*
Eddie: *big blush man*
Richie: *yeehaw x22*
Eddie: Stan helppppppppppp
Bev: *walks in* OH JEEZ
Stan: Hi bev- theyre fucking don’t mind them
Richie: nO WE ARENT
Eddie: *runs and jumps on Bev* HI BEV
Richie: shit dude don’t do that *stAnds*
Stan: nooooo
Bev: oh- I came over here to ask you guys if you wanted to come to the mall with me! I got my driver's license very early for some reason but yeah!
Stan: Oh sure!!
Richie: bro the fuckimg mALL?
Bev: yes the mall idiot!! Okay who wants to carry this thing *points to eddie*
Richie: I don’t know I think he should walk beside the car, honestly
Stan: hmmm maybe
Eddie: wow yall are so nice
Stan: oh shut up we love you
Richie: accurate
Eddie: *puts on his purse (bev got him it) and runs out the door* GET IN LOSERS WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!!
Richie: what the hell why
Stan: uHHHH
Stan: oh god- *car*
Richie: fucking christ *car*
-at the mall-
Bev: i dont know- Hooters?
Richie: I’m gay
Stan: I’m also gay
Bev: Yeah okay but they have good wings-
Eddie: oh I have a friend that works here! We can get free wings
Richie: is it your mom? i want to see her working at hooters
Stan: no what the fuck rich
Eddie: Richie-!!
Richie: what i’m just telling the truth
Stan: oh my god
Eddie: *holds Stans hand*
Stan: *:D*
Richie: *insect*
Eddie: *kisses the Stans cheek*
Homophobic couple: we. That's just not right! You boys are way too young
Stan: *>:”0*
Richie: eXCUSE YOU don’t INSULT my BOYFRIENDS *>:(*
Homophobic couple: there's 3 of you?? A couple is only 2 people, a boy and a girl! And that short one already looks like a girl so I guess it's fine
Richie: I will fuckign fight you *>:(*
Stan: no richie calm down *holds back the roach lmao*
Stan: Richard calm yourself good lord
Homophobic couple: ugh whatever *pushes the Eddie and walks away*
Eddie: oh well *flips his imaginary long hair*
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Absolutely all of them do asks 1-100
*cracks knuckles* alright motherfuckers its oversharing time
1. Spotify, Soundcloud, or Pandora?-Spotify
2. is your room messy or clean?-where I’m living now it’s very clean but my room at home was a mess when I left
3. what color are your eyes?-brown
4. do you like your name? why?-I don't really like my full name cuz its kinda an odd name but I do like my nickname
5. what is your relationship status?-fuck if I know, bud
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less-goblin 
7. what color hair do you have?-brown
8. what kind of car do you drive?-here I don't have a car but at home ive got a 1997 honda odyssey 
9. where do you shop?-wherever shit is sold the cheapest 
10. how would you describe your style?-see question 6 
11. favorite social media account?-fuck social media....imma still use it tho....imma still use it
12. what size bed do you have?-full I think
13. any siblings?-a brother and a stepsister
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?-Italy. pasta and bread mate
15. favorite snapchat filter?-the one that zooms in really close on your face
16. favorite makeup brand(s)-NYX Too Faced and Mac
17. how many times a week do you shower?-usually 5-7 times. if i go out its more, and if im in a depressive spiral its less
18. favorite tv show?-black mirror 
19. shoe size?-womens 8US 
20. how tall are you?-idk like. 5′8?
21. sandals or sneakers?-sandals
22. do you go to the gym?-not really. I swim
23. describe your dream date-having one 
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?-approximately 37 euro
25. what color socks are you wearing?-black white and gray
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?-3
27. do you have a job? what do you do?-I’m a nanny
28. how many friends do you have?-idk like. 5 or 6 on a good day
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?-worst is a very umbrella term but one time I stole pocky from a Japanese market and I felt so bad I cried and returned it and the woman at the counter laughed at me and let me keep it so. stealing is good kids
30. whats your favorite candle scent?-citrus
31. 3 favorite boy names-taniel kyler briley
32. 3 favorite girl names-krystyl rahbekkah mayrei (pronounced mary)
33. favorite actor?-Tom Hardy
34. favorite actress?-K Stew
35. who is your celebrity crush?-see above
36. favorite movie?-Treasure Planet
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?-yup; M is for Magic
38. money or brains?-money
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?-Cas
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?-only twice 
41. top 10 favorite songs-they change so I’ll do the ones I've been listening to a lot lately: Psycho Killer-Talking Heads, Love My Way-Psychedelic Furs, Nobody-Mitski, Stupid for You-Waterparks, Jetpack Blues-FOB, That's All I Need-Dirty Heads, Hey-Pixies, Visions of Gideon-Sufjan Stevens, Boys Dont Cry-The Cure, Elephant Gun-Beirut 
42. do you take any medications daily?-nope
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)-pretty average tbh
44. what is your biggest fear?-yeah
45. how many kids do you want?-0
46. whats your go to hair style?-brushed 
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)-wooden hut on the beach. my bed will be a hammock
48. who is your role model?-Freddy Mercury
49. what was the last compliment you received?-idk yo
50. what was the last text you sent?-”lmao stress about what?”
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?-WHO isnt WHAT NOW 
52. what is your dream car?-1969 Volkswagen beetle bug convertible, cherry red, white leather interior
53. opinion on smoking?-i dont do it but i dont really care if others do
54. do you go to college?-did briefly
55. what is your dream job?-to not have to work
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?-beach
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?-yes bitch im poor
58. do you have freckles?-yes if ive been out in the sun a lot
59. do you smile for pictures?-yeah
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?-about 1700
61. have you ever peed in the woods?-yeh
62. do you still watch cartoons?-heck yeck
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?-Wendys
64. favorite dipping sauce?-ranch
65. what do you wear to bed?-old tshirt and workout shorts
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?-no im dumb
67. what are your hobbies?-fucking everything up
68. can you draw?-not well
69. do you play an instrument?-see above
70. what was the last concert you saw?-Dirty Heads
71. tea or coffee?-yes
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?-neither
73. do you want to get married?-nope
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?-AD
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?-no
76. what color looks best on you?-implying I wear colors
77. do you miss anyone right now?-yup
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?-closed
79. do you believe in ghosts?-yup
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?-people not using their blinker
81. last person you called-Suze
82. favorite ice cream flavor?-mint chip
83. regular oreos or golden oreos?-regular
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?-rainbow
85. what shirt are you wearing?-old Grateful Dead concert tshirt
86. what is your phone background?-a bunch of quotes from The Room
87. are you outgoing or shy?-more reserved than anything else
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?-yes
89. do you like your neighbors?-my neighbor right under me plays piano and that's the highlight of my day
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?-try to do both
91. have you ever been high?-yes
92. have you ever been drunk?-yes
93. last thing you ate?-chocolate
94. favorite lyrics right now-”you're an irreplaceable human soul with your own understanding of what it means to suffer and that’s a huge bummer”
95. summer or winter?-summer
96. day or night?-night
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?-dark
98. favorite month?-june
99. what is your zodiac sign-gemini baybee
100. who was the last person you cried in front of?-suze and my family
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local-raccoon · 6 years
#VD9suitcontest entry!!
Ahhhhhhh I made a few of them bc they just kept pooling in my head. It’s kind of embarassing bc they go from “hmm yeah” to “im trying and failing” and justttttttttttttttttttttt  wanted to made them and thats it lol.
Under the cut bc It’s just too much!!
Check out the super cool zine @bnhavillaindeku-zine is making!! The staff is hella cool and the rewards are hella amazing. They all deserve the world and more (!!!!!)  This thingy is for their suit contest in which we gotta design Izuku’s villain suit.
The links are here!! Pre orders end on September 9, you still have a few days left!!!  Go go goooo!!  PO’s page || Shop page
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The modern ninja.
Hoodie – A simple black hoodie. He wears a bullet-proof vest underneath it.
Pants – Loose fitting pants for mobility and just being comfortable.
Knee guards, arm guards and gloves – The three of them are police-standard. He got them from an actual police gear shop. They are pretty simple but useful.
Throwing knifes – He has a great bunch of them, was inspired by Stain to use them… and to mock him too.
Mask – It’s so totally not a mask, just a too long scarf that got mutilated once or twice. It has an awfully drawn smiley face that is supposed to be mocking All Might’s.
Boots – The only difference with the knee and arm guards is that he painted them red. He loved his red shoes, you see. They are pretty heavy, too.
 Au background (or whatever this is)
A world where Izuku got tired of being treated like garbage and decided to take the matter onto his hands. At first, he was just a vigilante, leaving alone the heroes and having a little bit of hope that they were different. He was wrong. Once it became clear to him that most heroes where almost as bad as villains, he began to target heroes too.
He’s a sneaky rat. His tolerance levels went down to 0. This Izuku is aggressive, sassy and petty af. He’s done with everyone’s bullshit and the only person he tolerates at this point is his mother.
He might or might not be affiliated with the league. Maybe he doesn’t trust them much, but they are useful, too. (He might or might not have a quirk too.)
His costume mocks All Might, Eraserhead, Stain and the Police, bc he’s a lil shit.
He is always ready to fight and set the world on fire.
--------------- I think villain Izuku would go for a more useful oufit than a flashy, interesting one. (but at the same time i disagree with myself) sO The point in this suit was to make it out from stuff you can get from actual shops. I don’t know if it happens everywhere or my hometown is weird, but in here there are shops where you can get actual military gear, excluding the guns, ofc, but you can go full militar gear and it’s... a bit expensive but not too much. So i was thinking Izuku (or anyone, really) could do just that and nobody would bat an eye???
and even if they did, there are some places that cell construction gear and they work almost the same as military gear. U can get some nice and sturdy knee guards and it would be totally normal.
In this AU idk if Izuku is with the league or not, if he has a quirk or not, but i’m inclined to think he actually does both. And is a villain mostly out of spite and revenge.
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(see how they go from hmmm to uhgggg)
The bartender. (aka the one i gave most though)
Hair – Gelled to the side and tamed to the best of his abilities.
Shirt – A normal white dress shirt. Has tons of them ironed and ready to use. Rolls the sleeves up so they don’t get stained or in the way.
Pants – A pair of black slacks. Has tons of them too, they are surprisingly comfy.
Shoes – Moccasins. All black and meticulously cleaned. They shine.
Appron – Part of the bar’s uniform. Nothing special.
Gloves – Black leather fire resistant gloves with red palms. Used to hide the scars in his hands. (I really liked V!D9 Izuku’s gloves, didn’t have the heart to change them)
Scars – Has a lot of them on his arms and back.
Midoriya Inko is dead. It was the heroes fault but no one would believe the ‘traumatized child’ it happened. Izuku is sent to a quirkless orphanage and develops a passive-aggressive personality. He makes a plan and starts working to make it reality. He’s never actually adopted, even if he does have some interviews, he’s just not interested. So he stays with the old man that takes care with of the orphanage and sees how the world is even crueler than he initially thought. The old man sees the way he is being silently consumed by his rage and hatred, tries to help but somehow they end up having similar ideals and turn into something like partners in crime. The old man says he’s “too old to actually give a damn”.
 He opens a business with the old man’s help and the money left to him from his mother. It’s a simple café in the day and a bar in the night. It’s pretty small and totally average. The only thing that catches attention are two plates in the front door that say “Quirkless welcome” and “Uniforms not allowed”.  He doesn’t allow anyone in uniform inside his business. No heroes, no villains, no police officers. Of course, people try to give him shit because of this but he knows the laws and that, legally speaking, he’s not doing anything wrong. Nobody can touch him.
 Izuku is more like an informant type of villain. This doesn’t mean he can’t take care of himself, of course, your biggest mistake will ever be to underestimate him for his looks. He focuses on getting information and working it on how ever it favors him. He isn’t afraid of going against other villains nor heroes. Not even the League. It takes him some time but he manages to set up his own network, getting information on both heroes and villains. The first thing he does is to expose all the heroes that where involved with Inko’s death.
Nobody really knows he’s the one to get the information, though. They think he’s just The Bartender, the messenger. What could a useless, quirkless nobody do, anyways?
 He takes his status of quirkless and uses it to his advantage with the best of his capabilities. Anything to fulfill his goal.
 The worst kind of villain are those who actually use their brains, after all.
-------------------- Escentially, my entry on the “Villain Izuku with an actual suit” trope. Initially, i though of him being something like Kurogiri’s partner, they both would make plans and make sure no one mess up. But then i though “Izuku would be totally capable of doing this all on his own. He just needs the right motivation.” and what better motivation than hate and having nothing else to lose.
An i really like bartender’s outfits lol.
I also headcanon that this Izuku knows how to use an unexpected amount of fire arms. (guns, rifles, shotgus, etc) and would never hesitate to shoot a bih. But i didn’t have the time to draw him with them (guns are hard ot draw!!) so i’m just leaving it here :/, hoping it somehow counts.
This Izuku is actually quirkless, everything he does is thanks to his brain. He learned how to break apart both information and people. bC I THINK IZUKU COULD DO IMPRESSIVE THINGS WITH OR WITHOUT A QUIRK.
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The Street fighter.
Hoodie – A green plain hoodie. Used to hide his body and just how buff he is.
Face mask – Cheap and with little probabilities of it falling off or untying.
Loose pants – Easy to move in.
Knee pads – For support and protection. They are just normal Knee pads.
Sneakers – A pair of comfy and durable sport sneakers. The little short absorption they have is good enough.
Bandages – His hands are bandaged in the same way of a boxer’s. He is seen with constant injures on his face because he is a street fighter. His arms are scarred because of fights too.
Hairstyle – Has an undercut and dyed hair. Usually, he dies the top black and leaves the roots green, sometimes dyes it all black. Changes them constantly so people won’t be able to relate him with Inko.
Not much to say. I just wanted to draw him as a street fighter.
He ran away/got kidnapped at a not-so-young age (10-12???) Didn’t saw a reason to go back/didn’t want to be found so he learned how to fend for himself and fight. Works in an underground fight center as both a fighter and information broker. He’s fast on his feet, even without a quirk, and can pack a punch strong enough to knock someone out in seconds. Specializes in speed and precision. It’s better to know where to punch and how hard that just punching mindlessly.
 Always parkour’s his way out of bad situations. The most frustrating villain/vigilante the police has dealt with. Has personal issues against Eraserhead because he’s the only one that can almost match his pace.
He’s part of another villain group and quirkless. He fights with only kicks, punchs and sTREET SMARTS(!!!!). Parkoúr is a thing. He probably breakdances too, bc he can. A kind of-free man living the live as a thug.
Idk what else to add here. Maybe just that i got inspired with the sneakers lmao lOOK AT THEM IM PROUD. they came out way better than i was expecting. The pose too, how did that even happened.
SO THATS ALL. Thank you for coming to my pep talk/whatever this is.
Pls buy a copy. it’s a very cool zine. Here are the links again:  PO’s page || Shop page 
Uhhhhhhhhhhh.  Yeah, bye.
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tearuntold · 6 years
I was tagged by my love @holy-jinsus to write 10 positive things that happend in 2017. I am pretty sure we all can agree on the fact that 2017 was just the shitty expansion pack of 2016, thank Jinsus it’s over! So I am even happier to see that, even though your year was probably the worst so far (same btw), I could make it a little bit better! I love you 💕💕
Rules: Write 10 positive things that happened in 2017, then tag several people that you hope have an amazing 2018!!
I don’t want to flood anyone with this long ass storytimes, so everyone who wants to can read below the cut. 🌺
1. So the best thing by far is my new job! In the beginning of the year I isolated myself a lot and didn’t really leave the house, but eventually I decided that I need a job, because I want money (who doesn’t) and some people around me. Fortunately the first shop I went to and asked if they need someone accepted me after a day of trial work. I really wanted to work there since I love being there, and it ended up being a truly wonderful job that I still love doing now!
2. Due to my job I met a lot of amazing people and found new friends who I really appreciate. First of all, all my coworkers are angels and I get along with everyone really well. Even our chef is the most adorable bun ever so we are a little bit like family. Adding to that there are a lot of regular costumers who I chat with every time they come over and even found some friends in them.
3. Okay, so this might sound weird, but I went to IKEA (not sponsored lmao) with my dad. And it was the first time that I ever went there to buy a bunch of stuff for my own, with my own money. You know as a kid when you go to any kind of store you always have to ask your parents if they can buy you something, or if you need a new bed whatever, they decide wich one you take, because they can say ‘no’ if they think it’s too expensive. So this time I went there and bought some new bookshelfs, plants and other stuff to redecorate my room and organize my stuff better. And when we got to the checkout I was the one with a full cart who paid over a hundred euro and my dad was the one who got himself like a 5€ plant. I don’t know, it just made me really happy.
4. My grandma got 80 this year so she invited a lot of people from our family and her closest friends for a bigger birthday party at her favourite cafe. And I really like her and most part of that family so I was happy to go there. Fortunately I ended up sitting with all the old people, my greatuncle, greataunts and some childhood friends from my grandma. They told a lot of fun stories from their childhood, how it was growing up together like family during the war and so on. I could listen to these stories for days, it just makes me so happy to see them so full of joy telling how it was even though times were rough. Before we left I talked a bit more with my greatuncle alone and as we had to leave he told me how happy he is to see me smiling and talking so lively with people, because I used to talk only rarely and just...sit there. This just really made me realise that I changed, in a good way.
5. I visit my angel Linda aka @holy-jinsus every few weeks for a day or 5 and we just chill, watch videos or do nothing together which is always wonderful, but I remember one day in particular. I am not sure when it was exactly but we just casually watched some yt videos at 3am and randomly this weird looking BTS video was recommended where they just put this filter over the video, where everything in the middle is zoomed in, like a bubble. I am sure if you ever watched any kind of crack or meme video you know what effect I am talking about. Anyways, we ended up laughing so god damn hard, that we felt like dying and even though this video probably wasn’t even that funny, it was to us in that moment. And I just love laughing with her you know.
6. Late november I finally had my appointment at the tattoo studio to get, who would have guessed, some new tattoos. I waited 8 months for this and I was just so happy as it was done! They were my biggest ones so far, so I was a little bit concerned how I would handle getting stabbed for hours, but it was way better than I expected. And the result is everything I ever wanted!
7. This Tumblr blog happened! I started it late december, but it still counts to 2017. Even though I’ve been on this website for I don’t know how many years, it’s the first time that I really invest so much time and effort into creating content and posting it. And actually it’s the first time for me to interact with people here that I don’t know in real life. This ‘mutual thing’ was always something I didn’t really understand, but OH LORD THIS GIRL MISSED OUT ON SOMETHING. Now that I am in this community of people who share so much love and positivity I can’t help but feel better and every time I see someone new tagging or messaging me my heart just explodes, because I am still too shy to message someone on my own.
8. BTS had their most successful year ever, and that is literally all I could have asked for. It just makes me so proud to see them getting all the awards they deserve for their unbelievable hard work. I think I don’t have to say more regarding this topic since I am sure you all feel the same way and know exactly what I mean when I say that I can’t form my feelings for them into words. And please let them rest, good lord have mercy!
9. Over the year I also fell in love with so many new artists and groups that sometimes I couldn’t even decide what I want to listen to because there were just too many good songs! Music in general has always been the best way for me to express my feelings, so when I find something that represents what emotional state I am in I feel complete. Two albums that really saved my life the last year were ‘Muggle’s Mansion’ by Code Kunst and ‘We’ve done something wonderful’ by Epik High. I recommend these to literally everyone. Really.
10. Finally, to end this hell of a year I went to Linda aka @holy-jinsus to celebrate new years eve. I brought her favourite cookie dough so she could form them and another friend ouf ours made some heavenly delicious food (and cocktails). So we just had a relaxed evening, enjoyed the selfmade food and waited for this god damn year to finally end. The best part was definetly that we turned on ‘Mic Drop’ at an exact time, so that the “Mic Mic Bungee” part was exactly at 0 o’clock. Then we just continued to blast out the classic BTS party songs and it was so healing to just weirdly dance and scream the vocal and rap parts together, starting 2018 in the best way possible.
This was a lot, I am sorry, but I just wish all of you a wonderful 2018. We’re still at the beginning so even though it still might be shit right now it can definetly get better! So I would like to tag @namjoon-moon, @amaryllistae, @crunchtrash, @taehyungiesvalentine, @taeshik, @slutdropjin, @j1nsgf and @taetaez. Of course you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to! 💞
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taeguboi · 7 years
badboy!BTS Headcanons
Request:  ‘idk what this thought is but i think you might be able to do somethin with it and i thought of you when you reblogged some stuff tonight: what would bts be like if they weren't in bts and were bad boys? i was just thinking about what they might have done but then i also thought about how good jin would look in a leather jacket and fucking up people's heads like he's a bastard but he's handsomr so it's okay kekeke’
Notes at the end
Rap Monster: bad boy for justice
An afterschool bad boy
keeps to himself at school / work
but as soon as he leaves that building, it’s different:
fag in mouth, shirt loosened up for comfort
and he’s eyeing up any attractive girl that passes by
A gentleman to the ladies
Will drop kick the jerks that break their hearts
Has a surprisingly high set of morals
it just gets overlooked because of his bad boy aura and here’s why
Had his fair share of arrests
but to be fair to him, it’s mostly for a good cause
like he was the one that got provoked in a fight
or that thing he stole was actually something he was getting back for someone 
Basically won’t hate you if you’re cool with him though
“Hey, if anyone’s troubling you, don’t hesitate to call me, yeah?”
Brings back a lot of girls to his shared house
everyone thinks he’s a player
“ey up ‘Joon; who’s she this week?”
but it just genuinely doesn’t work out each time
they get put off by his tendency to fight 
Until he meets this one girl
she’s feisty and is just as verbal as he is passionate for justice / karma
They’re couple goals
and he proposes to her in a bar
but it’s their bar, it’s where they met and send like half their time together, so it’s romantic
She loves everything about him and rightly so
his passion, even if it may appear as unnecessary anger
his hard working demeanour despite his ‘common’ background
Yeah, he’s a bad boy, possibly only by appearance,
but he’s gonna build himself a good life
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Jin: the classic rocker
Let’s begin with that leather jacket
It’s genuine vintage leather 
he lets girls wear it in the cold on a night out 
and it’s like so heavy but cosy?
been to all the concerts
You invite him out to see some unknown local band for their first gig 
but somehow he’s already seen them and knows their full set
but he’s also seen the legends in arenas
Can’t forget the festivals
can’t forget the free love and ‘happiness’
Owns all the pubs and clubs by social status
enters the room and it goes silent for a moment
who will say ‘hi’ to him first?
It’s tricky because he’s so fucking magnificent and overpowering
So how did he get to this status?
He knows how to talk
no one makes a fool of him
will put up with 0% of anyone’s shit
gives no fucks when it comes to conversation
Will fuck with your head if you cross him
knows how to wrap people around his little finger
and then can drop them just like that
Sometimes he’ll be extremely witty
but nowadays he can say the pettiest thing and it has the same effect
Pretty much everyone is in his debt somehow
“You need [x thing] doing? Yeah, I know a guy that can sort you out”
So social
but doesn’t even own a phone
he just goes out every night
Has his local bar
his regular clubs
in which he pulls every night 
[in each club]
Very sensual
You’re one lucky girl if:
he takes you outside of the club to just talk to you
“You’ve been having a pretty good time in there, huh?”
“I bet you could have an even better time out here with me”
Will fuck anywhere, no matter who might see
and he’s never been arrested for it 
because he has his way with words
he can even bribe the police, and nothing
Becomes a bit of a biker
almost forms / joins a gang
but is way too independent to stick to it
Kind of a loner bad boy
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Suga: underground rapper
Underground rapper with all the swagger
He does it all
at least the occasional sesh
Will fuck many people, boys and girls
and he can do it every night because groupies
but is secretly a sucker for pretty boys
But he knows his bad boy nature can get him what he wants
Bar fights
Gets hecklers at his gigs but he puts them in their place
will jump off the stage to fight you
His regular venue only own 2 beer glasses now 
Could have the most supportive audience but will drive away into the night raising a middle finger
Can rock out any look
still looks hardcore that one time he performs in a dress
Barely dies his hair
Tries blonde once but does back to black 
because the roots come through in like 2 weeks
and then he refers to that fortnight as ‘that time I almost sold out’
Acts as if he’s the most tortured soul 
so you think you have some sort of connection
but fucks you and leaves you lmao
Has a ped
rides around randomly at night
drops off wherever he thinks he’ll get a good story from
write bad ass raps about his experiences
Gets wound up in quite some violent situations
it’s concerning how often he’s been at knifepoint
jumps on random cars
or hot wires then to dump in a lake
because why not
Agust D might never become a national household name
but it’s certainly a name known by everyone in town
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J-Hope: wandering skater boy
Sporty bad boy
Footie with his lads
Skateboarding home
flying across busy roads
almost knocking over pedestrians
He’s been stopped by the police for it
but they escort him home and are shook
because his mum is a bad ass, probably worse
Doesn’t smoke 
but beer is life
Drunken antics every night
Will do whatever to win a girl over
*leaves her name in massive letters outside her bedroom window*
“Holy shit Hoseok, how did you...”
*police siren*
*gets arrested for pulling down letters of shop signs*
Goes to shops and purchases wrappers 
because he’s already eating the food before he’s payed
Graffiti artist
lives for that adrenaline rush
can outrun the cops every single time
because he can jump over everything, get through everything, etc
and can run for hours
Bit of a wanderer
by day, he’s out with his lads
by night, he roams free
He doesn’t need wingmen or clubs to pull
no; he has what it takes 
to just approach that lonely girl sat on a bench contemplating life
and no matter how many times his parents insist he bring no one home
there’s always a way to sneak into his room
Sometimes he just roams for days
doesn’t tell anyone
comes back in 3 days with some badass tattoo and some mystery souvenirs
[souvenirs that he smokes in a day lmao]
[low key stoner hahahaha] 
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Jimin: ladies man aka the biggest flirt
His shirt is on/off like 50/50
Tastefully placed tattoos 
that don’t hide too much of his body
simple writing down either side of his abs
[think 2014 mama awards I think]
and a tattoo on his butt that was done for the lols
but it’s a story, like
“I have the illuminati on my butt”
Tongue piercings
which you get to see when he’s flirting
he’ll stick it out sometimes when begin suggestive
House parties always
Like does he even have parents around?
Works every day so he can pay for both bills and booze
He does up cars or something
You can show up and he’s not even at his own house yet 100 other people are
But when he is there to host his own house party, well...
all the bedrooms are occupied 
and it’s because he’s got a girl waiting for him in each room
what an exciting game, to see how many he can fuck 
before one of them finds out they aren’t the only one
holy shit Jimin there’s 5 bedrooms here how do you even--
that was the sound of a girl’s discovery
he’s used to it though
I think his face has built up a tolerance for the slaps because they happen that often
so he’ll basically grab whoever’s booty he wants
Those beautiful plump lips 
they weren’t just made for kissing and eating out though
they were designed for cigarettes
the way the smoke puffs out of his mouth is beautiful
low key erotic somehow?
Oh and the lip biting he does
paired with some smooth flirting
You’ll hear all the rumours about bad boy Jimin
and how you shouldn’t go near him
but you can’t help but give in to him and your curiosity
Honestly, it’s worth it; boy fucks damn well
Girls girls girls
He was that lad in school that the teachers hated 
for distracting the female students and making them swoon
Has always been shameless
Like in younger school years it was winking
and outrageous confidence
but then in later high school years
you find him touching you under the table
but was still a prat
always in the head master’s office
or isolation
or suspended
But he still managed to stay in the same school
even after hitting on a teacher
Turns up to prom in his usual leather jacket and jeans
actually, he just turns up anywhere however and whenever he pleases
You just have to let it happen
he never causes any real harm
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V: the punk activist
Gorgeous long hair 
He’s had it in some bold colours
Fiery red becomes like his identity
the condition of his hair suggests a feminine nature but oh...
He’s anything but that!
His voice is extra gruff and deep
and he knows he can use it to his advantage
to get girls
and to threaten people
99% of the time gets what he wants
Spends a lot of money on piercings
he has all the ear piercings you can think of
snake bites lip piercings
an eyebrow piercing
he has other piercings that he don’t always make use of
and *ahem* some more intimate piercings
Has been known to turn you on 
just by telling you about his ‘down there’ piercing
“wanna see?”
fuck me yes I do
and money on tattoos
almost everywhere
tattoos across his torso,
bad ass tattoo sleeves,
his back and up to his neck: still tattoos
and some of girl’s names to win them over
He doesn’t care how she doesn’t mean that much to him
as long as she’ll make a good story
Gets arrested at least once a month
Has some cheesy and heart-felt lines though beneath all that anger
Fucks so many girls but then realizes
he’s hella gay
“Damn, that’s a pretty boy”
but somehow he makes it romantic with another person
like he just parks he car in the middle of nowhere so you can enjoy the moonlight with him
So yeah, he’s poetic it turns out, but
Quite angry
like a Punk Oscar Wilde almost?
Can get political, very opinionated
Passionate for whatever cause he’s taken up this week
Graffiti to make statements
Forms a punk band to make statements
Smashes windows to make statements
but although he can get violent
he knows what he’s talking about and has solid views
Starts movements
Gets called a faggot once with his kinda serious boyfriend
suddenly he’s a huge activist in the lgbt community
Will get full on sexual in the middle of a shop 
to prove a point to a stranger who scoffs at him kissing a dude
*grabs his partner’s dick and makes out with him*
it shuts them right up as he starts jacking off the other guy 
right there and then
they’re chuckling into each other’s mouths
and oh, he ain’t afraid to finish the job
even if the stranger has long gone
He likes to make headlines in the local paper
no matter how odd or cringy it can get
his purpose is to have a voice
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Jungkook: restless muscle pig
Almost bipolar with his personality
New girl in town? There’s a Jungkook for that
Does extra jobs for extra cash
Some jobs are legit overtime work...
...some not so legit
But it gets him by so he can be a new person for each individual
Never fails to hit the gym daily
He’s never not in a vest since he reached his late teens
starts pointless fights
because of this pent up anger 
and need for attention on his efforts on his body
but then gets a serious caution from the cops 
that if it happens again, he could be looking at more than over night behind bars
so he takes up mma fighting or something
suddenly it’s a semi-professional career
girls love him 
but he doesn’t care
He’s still only down for nothing more than sex when it suits him
Loves his hard reputation
It gives him a personality to go by
No one really knows his past
but I think this lack of emotion is something to do with his childhood
as is the anger and need to work out
it was probably just something to do
Eventually decides to take some exams and get the qualifications he didn’t bother with as a kid
acts like he owns the college
and actually, he kinda does because of the arrogant mindset
like because he thinks ‘I’m the best’, it is so
the guys don’t fuck with him
he winks at all the girls 
and kinda misbehaves with them
“Hey [girl], if I get this piece of paper in the bin in one shot all the way from over here, you can give me your number”
*actually gets the shot and is secretly shook but acts like it was nothing*
Turns out he’s hella intelligent 
and understands every little thing instantly
but that doesn’t stop him leaving college 
to return to his normal life each evening
or sitting in the back of classes with his feet on the table 
and food on his desk
So he’s still a little untamed and out of control
He still causes the odd street fight
almost loses his licence to fight in a ring
and he still trashes places
and he still has no definite personality
But then this one girl at his college
she puts him in his fucking place
He gets paired with her for a project and he’s like
“So, I talk, you type?”
and she is like 
“Hell no”
Oh look, he realizes he’s whipped for a girl 
because she ain’t afraid to backchat him
Muscle pig but with some weaknesses
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Not sure if this has turned out too similar to my Fuckboi!BTS Headcanons but fuck it, there we go! I went by anon’s little thing about Jin as a basis for his hc and they’re not entirely based on what I think the boys would actually be like without BTS... Also for some reason, I feel different sexualities from them with these personalities so please don’t be offended... 
...and I’m not even sure they were all entirely bad boy things [esp the gifs they’re just all so soft hahaha] but it’s getting late and this took way longer to think about than expected [oml punk activist Tae with all the tatts and piercings is making my heart flutter so much even though it’s my own creation?]
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