#not even Manow - sorry Manow
aliceisathome · 2 years
I cannot even with Between Us. I had to watch it in small bites to spin it out - much like a particularly delicious dessert.
Win still feels quite stern but his playfulness is beginning to come through with Team. Also his worry about him. Boun is just incandescent - I have to pause and just look at that face sometimes.
Team's really interesting - he's a brat and sub with Win and quite Dom with others but my poor baby's got Trauma.
Talking of Team, I have no idea why the director decided to have a lingering shot of his lower legs and feet in the shower but at least he's stopped cutting to that bloody floating leaf we had every five minutes in UWMA.
Timing wise we must have just had the purple dumpling feeding episode so we're about to see poor Team being dunked if I remember rightly (and the red thread first kiss between Dean and Pharm happens), so we're running at approx 1 ep for every 1.5 of UMWA at the moment.
Alphabet are still meh - please go away - I don't care about any of you, not even Bee and the new guy* WinTeam and DeanPharm have my entire attention and heart.
Favourite bits - sassy, drunk Team, the snuggly sleeping and Team's whole bit after giving Win a peck on the lips at the end.
*I was completely distracted by this particular actor's massive earlobes. MASSIVE. I thought he was wearing some sort of earbud.
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PS I note that Manow was the latest victim to be bitten by a particularly large mosquito. I find it hilarious that, evidently, during UWMA both Team and Manow were pestering and teasing Pharm over Dean while simultaneously having their own secret affairs. Cheeky sods.
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thebroccolination · 2 years
hey key!
I wanted to ask; do you have any winteam fic recs on AO3?
If yes, could you please suggest?? Thank you! Just asking for myself to read. And for others too!
I do! Okay, lemme try to assemble an eclectic mix and hopefully introduce a variety of writers and older fics that new fans might not have seen yet. I’m not caught up on all the newest fics (a lovely state of being to be in after two and a half years of refreshing the WinTeam tag every five minutes and finding one or maaaybe two a week). But you’re free to browse my bookmarks on AO3 for all my favorites.
bruises fade by @oopsimafannow
He can't even make his tongue form the shape for yes, but it's all he wants to say (it's all he wants to say out loud). Team is sucking a bruise on the inside of Win's thigh – he has, at some point, lifted Win's leg over his shoulder to give him access, tilting Win further into the cold metal with edges that bite into his shoulder blades.
The writing in this is some of the best and most visceral smut I've read in this or any fandom. I love when sex is written in a kind of matter-of-fact way that gives readers an idea of the sensations the characters are feeling. I'd read anything pinkish wrote, and I have two of their fics open in tabs. (One is for BounPrem's Cutie Pie characters WinTop, so I'm thrilled that exists.)
Course Correction by @nejineeee
“Did someone say you suck at kissing?” Win asked. He gripped Team’s hips in both hands. “Who have you been kissing, Team?” He sounded like he might start chewing rocks if Team didn’t answer immediately. “No one, no one, calm down,” Team said with a laugh. “I was just curious.”
I read most of this on a train in Japan and experienced a state of pure bliss the entire time. The characterization is spot-on, but so is the pacing and the comedic timing and phrasing. This is my favorite WinTeam fic at the moment, and I highly, highly recommend it. <3
Always Choose the Same by blackrose9212
“Win, do you want to talk about Tea—” Dean gets cut off as Manow sprints over to their table, throwing herself down into the seat across from them. She’s even more made up than usual today, no doubt seeing Pruk later. “P’Win!” she yells. Win raises his eyebrows, gives her the best look he can to say that he’s less than three feet away from her. “Oh. Sorry.” She giggles. “I need you to come with me. Right now.”
This writer was one of the first around in early UWMA fandom, and I fell in love with all their fics. The clever, snarky way they write Win and Team's narrative POVs always makes me smile, and the build-up to emotion is lovely. If they write more, I'll dive on it in a second.
The Gift Is Your Voice by Ume_otyaduke0525
“Ah…o-one more time.” He felt Win’s hand tense. His face drew closer, his hot breath glazing Team’s lips. “Team.” The second time was sweet and enraptured.
This writer is an extremely prolific Japanese WinTeam fic writer, and I loved her work in Japanese so much that I offered to translate this one into English. The premise is really cute, with Team dreaming about a younger Win who calls him "phi", and I hope I did the translation justice. If you read Japanese or want to practice, they have some of their other work up on AO3 as well.
maybe time will keep this place by sweetadeline
When [Team] wakes up in the morning his mother is at the door, rubbing at her neck. Win is still snuggled into Team's shoulder, so he untangles himself as softly as he can, praying he doesn't wake. He oddly feels like he's been caught, the way his mother looks at him as she stays by the door.
Note: This fic was written before we knew anything specific about Team's parents.
This fic has a fascinating premise: Team has to attend his father's funeral, and Win goes with him. It's written so beautifully and delicately, I just fell so thoroughly in love with it when I read it the first time. It's one of my all-time favorites. It's just so atmospheric and lovely.
like someone who knows everything about you by @mendacity17
“Just so we're clear, I'm not cuddling with you at night," Win declares before Dean has finished setting his suitcase on the floor. Dean looks up at him, completely unfazed. “Okay.” It’s… Dean. Win didn’t realize just how much he's missed him, and he feels a wave of homesickness that leaves a scratch at the back of his throat.
This one is set while Win is studying abroad in London. Dean comes to visit him. Pollitt's love for writing Win and Dean's friendship really shines here, and they truly capture that playful snarkiness while never losing that distinctive and undeniable fondness they have for each other. (The end is incredible and made me tear up.)
New York State of Mind by iamtheenemy
“Oh, Team,” Pharm said, interrupting his frenzied thoughts and shattering any hope Team had that it was all a misunderstanding. “This is P’Win, P’Dean’s best friend, the one who was interning for his family’s company in England. P’Win, this is my friend, Team.” Team, Win mouthed at him, his eyes dancing with delight. Team barely held back a groan.
I was obsessed with this fic as it was posting; I could hardly wait for each chapter. This is a marvelous AU in which Win was studying abroad in England the whole time, and the first time he meets Team is on a plane to New York for DeanPharm's wedding. It's exactly what you'd expect and so much more.
Wrapped Up by @faandomcentral
“We can do better than that,” Team prompts, both hands now gripping Win’s hips, pulling him back in time with his movements. “A little louder, hia.” “Fuck!” Win spits when Team reaches and wraps his fingers around Win’s aching erection.
TEAMWIN. TOP TEAM. And hot Top Team. Bratty Top Team. Blair's another writer who absolutely nails what works about good smut. And the premise alone, while simple, just sets you up for a memorable experience.
your quietest feeling by @sollucets
Team moves his hand again to settle over Win’s, and when he thinks he can control his voice, he murmurs, “Did you have a nightmare?” Win’s expression looks pained, and he hesitates over it, but he does admit it. “Yeah,” he mumbles, clearing his throat after the word comes out scraping. “I did.”
For years, I wanted to know more about Win's vulnerabilities as a character. We didn't really get to see many of them in the existing parts of the novel or in UWMA, so fics like this that explore Win's trauma, Win's potential vulnerability to nightmares, it's a gift. And this fic captures the Win we know so well while adding onto his character in such an achingly real way. Utterly beautiful.
Dominoes by dragons_and_angels
"Team," Win said, making sure his lips brushed against Team's skin as he said the word. Team shivered and Win wondered if he could ever stop smiling. "Want to wake up yet?" "No." Team shook his head and then turned Win's head so he could kiss him. "Waking up is bad," Team murmured against Win's lips.
This is pure, soft domestic bliss. Win helps Team out with a chaotic morning, and it's just everything I love about them as characters condensed in a quick look into their day. It's absolutely charming the way only WinTeam can be.
Prelude by @nejineeee
“You’re in pre-heat then,” P’Tul said, leaning forward. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply. It wasn’t rude per se, but it wasn’t the soberest thing to do. Win’s grip on Team’s hip tightened. “Tul,” Win growled. P’Tul stood upright, settling back into his sandals. “I’m not going into heat,” Team said again.
For me, omegaverse is usually just fun smut that I read occasionally, but in order to be taken seriously, the story has to go above and beyond in some very specific ways. I'm not a fan of omegaverse worldbuilding that leans on secondary genders as a substitute for the struggle of gender roles within heteronormative culture. This fic's worldbuilding is so fascinating. There are so many tiny nuances and details mentioned in passing that make the world feel authentic. Also, Win and Team are both just…………so stupid and so in love they miss obvious details in a way that's delightful instead of frustrating. Even if you're not the biggest fan of omegaverse usually, I recommend this as an exception to prove how good it can be when it's in the right hands.
There are more in my AO3 bookmarks!
I'll also come back and edit this if I find tumblr urls for the writers above!
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until we meet again - color symbolism (episode 1, 2 and 3) long post ! I'm probably years late to this but I love the red thread of fate that is shown in this series through so many tiny details, especially through colors. By now people seem to know that Win and Team have their respective colors, which are red (for Team) and blue (for Win) - it's even more shown in their own series, Between Us.
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(episode 1 of Between Us) Though, speaking about the characters having their own colors, I think the same goes for Pharm and Dean because I think Pharm's color is yellow while Dean's is green based on it seemingly being In's and Korn's colors as well.
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(sorry for using this scene and picture as an example)
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(here we've got Pharm with his yellow backpack; episode 1)
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(Pharm in his room, wearing a yellow shirt, with yellow in the background and also with yellow-ish glowing string-lights; episode 2)
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(Pharm once again in his room, this time with yellow triangles on his blanket and him smiling brightly because Dean and him just exchanged phone numbers; episode 3)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - finding what I think is Dean's color was a bit harder but I think that's mostly because whenever Dean's color appears Pharm's own is already a part of it or at least part of the scene as well...
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(here's the faculty's banner which has more green than other colors and yet there's a hint of yellow incorporated into the flower design, this also happens to be where Pharm sees Dean for the first time; episode 1)
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(this, I think, happens to kind of mirror In's and Korn's first meeting, in which Korn is reading a book with a yellow and green cover; episode 3)
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(however, it happens again, shorty afterwards, when there is this scene with two of the couples, there's Win surrounded by blue, the water, the blue and white swim teams' robes etc. and there's Team with his red goggles but there's also Manow's green bag right next to Pharm's yellow one while Dean notices Pharm, seemingly for the first time; episode 1)
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(let's just ignore In's attempt at making his boyfriend an omelette... because look at the colors, there's yellow and greens everywhere even the pots are both green and yellow; episode 2)
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(I could write so much about these two scenes... Dean dreamt about In and Korn having breakfast together and the first thing he wanted after waking up was an omelette with rice, he seemed even slightly disappointed that the one he got wasn't burnt as well... and even here there's yellow, the egg and green, the garnish on the side and on top of the other food and just a few minutes later, I assume, there's Pharm sitting down in the same spot where Dean was just sitting... he's got his own color with him, aka his yellow backpack, and he's also got omelette with rice (also once again yellow and green) but the difference here is that he's literally surrounded by the green of the plants, indicating that Dean was around just minutes prior; episode 2)
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(this scene takes place right after Pharm sees Dean sleeping in the library, there's once again Pharm's yellow backback but there's also a chair in the background with a green backrest; episode 3)
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(this iconic scene shows greens and yellows on the packaging of the products on the shelf, indicating that Pharm is already thinking about and/or in the presence of Dean and of course, just moments later Dean comes to help Pharm and they face each other, finally having their first real chance to talk, which of course doesn't happen quite yet; episode 2)
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(here's also the first message Pharm, accidentally, sends Dean, which happens to be a sticker with mostly yellow and green as its main colors; episode 3) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
though, I believe In's and Korn's main connecting color to be light green aka a mixture of yellow and green, I think there's also a second color that shows their connection.
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(In's star-shaped luk chup which he made for Korn; episode 2)
(I think there's a color that connects In and Korn but more so Pharm and Dean even when they're apart and when they are still unsure about why they feel connected. I think it's tones of greenish blue, aquamarin and turquoise (or like Shawol me would say pearl aqua green).
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(it's even shown in In's and Korn's first meeeting, behind In on the wall, alongsite yet more greens and yellows shown on posters on the wall; episode 3)
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(Pharm's anonymous sticky note addressed to Dean; episode 2)
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(Pharm's star-shaped luk chup which he made in this shape for Dean only; episode 3)
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(Pharm using his highlighter while he gets a text from Team, who sends him pictures of Dean - and Win, but we're not talking about Team sneakily taking pictures of both their crushes right now; episode 3)
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(Pharm getting startled by the sudden loud noise and Dean noticing, with the poster behind Pharm; episode 3)
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In a nutshell: These colors seemingly being connected to these characters is really interesting in my eyes because neither yellow and green nor blue and red are each other's respective complementary colors. I think this shows perfectly that not just Win and Team but even more so Pharm and Dean literally chose each other as soulmates, the main couple of the series even despite the odds having been against them in their first life. Maybe I'm just interpreting way too much into this but I really, really like the symbolism and usage of colors, especially in this series.
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waitingforminjae · 2 years
what did pharm even tell team and manow abt that night like oh yeah sorry i can’t hang i had a psychotic breakdown and stole a gun from my grandpa that i just met for the first time and tried to kill myself and now i’m in the hospital :/ also my grandpa died
0 notes
lostinbl · 5 years
Dean catches team and win kissing in the locker room after practice. Team freaks out and ignores win for a couple of days. Dean isn’t too surprised since he knows that win has like team for a while now. So he tries to give team the “dont hurt my friend” talk
“Don’t come any closer”, Team warns Win as he backs away. Win is looking at him with that goddamn smirk on his lips. He raises one of his eyebrows and takes a step forward. Team glances around but unfortunately for him, it’s just the two of them. Their practise ended well over half an hour ago after all. Team took his time showering and before he realised, the entire locker room was empty. Except for that one blond motherfucker.
Ever since that time, Team has made sure to not be left alone with Win. He can’t believe it slipped his mind this time.
Team let’s out a disapproving sound as Win takes another step forward. Win’s smirk gets even wider and goddamn Team wants to punch him.
“What? I’m not gonna do anything”, Win laughs as he keeps walking. Team’s back hits the cold metal lockers.
“P’!” Team warns but Win doesn’t care. He gets closer and soon Team can feel the man’s hot breaths against his face. A shiver runs through Team, lifting the hair on his arms. Team blames it on the cold. He’s not wearing a shirt after all. Win comes even closer, putting his arms next to Team’s head, trapping him against the locker. Team’s hands find Win’s bare chest as he tries to keep the boy away.
“We’re in the locker room!! We can’t do this again”, Team scolds Win but even he can hear the uncertainty in his voice. Unsurprisingly, Win ignores his words.
Slowly the smirk on his face fades and something much scarier replaces it. Win leans closer and Team freezes. Team would like to say he fought back, but he really didn’t. The moment Win’s lips touch his, Team’s eyes close and he relaxes against the lockers.
Win wraps his left arm around Team’s waist, pressing himself against Team. The hand that was earlier holding Win back is now wrapped around Win’s neck, pulling him closer, while his other hand is in Win’s hair. Team loves Win’s hair. He loves the way it looks but more than that, he loves the way it feels. His hair is soft and the perfect length to tangle his fingers in. That being said, Team’s fingers are intertwined with locks of blond hair and gently he moves his hand, tugging Win’s hair. Win lets out a deep groan and presses closer. The sound sends electricity down Team’s spine. Despite everything, there are some things he has learned about the man in front of him.
Win’s right hand slips down under the towel and he runs his fingers along Team’s thigh. Team knows he should stop Win, he should pull away because Win would let him, of course he would but Team can’t bring himself to do it. Not when everything Win touches turns to fire. Win’s hand moves up to his upper thigh. The blond boy moves his mouth and nibbles at a spot under Team’s ear. Team’s breath gets caught in his throat.
“Hia”, Team’s voice is shaky as he calls out. Win’s hand stops there, waiting for instructions. Win’s mouth doesn’t stop but Team knows he's waiting for an answer. Team opens his mouth, way too feverish to say anything other than yes when Team hears the door opening. The blood in his veins turns to ice and his eyes burst open. Team pushes Win away with what he admits to being a little too much force. Win looks at him with confusion and then follows Team’s wide eyes.
“Oh. Hello Dean”, Win greets his friend. He steps in front of Team to hide his dishevelled looks.
Dean lets out a sigh and presses his nose bridge with his thumb and index finger.
“Guys. Seriously? No matter how horny you are, please, not in the locker room”, Dean says in surrender. Win sighs and crosses his arms.
“You just had to come in now, did you?” Win asks but there’s humour to his voice.
“I’m sorry P”, Team mumbles as the reality of his actions finally catches up with him. In a hurry, Team picks up the pile of clothes on the bench and runs for the door.
“Team!” Win calls after him but the younger boy has already exited the room. Win takes a step after him, frowning. In the end, he decides against running after the boy. Dean leans against the wall, his eyes on Win. He can’t say he’s surprised, not really. He just didn’t think they were quite there yet.
“How long has this been going on?” Dean asks, his voice kind. Win sighs and picks up his shirt. He’s avoiding Dean’s eyes.
“There’s no this”, Win mumbles as he puts the shirt on. Dean raises his eyebrows.
“Oh?” Dean asks. He’s pretty sure Win likes the boy and from the way Team acts, he thought the feelings were mutual.
“Mmh”, Win agrees not providing an explanation. Dean stays quiet. If Win doesn’t want to talk, he won’t force him. He picks up his keys from the table, them being the reason he came back in the first place, and leaves for the door. Before exiting, he turns around and points at Win, giving him a meaningful look. Win smirks and raises his hands up in surrender. Dean chuckles and rolls his eyes, finally leaving.
The moment Dean is gone, the smile on Win’s face drops. He sighs and ruffles his hair. Win sits down and buries his face into his hands. Shit.
Four days later Win has not seen or heard from Team. The young boy has gone as far as to skip swimming practise. Whenever Win goes with Dean to meet Pharm and the rest, Team is nowhere to be seen. Win’s unsure whether Team has been hanging out with his best friends at all, or if he’s simply really good at avoiding Win. He hopes it’s the latter.
Once again, Win and Dean make their way over to the younger students. Win looks around with a frown. Still no sign of Team.
“Where’s Team?” Win asks no longer trying to be inconspicuous. He’s pretty sure Team’s friends have some idea of what’s going on. He has been asking the same question several times in the last few days after all.
“Team? He just left before you got here”, Manow answers as she takes another bite of a sandwich Win is sure Pharm prepared for her. Win breaths out in relief. So Team’s only avoiding him then. That’s better than avoiding everyone. Win sits silently throughout their meal which goes unnoticed by everyone else other than Dean. He knows his best friend better than that.
“I’ll go first then? See you at practise”, Dean says bye to Win as they leave for separate directions. After a quick conversation with Pharm, he got Team’s location. Since the boy has gone into hiding and Win can’t find him, he has to make a move.
Dean arrives into the library and just like Pharm said, Team is there, sitting on one of the tables. He doesn’t have any books open in front of him and it’s more than clear he’s not there to study. He’s there to hide. Team is leaning his chin against his arms, staring at something deep in thought. It’s weird for Dean, seeing Team like this since he doesn’t really know Team on a deeper level. Dean’s used to Team clinging to Pharm, always asking for food and constantly bickering with Win. His expressions are always loud and it’s strange to see him this solemn. To Dean’s luck, Team has picked a somewhat remote area and the closest people are a few shelves away. Dean walks over to Team and sits down. The younger boy only raises his head when he hears the chair scrape against the floor. Team’s eyes widen and he straightens himself.
“What’s going on? Is something wrong with Pharm?” Team asks, though clearly not alarmed. Dean smiles. His friends always come first. Win found a good guy.
“No, nothing’s wrong. I’m here about Win”, Dean answers and leans against the table, crossing his fingers. Team shrinks against his seat.
“What about him?” he asks, avoiding Dean’s eyes. Dean looks at his expression in silence for a little while longer.
“I’m not taking sides, I’m just here to talk”, Dean says and leans back against his seat. Team relaxes and nods, still looking away.
“Just.. if you’re not planning on being in a relationship with Win, tell him that”, Dean cuts straight into it. Team meets his eyes but doesn’t interrupt.
“He likes to flirt and play around but he really does like you. It’s not the first time he’s gotten his heart broken so be straight with him. If you’re not planning on being with him, stop seeing him. You’re no longer just a fling to him and he can’t walk away on his own. So if you’re planning to, you need to do it”, Dean’s voice is calm as he speaks. Team looks at his lap and plays with his fingers. Does he want to be with Win? Or… Team tries to think. This is the same question he has been battling with for the last several days. He was planning on figuring it out soon and in a way, he felt as though Dean had given him an ultimatum.
“Do you not want to be with him? Do you not like him? Or.. are you not ready to.. you know”, Dean clears his throat. Team’s eyes widen.
“No! It’s not that! It’s.. I’m not.. I..” Team’s voice drifts off. They stay in silence for a little while.
“Well.. either way, think about it. Don’t leave him hanging”, Dean says as he gets up. Team nods. Dean gives his shoulder a reassuring squeeze as he leaves the table. Team sighs and lets his head fall against the table. His forehead stings but he ignores the pain. He has more important things to worry about.
At 2.56 am Win hears a knock on his door. Had it been any other day, Win would’ve probably been asleep. But it’s Friday and hence Win’s in no hurry to go to bed. That and the assignment he forgot to turn in three hours ago and the fact that he only finished it twenty seconds ago. Win sends the file to his professor, writing an excuse about his internet crashing and it only now working. Win’s pretty sure the excuse will pass, not that it really matters. As long as the assignment has arrived before the professor checks his email, he won’t say you’re late. He’s pretty chill like that.
Win gets up from his chair as he hears the loud knock again. Rather than knocking, it sounds like someone is kicking the door. Win grimaces at the thought of it waking up his neighbors. Win opens the door with an angry expression on his face, ready to yell at the idiot on the other side. And even though that person ends up being the biggest idiot of them all, Win can’t yell at him.
Team looks up at him with a conflicted expression. He’s wearing his nightwear clutching onto his phone and keys. His hair is dishevelled and it’s clear that coming over was an impromptu decision. Without a word, Win steps aside and Team slips past him. Team heads straight for the bed and without a word he climbs under the covers. Win is still standing at the door. With a sigh, he closes the door and follows Team inside. Win turns off his computer and the desk light then crawling under covers next to Team. Win wraps his arms around Team and pulls the younger boy in for a hug. Team doesn’t resist.
No matter what happens, Win knows he can’t push Team away. Whenever Team has those nightmares, whenever he can’t sleep or breathe the person he finds is Win. Tonight is proof. Even though Team has been avoiding him for days, when he really needed Win, he couldn’t stop himself from coming over in the middle of the night. And as long as Team needs to, Win will let him. Win presses a kiss into Team’s hair as he snuggles closer.
“Hia”, Team calls against his neck. Win tightens his hold around Team. He stays quiet.
“I didn’t mean to run. I just.. I needed to think a little. I’m sorry”, Team apologises. Win sighs.
“It’s okay”, Win answers with a quiet voice. He doesn’t blame Team. This is his first relationship and on top of it it’s with a boy. It’s only natural for him to be scared.
“I.. I want to be with you”, Team says the words quickly as if afraid he’ll swallow them if not said now. Win pulls back with surprise on his face. He meets Team’s eyes. The younger one doesn’t turn his eyes away.
“Yeah?” Win asks, his eyes not once leaving Team’s.
“Yeah”, Team replies with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Win stares at him a little while longer and then a smile takes over his lips. He lets out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding and pulls Team in for a tight hug.
“Ynngh.. suffocating- over- here”, Team chokes out and Win laughs. He pulls back just a little. He brings his eyes down to Team’s lips and leans down. Win kisses Team softly on the lips and pulls back again. Team smiles. Win answers the smile and kisses Team again. Now that he’s allowed to, he’s not planning on stopping any time soon.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
okay gays i have finished watching ep3 of until we meet again and i have Thoughts and things to say so here goes my totally not asked for opinion ✨
i was so confused at that scene from the start but i ended up BAWLING for some fucking reason????????? and just talking shit about the guys who were smiling all the time,,,
also when that dude said “don’t be sad” or some shit like that i was like ?????? his best friend DIED ???????? and he doesn’t even know how or why ?????????? he couldn’t even say his last goodbye or go to his funeral ????????????? wdym “don’t be sad” ??????????????????
chile anygays,,,,
there was a few win and team scenes in this ep but they were lowkey giving the “senior takes advantage of junior” vibes but they’re like,, friends and shit so idk i need to see more of them to have an actual opinion on them skjfhsfj
let’s hope that doesn’t make people send shit or hate my way lmaoooo i’ve seen yall winteamists and i fear u
okay maybe it’s just me but i thought dean and pharm would have a little more talking before the flirting????? idk maybe it’s the i watched your incarnation die and my incarnation killed himself too because he couldn’t bear the thought of not being by your incarnation’s side in them that’s making them act this fast but damn son
that car conversation was SMOOTH bro even i gay panicked there and i’m a bisexual woman KSFJLSKFJ
my only thought watching that was “this is some straight shit but the gay version of it” because no gay person can do that like,,, we’re not direct with our feelings at All lmaooooo
but i think i’m liking them?? even if half of the time pharm is crying because .. well .. obvious reasons,,,
also that “let’s go ‘eat’” “eat?” “O_O eat breakfast” was so cute HFSKJF poor pharm gay panicked real bad there lmaoooo
we get to see how in and korn met!! and i’m sorry but i found it funny how korn was just there like.. reading a book but not turning the pages SFHLJFSKJLSG
in being like “idgaf if he’s a mafia leader’s son he’s hot i’m gonna get that” was so.. in KJFKSFL
like,, i don’t know anything about him other than the few things they’ve showed us in these 3 episodes but i already love him and would die for him (even if it currently seems like someone already beat me to it-)
bad thing about this episode: no manow/manaow (however that’s written idk) in this episode other than in that scene before dean and pharm text each other where she appears as if she was one of those angels/devils on your shoulder but,, obviously not on pharm’s shoulder skjfhskf
but other than that i liked it!! would have liked to see less tears to come out of pharm’s eyes but my man’s just traumatized,,,,,
okay i’m gonna go do uh something else idk bYE
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rosa-leche · 5 years
Another You - MorkSun Ficlet
Hola lovelies, as promised, here’s the ficlet I wrote to say thank you for 500 followers. Again, it’s fluffy morksun. I’m becoming predictable lol. Again, thank you all so much for following and your interactions, I really appreciate all of you. Hope you enjoy, besitos 😘 
Word count: 1.1k
Genre: fluff
General tags: gets mildly spicy at the end there but not very oop, established relationship :)
Summary: Mork accidentally breaks the mug Sun got for him, he feels really bad about it, Sun assures him it’s okay
Even though Mork had told Sun he didn’t need to get him a present for his birthday, Sun didn’t listen. So, he got his boyfriend a mug. He knew Mork didn’t enjoy coffee to the same extent he did, but he figured that it would still make for a nice, useful present.
The mug was ceramic, and had a glaze of a soft yellow mixed with a light gray. The colors of warm rays of sunlight illuminating a plume of smoke, or perhaps a thick cloud of mist, wrapped themselves around the cup. The inside was a deep navy, just like how the sky looks right before it turns black during the darkest moments of the night. Mork loved it.
That’s why he was devastated when he broke it.
It happened in a blur. One moment Mork was setting it down after picking it up to wipe the countertop, the next his hand bumped the half empty mug right over the counter’s edge. It landed on the floor with a loud crash, the sound of it shattering making Mork yelp in surprise and drawing Sun’s attention from across the room.
Mork scrambled to pick up the pieces covered in what was left of his lukewarm coffee. Curses spilled from his mouth as he picked up the larger pieces first, then placed them on the counter. He had started to use his cleaning rag to remove the smaller pieces from the ground when Sun reached the counter.
“Mork? What happened?” He then took in the sight before him, the frustrated boy bending over to retrieve yellow, gray, and blue pieces of ceramic, and began to understand what had taken place.
“Dropped my mug,” Mork muttered, still focused on his task. A crestfallen look took over Sun’s features as he watched his boyfriend struggle to pick up all the pieces of his broken mug. Moving behind the counter where Mork was, Sun kneeled down and took Mork’s hands in his. He gently took the rag from his boyfriend and set it on the floor.
“P’...” Mork began. “I’m sorry.”
“Were you hurt?” Sun turned Mork’s hands over to inspect them carefully.
“I… no, P’Sun,” he looked down at his hands in Sun’s, the look of dismay still on his face.
“Then it’s okay.” Sun smiled softly at his boyfriend, then leaned forward to press a light kiss into his forehead. “It’s okay.”
“Mmm,” Mork quietly grumbled and turned back to the mess on the floor. He picked his cleaning rag up again and resumed bringing all the pieces up to the counter, then used the rag to dry up the coffee that had spilled.
While Mork did this, Sun had stood back up and moved out from behind the counter. He had almost finished his cleaning duties, earlier than usual since Mork had volunteered to clean the espresso machine. After putting his supplies away, Sun returned to Mork’s side and told him he was going upstairs to shower. Mork, whose movements had grown slower from the sadness of breaking his mug, mumbled an “okay” and continued wiping down the counter with a fresh rag.
Sun hesitated before going up the flight of stairs, but ended up leaving his boyfriend to continue cleaning. The hot shower had felt nice, but he couldn’t help but think about how downcast Mork had looked when he left him. By the time he had gotten out of the water, slipped his clothes on, and silently padded down the stairs while using a towel to rub his hair dry, Mork had finished cleaning. The boy stood at the counter with his apron still on, his hands pressed into its surface, leaning over the remnants of his mug in frustration.
Sun moved to stand behind his boyfriend. Gently, Sun rested his head on Mork’s shoulder and wrapped his arms around his waist.
“Mork, I can get you a new mug.”
Mork wasn’t sure how his boyfriend could still smell like coffee fresh out of the shower, but somehow he did. Mork took a deep breath and turned his head to look at Sun.
“That’s…,” he trailed off, looking back towards the broken mug.
“That’s?” Sun questioned. He took a moment to adjust his head to a better position on Mork’s shoulder to see his face better.
“It’s just, that’s the mug you got me.”
“And I broke it. I’m sorry, P’Sun.”
“Hey,” Sun said, a serious look in his eyes as he spun Mork around to face him. “It’s fine, Mork. Things break. As long as you didn’t get hurt—” Sun took Mork’s hands into his and raised them to his lips, pressing a light kiss into them, “—everything’s okay.”
Mork’s eyes softened as he looked at Sun. “But P’, I broke your present.”
“And I can get you another.” Sun moved his hands to cup the sides of Mork’s face. “I can’t get another you.” Mork turned his gaze back to the mug for a moment, then turned back to look at Sun. He leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss, then moved to another part of the counter. He first grabbed his cleaning rag, then the trash can. He brought the can to the edge of the counter, then used the rag to push the mug pieces into the bin. After returning the rag and can to their places, Mork moved back to where Sun stood watching him.
Mork placed his arms around Sun’s neck, pressing himself into Sun, who had reached his arms around Mork’s waist to embrace him.
“Feeling better?” Sun’s light laughter sounded pleased.
“Mmm,” Mork assented.
“Good.” Sun’s hands had traveled to the string tying Mork’s apron together. His fingers found the right string and pulled, untying it. He moved his hands to the string on his neck and undid that one too. Sun took the apron embroidered with Mork’s name and set it on the counter.
In a teasing voice, Sun suggested something to his boyfriend. “I could take more off of you.”
“Mggh, P’Sun…” Mork let out an amused laugh.
Sun’s brows knit together as he recalled something. “You know, I seem to remember Rain leaving early to go on a date with Manow.”
Mork rolled his eyes. “Meaning?”
“Meaning we have the place to ourselves.” Sun’s smile was as wide as ever. “Come on, Mork.” Sun tugged on Mork’s hand, leading him up to the bedroom.
On their way up, Mork asked his boyfriend a question. “Can we get another mug tomorrow?”
Sun grinned. “I’m sure Rain could handle the café for a couple hours.”
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blboys-kissing-boys · 4 years
Opinion about UWMA
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I just happened to finish this series earlier today and I have to say out of all the BL’s I have watched ( and yes I know I’m late but I’d rather binge then be left hanging) this one was the most intense. I cried not once, but three times. I’ve come close to crying in other BL’s but this one took the cake for me. Some people are saying this taught them to forgive and forget and that suicide is never the answer. I wholeheartedly agree, however; I did not learn this from this BL I learned it growing up back when Korn and In were in college. It was tough which is why this BL really stuck with me. Would I recommend, yes but I would warn about the start of episode 1 and to get ready one episode 12 hits, because come ep. 12 it’s gets real.
I had a few issues  with this BL one being the ending. It felt bittersweet to say the least, yes it was cute and spoiler alert if you have yet to finish I am happy Dean and Pharm got back together but I don’t I would have like to see more of them, Pharm in particular trying to re cope with everything that happened and maybe trying to date someone else, it just seems the most realistic. 
Also, again spoiler if you haven’t watched, episode 16 felt rushed. We didn’t get to see enough of Team and Win, who I honestly wanted to see more of. I always route for the side couple for some odd reason or the other love interest. But this felt lacking we just get them in a coffee shop Team trying to order for Win and them sorta going a date. I really hope we get a season 2 for Hemp Rope (that’s Win and Team’s novel title). 
Last issue I am the biggest fan of Sammy who plays Manow it started in LBC (which btw I am glad is getting a season 2, is anyone waiting for them to announce a release date?) and then I saw her in LoveSick and then in 2moons2 (am I the only one that actually enjoyed the OG 2moons?). So anyway, biggest fan I follow her on IG which of course she mentioned she was in the this BL. It seemed like she was finally going to get a man and not just be left behind and I was once again disappointed. Not at the fact that she didn’t get left behind because sister had plenty of screen time. I was mad her love story didn’t unfold beautifully like it did for Dean and Pharm and for what I am assuming will be Team and Win. Like did you actually the interaction between her and her guy? It was honestly cringe just a tad, mostly when he when to rub her head. She in my opinion got the better looking of all 3 men. But still they did her dirty, also why make her act like she wore so much make-up. 
I’m sorry i didn’t mean to rant but I wanted to get my opinion out. Let me know what you guys think if you get this far. If you actually get this far, god bless you for sticking through my rant. Again this is MY OPINION so I know not everyone will agree with me. 
Side note I am now watching Theory Of Love for the second time, I thought a BL that was familiar would help calm my feelings but I forgot how mad Third makes me for falling for Khai and all the dumb shit he be doing for him. I can’t even make it past the 2nd part of episode 1 ( I watch on YouTube) because of how dumb he has been acting. 
Anyways thanks again for reading my rant. Please drop a comment I would like to discuss any BL mentioned above especially Until We Meet Again since it’s fresh on my mind. 
Last thing why were there so many LBC actors in this BL? I mean they had minor roles but still. Maybe I will make a post about how mad I was at Mean’s character in this BL. K, for sure that’s all. Bye!
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moaserendipity · 4 years
I finally watched the last episode of Dark Blue Kiss and I just loved everything about it. It made everything alright again. I forgive everything they did with episode 10 and 11👀
Let’s start with Sun and Mork, ugh that Mork is still playing hard to get and I’m loving it. It makes Sun go beyond to make him admit that they are boyfriends! I seriously can’t be happier about their ending😍 but Sun is one h*rny dude though, Mork is going to have his hands full one that one😂👀
Rain and Manow(if it’s wrongly spelled, I’m sorry) have their happy ending as well, I love that rain gets the girl in the end!!🥰 also the scenes with Sun and Mork made me laugh so hard, poor Rain😂
And getting back to Non. He played the perfect bad guy but also not bad guy. I mean it’s sad that all of this happened is because he was raised wrongly and was afraid of his father. But that being said, AJ played this part excellent!
And now to one of my favorite couples Pete and Kao #petekao 👀 they made me cry, the made me laugh, and god they made me frustrated but i am so happy that they are having their happy ending and the fact that Kao is finally out of the closet, makes me so happy because now he can finally relax and be himself🥰 I wish we could get another show with those 2 but I think this is really the end and for that I am a little sad because I just love them so much but that being said they made a really good ending and closure.
I loved the show even though it started a bit slow at first and will I be watching it again from the start....
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Okay, so this is angst. Sorry, but I also just needed an excuse to bring them back together:  Sun collapses on his bed. There was still a shit ton to clean downstairs, but right now he needed this. He had fallen onto his side, gripping the body pillow. Stop. No, we are not going to have thoughts. He left. He’s not working here anymore. Rain sees him and occasionally mentions that he’s doing okay. You’ll ask if he’s ready to talk to you, but Rain just shakes his head. He’s still mad. Sun groaned. It’s fair. Rain told you what happened over and over again. They came into Blue Sky picking the fight. Held Rain back, grabbed Mork and started beating him up. He didn’t start a single thing and he didn’t even start it when they ran into these guys the first time Rain explained. We protected Manow from these same men. The one we took down saw Mork and as he told me, he did almost start punching, but Kitty stopped him that day. Later the same day, well you know the rest. Shit hit the fan that’s the rest. Sun buried his face into a pillow and screamed into it. So close. We were so close. Sun finally sucked in a deep breath and let it out. Okay, so what now? He can’t call. That’s too stupid. Have Rain talk to him? He’s already doing that and it’s not working. Sun shook his head. His fists clenched and he punched the body pillow. Sun picked himself up out of the bed. Did he really need sleep? Nope, he had a cafe to finish putting back together. 
The door chimed and Mork gave a smile to the customer as they approached the order counter. “Americano please,” they said. Mork nodded and prepared the drink. Later that day, a customer ordered a signature drink. One the owner said he took to a competition but he lost. Mork tried to put it out of his mind. You took work in another coffee shop you fucking idiot. Deal with the memory. Okay, three little words. Black Forest Cake! That voice needs to get out of your head. Oh, it never will. It nagged you in reality and it’ll nag you in the recesses of your mind. Mork put on a smile as he handed over the drink. 
“Too bad this one didn’t win,” the customer said. “I’m sort of a coffee enthusiast. One of those people who go around posting food and drink on Instagram. Sue me, but I gotta say it might’ve been tough for the judges. After the competition, I found all the shops to try each drink. Was going to go to the one called-  Don't fucking say it. Don't. 
“Oh, I know the place,” Mork stopped them short so he didn’t have to hear it. “It has good coffee too.”
“I know that’s why I was mad the place hadn’t been re-opened yet.” Mork gave them a confused look. Surely, it’d be up and running by now. Rain must’ve been helping Sun clean up and rebuild. 
The next day Sun was putting the last of the little cakes into the newly designed display case. The door chimed. Sun was expecting Rain, but to his surprise it was Mork. They stared at each other. Mork broke the silence. “I heard you weren’t open yet. Wanted to come check in.” 
“Did Rain make you?” Sun retorted. 
“No, actually,” Mork shook his head. “It’s a long story and I might tell you about it someday, but for now I’m looking for a job again. Any openings?” 
“If I said there wasn’t would you believe me?” Sun wasn’t sure if he could handle it right now. Overnight, he told himself that he’d have to swallow his pride. Swallow his feelings and be done with it. Though, Rain had told him not to give up. If he’s not talking to me Rain then what am I supposed to do? Is it a stroke of luck that Mork comes walking back into your life the next day? There was no response so Mork rounded the counter to the kitchen and grabbed the apron. It felt nice to be Kitty again. He wouldn’t tell Sun that. As the new opening day dragged on there were a few small moments of laughter. That’s it. They were small moments as if for one second both of them forgot what happened. A microsecond and then it was back to work. Mork couldn’t believe he immediately quit the other coffee shop to run right back to Blue Sky. As it had always been when he first started working here, Mork kept an eye on his work and one on Sun. The barista never knew that, but Mork also never knew that the barista was doing the same exact thing.
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ctl-yuejie · 5 years
dark blue kiss - liveblog
episode 2 (took me some time to move on, had to take a shower)
I kind of like Mork and Sun I just wish they’d move a bit faster and not get hung up over the same issues again and again and again.
that lunch was very awkward but the handholding underneath the table was sweet
cackling at the “keep calm and love math” in kao’s room with all the other math-sy posters. pete, my dude, you should be jealous of the ultimate dream couple kao x maths and not some random 18 year olds
somehow amazing how pete can vent about his insecurities to kao but at other times their communication is just so bad without reason??? i very much feel pete on the existential crisis part
Non is super annoying (in general) (but Aj’s acting is pretty good)
okay: unnecessary drama number one: pete should chill and let kao tutor in piece and kao should be fine with pete sitting out of sight in the café. i really don’t know why this is such an issue to them...
i want to smack pete but also pinch tay because he is only 78% convincing as an asshole. good for kao to be straight (hahá!---sorry) with pete. pete is super unreasonable here
for something called dark blue kiss and them alluding to all the sex they are having this series is lacking some kissing (not a complaint atm but it is curious that they chose to go with all the fake outs (?) unlike in the last season)
ahahahahaha, manow is yelling so loudly i love her! good for her!
okay, the gangster in the kiss series are always so silly.
quick mid-way roundup of my impression so far:
I really like TayNew and PeteKao do have potential (only think I didn’t like about them in past series was that there was so much violence in their relationship) and I like them in DBK I just think that the jealousy plot is super unnecessary and also pretty weird. Even for notoriously jealous Pete it seems a bit too far-fetched to be that unreasonable over sth like Kao tutoring a guy he doesn’t like and I get that Kao wants to evade conflict but this doesn’t seem like something he couldn’t just tell Pete that it is only a minor issue and he is losing students? Like if there’s a need for a jealousy plot make it a bit more messy and difficult and not this easy to decide who the most unreasonable person is. Because that just makes me dislike Pete and wish for Kao to be in a better relationship, which shouldn’t be the point of the jealousy plot. I think they had already enough potential with the coming-out sub-plot and Pete’s low self-esteem.
MorkSun I am enjoying so far. Their story is pretty cliché. I think it is hilarious how Sun was the adult in the past season and now he is running off, leaving Kao in charge of his café, I very much enjoy this “0 fucks given” Sun. That café with the flat upstairs and Podd in his barista outfit is also a very legit fantasy of mine so for all I care their plot can be super bonkers as long as it gets me some silly coffeeshop romance and Podd looking hot in his barista outfit.
For the straight couple: I think I love Manow. That’s it. 
Back to the program 
okay, Non is apparently more of an adult than Tay. urgent message to Kao: please ditch them both or have them work the café in different corners
*sighs in disappointment at Pete*
*cringes slightly at the acting* -> I need some coffee to recover
and the signature arbitrary location jumps of the kiss series are back :”””D lets see for how long Kao’s bedroom stays the same
this music is sosososo dramatic for this silly conflict. on to episode 3
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bluescarletdiamond · 5 years
Dark Blue Kiss: Ep. 5 Review
NOTICE: Since it is divided into parts on GMMTV’s youtube Channel, I will be sectioning it off on here too!
Section 1/4:
Okay Imma start off by saying that Non is highboy annoying lmao. Like he just has to be the wildest detective in figuring out Kao’s relationship to Pete like damn boi calm down and stop being an ass.
I’m glad Kao told Pete he needs to trust him more because oh boy do I love Pete with my whole soul but this man needs to calm down and learn to trust and understand Kao
Sorta side note: I know Kao is scared of Pete knowing that he’s still tutoring Non but especially after that talk, I think homeboy needs to calm clean and just deal with the consequences
Y’all I love my boy Rain but he needs to get the hint that homegirl is not romantically interested in him
Plus this subplot of her potentially liking More is a big OOF
At first I wasn’t really digging Mork and Sun’s romantic relationship, I liked their friendly beef lmao but as they began to up the romance IM ALL IN GIVE ME THAT SHIT
Their coffee dates got me all uwu no joke
And I love all their bantering, that shit also got me all heart eyes and shit
I also can’t tell if I find More and Sun are attractive or attractive
But their smiles are beautiful and that’s periodt pooh
Also all this indirectness that Mork is doing towards Sun GOT ME DED
I was also wondering why he hadn’t just looked in the trash lmao
Section 2/4:
I said it once, and imma say it again. NON IS ANNOYING AND HE HAS AN ANNOYING FACE TO LOOK AT
Also I love that Pete and Kao slept together :))))))
Non just needs to learn his goddamn place. idk why I got so much hatred for this man but I do so >:|
If there’s so many Lung Chai farms, they are all probably the same just in different locations lmao it’s not like every NIKE store is completely different - ahh man some of these details got me laughing
“Do you hate me that much”  YES
“But I think you cross the line sometimes” YAS POP OFF SWEETY
Non’s smug smile is D I S G U S T I N G I hAte mfs who do that shit no cap
BRO NON TELLING THAT SHIT TO KAO’S MOM IS HIM BASICALLY GOING “ You thought I was crossing the line, well check mate bitch”
Non’s dad is the biggest bitch in the story and I see where Non gets it from 
side note: imagine if non joined the cheerleading team so that his dad wouldn’t be able to say shit LMAO
Pete really needs to drop out of this About Boyz shit - I don’t want my mans to become the equivalent to a kids bop star smh
I LOVE PETE WITH MY WHOLE HEART ah such a cutie who learned to cook
Love Pete slowly realizing his privilege and not taking advantage of it
“since he starting hanging out with you” BITCH HE SAW YALL ALMOST MAKE OUT
My boy Pete needs to understand that Kao isn’t ready and he NEEDS to respect that :((((((
Let’s take a moment of silence for Pete’s dad :)
Hope Kao doesn’t feel pressured to come out :(
That talk between Pete and Kao got me <<<<3333333 
“I’ll be your coach” BITCH STOPPPPP
Section 3/4:
idk why but I love how the teacher said “Pete” 
I said it already but imma say it again, Non has annoying looking face lmao
I forgot the girl’s name but I love her (the girl from the friend group lol)
Also, I love Pete’s last name??? like ??? Especially how they all say it
“Lovebirds, my ass” BRUH I LOVE
I miss Sun and Kao’s friendship :)
“Are you replacing me” TEA SIS
I hope y’all saw Sun checking up on them cause I know I did
Rain is PISSED LIKE DAMN BOI IT AINT MORKS FAULT HE FINEEEEE jk lmao but it’s not Mork’s fault period
Now Sun is jealous - I swear this whole show is just about jealousy
Damn y’all really had to spring on suicide im a little shook no lie, even though this is fake it got me a little said
“Or partner” it’s already established in the fandom but HIS MOMMA KNOWS AND SHES JUST WAITING FOR HIM TO MAN UP AND TELL HER
But my baby can tell her when he’s ready
Kao has a beautiful house and that’s that on that
RANDOM ASS THOUGHT: why is this show called dark blue kiss WHEN THERE HASN’T BEEN A LEGIT KISS :???
Pete’s solutions to Kao telling his momma got me to giggle no joke lol
Again, Pete and Kao having those talks that are strongly needed
Pete has a punishing kink and that is THAT
Im about to beat Non’s ass no cap
Section 4/4
Oh and that middle finger! pop off sis - it’s what she deserved
Non’s reaction is the one time I didn’t want to deck him in the face… just slap it maybe
poor Kao though, he was low-key outted if non puts the pieces together and has always wanted peace
Sun is trying so hard man its kind of crazy
also I for some reason though Sun was HELLA taller than More but apparently not
Mork literally doesn’t show interest in anything - literally only character flaw
Also what is it with BL’s and forcing something to love you/forcing people to do things they don’t want lmao - I guess they took the saying “love isn’t just something you feel, it’s something you do” a little too seriously 
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usertoxicyaoi · 5 years
DBK is like main couples not getting equal screen time? Couldn't be me
hiii anon!!! yessss!!! like morksun are getting just as much equal amount of time as petekao and that honestly makes me so so happy! and we get to see rain and manow too and they're so adorable aswell! yeah, the distribution is really well done between the characters and couples! hell, i even felt a lil sorry for non in today's ep too and the subs aren't even out yet!
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
[breathes in]
i’m so fucking happy with this ending
it’s such a good happy ending this is truly what the gays deserve i’m just happiness in physical form rn
i don’t even know where to start but i’ll try to make this as chronological as my brain allows me because my memory do be sucking
i’m gonna put a keep reading because this shit will get loooooong kjshfkf okay let’s do this
so.. we start with PETE EXPOSING NON(T)’S BRAT ASS!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YES THATS MY BABY THATS MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!
kao’s mom being a fucking badass and telling her BOSS how to do shit. i love her yall I LOVE HERRRRRRRR
also kao’s mom telling kao that she wasn’t the most amazing person ever was so cute because you can see kao’s light bulb turning on sjfkhsgsh please i love them
yes i will say i love x after every single one of these u can’t stop me
from the teaser i thought kao would dashi run run run to pete’s house but thankfully he took a taxi lmao
at least he didn’t run there because he had to run from pete’s house (or may i say, mansion) to the POOL my man is a whole athlete oh my god
also a beautiful parallel to the scene from ep1 (i noticed there’s a lot of parallels in this episode we stan character development and repeating things just so the viewers can see how consistent the couples are)
the kiss from that scene............... beautiful amazing gorgeous idk many words in english to describe how i felt while watching and how i feel about it
to that i think we cut to sunmork but i don’t remember what happened because of the kiss KJHFKSL SORRY
anygays i rlly like how this whole episode is sun being a clingy bih and mork gay panicking while trying to act like a confident gay when he knows that sun outconfidentgays him i love them lmao
okay after that i think it’s petekao having food with their parents all together and god i looooooove this scene
pete’s dad being the lgbt ally dad all of us lgbt fellas with homo/transphobic dads wish we had will never fail to make me soft i love that man pls be my dad too
also kao’s mom :-(( i love her she respected her son’s decision on not coming out until he was ready even though she already smelled it (reminds me of my mom lmao) and was always there for him even when kao didn’t say anything :-(((((((((((
petekao bickering will never get old i swear i love every time they do because that’s so..... men it makes their characters more real
i know there’s a lot (not that much because i admit this episode was kinda short?? idk maybe it’s just me) between that scene and this one but THE SQUAD EATING ALL TOGETHER AGAIN!!!!!!!! AND THEM TEASING PETEKAO!!!!!! PLEASE I LOVE THEM
pete literally not knowing how to stop the audio and broadcasting live TO THE WHOLE COUNTRY that time when he told kao he loved him through the teddy bear...... peak pete culture
the fact that ppl love them and they have a whole hashtag on twitter makes me soft because usually when someone is famous in bls the fans hate the other part of the couple but in this one??? oh no honey we stan petekao in this household hate is not allowed it’s actually prohibited illegal
okay let me backtrack a bit skjfhsjf
OH YES I FORGOT!!!! manow wanting to talk with mork was so weird when i saw the teaser for the episode but after seeing them talk i was like oooooh okay i understand
sun saying “what’s your girl saying to my boy” is probably one of my favourite lines of this drama KLHSJFLF
rain reading their lips fskjfjsf and when mork said “fuck you rain” HIS FACE SKJFHKSJSLFJ HE WAS SCARED SHITLESS but also the end of this scene was so cute i love these three
i just did a bit of skipping through the episode to try and actual make an order out of this mess and the petekao+parents thing comes now,,,,,, anygaYS
then it’s more teasing between sunmork blah blah
then MORK SPEAKING THE MF TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! quoting the actual dialogue “it’s my choice to tell or not tell anyone. i should get to decide”
rain had good intentions but it doesn’t mean that it was right of him to do so
okay this got serious,, sun going to rain’s bed with not one but Two pillows when barely two people fit in that bed.... oh to be that iconic and carelessly gay
back to petekao because we will never get enough of these two (which is why i’ll probably watch the our skyy episode tomorrow just to cry over these fools)
it’s so weird to see tay being like this after watching him being himself in other things like the live lunch and taynew meal date and other things i’ve randomly watched during this week to retain myself from finishing this series in a night ksfjhsfkshlks
also kao helping pete shave and pete being like do u like my moustache or should i shave it for u my lord SFHKFJ the domesticity and just the feeling of two idiots being in love i love them with my whole heart
kao staying at pete’s house because it’s both of their first days as interns and kao!!!!! he works for pete’s dad!!!!!!! pete’s dad accepted him into his company!!!!!! i love them
also the bickering between those three sjfkhs “hello im pete im from thailand” “that’s all you’ll say today” THAT WAS SO FUNNNY SKJFHSKFHSFJSFL
okay so the squad eating together is right after this but i already talked about it ksjfhsfh next!!
idk if it’s a big time skip or a small one but guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MANOW AND RAIN ARE DATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY STRAIGHT BABIES YES I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU AAAAAAAAAAAAA
manow is so pretty and rain is so cute they’re both so lucky my bisexual ass is crying
pete being “angry” at kao being so handsome,,, a mood
but also.. pete being possessive was h*t
there i said it and i don’t regret it
random but i will miss kao’s annoying ass saying “about aboyz” sjfkhsfh
pete being like “i will have to give u more love bites (ffs gmmtv just say hickies we are all at an age where we know what love bites are) so no one flirts with u” and kao being like “bitch try me” sjfhksfj i’m loving bratty kao
also that scene turned into furry kao real quick KJHDKJFSHJF
okay now it’s: mork’s birthday party time!!
rain and manow arrive first and are the cutest couple around because the two main gays haven’t arrived yet (being gay AND punctual? not possible)
sun and rain fighting in the kitchen was peak siblings culture skfhksjf
mork being ready to leave his own birthday party with a stranger who also plays pokemon go just to have a battle................ dumbass bisexual energy
said stranger is eARN FROM 2GETHER!!!!!! FILM IS IN THIS TOO!!!!!!!! first the girl who plays yuri in yyy and now film who plays earn in 2gether is here too??? damn wlw keep winning (also headcanon: theyre dating/seeing each other because LESBIANS periodt)
okay petekao arrive and wont u guess whats their present for mork,,,,,, the mf TEDDY BEAR and kao rlly says that they should use it since theyre so lip sealed lmao
rain and manow literally gave mork a present not for him but for sun im- i love these two
also sun being a whole koala and being a horny bitch is so funny sfhskfjskl my man has his priorities set
their last scene is so cute :-(( poor rain will have to live with this until he moves out sjfhksjf
oh boi the ending is near hhhhhhh
kao teaching his class an equation that ends up in i < 3 u is the most kao thing i’ve ever seen
pete being like “u haven’t spent enough time with me lately >:-(” was cute jhkfjs my man is needy of kao and i understand that because have u seen kao? exactly
kao teasing him with not having forgotten the cup this time and pete being his possessive self was.. splendid
every reference to something that happened with non(t) hurts but also i love how they just tease each other because they know that now their relationship is stronger than it’s ever been and that nothing and no one will come between them
the scenes they show during the last last scenes :-((( BOYFIES!!!!!!
and i love how they decided to end the show with them holding hands in public
i would explain why i do but it’s 6:26 am and i’ve been writing this for at least half an hour already and my laptop is heating up a lot and im sweating because it’s hot in here so get down on the floor pipiipipipipipipi
kdjhkdfhs sorry im not sleepy this is just my brain without a filter it’s just gay shit and a big repertoire of songs
god okay that was my opinion on the last episode of dark blue kiss...........
needless to say that i will eat every bit of content related to petekao after this because writing this i already miss them and i can’t wait to watch our skyy tomorrow idk where but i will
i really really REALLY liked this drama and it’s one of the two bl dramas (not counting the untamed) i’ve given a full 10/10 rating on mdl because it’s THAT good
everything about this drama is just.. chef’s kiss i love it i will probably rewatch it when my plan to watch is empty but it’s a pretty long list so.. hopefully i’ll ignore that and just rewatch sjkfhslf
i’ll of course watch kiss and kiss me again just for the petekao, the squad and rain scrumbs because i’m sure that the petekao compilations don’t show everything
but yeah im just.. i love this show it’s been a rlly long time since i started writing this but i’m still happy because it’s so good and truly gave us a good happy ending and i swear i cannot emphasise enough how important good happy endings in lgbt media are!!!!!!!!!!
anygays im hungry and ready to submerge myself in the dbk tags, see u all tomorrow for my our skyy petekao episode version of this,,,,,
till then, stay safe ! bYE
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
oh boi here goes my opinion on ep8,,,
they gave us not one but TWO petekao dates (and both being completely different from each other) and them just being the cutest boyfriends
although according to the teaser for ep9 the scene where this show started from is happening and now i’m Scared because it’s all i’ve been thinking about ever since like . ep1
okay now to a few things about the episode that weren’t petekao
what wlw deserve honestly she’s the best i love her
i officially declared this episode the episode where i couldn’t stand mork at all sorry to all the mork stans but god i couldn’t with him in this episode,,,,,,,
like how dare u talk to sun like that when he’s literally done nothing to u other than respect how u acted after the kisses even if he was confused as fuck ugh
sorry im just,,,,,,,, not his biggest fan as u can see jsfkhs
i’m glad we got to see a bit of rain in this episode because my man deserves his screentime to :-((
sometimes it’s like the drama has two couples and a half because they barely give rain and manow their screentime needed for something at all to happen :////
also those men literally broke everything there because of being stopped by rain and mork after they were making a girl uncomfortable??????????????????? men are fucking trash period
also i feel like kao will either tell his mom about him liking boys/having a boyfriend next episode or in the finale idk why but my hunch is telling me that,,,,,,,,
which brings me to the scene of kao’s dad asking if he had used the condoms lmAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO iconic i love that man jshfkjs
although i related to kao so much because he said he doesn’t tell everything to his mom (or at least things like that) hhhhh
ALSO (the last also i swear) the scene with the when i say 3 2 1 there will be magic or sumn like that was so cute omg pete stop being such a tsundere for ur own boyfriend we all know u love him and are weak for him
okay i think thats it,,,,, i will probably watch ep9 tomorrow hhhhh
(also it’s been a whole week since i started watching this drama and i already love them this much....... help)
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
episode 9 opinion that no one asked for,,, letsgo
..................holy shit
pt 1 of the episode was like that glee episode where literally every couple breaks up I HATE IT HERE
for legal reasons i have to say that non(t) is a fictional character from a fictional world
god i spent half of this episode angry at this little SHIT
the other half was pain. just.. pain
the only good thing i have to say is that rain was so accepting of mork i cri i love him pls rain be my friend
another good thing was mork telling manow that he didn’t like her because that means: more rain x manow!!!!!!!!!!!! heck yeah bitches
also mork working at that cafe is just him being PETTY. p e to the mf t t y
sun not even listening to either of them was stupid like dude u really think mork would have injured himself that badly if he had fought back??????? true dumbass energy
also that moment where kao sits next to his mom.. i literally had to pause the episode to breathe properly because i thought it was gonna happen.... him coming out to his mom....... but he didn’t and that was so mf relatable yall....... finding a moment where you can come out but not doing so because of how you think your family will feel/think........... it’s the worst and when he started crying my eyes watered.... i love kao so much 
also yes i’m commenting on everything that happened other than the main thing because it hurt like a lil bitch
i’m guessing it’s a break up???? and not a big fight??????? i don’t know how they see it but i see it as the reason why i will go to sleep cRYING
there was this one scene where they were all seated and thada and june ask pete what their relationship was and kao appears and pete got up and damn my man got CAKE
i had to stop the episode because i could only focus on that,,,, i’m truly exposing myself here KJDHSFHS
but god when they’re at the pool and pete tells him that he will never have another chance to speak to him because he didn’t want to speak to him ever again or sumn like that.......... MY HEART
when pete pressed the teddy bear and the message came on along with the memories....... consider me a cry baby all you want but a bitch teared up. i’m a bitch
i can’t talk about pete being angry without talking about sandee being the voice of reason. we stan a woman
honestly where would pete even be without sandee????????? i haven’t watched any of the kiss dramas but it looks like they were friends from long ago and knowing how much of a troublemaker pete is this girl deserves her own throne
i’m not gonna watch ep10 rn because thatsenoughpainforonedaythankyouverymuch but the teaser for it......... i hate non(t)’s ass so much
okay that’s it this is so long im so sorry omgdjfksg see u probably tomorrow with the ep10 version of this okay bYE
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